WARNING – read this warning first
If you type your REAL NAME into any field in social media (such as “Gab” or “WordPress) that says “Name”, you risk people seeing that name.
In fact, if you use your REAL NAME in ANY WAY in connection to a social media account, you risk being “doxxed”.
There are 4 fields on your Gab profile. This is pretty much the same as ANY social media, including WordPress (you are NOW on WordPress, commenting. It’s a form of social media.)
- Name – the name people see. Sometimes – but not always – called a “Display Name”.
- Username – your account or “handle” – the thing with the “at” sign – the actual unique user. People see this, too.
- email – your email. Nobody can see this, typically, but it pays to be careful and check.
- Bio – whatever you want to tell people about yourself
If you use your real name as “Name”, people will see your real name. If you used it, I suggest you CHANGE IT to whatever display name you want people to see. That is, unless you are OK with people seeing your real name. Some people ARE OK with that.
I don’t see any point in deleting email accounts where you used your real name on Gab for a short time. Just get rid of the exposed name by changing it. Your email address is still hidden.
Please also note that Gab obeys AMERICAN laws about privacy, speech, and all that other stuff – not European laws.
If any of this is STILL confusing to you – the idea that if you put your real name into a social media product (meaning it’s on the internet) – that other people might see it somehow – then I suggest not doing anything new at this time.
Otherwise, I suggest that you NEVER type any personal information into a computer that you use for politics on the internet. NEVER. Using that rule, work out everything else, and only the intelligence agencies and who they support (such as the American communists and/or DNC) will know who you are. Because they have ALREADY stolen that information.
/ end warning
If you are on Gab, please add your Gab handle (spelled exactly) in the comments, and you will be added to the “Gab notification groups”, which will be used in the event that WordPress shuts down, or we are evicted.
a.k.a. wolfmoon1776 on WordPress, and WOLFM00N (2 zeroes in M00N) on Gab
Wolf, can I use an email to be notified? Thank you!
You can, but it would be a second-hand notification from somebody other than me. If you have a Gab handle, Gab acts as the trusted holder of your email address, essentially.
Thank you for letting me know. I’ll try to sign up, then. Thank you for trying to keep us all together!!
After reading Wolf’s warning, I changed my Gab username to JanLP.
Holley100……..thank you Wolf!
phoenix Rising ……… thanks wolf
(note: GAB put a space between x and R…
Which one are you? Only handles are unique, and no spaces are allowed in them!
Yes, I’m not getting Phoenix either!
Grandson set up account for low-tech ol’ lady… I thought Gab left space, but HE did !!! phoenixrising was/is correct. I have corrected, removed space between x and R, so now it is same as here……
Sorry ’bout that….
phoenixRising phoenixrising
Lucky you. My son set me up. Ffs. I’m deathdude
4everfaithful (Thank you for taking the lead to bless us once again Sir Wolfmoon…hope you are feeling better!)
Private account Blessed? Only see one 4everfaithful so I’m guessing must be so.. just wonderin if I can follow
Thank you for letting me know. I went into my profile and saw that private account was checked off so I “unchecked” it. I am still trying to learn my way around and probably went crazy checking everything off when I first signed up for an account, lol. I don’t post much, but I do keep up with what’s being posted on Gab and Twitter and especially here (my favorite Tree!) and I pray! God bless you!
Hey Wolf –
Would you please post the EXACT process to do so, or link to the same?
I believe that THIS WEEK is the “final countdown” to establish the alternative comms in case this site – or others (perhaps MANY others) – become unusable.
Earlier in the thread, a poster had significant problems joining Gab, yet a simple change of browser (which Michaelh provided) seemed to work. Also – is an email change prudent? I would think so.
A summary instructionary post – IMO – would do WONDERS, for non-tech people (like myself) who wish to ensure comms integrity going forward.
I anticipate the Ides of March …
Hope you’re feeling better!
I gotta make a template of all the different handles Q-pers will be using there!
