DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20240620

Okay, the story on the Idaho farmers needing to give up water rights. There might be an answer:

Watch the video. The guy went to the ground and got answers. In addition:

DOD Enters Agreement to Expand Domestic Manufacturing and Strengthen U.S. Cobalt Supply Chains

Badlands News Brief – June 19, 2024

Smoking Gun Email: Burisma Owner Demanded Devon Archer Ask US Government to Stop Probe of Burisma – So Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor

70% of Unionized Daily Beast Staffers Take Buyouts as Layoffs Loom | Exclusive


America is Riding on this Supreme Court Decision

The left is repeating the most shameful episode in U.S. history

Harsh as it was, that episode in American history gave us one of the finest architects of the 20th century, Gyo Obata. He came here to STL to escape the camps in California and gave us some of the country’s greatest buildings in the aftermath, including the Air & Space Museum in Washington. I’ve had the privilege of singing in his award winning St. Anselm at St. Louis Priory…a soprano’s room if ever there was one. Massively awesome. And, I can personally attest, he was a great gentleman. Got stuck in an elevator with him multiple times.

Heck of a game tonight in Heaven

The Say Hey Kid is up there with Stan Musial and a small number of others, that’s for sure.

CNN drools over Steve Bannon serving time next to violent criminals and sex offenders…

Sex offenders should try it with Steve Bannon. His personal grooming leaves a lot to be desired, but I wouldn’t put it past that old man to know how to knock teeth out.

How ‘All in the Family’ Explains Biden’s Strength Among Seniors

And those liberal seniors are hanging out at the pool, too. Don’t really want to see that.

‘Morning Joe’ Blasts Biden ‘Cheap Fakes’ Circulated by Right-Wing Media: ‘They Lie About Their Lies’ | Video

Mika needs a drink.

DEVELOPING: America’s most dangerous volcano is recharging – 43 years after catastrophic eruption that was the worst in US history

I’ve been watching this. Yeah…. Doesn’t look good.

Gold At $3000/Oz In Sight As Central Banks Continue To Buy

Central Banks are buying gold? Something is in the wind. Your guess is as good as mine.


And…he refused a central bank.


Yep. The third floor lavatory. All others went to the gazebo by the convent.

Any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I carried dark chocolate from Holland for four weeks to bring home it was that good.

Not going there.

I’d eat there, food snob or not.

I hate it when that happens…not that I watch all that much TV.

This has always reminded me of Duran Duran, but it isn’t.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


SIRACH 48:1-14

1Then the prophet Elijah arose like a fire, and his word burned like a torch. 2He brought a famine upon them, and by his zeal he made them few in number. 3By the word of the Lord he shut up the heavens, and also three times brought down fire. 4How glorious you were, O Elijah, in your wondrous deeds! And who has the right to boast which you have? 5You who raised a corpse from death and from Hades, by the word of the Most High; 6who brought kings down to destruction, and famous men from their beds; 7who heard rebuke at Sinai and judgments of vengeance at Horeb; 8who anointed kings to inflict retribution, and prophets to succeed you. 9You who were taken up by a whirlwind of fire, in a chariot with horses of fire; 10you who are ready at the appointed time, it is written, to calm the wrath of God before it breaks out in fury, to turn the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob. 11Blessed are those who saw you, and those who have been adorned in love; for we also shall surely live. 12It was Elijah who was covered by the whirlwind, and Elisha was filled with his spirit; in all his days he did not tremble before any ruler, and no one brought him into subjection. 13Nothing was too hard for him, and when he was dead his body prophesied. 14As in his life he did wonders, so in death his deeds were marvelous.

PSALMS 97:1-7

1The LORD reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! 2Clouds and thick darkness are round about him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. 3Fire goes before him, and burns up his adversaries round about. 4His lightnings lighten the world; the earth sees and trembles. 5The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth. 6The heavens proclaim his righteousness; and all the peoples behold his glory. 7All worshipers of images are put to shame, who make their boast in worthless idols; all gods bow down before him.

MATTHEW 6:7-15

7“And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us this day our daily bread; 12And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors; 13And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. 14For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; 15but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Every day.



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Thanks for a thoroughly thoughtful, theatrical Thursday post, dear De Pat!

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Re Johnson BBQ with the Tshirt quoting their favorite Yelp review: a complaint about nothing for vegans there:

I bought a meal from a lunch truck, once, and they had a section of the menu labeled “Rabbit Food”. This was where the salads, etc were listed (as opposed to the meat dishes).

