20191018: Dear KAG Open Thread

Welcome to the open thread! Wild times in Trumpland during Rocktober! At least we’re on that roller coaster together. We were SUPPOSED to get the OIG report today, but we have a little delay. No problem, President Trump is keeping us busy.

We never imagined he would be THIS GOOD, did we? He’s the President who makes grown men snicker from the payback he delivers. He’s the Boss. He’s in their head. They’re beaten. They’re confounded and don’t know what to do. It means….. we’re WINNING!! No pansies allowed, we have a President who fights back. He’s the President we prayed for, and he speaks for us.

#NervousNancy was the ONLY executive female in the room, and she rose to her feet and pointed her finger. HUGE loss. Horrible optics. She lost her composure, relapsed to a whiny and bitter woman. She stormed out of the room, for the SECOND time. She also left the room during Immigration discussions, remember? She’s no leader and she’s giving women a bad name….because Trump moved 28 soldiers in Syria?

She’s lost control of her caucus. The Squad endorsed Bernie, the Independent, which kills DCCC and DNC fundraising….. but they’re the radicals Nancy decided to sleep with… and she woke up with fleas. President Trump has turned over Nancy’s nest, and our honey badger doesn’t give a $hit.

Donald Trump Deal With It GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

We’re in the Q Tree. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Yes, we are in perilous times. The Dems are trying to impeach our President for political reasons. We’re in an internal civil war, and we have a wartime President. We can’t let the swamp win. It’s time for the people to make a comeback.

Little bit of mood music from John Lee Hooker.

When I met Big T, I was going through a John Lee Hooker phase, mandatory education for anyone living in the American south. He used to look at me kind of funny when I listened to this song, but “Bad, Like Jesse James” became his “going to trial court” theme song. Instant swagger. Yet there is another song, perfect for today, in honor of Nancy Pelosi called, “Mean, Mean Woman”


We leave you with the landmark video of the week!


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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All In His Hands
Men are weak in this life, lacking strength.
We must lean on the LORD’s strong right arm.
He, all-knowing, will work things for good
And, best of all, keep our soul from harm.
Trust in His timing. Wait for the LORD.
Though man’s troubles lie heavy on him,
There’s times and ways for everything,
Even when all days are dark and grim.
Read His Word. Count on His promises,
Everything He said will come true.
He’ll deliver you from your fears,
And give His grace and His peace to you.
Wait for His answers, He’ll give you strength,
All you who put your hope in the LORD.
You’ll mount up with wings like eagles,
And run, not tiring, your strength restored.
Believe in all His miracles,
Everything is possible with Him.
For though a loss is certain with man,
With God it will become a big win.
Rejoice in His goodness all the day,
Proclaiming His love in the morning.
Pray with songs and Psalms throughout the day,
Recall His faithfulness in the evening.
Relax in His presence, be still and know,
Though outside it rages with storm.
Within your heart you know He is Lord,
And He holds you in peace, safe and warm.
Hear His call and come near to God,
Come near and He will come near to you.
Whatever besets you in this life,
He holds your hand and will see you through.


Amen Brother Carl!


Carl, reading your post reminded me of this song, which I post here in recognition of you and your contributions to us.
And all the poor and powerless
And all the lost and lonely
And all the thieves will come confess
And know that You are holy
And know that You are holy
And all will sing out
And we will cry out
And all the hearts who are content
And all who feel unworthy
And all who hurt with nothing left
Will know that You are holy
And all will sing out
And we will cry out
And all will sing out
And we will cry out
So shout it
Go on and scream it from the mountains
Go on and tell it to the masses
That He is God
Shout it
Go on and scream it from the mountains
Go on and tell it to the masses
That He is God


