As the 2020 Presidential Election falls into pieces, and the left in utter desperation tries to make us believe their SICK FRAUD – which is apparently the culmination of YEARS of sick frauds, they make some extremely cynical moves.
The Treehouse is Deplatformed…
Update From WordPress/Automattic on Treehouse Deplatforming…
Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to and Mailchimp
I mean, it’s not like Q didn’t predict this.
Sundance passes along the mealy-mouthed, PROGZI explanation…..

“Community Guardian”. What a SICK and COWARDLY joke.
Sundance also provides us their “reasons for deplatforming people” as follows:

This stuff is quite clearly weaponized for censorship of the right. LyingPress could kick any MAGA blog off their platform at any time, simply for disagreeing with the “party line”, or for publishing memes too sophisticated for the “Community Guardians” like Sal P. to understand.
In reality, they would understand, but would pretend not to understand.

And the reality beyond THAT ONE is that the leftists are not stupid – they’re malicious. They simply use pretending not to understand as cover.

Now, the rules here seem to only affect accounts with optional ad display, but I don’t think we should delude ourselves about any kind of immunity, or worse yet, quibble with power-holding baizuo from that position. Even our free blog with no ads, which we are currently running, has notices in the editor that ads may play at the end of an article, in spite of our “ad-free” status. Thus, we might be subject to these rules anyway, and I suspect that we are. Additionally, we cannot count on LyingPress to uphold the specifics of the rules, since it appears that Sundance had no recourse to change the nature of his blog to ad-free.
Our old friend jello333 of CTH says it best:
jello333 says:
Just looking at the whole list of “prohibited content”, we should actually be GLAD to get off this platform! Some parts of it make sense, but a lot of it just looks like a way to hammer anyone they don’t like for the tiniest, most ridiculous “violation”. I say good riddance! But if I was to guess what finally caused them to come after the Treehouse… it would be this LIE:
“Proliferating or creating verifiably false claims or content that could undermine participation or trust in an electoral or democratic process.”
Liked by 2 people
To me, it’s very clear that LyingPress knows Sundance is influential, and needs to help protect their phony neo-Soviet “electoral or democratic processes” by prohibiting any thought they might be filled with cheating.
Sorry. LyingPress are now SOVIET SCUM, and we will be leaving them.
I cannot promise any time-frame for moving, but I already have a good idea about where we will go. I will begin researching immediately.
In order to have time to become an ACTUAL full-time administrator (and not just a member with an admin role and permissions on a canned site), I will need to relinquish both weekly authorship and frequent commenting on the site. Perhaps at some point, those can come back, but not right away.
If somebody is interested in doing the FRIDAY daily thread, please feel free to speak up. I will also FREE UP the current authors at this time to renegotiate their responsibilities, if they so desire, with me and each other. Please feel free to keep or change your current days for the daily threads. Talk among yourselves – I am fine with whatever you all decide.
Interesting times. Let’s make the most of them.

Thank you, Wolf.
Do we really have to surrender Twitter? It’s valuable territory.
Depends on when they go hard core on the throttling of speech. I joined Parler. Made a couple of Parley’s and got more responses then any tweet I have done on twitter. So how much of what you tweet is really seen? It is not like surrendering when we have no real ability to have any control.
This is the KEY. Twitter is EXPERT in making an empty locked room with a few fellow prisoners look like a real world full of people. You think people see you. NOPE. You and a few other patriots are locked in a lab where you are studied to help the Democrats win or fake a win. Yeah – a few people who they know will not change their views MAY see you, including phony AI bots who are simply TRAINING on you.
Twitter is horrible outrage theater. Go elsewhere for real talk, go back to bring people away.
We have to make Twitter CRASH AND BURN to teach the other side OUR LESSON. That CENSORSHIP has a PRICE. The American “Corporate Socialist” hybrid system needs to CRASH ON TAKE-OFF.
Twitter is far less valuable than it appears. It’s an enemy TAR PIT. It gives the illusion of productive fighting, when in fact it’s an enemy laboratory.
However, there is a *PURPOSE* in fighting there and then RETREATING to OUR social media – and that is to get NORMIES off of Twitter.
So yes – fight there – but then retreat (by being banned) to Gab, Parler, and other free sites, to bring people away.
