Dear KAG!: 20200319 Open Thread

 This Night before Daughn Thursday 20200319 Open Thread is Open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG! You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.

They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Tough week so far for all of us and a good time to reflect how good life is in the USA. Look at the challenges we’ve faced and overcame them. Now we have a new battle to be won and it’s easy to see this is going to be tough, so we must stick together and fight the good fight.

July 4th 2019 President Trump told our nation.

“What a great country!” declared the president. “For Americans nothing is impossible. Ours is the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.”

American exceptionalism? More like American Spirit!

Be Strong and stay Safe. Your family and friends need you❤

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Anon on Trump’s handling of the Chinese Virus
Post 8469249 2 hours ago • View on 8kun
“Just think about this POTUS has talked to and asked they’re advice of almost every major industry and leaders in our country in the last month. Had meeting after meeting, conference calls, outreach and deep and meaningful discussions about what our country needs now but into the future.
This is not a one time event. This is a model for how our country and people will work together with each other for a long time to come. He’s fulfilling his promise of the government run for, by and with the citizens.
Not to mention he’s generating extremely enormous goodwill from every corporate leader! This is not just about a 4 year election or another 4 year election, this is a template on how Our country should have worked from the beginning. It’s huge what he’s doing!
I love our President! We are truly becoming the sovereign nation we should have been.”comment image


So happy to see you posting the last few days T3…………….. makes my heart smile !


Same here. 😁


Smiling back P.R.comment image


ohh that’s beautiful !



Sylvia Avery

Totally agree. And I’m happy to see you, too, PR. 🤗🤗🤗


adding you to my prayers Syl!!
hope you feel better soon!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Thank you Pat. I appreciate that!😊


feel better soon!!!!

Sylvia Avery



me too!


It’s what REAL, uncorrupted, authentic leadership with integrity looks like.


He has trained his entire life for this time, and he didn’t waste a second in the preparation.




Really good to see you here.

Sylvia Avery

TTT, I have thought again and again how PROUD I am of PDJT extending his hand to corporate America. He seeks input, listens to concerns, and does what’s right no matter what.


TIM, I really like the banner for your great OPENING…


Wyatt, Austere Deplorable
Friendly reminder: The CDC is a vaccine company. The WHO is owned by the Rockefellers.


The CDC is a vaccine company that, by law, has no liability for anything in the vaccines they provide. They could be full of nanoparticles, opioids, and Schlitz — and have not a drop of anything creating an immune response to the disease they purport to protect from.
Both the CDC and the FDA should get six months of consulting from Underwriters’ Laboratories then auctioned off — preferably in pieces. THERE SHOULD BE NO FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT IN HEALTHCARE. Check Article I, Section 8.


I don’t need to tell you how much I love the Thread pic, do I?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Swear I’ve seen it somewhere before.

Sadie Slays

Interesting change in the press room that I never noticed until I saw it mentioned elsewhere.
March 9: Presidential seal on podium. Flag in both corners.

March 14: “The White House” instead of the Presidential seal. Flag removed from the right-hand corner. President wears a prominent USA baseball hat.


Deplorable Patriot
March 19, 2020 at 00:05
I don’t want to start any rumors, but here’s a tale of two pictures.

Sadie Slays

Yeah, that’s the meme! Wanted to confirm the dates and changes myself.


Is there anyone one the board that knows the Jewish calendar and can confirm or debunk this, please?
Jubilee year
We are in year 5998 from creation. In early April of year 2020 Jubilee year 120 will begin; which will be year 6000 from creation. The whole year 6000 will be holy; the first year of the next Sabbatical year will be year 6001 or from early April of 2021 through early April 2022. The Jubilee year is a commandment for the whole world to observe if the whole world wants to be blessed for forty-nine more years.


Nope not true .A Jubilee year happens when all 12 tribes are reunited in Israel. This is such a thing but it is not observed for the reason I mentioned.


Christ already reunited the 12 tribes. As he said, I have come for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Those lost sheep are the scattered ten tribes (also the subject of Ezekiel 37).
The world, however, has other ideas about the ten lost tribes, preferring to keep them lost while focusing its love and/or hatred on Jews.
We have not yet been restored to Glory but we are well on the way. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.



Deplorable Patriot

If anyone has a good resource on the meanings of the tassels on the flag, etc., would you be so kind as to post it? Thanks. I’m trying to get a handle on this as it’s gotta mean something.


he wore a yellow tie in the first photo


the tweet below (FG&C) says that the UN Flag was removed…


If you haven’t seen it yet…this is one of the Best clips from Tucker that I have ever seen.
I’m amazed that it made it through the Fox censors!
“We need to start treating China like the dangerous cold war level adversary it has clearly become.”


“We need to start treating China like the dangerous cold war level adversary it ALWAYS HAS BEEN.”
Please and thanks.


China needs us, not the other way around. And it always has.
However much China has become a threat to the USA in the past 40 years is our own damn fault. Or, more specifically, the fault of those willing to enrich themselves at the expense of others and our nation as a whole.


Yes! …I totally agree!
But it’s good to see someone like Tucker at least acknowledging the Threat now.
I’ve been saying it for years:
China is the biggest Threat we face!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is an excellent piece.
But then, Tucker has always been good.


Comment under video on YouTube…
C Alex
8 hours ago (edited)
I am Chinese (not by choice) and I have been calling it Chinese Coronavirus all along.
The biggest enemy to liberty is white “liberals”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! “Liberals” in quotes!!!


Sure lets let everyone just permanently squat.
Make L.A Great Again 🇺🇸 (@GuiltyHonkey) Tweeted:
@MikeBoninLA with another bad idea!
“ The co-author of the eviction extension, Councilmember Mike Bonin, also wants the city to waive a requirement in Garcetti’s order that requires tenants show proof they were impacted by the pandemic.”


Andrew Torba
Your new #Coronavirus news command center with the latest global stats broken down by country, top, trending, and breaking news all in one spot: image


Chart section needs lots of work. Missing data and doesn’t need three separate scrolls. 🙂


I guess the usual meet n greet is out.
KTLA (@KTLA) Tweeted:
Social distancing also applies to pets during coronavirus pandemic, a local veterinarian told KTLA


Hearing about the decrease in arrests for “simple” crimes and the possibility of prisoner release in places….of course this is applauded by the left. Wasnt that part of that horrendous bill Tucker was talking about just a few weeks ago? The one they were pushing that was worse than the green deal?

Rodney Short

Perfect picture for the header Tim our God is a AWESOME GOD…
Night n God bless Y’all, I am going to bed my kidneys are killing me.


Wishing you good rest and an ease of pain, Rodney. Later!

Rodney Short

Thanks FG&C
God bless you


will keep you in my prayers Rodney!!

Rodney Short

Thank you Pat and God bless you…


hope you feel better soon Rodney!

Rodney Short

Me to,oh I feel like crap and just want to go back to bed but the furbabies have other plans for me…
This to shall pass…


take good care of yourself!!!


R Stayman
3 hours ago
lifetime liberal here: I’m very happy with the job you are doing President Trump!! Thank you. I’m tired of the news outlets casting you as the bad guy. So many of us appreciate you!


More than the slime media want peeps to know!


I knew that Creepy Joe reminded me of someone!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Must say, I can spot the CULTURAL MARXISM on the original Hollywood show A MILE AWAY. Bolshevik slander of religion, from COVER. They’re very careful how they do it.


Oh yeah.
Hollywood began portraying religious people as ‘crazy and cultish and dangerous’…so much so, that it became a cliché.
Especially in the horror film genre.
Take the movie ‘Carrie’ for example…Carrie’s crazed mother.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf –
This space. Our place. This time. The storm.
From Shakespeare…
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here”
One day, I hope we will all gather together some weekend, to meet, celebrate, feast, laugh, and relive this time with one another. And let us not tarry, that no one be lost to age or illness before we do. May God grant it so. 🙏🏼

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! CHEERS!!! 🐺 🐺 🐺 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 <3 <3 <3
It may happen sooner than we think!!!

Brave and Free

Amen FG&C,
What an awesome feast that would be! I’ll bring cheesecake homemade of course.


I agree. I had said ot we needed to have a tree pin of some sort. I would be happy to have a patch or pin with me with a wolf or paw or some sort.


AMEN!!! If not here, definitely at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! 💞💞💞


What a great day that will be!


TIMine – thanks so much for the uplifting opener 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 So grateful to our nightly hosts 🤓


The wisdom of Catturd:

It’s scientifically impossible to think more ass backwards than a liberal.


This makes complete sense, given that liberals are backward asses.

Text from The Bradford File:
Dear China:
If you don’t want a virus named after your country, don’t start a global pandemic. If you do, don’t freaking lie about it and cause more people to die.
The Rest of the World

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Crazy Bernie has lost it.
“I’m Dealing with a F*cking Global Crisis!” – Crazy Bernie Lashes Out at CNN Reporter Asking About His 2020 Campaign Plans
Wrong Crazy Bernie! President Trump is “…Dealing with a F*cking Global Crisis!” You and Dementia Joe are just wasting time!


…..and he’s been dealing with a bunch of partisan crybabies, a bogus Russia hoax, an impeachment, Fake News gotcha quotes, and widespread misinformation from “intelligence” with a policy. And he’s doing it with style.


i saw that and thought wow! I thought it was JOE that had the dementia!
oh noes! the DEMENTIA is spreading among the Democrats—-time to QUARANTINE THEM ALL!!!!!


Well to be fair….he doesn’t say which side of the fence he is standing on to do that dealing…..might be some truth in that statement


From Newsweek?
Suspicious cat is suspicious.


Oh ugh! SMH 😬


Here is the original article cited.
Lots to unpack here.
My first question is where did this author get all his information. I’d say there is a lot of truth in it. But, of course, he ends it with a fear tease, so there is that.


🎶 Ain’t gonna please if you ain’t got a tease 🎶🎵 bada bada bing bam boom


Suspicious Cat is on the job!comment image


I don’t know what this is…but it’s disturbing.


Insane liberal. This was the tramp who played Woody Harrelson’s GF in “Natural Born Killers”.
She is B list.comment image


One day he’ll be an old man yelling at clouds, cursing kids just like him.
Show me a person who never felt immortal at a young, reckless age and I’ll show you a liar and a hypocrite.


I was too broke, sleep-deprived from working my ass off while taking a full load of classes at that age, to feel ‘immortal’.


