Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:
- To declare positively; assert to be true.
- To declare support for or belief in.
- To rule (a court decision) to have been correct; confirm.
- To show or express a strong belief in or dedication to (something, such as an important idea).
- To testify or declare by affirmation, as distinguished from swearing an oath.
Expressed in an medical infographic about “gender-affirming care”

Expressed in a pediatric policy infographic (pay attention!)

Discussed in a fascinating video illustrating institutional capture mediated by trans activist organization WPATH
Note that this video is over 3 years old.
Assorted Music
How about some more Celtic Woman?
In honor of our own songstress, for whom we are all praying.
OK – get in the time machine – OR ELSE!
And now for something completely different….
Another YouTube suggestion. Glad she got vocal-affirming care.
And a worthy finale.

Notes on Autumn
Victory is not to be achieved in this world.
I’m not saying that we shouldn’t try to win.
I’m not saying we can’t win, won’t win, or shouldn’t win.
I’m not even saying that too much winning is a bad thing.
But TRUEST victory is not achieved in our own lifetimes.
Stated a different way, THE BEST IS ALWAYS YET TO COME.
Thus, to do the RIGHT thing, always keep that in mind. You are FINITE. God is NOT!

New Schlichter —
Unfortunately, no one could care less, either.
Cities or States. I do not care about blue shit holes.
I care about the helpless children being born into them, but as for the adults? Meh.
You care about future leftist voters? Hmmm …
She’s probably thinking it’s a shame an innocent will be transformed into a blue shitweasel by growing up into that environment.
And it is a shame so much humanity gets wasted that way.
Watching that horrific video of a child being beheaded at the hand of a hamas man yesterday , next to him, right next to him sawing off the child’s head was a kid. One of their own. They learn barbarism from infancy on. Can that deep hate and taught violence even be changed ?
A blue shit weasel is bad enough but there’s thousands across the Western World applauding this. it’s surreal
Glad I missed the video. Glad it was recorded.
Should be mandatory viewing for government weenies and Pravda news shit birds, that will start condemning Israel within days.
From the musical “South Pacific”, from 1958… different era, same problem(s)… “You’ve Got To Be Taught”
And I agree with you.
Will wonders never cease. 😀
They’re children, p. I’m a mother. So yes, of course I do.
With all respect, you need to adjust your thinking. Good cannot come out of evil. Read Lone Survivor to discover the cost of your viewpoint in a war situation.
Jesus loved all children. So then will I.
I understand that children are used in war situations, and I am familiar with the scenarios you reference. But they are still children, being used by evil adults for their own evil purposes.
I refuse to place blame on victims. When they are adults and can make their own choices, I place blame.
And, in this instance, I was referencing American children, born in American blue shitholes, as you said. THOSE children are unlikely to be used in a “Lone Survivor” type situation. If it comes to that in America, we will ALL be reassessing life and death priorities, I believe.
Once again, the innocence of children is being used by the demonic, Satanic globalists to further their evil ends and fulfill their perverted pleasures.
It’s the children’s innocence that they wish to STEAL.
Why else would MO-Ham-Head “marry” a nine-year-old girl?
Why else would the left be pushing so hard for “self-determination for youths” (big deal over here)?
Why else would the left be pushing for the age of consent to be lowered, e.g. Ghostburg pushing for 12 years old; countries over here (IIRC Holland) pushing for NO AGE LIMITS AT ALL?
Why else would paedophilia be the latest (and “greatest”) perversion being pushed?
And Zoophilia, and necrophilia, the next on their list, along with polyamory (are there any left after that?????!!!!!!!)….
Satan wants “his” innocence back, but he lost that at the Garden of Eden, indeed, even before that, when he said he would be like the Most High… indeed even higher was what he wanted to be…..
I agree with all of this, 100%.
Genesis 50:20
20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Perhaps, children are innocent, UNTIL corrupted.
Until then, the children ARE innocent.