We are seeing millions of people FLEE censorship, because we LED THEM AWAY.
See what is happening here? They ban Sundance, they LOSE MORE.
If everyone on the right left, the territory would become worthless. I’m still hoping to see Trump dump Twitter and invite his 80 million followers to join him on Gab or Parler.
this one jumps out….
“Deceiving users….with the intent to influence political or social issues.”
how does wordpress determine “deceiving” ?
how does wordpress determine “intent” ?
and what, exactly, does “influence” mean ?
their premise is rather deceiving …
,,,and their explanantions are DISINGENUOUS .
will I be expelled for my intentions to deceive by bad spelling typos ?
You have been, remember?
This site is where we have been getting the banned back together.
…not if WP has anything to do with it.
True, very true.
perhaps it’s showing the violent videos where antifa is able to be recognized and outed they don’t like…
or showing MAGA people in SELF DEFENSE being shot…
this isn’t going to go well for them…
then WP should say so…
they should be up front about what, exactly, is so offensive that it violates their rules of conduct..
you know…like a warning ?
be specific about it.
give the offenders a chance to correct the hideous behavior, or ban them from the site, the bad cats.
but, in a way, isn’t this kind of similar to how some dude and some moderator over there treated some of us a while back ? no explanations given…
My karma ran over your dogma?
^^^ While 100% spot on correct, it assumes WP is sincere, without agenda…
Without anterior motives. Time tested money comes to mind.
Someone with money has gotten to WP, and WP slipped swiftly into the dark side.
Money and power are quite persuasive.
I do not remember where I saw it OT or here there was a spread sheet that showed who was on the board of WP and where the individuals donated to what party most gave money to the democrat party I believe all also to Biden. This explains everything.
Not really. Sundance did not want Q stuff in his blog because for most people it falls in the conspiracy theory world. This distracts from his blog and the research, news site he was publishing. He asked on many occassions to keep Q stuff out of the comments. When that did not work, he banned the main offenders. So here we are.
but not all of us who got shadow banned over there at the same time were Q followers.
if we liked certain comments posted by certain ppl over there, we got summarily banned with no explanation whatsoever.
you can say it was bc of the “Q stuff”….
… but I never actually believed that 100 %.
beyond that, I’ll keep my opinions ab it to myself.
(waves to menagerie…how y’all doin ?)
“if we liked certain comments posted by certain ppl over there, we got summarily banned with no explanation whatsoever.“
As in my case…not permissible to like our favorite cowboy…😢
Sundance had a good strategy in evicting Q stuff, IMO. It kept him open LONGER. He would have likely been shut down EARLIER if we had stayed there.
…runs deep…
…into your hearts it will creep…
It starts when you’re always afraid…
You step out of line, the man come and take you away.
And that sound you hear is fear…
Antifa—-> OK
Democrats ——->
Patriots= Not Ok because we are deemed a threat to their lil make believe utopia….
I have always been an outsider because I don’t trust humans and therefore hardly interact, places like TTree, Maricas Place and yes CTH, y’all my people, I can relate to most of you…
I knew this day would come when we have to fight for our Freedom in America, I just didn’t think it would be so easy for the powers of the world to just come on in and take it.
The thing we as Americans cherish the most,”FREEDOM” are you ready to die for it if thats what it takes??? Asking for future generations because the generations that were raised by ours was lost amongst the shuffle…
Sad to thi k we got comfy and just let this shit happen on American soil…
The time to fight has come my friends, it has been pushed upon us by the dark powers of the World…
When the call is given you better be ready because for us Patriots there is no do over or participation trophy, OUR FREEDOM IS OUR TROPHY…
The greatest sin was is Greed. Greed sold our country out by its own people to the communists.
Do they not know under communism they will not be part of those who gain power in our country? The shadow government will control the puppets and if they not conform they disappear.
disingenuous censorship…double standards…covid mandates…covid masks…dissenters black lists…kamala’s re-education “classes” for Trump supporters…cyber coup(s)…CIA Ops…”peaceful protests”…NWO domino games…
…give new meaning to this old song…
you live long enough, you begin to see a pattern.
Note that Stephen Stills is a massive commie – A BUDDY OF CASTRO.