Did you walk to school and back in the snow, uphill both ways, too?


some of us have had different experience and difficult lives…
at that age, I was working full time days, going to evening college 4 nights a week, raising my young son alone because my abusive, addict of a husband committed suicide by overdosing and trying to survive. I didn’t take spring breaks or summers off either. I graduated 8th in my class and I was a Phi Beta Kappa.


You are one of the blessed ones.


the road wasn’t an easy one, but it eventually led me to the love of my life. I wouldn’t change a thing.


God gave you the wisdom and courage that many others do not have.


very kind of you to say that. thank you.


Our daughter spent spring break building a house in Mexico.
Some of her friends went to Appalachia to serve and help poor people.
Others go to inner cities to clean up the garbage that Democrats won’t.


I went to Panama City Beach for spring break when I was 15 years old back before drugs and sex in high school and while the cool kids went to the band shell to dance, I spent the evening talking about history, politics, etc. with another 15 year old…..
….a boy who named Leroy McPherson….
….aka Newt Gingrich.
He was the same as he is today, a teacher and intellectual, and he had a big crush on his teacher….
….whom he later married.


Wow gafl!
I went to key west once, it was beautiful, but boy…party party party.


Very similar to what my son told me about his peer group. Dad, it’s a big problem. They don’t care. Pres Trump is right.


Martha McCallum supporting Trump’s #ChinaVirus label ??? 🤷‍♀️ Watch how animated she gets!


Martha is missing the MAIN point, though she cut deep with the MERS question.
She should push right back into this bitch’s face…
“Not only are we dealing with a virus that ORIGINATED in China, so that calling it the Chinese virus is accurate, but we are dealing with a life or death situation. And quite frankly, people’s “offended” feelings…contrived as they are…are irrelevant and a complete waste of serious people’s time. And since you are WASTING our viewer’s time with that contrived talking point, we’ll go ahead and end this segment with you now. Have a nice day.”
Cut to commercial. Show this bitch the door.


I’d have never let her in the door in the first place 😁


Actually, it’s a good idea to let sane people see the charlatans. They just need to be kept on a very short leash.


I didn’t know that Barron speaks 5 languages.
It doesn’t surprise me though…our First Lady Melania is doing a wonderful job.
And his father too!
From what I’ve read, PDJT spends as much time as he can with Barron…and calls him several times a day when he is away.

Barron Trump was speaking fluent Slovakian and French at age 3. He now speaks 5 languages and is a chess master. He is being raised by his mother, not a nanny.


Heh. Heh. Heh.
I am not in the least surprised. We know that VSGPOTUSDJT is a VSG, but he didn’t just pick Melania up off a curb — she is a total alpha in her own right, with a special insight for languages and cultures.
And, of course, I have to throw in my long-shot bet…..I think she’s Q.
Circling back to Barron, and watching him grow over a foot while his dad’s been in office under total constant MSM attack…..he’s got to be getting quite the worldview.


Hrmmmm… Are sure it’s her?
“When Baron was two and a half years old I took his breakfast into him,” the ex-butler recalled, according to Inside Edition. “He was sitting in his highchair and he looks at me and he said: ‘Tony! Sit down! We need to talk!'”
Read More:


Intellectually thats rather far advanced. Kids are sponges but that takes a much greater skill for concentration and listening that better than average kids. Mine is smart and stubborn and doesnt click on things immediately, but his retention is there.


Helps with job satisfaction and purpose in life…comment image


What if things got to a point where the Cabal made a direct threat against the population?
We certainly know they would have no hesitation to murder tens of millions of us, so it was or will always be a matter of ‘when’, not if.
What if Cabal’s plan involved something like multiple ‘terrorist’ and ‘false flag’ incidents all over the country at once?
What if the President called their bluff, and the best way to protect the population was to prevent the Cabal from having any large groups of people assembled together as targets?
What if the best way to keep everyone hunkered down and out of harm’s way as much as possible was a lesser panic of China virus than a major panic of simultaneous terrorist incidents all over the country?
What if the Cabal also threatened to crash the global economy and the U.S. stock market in particular?
What if the Trump administration called their bluff again?
What if the Cabal carried out their threat?
What if the Cabal is now out of ammunition?
When the threat is past, why doesn’t DJT instruct the Federal Reserve to buy the U.S. stock market, instead of what they usually do, which is bail out all their cronies and poorly run banks?
What if the Federal Reserve refuses?
What if the administration seizes trillions of dollars and assets from the Cabal under Executive Orders on corruption (issued December 31, 2017 and since)?
What if the administration decided to use those funds to buy the U.S. stock market — and announced their intention to do so, beforehand?
What if the U.S. stock market went to 40,000, or 50,000, or 80,000, or more — as everyone on the planet with funds available tried to buy into the U.S. market?
What if the United States was the only game in town on Earth?
What if Trump used the Federal Reserve’s refusal to help the American People as a way to show the American People that the Federal Reserve is our enemy, and as the reason to rally the American People into and abolishing it?
What if the administration then returned control of monetary policy to the United States government?
What if the administration abolished the income tax?
What if the administration backed the U.S. dollar with gold seized from Cabal holdings all over the world?
What if the administration made everyone whole who lost savings or investment capital during this entire process?
What if the Cabal and the Fed were both gone?
Just thinkin’ out loud 😁


The Federal Reserve is a group of privately held banks. It is, in effect, the Third National Bank of the United States — except that Andrew Jackson killed the Second National Bank of the United States, burned the remains, and salted the earth where it stood — and they were too chicken to ever use that name again. Further, they put him on the twenty as a reminder of what might happen when they irritated enough people.
Jackson’s veto speech, last four paragraphs (summation):
It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves–in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.
Experience should teach us wisdom. Most of the difficulties our Government now encounters and most of the dangers which impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of Government by our national legislation, and the adoption of such principles as are embodied in this act. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress. By attempting to gratify their desires we have in the results of our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, and man against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations of our Union. It is time to pause in our career to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit of compromise which distinguished the sages of the Revolution and the fathers of our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.
I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow-citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shall find in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us and the dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let us firmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies of our Republic, and on the intelligence and wisdom of our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and their patriotic devotion our liberty and Union will be preserved.

Sadie Slays

If this letter is real, the Department of Homeland security is forecasting this crisis to last through May 28th. There are wild rumors circulating about a nationwide lockdown and shutting off fuel pumps during that time. Rumors or not, it couldn’t hurt to keep your gas tank full and your supplies stocked just in case.


“If this letter is real, the Department of Homeland security is forecasting this crisis to last through May 28th.”
No way.
330+ million people essentially locked in their homes for about 10 weeks?
People already going stir-crazy from winter, and now they’re expected to stay inside until JUNE!?!
Good luck with that!
Start paying everybody $1,000 per DAY, and you MIGHT get compliance. 😁


Agree. I hate the speculation and exaggeration going on. Even in China which has had the worst for 2-3 months is beginning to move back into a normal state of functioning. Numbers are dropping. South Korea contained for, what? 4 wks now? and their cases are dropping.


Most vehicles on the road today can be shut down via the onboard computer. No need to lock down fuel outlets.


“Most vehicles on the road today can be shut down via the onboard computer. No need to lock down fuel outlets.”
Yes, but that’s a “one time use” kind of thing.
As in, if they ever use it on a widespread scale (to shut down a community, town, city or the entire nation), there will be so much hell to pay that the capability will be REMOVED from all cars that currently have it, and removed from ALL FUTURE VEHICLES built.
The population would lose their MINDS over Big-Brother exercising that kind of tyranny.


St. Joseph Pray For Us.

Deplorable Patriot

According to the transcripts of the Blessed Mother’s interaction of the mystics, St. Joseph is one of the most powerful intercessors in Heaven. Invoke him often. Also according to the transcripts, The Blessed Mother claims St. Joseph died in Jesus’s arms as a most beloved step father and teacher of trade.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, and the other thing, St. Joseph was, apparently, only about twenty years older than the Blessed Mother, and was a single man living a simple life when chosen by God to take her into his life.

Deplorable Patriot

This is actually a Holy Family presentation by the same artist who painted my avitar, Murillo.comment image


Verse of the Day

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…”
Romans 1:16 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Thursday Butterfly Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Thursday!


Morning, Pat! Hope and Pray you have a Blessed Day, too – God Bless You and Keep You!!!


Really? Where? Certainly not here!!!
However – I am looking forward to it WHEN it does arrive – God is Good!!!


The Impeachment Mob — Jon McNaughton


Any idea on who the two behind Schifty are? Cabal Enforcers?


Nope – but, they do look familiar – someone knows (Daughn, Wolf, and/or Wheatie) – so I am sure we will find out who they are – 🙂


Eric Ciaramella and Peter Strozk


Oh, you think so, ray? Makes sense – looks exactly like those two snakes


I think so.


The guy with the beard is unmistakably ChiaPet – but, the other guy looks more like Scarymoochie than Strzok – is Lisa anywhere – if not – it is not Strzok – imho

Deplorable Patriot

The one on the right is Peter Strzok.



Awesome! Needs a headrest/brace!
Have a daughter who has had to use wheelchairs for many years now.


Is it electronic, GA/FL?


Our daughter has two top of the line multi-functional Permobil wheelchairs that I bought off of craigslist, got inspected by dealers and picked up one in Kentucky and had the other shipped from Colorado. We got them for less than half of the co-pay for one chair. One had 24 miles and the other had 62 miles – nearly new! That was the year Øbominablecare kicked in and lots of insurance companies were cancelling policies. She worked at a non-profit and I did not want to file insurance. She has to have two good chairs in case one is in the shop. People prayed for us – I found the chairs – problem solved! Praise the LORD!


Praise the Lord for sure, GA/FL!!!


These high school kids are SMART – quite a future ahead of them!


Amen goes right there, GA/FL!

Deplorable Patriot

You see a lot of this when people get the chance to do it. Home Depot workers have been known to take plans of mobility devices that can be made out of ordinary hardware, and just make one for a customer. That robotics students would put their heads together and come up with something speaks to the innovation that must be fostered in the coming generations to maintain our technological prominence in the world.


Amen goes right there, DP!

