Dear KAG: 20240214 Open Thread

Badlands News Brief – February 14, 2024

Obama repealed this 1948 act so he could flood our media with endless propaganda…

We Will Make It

Key national GOP group endorses Kari Lake for US Senate

Greenland is turning GREEN: Area of ice the size of Wales has melted over the last 30 years – revealing fields of vegetation hidden beneath, study finds

If the ice is finally melting, why is the island known as Greenland and not something else?

Bloodbath at Paramount claims 800 jobs including CBS News journalists embroiled in controversy

Mitch McConnell Staffer Pushes Mike Johnson to Sacrifice His Speakership for Ukraine-First Bill

Supreme Court gives Jack Smith one week to respond in Trump immunity case

Bannon is pissed: voters in red states are sending warmongering RINOs to the Senate…

That’s who the party is offering up. We need independents to step up and run.

Nikki Haley suggests Trump is aiming to ‘take’ the election by promoting his daughter-in-law for RNC leadership

Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart.

The World’s First Platform for the Unvaccinated

It’s a dating site. You knew it was coming sooner or later.

X Files….

VERY sick. And the defense industry still keeps a roof over my head.


Memes & Stuff

Well…it was a little more complicated than that.

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


OEL 2:12-18

12“Yet even now,” says the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; 13and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the LORD, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and repents of evil. 14Who knows whether he will not turn and repent, and leave a blessing behind him, a cereal offering and a drink offering for the LORD, your God? 15Blow the trumpet in Zion; sanctify a fast; call a solemn assembly; 16gather the people. Sanctify the congregation; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber. 17Between the vestibule and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep and say, “Spare thy people, O LORD, and make not thy heritage a reproach, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, `Where is their God?'” 18Then the LORD became jealous for his land, and had pity on his people.

MATTHEW 6:1-6, 16-18

1“Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. 2“Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 3But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. 5“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 6But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. 16“And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 17But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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Thank you, De Pat, for a whompin’ Wednesday whoopie of a post!

Also, Happy Valentine’s Day!


After two Masses…..will you, too, be dusted?


I was thinking figuratively. Two Masses sounds like a lot.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A massive amount in fact.

Cuppa Covfefe

Has a certain gravitas to it…


Complete with camels. 🙂


The left camel’s hump is not impressive. Poor guy probably gets picked on by the more well endowed camels.


The poor guy might have been in starving conditions where he had to use the fat in his hump to survive. 😦

Camels are also known for their prominent humps (either one or two humps, depending on the species), which leads many people to believe that these are used to store water for access at a later time. However, camels’ humps actually store fatty tissue, not water, which is used as a source of nourishment when food is scarce.

So why do camels store fat in these humps instead of having it spread equally throughout their bodies, like other mammals? Camels typically live in the desert, where food sources can be hard to come by. When a camel is unable to access food for a long period of time, its body is able to metabolize the fat in the humps for nutrition. The humps can deflate and droop if the camel has gone a particularly long time without food, but they will sit upright again once the camel is able to refuel.


ThanQ for the edumuhkayshun.  😆 


Thank you for raising my curiosity. 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Wasn’t yesterday “Fat Tuesday”???

(ducks and runs, singing “Dromedary, quite contrary”)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There ARE solutions, but they may not be approved as safe by Democrats.






I haven’t seen that in a long time.

The best part is when he’s pounding on the roof of the car with both hands, like he just won the Super Bowl.

They did it, just like they drew it up in the hangar, and it actually worked! 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



His wife must’ve been the pilot … you know how it is. 😮🫢😑😃👍🤫


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



He’s ready for the soup pot, although probably very unsavory by now 🤢🥴

Gail Combs

Good to feed the cats.




100% Unconstitutional, and violates separation of powers. Even the Supreme liberals will squash this, else, There will be ALOT of stuff added to future bills.


From the Nikki/RNC story from the open, emphasis mine:

“I think my friend Michael Whatley should be the RNC’s next leader,” Trump said, adding that Whatley “has been with me from the beginning, has done a great job in his home state of North Carolina.”

Whatley serves as chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party and general counsel for the RNC. He previously served on the Trump-Pence campaign and transition team.

Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump, has much less political experience than Whatley. She assisted her father-in-law’s 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns and was an on-air contributor on Fox News.

During a Newsmax interview that aired Tuesday night, Lara Trump said that the RNC “needs to be the leanest, most lethal political fighting machine we’ve ever seen in American history.”

She added that if elected to serve as co-chair she would ensure that “every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC — that is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country.”

That’s what we need, not someone entrenched in the good ol’ boy network of politics as usual. Also from the article:

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley suggested Tuesday that former President Donald Trump is trying to “take” the 2024 election by promoting a former adviser, a current campaign adviser and his daughter-in-law to top GOP leadership posts.

Why, yes. Yes he is trying to take the 2024 election. He is far and away the front runner, he was cheated out of 2020, he’s being attacked in every way possible, and he needs an RNC that will support him and help him regain his rightful position.

IMO, Haley is making a fool of herself by trying to appear on a level playing field with Trump. The money must be really good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Haley is horrifying. I’d rather vote for Biden so that we can have a civil war and just end this shit.


Sort of an evolution. She has gone from being:

• U.N. ambassador in the Trump administration
• to an obvious RINO
• to a not-very-bright candidate who makes cutesy comments about how tough she is
• to someone revealed to waffle on positions and lie about it
• to a person who is attacking the leader of MAGA, using lying Democrat talking points against Trump.

That places her in the WEF/globalist/anti-America camp, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. She’s WEF – or worse. At least with Bidama, “they” are not hiding in our own camp. They have no cover. Haley would give the people trying to destroy America a lot of cover.


Haley would give the people trying to destroy America a lot of cover.

^^^^This. It would be a disaster.

Haley is far from alone within the GOP to be taken under Klaus Schwab’s globalist wing.

As previously reported by National File, Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw is a fellow graduate of the Young Global Leaders program, while New York Rep. Elise Stefanik is listed as a WEF member on the group’s website.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin appeared at the WEF’s Davos summit, alongside Chinese Communists prior to his run for governor. While there, he touted his adoption of “woke capital” ESG programs at the Carlyle Group.

At this year’s gathering of globalist elites in Davos, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp made an appearance of his own, where he was lauded by one of Schwab’s top lieutenants for his refusal to “give in” to the election integrity movement and for his failure to secure Georgia’s elections.

I hope Stefanik is not a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Thanks for that dig!




Stefanik is not 100% MAGA, America First.


☹️ dang, where ARE the good guys???


They are all a part of the Sea Island gang that extends into our fall beach location of Hilton Head and places beyond now.

Glad to see folks starting to connect dots.

They are now moving it up and down the coastline and it is not nearly as impactful as it once was because of the conservative movement that was first initiated by the Tea Party and has been accelerated by PDT and MAGA.

Please look at the past participants linked on the site. Notice that current events, participants, topics and such are well hidden now. Intentionally.

I know I have written “stories” that are not quick soundbites, especially in BIMD. They have a purpose if readers choose to commit the time. It has been a maze that I constructed somewhat intentionally as well as the ramblings of an old man. 😂

We continue to go to Hilton Head and have for 30+ years. I talk to locals and for years in the past went to conferences and events, but never to Renaissance. Have been there while it was underway. The evil could be felt.

As an example, recently I provided info on Deke Deloach, Hoover’s right hand guy during some of the most despicable events in American history. He was a long term resident of Hilton Head who was in the middle of the gang associated with Renaissance as well as the banksters.

Haley was raised up in that culture, “mentored” (MK probably), then placed into the governor’s mansion. Being a caste system Asian Indian she was trained by her family to be compliant to get along and get ahead. I knew the pastor of her local UMC church as well as the man who became our conference’s bishop who once pastored there before moving to east TN. Both are minorities who served the purposes of the gang as needed.

If you read the BIMD story associated with the Arkansas Stephens family, you would know they connect strongly to the members of Augusta National (Masters golf tournament) in GA. That membership will take you throughout the country into the biggest slime ball names out there including Buffett and Gates.

There is much more that I will leave to others to explore at this time. We are getting very close to welcoming a granddaughter into the world that we hope will be a much better place than it has been.


I don’t want Stefanik. Can’t explain it, but I don’t trust her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She needs Trump to stimulate her thinking. VP has to be fully functional without Trump there to help. I think that the neocons could get their claws into her, without Trump there to spot the scam.


Good assessment!


Here is a name to look at…Rand Paul. I know, Libertarian, but at least he stands on principles. .

Gail Combs


He betrayed the Tea Party when he was put in by supporting the Trans Pacific Partnership.

It was the European Union on STEROIDS!

Gail Combs


Listen to the first couple minutes of this about trade deals and how they TRUMP sovereignty. Start about 1:30

@ around 5:45 they get into the TTP.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs

Libertarian does not bother me.

Rand Paul DOES bother me. NOPE x 2.


I get the consternation, but Rand Paul is my local Senator, we have met, I can tell you he IS a good guy, and I believe now 100% behind MAGA and Trump. People change. I only know from my personal interactions with Rand that he CARES and he is a doer. I believe that Trump has given him “the talk” and Rand bought IN.


That is good news. TPP was a deal breaker for me. Seemed out of character for Rand. Appreciate the feed back.

Brave and Free

That pretty much describes a democratic


I’d have to agree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Haley is an “enemy” that we don’t want to keep closer! Keep her WAY AWAY!!! Most importantly, away from the reins of power.

She’s not “America Last”, but she’s so close to “Israel First If That’s What People Tell Me”, that she simply cannot be trusted. And WAY too many “Israel First” people think she’s awesome. NO. This is America.

pat frederick

prolly why President Trump made her an ambassador and not a Cabinet member

Gail Combs

He did that to get her OUT of SC governor chair and her Lt. Governor in.

AND she was STUPID enough to jump at it.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
pat frederick

yes. i get the concept–remove her. but he could have kept her close in the wh…he didn’t.

Gail Combs

Enough rope and it looks like she may have hung herself.

She was playing footsie with a guy who has already been convicted. That FBI guy McGonigal.

…Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has been implicated in the case – and Guerriero, 50, insists McGonigal always bragged about his friendship with the former US ambassador to the United Nations. Haley’s office did not respond to a request for comment from .

Prosecutors alleged that McGonigal asked the FBI’s liaison to the United Nations to broker a meeting between the founder of a Bosnian pharmaceutical company and Haley when she was at the United Nations during Trump’s presidency.

It was claimed that if the meeting occurred, McGonigal’s Albanian contact would receive $500,000 from the pharmaceutical company.

“He bragged a lot about his friendship with Nikki Haley,”

“Charlie said Haley was very warm, had a good sense of humor and she seemed to be a very good mother, very practical. They were friends and he wanted me to know that when he was still in the courting phase with me

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! I also think he hoped the position might educate her in “America First” principles, but IMO the education only lasted a while.

pat frederick

try as you like, but a skunk will never be a housecat

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. She did very nicely in that barn/outhouse called “The United Nations”!

Gail Combs

I much prefer the skunk! They can actually make nice pets. I have a friend who has one.


a test, which she FAILED.


He moved Haley to the UN to make room for McMaster to become Gov.

Gail Combs

“…Whatley serves as chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party and general counsel for the RNC. …


AND WHATLEY did NOTHING about the election fraud in NC. In 2016, a lawyer told me 20% of the counties HAD MORE VOTES than LIVE ADULTS…

Whatley — DUHhhhh…

Over 60,000 voters on NC rolls are dead, registered twice or enrolled in other state, report warns

….With midterms elections in North Carolina starting in about six weeks, more than 60,000 registered voters in the state are dead, registered in another state or registered twice under variations of their name, according to a new watchdog report.

The report released Tuesday by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a nonprofit law firm focused on election integrity, in one example found 7,933 North Carolinians are still registered to vote after having died in 2020.

“North Carolina officials need to use the time they still have to prepare voter rolls for the midterm elections,” foundation President J. Christian Adams said. “Time is running out. Silly, obvious errors in the voter roll can create opportunities for voter fraud and chaos in a close election. Correcting deceased and duplicate records now will help to preemptively address those risks.”….


The foundation’s audit began in late 2019 with the tracking of a sample of registered voters that matched the Social Security Death Index – to see how long it usually took the state’s Board of Elections to remove them from the voter roll after they were listed as deceased.

About 12,940 deceased registrants were found in spring 2020. And according to the index, 95% of them died before 2020. The 7,933 deceased voters still on the roll show that some of the registrants, but not all, have been removed.

The foundation found two instances in which registered voters were dead for about 20 years but not removed from the voter roll until 2021.

A total of 42,984 registered voters in North Carolina left the state and established or renewed their out-of-state voter registration before the 2020 Election….


That’s why Lara would be in place to keep him in line.

Gail Combs

That makes sense.


DJT should praise her prowess as a master of the obvious.

Then follow up with a Civil War question for Nimarata.


I’m impatiently waiting for the inevitable fade of this mess back into obscurity, and I’m losing my patience …


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




This is about the Joel Osteen church shooting, emphasis mine.

Lakewood Church shooting was ‘predictable and preventable,’ suspect’s former mother-in-law says

The former mother-in-law of the woman accused of opening fire at celebrity pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church told ABC News she thinks the shooting was “predictable and preventable.

Walli Carranza, who identifies herself on Facebook as a rabbi, opened up about her former daughter-in-law Genesse Moreno’s mental health issues and noted, “Despite the fact she had schizophrenia, she was allowed to own guns…

Moreno, 36, had opened fire in the church, and she was shot and killed by officers, according to police.

Carranza’s 7-year-old grandson, Sam, was shot in the head and remains in the hospital in critical condition, according to authorities.

A man believed to be a parishioner was also shot in the incident and has since been released from the hospital, police said.

It was not clear if Sam and the parishioner were shot by Moreno or if they were struck by officers’ gunfire.

A motive remains under investigation. Police are delving into the background of Moreno, who has a well-documented history of mental health issues and a criminal record, according to an ABC News review of documents and records.

“This was predictable and preventable,” Carranza said. “I did reach out to, at one point, to [the] Joel Osteen church asking for help for a mother and for intervention, as I would expect anyone to reach out to me if one of my congregants was in a situation that needs my intervention. And that’s what I needed from him. I needed their team, and I don’t know what they did. I don’t know if they were able to.”

I’m not sure that the church would have had the power to do anything that would have prevented this.

Carranza told ABC News that when she first met Moreno, the young woman wore a hijab and said she practiced Islam. But she said when Moreno and Carranza’s son, Quito, found out they were pregnant, Quito was adamant about raising their son around the Jewish faith.

Carranza said Moreno’s mother was a parishioner of Lakewood Church and often attended the Spanish-language service, which was set to start around the time of the shooting.

“There was a very contentious relationship between she and her mother,” Carranza said. “Her mom told us … she was afraid of Genesse.”

That looks like a possible motive.

Carranza said Moreno was diagnosed with schizophrenia and on medication periodically. She said once Moreno was pregnant, she stopped taking the medication and her mental health took a turn for the worse.

…Even though Moreno was on the radar of the government and law enforcement, Carranza said she felt the system was failing to help her family.

Carranza recalled one terrifying moment while living in Colorado when her then-3-year-old grandson handed her a gun from Moreno’s diaper bag.

“I secured it, took Sam, went to the police station and turned it in,” she said.

Carranza said she planned to visit her grandson in the hospital Tuesday afternoon and sing songs by his beside.

“He’ll know that I’m there. He’ll know that it’s the same voice he heard in the neonatal intensive care unit singing to him,” she said “I think the tremendous guilt that any grandparent or parent feels where they haven’t been able to protect the child from something so horrific has to be set aside when you’re in the room with the child, so that all they feel is the hopefulness.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a WEIRD story.


Another mentally ill person who was known to have problems.

Gail Combs


So much for our ‘gun control laws’


She had double protected-class status.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The gun control laws will continue to fail until every gun is covered by them. That’s by design.

Then they will continue to fail, but it will be too late.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The best gun control is called PRISON FOR THOSE WHO ABUSE GUNS, and that is why Democrats purposely don’t use it.

Gail Combs

AND insane asylums for those who are truly insane. Unfortunately JFK did away with them instead of correcting the bad practices.


