Badlands News Brief – November 29, 2023
Elon Musk’s ‘Pizzagate’ Post Sets X Ablaze, Fuels Speculation
Maybe the conspiracy people were right all along about a whole lot of stuff.
Hispanics Reject Biden’s Agenda
Deep State circles the wagons to fend off a Trump nuclear attack that would’ve blown up their entire scheme…
Covid Fear-Mongering: “It’s Changing — It’s Killing”
L’etat, c’est Pfizer
However, the defendants – at least the two Pfizer defendants, senior board member and former Food and Drug Administration commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb and chairman Dr. Albert Bourla, DVM – are taking this case very personally indeed.
The good doctors are shocked a mere journalist would have the audacity to question their motives and accuse them of wrongdoing. Shocked, I tell ya.
The Case That Could Destroy the Government
Boy Publicly Shamed by Journalist For Wearing Native American Headdress is Actually Native American
More than 3,000 auto dealers sign letter opposing Biden’s electric vehicle mandate
A Cancer on Modern Journalism
Ireland makes a new law that takes tyranny to a whole new disturbing level…
Carron Phillips: Deadspin reporter who wrongly claimed young Kansas City Chiefs fan was wearing ‘blackface’ receives backlash
Time for the Irish to live up to their reputations.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
ROMANS 10:9-18
9because, if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For man believes with his heart and so is justified, and he confesses with his lips and so is saved. 11The scripture says, “No one who believes in him will be put to shame.” 12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and bestows his riches upon all who call upon him. 13For, “every one who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? 15And how can men preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!” 16But they have not all obeyed the gospel; for Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?” 17So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ. 18But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have; for “Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.”

Thank you, De Pat, for a thoughtful Thursday post.
Just like Amazon Prime, I’ll leave the comment on the porch.
Porch pirate here for pickup!
What do we have here……
At one point, the Fiancee worked at the same company as a guy in Florida whose wife was one of the aerial Tinkerbells that flew at WDW.
It’s a cute suit, and the wearer needs a certain amount of athleticism, but they’re not really very near to any of the guests. But the #1 comment from Tinkerbell’s husband…..”that #%!*% glitter gets EVERYWHERE.“
Glitter is a curse! And it does get EVERYWHERE!!!
IIRC, he was at a business meeting in California, and someone noticed that he was shedding glitter off his suit.
What the HELL???!!! BLaMers supporting TRUMP???!!!
That was a bit of a shocker, that’s for sure.
They know where the money is and the jobs 🙂
Sooner or later they all come back to Papa 😎
I hope that leads them next to Jesus.
That would be God working miracles in them and that is possible 🙂
Opening eyes, hearts and minds. Slow at first then a trickle becomes a FLOOD.
Yes 🙂
Yes, it is possible. I read about people in prison turning their lives around and doing lots of good things for others. 😊
Yes there are many stories like that 🙂
There are some either starting to see the light OR jumping off the SINKING Dem ship to go with the winner. The winds of CHANGE are blowing.
This is what happens when you take the muzzle off of Trump. 😅
Truth will hurt corruption
Here comes another “you aint black trove from Potatojoe
Founders intent – what a concept.
This is what Justice Thomas has been talking about for 30 years or more.
This lady is AWESOME!!!
Hit ‘im ag’in!
That is the key . DO NOT STOP. When they whine or bloviate UP the intensity. FLOOD the zone, introduce 3 a day or heck 3 an hour! Keep THEM on defense defending THEIR minions. When one starts, introduce another. When one is stalled, introduce THREE MORE. Fight fire WITH FIRE.
The left never stops. WHY should we?
Now, file Articles of Impeachment against Briben, Hoe, Garland, Wray, Idi Amin…
Funny face.
yeah, it looks AI generated esp around the eyes 👀👀
That’s the pic on his Twitter page.
His name is Carron, and he acted like a Karen. 😅
How long before the NY atty gen accuses DJT of bribing the bank exec? After all, he couldn’t possibly be telling the truth, right?
have you been reading ahead?
Do not give the mindless any ideas
Just in time to be a campaign issue.
If SlowJoe’s campaign advisors had any political smarts, they would advise him to pardon a whole boatload of J6ers right before the Democrat convention.
Barky Osatan would never permit it!
But it would be a gutsy play, no?
Yes! It would sow confusion. OTOH, it would outrage the Dem base and their activists. Unpredictable outcome, IMO.