Once corrupted, child or not, treat as such.
GOD can take anything and turn it for HIS GOOD WILL and PURPOSES…
That’s a good one!
The lady in the “affirming” video says the WHO decided that transgenderism is not mental, but a medical condition. Thanks, WHO. What would we do without you? /sarc
That 12-year-old boy can really sing!
Experts deciding. Always a dangerous thing! 😉
Yes – he CAN really sing!!!
Follow the money
I’ve learned to NOT believe experts, cuz they have an agenda, not modeled on truth.
Proves they’re unfit to dictate health procedures to the rest of the world, leave it leave to the loonytoons who want it.
It depends on what the definition of “leading from American strength” is, right, Pence? We had four years, during which you were VP, of alpha American strength and leadership, without war.
Pence is a lying, evil, war-mongering neocon.
No argument here!
Don Jr.’s response:
Way to tell of that clown Judas!
Channeling my DJT, Jr response … FFS President Trump NEVER signaled retreat !!!! He maintained – and subsequently proved – that proactive ECONOMIC engagement with the right trade agreements, sanctions and uncorrupted financial leverage were all part of Engaged International Leadership that had been sorely lacking and would promote peace, or at least discourage war!!!
Plus Oil & Gas Independence!!!!
Pence Is A Total Failure To Lead…
And a power-seeking douchebag. In my opinion.
Seduced by the dark side, he was.
And a hypocrite of the lowest order…
Judas Pence. Your 30 pieces of silver will come back to haunt you, for all eternity…
Sad but TRUE!!!
I doubt it.
People that stupid need direct first hand experience, and even that doesn’t always work.
They need their very own Darwin Award. Like that clown in New York
There is a difference between those who don’t get it and those who do but pretend not to.
Once again that is self identifying action/inaction as to what side you are on.
Address both. One in a teaching manner and the other with complete contempt and ridicule.
The former tends to be young, idealistic young people who are being brainwashed. The latter are typically beyond reclamation.
Having been in those conversations, I can attest that it is a gulf that cannot be bridged, there truly is a crossed wire or screw loose, it’s impossible to articulate but eerie to experience.
If what she is saying is true, and I have no reason to think it isn’t, we should all be confronting every member of the U.S. military that we personally know, and ask them to their faces, what they are going to do when these islamic terrorists start attacking Americans.
Are they going to stand down?
Are they going to follow the orders of traitors?
Are they going to literally allow our nation to be militarily defeated without a fight?
It’s a legitimate question, and we have a right to know.
And someone in congress needs to ask the same of Chris Wray.
We already know that Wray will lie, no matter what the question is, or who asks it.
Mayorkis, Garland…ALL complicit.
Headlines next month. Gun sales Soaring.
Ammunition prices rising.
(Think I’ll order some more. Just cuz.)
Concealed carry with or without permit. Open carry is fine if you want the target on your back.
If you conceal in an open carry state, it is a distinction with a difference. Once you pull it out, it is no longer concealed.
Most important is that police cannot legally search you, or even compel you to identify yourself, without probable cause.
It’s all perspective.
It`ll become a DHS/F I B investigation, with D O J oversight.
No problem they’ll get right on it. Just like they responded to Antifa and BLM.
Plus we need to be wary..all of the govt agencies are gunning for us not the invaders. I predict soon the emphasis changes from look what those barbarians did to anyone calling it out is islamophobic and needs to be “watched”
Stock up on ammo
Stolen elections have consequences.
MeThinks, American provocation is most always a factor.
Commie coups have consequences! 😡
Nikki Haley is another war-mongering neocon.
Sorry, double post. That was supposed to be this:
Nikki Haley IS Asshole.
IIRC, Caputo is a guy who has caught the left up to tricks multiple times.
Is there any reliable data source of where significant islamic populations have coalesced in the U.S.?
Detroit, parts of Minnesota, probably California, New York, apparently Chicago. Guessing every big
treasonblue city.I don’t know of a source that reports on the infiltration. If anyone does, I hope they will post it.