He’s a real TIP about the REAL DNC.
way too much weed
Hey boss…I’m happy to keep doing the Monday open thread.
Good, then – that’s done! 😀
I’m just going through the comments now – you’re the first sign-up!
I can admire Stephan Stills for his eloquence but not so much for how he turned out…just another Bolshevik.
yes…one of best guitarists and lyricists ever, imo, back in the day…I am a huge Stills fan for those reasons.
but the cocaine, and the political bent are unfortunate for someone who writes lyrics with such insight.
ditto : neil young.
Agree,add crosby .
I trust everyone has their ‘soon to be banned’ copy of Georges 1984 in a prominent place.
Your personal defense guide against the thought police.
A couple things:
I’ve been part of…at least five blog sites that were drummed out of existence over the last 6.5 years. It started about Ash Wednesday, 2014, with a FB change. It’s not just the site traffic that they look at. It’s also the reach via sharing. We were shut down on multiple platforms and the traffic drive forced the people I worked for off the current sites at that point. There’s a couple of us working on a site that’s flying under the radar, but the offering of material is minimal and no where close to hard hitting like it used to be. It was a matter of survival.
Second, as an author, I’ve been considering asking if somebody wants a day in the middle of the week, as I have other things in the hopper which I need to get to, but if nobody steps up to take Friday, if needed, I can give it a shot. I would also be willing to trade with somebody.
You put me to shame, DePat…willing to take on another day when you’re already doing the heavy-lifting of doing 3 in a row.
I’ve gotten requests to bring back the trees, but I’m not sure which day would be best for that.
Wednesday has the ‘hump day’ theme going on.
Not sure that that would be a good one for a tree day theme.
I was thinking of volunteering for Friday, if no one steps up…but that doesn’t give you a break.
Let’s see if anyone else steps up.
Monday and Friday, workweek bookends!
I loved your trees. Maybe they are a good start for a weekend?
Maybe so!
I’m thinking about it…but I’ll wait and see if someone wants to take that day.
How about you, Aubergine?
Wheatie, I am just not up late enough to do it. I have thought about it, but I am an early to bed, early to rise. I think they can be “scheduled” to drop at a certain time, but if something goes wrong, I won’t be up to see it.
Ah…well that’s no big deal.
If there were a problem, it would just have to wait till you got up.
Qtreepers are real good at entertaining themselves…and would just keep posting on whatever was here.
Wolfie has said that if it’s not up till noon, it’s no big deal.
I will consider whether I can commit to it. I know it is important.
Cool. I think you’d be good at it!
I am also an early to bed person.
This is where the scheduling feature comes in handy. Most of the time the dailies publish, I’m sound asleep.
Treeday Tuesday
Close enough for govt work.
Whatever I can do. I am standing at the ready.
OK – stand by. I am working through the comments. Monday is certain – Wheatie. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are ALMOST certain, but perhaps one is open. Friday is still up for grabs as I write this, having not seen any comments below yet. You and Aubergine are maybe authors – that could lighten the load for DP and Wheatie.
I will keep reading…..
Standing by.
I am starting to get ambitious thoughts, but I don’t want to push anybody into anything.
I would love to have the variety of adding both you and Aubergine, because you could each use your special focus to teach us bits and pieces about history/civics and ancestry/genealogy. We will need that in a big way.
The daily threads serve to give people an excuse to post things, offering both regularity/themes and creativity/uniqueness.
Dep Pat has offered to give up a day, and Wheatie is willing to move hers, which could mean a TREE DAY, which is popular.
Let’s consider this basic idea:
Wheatie – 1 day (tree theme?)
Dep Pat – WEDNESDAY (hump theme?) + 1 day
Aubergine – 1 day (new theme?)
grandmaintexas – 1 day (new theme?)
Based on this idea, which days work best for everybody? This frees up Wheatie, Dep Pat, Aubergine and grandma to each pick between Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
If this plan seems unworkable, we can scrap it, but if it fits nicely with everybody, I think it would be a crowd-pleaser!
great line-up
+ flep, right ?
Flep publishes whenever he wants. I don’t know if he will ever go back to a nightly format.
I think things will never be the same after this election. Flep may not be able to publish nightly again. The battles are just starting.