Mental illness makes things weird. This is a truth we are not dealing with in our society at all right now. Families SUFFER when a member is mentally ill. And in this day and age, there are few mechanisms for help, and way too many outside forces actually encouraging and enabling the illness.

This is a very strange time in humanity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Deinstitutionalization had side effects.

Gail Combs

Yes, it did. It is a very tricky problem to thread. I had a friend trying to get help for his wife and got no where. He finally had to go the divorce route to protect his kids.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know of a similar case. When the divorce lawyers have a better plan to protect kids, than the counselors, clergy, doctors, and government agencies, the sane parent has to grab the working solution.

Gail Combs

This particular lady just got on a plane (No Luggage) and headed from Boston to LA because she wanted to go swimming in the surf. He had no idea where she went and had to deal with that problem as well as get help with his young kids.

It was the last straw. She was Manic Depressive and would not take her medication because she liked the ‘high’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that’s rough. “MD’s” can spend a family into bankruptcy in an afternoon. Dangerous without treatment.

Gail Combs

He hated turning her loose but had to make a hard decision.

Gail Combs

I should add that if you look at the incarceration rate in the USA it jumped and then skyrocketed when they emptied the mental institutions.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Commie revolutionary goal for sure!


Yes, it really did. Terrible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pregnancy sending a borderline over the edge is not uncommon.


Sex between a Jewish man and an islamic woman in a hazmat suit ought to be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Brave and Free

Hormonal changes during pregnancy a known effect on women’s mental health.
Giving women and men hormonal treatment to change their gender, not a problem. And how many of the recent shootings have been by trans.?
Nothing to see here move along people, says the F 🐝👁️

Gail Combs

We saw that video of a trans who said the male hormones made her VERY ANGRY. All of a sudden giving testosterone to someone who is not used to it is just plain IDIOTIC.

We also know that young males (High testosterone and unfinished brain development) are the most likely to commit violent crimes.

2020Why is it that men are overwhelmingly more likely to commit violent crimes?

…“On the hormonal level, we talk about hormones and women but we miss the big change to understand hormones in men because testosterone is a factor here and it just does something different that we need to be aware of,” says Bruce Conn.

Conn is a psychologist with Coliseum Medical center. He says that the male hormone testosterone plays a major role in the violence that Maconites are all too familiar with.

Testosterone makes people more aggressive, which in survival situations can be helpful. In everyday life, it can have deadly repercussions.

Brave and Free

Exactly, where has common sense gone?

Gail Combs

Out the shattered window…

pat frederick

i don’t want to attribute ANY of these actions as incompetence or lacking common sense it’s willful and it’s deliberate and it’s evil.
they are purposefully feminizing the alpha males and weaponizing the females.
make no mistake. claiming they did not know what would happen provides them the incompetent cover that joe now resides under.
their intent was MALICIOUS from the get go.

Gail Combs

They KNOW it was first tried in the UK by TRAVISTOCK 35 years ago so there is PLENTY OF DATA!

Why the Tavistock gender clinic is actually closing – and what it means for young trans people

The Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock was a groundbreaking institution when it was established as NHS England’s sole provider of care for trans and gender-questioning young people in 1989.

But as the years wore on, cracks began to develop on the surface, exposing faults in the way the NHS treats trans youth healthcare. Waiting lists spiralled, with young people now forced to wait years before they can see a specialist.

Eventually, it was decided that having a single provider of trans youth care across the country wasn’t safe or sustainable. Last July, NHS England announced the Tavistock clinic would be shutting down by spring 2023, to be replaced by at least two regional service centres. The move came after GIDS was criticised in an independent review led by Dr Hilary Cass, who called for care to become more integrated and more easily accessible….

TAVISTOCK: The Programming Hub of Globalist Command and Control(Lots of sources listed)

The NSA and C.I.A. have used long-proven Tavistock social psychiatry mind control since WWII to subvert and steer American public opinion

British peers Sir Nick Clegg and Baron Richard Allan now controlFacebook policy worldwide



From 1941-1945, Tavistock was managed out of the British War Office with the intent to destabilize Germany, manage and train the British military, and to try and improve public morale. Churchill thought their techniques were too intrusive and unnecessary to run the war and the media. To get back at Churchill for openly opposing their psychiatric techniques (borrowed from the pre-war German Kaiser Wilhelm Institute), Tavistock successfully turned public opinion hard left, progressive, and against Winston Churchill’s re-election in 1945.

Sometimes a well-placed phrase or impression is enough to swing public opinion dramatically….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tavistock has always been massively EVIL.

Gail Combs


A Nazi infestation from my point of view.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Brave and Free

Totally agree, it’s the sheeple that follow along blindly. Their brains can’t think for themselves.


You make an excellent point. Not only can hormonal changes in pregnancy cause depression, it can cause schizoid behavior. Post-partum mothers sometimes murder their offspring. What a surprise that trannies hopped up on hormones are shooting people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If this woman was on male hormones AND pregnant, OMG – what a ###########.

Cuppa Covfefe

Herself as a Rabbi???????

Rental Yentl, but that’s not Kosher…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this is pretty damn weird.


I think I got left off at the shooter being trans. I must of got caught in an evolving moment. Not sure. A Christian church, a rabbi and a scarf wearing muslim are confusing enough and then add a baby by trans has left me confused as well especially when the immigrant status is piled atop of it along with gun related charges.


Not that I ever tracked wth this stuff.

Saw a shooter. (Yawn)

Tran freak.

Bailed immediately.


There are like four different divisions of Jews from ultra liberal to ultra conservative. The former are basically atheist and make it up as they go. You can rest assured she is not a latter rabbi.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. I suspect she is “way beyond Reform” – and that is exactly where the Bolshevik provocateurs reside. I’m very suspicious that “grandma” is exactly that – almost irreligious. Much like Jussie Smollett’s parents and grandparents, who were out-and-out Bolsheviks.

Reform is already far too knee-jerk tolerant of the anti-God (like UU in Christianity, which is almost “Ready for Satan”), and I have zero trust that this woman is anything resembling Biblical.

Gail Combs

Religion worn as a cloak. I am afraid we have seen a lot of that. Matt Ehret & Brady Fuchs were saying that the CIA was using TV evangelists to raise money for their government overthrows in Latin America among other things.

The Ghost of United Fruit Still Haunts Latin America

” Brady (AKA. War_Hamster) is a former Wall Street advisor, entrepreneur, amateur historian, and Original Intent Constitutionalist.”

I just found another more recent video of them from a day ago. I have not watched it yet.

Connecting the Dots with Matt Ehret and Guest: Brady (War_Hamster)

Cuppa Covfefe

I rather expect she’d have trouble growing a beard, for one…

It’s the leftist Jews who are constantly undermining Judaism as well as national Israel. Somehow I wonder if they’re Satanic plants (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9)…

Gail Combs

Clif High thinks they are “Khazarian Jews” and so do others.

In a nut shell, Khazar were traders on the Silk Road. Some, like Clif call them the ‘Name Stealers’ because they would invite you in, get you to talk and then kill you and steal your identity.

Anyway, they were caught between Christian Russia to the North and the Muslim Ottoman Empire to the South. So the king, to keep his kingdom independent chose the Jewish religion. (They were really pagans)

…the Khazars converted to Judaism for the better part of their last half of their existence until the fall of the Khazarian Empire in the 13th century.

This form of Pagan worship continued into the 7th century with vile forms of sexual excesses and lewdness indulged in by the Khazars as part of their religious beliefs.

This form of worship produced to a large degree a moral degeneracy that the Khazarian King could no longer endure.

In the 7th century King Bulan, ( the ruler at that time ), decided to end the practice of Phallic worship and all other forms of idolatrous worship and to make one of three monotheistic religions 👉(which he new very little about ) the new Khazarian state religion.

After a historic session with representatives from the three monotheistic religions, King Bulan decided to adopt “Talmudism” ( as it was known then and practiced today as Judaism) over Islam and Christianity and became the new state religion.

King Bulan and his four thousand feudal nobles were promptly converted by rabbis imported from Babylonia for the event. Phallic worship and all other forms of idol worship were there after forbidden.

I really do not think the religion was stamped out. I think it just went underground instead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s an interesting topic! Surprisingly, Wikipedia has a lot of history on this, and even dares to publish a lot of the controversy!

Archived recently….


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Bolshecrats will defend Satan himself. RINOs are Democrats, and will help.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Completely agreed. Personally, I think they could send tanks into Washington over this stuff, but the sad reality is that Washington will more likely send the tanks after US.

Gail Combs

Obama set it up:

Obama‘s Military Coup Purges… | Investor’s Business Daily

 What the president calls “my military” is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful….

..what has happened to our officer corps since President Obama took office is viewed in many quarters as unprecedented, baffling and even harmful to our national security posture. We have commented on some of the higher profile cases, such as Gen. Carter Ham. He was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command after only a year and a half because he disagreed with orders not to mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.

Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved in October 2012 for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for” military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.

Other removals include the sacking of two nuclear commanders in a single week — Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, head of the 20th Air Force, responsible for the three wings that maintain control of the 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles, and Vice Adm. Tim Giardina, the No. 2 officer at U.S. Strategic Command…

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, notes how the White House fails to take action or investigate its own officials but finds it easy to fire military commanders “who have given their lives for their country.” Vallely thinks he knows why this purge is happening.

“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and ObamaCare. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.” …

For President Obama, the military of a once-feared superpower is an anachronistic vestige of an America whose exceptionalism and world leadership require repeated apologies. It must be gutted and fundamentally transformed into a force wearing gender-neutral headgear only useful for holding the presidential umbrella when it rains. 👉It is to be “his” military and used only for “his” purposes.

List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama

Absolutely every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they got in power. I am surprised this communist traitor with his feet up on our furniture in the white house hasn’t done this until now!

SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  I am doing my part. How about forwarding this.


(General Paul Vallely)

How Obama Sabotaged the American Military

….By the time Barack Obama left office, every branch of the military was smaller than it had been on September 11. But the change in size concealed the true impact of America’s most left-wing president in undermining our national security and weakening us in the face of our enemies.

“I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone,” Obama famously boasted. He used the pen to unleash a blizzard of executive orders and memorandums. Some led to outraged protests, but some of his most devastating penned assaults on our nation’s military flew under the radar.

  :wpds_arrow: One of those took place during the end of his last year in office. His memorandum, “Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the National Security Workforce”, created the woke military of the Biden administration by putting identity politics, diversity quotas, and political indoctrination at the heart of the military’s mission.

Obama had always resented the military. Even former General McChrystal, an Obama loyalist fired for describing his boss a little too aptly in the presence of a Rolling Stone reporter, described him as “uncomfortable and intimidated” by generals. But Obama’s parting shot at the military cut the generals down to size by transforming them into community organizers.

His order redefined diversity as the military’s “greatest asset” and reinvented national security as a system for maximizing employment diversity by race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and every identity politics metric, but not the military metrics that truly mattered, readiness, competence, and a willingness to wage war in defense of the homeland.

Along with transforming the military into another quota-based federal employment agency in which skills and capability mattered much less than being a disabled transgender Eskimo, the order also demanded that national security agencies should make “implicit or unconscious bias” training mandatory for “senior leadership and management positions”. Divisions that didn’t earn sufficiently high IQ (Inclusion Quotient) scores would also be hit with bias training….


Gail Combs

U.S. And U.K. F-35 Jets Include ‘Core’ Circuit Boards From Chinese-Owned Company

Jun 15, 2019,

“We are not aware of any other Chinese-owned F-35 suppliers at this time,” Lockheed Martin said after the U.K.’s Sky News reported that “a Chinese-owned company is making circuit boards for the top-secret next-generation F-35 warplanes flown by Britain and the United States.” British MP Bob Seely, who sits on both the Foreign Affairs and Arms Export Controls Committees described the news as “breath-taking,” warning that “it’s not a question of is this bad, but how bad is it?”

And it did not start under OH!Bummer.
From my old Notes:

 Saturday, February 23, 2008 Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an emergency, Canada-U.S. pact allows cross-border military activity

Sec. 1042 of the Act, “Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies,” effectively overturns what is known as posse comitatus, a law, passed in 1878, that prohibits the use of the regular military within the U.S. Borders.

👉In 2006, the Military Commissions Act was passed which, in addition to legalizing torture, allows the president and military courts to declare anyone an enemy combatant without basic civil rights like the writ of habeas corpus.

Kellogg Brown & Root—then a subsidiary of Halliburton—was handed a $385 million contract to establish “temporary detention and processing capabilities”

On April 18, 2008 Federal law enforcement agencies, sheriffs offices as well state and local police forces in three states coordinated a vast round up called “Operation Sudden Impactthat result in hundreds of citations for traffic violations.


Since Biden couldn’t tie his own shoes even if his access to ice cream depended on it, at some point, DJT might consider asking who is really in charge of all this criminality.

And then answering, since the general public will refuse to associate Lightbringer with evil, unless someone else credibly does it first.

When Praetorian Media hysterically overreacts, start laying the evidence out, day by day.

But he won’t, because until or unless Brandon is removed, Brandon is DJT’s official opponent, not the Kenyan Magician.

So we all get to continue the Great Pretending.

Barb Meier

I heard President Trump a few days ago not only ask the question, but identify Obama is running the country. I looked it up and found NewsMax video from an SC rally four days ago.

Last edited 5 months ago by Barb Meier

He did! Watched him do it.   :wpds_smile: 


Commented at the time.

Trump AND America First types need to Loudly AND Frequently, state Briben IS hussein’s puppet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thank you! Putting the DEAD CAT of this administration’s failure on BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S doorstep is exactly what needs to happen.


White I agree, Soetoro is the current POTUS pulling the strings of the willing puppet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Gab AI “Ava” has just been challenged with Nikki Haley limericks, and seriously disappoints! Terrible!

I will also note that these came back much faster than previous replies, and I suspect that the quality is directly proportional to how long the machine is allowed to spin for the answer. Gab has recently expanded AI offerings, and I suspect that resources are now shared more widely and more people are using the services.

No wit, no snark, no layers of meanings, not even good rhymes. Terrible!

Ava – I need limerick about Nikki Haley’s chances of winning the Republican nomination.

Certainly! Here’s a limerick for you:

Nikki Haley, a woman of grace,
Seeks to win, with a charming face.
In the race for the nom’,
Her chances, they’ll bloom,
If she plays her cards, with great pace.

I hope this limerick offers some encouragement and insight into Nikki Haley’s chances. Let me know if you need any further writing assistance!

Ava – I need limerick about Nikki Haley’s chances of losing the Republican nomination.

Apologies for the change in tone, but here’s a limerick for you:

Nikki Haley, a woman of power,
Faces challenges, in an hour.
In the race for the nom’,
Her chances, they’ll succumb,
If her opponents’ game, is much sour.

I hope this limerick offers some insight into the potential challenges Nikki Haley may face. Please let me know if you need any further writing assistance!


Still flirting with that underaged cyber-hussy?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And there are more where Ava came from! 😍

Far-Left Helen…..

comment image

Anti-vax Hannah…..

comment image

And Olivia, a “virtual friend who lives inside Gab”…..

comment image


I’m sorry, but no one on the far left looks like Helen. 😅

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Purple hair, nose ring, complexion ruined from bad nutrition…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I could see Helen as one of the Russian nomenklatura during the Soviet era. She doesn’t necessarily believe Leftism — and figures her name links her to the Byzantine Empire — but takes on the trappings to help erode the useful idiots in the West.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same thing as the floozies of the French Revolution!

Cuppa Covfefe

Her last name is “Beck”.

She’s the one people go to when someone tells them to “GO TO HELEN BECK”… 😀


Uh, it’s Helen Waite.


They all look sort of slutty. Maybe it’s just me.

Barb Meier

Why do they all have fat bottom lips?


“Fat bottom lips make the cyber world go ’round….”

— AI Freddie Mercury

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that’s considered “hot” by today’s youth beauty standards, and digital lips are easy to fatten. No rejection or side effects from extra red pixels!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anti-vax Hannah is useful!

Hannah – what are some of the latest auto-immune diseases for which there is now peer-reviewed evidence for possible causation by vaccines?

