Dear KAG: 20240402 Open Thread

Cover image: Martin Johnson Heade, Thunderstorm on Narragansett Bay (1868)

Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Badlands News Brief – April 1, 2024

Spiritual Warfare

I must agree here. With a cover-up, it indicates that maybe, just maybe this was more than, uh, friendly fire and/or a foreign terrorist attack.

25 Years Wiped from Life Expectancy of Fully Vaxxed

A study that confirms Dolores Cahill’s prediction. And people said she was exaggerating.

The Melting of the Liberal Icecaps

Planet Fitness’s co-founder has disturbing things to say about the company’s sexual culture

Big Tech Wants To Sneak Its AI Agenda Through State Legislatures

A State Based Gentrification Proposal To Change Cities

As a city dweller, I know I’m in the minority among conservatives who speak up, but, really, cities DO have their uses. The headlines are always negative regarding cities. It’s not all bad out here. And really, just about all cities were built up around water/river transportation. That’s still very much in play in human life.

Where I live, though, common sense needs to trump historic sentiment when a structure needs to be torn down for the safety of not just the public, but civil servants. Fortunately, there is a group of people who have been going from neighborhood to neighborhood restoring much of what used to be blight.

He Turned 55. Then He Started the World’s Most Important Company.

Nothing Is as It Appears

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever


Meme Zone

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 20:11-18

11But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb; 12and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had lain, one at the head and one at the feet. 13They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” 14Saying this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. 15Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” 16Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rab-bo’ni!” (which means Teacher). 17Jesus said to her, “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” 18Mary Mag’dalene went and said to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”; and she told them that he had said these things to her.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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First On Race Day.

Hi, y’all.


Guessing you drive a Ford?


If so……
It was “Found on road dead”
Or just a “freakin old rebuilt dodge”.


Wonder what he uses to tow it around?

Last edited 6 months ago by rayzorback

Lucky you 🙂


Next year, it will be able to vote.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It probably already has.

And for the Democrats.


Saw Bronco ad yesterday. 0% interest rate.

Valerie Curren

The Only interest rate than makes sense on a purchase that depreciates the moment you acquire it!


That’s from the would-be customers. What kind of financial incentives might there be?


Fix or Repair Daily.


F.I.A.T. = Fix It Again Tony

Valerie Curren

I heard Fix or Repair Daily, but since my dad spent his Entire Career at FoMoCo that’s pretty much all I’ve ever driven & Most of them have been pretty decent 🙂


Used to. Now it’s an over two decades old Kia Sedona, a great vehicle.


Thank you, De Pat, for leading us from foolishness this day.


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Took a walk around downtown San Salvador tonight.

Before @NayibBukele, this area was completely impossible to walk around and was gang territory.

Tourists didn’t dare enter. 

Now, it is not only secure but thriving – this was around 9:00pm at night and we had iPhones out…


Now, it is not only secure but thriving – this was around 9:00pm at night and we had iPhones out…

^^^ Can we say this about Frisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Memphis, NYC, Baltimore, District of Criminals…  :wpds_evil: 


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I’m guessing someone said that Disney princesses aren’t modeled after real women. I just thought it was funny, and also amazing how much the cartoon looks like the model.

pat frederick

she does!


Amazingly similar, or is it.

Makes sense though. At least to me. Cartoon artists, real people, depicting real people, in cartoon format. Prolly rather common.


That’s perfect.


James O’Keefe:

There’s no easy way to say this…


Yeah, there’s no easy way to read it, either, if you don’t do twitter…..


I’m sorry; I don’t know how to fix that. I copied all the text. You have to listen to what he says.

But I will tell you…
He says with all the lawsuits against him and people not being held accountable, and his having done it for 20 years, he’s at a breaking point..but at the end he says he will never give up! It’s an April Fools joke, and a good one, IMO.


Thank you!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And he’s absolutely right about this
He IS right (during the fake part) about how he can expose people time and time again and nothing ever happens. That was what had me going for a while.


Yes, same here.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Gotta hang to the end for the payoff, but Yikes I was praying for him while listening…


You can see that one coming from a mile away.


Well, he got me going …

Valerie Curren



Did. Way too dramatic and repetitive.


Trump rally in Wisconsin today, Tuesday, April 2, with RSBN live coverage beginning at 3:30 EDT.

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BREAKING: Judge Denies Hunter Biden’s Motions to Dismiss Tax Charges

A total of eight motions to dismiss were filed by the defense to be considered by US District Judge Mark Scarsi. They argue that the nine-count indictment should be dismissed because:

• July 2023 Diversion Agreement is in effect, therefore giving Hunter Biden immunity

Special Counsel David Weiss was unlawfully appointed, and the prosecution violates the Appropriations Clause

Selective and Vindictive Prosecution and Breach of Separation of Powers

Due Process violations based on outrageous government conduct

Improper venue

Failure to state a claim and lack of specificity

Judge Mark Scarsi, the judge in the case, told both sides he’d make a ruling on the several petitions to dismiss by April 17.

Scarsi was quicker than anticipated. On Monday evening, he issued an 82-page Order denying all eight motions to dismiss. The full Order may be viewed below, but here are a few of the highlights…


HILLARY CLINTON: “Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election.”

Why is Hilary Clinton planting seeds into the minds of people that republicans are going to steal the next election?

Is she preparing everyone for when President Trump takes back the White House?

I thought it wasn’t okay to question the integrity of our elections

What are they planning?


Projection 101 brought to you by Hillary. She is such a liar.

Valerie Curren

this a truly evil being   :wpds_mad: 


Normal for hildabeast. Evil.

Valerie Curren

Shudder 🙁


She’s telling us they are planning to steal the election – again.

Classic communist colloquy.


And when she called us MAGA peeps – deplorable and irredeemable – she was describing herself.


I don’t know about all that but I am irredeemable.

Just ask my wife.  😂 


Scott Pressler’s Early Vote Action:


Scott is awesome.


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DEVELOPING STORY: Outrage is building after the LSU women’s basketball team walked off the court for the American National Anthem. Iowa players remained on and held hands in solidarity!

And the story has a happy ending:
LSU Women’s Team Leaves Court before National Anthem – Iowa Trounces Them Anyway in NCAA Tourney as Caitlin Clark Scores 41 and Hits 9 3-Pointers!


Seams like a perfectly good reason to DEFUND the girls’ basketball team, rescind all of their scholarships, fire all the coaches and cancel the program.

Not only would that fix the problem at LSU, but the message would fix the same problem everywhere in the nation, overnight.

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sports are net moneymakers for colleges. And even if LSU doesn’t make money on women’s basketball they probably can’t shitcan it without also losing other things (like Football, Football, and don’t forget Football) that do make money…under NCAA rules.

There are almost certainly such rules in place or colleges wouldn’t participate in sports that make them no money. “Wanna do men’s football? Well you’ve got to do a bunch of other stuff too, otherwise it would be discrimination.” Some of it is even in Federal law, probably…I haven’t researched Title IX but I know it’s out there.

So no, they’ll never shitcan the women’s basketball program.

Last edited 6 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You forgot football.   :wpds_lol: 


Will there ever be a better time to repeal any and all such laws, than now?

In the meantime, as president of LSU, I would do the next best thing, and withdraw the team from all competition for the next year.

If Title fancy important sounding Roman Numeral requires the existence of a team that makes zero money for the university (women’s teams would all die without being subsidized from the mens’ sports teams), then they can spend their next season in the locker room, listening to the Star Spangled Banner, over and over and over again, every day.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

The problem is always that there is never any will, because of double standards and protected-class status.

If these ladies want to be like men, then accept the consequences of your actions like men. Equal rights come with equal responsibilities.

Those who don’t like it can quit and give up their scholarship.

That’s all standard operating procedure in male world.

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A good time to repeal such laws…but they’re FEDERAL and the head of LSU can’t do it.

Time to get creative in other ways.

Valerie Curren

Yep. My one son made the soccer team at his college, but it been downgraded from a varsity sport to a “club” team just that year, though they still had to travel, sometimes hundreds of miles, to play other colleges, but in their own cars, no bus. Apparently this was due to Fed Rules & some girl’s sport that had to take precedence instead. Thumbs on the scale of life, per usual, our overlords  😡 


Sports announcers get excited when a male pro player gets 30 points in a game. Just wanted to point out that females are quite competitive when on a level playing field.

Last edited 6 months ago by pgroup2

Yes. I don’t follow women’s basketball at all, but I’ve seen a number of headlines about the player Caitlin Clark being exceptional. If she is also patriotic and can set an example, so much the better.