Chaos is their brand.
A gutsy and smart play. But they are not smart and have no guts.
He comes from the third world banana republic and would never agree. he does not understand US way of governance.
My friend WHEN not if, the pendulum swings, and indications are that is starting to, this will NOT end well for Barry and his “merry men”
I think Barry has already noticed how unpopular his ideas are in the USA. When he does come out and speak, he is trying to shore up support and then he quickly goes back to the basement. American remain unconvinced.
more like two THOUSAND. and that is NOT including the assorted BLM and Antifa imbeds.
On old colleague once said to me. “There’s’ NO money in the CURE, the money is in the DISEASE. That is the priciple I used day one to know that covid was a FARCE.
I knew it was not good when they decided to be so pushy about it.
I knew it was bad when the French pulled OTC HCQ from pharmacies.
The way France runs their overseas colonies is like they were suburbs of Paris. You cannot requisition a stapler in Tahiti without someone in a Parisian bureaucracy signing off on the chit. This meant that some Parisian bureaucrat might be shipped off on short notice to do an inquiry regarding stapler shortfalls in Tahiti at short notice — which meant that they’d have to grab their malaria pills and start taking them even as they bought their tickets and packed their suitcases. There was no time for a doctor visit or a prescription.
It has been that way for decades, and — all of a sudden, for no apparent reason — it stopped. That implied that there was an international conspiracy involved that didn’t much understand (or care about) French colonial practices [by contrast, the English would have sent a letter and had their local clerks do a stapler audit].
Not a bad guess, based on age. Jimmy Carter is also aged and in poor health. I think Soros’s son Alex will just carry on his legacy.
IF he is, then this MUST be orchestrated…like you know, a plan.
How so? Soros is 93 and could pass at any time. His son has taken up the mantle and will carry on his nefarious deeds.
Odd timing IF it happens though? Plus the son is likely NOT as experienced as his father and will be prone to mistakes at least at first. An opening
It could present an opening.
I’m not of the opinion that everything is planned. I’ve heard of long-married couples who died on the same day or within a week of each other. We’ve probably all heard of the “death comes in threes” maxim that seems to especially strike Hollywood.
When it comes to people dying, IMO a “plan” for them to do so would involve murder. No one has yet explained how that would work among law-abiding people on the Right.
Also, when it comes to very elderly people dying, some of them have substantially waning influence and are in their last days anyway.
They give up.
Regarding this tweet from the open:
I’m guessing the *wink, wink* is supposed to be, “Look! Proof that Trump is still the president and Melania is the first lady!”
Can someone point me to protocols for seating at funerals? I haven’t been able to find information about it. The idea that Melania’s sitting at the end of the row means she is really the first lady is preposterous.
The use of those emoji is a dead giveaway that this is not a serious person but someone who is “finding” what they consider to be evidence where none exists. They are also not very smart.
Nancy Reagan’s funeral was in March of 2016, while Obama was president. Here the first lady at the time, Michelle Obama, was not seated at the end of the row.
This is the caliber of comments that accompany that tweet:
That’s the sort of person who is looking for “comms” everywhere, and will manufacture them when they don’t exist.
More “eureka, look what I found” emojis. These people are morons. Either that, or some people are doing an excellent job of pretending to be dummies to try to discredit us.
Seriously? This person can’t tell Melania apart from those two? Would Ivanka or Tiffany be seated on the front row of a former first lady’s funeral with the other first ladies? Of course not. Do these people even think about what they’re saying?
More idiocy presented as fact with nothing to back it up.
Former President Jimmy Carter attended his wife’s funeral and was in a wheelchair in the front row. I don’t know, but I imagine the people seated with Carter were his children. The Bidens were next to that group. It seems appropriate for the current pResident to be seated by the family of the deceased. The others were seated in the order of their presidencies: Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton.
So the author of that tweet failed to show any curiosity about the entire picture and instead took part of it out of context and drew erroneous conclusions from it…then passed them on as “fact.” Truth doesn’t matter when you’re “finding comms,” I guess. They’re not only morons, they’re dishonest morons.
Thank you! There is a distinct lack of scientific investigatory will among these folks.
Hope springs eternal.
I was more interested that Obama and GWB weren’t there.
From yesterday:
It is customary for former first ladies to attend the funerals of first ladies, but not necessarily for presidents to do so. Then-president Obama did not attend Nancy Reagan’s funeral, as reported in this snarky article.