As an anti-vax activist, I believe that vaccines can have serious side effects and long-term consequences, including auto-immune diseases. Some of the latest peer-reviewed evidence suggests a possible link between vaccines and auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes. It’s important for people to be aware of these risks and make informed decisions about their health.


A thousand kudos for that brilliant snark.  😂 


I think one problem is that “Ava” doesn’t know Haley. All Ava knows to do is make something up about a generic woman candidate. And if Ava did know Haley, there would be the issue of whether she is allowed to write negative things about her, like this 😂:

The nomination Haley will lose.
Her antics fail to amuse.
She is a birdbrain
Who can’t even feign
Promoting America-first views.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is where the amount of resources allocated to the bot make a huge difference. the bot can “know” Haley if allowed, but that takes a combination of training prior to the task and then resource allocation during the task – just like with a biological human. I did some feedback to Gab on this point. Whatever the configuration, IMO the bot is not doing as much input of political data now, as it was in the past.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Extra points for “birdbrain”! 😂


There once was a pol’ named Nikki,
Her ways were exceedingly tricky.
She schemed and she lied,
But as hard as she tried,
The voters proclaimed her as icky.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, there we go! Great one! 💖



pat frederick

would be awesome if President Trump got this…birdbrain would have a new nickname!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Icky Poop can be her stooge name! 😅


Trikki Nikki is… Second to NONE!




That one left Ava in the dust. 😁


Ava is a wannabe. What that is, we aren’t sure.




🚨 Jesse Watters, 4:21 long. 🔥

Report: Deep state is scrambling to find a missing top-secret binder that shows how Obama’s CIA set up the Russia hoax @shellenberger @mtaibbi

This is a bombshell revealing sedition at the very least, IMO. I have thought from the beginning that other countries were involved in the “Russia” plot against Trump and the interference in our elections.

Michael Shellenberger says he will have a piece tomorrow that is about the supposed missing binder. He says there is speculation that the binder is the reason for the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

I want to know who the 26 Trump associates are who were spied on.

I wonder how much evidence Trump has about this. Is there a binder? If so, does Trump have it?

Shellenberger at the end of the video:

I’ve been thinking about it, in the history of the United States of America, have we ever had something like this where the intelligence community was weaponized against a political candidate, and using our foreign allies to do it. I can’t think of a more important or dramatic story.


Yeah, and then going to great lengths by using FBI raids to cover it up.


From the X post from the open:

Michael Shellenberger:

FBI started spying on the Trump campaign after foreign governments “by chance” discovered evidence that his advisors were colluding with the Russians, the government says. But now, multiple credible sources tell us that the CIA asked foreign allies to spy on 26 Trump associates.

We know that the first part of that statement is not true. Foreign governments did not discover that Trump advisors were colluding with Russia. Since that story was made up, it follows that the 3-letter agencies are behind the spying on Trump associates. Many of us have known and felt that Trump has had the weight of almost the entire government against him, and this would be proof.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The story about the binder sounds quite plausible.

Gail Combs

There is more to the binder story.

December 15, 2023 CNN The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump

A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials 😂 [Yeah, I’ll Bet it raised alarms!] that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN…

The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.

The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe….

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol: 


👉The binder was last seen at the White House during Trump’s final days in office. The former president had ordered it brought there so he could declassify a host of documents related to the FBI’s Russia investigation. Under the care of then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, the binder was scoured by Republican aides working to redact the most sensitive information so it could be declassified and released publicly.

The Russian intelligence was just a small part of the collection of documents in the binder, described as being 10 inches thick and containing reams of information about the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. But the raw intelligence on Russia was among its most sensitive classified materials, and top Trump administration officials repeatedly tried to block the former president from releasing the documents.

The day before leaving office, Trump issued an order declassifying most of the binder’s contents, setting off a flurry of activity in the final 48 hours of his presidency. Multiple copies of the redacted binder were created inside the White House, with plans to distribute them across Washington to Republicans in Congress and right-wing journalists.

  :wpds_arrow: 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱, 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗪𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘆𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀...

  :wpds_lol: WE CAN’T FIND IT, WE CAN’T FIND IT!  :wpds_lol: 

Just minutes before Joe Biden was inaugurated, Meadows rushed to the Justice Department to hand-deliver a redacted copy for a last review. Years later, the Justice Department has yet to release all of the documents, despite Trump’s declassification order. Additional copies with varying levels of redactions ended up at the National Archives.

  :wpds_arrow: 𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗮𝘄 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗪𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗶𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗺𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆.

US officials repeatedly declined to discuss any government efforts to locate the binder or confirm that any intelligence was missing.

The binder was not among the classified items found in last year’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, according to a US official familiar with the matter, who said the FBI was not looking specifically for intelligence related to Russia when it obtained a search warrant for the former president’s residence last year. [wanna make a bet on that?😉]



…The GOP report, which criticized the intelligence community’s “tradecraft,” scrutinized the highly classified intelligence from 2016 that informed the assessment Putin and Russia sought to assist Trump’s campaign. House Republicans cut a deal with the CIA in which the committee brought in a safe for its documents that was then placed inside a CIA vault – a setup that prompted some officials to characterize it as a “turducken” or a “safe within a safe.”

Nunes’ 2018 report became one of many documents connected to the Russia investigation that Trump and his allies wanted to make public.

But Trump’s national security leaders, particularly CIA Director Gina Haspel, vehemently resisted public release of the report and other Russia documents, 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗱𝘀.


This also explains the Shocked look on Nune’s face when he fist learned about those ‘𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗱𝘀’ and why the DemonRats scrambled to remove Nunes from the House intelligence committee and had him up on an ethics review.

But what I found most entertaining was POTUS Trump waving around a red folder.

This is just one such occasion:

January 9th, 2021. (11 seconds)


Donald Trump seeks to withhold two folders seized at Mar-a-Lago | Donald Trump | The Guardian

October 8, 2022 – The former US president is trying to exclude a specific set of seized documents from an inquiry into his handling of government records..


As I was reading down this series of comments, that red folder and that video sprung to mind. knew it was a good while back and was wondering if anyone else remembered it and if the video was findable, and there it is!!

Gail Combs


It is so much fun watching POTUS Trump troll these DEMON-Rats.

I love that CNN Article. It is going to be so much fun watching they scramble and twist as two LEFTEST Journalists bash them with the TRUTH HAMMER!

Sort of makes you want to believe the Q op is real.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


And this could be really good:

October 8, 2022 – The former US president is trying to exclude a specific set of seized documents from an inquiry into his handling of government records..

Remember how POTUS Trump fought tooth and nail to hide his taxes only to have it finally come out he paid TOO MUCH?

So is this ANOTHER Trump ‘Briar Patch’?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! They’re so desperate, they have to get state and local officials to LIE about Trump’s finances to go after him. It’s SICK and CRAZY.


Of course it is. I’m laughing my ass off. The entire raid fiasco was well within DJT’s created reality. The deep state thought they were calling the shots but it was DJT’s script that was being followed.

All will be revealed.

Gail Combs

I am sitting here grinning and chortling. Hubby is trying to figure out why.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/10/2020 12:58:12

Did ‘Mueller’ open the door to Ukraine?

Did ‘Mueller’ open the door to FISA [illegal]?

👉How do you introduce evidence legally?

Did ‘Impeachment’ provide a platform to discuss findings of Ukraine?

👉How do you introduce evidence legally?

Did ‘Impeachment’ harm or help POTUS [public]?

👉How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public?

Why didn’t POTUS remove [Hussein] holdovers from NSC?

Do you really believe that POTUS & team trusted [Hussein] holdovers to remain within the admin and work to enact POTUS’ agenda w/o bias or confrontation?

How do you ‘awaken’ the ‘induced coma’ public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?

Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….

Logical thinking.


Gail Combs

I just realized that is a four year delta.


I do like yandex search.
About a week ago firefox was acting up and in a stupid rage I just zapped it and re-installed. Only to find that the SD card I had two decades worth of bookmarks backed up on had been used for something else and they were all lost.
Just put this in as a search term…
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/10/2020 12:58:12 👍
And was able to get back again, only a few several hundred to go.

Gail Combs

Yeah, all my old bookmarks got zapped by firefox too.

Thank goodness I am a bit of a pack rat and kept notes as well.

Robert Baker

I had no inkling that you kept notes.  :wpds_shock: 

Gail Combs

  :wpds_unamused:  but   :toldyaso: 


Cuppa Covfefe

And the DEMONRATS are crawling all over each other trying to cut a deal with Milo Binderminder 🙂

(cf. Catch-22)…


The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.

So the “official” story is that Russia was working to help Trump win, and for that reason Trump would not want the info in that binder disclosed. But in reality, the binder would show how they set Trump up.

So the Deep Staters have to continue to pretend “national security,” “sources and methods,” etc., while Trump, if he has the binder, lets them squirm. He can release it and reveal their treachery at any time.

Gail Combs

OH yeah,

And now Jack Smith has to deal with that ELEPHANT in the room.

Remember POTUS Trump DECLASSIFIED the information. Also the binder was given to John Solomon for a while before the panicking Deep State grabbed it back.


pat frederick

if they grabbed it back, why are they looking for it?

Last edited 5 months ago by pat frederick
Cuppa Covfefe

Fishing for extra copies???

Gail Combs

Supposedly a copy disappeared when the White House was packed up.


Is it this missing binder???????

Gail Combs

Sure looks like it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this might actually be big enough that shuttering the CIA – or giving it a “deep scrub where it is not in charge of the scrubbing” – might be in order.


Desperately needed if the country is going to survive, IMO. And I hope this story would gain the support of the public.

Last edited 5 months ago by TheseTruths
Gail Combs

Given that the CIA mandate seems to be running drugs into the USA and overthrowing governments the cabal finds detrimental to their resource raping and population enslavement goals, Yeah, I want to see the CIA not only dismembered, but the people indicted, the buildings demolished and the ground salted.

SEE: Breaking History Ep. 31: The Ghost of United Fruit Still Haunts Latin America It was the CIA who did the dirty work of overthrowing these countries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, the need for an EVIL TENTACLE is quite debatable.



This in its entirety.

It is on us to turn from Satan and his domination of out society.

Truth to light.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Deep scrub.

I’ve been talking about 12 gauge wire bore brushes, haven’t I?

Gail Combs

Maybe we can get Putin to do us a favor and just nuke DC — It may be the ONLY WAY to destroy that plague….

Nah, Putin is too smart to meddle in the affairs of the USA. He will leave that to the Chinese.


Kinda wonder what that spy who defected from China to the US MILITARY brought with him…


The China spy thing was a story that submerged as fast as it broke surface just like it was foretold in the telling of it. Be quite interesting if it resurfaces.


I thought you said 10 gauge.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I probably did.

Had it right the first time.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sawzall and some etchants…


Ask Q about it. He said, we have it all.  😎 


Great. “We have it all.” <<< Going Four, five, six…years.

WTF good is, having it all, when they do nothing with it.

Utterly nauseating >>> We Have It All. <<< Hopium on steroids.

pat frederick

i look at this differently. what IF President Trump is BLUFFING?
the bluff could be the insurance policy that prevents them from taking that ultimate step to dispose of the threat he represents.
they have no idea what protocols are in place if that should ever happen. can they risk it? so maybe they threaten…ie the “leftists” saying he could be assassinated…see if they can draw him out and all he keeps putting out there is we have it all. make them sweat.

(shrug) i don’t play chess…I don’t box…i would probably telegraph every weapon in my arsenal. But i’m not a stable genius…lol


Good with a bluff.

Slow Guy pegs ya, as both Stable AND a Genius.   :wpds_wink: 

pat frederick

you’re too kind.
if i’m such a genius, how come i keep forgetting what i go into the next for?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You forgot “room”, actually. 😀


Seems we need to shove one more conspiracy thing into the events of the last two days.

Nigerian bank CEO and family among 6 people killed in California helicopter crash
By Jamiel Lynch, Rebekah Riess and Alex Medeiros, CNN
 3 minute read 
Updated 6:31 PM EST, Tue February 13, 2024



Nature abhors a vacuum, so someone put a candle in his head.



Gail Combs


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Bye,Done, the DEMONRAT…






Great report!

Gail Combs

Q said 7 out of 10 plane crashes are murder…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I sat next to a nurse (older) on a flight. I asked her about her experience during the Covid crisis. She said that “anti-vaxxers” had made things tough. Then she stopped herself and said “of course don’t know if you might be an anti-vaxxer”

I said “I wasn’t one, but the Covid vaccine nonsense woke me up”. I told her I knew a lot of injured people from the Covid jabs, and I couldn’t believe these highly novel, barely tested shots were being given to healthy, young people who stood to gain nothing from them, and that I was shocked that they were still being recommended.

She nodded in agreement and said the mRNA vaccines had been particularly bad, indicating she was aware of many people injured and killed by them.

Later in the conversation she told me that her husband had recently died of pancreatic cancer. And her son had been diagnosed with aggressive, metastatic colon cancer.

She did not appear to see a connection between the shots and the cancers. The timing of these tumors could of course, be mere coincidences, but I would have thought the question of a possible connection would be obvious. And given the frank medical nature of our conversation, I believe she would have mentioned a suspicion if she’d had one.

I find the whole encounter disorienting, suggesting a fragmented belief structure that I believe must be common amongst those getting their news from corrupted sources—the smoldering ruins of a collapsed mass formation event.



She did not appear to see a connection between the shots and the cancers. The timing of these tumors could of course, be mere coincidences, but I would have thought the question of a possible connection would be obvious.


It is obvious, unless there is a psychological block of some kind.

And even then, it’s still so obvious that any psychological block would require the assistance of profound intellectual dishonesty with oneself.

She has already acknowledged that “the mRNA vaccines had been particularly bad, indicating she was aware of many people injured and killed by them“.

So she conceded that the shot is dangerous to other people. The only way the shot would not also be dangerous to her son and her husband is if they:

A) did not take the vaxx

B) were not people (which is not possible)

C) had a magical shield of protection (which is delusional)

Any normal person in her circumstance would ask basic questions, even more so, being that she is a medical professional.

Is pancreatic cancer genetic?

Did her husband have any family history of cancer?

Is there a correlation between people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and having taken the vaxx? Is there any correlation with regard to colon cancer? If the answer is yes to either one, how strong is the correlation?

Is colon cancer genetic?

If there is no history of cancer in her husband’s family, is there history of cancer in her own family, which may have been passed on to her son?

Was either the husband’s or the son’s cancer diagnosed before taking the vaxx, or after?

Could either of their cancers have gone undetected and undiagnosed for a long period of time, i.e., prior to the taking the shots — or does the aggressive nature of both cancers make that unlikely?

Not only did she not volunteer any of this information, but based upon what she did say, it doesn’t appear that she asked the questions herself, to satisfy her own (expected, natural, normal and professional) curiosity.

This is strange.

As in, not normal.


it doesn’t appear that she asked the questions herself, to satisfy her own (expected, natural, normal and professional) curiosity.

My impression has been that the reality is too horrifying for people to acknowledge. They don’t want to ask any questions that would lead them there because then they would be faced with their own culpability, even if unknowing at first. And it spreads to the culpability ofl the institutions they trust and work for. Once that is realized and admitted, a person would be faced with the need to confront the institutional bias and risk their professional job and credentials, or possibly to quit their job, knowing how difficult it would be to find another one.

But I think the mental anguish of knowing that everything we were being told and forced to do was wrong is too much for people to even open the door to recognizing.


The scope of the medical world lies, is compounded by, the scope of the lies, deception, corruption of the Federal government at All Levels.

Ten years ago, I’d have bet everything I have, IMPOSSIBLE, what we are living through.


Wolf Moon
Thank you for this.
Yours Truly strongly suspects that this nurse is entirely representative of the “vaccinated” medical professionals community.

Yours Truly strongly suspects that the “vaccinated” medical professionals community is starting to “wake up and smell the coffee” regarding the mounting numbers of patients, colleagues, and family who are presenting with “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and deaths.

HOWEVER, Yours Truly also strongly suspects that the “vaccinated” medical professionals community is STILL IN DENIAL about the fact the the COVID-19 ‘vaccines” are responsible for the carnage.