I have here the transcript of the speech AG William Barr gave at Notre Dame re: Christianity and religious liberty in America today. Please do yourselves a favor and read how our AG feels about our faith and it’s role in America.
So thankful we have an Attorney General who is committed, publicly, to these ideas and ideals. We were wrong to be surprised he went to Italy to learn more about Josef Misfud. He is NOT going to back down from seeking justice.
Today, I would like to share some thoughts with you about religious liberty in America. It’s an important priority in this Administration and for this Department of Justice.
We have set up a task force within the Department with different components that have equities in this area, including the Solicitor General’s Office, the Civil Division, the Office of Legal Counsel, and other offices. We have regular meetings. We keep an eye out for cases or events around the country where states are misapplying the Establishment Clause in a way that discriminates against people of faith, or cases where states adopt laws that impinge upon the free exercise of religion.
From the Founding Era onward, there was strong consensus about the centrality of religious liberty in the United States.
The imperative of protecting religious freedom was not just a nod in the direction of piety. It reflects the Framers’ belief that religion was indispensable to sustaining our free system of government.
In his renowned 1785 pamphlet, “Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments,” James Madison described religious liberty as “a right towards men” but “a duty towards the Creator,” and a “duty….precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society.”
It has been over 230 years since that small group of colonial lawyers led a revolution and launched what they viewed as a great experiment, establishing a society fundamentally different than those that had gone before.
They crafted a magnificent charter of freedom – the United States Constitution – which provides for limited government, while leaving “the People” broadly at liberty to pursue our lives both as individuals and through free associations.
This quantum leap in liberty has been the mainspring of unprecedented human progress, not only for Americans, but for people around the world.
In the 20th century, our form of free society faced a severe test.
There had always been the question whether a democracy so solicitous of individual freedom could stand up against a regimented totalitarian state.
That question was answered with a resounding “yes” as the United States stood up against and defeated, first fascism, and then communism.
But in the 21st century, we face an entirely different kind of challenge.
The challenge we face is precisely what the Founding Fathers foresaw would be our supreme test as a free society.
They never thought the main danger to the republic came from external foes. The central question was whether, over the long haul, we could handle freedom. The question was whether the citizens in such a free society could maintain the moral discipline and virtue necessary for the survival of free institutions.
By and large, the Founding generation’s view of human nature was drawn from the classical Christian tradition.
These practical statesmen understood that individuals, while having the potential for great good, also had the capacity for great evil.
Men are subject to powerful passions and appetites, and, if unrestrained, are capable of ruthlessly riding roughshod over their neighbors and the community at large.
No society can exist without some means for restraining individual rapacity.
But, if you rely on the coercive power of government to impose restraints, this will inevitably lead to a government that is too controlling, and you will end up with no liberty, just tyranny.
On the other hand, unless you have some effective restraint, you end up with something equally dangerous – licentiousness – the unbridled pursuit of personal appetites at the expense of the common good. This is just another form of tyranny – where the individual is enslaved by his appetites, and the possibility of any healthy community life crumbles.
Edmund Burke summed up this point in his typically colorful language:
“Men are qualified for civil liberty, in exact proportion to their disposition to put chains upon their appetites…. Society cannot exist unless a controlling power be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.”
So the Founders decided to take a gamble. They called it a great experiment.
They would leave “the People” broad liberty, limit the coercive power of the government, and place their trust in self-discipline and the virtue of the American people.
In the words of Madison, “We have staked our future on the ability of each of us to govern ourselves…”
This is really what was meant by “self-government.” It did not mean primarily the mechanics by which we select a representative legislative body. It referred to the capacity of each individual to restrain and govern themselves.
But what was the source of this internal controlling power? In a free republic, those restraints could not be handed down from above by philosopher kings.
Instead, social order must flow up from the people themselves – freely obeying the dictates of inwardly-possessed and commonly-shared moral values. And to control willful human beings, with an infinite capacity to rationalize, those moral values must rest on authority independent of men’s will – they must flow from a transcendent Supreme Being.
In short, in the Framers’ view, free government was only suitable and sustainable for a religious people – a people who recognized that there was a transcendent moral order antecedent to both the state and man-made law and who had the discipline to control themselves according to those enduring principles.
As John Adams put it, “We have no government armed with the power which is capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”
As Father John Courtney Murray observed, the American tenet was not that:
“Free government is inevitable, only that it is possible, and that its possibility can be realized only when the people as a whole are inwardly governed by the recognized imperatives of the universal moral order.”
How does religion promote the moral discipline and virtue needed to support free government?
First, it gives us the right rules to live by. The Founding generation were Christians. They believed that the Judeo-Christian moral system corresponds to the true nature of man. Those moral precepts start with the two great commandments – to Love God with your whole heart, soul, and mind; and to Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.
But they also include the guidance of natural law – a real, transcendent moral order which flows from God’s eternal law – the divine wisdom by which the whole of creation is ordered. The eternal law is impressed upon, and reflected in, all created things.
From the nature of things we can, through reason, experience, discern standards of right and wrong that exist independent of human will.
Modern secularists dismiss this idea of morality as other-worldly superstition imposed by a kill-joy clergy. In fact, Judeo-Christian moral standards are the ultimate utilitarian rules for human conduct.
They reflect the rules that are best for man, not in the by and by, but in the here and now. They are like God’s instruction manual for the best running of man and human society.
By the same token, violations of these moral laws have bad, real-world consequences for man and society. We may not pay the price immediately, but over time the harm is real.
Religion helps promote moral discipline within society. Because man is fallen, we don’t automatically conform ourselves to moral rules even when we know they are good for us.
But religion helps teach, train, and habituate people to want what is good. It does not do this primarily by formal laws – that is, through coercion. It does this through moral education and by informing society’s informal rules – its customs and traditions which reflect the wisdom and experience of the ages.
In other words, religion helps frame moral culture within society that instills and reinforces moral discipline.
I think we all recognize that over the past 50 years religion has been under increasing attack.
On the one hand, we have seen the steady erosion of our traditional Judeo-Christian moral system and a comprehensive effort to drive it from the public square.
On the other hand, we see the growing ascendancy of secularism and the doctrine of moral relativism.
By any honest assessment, the consequences of this moral upheaval have been grim.
Virtually every measure of social pathology continues to gain ground.
In 1965, the illegitimacy rate was eight percent. In 1992, when I was last Attorney General, it was 25 percent. Today it is over 40 percent. In many of our large urban areas, it is around 70 percent.
Along with the wreckage of the family, we are seeing record levels of depression and mental illness, dispirited young people, soaring suicide rates, increasing numbers of angry and alienated young males, an increase in senseless violence, and a deadly drug epidemic.
As you all know, over 70,000 people die a year from drug overdoses. That is more casualities in a year than we experienced during the entire Vietnam War.
I will not dwell on all the bitter results of the new secular age. Suffice it to say that the campaign to destroy the traditional moral order has brought with it immense suffering, wreckage, and misery. And yet, the forces of secularism, ignoring these tragic results, press on with even greater militancy.
Among these militant secularists are many so-called “progressives.” But where is the progress?
We are told we are living in a post-Christian era. But what has replaced the Judeo-Christian moral system? What is it that can fill the spiritual void in the hearts of the individual person? And what is a system of values that can sustain human social life?
The fact is that no secular creed has emerged capable of performing the role of religion.
Scholarship suggests that religion has been integral to the development and thriving of Homo sapiens since we emerged roughly 50,000 years ago. It is just for the past few hundred years we have experimented in living without religion.
We hear much today about our humane values. But, in the final analysis, what undergirds these values? What commands our adherence to them?
What we call “values” today are really nothing more than mere sentimentality, still drawing on the vapor trails of Christianity.
Now, there have been times and places where the traditional moral order has been shaken.
In the past, societies – like the human body – seem to have a self-healing mechanism – a self-correcting mechanism that gets things back on course if things go too far.
The consequences of moral chaos become too pressing. The opinion of decent people rebels. They coalesce and rally against obvious excess. Periods of moral entrenchment follow periods of excess.
This is the idea of the pendulum. We have all thought that after a while the “pendulum will swing back.”
But today we face something different that may mean that we cannot count on the pendulum swinging back.
First is the force, fervor, and comprehensiveness of the assault on religion we are experiencing today. This is not decay; it is organized destruction. Secularists, and their allies among the “progressives,” have marshaled all the force of mass communications, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.
These instruments are used not only to affirmatively promote secular orthodoxy, but also drown out and silence opposing voices, and to attack viciously and hold up to ridicule any dissenters.
One of the ironies, as some have observed, is that the secular project has itself become a religion, pursued with religious fervor. It is taking on all the trappings of a religion, including inquisitions and excommunication.
Those who defy the creed risk a figurative burning at the stake – social, educational, and professional ostracism and exclusion waged through lawsuits and savage social media campaigns.
The pervasiveness and power of our high-tech popular culture fuels apostasy in another way. It provides an unprecedented degree of distraction.
Part of the human condition is that there are big questions that should stare us in the face. Are we created or are we purely material accidents? Does our life have any meaning or purpose? But, as Blaise Pascal observed, instead of grappling with these questions, humans can be easily distracted from thinking about the “final things.”
Indeed, we now live in the age of distraction where we can envelop ourselves in a world of digital stimulation and universal connectivity. And we have almost limitless ways of indulging all our physical appetites.
There is another modern phenomenon that suppresses society’s self-corrective mechanisms – that makes it harder for society to restore itself.
In the past, when societies are threatened by moral chaos, the overall social costs of licentiousness and irresponsible personal conduct becomes so high that society ultimately recoils and reevaluates the path that it is on.
But today – in the face of all the increasing pathologies – instead of addressing the underlying cause, we have the State in the role of alleviator of bad fconsequences. We call on the State to mitigate the social costs of personal misconduct and irresponsibility.
So the reaction to growing illegitimacy is not sexual responsibility, but abortion.
The reaction to drug addiction is safe injection sites.
The solution to the breakdown of the family is for the State to set itself up as the ersatz husband for single mothers and the ersatz father to their children.
The call comes for more and more social programs to deal with the wreckage. While we think we are solving problems, we are underwriting them.
We start with an untrammeled freedom and we end up as dependents of a coercive state on which we depend.
Interestingly, this idea of the State as the alleviator of bad consequences has given rise to a new moral system that goes hand-in-hand with the secularization of society. It can be called the system of “macro-morality.” It is in some ways an inversion of Christian morality.
Christianity teaches a micro-morality. We transform the world by focusing on our own personal morality and transformation.
The new secular religion teaches macro-morality. One’s morality is not gauged by their private conduct, but rather on their commitment to political causes and collective action to address social problems.
This system allows us to not worry so much about the strictures on our private lives, while we find salvation on the picket-line. We can signal our finely-tuned moral sensibilities by demonstrating for this cause or that.
Something happened recently that crystalized the difference between these moral systems. I was attending Mass at a parish I did not usually go to in Washington, D.C. At the end of Mass, the Chairman of the Social Justice Committee got up to give his report to the parish. He pointed to the growing homeless problem in D.C. and explained that more mobile soup kitchens were needed to feed them. This being a Catholic church, I expected him to call for volunteers to go out and provide this need. Instead, he recounted all the visits that the Committee had made to the D.C. government to lobby for higher taxes and more spending to fund mobile soup kitchen.
A third phenomenon which makes it difficult for the pendulum to swing back is the way law is being used as a battering ram to break down traditional moral values and to establish moral relativism as a new orthodoxy.
Law is being used as weapon in a couple of ways.
First, either through legislation but more frequently through judicial interpretation, secularists have been continually seeking to eliminate laws that reflect traditional moral norms.
At first, this involved rolling back laws that prohibited certain kinds of conduct. Thus, the watershed decision legalizing abortion. And since then, the legalization of euthanasia. The list goes on.
More recently, we have seen the law used aggressively to force religious people and entities to subscribe to practices and policies that are antithetical to their faith.
The problem is not that religion is being forced on others. The problem is that irreligion and secular values are being forced on people of faith.
This reminds me of how some Roman emperors could not leave their loyal Christian subjects in peace but would mandate that they violate their conscience by offering religious sacrifice to the emperor as a god.
Similarly, militant secularists today do not have a live and let live spirit – they are not content to leave religious people alone to practice their faith. Instead, they seem to take a delight in compelling people to violate their conscience.
For example, the last Administration sought to force religious employers, including Catholic religious orders, to violate their sincerely held religious views by funding contraceptive and abortifacient coverage in their health plans. Similarly, California has sought to require pro-life pregnancy centers to provide notices of abortion rights.
This refusal to accommodate the free exercise of religion is relatively recent. Just 25 years ago, there was broad consensus in our society that our laws should accommodate religious belief.
In 1993, Congress passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act – RFRA. The purpose of the statute was to promote maximum accommodation to religion when the government adopted broad policies that could impinge on religious practice.
At the time, RFRA was not controversial. It was introduced by Chuck Schumer with 170 cosponsors in the House, and was introduced by Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch with 59 additional cosponsors in the Senate. It passed by voice vote in the House and by a vote of 97-3 in the Senate.
Recently, as the process of secularization has accelerated, RFRA has come under assault, and the idea of religious accommodation has fallen out of favor.
Because this Administration firmly supports accommodation of religion, the battleground has shifted to the states. Some state governments are now attempting to compel religious individuals and entities to subscribe to practices, or to espouse viewpoints, that are incompatible with their religion.
Ground zero for these attacks on religion are the schools. To me, this is the most serious challenge to religious liberty.
For anyone who has a religious faith, by far the most important part of exercising that faith is the teaching of that religion to our children. The passing on of the faith. There is no greater gift we can give our children and no greater expression of love.
For the government to interfere in that process is a monstrous invasion of religious liberty.
Yet here is where the battle is being joined, and I see the secularists are attacking on three fronts.
The first front relates to the content of public school curriculum. Many states are adopting curriculum that is incompatible with traditional religious principles according to which parents are attempting to raise their children. They often do so without any opt out for religious families.
Thus, for example, New Jersey recently passed a law requiring public schools to adopt an LGBT curriculum that many feel is inconsistent with traditional Christian teaching. Similar laws have been passed in California and Illinois. And the Orange County Board of Education in California issued an opinion that “parents who disagree with the instructional materials related to gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation may not excuse their children from this instruction.”
Indeed, in some cases, the schools may not even warn parents about lessons they plan to teach on controversial subjects relating to sexual behavior and relationships.
This puts parents who dissent from the secular orthodoxy to a difficult choice: Try to scrape together the money for private school or home schooling, or allow their children to be inculcated with messages that they fundamentally reject.
A second axis of attack in the realm of education are state policies designed to starve religious schools of generally-available funds and encouraging students to choose secular options. Montana, for example, created a program that provided tax credits to those who donated to a scholarship program that underprivileged students could use to attend private school. The point of the program was to provide greater parental and student choice in education and to provide better educations to needy youth.
But Montana expressly excluded religiously-affiliated private schools from the program. And when that exclusion was challenged in court by parents who wanted to use the scholarships to attend a nondenominational Christian school, the Montana Supreme Court required the state to eliminate the program rather than allow parents to use scholarships for religious schools.
It justified this action by pointing to a provision in Montana’s State Constitution commonly referred to as a “Blaine Amendment.” Blaine Amendments were passed at a time of rampant anti-Catholic animus in this country, and typically disqualify religious institutions from receiving any direct or indirect payments from a state’s funds.
The case is now in the Supreme Court, and we filed a brief explaining why Montana’s Blaine Amendment violates the First Amendment.
A third kind of assault on religious freedom in education have been recent efforts to use state laws to force religious schools to adhere to secular orthodoxy. For example, right here in Indiana, a teacher sued the Catholic Archbishop of Indianapolis for directing the Catholic schools within his diocese that they could not employ teachers in same-sex marriages because the example of those same-sex marriages would undermine the schools’ teaching on the Catholic view of marriage and complementarity between the sexes.
This lawsuit clearly infringes the First Amendment rights of the Archdiocese by interfering both with its expressive association and with its church autonomy. The Department of Justice filed a statement of interest in the state court making these points, and we hope that the state court will soon dismiss the case.
Taken together, these cases paint a disturbing picture. We see the State requiring local public schools to insert themselves into contentious social debates, without regard for the religious views of their students or parents. In effect, these states are requiring local communities to make their public schools inhospitable to families with traditional religious values; those families are implicitly told that they should conform or leave.
At the same time, pressure is placed on religious schools to abandon their religious convictions. Simply because of their religious character, they are starved of funds – students who would otherwise choose to attend them are told they may only receive scholarships if they turn their sights elsewhere.
Simultaneously, they are threatened in tort and, eventually, will undoubtedly be threatened with denial of accreditation if they adhere to their religious character. If these measures are successful, those with religious convictions will become still more marginalized.
I do not mean to suggest that there is no hope for moral renewal in our country.
But we cannot sit back and just hope the pendulum is going to swing back toward sanity.
As Catholics, we are committed to the Judeo-Christian values that have made this country great.
And we know that the first thing we have to do to promote renewal is to ensure that we are putting our principles into practice in our own personal private lives.
We understand that only by transforming ourselves can we transform the world beyond ourselves.
This is tough work. It is hard to resist the constant seductions of our contemporary society. This is where we need grace, prayer, and the help of our church.
Beyond this, we must place greater emphasis on the moral education of our children.
Education is not vocational training. It is leading our children to the recognition that there is truth and helping them develop the faculties to discern and love the truth and the discipline to live by it.
We cannot have a moral renaissance unless we succeed in passing to the next generation our faith and values in full vigor.
The times are hostile to this. Public agencies, including public schools, are becoming secularized and increasingly are actively promoting moral relativism.
If ever there was a need for a resurgence of Catholic education – and more generally religiously-affiliated schools – it is today.
I think we should do all we can to promote and support authentic Catholic education at all levels.
Finally, as lawyers, we should be particularly active in the struggle that is being waged against religion on the legal plane.
We must be vigilant to resist efforts by the forces of secularization to drive religious viewpoints from the public square and to impinge upon the free exercise of our faith.
I can assure you that, as long as I am Attorney General, the Department of Justice will be at the forefront of this effort, ready to fight for the most cherished of our liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.
Thank you for the opportunity to talk with you today. And God bless you and Notre Dame.