I told the guy my household was so hard core we have to buy food for our pet food. Which was true, the bugs fed to Darwin sometimes themselves had to be fed or they’d die before he could get to them.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know many of us want to drop this subject, but I just thought of something after talking to Pat Frederick, who reminded me how often some of what WE regard as “conspiracy theories” turn out to be factual.

We know that the Democrats CHEAT in debates just like they cheat in elections.

Well, IF they had a “perfect” double of Biden, who was not demented, and their “ground rules” in the debate prevent close inspection of that double, then it presents a real opportunity for them to reverse opinions about the man, and to keep control of the White House, making their cheat more plausible.

I’m just saying. Spending literally millions of dollars on the perfect double would be easily worth it for the CIA. Not like the cheap Kamala double. I mean millions of dollars – like a big budget Hollywood film – all designed to retain control of the White House.

And then they make the “doubles” stuff look stupid, as part of the budget, to protect the operation.

I’m just saying – if I was a project manager in the CIA, trying to hold onto power, and had the budget, plus a guy who started out as a spitting image of Biden, I’d sure try it.


I don’t put anything past them … can never forget David Plouffe’s infamous quote.


I’m not asking you to answer this. It’s just a thought that was triggered.

Is there anything that is impossible for *them* to do?

If the answer is no, nothing is impossible for them and everything is within the realm of possibility, then we are powerless and might as well throw in the towel because they have powers beyond what humans have ever been able to accomplish. There is no way to defeat an enemy that can cause weather events, substitute one person for another with no one the wiser, and do supernatural things.

It’s curious that no one on our side is ever said to have similar powers, even with Trump’s 3-D chess ability, with Musk’s tech savvy and innovation, and with all the brilliant scientists and investors who are conservative-minded.

A defeatist mindset is exactly what the enemy wants us to have. I will not subscribe to it, and I will not be gas-lit by our own side.

George Orwell applies to us as well:
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”― George Orwell, 1984

Now it’s our own side telling us we can’t trust the evidence of our eyes and ears. These are extremely dangerous times.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re being excessive in saying there’s no way to defeat advanced stuff, but yes – while it was possible for American Indians to drive off the Vikings, and to win some battles against 1490s-era Europeans (Salt Bay), it was impossible for the Indians to defeat the 1800s globalist invaders.

It’s not being defeatist to stand up to our intelligence agencies, but it is very realistic to understand how they operate against us with our own tax dollars, and how they have abused secrecy to create a tech differential in their favor.

We CAN beat them, but the first step is always admitting when they screw us in some way, and then building an understanding of it, that gets us ahead of their tricks, and allows us to catch them in some way.

We will have to do that for the election – I think doing it for the debate is important, too.

Real Biden on drugs is one way they’ll do it.

Fake Biden may be another.


I think you’re being excessive in saying there’s no way to defeat advanced stuff

But that’s not what I said. I said that if nothing is impossible for them and everything is within the realm of possibility, then we are powerless and might as well throw in the towel because they have powers beyond what humans have ever been able to accomplish.”

I agree that we have to understand what they’re doing and get ahead of it, but we’d better be on the right track. Which takes me back to another comment: I never hear of our side using the same technologies and powers to fool people for political purposes. Maybe it’s all kept under wraps, but I would think the Left would be screaming about it.

It is highly possible, IMO, that they are sending people on a wild goose chase while they’re actually doing something else. I stand by my comment that I will not be gas-lit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – well then let me say that “I agree with postulate” and move away from it.

So that this:

But that’s not what I said. I said that if “nothing is impossible for them and everything is within the realm of possibility, then we are powerless and might as well throw in the towel because they have powers beyond what humans have ever been able to accomplish.”

“Nothing is impossible for them” is basically “God level” – as in violating even the most fundamental rules of nature. Who’s saying that? Even if I thought advanced alien civilizations and their off-world human gophers were trying to run the show, and it wasn’t just the evil Demmunists and Bidenazis we were fighting, they’re quite limited by science, and we know it. So don’t worry – nobody has to throw in the towel even for a globohomo gay pedo alien invasion.

Same goes for “everything is in the realm of possibility”. No – I would say “everything reasonable by science, including some things we are not privy to” is what we’re dealing with.

All things are possible with God – not with these jokers.