Former presidents are not expected to attend funerals of former first ladies, either.
Kissinger died and is dead.
dead and remorseless.
here’s a link…
Henry Kissinger, Diplomat Responsible for Millions of Deaths, Dies at 100 (
And Francisco Franco is still dead.
Dm is falling over themselves in gushing praise for him.
Soros and schwab should be joining soon.
My reaction was the same as when No-Name died: “Good Riddance.”
A long time ago I used to like Kissinger and did not know better. He was highly respected in Germany at the time.
He escaped Nazi Germany to America in 1938. Enlisted in the US Army and fought in Europe against German Army. Won a Bronze Star.
And the war ended. He came home and got involved in politics. Ended up taking a dark path.
From war hero to supposed peace broker. What a ride. Time to push the down button on that Final Elevator, Henry.
He fought in Germany and slept with German women. He never left his German roots and that explains Shwab
Yawn. Can’t cheer. But glad he can’t influence more damage. POS when he was breathing.
I heard a while ago that Brennan worked for him and his organization. Do not remember what the organization was.
Kissinger started up KlauSS SSchwab and WEF. THAT is Kissinger’s darkest legacy!
I found that out on this forum 🙂
Thank you
Do NOT forget China.
And that says it all about McCarthy.
Yup. There you go. SNAKES.
A big Effn “HEL NO”
We don’t need another traitor as a VP.
yeah I’m sure asking HIS advice, is the first thing President Trump would do
Trying to make us tired of winning, I suppose.
They’ve succeeded in making me sick and fucking TIRED of losing.
And have that back stabbing war monger, a heart beat away from the presidency.
Kevin is F’d up beyond redemption.
Uniparty really pisses me off.
what i find HYSTERICAL is that he actually thinks ANYONE gaf what he thinks
He’s got some damn good weed, probably.
What does Luntz think?
Luntz doesn’t.
i hope Trump does not take McCarthy’s advice.
Could he be any more obvious?
Well, that means Haley has exactly ZERO shot at a VP ticket LMAO.
This takes a moment…..
that’s the point, right ?
destroy the planet, kill off the world.
another one down, so many to go…
pretending to care.
It shows the older generations dying off, but young people are dying too.
Notice the genders……
it shows that normal people reach an advanced age while trans flame out early.
3 killed, 11 injured..
Terrorist Attack At Entrance To Jerusalem…
plus news link with vids (updated 2:16)
“…the next, most severe violence will come from the West Bank…”
article link…
Never make a peace treaty with terrorists a country is at stake.
There is no word for peace or treaty in the terrorist language.
There are many words for lie and prevarication, however.
Yes that is true 🙂
Now these people are saying they have no other captives.
They have been killed in Gaza ? They had no right to take civilians and drag them into Gaza. Those poor people unmentionables horror how they died. Most were America men and Israeli men.
This is big.
There has been a big push on Twitter by pharma forces to say that there has been no increase in mortality due to the vaccine. In particular in NEW ZEALAND.
Well, they were likely getting ready for this.
article link…
Really big. Combine this with my post below on media being paid to promote the jabs.
They will obstruct and deny, deny, deny.
However, the truth is the truth. We have known that on here for years. It is now being exposed more openly.
American media outlets are paid accomplices to mass genocide of their own nation. So if the clowns, FIB, DOInjustice, etc. do operate the usual media suspects – that means the government and military knowingly authorized and promoted the genocide of its own nation’s citizens INDISCRIMINATELY. No targeted groups, EVERYBODY in this nation was eligible for the voluntarily chosen death sentence through the use of psyops. Just like was done in other nations – a long planned and well coordinated event.
It is gradually being exposed for anybody paying attention.
MIRACULOUS RESCUE: When All Machines Fail, Indian ‘Rat Miners’ Dig Non-Stop for 26 Hours WITH HAND TOOLS To Free 41 Workers Trapped in a Collapsed TunnelBy Paul Serran Nov. 29, 2023 10:00 pm 53 Comments
Thank you God for your miracles and the skilled hands of men who risk themselves greatly to save others.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, November 30, 2023
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”
John 13:34 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
this is rather alarming…
SSSS = Quad S
if you are designated with that code on, say, a boarding pass, it means Secondary Security Screening Selection.
is this 1932 ??
read more about it, here…
Biden RegimeIs Secretly Placing Conservatives On This Very Mysterious And Dangerous Watchlistarticle link with first-hand experiences..