The part I like is that to me, it almost doesn’t matter if she’s patriotic or how much. What’s important to me is that she [and her teammates] respect the tradition of the national anthem before the game. That respect shows the fans that they are doing a little bit more than watching a game.

Being All-American is alive even if it’s not quite well at the moment.


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I still wish that I had won the lottery so that I could have loaned him the money…..

….but mostly that I’d won the lottery.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This one is at least plausible; and it doesn’t depend on Trump having deliberately allowed the election to be stolen from him, nor does it claim that this is just a movie and he’s really still in charge and waiting for the right time to resume overt control. (I will bet if he wins this November the pushers of this “theory” will claim that was his win was the method used to do so…the problem is that their universe would then look exactly like the universe rational people believe in where Trump got cheated out of office and had a comeback.)

For those who found it tl;dr the key is that he’s manipulating precedents to ensure that prior presidents can’t hide their misdeeds under classification and storing their own incriminating evidence in their own presidential libraries.

Although if this pans out it will clean up a LOT of stench from Official America, there’s one big flaw: it depends on having someone in the Oval Office willing to declassify/expose former presidents! We can’t be guaranteed this in the future.

So here’s a suggestion: Establish a system as follows: Every year randomly pick people from the pool of people with top secret security clearances to go through presidential records. Many, especially the contractors, are patriots. If THEY deem that documents have been classified not because of actual national security concerns but for the purposes of some fuckwit covering his own ass, they can act as a federal grand jury and indict the fuckwit. In the process the relevant documents should be declassified so any court can deal with the crimes being covered up.

In addition to whatever the penalty is for the crime(s) the fuckwit is covering up, misusing the classification process should carry a stiff penalty, something like ten years in prison would be a decent minimum amount.

Last edited 6 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That was…interesting.


This article from the open is sobering. Yet they continue to promote the vax.

25 Years Wiped from Life Expectancy of Fully Vaxxed

…The data from the Cleveland Clinic and the CDC were analyzed by Josh Stirling.

Stirling is the founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and a former number one ranked insurance analyst.

  :wpds_arrow:  The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time, as previously believed, the study found.

Instead, the harm appears to continue indefinitely.

In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data shows that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in 2021.

Those who have had 5 doses were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than they were in 2021.

People who had received just one dose were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than in 2021.

The study also confirmed that people who are not vaccinated were no more likely to die in 2022 than in 2021.

The data shows that every year, excess deaths are soaring dramatically as all forms of mortality accelerate.

Alarmingly, the deaths are continuing to rise despite the decreasing level of injections people are receiving.

The issue is not isolated to the United States, however…

In North America, the average life expectancy is almost 80 years old…

According to the study, someone who’s had 4 or 5 shots and is 30 years old today can now expect to live to just 55 at the oldest.

This is a loss of 25 years from today’s life expectancy for the unvaxxed.

The news comes as deaths from cancers, heart disease, strokes, and other diseases continue to rise in young people…

In the last three years, doctors have been reporting skyrocketing cases of deadly turbo cancers.

People who have been vaccinated with Covid mRNA injections have been suffering from a high incidence of these fast-developing cancers.

Some doctors are reporting that cancers are so rapidly developing that their patients are dying within a week of being diagnosed.

READ MORE – Official Data Links 143,233% Cancer Surge to Covid Shots

Valerie Curren

Beyond horrifying  😪   😡   😢 


Yes, they do, TT. When somebody tells you who they are, believe them until proven differently.

Many people around the globe simply refuse to believe that people in positions of leadership, power and influence would do what they have done. They continue to trust the destroyers when simple logic and observation should tell them they have been screwed. i really don’t know what else to say to help when people look at hard evidence and deny it is evidence.


Well said.


“Many people around the globe simply refuse to believe that people in positions of leadership, power and influence would do what they have done. They continue to trust the destroyers when simple logic and observation should tell them they have been screwed. i really don’t know what else to say to help when people look at hard evidence and deny it is evidence.”


I see a very similar thing now, over and over again, while reading the gospels (and Scripture generally), since Covid.

I see a lot of things in Scripture differently now than before Covid, because of the experiences we have all had regarding people we talk to personally, who simply will not believe what is in front of their faces.

Jesus was continually trying to ‘wake people up’, to help them see the truth of Who He is, but the people (many of them) found all sorts of reasons not to believe Him (or in Him).

Even when He did miracles, many could not believe that Jesus was the Son of God.

It wasn’t that the miracles weren’t real, the People could see that someone they knew their whole lives to have been blind from birth could now suddenly see, after Jesus healed him (for one example, John chapter 9).

In the example of the blind man in John chapter 9, the Jews (see John 9:22) had determined that anyone who confessed Christ would be put out of the synagogue (like being deplatformed, ostracized, canceled). So the formerly blind man’s parents, not wanting to be punished, refused to answer how it was that their son, about whom they testified had indeed been blind from birth, could now see.

Instead, they said that their son is of age, so ask him, let him speak for himself! (John 9:23)

In spite of the miracles, something hindered many from believing.

For different people it was a different something.

For some, like the Pharisees, believing Jesus would mean upending their entire religious order, their traditions and the commandments and doctrines of men, from which the Pharisees derived profit and power and influence.

The rich young ruler, to whom Jesus said to sell all that he had and follow Him, could not believe because he would not part with his riches.

When Paul was speaking to Agrippa, Agrippa said “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” (see Acts 26:28 for the whole verse)

Everyone who would not believe had reasons for not believing Christ, and their reasons were unique to themselves, whether they could self-identify their own reasons or not.

This same problem appears not to be limited to belief in Jesus at all, but manifests in nearly every belief human beings hold (or deny). It’s everywhere, part of the human condition. It’s so common that most of the time we are oblivious to it, as fish are oblivious to water, it’s just the environment they live in.

It seems easier to understand the concept of how our beliefs and disbeliefs are impacted by our personal circumstances when the object of belief or disbelief is in the negative, as in legal or ethical situations where a ‘conflict of interest’ is present.

We are supposed to remove ourselves from situations where we have a conflict of interest, because of the temptation for our judgment to be compromised or biased toward our own beliefs or interests, or against someone we have some cause to dislike.

We may not even be aware of our bias, or we may convince ourselves that we will not allow our bias to affect our judgment, but we know bias exists and the danger it presents in serious matters, which is why judges (as one example) are to recuse themselves from presiding over cases where the judge has a conflict of interest.

So what is it that prevents so many from seeing (believing) what appear to be obviously dangerous warning signs and evidence and statistics (and now peer-reviewed research) about the covid shots and boosters?

It appears to be true, as you observed, that many simply cannot believe that people in positions of leadership, power and influence have deceived them.

But WHY can they not believe it?

The reason why is likely different for every individual, but the resulting disbelief is universal (among those living in denial), so to people like us (who are not in denial about the shots and boosters), it is easy to conclude that the reason so many are in denial is also universal — but that is not necessarily so, and almost certainly isn’t so.

For doctors, the reasons to be in denial may include fear of loss of income for recognizing and standing up for the truth, fear of ridicule from his peers, an unwillingness to believe that the ‘noble profession’ he aspired to be a part of his whole life could be so depraved and corrupt, etc.

No one wants to believe they could be so easily (and comprehensively) deceived, especially if significant numbers of the ‘unwashed masses’ (🙋‍♂️) were not also deceived in the same matter.

If they recommended the vaxx to friends and family, they may be ashamed to admit that they did so blindly, causing harm to people they care about.

Certainly there are many more possible reasons, some common to many people and some more personally oriented, any single one of which may be of sufficient cause, may be of paramount importance to the individual in question, to override his ability to see the obvious truth.

For a long time, I was trying to figure out the one (or at least primary) reason for what some have called the ‘mass-formation psychosis’, because if there was ONE reason (or even only a few reasons), it could be addressed in a general and public way, like debunking a false claim or story. I was looking for a means to ‘wake up’ large numbers of people at once, by addressing whatever blind spot or hindrance was common to most of them.

But it is much more complicated if every individual has a constellation of reasons to be in denial, any one of which (or any combination of several) may be sufficient to that particular individual to cause denial, while a different reason is the key factor in the denial of the next person, and so on.

It creates a situation where ‘the masses’ cannot be ‘cured’ with a single answer or revelation or explanation. They all have to be diagnosed individually, to determine what hinders them, and then address that specific hindrance.

And since that is not possible, the mass delusion / mass denial continues unabated.

Three circumstances occur to me, in which the ‘denial’ might be overcome:

1) People who, for any number of reasons, decide to look for the truth on their own (what might be called seekers, if it was in a religious context). There is not much we can do to assist them, besides provide information and be ready to talk with them if they approach us.

2) People who have no choice but to accept the truth. The best example I can come up with here is when the Allies made German citizens walk through the concentration camps, forcing them to see what the Nazis had done.