Thanks Michael! I’ll post mine when I’ve established it …
Generally it’s a good idea to keep a couple different email addresses. One for logins to your important sites – like your online banking, financial, and so forth – preferably one you are paying for. (Sadly we’re conditioned to use “free” email addresses for everything.) The other you use for social networks and other burner sites. But ultimately it’s up to you how you do it.
I have some friends with a very complicated email system. Essentially they have unique emails for everything and set them to forward to another account on a different mail system. For the average user this is overkill.
Killing them all so God can sort them out is my favorite overkill. Just saying.
I feel privileged being among the first 50!
Early adopters!!! 😀
drillerelite -checking in ✔🇺🇸
I checked Gab I am whisper but somehow they will not send me my password even though they say they send it . The password never comes into my mailbox even in spam..?
Sooo I guess I loose you all..??? Unless someone sends me an email..?
Look through your ‘TRASH’ some times stuff gets sent there.
A miracle happened I put Gab in my search ingenuity and it came up and I saw my handle and automatically got into Gab the password automatically filled in..????
I used to have automatic and therefore never bothered with my password.
Not able to navigate well on Gab but found WoolfMoon fallowing me..:)
I am whisper how do I fallow people..? I feel foolish asking. I am just excited getting in and it worked.
correction : Search engine not ingenuity
insert the name of the person you want to follow after https://gab.com/
Here’s what I keyed in for you:
when you pull up the page, you’ll find a “follow” button on bottom right… click on that and you’re done !
Thank you.
I have to admit I am the worse user of computer since I do all intuitively .
Question people were fallowing me I clicked on heir name into their pare and on the right it said fallow.
I clicked on the fallow but on my page it said unfollow..?
So if I unfollowed someone its and accident and I apologize if that happened.
I will figure it out in time I pray..:)
I signed up on GAB ages ago as AlisonSmith so I think that’s how you find me.
I haven’t used GABat all, but will spend some time this afternoon trying to (at least) establish connection with Wolfm00n.
I might have miscued on that comment because it went to moderation 🙄🙄
I am on GAB as AlisonSmith
I will try my gab acct this afternoon & see if I can find Wolfm00n b/c I’ve never tested my acct beyond signing up ages ago!
Well, you have 38 followers already heheh 🥂
You’re up to 71 now!
Thanks much.
I am NYGuy..what a surprise….
And might we be seeing a NYGal soon?? Good on ya, mate!
LOL..yes you might. An amazing woman. She has to be to tolerate me. So we will walk down this road and see where it goes. No illusions.
I am really bad at GAB..if I unfollowed you and have not followed you, please let me know.
Nope – we are good. Question to anyone who knows: I am editing my account settings – what does it mean if I click on the “Make this account private” link?
Also something about “going dark?”
“going dark”:
Changes White background with dark lettering two black background with light lettering.
Matter of personal preference; don’t be afraid to click on it.
“Dark to Light
Q” 😉
private means people can’t see your posts, except your friends. It’s like using Gab as a private chat.
Hey NYGuy, it appears that you followed me just to get me to follow you then unfollowed me, just like what habbens on Twitter all the time
I probably made a mistake
I know, just ribbing you 👍
haha..ok it is fixed! Sorry.
I keep doing it, too!
I unfollow when I mean to follow.
I am having trouble finding you on there, NY. I will keep trying!
The Gab “small you are following” icon is not significantly different from the Gab “small do you want to follow?” icon, leading to MANY “unfollows” – in my case followed immediately by a re-follow. It’s a pain.
good job..you did it
Gotcha, NYGuy! (verify by handle – @NYGuy54)
Thanks Wolf!
I just checked my notifications – I have several new followers. One is a spammer trying to get me to click a link. Two are propositioning me, one a female and the other a male. No sir, I don’t want to see your hee haw pics. Ma’am, when you say you are going to make my deepest fantasies come true, does that mean you going to get POTUS to DECLAS on live TV?
Just followed you…..
Michael!!🤣🤣🤣 I am sitting at an open house and people are going thru- I just laughed out loud! They were like 😳
Marica_17. Thanks Wolfe! I have a tough time using Gab- but I promise not to send weird DMs to Michael!