This may become regarded as one of the most important speeches of the Trump era.


Probably. Lots to unpack here. And worth doing, too.
Might even be worthy of a pinned post.


It was YOUR idea.


So many great quotes and lines!

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. Copied and saved offline. Not just the message, but the construction of the speech is magnificent. I assume he wrote it himself. WOW.


Keep in mind, the PTB of Notre Dame allowed LBGTXYZ activities during Holy Week and also the V-gina Monologues garbage on their campus. Notre Dame is quite the bastion of liberal CINOs.


…this took place during the Øbominable years – when Sexual Identity Disorder was taken off the DSM-V list of pathologies by the APA groups.

Deplorable Patriot

The Fathers of the Holy Cross surrendered it to a lay board decades ago. That’s part of the problem.
The funny thing, is that the student body is more traditionally Catholic than the faculty. That isn’t the only school where that’s the case, either.


Oh man – maybe in time the conservatives/traditionalists will rise up and take ND back from the heretics, apostates and syncretists.

Deplorable Patriot

We can only hope. There are a number of traditional colleges and universities out there that are educating theology people. That’s where it will probably start.


Amen, Carl…and so very well said.
Thank you!


Amen Carl … beautiful
Thank you and God bless you … ❤️ ..


Beautiful Carl…
we are blessed to have you in our tree…………..


“Because YOU’d be in JAIL”!
Lord may it be so……. (Soon I hope)


Reposting this…..do yourself a favor and visit…
October 17, 2019 at 19:11
Church mouse is on the job at his blog today!




My thought exactly.


Very nice article. Brings and aligns a bunch of pieces.
Of secondary importance, isn’t churchmouse a “she”?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think he is a “he.”


In matters of intellect, it matters not a whit. In matters of heart, it can be a factor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True…but you brought it up in the first place.


It does, doesn’t it?
I don’t know the answer to that.


Churchmouse is excruciatingly factual and thorough…. Gail Combs factual and SD thorough.


Follow up from tonight’s rally thread ->
For Marica!
For the U.S. and Turkey and the Kurds!
For the U.K.! For Brexit!
For Dallas!
For Doral!
For Free People Everywhere!
Encore 2 – One Day More (Live)
Les Misérables – 10th Anniversary Concert Cast
Les Misérables: In Concert at the Royal Albert Hall
INgrooves, The Orchard Music (on behalf of First Night Records); LatinAutor, PEDL, Warner Chappell, UBEM, LatinAutor – Warner Chappell, CMRRA, and 9 Music Rights Societies
“DEPLORABLES UNITE” – (Do you hear the people sing) Trump Anthem – REUPLOADED FROM 1 MILLION VIEWS
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!


Would love to see this become the rally song throughout the 2020 election. Can’t you see the words up on the screen so all could sing along? Chills!


Thanks for the mention.
Yes, I hear them and they sound wonderful! 🙂


OMGosh you Rally Rebels hit a home run … thank you SO MUCH everybody for such a terrific play-by-play in Dallas. The whole day (still Thursday here) was electric with all the happenings and threads. No one in our lifetime has shaken up DC and DState like VSGPDJT.
We are so very fortunate God placed him at the helm at this moment. I could go on and on, but you ALL know what I’m talking about 😊
Daughn, I cannot wait to learn all about the Great State of Mississippi before you and Big T head out to rendezvous with POTUS in Tupelo. Mississippi is one of the few states I have not visited, and your charming writing style and genuine love will give us all a very special sense of place.
God Bless USA. #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸


For you?
Piece of cake.
I know because we’ve already seen you do it enough times it no longer surprises.


Nah. Just do you and be confident. Same as always.


What pressure? For you, it comes naturally – warm and inviting – I say


“NervousNancy was the ONLY executive female in the room, and she rose to her feet and pointed her finger. HUGE loss. Horrible optics. She lost her composure, relapsed to a whiny and bitter woman. She stormed out of the room”
Yeah, well, POTUS has that effect on statist bitches on a power trip but he knows how to deal with them.
.comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Well, I’m partial to balsamic myself. 😉

Deplorable Patriot

And did you notice none of the men rose to their feet when she did? Womyn, you want equality? That’s what it looks like. No deference simply due to biology.


Canada wants to get rid of all the undesirables. smh


US Democrats — “nah, keep ’em around so we can harvest their ballots…..”


Nah, let ’em die. We’re The Dims. We’ve got the legendary “no pulse” ballot harvesting technology.


They (leftists) want infanticide, too.
Let’s face facts.
The mask is being ripped off of those who align with Satan but who love to pretend and claim they are interested in other’s well being. They are not. They are fools serving an evil far more devious and intelligent than they seem capable of comprehending and they are entirely given over to it.


Slippery slope there.
Next come disabled., then drug addicts, unemployed etc. eventually they’ll come. For you
I’ve got a better idea. Let’s euthanise the SJWs


That Louis Vuitton Workshop where Pres Trump did an official ribbon-cutting…will be making Leather goods with prime US leather.comment imagecomment imagecomment image
Makes sense for them to locate here, near the source of their main production materials.comment image
This is Bernard Arnault, CEO of Louis Vuitton and the 3rd richest man in the world, according to Forbes:comment image
He rode down to Texas with our President, on Air Force One.
I think this is a deal that only our VSG could have pulled off.comment image


Oh great. More stuff!


Heheh…well the main thing is Moar Jobs.
It’s good when people are making Stuff right here in the USA.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and when we clean out “our stuff” it goes to thrift stores to become other people’s stuff. Been struggling with that recently.


Gosh, me as well, DP. Doing the seasonal closet switch and it’s a perfect time to “purge.”
Finally found a good home for all my “Board wardrobe”…which makes me happy.
We have some older friends who are moving into a fully furnished place in another state and have been giving almost all their possessions away..furniture, art, kitchen, etc. They say it is one of the most liberating things they’ve done and have had great pleasure “gifting” their friends.
I am taking one of their pieces of good art to donate for a fund-raising auction, and they are thrilled.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m liberating milk crates, and storage boxes as the weeks go on. No plans to move currently, but it’s on the horizon and after cleaning out a number of relatives’ houses, I just don’t want to have to do it all at once.


One of the easiest ways to ‘let go” of items that have an emotional attachment is to take a photo before giving them away. Then you always have the memory jog without the physical ‘stuff’. I have photos of my career wardrobe, jewelry, book covers, etc. and they are visual journals of earlier chapters in my life.

Deplorable Patriot

For me, it was the books I purged. A 30 year collection, and I got rid of almost all of it.
Family heirlooms go back to the families, eventually.
The rest…I’m not that attached to much of it. Not anymore. Not unless it had to do with an experience or trip.


The comedic wisdom of the late George Carlin. That is back when comedians were both funny AND made you think!


How tall is that Jared? 8-9foot?


That’s not Jared…he’s one of the Louis Vuitton guys.
And yeah, he’s tall!


The thin man lives!


Ivankas there. Sure it’s not Jared?


Yep. It’s not Jared.
Pres Trump even mentioned the tall guy, in the speech he gave there.
And Jared isn’t that skinny.




However, I thought I saw Jared deplane a few people behind Ivanka and POTUS did mention both of them in his speech. It’s pretty amazing how much the two look alike, though…I also took a second look.
I know occupants of the WH are limited about what gifts they are allowed to accept (money-wise), but I suspect there were a few gifts to Melania, Ivanka, etc. given out yesterday.


One hopes so. But I suspect that none were accepted because of the double standard they are subjected to


It’s Bernard Arnault’s son and heir.


Thanks, GA/FL.

Deplorable Patriot

Next question…how can we the deplorables afford the product….


Chinese knockoffs are available on alibaba at much lower prices.
/s 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll splurge the next time I’m in Italy. That’s where you can get the stuff made off the books in the middle of the night from the street vendors.


Arnault and Louis Vuitton donated 200 Million Euros to restore Notre Dame – https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-notredame-arnault-idUSKCN1RS0H8


Just for the record, the sewing machine control units are made in Germany. This means that this particular plant is a hostage of the EU until Brexit is done and new trade deals inked.

Cuppa Covfefe

How so?
That’s a bit of a stretch… and I don’t mean elasthan…


wheatie, I really enjoyed listening to Arnault,
His thinking on locating in USA was a nice, comprehensive description of how entrepreneurial actions evaluate the many factors involved in success.
Very articulate and respectful of the President’s overall approach to bolstering American success while logically benefitting his enterprise.
I was impressed.


The inimitable Conrad Black has a new article…
Some selected quotes:
“We are living through a phantasmagoric psychodrama generated by the dishonest national political press.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff — who is usually lying when his lips aren’t moving and always is when they are — says we will not be hearing from a non-whistleblowing leaker, to give his hearsay evidence of a conversation that any person in the world can read and see has no legal implications whatever.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won’t hold a vote on a formal impeachment inquiry because she couldn’t win the vote.
the sooner the country tunes out this dishonest, evil press putschism, the better for the whole country, especially the national political news outlets themselves.“


Phantasmagoric ..Caught that snippet on the Rush show while driving yesterday..
For others going fwd
‘Phantasmagoric’ definition.. look it up
..having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination.
having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
changing or shifting, as a scene made up of many elements.
Yup , just the world media/left/ dims/Rinos/ globos want you to believe we have to live in ,
THEIR ‘deceptive’ dream .. NOT YOURS , NOT OURS

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. A “non-whistleblowing leaker”.
That would imply no protection(s).
And Presidential conversations are, by definition, classified.
Therefore the unprotected leaker is going to have quite a problem, having leaked classified material…


Thank you for this great daily Open Thread, Daughn!
Love the Blues theme!
You’ve been rockin the threads today!
Well done!


I humbly submit this song from Ry Cooder, to add to our Blues appreciation.
One of my favorites.


Dont forget this one!


