Dear KMAG: 20231002 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:



  • artificial sweetener approximately 320 to 1000 times as sweet as sucrose (white sugar)
  • a chlorine-trisubstituted disaccharide (sucrose with 3 hydroxy groups replaced with chlorine atoms)
  • the generic name for Splenda®
  • 1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxyfructose–4-chloro-4-deoxygalactose disaccharide
  • not to be confused with the less powerful sweetener Sucaryl (sodium cyclamate), which has a similar taste
  • found in many soft drinks – check your labels

Expressed in a picture

Side effects in an infographic

Probably doesn’t cause cancer, though!

Sucralose Non-Carcinogenicity: A Review of the Scientific and Regulatory Rationale

More Random Music

Another Beths song I don’t think I’ve heard before.

How about a new version of Mo Ghile Mear by Celtic Woman?

Aw – we can’t have that one without playing the original, dream-inspiring version of the song brought here by cthulhu!

OK – gotta have some Wheatie music (TSFH). Lots of dancing – not just this lady flasher on the intro photo!

OK – let’s finish in a very classical way.

The Epstein Amendment – New Outrage Discovered

Just when you thought that the Epstein Amendment Issue 1 in Ohio could not be any worse, somebody figured out that it legalizes PROSTITUTION and (drum roll) CHILD PROSTITUTION.

Yes, it’s THAT BAD. “Reproductive freedom of all individuals” is what they’re selling us. YIKES.

Can this thing possibly win? Well, if it does, Ohio will become the playground of pedophiles.

Looks like NORMAL PEOPLE have their work cut out for them, stopping this leftist travesty.

Keep fighting the good fight, and….



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WOW! Luv the treehouse … so much in that banner to think about…

And artificial sweetner … you have my attention.

Glad you are fighting the good fight for our children. God bless you Wolfie!


Thank you! And you … remember to rest now and then. 😉

Valerie Curren

Hey Wolf it looks like that Tuesday post that was scheduled for 12:01 am hasn’t kicked out yet, fyi…

Hope you can release it OK. I’m trying to wrap up the Wednesday post so I can get back to Playing here at the Q-Tree!

Thanks for your help! Blessings  😍 


This is due to the accuracy of high-efficiency WordPress functionality.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

My husband would find that practically early if applied to me 😉 😉


You really went for Baroque at the finish.

Cuppa Covfefe

Needs to have some Rocco with Peppermint Schnapps to go with it 

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops… Rococo…


“artificial sweetener approximately 320 to 1000 times as sweet as sucrose (white sugar)”


That’s how you know it can’t be good.

Even if it was just twice as sweet as natural sugar, you’re just playing with fire.

320 to 1,000 times sweeter?

It’s the Fentanyl of sugar! 😲😂


Thank you Scott … you have a beautiful way of explaining things …😍


Sometimes I get rucky lucky! 😁

I forgot that ‘rucky’, from CTH, was what the guys said who knew they were really good, but were called ‘lucky’ by their Japanese competitors, who pronounced it ‘rucky’.

I was just trying to be funny, not arrogant!

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

“Just when you thought that the Epstein Amendment Issue 1 in Ohio could not be any worse, somebody figured out that it legalizes PROSTITUTION and (drum roll) CHILD PROSTITUTION.”


This sounds like good news.

As word gets out, it should make it easy to defeat this now, so long as they don’t have time to ‘fix’ it before the election.


The organ being played in the video is at Riga Cathedral. It is mechanical, with pneumatic assist, which means that is quite a workout for the organist, besides producing musical tones.

In this older style of organ, there are actual rods that move between the keyboard and the air valves that sound the pipes. The more (and larger) the pipes hooked to a single key, the more force is required to push the key. By contrast, American organs typically make an electrical connection at the key, and use electromagnets to open the valves.

Happy go lucky

Great read, thank you for sharing 😊


Taking down a big dog with a headlock 👍



Newsom is such an evil putz. From BB comments. He’s right too. An interim placement so that when the general is here they can flip that dominion fraud switch for who they want.

Report: Gavin Newsom Will Appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to Fill Feinstein’s Senate Seat

Palindrome55  Captain Curmudgeon
30 minutes ago edited
Gov. Hairgel appointed a woman who runs a pro-death organization, and resides and votes in Maryland to represent California. Par for the course for this radically dysfunctional state. Her real qualifications are her three levels of grievance.
Gov. Hairgel chooses a radical left, activist over someone who will represent and work for all the people of CA. He was going to make a bad choice, but he obviously outdid his own incompetence and partisanship here. Keep this in mind America, if Gov. Hairgel ever made the White House, these are the types of schmucks he would have run everything

pat frederick


Other than being appointed to a twelve year term as a Regent of the University of California, as budget director, (a scandal ridden institution due to mis use of funds) from which she resigned in 2021 after 4yrs I don’t see any other connection to California.

Early life and education[edit]

Butler was born in Magnolia, Mississippi, the youngest of three children. Her father died of heart disease when she was 16 years old. She attended South Pike High School in Magnolia[3] and Jackson State University.[4]


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Butler with state assemblymembers, 2013.

Butler began her career as a union organizer for nurses in Baltimore and Milwaukee, janitors in Philadelphia, and hospital workers in New Haven, Connecticut. In 2009, she moved to California, organizing in-home caregivers and nurses, and served as president of SEIU United Long Term Care Workers, SEIU Local 2015.[4][5][6]

Butler was elected president of the California SEIU State Council in 2013. She undertook efforts to boost California’s minimum wage and raise income taxes on the wealthiest Californians.[4] As president of SEIU Local 2015, Butler endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary.[7]

In 2018, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed Butler to a 12-year term as a regent of the University of California.[6] She resigned from her role as regent in 2021.[8]

Butler joined SCRB Strategies as a partner in 2018. At SCRB, she played a central role in Kamala Harris‘s 2020 presidential campaign. Butler also advised Uber in its dealings with organized labor while at SCRB.[9] She was known as a political ally of Harris since her first run for California Attorney General in 2010, when she helped Harris negotiate a shared SEIU endorsement in the race.[4][10]

Butler left SCRB in 2020 to join Airbnb as director of public policy and campaigns in North America.[11][5]

Butler was named the third president of EMILY’s List in 2021. She was the first Black woman and mother to lead the organization.[12][4]


Wait a minute. She had ‘a central role’ in the Harris campaign for prez? The one that was so successful Camelface had to drop out before the first primary?

Gruesome sure can pick the winners, huh?

Cuppa Covfefe





Just saw on BB that she owns a house here, probably for a rental but she isnt a legal resident and has to register to vote here. Shes a past gov. jerry brown appointee.

pat frederick

i’ve read this morning that the Constitution only requires that a congressperson be a resident by the time they are sworn in. they do not need a period of residency to qualify.


That makes sense but its disgusting.

pat frederick



His money has come from seiu all along, ie teachers union. There has been a lot of damage done in the state as he and brown have rubber stamped the agenda the union has promoted.

pat frederick

the seiu was recently rewarded–the $20 minimum wage for fast food workers (who have joined seiu)


Yes!!! They dont need that much for a very low skilled job. Franchises are going to cut hours and raise prices while small biz will close.


Bring on the A I robots!!!  😵  😡 


Yep. Just order at the kiosk.


Will the robots be dropping chips into the burgers?

Cuppa Covfefe

The sad part is small businesses… I don’t give a rip about McD, BurgerBarf, or the other chains… people will (hopefully) eat healthier without fast food.

But the little businesses and restaurants, who have already suffered through COVIDIOCY and Bidenflation… GOD help them all…


I read a lot of reviews of restaurants. Lots of old food being served as well as shortcuts in cleaning i bet. Increasing notes of food poisoning and nasty service. Nasty customers sure, but the pressure on the businesses to use old food bc of cost is scary.

Cuppa Covfefe

Used to be they could only keep burgers, fries, etc., under the heat lamps or on the steam table for something like five minutes…

The health department inspection logs (used to be online, not sure if they are anymore) make for *cough* interesting reading…. :mrgreen:

I had a colleague who used to be an electrician in SF. He had a job to fix an overhead wire and circuit(s) between two buildings, with one of them being sort of an outbuilding on the roof of the other.

