DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20230629

Without further ado…..

Ulysses’s Odyssey.

No need to apologize to Joyce. He was just as much of a degenerate commie as the rest of the pack of 20th century writers the publishing houses pushed on the populace.

Badlands News Brief – June 28, 2023

Jack Nicholson, Donald Trump, And The Ugly Work That Needs To Be Done

A New America: Only After Liberals Break Everything

After crafting their COVID giveaways and losing $200 billion, Democrats blame Trump

The end of the American Experiment?

It’s Time to Go for Woke Hollywood’s Jugular

The Trump Distraction

This author, IMO, starts out with a faulty premise. He claims Trump’s brand is forever tarnished. Yeah, no. The style over substance neocons jumped ship, but the rest of us didn’t. Fair weather fans at best, they are.

Looking for the Deep State

Seriously, people: WAKE UP! Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. It’s called the SES. That literally IS the deep state, the permanent bueracracy. ARGH!

‘Phooey on FOIA’

In 1966, Congress passed the Freedom of Information Act. It was meant to open up the records of federal agencies to the public. The law came about because of public unhappiness with the way the federal government had been handling things since the end of World War II. With the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese vanquished, Americans might have imagined that the country would return to older norms of governmental openness. The days of “loose lips sink ships” were behind us.

But by then the Cold War had made its chilly entrance, and in 1946 Congress passed the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), which created the postwar template for how our vastly larger collection of federal agencies would go about their business. This meant the galaxy of new agencies created under the New Deal as well the expanded powers of the wartime government now had their own rule of law, crafted to keep them within Constitutional bounds. I am no expert on these matters, but the APA included in Section 3 a license for federal agencies to exercise their own discretion over the information they disclosed.

Kash Patel Asks Why Republican State AGs Aren’t Going After the Biden Crime Family

House Oversight Committee Just Went Nuclear on ‘the Bidens’

‘Shockingly Callous’: Fox News Fires Remaining Tucker Staffers In Show’s Final Stroke

The Truth About Transanity From an Insider

Thank you John Dewey.

Laid Low by the COVID Vaccine, Now They’ve Got a Bad Case of Federal Unresponsiveness

Waking up on this topic is not fun or easy. But it is necessary.

TARGET ON THEIR BACKS: Moms for Liberty Invests in Extra Security Ahead of Summit After Receiving Threats

“It’s About the Children!”



If she didn’t dress like she lived in a trailer park….

Is the material girl out of adrenochrome?


I miss the bay….

The a-hat with wings is a yellow jacket.

Mastiffs…such wonderful pooches…and they outweigh me.

Just a reminder of what the Detroit…woman… was all about back in the day:

IDK…I kind of prefer the original.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


ACTS 12:1-11

1About that time Herod the king laid violent hands upon some who belonged to the church. 2He killed James the brother of John with the sword; 3and when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. This was during the days of Unleavened Bread. 4And when he had seized him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending after the Passover to bring him out to the people. 5So Peter was kept in prison; but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church. 6The very night when Herod was about to bring him out, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison; 7and behold, an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter on the side and woke him, saying, “Get up quickly.” And the chains fell off his hands. 8And the angel said to him, “Dress yourself and put on your sandals.” And he did so. And he said to him, “Wrap your mantle around you and follow me.” 9And he went out and followed him; he did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. 10When they had passed the first and the second guard, they came to the iron gate leading into the city. It opened to them of its own accord, and they went out and passed on through one street; and immediately the angel left him. 11And Peter came to himself, and said, “Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting.”

PSALMS 34:2-9

1I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and be glad. 3O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! 4I sought the LORD, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. 5Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed. 6This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 8O taste and see that the LORD is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him!

2 TIMOTHY 4:6-8, 17-18

6For I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has come. 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing. 17But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength to proclaim the message fully, that all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth. 18The Lord will rescue me from every evil and save me for his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

MATTHEW 16:13-19

13Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesare’a Philip’pi, he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” 14And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Eli’jah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Remembering Sts. Peter and Paul today.

There’s another song from the Psalm selection I can hear in my head, but Heaven help me if I remember the title.



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The dog and dolphin were so cute. The dolphin seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their time together.


Made me smile to watch them. Something I’ll probably remember for a long while that will pop into my head at times.


This exact scenario happened to me once.

I was at the Dolphin Habitat at the Mirage many years ago. Looking through the glass at the newest female baby born. Everyone else had left the room, and the baby started swimming vertically in the water…she had a Frisbee in her mouth. She came towards me in the window and wanted to give me the Frisbee!

I walked from left to right to amuse her. This went on for about 5 to 10 minutes. We played with the Frisbee she had!

Best time I have had EVAH!

Last edited 1 year ago by WSB



Google drops its sponsorship of ‘Pride and Drag Show’ after hundreds of workers signed petition calling it a ‘direct affront to the religious beliefs and sensitivities of Christians’


I don’t know which shocks me more. That Google cares what Christians think. Or that Google has any Christian employees.


Would be surprised too if Google has Christian employees, at least in any significant number. But finds it refreshing to see that that this pedo trans gay stuff is an anathema to any peoples with a traditional religious back grounds, despite a pay check. Finally something they understand!😁

However as Scott points out the leftists will just pull back a little bit and then recalibrate before pushing forward again. 🤨

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Amen, sister.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The lawyers realized that they were at risk on religious discrimination grounds. THAT is what got this going, IMO.

There is also another possibility – that they got a significant number of signatures from religious Jews and Muslims, because they didn’t name those groups.

Note that the “partner” of “Peaches” died of the notorious “died suddenly”, AKA The Jab.


Good one!!! Indian or Chinese employees?


It will be back next year.

Push the envelope until you provoke a substantive response. That establishes how much you can get away with. You don’t know until a critical mass pushes back, so you keep pushing until that happens.

Then pull back, appearing to cease and desist.

The target audience is now desensitized to the original provocation.

At the next appointed time, they will not resist when the original provocation is repeated. Then go further, again, until you provoke another substantive response, to establish the new baseline of what the target audience will tolerate.

Rinse and repeat.

This is how to move the Overton Window on a rocket sled.


Republi-Cons never move the Overton Window in the opposite direction, not once in my entire life.

The mythical ‘pendulum’ never swings the other direction, because Republi-Cons would rather slice their own nuts off, than risk offending or provoking the Left.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When the entire media is Left it’s an understandable (albeit still disppointing) response.

And until very recently the entire media has been Left. That colored politician’s perception of what people want them to do.


It will be back next year.

Of course. I think they’re going to keep pushing now and not wait for next year.

Push the envelope until you provoke a substantive response. That establishes how much you can get away with. You don’t know until a critical mass pushes back, so you keep pushing until that happens.

Yes, this is often how it works.

Then pull back, appearing to cease and desist.

I have not seen the “pride” movement pull back. I have seen them double down with rhetoric and actions that outrage the public.

The target audience is now desensitized to the original provocation.

Usually, yes. In this case, I think it has backfired. People who used to be open to the homosexual agenda of “acceptance” are now hearing “We’re queer and we’re coming for your children.” (Whether that was said as a mockery or not, doesn’t matter.) Naked men are dancing in front of children. I think a lot of people are more sensitized to the original provocation and are waking up to what is being perpetrated on them and their children. They are learning about grooming and the stages of grooming.

At the next appointed time, they will not resist when the original provocation is repeated.

It depends on what the original provacation is. I think a lot of people will resist.

Then go further, again, until you provoke another substantive response, to establish the new baseline of what the target audience will tolerate.

Rinse and repeat.

This is how to move the Overton Window on a rocket sled.

That’s what they’re trying to do. I don’t think it’s going to work in the same textbook fashion in this case.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think (and hope and pray) that the pride, tranny, pervy, Disney Paedo stuff soon gets GOD’S judgement and correction.

From the comments on the Mike Flynn retweet of Pizza Pepe about a Disney employee. The vid is really worth watching, as some things need to be seen/heard, in order to understand the depth of depravity that now walks this earth, both seen and unseen (Ephesians 6:12-18).

Here’s where the paedos hit the metal, so to speak:
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Demoncrats are so outrageous.

NO RESPECT. Take it away 100%.

Working in DOJ or FBI makes you WORSE THAN A PEDOPHILE.


US Coast Guard says ‘presumed human remains’ have been found in wreckage of Titan sub recovered from 12,500ft below the Atlantic surface after ‘catastrophic implosion’ killed Titanic Five

Several identifiable parts of the ship were lifted ashore on Wednesday afternoon, including the sub’s nose and a large panel which appears to be from its tail end.

Amid those recovered pieces, Coast Guard officials said they discovered human remains, which will now be transported aboard a ship to a port in the United States where they will undergo testing and analysis.


Youngest person ever to explore the Titanic wreck says he would NEVER have stepped foot on doomed Titan submersible as he reveals he lost consciousness during his historic expedition at age 13

Sebastian Harris was just 13 when he accompanied his father G Michael Harris and a pilot on a 12,500 feet descent to see the remains of the historic ship in 2005. 

He recalled the ‘inherently dangerous’ nature of the journey and said he briefly lost consciousness during the expedition. 

Harris, who earned a Guinness World Record aged 13, was on a Russian Mir II submersible with his father for a 12-hour journey to see the wreck of the Titanic. 

He said he would not gone on the dangerous journey on board the Titan. 

‘I can’t say that I would go on it, no,’ he told The Sun. ‘The Mir submersible I went on had several hundred dives logged before we set off.’

Harris said the tragedy should be used as teachable moment to make sure people interested in adventure tourism do their research.

‘I think the biggest takeaway from all this is anybody who is interested in this kind of tourism needs to do their due diligence and kind of take their safety into their own hands and have a very clear understanding of what they’re dealing with,’ he added.

‘There’s no blame to be had on the four individuals [aboard the Titan] in any way, shape, or form, but I think if one good thing comes from all this, it’s just like the sinking of the Titanic was super impactful on maritime safety regulations, that something similar happens here too.’ 

He spoke out about the issues faced on the vessel he was on and said he briefly lost consciousness during the journey. 

‘During our dive, we had a small safety issue. Suddenly our oxygen levels started to drop and I fell unconscious while we were diving down,’ Harris said.

‘Fortunately my father and our pilot did not experience the same issue, otherwise it may have been fatal.

‘But these sorts of small issues can and do happen with regularity, so the certification and safety of these vehicles is so important.’

They had a near fatal moment while diving to see the Titanic. 

‘What happened was they basically came up to the surface in very rough seas and the large ship, their main ship, landed on top of the submarine and it was a very bad deal,’ he added.  


Did he ever figure out he was brought along as a canary?


Shhh… he’s not supposed to know 😂




Compare and contrast recovery ups with this vs china spy balloons. 🤨

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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G R E A T reply.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Beautiful! Gab is great!


We have a wonderful Thursday post from our wonderful DePat. Both are thoroughly appreciated.


Polls Show Americans Want Businesses To Put Away Pride Flags And Stay Out Of Politics

Instead of being a triumph for so-called LGBT “rights,” this year’s “pride month” has driven Americans to look for neutrality. As June ends, a majority of voters now want companies and schools to remain neutral toward the LGBT movement and stop introducing the movement to children. 

According to a recently conducted poll from McLaughlin and Associates (M&A) regarding voter preference on business involvement in political and cultural activism, 73 percent of voters would prefer “to shop at a business that stays neutral on political and cultural issues.” Similarly, results from a recent survey by The Trafalgar Group confirmed that over 60 percent of voters believe businesses should remain neutral on politics and cultural issues…


Imagine the value of poll results in a totalitarian dictatorship like North Korea.

Now imagine the value of poll results in America.

If there is a difference, what would it be?


Do you think most Americans want businesses to continue promoting “pride” instead of being neutral?


No, of course not.

That’s not the point.

The point is that nobody in positions of power (business or gov’t) caresat all — what the People think or want.

Not in North Korea, and not in America.

TPTB in both countries are exactly identical in that regard.


One is called a ‘democracy’, the other is called a ‘dictatorship’.

They’re just labels.

The People are completely irrelevant to TPTB in either one.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

The point of what I posted was not whether anyone cares or whether those in control will bow to the people’s wishes; it was a poll showing that public opinion is leaning toward NOT wanting “pride” shoved in their faces. And that’s a good thing. People don’t have to wait for TPTB; they are taking action on their own, and in some cases it has had positive effects. IMO, this is highly preferable to people being more amenable to the “pride” movement and welcoming it.


Yup. It surely is preferable.


“People don’t have to wait for TPTB;”


That’s good I guess, since it is TPTB that are pushing all of it, so they won’t be stopping it, no matter how long People might wait.

They are pushing climate change / globull warming, they are pushing one world government, they are pushing CBDC, they are pushing homosexual / tranny / pedo, they’re pushing 3rd world invasion, they’re pushing for WWIII in Ukraine, and on and on.

The People could all simultaneously light their hair on fire and throw their burning corpses on the WH lawn, and nobody in a position of power would care.

We don’t exist to them.


“they are taking action on their own, and in some cases it has had positive effects.”


Has such action stopped any of it?


“IMO, this is highly preferable to people being more amenable to the “pride” movement and welcoming it.”


Sure, it’s nice to know, a comfort, that many are in opposition to TPTB.

Even if there was 110% opposition, even if all the Whos in Whoville shouted at once, Burgermeister Meisterberger wouldn’t care, or even notice.

Because we are irrelevant to TPTB.

We have no voice, no representation, no say, in the current system.


Has such action stopped any of it?

There is an article on this page about Google dropping sponsorship of a “pride” parade. So yes, some things have been stopped. Every small victory of stopping a drag queen story hour in a single library, halting the mandatory indoctrination of children that requires them to read certain books in schools, and even getting teachers fired who push the “pride” and trans agendas, is important. Replacing school board members makes a difference. Momentum can lead to more stoppage and more victories.

We have no voice, no representation, no say, in the current system.

That’s a very pessimistic view.


“That’s a very pessimistic view.”


The sun is also hot, and water is wet.

It’s not pessimism, it’s repeatable observation… 😁


It’s not pessimism, it’s repeatable observation… 

Observation is relative in some cases. Two people can observe the same thing and one will see some positives and emerge with hope and a renewed will to fight on, while the other sees nothing but negatives. To each his own.


“Two people can observe the same thing and one will see some positives and emerge with hope and a renewed will to fight on, while the other sees nothing but negatives. To each his own.”


Not so.

Consider the woman who is abused by her spouse, repeatedly, for decades.

She has hope that one day he will change.

She always looks for positives, even though her family points out the negatives and implore her to save herself at every opportunity.

But her will is strong, and after she heals from her most recent beating, she vows to renew her hope and endure, telling herself she’s a fighter, telling herself that all the others are just pessimists, only seeing the negatives in her vicious, cruel and abusive husband.

But after her broken jaw heals, and she can breathe through her nose again, she will declare her undying love for him again, because next time it will be different.

She has hope, you know.

She’s no pessimist, as she views the ‘others’.

People wear blinders, for all sorts of reasons.

It’s not really important what those reasons are, so I don’t really care about the reasons (besides natural curiosity), but I care about the people who wear them.

What could possibly help the woman in the scenario above?

Is she helped if those around her enable her delusion?

Maybe, in way, inside the locked prison of her abusive relationship, validating her insanity (doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result) would probably make her feel better, as she heals from the latest beating.

But until or unless she comes to terms with reality, with truth, how can her circumstance ever improve, short of “till death do us part”?

No one wants to be a pessimist.

No one wants to deflate hope.

But until or unless the reality of a situation is recognized, what real hope can there ever be for improvement?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“Two people can observe the same thing and one will see some positives and emerge with hope and a renewed will to fight on, while the other sees nothing but negatives. To each his own.”


Not so.

I said “can,” which indicates possibility. I didn’t say it is true for all cases.

And it IS true for some cases. Not the one your brought up, of course, since you are trying to prove a different point. But it is true for the subject we have been discussing here, of whether there has been progress against the “pride” movement. A case can be made, factually, that some progress has been made, as I previously pointed out.

So you, for example, can observe that and decide that “We have no voice, no representation, no say, in the current system.” Others, on the other hand, observe the same facts and conclude that we have made a degree of difference and that more can be done…two very distinct points of view after observing the same situation.

Cuppa Covfefe

So what should we do, other than whine?




“So what should we do, other than whine?”


It is probably easiest to begin by simply stopping the making of excuses.

It is an easy way to start, because it requires no affirmative action, but rather, the cessation of a habitual action.

When the excuses are suddenly absent, when reality is no longer obscured by a smokescreen of justifications and rationalizations, truth is revealed by even a gentle breeze, simply clearing the air.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe


Passive aggression, less the aggression…


If you would be so kind… what could I have possibly said, which would have elicited your approval?


Maybe DRINK wine?


ThanQ for standing your ground.




TPTB, do whatever they want.

Occasionally, it is what the people want.

Voter ID a perfect example.

November 3 election.

Barb Meier

The democrats recinded the voter ID requirement in VA. I cannot change that except through my vote. I do, however, always hand over my ID and voter registration card as I believe we all should. That’s my choice and those working the polling station always take my ID and use it to find my name in the voter rolls.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The law here has been that any form of ID is good. Including a utility bill! (I could just barely imagine using a utility bill to prove where John Smith lives–though he might just be the landlord–but how does it prove that the purple-haired freak in front of you is John Smith?)

One time I deliberately presented a pilot’s license (which had no picture on it back then) as ID…it took them about 15 minutes to establish it was “valid id”. Oh, and they never expire.


Regarding the nuclear football and “We’ve had (THE BALL) the entire time,” here is the Jon Herold tweet:

One of the commenters said, “I think DJT STEPPED away from the executive office but maintained his role as Commander in Chief.”
Would someone please explain how that would work? There is no Constitutional basis for it. Do people really think that those surrounding and controlling Biden would cooperate with such a thing for even one second? 

If that’s the nuclear football and therefore an indication that PDJT has remained in charge, why haven’t we seen it on numerous other occasions?

Following President Trump’s failure to secure a second term, he did not attend President Biden’s inauguration, when the football is normally handed over. Instead, Trump’s football remained with him while a second one accompanied Biden. At the exact 12:00 PM EST transition time, the codes in Trump’s and Pence’s (who did attend the inauguration) footballs were deactivated, and those in Biden’s and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris‘s were activated.[57][58]

(Does anyone do research before posting stuff that is made up? My faith in internet “influencers” is slipping fast.)