Brave and Free

Scott 467,
I have been thinking along those lines too. Wolf’s theory on a biological weapon released in my opinion is spot on. The chicoms have been after the US for decades and PDJT knew that coming in. His arrival on the world stage presented a problem for them. PDJT trying to reason with them didn’t work, and I am sure he knew it wouldn’t. So we hit them up on trade and call out there BS totally expose them and everyone their in bed with.
Their response Chinese virus. What better way to take over a country, collapse them economically with a pandemic. So what if this is a war being fought behind the curtain? How would the general public reacted if PDJT had just came out and said China released a bi-weapon on us? Look at what is happening with the government response to a virus that by all accounts isn’t worse than the flu. Or is it really worse and were trying to keep a lid on it because we’d have mass panic in the street’s if were told were at war. Which PDJT has just said,
Donald J. Trump

· 15h
I want all Americans to understand: we are at war with an invisible enemy, but that enemy is no match for the spirit and resolve of the American people…
So much going on behind the curtain we’re not aware of. Look at the last Q drops #3891 Nothing can stop what’s coming.
Truly believe PDJT has this, can you imagine anyone else in the WH and their response?
Hope I kind of made sense.


Would this be a possible reason for Little Kim not following through on peace initiatives?


Speaking of, considering the proximity to china, I wonder how noko is faring right now?


They all need a good smack!




A real man!


Dark Money Progressive Groups Spending Millions to Politicize Coronavirus, Spread Fear
Millions of Americans across the country are, day by day, adjusting their lives to better cope with the economic, social, and political impacts caused by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, as a dark money network simultaneously works overtime to further politicize the festering crisis.


WHITE HOUSE Task Force press briefing at 11 AM
President Trump goes to FEMA this afternoon.


Christ the Redeemer lit up with flags of countries affected by the coronavirus!


if true, finally FLOTUS will get to shine!!!
The White House has just announced that First Lady Melania Trump will be starring in a series of new PSAs the goal of which will be to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Daily Mail reported that Melania will be joining U.S. health officials in the PSAs. The White House said in a statement that Melania and the officials will “appear in national broadcast PSAs that communicate the most important ways Americans can protect themselves and those most at risk.”
The officials set to join Melania in the campaign include Surgeon General Jerome Adams, infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx, who is the coordinator of the coronavirus task force. These officials have all regularly been seen with President Donald Trump at press conferences updating the public on the coronavirus situation.


Yesterday, I noted several potential social/cultural outcomes to this Chinese virus crisis:
Increased compassion, kindness, consideration for seniors along with a newfound awareness of seniors, increased communication between people/families, etc. There was main one I’m sensing – a return to faith, a renewed interest in faith. Something beautiful to see.
We had to slow up enough in our lives to recognize what was really important… and what isn’t.


Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress Dissent


saw a new name for the disease…FEARONA virus


nature seizes upon the quarantine in Italy to renew the canals!
Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ordered a country-wide shutdown earlier this month forbidding people to leave their homes unless going to work, a hospital or for emergency reasons.
Since then, for the first time since their invention, motorboats have stopped moving throughout the city’s waters.
It didn’t take long for Mother Nature to react to the newly cleared canals and for the first time in decades wildlife came back into the city’s waters.
A dolphin was photographed in the canal “for the first time in 60 years,” according to one Twitter user with another writing, “Water’s flowing through the canals of Venice is clear for the first time in forever. The fish are visible, the swans returned.”


In images: A walk through an empty Paris
With France in coronavirus lockdown, Paris has become almost deserted, with only a few joggers, pedestrians and vehicles remaining on the streets, a far cry from the crowds and traffic that normally fill the French capital.
From Notre-Dame Cathedral to the world-famous Louvre Museum, landmarks normally swarming with tourists and locals now resemble something from a post-apocalyptic movie, with barely a living soul in sight.


Here we go!
Democrats have begun braying for mail only voting for the rest of the 2020 election cycle. It’s because of COVID-19 health concerns for those who traditionally vote in person. A wet dream of voter fraud for them, not to mention confusion with delayed election night results.
Article excerpt:
Clinton’s call echoed a similar demand by Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D), who asked legislators to allow all-mail voting this year. Republicans are skeptical, recalling the infamous words of President-elect Barack Obama’s incoming chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, in 2008: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”
We wholeheartedly agree, @SecretaryHobbs, and we already have a bill by @seanbowie that would do just that. Let’s work with @FannKfann to send it straight to the floor and fast track this important legislation. Read the bill here:
— Arizona Senate Dems (@AZSenateDems) March 18, 2020


The stage is being set for the mail in fraud voting by showicasing how COVID-19 negatively affected primary voting earlier this week.
Article title: Coronavirus upends primary elections in Florida, Illinois and Arizona; vote postponed in Ohio
An excerpt:
MARCH 17, 20203:25 PM
The new coronavirus kept some voters and poll workers at home and hampered efforts to open some polling sites on Tuesday as three states held Democratic presidential primary contests amid a global pandemic.
Leaders in Ohio called off their primary just hours before polls were set to open as the federal government urged Americans not to gather in groups of 10 or more and asked older people to stay home. The state’s Democratic Party said it was weighing options for challenging that move, which the Republican governor had pushed.
In Florida, at least five polling stations in Palm Beach County couldn’t open because workers didn’t report for duty, the county elections department said. The county had 800 volunteers back out as of Monday, with 100 new volunteers offering to take their place.
And a coalition of voting-rights advocacy groups filed a lawsuit seeking to extend mail voting in the state’s primary by 10 days out of concerns that the coronavirus has kept voters from the polls on election day. But a federal judge rejected the groups’ request for an order allowing Florida voters to request a mail-in ballot through March 24 and postpone the count until March 27.


Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_
Trust the plan.
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· 52m
We are going to WIN, sooner rather than later!


Seeing this made my morning. Venice was pretty dirty. An improvement for sure.
Roberto Dupplicato (@duppli) Tweeted:
E tra i canali ci sono pure i coccodrilli. Non si vedevano dai tempi della Lira


Ok…pics wont come up. But, Venice canals, fish, swans, dolphins, and crocs!

Deplorable Patriot

Crocs? REALLY?


Yep. Amazing….

Deplorable Patriot

OMG! A big reptile in Venice! Holy SCHNIKIES!


I like it!

Deplorable Patriot

Psst! When you copy the link, stop before the ?. That’s the embed link.


Ah ok. Havi g trouble lately.

Deplorable Patriot

This hits way too close to the truth.

Lisa Mei Crowley 🐸@LisaMei62
Shutting its online Freedom of Information/Privacy Act (FOIPA) operation and accepting only standard mail makes no sense unless the law enforcement agency is simply trying to stop the flow of public records requests.”
FBI Shuts Online Public Records Operation Over Coronavirus, Encourages Standard Mail – Judicial…
As mandatory social distancing forces Americans and federal government employees to telework, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is using coronavirus as an excuse to shut down its electronic…


Lisa Mei Crowley 🐸 Retweeted
Josh Cremeans “DirtyTruth”@AKA_RealDirty
@SecAzar tells @IngrahamAngle @realDonaldTrump Will be trying to get experimental drugs to the American people. Just remember this is the same @POTUS that brought you right to try. He will be tackling this with the same attitude.
Show this Thread

Deplorable Patriot


Movie theaters are already aski g for a bailout! Amc owned by the Chinee, and regal/edwards owned by the brits. They can go f themselves. Its only been a few days. And they can ask Hollywierd to help.
Lots of businesses will go under and lots will get lean in order to reinvent. No one gets a bailout this early.


Fully agree go ask Hollywood for money not the tax payers


Couldn’t care if movie theaters go belly up. There are other, better jobs out there.
Theaters are purveyors of hollyweird BS messages.


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram 11h
1) Fox has obtained a memo sent to all House members from the Office of the Attending Physician at the Capitol regarding members who tested positive for coronavirus.
This is what was written by Dr. Brian Monahan:
2) “The Office of Attending Physician has been carefully monitoring recent developments involving two Members of the United States House of Representatives who have tested positive for COVID-19 who are ill, but in good condition. They are following CDC specified self-isolation..
3)..guidelines at their homes.
My office has taken appropriate actions to identify any individuals who require additional monitoring for periods of quarantine. The office has adopted a very conservative guideline to identify individuals who may have come into contact with the ill
4) Mbrs during the pre-symptomatic period of March 13th. The office has additionally reviewed possible exposures among staff members & has assessed other areas involving the calendars of the affected individuals. The Office of Attending Physician has identified the offices and..
5)..and locations that were found to be at risk and these have been treated by the Architect of the Capitol, using CDC approved cleaning methods to ensure there is no residual risk to others.
Other instances where the affected Members may have briefly come into contact with..
6)..other colleagues on the House Floor would be considered to be low risk exposures and no additional measures are required other than for them to report any illness should they become ill.
It reflects the pace of the COVID-19 disease throughout the United States and its..
7)..presence here in Washington, D.C. that it has touched the community of the U.S. Capitol.

Deplorable Patriot

Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
On Fox Business Mnuchin says he sees “no reason” for small restaurants to stay closed once the crisis passes “if Congress passes out plan.”


note “our plan” ……………………… Nanzi never heard that… Nanzi is all over twitter telling anyone who will listen what POTUS needs to do… classic example of a Narcissist .


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Work continues behind the scenes as McConnell & GOPers continue to prep “phase 3” of coronavirus response bill. McConnell expected to talk with Schumer today


AND, where is Nervous Nanzi…betting marinating in a bottle of booze. D-Rats need to over throw the bitch.


A compilation of headlines from Ace of Spades this a.m. wrt economic impact of Chinese Virus
Go to their site for links to articles if interested
I don’t even want to look at the markets anymore. In any case, the emergency relief bill passed the Senate and the President signed it, but as we all know it is loaded down with pork. Along with the Chi-Coms I have equal if not more venom for the Democrats who forced all kinds of wasteful garbage knowing full well the optics if Trump dug his heels in (and rightly so) while America burned. In any case, several links on how what we’re doing with the economy and stimulus is worse than the actual disease itself as well as a Pew poll with an overwhelming number of respondents also thinking the “cure” worse than the real disease.
Dow Loses All Gains From Trump Administration
President Trump Signs Chinese Coronavirus Relief Bill with Over $100 Billion in Aid
Don’t Call Democrats’ Pork “Stimulus”
15 Things Conservatives Must Demand in Return for Chinese Coronavirus Bailout Package
Will The Costs of a Great Depression Outweigh the Risks of Chinese Coronavirus? (spoiler alert: hell yes – jjs)
Pew Poll: Americans View Wuhan Virus as a Bigger Threat to the Economy Than to Their Health
Coronavirus in NY: Restaurants Announce Mass Layoffs as Pandemic Panic Puts City in Chokehold
Chinese Coronavirus: Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler Shutting Down US Factories
Trump Invokes Defense Protection Act as Chinese Coronavirus Ravages Economy
Invoking Airline Bailout, Movie Theaters Submit Plea to Trump Administration
IRS Gives Most Americans Extra 90 Days to Pay (you still have to file on time – jjs)


DIMs must not get away with their crimes…………… they have destroyed Dow gains created by Trump Admin and more importantly they have put the elderly across the globe and especially here at home at risk with their undermining of every move POTUS makes, as well as their ‘pork’ insertions in every piece of legislation to aid Americans.
We MUST NOT hesitate to call them out to our friends and family… their actions MUST BE made known, MUST BE remembered.