LOL Marica you CAN’t have a tough time using Gab ‘cuz you’re my fallback (via twitter DM) when I can’t figure it out 🤣🤣
I did just dm Michael!! 🤣🤣 so there’s that 🤣
Goes with the freedom i spose. I had 3 propisition me, female and male, and someone selling real estate.
You can mute/block them by left clicking on the upper right corner dots. Make sure to hit apply at the bottom.
Notice the “ck” ending on GAB
Just a “k” here
Hmmm….found a “William” @razorback and razorback@razorback?
just search rayzorback
The “y” is psychologically invisible – I find that fascinating. We “read” phonetically and just gloss over the unneeded letter. At least, that’s what my mind does.
OMG! Exactly what happened to me! Duh!
That’s why all the codewords have silent letters buried in them. Someone can’t just overhear it and capture the correct word or search on it. Surprise silent “e” endings are popular.
so true…… but the “y” has meaning to me
I’ve always seen the ‘y’ in rayzorbak, but I’ve been seeing drillerelite as drillerlite (he’s elite, not lite).
I always see it as “drillerite” like a mineral!!!
😊😊 amazing the way our brains work! Or not 🤓
Hey, if I discover a new mineral whilst drilling I’ll know what to call it now 😄😉
Hah! 😆 nope, definitely not lite
😂 OMG you guys a funny today!!!
Well, you DID tell us that your mind had been MKed. So there’s that. 🙂
“Objects in mirror may be
closerOTHER than they appear”gotcha
Wow. I have connected with a lot of people. Thanks everyone! Strong roots, healthy roots!
Gil here, Gilsbranch on gab.
PeteC checking in for PeteC!
What’s the best way to use Gab from a mobile device? Namely Android
That how I roll. Just browser is duckduckgo. Straight on to gab for mobile.
I tried a Gab app but it didn’t work, I have to go through firefox browser on my Galaxy 😕
OK – read up on the “private” marking – I am leaning towards private, myself….opinions?
You can IM already, which is private, but disappears in 7 days. Other posts or replies are like here. I will say if there is a concern with subject matter or need to know between a small group, private may be your route. Si far, I have a little spamming but not terrible.
Well, I am thinking that we are going to be gravitating to Gab in the case of a wholesale attack everywhere else, correct? In that case, I would say private is the way to go. Even then, is it REALLY completely private anyway?
At that point private will be. And, if it isnt private…we will generally know why!
“We have it all.”
Had my full name on there, Nebraska, when I clicked on QTree, and went into profile and changed to my initials only! Signed up with gab about a year ago but never used it until now. So I changed my name in *settings* to initials—not my username.
I had my full name on mine as well, which I changed. I am going to leave mine open for now but will eventually change it to private, I expect. I don’t want to have to approve every follow request. I signed up in January.
I was an avid reader/lurker at OT for over 3 years. I too noticed a change in the site over the past several months. Somehow I found a link to this site, which is amazing. Everyone here brings hope, faith and loyalty; which is what we all need right now. I just signed up on GAB – and my name is the same as here ceastar31. I hope that there is room for me to join you all in this historical part of our U.S. History. I never posted OT, but hope to join in here whenever I can.
Hi and welcome! I think I found you on Gab as just plain ceastar (marica_17 is following you). In any case, i added ceaster.
Of course there is room for you to join in ceastar31…
please, comment any time… we do!!!
Got your correct Gab account now, PR!!!
There are a lot of lurkers watching here. The web stats report is amazing.
Welcome Ceastar! Find a branch and make yourself comfortable. This is a warm cozy treehouse and everyone here is a joy to be with. Thanks to Wolfmoon we’ve all been able to reconnect here.
Welcome! I just followed you on Gab. You should remove your name and change it to something impersonal for protection.
Wolf, add Orygun to the list. Hes from OT, not sure if he posted here at all, but hes a old school treeper.
I believe we follow each other, but I am not sure.
Tonawanda (But my dissenter posts say “Mike” Why? Don’t know!)
Twitter is totally understandable to me, but Gab is not understandable at all. Maybe it is my Brave browser.