Why? A couple of reasons:
One: “Vaccinated” medical professionals are afraid to go against their employers, their grants awards committees, their professional associations, the CDC / FDA / AMA, etc. IMO, it would take real guts to buck all these entities and possibly lose a position that pays upwards of $400,000+ a year (if one is a specialist), plus the grants potential, the invitations to attend conferences, the ability to do research and publish papers, the medical school / nursing school teaching jobs, etc., etc.
Two: Once “vaccinated” medical professionals realize that THEY THEMSELVES (not just their patients, colleagues, and family — THEY THEMSELVES) are at risk for “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities, or even death, they will of needs have to make a decision — do they do what is imperative (start a COVID-19 remediation protocol) to try and save themselves; OR, to continue not to think for themselves and instead “follow the science.”

Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is “cognitive dissonance.”





After Wolf’s post started this thread, I though, D E N I A L.

At some point, this nurse will realize, she has been massively betrayed by the medical community, government…

  • A terrible, terrible realization to conclude AND live with. Ask Me, Us(?) how I, We(?) know.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The betrayal does get around. Eventually, to everybody.


I am still reluctant to give them the benefit of the doubt on the denial.

Dr. Malone took the shot, which he apparently (at least partially) invented, and when he had a serious reaction, he made the connection immediately, and then became a public voice against the liquid XXX.

Also, even if the majority are willing to participate in genocide because they’re so skeered of their employers and losing their bennies, there has to be a significant number who are not.

Last time I looked it up for a comment here, there are nearly a million MDs in America, and I would guess there are at least 10 nurses for every MD, probably more (maybe a lot more).

If so, we’re talking about at least 11 million people.

Even if only 10% came to their senses and risked their jobs to speak out, that should still be over a million people.

Instead, there only appears to be dozens, maybe a hundred if you include the FLCCC network of doctors willing to prescribe Ivermectin.

For the majority of those who go into the medical field, there has to be at least SOME desire to actually want to help people.

And you can’t help by taking perfectly healthy people and making them ‘died suddenly’.

So there’s all kinds of things that don’t make sense about the shrieking silence.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

First, Obamacare drove a lot of private practices out of business.

Second Most doctors have a LOT of debt from school and can not afford to get fired.

Third the AMA has made it pretty clear open your mouth and lose your licence.

On top of that the cabal could very easily make sure Doctors and nurses got shots that did not harm them, at least at first. That is what I would do.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 First COVID-19 Vaccine Doses To Go To Health Workers, Say CDC Advisers

Health care workers will almost certainly get the first doses of COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S. when one is approved, according to Dr. José Romero, head of the committee that develops evidence-based immunization guidelines for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention….

We already know that there were ‘Hot Lots’ that accounted for most of the problems.

Uh, That’s Not A Conspiracy Theory

There is a wildly statistically-significant skew in the death rate from Covid-19 vaccines by lot number.

Remember, zero deaths in a given lot doesn’t come up since it’s not in the system.

Pfizer deaths by lot, worst-to-best

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Date of Reported death

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Note problems didn’t really start until February.

Healthcare workers started getting shots Dec 14, 2020. Normal Americans not til January 2021 and they started with old folks/nursing homes.

It is quite likely those very first shots were lots that did not cause death or adverse reactions because you would not want to scare healthcare people.


“Second Most doctors have a LOT of debt from school and can not afford to get fired.
Third the AMA has made it pretty clear open your mouth and lose your licence.”


Okay, then the next test is “what would you do?”

No matter how much debt I had, no matter what threats any 3-letter licensing board made, if I am put in a position where I have to MURDER PEOPLE — not even just once — which would be heinous enough — but all day long, EVERY DAY, for years…

I’m not doin’ it 😂🤣😂

I don’t &^%$ing care WHAT the consequences are!

It’s not even a close call !

How can anybody care what the financial consequences are?

Normal people can’t just become serial killers for a paycheck!

It just doesn’t make sense!

Besides, if they were really concerned about consequences, they’d be a lot more concerned about going to the electric chair for MASS MURDER, than falling behind on a student loan payment…

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

“what would you do?”

I quit and more than once. However I have certainly seen lab techs and others falsify data and in some cases we are talking critical as in drugs and aircraft.

So yeah, I have certainly seen a LOT of the look the other way, I was following orders Schiff.

On top of that there is the famous experiment SHOWING people will follow orders even when the person is screaming.

The Electric Shock Experiment 

The Milgram experiment is a psychological experiment conducted by researcher Stanley Milgram in 1963. The experiment was about the human tendency to follow orders given by higher authorities even if they conflict with a person’s personal conscience.


Yes, I’m remember the electric shock experiment.

Results: When the experiment ended it was found that 65% of participants delivered the highest levels of shock while the remaining 35% stopped at 300 volts.”

Apparently I was off on the number of nurses in America, one source says there are 5.35 million, and another source says there are nearly 6 million:

The 2020 National Nursing Workforce Survey – National Council of State …
As of December 31, 2019, the total number of active RN licenses in the United States was 4,948,914, an increase of 309,366 (6.7%), and active LPN/LVN licenses was 996,154 (NCSBN, 2020b), an increase of 20,166 (2.1%), compared to 2017.

This source puts the total (including technicians) at near 10 million:

Who Are Our Health Care Workers? –
There were 9.8 million workers employed as health care technicians and practitioners, including physicians, surgeons, and registered nurses.


So let’s assume that like the Electric-shock experiment, 65% are willing to become serial killers and pump patients full of death juice.

That still leaves 35% (3,430,000) of healthcare workers, a huge number, who wouldn’t.

Where are they?

You wouldn’t do it.

Aubergine wouldn’t do it.

I wouldn’t do it.

I don’t think anyone here would do it.

And if that’s even close to being the case, that presents a problem.

Because if 99% of the medical profession would do it (and is doing it), and nobody here would do it, then how do we explain or reconcile that?

Assuming we and the medical professionals are both subsets of the same human race?

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Actually this shows about the same percentage:

May 1, 2023 — One-third of US nurses plan to quit profession, survey shows

…Almost a third of the nurses in the United States are considering leaving their profession after the COVID-19 pandemic left them overwhelmed and fatigued, according to a survey.

The survey of over 18,000 nurses, conducted by AMN Healthcare Services Inc (AMN.N), opens new tab

 in January, showed on Monday that 30% of the participants are looking to quit their career, up 7 percentage points over 2021, when the pandemic-triggered wave of resignations began.

The survey also showed that 36% of the nurses plan to continue working in the sector but may change workplaces.

“This really underscores the continued mental health and well-being challenges the nursing workforce experiences post pandemic,” AMN Healthcare CEO Cary Grace told Reuters in an interview….

AMN Healthcare Services Inc are healthcare staffing head hunters, so I would not expect the nurses to give straight answers.

Why so many doctors are quitting

A report published Thursday by Definitive Healthcare found that nearly 334,000 health care providers—including 117,000 physicians—left the workforce in 2021, with many citing burnout and pandemic-related stressors…

The report found that South Carolina experienced the highest level of staffing shortages, with almost 29% of hospitals reporting a critical staffing shortage. Similarly, about 20% of hospitals in Georgia, Vermont, Delaware, and Michigan, experienced critical staffing shortages in 2021… 

July 2022 Daily Mail

Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’ – including vaccinating children under 5 to ‘make their advice palatable to the White House,’ doctors claim

  • The NIH and CDC are reportedly facing staffing shortages as low morale drives away employees
  • Decisions like the closure of schools and then requiring face masks once they reopened led to many questioning leadership
  • Lately, the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children four years old of younger has confused some in America’s top medical agencies
  • Bari Weiss’ ‘Common Sense’ Substack reports that data from both Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trials for jabs in under-5s show limited effectiveness 

Okay, but it says they’re quitting because they’re embarrassed by “bad science”.

That’s a far lower threshold than quitting over mass-murder.

And one of the problems with mass-murder, is once you get started, how do you know when to quit?

Murderers say it gets easier every time, which makes sense, both from a desensitization standpoint and from the standpoint that once that taboo is broken, the restraint is gone with it.

This is one of the reasons why it’s so important not to commit your first murder.

Because if you get away with it, it probably won’t be your last.

And once you are comfortable with murder, what reason do people have to turn away from it?

Not conscience, it’s too late for that.

Not religion, religion will compel them to turn themselves in, and between maintaining one’s lifestyle and good income vs. downsizing to a cell with a roomie named Grossburger, the motives and incentives are all one-way, and it’s not toward confession. So we can cross religion off the list.

No, the more I think about it, the best time to stop being a mass-murderer is before you start.

And I think most of the better religious and philosophical texts would say the same thing.

All humor and snark aside, there has to be something missing here, some big piece of the puzzle that we’re not understanding, so we are tempted to do what people usually do.

They fill in the blank with whatever is consistent with their preexisting worldview, or just borrow a piece from some other puzzle that is about the same size and same shape, and slap it in there.

That just never works for me.

I can’t stop looking at the wrong piece, the piece that doesn’t fit, but was stuck in there anyway.


Later in the conversation she told me that her husband had recently died of pancreatic cancer. And her son had been diagnosed with aggressive, metastatic colon cancer. “

This woman is in shock. She may be for years.

I can attest to the sort of “fugue state” that can result from something abruptly life-altering and shattering, although not nearly this tragic.

But when you are that brutally assaulted by grief and pain, some of us just disconnect. It can take years to readjust to reality.


You are wise.  🙂 


The only benefit of long and horrible experience is the possibility of learning something from it.

Gail Combs

I think you are correct. She is in shock and probably in her inner heart suspects the clot shots she encouraged her son and husband to get probably killed him and could soon kill her and her son.

That is a terrible terrible burden to carry and the mind just shuts the knowledge off to keep from going insane.


Vengeance (or justice) is a powerful human need.

The desire to make someone PAY for the evil that has been done to us or to someone we care about.

It’s especially powerful if a child has been harmed.

In any normal circumstance, vengeance will kick denial’s ass ten times before denial even gets out of bed.

And yet if ‘denial’ is what’s actually going on, then nearly everyone appears to be trapped in the first stage of grief, for going on 3+ years now, and they can’t get past ‘Go’.

This is not normal.

It’s Abby.

Abby Normal.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

I just have a hard time believing we’re so different, or different at all, generally speaking.

We wouldn’t be in shock, not even for minutes.

We’d be pissed. We might experience the stages of grief, but we wouldn’t let ‘denial’ (the first stage) prevent us from getting to ‘anger’.

Gail Combs

They have been taught NOT to think logically but to FEEL.


“They have been taught NOT to think logically but to FEEL.”


But (practically speaking) ALL of them?

You do realize, we would be talking about the tightest, broadest, mass-murder conspiracy in the history of the world.

This is not a small thing.

And besides that, lots of doctors are in their 50s or older. They grew up and went to school and spent the better part of their careers before the School of Hard Feelz came along.

And it’s not an easy transition to go from logic orientation to Feelz orientation.

I couldn’t do it.

And I’m not the sharpest bulb in the crayon box.

Not like all these doctors is.

Gail Combs

I think a lot more left than we are actually aware of. The Fake News is certainly not going to tell us.

Retired early, joined a private practice… Joined The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Why the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is strongly opposed to mandatory vaccines

…That is why a statement issued last month by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is so reassuring. These are not conspiracy theorists; this is an organization that represents thousands of mainstream physicians in all specialties across the United States – educated, informed medical professionals who care enough about their patients to take a stand against the World Health Organization and others who have labeled vaccine skeptics as a “global health threat.”

The statement, which was submitted to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions February 26th, warns that the organization “strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines,” calling such interference “a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child-rearing.”…


The linked article is dated 3-13-2019, at least a year before covid shots were being mandated all over the place.

If they had enough concern over the measles vaxx to issue a statement opposing mandatory vaccines, the exponential numbers of injuries and deaths due to covid vaxx should have turned their concern all the way up to 11.

Yet all we hear is the sound of crickets.

Just listen:


Gail Combs

NOT Crickets…

Go here for their news articles and what bills they are sending alerts out to their members about.

Just because you hear ‘Crickets’ from the Fake News, does not mean nothing is happening.

Also at least they give you an alternative to Obummercare.



It’s back to my nagging thought that somehow someway something has happened to a lot of humans. Morality, integrity, ethics, honesty has disappeared in a large swath of people.

People have become hardened. For example, regardless of a pro life or pro abortion stance, being shown bona fide photos of mangled infants should evoke some sorrow or shock but the pro abortionists can even laugh. There’s something really wrong with that reaction.
There’s a million other examples but things that should be hardwired into our humanity are way out of whack.

Gail Combs

You are correct. I have seen the change over my life time. Ayn Rand called it the hatred of the good for being good.

Christians and others call it EVIL. What ever you call it, it has grown a lot worse over the last couple of generations.


It’s surreal.


“It’s back to my nagging thought that somehow someway something has happened to a lot of humans. Morality, integrity, ethics, honesty has disappeared in a large swath of people.”


Okay, this could be true. It’s a theory.

But if it was true, how would it affect nearly all of health professionals, and yet (presumably) none of us?


I have no clue.


“This woman is in shock. She may be for years.”



Or maybe out of a sense of compassion, we try to make excuses for the survivor, which is enabling behavior.

And maybe such enabling behavior has a place, at least for a time, in the immediate aftermath of tragedy.

But we cannot enable the entire workforce of the medical profession out of compassion, at least not while they’re still killing people by the millions.

We wouldn’t enable car assembly line workers who purposely connected the brake hoses in a way that guaranteed brake failure at some random point in the next 300 miles.

We wouldn’t enable people in the food industry who were poisoning the food supply.

Sure, they need help. Hopefully they can get psychiatric treatment in prison. But you sure wouldn’t let them keep on working at their job.


“I can attest to the sort of “fugue state” that can result from something abruptly life-altering and shattering, although not nearly this tragic.”


Me too.

But it didn’t last long, because it couldn’t. Life keeps happening. Bills keep coming due. Even if we are devastated to the point of being practically catatonic, we know we’re still alive, because there is always some bill to pay.

The treadmill doesn’t stop for grief — or anything else.

So the fugue state is time-limited by external factors, unless we’re talking about clinical ‘fugue state’, which is rare:

“Dissociative fugue, formerly called a fugue state or psychogenic fugue, is a rare psychiatric phenomenon characterized by reversible amnesia for one’s identity in conjunction with unexpected wandering or travel.” (Wiki)

The quality of being ‘rare‘ means that while it is possible this particular woman may be in a ‘fugue state’, the vast majority of healthcare workers cannot be suffering from it.


Wolf Moon
Here’s another viewpoint regarding Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD — Dr. Alexander is upset, to say the least —
“I ain’t promoting SAGE H, I have my own stack, yet I can’t but help share & showcase good work like this! You know my view of NO fucking AMNESTY, NONE! for any of them; Scott, Jay, Martin were WRONG!”
14 January 2024

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree that Bret was “off target” about lock-downs, and even more wrong about the idea that they needed to be more intense. Locking down the VULNERABLE only (basically the Swedish answer) and using the recovered and the proven uninfected to serve them was the actual answer.

As for “amnesty”, I am for the optimal solution with the least social damage and the most recovery of honest science. In other words, the Q solution, where lower levels are basically unpunished and simply have to live with their mistakes. I’ve forgiven a lot of people, and I think that’s part of the solution, if we’re going to be even halfway Christian about this.

Pushing “punishment” and “pain” too much – the more the better – is part of the Cabal’s solution to keep us divided. The real Q people understand this.

Gail Combs

You go for the top brass and forget the drones. The drones just follow the herd and are not dangerous.



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



! Sandwich Mixto !

! Alabao !

he’s on the wrong side…of the border.

Last edited 5 months ago by smiley2

The MSM is frantically trying to make a single case of bubonic plague in Oregon into a national panic.

I remember, back in the day, there used to be a SoCal Renaissance Faire held in the Agoura Hills. Thing is, this is right on top of a major nexus of rodent infection with the plague, and I always wondered if Ren Faire was going to get startlingly more realistic some year……but they never did.