We already know that the government didn’t tell Trump about a LOT of things. Well, my guess is that a lot of what they refused to tell him about was technical. VERY LIKELY BECAUSE SOME OF IT WAS USED AGAINST HIM. Which is most ironic!!!


“Nothing is impossible for them” is basically “God level” – as in violating even the most fundamental rules of nature. Who’s saying that?

IMO, stating that someone has died and someone else has successfully taken their place, interacting closely, intimately, and at length with people who know the person well, is “God level” and violates the most fundamental rules of nature. There is at least one person here who is saying that, as well as others on the internet. And then other people become convinced that “anything is possible” and “we don’t know what they’re capable of,” etc.

The ideas get conflated. This very discussion will trigger some people to doubt reality and think the “God level” happening is possible because if someone can make a mask that good, then supposedly someone can use it to pretend they’re a dead guy and convince others of it. That has already been stated here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To me, it’s impossible to bust the enemy schemes without being very realistic – as in how, exactly, would *I* do it. Nebulous generalities don’t work for discerning reality. It’s the programmer in me. CAN IT BE DONE – REALLY – IN REALITY? Not “vaporware”. Can it really be done?

Anyway, I’m going to sleep on the problem! And the question of – if it’s true – how do we bust it?


To me, it’s impossible to bust the enemy schemes without being very realistic – as in how, exactly, would *I* do it. Nebulous generalities don’t work for discerning reality.

Yes. I’ve asked people numerous times to flesh out their theories, and it hasn’t happened yet. How, exactly, could it be done? How would it affect all the various people involved? Which ones would be in on it and which ones wouldn’t? How would the family members be dealing with it? the staff? the Secret Service? Congress? the media? foreign dignitaries?

Of the ones not in on it, how are they being fooled? Why hasn’t one credible person in the universe noticed and said something? And on and on. That’s the opposite of nebulous generalities, which are all I’ve ever seen. “It could happen” and “people need to understand how theater works” don’t explain anything.


“How, exactly, could it be done?”


The mask part is old hat by now for the intelligence agencies, if a mask is being used.

Suppose a mask isn’t being used, and it’s really a body double.

In that scenario, how long has it been since the public has seen the ‘real’ Joe Biden, in order to notice the difference?

Beyond that, we know he gets plugs, so that means the hairline cannot be definitive.

He has probably had plastic surgery to look younger, so there goes the comparisons to earlier photos and video.

As for general body language, gait, etc., changes to those aspects can all be conveniently blamed (insinuated) on the never mentioned dementia.

The ear is much harder to fool than the eye, so it seems that mimicking the voice would be the hardest part.

His appearance changes from day to day, and his voice changes from paragraph to paragraph as he reads from the teleprompter.

So the problem becomes, where is the baseline?

It’s all over the place 😂


“How would it affect all the various people involved? Which ones would be in on it and which ones wouldn’t?”


Everyone who actually knows him would have to be in on it, because they would recognize the fake.

Heads of state would certainly be aware of it, due to their own intelligence agencies, even if FJB’s handlers weren’t cluing them in (which I’m sure they would be. The leaders of the G7, U.N., E.U., they’re all in cahoots with Hussein / Billy G / Sorass, et al.

People who don’t actually know Dirty Joe wouldn’t have any reason to question whether the person in the room with them was the real Brandon or not. They’re just excited to be in close proximity to the POTUS.


“How would the family members be dealing with it?”


They’re all criminals, their access to affluence (not to mention all the blackmail and potential for prosecution hanging over their heads) depends on going along with whatever program there is, so go along they certainly will.


“the staff?”


General staff would probably be the weakest link, because they are transitory and low enough level to not be completely enmeshed in the bribery / blackmail control schemes. But they would also not be in a position to know the real FJB from an impostor, either.

Close staff (e.g., chief of staff) would know, but anyone that close is probably a true believer in the cause, and certainly controlled by blackmail.


“the Secret Service?”


Corrupt. They’re Praetorian Guard. They cover up crimes, they don’t reveal them.




Is there any group more subject to bribery and blackmail in the world?

Besides, going along with the charade must come with amazing perks. It’s not all stick. A good control scheme requires plenty of carrots too.


“the media?”


Those Leftist media have turned lying into a religion.

The conservative grifter media won’t jeopardize their grift over something they have no way to prove.


“foreign dignitaries?”