All of our lives will be changed.
No election can be trusted now.
Even now, I do not recognize this FRAUD of an election.
Can it be repaired? I must be convinced.
If we don’t win this, there won’t ever be another “honest” election in any state. They’ve figured out how to steal elections wholesale – and if they take power they’ll pass Universal Vote By Mail, and that’s the end.
The Courts don’t care as long as they get to stroke their beards and look wise – no offense to our lady judges. But that old saying comes to mind – if the Courts prove to be useless.
But I’m adamant about the final nail in the coffin on our elections. They’ve been stealing for years, which is how they got Cooper back in – North Carolina, even though the rest of the ticket was primarily red. They stole the governorship there in 2016 – got Cooper in for redistricting and other garbage.
Incrementally, they’ve been stealing in all our states. They’ll give lip service to “fixing” problems – but there’s no fixing this. This is Wahr.
yes this is very demoralizing for America and for us Americans…hard to stomach…the depth and breadth of it !
exactly what Eisenhower warned JFK about…but now on such a global scale.
It’s like a beast .
the population here is now so divided, at polar opposites from each other…no common ground.. and the lines are being drawn.
I can not accept or tolerate what the left has in store…none of us can.
Trump has got to stay in the WH…
it’s all or nothing.
Bear’s gotta stay on Monday.
This is within the realm of feasibility! 😀
Based on this, I’ll go ahead and cue up tomorrow’s. Whatever is not claimed, I’ll cover.
Excellent – we’re almost there! I think you may get Thursday off if Aubergine is up for it!
Okay. Is Friday claimed?
Tuesday is fine. I really don’t care other than Pat’s dance party.
I think grandmaintexas is going to take Friday now. I still want to see if we can get Aubergine to take Thursday, but I won’t be too pushy! 😉
If you give me the theme I am good. You know better than I. I’m good with assignments.
I’m thinking that the theme COULD come out of your interests in American history, civics, etc. Again, these are only suggestions – it’s ALL YOURS – seriously – you can just say “I want to try this” and that’s it! You try something and don’t like it – just change it!
So what are some ideas?
Somewhat analogously to “Wheaties Words”, you could cover historical incidents – like “this day in history” -, or curious concepts, or fun facts. Or you could show a meme, painting or picture and then “dig deeper” on it – follow the rabbit trail behind it.
Or just pick a thread off Twitter that grabbed you and dig deeper on it.
Some of the themes here have EVOLVED over time, like trees, coins, camels, Leonidas, etc. Feel free to try some things in your first one and see what people like, then see what grows and what doesn’t.
I’d say make sure to try a few things all at once. Dep Pat ends with a prayer or bible verse, etc. Create some traditions – that builds your brand!
Do you have any thoughts or ideas?
I’m on my second gin. Of course I have ideas. 😂😂😂
Will consult my husband and come up with something from Last of the Mohicans or Braveheart.
Just kidding. I’m going to consult my heart and soul and mind. God help me…and y’all.
LOL! Happy Hour Friday! I love it! LOL.
That’s it! Happy Hour!!!!! OMG!!!
Hey, I like it, and I’m sober right now! <3
Love ya! ❤
The pub will be open…on Friday?
So I think we’ll have a weekly drink featured. Also a toast to a specific patriot or group of patriots, and a little history thrown in for good measure. Then down to brass tacks on the day or week’s happenings.
If that sounds good then we’re a go.
Yeah, I like that. That’s a good mix, no pun intended! 😀
If you have any questions, just holler by replying to me on any post! Were you ever able to get gab chat to work? That’s on, which is different from
Don’t laugh, but I’m not sure. I will go check it out now.
You can sign up with the same password, to keep it simple.
Well I got in with a new password but how do I find you?
Great – hang on – let me try to PM you….
Just sent you a Gab PM and invited you to the Authors and Members chats!
Ok. Brb.
Is there a special button for Gab PM? Not seeing anything.
You may have to refresh the page ( – open in a new tab) and then look on the left. Let me know if you can get that far.
Here is an old post on Gab Chat.
Good – got your PM back, and now you should have two invitations to private rooms on the left of the screen, above the PM conversation.
I accepted.