I am SO sick of these people. Destory the dim party forever


I second that emotion!


made me laugh!
patient pooch for sure!!!!


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


FBN – Prince Albert of Monaco has tested positive for China virus.


Call me a skeptic – but, does he think this will keep him out of jail?


Concerned Virginian

So, TULSI GABBARD is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race.
If she thinks that the DNC / Ole Joe will choose her as the DemCom VP pick, she’d better think again.
HILLARY CLINTON will do everything in her power that Gabbard won’t have a chance to be the DemCom VP pick.


Do you really think she still wields that much power, CV? If they do slip her in – which I doubt – she is going nowhere – people don’t like her – and she has some legal issues about which to be concerned.
As far as putting up the ‘Less than Dynamic Duo’ – they are far worse than Biden – who is losing his marbles – and would make a royal fool of himself in a debate – PT may just feel too sorry for him.


POTUS just announced US prisoner w/state stage cancer being released from Lebanon


Refers to the “hidden scourge”


Shouldn’t have happened…..After this is over he’s gonna F them up!


Who, BFLY? Tell me – which CongressCritters have been to China lately?


He was fussing at China indirectly, he did it twice. They shouldn’t have lied, covered up, should’ve told the world immediately, we and others would’ve/could’ve helped them contain it. It shouldn’t have happened. It will take some time, but China is finished as a world player, no one can ever trust them again, nor should they. Anger is mounting worldwide.


Oh, my – I missed that – had to lie down – rest eyes – Thanks for the explanation – 🙂


Dr Birx is distracting with all that blinking….


Something is up with that. She hasn’t done that in past pressers. Nor has she swayed as much.
Long hours taking a toll? Falling asleep?



Deplorable Patriot

She does look tired. The president’s voice is tired. Pence…there’s strain on his face. They’ve got to be exhausted.


Paul Sperry@paulsperry_
Judge Friedrich agreed with the defendant’s claims that Mueller had overstated the evidence when he implied in his report to Congress that the trolls were controlled by the Russian government & that Moscow had directed 2016 campaign social-media ad buys
Mueller Tied to Double Deception: First in Court, Then Before Congress | RealClearInvestigations
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigationsAugust 7, 2019 Republican lawmakers allege Special Counsel Robert Mueller may have perjured himself before Congress in his sworn testimony last month with an…


Chloroquine…here we go


chloroquine harmful to elderly……………….


Risk vs benefit will come into play bigly


Sometimes – an adjunct therapy of antioxidants and other medications can alleviate/dull the toxic side effects.
Sometimes – the adjunct therapy (as with my daughter’s disease) turns out to be therapy on its own for other diseases.
Long story – but it happens – the surprise discovery in science is called Serendipitous finding.
Imagine that – Serendipity – but I call it Divine Intervention or an answer to some patients’, mothers’ or fathers’ prayers!!!!
I can testify to that.


The story is – VA Epilepsy researchers at the U of FL were searching for an adjunct therapy to alleviate the side effects of a very harsh medication for seizures. They got a metabolism specialist to design such a therapy – and he chose a concert of antioxidants – NAC, CoQ10, Vit E, B2, D3, Selenium, Calcium, Magnesium. This helped, but they noticed that some of their seizure patients who also had ataxia, had an improvement in their ataxia, balance, speech, etc.
So they ran an informal study in their ataxia clinic and that’s where we came in! She’s been taking these faithfully for 25 years – plus adding Resveratrol and Quercetin recently. She says she can tell the difference when she doesn’t take them.


I ‘hear’ what you are saying Georgia, and I’m so happy it is a good thing for your daughter.
Grandson told me when I first queried him about a week ago that he recalls reading in a medical journal (prob Journal of Physicians and Surgeons prob., which he thinks is behind a paywall now) that when first used for treatment of malaria in seniors, it had negative effect on liver, kidney etc.
I searched some and found this:
Although appropriate studies on the relationship of age to the effects of chloroquine have not been performed in the geriatric population, geriatric-specific problems are not expected to limit the usefulness of chloroquine in the elderly. However, elderly patients are more likely to have age-related kidney problems, which may require caution and an adjustment in the dose for patients receiving chloroquine.
There is not enough evidence to determine whether chloroquine is safe to be given to people aged 65 and older. However, the drug is cleared by the kidneys and toxicity should be monitored carefully in people with poor kidney functions.[18]
— wiki


The NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) is a liver protective sulphur amino acid that is used in Tylenol poisoning. That was one of the side effects of the seizure medicines… If the doctors give an adjusted dose appropriate for seniors, plus an adjunct therapy – it may help the medicine work without doing harm.
Problem is – this corona virus gunks up the lungs – and if the person is a lifelong smoker – well – it will be very hard to help them survive. Lung damage from smoking is a ticket to ending one’s life early.


Many clinical trials in progress.
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY of therapeutic drugs……TRUMP TIME!!!!
Right to Try
Chloroquine showing very encouraging early results, FDA has approved immediate availability
Cuomo wants to be 1st


Cuomo should know better – he has some of the premier US Hospitals in the country upstate – who are probably ahead of the curve on this – this tells me he is reveling in the attention – because most NYers cannot stand him – right NYGuy?


Cuomo has the biggest hot spot. He sincerely wants to be 1st to use the therapeutics to help people. NYC is densely populated and a major financial hub. We can’t let it get wiped out. I’ve been pleasantly surprised how he’s been handling the crisis, He has put politics aside for the most part, even praised our President.


I think PT read him the riot act – originally – he was acting like a royal A$$ – PT knows how to handle these spoiled brats – he also knows things about them – he has leverage – either he cooperates – or – he will be nationally vilified – Newsom was probably told the same thing – after all – in CA – they have a real problem -considering the filth in SF and LA – personally – I think they both set themselves up with those sanctuary cities – those people were never cleared for admittance health wise – like they used to do at Ellis Island –
And – neither of these two ‘politicians’ were capable in any way, shape, and/or form of handling a crisis of this magnitude – sometimes – one must help one’s enemies – lest they make a bigger mess – know what I mean?
And yes – I agree – pleasantly surprised.


POTUS ALWAYS takes the HIGH ROAD. He always thinks about the people. He could easily let the bad politicians destroy themselves, but he won’t allow it if he sees that they’ll be hurting others too. DJT is a good and decent man, we are so blessed Duchess!


Oh, I agree – beautifully articulated, BFLY!
I thank God every day for him and pray for him and his family – VP Pence and his family, too – PT is a uniter – not a divider – like some people we know –
So many people are working so hard to make a difference – PT knows how to get people moving to do the right thing – I have to believe God is working through him – and the Holy Spirit is guiding him!


Amen goes right there Sweet Duchess!!🥰


* Smiling * * Butterflies are all around me *


I postee this last night but here is a quick summary of chloroquine. Under 15 minutes




My wifes takes chloroquine daily now for years. It’s main market is as an anti-malarial drug, to be used temporarily when someone goes to a malaria-infested part of the world. However, it’s also used long-term for people who suffer from Lupus, as my wife does.
Lupus is, in short, an auto-immune problem where one’s body over-reacts to an infection. The body’s defense system kills off not only the infection, but also healthy cells. So, basically someone with Lupus has their organs attacked every time they get sick. Long term, this adds up and ends with liver failure or other problems.
For some reason, Chloroquine has been found to reduce this damaging effect. AFAIK, it is not understood why. But Lupus patients worldwide have benefited.
Anyhow, my point is that my wife has been taking this drug for years. Her Lupus conditions are minimal now and it seems to be working. We’ve seen no long term negative effects so far.
Also, for my family, the good news is that I have a stockpile of these pills. If a nationwide shortage happens, I AM GOING TO BE RICH! Or, I maybe we will trade a pill for a roll of toilet paper… 😉


That’s amazing. I hope this works and you are rich!


“used temporarily when someone goes to a malaria-infested part of the world.” —Yup I recall having to take that at least three times on certain trips.
“However, it’s also used long-term for people who suffer from Lupus, as my wife does.”—- I had no idea they used it for that. Wow.
TP for a pill!! LOL


LOL. Hey, whatever barter system works during these crazy times! 🤔


Gilead’s Remdecivir good results, also approved by FDA
Chloroquine could be GAME CHANGER


Cari Kelemen@KelemenCari
Why is the US Chamber of Commerce opposing the incentive the “Buy American?”
They have members that do business around the world… This country made a decision about 30 years ago…to move many of the means of the production to other countries- it was cheaper.
– Marco Rubio
9:54 AM · Mar 19, 2020·Twitter Web App
Replying to @KelemenCari
It was not just cheaper, they were making a tidy profit of foreign incentives AND taking advantage of the American tax laws that harmed America.


FDA Commissioner, Dr. Stephen Hahn, former Cancer Doctor/Researcher
PROVIDE HOPE, not false hope
Ensure products safe and effective, get right drug, right dosage
All of Government, All of America approach
Compassionate Use, speedy approval, beyond Right to Try
Looking at everything, Blood from Virus survivors
Pushing all to approval within months, with scientific oversight…use as bridge until vaccine


I’ll pass on Gates’ vacine, thanks very much.


A study has indicated that if Chinese authorities had acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95% and its geographic spread limited. A timeline of the early days of China’s outbreak and cover-up:…


ChiComs knew about ChiCom-19, Nov 17th, 9.
ChiComs locked down Wuhon IIRC, ~ 21 Jan, 20.
IIRC, ~5 million Chinese left Wuhon before ChiCom lock down.
Forget at what point in January, ChiComs publicly admitted ChiCom-19 was a problem.
100% ChiCom bastards exacerbated the global spread of ChiCom-19.