There’s an oxymoron.

Like the foreign leaders mentioned above, they would certainly know.

Why would they blow the whistle on the biggest gravy train the world has ever seen?

We live like poor people, while the criminal political-class exfiltrates American wealth all over the globe, to enrich themselves via kickbacks and to buy influence.

Which foreign dignitaries are going to kill the goose that lays the slimy eggs?

They have America bent over a barrel. The entire federal government is a rat’s nest of foreign influence and infiltration and spying.

Who would want to upset that apple cart, by exposing an impostor POTUS?

Cui bono?

And even if they did want to expose it, how would they go about doing it?

If the ambassador of Timbuktu comes forward with accusations that FJB isn’t really FJB, how much effort would it take the 39+ intel agencies to discredit that ambassador, and mock everyone who believes him as ‘conspiracy theorists’?

I’m not arguing that this is what is actually taking place, I’m just saying it’s more plausible than it might first appear.

Everything is a con with these people. They’re practiced at the art of corruption. It’s a well oiled machine.

They wouldn’t be flying by the seat of their pants, they wouldn’t be reinventing the wheel every other day, they would be doing what they already know works, because it has always worked.

Gail Combs

ALSO, Obama spent 8 years ‘remaking’ the US government so most conservatives were PURGED well before Trump took office. The Unions then made sure the Commies embeds could not be removed by Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – and the “conservatives” that remain as Washington insiders tend to be assimilated to the narratives, and accept the “Washington normal” as a given.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A key summary point here is that the combination of an agreed lie for the knowing and internal deception for the rest, enforced by media lies and normalization – from both the knowing and the unknowing – is NORMAL in DC.

I find any double theory most credible when….

  • Biden is alive
  • there’s only one double
  • the double is a “national security resource”, protected as classified
  • the TLAs are abusing the classified asset

Then it begins to make sense, as it matches all their other abuse.

Gail Combs
  • Biden is alive
  • there’s only one double
  • the double is a “national security resource”, protected as classified

That would then go back to the Obama Admin so the ‘double’ has been around since Obama took office in 2009. That is 15 years of PRACTICE…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – maybe even replacement by a better double along the way. Also at a higher level as VP than as a senator. That’s why it was Kamala’s double (not as good) who got caught, although I suspect that Loomer got an intelligence tip.


Somehow, I missed the Kamala double. Do you have a photo?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There was more info at the time of this article. Basically, the real Kamala was known to be somewhere else, too distant, at the time, and that’s how Loomer supposedly knew this one was fake.



To my artist eyes, that woman looks almost nothing like Kamala Harris. Even with the mask, she would not fool me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Eyes are wrong.




If you aren’t writing the script for the next Mission Impossible movie, you should be.  😆 


“IMO, stating that someone has died and someone else has successfully taken their place, interacting closely, intimately, and at length with people who know the person well, is “God level” and violates the most fundamental rules of nature.”


A much more plausible scenario is that the people who know (knew) Brandon well are in the loop and going along with the plan.

A week or so ago we saw the swimming pool video of the topless WNBA Griner tranny. If I remember correctly, that video was several years old.

If Griner is a dude (supposedly raised as a girl), keeping that a secret would necessarily involve thousands of people.

Including coaches, staff, team mates, competitors, administrations (school and professional), friends, family, corporate sponsors, league officals, etc., etc.

And yet it appears that is exactly what is happening.

Everyone (especially the MSM) covers for Griner. The Potemkin Village construct is comprehensive and practically perfect.

The only fly in the tranny ointment is the viewers’ lying eyes.

And for what?

To protect their idol worship of perversion.

If they so easily construct false reality for Griner (and more importantly, for their ideology), then what lengths would they not go to, in order to prevent Orange Man Bad from being president again?

What would they not do?

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Griner is actually a VERY good example of the mass psychology of the lie, which the socialists ADORE as “success of messaging”.

It’s a dude. Everybody knows it. And yet most people continue to USE the absurd female name that is a LIE, LIE, LIE.

Media reinforcement is incredibly powerful for any lie. Incredibly powerful.

Robert Baker

Apparently, what is needed to resolve this debate is some Russian disinformation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Robert Baker

It is not just an offhand comment. Griner was in detention for drug possession in Russia during the Trump years. I am all but certain that the Russians good end the debate about Griner’s sex.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Your description actually validates the Israelites’ worship of the golden calf. It was a psyop and amazingly … it still works.  😮  🙃 


They certainly do worship the lie. Lots of lies.