Someone highlighted tags on a piece of luggage. The nuclear football does not have tags.

This is the nuclear football being carried while Trump was in the WH. It is a large, bulky bag with 3 buckles and a single handle. It is not a small luggage bag with a tag on it.

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From the Obama era:

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So no, the agent with Trump is not carrying the nuclear football, and no, Trump has not secretly been in charge this whole time.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

With all the changes in telecommunications, cybersecurity, and weapons systems, the nuclear football still looks the same as it did in the 1970’s?


That seems to be the case, but I have no expertise. I only know what I see in recent photos.


Saw your posts above. Surely, I do not know.

Absolutely bet, things have changed since Reagan was shot in 1981.

The biscuit thing, I have never bought into.

  • Either way, I’d also bet, they have a better system today.

My guess here in 2023.

Nuclear football is, physically on the military officers person. NOT in the bag.

  • Just as SS has multiple weapons on their person.
  • Secure, encrypted communication(s).
  • Checklist along with preformatted response(s), that ARE tailored, IF used.
  • Clean sheet of paper response(s).
  • Who, launch / drop what, on where, how many if applicable, when, etc.
  • Ability to transmit Actual Orders, INCLUDING authentication.
  • Ability to Abort (rescind launch / drop orders).

In the bag.. Information that would be used in an, impromptu strategy session. From various angles. Assets available, locations, platforms, potential target list(s), likely damage, likely responses…yada, yada…

I do NOT believe for a second, the nuclear football technology has remained static, since Clinton. Damn sure not since Reagan.

All my, WAG.


The “biscuit” thing should be retina and fingerprints, along with some indication that the subject is alive. Carrying around a laminated whatsit is stupid.


Fingers can be cut off and eyes can be put out, but I see your point.


Not as easily as a laminated whatsit can be stolen or misplaced.


I’m coming from a place of total ignorance of espionage, but am wondering if the incentive to physically harm the president in ways I just mentioned would be something to avoid.


But it’s great for the narrative, and the plebes love it.

I would be amazed if it wasn’t BS, just an empty bag, from the very first appearance.

Everything is a lie 😂


Contents of bag: 2 uzis, 2 1911 pistols, full magazines, 8 grenades, a Bible….




Like it…


Queen Elizabeth carried a sandwich in her purse. She showed it to the Paddington Bear.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, I’ll believe Paddington Bear!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She probably really enjoyed doing that video.


I do NOT believe for a second, the nuclear football technology has remained static, since Clinton. Damn sure not since Reagan.

I agree. I would expect things to change along with technology. But the outer appearance of the bag looks very similar through the years.


“I agree. I would expect things to change along with technology. But the outer appearance of the bag looks very similar through the years.”


You don’t want to confuse the audience by changing the appearance of the props mid-movie.

Remember when they suddenly changed Darrins, without explanation, in Bewitched? Everybody noticed.

People love shiny objects.

For mystery and intrigue, few portable objects shine brighter than POTUS’ nuclear MacGuffin bag 😁


And that is the point!


If I were designing such a thing, I would want the “football” to be carried by a military officer NOT in formal dress and not lugging around a peculiar suitcase. Would probably look like a cellphone.


I would like it to look like…a FOOTBALL!!!!


“With all the changes in telecommunications, cybersecurity, and weapons systems, the nuclear football still looks the same as it did in the 1970’s?”


Exactly what I was thinking.

It’s the nuclear MacGuffin.

When the batteries and bulbs are working, it looks like this if you open it:

[sorry, this is all I’m allowed to show you]


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From another angle:

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It has been around for a long time. Here it is in the classic 1955 film Kiss Me Deadly:

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Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

I was expecting the “opening the nuclear football” scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I LOVED that movie. It was so WEIRD!!!!!


Now, Scott…I expect you are about 20 years younger than I am. Where did you first see this movie?


When I was in college, I took Film 101.

I only took the class because there was so much talk among friends and classmates about how bizarre the teacher was, and because it should be an easy ‘A’, and we would get to watch movies, so what wasn’t to like? 👍😁

He was a rough looking dude, unkempt, usually wearing 1970s style basketball short-shorts and a wife-beater t-shirt, a complete throwback to the late 60s or early 70s, like he never left that era.

He had a very confrontational teaching style, which was a new experience for me. It was almost like theater, the way he taught. He would shout at us, grumble to himself, storm around the stage, throw stuff occasionally. He seemed angry, but he seemed like he was having a blast at the same time.

I think he was trying to break through, to get through to the students, to wake them up, to startle them out of their comfort zones, to open their minds to what he was so passionate about, with regard to film.

He knew his reputation was that of a mad man, and that was why most of the students took his class, but I think he liked that 😂

And his classes were always full.

He would give us projects, like find a big stick, paint it white, sharpen one end, and wrap a red ribbon around it so it looks like a candy cane, and then ‘plant’ it in the administration building’s front yard over the weekend.

The following Monday, on the way to class, you would see what looked like a graveyard of 400+ candy canes in the administration building’s yard.

Just weird stuff, all the time, so it was hilarious and interesting. He only required that you actually attend his class and be there on time, and do his silly projects, and you get an ‘A’.

So most of my friends and I took his class as an elective.

But we also learned a lot about film in the process.

We learned about Georges Melies, and his short film Trip to the Moon (1902) one of the first and great science fiction movies. And Metropolis (directed by Fritz Lang in 1927).

We learned about the basic mechanics of film making, the composition of shots, how various shooting techniques and special effects developed over time, lots of interesting things that made me look at movies in a completely different way.

We watched movies by directors like Francois Truffaut (e.g. The 400 Blows, 1959), and Jean-Luc Godard (Breathless, 1960, starring Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Seberg). Mostly foreign films by directors I had never heard of, and actors I had never seen before.

At the time I didn’t really appreciate the foreign films, they were mostly very different from the American films I was accustomed to. I was mostly there for entertainment and the easy ‘A’ grade.

But somehow along the way, I picked up enough about films outside my usual area of interest, that when I came across such films later on, I was able to appreciate them.

Years later, when I had seen what seemed like most of the American films that interested me (I hadn’t really, but it seemed like it), I (re)discovered the whole world of foreign films.

And that, in turn, led me back to much older American films, including film noir (and then neo-noir), that I had not seen much of before.

Kiss Me Deadly (1955) was among that genre, directed by Robert Aldrich, who also directed Flight of the Phoenix (1965), The Dirty Dozen (1967), and The Longest Yard (1974).

I collect movies on blu-ray and 4K UHD when available. A movie company called Criterion has been restoring and releasing classic films (American and foreign) on blu-ray for many years now, and they restored Kiss Me Deadly and released it on blu-ray in 2011.

Dr. Svet Atanosov reviews most of the Criterion blu-rays at He must be the only conservative reviewer on the whole website. He knows his stuff, and his reviews are well written. So if Svet likes a movie, and it has a good rating (around 7.5 or higher), it’s usually worth checking out.

Kiss Me Deadly was one of those movies. I think I bought it around 2014, and I liked it a lot. The lead character was driving a brand new (at the time!) 1954 Corvette 😁

(old Corvettes are my favorite cars)


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Apparently it may be the car from the film that is now at the St. Louis Art museum:

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So that’s how I came to see a film called Kiss Me Deadly.

And lots of other great old movies!

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Kiss Me Deadly, I mean!!! WEIRD movie!!!


the nuclear football still looks the same as it did in the 1970’s?

Apparently so. Here is the earliest known photo of it, with JFK.

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The Real Story of the “Football” That Follows the President Everywhere

Officially known as the “president’s emergency satchel,” the so-called nuclear “Football”—portable and hand-carried—is built around a sturdy aluminum frame, encased in black leather. A retired Football, emptied of its top-secret inner contents, is currently on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.

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Contrary to popular belief, the Football does not actually contain a big red button for launching a nuclear war. Its primary purpose is to confirm the president’s identity, and it allows him to communicate with the National Military Command Center in the Pentagon, which monitors worldwide nuclear threats and can order an instant response. The Football also provides the commander in chief with a simplified menu of nuclear strike options—allowing him to decide, for example, whether to destroy all of America’s enemies in one fell swoop or to limit himself to obliterating only Moscow or Pyongyang or Beijing.

Although its origins remain highly classified, the Football can be traced back to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. Privately, John F. Kennedy believed that nuclear weapons were, as he put it, “only good for deterring.” He also felt it was “insane that two men, sitting on opposite sides of the world, should be able to decide to bring an end to civilization.” Horrified by the doctrine known as MAD (mutually assured destruction), JFK ordered locks to be placed on nuclear weapons and demanded alternatives to the “all or nothing” nuclear war plan.

A declassified Kennedy memo documents the concerns that led to the invention of the Football as a system for verifying the identity of the commander in chief. The president posed the following chilling, but commonsense, questions:

“What would I say to the Joint War Room to launch an immediate nuclear strike?”

“How would the person who received my instructions verify them?”

The satchel weighs about 45 pounds.

[emphasis mine:]

For the Football to function as designed, the military aide must be nearby the commander in chief at all times and the president must be in possession of his authentication codes. Both elements of the system have failed on occasion. According to the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Hugh Shelton, Clinton mislaid his laminated code card, nicknamed the “Biscuit,” for several months in 2000. “This is a big deal, a gargantuan deal,” the general complained in his 2010 autobiography, Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior.

An even closer brush with disaster came during the attempted assassination of Reagan in March 1981. During the chaos that followed the shooting, the military aide was separated from the president, and did not accompany him to the George Washington University hospital. In the moments before Reagan was wheeled into the operating theater, he was stripped of his clothes and other possessions. The Biscuit was later found abandoned, unceremoniously dumped in a hospital plastic bag. It seems unlikely that a crown or scepter would have been treated so cavalierly.



There, I finally used this one!




Used Depends……phew!


Oh, Hek! THAT’s FuNNY!


The ENTIRE narrative, Trump is in charge, Trump has the nuclear football, Trump is leading the US military, SCREAMS….SCROLL ON.

Utterly dumb bullshit on the other side of the links(,) TW, whatever TF it is.

Some how, otherwise intelligent people, buy into this nonsense. Defies SIMPLE logic.



Some how, otherwise intelligent people, buy into this nonsense. Defies SIMPLE logic.

It is mind-boggling.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hear, hear!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now there IS plenty of evidence that Joe Biden the Literally Demented Meat Puppet is not in charge…but that doesn;t mean MAGA is. It much more likely means Obola or some other Leftist shit is.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw a new name the other night…Cadaver Joe.



Who knew…a walking, Cadaver “Joe”.  😂   😂   😂 



We have a bar near us. They have two signs on their sidewalk.

One says Happy Hour Wednesday through Friday…Beer and Wine 1/2 off.

The other one is a photograph of Christopher Walken, which says Walkens Welcome.

They are PACKED every afternoon at…happy hour.


^^^ That’s funny.


LOLOLOL!!!! I never get over the amount of money they are making!!!

At 3:02 PM, the bar is Packed! And people are ordering food and booze!

Talk about Pavlovian Walkens!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m fond of “SCROTUS” (so called ruler, etc) and “Joe and Hoe.”


All Loved!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

J6 I wandered through the crowd asking people if they had voted for “Joe and Hoe” and many laughed because they had never heard that one (which surprised me). If they answered “No” I’d ask if they were sure. About half of them “got it” the other half tried to explain how sure they were about how they had marked their ballot.


Holy crap!


I have friends who are convinced that this still-in-charge thingy is true. It doesn’t matter how many times I ask them where in the constitution is the authority for it.

Agree to disagree is the best I can get.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s downright harmful.

Are these people going to work hard even within the system (I’m not going Scott here), if they think at a fundamental level things are actually all right, they only LOOK bad because the people must be shown?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I agree completely.

Something that helps here is realizing that when a majority of the military decided that Trump was too “peace-oriented”, and that he threatened the endless war gravy train, they wanted him GONE. That is when they had a consensus to get rid of Trump after a single term. The Bushies went along with the Obamists and Clintonistas on a plan to ditch Trump in 2020.

That’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it.


when a majority of the military decided that Trump was too “peace-oriented””

when a majority of the military LEADERSHIP decided that Trump was too “peace-oriented FTFY

I doubt a majority of the rank and file military were cheering for more war

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh yes – of course I mean the “leadership”!


It’s magical thinking. One podcaster who promotes it is Dave of X22 Report. I enjoy his analysis on a lot of issues, but disagree on this one. I know that Trump and company are doing everything they can behind the scenes, but that is not the same as being in the office of the presidency and actually running the country. And for him to be in possession of the nuclear football when we have someone else occupying the WH is preposterous. It comes from a place of refusing to think and be educated on how things work, which is willful ignorance.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The problem is many accepted this thing back when it was just barely plausible, especially since many “authorities” on the internet were pushing it. (Endless posts on “devolution” by people supposedly connected to the Trump administration for example.)

This put them in the position of either having to admit they were snookered, or having to doggedly defend it as the evidence stacked up against it with more and more ridiculous “reaches.” At this point it becomes a Matter Of Faith with some people, a religion in the truly bad sense of the term.


Great point.


Ha! But these look HEAVY!

Last edited 1 year ago by Nor'easter

“Menu from Murray’s. New York in 1905. Prices are in cents.”


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Too bad the “special dishes” are blocked…


Yes, again I was thinking the same thing, a tragedy narrowly averted 😁


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Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

To paraphrase a fast-food joint — “where’s the beef?”

It seems oddly overloaded with sweetbreads and underloaded with steaks.

Thanks for posting. I was wondering what was under there.

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu

I’ve been off looking up recipes and such. Scotch woodcock was traditionally served at Oxford and Cambridge, and at the House of Commons.


People loved Brains back then,


Sweetbreads are typically thymus or pancreas glands.


I think they are referring to “ROCKY MOUNTAIN OYSTERS”!


All good if pan seared.


I don’t normally have sweetbreads unless I am someplace really nice, like a Michelin-starred restaurant.





Don’t knock ’em ’til you’ve had ’em done brilliantly…..


“People loved Brains back then,”


Reminds me of Abby… Abby Normal 😂


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Golden Buck and Yorkshire Buck.


Note that none of the “rarebits” actually contain significant amounts of meat.


I do not believe we ever needed to have any amout of inflation, anyone?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know of people who actually think that higher prices are an inevitable consequence of progress.



Taller Half and I just reviewed shrimp cocktail prices from 1960 to today.

$3 to $16. Why?


Shrimp union threatened a strike?


Pfizer Vaccine Batches in the EU Were Placebos, Say Scientists

Scientists have uncovered startling evidence that a substantial portion of the batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deployed in the European Union may in fact have consisted of placebos – and that the German regulator knew this and did not subject them to quality-control testing.

There is a graph and explanation about three classes of vaccine batches.

Dyker and Matysik compared the batch numbers contained in the Danish study with publicly available information on the batches approved for release, and they made the startling discovery that almost none of the harmless batches, unlike the very-bad and not-so-bad batches, appear to have been subject to any quality-control testing at all.

Unbeknownst to most observers, it is precisely the German regulatory agency, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which is, in principle, responsible for quality control of all the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine supply in the EU. (The institute is named after the German immunologist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Ehrlich, not, of course, the Stanford biology professor of the same name.)

This reflects the fact that the actual legal manufacturer of the vaccine, as well as the marketing authorisation holder in the EU, is the German company BioNTech, not its more well-known American partner Pfizer.

Dyker and Matysik found that the PEI had tested and approved for release all the very bad ‘blue’ batches, the overwhelming majority of the not-so-bad ‘green’ batches, but almost none of the harmless ‘yellow’ batches – as if the PEI knew in advance that these batches were unproblematic…

Or, in short, to paraphrase the German scientists’ findings on the variability of the Pfizer-BioNTech batches, it would appear that the good was bad, the bad was very bad, and the very good was saline solution.

So all the requirements to get vaxed, to prove you were vaxed, and to be vaxed to engage in society, were meaningless if 200,000 or more of the “vaxed” got a saline solution. (It was meaningless anyway. The whole thing is so messed up.)




“Dyker and Matysik found that the PEI had tested and approved for release all the very bad ‘blue’ batches, the overwhelming majority of the not-so-bad ‘green’ batches, but almost none of the harmless ‘yellow’ batches – as if the PEI knew in advance that these batches were unproblematic…”

“So all the requirements to get vaxed, to prove you were vaxed, and to be vaxed to engage in society, were meaningless if 200,000 or more of the “vaxed” got a saline solution.”


Sounds like this proves the human population were used as guinea pigs.

The People of the world were the test subjects for the experimental vaxx.

You had the group subjected to the most dangerous poison.

And the group subjected to the less dangerous poison.

And the control group, who received the placebo, the saline solution.


Fourth group, refused all of the injections. We be the smart ones.


But what were they actually testing for.
Most dangerous poison, a kill ratio that would bring a backlash.
Less dangerous poison, a kill ratio that might pass unnoticed.
Injected quasi control group, would show real deaths from covid infection, but may have been physiologically affected just by thinking they’d took the jab.
Real control group who said NO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The 3 groups matches what that nurse said.

I suspect that one of the digits of the batch numbers correlates openly with the batch category, as the Slovenian nurse alleged.


“But what were they actually testing for.”


Don’t know, but it must have been something, too good of an opportunity to not test something while you’re conducting a genocide this large anyway.

It also occurred to me that having at least some batches of saline mixed in with the rest would be very helpful to discredit those who were awake and were pointing out the danger.

Lots of people (those who lucked out with the saline) would have no ‘died suddenly’ type negative effects, and so based on their own real life experience, these vaxx-takers would be more likely to think those who were pointing out the danger of the vaxx were tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists.

If not everyone who takes the vaxx has a bad result, it helps to confuse the issue, blur the lines, fog of war, etc.


This ^^^


Thread on the conflict of interest of the spike co- patent holder who also held approval of the EUA:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This correlates STRONGLY with what that Slovenian nurse said, that there were 3 kinds of shots. This graph is amazing.

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Ding ding ding, you have correlation! Impressive std dev!

On a graph RIGGED to not correlate!


New Macgregor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent analysis!


Guessing, the hotly rumored Ukraine offensive, was supposed to coincide with the faux coup.
Only problem is UK and US IC thought the coup would work.
New Ritter.