As he was working, the restaurant owner came up to ask how things were going (it was a Chinese restaurant, btw.)… He said, fine, he’s just about done, and had fixed some code violations, etc. Then he asked, “what are these black things you have hanging from this wire? They shouldn’t be here” (whatever they were, they were all covered with flies)…

The restaurant owner replied, “oh, they’re tonight’s Peking duck… we keep them up here”…

My colleague NEVER ate Chinese food again after that…

Then there was El Rey Tacos, on the corner of Vermont and Jefferson in downtown LA (by U$C)… I used to go there until they got busted for their “garbage burrito”, which had “everything but the kitchen sink” in it… big burrito and big bargain for starving students…

But that kitchen sink also included cat food, which led to the health department shutting them down….

Last edited 9 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Ewwwwwwwww. Oh thats gross.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brown stain on the state… starting with Edmund G. “Pat” Brown, another crook. Like father, like son.


All the old players are connected. Newsoms, brown, getty, Pelosi.


The TSFH video with dancing made me feel immersed in the experience of the music. Very nicely done.


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I love it!

Every professional politician would be kissing this corrupt judge’s @ss hoping stupidly that the judge would go easier on him for being submissive.

DJT’s lawyers probably told him to do the same thing.

So what does Trump do?

All-in, over the top, showing the whole world what a corrupt scumbag this judge is.

It’s exactly the right move.

The judge, being corrupt, was never going to give DJT a fair hearing anyway. Being submissive, showing weakness, is provocative to an animal (or a psychopath judge).

So there was nothing to gain by being respectful to the corrupt judge.

But by going on offense, when the judge does what the judge was going to do anyway, now the judge only confirms everything DJT said about him.

The only way the judge can prove Trump wrong is to be fair to Trump.

It’s the perfect move.

It’s like Judo or Jujitsu 👍😁


I had read something derogatory that Trump said about someone else and thought, Yeah, that’s what we’re all thinking. I’m glad someone is saying it. Cut through the 💩and just tell it like it is.

But your point that “The only way the judge can prove Trump wrong is to be fair to Trump” puts the cherry on top. Trump doesn’t put up with baloney, AND he knows exactly what he is doing by taunting the judge. (AND logic?)

I also love that he is exercising his First Amendment rights right in Jack Smith’s face (even though this isn’t Smith’s case). It will look really bad if they try to silence him.

I think he will be convicted and that it would have happened no matter what. And Trump knows that.


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Ben Garrison from 2010:

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Better do something about that.


Darned good reason to either (a) not carry a phone, or (b) not keep any data on it.


Or (c) overthrow the criminal Australian gov’t.


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The sequel is even better: I’m Unvaccinated, that’s Why I’m going to Live a Long and Healthy Life! 👍😁


‘I’m Unvaccinated 2, That’s Why I”m Going To Live A Long And Healthy Life’

There, fixed it, Scott!!!!!

Hugs and Kisses!



Thank you!


Some doctors are waking up, but some had to get sick in order to see.

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Happy go lucky

Cry harder duma$$

Too little, too late.


Boo hoo. Go personally apologize to your patients and staffs, then ask for their forgiveness. Open your checkbooks to pay for the injuries and deaths of them and loved ones.

A tweet does not get it done. It is just a start.


Sadly, this is one of those “can’t take it back” moments. These doctors, in their hubris, arrogance, and pride, have killed people.

I am all for forgiveness, but that requires repentance, making amends AND changes in behavior.

The amends to be made in these cases are impossible. The people they killed are DEAD. Their families will be without them for the rest of their lives. The people they injured are sick for life. Their suffering won’t go away with an apology.

I hope that doctors at least learn HUMILITY from this, but I don’t have high hopes.


SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LIES: 17,000 Scientists and Physicians confirm that Governments around the world along with Corporations willfully and deliberately lied to humanity about the Covid vaccines. They must be charged with fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide.

The data now shows that the Covid vaccinated are more likely to become infected or have disease or even death if they have been Vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated people. The Covid Vaccines damage your heart, brain, reproductive tissue, lungs, increase cancer and permanently damage your immune system.

The European Parliament asked Pfizer this direct question. “Was the Pfizer Covid Vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” Janine Small, a Pfizer President replied “NO” we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. At that point of view we had to do everything at risk.” They risked your lives deliberately for nothing and lied to you.

The United States Government is captured by Corporations. U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines and Boosters, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow and fetus causing all sorts of harm in the human body. The CDC and the FDA misinformation is causing death and injury in pregnant women and newborn babies around the world.

17,000 Physicians and Scientists demand that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca and their enablers be immediately indicted for fraud for willfully withholding and omitting Covid Vaccine safety information from patients and physicians which led to toxic death and injury to thousands of innocent people around the world.

There is excess mortality and death all over the world and populations are suddenly collapsing. A top U.S. Cardiologist says I’m going to be very clear about this. The Vaccine is Killing people and it’s Killing large numbers of people. The CDC has over 16,000 Americans that have died within a few days of taking the vaccine and that’s probably a gross underreporting.

The public must demand criminal charges for illegal advertising by the Media, the CDC, NIH, FDA all which advertised the Covid Vaccines as safe and effective with no side effects. They deliberately broke the law and committed federal crimes of fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide. All government officials and all corporate executives must be indicted and brought to justice.

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates were two of the main criminals in this global fraud of wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide perpetrated upon billions of innocent people around the world. Everyone involved must be punished for their deliberate crimes against humanity. We must get justice in order for this to never happen again. They must be made an example of what happens to you when you deliberately break the law.

This was not a mistake, this was a deliberate orchestrated plan to deceive you and manipulate you into taking a toxic experimental injection that was never given to humans before. Millions are injured and millions are dead. This is a global crime that must not go unpunished. Justice must be met, no matter what.


“They deliberately broke the law and committed federal crimes of fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide.”


That sounds a lot like genocide.



We called it what it was from the very start. Good to see the “professionals” catch up on the genocide.


“Mass negligent homicide”, my ass. It was murder, mass murder, and intentionally applied unevenly to specific groups — which makes it genocide.


You know the real irony? They killed far more of their leftist brethren than they killed of us, their perceived enemy.

pat frederick

KARMA is a bitch who slaps hard




No kidding.


A true racist slavemaster.


The first part of the video at the link is Dr. Robert Malone.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

James Comer Subpoenas 20 Wires Totaling $1.3M Received by James Biden

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed James Biden’s Lion Hall Group and JBBSR, Inc., entities on Thursday because the committee could not identify “legitimate services provided by James Biden’s companies.”

Comer’s subpoena appears to be directed at obtaining records linked to President Joe Biden’s corporation, “CelticCapri Corp,” which received nearly $10 million in 2017 without specifying revenue line items. “So that’s an LLC account. It wasn’t a shell company — that was a real LLC account with more earnings in there than what we can find. So that is an account we plan to subpoena as we follow the money,” Comer said last week.

Comer expanded his focus to James Biden’s entities. Those entities received at least 20 wires totaling $1,398,999 through Hunter’s entities, according to the 2020 Senate Report by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson…


I’m not sure Comer is going to get anything juicy out of this. As an example, let’s say I elected to purchase a single share of JBBSR, Inc. for $500K. I wire the money in, they eventually issue the share…..there is no income. It’s a capital transaction. If I sell my share later for $10K, I have a $490K capital loss.


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The J6 political prisoners are hostages of Jamaal’s Democrat Party.

Free Jamaal Bowman’s hostages!

pat frederick

he’s a dem in dc. they already had the trial, didn’t you hear? they exonerated him and awarded him millions for the damages the fire alarm caused to his manicure…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah. They said, “Jamaal come back now, y’hear”… 🙂

pat frederick



Rep. Matt Gaetz:

.@SpeakerMcCarthy is going to get his wish. I’m going to file a motion to vacate against him this week.

If at this time next week Kevin McCarthy is still Speaker of the House, it will be because the Democrats bailed him out. He can be their Speaker, not mine.

I haven’t seen anything from MTG on this. I wonder where she stands.


My guess, with Kevin.

Barb Meier

He will use and betray her too. It’s just how Kev rolls.



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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. What’s hers is hers, what’s mine is hers…

Or, from a former colleague who came out on the short end in a divorce (apparently she had the better attorney):

“Marriage is like a three-ring circus:

First, the Engagement Ring.
Second, the Wedding Ring.
Finally, the Suffering…”…..

Last edited 9 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Prenup, Prenup, Prenup. If you are a legitimate billionaire, you have a few at the ready!


Same way we keep living with you – at a distance.



