Dear KMAG: 20200706 Open Topic


This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.



Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Our President is fighting for us night and day…please pray for him.


Wheatie’s Rules:

          1. No food fights.
          2. No running with scissors.
          3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Ezietto, titled ‘Stars and Warriors’:




Watching the Marxist Mob deface and topple our historical monuments, is both saddening and infuriating.


They must be stopped. They must be stopped and punished, because these monuments are not theirs to destroy. These monuments belong to all of us…past, present and future.


Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Yes, it’s a word. ‘Tittynope’ is a noun and refers to a small quantity of something left over.

Pronounced [TIT-ee-nope], tittynope could refer to a tasty morsel of pie or cake…or it could refer to the dregs or remains of something nasty and foul.

Used in a sentence:

She hungrily eyed the tittynope of a brownie that her friend could not finish.


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Beautiful, Marica – the Patton soundtrack always gets me. Thank you!


Me too!! I cried listening to this.. I needed to share with all ya’ll!!! It’s our Heritage!!! God Bless America!!! We da digital soldiers…Minutemen of our time! WE FIGHT!! Cuz we BELIEVE!!!! 😘💖🙏🙏🙏


Love you Wheatie!!! Glad ya in my foxhole!!! We in the middle of the fight!!! We Gonna WIN!💖💖💖


Absolutely!!! Love you sista!!! Been tough lately… But…. We TOGETHER!!! My dear sista…Wheatie!!! We are gonna WIN!!!!! And get our country BACK!!!! I Love being apart of it and.. You!! my dear friends!!!


{{{wheatie}}}!!! 💖💖💖😘🥰


So right!!!


This is why, by tradition, in remembrance, our flag is NEVER allowed to touch the ground.
Men…who know the history….have from then to now died to prevent that from happening…
…and others have been awarded honors, up to and including the Congressional Medal of Honor, in having prevented it.
Sgt. William H. Carney, US Army, Congressional Medal of Honor, July 18, 1863comment image
As a child, I was taught to handle our flag with as much care and respect as handling a loaded gun…that allowing it to touch the ground was ethically and morally the same as accidentally firing a loaded gun that might kill someone. And this F.S. Key story was why.
Do you know what each color in our flag represents, patriots?
100% of BLM protesters do not. Guaranteed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw that violated Saturday during the parachute team’s activity–the large flag parachuting in got all over the ground. I was surprised to see that.


Marica, Thanks for posting. We are so fortunate to have such a rich and inspirational history. Blessed. 🙂


If tittynope really is a word, it has to have a dirty meaning somewhere.


Just apply a bit of prop wash and elbow grease and….. “She hungrily eyed the scattered tittynopes of brownie in the pan after her friend was sated, and thought, ‘sloppy seconds?'”


Uh. Oh. Nah. Not touching that one. Where, many years ago I’d dive right in 😉 🙂 😉 🙂
Long day. Turning in before I get myself in trouble, or otherwise reprimanded.
G’nite all 😉
BTW, through all the trying times these days, WE ARE WINNING!


Good night, Kal – sweet dreams….I am soon to follow.


It would be niggardly for lexicographers to not have at least one.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

AAA cup size?


Y’know, I think you should get out more. Go visit the mountains west of Jackson Hole — they’re decidedly not AAA.


Incidentally, the mountain range in California near Nevada — the Sierra Nevada — means “snowy saw”, as in the tool to cut something.
“Sierra de banda” is a band saw; “sierra de mano” is a hand saw; “sierra de mesa” is a table saw…..


He said “to blave”, and as we all know, to blave means to to bluff.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As you wish.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, they’re certainly not.


Dirty or not, it had my interest immediately piqued 🙂
(Still not house broken after all these years 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s what females young and old say to Joe “Hands” Biden…

Cuppa Covfefe

The word employed, of course, being “tittynope”…
(My reply sorted wayyyyy far away)…

Plain Jane

Sorry if this has been posted before, but Gen. Flynn and some of his friends take the Q oath. .

Plain Jane

YW. I thought it was cool.


Apologies if this has been posted, but there is an article about Q In today’s American Thinker, featured on Lucianne website! Very exciting because it’s a up front, right out there for the world to see article! Now let the WH press corps ignore that! Heh heh
General Flynn’s family “taking the oath” has been a catalyst.
GMax is supposed to appear in court this week….the avalanche is gaining speed.

Plain Jane

Awesome. A B slap to the recent attacks on Q!


And, has generated lots of interest!

Plain Jane

I sure would bet it did. And panic for some crudballs. 🙂


JANE!!! THe biggest Q Proof eveh!!!! I want the dress that one of the Flynn’s wives is wearing…. It’s Trump’s funniest tweets!!! Hello Rocket Man!!!


Wheatie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We finally…are getting there!!! We NOT CRAZY!!


Prolly not… But who cares? We GOT US!!!! So many Great Patriots!!! We survived!!!!


Forget SD.
There are lots of people who are going to be eating crow.
Lots of people who have been mocking for years.
He who laughs last laughs best.




Took a quick tour OT, and read the post up about the upcoming “Big Ugly” book; the post is written in very stilted prose as if someone were attempting to sound really, really educated. Anyway, I said, what the hey, and read some of the comments. This one stuck out to me as we were on this several days ago via MilSpecMonkey:
Joyce M says:
July 6, 2020 at 8:27 am
redmomerath: why haven’t we seen photo’s of Ghislaine Maxwell when she was arrested? Like they usually do? Why do we not see photos of her handcuffed and put into the squad car, or taken out of the car and taken into the police? Where are the recent photographs of her? What about her mug shot? Look how they treated Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. This entire arrest is very different.
… also, seems to me SD (he, she, them) are trying desperately to gloom onto a bit of our dear Q before the movie ends! Just sayin’ … 😉


Sadly this is the same person who trashed other people for writing and selling books!
He has a great mind – but like so many remarkably intelligent people, the vice of ego is their downfall.


Well said, Michaelh


his hubris will not allow it…he will somehow turn it into his saving us by banishing us or something like that…


Not a chance, he will never admit to being SO wrong. He threw out HALF his best posters, for trusting, spreading, and believing in Q. NO WAY he can ever go back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Half? Seems like “most” to me.


Agreed. It was HIS loss, but more importantly it wasd the conservative blogosphere’s loss. Like him or not, he generates a lot of traffic, and when he purged us, we lost a valuable dissemination point.
Thankfully we are alive and thriving here, but the MORE info we get out, the BETTER. We ALL should have banded together, he chose $$$$ and ego against the cause. He simply did not tolerate anything or anyone who went against HIS preconceptions, no matter how LOGICAL, or TRUE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. And I note from a comment made upthread (by Red Leg I believe) that he’s still writing to try to sound smart. (Hint–it’s not just using big words, Sundance; in fact overuse of them betrays the intent.)


Yep, it seems that instead of WELCOMING varied opinions and thoughts, he FEARED them. I got the feeling he thought I was out to take his “stick”. Despite me not doing ANY of this for money, I do not even accept ads on my site. It is not about $$$ for me, never was. I could not say I thought the same of Sundance.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know the fastest way to get banned from his site was to point that out to him.
I got banned in less than fifteen minutes, and ad rem didn’t know about it until I asked her (?) for help–saw me on the ban forever list, said so, and I never heard from her again.


Welcome to the club!


Oh, good eye – Marica. I want one too! LMK if you find it somewhere so we can order them…Maybe Etsy?


WE need this!!! Let me know if ya find it!!!


Will do!


Thanks Duchess!!!! You always come thru!!!


Most welcome, Dear Marica – Happy to Help!
God Bless You Real Good Today and Always!!!


It’s a silhouette of President Trump sewn onto the T shirt dress.


Yes, I see that now – Thanks, Georgia!!!


Wheatie, Such a nice start start into our Monday. The memes always bring a smile. Some a chuckle. Thank you.


Updated ground report here, dear folks. Decided to leave the hostiles in Provo (aka fake protestors) and head south to Kanab, where the 4th is celebrated as it should be. There was the hometown parade, complete with candy and bead tossing and lots of water being squirted on delighted kids by the local fire truck brigade. Cheerleaders, one beauty queen, one mini pony, several decorated golf carts, a blue grass band, a marching group of veterans and one or two floats made for a delightful parade. Then, it was off to the local park where the brave townspeople dared to gather without masks for yummy corn dogs, Navajo tacos (dare I use that description?) cotton candy, frozen lemonades and lots of diet coke. Beginning promptly at 9:30, the biggest fireworks display was launched, after which the entire crowd gathered to watch chanted USA! USA! It was marvelous.
Meanwhile, back in Provo – all celebrations were cancelled months ago. Our beloved Mayor, who decided she was made for better things and signed on as John Huntsman’s running mate in the upcoming Gubernatorial primary, was licking her wounds as she and Huntsman were shown the door by Utah voters who haven’t forgotten how they were abandoned by good old Johnny boy mid-term when Obummer came calling with an ambassadorship. Funny that, eh?
So, Mayor Kaufusi decided to show some spine and sent an amped up and armed police force out to greet the BLM comrades and their ilk on the Wednesday after last Monday’s shooting.a It didn’t hurt that about 100 armed citizens were also in attendance, which made for a very peaceful protest by all the out of towners (about 100 of them as well). Details coming in on these loons show that both major organizers are from out of town – Ogden, UT, to be exact. Most of the snowflake followers were students from UVU and agitators from SLC. Police also arrested a second shooter from Monday night’s debacle. Once again, not from Provo. To listen to the media, you would think there were literally hundreds of protestors participating. Not so. Maybe 100 if even that. But you know, muh media…
So, from what I can tell (even though I was gone for two days) all’s quiet on the western front here in Provo and over the holiday. Lots and lots of fireworks going on here even tonight. Big fireworks show last night to appease the crowds, I guess.
One other note, Utah has really been getting the business lately for the increase in the KungFlu cases being reported, but when you look at the details, it’s all smoke and mirrors. The three people that died yesterday were all men over the age of 65 with pre-existing conditions. One was 85 and was already hospitalized. Somehow, the SLC Chamber of Commerce and the SLC libtard mayor have decided to advise (demand) our current Governor that the entire state of Utah needs to be put on mask lockdown, to which I say, phooey! I didn’t know that Utah County was under the jurisdiction of Salt Lake County, but apparently, their mayor thinks so. Alot of bad things seem to head our way from the libs up north, unfortunately.
Cheers and have a great week! I will keep you posted on any and all drive by shootings from our brave little men in black if such occurs.




Great and valuable ground report from Provo! And Ogden, which sounds like a much better place to hang.
I should point out that a famous son of Ogden is none other than John Moses Browning, who invented about 70% of all modern small-arms. There’s the BAR, the Ma Deuce, the first semiautomatic shotgun, the ubiquitous 1911, the Browning High-Power, and more others than you can shake a stick at. He had 125 firearms patents during his life (passed in 1926) and was either a time-traveller or a genius on a par with Thomas Edison. Many of the first articles of these were created in his home workshop at 505 27th Street in Ogden — he used to test-fire them down a hallway in his basement. [As a side note, that building was sold about 8 years ago for about $360,000. It’s about 8,000 square feet of history.]
I can just imagine what JMB would think of our current pantywetting fools in government, wailing about “ghost guns” and forbidden transfers and background checks……he invented, out of his head, literally hundreds of types of firearms that previously had not existed — then built them in a shop within the walls of his home out of blocks of metal — proved their worth, then got them patented and licensed and sold all over the world. He’d be thinking, “why would anyone listen to these people?”


Looking at this pic through a 2020 lens, one could say he really is a time traveller and is holding his iPhone to take a pic (yes, yes, I know it’s the receiver, but just go with me on this one!)
… just sayin’ … 😉


Lol sending that to mr gil.


In addition, at Union Station in Ogden, there is a John M. Browning Firearms Museum showcasing many of his designs.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I shot two of them (well, perhaps only one and a half) Sunday.


You could spend all day at the range doing 1911 variants from a variety of manufacturers — and that design was done in that house by that man.
He’s probably bald because the genius done burned off his hair.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Many of today’s “1911s” aren’t really, they’re ammo-fussy jam-o-matics with owners who forget five minutes later about that stoppage they had right before my eyes. I had to search a while to find a 1911 that works as one should.