Confirms American military casualties, including females. Blackhawks used to carry out casualties.

Building with Americans “targeted”, cuz Americans there. Putin’s fedup with UK / US targeting Russia, Putin…

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Confirms American military casualties, including females.

I don’t read mainstream media, but I haven’t seen any reports of this.


Are you, (we) surprised? Rhetorical.

There is no doubt in my mind, American military have died in Ukraine. Some could be prior military. Actual numbers don’t know.

At some point, it will leak out.

I have no idea what families are being told.

Truth will come out. Perhaps sooner, than later, if Russia targets locations with UK / US military.


Seems to me, this is another reason, some states are targeting, miles driven tax.

Tax EV mileage, good by me. Don’t care whatever they do with EVs.

ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles already pay too much in taxes.


Their goal is to make everyone drive an EV, so then everyone would be taxed.


And they still wouldn’t fix the potholes!


^^^ GREAT NEWS! ^^^

Seriously, great news by me.

Exposes the folly of reliable solar energy.

Lots of examples out there.

The ignorance of all things renewable, zero carbon footprint needs to be exposed AND exterminated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Better to fail EARLY.



It’s not even possible that no one thought of that, unless people were paid not to think of that.


Do not throw sand…throw ROCKS!!!!!


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Lots of room for disillusionment when reality is later compared to what was imagined.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is important to imagine correctly, as judged by the actual future.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I get her point, but I also don’t like it. It is easily abused by those who abuse us.

I fill in the blanks with variables, matrices of variables, and functions. Those are, technically, imagination and projection, but not fear, which is an interesting value used by those functions. As the things I use to fill in the blanks become stronger and tighter, clarity emerges.

To change her words…..

It’s better to learn how to resolve an unclear picture, than to accept the inaccuracy of the lack of clarity.


Well, she clearly states to “stop filling in the gaps with your imagination, fears, or projections.”

Filling in the gaps with calculation, deep thought, and analysis based on prior knowledge are great.

The people who are imagining and projecting are generally not scientists, but shallow-thinking, low-info people. They need this advice the most.


This is fantastic advice!


New Essay by Michael Hudson

“Herodotus (History, Book 1.53) tells the story of Croesus, king of Lydia c. 585-546 BC in what is now Western Turkey and the Ionian shore of the Mediterranean. Croesus conquered Ephesus, Miletus and neighboring Greek-speaking realms, obtaining tribute and booty that made him one of the richest rulers of his time. But these victories and wealth led to arrogance and hubris. Croesus turned his eyes eastward, ambitious to conquer Persia, ruled by Cyrus the Great.

Having endowed the region’s cosmopolitan Temple of Delphi with substantial silver and gold, Croesus asked its Oracle whether he would be successful in the conquest that he had planned. The Pythia priestess answered: “If you go to war against Persia, you will destroy a great empire.”

Croesus therefore set out to attack Persia c. 547 BC. Marching eastward, he attacked Persia’s vassal-state Phrygia. Cyrus mounted a Special Military Operation to drive Croesus back, defeating Croesus’s army, capturing him and taking the opportunity to seize Lydia’s gold to introduce his own Persian gold coinage. So Croesus did indeed destroy a great empire, but it was his own.

Fast-forward to today’s drive by the Biden administration to extend American military power against Russia and, behind it, China. The president asked for advice from today’s analogue to antiquity’s Delphi oracle: the CIA and its allied think tanks. Instead of warning against hubris, they encouraged the neocon dream that attacking Russia and China would consolidate U.S. control of the world economy, achieving the End of History.

Having organized a coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014, the United States sent its NATO proxy army eastward, giving weapons to Ukraine to fight an ethnic war against its Russian-speaking population and turn Russia’s Crimean naval base into a NATO fortress. This Croesus-level ambition aimed at drawing Russia into combat and depleting its ability to defend itself, wrecking its economy in the process and destroying its ability to provide military support to China and other countries targeted for seeking self-dependency as an alternative to U.S. hegemony.

After eight years of provocation, a new military attack on Russian-speaking Ukrainians was conspicuously prepared, ready to drive toward the Russian border in February 2022. Russia protected its fellow Russian-speakers from further ethnic violence by mounting its own Special Military Operation. The United States and its NATO allies immediately seized Russia’s foreign-exchange reserves held in Europe and North America, and demanded that all countries impose sanctions against importing Russian energy and grain, hoping that this would crash the ruble’s exchange rate. The Delphic State Department expected that this would cause Russian consumers to revolt and overthrow Vladimir Putin’s government, enabling U.S. maneuvering to install a client oligarchy like the one it had nurtured in the 1990s under President Yeltsin.

A byproduct of this confrontation with Russia has been to lock in America’s control over its Western European satellites. The aim of this intra-NATO jockeying was to foreclose Europe’s dream of profiting from closer trade and investment relations with Russia by exchanging its industrial manufactures for Russian raw materials. The United States derailed that prospect by blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipelines, cutting off Germany and other countries from access to low-priced Russian gas. That left Europe’s leading economy dependent on higher-cost U.S. Liquified Natural Gas (LNG).

In addition to having to subsidize domestic European gas to prevent widespread insolvency, a large proportion of German Leopard tanks, U.S. Patriot missiles and other NATO “wonder weapons” are being destroyed in combat against the Russian army. It has become clear that the U.S. strategy is not simply to “fight to the last Ukrainian,” but to fight to the last tank, missile and other weapon being deleted from NATO stocks.
This depletion of NATO’s arms was expected to create a vast replacement market to enrich America’s military-industrial complex. Its NATO customers are being told to increase their military spending to 3 or even 4 percent of GDP. But the weak performance of U.S. and German arms on the Ukrainian battlefield may have crashed this dream, while Europe’s economies are sinking into depression. And with Germany’s industrial economy deranged by the severing of its trade with Russia, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner told the Die Welt newspaper on June 16, 2023 that his country cannot afford to pay more money into the European Union budget, to which it has long been the largest contributor.

Without German exports supporting the euro’s exchange rate, the currency will come under pressure against the dollar as Europe buys LNG and NATO replenishes its depleted weaponry stocks by buying new arms from America. A lower exchange rate will squeeze the purchasing power of European labor, while lowering social spending to pay for rearmament and provide gas subsidies is plunging the continent into a depression.
A nationalist reaction against U.S. dominance is rising throughout European politics, and instead of America locking in its control over European policy, the United States may end up losing – not only in Europe but most crucially throughout the Global South. Instead of turning Russia’s “ruble to rubble” as President Biden promised, Russia’s balance of trade has soared and its gold supply has increased. So have the gold holdings of other countries whose governments are now aiming to de-dollarize their economies.

It is American diplomacy that is driving Eurasia and the Global South out of the U.S. orbit. America’s hubristic drive for unipolar world dominance could only have been dismantled so rapidly from within. The Biden-Blinken-Nuland administration has done what neither Vladimir Putin nor Chinese President Xi could have hoped to achieve in so short a period. Neither was prepared to throw down the gauntlet and create an alternative to the U.S.-centered world order. But U.S. sanctions against Russia, Iran, Venezuela and China have had the effect of protective tariff barriers to force self-sufficiency in what EU diplomat Josep Borrell calls the world “jungle” outside of the US/NATO “garden.”

Although the Global South and other countries have been complaining about U.S. dominance ever since the Bandung Conference of Non-Aligned Nations in 1955, they have lacked a critical mass to create a viable alternative. But their attention has now been focused by the U.S. confiscation of Russia’s official dollar reserves in NATO countries. That dispelled the thought of the dollar as a safe vehicle in which to hold international savings. The Bank of England’s earlier seizure of Venezuela’s gold reserves kept in London – promising to donate them to whatever unelected opponents of its socialist regime U.S. diplomats designate – shows how sterling and the euro as well as the dollar have been weaponized. And by the way, what ever happened to Libya’s gold reserves?
American diplomats avoid thinking about this scenario. They rely on the one unique advantage the United States has to offer. It may refrain from bombing them, from staging a color revolution to “Pinochet” them by the National Endowment for Democracy, or install a new “Yeltsin” giving the economy away to a client oligarchy.

But refraining from such behavior is all that America can offer. It has de-industrialized its own economy, and its idea of foreign investment is to carve out monopoly-rent seeking opportunities by concentrating technological monopolies and control of oil and grain trade in U.S. hands, as if this is economic efficiency, not rent-seeking.

What has occurred is a change in consciousness. We are seeing the Global Majority trying to create an independent and peacefully negotiated choice as to just what kind of an international order they want. Their aim is not merely to create alternatives to the use of dollars, but an entire new set of institutional alternatives to the IMF and World Bank, the SWIFT bank clearing system, the International Criminal Court and the entire array of institutions that U.S. diplomats have hijacked from the United Nations.

The upshot will be civilizational in scope. We are seeing not the End of History but a fresh alternative to U.S.-centered neoliberal finance capitalism and its junk economics of privatization, class war against labor, and the idea that money and credit should be privatized in the hands of a narrow financial class instead of being a public utility to finance economic needs and rising living standards.

The irony is that America’s historical role has been that although it itself was not able to lead the world forward along these lines, its attempts to lock the world into an antithetical imperial system by conquering Russia on the plains of Ukraine and trying to isolate China’s technology from breaking the U.S. attempt at IT monopoly have been the great catalysts pushing the global majority along these lines.”


The Pythia priestess answered: “If you go to war against Persia, you will destroy a great empire.”


I haven’t read further yet, but I do note that she didn’t say WHICH ‘great empire’ would be destroyed 😁


Nope, she didn’t and Croesus had actually made a large contribution to her temple at Delphi and thusly thought he was getting a favorable response.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s possible to visit Delphi today. Many cities kept money there; the last quarter mile or so of the walk to the temple was lined with all sorts of monuments including solid gold sculptures, etc. It was possibly the most important religious site in the ancient world (with the possible exception of Olympia). It must have been quite a sight to see.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, June 29, 2023

“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” 

Romans 10:10 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these.
Prayers ongoing for you over at Marica’s blog.


Here too. Finds the verse of the day always to be timely. Thankyou for bringing such.


And then there is this enjoyable moment.

(click link for vid clip)

“The German TV channel suddenly interrupted the broadcast of the press conference of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany and her colleague from South Africa in order to show the Germans live the address of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the security forces in the Kremlin.”


That’s both funny AND keeping “important stuff” front and center.

Cuppa Covfefe

Baerbock was a waste of electrons anyway, as she’s spewing CO² to spew out her feminazi foreign-relations spiel.

No-one’s buying, particularly in MEA (middle east and africa)….. wonder why?


With a couple of additions and changes to make it “accessible” to anyone who reads it, Yours Truly’s opener on COVID-19 and the “vaccines” is now up at Marica’s blog:


This piece was written to get “vaccinated” people who “follow the science” and who happen upon Marica’s blog to WAKE UP.
The denizens of Marica’s blog are already well aware of the disaster that is COVID-19 and the “vaccines.”


Niceliy done; short and to the point.


You are very kind, thank you.


Excellent! I love a good analogy, and the “recipe” one is outstanding!


Without wanting to “blow one’s own horn”, so to speak, please feel free to send out the link to the piece at Marica’s blog to help get it spread around. Thank you.



Thank you for the great write up, AND vectoring me (us) there.

Excellent read. Analogy.

Have copied, with links and emailed to siblings, all jabbed. All liberals. Live in liberal utopias (shitholes). So very thankful I escaped it all, in 1975.

Dunno if they’ll read it.

Couple years in, they don’t even reply or acknowledge my emails regarding Covid, Covid Injections, mitigation strategies for jabbed. Crickets.



“All liberals. Live in liberal utopias (shitholes).”




“Couple years in, they don’t even reply or acknowledge my emails regarding Covid, Covid Injections, mitigation strategies for jabbed. Crickets.”


Same here 👍


What the Sam Hill goes on? Is Canada still burning itself out? Accuweather has a map showing the entire eastern portion of the United States, down to almost Florida, has terrible air quality levels from “fine particulate matter” and “particulate matter.” The NWS talks about “smoke and haze” making bad air quality levels.


Can’t depend on weather reports anymore (if you ever could)…

Air quality here in Sandhills of So Carolina EXCELLENT – sun is shining brightly

No smoke or haze PERIOD


Raleigh-Durham, on the other hand, has a weird “haze” in the atmosphere. Even inside my house, with the windows shut and with the AC and the air cleaners going, my eyes are watering. Accuweather says the air quality index is “Unhealthy” at 133.

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA
pat frederick

yesterday we began to see the smoke/fog rolling in from the north and the smell is distinct. hubby says a day or two again our air will be foul


Did it look “flat” and silvery? That’s how it usually looks here when we get the smoke haze.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s all the hot air and BS emanating from the unhallowed halls of WashedUpTown D.C.

At the root of all these lockdowns, power grabs, and almost-surgical removal of our hard-earned money is the lie of CO² and Gore-Bull warming. Counter that, and the whole house of dishonest cards tumbles down into ignominy…

[Another issue is the continual hyperventilating about particulates, the 2.5µm “problem”. Oddly enough, they applaud BillyGhoul Gates and his plan to fill the atmosphere with particulates in order to dim the sun, yet they decry automobiles, factories, and other facilities which also produce particulates, albeit a far smaller number than BillyBoy would release.

Nor do they talk about tobacco smoke, and aerosols released by plants and trees, e.g. pine wax vapors and pollen, etc. Sort of a “Convenient Lie” put forth by Al Gore and his minions… (Remember James Watt and his comment to Reagan about the killer trees? 🙂 ]…..


We are suffocating with smoke in east TN. Has entered the danger zone. Storms predicted to roll through the are over the weekend starting tomorrow that may clean it out.


French writer and analyst Thierry Meyssan has a few words about ‘Yevgeny Prigozhin’s rebellion’

as does Sy Hersh

no paywall

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising

First up, while Britain’s Tory Party appears heading for an electoral wipeout at the next general election—the first since their historic sweep in 2019—chiefly because the Tories have governed as though their cabinet positions were inhabited by alien body snatchers from Planet Labour, over on the continent, right- or populist-leaning parties continue to gain ground nearly everywhere. Like Greece this week:

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More murkiness regarding the actual genome code of the COVID-19 virus? —
June 27, 2023

Valerie Curren

Quick drop in before heading out of town for a week & a half w/ spotty internet…

Had a very busy weekend surrounding granddaughter #1, Lilah. There were two separate first birthday celebrations & she was such a doll at both of them! Sunday we were part of a baby dedication service for her too. She’s much under God’s covering!

Mini ground report. Had Josiah to a new dentist office w/in a health care related complex. There was a small rainbow flag on the door; a large table of “free covid masks” in the hallway; & a bizarre intake questionnaire that included “sex” choices of Male, Female, Male to Female Trans, Female to Male Trans, & prefer not to answer! The form also asked about living situation & homeless & shelter & “doubling up” were all choices but not in a home with one’s family–bizarre. Normalize the abnormal?

We were watching some favorite music videos on YouTube & had mandatory commercials pop up since we’re using YT for free. Jim Caviezel’s new movie, The Sound of Freedom, trailer came on AND for the first time Ever I needed to turn up the volume to hear this commercial. I have NEVER encountered a commercial whose volume was less than the media it was interrupting. Is this some new form of suppression or what?

Hope everyone has a wonderful Independence Day celebration. Love & Blessings to all!

PS the air quality in Metro Detroit has been mightily impacted by the Canadian forest fires (eco-terrorism?) & may cause some family to cut short their trip Up North to protect the baby’s lungs…we’ll see what happens.


…a bizarre intake questionnaire that included “sex” choices of Male, Female, Male to Female Trans, Female to Male Trans, & prefer not to answer! The form also asked about living situation & homeless & shelter & “doubling up” were all choices but not in a home with one’s family–bizarre.

I think I would have had some choice words to write on that questionnaire (which, I understand, would not be possible if it’s a computerized, fill-in-the-blank form, or which might not be feasible if you really need to preserve your relationship with that particular doctor and office).

Happy Independence Day to you and yours! 🇺🇸

Valerie Curren

I agree about the choice words. Ironically the dentist was clearly a Christian (she’s a Black woman) & was making “praise God” & other declarations when going over Josiah’s medical history. Interesting times we live in to be sure!

Hope you have a joyful & fun holiday!

Valerie Curren

We saw news/skews today & they claimed that Detroit has the worst air quality in the world…not sure about that. We do Sometimes smell smoke intermittently over the last few days, fwiw…


That smell is related to the fake news you heard.

…Detroit has worst in the world… <<< Laughable.

Valerie Curren

LOL! No doubt 😉


Was watching the Rocket Mortgage PGA tournament in Detroit and I am surprised the golfers were not hacking their lungs out it was so thick.

Valerie Curren

If we ever accidentally watch golf it’s basically to catch up on nap time 😉

That’s pretty wild though. We don’t have smog here Ever, presumably due to wind patterns & not to the Motor City reducing it’s “carbon footprint” LOL.

I noticed the haze when driving about the other day, but only by looking off into the distance, like a half mile or so. Up close it’s not “that” bad…

pat frederick

The Supreme Court rules that Harvard and the University of North Carolina’s admissions programs violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.






Made my day.


Notice they’re all WHITE? Lol! Liberal tears are delicious.


Affirmative Action defeated! 🎉🍾🎊🇺🇸


“Affirmative Action defeated!”


In word, maybe.

Why would they actually stop doing what they’ve been doing for decades, for as long as anyone in the institutions has been around?

The Brandon just-us dept. isn’t going to send in the National Guard to enforce the ruling, that’s for sure! 😂


They’re already working on their work-arounds for SCOTUS decision.

If anything the Civil War taught us that Dems are like cockroaches – you think you’ve licked them and then they come back.

BUT – a win is a win, so they can’t hide behind that anymore.


More thoughts on mad jack. Maybe the message was sent in 4D mode, and not about changing his name but just to draw attention to the name itself.
It is a very common name almost an archetypal pseudonym, like John and Jane Doe, which are some times used in the legal world when a person is unknown or cannot be named.
So has mad jack ever been involved in a case, or for any other reason, with a John or Jane Doe in a way that reflects badly on him, and that the world needs to know about.

Cuppa Covfefe

Apple Jack?