Seriously. How they gonna tell its hamas? Dressed in black rioting etc.could be blm
and that’s the point…
blm? antifa? hamas?
same mo. they all hate america
True ! I should’ve scrolled down before I wrote!
The palestinian support appears to be really strong in the antifa, blm, and celebrities so the usual riot cities could pop off
Laura Loomer:
If that is true, those emergency intel meetings had nothing to do with disrupting those Hamas terror cells, and everything to do with how to save their own treasonous asses when the attacks begin.
This is a new video from Rafi Farber. Rafi is an American (born and raised in Florida, I think) who now lives in Israel. Rafi does economic reports (from the Austrian school of economics perspective) on Fridays for the youtube channel Arcadia Economics.
I have been watching his videos weekly for at least a year now.
I am just starting to watch the 18-minute video myself, but the opening is certainly interesting:
Rafi: “Hey patreons, this is another patreon video that I am going to be releasing to the public, because people want to know how I am after war seems to have broken out between Hamas and the state of Israel.
My personal opinion on this is that this was a coordinated attack between Israel and Hamas, and against us, the citizens of the state and the people who live here.
It is virtually impossible for the army to have failed this spectacularly. It took them about 7 hours from the beginning of the invasion to do anything. They have helicopters one minute away from Gaza and nothing happened, they didn’t try to stop a single person from being kidnapped and transported to Gaza.
There were stand-down orders I’m hearing from my sources that many army units were told not to engage the enemy as they were invading. This looks to be a coordinated set-up, as maybe an excuse to conquer the strip again, or an excuse to impose lock-downs, or whatever it is that they’re doing.
I’m not really a geopolitical expert on these things, I just know that nothing is what it seems.”
If anyone had balls that would be a great opportunity to take them out of the equation
Here is what I expect. Since Jan 6, 2021, political demonstrations have been declared a reason for criminal prosecution. Therefore the FBI will study all the videos related to support for Hamas in the United States. With the assistance of Homeland Security and other federal agencies (IRS swat teams?) arrests will follow. All demonstrators will be convicted and expelled from the United States (probably back to Mexico). Did I miss anything?
I hope it’s sinking in.
Someone should tell James that failing to police your brethren can have dire consequence.
I think James is illustrating the folly of the language and excuses used for not protecting our border, while comparing it to what happened in Israel. 🤔
i thought it was sarcasm as well…the left believes MORE control ( in this case gun control and HANG GLIDING control) will fix everything
That hang glider control bit gave it away
Fact Remains, Palestinians Are The Problem.
Satire? 🙄
Steaming load of hooey. Sounds like a DEMONRAT…
That’s the point. He’s comparing Dem talking points about the border to the situation in the Middle East to show how absurd and illogical the Dem talking points are.
Excellent /s.
The warships are to protect the two million Gazans from being utterly annihilated, as they so richly deserve.
Let’s hope those warships take the scenic route.
Just how are they supposed to do that?
Go round the horn and approach from the other side
I guess so.
Aren’t they already near there? IIRC somewhere it was mentioned that Bye,Done was (yet again) taking credit for something that was already in progress and required little, if any, effort to achieve…
I suppose you already know the answer but I will reiterate. Jews are an important voting bloc for the Uniparty. This is not because they are a large number of votes (they are significant enough to influence outcomes) but because they are an important source of campaign financing. Any group that has money or large numbers gets accelerated response to their interests.
We have the best govt money can buy.
My present reading is a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. Today’s topic was blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Your comment made me think of beatitudes for governments.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for power, for they will be elected.
Your comment seems to me to be accurate but quite sad.
And we have the best money govt can buy.
If they were serious it would have already happened.
Any credible military has war-gamed this scenario out a thousand times and updates their objectives regularly.
Every hour that goes by without overwhelming destruction of the enemy projects weakness, which emboldens the enemy.