FG&C, thanks for highlighting Ry Cooder, a truly unique talent.
Before I started listening to him many years ago, I had no idea that ethnomusicology was a “thing”.
From Hawaii to Cuba, he has sought out heritage music and brought it to the attention of many.
He is quite the gift.


It seems mr Barr is playing for blood


I hope he’s working his way up the foodchain.comment image


Oh year. Imma hoping that the obummas can hear the wheels of the tumbrils


Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
I don’t know what happened in Culiacán, Mexico, today, but it’s clear that SOMEONE kicked some serious ass, and it’s being hushed up.
First, a scene with a Sinaloa Cartel improvised armored vehicle.

Jimmy on Twitter
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The vehicle has a Browning .50-caliber machine gun in an armored turret.
It also has armored glass in the windshield.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Here’s another view of the same incident.

Corp Main News on Twitter
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The vehicle.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Well, the vehicle was stopped.

Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
There were empty shell casings in the car.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The people in the car were firing at the armored vehicle.
You can see that the driver of the car turned IN FRONT of the armored vehicle, but the driver’s position wasn’t damaged.
The car occupants were removed quickly. The door was yanked open, and the inner lining is gone.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
There’s a lot of blood in the street.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
It’s from dead cartel gunmen.
There are empty shell casings all around them, and sandals from at least two other men.
BLOODY IMAGE, but not overly gory.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
So the armored vehicle went right past the uniformed National Guard and cops, but a plainclothes unit swerved in front of the vehicle.
There are bullet holes in the hood, meaning the men in the car fired at the engine.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Then the cartel gunmen got out, and there was an exchange of fire at point-blank range.
There’s no blood near the car, so that means the entire cartel crew was killed, but the other men weren’t hit.
Then the men in the car were rapidly extracted.
It took incredible balls to stop the truck that way, but more importantly, it took incredible SKILL.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The Mexicans are being very close mouthed about all this.
The more videos and photos I see, the clearer it becomes that the Sinaloa Cartel was hit really hard.
This was the biggest attack they ever carried out, but there were men in cars willing to ram them.
Whatever happened, there were astonishingly brave men there.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
This may have been a trap.
The OFFICIAL Mexican story is that 30 cops and National guard were patrolling, when El Chapo’s son fired on them from a house.
The cops and Guardsmen took him into custody, and the story after that is totally unclear.
Some reports say he was freed, and some say he’s still in custody.
AT ANY RATE, there were photos and video of at least a dozen dead cartel gunmen.
Thomas Wictor
And you can see with your own eyes that two people in a small car deliberately rammed the armored vehicle, and then all the gunmen were killed.
The blood, extra sandals, and shell casings indicate a gun battle at the rear of the armored vehicle.
All we can say for sure is that WE NEED THAT WALL.


Cartels vow to hunt down families of Mexican military in retaliation for capture of El Chapo’s son.


It’s shaping up as total war. Thomas thinks the gcc have been there for a while. Too many ultra professional ambushed and disinformation re who responsible. Turning them onto each other.

Rodney Short

Borderland beat has alot of stories about this and to me this one stuck out.


Hmm. Disinformation? The cartels are being gutted their turf wars escalated. Thomas thinks gcc

Rodney Short

I dont know about disinformation the borderlandbeat site is always very accurate.
Things are definately heating up in Mexico and my lil brother said Mexicans are going bonkers in Florida


I’m talking about them being infiltrated and gutted from the inside like isis was by gcc troops. There are clips ive posted from Thomas wictor showing VERY professional ambushes. The inter cartel wars have been put on steroids and they are savaging each other. All truces, accepted territories are now in flux

Rodney Short

Oh lol you could be right maybe that’s why the cartels are all at war with each other.
I still cant figure out why Almo would order elchapos son released he just gave them the fuel for the fire.
Anyhowwwwww enjoy the show my friend it’s just now starting.


Illtrytofind the post Thomas did about isis getting creamed and screaming about treachery


oystergirl boosted
WINNING : the timing of Ukrainian ambassador Yovanovitch’s recall is no coincidence.
This rat is up to her neck in the Trump-Rusdia hoax and Obama corruption.
Ordering her back to the US will cause deep fear in the Obama, DNC and Clinton camps. It means shi&s about to get real.
Right now, watching Obama goons and pig ignorant libturds shaking their fists at the sky, screaming ‘Orange Man Bad’, is insanely pleasurable. The walls are collapsing around them.
oystergirl boosted
If Schiff really has conspired with Obama’/Biden Ukraine NSC lead, Eric Caramella (the fake whistleblower and Chalupa buddy), even going to the lengths of hiring two of Caramella’s ex-employees to bring down a POTUS, it seems to be clear sedition.
Is Schiff going down for seditious conspiracy? It certainly seems that he doesn’t care anymore, which tells you all you need to know about what he is trying to cover up.
Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president, officials reveal
oystergirl boosted
‘At last, we have the evil Drumpf’
This time it’s the ‘tax returns’.
You’d think these leftist morons might’ve asked a basic question – if Trump’s tax returns were damning, wouldn’t they have been released by now?
Er, yes. Yes, they would have been. But still they #persist!
Trump is playing them. He knows that the tax returns reveal zero, but he’s going to force them to spend treasure & time all the way to SCOTUS, where they’ll lose.
Then Trump will release them.


comment image


That’s right…the Govt is a monopoly.
This is why it is wrong to pay people to Not Work and give them benefits that rival what the workers get.
How do employers compete with that!?
The Govt is creating an unlevel playing field that hurts job creation!
I’m not talking about people who can’t work, for some reason.
I’m talking about all those able-bodied slackers out there who are gaming the system.


Oh yeah, I hear you


Well, along those lines…I’m rather opinionated about non-property owners having an equal vote in matters such as school board elections. Think the enclaves of Somalians in Minneapolis, for example, and how it changes the entire focus of public education.
Or, how renters can determine education bond/school taxes they will never have to pay. It’s a reversal …representation without taxation.
And, having been in the health care field for years I have lots of opinions about that issue, as well! 🤑. However, it’s a beautiful Fall morning here at the end of a MAGA week and it’s better to celebrate, not gripe.


Renters DO pay property taxes. The property owners build it into the monthly rent. Just like corporations don’t pay taxes – its customers do.
Your comment is right on, except for the fallacious premise about who pays property taxes.


I think we’ve all read about that for decades, but I think with further in-depth study you’ll find that’s a fallacy. Much to much detail to go into here it there’s plenty of information out there, if interested.
The proportion factor…how much in a rental fee actually goes for real estate tax vs. an equal vote compared a single home tax bill.
My husband was a corporation…paid plenty of taxes.

Deplorable Patriot

Um, I hate to argue with you, but the people I know who own rental property figure in taxes when they determine what to charge renters.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually have a problem with property taxes. You have to pay just for the privilege of owning a car, or land, or…name it. If there are going to be taxes going to public schools, call the tax what it is: the school district tax. Same with police, fire, trash, etc. Essentially, make it a bill like all the others, not hidden in “property taxes” that go up when the government needs more cash.
Oh, wait, you do that, and the idea of government schools as it is takes a hit. Well, as a product of private and parochial schools, it basically just turns the schools into a larger version of the other system, the one that is so denigrated by those who never attended them, which is the way education was in the USA before the Civil War.


comment image


I get repeated angry robo-calls from people who want to use my health benefits to provide me with braces and hearing aids, etc.
Just because I’m over a certain age, they figure I need all that and they can (over) charge Medicare and the insurance people an arm and a leg for those braces.


Tell them to fuck off.
They stop calling


We keep getting robo-calls about student debt forgiveness! Talk about a certain age…this is a case of the list-maker not looking at ours and not seeing we’ve been out of college for decades!


If you are rude enough they stop calling


Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Hundreds of armed cartel members are descending on Culiacan.
It appears that the police and military are totally overwhelmed.
Radio traffic indicates that cartel members from the entire region are racing to the city.

یوان on Twitter


Wow. It’s amazing that Wictor finds these things.
Thanks, Ozzy, for posting them!


Yw. I think he’s great.


Trump didn’t want to go to war with Turkey, he knew he could bring Erdogan to heel using America’s economic clout, but I’ve had to spend week watching the usual suspects whine because he shuffled our troops out of harms way so Erdogan could put his hand on the hot stove again.
Brian cates


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Potus takes risks. He doesn’t follow the rules and say oh well I tried at the inevitable failure. He’s prepared to wear it if it doesn’t work because he’s got guts


This is a nice little statistic here.


Woah…thank God her parents turned her in!


POWER TIE has another new video….



Those fools are obsessively SICK!!!


Drudge is all in on the Impeachment crap.


GA, I saw on T_D last night that Drudge has lost 25% of it’s clicks, since…
I think BB has the #s, but I haven’t clicked there, either.


They all run with the same talking points. All they can do is parrot each other.


We all went to sleep last night expecting a day or two of dry weather and wake up to this:
and this:
No warning from NOAA yesterday whatsoever!!!!
The Dot Gov Weather Personnel™ are not even naming this thing that is expected to have ‘life threatening storm surge’ and ‘tropical storm force winds’ later today!!!!!!!!


Heck, not even smiley2 suspected this:comment image
It’s looking mighty healthy for an unnamed storm.
We need to go see what Big Joe and Mike’s weather page say about this.


Meanwhile in high-falutin’ leftist land:

Cuppa Covfefe

What happened? Did Fauxcahontas Liarwatha do a rain dance??? 🙂


Wow…that’s quite a popup!comment image


It’s my fault – I was distracted by the Rally and missed the warning last night!
This system will be called Nestor – sounds ominous!


Not your fault, GA/FL!
These popups can go in any number of directions.
This one is just now far enough along to determine what direction it will likely take.comment image


Bush’s dishonesty here is infuriating.

Our President does Not have an ‘isolationist’ policy.
Far from it!
He has been working on trade deals with countries all over the world, to sell US Products and bring money into our country.
That is the opposite of ‘isolationism’.


Bush also spoke up during Barry’s tenure – but it wasn’t to defend and protect the Constitution, the USA or it’s citizen/workers/taxpayers. Oh no!
Remember this?
“President Bush broke his self-imposed silence in January 2011, in a speech at Southern Methodist University. The only problem was, he wasn’t attacking Obama, but conservatives. Addressing the immigration debate, he said: “(I)f you study history, there are some ‘isms’ that occasionally pop up … One is isolationism and its evil twin protectionism and its evil triplet nativism.”
GWB speaking out in 2011, told us who he really is and who all the Bushes are – globalists!
The Bushes are open borders globalists, run the USA into the ground in as many ways as possible type of globalists – NAFTA globalists – promote Islamism globalists – UN one world government globalists – like the Clintons, Romney and Øbama….like the Democrats, like Pelosi and her Squawking Squad.
LINK – http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/george-w-to-the-rescue/


Sorry – forgot to close the bold type after the word globalists.