Over at Insty, Sarah Hoyt relates her own anecdote from Colorado:

We once had a dead squirrel in our yard in CO, and you’re supposed to report it. They’re supposed to pick them up for tracking. Nope. No one official would pick it up. “It’s Manitou Springs. We’ll assume it’s the plague.” “Okay, that’s nice, but what about my cats getting near.” “Don’t let them.” I ended up handling it with a very long shovel.

I guess they’re still disappointed about monkeypox.

Gail Combs

An old comment from WUWT

George E. Smith says:
July 22, 2010 at 9:36 am

“”” In other news, Former Governor Sarah Palin is blamed for starting all this by making it Marmot Day instead of Groundhog Day in Alaska. As everyone knows, marmots can’t forecast a darn thing, but they can model. /sarc From a KU press release: “””

Well that simply is not true; Marmots are great forecasters ! Back in the dark ages; round about the time when the Chinese invaded Mongolia; those northern nomadic tribes were great hunters and trappers; and traded in furs, including Marmots.

Once in a while; every few years or so, a Trapper would come back into town from his trap rounds; and tell the villagers that he had observed some Marmots up on a mountain that were all acting silly as if they were drunk on something.

At that news; the villagers would collect up all the recently collected pelts, in the town center, and burn the whole lot up; then they would burn the entire village to the ground; and move off into some adjacent valley, and start all over again.

Nobody knew why; it was just part of the tribal lore that they had learned from their ancestors; the Gods would be angry if they didn’t follow the ritual.

So when the Chinese invaded, and took over the place, and confiscated all the furs for themselves to send back to China; nobody thought to mention the ancient traditions that must be followed; and so when the Marmots started acting silly again; nobody dared to tell their Chinese masters, that they had to burn the town down.

The furs went back to China; along with the Bubonic Plague that the Marmots were the vector for; and those furs subsequently made it to Europe; and the great Plagues took off in Europe.

So Marmots are great predictors; if you know how to read them.

👉Every now and then the ground squirrels in the Kings Canyon National Park, all come down with Bubonic Plague and they have to close regions of the Park to campers. Plague needs a burrowing rodent like vector that hibernates through the winter; so the fleas that carry the virus don’t all die during the winter cold.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love that “scientifically updated legend”!

Gail Combs

Isn’t that great? That is why I saved it.

George Smith had some very very good comments.


Common sense out the window. Officials won’t pick up a possibly deadly animal, so they leave it for a lay person to do who-knows-what with it. Extreme levels of concern about an illness while handling the situation so poorly and nonsensically is what makes people lose trust.

Gail Combs

AND they should have the hazmat gear to handle it safely.

The problem is the disease is carried by FLEAS. They can leap an average distance of 12 inches (30.4 cm), and a maximum distance of 20 inches (50 cm).

So the best bet is to soak surrounding area and then the carcass with Flea & Tick WASP spray, wait for the spray to kill before getting near.

How many feet does wasp spray go?

These sprays usually propel their insecticide about 20 feet, with some traveling as far as 29 feet. That means there is no good reason to be too close…

KILLS ON CONTACT: Hot Shot Wasp & Hornet Killer controls wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, scorpions, mud daubers and tent caterpillars. UP TO 27 FOOT JET SPRAY: With a jet spray that reaches up to 27 feet, you can stand a safe distance from the nest….


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Happy Valentines Day!!! 💖 💝 💕 😍


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Be Well 💖

Gail Combs

Greenland is turning GREEN: Area of ice the size of Wales has melted over the last 30 years – revealing fields of vegetation hidden beneath, study finds
“If the ice is finally melting, why is the island known as Greenland and not something else?”

The whole thing is a crock of cat Schiff! they are looking at a very short time span, one decade.

From my notes:

Greenland temperatures cooling since 1987:

The Greenland coastal temperatures have followed the early 20th century global warming trend. Since 1940, however, the Greenland coastal stations data have undergone predominantly a cooling trend. At the summit of the Greenland ice sheet the summer average temperature has decreased at the rate of 2.2 ◦C per decade since the beginning of the measurements in 1987. This suggests that the Greenland ice sheet and coastal regions are not following the current global warming trend. A considerable and rapid warming over all of coastal Greenland occurred in the 1920s when the average annual surface air temperature rose between 2 and 4 ◦C in less than ten years (at some stations the increase in winter temperature was as high as 6 ◦C). This rapid warming, at a time when the change in anthropogenic production of greenhouse gases was well below the current level, suggests a high natural variability in the regional climate. High anticorrelations (r = −0.84 to −0.93) between the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) index and Greenland temperature time series suggest a physical connection between these processes. Therefore, the future changes in the NAO and Northern Annular Mode may be of critical consequence to the future temperature forcing of the Greenland ice sheet melt rates.


Not only could the vikings support cows, sheep and goats during the short summer, but they had to gather all the fodder and grain to feed that livestock (and themselves) during the long winter. They had no imported bales of hay from Denmark that modern farmers have. So how many cows, and how many sheep and goats, do you suppose those simple farmers, with nothing but hand-held tools, could raise? Make a guess. Then read this paper:

Vikings grew barley ( corn = grain in the UK)

….The Vikings are both famous and notorious for their like of beer and mead, and archaeologists have discussed for years whether Eric the Red (ca. 950-1010) and his followers had to make do without the golden drink when they settled in Greenland around the year 1,000.

The Greenland climate was mild when they landed, but was it warm enough for growing corn?

Researchers from the National Museum in Copenhagen say the answer to the question is ‘yes’. In a unique find, they uncovered very small pieces of charred grains of barley in a Viking rubbish heap on Greenland.

The find is final proof that the first Vikings to live in Greenland did grow barley – the most important ingredient in brewing beer, making a form of porridge or baking bread, traditionally seen as staple foods in the Vikings’ nutritional diet….

“Archaeologists have always believed that the Vikings tried to cultivate the soil on their farms in fertile southern Greenland,” says Peter Steen Henriksen, who holds an MSc in agriculture. “But this hasn’t been proved until now.”

Henriksen, an archaeobotanist at the National Museum’s Environmental Archaeology and Archaeometry section (NNU) in Copenhagen, led an expedition to Greenland to study how the Vikings tackled the task of settling in a cold and harsh environment.

“Now we can see that the Vikings could grow corn, and this was very important for their nourishment and survival,” he says.

The find also substantiates a well-known text from about 1250, ‘King’s mirror (Konungs skuggsjá)’, which mentions in passing that the Vikings attempted to grow corn on Greenland. It is the only report about cultivating barley that we have from that time……

Barley does not grow in Greenland in the modern day.

Remember this is ‘unimproved’ barley before the scientists got a hold of it and shortened the growing season.

NEW VARIETIES Fabian Two-row Winter Barley

In the Official Variety Trials it showed high grain yields under intensive growing conditions (104.5%) and medium yields under low input conditions (101.1%). Fabian has the highest cold hardiness of the registered two-row winter barleys and regenerates very well in the spring. Its resistance to powdery mildew is very high (score 8.2 on a 1–9 scale). It has medium plant height, moderate resistance to lodging and large yellow kernel. The spike is long and of medium density….

… has very good resistance to drought during spring regeneration…..

Can you grow grain in Greenland?

Wild barley is not strong enough to grow in Greenland, says Henriksen, who also rules out imported barley, as even small quantities of grain would be too much for the cargo hold of the Vikings’ ships.

Greenland Wasn’t Just Clever Marketing

It was warm enough to grow barley and farm cows when the Vikings lived there between 950 and 1350. … Greenland became very cold during the Little Ice Age. Glaciers advanced in Greenland and many places in the world.

Dr. Elisha Kent Kane (February 28, 1820 – February 16, 1857) was an American explorer and surgeon for the US Navy. Kane organized and headed the Second Grinnell expedition which sailed from New York on May 31, 1853, 👉and wintered in Rensselaer Bay.

Dr (Elisha) Kane wintered in Smith’s Straits, near the 79th parallel. From this point the following spring he sent parties over the ice northward about 125 miles in a direct line, when they came to an open sea, the shores of which they traced on the east nearly to 81 degrees 30 minutes, and on the western side to 82 degrees 30 minutes, approximately. At this far remote point, and from a height of 480 feet, which commanded a horizon of nearly forty miles, 👉the ears of the party “were gladdened with the novel music of the dashing waves and a surf, breaking in among rocks at their feet which stayed further progress. As they travelled north the channel expanded into an iceless area, and taking 36 miles as the mean radium open to reliable survey, the sea had a justly estimated extent of more than 4,000 square miles….

NOAA map of the Arctic sea.

👉Note that the inner most circle is the 80th parallel so they were finding open water inside that area in the 1850s.

Cuppa Covfefe

And, in the past, in the UK it was warm enough for them to grow wine grapes… of course, the megalomanniacal climastrologists have revised those numbers downwards, and erased those facts….. Briffa and “you’ve seen one, you’ve seen Yamal”…..

Gail Combs

As I keep saying we are at the end of the Holocene.

The Arctic was ice free and glaciers were smaller or gone during much of the Holocene up until the Little Ice Age.

Temperature and precipitation history of the Arctic

…. Solar energy reached a summer maximum (9% higher than at present) ~11 ka ago and has been decreasing since then, primarily in response to the precession of the equinoxes. The extra energy elevated early Holocene summer temperatures throughout the Arctic 1-3°C above 20th century averages, enough to completely melt many small glaciers throughout the Arctic, although the Greenland Ice Sheet was only slightly smaller than at present. Early Holocene summer sea ice limits were substantially smaller than their 20th century average, and the flow of Atlantic water into the Arctic Ocean was substantially greater. As summer solar energy decreased in the second half of the Holocene, glaciers re-established or advanced, sea ice expanded…

Ice free Arctic Ocean, an Early Holocene analogue


Extensive systems of wave generated beach ridges along the North Greenland coasts show that these areas once saw seasonally open water. In addition to beach ridges, large amounts of striated boulders in and on the marine sediments from the same period also indicate that the ocean was open enough for ice bergs to drift along the shore and drop their loads. Presently the North Greenland coastline is permanently beleaguered by pack ice, and ice bergs are very rare and locked up in the sea ice. Predictions of the rapidly decreasing sea ice in the Arctic Ocean generally point to this area as the last to become ice free in summer. We therefore suggest that the occurrence of wave generated shores and abundant ice berg dropped boulders indicate that the Arctic Ocean was nearly free of sea ice in the summer at the time when they were formed. The beach ridges occur as isostatically raised “staircases”, and C14-dated curves for relative sea level change show that they were formed in the Early Holocene. A large set of samples of molluscs from beach ridges and marine sediments were collected in the summer of 2007, and are presently being dated to give a precise dating of the ice free interval. Preliminary results indicate that it fell within the interval from c. 8.5 to c. 6 ka – being progressively shorter from south to north. We therefore conclude that for a period in the Early Holocene, probably for a millenium or more, the Arctic Ocean was free of sea ice at least for shorter periods in the summer.

A new approach for reconstructing glacier variability based on lake sediments recording input from more than one glacier

…. A multi-proxy numerical analysis demonstrates that it is possible to distinguish a glacier component in the ~ 8000-yr-long record, based on distinct changes in grain size, geochemistry, and magnetic composition…. This signal is …independently tested through a mineral magnetic provenance analysis of catchment samples. Minimum glacier input is indicated between 6700–5700 cal yr BP, probably reflecting a situation when most glaciers in the catchment had melted away, whereas the highest glacier activity [aka growth] is observed around 600 and 200 cal yr BP. During the local Neoglacial interval (~ 4200 cal yr BP until present), five individual periods of significantly reduced glacier extent are identified at ~ 3400, 3000–2700, 2100–2000, 1700–1500, and ~ 900 cal yr BP….


The last interglacial was the Eemian. It was in fact LEAP that terminated the last interglacial, the Late Eemian Aridity Pulse which lasted 468 years and ended with a precipitous drop into the Wisconsin ice age. (LEAP = Late Eemian Aridity Pulse)
A late Eemian aridity pulse in central Europe during the last glacial inception

Investigating the processes that led to the end of the last interglacial period is relevant for understanding how our ongoing interglacial will end, which has been a matter of much debate….. A recent ice core from Greenland demonstrates climate cooling from 122,000 years ago driven by orbitally controlled insolation, with glacial inception at 118,000 years ago 4,5,6,7,8. Here we present an annually resolved, layer-counted record of varve thickness, quartz grain size and pollen assemblages from a maar lake in the Eifel (Germany), which documents a late Eemian aridity pulse lasting 468 years with dust storms, aridity, bushfire and a decline of thermophilous trees at the time of glacial inception. We interpret the decrease in both precipitation and temperature as an indication of a close link of this extreme climate event to a sudden southward shift of the position of the North Atlantic drift, the ocean current that brings warm surface waters to the northern European region….

Every ice-age began when CO2 was at or near peak levels, in other words, high CO2 levels were never enough to prevent ice ages.


Dropped your comments on the Guardian story and found your not alone. 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

The libturds in Northern Germany are recommending similar things, including having older people move to smaller quarters (“they don’t need the space”) so that younger people with larger families (read: illegal migrants, aka refugees) can take over the properties AT TAXPAYERS’ EXPENSE…

Massive blocks of rental properties are also being looked at for commandeering by the state (our version of eminent domain, “Enteignung” aka seizure) so that the illegals will have a place to live and tear up…

Never mind the fact that the older folks have spent their lives paying for, maintaining, and improving the property(ies) involved, and those are basically a nest egg for them and their families. Most important, the property(ies) are THEIRS, NOT the state’s!!!
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


That is so DDR like. The commies will be happy.
The way it goes as long it is not me I am for it.

Cuppa Covfefe

This was in an article on Jungefreiheit… posted on one of the tractors 😀
( )

 „Wer’s Land verkauft und Bauern fängt, ist’s wert, daß er am Galgen hängt.“

Shades of that meme “I’m ready for Hillary” with the hangman…

And Waffle-faced Faeser is spinning… 🙂


Thank you. The green party are lunatics.
These people never think where their food and heat comes from. We should led them freeze and the rest of us get heat 🙂

Gail Combs

They try it out first in the UK (Like their ‘Liverpool Care Pathway’ to death for murder of the elderly)

So expect to see the same coming to a city near you…


The SUNY’s are imploding so I’m waiting to see what they do with the empty buildings. Announced recently that Clinton Community College is moving to Plattsburgh’s campus.

New SUNY Chancellor John King was the Sec. of Ed. under Obama. It’s all downhill from here for SUNY.

Brave and Free

Weren’t they giving free SUNY education to someone, illegals or minorities?

Last edited 5 months ago by Brave and Free

The Excelsior Scholarship. Free tuition if you earn under $125,000 a year, are a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, and some other lesser requirements but those are the main ones. So right – eligible non-citizens. We all know what that means.

Cuppa Covfefe

SUNY Moslems?

(ducks and runs…)….


Not only cities they will parcel the off into the country . All the liberal cities with their commie mayors are complaining. The country dying towns are perfect to be invaded.


The people there can stop it. Must be willing to lose everything they are already losing, including their lives.

Or be sheep. Their choice.


Across the pond people are being told to sell their properties to make room for migrants. 

You can see the progression of the plan to make a melting pot of all nations.


They can melt as much as they want but one group will always come to the top it better be Christians black brown or yellow I do not care but Christians.
If Muslims get in control we will have wars for years to come until they are driven out. God help us.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t assume the Muslims would lose.


I do not assume it will be a bloodbath just as always in history.


This situation might come to the US. My husband thinks I am paranoid because I think they will come after the properties of retirees . We have to much room for one or two people. Now it is in the UK and northers Germany.


GFL to them if they come my way.

In my thinking, I see more of a Wild West returning to much of the US. NOT looking forward to it.


Will be new to me the Wild West even though when I was a kid watched lots of Wild West movies. Maybe I picket up some pointers we see 🙂

Gail Combs

Bannon is pissed: voters in red states are sending warmongering RINOs to the Senate…That’s who the party is offering up. We need independents to step up and run.


  :wpds_arrow: However you need MONEY and WORKERS.

I tried to work to OUST Burr in 2016 when Trump was running. I had a screaming match with the dude from the RINO camp who planted himself at the Trump campaign head quarters in Raleigh.