The Biden regime is secretly placing conservatives on this very mysterious and dangerous watchlist… – Revolver News
The Entire “SSSS”, No Fly List and other crap needs to cease. For that matter, TSA, cease to exist.
“Papers please”
Yes it is 1932 and we are the the target. I think target is the right word in the case. Only hateful hearts can compile a watch list like that. When we look back in history all the way back to the beginning of Christianity people were targeted. This hate seems to well up in humanity every so many centuries. Maybe a 100 year circle. In 1932 it was the Jews who were targeted this time Christians . One wonders if in reality it is a religious persecution we are experiencing?
Yes, it is the early 1930s in Germany. IMO, it is persecution — of many types:
religious (Christians on “watch lists”);
of believers in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights;
of those who are spreading the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines”;
The entire Jan6 debacle;
The wide-open southern border and the “migrant” invasion of this country;
DEI everywhere;
The “forced normalization and acceptance” of “trans” persons, numerous “genders”, etc.;
The “forced acceptance” (by regulations, etc.) of “climate change”;
to name a few.
Thank you for explaining so well 🙂
Troubling times time to hunker down and be prepared .
It definitely brings to mind Hitler’s SS, or Schutzstaffel.
from tcth
Pegon Zellschmidt
November 30, 2023 9:01 am
Russia bans ‘LGBT movement’
The country’s Supreme Court has designated the “international LGBT movement” an extremist group
‘The lawsuit was filed earlier this month by the Russian Justice Ministry, which argued that “the LGBT movement’s” activities had qualified it as an “extremist group.” Specifically, it has been sowing “social and religious discord” in the country, the ministry claimed.’ – – Amen
‘Over the past few years, Russia has gradually tightened its legislation aimed at countering the spread of so-called “LGBT ideology.” In 2013, the country outlawed the dissemination of such propaganda among minors, extending the measure to adults last December.’ – – and Amen
Good. Needs to happen across the globe.
agreed. we aren’t even as smart as the
Another brick in the wall.
Remind me again how Russia is the “bad” guy?
Approved narrative, based on Lies.
Witch Judge Howell. This one needs to go on burn and stay there till she’s gone.
Unhinged DC Judge Beryl Howell Who Is Assisting Jack Smith in His Political Assassination of Donald Trump Goes on Toxic Trump-Hating Rant in Public Speech (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Nov. 30, 2023 7:45 am 49 Comments
That should be grounds for recusal in Trump’s case.
That should be grounds for BOTH a forced removal, AND a mistrial. Followed by SERIOUS litigation in a civil court AFTER she has been impeached.
Before this is over, everyone will love President Trump and revile leftists who have been instigating crime, violence, and using everyone they can.
Yesterday, Trump gave positive encouragement to Andrew Cuomo (above) and today GWP has an article “Buyers Remorse: Ex-CNN host Chris Cuomo says he’s ‘OPEN’ Voting for Trump Over Biden in 2024 Election (Video)” –
Trump does not throw the baby out with the bathwater, as they say. He is pulling together even those who worked against him in the past.
Yes, he has always been so smart about that. That’s why strict litmus tests that exclude people are not always effective. He has to work with what he has and try to bring in others, and he knows how to do it better than anyone I’ve ever seen.
Trump always gives people the opportunity to DO THE RIGHT thing. Some chose poorly.
GOD works in strange & wonderful ways.
that’s all I can say.
Amen. God is giving us our “teachable moment.”
AMEN. The statute of limitations has to mean something.
So too does the bill of rights!
They sowed the seeds, now they can reap the whirlwind. They have NO IDEA what Pandora’s box they opened on THEMSELVES.
Taken to the extreme one can easily envision the invaders will declare these parks as their land and fall under some sort of Federal Protection much like an Indian Tribe and will become autonomous zones with their own policing authority and to top it off they’ll make them economic development zones, all subsidized by the tax paper. Oh… no white people allowed.
EXACTLY–and then demand a 2-state solution to solve it completely.
declare their autonomy
All because a bunch of virtue signaling demonrats declared themselves sanctuary cities but now they find their fat ego driven mouths can’t foot the bill so now they want everyone to share their burden.
Nope! Demonrats must be made to honor their commitments until Trump can remove them.
In the meantime pass legislation for special taxes on registered Demonrats and cut funding to Demonrat cities and states. It’s time they face the consequences of their actions and rid themselves of the progressives among them.