You can change your “display name” on Gab to Tonawanda, I’m sure.
Will try!
Not that it is a big deal (other than proving how obtuse I can be) but I ASSUMED that “name” and “user name” had opposite functions.
So I changed my name to to what is, in effect, the display name.
And I left the user name alone as it apparently is meaningless (but maybe not!) although I ASSUMED the “user name” was the name you “used” to communicate on Gab, not whatever it actually is used for.
I am quite willing to blame my density for my problems with Gab, but there might also be a problem with effective communications.
Every time I read a direction manual and find out what it REALLY means, I can immediately see how whatever it was could have been expressed simply so even I could have understood it.
It would be nice if people were forced to read a definition of terms BEFORE they started to fill in the blanks, but I think there are many who would click “OK” immediately anyway! 😀
There are very simple and easy steps people have to follow to do anything. They are made simple and easy by breaking them down and explaining them in sequence.
This process applies to many things, many areas.
The problem is that the experts, the creators, and designers, already know what they know, and what they often do not know is what other people do not know what “they” know.
I have seen this time and again in many, many aspects of life. Something complex, convoluted, or intricate to someone, when explained simply and in context, becomes simple.
Someone on this site said something a while back (not too long ago) which opened my eyes. He was talking about his father and mathematics. His father was very advanced in mathematics. And his father said he could not understand why anyone had difficulty understanding mathematics because “it was all right there in front of you.”
A light bulb went off in my mathematics-challenged brain! Maybe not 100 watts, but at least 40 and maybe 65.
Beyond the rote learning, which can include up to 12 X 12 in the 4th grade, mathematics becomes less rote, and more theoretical. And to some minds, not necessarily incapable of doing the math, the question becomes: what is the point of it all?
To some, many, it doesn’t matter what the point is, the operation is enough to engage. And at some point (or maybe not) a “point” emerges. Physics, history, English, all the same.
Besides getting government out of education entirely, educations needs to be radically transformed, IMO. Children need to be given a context, a convincing “preview” of where a subject is going, and why. Children can be deeply engaged on that level, IMO.
Take O. It can be zero, or the letter O, or a wheel, or the Earth and planets (roughly), or a circle, or an expression of surprise.
Someone, somewhere, could create an entire system of education with O as a starting point.
Rote is beautiful in its time, and context is beautiful from the beginning. From context comes logic, language, excitement, discovery.
I do not know what Twitter does that makes it easy, or what Gab does that makes it so opaque to me. Modern tech is way over my head, and I am grateful when anybody makes it easier to understand.
“The problem is that the experts, the creators, and designers, already know what they know, and what they often do not know is what other people do not know what “they” know”
I’ve designed software, written software, written user documentation for software, and trained end users of software face to face and over the phone. All for the same piece of software!
So I know exactly what you mean!
Yay, I got on and followed most on this thread. I will check back later and catch the rest of you to follow on Gab.
Wolf, did you get all six pages via wolf-moon code? I only saw three go to moderation. they others disappeared.
I’ll look – thanks! May be tomorrow before they go up.
The only one I’m not getting is phoenixRising on gab, other than Emeraldstar who is setting up acct (and Ides of March username is not going to fly!).
Got Phoenix in search—PhoenixRising (no space).
I can’t find it either.
@Abbey1 Thank you Wolf.
Gotcha! And Welcome!
Qtreepers, please take this name if you wish. It is QTREEPI, PI as in 3.14.
I am having troubles yet with my email account that I use for online things. I don’t know when or if I will get it sorted out.
I can’t find you! I’ve used the cap eye and the number 1… help
No, I can’t get on GAB until I get my email addy straightened out. I started the process with Gab, using an email addy that I can no longer access.
I’m saying, if anyone likes the name QTREEPI, take it, it is yours to keep. I will find a new name when all is sorted out.
F*** GAB.
No instructions on how to stay anonymous.
I remember Marica had a problem with this, and was doxxed, multiple times. against her intentions. As I just was.