Yep. I hate it that I was so fooled by him.
I’m now wondering how much he got for selling us out.
No one ever talks about how much money the Bushes have.


The Bushes have been socialist since before WWII – when Prescott Bush was a Nazi sympathizer and joined in a coup against FDR. The New Deal was the result.

Deplorable Patriot

Try WWI. I found something the other day that puts them squarely in the development of the military industrial complex.


Thanks – sorry I forgot that!


Our President put in quite a day yesterday.

Thank you, Mr. President…for all that you do!
We stand with you.


No, PTrump never walks alone . . .
When you walk through a storm
Keep your chin up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho’ your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
You’ll never walk alone
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho’ your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
You’ll never walk alone


That’s beautiful, Carl.
Thank you!


Celtic Woman – You’ll Never Walk Alone




Verse of the Day

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Psalms 16:8 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Friday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image




Now that deserves a fuller reading . . .
Psalm 100
1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.


Amen goes right there, carl! God Bless You!!!


We shall not be moved…..GOD helping us!!!!


Amen goes right there, GA/FL!


A great rally last night. Six more years to look forward to. Life is good. A bowl of cherries. 🙂


Anyone this excellent parody on the impeachment Dems:
Dr. Strangesсhiff, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Impeachment
By Gary Gindler
Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/10/dr_strangeshiff_or_how_i_learned_to_stop_worrying_and_love_the_impeachment.html#ixzz62hPxSJOV
Some choice quotes form the above:
The impeachment trials by the troika of Strangesсhiff, Loudspeaker, and Jabba-the-Dem take place in the basement of the (Lubyanka) Capitol. …..
The fact that they chose the heavy artillery — impeachment — shows how highly they value themselves for the gravity of their violations of the law, all while following the orders of Comrade Hussein ibn-Kenyan.


It was/is the Troika Directorate Impeachment – Bushes/Clintons/Obama… with some funding by $0r0$.

Deplorable Patriot
Cuppa Covfefe

Schiffty fancies himself as Niedermayer, I’ll bet 🙂
Can’t wait until someone swats a golfball at Schiffty’s horse’s/donkey’s behind (like that scene in Animal House)….. he’ll be getting dragged along by his own stupidity…

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. This is a good read. And why I’m now pretty much laughing at anything they trot out on the topic. Nothing’s going to come of it.


Deplorable Patriot

And the author of the most complete of the Gospels. Don’t forget Luke volume II, as Father PS put it, Acts of the Apostles which is also his work.


What delectable dish did they serve at this feast?

Cuppa Covfefe

Put a sock in it!


What a great horse!


I’m thinking it’s probably instinctive.
Horse doesn’t want that cow messing with his buddy.
Our big doggie is like your Bucket.
He’s very protective of me…but not for mr. wheatie.
But then, I’m the one who takes care of him the most…walks, feeding, baths, brushing, etc.
And mr. wheatie is always telling him, “Take care of mommy.”


Has Shifty Schiff been up to more Hanky Panky?

Sadie Slays

comment image


Pre-Caturday Cat wisdom.


Cat Wisdom – Chapter 2:


Cat Wisdom – Research Study Summary!


So true.


And Congress now has egg all over its collective face as the Russian and Syrian armies have stepped up to take the place of our military forces in northern Syria. Better they should risk their lives defending the Syrian border than our brave troops.
How about Congress doing their jobs and creating legislation that defends our southern border?


SCOTUS ruled PDJT can use DoD funds to build wall – that it is Nat’l Security issue.
Moreover, PDJT vetoed the Romney-led legislation against Trump’s National Emergency Declaration.
Boom and Boom!
Romney is such a weak willed, limpid anti-American tool of the left.


Yes, Mitt Romney is the epitome of what we call a RINO. He really should change parties to the Dems.



What kind of sociopath must one be if the only strategy to validate your existence is to compound the previous lies you have told to shore up your lust for power, your raw ambition, and ruthless pursuit of political deception?

Deplorable Patriot

A “progressive” one.


We’d probably never see him again.

Deplorable Patriot

Funny, but faux account. William has only 2 l’s, not 3.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. That’s why I’m LMAO at the sarcasm.


Fox & Friends this morning reported there were another 30,000 Trump supporters outside the AA Arena yesterday! Wow!

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Massive Gun Battle Erupts In Mexico Over Son Of Drug Kingpin ‘El Chapo’
Heavily armed gunmen went on a shooting rampage through the city of Culiacán, the capital of Sinaloa state on Mexico’s Pacific coast, battling security forces after authorities attempted to arrest a son of imprisoned drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.
The gunfire from what appeared to be sniper rifles and truck-mounted machine guns sent residents of the western city scrambling for cover. Burning vehicles littered the streets as the gunmen faced off against National Guard, army and police.

Deplorable Patriot

At least theyre starting to go after them.


El Chapo’s son was later released by the Mexican police in a cowardly move to stop the gun battles all over the city.

Rodney Short

Almost made it happen.

Rodney Short

Almo made it happen,damn auto correct

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

This thread ties quite a bit together. Worth a read, IMO.

Deplorable Patriot

I like Tom Fitton, but the weightlifting habit is creating a distraction.


Lol, it’d probably help if he didn’t headline with BIG ARMS SCANDAL


Remember how Zero wanted to call it “ISIL”? Very contemptuous ploy thinking people were stupid and wouldn’t see his shell game with “Levant”. He wanted to distract people from Syria which was the intended target. Probably ultimately to distance himself from the mess he directly had a hand in. Keep people from connecting the dots from Libya/Bengazi. Doesn’t seem to have worked. And of course the globo-idiots tried their “blue on green” stunt to get us back in (signalling with the sunset photo w/ Zero and Mic wearing blue sitting on green) only to have Mike & Mike show the world how Trump gets it DONE. All out, we will not be drawn back in. Peace without kinetic force. And on cue, the globo-idiots lose their collective minds 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

This is pretty cool.

Deplorable Patriot

I only saw a few minutes of her interview, at the start, so perhaps didn’t get the correct impression and others here can comment. But, my immediate take was that she was very nervous…lots of gulps and unsteadiness in her voice. Clearly, IMO, she was uncomfortable with either the subject, the questions or just being spotlighted again.
Still a beautiful woman, though…aging well but very, very thin. (Envy here!)


Skin deep beauty, until proven deeper.


She only returned for that one appearance on Tucker’s show. I don’t think she’s signed a contract with Fox News yet.
I don’t care much for her either, but she’s better than Donna Brazil or Juan Williams.


Me again “returned” to Fox snooze to be on Tuckers show.
Not to be an employee (anchor/host)…..


The list of every CA politician that took money from Ed Buck. If they took it theyre corrupt. Its a long list.
“Ed Buck was arrested last month and charged in connection with two overdose deaths at his West Hollywood home. There, prosecutors allege, he manipulated gay black men who were homeless, addicted or working as escorts into doing drugs for his pleasure.
Buck has pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.
Since the mid 2000s, Buck has given more than $500,000 to political candidates and causes, almost all of them linked to the Democratic Party. Forty politicians now holding office in California, ranging from Los Angeles City Hall to Congress, have cashed a check from Buck.
Current officeholders have received more than $150,000 from Buck, including Gov. Gavin Newsom, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey and U.S. Reps. Ted Lieu and Adam B. Schiff. Some have returned the money”


Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

He’s on a tear today.


So, take advantage of the receding glaciers and go mining for gold.


Not “homeless” or “down on his luck”. Remember no PC narrative. Willfully vagrant, drug addicts, and many very sadly mentally ill that MUST be in residential facilities bc they are incapable of self care.


Case in point. Mother shouldnt take here kid here, but the guy shouldnt be on the street.


We pick up stray dogs and provide them with medical care and food. They usually resist being caught, but later transform into good pets again.
We could do the same with these lowlife drug users. Force them into communal living rehab jails until they get clean and healthy. Then create jobs for them cleaning the cities. Once they prove their ability to fend for themselves in the private sector, release them to live productive lives. Those who won’t make a change for the better can just remain in jail.

Rodney Short

They have to want to be clean or rehab is meaningless.
We were going thru that with Kimi’s nephew rehab after rehab to get him clean from herion,it never worked.


There would have been more people at the protest, but at the last minute a bus company canceled 13 buses which were supposed to bring Trump supporters to Washington.


Dirty dog Democrats – have to resort to dirty tricks to try to silence opposition and win BAMN.
May they continue to fail utterly.

Deplorable Patriot

I wonder if that was dry ice he used?

Rodney Short

I wonder if you can eat it?
Now I know what I am gonna do in my watermellon patch next year.

Deplorable Patriot

HA! LV cost him a lot of money over the years. Ha ha ha

Deplorable Patriot


MEXICAN police release El Chapo’s son!

Deplorable Patriot

Statistics for all.


Neither does Democrats in power!


Trump Doral is hosting the G7 conference at cost. President Trump will actually lose money on the deal and U.S. taxpayers will reap he profits.

Deplorable Patriot

I saw that earlier. I may actually have to learn how to navigate it.


So is it official that 8chan.net is the new site?
Is Q expected to start dropping crumbs there?
Was 8kun.net a ruse to distract the baddies with fake red meat? Or was it Plan A, and Codemonkey was forced by circumstances to go with Plan B?
Before I read your comment, I was getting really scared about 8kun.
I saw on a site (website-down.com) that uses servers on 3 continents to test other sites’ availability, that it was down last night.
Then, this morning, it was showing ‘forbidden’ instead of just ‘down’.
Then I saw there that someone way ahead of me whohad tested 8chan.net, and it was up. So I wondered “what was its provenance?”
If intel and mil veterans who are disclosing newly declassified data to the public, in coordination with the White House, could not get past the Deep State and its Big Tech preneurs and cyberthugs, what would that say about the status of our First Amendment protections?
I know I ask a lot of questions. Q being off line so long makes me feel stupid, as well as queasy. Trying to get smarter.


IMHO…the opioids/makers aren’t the problem same as gun makers aren’t the problem. The epidemic was caused by pill mills and street dealing and then of course the flooding of counterfeit and synthetics from China.


It’s not OxyContin that’s the problem. It’s people getting hooked on painkillers.(rarely OxyContin because it’s a brand name) and then turning to illegal drugs most of which are made in/facilitated by China. They are conducting their own opium war against the west

Deplorable Patriot

I thought one of the issues was one class of painkillers being phased out or made illegal or something by Obamacare.