Cuppa Covfefe

“How can we miss you if you never go away…”…. 🙂

Brave and Free

I like the updated shirt she chose 😊


That is not a skinny fat girl.


Those m*ther#ucker$ are not real!



Cuppa Covfefe

Velma and four knees…


I miss the good old days


Me too 👍

Barb Meier

“Remember normal?” – Chris Plante, there is also a t-shirt:

Happy go lucky

Wolf, thank you for the JS Bach, love, love, love.

There is so much genius in that room, genius across centuries, from the composer to the organ builder and to the organist, and all the loving hands who have maintained and restored the organ. It is miraculous.



What threatens Kyiv with Robert Fico coming to power in Slovakia?

Last weekend, early parliamentary elections were held in a small European country – Slovakia, in which Robert Fitz’s “anti-war party” “Direction – Social Democracy” won.

In Europe, he is openly called pro-Russian and another Orban (leader of anti-globalist Hungary). And he openly says that the war in Ukraine was provoked by Kiev and it must be ended urgently (see video). And Europe certainly shouldn’t pump it full of weapons.

It would seem, so what’s wrong with that? Some little thing will indicate something to someone. But in fact, Slovakia, due to the presence of large factories for the production of large-caliber ammunition (thanks to Czechoslovakia), is not a small thing. It is one of the most important suppliers of weapons to the Zelensky regime (and, first of all, scarce ammunition).

Today in Slovakia (thanks to the actions of the old Cabinet of Ministers) there is a plan to increase the production of artillery shells in calibers that are in short supply for Ukraine (which are 120 mm, 122 mm, 152 mm and 155 mm) to 150,000 pieces per year. And obviously, if such volumes fall out, it will have a very negative impact on the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

And this is exactly what can happen if Robert Fico becomes the new Prime Minister of the country… But for this he still needs to form a new coalition government (because he does not have enough of his own votes to form it).


Accurate per a brother-in-law’s wife who is from there. The couple just returned from a visit there with her family.


Need to keep the military industrial complex going, by supporting Ukraine’s “spray and pray” artillery strategy.


Have they managed to bring the price of each artillery shell down the the median cost of a house in the United States yet?


Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson:

“Ukraine will either capitulate or cease to exist as a state. No halftones. There will be no transgender Ukraine, okay? She will either surrender on Russian terms, or they will destroy her. And I think Russia is deadly serious here. If you underestimate and do not believe Russia’s statements, you will be bitterly disappointed. The conflict will end like World War II: Ukraine will either capitulate or be destroyed.

I think the Russians are absolutely right. By the time the US leadership comes to the idea: oh, we need negotiations to end this, it will be too late. The Russians will not negotiate. They don’t trust the West. The West has already proven itself to be a liar. After all, they used the Minsk agreements, Minsk-2, simply as a distraction and to stall for time. And Russia said: no, we are not idiots, we don’t play such games.

And it’s only a matter of time. Do you know the expression – the walking dead? Or, in this case, Ukraine is like a chicken whose head has been cut off. The chicken is still running around in circles for a while. But she has no head. And then she falls and dies.”


Larry is correct IMO. However, I believe it is a part of a much more encompassing plan to take out Ukraine that is combined with our cooperating white hats. I don’t think it is as simple as West versus East because the West is not totally controlled by WEF despite the narratives that media and the negas put out there. This is a part of the movie IMO – decided long ago by powers who were sick of the evil involved in that place.

As long as we fund and send scaled down weaponry to Ukraine, Russian forces will continue to destroy. The people sending the money and equipment know this. Some may hate Russia, but they know this is futile. That faction may just want to have Russia take some hits and expend some national treasure to lesson her threat toward their interests. That will not help long term as Russia is gaining much economic benefit from what they are doing. Many nations are lining up to do business with them and BRICS now.

The world will be better when the nation of Ukraine ceases to exist and the innocent people there are left alone to live their lives in peace.

Last edited 9 months ago by TradeBait2

Very astute.

Barb Meier

Do you think they’ll rename it to OBidenville?


““Ukraine will either capitulate or cease to exist as a state. No halftones. There will be no transgender Ukraine, okay?”


Then it will cease to exist as a state, because the people pushing Ukraine to keep fighting don’t have any of their own skin in the game, so it costs them nothing to fight to the last Ukrainian.


“She will either surrender on Russian terms, or they will destroy her.”


Russia will destroy Ukraine, because Ukrainians have no say in the matter, the corrupt governments of the West are at war with Russia, and the governments of the West, being wholly corrupt and evil, don’t care if every man, woman and child in Ukraine dies.


“And I think Russia is deadly serious here. If you underestimate and do not believe Russia’s statements, you will be bitterly disappointed. The conflict will end like World War II: Ukraine will either capitulate or be destroyed.”


I believe Russia.

I never believe the corrupt governments of the West, except when they say the quiet part out loud.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a deep dive from Simplicius from the 26th September:


Very dispiriting, I thought at least this source would be more truthful…

“Covid-19 vaccine scientists win Nobel Prize”
“However, the widespread rollout of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines also led to “rare occurrences of myocarditis [inflammation of the heart tissue] following the second injection of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna” vaccines in teens and young adults, the Johns Hopkins Medicine website notes. It adds that the majority of these cases were “mild and cleared up on their own.”


Well, IMO, Dr. Robert Malone will have something to say about this — after all, he discovered the basic mRNA mechanism and how it works. Especially since he accuses Dr. Kariko of stealing his work and subverting the mRNA mechanism into what was then used to create the modRNA in the COVID-19 “vaccines.”


OR they don’t clear up on their own………

Published: Sep. 30, 2023 at 3:31 PM EDT
ASHLAND COUNTY, Ohio (WOIO/Gray News) – Officials in Ohio say a high school senior collapsed and died Friday night during a homecoming event.

According to Mapleton Local Schools Superintendent Scott Smith, high school student Bre McKean collapsed due to a medical emergency prior to the school’s football game against South Central.


By the way, Johns Hopkins is LYING about the cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in people who get “vaccinated.” And Johns Hopkins KNOWS that they’re lying.
First, there are cases of myocarditis or pericarditis in people OVER AGE 25 who got “vaccinated.”
Third, saying a “mild” case of myocarditis or pericarditis is like saying “she’s a little bit pregnant.”
Fourth, diagnosed cases of myocarditis or pericarditis MUST BE TREATED. These conditions do NOT “clear up on their own.”
Fifth, according to the Cleveland Clinic, the survival rate for someone with a diagnosed case of myocarditis is 80% after one year and 50% after five years.


When will they address turbo cancer ???

Red Sox Legend Tim Wakefield Tragically Dies at 57 — Dad of 2 Asked For ‘Privacy’ Days before Death
Story by Taitirwa Sehliselwe Murape •

A media news outlet reported that Tim was diagnosed with brain cancer. Though his team had announced that he had an illness before his death, they did not disclose any details or elaborate on the matter further.
“I don’t even know if he wants it shared…I’ve seen prayer work and so I’m going to talk about it…a very serious, very aggressive form of brain cancer.”

In addition to sharing details concerning Tim’s health, Curt also exposed Tim’s wife, Stacy Wakefield, and her diagnosis. He disclosed the fact that Stacy is battling pancreatic cancer.

Actor Jake Abraham Dies of Prostate Cancer at 56
British actor Jake Abraham, best known for his role in Guy Ritchie’s film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, has died of prostate cancer just two months after announcing his diagnosis. 

‘She transformed our lives’: Daughter of Downton Abbey’s Anna Chancellor dies tragically aged just 36 following a battle with leukaemia 

In May, the Daily Mail revealed Poppy’s brave attitude in the face of the illness, even as she prepared for chemotherapy. 


Devastating. I knew someone who died of esophageal cancer within a few months of diagnosis. He didn’t tell people he was sick, so it came as a shock. I don’t know his vax status, and I think that form of cancer is fast-moving anyway.


Posted to the internets 4 days ago, but I don’t think we carried it.

This guy has been keeping track of a lot things like this here.

Cuppa Covfefe

Johns Hopkins has been lying since the beginning of this. Weren’t they called out back in 2021 (or even 2020) for bogus numbers… Some kind of a red flag comes to mind…


The Nobel Prize long ago became a prize of shame.