Ironic about the gun conversation just now. DH just spent the morning at a range testing out a new gun (jam- o-magic is the report), and is currently at a local gun shop buying ammunition and discussing the problems he found. etc.
The range is an outdoor one and it’s too hot for me to be out there right now, but it’s been too long and I need to practice.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Odd thing is, it had been months for me.
And I was just as good, or just as bad, as before. If I take my time I do better than 90% of the people at the range; if I try to speed up I put shots into the bottom of the target. (I know why, too, but I simply cannot get rid of the urge to push the gun down too early to put it back on target quickly. Worse, because the misses are hidden by the gun, I can’t tell I’m doing it. I need a shock collar or something.)


When I played golf, it would be the same for me. I could not play for a few months and pretty much pick up almost as good as when I stopped. Drove DH crazy (who thinks after decades of playing he still has to hit balls on the range every day.)
I hear you about speeding up. I was the only (and much older) female in my concealed weapons class. I was with a group of hot shot gun-enthusiasts so when it was time for the range test, I volunteered to go first because I knew I didn’t want to be pressured by the rapid fire style of the hot shots. Turned out to be a good strategy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I used to do “practicals” once a week. There was a guy there who was a very good shot, but he tried to be too fast. One time when there was a competition, I damn near beat him by taking my time; but he figured out he needed to slow down just in time. He beat me, narrowly.


CT – Yes, Utah is very proud of Browning. Unfortunately, the city of Ogden is also home to Weber State University and appears to be a hotbead of deranged malcontents who feel the need to travel south and shoot people. Ogden has always been a bit sketchy, actually. Lots of gang violence, etc.. They have made some improvements to their historic downtown area, but it is a rough town. Kind of the ugly sister to Salt Lake City.


sounds like GREAT atmosphere in Kanab!!
thanks for the update and report–always nice to hear NORMAL things happening!!


It was so much fun and so nostalgic..


sounds it!


Great report From Utah and especially heartwarming to hear about the Americana celebration we all once knew.
There was another letter to the editor today demanding our town be mask mandated. I am sending some literature to the Mayor and City Representatives today showing why not. I am also declaring that I will drive out of town for any shopping, including groceries, if masks are mandated. A threat to the economic health of the town just might help their decision if enough do it.


Excellent, Tegan – I am calling the governor’s office today and your suggestions about retail revolt are great talking points…


sorry Wheatie!! Ditch those… I am sorry!!!


Melania tips a bucket of cat shit on the deep state


Hey! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Surely bearded dragon shit would be even worse. I’m waiting for her to dump THAT bucket. Then, it’s ON.




So, doesn’t want to end the holiday with out some mention of Melania’s dress for Mt Rushmore. I know you guys covered it rather well mentioning Alexander McQeen’s strange suicide by scarf and door knob and that his runway themes often had a dark mood to them that some thought may of been his artistic expression concerning the world of elite pedos. I think there was also some talk about his involvement with the Rothchilds he being involved with one that also died by scarf and door knob (last link).
The thing that got me on this was the Breitbart story on Melania’s dress which was fine by itself with over 20 images and mention the dress was done by McQueen. In particular it was the comment section which had 882 comments and not one where I could find anyone recognizing the fact or even possibility that Melania was trolling the pedos in the cabal. Thus the reason for the post.
Kind of shocked that intellectual curiosity over there seems dead and perhaps or that the readership over there is not that well informed or else someone might of made mention of it given the number of comments. I did want to get on there make some sort of note that Melania was likely to be trolling in high fashion, but alas I’ve been kicked off Brietbart for nearly 4yrs now.
Someone mentioned that that dress was designed to be a scream coming from the tortured children of who had suffered at the hands of those elite committing child pedophilia and that our first lady has heard and has not forgotten those few who, if even feebly stood against such, and that then is the troll and warning to the cabal. (another story said 14 now)


para59, Egads.
glad some dots are being connected, as trite as that sounds.


On that note, posh parties thrown by elitistes and other events where the rich and powerful are present Sia or Sai, forgets which, comes to mind. She’s the song writer and singer that used to always keep her face covered. She did the “Greatest” and everyone says it’s about the Pulse Night Club but when I watch it I see something else entirely. Could be wrong, but doesn’t feel that way.


Talking about Sia I always found this video of ‘Chandelier’ very odd. I don’t know how to put it in words but it gives me very odd vibes.

FYI I read Sia just adopted 2 teen boys


Yes, that one is in the same vein. Isn’t that Male dancer the guy that 4 Chan used to harass all the time? Lebow or Lebou? (I’m taking from memory, now that you mentioned the title. ).


That’s the one. The one in the video dancing with the Ziegler girl and 4 Chan kept pranking the guy. Not sure how all that began though.


Never knew the exact reason, just that they were after him often and rather successfully. Thanks! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have my doubts that McQueen was suicide – and I have similar doubts about the mysterious end of his “muse / GF / friend” who was a Rothschild EX-WIFE under an NDA.
If she knew things about the Roths, and had told McQueen…..
Makes sense.
Read something else in that article which would explain why Trump might be aware of certain things on a more personal level. Worth looking for by reading carefully.

Sadie Slays

The fashion industry is full of trafficking, exploitation, and Satanism. Melania probably knows a lot of sordid stuff from her modeling days (and if not from then, then from talking to other wealthy wives). Follow the wives!


Full of freaks and weirdos…
…the exact same type that call a crucifix in a jar of urine “art”.


I once read that Trump was at all the same elitist parties at first, but he was stone cold SOBER, and never partook of the sickness that the others did. He KNOWS it ALL and those that did it and to WHOM. They THOUGHT he was one of them, but he was just doing the political thing, not the PEDO thing.
He even remarks on it in some speeches, when he told the ENTIRE republican stage that he had “bought them all” it SHHOOK them ALL. That is when they KNEW Trump was for real, NOT just posturing, and was a REAL threat.
They have been really out to get him ever since.


The red scarf. Suicide by doorknob is sending a message. Think also Michael hutchence, inxs. Might have been whyat. Lots of suicides and public humiliation with that imagery


Robin Williams, Kate Spade, Andrew Zimmerman. Just to name a few.


Bourdain, mick jaggers girlfriend l’ wren

Sadie Slays

The McQueen dress creeped me out as soon as I saw it. Now I know why. Melania is a master at fashion trolling.comment image


Wheatie I love your selection tonight!
Of course Marica has brought a lot of music too.
We need good music for warriors to replenish their tired souls
And we need some REALLY GOOD WAR MUSIC… 😉


That one is really good!
OK I shared the one you posted above. Check it out:
~ ~ ~
You have the strength to give chase
God will supply your need
He will give you wings as eagles
Allow him to quicken you when you feel faint
Do not give up the relentless pursuit of righteousness
An extended soundtrack for the persevering


My thought when I listened…a good war music, awakening and stirring the energy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A very important perspective on COVID-19. Certain fundamental lies about it controlled our thinking!

Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong

The immune response to the virus is stronger than everyone thought


You never expected the Spanish Inqi … Flu … !


Text from above…
Ivermectin is given to hundreds of millions of people annually to protect them from parasites. It is a WHO ‘essential medicine’, regarded as harmless. We use it for hair mites in schoolkids. Giving this drug to those at risk for influenza would seem to be an obvious step to me..
— Prof Trevor Marshall (@trevmar) July 6, 2020
Well, you had found the in-vitro study showing Ivermectin worked well in-vitro against the Influenza-A Virus (IAV) (Spanish Flu), and as you say, in a pandemic some risk can be taken. That is the point in my original tweet about the Swine Flue scare…
— Prof Trevor Marshall (@trevmar) July 6, 2020
Brandon, the mechanism by which Ivermectin is active against RNA viruses doesn’t change much with viral species. The blocking of the IMPα/β1 dimer to reduce NS5 nuclear import has a similar effect on all the influenzas. Some things just aren’t worth an in-vivo study to “prove”😀
— Prof Trevor Marshall (@trevmar) July 6, 2020
Brandon, I spent 20 fruitless years trying to get the FDA interested in another ‘magic’ drug. The problem is that Ivermectin treats Influenza, threatening the need for flu shots. It attacks all the RNA viruses (Ebola, etc). FDA does not want ‘game-changers,’ just PhRMA money.
— Prof Trevor Marshall (@trevmar) July 5, 2020


It’s always comfy here in the Q Tree. 🙂
Would love to have more time for hanging around…


Yo, T3! Good to see you. How’s it hangin’? You had mentioned some time pressures in other parts of your life that had you withdrawing from a regular gig here — are they accomplished? How did they pan out?
Or is this visit just a welcome one-timer?


Yo back my friend! I miss my regular gig here, and yes, other pressures continue to keep me from a commitment greater than skulking around. Mostly on the weekends I think. How’s your planning for a move to a better region coming along?


Second cure for Covid-19, saw this at the Trevor Marshal twitter account Wolf linked above:
Ivermectin Study Reveals Fantastic Results: 100% of [Covid-19] 60 Patients Better in an Average of Just Under 6 Days
Jun 28, 2020 | COVID-19, Ivermectin, News, Popular Posts, Positive Results, Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer’s (UHFPO) Office
Recently, TrialSite News reported on a study sponsored in Bangladesh by Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer’s (UHFPO) Office, Chakoria, Cox’ Bazar and Abu Taiub Mohammad Mohiuddin Chowdhury, First Affiliated Hospital Xi’an Jiaotong University. The observational study was conducted from May 2 to June 5, 2020. The principal investigators observed 181 patients who tested positive for COVID-19. The Research team recently shared the results via preprint server and ResearchGate. The study team concluded that concerning the treatment outcome, adverse effect, and safety, the Ivermectin and Doxycycline combination was superior to the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin therapy in the case of mild to moderate degree of COVID-19 patients. Although both treatment regimens were observed to be effective for this study, the Ivermectin treatment was superior.
The Study
Sponsored by Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer’s (UHFPO) Office, Chakoria, Cox’s Bazar in collaboration with Abu Taiub Mohammad Mohiuddin Chowdhury, First Affiliated Hospital Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, this study was conducted for just over a month from May to June 2020. The investigators observed 181 patients who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT PCR undertaken at Cox’s Bazar Medical College. The participants were observed carefully for family history and any comorbidities that could disqualify them for this study. As it turned out, 42 participants had comorbid conditions that could impact recovery time; 14 participants were unwilling to participate in the study and 9 participants failed to participate (3 from group A and 6 from group B) for follow up sample collection so these were excluded. Following exclusion, 116 patients were included with mild to moderate degree of illness with normal or near-normal chest radiograph and Oxygen Saturation more than 95% were included in this study. All the patients enrolled in the study were treated as an outpatient protocol.
The study patients were divided into two groups including (A) (n=60): Ivermectin 200 µgm/kg single dose and Doxycycline 100 mg BID for 10 days. Note this is very similar to Dr. Tarek Alam’s successful hospital approved protocol study at the Bangladesh Medical College. Group (B) (n=56): Hydroxychloroquine 400mg first day then 200mg BID for 9 days plus Azithromycin 500mg daily for 5 days.
Standard of Care
Additionally the principal investigators and staff treated the patients with any fever, headache, cough, myalgia, and other complaints. The participants were advised for self-isolation, proper nutrition, hydration and a sanitary environment.
Treatment Monitoring
The team evaluated the patients every 2 days starting from the 5th day (Asymptomatic patients) or the 2nd non-symptomatic day from the first day of the drug intake by PCR study or nasopharyngeal and throat swab in each group. Regular contracts were maintained to find out the adverse or side effects of the therapy.
The Results
Much like the results from Dr. Rajter at Broward County, Florida, United States and Dr. Tarek Alam, Bangladesh Medical College, the results here were quite positive.
Group A, the Ivermectin group, experienced a 100% recovery rate, with a mean symptomatic recovery duration of 5.93 days and negative PCR was on 8.93 days. The Group B results (Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin) was 96.36%, 6.99 days and 9.33 days respectively.
55.10% of the patients in Group A (Ivermectin) gained symptomatic recovery on the 5th day. A mild degree of adverse effect was noted by 31.67% of patients; lethargy in 14 (23.3%), nausea in 11 (18.3%) and occasional vertigo in 7 (11.66%) of patients.
In the meantime, Group B experienced some degree of adverse effects; 13 (23.21%) mild type of blurring of vision and headache; 22 (39.2%) increased lethargy and dizziness, 10 (17.85%) occasional palpitation, and 9 (16.07%) experienced nausea and vomiting.
The Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer’s (UHFPO) Office, Chakoria, Cox’s Bazar in collaboration with Abu Taiub Mohammad Mohiuddin Chowdhury, First Affiliated Hospital Xi’an Jiaotong University in China has come to the conclusion that in regards to treatment outcome, adverse effect and safety, the Ivermectin and Doxycycline combination is superior to Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin therapy in the case of mild to moderate degree of COVID-19 patients. The Bangladeshi and Chinese team found that both treatments were effective in this study. However, the Ivermectin results were superior to Hydroxychloroquine.
[more at the link: ]

Cuppa Covfefe

Why are all these “studies” neglecting Zink??? They are purposely leaving out the +Z part of the treatment. They’re “John Cook” ing the books just like the Remdesivir “studies”…
HCQ is acting as a Zink Ionisphore… Massive amounts of tonic water (quinine) with zink would do the same, albeit with problems…
I wonder how much Ivermectin costs?????