Excellent! It’s all good! Saw you got in the chat, too! 😀
For what it’s worth, I don’t have a “theme.”
I do have regular recurring stuff, but it’s a mish mosh of insulting BLM, insulting China, talking about a coin, nagging everyone about justice, and whatever is on my mind Thursday night when I write the thing.
In other words, you have multiple themes! 😉
You’re stuck with coinage – cthulhu will be sad if you quit!!! And CHINA IS ASSHOE is TRADITION now!
I Love your stuff.
The point is you needn’t have a theme to be an author.
Also, whatever day you need I am fine with.
It’s looking like Dep Pat is doing Tuesday and Wednesday, this week, so Thursday and Friday seem open. If Aubergine can’t take either, then I’d say you can have Friday and Dep Pat can hold at TWTh, but if Aubergine wants to take a day, then I think we should make sure the assignments work for both of you.
Are you OK with Thursday, Friday, or either one?
Yes. Whatever you need.
I just need a firm schedule for planning purposes. Plz message me here or on GAB.
Hump day this week is scheduled.
Thank you.
Gab should be working!
I see that. 😎 Stay the course. Got it.
Thank you Wolf and all members, visiting here is a daily routine.
You are most welcome! 😀
Please Check with Tony Heller. He has some discussion about his switch but I can not find it.
His last word-Unimpressed article on 5/03/2016
Toto has MOVED
Does WordPress Have The World’s Most Incompetent Programmers?
As Expected, The Nazis At Twitter Have Shut Down My Account
Gail…Tony Heller is on Parler:
His latest post there, on Oct 6th, 2020, directs people to his channel at ‘newtube’:
Looks like he has been active there since he joined that site two months ago.
His latest upload was 19 hours ago.
He got banned from YouTube so he moved to Newtube.
Yep…he’s one of those dangerous guys who speaks the truth.
Googtube can’t have that!
You are very wise in getting ahead of it. Why be behind the eight-ball, when you can be comfortably shooting from a position of strength instead?
Thanks! I hope this is true! In noticed in Sundance’s SECOND column that Keln posted a kindly worded “toldjaso” to Sundance in the comments. He apparently warned SD long ago that he needed to get off LyingPress.
WordPress shadow-banning conservate sites …
like Whatfinger…and others…
short article link…
August 2020
WP couldn’t be reached for comment…made no comment…keeping mum…no response…
We may get a LOT more reach where I’m thinking of going…..
Wonder if, “Community Guardian” is a concept fresh out of the Antifa play book.
“Community Censor” more like it.
went to WP site…clicked on “About”, just out of curiosity….
…and while reading quickly over it, certain words jumped out at me…like …
Nail in the WP coffin says it all. Progressive.
Wolf, This is not meant to be out of line.
You’ve been quite clear no donations are requested, desired, would be accepted…
Migrating to a new platform may encompass significant cost. If it does, i am quite willing to donate.
Perilous times for our country. It’ll get a whole lot bumpier in the next weeks and months.
Thanks! If worse comes to worse, I may take donations, but will avoid them at first.
I belong to a “government church” which I am leaving shortly. I may join a “patriot church” at some point in the future, but until then, I will be spending my money which would go to the mask-submission church on THIS CHURCH, which features Carl’s Sunday Sermon and Mid-Week message. I believe that money will be more than enough to pay for hosting and domain registration.
I also will donate if it is necessary to help keep your mission going. Will arrange my budget in preparation to accomplish this.
Any needed donations will likely be for bail money! 😉
It depends somewhat upon whose inauguration I’m going to in January! 😀
there can be only one.
These clauses refer to sites that display auto advertisement according to top line. Are there similar clauses to sites like this that do not?
What I’m saying is that this line could EASILY refer to us, if interpreted just on face value, because ALL WordPress sites have advertising placed on them automatically BY AutomattiKKK, whether you monetize or not. If you monetize, there is MORE advertising, but even the non-monetized sites get small ads at the end, and this is FORCED on the blogger by WordPress.
See how the legal trickery works? It’s a loaded gun, whether they pretend it’s empty or not. They set up EVERYBODY for removal by the clause.
Sometimes, in authoring a post, there is a little box from WordPress that explains the fact that certain selected advertising will automatically appear. I will try to get a screen capture.
