Daily Thread 9/5/2023 – And now for something a little bit different…

20231005 Open Topic

I have mentioned before that my many-times great-grandmother was one of the last women tried for witchcraft in America, a full hundred years after Salem, in 1792. I say “tried,” but it was her neighbors, not the courts, who put her on trial. She was tortured, but survived. And she was about eighty years old when this happened, which is hard to imagine. According to documentation I discovered, she also lived until at least 1802, and died by 1803. I imagine that, considering what was done to her, she never walked without pain in those last ten years.

Anyway, Wolf said I should write about her sometime, and this is that time, I guess.

First, though, I want to share another bit of history from South Carolina where Mary Free Ingleman, my ancestor, lived, which might be related. This is a shocking tale, at least to me, considering the time period. I thought pre-Colonial America was more Puritan than perverse, but maybe not!

The story of the Weberites, also known as the Gifted Brethren, took place in an area of South Carolina known as the “Dutch Fork.” The settlers there were from the Palatinate area of Germany for the most part.

“Jacob Weber (also spelled as Weaver) was a Swiss immigrant who came to Saxe Gotha in 1739 with his brother. Weber underwent a conversion and started to preach to his neighbors starting around 1759. According to some sources, Weber’s group practiced animal sacrifices according to Old Testament rules and some fantastical accounts reported that they started dancing naked in the woods. Either way, the group grew and began to exhibit cult-like characteristics, as some members were apparently forced into joining. Soon, Weber began to believe that he was God himself and that a man named John George Schmidtpeter was Jesus Christ incarnate. An escaped slave named Dauber (or Dubard) was declared to be the Holy Spirit. 

The only ordained minister in Saxe Gotha, Christian Theus, attended one of the meetings of the Weberites, where he was insulted and asked to recognize Weber as God. Upon Theus’ refusal, the congregation tried to drown him. However, Theus ran for his life and managed to escape after finding an enslaved person on a boat on the Broad River. Theus tried to get the colonial authorities involved to no avail. 

During this time, the leaders of the sect began to have disagreements. Dauber was murdered by the sect, and Schmidtpeter murdered a Saxe Gotha resident named Michael Hans. This may have been an attempt to prove that Schmidtpeter could raise the dead. The murder of Hans enraged Weber who ordered his flock to beat and trample Schmidtpeter to death since he was Satan in disguise.

The murder of Hans was enough to get the attention of the authorities in Charleston though. The militia intervened and arrested seven of the Weberites. Four were found guilty and one, Jacob Weber, was executed. Weber wrote a confession while imprisoned and may have promised to rise from the dead after his execution.”


From another account:

“During the harsh and violent winter of 1761 on February 23rd and 24th, thirty-one year old John George Smithpeter and allegedly “a godless colored preacher” named Dauber met with a sudden and violent death at the hands of Jacob and Hannah Weber, John Geiger, and Jacob Bourghart and possibly other followers of Jacob Weber at the Dutch Fork near the confluence of the Saluda, Broad, and Congaree Rivers in the western part of South Carolina north of Saxe Gotha. On Marach 17, 1761 a trial was held at the March Sessions of the court in Charleston, South Carolina. Jacob Weber, allegedly a crazed religious zealot, was convicted of the murders of John George Smithpeter and Preacher Dauber along with his wife, Hannah Wieber, John Geiger, and Jacob Bourghart. On March 31, 1761 Jacob Wieber was hanged for the murders at Charleston. Another Weberite, Abraham Geiger, was banished from South Carolina in about 1761 as a result of his involvement in the “Weberite Heresy.” Abraham Geiger died five years later in Georgia at the age of seventy-six. Dauber was NOT murdered by the Weberites at all; in fact it was Michael Hentz who was the second victim of the Weberites.

An item in the South Carolina Gazette, May 13-26, 1761 edition, on page three states the following: “At a court of Common Pleas held this week, before the honourable William Simpson, Esq; chief justice, John Gieger, Jacob Bourghart, and Hannah Wieber, (who, with Jacob Wieber executed on the 17th, were convicted of murder at March sessions and received sentence of death the 31st of the same month) were admitted to bail, to appear on their own recognizance from sessions to sessions, his majesty’s pleasure touching the sentence passed upon them shall be known.” It was however proven that the murder victims were John George Smithpeter/Schmidtpeter and one Michael Hentz. The preacher Dauber or Dubber was not in fact murdered and went on to live a long life.”

Mary Free Ingleman’s maiden name is not known. Her first husband, Lawrence Free, died in 1771, and she remarried not long after. There is a possibility that her new husband, Jacob Ingleman, was a member of the Weberite sect. That may have been the impetus for Mary’s neighbor’s suspicions of her. In any case, in 1792, they accused her of witchcraft. The following account states that Mary herself may have been a Weberite; I personally don’t believe that records support that conclusion.

This is a photo of the house Mary Free Ingleman lived in back in 1792 (obviously the pic was taken far more recently!


From “The Witches of Fairfield, S.C.,” by Lee R. Gandee, Fate Magazine, 1972:

In 1792 Fairfield County was across Broad River from Lexington County (an arm of Richland County now separates them), where a generation earlier a bizarre cult called the Gifted Brethren practiced incredible excesses, deifying three of its leaders as God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. This bizarre group practiced hypnosis and before it was broken up its leaders hanged or banished for the murders  they committed, many of the “gifted” members had come to be considered witches. Colonial records suggest that Mary Ingelman was a native of Lexington or a member of a family who had lived there and it seems possible that the imputation of witchcraft followed her when she moved to Fairfield, about 20 miles from the headquarters of the Gifted Brethren. In any case, she was the principal one of the accused, the others being  an old Mr. Harding and his wife and an old crone named Sally Smith.  

Lawyer Pearson stated that from the time of the first settlement of Fairfield there always had been persons reputed to be witches living there but that up to 1792 their activities had been considered harmless, more in the nature of white hex than of black magic. In 1792, however, a number of strange phenomena occurred; women began to act possessed. Presently about one person in 20 yielded to unreason and organized to stamp out witchcraft.

Apparently they realized they might be held accountable for their acts for in assembling their evidence they took depositions and also kept written records of the testimony at the trial of the four accused. Pearson had access to these depositions and the testimony and repeats enough of it to allow reconstruction of a few of the incidents on which the charges were based.

The “judge” chosen to decide the cases was a respectable planter, Thomas Hill, whose home was five miles from Winnsboro. He was a slaveholder and a man of considerable property. The accused were brought to his plantation for trial, Mary Ingelman from a distance of about 15 miles. A jury was selected and John Crossland, a poor man, apparently young and strong and perhaps a tenant on Hill’s land, was named “sheriff” and “executioner.” The “trial” was conducted at night in a hut or outbuilding on the Hill plantation.

Mary Ingelman was accused by Rosy Henley and her sister of having placed a spell on them. Of the two Rosy was the worse affected and the evidence suggests that she was psychically disturbed — if not actually possessed by devils. The manuscript reads: “Lying in her bed she could not be prevented by the utmost exertions of four strong men from rising up and clinging to the ceiling. They were both bitten on the neck and shoulders and stuck over with pins and splinters. Their case was dreadful . . .”

Anyone can fake and two sisters could bite each other unobserved and if they were willing to undergo the discomfort, could stick pins and splinters into themselves or each other. but it is hardly possible to fake a levitation convincingly enough to withstand the efforts of four strong men to prevent it and equally difficult to give the impression of clinging to a ceiling while four men attempt to pull one down.

There seem to be only two possibilities: The individual supposed to be levitating, the four strong men and all witnesses were hypnotized and conditioned by suggestion to believe there was a levitation. Or the levitation actually occurred.

It is not possible to say whether autosuggestion could or could not simultaneously control the participants and witnesses of a supposed levitation. Hex and voodoo seem to utilize telepathic suggestion in a way which makes this possible but from admitting this it is only a short step to believing witchcraft. Rosy Henley may have been unconsciously overwhelming the sense-impressions of those around her and filling their consciousness with the fantasies of her own mind but the psychic energy necessary to cause this probably could produce an actual levitation just as readily. Whether Mary Ingelman had any part in it at all seems doubtful.

Pearson makes it clear that he believed the levitations occurred. In fact, a wizard not brought to trial, one Joe Fairs of Lower Fairfield, was accused of affecting tow of Drury Walker’s daughters in the same manner. Pearson said, “It took four strong men to prevent her (the worse afflicted one) from rising out of her bed to the ceiling. Sometimes she would rise up the wall, slide across the ceiling and descend the opposite wall without injury. There was no doubt as to these phenomena at Walker’s.”

For a circuit court lawyer to risk his reputation by making such a statement indicates he had complete confidence in the truth of those who reported these levitations. He also must have believed persons still living could and would verify his claim.

Aside from the levitations of the Henley and Walker sisters, the most unusual phenomena occurred in the case of Willing Haw “alias Martha Holley.” She testified that after Mary Ingelman bewitched her she “. . . put up (vomited) balls of hair with pins sticking out, was all over the neck and shoulders stuck full of pins and splinters and deprived of all peace and comfort . . . “

The other testimony reads like all testimony in witch trials for as far back as records go. Adam Free, Mary Ingelman’s son by a previous marriage, testified that his mother once asked him for one of his cows. When he refused Mary immediately cast a spell on it causing it to spring up convulsively, fall and break its neck.

His son, Jacob Free, testified that his grandmother once turned him into a horse and rode him to Pearson’s apple orchard on Broad River six miles from his home. The manuscript relates quaintly, “While she was filling her bag with apples, his eye was attracted by the beautiful red apples that hung over him. He put up his long horse head to obtain a stealthy supply and while he was attempting to do so, she drove a punch into his cheek from the effects of which he did not soon recover.”

One is tempted to say that a young man must really be bewitched to make such a statement or impelled by motives that a psychiatrist would find interesting.