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Zink” = spelling auf Deutsch?? (We spell it with a C, and it’s unusual for being a word that ends in C.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops. Thanks for spotting that 😳
Not enough Covfefe…. sigh…
Reminds me of the old days, when a young lass who’d galvanized my attentions signed a missive, “Yours ’til the kitchen Zinks”…

Deplorable Patriot

That’s a lot of words to say, “we found a cure we like better, mainly because our name is on it.”


“That’s a lot of words to say, “we found a cure we like better, mainly because our name is on it.” ”
If you’re stricken with a disease so scary it shut down the whole planet, it’s nice to have options for multiple cures 😁


I wrote an entire article on my blog a couple of months ago highlighting ALL the anti parasite anti malarial drugs. They ALL seem to work against Covid 19.


Nice meme…
God has not given us the spirit of fear…comment image


fear induces stress…stress takes a toll on immune systems…they want you weak and afraid…
so LAUGH AND SMILE…it’s good for you!!!


You would know, Patty – after all – you keep us in ‘stitches’ on a daily basis – Hugs!!!


i try!
Laughter is the BEST medicine!


It sure is, Patty! You try and succeed – Thanks!!!


my pleasure!


* Smiling *


Every day Trump REFUTES and flouts the narrative by NOT wearing a mask. The good guys don’t HIDE behind masks comes to mind. Trump is WELL aware that the masks are USELESS and nothing but a psyop to try and maintain the fear and control.
I wish just ONCE someone like Trump would explain it to the masses that a CLOTH MASK will not stop a MICROSCOPIC virus. If you can SEE through it, it means the opening is MORE than big enough for Covid to pass through, like a hot dog down a hallway.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Approximate size of a photon of light: 400-700 nanometers, depending on color/frequency.
Size of a virus: 20-300 nm.
I’m sure the holes in a cloth mask are considerably bigger than one photon’s width. If they let visible light through, they will let viruses through.
(And by the way, the simple fact that a virus is smaller than a wavelength of visible light means it cannot be seen in visible light. And it means they have no color. Our colorful kooshball graphics with pink and red bumps on them are all artists’ renditions or at least colorizations of an electron microscope photograph.) An electron microscope is needed, those are good down to individual atoms (which range from .06 to .52 nanometers across, most towards the small end of that range).


EXACTLY! Yet they PERSIST in the mask farce.


“Our colorful kooshball graphics with pink and red bumps on them are all artists’ renditions ”
Maybe with the proper care and feeding — like you could get at a Chinese wet market — they grow really big.
You know, like Gremlins, when they get wet 😂comment image


“The good guys don’t HIDE behind masks comes to mind.”
Except for the Lone Ranger.
And Zorro.
And Batman.
And Spiderman.
And Captain America.


Except all of those are not REAL, I am talking IRL.


Good point! 👍 😁


Fear is a virtue for these people??
No wonder they hate christians.
.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and their self imposed mission is to make the rest of us afraid using guilt as a weapon.


BINGO, “Do not do it for your self, do it as your patriotic duty to help others” That was one of the FIRST mantras used when they were pushing Covid hype. They changed it SEVERAL times, Do it to help the elderly, do it to help keep the spread down, do it to keep the hospitals from being over run.
P. Rex’s axiom. ANYTIME they have to change the narrative more than ONCE to try and keep something going, the narratives are a LIE.
We are on narrative at least number 6 with Covid.


“Yes, and their self imposed mission is to make the rest of us afraid using guilt as a weapon.”
Well that’s definitely not working.
Unless their name happens to be ‘Karen’ 😂

Deplorable Patriot

I know a few women named Karen, and…not one does not meet the description, even my cousin’s wife who is the least egregious of the lot.


“I know a few women named Karen, and…not one does not meet the description”
That’s why they were named ‘Karen’.
Their parents just knew… 🤣😂🤣


I am definitely stealing this 😉




“COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC”
The CDC went on to reassure that the comedic status of Covid-19 is stronger than ever 👍 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Strong in the farce are they…


“Quick! We’ve got to change the definition.”
— Fauxi & Co.

Comments section:
sDee: “I paraphrase…..
“Hey, if the people want to elect sh’ts like Schiff to run their Intelligence Committee, that’s their problem not mine.”
oldumb replies: “You may not LIKE it, but that is the way it is. The Executive cannot censor or repress the legislature. Nor do we want them to. Soon there will be a demoncrap executive, do you want the censoring the conservatives? Of course not, so don’t expect AG Barr to break through that wall. Representatives should be able to say what the F^&* they want. PERIOD.”
First of all, Schiff wasn’t acting in his capacity as a legislator, or speaking from the floor of the House of Representatives, and neither was Rice or Brennan or Yates or Comey or Clapper or any of the other traitors.
Second, if Trump and Barr ever drop the hammer on these demonic beings, there won’t BE a democrat party anymore. The word ‘democrat’ will be more reviled than Nazi.
Third, NOBODY has the right to take part in a conspiracy to overthrow the Republic, nobody has the right to commit TREASON, a COUP, and that is EXACTLY what these former Hussein officials and current democrats are doing, furthering their attempted COUP, when they say one thing under oath (I have no evidence Trump did anything wrong) and then publicly say they have evidence the president committed Treason.
They can lie from the floor of the House or the Senate, but they have no immunity when they speak outside Congress:
“Members of Congress are given an absolute privilege to lie with impunity in the House or Senate, if they so desire, by the Speech or Debate Clause in Article I, Section 6 of the U.S. Constitution.
It states that, with regard to senators and representatives, “for Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.” The Framers of the Constitution wanted to encourage debate in Congress, and they did not want that debate chilled by the threat of lawsuits.”


republicans seem restrained by thoughts of “fair play” …we wouldn’t do that because WE THINK if we don’t, they won’t do it to us.
democrats are not constrained at all…they win, they walk all over any rights or fairness standards because they are the victor.


Has Farrakhan been Q’d?


“Has Farrakhan been Q’d?”
If we put “Malcolm” in front of ‘Q’, we’ll get the whole group 👍

Deplorable Patriot

Strange bedfellows indeed.


IMO he’s looking for a payout.


Dora…too bad he’s a sort of little boy who cried wolf…so easy for Pravda to dis…


Not to be missed in the SD post referenced above by Scott….worth the 5 minutes.
This was not released as part of Maria B’s original airing of this exclusive interview (from about 2 weeks ago, I believe…).
Barr is CLEARLY going after people.
He most definitely sees things the way we do….without question.


Don’t you wonder why that part of the interview wasn’t included originally…unless it was always planned for a holiday weekend view (when there are fewer viewers).


good stuff!


Gotta love Kurt 👍


“GOP dummies, what the hell is your excuse?”
We know their excuse.
They are owned by the Communist Chinese Party, paid to be controlled opposition, and their real mission is to subvert and undermine the United States of America, via Cultural Marxism.
Same as the democrats.
The democrats play ‘bad cop’, and the GOPe plays ‘good cop’.
But they’re all all bad cops, every one a traitor, all of them paid by the same CCP.
And this is true for the large majority of supposed ‘conservatives’ in ALL Western countries, the CCP has infiltrated and bought ALL of them.
They nearly destroyed Western Civilization. And they did it cheap.
Cheaper than they could ever have done it through war. They only had to buy off a few hundred people at the top, less than a thousand people, even in a large country like ours. Far fewer in smaller countries.
Not only did they do it cheap, they enriched themselves in the process, making all of us pay them to do it.


“I want to know the name of one single voter who cried out, “Take that, Columbus Day! And now that Fort Benning is known as Fort Diversity Rainbow Unicorn, I shall cast my ballot proudly for the generic GOP stooge who helped make that happen because when my country is burning and I am under attack, I want to be represented by people whose first inclination is to suck up to the Democrats!””
These are the people they detest at NeonRevolt, the people my generation and younger detest.
Republicans who go around supporting every kind of sexual perversion under the sun, and wouldn’t stand up for Christ or Christians if their lives depended on it.
Because they can’t.
You can’t stand for Christ, and stand for homosexual butt sex.
So the GOPe chooses to stand for homosexual butt sex instead.
The party of Buggery.
Here’s their 2020 campaign slogan:
The GOPe.
They won’t stand for Christ or Western Civilization or even America, but at least they stand for butt sex.


yowsa !!!



Trump has already won this election.
At this point, these children are simply throwing a temper tantrum over it, before the fact.


Verse of the Day for Monday, July 6, 2020

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 15:57 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Monday Butterfly Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


comment image


Good Morning Duchess…all quiet on this front…hope your evening was pleasant!
Have a Blessed day!


Hey, Patty!!! Very quiet and peaceful – yes – Pasta for dinner – slept like a baby – lol
Happy you were able to enjoy some peace and quiet for a change – perhaps, the ‘mob’ is enjoying dinner elsewhere – lol
You have a Blessed Day, too! Hugs!!!comment image




Oh, My, Butterfly!!! You went all out with the emoticons – Imma lovin’ it!!!
God Bless You Real Good, Beautiful Butterfly!!!


GBYRG2SD!! 😘😍🤗🥰💕


* Smiling Broadly *



For anyone following this story I can’t get on without a subscription, but – as they say – a picture is worth a thousand words. 🙂


yeah me either—saw the picture tho…


And one for you:




FTA: It is thought the photo was taken after Mr Clinton arrived in London in September 2002 en route to the Labour Party conference in Blackpool where he was the guest of honour.
Spacey went with him to Blackpool. Before arriving in the UK, Mr Clinton and Spacey spent seven days on a tour of Africa with Epstein on his private jet.


Here is the photo:comment image




Fun Fact: Valpariaso features in the musical lyrics during the closing credits of White Squall


Thanks, Michael, for the reminder!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Comments on that are great (at the start):
“The owner only took cash so the deer came back with four bucks.”
“Four bucks??? I thought came back with way more doe.”
“Im very fawn’d of this story.”
To which I can only imagine, after a few more time of this, and the greatly extended family of the deer, the overwhelmed store owner was forced to write a John Deer letter…


LOL – You funny guy, Cuppa!!!


Here’s some classical guitar virtuosity from Stephanie Jones. In case you’re interested notice the perfection of her left-hand control as she moves through some of this piece’s particularly demanding passages. In particular, I’d like to point at how, at about the 1 min point, she includes some harmonic ornaments that still have be a bit stunned. Steffi’s got some serious chops! Enjoy . . .
The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel, performed by
Stephanie Jones


duchess, thanks for bringing this over…this really is ab as good as it gets…and she is so young…


Agree, piper – she is a treasure – so talented.


HAUSER – Oblivion (Piazzolla)


This story is taking some strange twists and turns. Yikes!

Deplorable Patriot

Diana knowing too much was something the Queen let slip a couple years ago while shooting her annual Christmas message. That particular take was destroyed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw one of those messages a few years back. Quite a bit different from any speech a president would give; lots of chit-chat about the family, but that does make sense, in a monarchy, where the entire royal family are political figures.


Seems like monarchs are murderers who were more successful at murdering their adversaries than any of their competition, and then with time, their subjects, the people they allowed to live grew to adore them.
In other words, Stockholm Syndrome on a national basis.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t disagree at all. That’s essentially what government was until someone came up with the notion that it had some other purpose, like protecting its people. No, that wasn’t us, but we did quite a bit to make it stick.