They got the idea from Socialism Security. Some Gen Z barista in Bumfook Arkansas is paying part of my SS benefits and while I wish I had lived my life better, it is what it is – I’m broke and can’t work so I’m dependent on SSA.
That’s a little bit different than being a loudmouth mayor or legislator CHOOSING to take a course that was obviously not viable and then whining about being broke because of it.
These people make me sick. And angry. 😡
the dem way…BAIL OUT
I tried to spread your idea to the Jewels & Catturd chat today so more people will see where this could be going. I wish I had copied your text above plus Pat’s comment below to share with others. You guys are thinking so clearly. Thank you!!!
Where are the “environmentalists? Greenpeace? Tree huggers?
I don’t think there actually are any. There are paid extremists who go from place to place and pick up new signs they are handed.
I hate despise & absolutely loathe these ppl !
they are turning our once beautiful land into a dump, on purpose.
while Bill Gates wants to yank out & destroy all the trees.
they are death.
darkness death & destruction.
and getting away with it !
next, watch ’em try to block out the sun…
oh wait..
Agreed. This is just madness. Obama and China are running our country FOR LAUGHS.
They are LOCUSTS. They destroy everything in their path.
It wasn’t enough to trash the cities; they want to destroy the parks too. I thought leftists were supposed to be environmentalists…🤔
People get lost in National Park wildernesses and the locals have to go in and rescue them. With OBiden, locals are so busy trying to survive, no one will have the extra time to save invading leftists.
What a shame.
Well, I wouldn’t lift a finger.
The bears, coyotes, feral hogs, etc. will take care of things for us.
So that’s a good thing? 😉
Teddy Roosevelt is rolling.
Sundance wrote about the Jack Smith warrant for all Twitter data from President Trump’s account yesterday. I called my state AG.
Today, Sundance wrote this:
“The U.S. government requested and received the metadata for accounts connected to, and in alignment with, President Donald J Trump.
That’s billions of billions of datapoints on millions of American citizens, their locations, their devices, their ip addresses and ultimately their real identities and connected activity as attributed to -and connected with- their connected social media accounts. Essentially, turning Donald J Trump into the center of a surveillance virus.”
This is BAD, really, really BAD.
I called my AG’s office again. I was told that so far, I am the ONLY call! What the hell!?
The woman I spoke with is very concerned. She requested I email with all info, so she could run it through all the attorneys. Apparently the AG is out of the office at the moment.
This is the text of the email I sent:
To Whom It May Concern;
Yesterday, it came to my attention that Special Council Jack Smith, in his pursuit of evidence against former President Donald Trump, served Twitter (now X) with a warrant for ALL activity on his Twitter account, including data for ALL users who interacted with, shared Tweets from, liked, or favorited the account. The search warrant can be found here:
This search would include the data of millions of American citizens. I believe this is a direct violation of my Fourth Amendment rights against illegal search and seizure.
Today I have learned that the warrant included a request for ALL metadata associated with user accounts. This would include billions of datapoints on millions of American citizens, their locations, their devices, their ip addresses and ultimately their real identities and connected activity as attributed to -and connected with- their connected social media accounts.
This is an egregious violation of the rights of citizens, and must be addressed by Attorneys General across the U.S. I have been very pleased by AG Knudsen’s actions on account of Montana citizen’s rights, and I am hopeful he and other AG’s will come together to fight this battle for citizen’s rights.[end]
I think it would be a good idea if all of us either called or emailed our respective Attorneys General, especially if you live in a red state.
good strong letter Aubergine!
may I borrow it? (changing the state names etc)
Oh, you bet you can! That’s why I posted it.
A warrant served in secret with non disclosure rules attached and the excuse used was that Trump might try to flee justice. What B.S. Warlock Smith and The Great Witch Howell, the self declared anti authoritarian who is anything but, need to be put on burn for this and your letter is great start.
BTW the billion data point thing makes me think Sundance is reading over our shoulder, but hey, anyone thinking about this should be able to come to the same conclusion, but I believe we once again got there first without any pundit help! 😁
Well, he probably does have a wider audience since he’s been around longer.