However, it remained for Isaac Collins to accuse Mary Ingelman of consorting with Satan. “He testified that on one occasion he took his trusty rifle and went out on a deer hunt around McTyre’s old field. He saw a deer and tried several times to fire at it but the rifle would not fire. He suspected witchcraft so he removed the ball, split it  and inserted a sliver of silver. The then fired; the deer vanished; in its place a large black cat appeared with its front leg wounded and the cat limped away.

“A day or two later he was plowing corn and became thirsty. He went to a spring near the field and while he was resting there Mary Ingelman came up with her arm in a sling and told him that he was to blame for her injury and that she would not forget it.

“He testified that after that she turned him into a horse and rode him to a grand convention of witches. Where, he could not say, but he thought somewhere in North America; and on the way the Devil rode up by her side and observed, ‘Mother Ingelman, you have a splendid horse.’

” ‘Ah,’ she said, ‘This is that rascal Collins!’ “

Faced with this a accusation Mary Ingelman offered no defense, nor did any of the others to the charges made against them. They were adjudged guilty and sentenced to be punished.

As punishment they first were tied by the wrists and hanged to joists in the building where they were flogged, the newspaper account says, brutally. They were taken down, “then placed with their feet to a bark fire and confined there until the soles popped off.” After this torture they were released and allowed to crawl away. The Hardings and Mary Ingelman escaped further abuse but Sally Smith was found some distance from the Hill plantation by a vindictive man who “cast her down and placed a pine log across her neck. She could not stir and the next day was relieved by a benevolent person passing along the path.”

Despite this treatment none of the four victims died as a direct result of it and the witch-hunters began to consider  action against Hezekiah Hunt and his wife, Mourning Hunt, who were strongly suspected.

Evidently the group felt that public opinion protected them. Of the four only Mary Ingelman attempted to have anyone brought to justice for the outrages committed upon her. In all Camden District she found only one magistrate who would issue a warrant for anyone’s arrest. He was The Rev. William Yongue, a Presbyterian minister, so shocked by the circumstances that he ignored public opinion. He issued a warrant for the arrest of John Crossland who was tried in the County Court, found guilty of aggravated assault and sentenced to be fined five pounds. He never paid it but fled “the far west,” which in 1792 meant Georgia or Alabama. Pearson expressed some sympathy for him saying that “. . . other better-informed men than Crossland also participated . .  .” and were not punished.

Early in the account Mr. Pearson referred to Mrs. Ingelman as ” . . . the dreadful old Mary Ingelman” but apparently this was intended as irony. In concluding his account he wrote: “Some persons now living may remember the great witch Mary Ingelman. She was a remarkably neat, tidy and decent old lady. She was of German extraction and probably a native of Germany. Her conversation was pleasant, entertaining, instructive; her manners mild, simple and agreeable. Her knowledge in pharmacy was considerable and her application of simples in the cure of country complaints was the result of much observation and gratuitous practice. . . .” He added that she was a pious old soul and that when her spirit left this earth it probably went to a better place.

In Salem, Rebecca Nurse was described in much the same way and Rebecca Nurse was put to death. Being a “remarkably neat, tidy and decent” person is no protection, nor is benevolence and piety when a community falls under the spell of a witch-hunt.

In Salem horror and excess brought about its own reaction. In Fairfield the delusion was broken by a a wise minister, “Preacher Woodward,” who announced that he would preach on witchcraft and thus attracted a huge crowd. The crowd was keyed to a high pitch of expectancy and the minister began by admitting that sorcery and magic exist, that indeed there are witches. However, he declared with mock seriousness, people should not imagine that old or ugly women were witches. What woman with supernatural powers would use them to make herself ugly or old, he asked the congregation. Rather, he said, suspect beautiful girls of witchcraft, since with a look and a few words murmured in a certain way they can draw boys away from their families, turn them first into lackeys and at last into lifelong toilers. Wizards, he averred, are not to be found among old, broken men but among the young and handsome who with a touch and a murmur can deprive a girl of her senses and turn the most lissome and carefree maiden into a servant and a household drudge.

The tension broke. The crowd laughed and the Fairfield witch-hunt was over. No more did Rosy Henley and the Walker girl rise to the ceiling. No more did William Haw “put up balls of hair with pins sticking out.” Witchcraft and laughter cannot coexist.”

I actually own a copy of the original Fate Magazine where this story was published.

My direct ancestor was Adam Free’s brother. He appears to have remained clear of the doings, and did not condemn his mother. As a side note, from the historical record it appears quite clear to me that Adam Free fathered some of his own grandchildren by not one but two of his own daughters. This was not a nice man.

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Brave and Free

A very interesting family history story.
I wish I knew more about mine.
Thanks for sharing.
The first part of this link is okay, he lost my interest later on. Yeah not many are going to go along.


Last edited 7 months ago by Brave and Free

“Something a little bit different,” indeed! Very interesting historical account. I never know what to make of those kinds of stories. I don’t hear of things today like spells where someone spits up hairballs with pins sticking out. But I know that great evil exists and that we don’t know what all goes on.

1792 was just a few years after the Constitution was ratified. It’s hard to think of those kinds of things going on then.


“1792 was just a few years after the Constitution was ratified. It’s hard to think of those kinds of things going on then.”


I think there was only one channel on TV back then.

Not enough drama.


I believe a lot is not reported.


That was way entertaining ! We often think of our great great greats as salt of the earth types leading ordinary lives, so pious and homey. I was recently told of a crazy family tale about my great great grandmother that obviously the later generations kept in the family vault!! My bro found the account in old newspapers…………so the story of Mary Ingleman is another proof that life could spiral even back then.
Amazing that she survived. You descended from tough stock.

Last edited 7 months ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren



Thank you, Aubergine, for compiling such an eerie and entertaining post for this Thursday.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Absolutely fascinating!

Barb Meier

I agree! Thank you, Aubergine!


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Fookin’ A 😂😂😂



Acceptance: We are going to survive even if things will never be like they used to be.

We can no longer consume more than we produce. We have hard work and hard times ahead of us. We can join with our family and neighbors in creating a better society with less materialism and more personal interaction. Time to join a church, get some chickens, plant a garden and learn to repair small engines.


Acceptance: We are going to survive even if things will never be like they used to be.

So true – yet things may turn out even better than ‘the good old days’ – now that part of the ‘recipe’ is being tossed in favor of a new one.

I’m ready, I had go-carts as a kid…

Barb Meier

We can also pray and give thanks to God for every thing we have.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! It’s about time!!!

That a bunch of Jazis and Nazis can murder their fellow Ukrainians for billions of American dollars is an abomination. This is King David’s crime on the grandest and shabbiest of scales.

REAL peace negotiations should have started over a decade ago.



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All the dirty people,
Where do they all come from?


For those who may not be familiar with four young lads from Liverpool, that was a Beatles reference 😁


Last edited 7 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren



Well you promised something different, Aubergine 😁 You delivered!!

I’ll have to give this a second reading tomorrow; it is fascinating and a bit horrifying to think people actually believed some of these things!! Then again things like evil, mental illness, fakery, and mob mentality have always been part of human behavior, no matter how many centuries ago.

Of interest, you mentioned one persecuted Salem ‘witch’ who is one of my direct ancestors, Rebecca Nurse! Mom did extensive family tree research and I so appreciate the many branches she documented.

Thanks for sharing a bit of your roots with us.

Valerie Curren

You guys made me want to check my Salem Witch connections using the Relative Finder service…only to discover they’ve changed the program &, at least for me, the Salem Witch Trials relations no longer show 🙁 I don’t recall that I had direct ancestry there but great aunts & uncles at least…c’est la vie…


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Leftitia ain’t gonna be around the law much longer, IMO.

Brave and Free

Sure hope you’re right. Her and many other DA’s/Prosecutors in power that should have never happened.

Valerie Curren

SorosSpawnBots  😡 

pat frederick

she has fulfilled her purpose as a useful idiot
she is disposable…plenty waiting in the wings

Robert Baker

That will be an interesting ‘tell’ if she is held accountable for malpractice and malfeasance. Disbarred for malpractice and judicial punishment for malfeasance seems appropriate.


Methinks the POTUS doth protest too much over the disclaimer clause 😂

Whether there was a disclaimer clause or NOT, the lenders are the sharks, they definitely do their own due diligence plenty before they part with hard-imagined fractional reserve fiat, and nobody has to advise them to do so!


^^^ This.

Valerie Curren

That’s a timely & fitting addition to a Literal Witch Hunt post!  😉 


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So diversity is not our strength.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Diversity is our CHALLENGE. God is my strength to deal with it! 🙏


In related news, Robert Putnam legally changed his name to CAPTAIN OBVIOUS.


“So diversity is not our strength.”


It’s definitely not mine! 😂


“The extent of the effect is shocking,” says Scott Page, a University of Michigan political scientist.


Really man?

If you’re really shocked by something so obvious, you should do the university and the students a solid, and find something you’re better at.

Which would be almost anything, apparently.


Univ of MI + poli sci = double dose of guranteed woke stupidity


No it is not in that sense.

The ‘diversity is our strength’ motto means diversity of origin, but consistent in vision. As in the vision of America as a free country where one can rise up to ones full potential.

Say we want to tackle a problem. The ‘diversity’ helps when viewing the problem from different perspectives and creating a solution that is unique due to the diversity.

All you got to do is work hard and, a very important point, assimilate to the culture and mindset of “America”.

pat frederick

well put


The ‘diversity is our strength’ motto means diversity of origin, but consistent in vision.

Yes! And the Left wants to leave out the last part.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We approve of this method of treatment of homicidal tendencies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You may have missed the joke.

It’s not that bacon is so delicious you don’t want to blow yourself up.

It’s that you’re not Muslim.