Remember Tort reform? We used to have that on the platform. Also remember Trump trying to get Pharmaceutical companies to list their pricing, blocked by a dem fed judge…so far.
Opioids were part of the insidious globalist plan. Get people hooked on legal but EXPENSIVE drugs for “pain management” Then when they are hooked, and cannot afford the legal drugs, they turn to the cheaper, but DEADLY street varieties. Costing us a generation of young people. SICK!


daughn, sounds to me like the perfect camelnose-under-the-tent for going after firearms manufacturers.
I mean, why not?


daughn, it seems to me that so many of marxist policies not only cheapen personal responsibility but seek to evade it.
From the ridiculous push for gun control to aggressive abortion, the Dems seem to seek ANY solution to ills apart from accepting the role of personal responsibility or choice.

Deplorable Patriot

And what makes it worse is they shop for the judge panels that will yield the highest rewards. St. Clair County, Illinois, was and may still be a big class action location. The case against Johnson & Johnson over talcum powder was here, on this side of the river – and has been thrown out on appeal, not on the merits of the case, but that the St. Louis court had to right to issue judgement. (Yes, there is still asbestos in baby powder, and no, ladies, it is not safe to sprinkle it in your intimate garments.)
It has to do with not just the judges, but the sort of jury pools that can be put together. There’s a reason the world headquarters of some HUGE defense firms are here.

Deplorable Patriot

All that sunshine outside is going to my head.


It you think prescription drug costs are high now, wait until this and other drug company settlements are paid out.



I saw the narrative first thing this morning, and KNEW it was an outlier. The MSM, even Fox, were showing two small, what looked like mortar strikes, not even a large scale building attack, mostly like a positional attack. They were ALL saying the cease fire broke, when the REALITY was a SMALL skirmish by rogue elements on BOTH sides, that was QUICKLY halted. These people make me more than sick, they make me ANGRY. Trump ABSOLUTELY need to ONE, reinstate the media propaganda ban, and TWO, hold those that VIOLATE that ban, including, directors, producers, writers, and anchors of MSM “news” programs ACCOUNTABLE. This is BEYOND political, this is DANGEROUS. WW3 could be started by one of these “narratives” going badly. Remember, the other countries in this world SEE and HEAR or MSM, they don’t always KNOW that these narratives are complete political BULLSHIT. What happens if one of these countries take something LITERALLY.


prognosticat, the Washington Examiner is reporting this morning that “the trump Campaign” is suing cnn for pro-impeachment bias…demanding “substantial payment”.
a start?


Yes, but MORE importantly, this gets just what CNN was doing and saying into the public sphere. They will HAVE to respond, and even IF they settle to avoid a trial, the “normies” that pretend to still after 3 years, be in the dark, will still get to SEE and hear CNN’s treachery.
Now, I want everyone to ponder something. Ready?
Why would CNN, a FOR profit company, AND their share holders, ALLOW this to happen, KNOWING that it HAD TO, HAS, and WILL, hurt their bottom line.
Now, FURTHER, CNN is in a competative business. Why would their competitors, seeing a vulnerability, NOT take advantage of, highlight, and exploit that weakness to DAMAGE CNN’s viability, profitability, market share, taking it for THEMSELVES?
No one, not CBS, not MSNBC, ABC, NBC, or even Bloomberg, BBC Americas, Al Jazeera America do it to EXPAND their market and profitability. ONLY Fox and OANN do it, and they are BANKING.
How come the others DON’T, ALL of them. Not ONE? In ANY other business, do you not try to exploit your competitors weakness, and get THEIR market? Why yes, yes they do.
There is ONLY one answer. They are ALL in on it. they ALL do the EXACT same thing, using the EXACT same methods. They won’t attack CNN, because in doing so, they EXPOSE themselves, and the GAME.
Someone (Trump? Rush? Hannity?) needs to EXPLAIN that reality to we the people. We you approach it as what it IS, a business, their tactics and methodology do NOT make snse, except in ONE way.


This is also why they will never ‘go bankrupt’, no matter how low viewership goes, or how low readership (e.g., NYT) goes.
Whatever money they make legitimately is supplemented by covert income streams, which are clearly large enough to keep these enterprises going indefinitely.
They are a critical function, the entire media/propaganda/narrative control arm of the global organized crime syndicate.
They are not going to give that up, no matter how much money is lost on the ‘official’ books.


There is a “rumor” that they are funded by the C I A. It would make sense. But then they were just purchased by AT&T. NO WAY those shareholders can like the loses. Unless…


In other words, most of the MSM is effectively ‘subsidized’ with covert income streams, giving them an unfair advantage over legitimate businesses, no different than foreign countries subsidizing their industry and then dumping product on American shores.


State run media. Stalin would have been SO proud,


‘hold those that VIOLATE that ban, including, directors, producers, writers, and anchors of MSM “news” programs ACCOUNTABLE.’
Government holding them accountable is the problem.
Who needs to be held accountable is the CIA Mockingbird guys who are telling them what to say, now.
Apparently Trump going after rogue CIA guys is a complicated business, unfortunately. It’s one of the big things we’re waiting on.

Deplorable Patriot

From the sketchy clues that keep surfacing, it sounds like they want to wipe out all the labs and underground facilities before going public. That’s just a guess, but given that announcements aren’t made until arrests are, they want to be sure no one escapes.


They need to preserve evidence, not blow it up.
They need to SHOW the People exactly what has been going on, and where, and how, and by whom.
Destroying the evidence throws it all back into the ‘conspiracy theory’ narrative, because you can’t prove it if the evidence is destroyed.



3 parts to this 1


“MSM is freaking out over Trump line of “secured the oil” ”
And if WE had a voice, WE could SHOUT THEM DOWN properly.
This has been the stupidity from the beginning.
If there was any compelling reason to go to war in the Middle East in the first place, then we SURE better get paid for it.
It is a fundamental rule of War that to the victor goes the spoils.
It costs a crapload of money to go to war, and you have to pay that cost upfront.
If you WIN, then at a bare minimum, you SURE better recover the cost of doing it.
You cannot violate the fundamental rules of war and succeed, but we violated that fundamental rule. We went to war using our own treasure, depleted our own treasure, defeated the enemy, and then didn’t even take enough treasure from the defeated enemy to compensate for our expenditure, not to mention compensation for the wounded and the families of the dead, much less the rightful spoils of war due the victor.
Any reporter or talking head who so much as sniffs in condescension at the thought of ‘securing’ or TAKING oil should have 50 people surround him and shout him down so hard he crawls away in fear for his life.


I want those isis fighters and their gore crow wags secured by dirt. Doesn’t have to be 6 feet if that’s too much trouble but dirt.


Dirt or sand – I agree!


Or be environmentally aware and feed them to the local fauna


Yeah, let something benefit from their existing.


Mulch will help the local soil

Cuppa Covfefe

Complete with fire ants…




ANY of the founding fathers would have Schiff jailed and hung for sedition and treason by now. His “office” would NOT save him. I will use their OWN words against the dems. NO ONE is above the law…that includes YOU Adam and Nancy, I suggest you better HEED your OWN words.


Ban babies!

Elizabeth Carter

Made in China???

Elizabeth Carter

Made in China?





Very nice to see. A good start!

Elizabeth Carter

I can’t help seeing the irony of having a CNN President named Jeff Z(S)ucker and an Executive VP named Vigilante being taken on by President Trump’s attorney who is going to hit them being named Harder.
You really can’t make this stuff up.


Great point! I doubt that anyone writing a ficitonal story would use those obvious names for the characters.


Fantastic! I love reading these scorching letters. And this one is immediate action taken as a result of evidence gained from Project Veritas.
It reveals that CNN is in violation of journalistic ethical standards as well as the Lanham Act, and it says they intend to seek “compensatory damages, treble damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, reimbursement of legal costs,” etc., as permitted by law. Yes‼️⚠️


Chickens will eat almost any insect. They love to eat the larvae too. This YouTube channel belongs to a guy who calls himself The Hornet King. He specializes in removing wasp, bees, hornets, etc nests. Then he brings the nest material home for his chickens to pick over. Go to the 26:15 minute mark for the chickens.


That rooster is hungry!


Chickens are omnivores.


hey andy, thanks, that was fascinating!
the unexpected element of an out-of-whack neighbor, and this young man’s understanding and actions were a kind of bonus.


H> has spoken – Tulsi is a Russian bot/plant/agent.


… sigh … 😞🤚 … 🧐 seriously (?) .. 😑 .. well .. there it is then, dementia and kuru .. which means when she hits the deck like a ton of bricks 🧱 .. she will not remember why …. …… …………. ……………….
… if she had any SENSE at all she’d … ZIP IT 🤐 … sigh .. 😣🤚


I truly think this is a PLOY by Hillary. She KNOWS what is coming. She KNOWS that she cannot STOP it. She KNOWS that she is complicit. She KNOWS that her actions will result in seeing the business side of an 8′ rope over a sudden 6′ drop. She KNOWS she can’t escape. She KNOWS she will NOT get ANY sympathy, not even if she has a “medical” relapse. Therefore, she is going to “pretend” to go completely batshit crazy, totally delusional, not just with Trump, it will get WORSE, and more frequent. She THINKS that the insanity defense will save her. Sorry Hills, too late. Time to pay the check!


Imma kind of hoping for 6’ rope and 8 ‘ drop.
But I hear you


I can hear Pocahontas now: Imma git me a rope… 😁


Hers will be rawhide. So she ounces at the end ofit


My dyslexia kicking in again lol. My brain works faster than I type.


Happens to me all the time. That and spellscrewup


LOL too true.


LOL…or, is this just part of the Dem plot to take Tulsi out. I always thought she was the biggest threat. She is articulate and attractive and less insane than the rest. I imagine the other women candidates can’t stand her.


Hillary reminds me of the demented lady in the hornet video just above.


“Hillary reminds me of the demented lady in the hornet video just above.”
She always kind of reminded me more of the thing in the cellar, from Evil Dead Part II:


“[Sick] Hillary Clinton says Tulsi Gabbard is a ‘Russian asset’ groomed to ensure Trump reelection”
Hitlery has a severe case of Russia on the brain.
Among other things.

Cuppa Covfefe

As they say, when Uranium, it pours…


“This is an insane opinion. Will anyone call her on it?”
That’s like asking if anyone in the Mafia will call out the Godfather.
The Klintons are tenured members of the DNC, who will gladly destroy anyone, without hesitation.
She may be insane, but that just makes her more dangerous, not less.
None of her underlings will ever call her out, not really, unless it’s part of a scripted narrative she approved.
Which may be (and probably is) exactly what Tulsi Gabbard is doing.