3) People who are incentivized to accept the truth. The best example I can come up with here is if class action lawsuits against people and corporations with deep pockets are begun, and everyone who joins the class action lawsuit stands to significantly benefit financially, most people will be eager to both identify an acceptable scapegoat to blame for whatever their own reasons are for not ‘seeing’ before, and of course, most people will be eager for a substantial payday.

Certainly there are others, those are just the first three that occur to me at the moment.

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
Robert Baker

For a long time, I was trying to figure out the one (or at least primary) reason for what some have called the ‘mass-formation psychosis’, because if there was ONE reason (or even only a few reasons), those could be addressed in a general and public way, like debunking a false claim or story. 

One of the likely reasons may be, at least from a psychological perspective, the human need to belong, to be a part of a larger group. The German scientist on Tucker’s show last night talked about that as a viable explanation of the mass compliance of millions. Something he indicated may be hard-wired into our human identity. It does have the virtue of being plausible as a human response to fear or danger. Safety in numbers; I guess that is one more example of “received wisdom” that may benefit from some cautionary language.


Also, every time Jesus says “Verily I say unto you”, or “Verily, verily, I say unto you” (the double ‘verily’ occurs 25 times, all in the Gospel of John), I used to just rush right past the ‘verily’.

But imagine Jesus sitting or standing across from you, looking you in the eye, and slowly, deliberately saying ‘You are not hearing me. Truly, truly, listen and hear what I am saying’, like He is trying to break through the barriers of perception.

He knows that many do not have ears to hear, or eyes to see.

He is doing real miracles, which even his adversaries cannot deny (cf. Acts 4:16), but even so, many still cannot make the connection that everything Jesus is saying is actually true.

Similar, in a way, to the frustration we experience, when we talk to people about the vaxx or the boosters, and no matter how we try, we can’t get through to them, they will not believe.

And we can’t even do miracles, signs and wonders, to confirm (cf. Mark 16:20) that what we are saying is true.

Jesus could (and did), as did the Apostles — and many people still would not believe.

As if we are all walking around in a similar fog, our eyes open to some things, but closed to others, depending on the baggage we bring (or are heavily invested in) to the table.

We only experience a common or shared ‘reality’ when we are in the presence of others who are also able to ‘see’ the same things we are able to see.

When we are around others who cannot ‘see’ what we see (and vice-versa), then for all intents and purposes, at least with regard to that specific subject, we are experiencing different realities.

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

This is a very interesting & quite comprehensive line of reason. Thanks for articulating the details, including the scriptural examples…pondering…


Feels like I’m chained to a spot in Plato’s cave, straining my neck in every direction, trying to see the ‘real’ that is behind me, as opposed to the shadow of the real which I see in front of me 😁

Thinking is hard, makes me sleepy 😂

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Valerie Curren

Love it & Great Analogy to boot 🙂


I came back too late to edit!

I meant to change it to Play-doh’s cave 😁

Valerie Curren

Perfection 😉 😉


This is very terrible. I just don’t know what to say anymore.


It’s almost to the point where it doesn’t matter if anything is said. Just remember what was prophesied in Revelations: many will [must] die but a remnant will be saved.

I think preaching the Word is almost the only thing that makes sense nowadays.


I am with you.


I agree completely.

Valerie Curren

Hey Q-Tree Family,

Thank you so much for praying for my daughter-in-law & granddaughter in the labor & delivery process last week, & for many prayers for my family over the years. We finally got to meet granddaughter #3 a couple days ago & she is so very precious.

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This is Finley Anne & she weighed 9# 1oz at birth. Though that’s the biggest baby in at least 3 generations of our family she seemed relatively tiny compared to her 22 month old sister & cousin Lillian, who will be 1 later this month. How time flies!

We were especially touched in Finley’s middle name which is after my husband’s mother, who was deceased before we’d even met so none of our kids, nor myself, has known this precious lady in this life. Thankfully she came to the Lord before her untimely passing so we all look forward to meeting & rejoicing together in Eternity. More than anything Anne wanted grandkids but she was taken by cancer before any of her 3 sons became fathers. Now it is entirely possible that only my husband will be giving his mom great-grandkids.

Grandma Anne’s artistry & creativity already show in several of our children’s giftings. It will be fascinating to see how other family traits may show up in an unfolding manner in this latest generation as they grow & develop…

Already Finley is showing a different personality from her big sister Lilah & she is quite the cuddler. L has been getting over a cold & having a bit of a challenging adjustment from being de-throned as a former only child. Her dad experienced it quite violently when our twins were born almost 3 decades ago & we stayed at his grandparents’ home for nearly 3 months while his brothers were in the NICU & later the youngest one had open heart surgery then only home for a week before back to the hospital w/ RSV.

We are so thankful that this young family is experiencing a much more natural expansion in a much more peaceful, non-traumatic manner. Our son took off work all last week to assist in the family transition time more actively, & this was So Much Better than what happened when Lilah was born but had to be hospitalized for the first week.

God has been so good to us all & we are most thankful for this latest bundle of joy!


Total. ‘dorbs.

Congrats all around again — you can never have too many — and please keep us posted on this dear one’s progress.

Valerie Curren

Oh Thanks Cthulhu. I’ll try to keep that in (my sieve-like) mind. We got to see Lillian for a bit yesterday when our daughter stopped by to get some stuff & she is getting Very Cute & was so smiley to see us, enjoying the dog, some toys, a new sippy cup, & just interacting w/ all of us. They are kind of bundles of joy at times!  ❤ 

Bonus, getting to share the love but rarely the diapers! I have PTSD, LOL, from 3 in diapers for more than 3 years–yikes! Oh & a bedwetter til age 17…sigh…

Last edited 6 months ago by Valerie Curren

No vaccines, I hope.

Valerie Curren

Correct. DIL said that the pediatrician’s office doesn’t even pressure her about this at all any more. We are strongly encouraging our kids & their spouses to keep all their kids shot free. Our SIL isn’t fully on board w/ this yet. He was raised by leftie, former hippies, who came to Christ later in life & still lean/ed (his mom died just before he & D married) pretty left in spite of their faith. He is more “moderate” in his views but likely gets a lot of (mis)information from mainstream sources so has quite a steep learning curve to approach the kind of knowledge that flourishes here at the Q-Tree. Thankfully my daughter & all of my kids are very awake & informed in many domains. We still need to pray for protection for all these little ones from the dark deeds of this very fallen world but God’s Hand of Protection is over All of them, I believe, Thankfully!


Great news, skipping Jabs.

Valerie Curren

Yes…I am So Thankful!!!


Same as ours. Nothing given at all that has mRNA involved. Great news. 🙏

Valerie Curren

Amen & PTL. Our daughter uses the same pediatrician so hopefully they won’t be pressuring her on shots either…


Always glad for good news!

Valerie Curren




Valerie Curren



Blessed! You have a little doll. God is good!

Valerie Curren

Amen–TY TB! We’ll be on quite a learning curve about all this estrogen, quite outside of our realm of experience LOL But Yes, God is so Good!!!


Very cute!

Valerie Curren

TY hugs 🙂




Congrats, Val! She’s adorable.

Valerie Curren

TY so much Linda! Blessings 🙂

Valerie Curren

Seen at Sylvia’s

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It can seem almost comical to long-time Anons that censorship just seems to be coming to the forefront of the Collective Mind in 2024, but the timing couldn’t be better for us, and worse for [them.]

To wit, Elon Musk being at the tip of the spear when it comes to the pushback on the Censorship Industrial Complex is conspicuous and auspicious.

Musk is once more at the forefront of a major attack vector in the Info War. He seems to be operating as a proxy for the Culture War front, pushing back against both foreign and domestic administrative overreach by either directly backing or engaging in legal campaigns against institutions connected to the government, and funded by them.

These lawsuits are helping to educate the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind as to the systemic nature of said censorship.

Coordination = Control. That goes both ways.

Their machine dominated the Info War landscape for years. Now, precedents are being set to bring the whole house of cards down around them.

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Found in tweets below….

This isn’t something new. We’ve talked about it long ago.

You might recall we talked about this years ago….

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para59r says, “Of course the father is going to support the son” 😉

(apologies… I seem to have found my self in evidence collecting mode aka taking notes.)

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

1. From the X post:
“The ‘Q’ flag, or Quebec flag, is used to represent the alphabetic character ‘Q’ for use in a message between boats. It also means “Boat recall; all boats return to ship’ or ‘Ship meets health regs; request clearance into port.’ The flag is solid yellow.