Laura Loomer:


@laurenboebert has been bought off by @SpeakerMcCarthy and his Protect the House 2024 fund in exchange for never supporting a motion to vacate.

I have examined FEC records that show McCarthy gave her $95,788.50 in March, two months after Boebert voted against him. And then 3 months later in June 2023, McCarthy gave Boebert another $31,327.63

I’m told these funds were given to Boebert by McCarthy’s Protect the House 2024 fund under the condition that she never support a motion to vacate against McCarthy.

I am also in communication with some of her associates who have provided me with evidence of more shady campaign finance activity she’s engaged in.

Lauren Boebert doesn’t want you to know that she was paid off by Kevin McCarthy to do a 180 on her position.

She went from demanding concessions in January and putting on a show with @mattgaetz during the January Speaker vote, to folding like a cheap suit after McCarthy gave her nearly $130,000 for her 2024 re-election.

Now, after voting against the motion to vacate yesterday, Lauren Boebert is trying to gaslight all of you into thinking that she wanted to hold Kevin McCarthy accountable.

She’s bought and paid for. And when you combine this, along with her getting caught jerking off her Democrat boy toy at the theatre in September, and then lying about why she was kicked out after she was caught on camera vaping inside the theatre next to a PREGNANT WOMAN, I predict Lauren Boebert is going to have a hard time getting re-elected.

She will most definitely be primaried. The American people deserve representatives who won’t sell their constituents out for $130,000.

Talk about a cheap date! By DC standards at least…

Boebert needs to address this.


“Boebert needs to address this.”


Don’t worry, she won’t 😂

Brave and Free

Boebert the AOC of the R’s

Valerie Curren

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Brave and Free

The games people play in DC. The $$ always talks.
Would be an eye opener to see all the $$ transactions to the house members from years past. Definitely know how these clowns stay in their positions and everyone else folds like a cheap suit.
Someone please find the receipts.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is why I want ANY public official to have to disclose all sources of income (and not just campaign contributions). The only exception i might consider is if their assets are held by a trust they have no communications with and which can only use the assets of the trust to generate revenue (no in-come from the out-side). {And the more I think about it the less I am inclined to think truly “sandboxing” part of their finances can actually be done.)

If we can see who paid them we can see who owns them.

Valerie Curren

If we can see who paid them we can see who owns them.”

This X 1,000,000


You make it too simple for Congress to do.


Yes, along with every one Kevin doled out his slush fund to.



Loomer always brings the heat. Gotta love her results…


If by some chance Loomer is misinterpreting something, I would expect Boebert to come out with a strong statement. But you’re right; I think she’s done.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Subverting this one took mere months.

They’re good at it.

I know Boebert was greatly worried about being primaried, and probably got sucked into this thinking she could stop the challenges without compromising why she went to Washington.

If so, she choose….poorly.

Last edited 7 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There has apparently already been a lot of coming…albeit not clean.

pat frederick

my delicate ears…giggle


He does step outside the line, doesn’t he?


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll take a dozen!


Trump suddenly being third in line to the presidency while JB is hanging by a thread would make Dems crazy! 🍿


Just to be clear…

The Dims are already crazy… 😁


-er. Crazier, as in splodey heads.

Brave and Free

And evil.


There’s a video here of PDJT, I thought he looked more at ease and even younger, like he’d had a good nights sleep.


Robert Baker

Consider that if Trump does become a viable threat to be Speaker the political strategy may change. Repubs in closely contested districts (especially in purple or blue states) will be encouraged to switch parties. It would only take a handful to change the majority. The uniparty cannot afford for Trump to ever obtain federal power.


But Trump, being aware of this, could make them a better offer 😁

Robert Baker

I guess that is the very definition of trading with the enemy.


I suspect the real enemies wouldn’t be swayed, but the casual traitors who are only in it for the money, and those who for one reason or another would like to see the establishment crims squirm, might be agreeable.

As you say, it wouldn’t take many.


I have no idea whether this is true…

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




^^^ Gets it. Birds of a feather and such.

It’s not all that hard to understand.


When you throw a rock at a pack of dogs the one that yelps is the one you hit.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it’s both, it’s probably a push…bad in different ways for both sides.

Or someone is dreadfully confused.


Babylon Bee:
Genius: Vacationing Family Poses As Illegal Immigrants To Get Free Hotel Room In New York City

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I was completely fooled by the kids, it was the mother’s mustache that gave it away 😂


Mother was a trans, they were just ticking all the boxes.


LOL, that’s good for a room upgrade


You’re funny.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Laura Doomer is off the chain, folks! And she’s looking for Dems to eat!


May she be well fed!


She needs to start her gorging at the RINO buffet table.


I like the sound of that. Moar please!


Let us not forget our dear sister DePat, who is dealing with family matters and the recent death of her mother.

We also have GA/FL, who is dealing with Sally and her father. We have Marica, and her recent sorrows. Gil00’s ankle is still healing, and she’s still zonking…..

Spare a thought and a prayer for all those who are needful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen!!! 🙏


And, I believe, yourself.

Valerie Curren


pat frederick

you should check out Marica’s open this morning…she got a God Wink!!!
(short, but very cool open)

Valerie Curren


I got chills, PTL   😇  




Amen and Amen. And duchess01, bakocarl, and yourself.



The fact that McCarthy won’t run for Speaker again shows me he never intended to fulfill his promises

He was there to work for Pelosi, hide the J6 tapes, not impeach Biden, not subpoena Hunter, keep the money flowing to Ukraine, and allow the Deep State to take down Trump

Gaetz called his bluff and exposed his true intentions


^^^ This.

When I saw our guy (Burchett) on the Gaetz side it became very clear.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Interestingly RINO Ken Buck (CO, and thanks to redistricting my congresspuke) voted to kick McCarthy out.

I understand a couple of other moderates also voted that way, annoyed that McCarthy kept no promises (without regard to what those promises were).


It doesn’t matter what the promises were, only that he kept them. He didn’t so byebye and don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you.


Another one would be Nancy Grace…. who’s the other?

Meanwhile this seems to be the start of some sort of a gambit.

Valerie Curren

I’m copying a reply to one of Cthulhu’s comments from yesterday which will hopefully allow the image he was trying to share yesterday w/ the “dangerous” link show…

Hopefully the image will show now through Gab

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I found it searching via yandex for your link & scrolling back to the 9/30 date


The next day is pretty funny too

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You’ll note Pepe in there among the Chads….

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was expecting a purple background or something.

Congrats on writing a daily!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Yes 🙂


Speaking of a little different…..

…..he seems to be comfortable around large families…..

Valerie Curren

That’s a doozy of a family history tale Aubergine–wow! Thanks for sharing it All!!!  💜 

  :wpds_shock:    :wpds_smile:    :wpds_shock: 

Valerie Curren

Saxe Gotha”

Made me think of the British Royals…



from the above

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Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom, by Winterhalter” would be married to Queen Victoria…

The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came into the British Royal Family in 1840 with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, son of Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. Queen Victoria herself was the last monarch of the House of Hanover.

The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha as a British dynasty was short-lived. It encompassed the reign of King Edward VII, who reigned for nine years at the beginning of the modern age in the early years of the twentieth century, and the first seven years of his son, King George V, who replaced the German-sounding title with that of Windsor in 1917during the First World War. The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha survived in other European monarchies, including the current Belgian Royal Family and the former monarchies of Portugal and Bulgaria.”


So the British throne is sat upon by Germans who gave themselves the new name “Windsor” (after their castle LOL) to avoid unpleasantness from their subjects when at war with their ancestral lands…


Your last paragraph pretty much sums it up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Russian throne was similar.

From Peter III (mid 1700s) onwards, just about every tsar married a German princess. That was not a plot, it’s just that at the time Germany was anything from dozens to hundreds of independent states, all ruled by a royal family. So the overwhelming number of eligible women were German.

That first German princess eventually came to be known as Catherine the Great; the last was Alexandra. So they ran the gamut from being as good as an absolute monarch gets, to being utter disasters.

Last edited 7 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

I had a Humanities professor in college who had a really fun delivery on the details of history. He was recounting the wives of Henry VIII. There was one wife, I think it was Catherine Parr, who he said H8 called the “German cow” & he basically took one look at her & sent her back! Better rejected than beheaded I say!




How can her brain be so addled that somehow it reverses her own political stunt and blames PDJT for it.

Valerie Curren

She is seriously unserious  😜  Hope this will let it play…

I kinda like this version of “her” better  😂 


I am convinced that with a face like that she(?) is a virgin.

Valerie Curren



Did you mis-spell Oil Slick?  😎 


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pat frederick

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Valerie Curren


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Last edited 7 months ago by Valerie Curren
pat frederick

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Draino is on a roll. Love it.

Valerie Curren

pretty much…

Valerie Curren

The wall was never supposed to be a magic bullet to stop this kind of invasion.. The only way this stops is with the threat of real bullets.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A wall has to be manned. Otherwise it just slows them down, it doesn’t stop them.

(And “them” means anyone that any wall is intended to keep out, once they’ve decided to get in. I’m not just talking about the border here, I am talking in general.)


That’s bad. I don’t know how much longer they’re going to be able to prop him up.

Valerie Curren

planned obsolescence  😜 

Cuppa Covfefe

Why is it with the DEMONRATS that EVERYTHING is about sex???

Perverse sex, at that… They hate children and procreation, but they adore and worship the act… Just like Satan, they have everything upside-down and backwards, and seek to destroy all of GOD’S Creation, all that is pure and innocent…

DEMONRATS: the “party” of Diabolical Destruction…

Valerie Curren

Yep Spawn of Satan  😡 


Markwayne Mullin is a RINO from Oklahoma… I used to like what he had said, but got to the swamp and is now revealed.


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Re the article; in the olden days I should imagine that grain crops would be grown, processed and baked into bread in a very localized loop.
Would this explain the almost mass hysteria about supposed witches flying to the ceiling and changing people into horses.