Every hour that goes by also loses the moral high ground. An immediate response, no matter how severe, is justifiable in the face of such inhuman brutality inflicted on civilians.
A similar overwhelming response, days or weeks later, will be exponentially more difficult to defend.
And they know all of this.
I don’t remember NORMANDY being broadcast everywhere ahead of time!
lose the element of surprise and you allow the enemy combatants to reposition and fortify or run even retreat. you want to get rid of them? surprise is the best weapon
Quite the opposite.
Any idiot knew we were going to have to invade Europe, of course, and the Germians weren’t idiots. Well, at least some of the right ones weren’t.
The trick we had to pull was to hide the time and location of the attack. We managed though a lot of artful intel ops that we’d be landing in Calais, the part of France closest to England. This effort was *so* successful that for days afterwards the Germans were convinced Normandy was a feint and wouldn’t move troops there to counter it.
Two somber voices and the music festival.
“Israel sacrificed its own people. You think they really don’t have intelligence that day?”
If that turns out to be true, someone, or a lot of someones in the Israeli gov’t, are going to swing like Mussolini.
Can we vote?
cause what ghadaffi got sounds apt
thousands of AMERICANS were sacrificed on 9/11. who swung for that?
This ^^^^^
No one
No one, but that was our first rodeo.
This is 22 years later, with tens of millions in America (and hundreds of millions worldwide) looking through more experienced eyes.
Ok ok. It’s taken Potus trump a while to set up all the stings and traps ( set his net), but we are getting to the pointy end.
Have slowly settled on, Israeli government allowed, if not facilitated the disaster in Israel.
Israeli’s have been betrayed by their own government, AGAIN.
Enforced Mandatory Jabs, Boosters and Vax Passports, another Israel government betrayal of Israeli citizens.
Great Reset working overtime in Israel. As it is in the US.
seen at
Oct 8
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Ben Garrison:
Hat tip Catturd:
January 26, 2021: “Biden Administration Restores Aid to Palestinians, Reversing Trump Policy”
He bought it; he owns it.
So the us financed this shit show
As usual, with taxpayers’ money.
Without taxpayer’s consent!
It gets worse…
Taxpayers money, borrowed from Chynee.
Actually, borrowed from the Feral Reserve.
If printing money can be called borrowing money.
Briben got his 10%. Prolly with a bonus.
Obama administration, third term.
Intel Slava qouting Catgirl Kulak. There is an attached message with that, that I can only link too.
🪖 If this is true and Israel has only 20% its arty stockpile, then Hamas isn’t suiciding Gaza on pyre of defiance like people think. They timed this perfectly to lure Israel into writing cheques they can’t cash in the hopes Israel will invade Gaza with infantry at which point they can grind them down endlessly with basically unending Arab volunteers in brutal urban warfare… where most of their technological advantage is gone and they won’t have the most important 1/3rd of combined arms warfare.
This also would explain the brutality and the focus on taking as many civilian hostages as they can, since Israel can’t just leave hundreds of Israeli civilians in Gaza and declare they aren’t going to get them back… They’re pretty much trapped fighting a ground war with what little artillery they have.
– CatGirl Kulak (
Second message with another attached message.
If the 300,000 rounds the US took from Israeli stockpiles to give to Ukraine corresponds to that 80% that Israel’s supposedly down then they basically can’t sustain combined armed warfare, since the 2014 Gaza war took 34,000 rounds of artillery alone.
Even if they have hundreds of thousands left, they can only use a fraction of them on Gaza since they need enough that they could fight a high intensity war with Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon if they intervene… let alone if Iran and Iraq start sending forces
– CatGirl Kulak (
Separate message from Intel Slava
The Egyptian Second Field Army has recalled all soldiers on leave, cancelled other leaves, and is undergoing a complete state of readiness.
Intel Slava is quoting unusual whales about sudden stock buys from members of congress. It appears some members of congress may of known about this before hand. Names, times, companies and stock data on purchases.