Sundance occassionally reposts one of his original blog posts after several previous blogs in which orginal treepers had been involved became hostile and they left &/or the blog folded/shut down. Left me a little sad to review the dates as I was reminded how different that treehouse used to be. Also, was a jarring reminder at how SD had changed over the years and even how his writing style had changed.
I wonder what the significance is when he decides to repost this blog entry? I can’t put together a pattern…


“Sundance occassionally reposts one of his original blog posts after several previous blogs in which orginal treepers had been involved became hostile and they left &/or the blog folded/shut down.”
You reminded me that I still get ‘likes’ from old posts over there, about once every couple months it seems, someone is digging through old posts at CTH and clicks the ‘like’ button, and I still get notification 😁


“I wonder what the significance is when he decides to repost this blog entry? I can’t put together a pattern…”
No telling.
Between his “Do You Really Want the Book?”, and then the “Inflection Points” reverie — where he conveniently forgets that he threw about a hundred of us overboard, as he basks in his own magnanimity 😂 — I wish he’d just get on with it, instead of all the emotional BS.
DO IT, and THEN bask in the afterglow and reverie of your whatever. 👍
Action is what is always missing.



“in the words of my generation…UP YOURS!” guess which movie we watched lately? lol


kick the tires and light the fires!!
so many good parts to that movie…but at the end, when they have conquered the aliens…and they are walking back thru the desert…that’s an American swagger right there!


they did!
and Adam Baldwin was in that one too…AND Adam was in the Patriot–another favorite of mine–but in that one he’s a scumbag…


ever see him on the tv series Chuck?


he was…but the outtakes? OMG he’s hysterical!


never saw Firefly…would you recommend it? or Serenity…


cool! will do! and thanks!


Adam and McSteamy in The Last Ship, be still my heart!!💓😛😊


I always liked Adam Baldwin.
He was wonderful in the TV show ‘Chuck’ on of my favs.
And ‘firefly’ of course.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can’t recommend Firefly enough .


we’re always looking for new things to watch and since we don’t watch much tv we don’t see movie trailers or series promotions…last thing we watched from tv was the Blacklist…which I guess will now be called the List—sounds ominous doesn’t it? HAHA

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. Serenity is good too, but watch Firefly *first*.


will do!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The bad news is, there were only 15 hour-long episodes of Firefly before it got cancelled.
And once you’ve seen them, you’ll understand why there are conspiracy theories about it getting canned.


I’ll get back to you once I’ve seen them and we can discuss!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Quaids can take solace from that fact that 20 percent of all Hollywood conservatives go on to be President.


Clever and witty
Surely there are a few more than that?!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A slight adaptation of one of the funnier things National Review said, back when it was worth reading.


The DC Antifa leader, and his father, sandwiched between the lead despoilers.comment image


Can’t help but notice the very “blah” Xmas trees with the very non-traditional Xmas colors. But I also remember reading early on that the Obamas, in interview, saying they never really celebrated Xmas nor exchanged gifts, even with the daughters. One reason they always left the WH during the Season…and, of course, took their taxpayer-paid vacation to his “childhood home.” Interesting there hasn’t been the urge to do so after we stopped paying for it.
Most Presidents went back to their homes to spend their holidays…..does anyone know if the Obama’s have ever returned to their home in Chicago? Or, the Clinton’s to Arkansas? Carpetbaggers, me thinks.
Of course, that is totally passed on by the media.


well someone paid for Moochele to be there when Notre Dame was set on fire–oh wait—that was a coincidence! (wasn’t she hanging out on the water somewhere close?)


well WHO takes a picture with the President–any President–with their dreadlocks (?) hanging across their face?


I don’t know …one of the female college championship teams attended a ceremony honoring them at the White House…wearing flip flops.
Probably most, if not all, were on full scholarship…you’d think they could spring for a pair of decent shoes for the once in a lifetime occasion.




Will she continued to be favored by CTH?

Deplorable Patriot
MAGA Candidates Lists for all 50 States. Includes remaining Primary and General Elections.
Trump endorsed candidates:
US Senate MAGA:
US House MAGA:
State Lists:
129 Members
Trump Endorsed Candidates
8:15 AM · Jul 6, 2020


These days not many things are shocking. This was shocking.


HT Dora, Link further below was posted on Flep’s news.
Worth listening to in the background. This Texas doctor talks about how he treats Covid with STELLAR results.
^^^ Same treatment used in Taiwan, Singapore and Japan.
Within five minutes of the 31 minute video, he clearly articulates he has a SILVER BULLET to treat Covid.
Readily available. Affordable, at every pharmacy in US. Generic. Side effects NOT an issue.
Information is in Ted Cruz’s hands. Will be in President Trump’s hands within a week.
He also talks about CDC, NIH studies are created to document failure.
Builds an obvious case to NOT use a vaccine.





Deplorable Patriot

Another doctor’s voice added to the chorus Dr. Zelenko started in March.


Yup. At some point CDC, FauXi, Brix need to be at a minimum publicly shamed, fired…and OPENLY challenged at EVERY presser they hold.

Deplorable Patriot

I would prefer to see them perp walked…after I raid her scarf collection. She’s got a bigger one than I do, and my scarves take up a lot of space.


They have earned a perp walk. I doubt they’ll see Justice levied on them.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…I think the jury is still out on that one.


WOLFIE needs to hear this:
About this family of medicines –


Bartlett is a Christian and got this idea after praying during a 48 hour shift when their hospital was swamped with very sick coronavirus patients.


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^^^ Great memes.
First meme, initially I only saw the first two lines, Biggest Idiot… Immediately thought socialist Sisolak, NV guvner. 🙂 certainly fits bite me biden.

Deplorable Patriot

For the spaghetti western fans here:
Edward Pentin
Filmscore composer #EnnioMorricone has died at 91. An interview he gave
in 2009 in which he discussed his faith, his love for Gregorian Chant, and his esteem for Clint Eastwood
4:11 AM · Jul 6, 2020


I was a fan since the first one I saw. I think it was “The Good, Bad and the Ugly”.
Thanks for the interview.

Deplorable Patriot

Just finished tomorrow’s daily, unless a bombshell happens sometime today, and put a different theme in it, but this one is really popular here.

That soprano solo…somday.


RIP Ennio Morricone. That’s a great orchestra isn’t it. I’d go see this show if given a chance.


An hour and a half of Ennio’s spaghetti westerns for fellow hardcore fans 🤠



Once they demanded money from him it became criminal activity. That man was a damn idiot to have his windows down and engage.
I will NEVER NEVER travel to areas where this behavior is allowed.



Deplorable Patriot…..
Q Research Notables
SCOTUS rules unanimously that states can require presidential electors to back their states’ popular vote winner in the Electoral College.
Quote Tweet
Shannon Bream
· 11m
BREAKING: #SCOTUS rules unanimously that states can punish faithless electors who decide to show up for the Electoral College vote and cast their ballots against the way their states voted.
10:29 AM · Jul 6, 2020


OMG! One judge shouldn’t be able to do all this!


CLIMATE CHANGE – by any human means, except perhaps large scale nuclear blast caused ‘winter’, is a hoax of political proportions.


article is from the NYT and I don’t have OR WANT an account to read that trash…


There seems to be an an attack against our O&G production by activist judges?? Boasburg just shut down the Dakota pipeline and there was another huge project stalled. Trying yet another way to crash POTUS’ economy??? 😡


You nailed it Butterfly !

Deplorable Patriot

MilSpecOpsMonkey corrects his error from yesterday.
I made the statement “It is important to understand that she has ALREADY BEEN SENTENCED so there is no trial. With a SEALED indictment a Grand Jury had enough evidence, without her even knowing, to convict and sentence her for crimes against children.”
I did indeed misspeak as I didn’t fully do my research and was going by things I have heard across various platforms to include lawyers on Fox News.
What I should have said (and it has since been corrected) is that she has already been CHARGED (not sentenced) and there will be a speedy trial. In all likelihood it will be via a video conference from an “undisclosed” location. I seriously doubt they would be stupid enough to bring her into NYC for a trial; but sometimes you have to wonder about their intent as they could still do it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, that makes a shitload more sense.

Deplorable Patriot

Dawson is on a roll today.
I guess it would help the Swamp if the head of your anti-graft agency was a Swamp creature…
But not any more!
Shell companies, off shore accounts, 3rd party ‘contracts’ to get cash from suspects to the chief over the investigators.
Quote Tweet
FCCED – Financial Crimes News
· 25m
Nigeria’s State Security Service has arrested anti-graft agency chief, Ibrahim Magu over corruption allegations. The EFCC chief, Magu was accused of moving funds abroad through a third party & receiving gifts from people under investigations by the agency.
Connecting the Swamp in Bangladesh to the Swamp in Kuwait. They are draining ALL the Swamps because they are connected!
Wonder if this is how the 1MDB case connects into the Clinton Foundation?
Quote Tweet
FCCED – Financial Crimes News
· 1h
A Bangladeshi lawmaker Papul, who was sent to jail in Kuwait on charges of human trafficking & money laundering has admitted to giving bribes to two Kuwaiti lawmakers. Papul denies the bribery allegations but accused the lawmakers of corruption.
Some Kuwaiti legislators & the Chinese government were secretly paying for Jho Low’s defense in the #1MDB case.
10:39 AM · Jul 6, 2020
The Clinton Foundation donors from the Swamp in Bangladesh got themselves arrested while Hillary was Secretary of State. She used the State Dept & the World Bank to threaten Bangladeshi politicians into dropping charges.
Hillary Clinton Pressured Bangladesh to Help Donor, Documents Show
As secretary of state, Clinton deployed high-powered officials to rescue a friend who faced financial mismanagement charges, records indicate.
10:39 AM · Jul 6, 2020


via Ace of Spades
The Morning Report – 7/6/20
—J.J. Sefton
“Good morning, kids. Hope you all had an enjoyable Fourth of July, the present troubles notwithstanding. On a very positive note, President Trump gave arguably his best, if not the most crucial speech of his presidency so far. With Mount Rushmore as the backdrop, he was figuratively as well as literally on the front lines of what has now devolved into a civil war for the heart, soul and future of this nation. Except it’s not really a civil war but more of a hijacking of the nation, since only one side is advancing that aim by engaging in violence, intimidation and propaganda, with essentially zero pushback – Donald J. Trump and all of his standing with him being the exception.
… For this America, stunned by the senseless violence which pours salt in the wounds of [Chinese] COVID-19 and a shattered economy, the president’s speech was just what the doctor ordered.
He paid homage to the “56 patriots” who gathered in Philadelphia in 1776 to sign the Declaration of Independence, which “enshrined a divine truth that… all men are created equal.”
He even dared to say America was “founded on Judeo-Christian principles” with the family “the bedrock of American life,” where “every child, of every color — born and unborn — is made in the holy image of G-d.”
And in his forthright way, he fingered a “new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language… recite its mantras and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted and punished.”
“It’s not going to happen to us…”

Boom. No other President or politician allegedly on our side in my lifetime ever dared to directly indict and damn the Democrat Party and the Leftist-Progressive-Globalist agenda for their record of pain, misery and destruction and for warning about the consequences should they succeed. Not even the great Ronald Reagan. Actually, Donald Trump just declared the Democrat Party and the totalitarian thugs in it and supporting it to be an “evil empire.” It’s not hyperbole either. His speech was as factual an indictment of what they have done and intend to do and he essentially laid down the marker of what amounts to “over my dead body.”
more at link


Plumb – Need You Now (Official Music Video)


icymi… Wolfie asked a few days ago that we NOT post tweets directly to this site… apparently Twitter has figured out how to slow down site performance with direct cut and paste…
Deplorable Pat demonstrated a neat way to link them here:
paste the link and then remove everything from “?” to end. Then insert three “dots” and hit “post comment”
The result means the reader has to click on the link… which is a good thing actually (imho) as it takes one to the actual twitter account and there one can not only read the tweet but also any additional ones of interest as well.
An alternative is to simply copy the tweet in its entirety, which enables Zoe and others to ‘read’ the text…
or, one can do both 😉 … esp when there is an embedded video or image that won’t allow you to ‘copy’


Sad News




RIP Charlie…..Benghazi ain’t going away.
So gather ’round, gather ’round chillin’
Get down, well just get down chillin’
Get loud, well you can be loud and be proud
Well you can be proud, hear now
Be proud you’re a rebel
‘Cause the South’s gonna do it again and again


K-Mac just finished her Press Beating. All they could focus on was POTUS’ Bubba Smollett tweet and the Confederate flag. She must’ve answered the same 8+ questions repeatedly ad nauseum. She exited as usual with a phenomenal slam and shame. NOT ONE question was asked about all the crime and deaths and the 5 black children killed , NOT ONE!! 💥💥💥


K-Mac is the best . . . but it’s really hard to watch those Press Beatings because of the absolute idiots she has to respond to.


I’m not a sadist but I’ll make an exception to watch leftists getting just desserts.