Don’t forget the possibility of lead poisoning.

Article excerpt:

Lead mining and smelting began in the New World almost as soon as the first colonists were settled. By 1621 the metal was being mined and forged in Virginia. The low melting temperature of lead made it highly malleable, even at the most primitive forges. Furthermore, lead’s resistance to corrosion greatly enhanced its strength and durability. Technological progress in the American colonies and the American republic was to owe a great deal to this useful and abundant metal.”

SOURCE: https://www.epa.gov/archive/epa/aboutepa/lead-poisoning-historical-perspective.html

The article is an excellent overview on the use and effects of lead on people throughout history. Lead played a major role in the fall of the Roman Empire when the use of lead poisoned its citizens.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually that later bit about it being a player in the downfall of the (Western) Roman Empire is disputed by most historians.

Sure, it was used for pipes…but the water didn’t have much lead in it, because it flowed continuously through the system rather than standing still as it would in our systems–which would give the water much more time to be contaminated. Roman plumbing essentially diverted distant streams to run through the water system of the city, rather than storing it for great lengths of time.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergotism has a fair bit in the article where it is linked to Salem’s witch trials.

I read this book in highschool. Most interesting. From Good Reads.


The Day of St. Anthony’s Fire

John G. Fuller


140 ratings28 reviews

This is the strange, true, almost incredible story of a small French village where in ’51 hundreds of townspeople went mad on a single night. Many of the most highly regarded citizens leaped from windows or jumped into the Rhone, screaming that their heads were made of copper, their bodies wrapped in snakes, their limbs swollen to gigantic size or shrunken to tiny appendages. Others ran through the streets, claiming to be chased by “bandits with donkey ears”, by tigers, lions & other terrifying apparitions. Animals went berserk. Dogs ripped bark from trees until their teeth fell out. Cats dragged themselves along the floor in grotesque contortions. Ducks strutted like penguins. Villagers & animals died right & left.

Bit by bit, the story behind the tragedy in Pont-St-Esprit–a tiny Provencial village of twisted streets that looks much today as it did in the Middle Ages–unfolded to doctors & toxcologists. That story, one of the most bizarre in modern medical history, is movingly recounted in The Day of St. Anthony’s Fire.

Throughout the Middle Ages & during other times in history, similar hallucinatory outbreaks occurred. They were called St. Anthony’s Fire because it was believed that only prayers to the saint could hold the disease in check.

Even modern medicine could find no way to check the disease. Drugs failed to bring even temporary relief. Hundreds in the village suffered for weeks, with total agonizing insomnia, never knowing when they might once more suddenly go berserk.

The cause of St. Anthony’s Fire was known since early history to be ergot, a mold found on rye grain that at rare times inexplicably became posionous enough to create monstrous hallucinations & death. In ’51 little significance was attached to the fact that the base of ergot was lysergic acid, also the base for LSD, a drug just coming to the attention of scientists at the time–a drug so powerful that one eye-dropperful could cause as many as 5000 people to hallucinate for hours. At this point, the story becomes a vividly absorbing medical detective story demonstrating the possibility that a strange, spontaneous form of LSD might have caused the human tragedy that came to the hapless villagers of Pont-St-Esprit.

Last edited 7 months ago by para59r

The source code of LSD.


Interesting they did not put her name in the article. Will have to look it up later. Alexander was too well known not for it to be known.

Alexander did have a son back in Macedonia. Not by this woman, but his lawful wife. At his death they were sequestered away, they said at time until he was old enough to rule. Later they were killed when no one was paying attention.

Valerie Curren

California screaming

America’s most annoying Airbnb guest has refused to leave luxury Brentwood Hills mansion for 540 DAYS and said she’ll only go if dentist owner pays her $100,000: Judge rules SHE’S in the right
Sascha Jovanovic rented the guesthouse of his Brentwood mansion out on Airbnb in September 2021 to Elizabeth Hirschhorn, and his guest has long overstayed her welcome and has refused to move out of the mansion. The dispute has become the center of an ongoing lawsuit as Jovanovic looks to boot the squatter, but an LA judge said he has no right to remove the ‘tenant.’ Jovanovic, a renowned dentist, rented the Airbnb without it being registered and it has no certificate of occupancy. It also had a shower built without a permit. As such it’s not a legal rental and she shouldn’t have been charged rent at the start. A new California law prevents landlords from evicting tenants without a legal reason, and with the facility being an unregistered rental, the legal standing remains murky.”



“Fire destroys disputed AirBnB rental”

Near future headline.

Valerie Curren

only if the insurance on the place is legal & collectible…

Brave and Free

From OT. While I agree with the article, why must SD always act like he’s the only smart one in the room?
Sometimes I wonder how he makes it through doorways with that big head of his.



He uses a pocket-size chainsaw.

pat frederick

President Trump filed appeal for fraud ruling
Attorneys for Donald Trump on Oct. 4 filed an appeal of a New York judge’s summary judgment ruling that the former president’s business fraudulently inflated the value of several properties as well as his net worth.
The former president made his appeal to New York’s Appellate Division, in the midst of a civil trial in the case that was brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James. In August, Judge Arthur Engoron ruled that the former president fraudulently inflated the value of his properties, including Mar-a-Lago, which the former president has vigorously denied in court this week.


Obviously, the ruling will be overturned.

Valerie Curren

at least in a sane & just world…where can that be found?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What valerie said.

But even if it’s impossible to avoid overturning it, how long can they drag out the process?

pat frederick

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Seems we can add McMullin to this group


Mac and Mc mean “Son of”.

pat frederick

so their real names are all McAbitch???



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


pat frederick

they sell those at mcdonalds iirc


The elephant in the room …?

the debt spiral.

Current Treasury yields are all over 5% (except the 10 year ~ 4.75%).

Interest on the $34 Trillion is fast approaching 100% of the revenue from federal individual income taxes.


So how do fiat currency central bank economies based on petro dollars with currently substantial competition from BRICS aligned nations counter that?

Massive wealth shift incoming.

Hyperinflation, or, bankrupt and collapse the Fed. The feckless bullshizzing politicians and WEFsters will choose the former. The only lasting answer that stops this crap is the latter.

My prediction is that to attempt to survive and retain the scamming elite’s investment in the Fed system/Too Big to Fails, the Fed will raise rates and crater the economy. The early predictor has already happened – commercial real estate has been in the dumper.

For the prepared – bottom feeding time. For the unprepared – good luck. The economic pain will actually reduce the illegal population influx over time.

PDT knows how to fix it. It starts with domestic energy production. So Job #1 is to get him back into office.

Last edited 7 months ago by TradeBait2

Actually, the economic downturn will cause self-deportation of the decent semi-moral illegals.

This will leave the criminal portion that came here only to commit crimes.

Last edited 7 months ago by pgroup2
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately…you’re probably right.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And not only is it so bad that you’re probably right…but geeez does it have to be about this? 😀 😀 😀


I urge all to read the substacks from Joe Lange. I included the first link below in a BIMD a couple of months ago. He is bringing reality and history as it should be told based upon my personal experiences and people that touch the subject matter. As a result of his work, I may adjust my BIMD/Goober Gump tales since Lange is very thorough and accurate IMO. There will be times I connect dots in my stories to his.

The second link is the most current and an eye opener since the primary actor traitor is still alive. He connects to another Naval Academy grad from my BIMD who helped bankroll Slick.

Uniparty. An occasional outlier who they attempt to wall off from the operations. If they cannot do so they kill them or connected people they care about. Which speaks well to PDT’s elite security that he employed decades ago with possible assistance from patriot white hats.



This is a link to all of Lange’s work.



Thank You TradeBait …

The internet has been thoroughly purged … imo

I learned all of this back when Poppy was Prez … information could be found until recently, along with documentation … now it’s all down the ‘memory hole’ …

People like Lange are heroes… but folks don’t want to know … they prefer being in denial, want anything but the truth. Reminds me of wives whose husbands cheat on them … they claim they want to know … all their friends know, but then what would they do about it if they ‘knew’ ? Much better to blame it on Russia … the Commies are coming … no they’re here! Oh look, it’s China …

Walt Kelly was right …

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👍 Spot on and it is frustrating for those of us who do know.

pat frederick

so we made through the emergency alert thing okay. (phones in the microwave) BUT we did not go unscathed through the incident. this morning i found evidence of altered things in the kitchen. all my silverware was in the proper slots—not only that…they were…STACKED!!!
we’ve lived in this house for almost 20 years and this has NEVER occurred before! I took pictures and both hubby and I made sworn statements–I used to be notary so I witnessed our signatures and they sure looked like our signatures. (GRAPHIC PICTURE WARNING)

we put this evidence in a safe place in case there are more disturbances! we will document all of it. I will update as necessary.



Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha ha!!!


Much worse. She’s been inventoried. It has to be the IRS. Who else would so neatly stack up and count someone’s portable property in such manner? The worse is that these bean counters don’t even care that you know! Ackkk!

pat frederick

oh no!!

pat frederick

October 5, 2023 8:50 am

I read that they removed Commander , the German Shepard from the WH ~When the SS guys were tasked with it and got that message – they said “about time” and started to go to the Oval Office- until they realized which Commander they were talking about ..

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Here’s a fake news take on HCQ & IVM…fairly instructive on (mis) using surveys & “proof”…


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“It was found that people who endorsed even just one piece of misinformation, 23 percent of participants, about vaccines had ‘a significantly greater likelihood’ of having used a non-evidence-based treatment.”

part of ramping covid fears…again? 😜

“When it came to political affiliation, conservatives were more likely than liberals to endorse unfounded medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

People also more likely to try the unevidenced drugs included those who said they trusted social media, those who scored higher on the American Conspiracy Thinking Scale, and people who said they trusted former President Trump. 