Cuppa Covfefe

And revenue-stream security for BigPharma…

There are lots of older, often generic meds that are in short supply over here now, as there is just not enough profit in them (!). Pediatric antibiotics are just some of many that are thin on the ground right now. OTC Hyaluron eye drops are also getting hard to find…


Online? The likes of IndiaMart?

Understand, OTC should be available locally.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s really limited here. The various health insurance providers (strictly regulated by the gubmint) only cover certain brands and vendors, based on contracts negotiated each year or so. If the health system (headed by the likes of that idiot Lauterbach) doesn’t want to pay a fair price, the medication in question disappears… and the health insurance won’t pay for it, online or not…

(anti-)socialized medicine, indeed…


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Cuppa Covfefe

What a catastrophe… 😀

Caterwauling cats walking, no, running about in a poor imitation of Golden Retrievers left alone 🙂


All it takes is for one of them to get spooked, and its reaction sets all the others off. 😅


Sounds like leftists.

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_question: 

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, but leftists leave a bigger mess 😮 :mrgreen:


Truth has a way of shredding the narratives. Too bad this will never make it into the mainstream.



Rufo is certainly ruffling the feathers of the elite bird.


This bs comment by fjb about “wiping away decades of precedent” is worthless. There were decades of precedent on women not voting, decades of problems before the civil rights act(and post) and 1000s more concerns w “precedent.”
Hes full of shit just like k jackson.
Its about time this lefty racist crap ends.


Question for Deplorables:

If the GOP nominated a RINO [such as Mittens] and the donkeys nominated RFK Jr, would you vote for RFK Jr?


If Trump were out of the picture for some reason…
I haven’t looked at RFKJ’s entire platform, but with what I know now, probably yes. Mittens is an unqualified no. He is part of the NWO and has no principles, especially not Constitutional ones. At least RFKJ is shining the light on major issues that are bringing the country down and literally killing us.


I don’t like this:

RFK Jr. Says He Would Sign ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban if it Reached His Desk

He made his statement about an “assault weapons” ban just minutes after intimating that guns are not problem. He indicated that Americans have always had guns, and that Americans used to bring firearms to school for “gun clubs,” and no one thought of shooting at children.

In New Hampshire RFK Jr. said, “Anyone who tells you that we can end the violence to our children that’s going on now by removing people’s guns, in the margin that has been left to us by this very expansive Supreme Court decision [Bruen] is not being truthful with you.”

Moreover, on June 5, 2023, Breitbart News reported on a conversation between Elon Musk and RFK Jr., in which RFK Jr. said, “My position on gun control is that I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns. I’m a constitutional maximalist and the issue has been settled by the Supreme Court.”

During the NewsNation townhall he made clear he would sign an “assault weapons” ban if it reached his desk.

Scratching my head…🤔


Two basic problems with RFK’s position, shared by most politicians (including Trump, as far as I know).

1) ‘assault weapon’ is a bogus term, it means nothing, at all. No one can define it, because the moment they do, they get run over by number 2:

2) the whole point and purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to OVERTHROW a CORRUPT and TYRANNICAL government — the very PEOPLE who would presume to rule over us

So they can’t define an ‘assault weapon’ because to do so, and then oppose them, is to oppose the ability of the American People to overthrow a corrupt and tyrannical government, it is to put oneself in DIRECT CONFLICT with the Founding Fathers and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

These are not stupid people, it’s not as if we can understand this at a first grade school level, but they cannot.

They DO understand it.

So anyone who wants to WIN this issue and destroy ALL of their competition could do so easily. All they have to do is be HONEST and recognize the TRUTH.

Recognize that the whole point of the 2nd Amendment is to overthrow a corrupt and tyrannical government, and point out that NO government in human history is more corrupt or tyrannical than the current U.S. federal government.

The cheering of the American People would be so loud, you could hear it through your closed windows.

Then say that on your first day in office, you will have Congress introduce a law against threatening Americans with any more bans on guns or gun ownership.

Tell the American People that you will MUZZLE and DEFANG the rabid Congress and the ATF like the wildly corrupt bodies that they are.

It’s not complicated.

Standing up for the 2nd Amendment is no more or less difficult than standing up for the 1st Amendment.

All it takes is the will to do it.

Any candidate who doesn’t, has no business being president.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

It is that fundamental.

All we need now is a politician(s), to state in this manner. Defend it.

Numbskuls not agreeing, defend their position, with facts.


RFK2 is a whacko, IMHO. Do read his history.


Trump write-in would win.

Nobody would vote for Mittens on any side of any aisle.

Assuming it was a legitimate vote of course, which it won’t be.

So in that case, it doesn’t matter who anyone votes for, Pierre Delecto becomes the next Puppetent of the United States.


It is actually that simple, write in Trump. Need to be able to have a clear conscience. Moving on.


To be crystal clear. I Will Never Vote UNIPARTY – N E V E R.

(Lotsa no blanks on my ballot)

America First, has my vote.
My 2024 vote for President will be…. (drum roll please)

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.

T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P. T R U M P.


If you leave races blank, you are enabling the enemy to fill it in instead.


Yes, that is one of severl many cite to support Uniparty.

  • I Do Not Buy Into That thinking. Did before. Done with it.

NV has, “None Of The Above”. Or something similar.

Assuming I get out of NV, hope they have similar option in likely destinations, TX, OK, AR or TN.

Regardless, I will NEVER vote Uniparty. Bastards betray America daily.

  • Prove me wrong.

Yes, I am no longer falling for the lesser of two weavils trick, either.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Libertarian party has long advocated for the inclusion of “None Of The Above” on ballots. The problem is they get cute and say that if NOTA wins the office should just be abolished. Which, if it’s dogcatcher, might be all right but you can’t not have a Commander in Chief. I mean look at the mess we are in without an actual CINC now. Personally I think if NOTA wins the election should be re-held…with all new candidates since a plurality of people said “a vacancy would be better than any of these bozos.”

But even if all they do is put NOTA on the ballot and not allow it to “win’ it would at least prevent someone else from helping you to vote in the way you describe.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In a word, yes, but only if a write-in for Trump were not possible.


NOW is a good time to FIND OUT “HOW” to do “WRITE-INs” PROPERLY.

(“PLAN B”, if you will…)


PR this was a very interesting and informative video. It is amazing what a difference there is between grownup discussion and your average political propaganda.


Yes Robert…


Interesting, but not surprising.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

The Great Clarence Thomas Demolishes Biden’s Race-Baiting Supreme Court Justice in “Ferocious” Affirmative Action Case Concurrence After She Throws Hissy Fit

The only piece of sour news on today’s historic ruling abolishing race-based college admissions is that Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion instead of the great Justice Clarence Thomas. His concurrence is the stuff legends are made of.

This one paragraph, in particular, is making conservatives cheer…

But Ketanji Brown Jackson, Joe Biden’s affirmative action Supreme Court pick, does not share these patriotic beliefs. After today’s ruling, she threw a race-baiting, hissy fit that predictably had liberals swooning.

She accused the Court’s conservatives for having a “let-them-eat-cake obliviousness.” She went on to whine that the Justices detached” themselves from “this country’s actual past and present experiences,” while lecturing the “ostrich-like” members about “lived experiences.”

Thomas noted the racially divisive screed masquerading as a legal opinion and demolished her in epic fashion.

Here are his most powerful excerpts courtesy of Fox News:

JUSTICE JACKSON’s race-infused worldview falls flat at each step. Individuals are the sum of their unique experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. What matters is not the barriers they face, but how they choose to confront them. And their race is not to blame for everything—good or bad—that happens in their lives. A contrary, myopic world view based on individuals’ skin color to the total exclusion of their personal choices is nothing short of racial determinism.

JUSTICE JACKSON then builds from her faulty premise to call for action, arguing that courts should defer to “experts” and allow institutions to discriminate on the basis of race. Make no mistake: Her dissent is not a vanguard of the in-nocent and helpless. It is instead a call to empower privileged elites, who will “tell us [what] is required to level the playing field” among castes and classifications that they alone can divine. Then, after siloing us all into racial castes and pitting those castes against each other, the dissent somehow believes that we will be able—at some undefined point—to “march forward together” into some utopian vision.

Unsurprisingly, this tried-and-failed system defies both law and reason. Start with the obvious: If social reorganization in the name of equality may be justified by the mere fact of statistical disparities among racial groups, then that reorganization must continue until these disparities are fully eliminated, regardless of the reasons for the disparities and the cost of their elimination. If blacks fail a test at higher rates than their white counterparts (regardless of whether the reason for the disparity has anything at all to do with race), the only solution will be race-focused measures. If those measures were to result in blacks failing at yet higher rates, the only solution would be to double down.

In such a system, it would not matter how many innocents suffer race-based injuries; all that would matter is reaching the race-based goal.

Worse, the classifications that JUSTICE JACKSON draws are themselves race-based stereotypes. She focuses on two hypothetical applicants, John and James, competing for admission to UNC. John is a white, seventh-generation legacy at the school, while James is black and would be the first in his family to attend UNC. JUSTICE JACKSON argues that race-conscious admission programs are necessary to adequately compare the two applicants.

As an initial matter, it is not clear why James’s race is the only factor that could encourage UNC to admit him; his status as a first-generation college applicant seems to contextualize his application. But, setting that aside, why is it that John should be judged based on the actions of his great great-great-grandparents?

And what would JUSTICE JACKSON say to John when deeming him not as worthy of admission: Some statistically significant number of white people had advantages in college admissions seven generations ago, and you have inherited their incurable sin?

As one prominent conservative notes, this is exactly why the hateful left fears Thomas and is desperately trying to get him removed from the Court…

You can read the full Supreme Court opinion below. Thomas’ destruction of Jackson starts on page 97.

affirmative action supreme court


Michelle O is not happy ☹️, which is fun since she is usually unhappy about things that are good for America.

Bitter Michelle Obama Releases Statement Following SCOTUS Ruling Against Affirmative Action – But Conveniently Leaves Out Why She Was Accepted to Princeton
She issued a rambling statement that concludes with this:

So today, my heart breaks for any young person out there who’s wondering what their future holds – and what kinds of chances will be open to them. And while I know the strength and grit that lies inside kids who have always had to sweat a little more to climb the same ladders, I hope and I pray that the rest of us are willing to sweat a little, too. Today is a reminder that we’ve got to do the work not just to enact policies that reflect our values of* equity and fairness, but to truly make those values real in all of our schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods.”

However, Michelle Obama conveniently forgot to mention why she was accepted into Princeton when her test scores were so low.

The Gateway Pundit reported this back in May 2008.

How did she reach over that bar that they’re always raising and get accepted into Princeton?

Here’s how…

Craig Robinson, who preceded his sister at Princeton to become its fourth highest-scoring basketball player. Robinson was a two-time Ivy League Player of the Year at Princeton University, graduating in 1983 with an AB in Sociology.

During Michelle Obama’s junior year in high school, Michelle visited Craig at Princeton University, which had recruited him to play basketball (at 6 feet 7, he became the school’s fourth-leading scorer in its history). She set her sights on following Craig, also an excellent student. But, Michelle did not have high enough test scores.

Michelle’s mother talked about Michelle’s difficulty in taking tests. Something that she still regrets to this day…

So, how did she do it? How did she get accepted to Princeton even though she did not have high enough test scores?

A campaign official answered that question for Michelle:

“A campaign spokeswoman says she had an edge getting into Princeton not because of affirmative action, but because her older brother was there as a scholar athlete.”

Thank God for big brother Craig.

Michelle conveniently left this out of her screed today.

I had not heard about her low test scores before, and I hope this is an accurate story.


Dinesh D’Souza:

Just read Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis. She is a perfect example of an intellectually mediocre student who can barely put a sentence together and should never have been admitted to an Ivy League school. Will anyone with a straight face deny this?


I hope this decision will help ensure that competent, qualified people will be placed in positions of responsibility in the future (i.e., the unqualified should be weeded out from getting a college degree).


“… the unqualified should be weeded out… “

Needs to be done EVERYWHERE; NOT just “College”.


The last page of Justice Thomas’ concurrence:

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Justice Thomas is a gift to America, that keeps on giving to America.


He is a national treasure. Admire him greatly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Excellently put (but then this is Clarence Thomas, so what else would it be?)!


There is only one race … the human race.

Different skin color, eye color, etc., are

all variations on a theme.

Cuppa Covfefe

But…but….but….but…. what about NASCAR????? And the door pulls?????


They are for hanging very small midgets.

Cuppa Covfefe



Kartooni Brown Jackson is a gift to Clarence Thomas. He should be licking his chops and looking forward to decades more on the court, taking advantage of every opportunity — which means every court decision — to destroy the idiocy of the Left, represented in full by Kartooni, who exemplifies Leftist idiocy in every thought and utterance.


Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948)

(from Wiki):


Hopefully he has 20 more good years on the bench 👍


Or more!!!


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Day One….Litenmaus: “Paul Manafort’s involvement with Ukraine got lost in all the noise of Crossfire Hurricane, but if anyone is interested, I’d be happy to pull together some aggregated information as a reminder that Manafort’s takedown was coordinated and had nothing to do with FARA non-compliance.”

Day 3….
Paul Manafort – (Page 5 of ??????)

In October 2017 Ukrainian Parliament Member Rozenblat opened a case against fellow Parliament Member Serhii Leschenko and NABU Director Artem Syntyk for interfering in the American Election by releasing information on Trump’s campaign Manager Paul Manafort in connection with the so-called Party of Regions “Black Ledger.”

December 5, 2017 – An attempt is made to arrest Mikheil Saakashvili.

December 6, 2017 – A second attempt is made to arrest Mikheil Saakashvili

Saakashvili was a former President of the Republic of Georgia. In 2015 Saakashvili gave up his citizenship and he moved to Ukraine where he became the Governor of the Odessa oblast in Ukraine. The arrests were a result of the fact that by 2017 Saakashvili was a vocal critic of current US supported Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko. 
(Between 2018-2020, Christine Pushaw, Candidate Ron DeSantis’ press secretary is working on behalf of Mikheil Saakashvili in order to unseat Petro Poroshenko in the 2019 Presidential election.)

Dec 6, 2017, (The Kiev Post) – (LVIV Ukraine)  Michael Carpenter, former advisor to Vice President Joe Biden:
“If the Rada[Ukraine Parliament] votes to dismiss the head of the Rada Anticorruption Committee (Soboliev) and the head of the NABU, I will recommend cutting all U.S. government assistance to Ukraine, including security assistance, This is a disgrace.

Dec 7, 2017
The Ukraine Parliament in an effort to wrest control of the United States over the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine,(NABU) votes to remove opposition Parliamentary Member and head of the Parliamentary Anti-Corruption Commission, Yegor Soboliev. 

February 13, 2018 – Alex Van Der Zwaan is indicted by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller for misleading investigators about communications with political consultant and lobbyist Rick Gates. He immediately takes a plea agreement.

February 16, 2018 – The Mueller/DOJ obtains indictments of 13 Russian’s for “election interference”

February 20, 2018 – A plea hearing takes place. Van der Zwaan pleads guilty

Corrupt judge Amy Berman Jackson is the weaponized judge chosen to hear Van Der Zwaan’s plea.  .Andrew Weissman is the prosecuting attorney for the office of the Special Counsel.

[narrative reporting]
“First, the defense argues that Van der Zwaan didn’t hide the communications he had with Rick Gates and Konstantin Kilimnik in fall 2016 to hide the ongoing relationship Trump’s onetime campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had with someone[Konstantin Kliminick] that the FBI still believed had ties to GRU, the Russian intelligence agency behind the hack-and-leak of the DNC emails. Rather, his defense lawyers claim Van der Zwaan hid those things (or rather, attempted to hide them, using means it’s shocking a lawyer would believe might work) because he didn’t want to reveal to the Skadden lawyers who represented him in his first interview[Nov 3, 2017] with Mueller’s team that he had recorded his conversations in that time period with Greg Craig.”

Defense stated that Zwaan knew it was improper to have recorded his conversation with the Skadden senior partner; indeed, Zwaan understood that he could be fired for having done so. He also knew that a truthful disclosure about his September 2016 calls with Gates and Kliminik would almost inevitably lead to questioning that could quickly get to the existence of the recordings.
During the interview, Alex was keenly aware that he was not speaking only to the Office of the Special Counsel.  Alex was represented by Skadden lawyers, and anything he shared with the Office of the Special Counsel would simultaneously be heard by Skadden. In his mind, his boss was listening to every word.

Defense also put out the idea that Vander Zwaan couldn’t read the document that was provided to him by Rick Gates to be sent to Konstantin Kliminik.

Weissman stressed that Van der Zwaan “leaked an advance copy of the Tymoshenko report to the Ukraine public relations firm retained to ‘spin’ the report, despite his knowing that this was against the express wishes of the Skaaden.

When it was discovered that the press relations firm had an advance copy, van der Zwaan lied to the senior partner on the matter and said he had no idea how the firm obtained the draft. In addition, far from distancing himself from spinning the report, van der Zwaan orally gave Gates talking points as to how to present the report in an advantageous light to Ukraine.”

While we knew that Van der Zwaan had shared the Skadden report with Gates and Kilimnik back in 2012, in direct violation of Skadden’s wishes, the defense filing reveals another key detail. In 2012, either while he was moonlighting while being paid by Skadden to help Manafort, Gates, and Kilimnik spin the Skadden report to make the prosecution of Tymoshenko look “legitimate” or just after, Van der Zwaan was talking about working for Manafort and Gates another reason for van der Zwaan to hide information.

Beyond the crime of lying to federal investigators and trying to destroy or withhold evidence, Weissman does not see any reason why van der Zwaan should get any breaks beyond what is permitted under federal sentencing guidelines.

“This is not an isolated incident of simply making one bad decision,” Weissmann told the judge Tuesday. Van Der Zwaan “demonstrated a moral compass that was off-kilter.”
Weissmann declined to ask the judge to give van Der Zwaan a specific length of sentence.
However, Weissmann noted how closely watched this case has been and asked the judge for a sentence that would deter other witnesses from misleading the federal prosecutors, especially since he was a lawyer “who should know better.”
“We count on people to tell us the truth. We count on people to turn over documents,” Weissmann said.