He was busy cornering every one walking thru the door and telling them to VOTE BURR in the primaries, When I would try to say something I would get keep quiet young lady from him. I finally screamed at him BURR LIED! Burr’s office had PROMISED he would not vote for the Food Safety bill, but as soon as he was re-elected, during the lame-duck session, the FUCKER CO-SPONSORED THE BILL and IT PASSED!😡

The guy running against Barr was a doctor who had adopted 2 little Chinese girls and this piece of Cat SCHIFF was holding that against him!

Unfortunately there was very little money and he had virtually no signs and no ads.

pat frederick

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Not sure about this pic.

pat frederick

what’s troubling you the most about it?


It smacks of child abuse to me. YMMV.


do you have a date for Valentine’s Day ?

yes. February 14.


Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of LonelyHearts on Valentine’s day, it looks like Epstein got, erm, stood up again (H/T Marica at Marica’s) 😀

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That’s funny.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Gail Combs

The congress critters are waiting for a ‘Friend.’

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Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs

I wonder if Zuckerberg as a chip in his brains ?🤔

pat frederick

cow chip?


Happy Valentine’s Day!


Ivanka Trump puts on VERY glamorous Galentine’s Day display in a figure-hugging pink dress – after Jared Kushner confirmed he WON’T join Donald’s White House because he is focused on her and the kids


I do hope Jared is allowed to work more peace deals in the ME.


That is a blessing that this time Kushner is not in the WH he they should never have been.
WH is not a family affair of leadership for the country.

Gail Combs

Trump had few he could trust and even fewer he could get thru the Senate. Also as a member of the family, he had a lot more clout with foreign leaders.

Do not forget the State Department (as well as the CIA) was the center of the Deep State so useless to Trump.

I think Kushner set-up a lot of the negotiations behind the scenes.


“Bannon is pissed: voters in red states are sending warmongering RINOs to the Senate…”
Well, you know, sometimes Trump isn’t helping. In Montana’s primary, he just endorsed Tim Sheehy over Matt Rosendale, who has been a TIRELESS MAGA fighter.

Sheehy is just another damned globalist.


Got that right.


Agree. I also fail to see how noting truth is an issue even if it is opposed to what PDT has said or done.

We the People are the MAGA movement. PDT will be going to see his maker one day just like all of us. Real change cannot be accomplished by dependence on any one person.

Establishment GOP and RINOs are not going to help, they are going to deceive and undermine.



Robert Baker

That is a major disappointment from Trump. Rosendale was the clear choice to recover America. I call this a major unforced error.


The voters are also to blame. I vote who I think is best and if Trump tell me to vote for X and I think Y is better I vote for Y.I am not Trump’s puppet and he is not god and perfect.


Trump sometimes listens to bad advice. He does not know the people and people he trusts stir him the wrong way ? Just my assumption.


I think you are probably right.


Sometime one has to trust to trusted people fortunately sometimes people make mistakes.
If Trump is so bad choosing character how did he become a billionaire build a big empire where he has to rely on people? I am good choosing people but make mistakes because I give people a chance to. I wish all of us could be perfect every time I think I get a reality check 🙂




Leaked Iranian Gov Docs Show Soros Group Acted As Foreign Agents

Should George Soros and his allies be arrested for failing to register as foreign agents

article link…


by Daniel Greenfield

he makes the case and connects the dots.

the International Crisis Group (ICB)

the Institute for Political and International Studies

and others.

also related..

Inside Iran’s Influence Operation

article link…

by Jay Solomon


Last edited 5 months ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

Forget Foreign Agent, try him and his buddies (Like OH!Bummer for TREASON)

Remember Bush declared a WAR ON TERROR. 😋


April 09, 2017

 ..16 years later, the California Democrat would do it again. The airstrikes launched by President Donald Trump on Syria this week only further convince her that her vote was the right one.

Lee was the only dissenting vote on the 2001 bill that gave President George W. Bush the Authorization for the Use of Military Force, also known as the AUMF, that he needed to attack al Qaeda and its affiliates.

“I knew such a broad authorization could be used for any action, anywhere in the world in perpetuity,”… 


did you read the articles at the link ?

Last edited 5 months ago by smiley2
Gail Combs


I am aware Haley was ‘cleared’ but one wonders what else she may have been up to.

Gail Combs

Full text of X file



This atrocious bill from the Senate is only doing us a favor.

It won’t get through the House, and all it’s done is radicalize and wake up more Americans.

The Deep State have grown sloppy in their desperation to keep their crimes hidden and their money laundering afloat. They are so brazen in their corruption, even the unengaged citizens are starting to notice.

There will not be any lasting changes until Trump is back in the White House anyways, so if the establishment want to overplay their hand and continue to wake people up between now and November, I’m all for it. They are just creating more Trump voters and making it more difficult to steal 2024.

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Good online friends —
There is still no word of any kind from our good GA/FL at Marica’s blog as of today. This is concerning.
Please keep GA/FL, Sally Q, and Sally Q’s father in your prayers and thoughts.
Thank you.

Gail Combs

I imagine she has her hands full right now.

pat frederick

thanks to Filly for bringing this…
In case you haven’t seen it….
Sally is healing from the orthopedic surgery and is in very little pain, however, they can’t get her heart rate lowered for long or stabilized. She has atrial Fibrillation and tachycardia frequently – the fast heart rate comes on suddenly and goes slowly as we add a small dose of Metaprolol.
The trauma of surgery, the anesthesia and not eating, has kicked up problems with her heart and diabetes. She’s had urine retention and edema to be catheterized 4 times. They do give her fluids and gave one dose of Lasix.
They may move her out of the Neuro-heart ICU down to the cardiac floor and have her endocrinologist keep track of her there. I am thinking they will release her as soon as they have her medications worked out. Probably 2 more nights in the hospital.
Her attitude is typical Sally – she refused to eat breakfast and lunch and she rolled her eyes and wouldn’t let me feed her dinner, so I went home slept 8 hours and had a shower and shampoo and came back this morning. When I arrived, she was allowing a student nurse to feed her breakfast when I arrived, so I went down to the cafeteria and got some breakfast too. I truly dread going into her room.
My goal this week is to get advice, training, help, to manage this next stage of her care and get her measured for a safe sling to transfer her from wheelchair to toilet. The SureHands frame is not safe since she’s too heavy to keep her arms down when we move her a few feet.
Today I made an appointment to get a hair cut! My hair is getting too long for an old biddy to manage. Haven’t had a hair cut since early October. Had to cancel twice in between due to Sally’s health and care issues – her other caregiver was out with the flu one week.
Your encouragement and prayers mean the world to me!


pat frederick
Thank you so much for bringing this! I must have just missed it over at Marica’s blog. It appears, thank God, that Sally Q is out of the worst danger.
However, our good Gail Combs is correct — GA/FL does have a lot on her hands, for sure.

Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA
pat frederick

she does!
keeping the whole family in my prayers!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thanks for bringing. 🙏


To GA/FL all the love and prayers to you. Take care of yourself so you can be a good support for your daughter. Take time be good to yourself 💗


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, February 14, 2024

“For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” 

Psalms 5:12 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

pat frederick

h/t Filly
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pat frederick

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So much yikes! 😂

Gail Combs

Those people are WAY too clean cut looking.
No nose and eye brow rings.
No weird colored hair
No arm tattoos
No wild looking eyes.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This woman makes “The View” impossible for me to watch. UGH.

Gail Combs

“The View” ??? of an itchy Butt hole?

(I do not watch TV)

Brave and Free

Is that Caitlyn Jenner? /s

Cuppa Covfefe

Desperation “H”…


Hate is written in her fave how ugly.

pat frederick

February 14, 2024 10:49 am

Here is Tony Bobulinski’s opening statement before his testimony yesterday.
This in part:
“The Chinese Communist Party through its surrogate, China Energy Company
Limited, or “CEFC” – a CCP-linked Chinese energy conglomerate – successfully
sought to infiltrate and compromise Joe Biden and the Obama-Biden White
This process started in the Fourth Quarter of 2015 and continued through
when Joe Biden left office in January 2017 to March of 2018 when CEFC Chairman
Ye was detained for corruption in China, never to be seen again.
Note that on
October 21, 2015, Joe Biden announced that he would not seek the Presidency in
2016. It is not a coincidence that CEFC’s aggressive approach to the Biden family
happened around the same time.
It is also not a coincidence that CEFC used the
Biden family’s weakest link, Hunter Biden, and the promise of large sums of
money to the tune of tens of millions of dollars initially, and eventually the profits
from investing billions of dollars in the United States and around the world.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. China Joe.

Gail Combs

Tony Bobulinski’s testimony AND evidence should put the whole family in prison.

Sorta adds credence to the possibility Hunter dropped the laptops off as part of a deal.


Deal? Nah. There was no deal. How do I know? NOTHING good came of the, “deal”.


  • Hunter is a filthy rich, self entitled, spoiled, addicted druggie, who’s “name” keeps him out of jail.
Gail Combs

I am waiting to see what happens once Trump is back in office before I agree or disagree.

Brave and Free

Same here we may never know,
the deal possibly was the the F 🐝👁️ would never use it except to blackmail others.


We knew that and it finally has been confirmed. Many people sadly do not believe the reality because they have been brainwashed that it is Trump who is the traitor.

Gail Combs

And that is why this is taking so long to come out.


I hope he has a safe house and good security ?

Gail Combs

I was thinking the same.


this is just a quickie “cliff notes” history description of the Bracero Program and Operation Wetback…


I am looking for more on this but hard-pressed to find anything that isn’t culturally marxist or pro-immigrant- biased…

this does, however, provide enough interesting info suggesting how things went wrong and why.

also might explain the now over-used rationale : they do the work that Americans won’t do..

and where that BS originated.

Last edited 5 months ago by smiley2

I had to fix Chair Force 1 just a little bit.
This seems much more appropriate.

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Nicely done.

Robert Baker

Didn’t realize you were that feisty Carl.

Gail Combs

Amazing what 4 years of Demonic possession of our country can do.


In case anyone was wondering about this stuff too you’re not alone. 😮

Gail Combs

Seriously. does anyone click on this stoopid shit? Link screams, scroll on.

Gail Combs

I did not look at the vid, I just checked to see if there was anything written I could quickly look at.

It was the “...destroys-brain-cells-of-anyone-who-listens...” That had me curious if she was using some sort of CIA weapon.

Cuppa Covfefe


“The View” does that too… 🙂

Last edited 5 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

The ugly butthole?

Cuppa Covfefe

Five uglies… a TV show with five hideous, misanthropic malcontented, Malthusian wretches bemoaning the state of everything, while blaming everyone else for their self-caused disasters…

Gail Combs


I knew there was a reason I do not own a TV. At least one that does not have tubes.


People need to give their kids shores in the home so they do not think of foolish thinks. My kids all had a job and if they complained were bored I found something for them to do. Parents need to parent and not try to be their kids friend. I do not blame much on schools or iPhones it is in parenting and real parenting is not easy is lots of work.

Gail Combs

Real parenting is checking out the school and curbing what your child reads, & watches.


Gosh. I can NOT imagine anyone, admitting clicking on your link.   :wpds_evil: 


Okayyyyyyy, I see your bird brain and raise you a …

avi· an ˈā-vē-ən 

: of, relating to, or derived from birds
avian behavior

avian species


I identify as a Sherman tank, a petite and svelte one/cough 😜

pat frederick



Trump’s fingerprints playing in the background.


Republicans in Congress do better with strong leadership


Agree. 100%. Republicans are followers. Easily swayed…

On the other hand, D-Rats fanatical followers.


They ALL are beginning to realize that Trump IS coming back. Time to pay the check!


Can somebody explain how a funding bill can originate in the Senate?

Gail Combs

It originates in the House and gets sent to the Senate. The Senate leaves the title and pretty much re-write the bill and send it back to the house.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As far as I know there’s no such restriction on funding bills.

Article I section 7 says “All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House of Representatives” (emphasis mine).

pat frederick

Gail Combs

NOT a done deal. It is going to take some arm twisting.


I believe she re-posted this one as a kind of victory lap given the Hur Report.


A great presentation of JB’s gaffes and blunders through the eyes of a staffer. 😅

Gail Combs

It really was good. She documented actual gaffes too.


Yeah, real actual wacko things he’s done!




 😅  Great !!

pat frederick

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Last edited 5 months ago by eilert

Ahem…look here…READ

I told you guys way back even before GP that it was ALL Obama on spygate, and THAT was what all the Mueller, shampeachment, and all the Russian collusion HOAX stories were about. PROTECTING Obama from sunlight.

ALL a big lie and COVERUP of a CRIME. The CIA, as ordered by Obama used OUR allies in Five eyes to SPY on an American citizen (Donald Trump) and his associates WITHOUT due process, IE a warrant OR probable cause. They then USED false snippets from them and Christopher Steele with (incorrect) info from Nellie OHR at Fusion GPS as retroactive justification to get a VERY REAL FISA warrant on (Trump and) anyone around or near him

The NET is closing on the Cabal my friends, and they KNOW IT. Obama likely orchestrated the coup that happened in the 2020 election to prohibit a now seasoned Trump with a mandate from exposing them ALL. J6th was the cover up an impetus to prohibit Trump from rightly questioning (or anyone else under threat of jail) that steal using mail in ballots.

This is MUCH bigger than even I could imagine. I KNEW and wrote in my book that the Russian hoax was ALL Obama to provide cover for what he was doing to ALL Americans (spying on all of us using our own NSA data), not just Trump.

That is why he used outside contractors like Fusion GPS and Nellie Ohr. That is why he used Five Eyes and Stephen Halper and Christopher Steele foreign SPYS. He had to neuter Trump at first, and keep hidden via investigations against Trump, of Trump learning the TRUTH, with PROOF. Once the investigations crumbled one by one from Mueller on down, they must have gotten DESPARATE. So they released our own BIO WEAPON, Covid 19, to 10 destroy the economy, and 2) as failsafe institute mail in voting where ANY NUMBER could be overcome, no matter how many real votes Trump got. All they had to do was count Trumps REAL vote total, and then take days to insert jusssst enough votes to over come. That is EXACTLY what happened.

Then they installed a PUPPET to undo all the good that Trump did, and when needed be the FALL GUY, again to protect Obama. Some time in 2021 or early 2022, they must have learned that Trump not only had the TRUTH about 2016, but also about Covid and 2020. He therefore KNOWS with PROOF that Obama and his lackeys were behind it ALL. Oh my!

So they decided to get Trump via lawfare, not as suspected to keep him distracted or as propaganda for 2024 to divide his base, but as a way to FIND THE PROOF Trump HAS.

Mar a Lago raid now makes sense in CONTEXT. Don’t think so read FURTHER

That’s right folks, the binder that is discussed in the first article IS ONE AND THE SAME as the one mentioned here. It is ALL the info Trump had Radcliffe declassify, that the DOJ would NOT permit released to we the people. Trump ORDERED its immediate release, but they NEVER did it.

Guess what, I think they never even OPENED IT. Once they did, they must have PANICKED. Does that explain Mar a Lago? YEP. Does that explain why Smith was appointed? Yep. Does that explain why Smith is trying not only to hide the “witnesses” but also the EVIDENCE. Does that explain the attempted gag orders? YEP. Does that explain why Smith would not even list WHAT he was looking for in Mar a Lago, or why Trumps Lawyers could NOT be present? YEP. Does that explain why the National Archives, and then the FBI came LOOKING for this stuff? YEP It also explains why Biden removed Trumps executive privilege (illegally), Trumps attorney client privilege (illegally).

It ALSO explains WHY Trump was kept away from Putin VIA the collusion Hoax, ol Vlad or perhaps SNOWDEN at Vlad’s behest might tell Trump EXACTLY why it happened, WHO did it, and WHY, and what ELSE these same people did and STILL do. March 3 2017tweet ” Awful, just found out OBAMA had my wires tapped…SICK” DJT. HE KNOWS FOLKS, he TOLD US even then.

They tried to HIDE the evidence by having a “trial”, lock Trump up for HAVING it, hide the fact that Trump has it AND that that is what they want from Trump (no evidentiary discovery to Trump’s team), AND silence Trump from even discussing it via gag or the old “part of an ongoing investigation” trick.