Other factors that indicated increased endorsement of these treatments included, exposure to vaccine misinformation and mistrust in healthcare institutions.

For the survey, researchers from Harvard Medical School and Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, surveyed 13,438 Americans across all 50 states who said they had previously had Covid.”

“The study was published in JAMA Health Forum on Friday.”


Looking through some of the comments there it’s actually quite encouraging that more people, presumably normies, are waking up than the depop shills would like!

 😎  OK guys it’s worth it just to read the comments there–we are WINNING Big Time!!!  😎 

Last edited 7 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

OK so I’m falling down a mini rabbit hole trying to find the “American Conspiracy Thinking Scale” that was used in the JAMA study above…

Unfortunately I have to leave for a bit to take my son to an appointment so here’s links that have come up via Yandex searching, only cursorily examined by me…






The last was an attempt to access someone’s twitter feed that popped up in the Yandex search but required a twit world login to view, hard to do when still banned  😡 

  :wpds_arrow:  It would be great to actually review the ACTS item to see how “legit” it might be…it also might be instructive in some of the ways the Deep State intends to identify & marginalize us…


That is some f’d up stuff.
Here’s the list of questions asked to determine your score in jpg form from the ‘frontiersin’ link Table A1:

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ACTS = Aware Citizens That See

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

TY So Much for that!


Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 5, 2023

“Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.” 

Proverbs 12:22 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


I’ve got tomorrow’s opener written and scheduled to publish at 12:01AM on Friday. If you can, please take a look at it through WP admin. Thank you!

Valerie Curren

Good job CV. I’m glad to see you signed in so you can access replies now too. There were a few of times people were replying to you on my two posts, Tuesday & Wednesday, that you maybe didn’t see them because you were anonymously signed in. You can find them using “ctrl” “f” on the individual post pages & searching for “pavaca” fyi.



Wolf Moon
Again, my apologies. I don’t know how to fix it, I tried but it didn’t work. The JPG in tomorrow’s opener was somehow put at the top of the post in place of The Q Tree’s image instead of being down farther in the post where I want it.
Now I’m getting nervous that something else can go wrong.

Last edited 7 months ago by PAVACA

And I just used Google Chrome to access Marica’s blog — my opener for HERE shows up as tomorrow’s opener on HER blog. WTH is going on?


OK, so just heard from Marica. She published The Q Tree opener by mistake so she unpublished it.
I think I’m going to make a nice cup of tea and CHILL OUT.


OK, I think I have something figured out. The JPG can be used for the image at the top of the page but it shows up AFTER you click on the hyperlink title of the opener. But the link to the same JPG may still be in the body of tomorrow’s opener.
Nothing like a cup of tea to help settle things down!
And, yeah, Yours Truly likely sounds like a real neophyte regarding the whole being an author thing on WP. That’s because I AM a real neophyte regarding the whole being an author thing on WP.
Thank you, Wolf Moon, and all you good online friends here for your patience.


Soon to be expert class!!








Oh, sorry, thought it was Friday.


Thank you. The last time I was this nervous was just before my graduate recital, and that was many years ago.


SpaceX has launched 70 missions so far this year. By far the most ever and breaking its record of last year.
Still aiming for 100 launches by the end of the year and 150 next year.
Two of its Falcon 9 boosters also have returned intact 17 times.

Last edited 7 months ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Obola may have unintentionally done us a favor forcing NASA out of some types of space missions.

No, I’m not saying it may have been unintentional….there’s no doubt Obola would never intentionally have done something good for the US, so it absolutely was unintentional. The “may” is because I am still not absolutely certain it was a favor.

Last edited 7 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad he’s getting ahead of hosting problems. BEEN THERE. DONE THAT!!! 😉


Yes you have my friend, and you continue to do a fine job…


Yup. If We the People would simply get out of debt, save, prep, and collectively walk off their jobs for even a few weeks – this shiz would end.

If we did an announced nationwide strike – all the better.

When the scum have nobody to do things for them, they will be in shiz without a paddle.

Last edited 7 months ago by TradeBait2
pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

Brave and Free

If there was a real news media they’d be all over that.


How could this have even occurred?The airlines have obviously not done ANY due diligence by buying anything from a company without verification. Just a certificate but not checking out the company? Wth…


America’s biggest airlines ground planes as they launch desperate search for THOUSANDS of jet engine parts sold with fake safety certificates

“It was established in 2015, but several disturbing business practices have been alleged in recent times, including that there is reportedly no record of the company ever receiving approvals for its parts. 
Court documents have also found that the company’s founder, Jose Zamora Yrala, is the sole director and shareholder, and dubious LinkedIn profiles have reportedly been linked to the business using aliases and stock profile pictures. 
‘It’s a bit strange that a phantom company can be allowed to supply spare parts with false certification documents,’ Olivier Andriès, the chief executive of Safran, told reporters last month. “


Corporate control …

pat frederick

i think you misspelled GREED


Always the cynic, my thought is deliberate sabotage. Like the vax, a systemic method to cripple the industry. Flying is a big part of the climate hoax.

pat frederick

or just instill fear that flying is dangerous, unsafe…
fear has worked before to curb freedom


LOL…and it’s fear based in reality ! When parts from as small as nuts and bolts are proven inferior…there’s a problem !

Valerie Curren

Gail’s quality control tales…yikes!

Cuppa Covfefe

Add to that the possibility of massive numbers of jabbed pilots… and controllers…

pat frederick

turtle stepping out of his lane…

Cuppa Covfefe

Turdle Soup Time…


My two cents…

The Senate wants to take over the House so the Uniparty goes into action.

The Vote to Vacate is vital if the people are to have any type of sway over elected/unelected Representatives, the only real government officials where the voice of the constituents can influence the person who’s job is acting on behalf of our Constitutional protections against the government.

Dangerous Times.

The Senate Corporation needs to be taken down, but until then it will be interesting to see which Republican Senators/Representatives become vocal in support of changing the vote structure of the House.


Maybe he’d prefer more direct methods – such as poisoning his food, greasing the floor in his private bathroom, etc.


….exercise bands….


That didn’t get him out of office. Just saying.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is an indication that the Senate needs that very same rule.

Not that that bunch of turds would ever use it even if they had it.