As a result of the recordings coming to light and one conversation specifically wherein Director Attorney Greg Criag tells van der Zwaan that there “were additional payments” and the “official contract was only part of the iceberg” and that the story “may become a blow for you and me personally,” a corruption investigation is opened by the Department of Justice into Skaaden Arp and the funds paid for the review and report of the Tymoshenko prosecution in 2011

February 23, 2018: Paul Manafort’s one time business associate Rick Gates agrees to plea deal. He pleads guilty to one charge of false statements and one charge of conspiracy and agrees to cooperate with the Mueller probe in their prosecution of Paul Manafort. 
In Gate’s plea agreement, Andrew Weissmann and the Special Counsel reduce more than a dozen charges, including money laundering, down to just two.

March 8, 2018 – Manafort has pled not guilty to charges that include money laundering and conspiracy.

April 3, 2018 – Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentences Van der Zwaan to serve 30 days in prison and pay a $20,000 fine.

May 2018:  Sketchy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti releases U.S. Treasury notifications on Trump Attorney Michael Cohen and New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow writes a sympathetic article on the leaking treasury official who has been providing Avenatti with the Treasury reports. As a result, the Treasury Inspector General begins an investigation.

August 8, 2018 Manafort’s longtime business partner Rick Gates reveal that he first disclosed the existence of his & Manafort’s consulting firm’s foreign bank accounts to the FBI in 2014, long before the pair became targets of a government fraud investigation.

August 12, 2018 –   Batkivshchyna Party leader Yulia Tymoshenko met with former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani during a working visit to the United States. They discussed security issues, in particular the escalation of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the provision of US assistance to Ukraine, including arms for counteraction Russian aggression.

Yulia Tymoshenko also met with Congressman Adam Schiff, a high-ranking member of the US House Intelligence Committee, to inform him about the security situation in Ukraine as a result of the escalation of the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine.

October 2018 – Ms. Sours-Edwards, a former senior adviser at the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) is arrested on Suspicion of leaking Suspicious Activity Reports to Ronan Farrow at the New Yorker.
December 11, 2018. In Kiev, Ukraine, Artem Sytnyk & Andrii Luschenko are convicted for election interference in the US Presidential election. The court ruled that the publication of the “black ledger” documents “led to interference in the electoral processes of the United States in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine as a state.”

Recorded testimony from Sytnyk during trial has him on record stating that the reason that they released the now determined fraudulent “Black Ledger” was to assist Hillary Clinton in her bid for re-election.

December 17, 2018 – Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Rick Gates, Donald Trump’s former deputy campaign manager, to 36 months of probation, 45 days in “intermittent confinement” on weekends, 300 hours of community service and $20,000 in fines.

The week of December 20 2018, Yulia Tymoshenko is in the United States to bring attention to her Ukrainian Presidential campaign and to solicit funds. The media reported on the fund raising: “Ukrainian presidential hopeful Yulia Tymoshenko came to the United States last week for a round of meetings with American policymakers, hoping the millions of (undeclared) dollars she has spent lobbying Washington officials over the years will benefit her presidential campaign more than her collection of selfies with politicians has”

But unreported is the fact that Tymoshenko made a special little side trip away from her fundraisers and privately met with U.S. Representative Adam Schiff who has been calling for President Trump’s imprisonment. 

This Schiff meeting shows how remarkably unsophisticated and deaf to advice Tymoshenko is regarding how Washington politics works. “If you are trying to lobby yourself with the White House, why would you meet with a radical anti-Trump Democrat who is leading the charge to impeach President Trump?”

It will be another 8 months before we discover who was paying for the Tymoshenko Review and who “funneled” money to Paul Manafort that led to the charges of “money laundering”


The Manafort File by litenmaus pts 1-5. Any formatting mistakes would be mine 😮😏😉

The Manafort File by litenmaus pts 1-5
The Manafort File by litenmaus Starts here. (Sparked by a Pheonix post, but unless you read all the links I don’t see from where Maybe someone can point that out? or correct me.) 

“At LAST somebody in the Fake News programming makes the Manafort connection.”

Oh my…anybody remember Alexander van der Zwaan & Skadden Arp/White House Counsel, Attorney Greg Craig and Former American approved Ukraine Presidential candidate Yulia Tymochenko?

Anybody remember Crossfire Fury, Ukraines NABU anti-corruption organization & its Director, Artem Syntyk, US Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovich and corrupt US Judge, Amy Berman Jackson’s role in both the van der Zwaan and Manafort takedowns?

Paul Manafort’s involvement with Ukraine got lost in all the noise of Crossfire Hurricane, but if anyone is interested, I’d be happy to pull together some aggregated information as a reminder that Manafort’s takedown was coordinated and had nothing to do with FARA non-compliance.

Paul Manafort (page one of ???)

2008-2014 – The precursor years…..

Meet former White House Counsel, Attorney Greg Craig. When President Bill Clinton was accused of having sex (not sex?) with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval office, the Attorney hired by Bill Clinton was Greg Craig.

In 2008 during President Obozo’s campaign, Obozo hired Greg Craig, and upon Obozo’s inauguration on January 20, 2009, Greg Craig became the White House Counsel.

During this same time frame, Legal Firm, Skadden Arp was building a brand new division in their law firm specifically for Greg Craig and after less than one year as White House Counsel, Greg Craig left the White House and took the position as the Director of the Ukrainian Political Division at the Skadden Arp Law Firm.

In 2009, two candidates were beginning to campaign for the seat of President of Ukraine. Candidate number one was Victor Yanukovych. Candidate number two was Yulia Tymoshenko.

Viktor Yanukovych was the current Prime Minister of Ukraine, a pro-Russian who had formerly served as the Governor of the Donetsk Oblast.

Yulia Tymoshenko was a Ukrainian business woman who made her bones in the gas industry and her company became the main importer of Russian gas. Tymoshenko was in partnership with Bill Clinton’s best friend forever, Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk. By 1995-1997 Tymoshenko was listed as one of the richest business people in Ukraine and in 2009 she had the full backing of the United States for her Presidential run.

In 2010, Viktor Yanukovych, by a 3 1/2% point difference, defeated Yulia Tymoshenko. 

Tymoshenko, as leader of the Batkivschyna political party was appointed by Yanokovych as Ukraine’s Prime Minister and Tymoshenko immediately began to abuse the power of the Prime Minister’s office to undermine Yanukovych.

Tymoshenko was the Ukrainian spearhead working with Victoria Nuland and the US State Department to foment and bring about the Orange Revolution and Tymoshenko intended to unseat Yanukovych by crook or by hook.

In 2011, Tymoshenko was charged by the Ukraine criminal courts for “abuse of power” and she was imprisoned by the Yanukovych administration. Much uproar by the West and the US State Department accusing Yanukovych of a “politically motivated persecution” of Tymoshenko.

Enter Paul Manafort and Skadden Arp Law Offices.

According to legal documents filed during the trial of Manafort’s partner, Rick Gates, it is revealed that Manafort arranged for the Ukrainian government to hire Skadden Arps to produce a report in 2012 examining the legitimacy of the prosecution of a Yanukovych rival, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. According to court filings, Manafort and Gates reportedly used an offshore account to “funnel $4 million to pay for the report,”

Director/Attorney Greg Craig oversaw Skadden’s review of Tymoshenko’s prosecution, which largely defended the prosecution and conviction of Tymoshenko, contradicting the view held by the U.S. and the European Union that the case against her was politically motivated.  Human rights groups criticized the report as a white wash.  

On February 24, 2014 the Orange Revolution resulted in a coup against President Yanukovych. He fled the country and immediately thereafter, Yulia Tymoshenko was released from prison in Ukraine.

Six months later, Yulia Tymoshenko is working with the US State Department:

(Interfax – October 7, 2014) Ukraine’s Batkivshchyna party leader Yulia Tymoshenko and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland met in Kyiv recently to discuss the implementation of the September 5 Minsk agreements offering steps to settle the conflict in south-eastern Ukraine.

Paul Manafort – (Page 2 of ?????)

December 2015 – Ukrainian editor of Pravda Ukraine, Serhiy Leschenko is invited to the White House.

Leschenko’s meeting was hosted by Mike Carpenter:

Michael Carpenter is senior director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. He is a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia and foreign policy advisor to Vice President Joe Biden.

January 2016 – Appointed in 2015 under the Biden Vice-Presidency, Artem Sytnyk is the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. He is invited to the White House.

Sytnyk’s WH meeting included the DOJ’s Regional Director for Eurasia from the Office of Prosecutorial Development and Training, Catherine Newcombe. Also included Jeffrey Cole, Resident Legal Advisor US Embassy in Ukraine, a federal prosecutor.

Syntyk’s meeting was hosted by Eric Ciaramella. Ciaramella was McMaster’s assistant (National Security Council) and was the “whistleblower” with second hand knowledge (via Fatman Vindman) of the “perfect telephone call” that led for calls of Impeachment against President Trum

January 2016 – The FBI Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section located within the Criminal Division at the FBI Washington Headquarters opens a CRIMINAL investigation into Paul Manafort.

FBI Agent in Charge, Bruce Ohr participates in the discussions concerned allegations that Manafort had engaged in money laundering and tax evasion while acting as a political consultant to members of the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian politicians.

On March 11, 2016, all the work that FBI “under-cover employee” Carter Page did to assist the FBI in their prosecution comes to fruition and Russian Evgeny Burylakov is found guilty.

On March 14, 2016, while in Italy, George Papadopolaus is introduced to Professor Mifsud

March 28, 2016 Paul Manafort joins the Trump campaign.

On or about April 18, 2016 Perkins Coie Attorney Michael Sussman working for the DNC & Hillary Clinton for America campaign and Perkins Coie Attorney Marc Elias working for the DNC & the Hillary Clinton for America campaign, called in Crowdstrike’s Chief Operating Officer, Shaun Henry regarding an alleged computer hack on the DNC Server. By April 22, 2016 Crowdstrike writes a report and declares that Russian hackers have “exfiltrated” data.

July 31, 2016 – Crossfire Hurricane is officially announced. Crossfire Hurricane was the overall CIA/FBI/DOJ operation against Citizen, then President Elect and continuing into the Presidential Administration of Donald J Trump.

August 10, 2016 – The Steele Dossier “Report 2016/95” notoriously stated that there was a “well-developed conspiracy of co-operation” between Trump campaign and “Russian leadership”, run through Manafort and Carter Page, arising because Putin “hated and feared” Hillary Clinton. The Report also mentions campaign aide George Papodopolas by name.

The FBI uses this August 10 report as predicate to legitimizer existing “off the books” investigations into Papodopolas, Page & Manafort.

Crossfire Dragon – was the surveillance operation against CIA operative & FBI employee Carter Page
Crossfire Typhoon – was to damage relations involving the proposed Cyprus pipeline and targeted George Popadopalous.
Crossfire Fury – was the operation to take out Ukranian opposition Paul Manafort

August 12, 2016 – FBI “Confidential Source” Eric Halper delivers to the FBI a report wherein he names Walid Phares and Michael Flynn

Crossfire Razor – was the operation to disable Trump’s intelligence department and involved the set-up of Michael Flynn. [VP Mike Pence’s involvement in the set up/take down of Michael Flynn has not gone unnoticed]

Crossfire Wind – was the operation to disable Walid Phares and hamper Trump’s Middle East agenda.

August 15, 2016 – Serhiy Leschenko is provided with the infamous Paul Manafort “Black Ledger” and prints an expose regarding Manfort’s alleged money laundering. Leschenko has conveniently been gifted the “Black Leger” by US Ambassador Marie Yovanovich who received the “Black Ledger” from the director of the National Bureau of Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine who is fully under the charge of the US Ambassador, Marie Yovanovich.

Paul Manafort – Page 3 of ?????

On the very same day that Kiev Pravda printed the revelations of the “Black Ledger”, Andrew Kramer reporting from Kiev, Steven Lee Myers contributing from Washington DC and Mike McIntire and Barry Meier contributing from New York come together and write a “narrative” article for the New York Times under the by-line Andrew Kramer, Mike McIntire and Barry Meier..The article includes photos of part of the so-called handwritten Black Ledger. ..

(NYT excerpts)
“Hand-written ledgers show $12.7 million in cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from the pro-Russian political party of Viktor F. Yanukovych. Mr. Manafort did not receive “any such cash payments,” his lawyer said.”

“The National Anti Corruption Bureau of Ukraine which obtained the ledger, said in a statement that Mr. Manafort’s name appeared 22 times in the documents over five years, with payment totaling $12.7 million. The purpose of the payments is not clear. Nor is the outcome, since the handwritten entries cannot be cross-referenced against banking records and signatures for receipt have not yet been verified.”

“Paul Manafort is among those names on the list of so-called “black accounts of the Party of Regions”, which the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine are investigating. We emphasize that the presence of P. Manafort’s name in the list does not mean that he actually got the money, because the signatures that appear in the column of recipients could belong to other people”

“The accounting records surfaced this year, when Serhiy A. Leshchenko, a member of Parliament who said he had received a partial copy from a source he did not identify, published line items covering six months of outlays in 2012 totaling $66 million. In an interview, Mr. Leshchenko said another source had provided the entire multiyear ledger to Viktor M. Trepak, a former deputy director of the domestic intelligence agency of Ukraine, the S.B.U., who passed it to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.”

Note: We’ll watch this same process play out with the Steele dossier in Dec 16, 2016. Senator John McCain flies his assistant to pick up a dossier from Steele and then Senator John McCain gives the dossier to the FBI who match it to a document they received from another agency and the FBI in turn passes it along to the Mueller special counsel….The dossier, by passing through the hands of multiple agencies, gains the air of credibility. Handwritten notes given to the SBU then passed along to NABU and then provided to the media gives the same air of credibility to the Manafort “Black Ledger”

“Anti-corruption officials there say the payments earmarked for Mr. Manafort, previously unreported, are a focus of their investigation, though they have yet to determine if he actually received the cash. While Mr. Manafort is not a target in the separate inquiry of offshore activities, prosecutors say he must have realized the implications of his financial dealings.
“He understood what was happening in Ukraine,” said Vitaliy Kasko, a former senior official with the general prosecutor’s office in Kiev. “It would have to be clear to any reasonable person that the Yanukovych clan, when it came to power, was engaged in corruption.”

The New York Times article also points out Paul Manafort’s business partner in Ukraine, Konstantin Kilimnik and closes the article detailing items found in Manafort’s previous office in Kiev: 

“At Mr. Manafort’s old office on Sofiivska Street, new tenants said they had discovered several curiosities……… a piece of white paper bearing a rough sketch of Independence Square, the site of the 2014 uprising that drove Yanukovych from power.”

Four days later, August 19, 2016, Paul Manafort would resign as Campaign Manager for the Donald J Trump Presidential campaign.

September 2016: Manafort associate, Rick Gates contacts Skadden Arps attorney, Alexander Van der Zwaan, attaches a document written in Ukrainian and Gates urges van der Zwaan to contact Konstantin Kliminik.

September 12, 2016: Van der Zwaan emails Konstantin Kilimnik. Kilimnik requests that Van der Zwaan contact him via his Telegraph or WhatsApp accounts.

Van der Zwaan reports this interaction to Greg Craig and Van der Zwaan reports back to Gates the steps that he’s taken.

October 21, 2016 The First Foreign Intelligence Surveillance warrant sought by FBI Director James Comey & Attorney General Sally Yates against FBI/CIA Confidential Human Source, Carter Page is issued.

On October 31, 2016, Hillary Clinton tweeted, “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.” She included a lengthy statement from Sullivan titled “New Report Exposing Trump’s Secret Line of Communication to Russia.” and the Alfa Bank Hoax begins in earnest

[Ukrainian/Russian oligarch German Kahn owns over 20% interest in Alfa Bank…Alexander Van der Zwaan is dating German Kahn’s daughter]

November 8, 2016 – Donald J Trump becomes President-Elect of the United States

It will be another year before Paul Manafort is initially indicted for charges that included conspiracy against the United States; conspiracy to launder money; serving as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal; false and misleading Foreign Agents Registration Act statements; false statements; and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts. 


Paul Manafort – (Page 4 of ????)

Meanwhile….The coup against the incoming President continues and Russia, Russia, Russia becomes the all consuming narrative..and the noise of the Hoaxes begins anew with charges against incoming Intelligence Director Michael Flynn, with the January 6, 2017 Intelligence committee report that was on based part by Steele Dossier Report 2016/95, with the January 10, 2017, Buzzfeed release of a part of the Steele Dossier which accuses President Elect Donald Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen of having traveled to Prague and meeting with Russians and with the January 12 receipt of the renewal of the FISA surveillance warrant against Carter Page and the incoming President of the United States. 

Paul Manafort becomes a side note until May 17, 2017 with the appointment of the Robert Mueller Special Counsel under the direction of Attorney Andrew Weissman.

Yulia Tymoshenko quietly announces that she and her party will be seeking the Presidential office in the 2019 elections.

March to May 2017: Pending Assistant Attorney General nominee Brian Benczkowski advises Alfa Bank on a defamation lawsuit against Buzzfeed

May 26, 2017: After months of consultation with attorney Benczkowski, Alfa Bank (and German Khan by name) sues Buzzfeed over printing the Steele dossier lies about Alfa Bank.

June 2017: Alexander Van der Zwaan and Eva Khan marry; she applies for permanent residency as his spouse

October 3, 2017: Alfa Bank lawsuit is moved to federal jurisdiction

Starting in October 2017, Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards a senior adviser at the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, illegally & repeatedly transmitted Suspicious Activity Reports and other sensitive government information to a reporter.

The illegally disclosed Suspicious Activity Reports pertained to, among other things, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, the Russian Embassy, Maria Butina, and Prevezon Alexander.

October 30, 2017 – Paul Manafort arrested.

October 30, 2017 – Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and onetime business associate Rick Gates were indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of conspiracy and money laundering in connection with an intensifying investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Prior to November 3, 2017: Van der Zwaan gives Skadden Arp his laptop from the 2012 time frame

November 3, 2017: Van der Zwaan participates in eight hour voluntary interview with the FBI. Zwaan was represented by Skadden Arps lawyers; during that interview, FBI confronts him with an email he withheld from Skadden’s discovery

Van der Zwaan was confronted with an email dated September 12, 2016, sent by the Russian[Konstantin Kliminik] to van der Zwaan at his Skadden work email which read, albeit written in Russian, that “Person A[Kliminik] would like to exchange a few words via WhatsApp or Telegram,” court documents read. “van der Zwaan lied and said he had no idea why that email had not been produced to the government, and further lied when he stated that he had not communicated with Person A[Kliminik] in response to the email.”