2. The pic on the right is of Barron and DJT, and Trump is wearing a yellow MAGA cap. TinEye can’t locate the source of that pic. Yellow caps with “Trump” on them have been for sale on his website, but they are out of stock now. I haven’t seen any with “Make America Great Again” on them.

3. The pic on the left is of Barron wearing a yellow tie.

4. para59r says, “Of course the father is going to support the son”

The yellow Quebec flag representing the character “Q” 
+ Trump’s wearing a yellow cap once while with Barron 
+ Barron wearing a yellow tie on an occasion 
= evidence that Barron is Q and Trump was supporting him as such.

Do I have that right?


Dunno. Next time I’m close to DJT, I’ll ask him.


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Very well done.  😆 



Valerie Curren



By it self it of course it means nothing. But keep piling the sticks it might someday break the camel’s back! 😁

Except of course for that nasty zero business where if you multiply something by zero you get zero. 😮

But then your still left with all those sticks lying around. 😜

Valerie Curren

interesting…no conclusions to be drawn by me 🙂

Valerie Curren

also from Sylvia’s

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pat frederick

April 2, 2024 5:35 am

Rep. Matt Gaetz
Let me be clear – there is an organized effort by the political Left right now to buy off and compromise members of Congress to make them quit.
They are actually trying to STEAL the majority that the American people gave to the Republican Party!
And they should not have enablers and co-conspirators in our movement to facilitate that.



Yup, as posted. Blackmail AND payoffs make r-Cons q u i t.

Sure wish r-Cons stood for integrity, convictions, America First…

pat frederick

brought from tcth


Kinda figured that.

Can’t say that I have any patience with all the lunacy. More like no choice but tolerate the BS as we deal with it.

pat frederick

that is just her name… Patience.

Valerie Curren

We Almost named our daughter Patience Helanne instead of Clarissa Chantelle (we were wanting to work Michael’s mom’s name in somehow even back then). Patience would have been a serious misnomer for Anyone in our family 😉


Yea, well, Matt-baby, how about standing tall and calling out some names … all the names, both R-Cons and Dhims …. can you do that? Or, like Teddy Cruz, are you All Hat, and No Cattle?? Askin! for +785 million pissed off Patriots.

pat frederick

his new idea–tie ukraine aid ($60BILLION) to allowing natural gas exports again–which benefits his home state among others. How about linking it with CLOSING OUR BORDER?????


Johnson IS the problem.

Johnson’s way ahead is whooly ignorant.

  • More money for Ukraine money laundering AND senseless deaths, misery in Ukraine.
  • Not so long ago, Johnson echoed the invasion over the borders.

Johnson ought to try a full court press supporting America first.

pat frederick

the article says this is a “victory” for repubs because it starts to undercut the maggot’s green energy strategy. in reality, it is way to buy off repubs whose states would like to export natural gas. but it’s baffling too–the left loves the green agenda so this might tick them off the deal.
either way…it seems closing the border might…MIGHT…make this deal palpable since that’s what AMERICAN CITIZENS want. they all seem to be ignoring that part.


Yup – this in the job training is not working. He’s using stall tactics just like the Uniparty wants him to do. Style over substance.

You cannot tie spending OUR money for Nazi purposes (ever) and expect anything good to come from it. IF he is the purported Christian he is supposed to be he would know that and immediately take it off the table. Never make deals with devils. You lose every single time.

No mo’ money for Nazis and war pigs. America First with everything. Hold the line or step down.


Seems we are stuck with Johnson.

If Johnson is fired, we’ll end up with Hakeem Jeffries, or whatever that douche’s name is. That would be a nightmare.


This actually ties in with what was presented on this board yesterday and highlighted in DePat’s opener today:

One: IMO, the destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore when the Dali crashed into it was a deliberate act of terrorism.
Two: The captain of the Dali is Ukrainian.
Five: The destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was a “hint” that the United States must come up with more $$$$ and more resources for the “president-dictator in a sweat suit” who rules Ukraine — “or else.”
Six: The United States Congress obediently comes up with the extra $$$$ and resources.
Seven: What the Ukraine “president-dictator in a sweat suit” apparently doesn’t understand is that, if the CCP continues to infiltrate / “soften up” Ukraine (prior to the CCP taking over Ukraine, if it can), said “man in a sweat suit” can ultimately be deemed “no longer useful” to Beijing…

Extra Sauce:
From the Embassy of Ukraine in the People’s Republic of China
“Political Relations between Ukraine and China”

Last edited 6 months ago by PAVACA

Little quibble. The term Remote Towing is Gao co-opting the phrase with the addition of “towing” for having his yacht get dragged around by the CCP and bringing it to people’s attention. We’ve known about Remote takeovers even before that reporter Michael Hastings had his car smash into a tree 10yrs ago.

Did the CIA kill Michael Hastings? WikiLeaks release says vehicles …


Agreed, remote towing has been around for awhile. However, IMO, the Dali situation can be considered an “escalation” of the concept. Plus the fact that the CCP and Ukraine “have an understanding with each other.”


Exactly. “Towing” is B.S. and tends to confuse the issue.


This far I am not buying the remote towing storyline.

Dali Captain being Ukrainian, noteworthy. But a Red Herring.

Large commercial vessels Always have a Harbor Pilot onboard, on the bridge.

Dali had two Harbor Pilots onboard. Typical for the larger vessels.Harbor Pilot gives all navigation orders entering and exiting the port.Sure the Captain is, or should be on the bridge, but the Harbor Pilot is effectively in charge.We have heard nothing from the Harbor Pilots. <<< SIGNIFICANT, IMO.

IF Dali did not respond to steering orders, speed, etc. Harbor Pilots would know this by visuals.

PLUS. WHO ordered the anchor loose? Why not let Dali continue on whatever course it was on for a few minutes. Be well clear of FSK. Then let the anchor(s) loose.

So many questions. <<<>>> We’ll get no answers.

Dali WAS an Act of War. IGNORED by our minders.

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs

Verse of the Day for Tuesday, April 2, 2024

“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” 

Psalms 9:10 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Barb Meier

Steve, you’re making them squirm. Bold emphasis is mine.

Speaker Mike Johnson provided an update on the 40,000 hours of surveillance footage.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Monday that more surveillance footage captured during the Jan. 6, 2021, breach at the U.S. Capitol will be soon released, adding that thousands of hours have been uploaded so far.

About 13,000 hours of surveillance footage have been released, he told Newsmax on Monday, providing the most substantial update on the release in weeks.

“We’re releasing them … as fast as we possibly can,” Mr. Johnson said. “We had to hire new staff to do it. They’re uploading it. It’s a 24-hour operation, and all that tape will be out there as soon as possible.”

After being elected speaker last year, Mr. Johnson said that he would release all 40,000 hours of footage that was captured during the breach. He added that the entirety has not been released because it takes time to process the footage and upload it online.

“We’re releasing them in large batches, I think 13,000 of the 40,000 hours have been released so far,” Mr. Johnson added Monday. “The only reason they’re not all out there—I wish I could wave a wand and do it all today—is that it takes a while to upload and process them. If you do the math, it’s five years’ worth of videotape,” he said.

“Originally, we were trying to blur some of the faces to protect the innocent, you know, people who were just there and just happened to be walking through the building,” Mr. Johnson told the channel before stipulating that “we realized a lot of this is out there in the public anyway.

Last month, Republicans released about 5,000 hours of footage, according to Mr. Johnson and House Administration Committee Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), who said at the time that his office will “significantly expedite CCTV footage releases, all of which will be made available to the American public within the next few months, without blurring or editing.”

“The first batch is already available on our Rumble page,” Mr. Loudermilk said at the time. A review of the panel’s Rumble page shows that the last Jan. 6-related videos were uploaded in early March.

Last year, a spokesman for Mr. Loudermilk, told CBS News that there were plans to upload new videos every week but noted that it’s taking time.

“Each video must be converted out of the proprietary CCTV format and into a format that can be uploaded. Unfortunately, when the video is converted, it doesn’t retain the time stamp,” the spokesman said. “This is an issue we are aware of and plan to embed time stamps in the videos in the future. For now, the title of each video indicates down to the millisecond what time the clips start.”

After Mr. Johnson announced he would release more of the Jan. 6 tapes, the move was praised by former President Donald Trump.

Last edited 6 months ago by Barb Meier
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I doubt I am making them squirm.

I’d be surprised if our audience here is more than microscopic though I’d love to be authoritatively corrected on that point. (Even if we have ten thousand readers, that’s a minuscule fraction of very roughly 300,000,000 Americans.)


Well, only one [DJT] is leading the pack.

That’s a very miniscule fraction of 300,000,000.

You never know just how much good you’ve accomplished.

But everybody around you knows. And they tell others.