If I remember correctly, they gave the Magic Kenyan, Hussein Obamasiah, a Nobel Peace Prize just for being America’s first half-black, full-Kenyan, bi-sexual, full-marxist islamic president.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

The “Peace” prize has always been a joke, but up until very recently, the academic and scientific prizes have been legit.

This one’s just nobbled lies…..

pat frederick

somehow this picture doesn’t scream brilliant to me
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Robert Baker

At first I thought they were trying to protect from disease but then it occurred to me that maybe they didn’t not want to be recognized by the public.


Another photo of the lovely couple, apparently they really are trying to hide their identity:


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AAAANNNNND, Dr. Robert Malone DOES have “something to say” about the Nobel Prize situation! —
October 2, 2023


Here’s the lovely couple now, all masked up:


Dr. Simon Goddek: “This picture is worth a thousand words: The Nobel Prize laureates do not trust their own ‘innovation’ and instead rely on pseudoscience — face diapers. ”

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

Moar truth surfaces on J6. This article is packed. First few paragraphs here…

In February of this year, The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuovo wrote about a shocking development in the US government’s case against the Proud Boys.

it was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns” document.

The 1776 Returns document is the title of a 9-page paper that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021.

It was confirmed in court that the FBI was behind the document and and FBI operative was the author of the document.

The mysterious document was sent unsolicited to Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio’s Telegram right before January 6th by a “love interest” named Erika Flores.

Flores reportedly testified to the January 6th Committee that A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL was the author of the entirety of the “1776 Returns” and that this FBI and CIA member or associate asked her to share it with Tarrio!

Tarrio was charged with Seditious Conspiracy and was later found guilty along with four fellow members of the Proud Boys. Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison for planning the entire “seditious conspiracy.” We now know that it was the FBI who was behind the conspiracy.

Last edited 9 months ago by para59r

But why would the FIB do this? Bored? Lack of fed crimes to investigate?

No, it was to provide an excuse to Pee-lousy to shut down the Electoral College vote so she could invoke emergency rules.

What were these emergency rules?

They prohibited Pence from taking motions to remand certain electors back to their states. IOW those emergency rules made Pence into a ceremonial figure.

Amazing that his legal advisors told him that was what the constitution meant.

If that was true, then why the rules change? Just let the motions be made and rule that they were not permitted by the constitution.

Pence needed political cover. For his part in stealing the election. Because if he had sent those electors back, the electoral college vote would be tossed to the House [where each state has one vote and there were far more GOP states than donkey states].

DJT would have had his second term. COULDN’T HAVE THAT.

Last edited 9 months ago by pgroup2

para and pgroup for the win. Spot on.

🔥 👏👏👏



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Depressing – guess I need one to get over it.


Hey, guess what?
CA gov. Newscum just appointed a black female resident of MARYLAND to fill in the seat for the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein! His office says that LAPHONZA BUTLER (a big-time union organizer and currently the director of the abortion advocate group EMILY’S List) “will reregister to vote in California before she takes the oath of office.”
(per and the bio on Wikipedia)

Barb Meier

She has the unique distinction of being the only person to move TO California in the last two years.



Robert Baker

A bit mocking but nevertheless quite witty.


[loud guffaw]

Cuppa Covfefe

Look at the bright side; she probably got her U-Haul trailer/truck quite cheaply, so the relo package won’t be as much 😆


Trump statement 👍😁👍

Last edited 9 months ago by para59r

How slow that unnecessary reporter spoke, and how many times did he stall with “Ah”. Bet there was no prepared scrip and the producer was going “Talk over him, talk over him, quick, get going, just talk”.

pat frederick

family sticks together.
wonderful atmosphere here wolf!


Is that a left-handed way of volunteering? Asking for a friend.  😎  😍 

pat frederick

the openings I write at my place are nowhere near the caliber written here.
I am strictly see Spot run…lol


Wolf Moon
Yours Truly would like to take a crack at the Friday opener. Since one is not an author here, nor an admin, the completed piece can be emailed to you.


I think you will have to be made an author, but that is easy for Wolf to do.




Make sure to also get the magic decoder ring and whistle….

pat frederick


pat frederick

heads up…could be good??
from tcth

October 2, 2023 11:40 am

Matt Gaetz at noon on the floor. Watch!


I have been busy.
I had a doctor visit just regular checkup. Am grateful to all my treeper friends during covid and after. Got a clean bill of health thanks to all the help from friends here on the Qtree.
My B6 went up to 50 that is good.
Did more canning and my new pantry looks wonderful stacked.
My daughter and husband came to visit and took some canned food home with them.
Fall cleaning now that weather is cooler.
In Nov. son and his wife are coming after three years. He is waking up electric cars are crap he told me . He used to be into environment saving the planet. His friends have electric cars and they have all kind of problems.
I have been reading every day.
Thanks to everyone who makes this tree a wonderful informative hang out 

pat frederick

you have been busy!
good news on the doc visit!
i have always wanted to learn to can!


Me too but I’m certain I’d kill us with botulism or something !!

pat frederick

that doesn’t scare me–it’s the visions of veggies splattered all over the ceiling and having tomatoes in my hair…LOL


  :wpds_lol: hahaha that too !

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a scene in “Holiday Inn” with Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby where exploding canned peaches are part of the dance routine…


Nothing like first-person experience to wake somebody. Just like a bucket of water tossed on a sleeper.


Like those doctors who didn’t believe the vax could be harmful until they got heart problems.


Thank you so much for the update! Lots of things going on for sure. It sounds like people in your family are waking up (not “woking up”.)


Yes some are others tell like my son in law tells me he loves me despite being a Trumper. He is still defending Biden and the jab. One does not try to push just drop a morsel hopping for it to grow.


Thanks to everyone who makes this tree a wonderful informative hang out 

Yes, and you are a huge part of that! I’m glad you had a good checkup and that you’re accomplishing some useful things. 😊


Slow but useful 🙂
I am grateful for God’s grace when it comes to health. You all helped with info. 🙂


Glad you are healthy, and your pantry is full. God is good!


Good to see you . How is your garden?


Finally about finished! I put up the hoop house over the tomatoes to let more of them ripen, but everything else is just about done. I have a few kohlrabi still out. And I moved some peppers, a tomato, and some herbs, all in pots, into my sunroom for the winter.

I hope you are enjoying some beautiful fall weather. I sure am.


That is great making your own greenhouse 🙂
I have something like that also makes the season longer. I put straw around the plants.


I have to. Montana summers go by pretty quick.


Was a strange summer here also . Tonight we have 44F


And here, it was 75F today! In October!


That is nice weather. 😀




Up and down the streets of affluent neighborhoods, signs reading, “No person is illegal” and “In this house, we believe…”NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL,” can be found in front of several million-dollar homes. Nothing says “I’m a better person than my neighbor” than a virtue-signaling sign that celebrates illegal aliens in America—until, of course, the local sheriff warns that YOU are about to become their next victim—and no amount of virtue-signaling will stop them.

“These are transnational gangs that are involved in this that come from South America, looking to do burglaries and violate our communities, not just in Oakland County but across America,” Bouchard said. “It’s criminality at its organized crime best in terms of that’s how it functions. They work together, and they’re here for a specific purpose.”

According to Bouchard, gang members have been cited from countries such as Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, and Venezuela.

“They typically establish a residence near locations they wish to target. They do a lot of surveillance, we believe before they commit a crime. Usually, it’s two or three people working together, with one of them stationed outside as a driver. … Around the country, in some situations, they’ve been caught in areas with no bail anymore, and they get out and then get arrested again. The prosecutor in one case I happen to know about, in Nassau County, New York, said they actually laughed at her as they walked out of court” to freedom, Bouchard said.

In Sept. 2022, US Congressman Troy Nehls warned Americans that the DHS had confirmed to him that Venezuela was emptying its prisons and sending its violent criminals to our borders…


My brother always tells me about his daughter’s dopey neighborhood in Chicago that has those signs in their yards.
Might as well have a neon sign saying Rob Us We Love You and Don’t Believe in Gun Ownership


Been done with many central and south American countries for decades. Cuban marielitos as an example. They mixed hardened criminals in with the political prisoners they boated out.

pat frederick

the gloves are off. the dems are watching with glee i suspect.