“If the 300,000 rounds the US took from Israeli stockpiles to give to Ukraine corresponds to that 80% that Israel’s supposedly down then they basically can’t sustain combined armed warfare, since the 2014 Gaza war took 34,000 rounds of artillery alone.”
The Israeli government’s FIRST responsibility is for Israel’s defense.
If they don’t have enough ammo to defend themselves because they gave it away to Nazis in Ukraine, then the Israeli gov’t ought to be launched by catapult into Gaza.
USG owns the WRSA-Israel ammo. It is stored in Israel magazines.
USG likely (bribed) Israel government to play nice, with promises of newer and better ammunition.
So it was the old “I’ll gladly pay you Thursday, for a hamburger today” routine, and the people responsible for the safety and defense of Israel fell for it.
I don’t know what WRSA stands for, but if Israel doesn’t own their own ammo, then whoever allowed that situation to exist is not competent enough to lead a paintball team.
What is the War Reserve stocks for allies?
Ancient Chyneez proverb say He who has no ammo, has gun that won’t shoot.
“Even if they have hundreds of thousands left, they can only use a fraction of them on Gaza since they need enough that they could fight a high intensity war with Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon if they intervene… let alone if Iran and Iraq start sending forces.”
That’s what tactical nukes are for.
Excuses don’t save lives or win wars.
Back in the day someone over at Twitchy was rewriting a Beach Boys (beached buoys?) hit,
Bomb bomb bomb
Bomb bomb Iran…
Don’t remember the rest, but it was funny. And the old
“What’s covered with sand, and glows in the dark?”
“Iran, if they do anything to the hostages”…
Then Reagan was elected, and that was the end of the hostage crisis.
DEMONRATS. The Ty-D-Bowl Touch, personified…
But they haven’t expended any nukes
id put them on the table
and one pointed at Mecca to discourage any other dogs joining the fight
“They timed this perfectly to lure Israel into writing cheques they can’t cash in the hopes Israel will invade Gaza with infantry at which point they can grind them down endlessly with basically unending Arab volunteers in brutal urban warfare… where most of their technological advantage is gone and they won’t have the most important 1/3rd of combined arms warfare.”
I can’t imagine why Israel would conduct such military operations, rather than carpet bombing the entire area from 30,000 feet, except from something Caroline Glick said during an interview I watched over at CTH.
Among other woke doctrine of the Israeli military, she mentioned something about valuing Palestinian civilians higher than Israeli military.
That doctrine should be called How to Lose Your Country and Every Last Citizen in It.
Don’t forget that Israel is nearly 100% vaxxed….
Rafi Farber didn’t take the vaxx, and judging from his comments on the subject,
I would guess the percentage who refused is roughly the same as here, around 25% to maybe 30%.After thinking about it some more, my comment can’t be made with any verifiable accuracy. I have heard Rafi say on several occasions that he and his family did not take the vaxx, and he did mention that the government pushed it hard, but I can’t judge with any accuracy how many others in Israel refused the vaxx, based on his comments.
IIRC, Israel was hard core, nationwide, get jabbed, get boosted AND Vax Passport mandatory.
I do wonder if Palestinians in Israel had work arounds to skip the Jab.
Or even as stoopid as USG demanding citizens be jabbed, but not illegals.
This appears to follow vaxx rates daily. There’s a chart and daily listing of percentages at the link.
Given the heavy handed Israel government approach to Covid Injections, I am surprised Israel jabbed rate so low.
WHO pegs it at 71.71%, which also is low by my guesstimate.
“They’re pretty much trapped fighting a ground war with what little artillery they have.”
But they’re not trapped, not unless they have trapped themselves by such thinking.
If I was a hostage, and I could get access to a phone and knew who to call, I would call in an air strike on my own coordinates and pray for it to happen in minutes.
It’s over for the hostages. Those who are not dead already wish they were.
Carpet bomb everything, until not a single house or building remains.