She should have had Uneasy Rider playing softly in the background. (Charlie was in the Marshall Tucker Band back then)




Are the American Indians complaining or is it just that BLM wants approval rights for the naming of every sports team in the U.S.?


I thought it was whites a decade ago.


As I was researching appropriate quotes for Sunday by the Rushmore four (or five), I encountered several quotes attributed to Abraham Lincoln that I had not seen before. If correct, they provide rich food for thought concerning the times during which Lincoln lived, and into the mind of Abraham Lincoln.
Personally, I believe that (Galatians 3:26-29) “26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
By no means am I endorsing the following thoughts, although they may contain some truths, but they also may be used to promote the vilest of intentions.
I debated with myself whether to post them, but, if truthful, I found them truly enlightening of past times . . . buckle up –
Abraham Lincoln:
“I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the negroes … I believe that it would be better to export them all to some fertile country with a good climate, which they could have to themselves.”
“Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.”
“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races: that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people.”
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.”
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
“As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.”
“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”
“If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”
“Slavery is founded on the selfishness of man’s nature – opposition to it on his love of justice. These principles are in eternal antagonism; and when brought into collision so fiercely as slavery extension brings them, shocks and throes and convulsions must ceaselessly follow.”
“We were proclaiming ourselves political hypocrites before the world, by thus fostering Human Slavery and proclaiming ourselves, at the same time, the sole friends of Human Freedom.”
“I know there is a God, and that He hates injustice and slavery. I see the storm coming, and I know that his hand is in it. If He has a place and work for me – and I think He has – I believe I am ready.


The only new quote to me is the “When I hear someone arguing for slavery…” probably as a Southerner I was taught earlier on about Lincoln and what the War was really all about.
Yes, Lincoln was absolutely morally, ethically and spiritually against slavery. He was also convinced it was not only UnAmerican but also Anti American, against the very ideals on which this country was founded. Slavery was also damaging to the non slave holding whites, hurt poor laborers of all colors/races and the free market as it under cut labor (see the GOP platform in its early days and look at some of the anti slavery groups that came together under its umbrella).
And, yes, Lincoln was racist due to his concerns over post slavery, freed blacks (as a whole v. specific individuals) being absorbed into and assimilating into American Society at large.
Rather than thinking that there were exceptions/certain individual blacks that would not assimiltate into the greater American society (as there are exceptions in every race/ethnicity due to criminality &/or low IQ) he seem to think that the exceptions were those who did assimilate.
He wanted to relocated the freed slaves and shared concerns with many about what a post slavery society in the US would become as far as safety/crime rates, dependence, work ethics, ability to be educated and therefore the ability to be a free & responsible citizen.
Learn more about the relocation program that he supported here: (
As a Southerner, I am very familiar with the quote re saving the Union.
>> NO, even to Lincoln the War Between the States was a question of Absolute Union v. ability to Constitutionally Secede and was not about slavery, per se. <<
Slavery was the policy while federal power over the states (and Very Specifically the power of the states to secede) was the principle over which the war was fought.
Now, I often ignore some of these competing facts when arguing with leftist because:
1) they don't know the difference
and 2) they are dishonest and want to create alt history so I fight fire with fire
Ex: Leftist claim that the South fought for slavery so I fight back saying that the north fought to free slaves, that the Union, our very country of the United States of America fought to demand all men be free and that the South and all US citizens live up to the ideals of our Founding Fathers & that the very flag they are disrespecting in the Union flag under which 300,000 mostly white men died for the freedom of slaves.
In large part, this is true. But saving the Union was the reason for war even while the policy of slavery was what drove the session question and the South saw themselves as the true bloodline of the Revolution and the US Constitution, including the 2/3 of Southerns who owned no slaves.
For the record, I am delighted that we are 1 country under God v. seeing the balkenization of our great country, that slavery is no more and that we as a country continue to fight slavery around the world. If we were not one great union of the Lower 48 + Alaska we would face more military/national threats, would not have accomplished all that we have and would not be nearly the great country we have become. The 49ers, Grand Canyon, the Old Northwest, the covered wagons across the paries, the Rocky Mountains, the mountain men and the cowboys, the Pilgrims, NYC, the Texas Spirit, the Ohio Valley …. all outside of the South and yet all are a part of me as an American just the same.
We are a great nation because we are whole … and yet, do we agree with the Civil War's rebalancing of federal/state power? Do we agree with the absolute, forever binding power and loss of independence interprestation of the agreement to enter the Union by the former colonies and Texas?
What does this mean? That many Southerns agree with the principle of secession but are greatful we are a united nation & love our entire country and our entire history (all of the states's stories that meld into our country's story), vehemently are repulsed by slavery, think it was foolish to go to war against the northern states while we understand it was not a "civil" war but a war between to groups of states and think … Know, it was idiotic short sightedness as well as moreally & ethically weak, not to plan for and agree to an orderly abolishment of slavery even without the threat of war.
OK – rambled long enough. I am obviously on bed rest today and haven't been for some time. Time on my hands in which I am not being productive.
Yes, Lincoln was complex … as are Southerners … as is our US history … as are people in general. And yes, the question of a post slavery, mixed race America is complex and is not yet settled.


Charlie Daniels last tweets:comment image

Concerned Virginian

Thank you so much for putting these last messages from Charlie Daniels on the Q Tree.
May he rest in peace and the Almighty God send comfort to his family and fans.


Today the press gave Miss Kayleigh a hard time about the President’s tweet re: that NASCAR had made a mistake about the (Confederate) flag and that Bubba Wallace needed to apologize.
I felt it was time to take a strong position about this and wrote another letter. I hope he isn’t tired of hearing from me, since I’ve written about 5-6 letters since he took office. Most of the time just to thank him for all he has done.
Dear Mr. President,
Today the press focused on your tweet re: Confederate flag and Bubba Wallace’s need to apologize.
They did not ask one question about the high murder rate or the deaths of young children in Democrat cities.
Please emphasize
– That the Confederate flag and monuments are historical artifacts that have historical, legal, political, ethical and moral lessons to teach us.
– That SLAVERY is not an evil of the past, but that there is slavery in Islamic, Asian and African countries – and in the USA – today.
– That human trafficking, child-adult prostitution-p0rnography, drug trafficking and drug addiction are slavery.
– That these forms of slavery have no place in a country that strives for everyone to be free.
– That we cannot change the slavery that took place 155 years ago – but we can work together to eliminate all forms of slavery from our country today.
Thank you for all you do for all of us!


Dixie Is As Dixie Does
Way down South, once called the land of cotton,
Where the old times were never forgotten,
You’ll find good folk, just as plain as can be
With heartfelt thoughts for dear ol’ Dixie.
The South’s battle flag, some like to fly,
A symbol for Dixie, that many stand by:
Red dirt, magnolias, hospitality,
Gracious people, home and family.
You may see that flag fly anywhere,
On a business sign or the clothes they wear,
Flying from the back of a 4 by 4,
Or on a rescue boat in Bridge Harbor.
There’s no dark meaning in that star crossed banner;
Give it respect and show it some manners.
It pulls people back when they start to roam;
It stands for the South, it stands for home.
They’re proud of their upbringing and their name,
And if you think about it, we’re the same.
They have strong roots that act as a tether
With God, flag and country, all hold together.
Dixie folk wear work boots, not mommy jeans,
But old dungarees that never seem clean.
Most work their jobs hard, with effort and sweat,
And finer people I’ve never met yet.
When you have troubles, they’re the neighbors you need,
Ready with helping hands and other good deeds.
When you have a need, there’s nothing you’ll lack;
They’ll even give you the shirt off their backs.
In the Houston floods, peering over their prows,
Strangers helped others to exist, somehow.
Strangers sought strangers, imperiled, alone,
Perched high on their roofs, on top of their homes.
From afar, the Cajun Navy had appeared,
Brothers from Dixie with help drew near
Towing dories and punts and flat bottomed boats,
Air boats and Jon boats; anything that floats.
When the flood left and the waters receded,
These heroes returned from the call they heeded,
To red dirt, magnolias, home and family;
Back to their homes in the heart of ol’ Dixie.
In these days of Antifa and BLM,
We’ll watch ol’ Dixie pull together again
To show the world how to do what’s right,
Not for man’s praise, but seen in God’s sight.


Remember how the people of Charleston, black and white, prayed together rather than rioting after that terrible church shooting by the mentally ill Dylan Root?


That is a special poem speaking deeply to my heart, Bakocarl!




As I have told you many, many times over the last few years, I never cease to be amazed at your talent and way with words.


very well said!


Our Big Guy has got to put it to rest – set down the word – firmly and with finality. He and his wise men/women will probably come up with a better, clearer, more concise way to say it. But they can’t put it off. IMHO.


i know he doesn’t want to overstep his powers…you know the House is waiting…just waiting for him to do something


Yep – waiting to pounce and pound their ugly narrative. Maybe another shampeachment hoax.


You know that crazy dog walker who almost killed her dog (which she got back) and the bird watching guy in NYC
The Manhattan District Attorney’s office announced charges Monday against Amy Cooper, the white dog walker who was caught on tape threatening to call police on a Black bird watcher in Central Park.
She is charged with filing a false police report.

Concerned Virginian

So it appears that Amy “KAREN” Cooper just met “Da Man”. Good.


Evidently she has a history of behavior like this…a snowflake…just like the Harvard grad female that just lied about losing her dream job (that wasn’t a job, after all) because she was “joking” about stabbing people. This is what our universities are churning out.
Anyone see the questions Jesse Watters asked young adults about the most basic American history ( when was the Declaration signed…who did we declare independence from, etc) and the ignorance was appalling.
If I were a parent paying huge sums to send a child to college and they were so uninformed, I’d yank that child out so fast they wouldn’t know what happened. Then, I’d start charging them rent to live at home unless they enrolled in a tech school. Or go into the military. It’s called being a responsible parent, in my eyes.


I don’t think degree programs in lesbian aboriginal dance programs have a history component.

Deplorable Patriot
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Piers Morgan announces final show as he takes a break from Good Morning Britain
3:27 PM · Jul 6, 2020
Photo in tweet:comment image


Oh wow now that is telling. I know Katie hopkins didn’t get along with him. I never liked how he kept hammering Trump in articles. No wonder.


He’s gonna cry like a baby when they arrest him.


OMG scott Mom and I said the same thing. LOL

Concerned Virginian

“Piers…usually take[s] a break when there are school holidays…” according to the Express article.


I never liked that he was happily bragging about getting to talk to Trump but then when he wrote the story it was so anti. Like little slaps at POTUS ever other sentence.
Those that yell the loudest.


Interesting! Coming from beneath the rocks now, they are.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He is profoundly and obsessively anti-gun.


A few months ago, Piers Morgan said he was going to leave the show within the next year when his contract with Good Morning Britain (GMB) expires.
Admittedly, it’s a tough gig. You have to get up in the middle of the night to ready yourself to go in to work, even if you get chauffeured in to London. A lot of presenters have had problems with doing breakfast shows. I’ve read numerous news stories over the past few decades.
If that report is true (the Express isn’t always 100% reliable but worthwhile reading, nonetheless), Piers’s anti-government rants since March have PO-ed the average GMB viewer, who, now, sadly, is moving towards the BBC’s even more execrable breakfast show.
BUT, it seems that his co-presenter is also leaving for a summer break.
EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, both could be back in September.
It’s just summer holiday.
Maybe. Well, there was nothing wrong with Susanna Reid, his co-presenter:

Piers’s rants have been going for over two months and his tweets are relentless. He tweets many times more than PDJT.
This has been the Piers narrative since the middle of March: ‘Why aren’t we having a lockdown? … Why aren’t we testing? … What is the government doing? … Why are construction workers working? … Why are children in school? … Why aren’t children in school?’ … etc. His complaints are endless. I stopped reading his tweets two months ago, so I don’t know the latest.
For those who are curious, check out:

I don’t watch GMB, but I would still recommend it over the BBC’s pile of ….
Anyway, Britain’s premier political blogger Guido Fawkes has been tracking GMB’s ratings for some time. This was the latest as of July 3:

Here’s Guido’s article from July 2:
‘The television industry’s official BARB figures are out for June and Piers Morgan is not boasting about them, so you can guess how they went. Relative to his rivals at BBC Breakfast it was a bad month, the importance of the relative figure is that Piers would otherwise try and blame the poor showing on poor news flow, lockdown fatigue or some other misdirection. The gap between the viewing figures for Good Morning Britain and BBC Breakfast was some 406,000 at the beginning of June, by the end of the month the gap widened by over 50% to 666,000. Who will Piers blame for the terrible performance? It turns out that his ranting and berating has not only led to a boycott by guests, it has led to an exodus of viewers…’
Guido hasn’t tweeted today about Piers taking a leave of absence, BTW, so I’m not 100% sure about the Express story, but we’ll see …
It probably is only Summer Holiday.
That said, file under ‘Developing’.