Note well: This also works for bad you may have accomplished, so be careful.  😆 


Humm … Steve, I’m not onboard with this: “We’re releasing them … as fast as we possibly can,” Mr. Johnson said. “We had to hire new staff to do it. They’re uploading it.”

Might I gently call BS on this. They could have made it available to all very quickly with links that may know how to use.

Did I mention, they’re hiding “something?” 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wasn’t trying to suggest anything other than that my effect on the situation was probably zero.

but, looking at what you wrote, BOTH could be true.

He could be hiding something AND having to do a lot of work to post tens of thousands of videos.

It takes me long enough to deal with just a couple of pieces of media here, I have no doubt that actually doing that many videos (big files) takes work.

But that doesn’t mean he’s not going to conceal a few things while he’s at it.

AND logic. And the fact that it really is work to do all that makes excellent cover.


Tucker has a German scientist on who speaks about Covid and change in brain . Very interesting ans explains so much.


Fascinating and scary. This was brought yesterday perhaps twice, but this is the first time I buckled down and listened. Thank You! (Tucker and Dr are the first 45 mins of vid, the rest moves on to other things.)

They kept this clean from talk of religion or connection to God. Tucker tried to take the conversation there at the 30:30 mark (he knows) but the Dr seems to escape that and continues on keeping the conversation in the realm of science.

We’ve seen this talk long ago about how the CIA was interested in effecting the God Gland (pitutary gland-which is closely associated with the hippocampus) in a TED talk style vid given to military scientists

Easier Read. Notes says most studied part of the brain.

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The idea is that this is ancient knowledge was known to the ancient Egyptians, Hindu/Aryans, Greeks, perhaps others… Occultists/Cabal have been developing their capacity in this through the ways of the occult, where as for us as shown in the video above they wish to destroy this capability or connection to God in the rest of humanity.

Whether someone chooses to develop and how far and in what method in this area is a personal one, but the capability to do it is being taken away according this vid.

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

Thank you very interesting 🙂
I think it is always dangerous when a government entity wants to play God. What the evil doers did with covid and the jab is quite Hitler like. Evil seems never go away and reinvents itself.


I know alternative medicine practitioners who, after the introduction of the Covid vaccine, had patients who were complaining that “they couldn’t feel God anymore.”

I have one good friend who had one of the vaccine-induced variants of Covid who says she has had to “rebuild” her formerly effortless prayer connection to God.


That is sad. Wonder if it is for Pagans also void?


Well, singing, even when I was not a Christian, I still was very connected to God our Creator.

I think maybe for people who worship little ‘g’ gods, then they probably don’t experience a connection to the Divine. Sad.


Good insight 🙂 God works in all of us even if some do not realize it 🙂

pat frederick

your government at work. AZ wants to declare Pluto Arizona’s state planet…ffs!

Bewildered but resilient
April 2, 2024 11:16 am

While illegals flood across our border and elections are a train wreck, our AZ legislature is taking care of the really important stuff.
I came up with the idea to make Pluto Arizona’s state planet because of the historical significance of the discovery,” Wilmeth said.
“Is it a planet? While many believe it is now a dwarf planet, others in the astronomical community still view it as a planet. But that argument is missing the point. What I wanted to do with this bill is celebrate Arizona’s important achievements in space and astronomy while remembering our state’s unique history,” he continued.
Wilmeth thanked Hobbs for signing the bill.


Yours Truly will blow the following out of the water — it’s connected to the link that our good DePat posted above in today’s opener regarding Prof. Dolores Cahill being proven correct (and with a bow to what our good TheseTruths posted on the subject):

Starting here, with the following tweet about Dr. Mandy Cohen’s latest announcement regarding the “newest COVID-19 booster” that will be in use THIS FALL, making a TOTAL OF 10 COVID-19 “VACCINE” INJECTIONS IF A PERSON TOOK THEM ALL STARTING IN JANUARY 2021:

Backed up by this:

Dr. Cahill has been persecuted for her outspoken views on COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines.” She was hauled into court in Ireland last fall for a hearing on her “violations” of the stringent Irish COVID-19 restrictions. Her Facebook page was taken down for “spreading COVID-19 misinformation.” Various hit pieces have been published to tarnish her reputation as a scientist — here’s one of them:

Now, regarding the link that our good DePat posted today:
This reiterates and confirms that was presented on this board some months ago by Yours Truly regarding the analyses of Josh Stirling and also of Ed Dowd; and of the “Shrestha paper” study from the Cleveland Clinic. Putting these things together, the aggregate conclusion is that COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons stand to have reduced life expectancy — a potential reduction of up to 24 years off life expectancy.

The original Expose News article on the loss of life expectancy in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons:

The “Shrestha paper” study of Cleveland Clinic employees who took the original COVID-19 “booster” shots:
“Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine”
N. Shrestha, et al.
Yours Truly: this paper proves that people who took the “Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Vaccine” were vastly more at risk of getting sick from COVID-19.

There will be people (especially in government / the AMA / “Establishment Medicine” / the CDC / the FDA) who will claim that the “newest COVID-19 formula booster vaccine” that comes out THIS FALL will be “more safe and effective” than previous versions. THIS WILL BE A BLATANT UNTRUTH.
According to Dr. Cohen of the CDC, the agency will “wait until May of this year” to “determine” which “new CVID-19 variants” will necessitate the development of the “newest COVID-19 formula booster vaccine” to be used THIS FALL.
Since the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” that is in use now WAS ONLY TESTED ON MICE (ALL OF WHOM DIED FROM THE “VACCINE”) AND NEVER ON HUMANS BEFORE IT WAS FDA-AUTHORIZED FOR USE ON HUMANS, it can be assumed that the “newest COVID-19 formula booster vaccine” that will be in use THIS FALL will ALSO NOT HAVE BEEN TESTED ON HUMANS.
Yours Truly will also warn that this “newest COVID-19 formula booster vaccine” for THIS FALL may be AN INHALABLE or APPLIED PATCH version of said “newest COVID-19 booster vaccine”, either as “additional forms of administration” besides injection; or, as “stand-alone” forms of said “vaccine”, with no injectable version.

Also — both the COVID-19 virus itself and the COVID-19 “vaccines” can induce accelerated aging in the body. HOWEVER, “unvaccinated” persons who contract COVID-19 and recover can reduce / mitigate / even halt, this situation. IMO, the bodies of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons, on the other hand, may NOT be so amenable to said reduction / mitigation / even halting, of this situation — because of the lab-engineered changes to the COVID-19 mRNA into modRNA that is in the “vaccines”; because of the addition of dangerous lipid nanoparticles to the “vaccines”; because of the addition of other elements to the “vaccines”, such as parts of the SV40 cancer promoter code from the African Green Monkey. COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons would need to pay very strict attention following COVID-19 “vaccine” mitigation strategies, such as those found at FLCCC — in addition to refusing to take any more COVID-19 “vaccines” in any form whatsoever.
Please also see other posts by Yours Truly on the COVID-19 virus and COVID-19 “vaccines” disaster on this board.

Last edited 6 months ago by PAVACA

Notable memes arising in the wake of that story from the dept of memes collection (DMC)

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BREAKING: Citizens Groups Suing to Demand Laws Are Enforced Resulting in Honest Elections
There are reports from some states, then:

More State Reports Coming

More state reports are forthcoming and confirm that these issues are substantial and pervasive across the entire country. They involve millions of database errors that can lead to absentee ballots being mailed to undeliverable addresses, only to be picked up by postal workers or nearby residents and filled out and submitted with minimal or zero signature verification. A recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 20% of Americans have filled out a ballot for someone else or voted more than once.

Most local and state Boards of Elections seem unwilling to clean up their data and unafraid of any legal repercussions for failing to follow multiple federal laws that require very specific standards. Improperly certifying an election is perjury and a serious federal crime.

  :wpds_arrow:  USA [United Sovereign Americans] will be filing more lawsuits in multiple states and, if the rulings conflict, the Supreme Court will be required to take up the issue.

  :wpds_arrow:  This strategy is the surest and fastest way to force changes prior to the 2024 election.

**You can help:

The group United Sovereign Americans has completed millions of dollars worth of meticulous research and is now asking for contributions, large and small, for the funds needed to file in multiple states.

pat frederick

this true?