Then send every available Israeli intelligence and foreign asset to assassinate everyone in foreign countries who orchestrated this attack.
That probably means government and military leaders in Iran and Qatar for starters, then work your way down the list.
Use diplomatic channels to tell the entire middle east that it is their responsibility to stop their islamic brethren. If a single nuclear weapon is detected, either en route by air or by being smuggled into Israel, Mecca is the first target, and will be turned into a radioactive ruin.
Followed by nuking the capital of every declared enemy of Israel in the middle east.
If any nation state launches any kind of attack against Israel, Mecca becomes a radioactive ruin. Followed by nuking the capital of every declared enemy of Israel in the middle east.
This is all basic stuff.
As a percentage of the population, October 7th was orders of magnitude worse than 9/11.
If that is not enough to justify total war by Israel, then the entire thing must be a false flag.
“If a single nuclear weapon is detected, either en route by air or by being smuggled into Israel, Mecca is the first target, and will be turned into a radioactive ruin.”
The only thing I would add to this is a truckload of pork chops strapped to the bomb pointed at Mecca.
And bacon.
And pig’s blood, which is the biggest desecration of all…
Bacon shall not be wasted in such a fashion. Shame on you for even suggesting such a thing.
😂 😍
Besides, it wouldn’t work anyway.
According to the tenets of Islam:
If a jihadi dies in jihad, he’s automatically and immediately forgiven ANY ‘sin’ even if it’s a belly full of bacon.
ONLY a jihadi who died in jihad is automatically forgiven, everyone else will be weighed on judgment day.
In 2015, Donald Trump
“Israeli Flashpoint – Localized Skirmish? Or the Beginning of Major Global Black Swan?”
Some interesting geopolitical speculation from simplicius
Excellent read. Well worth the time.
How ever this plays out, we, are in for a world of shit.
Of the numerous rabbit holes Simplcius suggest, here’s one for thought…
Recall that great ancient civilizations think and plan in long term strategies.
About the only thing I’ve settled on, the cluster F in Israel is but a minor move, in a larger event coming our way.
Then sadly, the the forces that have been walking across the open border being told it’s time to awaken and attack.
Sleepers Arriving, In Plain Sight.
Trojan Whores…
Shades of “First we take out the “Fridays”, then we take out the “Saturdays”, then we take out the “Sundays”….
Except they seem to have gotten it out of order…
Could be all three are controlled by the Derp State, all three are proxies of Cabal and the U.S. gov’t and military is Cabal’s ‘muscle’ to enforce policy.
The military must be doing something.
And they sure as *&^% aren’t protecting America.
Thinks he nails much of it. Just left out the very probable Asiatic Vespers thing the globalists have set up for us given all the military aged single male invaders running around in the USA and Europe.
Very good article. This was included in it. It seems that a lot of people are expecting a major terrorist attack on U.S. soil. The statement “I would not be in a big city for the next 12 months” raises a chilling possibility.
Will we EVER go on offense?
Or do we
LIKELOVE being the victim?We’re oh so good at scaring ourselves until we pee our little panties.
Flip it around.
Why isn’t a post like this being circulated instead?
White people are finished with this bullshit, and almost all of them are armed. And they don’t hold their guns sideways like some car-jacking hood-rat, they take classes and practice shooting.
And since nearly all of the invaders have sweet tans, unique features and don’t speak English, they’re not hard to spot.
If I was a person like that, male and aged 15 or older, I wouldn’t go outside for the next 12 months.
But no, we’d rather sit here and piss ourselves, like a bunch of &^% $ing p@ssies.
Sorry, but the Jefferson quote is questionable.
It wasn’t attributed to Jefferson until 2006. It’s a good statement and seems in line with his sentiments, but I don’t think he said it.
thanks for letting me know!
Half of them are black. What is their dog in the fight?
They hate the USA like their muslim mentors…obamaination, brennan, jarrett, etal
Huge conversion push is prisons. Which have a large black population
Lots of muzzies are black.