And he does take it much farther. Good article. He does though stick to the quasi legal aspects of the problem as he only alludes to other aspects. He could open it up to the darker side as that is just as possible and just as likely. To which I speak after MAGA is fully demonized in the public space, that part of public buying the kool aid start taking their own actions. Examples yesterday were your doctor or employer, but it could pretty much be any service or need you have that is denied or tampered with. This entire data grab has the same effect as establishing the social credit system without a formal adoption and the misuse of such information can be equally be informal.
Did anyone pay attention to what happened in the Russia hoax? This IS exactly THE SAME THING on a much LARGER SCALE. NOW THEY ARE USING TRUMP AS THE IMPETUS TO SPY ON ALL OF HIS FOLLOWERS.
I think you are right, we are out ahead again.
Great idea, Aubergine!
I am thinking about how to make it easier for us normies to find where to speak up on various things.
I want to add a page to my website to expedite contacts for normies while not recreating the world. AGs org has a great website and my own Shenandoah County Sheriff was president of a sherrif’s organization, IIRC so I’m going to find their site to see if it also tracks current sheriffs and their contact info.
National Association of Attorneys General – – Find your Attorney General in an alphabetical list by state. Click the AG’s photo and get a bio, address, phone number, and website.
Good info and link!
excellent !
Excellent; thank you!
This article posits some very interesting New World Order-type reasons for TPTB’s obsession with Gaza and the West Bank:
1. The Israeli expertise in agriculture has been helping Africans become food-independent. Is that a good thing? Only for those who don’t want to see their children dying of curable malnutrition. Everyone else uses Africa as a sink for their overproduction. It keeps Western influence high among African rulers who get to distribute aid to their serfs and pawns. Food independence among the people of Africa would be a disaster for everyone but the African people, and Israel is being blamed for movement in that direction.
2. Because it needs to protect itself, Israel produces advanced weaponry that sooner or later enriches it through arms sales, much to the disadvantage of other weapons producers. The weapons from “that sh….y little country” make Israel a competitor for these arms-dealing states, which is not a benign position for Israel.
3. A happy, productive Israel, with both the benefits of a social welfare state and the advantages of a capitalistic economy, is the last thing Globalists want to see. An independent Israel at peace with its neighbors would be a tragedy for WEF-types because any type of independence counters their goals for the New World Order.
4. Happiness in Israel is the opposite of the desired state of affairs our thought leaders would like to see. Before October 7, Israel was counted as the fourth happiest country in the world. For a long time, Israel has had the highest birthrate of all Western nations. They are joyous about their children at all ages of development, from infancy to young adults. Their strong attachment to family life is unnerving for those who are trying to destroy the family construct worldwide. But a viciously violent conflict could turn this situation around. If only a catastrophe could befall Israel like an attempt at its extermination. And now, suddenly and without warning, such a conflict has been thrust upon Israel. How convenient, how serendipitous!
+ national sovereignty.
all of the last remaining sovereign nations are under attack by enemies foreign & domestic.
the malignant global elites will always use their commies & jihadis to do the dirty work like good little flying monkeys & deep state saboteurs.
gag order reinstated
Nov 30, 11:40 AM EST
Judge says he intends to ‘rigorously’ enforce limited gag orderJudge Arthur Engoron warned that he plans to “rigorously” enforce the limited gag order he handed down last month, after an appeals court reinstated it this morning.
“I want to make sure all counsel are aware, and they probably already are aware, that this morning the Appellate Division First Department issued a decision vacating the stay on the two gag orders that I imposed earlier on this case,” Engoron said in court. “So I intend to enforce the gag orders rigorously and vigorously, and I want to make sure that counsel informs their clients of the fact that the stay was vacated.”
“We’re aware. It’s a tragic day for the rule of law, but we are aware,” Kise responded.
“It is what it is,” Engoron quipped.
how does one “enforce” a gag order “rigorously and vigorously” ?
it is what it is ?
really ?
what’s that sposed to mean, wise ass prik.
I cannot stand that wretched corruption Engoron, vile despicable pompous scum.
like he even gives a shit “what it is”.
he’s enjoying his present fame. and attention from the bimbette next to him telling him what to say and how to rule.
his day in the sun will not last
he’s an envious bitter little dikhead prik.
no argument here
it is what it is alright.
It will NOT end well for this “judge”.
Time to appeal HIGHER
Im not watching the gruesome vs desantis crap show but the highlights will be interesting.
Hope to miss it ALL. <<< Waste of time.
The entire Grewsome V Rb IS Faux News TRYING to divert away from Trump.
Fuck Faux News AND Grewsome AND Rob.