If these people don’t give a s*** how to instruct users on how to PROTECT their identities, then so be it. WTF – is this their “beta” version? Have they no one who might have THOUGHT about this?
Now I gotta delete the GAB account, I gotta delete the email I used (HUGE hassle), and I gotta delete anything else I can imagine to get rid of their F***ing PATHETICALLY antiquated interface to my online presence.
Including HERE.
DON”T “gotcha!”, Wolf.
Best of luck.
Oh really??? Just change your name (not username) once your account is set up. Or is it the email that is causing problems?
Can also uncheck email notification settings for new followers, mentions, likes and reposts. That way no notifications will be sent to your email inbox.
Thanks, Holley—great point!
Will that affect notifications on your gab Page itself ?
Good question N’E!
Just checked the four boxes for email notifications.
Will come back with an answer.
Notifications should still show up on your Gab page. Hope this helps 🙂
Yup, good on that and.
But I’m still getting email notifications.
mmmm….maybe make sure to scroll down and click on “save changes” after you unchecked the notification boxes?
DUH !!!
Notifications are working, but I’m still getting emails.
Seems like you’re taking your frustration out on Wolfie!
Your email address didn’t get doxxed. No one has your email address except Gab. If you don’t want their automatic email notifications (when someone follows you, etc.) just go to settings and turn the defaults OFF.
Marica said she was doxxed – perhaps just email, but maybe her REAL NAME as well – just a day or two ago.
When I advised people here on exactly HOW to deal with the 8chan boards, I gave it my all. Every little thing, everything I’d found to avoid, and that I’d found to be aware of, and what IMO was safe to do, and what wasn’t.
I tried ASSIDUOUSLY to make sure that no one got “caught” while perusing there – and there were plenty of pitfalls. There are plenty of pitfalls with GAB, and I fell into one. Needlessly, IMO.
My letter to legal at GAB:
“Within the past hour, I tried to create a GAB account – and it seems I was successful.
But, without ANY info on how to remain anonymous, or even whether my anonymity is verified or not, I choose to delete my account in its entirety.
My name (again – it’s UNKNOWN to me whether this info is broadcast to the GAB community, or not – there isn’t ANY verification provided to me in re my anonymity, nor is there any indication one way or the other) is […].
My “handle” is (soon to be “was”, if you do your JOB!) “[…]”.
I used my […] email account, “[…]”, and I’m in the middle of taking pains to DELETE IT.
Erase my account; erase my name; erase my email, and erase my handle.
It’s 2019 – and your user interface seems not to be current with today’s privacy concerns. Perhaps you could hire an Ombudsman? A client advocate? Right now, I’m left, proverbially, “swinging in the wind”.
I’m not the only one who’s had this experience, btw. Others have been doxxed, without foreknowledge that it would happen.
You’ve cost me – easily – hundreds of hours of perhaps-too-late prophylactic measures.
And please email me back verification that you have done so.
Annnnnnnnd THIS is why I don’t social media. Ever.
I didnt put any real data in. Except my email, same as here when I post. Im not sure why you had a problem, or marica. So sorry.
Thanks, Gil.
Not your fault.
It’s GAB’s, and Wolf’s. And mine, for not knowing.
I suspect I’ll stick to the Q site, and the 8chans, and Patriots Soapbox, for the time being.
In the Daily Thread, I read that Gail said that one should NEVER put ones real name in the “name” box. Call be techno-backwards, but that’s a piece of VITAL info I’d never been given. Seems obvious, in retrospect.
I find it hard to fathom that Wolf would push GAB so much, and yet fail to warn us about the doxxing dangers. I warned everyone about the 8chan dangers. I’m client-oriented like that – I don’t ever want someone to suffer damage / cost based on my advice.
Earlier in this thread, I’d asked him to collate all the info, because I intended to join. It seems that almost everyone else got a reply, but not me – and not those in the same boat as me.
NikkiChico (sp?) asked about it, too, late on today’s daily thread, with the intention to join. Without EXPLICIT instructions, maybe she’ll be doxxed, too.
I have to work out the logistics of saving years’ worth of emails, on two accounts, and create a third (and fourth, likely) to save them in. Working round-the-clock, I just may finish by Wed.