I’m thinking it’s going to be a Clinton/Gabbard Democrap ticket.


And apparently I’m not the only one thinking the Gabbard / Clinton dust-up is choreographed. Saw this posted at Thomas Wictor’s, by someone who linked to Tracy Beanz’s comments:


TB ain’t gonna have it!


Here is Emerald’s take:


They are getitng desperate to remove our president. We must start praying even harder.
Admiral McRaven in NYT: Remove Trump from Office ‘The Sooner, the Better’
Retired Admiral William McRaven has published an op-ed in Friday’s New York Times titled, “Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President,” urging that Trump be removed from office — “the sooner, the better.”


Wasn’t McRaven, one of Obama’s “affirmative action” Generals. IE Obama promoted him to 3 star when he was “stuck” in other administrations? Does he not go back to the Gen Flynn firing, and the purge of senior officers from major on up that did NOT agree with Obama’s policies,


McRaven…Sounds as though it’s time to pay his debt to the Masters.


Well, there’s that and his part in the Obama era ROE.


If PDJT is a threat to this guy’s republic, what republic is he working for. Surely not the American republic.


Praying will do nothing to help President Trump fight against the loony liberals who have wanted to remove him from office even before he was inaugurated.
The best things we can do is saturate our Representatives and Senators with emails and letters demanding they put a stop to this Presidential Harassment. Remind them they will be running for re-election someday.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s your unfounded opionion.
Now go back to your atheist echo chamber…


No, it’s a well documented opinion.
Now you can go back to your convent and say ten rosaries.


OT, Means OT..
Ya’ll know I’ve got DVT..
And Stents & Arthritis..
It’s really Flaring up today, with the coming East Coast nor’easter.. (and It’s “cool” today..
Cold Weather really is aggravating on My knees..
I HOPE some or most here won’t find the following Offensive..
(I’m only 56,, but Jeeeze!)
Hopefully some of the *Guys* here can relate..
I feel “depressed” at times, and YES ashamed when, “that” moment arrives..
Thankfully, the Misses does understand(s) & is very Supportive!
There’s More than one way to be Intimate ..
So without adieu.. here goes.. 😉
A seniors lament: (Or mine)..
My nookie days are over,
My pilot light is out,
What used to be my sex appeal,
Is now my water spout!
Time was when, on its own,
From my trousers it would spring,
But now it’s a full time job,
To find the Dern LIL thing!
It used to be embarrassing,
The way it would behave,
For every single morning,
It would stand up Saluting at attention,,
Watching me shave!
Now as old age approaches,
It sure gives me the blues,
To see it hang it’s little head,
And watch me tie my shoes!


That’s a keeper crossthread42, Ha!!

Steve in Lewes

CT, Not to be crass or unsympathetic;
I thought long and hard about responding this way…….but here goes.
Suck it up buttercup, be a fricking man and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Deal with it. There are many others that are far worse off than you and they are doing and handling life just fine. I am one not to broadcast my issues, but I do so not to elicit sympathy but rather encouragement.
Hell, you’re a youngster and have a good life ahead of you. I’ll be 65 on Monday (yep that’s right Medicare; complicated business) the fvcking govt really knows how to screw shit up.
Let me tell you about health issues; I’ve been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis since I was 22yo (43 years). I have a fused right wrist, artificial knuckles-right hand; tendon fusion in my left hand; 4 deck screws in my left foot/ankle holding those suckers together; in 2005 I underwent quadruple by-pass surgery because I followed the doctors advice up until then to reduce fat in-take (no red meat eggs, bacon, etc bla, bla) fvck the doctors, I did a lot of reading and went red meat, eggs, bacon, stopped carbs, sugar, pasta, deserts and now my cholesterol is the lowest it’s ever been. not that I believe that shit, but I went from 188 lbs to 168, healthy as an ox, rod is as good as it’s ever been and fvcking life is good. I fish, target shoot and do sporting-clays with a 12 gauge shotgun.
After by-pass surgery I took up golf and got my handicap down to a 10. My lower back is all screwed up and am looking at surgery after the first of the year, only because I’m still healing from a bunionectomy a few weeks ago. I’ve been living in pain my entire adult life. My pain tolerance is so incredible I never once took any pain meds after my foot surgery.
You’ve got to learn to deal with your issues and adapt accordingly. If you sit around (with DVT I hope you are not) feeling sorry for yourself it will drive you to an early grave. If there are things you like to do, but you feel you can’t; figure out how to adapt to continue doing those things..it’s good for your mental health. I learned how to modify my fishing rods and guns to be able to handle them effectively.
Now do I mope about my situation feel sorry for myself…Hell fvcking no! I have four siblings and I’m the only one that has the health maladies that besieged my parents; how fricking lucky am I. That’s OK, you know why? As my wife tells me, ‘I can’t imagine how any of your brothers could handle what you have’. God decided that I’m the one that would be able to handle these issues…so I do.
My advice; stop writing depressing poems feeling sorry for yourself. Read some positive thinking books. Your mind is very powerful-use it for good; adapt and improvise, chase those negative feelings from your mind.
Seek guidance from the Higher Power; pick a day and declare to yourself that this is the first day that I’m gonna stop feeling sorry for myself….then DO IT; self pity is the devil; it’s ugly and beats you down; Defy it. Don’t succumb to; What do we say to the God of Despair/Self Pity? Not today!


Willie Nelson wrote the poem. It’s called The Penis Poem.

Deplorable Patriot

And I thought aching IT bands and hamstrings from walking on hills an hour a day was bad.


@Steve in Lewes.. I assme, you didn’t get reading compensation.. What I opined is tongue in cheek
I’m not going into my numerous Health problems, I’m doing my best, AS, I’ve just got back, knocked out a Bushel of oysters.. While being a one-armed-amputee ..
I fish.. and stay busy,, read back on MY other posts.. Please..comment image


Half Bushel of oysters..
Local selects Wild caught..comment image


comment image
life issues
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 17, 2019
obeying our worthy god strength hope trust
The prophet Isaiah wrote, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19, NKJV). At some point, we all have felt the weight of the enemy surrounding us.
We experience panic or stress over work deadlines, bills to be paid, or relationship conflicts. We catch ourselves focusing on what people will think or say. Then we begin to suffer discouragement and even depression.comment image
No one wants to be scorned, ridiculed, or taken for granted, but at some point we will be. Even Jesus suffered the ridicule of others. The chief priests, mocking with the scribes and elders, said, “He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, ‘I am the Son of God'” (Matthew 27:43).
No matter what we face or how others ridicule us, God is our rock and our fortress. He is our deliverer. We can find refuge and security in Him. Although you may not feel God’s presence or help, He is near, just as Psalm 91:15 promises, “He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.”
Do you feel that God has forgotten you? The writer of Hebrews reminds us that the Lord will not forget us, for God Himself has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
So no matter what others say or how discouraged you may feel, remember that the Lord has the answer to your anxiety and despair. All you have to do is cry out to Him. He longs for you to seek His power. Ask Him to be the source of your strength and deliverance.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for never leaving or forsaking me. I cry out to You now for the strength I need for today. Thank You for Your new mercies every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:11).

Psalm 18:2
2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.




BINGO! Ding ding ding. What’s in YOUR closet Tom?


I would enjoy hearing about someone dealing with Tom Arnold the way the Sons of Anarchy dealt with him in that great TV series. They put him in the trunk of a car and ventilated it with several large caliber holes. Then they all had a great laugh and said it looks like a case of suicide. 🙂


must be a line behind Johnny Depp…
iirc, he was the first one to suggest assassination.


Tom Arnold was investigated by the Secret Service last November for things he said about Pres. Trump. I think it’s time for a more thorough investigation.


I don’t know how those boards of directors work. Does that often happen, that a director or a board member serves without being present? Of course there is telecommunication, but for something this important, it would seem a board member would at least go and meet the others once. It looks as if Hunter got paid for doing literally nothing. I would love to see the records of the board meetings during the time he was on the board. Let’s see who was present at the meetings, and who was there by Skype.


Thanks. It looks as if someone could, at the very least, investigate whether the board was abiding by its bylaws. They could also look at the minutes of the meetings. If Hunter was found to be doing nothing, it would reflect on Joe’s role in getting him the position.


Yes, easy peasy – If meetings are done by conference call – that would be in the meeting minutes, too – hence, there are ways and means to hunting down Hunter – and his attendance or lack thereof – I say


Many years ago a board member told me he could miss a meeting, if he were sick or something, but that he would still be legally liable for any action taken by the board at that meeting.
(And I’m sure they would have kicked off anybody who kept missing meetings.)
That was American law then. Don’t know how it works in Ukraine.


Any Boards I’ve been involved with (legitimately…not just for Bahamian get-always,…darn, never got one of those!), have attendance requirements in their documents. For example, one Board stated 3 absences and you were automatically out (with appeal, of course).
This is especially true for compensated Board positions. I’ve known “big players” that make high 6-figure incomes just attending various board meetings …always in 5 star locations, of course, with all expenses paid.


Your attendance requirements comment seems very realistic. If I were running a company, I think there would be something like that.

Deplorable Patriot

One of the non-profits I worked for…at least two board members NEVER, and I mean NEVER made a meeting. So long as we had a quorum, we were fine. But those two…NEVER made a meeting. They would, OTOH, be the first to sign paperwork and send it back in. This is typical for non-profits, though. It looks good on the LinkedIn page.
Business is another matter.


LOL, DP, I always said they were the “obituary “ Board members…wanted to look good about all the philanthropic good deeds they did.
Then you also have the Service Clubs members who joined every organization in town if they were planning to run for something, such as state legislator, school board, etc. Looked great on their campaign resume, but shortly thereafter they “regret” their busy schedules didn’t permit them to continue.


Second illegal immigrant tied to ‘merciless’ sanctuary-city murder
The murder of Juan Carlos Con Guzman, the popular high school teen, has become a flashpoint in the sanctuary city debate. It follows another gang-related murder in King County, Washington, that also involved an illegal immigrant that authorities refused to turn over to ICE.
“The defendants beat the victim with a baseball bat and mercilessly chopped his neck repeatedly with a machete before dismembering the body,” prosecuting attorney Mary H. Barbosa told a judge. “The extraordinary brutality of this crime demonstrates the threat the defendants pose to the community.”
In the wake of the killings, King County officials have defended their policies and complained that ICE, by pointing out the connection between the sanctuary policies and the murders, is harassing the county.
You’re talking about literally crimes that never should have happened in this country because they’re people who, upon their first interaction with the justice system, should have been deported,” acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli told reporters this week.