Does that explain why Smith is DESPARATE, as are the Cabal now. Their puppet is kaput. His usefulness is done. They have NO ONE that they can insert now with a chance in hell of beating Trump. They know that whoever they were to insert may likely ALSO be implicated.

Once Trump wins, and spoiler alert…he IS going to win, and win SO big they know they cannot cheat. Once Trump is back, All HELL is coming for the Cabal. They KNOW it. Here is the BEST part. They KNOW Trump KNOWS, he GAVE them the evidence he has on them BEFORE he left, and ordered it DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED. , and they KNOW he has copies. They just could NOT find them.

This is AGAIN another grandiose scheme to HIDE Obama from his CRIMES. Do not forget, Obama KNEW about Covid, he ordered it offshore. He was photo’d IN the very Ralph Barrick lab in NC. What ELSE do you think Trump KNOWS and HAS on the Cabal?

I suspect we WILL also see it and KNOW sometime in early February 2025.

Tic M’FING Toc Barry. BOOM!


Good with it.

One annoying question.

  :wpds_arrow:  IF Trump has this binder, all unclassified, why not release it all?

  • Publish on the Internet.
  • – Advance hard and soft copies to the likes of Tucker, Rogan, Bongino, Bannon…
Gail Combs

Trump is working up to that.


You didn’t think Musk buying Twitter, and Tucker getting out and THEN interviewing Putin was a coincidence did you? Prepping the road.

Gail Combs

Of course not.

The country also needed the flood of illegals across the border PLUS their being treated like royalty to FINALLY get a CLUE. Abbott and Paxon have been doing their jobs too in making sure the ‘Sanctuary Cities’ are flooded until the Mayors and even the governors are screaming.


Almost like a plan huh. Seems like people are being shown, and what they see they DO NOT like, I have a feeling the end of the Cabal is on the clock.

Gail Combs

Me too. The next year should be VERY interesting.


That may have been the plan, but after Mar a Lago, it is “evidence in an on going investigation” See ho that works. THEN it would be a crime, interfering with an ongoing “investigation” Remember, he ORDERED it all declassified AND released before he left office, the Cabal disobeyed a direct Presidential order.


Probably need a fresh uncorrupted DoJ that would actually prosecute and a court system that would not be so biased to actually hear evidence.

Gail Combs

He was photo’d IN the very Ralph Barric lab in NC. 

Do you have that PHOTO?


I don’t but I recall seeing it on the Q site.


Why is it that the swamp promotes people as President who are raised in another country? Just look at the VP she was raised in Canada. How come they to me do not seem African American? Something stinks.


divided loyalties.

encourages treachery

and treason.

they are not America First.


Because a REAL American may actually fight FOR their country at some point. A Foreigner has no such allegiance.


I do but that is a different story. I am fully integrated and love this country.


You are an American, and I’m happy that you are.

It’s just that there were some peculiar circumstances with your birth.


True 🙂


that (loving the country) MAKES you a real American. The others, while integrated, HATE the country.


I have met many who benefit and dislike the country. Is it perfect no but no country is . This is the closest country for me and fits my personality.


On every point, I agree. Excellent discourse.




Do not use machines only way to fix it. Any official for machines need to be voted out or firers because they want cheating. 🙄


BREAKING: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner Sounds Alarm: We Have Access to Information on a “Serious National Security Threat”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) just sent a chilling and vague message minutes ago, causing alarm bells to go off on Capitol Hill.

On X, Rep. Turner revealed that the Committee had discovered information related to “a serious national security threat” and has made the information available to all members.

He did not specify in his message what this threat entailed. He did urge Joe Biden to declassify all information related to this threat so that America and its allies could formulate a response to it…

Jake Sherman from PunchBowl News reports that National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will brief House Speaker Mike Johnson, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) and Turner tomorrow on the intelligence threat that Turner is referring to.


Cuppa Covfefe

Didn’t somebody mention a “Black Swan” event just recently???


Spock’s sister, Herridge, who CBS just fired.

She should speak clearly, NOT keep secrets. .

Gail Combs

I think she is a conduit and may have nothing more. We will see who she joins now.

Gail Combs

Catherine Herridge, She just got canned by CBS.

(Q follow the pen)


  :wpds_arrow:  Read it on the House Floor, or Shut The Fuck Up.

  :wpds_mad:  I am beyond fed up with, assholes in the District of Columbia, playing, I Have A Secret.   :wpds_evil: 

pat frederick

they have nothing concrete.
it’s the THREAT of an occurrence that will keep us all in line.

Gail Combs

While they IGNORE the real threat coming across the border.

I hope all these TRAITORS go home to their states to find muSlime TERRORISTS relaxing in THEIR houses.


Won’t keep this grumpy old person in line. Heck, my wife can’t even do that.

They can take their threat and shove it down their own throats if they want.


Once upon a time, it worked. Not any more.


I agree. “National Security,” and all. 🙄

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am beyond fed up with, assholes in the District of Columbia, playing, I Have A Secret.

Schiff played that game…and he was lying.

How do we know this guy isn’t also lying?


It’s all an extension of, never ending, Russia. Russia. Russia.

Ukraine funding. FISA renewal, perhaps more intrusive.

r-Cons really need an imagination. Far too obvious, as they try similar crap…

Gail Combs

Precursor to getting us into WWIII?

pat frederick


Double dang. I should have seen it…

FISA or some such Federally sanctioned criminal activity, is up for extension, approval, increased spying on Americans…

Gail Combs

This is what it says:

Sean Davis


We can all see what you’re doing. You were a no-show on real oversight of the corrupt intel community when they were spying on Republicans, inventing hoaxes to rig elections, and lying about Hunter’s laptop, but you magically spring into action right before their authority to spy on us runs out.

So THAT is what the scare tactics are really about.

pat frederick

February 14, 2024 1:41 pm

Reply to  T. Turtle

Mike Turner invents a threat, just so they can vote for 702 spying once again.
See the strings.
Intelligence community wants these spy powers right now. What is coming out now about the intelligence coup has them freaking out.


Yes, and these sort of things normally serve at least two purposes. The other in this case being the Ukraine bill.


On a positive note, chalk full of common sense….


Lt. Gov. Robinson: Transgenders ‘Should Be Arrested’ If They Use Preferred Restroom, Citing Women’s Safety

Gail Combs

Oh I so hope he wins this next election!

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a missing “their” there…

(i.e. their preferred)….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Gail Combs

  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_mad: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Non-executive branch bundled block…

Or, perhaps, bungled block…


…. Luna … 😑🤚 … perfectly(wacko) and the ONLY time on this earth that’ll ever happen again, what a maroon.

When Clown World shares my satire videos, the comments are hilarious!

Sadly, “Luna” is believable because the left really is this insane!

Cuppa Covfefe

Good old Porky 🙂

Shades of



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Bonus. It’ll also, factually lay out why Briben and Hoe need to be impeached.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Everyone of these traitors were in on the conspiracy to unseat a duly elected president

They tried to pull off a coup on Trump, but failed miserably… now lock their asses up

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Indict. Prosecute. Guilty verdict. Hang The Fuckers. Publicly.

^^^ Serious deterrent. Should never ever happen again in America.

Gail Combs

Then Heads on Pikes before the Senate.


That would work nicely.

Heads on pikes, at the entrances to the Capitol Building. Allowed to rot.


“Alas, poor Schumer — I knew him well….”

Cuppa Covfefe

Whore ratio…

Gail Combs

Vlad the Impaler had very little crime thanks to the Heads on Pikes method. (Although the rest of the body was also included)

…What we know about the way he ruled comes from second-hand accounts and stories. According to these, he took measures to discourage or punish thievery and laziness. He was the first ruler to integrate the gypsy community into the Romanian army. Also, he ensured fair conduct of trade and commerce….

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Robert Baker

The Assyrians used this style of execution when they invaded Judea and laid siege to Lachish in 700 BC. Maybe Vlad picked it up in history class.

Gail Combs

Born in 1431, in the Saxon town of Sighișoara, Vlad III was the second son of Vlad II Dracul Voivode of Wallachia (1436-1442;1443-1447). He spent his childhood and teenage years mostly abroad. First, he moved to the capital city of Târgoviște in 1436, when his father took the throne of Wallachia. After that, between 1442 and 1448, he and his younger brother, Radu, were taken as hostages at the court of Ottoman Sultan Murad II to secure their father’s loyalty. During this time, he interacted with several cultures (German, Hungarian, and Ottoman) that shaped his ideas, views, and leadership style.

Elsewhere I read he got the idea from the Ottomans.


That is quite the sketch. Body parts galore.

Gail Combs

It is an old wood block cutting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Team Hugs Over Paris (Texas).


Brennan is missing ex CIA director turned Muslim.

pat frederick

h/t Marica
holy shit! a warning to the turtle to get his ducks in a row????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting opinion by a Taiwanese. What the heck is a CCP asset doing cozying up to our Coast Guard Academy???!!!

Gail Combs

Makes you wonder WHO was actually warning the Turtle…


Our hearts are with the Chaos during this time of sorrow.

At first I read that as chaos.
I know the family members involved are devastated.

Gail Combs

Car accident ? Backing her car into a pond…that’s not a car accident.

I’m sure we all have the same questions about this!

Cuppa Covfefe

Thing is, with the electric door latches/handles, if she backed into the water and the electrics/electronics shorted out or were disabled, she would be trapped, unable to get out…

Of course, why would she be backing into water, unless she was towing a boat… pretty high-level warning… perhaps the CCP really wants the 60 bil going to Ukraine? Maybe they get a cut off the top, too???

Gail Combs

Yeah, that is weird since China was trying to get peace talks. Maybe it is to get the Turtle to switch to ‘America First’ instead of ‘Ukraine first’.


She knew to much and might be implicated with the whole China Biden stuff?
A thought only no evidence.


That be my guess. Warning to McDonald. But by whom? My guess is the Bidenese for the Ukraine Bill and the impeachment. They are afraid he’ll bow to public pressure. There was a story that I can’t find now but said basically McConnell needs to do whatever to force Johnson to pass the Ukraine bill.

That said though the China angle is just as bad with China’s current economic conditions.
I’d be unsure about what the tipping point for China to have done this might be. People are saying Mitch labeled China as an enemy, but he’s done that before. Can’t really see China wasting a closely placed asset like that. Could be wrong.

Here’s Banon on the subject.


Turtle did flake out on the faux “Border Bill” last week.

Gotta be some huge outside influences weighing on Turtle.


B I N G O !

Turtle STAY in bed with Cry’n Chuck. (Yea, such a crappy visual.)


Without foundation here.

Any linkage to security threat, somewhere in today’s thread. Numerous targets – people or manufactures.

Boeing has had a run of really bad “luck”. Rather unbelievable. Forget torquing the bolts. Bolts were NOT even installed.

A couple posts suggest Turtle beware. Mikee Johnson beware?

Gail Combs

We know the Deep State will FIGHT and the will KILL.

Cuppa Covfefe

Time for that to blow up in THEIR faces…

Haman moments…

Gail Combs

I expect it will be blowing up in their faces with in the next couple of years.


Mitch McConnell’s Sister in-law Angela Chao Dies in Mysterious Car Accident

Angela Chao, the sister-in-law of Senator Mitch McConnell, has died in a car accident.

Chao, who is the sister of former U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, served as the CEO of the dry bulk company The Foremost Group, a company with deep ties to the CCP.

In a statement, the Foremost Group shared, “It is with deep sadness that Foremost Group announces the passing of Angela Chao in a tragic car accident. Angela Chao was a formidable executive and shipping industry leader, as well as a proud and loving daughter, sister, aunt, wife and mother.”

The Foremost Group and the Chao family have yet to release details regarding the accident, but Kyle Bass, the CIO of Hayman Capital Management, reported, “Chao entered her Tesla and backed into a pond on the ranch and passed away.”

‼️ Angela Chao’s death at a private Texas ranch in Blanco, County is suspicious. ‼️ Chao entered her Tesla and backed into a pond on the ranch and passed away. Chao, almost certainly a high-ranking member of the Communist Parry of China (she sat the board of state-owned

— Kyle Bass (@Jkylebass) February 14, 2024


Brian Costello Tells Steve Bannon that the Angela Chao the sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell, Died after reportedly backing her Tesla into a pond.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NBC (National Barack Commies) won’t say anything about the details.



The story doesn’t make any sense so far.

She backed a Tesla into a pond on a Texas ranch. Bannon’s guest says “Tesla” is significant and that the sheriff has video of the incident. I can’t imagine how that could be.

A pond doesn’t sound very deep, but maybe she wasn’t able to get out of the car? I don’t know if that guy is credible.


Maybe the windows there locket and could not be opened ? They say that is a problem with modern windows.


This could be trouble for Elon Musk, which might have been intentional.


To keep Musk in line?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, they want him under control badly.

Cuppa Covfefe

Electric door locks; there are no manual controls. This was mentioned in another accident where the car owner couldn’t get out because the electrical power was down, and the doors couldn’t be opened.

Stupid design if that really is the case…..

Fry by wire, one might say. Sad…..

Gail Combs

Esp given the battery fire problem.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I understand it, yes. There is no mechanically controlled latch on a tesla. Even if the door is unlocked, it’s open-by-wire.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. ChiCom sabotage take out a bunch of targets. Same level of play as when they make US Navy ships crash.


Number one Confirmed and first two Busted seem applicable here.

Meanwhile a Tesla should be no different here than any other car with power windows. Batteries normally are encased as are their circuits.
See bottom of # 3 Busted.

Cuppa Covfefe

Word is that the doors have only electrical switches, not mechanical. If so, and the electrics shorted out (as they have in other accidents), the doors/windows would not be able to be opened…

Gail Combs

Darn good reason NOT to have a new car.

A friends 2002 VW is giving her nightmares trying to get all the electronic gizmos fixed. EXPENSIVE!!! We are talking hundreds just to change the darn headlight!

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a few posts from Chiefio about his traveling travils with his mercurial Mercedes 😀 They should rename that intermodule bus the CAN’T bus…

Xenon and LED headlights are a real pain, especially the ones that turn with the car (supposedly helps at night when rounding corners… in my book, if you can’t see around the corner, you’re driving too fast…sigh….)…


Who knows she could have had a stroke or drank to much or just was sloppy . Maybe the Chinese canceled her contract on life ?

Barb Meier

On my 2019 Nissan Rogue, I can turn off the engine and still finish rolling the windows up or down. I don’t know how a Tesla operates.


I have Subaru when I turn off the engine the windows do not operate. I do not intend to drive into a pond 🙂
She might have accidentally put the car in reverse and bingo. I know a person who wanted to drive reversed and put the car in drive and drove full gas into a wall. She died. One cannot be preoccupied driving even when one is a good driver. I see a car as a weapon and drive responsibly and aware that does not mean slow old lady style 🙂


Water pressure. Unable to open door(s). Water shorted electric windows, doors…. Dunno.

Other than this gal is dead, not buying much of anything.


Possibly but did the brakes stop working too? I know immediately when I’m going backward instead of forward  😎 


She knew to much maybe about Biden and others connected to China or Ukraine ? Never go to the dark side sooner or later it will swallow the person. She is was an example and reminder.

Gail Combs

What is interesting is around Thanksgiving I was rear ended at a stop light by a brand new Tesla. That is not supposed to be able to happen.

Who Makes Tesla Car Computer

 Posted on

January 11, 2022



SILICON VALLEY – Samsung Electronics Co., the world’s leading chipmaker, will manufacture Tesla Inc.’s next-generation hardware 4 (HW 4.0) chip for the top US electric carmaker’s fully autonomous driving technology.

Who makes Tesla computer chips?

Samsung already produces chips in Tesla’s current Hardware 3 computers. Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk said in the company’s AI Day event in August that Tesla would introduce new hardware for its self-driving computer for its Cybertruck electric pick-up truck in “about a year or so.”4 days ago…

Tesla relies on chips to power everything from its airbags to the modules that control the vehicles’ seatbelts — which now means Tesla is missing components that are essential for the vehicle’s safety features.

Samsung, is a South Korean company.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. Does the Tesla have some override that slams on the brakes even if the driver does not?

Gail Combs

Yes, from what the driver said. Not much damage but his foot (supposedly) slipped of the break.