Thursday Video Marathon


10’s of thousands of tests now being done daily
Law requires states to report to CDC
🦋Don’t freak out to see higher numbers, we expect it
Change in last night’s law now allows industrial masks to be used for medical providers, 10’s of millions N95 masks now in production

Deplorable Patriot

Over 50% of cases are coming from 3 states. THREE!


Positive Numbers are rising, but so are negative numbers
Results so far indicate that 10-11% of tests are returning positive
WHICH MEANS that 90% of illnesses are something else….<<<<<THIS!!!


To that stupid outraged little girl reporter:
IF, BIG IF, someone at the CDC told medical personnel to use a bandanna, SURELY it was in lieu of NOTHING AT ALL. IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE A LONG TERM SOLUTION!!!


Missed the context on that. My take has always been something as simple as a bandanna worn by everyone assumed not to have the virus would go very far in stopping the spread of the virus by blocking exhalation. Many of the spreaders don’t know they have virus and walk around with out anything over their face. If you engage in any sort of commerce your going to violate the 6 foot rule by 3 to 4 feet easily. If you were wearing a bandanna the six foot rule could easily be dropped by at least half if not more. Of course this only works if every one wears such a face cover.


Press trying to manufacture outrage over a CDC employee telling a medical professional with no mask to wear a bandanna. Just like Kung flu, no one knows if it’s true, but they still use as hammer to hit POTUS.


Finally heard the context on that. Yes, not what I was talking about. Nasty press.


POTUS giving it back. You’re network called me a Racist for doing the ban. You’re saying I wasn’t prepared? I was the first one to do the ban, now other countries are doing what I did.

Deplorable Patriot

This is ridiculous. Do these reporters not know civics and that the president really is not in charge of local hospitals?
Wait, don’t answer that.


IMO….POTUS and the Federal Government are doing EVERYTHING they can to battle this and making all resource available. It is up to the individual STATES and individual medical providers to step up and take advantage!!! They need to stop whining and complaining and GET F’N BUSY!!! As of yesterday, only 10 states had begun implementing drive-thru lab testing.

Deplorable Patriot

Man. the WH press pool shot of the podium area is tight, and is not showing the stage right area. No flag there? The tassels on the American flag are red, white and blue. No shots of the front of the podium.
Those memes yesterday on the flags and the seal touched a nerve. Something happened we don’t know anything about.


TWICE, President Trump has emphasized “this”, (ChiCom-19) was known to the world, we’d have significantly ChiCom-19 cases.
Specifically said IF we’d have know months earlier.
– ChiComs knew of ChiCom-19, on Nov 17. 20.
– Admitted ChiCom-19, mid Jan, 20.
Significant gap in time…to infect global community. ChiComs allowed this.


Not only “allowed it”, they first created it in the Wuhan Level 4 lab and then intentionally released it.
Change my mind.


Change my mind.
^^^ Uh, can’t alter facts.
President Trump has further revealed his knowing ChiCom culpability (right word?) and I think, accountability will happen.
Great presser, except ignorant presstitutes.

Deplorable Patriot

There are reports that it was actually developed at UNC and taken to China to be released. Whatever the case, it wasn’t natural, and no bats were involved.


Actually bats were experimented on in the UNC lab along with swine and later in Australia HIV. You would actually need to look at the studies done to see that. We posted a link to the study way back in the second Virus page a couple weeks ago. I did go back and look but have now stopped after finding one comment from Gail that bares this out for which this is an extract from 5 Mar. “PAPER: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence”. So if some one says it was bats, feel free to say, Yes, Lab Bats!


The Cabal is pretty headquartered in China, has been since Bill Gates moved his ‘stuff’ there…


ol’ grey cells left out a word – “much”
…pretty much headquartered”

Concerned Virginian

So, a little other “fun” information —
13 hours ago
Credit to ANC News
“Ghislaine Maxwell, citing death threats and extensive legal fees, sues Epstein estate”
It appears that GHISLAINE MAXWELL, who has disappeared from sight, has hired a law firm in the U.S. Virgin Islands to sue the estate of JEFFREY EPSTEIN, her old boyfriend / pimp / fellow criminal, to reimburse her financial outlays for security guards, “safe” housing, and other financial losses, since his death.
Maxwell’s previous requests for reimbursement from the Epstein estate have been ignored.
Must suck for her to know that she’s NOTHING now to the Epstein estate. AND that she’s being sued, along with the estate, by women who were abused / pimped by her as well as by Epstein.


That woman has more money than ………………….. (well, you get the picture!) Is there anyone she and her late father, and her sister, have NOT blackmailed, spied on?


FANTASTIC the Chinese are being nailed on their criminal behavior…allowing ChiCom-19 to spread.
AND, not support a, believe China statements position. Missed the exact words.
No comment regarding taking China to task for their behavior.
IMO, ^^^ validation chiComs WILL pay dearly for their reckless behavior regarding ChiCom-19.


POTUS, pointing to press, y”all are sitting too close. We should actually get rid of 75-80% of you…and keep only the ones I like.
Not sure they got the joke, watch for offended articles, 3,2,1…


not sure it was a joke!
Frankly, I think there should be a plastic shield between him and them……………………….


I am – many a truth is said in jest!


Think Ahead
Oh, WuFlu, WuFlu, what’re we to do?
How can we survive when it comes through?
What to do?
Pessimists say that humanity’s done,
With nowhere to hide and nowhere to run
We’re all doomed!
The Clueless say that it’s just the flu
It won’t get me and who cares about you
Just the flu!
Pragmatists say that we’ve got to plan
We can do it if anyone can
Think ahead!
Sanctuary cities, all run by Dimms
Filled by rot and waste right to the brim
Clean ‘em up!
Alien invaders are comin’ in
Bringin’ their diseases with all their kin
Build the wall!
Group gatherings only spread it more
Passed from you to me, an infectious spore
Shut ‘em down!
All the kids at school will spread it around
To the school staff, then it’s homeward bound
Close ‘em now!
People with fevers, we need to find out
If it’s WuFlu , so there is no doubt
Test ‘em all!
Make the test kits reliable and fast
Make ‘em by the millions so that they’ll last
Send ‘em out
Make those test kits available to all
Do it with speed, it’s not the time to stall
Test ‘em now!
Ventilators are needed, thousands more
Put our manufacturers on this chore
Make ‘em now!
People with WuFlu need more than a nurse
Don’t wait to see if it’s gonna get worse
Treat ‘em now!
After they’re cured they’re weak and might shed
Give ‘em time to recuperate in bed
Watch ‘em close!
For those folks who cough, sneeze and spray
Let’s all get masks and wear ‘em today
Wear your mask!
Drugs to kill WuFlu are needed fast
Made in U.S.A., not like in the past
Make ‘em here!
We’ve got approved drugs that now work well
And more coming soon to kill those germ cells
Use ‘em now!
Avoid all crowds and give people space
Stay and home and avoid face-to-face
Don’t go to work when you start to feel sick
And call your doctor, and better call quick
Do it now!
Wear gloves, use wipes and wash your hands
All work together for WuFlu’s last stand
When all this is over and finally won
We’ll be amazed what Americans have done
We are one!
Praise and thank the Good Lord for His grace
Return to Him now and seek His face
Praise the Lord!


One of your very best!
I was wondering when the Muse™ would hit you!
“You Done Good, Boy!” as we say in the South.
Please put this one in the Poetry Tree and on the coronavirus thread too!


Grandstander starts listing the economy is bad, POTUS interrupts What’s the question?, continues the list, POTUS interrupts again, Everybody knows this, everybody in this room knows this, WHAT’s the question??


Now you know why PDJT did chopper pressers.
The engine noise drown out the reporters and they didn’t have the time to grandstand.


He’d do these as chopper pressers, except he is deferring to his team with him.
I do look forward to presstitutes being outside with Marine One engines spooled up. Priceless setting, President materfully toying with press, Marine One in back ground, and presstitutes hating being outside in the weather, noise…


POTUS on oil prices
Cheap oil is like a big tax decrease, speaking w/those who have something to do with it, trying to find medium ground
It’ s very bad on Russia
At the appropriate time I’ll get involved


Another significant PLUS, President Trump, and his team emphasizes Feds staying in their lanes. States, County and City stay in their lanes.
Feds make Federal level decisions.
States, County and City make decisions on their levels.
Goes to accountability, Rights…
Love the OAN reporter slamming lefty news organizations supporting ChiCom narrative. LOLF!!!

Deplorable Patriot

So, the Little Princess just departed. She walked in the door and announced they have been sent home until May. It seems someone in the building is presumptive positive. All the symptoms, but the test has not come back. So, what does my sister do? SHE COMES OVER TO THE HOUSE WHERE I AM, THE ONE SHE GAVE THE FLU TO!
I’ve already Clorox wiped everything she touched including the front door, but jeez.
Okay, rant over.


There is nothin’ like family.

Deplorable Patriot

No kidding.


Dep Pat, I realize she is family, but I would speak to her about it… she could be ‘carrying’ now… perhaps they could be semi-quarantined… at least out of the kitchen…
when grandson had the flu in January, I had him stay upstairs… which he was happy to do… (his girlfriend moved into the guest room) and I stayed downstairs in my studio… his girlfriend and I wiped the kitchen down entering and leaving…
Girlfriend and I stayed well as a result of reduced contact…

Deplorable Patriot

If she shows up before Sunday when she does her laundry, I’m definitely sending her on a guilt trip. In the meantime, the Couch Commando will be back on Saturday, and I have less than 48 hours to myself.




Lemme get this straight…
Your sister is presumptive positive, WITH SYMPTOMS, and she came INTO your home knowing these things??

Deplorable Patriot

No, someone who works in her building is presumptive positive. My sister had no contact with her, but still, the woman was in the suite where she works on Tuesday, although the LP claims she wasn’t there when the infected person made an appearance.




When I read that I’m happy I’m an only child!