I’m terribly disappointed, to say the least. Sigh.
Take care, Gil.
Breathe, Emeraldstar, breathe !
Surely, some of our resident techie Treepers can figure out a work-around to resolve your issues.
On your *follows* page, how do you delete Michael’s girls in his post above? I have four from 6 months to a year ago. Or do I just not ever “follow” them and they remain ghosts on my list?
Jumping in here.
On my main page when I’m logged in, I clicked on “notifications” which gave me a list of People who wanted to follow me. At the bottom in red said something like “show all”. When I clicked on that part of screen came up with peoples handles and a green box with a check mark and a red box with an X.
I checked off who I would recognize, and it says they were accepted.
I would imagine that checking the red box with the X would “un-follow”(?)/ this allows them from following you?
PS: I have a “private” account, but I’m guessing that that does not interfere with my “following” ?
There’s a button you can push to drop their follow of you. I can’t remember exactly, but I was able to pull it up on the undesireable’s profile page.
I thought GAB was invite only….they ust have changed again recently, huh?
Your full name is showing. Go to “settings” and change your *name* to whatever you want.
Programmers obviously don’t run tests with real live thinking people. Grrrrrr
That would be the person icon on the far right of the black bar. Scroll down that page and you will come to your name, then “username”. Change your *name*.
Ahhh, sneeky Pete! Thanks for that info!
Sorry, but that might not be you I’m seeing, if Roberta is your name?? Sorry!
Yep, it is, actually my real name. 🙂
Lol!!! I’m just trying to help, but seems I’m just getting in the way!!! Is it RStephani at Gab?
Thank you
I am only doing this for QTree purposes. I am not interested in clicking any “groups” of interest on GAB in order to “start my experience.” Do I have to follow people in order for this to be useful? (Have never had a social media account until recently signing up for twitter just to be more on the front lines of the battle.)
I haven’t any intention of generating posts, etc., on GAB.
Anyone? Thank you.
I’ve never posted a comment on gab that I know of, Roberta (signed up over a year ago). Don’t think you have to be chatty on it, but can be merely an observer in the background.
put me on the notification list…
i see some people have followed me already – i am in the middle of a couple things, but i will get on there and follow back later this evening…
I am @adieB on Gab though I don’t post there at this time. Thanks Wolf!
Your full name is showing on Gab. Same thing happened to me! I had to fix it.
Go to the little green circle with a flower in the center, next to the green box with the pencil and ‘Gab’ in it.
The dropdown should show ‘Settings’ as a choice. Go there.
In settings, change name to something else.
TY. Computer died before I could read this had to recharge batteries.
Will fix it now.
Also, since your account is private, I guess it won’t let me follow you? 🙂 Help!
Aubergine—Noreaster1 allowed me to follow (at least the green box came up after clicking the follow icon relating to Noreaster1), but Nor’easter has not responded to my follow request.
I’ll have to go over the settings.
I know I clicked on something for “privacy”.
When I checked, I had several requests to “follow” me, and I accepted the ones I recognize from here.
I’m guessing the “private” setting does not affect that?
GAB gives me a 404 message … what am I doing wrong?
Lol. As great as you are at bringing us news, and you are getting “Gabbed”!!?? 😎
Checking in.
Deplorable Linda
(Yes, there is a space in it).
Or are you asking for the @username? Deplorable Linda is what shows when I post.
The other is @LockThemAllUp
On the search, Linda, I have to put in LockThemAllUp!!
Thanks, Pete! I’m still getting used to Gab vs. Twitter. In Twitter I can search under either name and find someone.
Hell, I’m learning too and giving advice, Linda! Not my style really!!!😳
GAB won’t take space in between Deplorable and Linda ! I had same problem, had to remove space
I like that, reminds me of FBI Van😃
There I got you, Linda! I also followed someone else who is DeplorableLinda without a space because their comments made me think they are thinking clearly. 🙂
dwnrivcracker Rodney Short ,I am still trying to figure out gab, not very good with tech
Ya. I am rather clueless with Gab. Working on it.