Shades of the the Tooter Turtle cartoon…

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Cuppa Covfefe

Peabrain and the bigbucks machine…



Last edited 7 months ago by phoenixrising

The latest stories about the Biden’s dog being removed aren’t adding that this is the 2nd dog that was removed for bad behavior.
~~~President Joe Biden and first lady Dr. Jill Biden have decided to rehome their dog Major with family friends after he struggled to adapt to life in the White House.~~~~

It’s the owners that need to be removed !

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe the dogs don’t like Dr. Jill’s Drapes Curtains Covers Upholstery Dresses… 🙂
(who could blame them…)…..


Yes, I admit it, I can be a catty beotch…LOL thanks for the laugh cuppa…:0)


Molly, A smart and sensitive dog, bred for vigilance, is harried by the comings and goings of, shall we say, questionable characters, and resents being mistreated and punished for doing his perceived job.
Acts out.
We can hope and pray Commander’s next home is less confusing.

Cuppa Covfefe

And that the commandeered and thief’s next home is a memory care facility, with bars… (and not the kind that “junior” frequents)…

pat frederick

I wanted to reread your open before i commented on it Aubergine–there was so much to digest at one time!
I am amazed at the detail recorded and passed along (?) through the generations!! lucky you!
I simply cannot fathom the venom/ignorance/jealousy within people to accuse others as witches.
thanks for sharing this riveting tale Aubergine!!

pat frederick


my hubby’s family can trace their ancestry to the Mayflower and have the entire family tree on large window shades–which is brilliant as it allows the entire thing to be laid out at every family reunion.

we have witches in our family history–but they’re a more, uh, recent development…lol

Valerie Curren

Aubergine – I have enjoyed reading your post, although not so much about the ridiculous evil associated. People can be so stupid. Thank you for sharing this piece of your family history.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought it was pretty inventive that somebody had to be the Holy Spirit in that cult. Somebody being Jesus is rather routine, and God is fairly common as well, but personifying the Holy Spirit wins the pre-internet!


Thank you so much for the opener today. Good heavens, what an account of your family history — IMO, it could be made into a movie!


Well, if anyone approaches you and starts talking about creating a movie from your family’s history, I’d say go for $5 million upfront, then 12% of the gross income after release into movie theaters, streaming services, etc. In writing, with lots of legal backup (intellectual property, etc.), of course.


Bongino says the police state is here.


Me thinks Bongino is correct.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was thinking of posting a clip of Bruce Willis from DIe Hard saying “Welcome to the party, Pal!” but Bongino doesn’t deserve that.


This is really humorous in how they are addressing the GA officials. They know we know they are going to cheat because they know we know they cheated in the last election. We also know their corrupt election, legal, and judiciary “system” will continue being the demons they are because Charlie Daniels dun tole us the devil went down to Georgia.


Last edited 7 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anyone for sweet laughing fun:


Thank you Eilert… just precious!


Simple joys. Thank you for this!


Very interesting article, thanks for posting.


I’m glad he discussed Ivermectin and Fenben. He needs to check out all the Facebook cancer groups that use those 2 drugs in their protocols. There are many, many people curing their cancer with both drugs plus a number of other anti-cancer supplements. I’ve learned that there are over 3,000 plants with anti-cancer properties, and 300 of them kill cancer stem cells (which cut, burn, or poison don’t do). There are also hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate protocols that work very well for some people. I think the average person who has never had to deal with cancer would be shocked at how many people are getting NED (no evidence of disease) with natural healing methods. I’ve really had my eyes opened. Unfortunately, Rockefeller medicine has a stranglehold on the medical industry, so most people will never learn of these methods.

pat frederick

oh my…this would be a hoot!

October 5, 2023 1:49 pm

Reply to  WeThePeople2016
🚨 JUST IN: President Trump is expected to attend the GOP’s closed candidate forum for House Speaker on Tuesday, according to Fox News
He’s being nominated by SEVERAL members of the House.
Could we potentially see him throw his hat in the ring?

🚨 JUST IN: President Trump is expected to attend the GOP’s closed candidate forum for House Speaker on Tuesday, according to Fox News

He’s being nominated by SEVERAL members of the House.

Could we potentially see him throw his hat in the ring? 😏 pic.twitter.com/c88PLiOxEd

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) October 5, 2023


Well, that would be interesting, for sure, since Yours Truly just saw something online that Jim Jordan is going to run for the House speakership.

pat frederick

he does intend to–as is Scalise i believe


I don’t think Trump wants Speaker … he as much as said so today …

he said he is running for president and ahead, and that he will do whatever he can to help
Republicans etc.


http://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/ has articles on Fenbendazole and cancer and on Ivermectin and cancer. Each drug has 12 or more anti-cancer mechanisms.


Thank you, Pavaca. Yes, I’ve been checking out his articles. A number of them have been posted on the Facebook Fenben group I’m in. I’m using both drugs in my own protocol, plus a lot of supplements.


Wonderful. I think there can also a role here for things like deep meditation, visualization exercises, prayer, and yoga / tai chi. These don’t take the place of Fenben, IVM, supplements, etc., but are additional approaches.



Hard to accept that what we have pulling the strings is ready willing and able to imprison or kill us for political purpose…but it’s true.
Watching the murder of Ashli Babbit again was chilling. One of the armed cops right behind her gave a thumbs up to the shooter and then a thumb down to indicate she was incapacitated. The cabal knew exactly what they were doing and what acts had to happen with their manipulation in order to claim insurrection.


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I love Donald Trump but I’m holding down a creeping cringe that he’ll back some Rino.




Well, he already did … 😥

And there’s not much choice remaining, right? The entire Congress is corrupt.


… or, the Speaker doesn’t have to be a member of Congress.


Right …

but, how does he work with a corrupt group?

one with an agenda?


Valerie Curren

Bannon? Navarro? Guiliani? Flynn?

Valerie Curren

maybe running it through Gab will let it show here…

comment image

pat frederick

biden suggests he has a way of funding ukraine and can go around congress…speech later today–not sure when


Oh great. Wonder which Biden persona will give the speech…Homeboy Joey, Whisper Joe, Imbecilic Joe, Yelling Joe ? Time for another blast about “MEGA Extremists “…half the time he can’t even say MAGA right.

pat frederick

just reading an article where Booker says the senate is willing to shut down the gov’t to ensure uninterrupted ukraine funding. do they even realize how out of touch they are with the American people????

Booker responded, “I have never seen the kind of resolve in my caucus, and I wish there were public meetings to see the passionate speeches given across the spectrum of my caucus in the Senate about how the urgency we all see, people have quoted history, we’ve had people who stood up who had relatives who survived the Holocaust, the speeches I’ve heard in our private meetings in the Senate are so strong in support of Ukraine. And I know from talking to my Republican colleagues over there that there is a strong support there as well. So, I have every confidence that we’re going to do whatever we have to do to fight to make sure Ukraine funding happens and it happens in a way that gives them the unbroken resources that they need to continue to repel this Russian invasion.”



Welp, there’s part of the problem…their caucus, their colleagues…how about what the public wants or believes? Half of them have no clue about actual history and the parallels of nazism with the Ukies.
Whadda Maroon



I wish there were public meetings to see the passionate speeches given across the spectrum of my caucus in the Senate…

He wants to torture us…

I don’t understand. They protest too much, as if they’re scared to death of what might come out. Is Ukraine holding something over most of them?

Or is it the “Russia bad, must arm the enemy of Russia” talking point? I don’t think they really believe that, and especially not that Ukraine could defeat Russia.

So maybe it’s that they want us to enter the war to defeat Russia. Then people can make a lot of money, and maybe the U.S. would be defeated, which would do away with our Constitution.

I can’t stand those people.


They have to keep their CORRPTION hidden. Along with the BioLabs and Child Trafficking system.


Not only that..excellent point btw, but with the clinton machine gearing up for untold $$$$$ with the foundation, I forget the name.


More destruction = more $$$ to “rebuild” along with BlackRock.


Totally agree, can’t stand them. I think most of them are dumb and live in a bubble. Their “betters” tell them what to think and how to vote with a few narrative bullet points. The whole thing has been the Z show complete with hollweird celebs posing for pictures.
Billions of dollars and no real headway, countless dead and we can read with our own eyes…Uk cabinet member buying a foreign villa as a wedding present, Mrs Z buying a million dollar’s worth of jewelry, the bailout of the Porsche dealer, the cabinet salaries…but insist that we keep giving more..

Last edited 7 months ago by mollypitcher5

War… it’s how they keep the ponzi scheme they call an economy, going.


just reading an article where Booker says the senate is willing to shut down the gov’t to ensure uninterrupted ukraine funding. do they even realize how out of touch they are with the American people????

^^^ Would be GREAT IF the Senate shut down the government, demanding Ukraine funding.

Absolutely beautiful move.

Americans of All Stripes will see, Uniparty Is The Enemy.


via poster at MoA

The Venezuelan government is about to lose ownership of its US-based oil company Citgo, which will be auctioned in the US for an expected $32 to $40 billion. This is theft by the US government and almost no one is paying attention because the background is so convoluted and requires knowledge of US litigation procedure and corporate law. A law professor gives the run-down. Although highly biased it includes the important technical points.



The US government gave control of Citgo to the fake opposition government. The fake opposition government used the company as its slush fund. Based on the fake Venezuelan government’s actions, a US federal court decide that Citgo is no longer a distinct corporate entity from the real Venezuelan government. Creditors of Venezuela’s government with tens of billions of dollars in claims are now able to seize Citgo to pay off the debts.

Posted by: remotedji | Oct 5 2023 15:16 

From the FT article:

“Venezuela owed around $150bn in external debt, but as of early 2019 only a tiny fraction of that — $3.4bn, to be precise — was tied to instruments that gave owners a firm legal right to seize Citgo shares. There’s a big difference between being an unsecured creditor of Venezuela and having a claim on Citgo.”

In 2019, the fake government was given control of Citgo by the US. At the time Citgo had only $3.4 billion in debt which would entitle the creditors to seize the company. After the fake government starts to use Citgo as a slush fund, a US court determined Citgo was no longer distinct from the Venezuelan government. Therefore creditors holding tens of billions of dollars of debt owed by the Venezuelan government could now seize Citgo.


The US government has now developed a new tactic. If it doesn’t like an adversary government and the adversary government owns companies in the US, then the US gov will give control of the companies held by the adversary government to a fake version of the adversary government, which will then act in a way that exposes the companies to claims and seizure by the debt holders of the legit adversary government.

Posted by: remotedji | Oct 5 2023 15:34

A second poster:

The Citigo siezure is going to accelerate de-dollarization. It’s blatant theft. Foreign Companieds and Investors from BRICs countries will be ( quietly) pulling out of the U.S. and US vassals as fast as they can .

The War Party must be desperate to have shredded rule-of-law.

Posted by: Exile | Oct 5 2023 16:45

Last edited 7 months ago by phoenixrising

Here’s another poster commenting on this:

The US is doing irreparable harm to its financial system and the general reputation of its legal system with actions such as this, the Russia sanctions, and the repeated seizures of foreign governments exchange reserves etc. Other nations, and foreign corporations, must now treat doing business in the US as dealing with a hostile power that may steal their assets. Those nations and foreign corporations will adjust their practices with respect to foreign exchange reserves, decisions on where to be located (much better to be based in Mexico and serve the US market from there?) etc.