Totally agree. Theyre both tools.
Not Financial Advice to hedge and diversify in today’s world before The Big Ugly:
Gold, Silver (in hand, physical, NOT paper): for when/if dollar crashes and gold standard becomes reality and to protect against hyper inflation
Crypto: protect against banks and gov’ts controlling your money and general financial crisis and failures. Also potential for exponential growth along with large risk. Do ur homework.
Cash: protect against banks and gov’ts freezing your accounts i.e. Canadian Truckers. Use of cash also subverts cabal attempt at CBDC
Stocks: in case patriots win and no existential financial crisis occurs.
These four sectors can be invested in using a zero sum strategy based on your feelings of likeliness to occur.
example portfolio 40% stocks, 40% gold/silver, Crypto 10%, Cash 10%
Feel free to expand or disagree.
OOOps I didn’t include Real estate as a sector. RE is a great hedge against hyper inflation if you own it. Good way to stay off the cabal plan of owning nothing and they’ll be happy Downsides include you’ll likely pay taxes for ever as well as upkeep
Real estate is wildly susceptible to government expropriation and ties you to a specific jurisdiction.
Mind you, the government doesn’t have to come in and seize the deed — they can merely jack property taxes up, forbid you from collecting rents during an “emergency”, enact rent control, or force you to provide undue care to any wildlife on the property.
from the for what it’s worth department…
November 30, 2023 12:51 pm
I just saw the strangest thing on C-Span live coverage of the Senate. They were voting for a district Judge in Hawaii and showing the usual ‘Well’ on the Senate floor during votes when the Senators tend to gather for the cameras.
Now Senator McConnell had been standing there leaning against the 1st row of desks for the last 15 minutes when at 12:20pm +/- 1 minute (or 2 hours and 21 minutes since the Senate started) and the camera film ‘glitched’ and McConnell just disappeared!
Not walked off or camera view change, but just flat disappeared! And yet everyone else in view were still there and continued to move or talk. Then another camera/film ‘glitch’ and McConnell was back right were he was. Then another ‘glitch’ and he was disappeared again–never to return in camera view!
Now C-Span has lots of glitches and ‘forward reel hides’, but I’ve never seen just one person disappear while everyone else is in same position. It was just very strange!
Take it for what it is worth, which isn’t much, and yet……just weird!
Tiffany Gomez knows.
One perspective…
May I call this stupid? Oh, I just did.
T T, you must have a reason you posted this. What is it?
👉 it is what it is.
And that’s what I’m trying to find out – what is it?
11 years ago they said if gays were allowed to marry the ONLY thing that WOULD happen is gays got married…and those other items listed below would NOT happen.
that hasn’t been our experience though has it?
The point is that when they say, “It’s just marriage” or whatever, it is never JUST that. The implications are far-reaching. Opening the door to gay marriage has opened the door to imposing drag queens on children, gay sex being taught in schools, etc. I don’t know that all of the things listed in the meme have directly resulted from gay marriage, and that’s why I labeled it “one perspective.” But when you open one door, floodgates usually follow.
The problem is and was about redefining “marriage” despite so many people being vested in its usual meaning.
And, yes, that does lead to a multitude of other problems. What is terrorism? Who is the enemy? What do we stand for? Where are the red lines? If the words are fluid and plastic, who knows?
Not that we weren’t warned — “domestic partner” couldn’t be good enough. Instead, “husband”, “wife”, and “marriage” had to be divorced from thousands of years of common sense and history, to mean whatever they wanted it to mean this week.
A creative presentation of Elon Musks’ GFY:
Hilarious edit – but I have to admit – that’s what it sounded like in my house!
Bc they dont teach Science enough for it to be Popular anymore.
After 151 years, Popular Science will no longer offer a magazine / Popular Science magazine shifted to an all-digital format a couple of years ago, and now even that’s gone.
There used to be Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, and Popular Electronics — all of which I subscribed to back when I was a kid….
I bet you did! Probably reread them many times.
I briefly subscribed to Popular Science. I thought a better name for it given its content would be “popular technology” because it was essentially describing engineering rather than pure science. (Nothing wrong with that; it’s just named incorrectly).
I don’t remember which of the three did a takedown of all of the “planes didn’t bring down WTC on 911” theories.
Bizarre. Durbin is starting to look senile, himself.
Josh Hawley (I think) said there would be consequences. I wonder what those would be.