November 29, 2017: Kilimnik emails Manafort for review of a purportedly exonerating op-ed

December 1, 2017: Van der Zwaan’s second interview with FBI
We learn at this point that Van der Zwaan is being targeted by Andrew Weissman, not for money laundering or conspiracy or attacks against America but Van der Zwaan is being targeted because of the 2012 Tymoshenko Review Report.

As Mueller wrote: in the words of one witness, van der Zwaan had “gone native”—that is, he had grown too close to Manafort, Gates, and Person A [Konstantin Kliminick] and instead “leaked an advance copy of the Tymoshenko report to the public relations firm retained to ‘spin’ the report, despite his knowing that this was against the express wishes of the firm.
When it was discovered that the press relations firm had an advance copy, van der Zwaan lied to the senior partner[Greg Craig] on the matter and said he had no idea how the firm obtained the draft. In addition, far from distancing himself from spinning the report, van der Zwaan orally gave Rick Gates talking points as to how to present the Tymoshenko report in an advantageous light to Ukraine.”

And we learn…Alexander Van der Zwaan surreptiously recorded ‘everything’ including his employer Greg Craig….
Day One….Litenmaus: “Paul Manafort’s involvement with Ukraine got lost in all the noise of Crossfire Hurricane, but if anyone is interested, I’d be happy to pull together some aggregated information as a reminder that Manafort’s takedown was coordinated and had nothing to do with FARA non-compliance.”
Day 3….

Paul Manafort – (Page 5 of ??????)
In October 2017 Ukrainian Parliament Member Rozenblat opened a case against fellow Parliament Member Serhii Leschenko and NABU Director Artem Syntyk for interfering in the American Election by releasing information on Trump’s campaign Manager Paul Manafort in connection with the so-called Party of Regions “Black Ledger.”

December 5, 2017 – An attempt is made to arrest Mikheil Saakashvili.

December 6, 2017 – A second attempt is made to arrest Mikheil Saakashvili
Saakashvili was a former President of the Republic of Georgia. In 2015 Saakashvili gave up his citizenship and he moved to Ukraine where he became the Governor of the Odessa oblast in Ukraine. The arrests were a result of the fact that by 2017 Saakashvili was a vocal critic of current US supported Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko. 
(Between 2018-2020, Christine Pushaw, Candidate Ron DeSantis’ press secretary is working on behalf of Mikheil Saakashvili in order to unseat Petro Poroshenko in the 2019 Presidential election.)

Dec 6, 2017, (The Kiev Post) – (LVIV Ukraine) Michael Carpenter, former advisor to Vice President Joe Biden:
“If the Rada[Ukraine Parliament] votes to dismiss the head of the Rada Anticorruption Committee (Soboliev) and the head of the NABU, I will recommend cutting all U.S. government assistance to Ukraine, including security assistance, This is a disgrace.

Dec 7, 2017
The Ukraine Parliament in an effort to wrest control of the United States over the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine,(NABU) votes to remove opposition Parliamentary Member and head of the Parliamentary Anti-Corruption Commission, Yegor Soboliev. 

February 13, 2018 – Alex Van Der Zwaan is indicted by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller for misleading investigators about communications with political consultant and lobbyist Rick Gates. He immediately takes a plea agreement.

February 16, 2018 – The Mueller/DOJ obtains indictments of 13 Russian’s for “election interference”

February 20, 2018 – A plea hearing takes place. Van der Zwaan pleads guilty
Corrupt judge Amy Berman Jackson is the weaponized judge chosen to hear Van Der Zwaan’s plea.  .Andrew Weissman is the prosecuting attorney for the office of the Special Counsel.
[narrative reporting]
“First, the defense argues that Van der Zwaan didn’t hide the communications he had with Rick Gates and Konstantin Kilimnik in fall 2016 to hide the ongoing relationship Trump’s onetime campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had with someone[Konstantin Kliminick] that the FBI still believed had ties to GRU, the Russian intelligence agency behind the hack-and-leak of the DNC emails. Rather, his defense lawyers claim Van der Zwaan hid those things (or rather, attempted to hide them, using means it’s shocking a lawyer would believe might work) because he didn’t want to reveal to the Skadden lawyers who represented him in his first interview[Nov 3, 2017] with Mueller’s team that he had recorded his conversations in that time period with Greg Craig.”

Defense stated that Zwaan knew it was improper to have recorded his conversation with the Skadden senior partner; indeed, Zwaan understood that he could be fired for having done so. He also knew that a truthful disclosure about his September 2016 calls with Gates and Kliminik would almost inevitably lead to questioning that could quickly get to the existence of the recordings.

During the interview, Alex was keenly aware that he was not speaking only to the Office of the Special Counsel. Alex was represented by Skadden lawyers, and anything he shared with the Office of the Special Counsel would simultaneously be heard by Skadden. In his mind, his boss was listening to every word.

Defense also put out the idea that Vander Zwaan couldn’t read the document that was provided to him by Rick Gates to be sent to Konstantin Kliminik.

Weissman stressed that Van der Zwaan “leaked an advance copy of the Tymoshenko report to the Ukraine public relations firm retained to ‘spin’ the report, despite his knowing that this was against the express wishes of the Skaaden.

When it was discovered that the press relations firm had an advance copy, van der Zwaan lied to the senior partner on the matter and said he had no idea how the firm obtained the draft. In addition, far from distancing himself from spinning the report, van der Zwaan orally gave Gates talking points as to how to present the report in an advantageous light to Ukraine.”

While we knew that Van der Zwaan had shared the Skadden report with Gates and Kilimnik back in 2012, in direct violation of Skadden’s wishes, the defense filing reveals another key detail. In 2012, either while he was moonlighting while being paid by Skadden to help Manafort, Gates, and Kilimnik spin the Skadden report to make the prosecution of Tymoshenko look “legitimate” or just after, Van der Zwaan was talking about working for Manafort and Gates another reason for van der Zwaan to hide information.

Beyond the crime of lying to federal investigators and trying to destroy or withhold evidence, Weissman does not see any reason why van der Zwaan should get any breaks beyond what is permitted under federal sentencing guidelines.

“This is not an isolated incident of simply making one bad decision,” Weissmann told the judge Tuesday. Van Der Zwaan “demonstrated a moral compass that was off-kilter.”
Weissmann declined to ask the judge to give van Der Zwaan a specific length of sentence.

However, Weissmann noted how closely watched this case has been and asked the judge for a sentence that would deter other witnesses from misleading the federal prosecutors, especially since he was a lawyer “who should know better.”

“We count on people to tell us the truth. We count on people to turn over documents,” Weissmann said.

As a result of the recordings coming to light and one conversation specifically wherein Director Attorney Greg Criag tells van der Zwaan that there “were additional payments” and the “official contract was only part of the iceberg” and that the story “may become a blow for you and me personally,” a corruption investigation is opened by the Department of Justice into Skaaden Arp and the funds paid for the review and report of the Tymoshenko prosecution in 2011

February 23, 2018: Paul Manafort’s one time business associate Rick Gates agrees to plea deal. He pleads guilty to one charge of false statements and one charge of conspiracy and agrees to cooperate with the Mueller probe in their prosecution of Paul Manafort. 

In Gate’s plea agreement, Andrew Weissmann and the Special Counsel reduce more than a dozen charges, including money laundering, down to just two.
March 8, 2018 – Manafort has pled not guilty to charges that include money laundering and conspiracy.

April 3, 2018 – Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentences Van der Zwaan to serve 30 days in prison and pay a $20,000 fine.
May 2018: Sketchy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti releases U.S. Treasury notifications on Trump Attorney Michael Cohen and New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow writes a sympathetic article on the leaking treasury official who has been providing Avenatti with the Treasury reports. As a result, the Treasury Inspector General begins an investigation.

August 8, 2018 Manafort’s longtime business partner Rick Gates reveal that he first disclosed the existence of his & Manafort’s consulting firm’s foreign bank accounts to the FBI in 2014, long before the pair became targets of a government fraud investigation.

August 12, 2018 –  Batkivshchyna Party leader Yulia Tymoshenko met with former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani during a working visit to the United States. They discussed security issues, in particular the escalation of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the provision of US assistance to Ukraine, including arms for counteraction Russian aggression.

Yulia Tymoshenko also met with Congressman Adam Schiff, a high-ranking member of the US House Intelligence Committee, to inform him about the security situation in Ukraine as a result of the escalation of the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine.
October 2018 – Ms. Sours-Edwards, a former senior adviser at the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) is arrested on Suspicion of leaking Suspicious Activity Reports to Ronan Farrow at the New Yorker.
December 11, 2018. In Kiev, Ukraine, Artem Sytnyk & Andrii Luschenko are convicted for election interference in the US Presidential election. The court ruled that the publication of the “black ledger” documents “led to interference in the electoral processes of the United States in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine as a state.”

Recorded testimony from Sytnyk during trial has him on record stating that the reason that they released the now determined fraudulent “Black Ledger” was to assist Hillary Clinton in her bid for re-election.

December 17, 2018 – Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Rick Gates, Donald Trump’s former deputy campaign manager, to 36 months of probation, 45 days in “intermittent confinement” on weekends, 300 hours of community service and $20,000 in fines.

The week of December 20 2018, Yulia Tymoshenko is in the United States to bring attention to her Ukrainian Presidential campaign and to solicit funds. The media reported on the fund raising: “Ukrainian presidential hopeful Yulia Tymoshenko came to the United States last week for a round of meetings with American policymakers, hoping the millions of (undeclared) dollars she has spent lobbying Washington officials over the years will benefit her presidential campaign more than her collection of selfies with politicians has”
But unreported is the fact that Tymoshenko made a special little side trip away from her fundraisers and privately met with U.S. Representative Adam Schiff who has been calling for President Trump’s imprisonment. 

This Schiff meeting shows how remarkably unsophisticated and deaf to advice Tymoshenko is regarding how Washington politics works. “If you are trying to lobby yourself with the White House, why would you meet with a radical anti-Trump Democrat who is leading the charge to impeach President Trump?”

It will be another 8 months before we discover who was paying for the Tymoshenko Review and who “funneled” money to Paul Manafort that led to the charges of “money laundering”

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Thank you para…greatly appreciated.

:0) Not sure I’m going to finish the sixth installment tonight, but if I do, it will be posted much later this evening….


TY para59r !


TY again for doing this !


YW Nor’easter….:0)


Another SCOTUS decision from today:

Supreme Court rules Christian postal worker does NOT have to work on a Sunday in victory for religious liberty

● Justices said employers must show ‘substantial hardship’ in accommodating someone’s religious beliefs 

● Devout Christian Gerald Groff resigned in protest in 2019

● His case will now return to lower courts to be heard once more 


I’m a little torn about this…

Part of it stems from seeing so-called “REASONABLE ACCOMODATIONS” made for religious purposes.

For example, I have seen “accommodations” for HEAD COVERINGS of various TRIBES that are otherwise in UNIFORM.

If there is a pre-existing policy (i.e., “uniforms” or “may work weekends/Holidays”, etc.), then an employee MUST COMPLY, or seek employment ELSEWHERE.


Never mind… 😉

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

It seems like a great opportunity for Mr. Groff to prove his belief.

As a devout Christian, he doesn’t get to make up his own religion, his beliefs are all established in the New Testament.

So just open up the New Testament, and put your finger on the verse that prevents you from working on Sunday.

Either you can, or you can’t.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

If every belief was tested like this, there wouldn’t be any denominations, there would only be Christians, all believing the same thing.

There would be unity in the body of Christ.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Rhonda has already lost. She doesn’t know it yet.


Pass the whiskey, please.


Kurt and Rhonda sittin’ in a tree


We know this jerry. Fox is sunk so quitting is a meh.


Surprise divorce? I don’t think so.

Now GR can open a safe-cracking business.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He could try looking in people’s brown bag lunches for Capone’s fortune.


My favorite quote about Haraldo going back 20+ years, by Brandon Tartikoff (NBC executive):

“There are two words that serve as a signal that you’re operating in an area of questionable taste. Those words are ‘Geraldo Rivera.’ ” 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Haha. I have to admit as a kid i watched his looking for mob treasure thing. What kid doesnt want to explore old buildings? I really remember him finding old bottles and trying to be excited when he tried a different area. Never turned on his talk show in our still mostly precable days. Ill never not see him as your description states.



Probably not a problem for Dems.


Yes. Next twit after this one says same but will run off any maga wobbly folk.


Ok, now he’s a hard ‘NO,’ whether Trump can be a write-in, or not. Jeez, these leftists and their incessant racism.


Thats why careful eval of a candidate should be done. No one’s perfect but some things are an easy uh nope!


I believe he has a talent for talking out of both sides of his mouth. He did that on guns in a comment I posted here earlier, saying he would not take anyone’s guns but would ban “assault weapons.” He has a way of ingratiating himself until you take a deeper look.


Thats a bit of a political genetic defect we run into too often!


Code depends stat!


CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America


I’ve been poking around at your problem, and so far no joy. It’s the age involved, it makes things difficult.

Cuppa Covfefe

And here I thought it was “CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Long Division in America”…..


Lol. Different problem!


Thanks, I’m getting more info, slowly




“CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America”


Big miss on their part.

It was (and is) so awful, so unmusical, and the words so unintelligible, that I could never listen to it.


I thought division was slow enough already. Addition, subtraction, and multiplication are much faster.


TV Doctor and ‘Vaccination Expert’ Dr. Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42

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 popular Mexican TV doctor who regularly appeared on “Mexico Today” as a “vaccination expert” died suddenly from a myocardial infarction, according to reports.

Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno was only 42 years old when he died in his sleep early Monday. He was a vocal advocate of COVID mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Alfredo’s massive global fanbase took to social media to mourn his untimely death. They referred to his passing as a “tragedy.”

The physically fit medical doctor and public health specialist had no preexisting medical conditions. He regularly appeared on TODAY (“HOY!”) to administer vaccines to the show’s staff on the air.

Dr. Alfredo encouraged his 440,000 Instagram followers to get vaccinated. He also had a large following on TikTok and he ran the website

Anti-vaxxers added Dr. Alfredo’s name to the long list of young people who “died suddenly” of heart attacks or strokes within the last 2 years.

Twitter is being rather ruff with the dead doctor. 😮🙄😏🤨

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

JaJAB strikes again. SAD. Quacks are baffled.


Quacks will always be baffled, much like water is still wet.


Dr. Alfredo encouraged his 440,000 Instagram followers to get vaccinated.

How many of them heeded his advice, to their peril? I imagine he thought he was doing the right thing, but he drank the Kool-Aid and led others there as well.


Nothing scientific here.

Quick search indicates 76% of Mexico Injected.

Perhaps ~330,000 of those 440,000 followers jabbed.

Mexico population, ~132M.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Wow, that really was unexpected…

Who would have ever guessed?

Imagine all the people he injected, and how many times he reassured them that it was nothing to be concerned about.

They’re concerned now.


Swamp rat pence…in Ukraine.

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Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Ohhhh goody! Maybe he had a chance to meet GT today and attend her meeting on the effects of the war on the environment with Zelensky. How exciting! 😅🤣😂🤣😆

Cuppa Covfefe

First, there was “body by Fisher”…

Now, there’s “body by IKEA”…

Wonder if she told “Z” “People are dying”… for NATO, UK, and US proxy war…

She looks like Billy Mumy from “Lost In Space”… at least he went on to star in Dr. Demento’s “Fishheads” song…


Not to forget Bill Mumy as Lennier in Babylon 5….


Perfect pair. pence and Greta PLT Jr


Maybe Pence got all his globalist qualifying check marks done in one deft swoop. Guy’s brilliant.  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_roll:   :wpds_chuckle: 

Cuppa Covfefe

Just wait ’til he finds out Greta’s a guy….. 🙃 



Paul Manafort – Page 6 of 6

January 16, 2019
A settlement agreement is struck between Skadden Arps and the Justice Department over the firm’s past work for the Ukrainian government.

The civil settlement, signed on 15 January, resolves an inquiry initiated by the US Justice Department into whether the firm violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for work it conducted for Ukraine beginning in 2012. Under the agreement, Skadden has agreed to retroactively register as a foreign agent of the Ukrainian government and will pay the US Treasury more than $4.6 Million, which covers the money it made working for Ukraine.

 March 8, 2019 – Paul Manafort is found guilty of eight counts of financial crimes as part of the first major prosecution won by Mueller’s office. Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentences Paul Manafort to 4 years of imprisonment.
The sentence: Manafort, 69, received 47 months —or almost four years — in prison for defrauding banks and the government, and failing to pay taxes on millions of dollars in income he earned from Ukraine

March 31, 2019 – The first round of voting for the Presidency of Ukraine is held.
Yulia Tymoshenko who had the second largest campaign chest $$$ came in third.  She does not advance to the second round of voting.

March 31, 2019
As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in June 2017, Deputy Prosecutor General / Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytskyi said there was no evidence of involvement of former president Viktor Yanukovych’s former adviser Paul Manafort with the so-called “black ledger” of the Party of Regions.

April 18 2019 – Robert Mueller releases the Mueller report on the lack of Russian collusion with Donald Trump

April 21, 2019 – Former Comedian and alleged Cocaine user, Volodymyr Zelensky is elected as the President of Ukraine (Christina Pushaw is celebrating in Kiev on the night of Zelensky’s win over Petro Poroshenko)

July 9, 2019 – U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during the period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

July 19, 2019…The Sytnyk/Luschenko case has been “cancelled” by the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeals in Ukraine. The court ruled that Sytnyk & Luschenko did not act illegally by disclosing the fraudulent information on Paul Manafort.

Deputy Prosecutor General / Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytskyi has stated since July 2017 that there was no evidence of involvement of former president Viktor Yanukovych’s former adviser Paul Manafort with the so-called “black ledger” of the Party of Regions.

July 25, 2019 – President Trump calls to congratulate President Zelensky for his Presidential appointment by the Ukraine Parliament.