Also, two can play at that game. This is the main reason why Western governments have not already just stolen the “frozen” Russian foreign exchange reserves and given them to Ukraine, as there are an awful lot of Western assets in Russia.

With the giving of the seized Iranian weapons to Ukraine the US is yet again displaying its contempt for international law and fair dealing, the true nature of the “Liberal International Order” – a Mafia-style international order.

Posted by: Roger | Oct 5 2023 17:31 


Quite right.

Cuppa Covfefe

I can’t feel sorry for Venezuela. They nationalized (read: stole) quite a few US- and other countries-based companies in their two or three revolutions over the last few decades.

My father had an opportunity to bring up and manage a factory for a large American company, but didn’t want to take it due to all the problems that it would cause for his (at the time) young family.

Good thing that he backed out. The poor fellow who went instead, and his family, were kidnapped, the brand-spanking new factory was stolen (“nationalized”) and the manager, his family, and some others were only rescued via ransom (this was in the days before Ross Perot)…

No, “Vu Vu zela” has no sympathy from me whatsoever…


It’s not about sympathy … it’s about THEFT… US does it all the time.

Cuppa Covfefe

The GEB WEFfenSS… not the same thing…..


They knew back in 1974…..


Ronnie Montrose and Sammy Hagar…..

Valerie Curren

Their sound has similarities to one of my husband’s previous bands, Lively Pelts 🙂

I was pretty bummed when Michael decided to leave them after a couple years of gigs.


comment image

Lively Pelts, Marty–Lead Guitar & Vocals, Roy–Drums, & Michael–Bass & Vocals: 6-17-17

Thanks for the memories 🙂


JUST IN: Trump Files Motion to Dismiss Jack Smith’s DC Jan 6 Case, Citing ‘Presidential Immunity’

Trump’s lawyers blasted the Biden Regime and accused Jack Smith of “breaking 234 years of precedent” for charging a former president.

“Breaking 234 years of precedent, the incumbent administration has charged President Trump for acts that lie not just within the ‘outer perimeter,’ but at the heart of his official responsibilities as President,” Trump’s attorneys say in their filing. “In doing so, the prosecution does not, and cannot, argue that President Trump’s efforts to ensure election integrity, and to advocate for the same, were outside the scope of his duties.”

Trump’s lawyers also argued that Trump has immunity based on his acquittal in the Senate after his second impeachment related to January 6.

“The Impeachment Clauses provide that the President may be charged by indictment only in cases where the President has been impeached and convicted by trial in the Senate,” the lawyers wrote according to ABC News. “Here, President Trump was acquitted by the Senate for the same course of conduct… The Special Counsel cannot second-guess the judgment of the duly elected United States Senate.”

…Meanwhile, Trump’s lawyers are seeking to delay Jack Smith’s May classified documents trial until after the 2024 election.

pat frederick

long thread detailing the above

Will Scharf
3h • 6 tweets • 4 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
BREAKING: President Trump files motion to dismiss D.C. case
A short while ago in federal court in Washington, D.C., President Trump filed a motion to dismiss the case pending against him there for his alleged actions in the aftermath of the 2020 elections. The motion cites presidential immunity as a ground to dismiss the case in its entirety. This is a very big deal.
The motion persuasively argues that the D.C. case should be dismissed, and if past practice is any guide all proceedings could and should be stayed while this issue is litigated fully. Notably, this same reasoning should apply to the ongoing Georgia prosecution as well.
A number of legal commentators have anticipated this move, and in this thread I’m going to get into the weeds and review the core argument made—that presidential immunity is an absolute bar to the prosecution of President Trump for his alleged acts in office that underlie the federal prosecution in D.C.
(A) Presidential Immunity
At its heart, President Trump is arguing that presidents, even after their terms in office are over, are absolutely immune from criminal prosecutions arising out of their acts in office that fall within the “outer perimeter” of their official responsibilities as president, unless they have first been both impeached and convicted by the House of Representatives and Senate. And he’s arguing that all of the acts he is alleged to have committed fall within this absolute immunity.
This view, as the motion filed today makes clear, is deeply rooted in bedrock legal principles, in caselaw, in the Constitution, and in actual practice dating back centuries.
In Nixon v. Fitzgerald, the Supreme Court ruled that a president has absolute immunity from civil liability for acts within the outer perimeter of their official responsibilities. In short, you cannot sue a former president personally because his official acts harmed you. This is unquestioned Supreme Court precedent, based on very serious, core separation of powers concerns. If a president were susceptible to civil suit for his official acts, the Court held that this would “raise unique risks to the functioning of government” in light of the “singular importance of the President’s duties.” The purpose of presidential immunity, the Fitzgerald Court’s view, is to prevent concerns about being sued clouding the president’s judgment and crippling his ability to act—presidents need to be able to discharge their duties to the best of their abilities without having to worry about being haled into court when their terms expire.
This well-established immunity doctrine has never been tested in the criminal context, for the simple reason that no president has been subjected to the sort of relentless prosecutions that President Trump has now been faced with, but the motion persuasively argues that the reasoning in Fitzgerald should still apply.
(B) Impeachment Clause
This view is also rooted in the actual text of the Constitution. The Impeachment Clause of Article I provides that, although impeachment proceedings do not themselves carry a punishment beyond removal from office, a party convicted after impeachment “shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”
By specifying that a president impeached and convicted could be subject to indictment, etc., the Constitution plainly and clearly implies that absent impeachment and conviction a president cannot be criminally prosecuted for his official acts.
Democrats impeached President Trump twice, and on both occasions the Senate acquitted him. Absent a conviction at an impeachment trial, presidential immunity applies to all of President Trump’s acts that fall within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities, and for these acts at least he cannot be prosecuted.
(C) Scope of Immunity
Are the acts that underlie President Trump’s indictment in D.C. within this “outer perimeter” of his official responsibilities as president? I think the answer is clearly yes.
First, it is very important to note that in the context of assessing immunity, the motive of a president is irrelevant. Why the president did something is immaterial; the question is what the president did and whether that was within this very broad outer perimeter of his official responsibilities.
And because the scope of presidential authority and of presidential responsibilities is so vast, the catchment of presidential immunity is similarly expansive. When you actually review the alleged acts that underlie the D.C. indictment, my view is that each and every one clearly falls within the other perimeter of President Trump’s official responsibilities. We are talking about things like
•Making public statements about the administration of the 2020 federal election;
•Communications with public officials, both in the states and in the federal government, about the administration of the 2020 federal election; and
•Taking steps, like assembling alternate slates of electors, to allow Congress and/or the Vice President to take action on the federal election fraud that he believed had occurred.
Remember, for the purposes of assessing the scope of immunity, intent and veracity/falsity are irrelevant. Your views on whether President Trump’s views on the election were accurate are irrelevant. Your views on why President Trump did what he did are irrelevant.
If the acts themselves were presidential acts, falling within the outer perimeter of presidential responsibilities, they cannot form the basis for a criminal prosecution of President Trump, because presidential immunity applies.
As a result, since the entire indictment in the D.C. case against President Trump is predicated on acts that he is immune from prosecution for, the case should be dismissed.
(D) Appealability
One final note on timing: any denial of this motion to dismiss, or any similar motion in Georgia, is likely immediately appealable, as is the case in where Congressional legislative immunity is implicated. Which means, depending on how long it takes Judge Chutkan to rule, this issue could be before the D.C. Circuit and potentially the Supreme Court before long.



Commie Chitkan can rule on this yesterday..Denied

Cuppa Covfefe

$hitcan Chitkan…..

Valerie Curren



Molly, the Master (well one of them anyway) Wordsmith appreciates your work .

High compliment from Cuppa

Kudos to you!


  :wpds_oops:  it practically wrote itself ! Very nice to have a compliment from you and the pro Cuppa


Very interesting. Seems like an airtight argument if it went before a judge who was not foaming at the mouth from TDS.

It’s nice to imagine it being dismissed. I’m thinking of the hours of work, the voluminous boxes of “evidence,” and all the money that has been spent…for nothing.


Not nothing in the eyes of The Evils. They got plenty of headlines and photo ops and further deepened the resolve of never-Trumpers everywhere. In their eyes, money well spent.

It was our money they were spending anyway … fkrs

Last edited 7 months ago by Please
pat frederick

October 5, 2023 5:35 pm

It sounds like Trump is saying he will take it short term and help pick the right permanent person. Bannon says for 100 days. He will set the stage in the Speaker role and show how the Position is to be run like he did for the Presidency. Then, We The People will demand that the person who takes over after Trump continue what Trump started.
Trump would accept House speakership for a “short period” while Republicans decide on a permanent replacement
Trump told Fox News Digital he would serve as a ‘unifier’ until Republicans can rally around a new speaker

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh…. the liberal tears…. a flood of epic proportions…


22nd Amendment, Section 1:

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

So Trump can be elected twice and can serve as POTUS for less than two years of someone else’s term.

JB’s fraudulent term of office began in January of 2021, and we passed the two-year mark of his term in January of 2023, so I think Trump would be safe.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree with this reading.

We didn’t want this chain of events to happen too early.

Not that I think it will happen, anyhow, but I’d love to be wrong.

Cuppa Covfefe

Obligatory xkcd 😀

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not sure why you think I am arguing with the person I responded to.


Chicago Residents File Lawsuit to Stop City from Using Public Buildings to House Illegals

The new lawsuit argues that the use of public buildings to house illegals is a nuisance to the community and the city is also violating zoning ordinances by using public areas.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports on the new lawsuit:

“The new lawsuit adds claims that the move to turn police stations into makeshift shelters, where migrants have been sleeping on floors for months, violates federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards.

“’They should not be in parks and floors and schools. They should be in residential housing, whether that’s hotels or hostels or apartments or houses or some kind of group living facility,’ Avila told the Sun-Times. ‘It’s not sanitary, it’s not residential living, it’s not humane for the people living there.’”

Right. But I doubt that Chicago, or any city, has a bunch of empty hotels and apartment complexes that people can be housed in. So why should the owners of those buildings have to house them? If hotels are occupied by illegals, that hurts the tourist and commerce industries.

Things had to get this bad in numerous cities for JB to build at least part of a wall. But this situation with illegals is similar to the problems with the homeless: hordes of people without housing or proper sanitation occupying spaces where citizens live and spend their time. They want to make life miserable and lower the standard of living for most of us.

Last edited 7 months ago by TheseTruths

Things are going to get a lot worse for these cities. It won’t take long for the illegals to settle in, get cars, get guns, want a piece of the street action

Brave and Free

Next summer going into an election should be very interesting


And drugs.


Philly DA to Judges: Take It Easy on ‘Fundamentally Law-Abiding’ Looters