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, I know several people have talked about their industries and how things have ramped down, and how business is being lost, but allow me to add a few other comments to that.
This was left by my former pilates instructor who owns her own business and has side jobs to make ends meet on a post about musicians’ gigs being cancelled and the pitiful amount of money lost. My liberal friends “laughed” at the meme, but really it is not funny.
” I’m the lead singer in a band. We just got all of our gigs cancelled for the next 2.5 months. That was just my part time job but it pays my rent and living expense. One of the band members supports a family of 6 by playing in two bands and at 5 church services every week. He has lost ALL of his income for the next 2 months. Oh yeah … and he just welcomed another baby into his family. Lots of musicians get paid crap because they take the crappy gigs just to “have a little fun playing”. MANY actually make an honest living off of it and they are REALLY hurting right now.”
Add hair and nail salons to the list. My hairdresser called me last night looking for my sister to cancel her appointment coming up. He’s closing for a bit in a cost cutting move.
I don’t think this is going to last as long as two months given the drugs the FDA is looking at, but all service workers are in deep doo doo with this. You can’t make money of you can’t work and have close contact with the customer. And that doesn’t include tips which is a lot of times the difference between eating and not.
Just some food for thought.


Yes, I fully understand but it’s really not unlike a major flood, or 150” of snow, the wildfires in California, a serious family illness, etc.
Sh*t happens to all of us…just can’t escape that fact. To blithely go through life thinking nothing will ever challenge your ability to survive is unrealistic and you’d better plan ahead. The circumstances are not anyone’s fault but not being prepared is.
And that’s my food for thought….speaking as someone who has been there, done that…totally by myself.

Deplorable Patriot

I had to take some time before responding.
Not everyone has been there, done that. They are going through it now out of no fault of their own. They deserve compassion. And sometimes, taking precautions is not enough.
I know that from personal experience.


You are missing the point…a flood, a wildfire, mud slides, a child born with severe health issue, etc. are no one’s fault. ALL Victims deserve compassion, not just those in the arts, which was my point.

Deplorable Patriot

Frau Merkel speaks:


I’ll show this to mom later.


We all know how the Leftist MSM is handling reporting on the virus, the President, the economy. But let me add 2 cents here. There are two alternative Drudge sites I go too – and frankly, I can’t stand them right now. They’re just as bad for hyperbole, bombastic, over-top speculation, nonsense headlines as some of the Lefty sites. I’m talking about Citizen Free Press and Liberty Daily.
They’ve become clickbait.
Very disappointing. Anybody have some suggestions? I know Wolfie has given us a post on alternatives, but would like to know before spending time and energy if any of these other sites are worthwhile.


i go to and American Thinker and (John Solomon’s site). occasionally I read Dan Bongino’s site as well…The Bongino Report…


Thank, Pat. You know what I mean about these over the top headlines? That doesn’t help anything – and it’s for shock value.


I agree…and I still skim their headlines…but once bitten twice shy, you know?


good list from Pat… might add Ace of Spades, which Wolfie has included in list on sidebar…


I do
They have Everything!
Also find it MUCH easier to navigate than endless typed features, once you adjust to the deluge of info.


And they highlight what they believe is fake news…in green sometimes…


LP, There’s a link on the right side to his Top 10 post. I bookmarked them all, jic.


I go to NewsAmmo. It is just an aggregator, but most of the good sites are part of it.

Deplorable Patriot

Our First Lady is a sweet, gracious, regal, poised, generous, tender hearted woman! She loves children and loves to spend time with them and with our veterans in the hospital.


Highly Intelligent too! 🥰

Deplorable Patriot

Here we go, video that shows no other flag but Stars and Stripes on the dais. That has to mean something.


Ive missed this new notable. When/where did this start? And exactly what has been removed vs remain?

Deplorable Patriot

Yesterday. The UN flag and the presidential seal flag and sign at the front of the podium are both gone. Stars and Stripes has no fringe, and the tassel ropes are red, white and blue. There’s significance in this.


Everything is always significant! I wonder if anyone has done a breakdown of each difference? I didnt realize we had a UN flag. That can be used as tp. But the tassels and fringe? Maybe getting back to core values?

Deplorable Patriot

I think more like restoring the Republic the way it is supposed to be.

Sadie Slays

The American flag still has the gold fringe. You can see it at the very beginning of the full video.


I had missed it, too, Gill. Had no idea the U.N. flag was ever there. I wonder how long it was displayed. I imagine under at least the Bush’s and Clinton. But regarding fringes, Etc., I think it relates to whether we are under common law or, I think maritime or marine law, just talking off top of my head, but maybe someone would research this. Anyway, I think Trump is taking us back to our founding. Yay.


Wonder if someone would look at today’s picture of Pence and see if the changes are the same. Someone told me he still has the U.N. flag, which if so is Very disappointing to me.


The other flag that was previously on stage was not a UN flag. It as the flag of the Presidential Seal. That and the sign on the podium have been changed because so many others are speaking and holding the press conference that it was against decorum for them to speak with those symbols present. Remember that POTUS left the room after a few minutes for a number of the press conferences. There has been No UN flag on stage for any of the press conferences. That is all there is to it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

THANK you for looking into this bullshit too many are repeating uncritically.
The UN flag is a very light blue color, clearly not a match for whatever was there before, which, I was pretty sure, was the presidential seal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bravo Sierra.
Here’s the UN flag:comment image?s=bffc01c143d76746ceffa1bef3a56aa187bb725d
It’s not even remotely the same color as the flag that was removed–which was the flag of the President.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Let me try again:comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Aaah forget it.


Lemme try…comment image


One mo’ time…comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ahh. Thank you.


Anytime Steve !


Welll, thank you, anyhow, for the info, Steve in CO., and also Magamom. I am very relieved.

Deplorable Patriot

THe SEAL of the President. And it was there prior.
But, still the SEAL is gone, too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, and one of the people replying upthread had a perfectly sensible explanation for all of this.


Does the virus affect the blood??

Heart and blood vessels
Evans says COVID-19 can also affect the heart and blood vessels. This may show up as irregular heart rhythms, not enough blood getting to the tissues, or blood pressure low enough that it requires medications.
So far, though, there’s no indicationTrusted Source that the virus directly damages the heart.


Thanks, Duchess. I meant do they have to test DONATED blood for virus like they do for HIV. I missed the Presser, but read the Ores asked for blood donations. Aren’t they concerned about the virus being carried in the blood of those infected??


It was my understanding they were taking the blood of those infected and recovered – to extract plasma for vaccine research – not really sure.
As far as donated blood – that is scary – if they do not have a fever or any symptoms – they could still be a carrier – would think they must test them before they can donate blood – this bothers me.


As far as I understand, you get the virus, your immune system conquers it and it’s gone. It does not linger like HIV. They can extract the winning components of the cured person’s blood and inject into others who are sick to boost their fighting capability and hopefully win and win sooner.


So Trump was specifically asking for recovered China Virus folks to donate their blood for a specific purpose?
Only blurb I can find says he just asked folks to keep donating to blood banks 🤷‍♀️
I’ll keep looking -eventually there’ll be a tape of him, rather than inaccurate reporting!


Both are true There’s a push for wide spread blood donation as donations have fallen off.
POTUS specifically mentioned today donation of blood from recovered patients for use as a possible therapy to treat virus.


That makes sense, BFLY! They were talking about plasma – and I has interrupted – thanks for explaining.


Al, I am so confused – shouldn’t they test you before you donate blood? Separating people while they are donating – is what the SG said – but, why – are carriers donating blood?
Here is something I found – it has instructions for those who are considering donating to get a free corona test – hope it helps answer your question…


Thanks. I’m gonna wait till I see replay of this morning’s presser.


SD has the presser video up. I’ll watch it.


Thanks, Al – please let us know what you find – appreciate it – too many are reporting false information.


Ok, it is both –
The President said they’ll be working with recovered patients to donate blood that they can distill (my word) down to use in other virus patients. I forget all the technical words, but it is designed to help them recover.
The Surgeon General asked the general population – especially youngers – to donate blood at existing centers now. They will screen for virus, but said it’s not like HIV. Again, I don’t know all the technical parts. Said to call blood centers first to ask q’s and make appts.


It is difficult to extrapolate what we need to know from what is said – I guess to get more specific – we need “to call the blood centers to ask questions and make appointments” – as you said.
BFLY explained the ‘plasma’ thing quite well below – so I understand that part – see below or above –


Thanks, Al!!!

Barb Meier

WebMD explains the blood donation process and says a small sample of blood is taken and tested before you donate at the time when they take your blood pressure and temperature. They already have gone through your health profile with you.


Good to know – Thanks, Barb!


Deplorable Patriot

He’s one of the better ones out there. I hope he recovers.


Yes, there’s actually a St. Corona! And her remains are in Northern Italy
Corona was only 16, and gave her life to comfort a fellow Christian.
Right in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic is the city of Anzu, Italy. There is a basilica in Anzu where the relics of St. Victor and St. Corona have been preserved since the 9th century. The word Corona is Latin for crown. Ironically, St. Corona is considered as one of the patron saints of pandemics.*

Deplorable Patriot

St. Roch, actually, as it turns out is the epidemic guy. Epidemics and dogs. Imagine that.
He holds a special place in this house.
But, still, St. Corona IS real.


Tiwiiter deleted the tweet.


Whenever I see an Edward Hopper painting, the word ‘lonely’ comes immediately to mind.


Edward Hopper, the Painter Prophet of Social Distancing!


Solitude is not the same as lonely. I spend the majority of my time like the people on Hopper’s photos. I am almost always alone, but very rarely lonely. I could write volumes on how one’s experience varies when experiencing something alone vs. with another person. Not better or worse, just very different.
Edward Hopper is a gem. Thanks for posting these, Dora !


we must be twins…!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry Lime

I’m with you on that, Dora. Most of the time I feel the more lonely when in the company of other people…depending on the person/people of course.
On social distancing…they already accomplished that for most of the population with the arrival of cell phones and social media. Brain chips are their next ‘big step forward’.


Harry, I am afraid you are right, and they may put an identifying chip in a vaccine. There is a web site, I think it is I think Microsoft is behind it, have not yet looked to see who is on Board of Directors.

Harry Lime

It’s frightening to think about, Zoe. Many of the big tech whack jobs are pushing this type of technology. I feel bad for future generations that are going to have to deal with this new nightmare.

Harry Lime

I meant to say…I’m with you on that, Alison.
And thank you, Dora, for posting the Hopper paintings, I’ve always been fond of his work…and they do connect with what many are dealing with right now.

Sue Mcdonald

I enjoy my solitude. But I am never lonely. I spend most days alone reading ,researching different topics,learning about all the things I couldn’t get to while busy raising a family. When my clan comes home from working all day I feel refreshed from the beauty of solitude.



looks like a great Garden Party!