August 6, 2019 Corrupt Obama Judge Amy Berman Jackson has Dismissed one of the two counts that the Federal DOJ filed against Obama White House Counsel and Political Tool, Attorney Greg Craig…..Craig is now charged with one count of making false statements to the Justice Department regarding his work as a foreign lobbyist in Ukraine.

[he only ran over 36 people, he only stole the car he was driving, he was only 10 points over the legal limit, there was a pound of cocaine in the jockeybox and there was a dead body in the trunk, but the prosecutor only indicted him for one count of failing to yield in a crosswalk……yep.that about sums up my thoughts on the Greg Craig prosecution…..’justice for all’]

August 7, 2019 Peter Strzok’s lawsuit has just been assigned the judge…..wait for it … Amy Berman Jackson, The judge in the Paul Manafort, Greg Craig and Roger Stone cases will be hearing Peter Strzok’s case.

August 13, 2019 – Jury selection occurring in the Attorney Greg Craig federal case. Judge Amy was really eager to let the jurors know that Craig worked with both Mueller and Obama and she went on to list dozens of other names of attorneys involved. The judge wants jurors to have absolutely no knowledge of the case and is helping the prosecution cull out any informed jurists.

And then…Judge Amy Berman Jackson did the unthinkable…she barred the public and the press from viewing further Jury selection.

Prosecutors set the stage for the jury-selection do-over with an alert to Craig’s legal team and Judge Jackson that Monday’s court proceedings may have violated Supreme Court precedent.

Under fire after she barred press and the public from jury selection at the start of trial for former White House counsel Greg Craig, Berman back pedals and agreed to restart jury selection with an entirely new 125 person pool..

After three weeks of trial, on September 5, 2019 Greg Craig was found not guilty of lying to the Justice Department about work he did for the government of Ukraine in a case that arose from the special counsel’s Russia investigation and that centered on the lucrative world of foreign lobbying.

During the trial we find that in 2012, Director of the Ukraine Political Division Greg Craig signed a contract with the Ukraine Judicial Ministry and that Victor Pinchuk, Best Friend Forever of Hillary and Bill Clinton, owner of the second largest bank in Ukraine at the time, Dnipro Credit Bank and supporter and business partner of Yulia Tymoshenko was paying for the Skaaden Arp review of the 2011 prosecution of Yulia Tymoshenko. 

The jury deliberated for less than a day before clearing Craig, a White House counsel in the Obama administration, of a single count of making false statements to federal investigators.”

November 20, 2019 – Just hours before Representative Adam Schiff stands in the Impeachment hearing to read an absolute false transcript of the July 25, 2019 phone call between Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and US President Donald J Trump, Ukraine Parliament member Andrii Derkach holds a press conference and calls on the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, to investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the “family” of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments.

Derkach announced that deputies have received new materials from investigative journalists about international corruption and the participation of Ukrainian officials in it.

December 10, 2019 –  House Democrats unveil two articles of impeachment against President Trump – abuse of power and the obstruction of Congress

December 18, 2019 –  The House votes in favour of both charges, impeaching the president and setting up a trial in the Senate in the New Year.

In May 2020, there was no lawsuit, but just cause they’re good peeps, Skadden Arp quietly paid $ 5.5 Million to Yulia Tymoshenko and $ 5.5 Million to Tymoshenko’s attorney Sergei Vlasenko to close the door on the 2012 Prosecution Review Report.

May 13, 2020 Paul Manafort is released from a Pennsylvania prison due to Covid-19 concerns.
June 3, 2021 – Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards receives six months in Federal prison for unlawfully disclosing Suspicious Activity Reports and other information. In addition, Edwards was sentenced to three years of supervised release.
April 16, 2022….After seven years in office, Artem Sytnyk’s term of office as the Director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau expires.

In February 2012, an unnamed intermediary connected Greg Craig, the Director of the Ukrainian Political Division of the Skaaden Arp Law Firm, and Paul Manafort a “lobbyist” who had his business office in Kiev. By 2014, Attorney General Eric Holder had assured Skaaden Arp that they were in compliance and didn’t need to register under the FARA regulations. Paul Manafort’s prosecution wasn’t about the initial charges of FARA violations, but about a concerted effort to destroy any opposition to the US supported politicians & policies in Ukraine.



The Manafort File by litenmaus pts 1-6 Complete (actually missed this being posted, so here I am a few days late to sew in the last installment)

The Manafort File parts 1-6 Complete by litenmaus
The Manafort File by litenmaus Starts here. (Sparked by a Pheonix post, but unless you read all the links I don’t see from where Maybe someone can point that out? or correct me.) 

“At LAST somebody in the Fake News programming makes the Manafort connection.”

Oh my…anybody remember Alexander van der Zwaan & Skadden Arp/White House Counsel, Attorney Greg Craig and Former American approved Ukraine Presidential candidate Yulia Tymochenko?

Anybody remember Crossfire Fury, Ukraines NABU anti-corruption organization & its Director, Artem Syntyk, US Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovich and corrupt US Judge, Amy Berman Jackson’s role in both the van der Zwaan and Manafort takedowns?

Paul Manafort’s involvement with Ukraine got lost in all the noise of Crossfire Hurricane, but if anyone is interested, I’d be happy to pull together some aggregated information as a reminder that Manafort’s takedown was coordinated and had nothing to do with FARA non-compliance.

Paul Manafort (page one of ???)

2008-2014 – The precursor years…..

Meet former White House Counsel, Attorney Greg Craig. When President Bill Clinton was accused of having sex (not sex?) with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval office, the Attorney hired by Bill Clinton was Greg Craig.

In 2008 during President Obozo’s campaign, Obozo hired Greg Craig, and upon Obozo’s inauguration on January 20, 2009, Greg Craig became the White House Counsel.

During this same time frame, Legal Firm, Skadden Arp was building a brand new division in their law firm specifically for Greg Craig and after less than one year as White House Counsel, Greg Craig left the White House and took the position as the Director of the Ukrainian Political Division at the Skadden Arp Law Firm.

In 2009, two candidates were beginning to campaign for the seat of President of Ukraine. Candidate number one was Victor Yanukovych. Candidate number two was Yulia Tymoshenko.

Viktor Yanukovych was the current Prime Minister of Ukraine, a pro-Russian who had formerly served as the Governor of the Donetsk Oblast.

Yulia Tymoshenko was a Ukrainian business woman who made her bones in the gas industry and her company became the main importer of Russian gas. Tymoshenko was in partnership with Bill Clinton’s best friend forever, Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk. By 1995-1997 Tymoshenko was listed as one of the richest business people in Ukraine and in 2009 she had the full backing of the United States for her Presidential run.

In 2010, Viktor Yanukovych, by a 3 1/2% point difference, defeated Yulia Tymoshenko. 

Tymoshenko, as leader of the Batkivschyna political party was appointed by Yanokovych as Ukraine’s Prime Minister and Tymoshenko immediately began to abuse the power of the Prime Minister’s office to undermine Yanukovych.

Tymoshenko was the Ukrainian spearhead working with Victoria Nuland and the US State Department to foment and bring about the Orange Revolution and Tymoshenko intended to unseat Yanukovych by crook or by hook.

In 2011, Tymoshenko was charged by the Ukraine criminal courts for “abuse of power” and she was imprisoned by the Yanukovych administration. Much uproar by the West and the US State Department accusing Yanukovych of a “politically motivated persecution” of Tymoshenko.

Enter Paul Manafort and Skadden Arp Law Offices.

According to legal documents filed during the trial of Manafort’s partner, Rick Gates, it is revealed that Manafort arranged for the Ukrainian government to hire Skadden Arps to produce a report in 2012 examining the legitimacy of the prosecution of a Yanukovych rival, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. According to court filings, Manafort and Gates reportedly used an offshore account to “funnel $4 million to pay for the report,”

Director/Attorney Greg Craig oversaw Skadden’s review of Tymoshenko’s prosecution, which largely defended the prosecution and conviction of Tymoshenko, contradicting the view held by the U.S. and the European Union that the case against her was politically motivated.  Human rights groups criticized the report as a white wash.  

On February 24, 2014 the Orange Revolution resulted in a coup against President Yanukovych. He fled the country and immediately thereafter, Yulia Tymoshenko was released from prison in Ukraine.

Six months later, Yulia Tymoshenko is working with the US State Department:

(Interfax – October 7, 2014) Ukraine’s Batkivshchyna party leader Yulia Tymoshenko and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland met in Kyiv recently to discuss the implementation of the September 5 Minsk agreements offering steps to settle the conflict in south-eastern Ukraine.

Paul Manafort – (Page 2 of ?????)

December 2015 – Ukrainian editor of Pravda Ukraine, Serhiy Leschenko is invited to the White House.

Leschenko’s meeting was hosted by Mike Carpenter:

Michael Carpenter is senior director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. He is a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia and foreign policy advisor to Vice President Joe Biden.

January 2016 – Appointed in 2015 under the Biden Vice-Presidency, Artem Sytnyk is the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. He is invited to the White House.

Sytnyk’s WH meeting included the DOJ’s Regional Director for Eurasia from the Office of Prosecutorial Development and Training, Catherine Newcombe. Also included Jeffrey Cole, Resident Legal Advisor US Embassy in Ukraine, a federal prosecutor.

Syntyk’s meeting was hosted by Eric Ciaramella. Ciaramella was McMaster’s assistant (National Security Council) and was the “whistleblower” with second hand knowledge (via Fatman Vindman) of the “perfect telephone call” that led for calls of Impeachment against President Trum

January 2016 – The FBI Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section located within the Criminal Division at the FBI Washington Headquarters opens a CRIMINAL investigation into Paul Manafort.

FBI Agent in Charge, Bruce Ohr participates in the discussions concerned allegations that Manafort had engaged in money laundering and tax evasion while acting as a political consultant to members of the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian politicians.

On March 11, 2016, all the work that FBI “under-cover employee” Carter Page did to assist the FBI in their prosecution comes to fruition and Russian Evgeny Burylakov is found guilty.

On March 14, 2016, while in Italy, George Papadopolaus is introduced to Professor Mifsud

March 28, 2016 Paul Manafort joins the Trump campaign.

On or about April 18, 2016 Perkins Coie Attorney Michael Sussman working for the DNC & Hillary Clinton for America campaign and Perkins Coie Attorney Marc Elias working for the DNC & the Hillary Clinton for America campaign, called in Crowdstrike’s Chief Operating Officer, Shaun Henry regarding an alleged computer hack on the DNC Server. By April 22, 2016 Crowdstrike writes a report and declares that Russian hackers have “exfiltrated” data.

July 31, 2016 – Crossfire Hurricane is officially announced. Crossfire Hurricane was the overall CIA/FBI/DOJ operation against Citizen, then President Elect and continuing into the Presidential Administration of Donald J Trump.

August 10, 2016 – The Steele Dossier “Report 2016/95” notoriously stated that there was a “well-developed conspiracy of co-operation” between Trump campaign and “Russian leadership”, run through Manafort and Carter Page, arising because Putin “hated and feared” Hillary Clinton. The Report also mentions campaign aide George Papodopolas by name.

The FBI uses this August 10 report as predicate to legitimizer existing “off the books” investigations into Papodopolas, Page & Manafort.

Crossfire Dragon – was the surveillance operation against CIA operative & FBI employee Carter Page
Crossfire Typhoon – was to damage relations involving the proposed Cyprus pipeline and targeted George Popadopalous.
Crossfire Fury – was the operation to take out Ukranian opposition Paul Manafort

August 12, 2016 – FBI “Confidential Source” Eric Halper delivers to the FBI a report wherein he names Walid Phares and Michael Flynn

Crossfire Razor – was the operation to disable Trump’s intelligence department and involved the set-up of Michael Flynn. [VP Mike Pence’s involvement in the set up/take down of Michael Flynn has not gone unnoticed]

Crossfire Wind – was the operation to disable Walid Phares and hamper Trump’s Middle East agenda.

August 15, 2016 – Serhiy Leschenko is provided with the infamous Paul Manafort “Black Ledger” and prints an expose regarding Manfort’s alleged money laundering. Leschenko has conveniently been gifted the “Black Leger” by US Ambassador Marie Yovanovich who received the “Black Ledger” from the director of the National Bureau of Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine who is fully under the charge of the US Ambassador, Marie Yovanovich.

Paul Manafort – Page 3 of ?????

On the very same day that Kiev Pravda printed the revelations of the “Black Ledger”, Andrew Kramer reporting from Kiev, Steven Lee Myers contributing from Washington DC and Mike McIntire and Barry Meier contributing from New York come together and write a “narrative” article for the New York Times under the by-line Andrew Kramer, Mike McIntire and Barry Meier..The article includes photos of part of the so-called handwritten Black Ledger. ..

(NYT excerpts)
“Hand-written ledgers show $12.7 million in cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from the pro-Russian political party of Viktor F. Yanukovych. Mr. Manafort did not receive “any such cash payments,” his lawyer said.”

“The National Anti Corruption Bureau of Ukraine which obtained the ledger, said in a statement that Mr. Manafort’s name appeared 22 times in the documents over five years, with payment totaling $12.7 million. The purpose of the payments is not clear. Nor is the outcome, since the handwritten entries cannot be cross-referenced against banking records and signatures for receipt have not yet been verified.”

“Paul Manafort is among those names on the list of so-called “black accounts of the Party of Regions”, which the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine are investigating. We emphasize that the presence of P. Manafort’s name in the list does not mean that he actually got the money, because the signatures that appear in the column of recipients could belong to other people”

“The accounting records surfaced this year, when Serhiy A. Leshchenko, a member of Parliament who said he had received a partial copy from a source he did not identify, published line items covering six months of outlays in 2012 totaling $66 million. In an interview, Mr. Leshchenko said another source had provided the entire multiyear ledger to Viktor M. Trepak, a former deputy director of the domestic intelligence agency of Ukraine, the S.B.U., who passed it to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.”

Note: We’ll watch this same process play out with the Steele dossier in Dec 16, 2016. Senator John McCain flies his assistant to pick up a dossier from Steele and then Senator John McCain gives the dossier to the FBI who match it to a document they received from another agency and the FBI in turn passes it along to the Mueller special counsel….The dossier, by passing through the hands of multiple agencies, gains the air of credibility. Handwritten notes given to the SBU then passed along to NABU and then provided to the media gives the same air of credibility to the Manafort “Black Ledger”

“Anti-corruption officials there say the payments earmarked for Mr. Manafort, previously unreported, are a focus of their investigation, though they have yet to determine if he actually received the cash. While Mr. Manafort is not a target in the separate inquiry of offshore activities, prosecutors say he must have realized the implications of his financial dealings.
“He understood what was happening in Ukraine,” said Vitaliy Kasko, a former senior official with the general prosecutor’s office in Kiev. “It would have to be clear to any reasonable person that the Yanukovych clan, when it came to power, was engaged in corruption.”

The New York Times article also points out Paul Manafort’s business partner in Ukraine, Konstantin Kilimnik and closes the article detailing items found in Manafort’s previous office in Kiev: 

“At Mr. Manafort’s old office on Sofiivska Street, new tenants said they had discovered several curiosities……… a piece of white paper bearing a rough sketch of Independence Square, the site of the 2014 uprising that drove Yanukovych from power.”

Four days later, August 19, 2016, Paul Manafort would resign as Campaign Manager for the Donald J Trump Presidential campaign.

September 2016: Manafort associate, Rick Gates contacts Skadden Arps attorney, Alexander Van der Zwaan, attaches a document written in Ukrainian and Gates urges van der Zwaan to contact Konstantin Kliminik.

September 12, 2016: Van der Zwaan emails Konstantin Kilimnik. Kilimnik requests that Van der Zwaan contact him via his Telegraph or WhatsApp accounts.

Van der Zwaan reports this interaction to Greg Craig and Van der Zwaan reports back to Gates the steps that he’s taken.

October 21, 2016 The First Foreign Intelligence Surveillance warrant sought by FBI Director James Comey & Attorney General Sally Yates against FBI/CIA Confidential Human Source, Carter Page is issued.

On October 31, 2016, Hillary Clinton tweeted, “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.” She included a lengthy statement from Sullivan titled “New Report Exposing Trump’s Secret Line of Communication to Russia.” and the Alfa Bank Hoax begins in earnest

[Ukrainian/Russian oligarch German Kahn owns over 20% interest in Alfa Bank…Alexander Van der Zwaan is dating German Kahn’s daughter]

November 8, 2016 – Donald J Trump becomes President-Elect of the United States

It will be another year before Paul Manafort is initially indicted for charges that included conspiracy against the United States; conspiracy to launder money; serving as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal; false and misleading Foreign Agents Registration Act statements; false statements; and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts. 


Paul Manafort – (Page 4 of ????)

Meanwhile….The coup against the incoming President continues and Russia, Russia, Russia becomes the all consuming narrative..and the noise of the Hoaxes begins anew with charges against incoming Intelligence Director Michael Flynn, with the January 6, 2017 Intelligence committee report that was on based part by Steele Dossier Report 2016/95, with the January 10, 2017, Buzzfeed release of a part of the Steele Dossier which accuses President Elect Donald Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen of having traveled to Prague and meeting with Russians and with the January 12 receipt of the renewal of the FISA surveillance warrant against Carter Page and the incoming President of the United States. 

Paul Manafort becomes a side note until May 17, 2017 with the appointment of the Robert Mueller Special Counsel under the direction of Attorney Andrew Weissman.

Yulia Tymoshenko quietly announces that she and her party will be seeking the Presidential office in the 2019 elections.

March to May 2017: Pending Assistant Attorney General nominee Brian Benczkowski advises Alfa Bank on a defamation lawsuit against Buzzfeed

May 26, 2017: After months of consultation with attorney Benczkowski, Alfa Bank (and German Khan by name) sues Buzzfeed over printing the Steele dossier lies about Alfa Bank.

June 2017: Alexander Van der Zwaan and Eva Khan marry; she applies for permanent residency as his spouse

October 3, 2017: Alfa Bank lawsuit is moved to federal jurisdiction

Starting in October 2017, Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards a senior adviser at the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, illegally & repeatedly transmitted Suspicious Activity Reports and other sensitive government information to a reporter.

The illegally disclosed Suspicious Activity Reports pertained to, among other things, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, the Russian Embassy, Maria Butina, and Prevezon Alexander.

October 30, 2017 – Paul Manafort arrested.