Laura Loomer


It has come time for me to tell this story. When I was running for US Congress in 2022, I was one of the only candidates running who took the pledge to not support
for Speaker of the House. When I ran in FL 11, I ran against RINO incumbent
Daniel Webster, who skipped the vote on the 2nd impeachment of President Trump and was the only Republican to skip the vote on the J6 committee, and also voted to send $40 billion to Ukraine. In 2021,
cornered me at the Trump Doral in Miami and told me he thinks I should drop out. He told me “you are not a winning candidate and you are not an America First candidate”. But Daniel Webster is? Matt protected a RINO Trump hater who voted all 15 times to make Kevin McCarthy speaker of the House. Matt worked against me when I ran against a McCarthy supporter when he could have had someone like me in Congress fighting for America First. If Matt was serious when he first said a couple years ago that he wouldn’t allow McCarthy to be Speaker, then he would have shown us with his actions. But every chance he gets, he allows his ego and hubris to get in the way of supporting America First candidates who walk the walk and talk the talk. I have all the receipts to prove what I’m saying too. So it’s funny to now see Matt Gaetz make more promises to vacate the chair when he has had many opportunities to fight McCarthy over the last 2 years, but has intentionally sabotaged efforts to hold McCarthy accountable. Even worse, he constantly runs cover for the biggest McCarthy enabler in Congress, aka
who once also lied and said she would never support McCarthy. I have those text messages too… I have no reason to lie. It’s important for people to understand how fake Matt is. I support a Motion to Vacate, and if I was in Congress, unlike Matt, I never would have caved and supported McCarthy, and I would have actually made a motion to vacate the chair the first time I said I would as opposed to lying about it. It is hard to take Matt seriously anymore when I know how hard he worked during my campaign to oppose a viable McCarthy opponent and to support the McCarthy enabler, and career politician RINO Daniel Webster. Daniel Webster was with
on election night in 2022. He made a deal with DeSantis in 2022 to remove the most pro Trump areas of my district in the map and to give Daniel Webster back Orange County, where the highway is named after him. And it was in Orange County where my election was stolen with massive fraud on election night. The only reason Daniel Webster recently endorsed
is because he knows how much Trump likes me and he’s worried I will be running again. Webster hates Donald Trump and everyone in FL 11 knows it. Matt Gaetz protected Webster and told me “Webster gave me my first job in politics and my dad is friends with him, so you need to drop out.” I refused to drop out and so Matt told me “you are not an America First candidate and you are not a winning candidate.” Also when I was running for Congress, DeSantis asked Matt Gaetz to tell the grassroots to stop asking DeSantis to conduct an Audit over 2020. And Matt happily obliged and told Election Integrity activists to stop calling Desantis out over election integrity. I wanted to give
the benefit of the doubt, but he has shown time and time again that he’s just not very serious about holding
accountable. That’s the real Matt Gaetz for you. I thought you all should know the truth since nobody in Washington DC seems capable of speaking it these days. Right, Matt?
5:32 PM · Oct 1, 2023


Wowser – that might leave a mark on the boy…

pat frederick



It’s time for this Rcon charade be burnt to the ground.
We are forced to grab onto anyone who appears to be truthful and ethical only to get face slapped the next day . It must chap their hides that POTATUS and the rest of them refer to them as “MAGA” republicans…that’s a joke


Laura Loomer does good work and exposes a lot of corruption, and I think her credibility has improved over the last year or so. My impression of her earlier was of someone who is fighting a cause without much political savvy, sort of like a bull in a china cabinet who leaves destruction in her wake. I think a balance has to be struck.

My purpose is not to defend Gaetz, but to share what I’ve seen. He has taken responsibility lately for his lack of action by saying he is culpable. Is he being genuine? I hope time will tell.

I don’t know that I can blame him for not getting on the Laura Loomer train. He was correct that she was not a viable candidate. I think she has grown and improved over time and that she needs to stay on the path she is on. But now we have Gaetz at least talking about doing the right thing, and it seems it might be a good time to support him in these efforts, and she is tearing him down because of a personal slight. That’s an example of what I’ve been referring to. Until she understands better how to maneuver, she is not going to be one of the top players.

I do appreciate her exposés, but I still look at her with a little skepticism. That’s on her, and it’s something she needs to acknowledge.

Brave and Free

She needs to learn how to play politics is what you’re saying?


I don’t like “playing politics,” but you have to know your enemy, know your allies, and be smart about what you communicate and how and when you say things. This is true of interactions we have in all aspects of life, not just in politics. There are times when a certain amount of tact and/or reticence is required to further your cause. Sometimes it takes patience and strategy.

Brave and Free

Agreed 👍




Gaetz has had a better view of the playing board than she has. Love them both, but one is playing chess and the other checkers. The “see I told ya so” stick is not going to endear her with anyone.

pat frederick

i agree about the i told you so stuff…but many people (some dude for instance) practically make a living out of it


Your initial comment was this:

the dems are watching with glee i suspect.

That is very telling. Loomer is coming out with this now, when RINOs are attacking Gaetz while he is trying to hold McCarthy to his word. She is adding to Repub infighting and is giving Dems ammo, which IMO is inexcusable.

pat frederick

we can never band together like brothers. instead we fight like sisters eyeing the last bachelor at a wedding


LOL at that analogy!

Cuppa Covfefe

Sadie Hawkins day…
(from L’il Abner)…


Looking forward to Gaetz to STOP Talking AND Take Action.


Politics IS the problem, then AND now.


I don’t see her taking it personally, except to the extent that she is the person who has the position that he is against. Would he do the same things if her name was Jane Anybody? According to her, yes.

He’s a politician. Maybe he can’t help it. Maybe his personal motto is: my mind is made up; don’t confuse me with facts.


For me it’s not a matter of choosing one of them over the other. Both have negatives, IMO. I’m just saying that I think there are some things that Loomer needs to learn. Tempering her speech when Gaetz is finally showing signs of taking HUGE steps might be one of them. I don’t see how she is helping the current situation.


Nor do I see Loomer hurting anything. Thus far, Gaetz Is ALL Talk.


We can differ on this. What I see is Gaetz finally holding McCarthy’s feet to the fire, RINOs in the House attacking Gaetz, and Loomer also attacking Gaetz. I see that as being detrimental to Gaetz’s reputation and the overall cause, which affects all of us. I don’t appreciate someone on our side stepping into a fight where she doesn’t belong, belittling our main protagonist, and shining the spotlight on herself.

She said, “It has come time for me to tell this story.” I disagree, 100%. Timing is important, and IMO she blew it.


He’s a politician.  <<< The Problem.


But now we have Gaetz at least talking about doing the right thing, and it seems it might be a good time to support him in these efforts, and she is tearing him down because of a personal slight. 

“Talking” IS the problem. Gaetz is an outstanding, “talker.”


Have no problem with Lara Loomer.


No Surprise here.


This is sick. Absolutely disgusting. Especially unprofessional of the buffoon calked a judge.

pat frederick




It’s a kangaroo court. I believe he will be convicted of whatever the charges are, and will have to appeal.


Banana Republic at its Worst.

pat frederick

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Brave and Free

Karma has a way of coming around, or the afterlife, either way won’t be good for them.

Last edited 9 months ago by Brave and Free

The guy is a loon from the bio i read. Absolutely nuts.


The judge grins like the devil so sad to see that he gives up his soul for a little notoriety. Only a underachiever behaves that way.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like he’ll be meeting the devil before long…

They are working to earn their eternal infernal award…


They have no established faith and serve a different god the god of power and greed.

pat frederick


They want the status quo. 🦏


They cannot stand him because he tells the truth among all those liars he is shun. He works for the people they for their pocketbook and self interest not the people. Get them out.


ANOTHER surprise. (rCONS beating on Gaetz.)

Gaetz COULD choose to take Action. (Yea, unlikely)


Gaetz can continue grand standing, holding pressers AND Taking Cash Donations.  ☝ 

Last edited 9 months ago by kalbokalbs

Before we head out for our annual fall frolic at the beach this weekend, I will be releasing a couple that may add some reading material for those with interest. The first will be a health update that ties to several folks on here along with their recommendations and observations. The second, later in the week in another step on the journey of the Civilized War story.


You know I love the health updates! Can’t wait.


Pirates in San Fran waterways now. Good Lord.

The beefed up patrols came after ship resident Michael West told CBS he and his neighbors were taking matters into their own hands instead of calling authorities.
“Someone in this marina had to defend themselves with guns against the pirates. And that’s where it is right now,” West said on Sept. 10. 
“Everybody here has a gun or knife or a sword or a stick or something, you know, to protect themselves.”

pat frederick

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Ha! Arghh!