Or half-black, like Hussein the Usurper and sous-chef murderer.
Im thinking about the U.S. ones who arent that are pro palestine. Or maybe its just they hate Jews and Israel more,?
You mean the spindly-legged girlie boy Leftists in the black pajamas who wear backpacks, eat soy and run away when you pull their mask off so Momma can see them on TV?
Not too worried.
Long ago the Jews and the Blacks were always fighting over who were the more oppressed, and the worst victims. Jesse Jackson, among others, were fanning the flames of this, and LBJ’s “Great Society” did little to help.
The Commies, in particular the Soviets and the RED Chinese have been pushing this division for a long time. And I think right now, Pooh-Xi is sitting back, celebrating all of the fighting… and planning a move on Taiwan…
Taiwan. In the cue.
I wonder what Exactly “they” don’t want us paying attention to as Israel dominates the news cycle?
Briben Crime Family, Briben Administration A Total Failure, Inflation, Ukraine…
no doubt…
Russia is about to end the SMO … by military means.
about time!
Amazon’s Alexa has told users that the 2020 presidential election was ‘stolen by a massive amount of election fraud’ causing Jeff Bezos ‘ empire to scramble to explain the concerning content. An investigation by the Washington Post showed that when the devices were asked if the election was stolen, they would site ungrounded facts and saying that electoral fraud had taken place. The Alexa said that it was ‘stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,’ while citing Rumble, a right-wing video streaming site. Amazon did not say why the machines use information from unvetted sources when answering questions posed by users.
Correction on that last sentence – Amazon could not say why the machines use information from un-leftist sources.
😉 😉
this is why you NEVER allow illegals in your country. biden gave them work permits–they don’t want them. they want an increase in food stamps and better housing. they don’t want to work–they want to live off “the rich”. they don’t want to assimilate and become part of the American dream–they are parasites!
Reality of there not being a “melting pot” when you allow criminals to invade. The dimms are stipid to have ever though that these people would be willing to be their new voters for a bit of lip service. They want payment and not some section 8 vouchers. This is only the dtart.
They can be paid to vote, and probably will be.
They want more than a 1 time payment. Leverage.
James Woods – one of the few shining lights of Hollywood.
slab jab?
IMO, if Mr. Poole was “vaccinated”, this may have factored into his condition, since the spike protein and the modRNA of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, facilitated by the lipid nanoparticles in these “vaccines”, migrate to and lodge in the brain (among all other areas of the recipient’s body.)
May he rest in eternal Peace.
yes RIP 🙁
In other news, NOT covered by Pravda News…
Larry Johnson article.
Russia’s Counter Offensive In The Donbas Front Is Accelerating
multiple stars standing with Israel
It’s hard to imagine anyone with worse judgment than ‘stars’.
When ‘stars’ stand for something, that’s usually a signal that you should stand for something else.
usually true…I was just glad Some of them weren’t afraid to stand with Israel 😇
just saw an article that mark hamill got roasted by leftists after saying he stands with israel.
Well, he has a lightsaber. So they better be careful.
Isn’t he a huge leftist? He’ll learn the hard way, they eat their own.
Verse of the Day for Monday, October 9, 2023
“For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.”
1 John 3:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Here’s the one that didn’t show for me…through Gab…
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
10:06 am – starting now. A man in Jerusalem called into the show and he will be talking with Chris unless he’s dropped off the line.
FYI, WMAL app carries repeats of all the local shows. So does its website.
Badlands News Brief 10-9-23
‘Business Insider’ (Indian news portal) on Russian use of heavy bombs in the war theater…
Larry’s latest:
8 October 2023 by Larry Johnson 79 Comments
Decades of leftist decadence ruled Israel.
The situation today is the fruit of that stupidity.
Exactly. PC kills.
“Short of using nukes, Israel will have to send its ground forces into the strip and fight house to house battles.”
No nukes, carpet bombing.