Play the “Up, Up with People” to RALLY Americans with one another!
[Start Saturday in New Hampshire]
(Verse 1)
It happened just this morning, I was walking down the street
The milkman and the postman and policeman I did meet
There in ev’ry window and ev’ry single door
I recognized people I’d never noticed before
Up! Up with people!
You meet ‘em wherever you go
Up! Up with people!
They’re the best kind of folks we know
If more people were for people
All people ev’rywhere
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care
(Verse 2)
People from the south-land and people from the north
Like a mighty army, I saw them coming forth
‘Twas a great reunion, befitting of a king!
Then I realized people are more important than things
Up! Up with people!
You meet ‘em wherever you go
Up! Up with people!
They’re the best kind of folks we know
If more people were for people
All people ev’rywhere
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care
(Verse 3)
Inside everybody there’s some bad and there’s some good
But don’t let anybody start attacking people-hood
Love them as they are, but fight for them to be
Great men and great women as God meant them to be
Up! Up with people!
You meet ‘em wherever you go
Up! Up with people!
They’re the best kind of folks we know
If more people were for people
All people ev’rywhere
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care
Up! Up with people!
You meet ‘em wherever you go
Up! Up with people!
They’re the best kind of folks we know
If more people were for people
All people ev’rywhere
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care
There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people
A lot more people
A lot more people who care
People everywhere!


“It happened just this morning, I was walking down the street
The milkman and the postman and policeman I did meet
There in ev’ry window and ev’ry single door
I recognized people I’d never noticed before”
… Emerging from the Great Shutdown!
“There’d be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care”
… ALL Lives Matter!
“ Like a mighty army, I saw them coming forth
‘Twas a great reunion, befitting of a king!”
… Greatest President in History.
🤔 “Great men and great women”
… National Garden of Great Americans.


You can’t help but feel happy listening to this song.
Time for some HAPPY!


Ok but again where’s the mug shot?
Can we even trust this?
Here We Go Again: Epstein Pimp Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred to Federal Lockup in NYC Ahead of Court Date


Supreme Court Protects Electoral College, Says States Can Punish Faithless Electors


Thank goodness! This strengthens the position that the Electoral College is legitimate (in other words, upholds the Constitution).

Deplorable Patriot

And Kagan wrote the decision. Essentially, what the states do is up to them.
What worries me with that, though, is all the states that passed laws that say the electoral college votes go to the popular vote winner. I wonder how that holds up against this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t think this even addresses the issue.
States can punish electors for not following the state’s rules, according to this. But there seems to be no word on what those rules must be. (I haven’t read it, but surely someone would have said something if it does speak to that issue.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can’t quite figure out what you mean by that. OF COURSE the EC is legitimate and upholds the Constitution, it’s actually IN the Constitution.
This really doesn’t have anything to do with that movement to pick electors some other way however. it just means the electors can’t change their minds without being penalized.


I only mean one rather superficial point: that the Left has been attacking the EC (and the Constitution) in various ways, and now SCOTUS has upheld it in one way. I realize this doesn’t solve the problem of other things states might try. But at least rogue electors can be held accountable. I hope that is a deterrent.


People were talking about inferior prodcuts and slave labor.
China’s Huge Three Gorges Dam Is Now Displaced – Fears Dam May Burst Due to Pressure from Recent Flooding with 400 Million at Risk


Was there…so many rural villages all along the banks (as well as so much of China’s agriculture produce) …unspeakable disaster if it bursts. The people wouldn’t have a prayer of escaping.

Deplorable Patriot

These are the people who built the Great Wall which is hundreds to thousands of years old AND STILL STANDS.
Honestly, as a culture they forgot how to do stuff.


Don’t forget, one was stone the other cement. But, truthfully, I’m mildly surprised they would build the dam with inferior cement, etc. They might export inferior product but this is a massive testament to Chinese engineering, and if anything I would assume it was carefully planned, built and inspected beyond normal standards.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was, and is, a communist economy. There may not have been ANY good cement.


Honestly, as a culture they forgot how to do stuff.—- that too

Sadie Slays

Reminder that Wuhan is down the river from this. There are wild theories on 4chan that they’re going to flood out Wuhan to destroy evidence.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would be like using a hand grenade to kill a fly that’s sitting on the middle of the dining room table during supper. You get the fly but the collateral damage is considerable.


That is oddly a good point…I was wondering how far Wuhan was.


OMG these people are idiots:
WaPo asks Top Medical Elites If They Would Let Their Kids Go to BLM Protests — They All Say Yes Except Fauci Who Deflected the Question
Q: What would you tell your kids or grandkids who wanted to join a protest march or go to a political rally?
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: My daughters feel very strongly about social injustice, but would not likely want to do that. They are very careful with their health. They stay away from crowds.
Elizabeth Connick, chief of the infectious diseases division and professor of medicine and immunobiology at the University of Arizona : I’d be so proud of him. I would tell him to wear a mask. He’s young and doesn’t have any health conditions. Nothing is risk free. If that’s what he wanted to do, I’d ask him to wear a mask.
Paul A. Volberding, professor of medicine and emeritus professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California at San Francisco: We are a pretty political family, and believe in these protests. But I haven’t been to a rally. I’m old enough that it’s probably more serious for me. They are young enough that it’s probably less serious for them. But I would tell them to stay to the side and wear masks all the time, and that being in the mosh pit of a crowd is a pretty bad idea.
Linda Bell, South Carolina’s state epidemiologist : I would advise them that the risk for exposure is high, and that they should wear a mask at all times, and make every attempt to distance themselves from people without masks.
Barry Bloom, Jacobson research professor and former dean of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: : The answer would be yes, but wear a mask and try to stay [six to eight] feet away from everybody. I wouldn’t do it because I am at high risk.
David Satcher – former US Surgeon General: I was quite active in the civil rights movement when I was a student at Morehouse. I went to jail at least five times. What bothers me about today’s protests is that they aren’t as organized as we were. You don’t know who you are marching with. You don’t want to find out when you get there that someone is going to throw a rock or start a fire.
I am now side eyeing the former US Surgeon General FYI.

Concerned Virginian

4 hours ago
“Prince Harry and Meghan say countries including the UK must right the wrongs of colonialism”
So apparently Harry and Meghan Windsor (Prince Harry, now an emasculated new version of the Duke of Windsor [Edward VIII as was, who abdicated the Throne to marry Wallis Simpson) just made speeches to the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, listing all sorts of references to “righting past wrongs”, to acknowledge the past even if that is “uncomfortable” to do, Harry Windsor’s confession of “unconscious bias”, and other assorted noises. Of course Meghan Markle chimed in with her mantras about people “being on a equal footing”, etc.
“BOTH ROYALS praised the BLACK LIVES MATTER demonstrations during the conversation, with HARRY telling attendees: ‘For the first time ever, thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement … this is the moment when people are starting to be listened to.” (emphases mine)
Just wait until Harry and Meghan start making noises about how the British government should be making REPARATIONS to the descendants of “oppressed peoples” of the UK and the Commonwealth.
And if they do that, it’s OK by me ONLY if I can make a claim for my Irish grandmother and her family, who somehow survived the POTATO FAMINE aggravated by the Whig government in England.


My ancestors started invading Ireland in about 800 A.D. I’m sure there was was sharing of DNA involved as my DNA, to my surprise, shows I’m 15% Irish. So, maybe I can get some of that potato famine money, too.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m 42% and have been wondering for years when we get ours.


okay then…no more “Prince” Harry…here in America, you’re just Megan’s henpecked wimp of a man. And then there’s NO MORE MONARCHY–“we’re all on EQUAL footing…”
so let’s start with you both…GET OUT OF YOUR IVORY TOWER & GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE…join the little people on the ground…
then let’s get rid of your MANSION–no fancy digs for the majority of people here…stand in line for your tent, your bathroom schedule (when it’s your turn to poop in the streets), and a hot meal at the soup kitchen…here in America you start from the bottom and work your way up chum…


Henpecked? Whipped is more like it. 😂


we’re talking about foreigners– I was trying to be…ah….diplomatic…bwahahahaha




^^^ Other than as a toddler, when has Harry NOT been on the dark side?


He can start with becoming a pauper then. The royal family has profited directly.


What Harry and Meghan don’t realize is that the Race Card™ is dead in the USA!
So are the Reparations Card™ and the Systemic Racism Card™ and the BLM Card™
The USA is NOT RACIST and we are *&^%$#@!!!! sick and tired of people telling us that we are!!!!


They can priss and preen around in Democrat cities, but next voting cycle, those will be fewer and farther between….and most might be burned down and the fancy hotels full of homeless in those cities.
They really should have stayed in Merry Olde England.

Anderson cooper
Dave Cameron
The bushes
The McClain’s…


Forgot Obama


It’s worth pointing out that the largest slave owner in the old South was a Black Man workin. the trade … 😉

Concerned Virginian

It is worth pointing out that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor (Edward VIII as was, and Wallis Simpson, for whom he abdicated the Throne to marry in 1937), were BOTH of them NAZI sympathizers.
Not surprising but sad, that this stain in the Royal DNA has apparently “transferred” to Harry Windsor with his overt sympathy with the BLM thugs.
And not to be outdone by this latest idiocy, one can pre-order on Amazon the “Harry and Meghan Tell-All Book” coming out in August — relating their “awful experiences” in MEGXIT, apparently along with making sure large amounts of dirty laundry / opinions are aired about the Royal Family.


Between Prince Andrew, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Monarchy isn’t having a good week.


That said, no one in the UK will care too much because Harry isn’t the next to become King.
It’s Charles, then William.
Therefore, it’s not like the abdication, by any means.


OK, I just realized that PDJT has a GAB Account.
… 😉


Good to know! I wonder if he puts all the same info on Gab that he does on Twitter.


He has – so far


The retweet from Scavino just above the tweet picturing Fredrick Douglas is not there. Also looks to be running about 2hrs behind. Also Nick Adams retweet is not there that was several below the Fredrick Douglas tweet.
Does Gab allow for retweets? I’m not seeing any thus far.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gab might allow them for things ON Gab but not for tweets on twitter. In which case if Scavino didn’t gab it, Trump can’t re-gab it.



LG just got through his primary. He is safe for another 6 yrs. Dissappointed in SC on this – don’t they know the pattern by now?! Hard right for 2 yrs before election & as soon as “safe” back to normal GOPe Uniparty RINO. No loyalty


South Carolina GOP is GOP-e – the PEOPLE in SC support Trump…
Ms Lindsey was primaried by multiple candidates… fewer than six years ago, but enough to allow him to win. And Ms Lindsey brings a lot of OUTSIDE (South Carolina) money in campaign funds
Too many people forget that POTUS ran on the Republican ticket… not to be conflated with BEING Republican. And too many people continue to believe that most Trump supporters are Republicans…


“If you believe this, I have a few bridges you may be interested in purchasing.”
David Shuster – managing editor for i24NEWS, previously serving as an anchor for MSNBC and worked for Fox News, CNN, Current TV, and Al Jazeera America.


So Brian Kemp is calling up the National Guard and isnt it totally convenient that the grossly incompetent mayor Bottoms all of a sudden has Covid?
Way too obvious shes hiding and wants to play the victim.
After the black power march and ATL being nothing but a dumpster fire, this is long overdue.
Gov. Brian Kemp will deploy as many as 1,000 Georgia National Guard troops to protect state buildings in Atlanta on Monday.
Kemp to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops after violent weekend
Updated 9 minutes ago
By Greg Bluestein, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Gov. Brian Kemp will deploy as many as 1,000 Georgia National Guard troops to protect state buildings in Atlanta on Monday following a burst of violence across the city that left four dead, including an 8-year-old girl, and saw the ransacking of the headquarters of the Georgia State Patrol.
Kemp, a Republican, issued the emergency order after threatening late Sunday to “take action” to curb the unrest in Atlanta if Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms failed to do so, a move that highlighted the complicated, and increasingly tense, relationship between two of the state’s most prominent politicians.–regional-govt–politics/kemp-deploy-000-national-guard-troops-after-violent-weekend/nuGXOOMNsj0zkkoO9GLNPL/

Sadie Slays

They’re attacking our energy industry again:comment image


“They’re attacking our energy industry again:”
Have we EVER attacked them, yet?
I can’t think of a recorded instance.
We are attacked and therefore toughened constantly, from birth to death, but these sissies have never even been hit.
If DJT ever gets around to dropping the hammer on these fairies, they’re gonna cry like school girls.