Deplorable Patriot


Sadie Slays

They’ll claim it’s to “stop the pandemic!” but what they really want is a way to force vaccinations.
“The database shows that you’re not vaccinated, so we can’t hire you.”


Yes, we will never be free of govt surveillance and intrusion again. This is not President Trump’s fault. It has been a long time coming from many points of attack.



Actually, it was 1968: the Hong Kong flu, which really WAS a pandemic, ending in 1969.
It killed 1 million people worldwide.



Bayer makes the Chloroquine drug


They still make most of their vitamins etc in the US.



Question: Is coronavirus the REAL reason Nanzi held on to the “Articles of Impeachment” before sending them to the Senate? Was she using shampeachment to take any focus from the outbreak in China? That’s worse than treason, that’s worthy of (have to be careful what words I use for punishment… y’all get my drift, doncha?)

Stephen McIntyre@ClimateAudit
the period Jan 15 to Feb 5 was a critical period in which US govt responses are asserted by many to have been inadequate and shortsighted. A reminder that US congress was then engaged in Trump’s impeachment trial and was uninterested in coronavirus.


Possibly, but, for most of that time in the UK we were focussed on ‘leaving’ (I use the term advisedly) the EU on January 31 to begin the transition period to a full Brexit.
Coronavirus wasn’t that big a deal at that time for either of our nations.


WHOA! Now that’s a “byotch slap” … wish I had a medal to give Candace!
Candace Owens@RealCandaceO
Mar 18
Thinking of all the families separated, by you sleeping with their husbands, and using your campaign funds to do it.
Quote Tweet
Ilhan Omar@IlhanMN
· Mar 17
Thinking of all the families separated forcefully by your father’s policies today.
Share your ideas on how you plan to unite them. #TogetherApart

“Sovereign Immunity”??????????? What the heck is that pencilneck???
…”Schiff’s new court filing to try to avoid disclosing his abusive subpoenas of confidential phone records suggests he and Congress can secretly subpoena and publish the phone records of any American with zero accountability under law to the people,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, adding “Speaker Pelosi and every House member should be asked if they agree that they are above the law and can spy on any American.”

Gail Combs

Sovereign Immunity:
You can not sue the government WITHOUT the permission of the government.
“In United States law, the federal government as well as state and tribal governments generally enjoy sovereign immunity, also known as governmental immunity, from lawsuits.[1] Local governments in most jurisdictions enjoy immunity from some forms of suit, particularly in tort. ….”
On the other hand there is ‘Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of the Law’


Thank you Gail…


Had to go into Walmart supercenter to get kiddo a haircut. Just missed the very long line for tp and paper towels…all gone. Limiting milk, meat, paper etc. They are restocking items as they come in. Dairy is really empty, but they had some.
I almost got in trouble for milk. I bought 2 half gallons, one lactose free, and I was going to be denied but she said I could gave it for medical reasons, which is the point of it.
Like ralphs the quick cook foods were spare. People dont cook! But there was zero flour.
I bought kiddo some crafts for spring break and ended up getting a caje mix and can of frosting so he can have a baking day.
No one acting crazy but lots of masks and peopke walking around with hoods on. Way to go to make yourself look like a hoodlum.
I had a Department manager tell me they spoke with corporate last night. ALL THE RESTOCK IS THERE IN OTHER STATES. They have EVERYTHING. They do not have enough drivers or trucks.
Anyone out of a job should IMMEDIATELY get a commercial license.
In the meantime, everyone should stop buying cases of food like its the zimbie apocalypse.


One of the things driving shortages, are these mayors and governors shutting down restaurants and cafeterias. Right or not it has a serious impact as it puts a huge strain on the system to take away that many meals that get supported through another distribution system that now goes unused while adding support to those meals too an already overburdened system already trying to satisfy panic buying.


Truckers are complaining that they’re supposed to be hauling this stuff across several states and (1) all the rest stops are closed along the way — sometimes with porta-potties and sometimes just closed; and (2) when they get their load of toilet paper to its destination, the people at the warehouse aren’t letting them in to use their bathrooms.


crying chuckie is having a hissy fit………………………….. using up all the oxygen in the Senate chambers…

The next stimulus deal will include targeted lending for certain industries, which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) called a “rapid injection of cash” for small businesses, according to Bloomberg.
During opening floor comments on Thursday, McConnell said that the Senate is looking to quickly draft and pass legislation that will provide swift relief to businesses and individuals struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic, as businesses, schools and airports have become virtual ghost towns.
The GOP stimulus proposal will call for direct payments to middle-income individuals and families — the centerpiece of Trump’s $1 trillion stimulus plan — as well as $250 billion to $300 billion in relief for small businesses, tens of billions of dollars in loans for the airline industry and an array of health measures, according to lawmakers familiar with the talks.
Senate Republicans say the direct payments will be modeled on the rebates sent out by the George W. Bush administration in 2008 to mitigate the effect of the financial crisis, payments that were phased out for individuals with income exceeding $75,000 and joint income more than $150,000. -The Hill


Whatever My Hub and I get out of these relief checks, we’ll figure out a way to give the money away to someone whose job is “on hold”. All the local restaurants, barber shops, etc. that we frequent – I don’t know how to directly reach the line employees but we’ll figure it out. I really don’t want to donate through organizations, although our local food bank would be as close to grass roots as it gets.
My heart just aches for all those who live paycheck to paycheck and were earning an honest living who have been felled by this. Please, please continue to order takeout as often as you can to help keep restaurants and employees afloat. They run on such thin margins, even in the best of times.
God Bless our grocery clerks, retail salesmen, hotel cleaners, and on and on. All those people we take for granted and now become even more invisible as businesses shut down. Pray for therapies to work quickly and relief funding to help bridge the abyss.


I’m not inclined to eat take-out at this time… how do I know the peeps in the kitchen are virus free? If restaurants were open I don’t think many would go out to eat. Even now, with those in my household well, we wipe down everything we touch in the kitchen.
My heart goes out to those who work in the food industry.


I understand, Phoenix. I don’t view doing takeout as any riskier than shopping at grocery store considering how many people/handlers come & go via distribution, prep, and purchasing. We limit our takeout to the places we eat regularly, and know their cleaning practices in both kitchens & bathrooms.
I’m not asking anyone to take risks that alarm them.


I realize you are not asking anyone to take risks. I’ve thought about the fresh food and I wash everything I can. I’ve had pneumonia 4/5 times, bronchitis, etc. Simply can’t risk this virus.


No kidding! You were so wise to do what you did when grandson was sick. People taking individual responsibility – we are being taught how again after years of social whining manipulation.


Well, if they model it after 2008, I won’t get any—hard for those retired on small fixed incomes.


I personally wasn’t so affected by tarp in 2008, but This affects everyone.


I am not at all trying to be rude, just seriously curious. Outside of stock market falling, how does this cost retirees additional/extra money? If your income is set and continues at the same pace (unless affected by the stock market) then how does the shut down cost retirees/how is it a financial burden?
As long as job stays the same we figure we are saving money – saving on drying cleaning for husband, doing our haircuts at home (no one sees if I am a little off doing husband’s and son’s hair since we aren’t going anywhere anyway!), saving gas on all of the places we aren’t going, saving impulse buys at Whole Foods (snack bars, beverages, coffees) and a few other savings.
We live simply so the biggest savings is probably gas and dry cleaning. However, for many who eat out, get their nails done, shop retail, go to movies, etc., this has to save on the spending money!
As long as one’s income is not affected seems like we are saving money.


Interesting … I have jet-setting, anti-US, 20-something indoctrinated nieces who are now stuck & frightened in places like Peru, London, & Bangkok who suddenly want to “come home to USA”. I wonder why 🤷‍♀️


This is really fishy. What is behind these sudden comments by several rabid haters – politicians and media folks? The rapid “we’re all in it” doesn’t ring true.


Perhaps they’re beginning to believe their internal polls…
Americans are very unhappy with them.


What’s in those bills?????
Remember the one Tucker was talking about just a few weeks ago that was meant to be worse than the GND?? She was one of the sponsors of that


Ugh 🤬

Deplorable Patriot


LOL Hollywood is an idiot. Yes this will help. Singing.


These so called ‘beautiful people’ can’t be bothered to wash their face and comb their hair?
Just when I think they couldn’t get more useless to society…


I am not a beauty but I do the best I can with what I’ve got. If these the “beautiful” people I am used to seeing on video/media then they owe a big thank you to their make up artists!


My Mom said the same thing


I placed an * so that the tweet won’t post… remove * to hear and see Oprah talking about abuse of children…


I am so proud of my son he has been chosen for an essential Corona19 task force to help find a solution. He will be working with DNA aspect. So he is going to work instead working from home. He had no idea when they told him to closed his research 24 hours ago that this was going to happen.
I pray the team finds a solution.


Proud Mom 💖💖💖 Keep us posted on info allowed public. Great to have another informed Treeper!


Thank you!


We are all pulling for him and praying for him and the rest who are searching for answers.


God bless you and your son SingingSoul… adding my prayers to yours…


Thank you!



I remember POTUS yesterday talking about easier China Virus test kits coming out. I just saw this article today. Very interesting.
Coronavirus home test kits are coming out Monday: Here’s how to get one, how much it will cost
The test kits are going to be offered at:

Deplorable Patriot

Real of photoshop, doesn’t matter.



Barb Meier

Today I stayed home and spoke with a friend (at a distance) outside at his nursery. He knows a lady who with her husband and kids are working as international teachers in Vietnam. Someone needs to look into what has been and is going on in that country. If I understood the story, Vietnam may have known about this virus longer and they may have things locked down fairly tight. Facemasks required, etc. She is scared to try and come home because of going through different countries and the potential of losing her kids along the way. I also picked up groceries and it was quiet. People mostly staying apart, older, a small-town area so not as much traffic. I was able to get my favorite bread (wheat), milk, sodas, sliced ham, brownies, cherry turnovers, and both distilled and spring water. My well water has a LOT of iron so we stopped drinking it though we could. It looked like the paper towel/TP aisle was mostly bare with a couple of packages of TP. I didn’t cruise the aisle since I did not need either. I was able to get gas and cash at a 7-11 ATM inside. There were fewer than 10 people inside and probably most often are. That could be exceeded on weekends. Dominos has a special 50% off on pizza so I got one of those and paid in advance. Small town… they let me come inside to pick it up. I did not dawdle and there was a man who picked up his order and stopped to talk for a minute with staff. I think I will probably stay home again tomorrow. Where I work they cut the staff to one third on Wednesday and I was there. It is very strange and the work level for me dropped off dramatically. I don’t want to get paid for waiting but won’t get paid once my PTO and year’s floating holidays are used up. Still no guidance for mil contractors like me. Perhaps others have more or different guidance. Perhaps they think this will resolve fairly soon so changing contracts to cover this may be too difficult. Also, the people who would modify contracts were probably all sent home. Dog and I remain fine. We are blessed. Keeping my eyes on God here. Take care everyone!