Charlie Kirk


Suppose Donald Trump flips Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada next fall, as current polls all show him doing. Would he win the presidency? Not quite. In fact, if Trump flips those three states and no others, he loses by exactly ONE electoral vote. Why? Nebraska. Despite being one of the most Republican states, Nebraska awards its electoral votes by Congressional district instead of winner-take-all. Thanks to this system, Omaha’s electoral vote leans blue: Obama won it in 2008, and Biden won it in 2020. He’s likely to win it again this year. California would never do this. New York would never do this. And as long as that’s the case, neither should we. This is completely fixable. Nebraska’s legislature can act to make sure their state’s electoral votes go towards electing the candidate the VAST majority of Nebraskans prefer. There’s already a bill ready to go – LB764. All Nebraska has to do is put it up for a vote. As I write this, the Nebraska legislature is still in session. Nebraskans should call their legislators and their governor to demand their state stop pointlessly giving strength to their political enemies. Call
and let him know you want this fixed: 402-471-2244

Valerie Curren

Hope Filly has seen this…

pat frederick

she has

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is one of those things where I wouldn’t mind seeing every state do it, but not just one red state.

Of course Maine does the same thing as well and I think Trump might have got the “odd” vote there last time.

BTW the way it works is this: Since every state gets EVs equal to their senate and house representation, there are two EVs in each state that correspond to the senators. NE and ME give those two votes to the winner of the state overall, then the other votes are one per House district.

Last edited 6 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
pat frederick

Fetterman’s Apil Fools post–who was he referring to in his prank?

Senator John Fetterman


The body double is real.


I’m not able to access it from those links because I’m not a member of X. It only shows selected posts when I go there. Do you have a specific link? Thanks.

pat frederick

oh that’s all there is.
his entire tweet is
“The body double is real.”

no pictures, nothing else…just that.
it’s his april fools prank
i was wondering if he meant HIS body double is real or Joe’s–not that it matters.
but its vague



pat frederick



Our country is so screwed up, it’s almost impossible to have any fear porn.

At the rate we’re going, the most accurate website will be the Babylon Bee.


The country is not screwed up it is some of the people in it. Country stays the same the people are forever changing. Right now they are not changing for the better.
Good against evil. Light against darkness. The light overcomes darkness every time.


I agree with you. To me, America is what is in the founding documents, no matter what misguided and evil people do. Of course they can distort it until it is no longer recognizable, but IMO it still exists. The idea is everlasting and can’t be destroyed.


There is hope 🙂 Thank yo 🙂

Valerie Curren



I found this article to be very enlightening and well worth the time it took to read. Thanks for sharing it barkerjim. :0)


I lived happily through two eclipses one in Germany as a kid.
I have no fear. Fear is controlling giving others control over us.
My mantra “Have no fear even the wind and waves obeyed him.”
Fear is debilitating it forces persons to make wrong decisions.

Last edited 6 months ago by singingsoul1

Would be more interesting if we had data on the gravitational effects of celestial objects on the earth, but I don’t think we do because everyone is going to say they are negligible .

Meanwhile in the what it’s worth zone. Steele Missouri experienced a 2.5 at 6AM today. Steele appears to be in the totality but south of the X. New Madrid has had three in the last 3 weeks, 2 with in the last 6 days all 1.9 and under. 6 others in vicinity all along the New Madrid Fault line.

Cape Guirado and Poplar Bluff are good references between maps but will require some zooming in and out. Earthquake swarms are roughly SE to E of Poplar Bluff as best as I can tell and are in the inside of the the right side of the totality but S of the X by a short distance.

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Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

“Cape Guirado and…” Anyone know anybody from Cape Guirado??


Are we talking like a radio hall of famer kind of guy, winner of 5 marconi awards and the Medal of Freedom or just anyone?
Cape Guirado looks like it’s not only in the X but right on the center of the track! Now how do you suppose he did that?😮

Rush is interned at the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis overlooking the Mississippi River and looking NE to SE is the full view of the X along with his home town.

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Cape Girardeau?

Barb Meier

Cape Girardeau MO

Valerie Curren

sigh…  💔 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Everyone says it, because it’s largely true.

But there is some background that’s important to understand.

Tides are not insignificant, and they are gravitational. They are THE effect of gravity in play here.

What we are really after here is “how much stronger than normal is this effect during an eclipse than normal,” and, given that tides act along the line from the Earth to the Moon (and the Earth to the Sun), the moon being 5 degrees off one direction or another (which is more typical at a new moon’s combined tide) makes little difference (less than half of a percent–take the cosine of 5 degrees and express it as a percentage).

If that half percent makes a difference, the fault was close to blowing anyway.

What’s worse about this suggestion is that an eclipse path from seven years ago simply doesn’t matter today. The Earth has stretched and flexed thousands of times since then almost as strongly, over a much broader area (i.e., over all of Earth).


The article presents facts about what happened in the past during a similar event. I don’t think we need to cower in fear, but it doesn’t hurt to be aware of history and what could happen.

The question I have is whether phenomena like earthquakes can be scientifically tied to eclipses and comets. Since the phases of the moon affect some happenings on Earth, it doesn’t seem terribly farfetched to think that eclipses could, too.

Valerie Curren

Steve has talked about tidal effects, iirc. In an eclipse the alignment of the sun & the moon would likely increase the tidal effects so depending on where the earth is in its elliptical orbit it might cause more or less noticeable “tidal” (or other) effects. As in if the earth is at one of its closest approaches to the sun during the eclipse then the effects would be at the maximum impact, at least this would make sense to me 🙂


April 8th.
When the Full Moon or New Moon occurs near the Moon’s closest approach to Earth, its perigee, it is often called a Supermoon. In this case on 8 April it is a super full new moon. We’ve already had two Super Full New Moon’s this year and this is the last for 2024..

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That actually helps make the eclipse longer in duration. Totality is likely to last 4 and a half minutes where I plan to be at…and that is LONG for a solar eclipse especially given I probably won’t be on the centerline.

The bigger the disc of the moon compared to the sun the longer it takes for it to cross the sun’s disc.

Last edited 6 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

Hope you get some good pics. A local News/skewz report today was saying that it’s dangerous to look through a viewfinder to take pics of the eclipse, even w/ eclipse glasses on. Supposedly the camera lens, iirc, intensifies the sun’s rays like 1000X…so look into it (the info, not the camera 😉 😉 )& plan accordingly 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is why you use a filter that cuts the light to 1/1,000,000 what it was before. And you put it over the FRONT of the lens.

When you do tht’ it’s safe to photograph the sun (as I did the other day).

You don’t need (and do not want) any filter at all during totality.

Valerie Curren

Thx Steve. I was Quite Sure you’d know exactly what needed to be done!  😍  😎  😍 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes but insignificantly.

The difference between the sun and moon being in *exactly* the same direction and the moon being out-of-line by five degrees (which it is quite often during both new and full moons) is less than half a percent of the Moon’s tidal effect.

I spoke with a real geologist once and apparently the question has been looked at…there’s basically no correlation between time of day (i.e., solar induced tides) and earthquakes.

And that makes some sense, when I think about it. The Earth is being stretched in some direction at all times due to tidal forces. It’s just not always “up and down” from where you are at. Any direction will put stress on rocks and faults, so it doesn’t matter where in the sky the sun and moon are.

Last edited 6 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

TY Steve for weighing in. I get a Bozo Button for being in the direction of “right” but in an insignificant way. LOL  😅 

Valerie Curren

You edited the above comment while I was replying to you, but got your edit in under the limitation wire  👏 

So my speculation about where we are in our elliptical orbit around the sun is practically immaterial regarding tidal effects during eclipses?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The tidal effect from the Sun would be slightly stronger at perihelion (closest approach) but that’s in January. We are at about average distance from the Sun right now.

The moon is close to being a supermoon but that seems to happen every few months (and is hyped ridiculously). In point of fact the moon is at its closest to us once a month (maybe even twice since the calendar month is longer than the lunar month). It’s just not necessarily at new or full moon.

That’s tides. Now for the eclipse:

The Moon being especially close to the Earth will make the eclipse last longer because the Moon’s disk looks bigger at such times. It has to “cover more ground” before the other edge of the Sun gets to peek out from behind it, ending totality.

Valerie Curren

Makes sense…TY 🙂


LSU coach Kim Mulky (video, 6:00, I transcribed it from the video myself, it’s slightly different than the provided transcription shown at 8:37):

“Honestly I don’t even know when the anthem was played. We kind of have a routine where we’re on the floor and they come off at the 12-minute mark. We just, I don’t know, we come in and we do our pregame stuff. I’m, I’m sorry, listen, that’s nothing intentionally done.”

[Transcription shown at 8:37: “Honestly I didn’t even know anything was played we we kind of have a routine when they’re on the floor and they come off at the 12-minute mark. I don’t know, we come in and we do our pregame stuff. I’m sorry, listen, that’s nothing intentionally done.”]

Melanie: “So she sitting here saying she didn’t even hear it, the entire stadium is filled with this, this would even be o play over in the back areas over a speaker. I’ve been to many basketball games, this is how it’s done, they can still hear what’s going on out out there on the court.