Like big tough Jeffey and Ghizzy… they just cry, and cry, and cry…
Ghizzy really has no composure at all for someone of her breeding. Isn’t she supposed to be ‘elite’ or something?
Ghislaine Maxwell Was ‘Screaming’ & ‘Crying’ in Court, Virginia Roberts Reveals
Giuffre says she heard “a very loud British woman screaming, ‘Why is this happening? How is this happening? How could this happen?’”

Concerned Virginian

Assuming that account is true, Ms. Maxwell apparently just realized that a whole lot if OTHER “stuff” is going to be happening. To her.


I don’t believe a single word this attention whore says. She’s gold-digging and everybody is trying to pretend it ain’t happening.
Here’s a legal point to remember – the deadman statute prevents ANY mention of conversations or utterances by people who are no longer with us.
Maxwell has an immunity agreement. Chew on that for awhile.


“I don’t believe a single word this attention whore says.”
We don’t have to, only the jury does 👍
“She’s gold-digging and everybody is trying to pretend it ain’t happening.”
I’m not, it doesn’t matter to me whether she’s gold-digging. This is a war, and Ghislane was one of their highly skilled pieces. And now she’s caught.
“Here’s a legal point to remember – the deadman statute prevents ANY mention of conversations or utterances by people who are no longer with us.”
Don’t need ’em, the FBI raided Pedo Island for any remnants of evidence left over, but I’m sure they already had millions of gigabytes of evidence against Jeff & Ghizzy years ago.
What was always lacking was the will to prosecute them, because they were protected the criminals in government.
They’re not protected now.
“Maxwell has an immunity agreement.”
With whom?
If you mean the Florida prosecutors (Alex Acosta?) who gave Jeff a sweetheart deal in 2007, the NY and/or federal prosecutors are claiming they’re not bound by any such agreement, and being that they’re all lawyers, they’ll just argue it until time ends anyway.
In the meantime, Ghizzy has committed so many crimes since 2007 that there is not enough paper to catalogue them all.
Put a fork in her, she’s DONE 👍
“Chew on that for awhile.”
Hmmm… less filling, but tastes great 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Deadman statute only applies in civil cases, apparently, and then only under certain circumstances.
From Wikipedia:
A dead man’s statute, also known as a dead man act or dead man’s rule, is a statute designed to prevent perjury in a civil case by prohibiting a witness who is an interested party from testifying about communications or transactions with a deceased person (a “decedent”) against the decedent unless there is a waiver.
This prohibition applies only against a witness who has an interest in the outcome of the case and applies only where that witness is testifying for his own interests and against the interests of the decedent. Furthermore, the restriction only exists in civil cases, never in criminal cases.
The restriction can be waived. A waiver can occur in a number of ways:
The decedent’s representative fails to object to the testimony;
The decedent’s own representative testifies to the communication;
The decedent’s testimony is brought before the jury in the form of a deposition or in another form.


Good catch 👍
You reminded me also of “Excited Utterance” and “Dying Declaration”


I don’t believe a single word this attention whore says. She’s gold-digging and everybody is trying to pretend it ain’t happening.
^^^ Huh? WTF? Have no reason to doubt this gal was recruited and pimped out, as a child. FORCED into many horrible situations.
When proven in a court, I do hope she pulls in millions. NOTHING can undo the crimes committed against this gal.
100% good with her “gold digging” if one wants to label it as such.


We should have recordings of these horrible people begging and sobbing, it would be like ‘comfort music’.
When your child wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares, you could play it, and comfort your child, saying “this is what monsters really sound like, when they’re caught. They’re not powerful, they’re just evil, and when they’re caught, they’re pathetic and weak.”


I love how they play down the ‘oh no it can’t be Maxwell’ how could she hear the cries. Ummmm yeah sure whatever.
Virginia Roberts was happy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maywell’s House: Good ’til The Last Drop???
Maxwell’s hammered silver?
I just hope and pray the case doesn’t get bungled by the flaming leftard lez who was assigned to it, ostensibly by the DOJ (!!!!!) …
Bring down the PizzaGate-ers, and many, MANY familiar names will be headed off to punishment. Could be a huge issue for the various governments, both domestic and foreign…..


“Earlier today Harvard University announced all classes this year and next will be taught virtually. ”
Just like their signalling 👍 😂
And works well with Harvard’s Latin motto, “Viritualis ” 😂😂😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

From what I can find, Harvard’s logo is “Veritas” (truth) not “Viritualis” (virtuous).


Thank you.


“From what I can find, Harvard’s logo is “Veritas” (truth) not “Viritualis” (virtuous).”
Well of course, that’s why ‘Viritualis’ was funny…
It’s even funnier now 😂
I had to look it up, I had no idea what the Latin word was for ‘Virtuous’, it turns out there were several to choose from, but ‘Viritualis’ was closest to ‘Veritas’, while maintaining a similarity to ‘virtue’, i.e., ‘virtue-signalling’, which itself was a play on the word ‘virtual’, i.e., classes will be taught virtually, not virtuously.
There was a lot of word-play going on in that post 😁


“From what I can find, Harvard’s logo is “Veritas” (truth) not “Viritualis” (virtuous).”
And I think they call it a ‘motto’ 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Whoops. Motto it is. SMDH.

Cuppa Covfefe

More likely, Vermouth…

Concerned Virginian

And apparently the vaunted Harvard MEDICAL SCHOOL and DENTAL SCHOOL will ALSO have all first-year students in these schools using virtual learning for fall 2020. All upper class members will be allowed to have in-person classes and have “access” to the labs and clinical facilities.
“Harvard Medical School first years will have all fall classes online”
It is interesting to note that the Harvard announcement talks about the “possibility” of classes for these two schools to go back to in-person classes for the spring 2021 semester.


When those ‘classes’ become unacceptable to the licensing boards, Harvard will re-assume its slave status by saying “yessir, massa.”


Students who took virtual classes during this time will get a special diploma, like the best Caribbean correspondence schools, with two N’s in ‘University’:
Harvard Unniversity


BTW, the line about two N’s in university is from an old House M.D. episode, it always cracked me up 😂
I’ve never been able to find it, though.
Tonight I had some success, I found the script, and the title / air date, but still no video.
Mirror, Mirror (Originally Aired: Oct 30 2007, Season 4, Episode 5)
HOUSE: Good. [House stands on a chair.] Uh, ladies and gentlemen, I have a regrettable announcement. Kitchen has just learned that our annual shipment of mayonnaise was improperly stored, so anybody who ate… well, the food, should head across the lobby to the clinic right away. Ask for Dr. Cuddy. [Everyone starts to leave.]
FOREMAN: You’re not punishing Cuddy, you’re punishing every doctor in the building.
HOUSE: It’s her building, her doctors. Still need one more.
COLE: Well, we need to find out his history. Where he’s been, what he’s done.
BRENNAN: Yeah he has no memory, but his bio’s tattooed to his rear?
FOREMAN: [Gets up on the chair.] The mayo is fine. You can stay where you are. I’m a doctor.
HOUSE: Mail order! I’ve seen the diplomas. Two N’s in university. [Everyone continues to leave.]
I found it!


It’s all about 3 November.
When classes resume late January or February 2021, it’ll be headline news…Covid threat evaporated.


“When classes resume late January or February 2021, it’ll be headline news…Covid threat evaporated.”
Along with the entire academic and medical industrial complex that facilitated this hoax 👍
Bye-bye, license to practice medicine 🙋‍♂️


Fyi, he hasnt divested from anything.
KTLA (@KTLA) Tweeted:
Winery and hospitality company founded by Gov. Newsom received loan worth $150,000 to $350,000 from Paycheck Protection Program


Laws don’t apply to the political-class.
It’s called “The Criminal Exemption”.


The whole state is shutting down again.
What are they going to use to start the next round of riots??
NBC 7 San Diego (@nbcsandiego) Tweeted:
WATCH: All indoor activities in San Diego must be shut down at restaurants, bars, wineries, tasting rooms, theaters, zoos, museums and family entertainment centers.
The order begins at midnight tonight and lasts through, at least, the next 3 weeks.


So this is the new strategy then. Every couple days shut every county down until its all down again.
Newsom recall is acsoecial election if enough signatures are gathered and if the state dimm approves to the petition.
So 40 million people are held hostage, paying millions in taxes for closed services we are forced to pay for.
KUSI News (@KUSINews) Tweeted:
San Diego County is now on @GavinNewsom COVID-19 monitoring list. 5 other counties were also added.

SMFH_N_San Diego (@SanDiegoCZ1) Tweeted:
@KUSINews @GavinNewsom You can protest, but you can’t go to the beach. You can burn buildings in the name of bullshit, but you can’t go to church. You can order & smoke weed, but don’t you dare go outside w/out a mask. Oh & it’s too dangerous out there so you will vote by mail-in ballots come Nov


“The whole state is shutting down again.”
I would do the same thing, if I was an evil monster like these people are.
I would just keep doing it, I would just keep beating them down, until somebody finally hit me back.
Because that’s what evil is, and that’s what evil does, until it is confronted.
Then it runs for its life, because it knows the punishment it has coming 😁


I’m really looking forward to seeing Newsom run for his life 😁


He wont get far.


Are they still flying in sick Mexicans to drive up the numbers???


I’m surprised they haven’t made the Jolly-Covid their State flag.
It’s black and white, like a Jolly Roger pirate flag, except instead of a skull over crossed bones, it’s a China virus spore 😂
Here’s one:comment image


comment image


And after a bit more work . . .comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Amoeba Jordan…


And . . .comment image




Theyve spread them around enough that that trick isnt needed, but the clamp is just twisting harder bc his “strike stazi” is the new tool.
Every sherriff should immediately arrest these strike teams. Another thing theyre doing without authority. Esp using chp .


“Another thing theyre doing without authority. Esp using chp .”
If I was a conservative reporter in California, I would immediately take the ‘mocking’ angle, because humor completely destroys the narrative.
You can’t laugh and be afraid at the same time 😁
So, if they’re using the California Highway Patrol, who are the most obvious people to interview in the whole wide world?
Larry Wilcox and Erik Estrada, of course 😂comment image




Silly, because their hospitalizations are coming from South of the Border. Multiple stories on this here.
Mentioned this before as the people coming in are either Ex Pats, Duel Citizens or Migrant Workers all of whom we should have little problem accommodating and should just acknowledge that it is happening rather than let Newsom and other border politicians like the Mayor of San Antonio take advantage of this claiming we are having a surge and going backwards. Also these patients are coming in, not needing much in the way of hospitalization and don’t stay long being which keeps with the fact that the virus has weakened.
Part of the problem in why we don’t acknowledge this I suspect is that first, people won’t want to hear about infected persons coming in from Mexico. However if they have citizen ship or pass card from being a migrant worker) it should not be a problem, (adds migrant workers under the assumption they caught it here, thus can be treated here though I wouldn’t rule out and would suspect) some organized plot to get more infected here to boost our numbers.). Second I’d suspect information on this is anecdotal and we have no system in place to pick it up. Much like local law enforcement won’t ask for citizenship status in arrest cases. Plus the local health care industry is dominated by political hacks who aren’t likely to play ball about the real source of new infections wanting it to appear that it is driven by opening up the economy.
Either way we seem to be able to absorb these but for the media making it a constant story and not telling us the source of these new hospitalizations that are driving the numbers up.
The whole China Virus mess is big and bulky having many aspects and does not lend well to simple explanations though they are right there under the surface for each item and the media takes full advantage of this against a population that is overly passive in receiving news.


Southern Baptist Convention President JD Greear promoting woke legalism image

In general there are three macro pathways to heresy. The first is that you add to Scripture. This is legalism. The second is to take away from Scripture. This is where beliefs like antinomianism come from. The third macro way is to “read into” Scripture. And by read into, I am referring to things that aren’t there. This is gnosticism. The Social Justice Gospel is a damnable gospel that deviates in all three of these categories. In a recent post published on JD Greear’s website we see the legalism of this woke heresy’s call for racial reconciliation. Janetta Oni is the communications director for Summit Church, JD Greear’s North Carolina megachurch and the author of “Racial Reconciliation and the Church: Same Song, New Response.”