WordPress has BROKEN TRUST. I do not trust them to even honor their own promises. I expect legal trickery. They can take us down at any time.
Got it. I’ve heard of talk about adds here, but not often. Also I don’t think I’ve seen them, but I haven’t looked.

…has a worrisome sound to it…one of the many exceedingly cumbersome new speak leftie words that they concoct to try to sound fair and inclusive and socially just …
and WP seems to enjoy using DEMOCRATIZE a lot !
they’re super into it !
here’s a definition, at this link…making an organization more democratic …
and this guy…with communize as a synonym…
some more DEMOCRATIZE images…
WeirdPress…for the sheeple.
Well I finally got through on creating a Gab account. Might tell WP to shove their platform (and I didn’t even blog political stuff). They just can’t leave peaceable people alone can they?
Nope. Progzis gotta prog.
Saturday remains covered. (You haven’t mentioned it as one you were still wondering about, but there it is.)
I just hope to see a day when the Deep State is covered as well–in bearded dragon poo.
Good! Thank you! That’s TWO FOR SURE, THREE (and maybe 4) PROBABLE, and ONE UP FOR GRABS.
BTW, if there is trouble in my responding to comments, it is due to some very weird connectivity issues I am having with WP today. Hmmmmmmm. Wonder why that could be. Somebody’s apple-cart is being upset…..
Many people have been having different issues on different days. There’s no apparent pattern to it, except of course in the fact that this stuff is happening at all.
For now, I’m going to stay the course. Plz decide on Friday before Thursday at noonish.
This is so crazy…
Hey a meme on FB showing a straw and a apparent pile of coke on the table. It asks, One of the things in this picture is illegal in Oregon! So no FB has it behind a curtain as false. ????
Wolfie I did share this with some friends on FB and with another WordPress conservative poster, Rabblerouserruminations’s Weblog
Thanks for all your hard work Wolfie As I keep saying guys hand on for this is going to be wilder than the wildest roller coaster ride that you have ever been on in your life,
Remember Let the devil know not today
Trouble won’t throw me
Won’t break me
Won’t scare me
No more
Fear must have thought I was faithless
When it came for my heart
‘Cause I got a song that will never die
I know Your love is the reason why
I’ll sing the night into the morning
I’ll sing the fear into Your praise
I’ll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name
Let the devil know not today
ok…yeah…no…hey…let me the first to step up here and be inclusive with a democratizational post that might sit well with the WP folks…do they actually moderate our comments here ?

ok…whatever…no problem…we’re all in this together…so back off and be happy…
we know that the Left eat their own , right ? and that’s ok…a chacun son gout !
when things go sideways and the climate keeps changing and the tensions mount, it’s time to just sit back and think of myriad ways to improve the status quo…
for the good of the community…
and there may be cannibals among us so this is NOT about that !
so…NO OFFENSE to desperate cannibals, ok ?
just came across this timely article…
Scientists Create Meat From Human Cells But Claim It Is Not Cannibalism
Nov 17, 2020
it’s called regenerative medicine
and that meat is being called Ourboros Steak …(sounds like Outback ??)
sposed to be a huge help to the environment …
more, at the link !
(gary larson and the cow cartoons…would that be too offensive here ??)
FarSide had one of an ill chicken in bed, whose mother offered him some chicken soup saying, “don’t worry, it’s not anyone we know” 🙂
Or, from the days of Gateway Computers (the cow-themed ones):
Gateway Announces
Job Cuts, Steak Dinner
By Brian Briggs
Poway, CA – Computer maker Gateway announced today that it would making job cuts in an effort to boost profitability. Even the talking cow, Tom, featured in their commercials would be a victim of the axe. CEO Theodore Waitt also announced a company wide steak dinner to boost employee morale following the cuts.
“The cow has served us well, but now it’s time for our company chefs to serve him well or preferably medium rare,” said Waitt. “It’s probably not the severance package he had in mind, but at least he won’t have to look for a job in this bad economy.”
People for the Ethical Treatment of Talking Animals (PETTA) issued a statement condemning the move. “We strongly condemn the killing of the talking cow. Talking animals deserve the same protections as people.” With the death of Tom the Talking Cow, Carrot Top moved onto PETTA’s Most Endangered Animals that Talk list.