In my mind, all pirates look like that, even modern ones. 😂


IMO, three types of pirates here:
Corsairs (Muslim pirates)

What likely will happen, since this is San Francisco, is that the LEGAL houseboat residents of San Francisco Bay and the other water areas of the bay, will literally be told to leave their water residences and move to a land home.


Except those are priced out so theyd have to completely leave the area. No one left but vagrants and the rich. Then, the rich would use their govt lackeys to sweep out the vagrants and redevelop the now cheaper areas. Like they want everywhere!


It seems like at some point there will be an over saturation of vagrants, homeless and illegals in comparison to the rich who will be appealing to the ultra Left officials to take the unspeakable move to get rid of the dregs. Each day the Left makes up new rules to protect them so a full scale sweep might be wishful thinking ?


Right now it doesnt affect the super rich really. Piglosi’s husband is still suspicious to me and set aside. They want an enclave. Full sweep will happen when they have incentive i think.


Yeah agree but if the “transnational ” crims start making home invasions and robberies in lots of super rich enclaves..all bets are off. Those guys aren’t living on the streets. They’re pros.


That is true. You resd about the celebs getting robbed but not much about wealthy in general having it happen.

Cuppa Covfefe

I can see it now…

Houseboats rolling down the hills, plowing down all the tents, drug meetings, and other sidewalk scum on the streets of San Francisco… think of “Herbie Rides Again” and the runaway cable car 🙂


W a snowplow on the front tho.


Billions of Dollars being laundered to accomodate the repopulation of “Opportunity Zones” that are being created.

Opportunity Zones….the crime becomes rampant, the property values fall…”Investors” begin to buy up the devalued property….The Governor then proclaims a city as being an “Opportunity Zone” & all of a sudden $$$$Billions of dollars become available to the new owner/owners of the property bought at discounted prices and $$$$$ begins it’s way through the laundry process.

June 1, 2023 – San Francisco has launched a new tourism campaign called ‘Always San Francisco’ costs a whopping $6 million. It includes, among other things, the city’s first television commercial, a music video of sorts that seeks to highlight the quirkiness and diversity of the city. The spot is being rolled out despite rampant homelessness, drug use and high-profile crimes in the city as leaders have struggled to clean up the streets.

June 13, 2023 – The operator of San Francisco’s biggest shopping mall, ‘Westfield’, has stopped making payments on a $558 million loan and is handing the building back to the lender after blaming crime for tanking earnings and the closure of the flagship Nordstrom store set for August of this year

August 21, 2023 – Vacant properties in San Francisco’s downtown area are being snapped up by investors at heavily reduced rates [prices reduced at 60% to 70% discount]. A run of crime and homelessness in the area sparked a mass exodus as businesses and residents abandon hope of a revival. Office vacancies dipped to a low of 31 percent this year while developers stepped back from mammoth construction projects. Out of 203 retailers open in 2019 in the city’s Union Square area, just 107 are still operating, a drop of 47 percent in just a few pandemic-ravaged years.

Philadelphia, Boston, Portland…Progressive cities that are targeting specific areas in their cities for destruction….It’s all about “Opportunity Zones” and the money that’s coming down through the December 21,2020 Congressional $900 BILLION “Covid Relief” Package and the $1.4 TRILLION Omnibus

Just one of the hundreds of items in the “Relief Package”:

$15 Billion in funding for live venues, independent movie theaters and cultural institutions – Donor class benefits.  

“According to recent reports congress has just agreed to the largest bailout and budget combined spending bill in history. The seriously sketchy COVID “relief” (insert term “bailout”) package is $900 billion, and they are throwing in a $1.4 Trillion Omnibus spending bill…


Lawlessness is spreading like the toxic disease that it is….the reason is because Law enforcement is unwilling or unable to stop it. Whether it’s orders from superiors or from the overwhelming amount of crime…we’re inching closer and closer the things spiraling out of control.


In the article the diversity hire police chief of Alameda actually says crime is perception. 3rd world!


Time will show what 3rd world really is. Tick tock



Yes. And now i will never go to l.a. for a concert, museum, beach, tourism ANYTHING bc car break- ins and vandalism are part of that.


Fancy that — we’re headed out to a concert in Palm Springs in two weeks because we didn’t want to risk going to SF.


Palm springs is pretty lefty run, but its still Riverside County and sentiment itself is conservative.


Weather will be nicer too.


I am going to a concert in Columbus this coming weekend. I am looking forward to it. I noticed some mild changes in Columbus depending where one goes. More begging. Not seen homeless but maybe I am not going to the right places.


In the article the powers that be explain that no cash bail is the antidote to the very unfair policy that wealthy criminals are able to buy their way out of jail.
The nervous public being preyed upon is portrayed as fearmongers


Prosecution of piracy has always been more straightforward than land-based crimes. “Chain him to a weight and leave him at the spot where the offense occurred until trial” simplifies things considerably.




Cement blocks, nylon rope, no digging required.


Good here. /s

pat frederick

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pat frederick

great response at tcth
Citizen of the Former Republic
October 2, 2023 2:48 pm

Reply to  Mass Psychosis

Funny, “expert’s” words regarding covid and climate change are gospel and “settled science”.


He is a raving fruitcake.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder how often he’s been reversed/whacked on appeal?


Yes. He got started by being appointed then never left.


Now here’s an alarm clock 😂



Thats so cute. Pup wants to play!

Brave and Free

Or 💩


Ha. Yep. When my deceased boy beagle was a puppy he would go out, roll in ut, then come wake me up, because he loved bath time in the shower after i had grabbed him and it was on me. Dogs.



Heating with electric would be devastating for most people specially the elderly. I noticed an increase this summer went from $200 t0 $450.
Converting a house to all electricity is expensive. Maybe that is the idea that many people would have to give up their house because they cannot heat it because of cost.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re trying to do it here… Habeck’s heatpump law is causing all manner of problems. First, heat pumps are, in truth, not very efficient or effective, so they require a very well-insulated house (in which case, why have a heater in the first place?). Second, since they require a lot of energy, the electricity grid needs to be upgraded: yet more expense for the taxpayers/ratepayers. Finally, at least over here, the EU has banned the refrigerant used by said heatpumps, so a number of poor sods who installed heatpumps the last couple of years to get ahead of the game will have to de-install the old heatpumps and replace them with new heatpumps.


Just like the heatpump dryers. They lie on the energy rating to force people to use them. Plain dryers with no heatpump and no condenser units are quieter, easier to maintain, cleaner, produce less heat in the home on hot days, and, in general, last longer than the fancy-dancy green-dream-machines….. and are probably just as efficient, if not moreso…


Hey, shh on the down low, if people are willing to take a road trip, I know a place that has a huge tree down…lotta firewood

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s one up in the UK, I’ve heard… a Tik-Tok challenge, IIRC…


That’s the one !

Brave and Free

There’s a reason they don’t use heat pumps in the northern climates. There inefficient at the lower temperatures (50degees) I think 🤔

Cuppa Covfefe

And that’s what it is (and below) here, all winter long…


Sorry to hear that.
They are all so corrupt and mentally deranging thinking it is not going to affect them.


Now Mark Levin is piling on Gaetz.


Full text:


Yes, that is correct. The guy who says McCarthy is the Democrats’ speaker is plotting and scheming with the radical Democrats to take out a Republican speaker who is more conservative than he is (McCarthy backed the Freedom Caucus CR and the cuts and border security, which Gaetz and 4 others killed). There are now numerous reports that Gaetz is doing this not because he insists that McCarthy interfered with an ethics investigation of him, which a speaker cannot do and has never done. I might add that after two years it’s about time the Ethics Committee release its report and either lift the cloud over Gaetz or clear him. Gaetz should demand this as well.


In addition to many other inaccuracies in this post, “the Great One” seems to have a problem with rudimentary math.

21 (not four) Republicans voted against the McCarthy CR which:

– funded Ukraine

– funded Jack Smith

– abandoned E-verify (which we passed just hours earlier.)

Also, making the argument that @SpeakerMcCarthy is more conservative than I am doesn’t seem to be landing with your own audience, Mark.

The People see through the noise.



Levin’s list of priorities begin with “Putin Bad!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Mark Levin is a pile…  💩  💩  💩  (sound of Picard: “Number Two” )….