Thank you very much.
That’s important to repeat to everyone, including here, IMHO.


I meant to add, ‘We need to spread the word about this theological error’.
Apologies if anyone misinterpreted my previous comment.


“The Gospel Coalition” and the ERLC are no longer hiding their alliance with Sam Allberry, who is now directly working with REVOICE Preston Sprinkle.

Rev Thomas Littleton 7/5/2020


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“What the HELL happened to Christianity???!!!”


This was infiltration, plain and simple.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The part about supposedly celibate gays shilling for something or other related to BLM – I’m just – I’m
just … WHAT is going on?


Yeah it makes no sense until you apply Aubergine’s Razor


2 Thessalonians 2
1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.


Well, I hit that sewer called twitter and lo and behold my account was wiped clean, zilch, as if I was just signing up.
Had to reopen a new account and start over…DAMN THEM!
The only reason I signed up up was to follow President Donald J. Trump!
I’m DONE with that disgusting cesspool


I agree. There’s only one reason I joined twatter recently.


I’m never going to give up the fight!comment image


Not sure if you missed the conversation above. President is on Gab now, though he can’t bring us his retweets and there seems to be some lag in posting. Regardless it should let you take much of your angst in stride and better, there’s a clean conversation below his tweets. For now anyways 🙂


I hadn’t heard anything about that until just now!
That’s good news!


Civil rights activist and social media personality Shaun King recently made headlines declaring that all statues and images of Jesus Christ that depict him as a white European male should be removed and torn down. image


We’re getting this in the UK, too, including from the Archbishop of Canterbury, no less.

No problem with that … BUT, as we can see from the Archbishop’s tweet, Jesus has been depicted around the world in the guise of all races.
So what?
I was taught as a child that Jesus’s colour in an illustration or a stained glass window didn’t matter. He’s still our Saviour, no matter where we are from. He loves us all.
Michael, just to clarify, my complaint is with him, not you.
May the good Lord continue to bless you and your family.


Thanks Churchmouse! So much of what you write and share is a blessing.
I hope you don’t mind, I stole your wording for a RT 😉
~ ~ ~
We can see from the images in the Archbishop’s tweet, Jesus has been depicted around the world in the guise of all races.
That he was depicted as white is not a sin. But voices that demand a decolonization of Christ will crucify him anew.


Thank you, Michael!
Great tweet. I’ve bookmarked and might use it if I blog on the subject, if that’s okay with you.


Absolutely! Any time. If you find some good ammo in what I’ve posted take it and use it 😉


Excellent! Thank you so much. 🙂


MassResistance overwhelms Black Lives Matter protest in Los Angeles suburb
BLM had taken over City Hall plaza to protest and announce list of demands to city
When MassResistance came with equal numbers to counter-protest, they didn’t know what hit them!
(Video below!)
July 6, 2020 image

Black Lives Matter has been terrorizing cities across America with their menacing “protests” (many of which have become violent), their irrational political demands, and their intimidation of public officials. They call for de-funding or drastically weakening the local police force, changing the names of local landmarks, removing statues, and various radical changes to local government.
Conservative groups often respond simply by holding separate “pro-police” rallies, which have little effect. But our side never comes in equal numbers to directly confront the Black Lives Matter goons and radicals. Now, MassResistance is changing that.

Video: *

+twatter RT

Deplorable Patriot

Morpheus 78
Cocaine Bill and his drug trafficking work for President Bush is coming out to the light. I exposed this Operation Studebaker CIA plot from Arkansas in my new show BTM, Episode 2, “The Fourth Reich.”
Mena Uncovered: Judicial Watch Discloses Secret CIA Report – Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch recently obtained new documents related to mysterious Mena Airfield in Arkansas. They shed more light on what happened at Mena and what then-Governor Bill Clinton knew about it….
8:34 PM · Jul 6, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Judicial Watch recently obtained new documents related to mysterious Mena Airfield in Arkansas. They shed more light on what happened at Mena and what then-Governor Bill Clinton knew about it.
Strange events unfolded at Mena, a small city in remote western Arkansas, in the 1980s. When Bill Clinton became president, Mena got a closer look. Evidence emerged suggesting that the CIA was operating in the area in the early 1980s; that a major cocaine and gun smuggler was based at the airfield; and that the U.S. military was somehow involved. Conspiracy theories sprouted. The Clinton Administration batted away concerns about Mena as the rantings of its right-wing enemies.
At a 1994 news conference, in his only statement about Mena, President Clinton dodged a question about what he knew when he was governor. Federal authorities “didn’t tell me anything about it,” he said, noting that the events “were primarily a matter for federal jurisdiction.” He added, “we had nothing—zero—to do with it.”
In 1996, the House Banking Committee asked the CIA to report on its involvement at Mena and whether it had any connection to money laundering, narcotics trafficking, or arms smuggling in the area. The CIA report was given a “Secret” classification and not released to the public. In a brief public statement, the CIA said it had no connection to illegal activities in the region, but it did participate in a classified “joint training operation with another federal agency” and conducted at Mena Airfield “routine aviation-related services on equipment owned by the CIA.”
And that’s where the official government response ended.

Candace Owens Retweeted
Jul 5
“If we don’t have enough voices admitting that we have a culture problem in black America that is being fostered by a media which coddles us — and if we are no longer able to discern between what is right and what is wrong, there’s no hope.” –


She is a voice of pure truth – I hope enough people will listen!

BrunoBarking Retweeted
Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11
Christians have not been allowed to attend church for months but when they finally are, BLM inc. rioters are allowed to assault them
Christianity is now under physical assault by radical left wing terrorism
Where is the media coverage of this?


Not so long ago, the Church was the great sanctuary, open to ALL for instruction in the Bible and the pathway to holiness, following in the steps of Jesus.


The White House
In contrast to the far-left mobs tearing down and desecrating monuments across our country, President
honored the lives of the four men whose faces are forever carved into Mount Rushmore. image


The White House
“We will raise the next generation of American Patriots. We will write the next thrilling chapter of the American Adventure. And we will teach our children to know that they live in a land of legends, that nothing can stop them, and that no one can hold them down.”comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it!!!

Zoe, this fella is told he can’t go in a grocery store without a mask…
soooo… he comes out of his house, into his SUV… wearing… wait for it…
a full Donald J. Trump mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Long updated CV threadGummi Bear (@gummibear737) Tweeted:
I want to explain this chart made my @Hold2LLC because its important.
Based on AB test we can determine Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for the general population. CDC estimate .26%
Based on this we can divide deaths by IFR to estimate total number of actual cases


Gummi Bear (@gummibear737) Tweeted:
This method is far more accurate than testing
So the red curve is deaths and lagging behind by 14 days is actual infections in the country
As you see, actual detected cases are just the tip of the iceberg
Conclusion: anybody mentioning detected “cases” is a fool or a schill


Another thread but good!
Gummi Bear (@gummibear737) Tweeted:
Question – Why can’t you debate woke people?
As most of you know its really hard to find common ground with most of your woke friends. Most interactions end with them getting offended, rolling their eyes and making you out to be the problem.
Unfortunately, they are the problem


In almost every media report about Epstein and Maxwell, they go out of their way to tie Donald Trump to them. leans left, but that’s my point.
At the end of the article, there is a link to this:
“MORE: ‘Lady Ghislaine’ & President Donald Trump: An Inside Look At Ghislaine Maxwell’s Friendship With The President — How It Began In 1989, Included A $30 Million Mega Yacht And Tied ‘The Donald’ To Arms Dealer Adnan Khashoggi And Murdered Spy Robert Maxwell”
I did not click on it. The only reason I clicked on the original article was that it was linked at Citizen Free Press and I want to know what’s going on with Maxwell.
I would not put anything past the Left in their efforts to try to take down Pres. Trump. I hope those in charge of the case have enough integrity to not allow Maxwell a deal for lying about him. Q says “we have it all” and “no deals,” but I can see her being given a lesser sentence if she talks. (I’m not sure what Q’s definition of a deal is.) Anyway, I think it bears watching because of the Left’s mission to destroy the president.


Ugh calling her Lady Ghislaine. Ugh. That’s no lady.
Also see the other big anti trump pust ‘Mary Trump Book’s Publication Moved Up To July 14 because of high demand’.
Funny she hates trump yet still uses the trump last name….


I had the same reaction about “Lady.” And good point about Mary Trump. I wish that book could be stopped.


I guess non disclosure agreements mean nothing at all anymore.
I wish that book could be stopped.—– if it had been they would have gotten it out there asap. It feed those anti trump idiots.
I do hope this hits back hard and she’s sued big time.


I see fake news is pushing the ‘Fox News ‘mistakenly’ crops Trump out of photo with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’….
They keep trying to link Trump to Epstein… of course they are.


They won’t report the facts that are obvious to anyone paying attention: Donald Trump knew Epstein and attended several functions with him. I know that both Trump and Epstein were, on the surface, “men of the world” who liked the ladies. But that’s where it stops. I have no doubt that Trump didn’t know what Epstein was doing with underage girls. There have been no allegations against Trump by any of them. His name is not on the flight manifests to the island. No one reports having seen Trump hobnobbing with Epstein at any of the suspect venues. There is no painting of Trump in a blue dress hanging on Epstein’s wall ‼️ There are a few pics of Trump and Epstein, but no pics of Trump and the underage girls. Funny how the media doesn’t question all the evidence pointing to Clinton.


Yes, that is true. I think Trump came to realize who Epstein was. Thankfully, before that, he was not close to him.


Correct Liz Crokin did a video.


Good video! She makes good points about Pres. Trump’s efforts to take Epstein down.


Churchmouse shares a June 24th sermon by John MacArthur titled ‘Act Like Men’, including an unusually lengthy discussion of his message, speaking to the heart of the economic, family, and policy matters that are stoking the rise of race issues in the United States.
“In short, manliness does not involve belonging to a street gang.”


Heartbreaking. Saw this video. Had to close my eyes awhile, go for a walk…

CanNOT believe what is going on in D-Rat cities. Well, I can believe it. It IS as if D-Rats are condoning these senseless murders.
It IS nearly all black on black. UFB. Black Lives Matters was always a farcical concept, as they objected to any other lives, “matter”. Fundamentally racist to the core.
NY. Dad holding his six year old daughters hand as they cross the street. Dad IS MURDERED.
Cuomo, DeBlasio, Bottoms, bug eyes in Chicago…need to be publicly thrashed until they act on this senseless violence. Which they seemingly condone through lack of action.
Hope President trump TW this video, blasting Cuomo, DeBlasio…


This kills me. A six year old girl is now traumatized for life because her father was senselessly murdered before her eyes. My God.
It is a moral imperative that we vote the D Party out and restore law and order.
TY @NYPDDetectives. We don’t envy your work but we are with you!


I hadn’t seen this before … on of the CHAZ shooting victims claims he was shot by KKK or Proud Boys, ie white and it was a racist shooting with name calling etc.
Anyone know if that has been disproven with street cameras or other proof?


Smacks of click bait as dirt bags try to deflect their guilt or association with a corrupt concept.

Cuppa Covfefe

If they claim something, the onus is on THEM to prove it; not on us to DISPROVE it.
The left have turned logic, behavior, honesty, law, and justice upside-down.
Make THEM prove it, or they can just put a proverbial sock in it…


LOL good one.


my peeps… asleep!!! America..Will ALWAYS STAND!!!!
We have challenge Friends!!! We have lost 3 Patriots—PHC, Weeper and Charlie Daniels! REGISTER 3 new Patriots!!!


Roger Stone has been ordered to report to prison on July 14th. It’s a prison where there are WuFlu cases and people have been released because of that. Stone’s wife has written to Pres. Trump, asking for a pardon. I don’t know that ramifications of that and am wondering iif there is a possibility Pres. Trump would pardon him before he reports to prison. Would it be a bad move before the election? Should that enter into the decision?


My bet… TT.. POTUS will pardon him!!! Also MY BET (i kinda suck at this) Shit hits the fan.. Before 7/14/2020!!!! ( But who am I)!!!!


^^^ Like 😉
Shit really needs to hit the fan…like indictments against all the conspirators against President Trump and his supporters.


💩💩💩💩💩💩Kalbo!!! Agree!!! …marica… tired…SMDH!!! Fighting on all freaking fronts!!! Erbody.. wants me to .. be there!! I get it!!!
Our God…Is an awesome GOD!!!