“When I met Big T, I was going through a John Lee Hooker phase, mandatory education for anyone living in the American south. He used to look at me kind of funny when I listened to this song, but “Bad, Like Jesse James” became his “going to trial court” theme song. Instant swagger. Yet there is another song, perfect for today, in honor of Nancy Pelosi called, “Mean, Mean Woman” ”
Blues music (for me) is not so much about the lyrics, not usually.
It’s about a feeling. 🙂
The words can help it along, but the characteristic blues ‘feeling’ would still be there, with or without them. 👍


Science Study: Rising CO2 Producing ‘Miracle’ Re-greening Effects Across the Planet
October 18, 2019
from Humans Are Free
Climate change myth pushers are scientifically illiterate propagandists who have brainwashed themselves against all scientific reality to somehow believe that carbon dioxide is a poison to plants.
In truth, it’s the “greening” molecule for the planet, as I’ve repeatedly explained in multiple climate videos, podcasts and climate articles.
Now, new science published in Nature demonstrates that global tree cover is rapidly expanding across the planet as CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere rise to healthier, pro-tree levels that support forest growth and health.
Yes, you read that correctly: Forestation coverage of planet Earth is expanding, not shrinking as we’re all told by the lying globalist media on a daily basis. (The same dishonest media that claimed New York City would now be under water from an apocalypse of melting ice caps… go figure.)
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


It’s amazing how perfectly the earth was created.


Amen goes right there, Truths!


Miraculous, even!


Plants evolved when CO2 levels were much higher than today.
They are starving now. It was even worse before the Industrial Revolution and the Second Industrial Revolution.




Just think…
13 more days and we get to watch Hillary fly her broom. 🙂


Good time for a sale on anti-aircraft artillery.

Deplorable Patriot

Will be looking for a suitable house for dropping purposes.
Think she has stripped socks and red shoes somewhere?

Cuppa Covfefe

One of the shoes appears to have gone missing (according to Garrison 🙂 )…

Cuppa Covfefe

How about the House of Representatives (less MAGA Republicans, of course)…


Monica Crowley. Over a year ago, but still a good speech.


This will be seen a number of times, but the point I’d like to make about what James O’keefe has found EVIDENCE of… “Malice aforethought” “Purpose of causing Intentional harm” – re: regarding lawsuits for slander and libel.

It’s all on tape – just have to get it admitted as evidence in a trial, which can be done, as the group out in California just did in the Planned Parenthood suit. In fact, PP’s leader opened the door on the videos’ information, and the star prosecutor’s witness just became a witness for the defense. 🙂


I’d like to see the DOJ indict CNN and execs with charges of sedition and treason against the US, which would greatly bolster the civil case.





Here’s the full thread:


Tulsi had better get some extra bodyguards. But does Hillary still have that much control over the Dem Party and the DNC? Maybe they’re all afraid of her and still do her bidding. Maybe they’re dreading the day she announces she is running again, LOL.


I still left off some of it – here it is in full:
Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiGabbard
“Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a …
… concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and …
… powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.”
Talk about guts – hope Tulsi Gabbard has some good security – maybe she needs Secret Service protection. She’s gotten 41K likes so far on the first part!


André Rieu – Send In The Clowns


wow… now that is harmonizing!


These ladies are very special and accomplished vocal musicians – Andre only uses the best for his concerts!


Just first class musicians and vocalists for sure…beautiful!


Agree, trump – first class for sure!!!


Love this one……


Absolutely, GA/FL – one of my favorites as well – not many can sing this song well – and she does it so beautifully! Thanks for posting!


This was posted in the rally thread last night. I’ve not listened to the “wide-ranging” interview, but the summary here has me interested in finding the audio.
https://patriotssoapbox.com/politics/ret-gen-paul-vallely-confirms-existence-of-q-in-interviewcomment image
from: Ret. General Paul Vallely Confirms Existence of “Q” in Interview…

General Paul E. Vallely (Major General, USA, Ret.) was interviewed by show host Mike Filip on AmeriCanuck Internet Radio of Canada, October 14, 2019. In a wide-ranging interview Filip and Vallely talked about Q-Anon, Antifa, the Deep State, politics, and the biggest threats facing the US.
Gen. Vallely was asked … “Who’s the individual calling himself or themselves Q?”
Gen. Vallely answered the following: “Q-Anon is information that comes out of a group called ‘The Army of Northern Virginia.’ This is a group of military intelligence specialists, of over 800 people that advises the president. The president does not have a lot of confidence in the CIA or the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) much anymore. So the President relies on real operators, who are mostly Special Operations type of people. This is where ‘Q’ picks up some of his information.”
Mike Filip spoke about 8 Chan being dropped and relaunched as 8Kun, which would be backed up by a military satellite. Gen. Vallely said he didn’t know about that, but that there is a separate internet being created, one that could not be compromised because it is so high-tech. He said the Chinese are working on the concept as well.
… Gen. Vallely expressed concerns about possible Antifa Protests breaking out around the country. He also said Antifa is very well funded. Gen. Vallely calls on all mayors to stand up against Antifa protests or be arrested for not keeping them out.


W👀w! What he says about Q is believable.

Harry Lime

General Paul E. Vallely (Major General, USA, Ret.) has just ruined any chance of posting his thoughts and opinions at the Conservative Treehouse…I’m sure he’s devastated.

Harry Lime

2017 seemed like so long ago…didn’t it?


It sure does. We are moving at TrumpWarp speed now!


How in the world did you know about that comment? Saved somewhere and super secret memory? 🙂


Searched Vallely and Conservative Tree House – to see if there was any ‘history’, because SD is known for his feuds, and Vallely is a firebrand of sorts. It’s easy to imagine a clash, esp. over Q matters.


Okay, thanks.


It is disappointing if Vallely used SD’s article without citing it, though.


Vallely was no fan of Øbama – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_E._Vallely

Elizabeth Carter

GA/FL That is great information.
Thanks for the link.


Maybe he and McRaven could be on the same show and “discuss” their views.


Is this McRaven guy the same one that accused the families of Extortion 17, the ill fated group of Navy Seals flown in on a ill suited Chinook helicopter to assist rangers in Afghanistan telling them “We were being “political.” And you never mix military service and politics. Never.”, when they were questioning Obama’s Pentagon about the mysterious cover up and possible betrayal that occurred that fateful night under his watch?
Or is he the guy that was wouldn’t let the special ops community stand up during Benghazi? I get confused. Regardless people today still spit when they hear this suck up, ticket punching, Brennan defending, McRaven open his big mouth.


About the Army of Northern Virginia intelligence group….it’s a real thing!
“The United States Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), frequently shortened to Intelligence Support Activity or Mission Support Activity, and nicknamed The Activity, the Army of Northern Virginia,[1] or Office of Military Support, is a United States Army Special Operations unit originally subordinated to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) but now part of the Joint Special Operations Command. It is tasked to collect actionable intelligence in advance of missions by other US special operations forces, especially 1st SFOD-D and DEVGRU in counter-terrorist operations.”


Just as long as we don’t conflate the two as being one and the same “This is where ‘Q’ picks up some of his information”. Maybe important going forward, just saying 🙂


Good point.

Deplorable Patriot

Have to sing at a wedding and Mass tomorrow, but it would be nice to visit.



Of course, if this was Portland, that guy would probably be looking at 30 years to life.


True, True


Rube Rommey getting some Trump counter punch!

Deplorable Patriot

Wishing we could get out the fire pit tonight. This will have to do.


Andre Rieu The 3 Girls Singing The Rose


Duchess! Never heard of this musician, but how exquisite!!!!! I loved the glitter and glitz of the gowns.
If only the fashion people would cover Melania, we’d have “dressing” back in style! I believe that the informality, sloppiness, that has overtaken our culture contributes to some of the troubles we have.


André Rieu is the European version of Lawrence Welk. He’s very good and very versatile.
Lots of videos on YT – https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=andre+rieu


I just wandered over to YT. Have bookmarked several more to check out. Watched a couple of the bio interview ones. He lives in a castle built in 1452.


Wow…a castle. He’s quite a showman…loves the flourishes and frills and elegant costumes.


Unfortunately, yes, lady – Andre Rieu is a famous violinist in Europe – he has done many orchestral concerts in various countries in Europe –
I Will Follow Him – André Rieu


Thank you. I’m delighted to learn about him.


I’ve been a fan of Andre Rieu for years. Thanks for the posts tonight duchess. I’m enjoying them.


Most welcome, Dora! I love his concerts – and he still has a concert schedule for 2019 – imagine that – amazingly talented man!


Saw him in person in South Florida…couples were waltzing in the aisles..it was magical. Definitely a Welk or even Liberace showman style but like both of them, a sense of humor that comes out. He’s one of the few orchestra directors I can think of that plays an instrument while conducting.
I especially like the ball gowns in a variety of colors and styles worn by the females that give elegance to the experience. I go to a lot of orchestral concerts and often cringe at what the females wear…while the males always wear tux or tails.

Deplorable Patriot

These people seriously have proverbial green eyes. (Real green eyes, OTOH, can be a massive pain to make up. You should see my collection of purple eye shadow.)


Yep – next news cycle it will be emoluments, emoluments…. ad infinitum!
Wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t get up a Special Counsel with Sally Q. Yates at the head.


Nothing better to do, DP?

Deplorable Patriot

Currently watching all the dance scenes from Oklahoma!
I have no social life. Oh, well.


LOL – I meant the Dims – you funny!

Deplorable Patriot

Charlotte Greenwood was a riot in that musical.


Yes, she was – God is Good!!!


Maybe if you wore a low cut short dress to a local bar you’d have a social life.

Deplorable Patriot

Girls like me have better luck at church. I now just need to find the right church to attend.


I think part of the reason why Trump wants these events at places he owns is because he has private security that knows these venues like the backs of their hands.
I think the Demons are pissed because it keeps him safe from THEM.





Our VSG POTUS is quite a fighter!!!!


Deplorable Patriot

Some days I’m glad some people have entirely too much time on their hands.


Ha ha ha! That’s hilarious.


Getting quite an education here tonight. Never heard of the peacock spider before either. 🙂


Test comment.


Child Forced Into Gender Therapy Against Father’s Wishes


The NBA is going to be very sorry for their idiocy.


This is a great thread by someone who is in a position to know if Q is real or not. Here is the beginning tweet:
“1. So many trolls online claiming that Q isn’t real. I happen to be in a position to weigh in, with some real expertise, to say that Q is in fact real. Many of you already know this, but some are not “red pilled” and just coming out of the fog of misinformation… and scared. ”
I highly recommend reading the whole thread.