October 30, 2017 – Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and onetime business associate Rick Gates were indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of conspiracy and money laundering in connection with an intensifying investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Prior to November 3, 2017: Van der Zwaan gives Skadden Arp his laptop from the 2012 time frame

November 3, 2017: Van der Zwaan participates in eight hour voluntary interview with the FBI. Zwaan was represented by Skadden Arps lawyers; during that interview, FBI confronts him with an email he withheld from Skadden’s discovery

Van der Zwaan was confronted with an email dated September 12, 2016, sent by the Russian[Konstantin Kliminik] to van der Zwaan at his Skadden work email which read, albeit written in Russian, that “Person A[Kliminik] would like to exchange a few words via WhatsApp or Telegram,” court documents read. “van der Zwaan lied and said he had no idea why that email had not been produced to the government, and further lied when he stated that he had not communicated with Person A[Kliminik] in response to the email.”

November 29, 2017: Kilimnik emails Manafort for review of a purportedly exonerating op-ed

December 1, 2017: Van der Zwaan’s second interview with FBI
We learn at this point that Van der Zwaan is being targeted by Andrew Weissman, not for money laundering or conspiracy or attacks against America but Van der Zwaan is being targeted because of the 2012 Tymoshenko Review Report.

As Mueller wrote: in the words of one witness, van der Zwaan had “gone native”—that is, he had grown too close to Manafort, Gates, and Person A [Konstantin Kliminick] and instead “leaked an advance copy of the Tymoshenko report to the public relations firm retained to ‘spin’ the report, despite his knowing that this was against the express wishes of the firm.
When it was discovered that the press relations firm had an advance copy, van der Zwaan lied to the senior partner[Greg Craig] on the matter and said he had no idea how the firm obtained the draft. In addition, far from distancing himself from spinning the report, van der Zwaan orally gave Rick Gates talking points as to how to present the Tymoshenko report in an advantageous light to Ukraine.”

And we learn…Alexander Van der Zwaan surreptiously recorded ‘everything’ including his employer Greg Craig….

Day One….Litenmaus: “Paul Manafort’s involvement with Ukraine got lost in all the noise of Crossfire Hurricane, but if anyone is interested, I’d be happy to pull together some aggregated information as a reminder that Manafort’s takedown was coordinated and had nothing to do with FARA non-compliance.”

Day 3….
Paul Manafort – (Page 5 of ??????)

In October 2017 Ukrainian Parliament Member Rozenblat opened a case against fellow Parliament Member Serhii Leschenko and NABU Director Artem Syntyk for interfering in the American Election by releasing information on Trump’s campaign Manager Paul Manafort in connection with the so-called Party of Regions “Black Ledger.”

December 5, 2017 – An attempt is made to arrest Mikheil Saakashvili.

December 6, 2017 – A second attempt is made to arrest Mikheil Saakashvili

Saakashvili was a former President of the Republic of Georgia. In 2015 Saakashvili gave up his citizenship and he moved to Ukraine where he became the Governor of the Odessa oblast in Ukraine. The arrests were a result of the fact that by 2017 Saakashvili was a vocal critic of current US supported Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko. 
(Between 2018-2020, Christine Pushaw, Candidate Ron DeSantis’ press secretary is working on behalf of Mikheil Saakashvili in order to unseat Petro Poroshenko in the 2019 Presidential election.)

Dec 6, 2017, (The Kiev Post) – (LVIV Ukraine) Michael Carpenter, former advisor to Vice President Joe Biden:
“If the Rada[Ukraine Parliament] votes to dismiss the head of the Rada Anticorruption Committee (Soboliev) and the head of the NABU, I will recommend cutting all U.S. government assistance to Ukraine, including security assistance, This is a disgrace.”

Dec 7, 2017
The Ukraine Parliament in an effort to wrest control of the United States over the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine,(NABU) votes to remove opposition Parliamentary Member and head of the Parliamentary Anti-Corruption Commission, Yegor Soboliev. 

February 13, 2018 – Alex Van Der Zwaan is indicted by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller for misleading investigators about communications with political consultant and lobbyist Rick Gates. He immediately takes a plea agreement.

February 16, 2018 – The Mueller/DOJ obtains indictments of 13 Russian’s for “election interference”

February 20, 2018 – A plea hearing takes place. Van der Zwaan pleads guilty

Corrupt judge Amy Berman Jackson is the weaponized judge chosen to hear Van Der Zwaan’s plea. .Andrew Weissman is the prosecuting attorney for the office of the Special Counsel.

[narrative reporting]
“First, the defense argues that Van der Zwaan didn’t hide the communications he had with Rick Gates and Konstantin Kilimnik in fall 2016 to hide the ongoing relationship Trump’s onetime campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had with someone[Konstantin Kliminick] that the FBI still believed had ties to GRU, the Russian intelligence agency behind the hack-and-leak of the DNC emails. Rather, his defense lawyers claim Van der Zwaan hid those things (or rather, attempted to hide them, using means it’s shocking a lawyer would believe might work) because he didn’t want to reveal to the Skadden lawyers who represented him in his first interview[Nov 3, 2017] with Mueller’s team that he had recorded his conversations in that time period with Greg Craig.”

Defense stated that Zwaan knew it was improper to have recorded his conversation with the Skadden senior partner; indeed, Zwaan understood that he could be fired for having done so. He also knew that a truthful disclosure about his September 2016 calls with Gates and Kliminik would almost inevitably lead to questioning that could quickly get to the existence of the recordings.
During the interview, Alex was keenly aware that he was not speaking only to the Office of the Special Counsel. Alex was represented by Skadden lawyers, and anything he shared with the Office of the Special Counsel would simultaneously be heard by Skadden. In his mind, his boss was listening to every word.

Defense also put out the idea that Vander Zwaan couldn’t read the document that was provided to him by Rick Gates to be sent to Konstantin Kliminik.

Weissman stressed that Van der Zwaan “leaked an advance copy of the Tymoshenko report to the Ukraine public relations firm retained to ‘spin’ the report, despite his knowing that this was against the express wishes of the Skaaden.

When it was discovered that the press relations firm had an advance copy, van der Zwaan lied to the senior partner on the matter and said he had no idea how the firm obtained the draft. In addition, far from distancing himself from spinning the report, van der Zwaan orally gave Gates talking points as to how to present the report in an advantageous light to Ukraine.”

While we knew that Van der Zwaan had shared the Skadden report with Gates and Kilimnik back in 2012, in direct violation of Skadden’s wishes, the defense filing reveals another key detail. In 2012, either while he was moonlighting while being paid by Skadden to help Manafort, Gates, and Kilimnik spin the Skadden report to make the prosecution of Tymoshenko look “legitimate” or just after, Van der Zwaan was talking about working for Manafort and Gates another reason for van der Zwaan to hide information.

Beyond the crime of lying to federal investigators and trying to destroy or withhold evidence, Weissman does not see any reason why van der Zwaan should get any breaks beyond what is permitted under federal sentencing guidelines.

“This is not an isolated incident of simply making one bad decision,” Weissmann told the judge Tuesday. Van Der Zwaan “demonstrated a moral compass that was off-kilter.”
Weissmann declined to ask the judge to give van Der Zwaan a specific length of sentence.
However, Weissmann noted how closely watched this case has been and asked the judge for a sentence that would deter other witnesses from misleading the federal prosecutors, especially since he was a lawyer “who should know better.”
“We count on people to tell us the truth. We count on people to turn over documents,” Weissmann said.

As a result of the recordings coming to light and one conversation specifically wherein Director Attorney Greg Criag tells van der Zwaan that there “were additional payments” and the “official contract was only part of the iceberg” and that the story “may become a blow for you and me personally,” a corruption investigation is opened by the Department of Justice into Skaaden Arp and the funds paid for the review and report of the Tymoshenko prosecution in 2011

February 23, 2018: Paul Manafort’s one time business associate Rick Gates agrees to plea deal. He pleads guilty to one charge of false statements and one charge of conspiracy and agrees to cooperate with the Mueller probe in their prosecution of Paul Manafort. 
In Gate’s plea agreement, Andrew Weissmann and the Special Counsel reduce more than a dozen charges, including money laundering, down to just two.

March 8, 2018 – Manafort has pled not guilty to charges that include money laundering and conspiracy.

April 3, 2018 – Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentences Van der Zwaan to serve 30 days in prison and pay a $20,000 fine.

May 2018: Sketchy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti releases U.S. Treasury notifications on Trump Attorney Michael Cohen and New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow writes a sympathetic article on the leaking treasury official who has been providing Avenatti with the Treasury reports. As a result, the Treasury Inspector General begins an investigation.

August 8, 2018 Manafort’s longtime business partner Rick Gates reveal that he first disclosed the existence of his & Manafort’s consulting firm’s foreign bank accounts to the FBI in 2014, long before the pair became targets of a government fraud investigation.

August 12, 2018 –  Batkivshchyna Party leader Yulia Tymoshenko met with former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani during a working visit to the United States. They discussed security issues, in particular the escalation of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the provision of US assistance to Ukraine, including arms for counteraction Russian aggression.

Yulia Tymoshenko also met with Congressman Adam Schiff, a high-ranking member of the US House Intelligence Committee, to inform him about the security situation in Ukraine as a result of the escalation of the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine.

October 2018 – Ms. Sours-Edwards, a former senior adviser at the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) is arrested on Suspicion of leaking Suspicious Activity Reports to Ronan Farrow at the New Yorker.
December 11, 2018. In Kiev, Ukraine, Artem Sytnyk & Andrii Luschenko are convicted for election interference in the US Presidential election. The court ruled that the publication of the “black ledger” documents “led to interference in the electoral processes of the United States in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine as a state.”

Recorded testimony from Sytnyk during trial has him on record stating that the reason that they released the now determined fraudulent “Black Ledger” was to assist Hillary Clinton in her bid for re-election.

December 17, 2018 – Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Rick Gates, Donald Trump’s former deputy campaign manager, to 36 months of probation, 45 days in “intermittent confinement” on weekends, 300 hours of community service and $20,000 in fines.

The week of December 20 2018, Yulia Tymoshenko is in the United States to bring attention to her Ukrainian Presidential campaign and to solicit funds. The media reported on the fund raising: “Ukrainian presidential hopeful Yulia Tymoshenko came to the United States last week for a round of meetings with American policymakers, hoping the millions of (undeclared) dollars she has spent lobbying Washington officials over the years will benefit her presidential campaign more than her collection of selfies with politicians has”

But unreported is the fact that Tymoshenko made a special little side trip away from her fundraisers and privately met with U.S. Representative Adam Schiff who has been calling for President Trump’s imprisonment. 

This Schiff meeting shows how remarkably unsophisticated and deaf to advice Tymoshenko is regarding how Washington politics works. “If you are trying to lobby yourself with the White House, why would you meet with a radical anti-Trump Democrat who is leading the charge to impeach President Trump?”

It will be another 8 months before we discover who was paying for the Tymoshenko Review and who “funneled” money to Paul Manafort that led to the charges of “money laundering”

Paul Manafort – Page 6 of 6

January 16, 2019
A settlement agreement is struck between Skadden Arps and the Justice Department over the firm’s past work for the Ukrainian government.

The civil settlement, signed on 15 January, resolves an inquiry initiated by the US Justice Department into whether the firm violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for work it conducted for Ukraine beginning in 2012. Under the agreement, Skadden has agreed to retroactively register as a foreign agent of the Ukrainian government and will pay the US Treasury more than $4.6 Million, which covers the money it made working for Ukraine.

 March 8, 2019 – Paul Manafort is found guilty of eight counts of financial crimes as part of the first major prosecution won by Mueller’s office. Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentences Paul Manafort to 4 years of imprisonment.
The sentence: Manafort, 69, received 47 months —or almost four years — in prison for defrauding banks and the government, and failing to pay taxes on millions of dollars in income he earned from Ukraine

March 31, 2019 – The first round of voting for the Presidency of Ukraine is held.
Yulia Tymoshenko who had the second largest campaign chest $$$ came in third. She does not advance to the second round of voting.

March 31, 2019
As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in June 2017, Deputy Prosecutor General / Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytskyi said there was no evidence of involvement of former president Viktor Yanukovych’s former adviser Paul Manafort with the so-called “black ledger” of the Party of Regions.

April 18 2019 – Robert Mueller releases the Mueller report on the lack of Russian collusion with Donald Trump

April 21, 2019 – Former Comedian and alleged Cocaine user, Volodymyr Zelensky is elected as the President of Ukraine (Christina Pushaw is celebrating in Kiev on the night of Zelensky’s win over Petro Poroshenko)

July 9, 2019 – U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during the period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

July 19, 2019…The Sytnyk/Luschenko case has been “cancelled” by the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeals in Ukraine. The court ruled that Sytnyk & Luschenko did not act illegally by disclosing the fraudulent information on Paul Manafort.

Deputy Prosecutor General / Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytskyi has stated since July 2017 that there was no evidence of involvement of former president Viktor Yanukovych’s former adviser Paul Manafort with the so-called “black ledger” of the Party of Regions.

July 25, 2019 – President Trump calls to congratulate President Zelensky for his Presidential appointment by the Ukraine Parliament.

August 6, 2019 Corrupt Obama Judge Amy Berman Jackson has Dismissed one of the two counts that the Federal DOJ filed against Obama White House Counsel and Political Tool, Attorney Greg Craig…..Craig is now charged with one count of making false statements to the Justice Department regarding his work as a foreign lobbyist in Ukraine.

[he only ran over 36 people, he only stole the car he was driving, he was only 10 points over the legal limit, there was a pound of cocaine in the jockeybox and there was a dead body in the trunk, but the prosecutor only indicted him for one count of failing to yield in a crosswalk……yep.that about sums up my thoughts on the Greg Craig prosecution…..’justice for all’]

August 7, 2019 Peter Strzok’s lawsuit has just been assigned the judge…..wait for it … Amy Berman Jackson, The judge in the Paul Manafort, Greg Craig and Roger Stone cases will be hearing Peter Strzok’s case.

August 13, 2019 – Jury selection occurring in the Attorney Greg Craig federal case. Judge Amy was really eager to let the jurors know that Craig worked with both Mueller and Obama and she went on to list dozens of other names of attorneys involved. The judge wants jurors to have absolutely no knowledge of the case and is helping the prosecution cull out any informed jurists.

And then…Judge Amy Berman Jackson did the unthinkable…she barred the public and the press from viewing further Jury selection.

Prosecutors set the stage for the jury-selection do-over with an alert to Craig’s legal team and Judge Jackson that Monday’s court proceedings may have violated Supreme Court precedent.

Under fire after she barred press and the public from jury selection at the start of trial for former White House counsel Greg Craig, Berman back pedals and agreed to restart jury selection with an entirely new 125 person pool..

After three weeks of trial, on September 5, 2019 Greg Craig was found not guilty of lying to the Justice Department about work he did for the government of Ukraine in a case that arose from the special counsel’s Russia investigation and that centered on the lucrative world of foreign lobbying.

During the trial we find that in 2012, Director of the Ukraine Political Division Greg Craig signed a contract with the Ukraine Judicial Ministry and that Victor Pinchuk, Best Friend Forever of Hillary and Bill Clinton, owner of the second largest bank in Ukraine at the time, Dnipro Credit Bank and supporter and business partner of Yulia Tymoshenko was paying for the Skaaden Arp review of the 2011 prosecution of Yulia Tymoshenko. 

The jury deliberated for less than a day before clearing Craig, a White House counsel in the Obama administration, of a single count of making false statements to federal investigators.”

November 20, 2019 – Just hours before Representative Adam Schiff stands in the Impeachment hearing to read an absolute false transcript of the July 25, 2019 phone call between Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and US President Donald J Trump, Ukraine Parliament member Andrii Derkach holds a press conference and calls on the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, to investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the “family” of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments.

Derkach announced that deputies have received new materials from investigative journalists about international corruption and the participation of Ukrainian officials in it.

December 10, 2019 – House Democrats unveil two articles of impeachment against President Trump – abuse of power and the obstruction of Congress

December 18, 2019 – The House votes in favour of both charges, impeaching the president and setting up a trial in the Senate in the New Year.

In May 2020, there was no lawsuit, but just cause they’re good peeps, Skadden Arp quietly paid $ 5.5 Million to Yulia Tymoshenko and $ 5.5 Million to Tymoshenko’s attorney Sergei Vlasenko to close the door on the 2012 Prosecution Review Report.

May 13, 2020 Paul Manafort is released from a Pennsylvania prison due to Covid-19 concerns.
June 3, 2021 – Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards receives six months in Federal prison for unlawfully disclosing Suspicious Activity Reports and other information. In addition, Edwards was sentenced to three years of supervised release.
April 16, 2022….After seven years in office, Artem Sytnyk’s term of office as the Director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau expires.

In February 2012, an unnamed intermediary connected Greg Craig, the Director of the Ukrainian Political Division of the Skaaden Arp Law Firm, and Paul Manafort a “lobbyist” who had his business office in Kiev. By 2014, Attorney General Eric Holder had assured Skaaden Arp that they were in compliance and didn’t need to register under the FARA regulations. Paul Manafort’s prosecution wasn’t about the initial charges of FARA violations, but about a concerted effort to destroy any opposition to the US supported politicians & policies in Ukraine.





Bannon goes on a tirade about DO NOTHING REPUBLICANS.

GWP – Video at the link.

Steve Bannon UNLEASHED on Weakling Republicans – “…

Steve Bannon: Haven’t you sat through enough years of this? Haven’t we sat through and seen how they roll?

And you wonder why people are not going to knock on doors? Or the small donors, the donations are down? Is there some disconnect here? People are tired of it. You just gave Biden $6.8 trillion and a $2 trillion deficit this year. $2 trillion put on our kids and our grandkids! You gave it to him. Gave it to him. You don’t have a little bit of cash in that to hire a staff and get 50 hammers, get 50 killers up there? This is all performative and it’s all a joke. You should be able to sit there and tell Catsimatidis on this date, they did this thing and this is where the money went. And yes, Catsimatidis is right? The taxes, maybe that’s how you get them, like Al Capone. I don’t care about the taxes right now. The whistleblowers are saying something fundamental. What? Catsimatidis in his own kind of street common sense. He’s got sister and goes, hey, I don’t care about that.