Stay well Barb…………….. God bless you.


I just got a non-notice notice that my kiddo will be homeschooled the rest of the year. They didnt even say they will be closed, just sneakily puts dates in to pick up homework every 2 weeks through the end of school.
They are giving an option of google classroom in addition to the bookwork.
Does anyone have familiarity with google classroom?

Deplorable Patriot

I talked to family in Florida today. My 10 year old nephew’s class had an online meeting…it sounds like it was quite a bit out of control.
Remote learning sounds great, and for some things, it’s fine, but a virtual classroom with kids just learning social skills of adults is not one of them.
Best of luck to you and kiddo.


Yes, I dont have to use it. Im wondering if I dont, will the teachers make any effort to communicate with him? And I dont have any supplies for p.e. or the paint, etc in art class.
I am grateful I am home with him and only have 1.


It will all work all Gil… “The Best is Yet to Come” says our POTUS…
Good luck.




Kids don’t admit it, but they love having stories told to them. Both stories from your life and other stories. Bible stories. Stories about other eras.
Also they interact with art more than you’d realize. You can go online and find paintings to look at, discuss, try to draw etc. And you can taylor stories to supplement school materials too. image


He really loves art. Hes good at math and adores his art teacher. They had just started on jackson Pollock’s work. We were going to go to a few art museums on vacay. Oh well. Ill check online for tutorials. Thank you.


Maybe you could look at sites like … I had an account for many years. Good brain training games for everything from math to spacial orientation. Finally dropped subscription due to time limitations.


I recently read an article about MANY art museums having online virtual tours, some in Google Street View. I’m currently in a messy computer upgrade, so I can’t just dredge it out of browser history, but you might try searching it. I vaguely recall that the Uffizi was one of the museums.
Another thing we did with our goddaughter when we got to the Mighty Met right before closing is dashed from room to room going, “Spanish!” or “Italian!” or “Dutch!” — the idea being to identify the zeitgeist and follow it up with why the room felt like it was that (and, of course, whether it was correctly identified). Sure, it reinforces stereotypes — “Velazquez — because dwarves!” — but it also helps train cultural recognition.


Virtual tours thats good.


I read that a few art museums have virtual tours online. Might be good to check out


Rambling…something may be useful.
PE. No idea what guidance grewsome has set. And, no idea the setting your home is. Maybe first place to start is ask Kiddo what he does for PE. Modify as needed.
NV, we can go outside to exercise. No interacting with friends, neighbors… Can’t see anyone trying to enforce it in the podunk area I live. While the weather has still been rather crappy here, I am still getting a two mile walk or two in each day. Fall back is dreaded treadmill. Two 12 yo Grandsons here either do treadmill 30 minutes or outside bike, skateboard 30 minutes. NO interacting with friends. They are monitored.
To my amazement, two Grandkids in Texas when I visited in Dec enjoyed chalk on the driveway. Harmless as it washes or wears away in no time. Made counting games with chalk, hop scotch (they were impressed I could do it), tic-tac-toe, they made funny drawings, even wrote some sentences. Maybe a spelling bee with rewards? Short races where I gave them a head start and “try” to catch them. A small lake where I managed to get the seven year old boy to skip rocks. Four year old girl never got the hang of it…but had lots of fun. We rode bikes, skateboards, big wheels…


I think he can do most of that. We have a small creek to walk to, so thats possible.


Oh gosh, I bet my daughter will get that non notice too. She was all perturbed today because one of the partners in her law firm (dtr is a paralegal) was yacking about her “new normal” both her kids new chrome books so the nanny can help with school work . She asked what Dtr’s plan was…well it sure can’t include new laptops and a nanny. Rich people can be so tone deaf.


I think ive experienced that more than once. I got a chromebook for me last Christmas so we can use it if the Google classroom isnt a mess like DP mentioned.
The isolation and inability to go do anything will kick in with kids after a couple weeks.
We cant live in cages. We cant live in govt mandated safe spaces indefinitely. 3 months is beyond the pale.


lol agree. 3 months is a looong time. They usurped so much of parental input and rights regarding our kids and now it’s dumped in people’s laps, many whom have no clue or discipline to home school.
I predict disaster on a large scale eyeore that I am.


How old is the kiddo?




This is a tutorial for teachers to set up and run a classroom. It can give you an idea of how involved it might be.

Also did several on line courses about 15yrs ago. Very similar to what your seeing in the tutorial. On line courses can be very demanding. Example Assignment for Class is normal. Read chap XX Do questions 2,6,8 at end of chapter, or odd, and or take part in student discussion post this or that topic posted by teacher or write 200 to 500 word essay.
In most class rooms, teachers skip the exercises at the end of a chapter or cover a few in class or as homework. On line their is less forgiveness and more reliance on these and as such class is much more demanding for student which can be a good thing if it’s in balance with the students full load.

Deplorable Patriot

Really…well this is interesting.

The world economy is collapsing because of the terror and mounting death toll caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. But the anti-malarial drug chloroquine is effective both as a prophylactic and treatment for the virus – and the medical establishment has known about this since at least the SARS coronavirus outbreak in 2005. What the hell is going on?


Interesting. You’d think Dr Fauci would of known about this. Who knows, it may of come up in discussion and he squashed it or explained why no? Personally I think the guys a bit squirrely. BTW I didn’t notice him at today’s brief but that doesn’t mean anything.


From the same story.

Meanwhile re-posting this old vid tweet called the Wuhan Shake from 29 Feb.
The vid acted as a celebratory PSA of sorts demonstrating how to beat the viurs by not coming in contact with anyone because you don’t know if they have the virus or not. Most everyone got that. But it seems what has slipped past everyone is they all wear masks for obviously the same reason, that being so they can not pass the virus off to anyone else. Masks are not for their protection, its for everyone’s protection thus the level of mask is not important and any face covering would be an improvement over no face covering. That CDC has not recommended this for infected areas seems also criminal to me. You don’t even need a surgical type mask to limit spread, a simple kerchief like cowboys wear would greatly limit the 6 foot spread zone. Yet CDC won’t make the recommendation knowing that to conduct commerce any where you will have to break the 6 foot social distancing rule almost constantly.


Haven’t heard any mention of Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine in the UK via official channels, only on the Q Tree posts.
I have been watching the government’s daily updates, too.
Cue suspicious cat …


Just hope and pray the Lord takes me home before this happens, but His will be done.


Zoe – stay strong! Not sure what your comment is in reply to but we will come out of this stronger than we went into it…as individuals, communities and as a country!


Amen MAGA Mom………………..

Deplorable Patriot

Is he kidding?


Dep Pat, he’s claiming ‘Sovereign’ Immunity, whatever that is…………… I posted on it this morning… here’s link to article in zeroHedge…


Thanks for the link… checked it out quickly, seems to be about suits involving foreign countries.
I don’t think Pencilneck has a case here… hope the Court throws it out.


I just scanned it too, but there’s wording in there about government immunity to court cases….


A Look Into Donald Trump’s History With The WWE


Seems Burr wasn’t the only one trading on the stock market…..


Houston, come in Houston. We have a problem…..
When Loeffler assumed office she immediately became the wealthiest member of Congress. The Atlanta businesswoman, whose husband is the chairman and CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, is worth an estimated $500 million.


Isn’t Doug Collins running against her in Nov for the Senate seat? GA Gov Kemp made a huge mistake giving the seat to her. Wonder how much she paid for it?


That’s the one….Doug Collins would have beat her anyway, but this puts a big red bow on it for him.
There’s gonna be a lot of flack though between her and Burr both doing this stupid $#!t


Agree… I did a lot of diggin’ on Burr when we were all still OT… SD did quite a few articles on him and his crooked ways…


Hearing more and more about this bill:
I can’t find a similar bill working its way through the House. Look forward to comments from you all on this one


thanks for the headsup MAGA Mom


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Leader McConnell has introduced S.3548, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (Phase III), to provide emergency assistance and health care response for individuals, families, and businesses affected by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.


Amazing. All of the ChiCom-19 crap going on, and we hear nothing from Nervous Nanzi, Schitty, NoNAds, Low IQ MadMAx, Green…D-Rats in general.
Clearly D-Rats are NOT working for America.


Okay, I have a question for California residents. Is the 50 gallon a day rule still in effect? Or, did it ever actually go into effect? I would think if people are forced to stay home, that would be very tough to do.


Hiya, peeps!
I just completed part one of a shelter-in-place upgrade project. My daily driver computer used to store stuff on 500G of spinning rust, and it’s now on a 1T SSD with a fresh Linux install.
The bad news is that all my old stuff is still back on the spinning rust. Part 2 of the project is bringing all the old stuff forward. Part 3 is doing all the things that I couldn’t do before because I had no space, like setting up an Android app toolchain.


Wonderful! Did you see that has a Linux customized for increased security? I installed it on an old laptop a month ago and it runs nicely.


The thing is — every Linux installation can be as secure as a bank. The tools are all there. Banks, however, have dedicated staff keeping the tools sharpened and effective.
The distro I installed has a very simple and effective firewall in its standard installation…….that is not turned on. The entire Debian branch should install off a DVD, reboot, and enable the firewall before plugging-in the ethernet. Further, you should update all the software on the box before you use a browser.
If you’re really concerned about security, your best move is to run your browser in a container, like docker or flatpack. Your security weaknesses aren’t in the operating system, they’re in the browser (or attachments in emails).

Gudthots is doing a lot of work with flatpack. I’m not up to speed on containers, jails or even VMs these days.


This is interesting…


No and no. They were saying we ars in a drought again, but no rules on that. They price water on tiers, same as electricity. The more you use you go up a tier and they charge you more. Then you can get fined, etc. They also continue to raise rates, esp since we cut back on use!


Oops…that for Teagannin re to h2o in CA.