Brave and Free

Things are heating up, not sure who if anyone is actually being truthful anymore. Smoke and mirrors abound all by design IMO. Keeping everyone divided while the DS continues on it’s merry way. What actually has the house done? Nothing but bickering amongst themselves.


^^^ THIS. >>> What actually has the house done? Nothing


He’s an idiot in this area. Any GOPer who votes for any CR is betraying the country.

I can’t wait until I have the time to hear what Bannon says about this.


President Trump laying down the law:

“This is a judge that should be disbarred. This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he’s doing. He’s interfering with an election.”

pat frederick

he’s not wrong


Thomas Massie explains recent happenings and says, “This does not warrant a Motion to Vacate.” But this is only a series of things that are causing Gaetz and others to want to oust McCarthy.


Friday we voted on a bill to:

*fund appropriations at 92% for 30 days. 

*pass HR-2, the Republican border security bill (sans e-verify)

*establish a debt commission. 

I voted for it, but that bill failed because 21 republicans and every democrat voted against it. 

The senate began moving a bill to fund the government at 100% for 45 days and send billions to Ukraine.

Some representatives in the House were ready to vote for that bill. In fact, GOP leadership (McConnell) in the Senate endorsed that bill. It was advancing as the likely option 

With no other viable options, the Speaker quickly advanced a bill to fund at 100% for 45 days, without Ukraine $, so we could work on the other 8 approps bills.

Brave GOP senators overrode the decision of their leadership and the Senate GOP decided to delay the Senate bill. 

The conservative option (8% cut) being defeated the day before (ironically by conservatives) the House passed the 45 day, no cuts, no Ukraine bill on Saturday.

Dems who wanted the senate bill reluctantly voted for house bill, as did 100+ repubs (not I, but I don’t fault them). 

This does not warrant a Motion to Vacate.

I’ll try to answer some questions posted here.

*end of thread* 

pat frederick

the senate treats the house as the jv team because they act like it.
the HOUSE is responsible for the gov’t budget, or lack thereof, spending bills.
the senate has a say and they must reconcile them to get them passed, but the senate is taking the lead and running with it.
they need to be smacked down and i think there should be a motion to vacate because the Speaker cannot lead from behind.
jmo ymmv


It’s unconstitutional – money bills must originate in the House. The Senate can develop amendments it wishes to add on but not a full bill.


I suppose whether it deserves a motion to vacate or not depends on whether each new betrayal by Kevin overwrites/erases the previous betrayals.

Now, for me, he was unqualified when he cut a deal with SlowJoe. Each successive betrayal is simply cumulative.


I’ve reset the Ubuntu password on the tax computer and updated it. Just boot another disk, navigate to /etc, and edit shadow as root. I deleted the password field of the desired user, rebooted, logged in as that user without a password and reset the password.

I’m going to try a similar thing with Windows, except that Windows passwords are in a “hive”, which is evidently not a usual filesystem. Should be accessible to Kali, however — so that’s what I’m currently booting.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was once lent a CD ROM with some sort of utility that would get you into a Windows system, ridiculously easily.

I felt really secure after that…

And scenarios like you describe are one reason the Qubes folks recommend you NOT configure qubes as one of two systems on a dual boot. Crossing over from a thumbdrive is less problematic if the hard drive (or ssd) is encrypted, but once decrypted, the other system on that decrypted drive can “look” into the Qubes system and see just about everything.

Last edited 9 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mind you, I’d be in a pickle if the disk were encrypted…..but I try to retain physical possession of my computers, so I don’t encrypt them.

I made the mistake of telling Windows to update before rebooting into Kali….it’s still going…..


FINALLY in Kali as of about 8 minutes ago. Going through procedure at — seems to be working fine.


OK, I’m in Windows. Now to reset password, make sure Windows is all the way updated, make sure the tax program is all the way updated, and I’ll be where I was supposed to be last night.


Yeah, Windows security is severely overrated.

A whole lot of “security by obscurity”.


pat frederick

I love this!

pat frederick

European-origin Americans deserve respect even after they become a minority in the United States, President Joe Biden told a friendly interviewer in an October 1 interview.

“We’re going to be — very shortly — a minority-white European country, and sometimes my [Democrat] colleagues don’t speak enough to make it clear that that is not going to change how we operate,” he told the progressive billionaire-funded ProPublica website.

Democrats must treat white Americans with respect, as they and their children quickly become a racial minority in their own nation, Biden insisted, saying:

   It’s not so much the economic benefits; it is treating them with respect, treating them with respect. … The Democratic Party in the past has — on occasion — spoken less to their needs and fears or concerns. And so, I think a lot of the guys that I grew up with in Delaware and in Scranton, Pennsylvania, they feel like they’re not being respected. Not so much by policy — just by the failure to talk about their needs.


Wow, old skeezer saying the quiet part out loud

pat frederick

trying to stoke a racial war?
or off his meds and his leash?


Off his leash probably and he can’t keep his trap shut. Good to know that others, those good old time Dems, are feeling the shove.

And……..WTF is this Unnecessary European-Origin qualifier ??? 

pat frederick

does he think he’s black now???


Because Persians are actually Caucasians. Lots of people think they are just a different segment of Arabs. He doesn’t want to look like he’s favoring the Iranians.


What do you want to bet….they gonna kilt him soon….nobody, even a senile fool can be allowed to utter a truth like that..nobody

pat frederick

maybe someone hacked his telepromptor or whoever is talking in his ear…LOL


LOL, maybe but his pals from Scranton, Delaware and probably in his very own lily white family ARE talking about it because #1, it’s true and#2, Biden himself isn’t a diversity lover..he’s an obedient patsy


Hmmm….. I just finished watching this:

could it be true?

Cuppa Covfefe

He usually does blurt out the truth, but surrounded by glops of idiocy so people don’t realize it. He said before the election in 2020 that it didn’t matter how people voted… and that’s what came to pass…

Robert Baker

TRANSLATION: The polling looks really bad for us.


But pretending that it’s all a misconception on white people’s part that we’re being un-personed because of the color of our skin has been working well for them. Media says nothing. Pols say nothing but everyday agencies, corporations, advertising, schools, military confirm what we already know. Whites are no longer considered as equal. No longer considered for positions or advancement.
They let that raving jackass be the first to admit this…hmmm it surprises me that they would allow it. Polling will get a lot worse when this is thrown in the public arena instead of the conservative platforms.

pat frederick

what puzzles me is this statement’s lack of awareness.
do the dems believe they will still be in positions of power if they are white and we are in the minority?
they will also be in the minority.


I think that old school dems must believe that their own wokeness insulates them. I mean they’d be mortified to be on the same playing field as the reviled white MAGA. They need to open their eyes..Newscum outright declared..he would only choose a black woman. The newly appointed military brass..only black. The last Supreme, black woman.

They may have performed well, voted party line, walked in the protests, etc but if they aren’t the right skin color, forget about that climb up the ladder.
That’s why, until it’s definite, I don’t know if Newsome will be their nominee. IDK…it’s only the way I see it

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope LBJ, Chappaquiddick Ted, and Hart and Celler are toasting in HELL for what they did with the Hart-Celler Act inverting the immigration quotas back in 1965…

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting he’s a queero… a failed transexual “comedian”… probably some trafficking history (blackmail fodder) to go with that……




Chilling. All these escorts hide their face, ID, and refuse any sort of attempt at dialogue, confirming worse suspicions.


Another devastating Truth out in the open yet…nothing is done because our very own govt is running the show. It’s demonic. Back in ancient times when child sacrifices were common at least one could argue they were ignorant. Every single adult involved in this should be executed.


By public hanging. And left there until their feet touch the ground.


Finally, proof of what we’ve all known and of what Q has said. If the children were being taken to legitimate sponsors, their escorts could say so. There would be no need for secrecy.

The video showed all those “holding” facilities at various spots in Texas. I’m thinking the state should have some say about what happens there.

This video should be shown to everyone, and especially Dems. People need to wake up!


Lindsay Graham Suggests If Conservatives Want Border Security They Will Have To Support Funding For Ukraine
The root narrative around the next government funding bill is slowly taking shape and it is uglier than many people suspected – Neo-cons within the GOP are determined to oppose the majority of Americans and will continue funding the war in Ukraine, and they are planning on using the border security issue as leverage. 