OF course…………… Krasner is a progressive with ties to billionaire George Soros. In 2017, WHYY reported that Soros gave nearly $1.7 million to Krasner’s campaign, helping him secure the DA office he currently holds.


strange, that didn’t work at all for J6 ers.


Like “fundamentally pregnant”?


the rot is setting in….

Teen Stunned When Judge Won’t Release Him for Violent Robbery Charges: ‘I Can’t Get House Arrest?’

Liberal coastal elites have created a new class of entitled criminals.

Last week, Seattle’s KOMO-TV reported that a King County judge had charged several suspects in connection with a series of violent home invasions and robberies.

One suspect, identified as a 16-year-old male, expressed disbelief that he would have to remain in Juvenile Detention.

“I can’t get house arrest? You let people out … You should let people out …” the incredulous teen said.

“Well, I’m not letting you out,” the judge replied.

A judge shut down that request from the teen who was arrested with the violent home invasion crew in Seattle. Prosecutors are looking at hate crime charges. Story from @LynnanneNguyen:



That makes the case that punishment can be a deterrent.


geee what a novel concept !!!

Cuppa Covfefe

But…but…but… it IS house arrest…


Last edited 7 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

This thread reader is of Matt Gaetz appearing on TimCast eight months ago. It divides the interview into short segments, each with an explanatory paragraph followed by a clip of Gaetz talking about each issue.

I knew there were a lot of outside influences and pressures on members of Congress, but Gaetz shows how the majority of people get sucked into the system and then stay because of the power others have over them. This explains how Congress doesn’t want anything to change because they are so entrenched in a system that is beneficial to them. (What ever happened to representing the people?)

I found it very enlightening.



Well, where can we buy tickets?


CSPAN normally. But NOT for Trump


Kalbo is right about CSPAN, and sometimes they cover Trump rallies and the like. RSBN is another possibility, but I have a feeling these talks might be private.


I didn’t think /s was necessary. Sorry.


It wasn’t! I was just following up on Kalbo’s reply about CSPAN. It occurred to me that sometimes they do cover Trump’s events, blah, blah, blah. I “got” your meaning.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can’t see the Uniparty House even thinking about doing this.

In fact if Trump ended up as speaker I’d have to wonder if he were actually uniparty all along.


Wolf Moon
I think I’ve gotten the extra JPG thing fixed in the opener. What I don’t know how to do is to create clickable hyperlinks to the websites listed at the end of the piece. Otherwise, I think I’ve done the best I could as a neophyte author. Thank you.


Something interesting happen that gives me hope and can give all of us hope.
we has an upgrade. A guy from the Internet service did the work. When finished he and my husband tried out the Internet. My husband had kept his windows 0n the computer open what he reads. The guy saw it and said “you read the same stuff I do”. My 81 year old husband and a guy under 30 became instead friends. He stayed longer than his work braised the garden was envious at my vegetable garden.
The reason I say there is hope when younger people embrace MEGA and anyone who is also then there is hope. The guy loved my herbs and stuck his nose in it end enjoyed all of it. Mega is everywhere people who embrace gardens are everywhere God is good 🙂

Last edited 7 months ago by singingsoul1

Bless you Singing Soul…

Thank you for sharing such a hopeful experience…


Nice to get not always bad news. For us it was uplifting.


That is interesting can only think that younger people remember grandparent who garden. My granddaughter is a natural can grow anything 🙂




That is great news! Very encouraging.


It was uplifting in all this dark news circle.

Valerie Curren

Wonderful & so hopeful!  😍 


Yes it is 🙂


Andrei Martyanov posts this at his blog a few minutes ago:


Alastair Crooke Says What Needs To Be Said.

Yes, in the eyes of the Washington Establishment I am a subhuman. I am Russian, Slav etc. Most people in the US Congress view me as subhuman, James Clapper views me as subhuman, so do many Pentagon and CIA people. Here are the words of one of the America’s most celebrated heroes, who substituted his rather very average military abilities with a very outstanding ambitions, big mouth and a proper attitude:

The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European but an Asiatic and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese and, from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all-out son of a bitch, a barbarian, and a chronic drunk.

So, it comes naturally in the West to very many in “establishment” and it is, certainly, a driving attitude for neocons.

con’t article https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/2023/10/alastair-crooke-says-what-needs-to-be.html

Cuppa Covfefe

Whenever I see his name, I expect “Masterpiece Theatre” to pop up… (Alistair Cooke, which would be oddly appropriate in this context)…

Maybe the fellow being quoted would do well to listen to Putin’s eloquent speeches about Russian and Western culture and history over the last 1200 or so years. Not to mention their deep Christian faith (notwithstanding the commies, who are busy invading Churches the world over)…

And yet Cooke, the PBS one, is of the elites who are driving this whole bl00dy mess.

Putin made a number of speeches, but I think some of the best have been erased from the net… Chiefio has some archived; haven’t looked here or the other trees yet… (OK, OK, I need to get on the ball).

Just listening to Rachmaninov’s “All-Night Vigil” is enough to dispel any questions about Russian faith or art…


Another win in Missouri v. Biden:

In a bombshell ruling, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has shut down the “nerve center” of federal government-led speech policing, correcting a critical error in its prior jurisprudence and striking a major blow for the First Amendment and against deep-state election interference.

The court’s opinion comes in the landmark free speech case in the digital era, Missouri v. Biden. Before the litigation landed in appellate court, Louisiana District Judge Terry A. Doughty declared in a fitting Independence Day ruling that federal authorities from the Biden White House to the FBI and CDC had likely engaged in “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

They did so, Judge Doughty found, by cajoling and colluding with social media companies to silence wrong-thinking Americans on matters from election integrity to the origins of Covid under the guise of combatting national security or public health-threatening “mis-, dis-, and mal-information.”

The district court therefore disarmed the speech police by ordering a wide-ranging preliminary injunction, prohibiting federal authorities from coercing and coordinating with platforms to suppress ever-growing categories of disfavored speech during the pendency of the case.

More details…appeals filed…5th Circuit Court ruled for free speech except that they excluded CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, which was one of the biggest offenders, from their injunction.

The plaintiffs in Missouri v. Biden cried foul, petitioning the Fifth Circuit for a rehearing and a reinstatement of the injunction on CISA. Now the court has responded by fixing the latter fatal flaw.

In issuing its revised opinion, the Fifth Circuit noted that CISA had in fact likely violated the First Amendment in “coerc[ing] or significantly encourag[ing] social-media platforms to moderate content” beginning during the 2020 presidential election.

Therefore, the panel ruled that like the censorious Biden White House, CDC, and FBI, CISA too would be subject to a preliminary injunction prohibiting it from engaging in any action that would cause social media companies to suppress “protected free speech.”


So the courts say ‘you can’t do that:” FauxPO still does it anyway. They may get caught, they may not. The objective is to stop 47. If they stop 47, The Evils will be able to corrupt any actions against them if they get caught. The damage will have been done and the objective achieved.

Sadly, the ruling means very little.


With Biden now building some more wall….. will he un-weld the open gates? or just make more gates?




FYI those gates are not always what most people think. In Los Angeles, they are huge metal flaps that hang down [hinged at the top] to allow water to push it open and flow through.

Why they didn’t build the border flood gates this way is a mystery to me. Instead, they put the hinges on the side like a door. The design in L.A. operates automatically; the border wall gates do not. Welding them open makes sense only to bureaucrats.


Cuppa Covfefe

Now if they could just weld BillyGhoul Gates shut…..

Robert Baker

I thought the government sold the wall construction material several months ago. I guess they can buy it back at a premium.


They did.


Biden thinks it’s rope a dope time. Biden plays at securing the border while doing nothing substantive.
He’ll claim everyone is working against him to include the Republicans. He’ll want border construction funds tied to Ukraine monies.


JUST IN: Donald Trump Endorses Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House

…“I talked to the president about this and all kinds of issues,” Jordan said. “I don’t want to say anything, but I had a great conversation with the president.”

Jordan also addressed the issue of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who has been the subject of discussions about possible removal from the Republican Conference. Gaetz has faced criticism for his role in the removal of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from the Speaker’s post. Jordan said he would not support efforts to oust Gaetz, describing him as a “talented member of Congress.”

“I don’t think that’s warranted,” Jordan said. “We’ve got a four-seat majority; Matt’s a talented member of Congress. I disagree with what he did … but he’s a great member of our committee. … I think we’ve got to come together.”

When asked about the possibility of changing House rules that allow a single member to make a motion to remove a Speaker, Jordan was non-committal. “That’s a conference decision,” he said, adding that if the conference wants to change the rule, he would support it.

This might be the best we can do if Trump and Gaetz won’t take the job. I would prefer Jordan over Scalise.


If someone slapped her mouth, the whole planet would cheer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m holding out for someone stitching it shut.

Cuppa Covfefe

I thought she *cough* had other business to do:

comment image

Then again,

comment image


And Mr. Dick Cheney in drag, when was the last time Republicans defended the Constitution?


She talks as if she did. 🤣


That’s not gonna make SD very happy.

He threw Jimmy Jordan under the same bus I threw him under:

Beware the “Anger Manager” – Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Says He Would Accept House Speaker RoleOctober 4, 2023

“My dearest friends, as much as I do not want to accept certain things, this one is critical to accept. Jim Jordan has shown over time that he is simply a purposefully placed “anger manager” on behalf of the Professionally Republican wing of the administrative state.
Perhaps we lost him before the 2020 election, when the “six ways to Sunday” group fired a shot across his bow with the issues about “widespread sexual abuse in OSU’s wrestling program.” 

The timing seems to fit with the overall dynamic and how the intelligence apparatus operates. Regardless of whether that was the inflection point, the extreme visibility & promotion of the claims, in combination with the sudden disappearance of them, was the impetus –or if it was something similarly timed– something consequential changed in the political orbit of Jim Jordan.”


Yes. Not concerned about SD. I wouldn’t know he was unhappy if people didn’t bring his material here. 😊

We deal with what we have. If it needs changing, I hope that will happen, as just did with the removal of McCarthy.


“I wouldn’t know he was unhappy if people didn’t bring his material here. 😊”


He has said many times over the past year that the information he posts should be spread far and wide, to get it in front of as many eyes as possible.


“When asked about the possibility of changing House rules that allow a single member to make a motion to remove a Speaker, Jordan was non-committal.”


Jimmy is very practiced at non-committal.

Committing to anything would invite accountability, and as a professional crimitician, Jimmy instinctively avoids anything resembling accountability.


Or he avoids it while in the race for Speaker, thinking that he would still support the rule but that he can’t look like a clone of Gaetz and be elected. We’ll see. I’m not making predictions, and I’m already dreading SD reading everything Jordan says and does as confirming his opinions.

Jordan might be a sellout RINO who keeps business as usual, or he might surprise us. He’s not speaker yet, so this could be a little premature. 😅


Nothing to see here. Guys just up set.

“All I see, right. All I see, right, are the citizens of Chicago marching to the gas chamber ever since these scum bags came toward the border”.