Just listen to me Rodney—I’ll screw you all up! Look what I’m doing to Roberta above!!!😳
Help please
G&C—talking about GAB? Just for backup comm in case this site gets screwed with by you know who! I don’t do Twit, and only opened FB acct to try and find criminals who robbed a spare house of mine. I hate FB. GAB will be the backup, not primary!
I am Karen819 on Gab.
Okay, Karen, you full name is showing. Type in your username on a search and you will see what I mean. Go to person icon far right on black bar, click settings, and scroll down to *name*, and change if you don’t want full name showing.
I messaged her on Gab, too.
OK, probably the best place to put this information. Thanks to Bon-Bon I learned she couldn’t see any of my comments in the OT thread on Huber from a day or so ago. that is because they have all been deleted. I could still enter replies a few minutes ago but they must be in moderation.
I’m done. Posit anything you like…there was nothing objectionable in ANY of those comments unless someone is an autocratic tyrant who can’t tolerate anyone not assenting to them being omniscient.
1) Sundance took a stance and said the “Trust The Plan” people….Q Anons….were LARPS.
2) Prior to that, he allowed a massive posting war over AG Sessions to take place, first siding with the pro-Sessionists but later reversing himself and claiming Sessions was indeed part of the problem in DC.
3) Sundance makes $$ off of his blog…a lot of money….provided he tells the truth about the number of unique “hits” that take place there on a weekly basis. And I don’t doubt it.
4) If Sundance is proven wrong about Sessions and the TTP people….us….he is going to take a MASSIVE credibility hit. So….what do you do if you are Sundance….wanting to protect your income (blog credibility)??
5) You get rid of all the old time posters who could testify to your destroyed credibility, the stances you took, and what happened inside the forum you ran. You mute their voices and delete their posts.
Convince me I’m wrong. I’m listening.
There have been many theories discussed about what happened OT. This one is new (at least to me) and entirely plausible. Wow…..so follow the money. Makes a lot of sense FGandC.
Hmmmm, I believe SD commonly says follow the money…
Reasonable. You make a good case.
I am a quiet one for the most part, preferring to listen. So I was never “old time” at CTH, neither in terms of tenure nor in terms of posting/replying.
Just sad & unfortunate for him to add to division…especially when there are so many over there who to my way of thinking don’t add anything to the conversation…and dump on our president.
This is the version I believe to be true. Apparently there was a large continuing twitter reassessment as well.
I have a suspicion that although this was a huge and ongoing purge, it may not have been the first. And that says more that its a “brand” like drudge, vs a real community.
That sounds very plausible to me. I was still able to post last week, then poof, my branch was sawed off. It’s disappointing really…..Sundown has a different attitude from when I first found the site. I think you may be spot on with your thoughts.
I had wondered if it was an effort to avoid facing anyone who might say “told ya so”
Now it is an echo chamber with lots of unfamiliar names 😔
Well your home again now, Volgarian!
Welcome to the banned
Great music is played here 🙂
If it’s really necessary I can recover comments from CTH.
Might be useful information in the future but I don’t have any illusions that my comments so valuable that they need to be recovered and broadcast here just for some sense of gratification. That’s not me. It takes a lot to get me “steamed” and it is not so much a reaction “for me” as it is a sense of injustice for others. And as I have noted here in the past…takes too much psychic energy to be irritated/angry/etc.
Thank you. Your abilities might prove important going forward!
“If it’s really necessary I can recover comments from CTH.”
If you weren’t such a Godly dude, Michael…I would find you truly terrifying.
I am so glad you are on our side!
LOL Wheatie you really have no idea 😉 How do you think I make the big bucks? We really do need more good guys fightin the fight!
Well, God Bless you, Michael.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Yeah, I took a look over there, and your name caught my eye,
I can’t remember exactly what your comment was, but I do remember exactly what I thought:
Also wouldn’t surprise me if some of the “company spies” visit here and tattle to “mom” if they catch you over there.
lol…….. Damn “tattletails”!