So what she’s saying here is absolute is it just seems like a lot of lies and a lot of BS and she’s just trying to dismiss and she didn’t, she knows that this was intentional but wants to spin it like ‘I, I couldn’t even hear, I didn’t know’… is she deaf? Are every single person, every member, all their staff all of them are deaf and they couldn’t hear it? They couldn’t hear it over the thing?”

pat frederick

CYA against the backlash.
is this her first game ever? don’t they always play the anthem before these things?
“everyone makes mistakes” is a cop out.


“Honestly” can sometimes be a tell. Also “kind of.” A basketball team preparing for a game doesn’t “kind of” do anything. They know what time it is, they know what comes next, and they have to be ready.

If it’s so difficult to tell when the anthem is being played, then why doesn’t this happen all the time to various teams?

pat frederick

good question!
has it happened with this team before?


Also a good question!

Last edited 6 months ago by TheseTruths

“has it happened with this team before?”


Melanie (begin around 10:20): “…framed it as it was a onetime mistake [but] Chessa Bouche says “LSU is never on the court for the national anthem”

Who’s lying? So who’s lying that she’s acting like it wasn’t intentional it was a one-time mistake, but this woman is saying, who is a reporter down there, saying they are never on the court, they’re always walking off.

Chessa Bouche (sports reporter) tweet (10:57): “If you ever go to an actual LSU game you’ll see that they they’re never on the court for the anthem. It’s that simple. I’ve covered them for 3 years and they’ve never been.”

Melanie: “So they’ve been doing this for years and they’re trying to sit up and pretend as though this is a non-issue, this is something that they didn’t, they didn’t know about, they didn’t know the anthem was playing.

You see how you got to watch these lying snakes? These slithering snakes?

See, if you just take it on face value what the Press will put out there, especially what the woke mainstream media will put out there, and you don’t do your own investigations, investigation, and look at what people are saying, actual people on the ground, what they’re saying, that you’ll just go with that narrative, we’ll be spoonfed this narrative, and then people will defend them and say ‘oh they didn’t mean it, why are you making a big deal?’, when it seems like this is intentional acts that they have been doing for years.

This is something they’ve decided to do and rather than stand on their square, rather been bold and say listen, we don’t care about the national anthem, we openly want to disrespect it, we don’t care about being American, okay? It’s about us us us, and we don’t care what anyone else thinks, so we made the decision that we will never be out on the floor with the national anthem, at least at some point you can respect them because they’re standing their ground, they’re standing on what they believe in, but instead they’re hiding like cowards behind this, and acting like oh oh gosh G darn, it was just a one time mistake, we we we, it wasn’t intentional.

Right sis, we’re not stupid…”

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467

There just cowards and won’t say they are flipping off the anthem but everyone knows that is exactly what they are doing. All the excuses are but a fig leaf.


A clear plastic fig leaf.


Photo of construction on the Obama Library. Oh my! I think we’ll eventually need a follow up on this monstrosity. Looks fire proof 😠

Full picture

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Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

I don’t know what stage of construction that is in, but it doesn’t appear to have many windows and looks haunted. 😱👻


Does look like something being built in China or Russia ? Cold impersonal big chunk of creation. Very ugly void of imagination , beauty or spiritual wholesomeness. This shows the true character of Obama cold and calculating.
Coming to think of it the building looks to be build to outlast warfare.

Last edited 6 months ago by singingsoul1

I wonder what the specs are. It looks like it’s supposed to withstand a Nuclear attack. Freakin Ugly. Says I’m king and you can’t examine me.


Yes it looks dark.


Wow… that’s hideous!

Befitting of the usurper whose crimes will be documented and preserved therein 😂

Valerie Curren

Temple of Ba’al or Molech?  😡 


Looks like some variation of tower of babel depictions


Tower de la Hussein, the Tower of Infinite Ego.

Ego Tower for short 😂


It looks like a multi-level Japanese prison to me.

pat frederick

H/T Filly
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pat frederick

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Ha ha ha!


Lots of them are already mummified.

They’re ready to go, just chuck ’em in the tomb 👍😂


A new twist on the American Dream  😀 


Heck, he should get a trophy.  😂 


As I posted a year or so the dollar is toast.

When we get control of our country again we will be joining or working a deal to exchange with BRICS+.


This is a warning about the expectation that the vaxed will get reinfected with COVID and its variants and be unable to fight off the infection, resulting in long COVID and massive hospitalizations and deaths to rival those from cancers. Even if this is hyperbole, our need to stay as healthy as possible remains the same.
Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”

A world-leading virologist has issued a shocking warning to the American public that a “massive tsunami” of death will soon destroy the global COVID-19 vaccinated population.

As Slay News reported, the bone-chilling warning was issued by Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a respected Belgian virologist, during an appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, which is hosted by James Kunstler, on Friday.

Dr. Bossche is certified in both Virology and Microbiology and is the inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines. He has also authored over 30 publications and currently works as an independent research consultant. 

Dr. Bossche, however, is most famous for warning about the potential dangers of mass vaccination programs amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He warned that the programs could lead to “monster” COVID variants. 

The virologist told Kunstler that shortly, a “massive tsunami” of death among the vaccinated would happen. This would start with far more cases of long COVID, which would replace the surge of cancers, and end with a “hyper-acute wave.”

“What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami of illness and death among highly vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems, Bossche said. “You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming week is more and more cases of more serious long Covid.”

“They will start to replace the surge of the cancers,” he continued. “It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave.”

Dr. Bossche goes on to cite his expertise, noting that he has been studying COVID for four years. He next warned that all layers of society would fall apart during this hyper-acute phase, causing complete chaos. 

“The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world,” said Bossche. 

“It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete.

Dr. Bossche told Kunstler that the best hope for vaccinated individuals to protect themselves is to find a way to avoid reinfection from COVID-19. Given how contagious the virus is, this will prove quite a tall task. 

“What I can advise to all these vaccinated people: they need to avoid reinfection,” the doctor said. “It is the reinfection of vaccinated people that is responsible for this situation.”

“The only difference is, you will not be able to wait to take anti-virals until you have symptoms,” he continued. “As soon as people see that in one of the other countries, or one of the other states in the United States when this starts with hospitalizations going up very rapidly, they need to take anti-virals prophylactically, not wait until they have any symptoms.”

Last edited 6 months ago by TheseTruths

“The virologist told Kunstler that shortly, a “massive tsunami” of death among the vaccinated would happen.”


If a massive tsunami of death occurs, but it’s subject to a media blackout, does it make a sound?


“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming week is more and more cases of more serious long Covid.”


Why next week?

Why not last week, or last month, or last year, or two years ago?

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467

I suspect it was supposed to say “weeks,” but I’m not sure.


Translation blues, I suspect.


“He next warned that all layers of society would fall apart during this hyper-acute phase, causing complete chaos.”


I’m sure the top-most layer of society will find a way to subsist in luxury, as they always do 😂


“The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world,” said Bossche.



The “it’s the end of the world as we know it” arguments rarely turn out as forcast.

Doesn’t mean he can’t be right, but he should be aware of how many times such claims have been made, and the track record of such claims, so far.

“It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete.”


So, good times then.

The nurses and doctors better still have their tic-toc dancing shoes from the last go-around, because it sounds like there’s gonna be a whole lotta dancin’ goin’ on 👍

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467

Dr and nurses had their shots no dancing 😱


Just twitching on the floor.  😠 




Too bad the horses didn’t complain about the car.


I’m going to corner the market of nicotine patches and nicotine gum.

The only proven preventative for covid.


That’s actually quite smart. But surely you are not “highly vaccinated?”


Dr. Van Den Bossche is correct regarding the coming MEDICAL TSUNAMI of illnesses and deaths induced by the COVID-19 “vaccines” in the “vaccinated.”

One: The COVID-19 “vaccines” were DESIGNED and ENGINEERED to systematically damage and destroy the CD4 – CD8 immune system cells and mechanisms of the human body.
Two: The COVID-19 “vaccines” were DESIGNED and ENGINEERED to damage and destroy the IgG3 “are you a friend or foe” immune system cells of the human body, and FOSTER the growth of IgG4 “tolerate but never clear” immune system cells to replace the IgG3 cells in the human body.
Three: The COVID-19 “vaccines” were DESIGNED and ENGINEERED to induce turbo cancers and/or to re-establish cancers that were in remission in “vaccinated” persons:
Four: NOBODY knows EXACTLY what ALL the ingredients are of the modRNA in the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Five: NOBODY knows HOW LONG the COVID-19 “vaccines” are at work in the “vaccinated” person’s body. The latest research appears to indicate a range of between 180 – 245 days — but that’s ONLY because the latest research has studied THAT FAR.
Six: According to Josh Stirling and (independently) to Ed Dowd, the COVID-19 “vaccines” can reduce the life expectancy of “vaccinated” persons by as much as 24 years:

Here’s where Yours Truly differs somewhat from Dr. Van Den Bossche’s predictions:
BOTH “vaccinated” AND “unvaccinated” persons NEED TO BE FOLLOWING a COVID-19 prevention regime such as the one outlined by the FLCCC (; and, if infected by the virus, to follow a treatment regime as also outlined at the FLCCC website. AND THESE REGIMES NEED TO BE FOLLOWED FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME.