It’s an electric car.

How deep does the water need to be to short out the battery pack? And does that make the doors latches inert?


Do we think she was parked out in the field only feet away from the pond? How does anyone not have time to stop ?

Gail Combs

Maybe they were fishing?

Our neighbor across the street has some nice bass in his farm pond.


maybe..but …gives off the paddle board “accident” vibes to me

Gail Combs

Yeah me too.

Also she would not be expecting it so likely someone she knew.

Cuppa Covfefe

FWIW, battery pack is at the bottom of the car. There is an auxiliary battery for the 12v devices… not sure how high up it is…


Don’t Teslas catch fire when they are flooded?

Gail Combs

Blanco, County Texas is north of San Antonio in the middle of nowhere.

satellite map,-98.247986,9

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CCP hacked that Tesla for sure, IMO.

Gail Combs

I am not so sure.

The CCO would be 1st choice but there are other players on the board such as Russian and some within the USA.

If Angela Chao was a CCP spy, given her relationship to Mitch, it might have been easier/better to remove her via an ‘Accident’

Think of NoName’s removal.


Turtle Is On Notice, to OBEY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s the big CUI BONO, in my opinion.


But if so..are they watching location too? This was due to entering the pond in reverse, so they would have to tamper with the transmission to set it in motion.

Gail Combs

I think drugged, put in car and the car set rolling and murderer jumps out.

Other wise you have to do a lot of finagling.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Paging Colombo…

“and another thing…..”……..

The more electronics, the more opportunities for dinking with the various control systems… See Chiefio’s articles on that…

Time to get a 1992 (or so) Merc diesel before the gubmint snaps them all up…

Gail Combs

My vehicles are 1987 gas Pick-up, 1992 3/4 ton diesel pickup and a 1993 diesel dually (one ton)


Worth Billions. She was the driver. Uh Huh. BULLSHIT!

Gail Combs

Shades of Teddy Kennedy?

Hope they do an autopsy… Of her AND THE CAR…

Oh that’s right Justice Scalia died on a Texas ranch and NO AUTOPSY.


I keep trying to tell everybody that Scalia needed no autopsy. He had severe COPD/apnea and needed a CPAP machine to be able to sleep without dying. The early reports of his death quoted the ranch owner as saying that he was laying on his back with a pillow over his head [which the lunatics decided meant he was smothered] and his CPAP equipment neatly placed on the nightstand.

This means he went to sleep without his mask on, deliberately. All CPAP/apnea patients are told that sleeping without the machine can cause a heart attack and are told to never sleep without it.

He knew what he was doing – going out his way, away from his wife [to avoid traumatizing her by finding him dead] at his favorite recreational place.


*** Plus I don’t think it was his first night there. Third night IIRC.

Gail Combs

You think he would suicide and allow OBAMA to fill the vacancy?


He had multiple health issues. We have no idea what bad news he might have heard from his doc.

And politics wasn’t on his mind IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An “early alzheimer’s” diagnosis would likely trigger many people to suicide.


Autopsy? Chinee? I

IRC, Chinee are big on cremation? Git’r done quick and no autopsy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if it’s the same ranch….

(cue Twilight Zone theme…)….

pat frederick

whoa scrolling thru some dude’s rally threads…found THIS from last year

November 8, 2023 8:58 pm
“Biden’s not too old, that’s not his problem, he’s too incompetent!”


Psalm 36
Man’s Wickedness and God’s Perfections
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord.

Psalm 36

An oracle within my heart concerning the transgression of the wicked:
There is no fear of God before his eyes.

For he flatters himself in his own eyes,
When he finds out his iniquity and when he hates.

The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit;
He has ceased to be wise and to do good.

He devises wickedness on his bed;
He sets himself in a way that is not good;
He does not abhor evil.


Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Your righteousness is like the great mountains;
Your judgments are a great deep;
O Lord, You preserve man and beast.

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!
Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.

They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house,
And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.

For with You is the fountain of life;
In Your light we see light.
Oh, continue Your lovingkindness to those who know You,
And Your righteousness to the upright in heart.
Let not the foot of pride come against me,
And let not the hand of the wicked drive me away.
There the workers of iniquity have fallen;
They have been cast down and are not able to rise. CeCe Winans – Goodness of God (Official Video)

CeCe Winans – Goodness of God (Official Video)


Happy Valentine’s Day


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☺️🤚 … how sweet and … awesome 👊😎❤️
thank you TT



Robert Baker

That has to be the testimony of every mature Christian. Thank you Nikki, and Amen.


I’m glad you like it Robert 🙂🤚. We really need edification in these times. I asked my sister in Montana if she thinks we are in the End Times thinking she would push it back but she said she thinks we are … I know this much. everyone in Christ goes home. It’s the ones without Him … in families that need prayer without ceasing.


And God has been good to me, very good, I’m thankful.


When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be …

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.


One of the comments under that article:

Sanity007, Los Angeles, United States, 33 minutes ago

The articles fails to mention her husband recently stated China is uninvestable at the moment. The plot thickens. If nothing a message clearly sent

I do not know if this is true.


One hopes that Mr. Bobulinski has 24/7 armed security for himself and his family.

Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA

  :wpds_arrow:  Zero details of the accident.   :wpds_question: 

Couple notable lines from the article.

  • Angela Chao was married to American venture capitalist Jim Breyer, who has an estimated net worth of $2.9billion.
  • She was previously married to billionaire banker Bruce Wasserstein – who died in 2009, just months after they wed. 

BREAKING: ‘Multiple Victims’ in Super Bowl Parade Shooting in Kansas City

• Police respond to shooting at Kansas City Chiefs’ victory rally at Union Station.

• Kansas City Fire Department confirms shooting, labels situation as “fluid.”

• Shots fired west of Union Station; “several people” hit, according to police.

• Two armed individuals detained in connection with the incident.

• Large police presence in the area.

• FBI on scene

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if transfans were involved…


Why is fib on scene?

Gail Combs

The FB-Lie is on the scene to conduct a cover-up.


Document FIB stooges performed as programmed.

Gail Combs

AND destroy evidence. They are very very good at evidence destruction.


hahah…that what I thunk !


I don’t remember if we’ve seen this one before — mainly because it’s nothing we didn’t already know. But, if it’s new, it’s getting new exposure….


Thank you for bringing this. The truth about the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” has just fairly recently begun to slowly leak out — Moderna had been more successful in keeping the truth about their COVID-19 “vaccines” out of the public eye.
The Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” contain PEG (in and of itself, a compound that the body doesn’t break down and eliminate easily); and, SM-102, a VERY dangerous lipid nanoparticle. SM-102 is NOT to be used EXCEPT for research purposes. SM-102 is SPECIFICALLY present in the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” TO EVADE the “vaccine” recipient’s body’s NATURAL “are you an enemy or a friend” immune system detection system, so that the ingredients of these “vaccines” can find their way quickly and easily into EVERY CELL of the “vaccine” recipient’s body. This is ASIDE from the fact that the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — ALL of them, from the original mRNA-1273 through the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by this company — have HIGHER amounts of “vaccine” ingredients PER DOSE FOR ALL AGE RANGES compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” This is NOT to say that the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are “safer” — THEY ARE NOT.

Here is Dr. Robert Malone’s analysis and commentary on the paper just published by the Moderna scientists:
Yours Truly: Since the paper by the Moderna scientists is available (except for the Abstract) only via “institutional access” or by expensive subscription, I think Dr. Malone’s analysis is valuable, as it appears that he read the entire paper. (Yes, there is controversy in certain quarters regarding Dr. Malone.)

Here is the OSHA MSDS Safety Data Sheet for SM-102:

Here is the FDA-issued Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the Moderna “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”:
Please refer to page 34 under 11 DESCRIPTION.

Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA

We needed some occupants . . .

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pat frederick

liar liar pants on fire

BREAKING: The lawyer attempting to subpoena Trump prosecutors Fani Willis and Nathan Wade highlights that Wade submitted two different sworn statements in separate courts regarding his inappropriate relationship with Willis. In May 2023, Wade filed in divorce court that he didn’t have any other relationships. However, in a recent sworn affidavit filed in the Trump case, both Willis and Wade stated they had been in a relationship since 2022. When accusations about their improper relationship surfaced, Wade amended his divorce court filing, citing the Fifth Amendment. “We’ve got two declarations in two different courts, both sworn and filed with the court, that say something completely different,” the lawyer stated. “We’ve got a 2023 filing under oath by Mr. Wade, stating he didn’t have a relationship.” “Then we’ve got a filing stating he did have one starting in 2022.” “And then, once that came about, he fixed the incorrect affidavit that was filed back in 2023.” “So, we definitely have a conflict judge.”

pat frederick


BOO HISS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gail Combs

He sure must want to retire… IN DISGRACE.


So all his talk is cheap talk and he’s a putz⁉️ Dang it. ☹️🤬

Gail Combs


DRAT!! I really liked him — PAST TENSE.


Me too, dang it.


1 of 22 r-Con turncoats. S P I T.

pat frederick

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By that last sentence, I think DJT has some dirt on the Lincoln bois.

pat frederick

fingers crossed!

Gail Combs



Did not one of the Lincoln guys solicit an underage boy for sex?


Penn State University made the news today:

Penn State Professor Charged with Animal Cruelty After Being Caught Having Sex with His Pet Dog, Faces Additional Charges After Video Emerges of Him Sticking “Tree Branch” and “Lollipop” Into His Butt in Public Setting

Not sure if the video has to do with his own butt or the dog’s butt, it was too disgusting either way to check 😂

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467



i saw that too. Sure it’s true love or something. That weird hobbit is appealing to her..don’t believe it’s organic.


I’d think it much more likely that Hillary just told her to do it.


sounds like the meme with Oprah introducing handing over that young girl to Pervy Weinstein.

Just switch the faces and viola!


I hope his dog has a different home and is in therapy.


It’s unconscionable … poor dog.


Instead of jail, an animal shelter in the big viscous dog pens. 😃👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Dump him in with some feral hogs…

Gail Combs

Best ideal I have hear. Just make sure they are good and hungry and have some little piggies…


Justified …. 😉👍

Don’t eat any pork in that surrounding area … 👊😎🤚


Wait till his next roommate, Bubba, hears about this.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’ll teach him some new tricks…

Gail Combs

Which given what a pervert he is, he will probably enjoy.


Backdown Bitch.   :wpds_shutmouth:    :wpds_evil: 

Cuppa Covfefe

One of the last three the DEMONIC left want to push through:

Bestiality (already tried in Denmark, now illegal, but other places are looking at it)
and, finally (in a number of ways), Necrophilia

Romans 1…….



The judge is going to throw the book at him. Might as well get it over with so Trump can move on to the next step.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. “Warning” worked? (Woked?)….

Gail Combs

Seems to me he never showed signs of needing a warning.

That is why I wonder if there was other players involved.


Flip flopped on the faux Border Bill, which was stuffed with goodies for Ukraine.

Current Ukraine slush fund bill, DOA.

Apparently, (thankfully) Mikee Johnson is not Turtles bitch.

Turtle has lost his chokehold on r-Cons.

Maybe we’ll see more and more r-Con Senators stiffen their spines, ISO America.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

Moar Border stuff….

ICE considers mass release of Illegals to deal with budget shortfall.

Being done as negotiating ploy/threat to get the Senate bill passed ICE is proposing to release thousands of detainees and cutting detention levels from 38,000 beds to 22,000 if they don’t get their way, despite the fact that their budget has already risen substantially.

Although we know most, (vast majority) stopped along the border are processed and then allowed to continue into the interior the article does not state why this subset is detained. Can only assume the worse… as with those in this next story…


Venezuelans gangs teaming up with MS-13 in U.S. cities.

Last edited 5 months ago by para59r
Gail Combs

I have a solution:

Put them on an Army cargo plane,and dump them off in the interior of Alaska, directly north of the Alaska wild life refuge about 200 to 300 miles in the Brooks range.

Be nice give them a loaded pack and a parachute.😋


Why waste perfectly good parachutes …. 🪂

Gail Combs

To keep the aircraft personnel (military) happy. That way you are not asking them to commit murder. Heck, you can even drop them nice and near the Canadian border. 😋


Besides that, you can get reality TV show producers and bookies to pay for them.

Gail Combs

Not to mention making the grizzlies very very happy.


Okay that sounds good, really close to the Canadian border ☺️👍


Ever see the movie “The Edge,” with Anthony Hopkins stranded in the Alaskan wilderness? It’s great.




….. 😮 …. Ummmmmmm 🫢🫣


Yeah, that’s definitely not what you want to hear 😂


Those things (tic toc) are addictive….

finally surfacing after getting an update on the acid attacker in London…


Beyond fed up with r-Cons.

  • Turner hyperventilates serious threat to USA…
  • Oh wait. It Is More, Russia, Russia, Russia….
  • Guess who was in Kiev last week. Turner in bed with Zelensky.

SD Emphasis and some formatting mine.

House Intel Chairman Proclaims Russians from Space are Coming After USA
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, HPSCI, Chairman Mike Turner is quite predictable in his methods to support the Intelligence Community. {Background Here}

Today Chairman Mike Turner shocked the DC system by proclaiming Russians from Outer Space were coming to destroy us.  

This “deadly Russians” narrative, as sold by Mike Turner, supports:

  • (1) Ukraine funding,
  • (2) FISA reauthorization and the
  • (3) “seven ways to Sunday” Deep State.

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Gail Combs

He went to Kyiv to negotiate HIS CUT of the pork bill.

I am more willing to believe Putin, that he has no desire to do anything except de-nazify Ukraine and to get NATO to quit trying to put military crap on his border.

I certainly DO NOT Believe anyone in the District of Criminals!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. We’re led by liars and con-men. SICK!!!


I’ve been reading that, it wouldn’t surprise me if the globos did some FF to blame on the RF.
Damaging satellites would be risky, would leave junk whizzing about that could damage their own.
However Musks starlink satellites are in a much lower orbit …..

” Starlink satellites need to be as low as possible to the ground to reduce latency. Unlike traditional satellites that orbit the earth up to 22,223 miles above the surface, Starlink satellites are positioned in low earth orbit (LEO) which is between 311 miles and 1,243 miles above the ground. ”

Starlink could be attacked without fears of starting an avalanche of junk that would damage stuff the globos need to use.
Plus it would be revenge on musk for him trying to make twitter less useful to the DS.
Plus the RF has started buying paid up starlink ground terminals from third parties, so it would put stop to that.


strange they publish this now with pics


And this…

“A Russian space nuke absolutely makes sense in military terms:

A high-altitude Nuclear-EMP creates an electric free field incident powerful enough to damage any microcircuitry onboard satellites (see: Starfish Prime Test), especially modern electronics due to increasingly thin structures (therefore electric breakthrough occurs already at relatively low voltages). We are hardening military systems against such EM incidents by shielding, e.g. on a ship using its hull as a Faraday cage. This can’t be done on a satellite due to weight constraints.

First, a space nuke would disable recon satellites, both RF (radio frequency) and EO (electro optical), therefore making command blind. Second, it would disable GPS, therefore severely reducing effectiveness of ballistic and cruise missiles guidance (inertial guidance is drifting over time, losing accuracy over longer distances). Third, communication satellites (military but also commercial such as Starlink) would be disabled, leaving troops without orders in time of crisis. Finally, radars are cluttered for days by charged particles bouncing along earth’s magnetic field lines, emitting EMI, making air defense and air operations almost impossible.

It would instantaneously nullify most of the US most powerful military assets. It’s the ultimate preemptive strike weapon, so it’s clear why they would be concerned.

Of course no WW3 will break out, but instead they will use this to beg for more money (as always) to spend on useless high-altitude air defense systems (mainly LMT & RTX, over years to come).”


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Leadership in the WH…

Brave and Free

They act like jilted HS kids, what a bunch of adolescents we’ve in the WH.


Elon Musk moves SpaceX to Texas after Delaware revoked his Tesla salary package

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I smell POTATUS and CHINAZIA all over this.


Tonight was supposed to be some dinky little practice rain, with the main event coming in on Saturday.

Instead, we seem to be getting some real rain.

Makes me wonder what we’re in for over the weekend.