Looks like Roberta got the ban-hammer for WRONG-THINK. The comment is gone: http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/03/09/foia-discovery-reveals-ag-jeff-sessions-initiation-letter-to-u-s-attorney-john-huber/comment-page-1/#comment-6785952
Bingo! NO LEAKS.
Everyone should go to the Brian Cates@drawandstrike thread (https://twitter.com/drawandstrike) and read his thread about this on March 8. Pretty much everyone missed the importance of Jeff Sessions March 2018 letter-the southern gentleman was so quiet in his language.
Yeah, we actually know what has been happening.
So many express their opinions sans facts.
Do you target your enemies? No? Why did McCabe target Sessions?
Sounds about right to me.
Thanks for the great chuckle. Yup, as I have said…I’m quiet…but I knew I might be crossing someone’s line(s). Yet, it seemed worth it, given the gravity of the information released in the past 2-3 days and the absolutely insufferable “I am so smart and know so much more than those in office” attitudes that OT is rife with.
Since you asked so nicely Wolfmoon, I created an account. (Do Not expect me to post there though.)
I am GC0mbs with a zero insted of the letter o.
I don’t have time to post there either, Gail! Strictly for backup in case this site of QTree is screwed with.
That is exactly why I set it up. PeteC.
Here is an answer to the SD anti-17 attitude:
Roberta—for some reason you are not coming up on Gab in a search? I’ve used RStephani—Stephani—RobertaStephani—Roberta. Any clues? Do a search of yourself on Gab if you would and see what happens. TY!!! Pete
Got you, dear!!!
Claps hands, This place is a nice place to be. Affirming. Hope to be the same in return.
I found her Pete. Since I am following her, you can go to me (@frznpch) and go to my ‘Following’ list and follow her from there!
Thx, Aubergine!
I am on Gab = @Diana247365
I am on Gab, coosmama. Thanks Wolfie!
Here is a list of those who posted here so far:
WOLFM00N (2 zeroes in M00N) on Gab
4everfaithful (Blessed2bLoved)
FlyoverDeplorablePatriot (Deplorable Patriot)
mhtx76 (michaelh)
NebraskaBred (NebraskaFilly)
whisper (singingsoul)
AlisonSmith (Alison)
@MissV (debutromance)
NYGuy (NYGuy54) (verify by handle – @NYGuy54)
Gimli@Unumdeum (Luke from NJ)
Marica_17 (Marica)
rayzorback (rayzorbak)
RealSauce (realsauce)
Gilsbranch (Gil)
RStephani (Roberta)
@adieB (Barb Meier)
@Noreaster1 (Nor’easter)
Gab4me (BB)
Deplorable Linda or @LockThemAllUp (Linda)
Karen819 (kym819)
@Diana247365 (daughnworks247)
??? (Plain Jane)
??? (Emeraldstar)
EmeraldStar is pissed—seemed to indicate he was leaving here too in his post above???
Gail—add dwnrivcracker (Rodney Short). Please.
Thanks peteC
I added dwnrivcracker (Rodney Short) to the list I am keeping.
I will post it periodically.
Thanks – this list was very helpful – I missed a few and you had them!
I am already into the SECOND list of 50 people.
Gab: oncefired
Please add me:
on gab as as Golsono now, and have followed you Wolf.
Just not sure if this means I still need to be added to your contact list in the event wp goes down
Don’t forget yourself, Gail! With Rodney Short and you, I have 34 so far. Your number??
That includes 2old2worry.
Up to 35 not including me. (My count maybe off)
And me! 😊
What happened with ES? Been missing him!😢
Add—Aubergine (@frznpch) and Bcootz (Bcootz).
Add—Raider (Braveandfree) and amwick (amwick). That puts me at 38, and you?
No Plain Jane (QTreePi) as of now! She’s having technical difficulties! And not included in my 38 number.
Add— Gingersmom (Organist1022). I keep coming back to this thread to add in order to help out. You started the list, so it’s your baby, Gail!!!😎
Add—Singingsoul (whisper).
You already had singsoul— my bad!
I was just about to say that. 😋