Also — IMO, the “unvaccinated” MAY NEED TO BE READY to assist in taking care of their “vaccinated” relatives and/or friends when these people start to present with COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced consequences. This, because, IMO, there will be unfolding another type of MEDICAL TSUNAMI from the COVID-19 “vaccines” — the illnesses, disabilities, deaths, “early retirements”, etc., of “vaccinated” medical professionals.
IMO, it’s time to consider “stocking up” on “certain things” that can prevent / treat COVID-19.

Last edited 6 months ago by PAVACA

Thank you for your perspective. I agree with you.


What I wonder about is why now.

Dr. Van Den Bossche doesn’t say what he believes will cause the ticking time bomb to go off in the near future.

Why has it not gone off already, i.e., last year, or the year before?

What is the catalyst that causes him to think a tsunami is imminent?

What has changed?


Some news about the Baltimore Key bridge cleanup efforts. This X post is from March 31st.

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From today:

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Baltimore District has released the first underwater sonar images of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge. The imagery, supplied by the the U.S. Navy’s Naval Sea System Command’s (NAVSEA) Supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV), were captured using an underwater imaging tool known as “CODA Octopus,” which will help guide divers using real-time 3D sonar due to the reduced visibility of the water. 

“With visibility clouded to just one to two feet because of the four to five feet of mud and loose bottom of the Patapsco River… divers must be guided via detailed verbal directions from operators in vessels topside viewing real-time CODA imagery,” USACE Baltimore wrote on X…


The tugboat Crystal Coast, pushing a fuel barge, was the first vessel to use the temporary alternate channel created after the Key Bridge collapsed into the federal waterway on Tuesday. The barge is used to provide jet fuel to the Department of Defense and was en route to Dover Air Force Base.

The Captain of the Port has established a temporary alternate channel near Sollers Point for essential commercial vessels, located on the northeast side of the main ship channel near the Francis Scott Key Bridge, as part of a phased approach to opening the main federal Fort McHenry Channel.

The new temporary channel, which is marked with government-lighted aids for navigation, has a controlling depth of 11 feet, a 264-foot horizontal clearance, and a 95-foot vertical clearance. Its use is at the discretion of the Captain of the Port and is only allowed during daylight hours.

The Unified Command said it is establishing a second, temporary alternate channel on the southwest side of the main channel to accommodate deeper draft vessels with an expected draft restriction of 15 to 16 feet.

Two crane barges are working to lift wreckage in Baltimore, which will be transferred to a barge and processed at Tradepoint Atlantic using a land-based crane before disposal.

The U.S. Navy’s Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) is responsible for contracting out cranes, which include the 1,000-ton lift capacity derrick barge Chesapeake 1000, the 200-ton lift capacity revolving crane barge Ferrell and the 150-ton lift capacity crane barge Oyster Bay. All are now on scene. Another 400-ton lift capacity barge is scheduled to arrive in Baltimore next week…

pat frederick


Florida is going to be in world of hurt one of these days once everybody settles in and gets comfortable. Welcome to the jungle will be their State song


That is so profoundly and politically malicious, literally using hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars to destroy conservative states, that the people responsible merit the kind of beating the woman kidnapper took in Mexico.


THIS is what the $$$$ that the United States is sending the “president-dictator in a sweat suit” Zelenskyy is buying:


Anyone who sends dime one to Ukraine at this point is a co-conspirator in the murder of Gonzalo Lira, an American citizen.

Valerie Curren

True, but the guilt timeline point needs to be established at a much earlier spot  😡 


$25,139,917.13 million US dollars 😮Paging House Leader Johnson 😠

other sources. But it’s early, this may still need vetting, its not spreading yet.🤔

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Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

So-called ‘leader’ Johnson is an enemy of the American People, straight up.

Valerie Curren

Seems like the only kind that ever gets elevated  😡 


Isn’t that super. The war has been good for the Z and his higher ups. European mansions and villas for all.


Ukraine’s regional army chiefs bought luxury cars and properties in Spain while their countrymen died on the frontlines, a former advisor to the Ukrainian Parliament has exclusively told Daily Express US.

: “The most outrageous thing was that certain military commissars began to enrich themselves and buy new real estate abroad – particularly in Spain – and expensive luxury cars from the beginning of the war. It outraged Ukrainian society.”
Ukrainian official accused of using draft-dodger bribes to buy Marbella luxury homes
Exclusive: Yevhen Borysov, 51, former Odesa military commissar, faces 200 charges and is accused of illegally fleeing the country


Nice house ya got there.

It would be a shame if it burned down.


This is the PERFECT response from Trump re: Biden’s Tranny visibility day crap:

TRUMP: We’re going to win the White House, and we are going to save our country. We’re going to save our country. And what the hell was Biden thinking when he declared Easter Sunday to be trans visibility day? Such total disrespect to Christians.

November 5 is going to be called something else; you know it’s gonna be called? Christian Visibility Day, when Christians turn out [to vote] in numbers that nobody has ever seen before. Let’s call it Christian Visibility Day. I’ve just come from Grand Rapids, Michigan where I was proud to receive the endorsement of the police…”


I guess Nebraskafilly made that call. Fix is in!

Valerie Curren

Great News!


Citizen Free Press headline:

Charlie Kirk:

Suppose Donald Trump flips Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada next fall, as current polls all show him doing. Would he win the presidency? Not quite. In fact, if Trump flips those three states and no others, he loses by exactly ONE electoral vote.

Why? Nebraska.

Despite being one of the most Republican states, Nebraska awards its electoral votes by Congressional district instead of winner-take-all. Thanks to this system, Omaha’s electoral vote leans blue: Obama won it in 2008, and Biden won it in 2020. He’s likely to win it again this year…

Looks as if the legislature has not passed it yet, but the governor is on board.


“The declaration, effective Wednesday, allows Indiana to utilize resources and aid from other states through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC).

This compact is a national mutual aid system which Indiana, along with all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and various American territories, have ratified.”


Sounds like some kind of money grab.

There’s not one person in gov’t who gives a flying *&^# about the people of this country.

There are tens of millions of foreign invaders flooding across the border, being flown all over the country by Brandon & the Treasonauts, but THIS — a solar eclipse — is what they’re going all out to respond to.

It’s theater of the absurd.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gold shot up late Tuesday, now at $2284.60

SILVER is finally waking up too…26.33 where before it was just barely over $25.

Last edited 6 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


When You Abuse People, They Leave – $US vs BRICS+


This is going to get a lot worse before it starts to get any better. Essentially, about 1/3 of the Global Economy is midway in the process of dumping the dollar for trade settlements, and on their way to 100%. This is about 45% of the global population.

Waiting in the wings is another 35+ or so countries.

“Why” is pretty simple. Folks do not like to be spied on, and they don’t like to be abused, and they really really do not like having their money stolen. “The Globalist West”, in their arrogance, believed there was no alternative to their crooked racket casino, and that they had all the power. They were wrong.

Finance, money & banking ALL depend on trust above all else. Lose (or destroy) that trust, and you lose the market. It really is that simple. In this case the “market” is the global exchange settlement process and the banking that is behind it.



And the people responsible for blowing the racket are far too smart not to have known exactly what the result of their actions would be.

So it’s an intentional demolition from within, by TCTB.




7.2 Quake in Taiwan today.


And tsunami warning for southern Japan.


Okay… getting more strange. Anyone want to take a stab at it.. ?

New York Prisons Will Place Inmates on Lockdown During Solar Eclipse Anthony Scott Apr. 2, 2024 9:20 pm 105 Comments

Valerie Curren

facetiously, less light, lower visibility, beer goggle effect, prison “romances”…er…explode?


What is incredible is that NO ONE (e.g., not even Gateway Pundit) in a position to do so ever asks (or answers) WHY.

They just repeat the insanity, like it’s some kind of state sponsored April Fool’s Day joke.

Who, what, when, where, WHY, how… apparently those are questions for some other profession.

Valerie Curren