In a recent interview with CBS Face The Nation, Lindsay Graham suggested that any new government funding bill would require many billions more in Ukraine military aid well beyond the $24 billion already slated, and that if conservatives want funding for border security, they will have to submit to an ongoing proxy war in Ukraine. In other words, the plan is to hold conservatives and America hostage using the immigration crisis.



BBL … going over to my neighbor’s to borrow some hemp.


Please give me time to drive over ..I’d like to help !

Does he not understand that we’re not idiots ? They could put 800 million gazillion in border security and it won’t make any difference. It’s not lack of $$$$ stopping them from border protection.


Neighbor has coffee and dessert … and lots of hemp!

He understands … also knows he will be re-elected, it’s rigged.


Nice to have a fellow traveler for a neighbor, sometimes ya have to rake this stuff over the coals with someone who gets it to let it go…until the next outrage pops up.  🔥 


Irrelevant. The DC thugs aren’t going to obey the law anyway.

BBT [bring back Trump]

Robert Baker

Once again and scratch my head and wonder, why did Trump defend this guy? Graham is not a friend of the American citizen.


My thought exactly…


Makes no sense, from an America First, perspective.


However, it makes perfect sense if one studies the art of war as did President Donald J Trump….

“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Then do NOT fund either. Seriously, Do Not Fund Either. I don’t accept blackmail.


Lindsay Graham is a gay Nazi.

Cuppa Covfefe

Working for the Gaystapo…


I want to believe and I hope it’s over soon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s what I said as I sat through a nearly three minute long intro with pukey 60s music of some kind.

Then it froze up on me literally after one sentence of the actual content (“Barack Obama the Great Deceiver”) and I couldn’t get it to play again.

Last edited 9 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Israel’s anti-fascist movement has called on Canada to publish a list of Nazis living in it.

“The Israeli anti-fascist movement demands that the Canadian authorities not only publish a list of all fascists who settled in Canada, who fought on Hitler’s side in the SS Galicia unit, but also bring them to justice,” said movement chairman Dmitry Trapirov .

Trapirov recalled that Nazi crimes have no statute of limitations.

Canadians have probably already regretted a million times that they allowed Zelensky to come to them.

Last edited 9 months ago by phoenixrising

Mossad needs an updated target list.


If Mossad didn’t already know about this guy in Canada, then Mossad isn’t even a credible intelligence agency.

Which would be par for the course, since Western intelligence agencies are nothing more than covert actors conducting undeclared war (and war crimes) all over the world on behalf of oligarchs.


The should make the same demand of the Brandon administration.

Most of them are probably in government right now.


“The West is concerned that Slovakia is joining Putin’s supporters”: The New York Times is worried that a “pro-Russian axis” of Hungary-Serbia-Slovakia is emerging in Europe.

“The coming changes in Slovakia are obvious. It became the first country to supply fighter jets to Ukraine. However, Fico combined social conservatism, nationalism, anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, promises of generous social benefits, and put forward an anti-liberal program. With Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia showing significant sympathy for Putin, a turning point has occurred in this part of Europe. 

Even Poland, an ardent supporter of Ukraine, recently decided to close its border to the import of Ukrainian grain. Although the de facto leader of Poland’s Law and Justice Party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, remains bitter towards Russia, his nationalism and conservative values ​​coincide with those of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Fico.





“The West is concerned that Slovakia is joining Putin’s supporters”


Is there a sign-up sheet?

Did I miss it?

Is it coming around again?




If I may ask, please spare a prayer or good thought for our good Marica.
She recently lost her brother to “turbo cancer” of the liver.
Then her son’s fiancee “died suddenly” in her sleep. Marica just hosted the after-funeral get together over this past weekend.
She posted this evening that her other brother just got a Certified Letter from the nursing home where their father (who has Alzheimer’s) lives—he’s going to be evicted from the facility.
Thank you.


Prayers up …


Oh mo. When it rains. Poor Marica.


Please let Marica know that we’re praying for her and her family. They’re really getting slammed with bad news.


I’m so sorry to see this. If her father is being evicted because they are having trouble caring for him, it will likely be difficult to find another facility. I hope that’s not the case.


He has been taught this!


This is a GREAT story! I loved reading this so much:

“The young U.S. Marine believed Michael the Archangel had come to rescue him from the seven Communist soldiers who tried to kill him. To some modern skeptics it might sound ridiculous, but miracles do happen—and there seems no easy natural explanation for what occurred.”





Regional and demographic themes:

  • Regionally, the report shows the loss of global wealth was heavily concentrated in wealthier regions such as North America and Europe, which together shed USD 10.9 trillion.
  • Asia Pacific recorded losses of USD 2.1 trillion.
  • Latin America is the outlier with a total wealth increase of USD 2.4 trillion, helped by an average 6% currency appreciation against the US dollar.
  • Heading the list of losses in market terms in 2022 is the United States, followed by Japan, China, Canada and Australia.
  • The largest wealth increases at the other end were recorded for Russia, Mexico, India and Brazil.
  • In terms of wealth per adult, Switzerland continues to top the list followed by the USA, Hong Kong SAR, Australia and Denmark despite sizeable reductions in mean wealth versus 2021.
  • Ranking markets by median wealth puts Belgium in the lead followed by Australia, Hong Kong SAR, New Zealand and Denmark.

Anthony Shorrocks, economist and report author, said: “Much of the decline in wealth in 2022 was driven by high inflation and the appreciation of the US dollar against many other currencies. If exchange rates were held constant at 2021 rates, then total wealth would have increased by 3.4% and wealth per adult by 2.2% during 2022. This is still the slowest increase of wealth at constant exchange rates since 2008. Keeping exchange rates constant but counting the effects of inflation results in a real wealth loss of –2.6% in 2022. Similarly, financial assets contributed most to wealth declines while non-financial assets (mostly real estate) stayed resilient, despite rapidly rising interest rates. But the relative contributions of financial and non-financial assets may reverse in 2023 if house prices decline in response to higher interest rates.”


Mentions using invader types to round out the military. More than likely it will be droids which were not mentioned, or combination of both. No matter what everyone gets wiped in a high intensity conflict. In a midi intensity conflict like Ukr, depending how far spread it is, sustaining is likely not possible for any great length of time and will likely go high intensity very quickly. Best thing to do is quit with the insanity. 2nd best is decapitate the leadership and tell your enemy with no uncertain terms we are sitting this out and they need to go back to their corner or else.


Would anyone know wth this is actually about? And what I should do? Put the phone in a microwave or outside all day? Or nothing at all?


My understanding is that this alert will be non-maskable, no matter what your phone’s settings.


Assumes you mean phone settings wise. Can’t see how they’d beat a faraday pouch thing. Of course they’d get you when you turn it on later, but I don’t turn my phone on for weeks at a time so I think I’d hear if I need to toss it in the trash. Now as to the hard line phone, that never gets answered no matter what but the computer and the wife’s TV well, I guess they’ll just get me. 😉


It probably only does something to you if you’ve been vaxxed….


yes, unless of course they’ve spiked the food supply. 😆😏😮


Yes, some precaution would be prudent and you’ll know quick enough if anything is amiss and as for me I have a certain event coming up that involves govt clerks who won’t schedule appointments unless you’ve been seen before. I’m told to come early as a walk in if I don’t want to wait all day. Here’s me hoping everyone stays home on the 4th. Seems like an ideal time to go. 😁


If you put the phone in a microwave or a Faraday cage, it will just go nuts when it finally gets reception again. Stick it somewhere that the noise won’t bother you and do your best to live without it for the day. By the way, broadcast radio and all television channels are also supposed to join in the fun.


Ah ok. We will remain free of devices throughout the day. School anyway.


100s OF PEDOPHILES??? 100S!!!!!!
Location: Dittmer, Missouri

Sanctuary of Sin: How a religious order became a haven for pedophile priests

  • The compound in rural Missouri has alarmed residents over the years
  • Even lawmakers have struggled to get answers about what goes on inside
  • The order does not disclose the name of the residents on the property

“Although he was expelled by the church, McCarrick has been living at a compound owned by the Servants of the Paraclete, a little-known Catholic religious order.
“The average Catholic in the pew on Sunday has no idea that the Servants of the Paraclete exists,” Kevin O’Neill, a professor in the Department for the Study of Religion at the University of Toronto, said.

The property is located in a rural community in the middle of America.
“Most people have no idea,” David Clohessy, an advocate for survivors of clergy sex abuse, said. “This is where the worst priests in the country are being sent to live.”