“I feel really bad about Tom being let go,” said one employee, “He was adored by everyone here. We’ll really miss him. Hey, are you gonna finish those short ribs? Yum, yum.”
Stock analysts were very positive on the move. “We’re very impressed with Gateway’s imaginative use of job cuts,” said Jim Ritter of Merrill Lynch. “If the bull market doesn’t return soon at least I’ll be able to enjoy a similar feast.”
Gateway’s barbecue was the largest meal of a corporate spokesanimal since 9 Lives retired Morris the Cat.
(Original story at )
gee…don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
This is clearly downstream effects of ChiNazi mind-fracking.
or derives from this…
the ancient alchemical symbol expressing the unity of all things
Kekule’s dream!
so appetizing
The Great Reset !
grow your own Ouroboros steak…
right up there with bat soup and green monkey brains !
“Bat soup” was one of the most beautiful examples of the ChiComs selling lies through self-deprecation.
correction, my bad !
should be : Our-o-boros
Almost as bad as
good one
Our-o-boros beats “our Osoros”!
Considering the situation, I’m sure the little darlings at WordPress weren’t expecting the response to “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” to be “have everyone with a blog turn their back on you.”
Go woke – go broke.
Wolfie damn guess Free Speech is on its last leg. Do believe tweeter has done the same to Trump
Don’t people realize that next it will be them.
Twitter accounts for Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood were ‘search banned’ today
Prepare to take OUR country back.
“Be still and know
That the Lord is in control
Be still my soul
Stand and watch as giants fall”
Since FB posts don’t always work hope this does.
Not for me, but I block all FB stuff. FB tracks us everywhere on the internet. EVIL.
hey they all are ….just make a call on your cell phone and they know where you are in a nano second.
Wolfie I found it on Youtube finally
Here you go wolfie
Oh, that’s awesome!!! <3
Sorry guess I was so excited I found it on youtue I forgot to post the link,,,
I’m really torn. Both DH and I feel constrained, but it can’t be helped. We can help with some financial support if needed.
No money, please! Hosting prices are well within what I’m spending on “global” Marx-money dumps through my lovable dupe church.
I know some are fairly reasonable because our daughter has her own site. She shopped around, and she’s pretty frugal. But still, if you need equipment upgrade, don’t be afraid to put in a request. I know there are enough people here that are do-it-yourselfers that could help spec out a build if needed. (Son has done that for me.)
Thanks! Will keep your offer in the handy box of back up plans! 😉
Wolfs, for years I held on to my brand of church (from an island, claims connected back to original Xs) because the same old set of words they use over and over has such power. In person most of the folks are real nice. But when they acquiesced to the masks, a flower in my heart just wilted and withdrew.
Zorro would not wear a mask into worship, and neither can I.
BTW Wolfs, your essays are important to us. Please keep talkin’, every time ya got something to say.
Will do. I will post intermittently, and in particular about our new home, as that takes form.
OK – the new weekly schedule is pinned down. Bottom line is that grandmaintexas is taking over FRIDAYS from me! I am now 100% ADMIN, and will begin working on building our new home. I’m not sure how soon it will be done – maybe early next year.
Hopefully, we have that much time.
Wolf…I noticed that both Neon Revolt and Political Moonshine are on WP too.
Seems like they would get a ‘deplatforming notice’ from WP as well, since they are just as high profile as the CTH.
Makes me wonder why the CTH was singled out.
If, in fact…it was.
Here are my thoughts.
Neither Neon nor Moonshine, same as Dr. Eowyn of FOTM, has the kind of mainstream, television-cited legitimacy that CTH has. This is all about trying to delegitimize Sidney Powell, IMO.
Likewise, when Dodge and Fib will likely underperform on Durham releases (EXPECT IT), they need Sundance SHUT UP.
Neon and Pol Moon are NOT Lou Dobbs material. Neither are we. They can deal with us LATER.
This is CHICOM. They pick people off ONE AT A TIME. SLOWLY. I watched it for 30 years.
Please take this kindly. Suspicions of Sundance beyond his lack of discernment to listen to other people are misplaced. He is a PATRIOT. Count on it!!! <3