It is infuriating, because without truth, no one can make good decisions.

When everyone is caught up in lies, everyone is prevented from making good (rational) decisions about their own daily affairs and their future.

If the lies become pervasive enough, a sort of Twilight Zone existence emerges, where no one can be sure of what is real and what isn’t.

We are there now.


“Your description actually validates the Israelites’ worship of the golden calf. It was a psyop and amazingly … it still works.”


Or like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Book of Daniel.

The golden image was created, and everyone was commanded to fall down and worship the golden image.

The golden image was a lie, and everyone knew it was a lie, it was just a gold statue — but everyone was compelled to observe the lie and fall down and worship it, everyone was required to recognize Nebuchadnezzar’s absolute power and authority over reality itself, or be burned alive.

It was essentially a truth and power test.

Could Nebuchadnezzar compel the People to do whatever he wanted, even something as objectively and publicly humiliating and absurd as falling down and worshipping a golden image he had built?

Would the People agree to it, and go along with it?

Nebuchadnezzar was a tyrant with absolute power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So yes he could do that, and prove it to himself, and more importantly, prove it to the People.

Is there anything more humiliating and degrading, than being forced to publicly acknowledge that you and your family and everyone you know are slaves — and not slaves to a benevolent tyrant, but slaves to a monster, someone who will burn you and your family alive, simply for not saying ‘how high’ when he says ‘Jump!’?

Nebuchadnezzar had the power to create a literal false reality and make everyone observe it, under pain of fiery death. The People were nothing more to him than court jesters, commanded to dance to whatever tune he played.

Why wouldn’t organized, systemic (and probably ritualized) blackmail of public figures be the modern equivalent of absolute power today?

Something along the lines of “You will do what you are told, or we expose the video from Epstein’s Island, the one you agreed to do, and have recorded, in exchange for a seat in the U.S. Senate, and all the power and perks that come with it.

You sold your soul, and now we own it. Now fall down and worship the image of yourself doing what you did to that child on this tape, the same image the whole world is going to see, if you don’t do what you’re told. Obey, and keep obeying, no matter what you are told to do, and you get to keep your very nice life and family and friends.

Or you get exposed, arrested, prosecuted, convicted and spend the rest of your life in prison as a pedophile.”

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused the lie from the outset. They chose to be burned alive if need be, rather than accept Nebuchadnezzar’s false reality and control over their free will, in perpetuity.


Worship of the Image Refused
“Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews. [9] They spake and said to the king Nebuchadnezzar, O king, live for ever. [10] Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, shall fall down and worship the golden image:

[11] And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth, that he should be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. [12] There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

[13] Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Then they brought these men before the king. [14] Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?

[15] Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?

[16] Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.

[17] If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.

[18] But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” (Daniel 3:8-18, KJV)


Well done!

Valerie Curren

An old pastor of mine used to say “we may burn but we won’t bow” 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A much more plausible scenario is that the people who know (knew) Brandon well are in the loop and going along with the plan.

That is far more plausible than any claim that white hats are controlling the double.

We actually have two possible claims here: a body double under the control of white hats, or a body double under the control of black hats.

The latter is far more plausible (though I don’t agree with any claim that we only ever see the double), but then it’s not something that would comfort patriots who cannot face reality, as Aubergine seems to think is the psychology at play here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tend to agree with Aubergine about the psychology, based on the history of the Biden double claims. These claims were entirely an outgrowth of the “Trump is still in control” stuff that sprouted after it was clear Trump was leaving the White House. It was all an extension of “patriots are in control”.

The basic premise that it’s white hats in control is the foundation underneath all the sketchy claims.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree that that’s how it started, and that in that context Aubergine’s hypothesis makes sense.

It seems to have taken on a life of its own, however.

Valerie Curren

We already know that the government didn’t tell Trump about a LOT of things. Well, my guess is that a lot of what they refused to tell him about was technical. VERY LIKELY BECAUSE SOME OF IT WAS USED AGAINST HIM. Which is most ironic!!!”

So even during the (overt) Trump years the Obamunist coup was still operational  😡 



Deep State / IC did NOT take a four year holiday while Trump was President.

They actively worked against Trump every day of Trump’s four years in office.

Valerie Curren

Even knowing/believing that it’s practically incomprehensible–Horrifying AND unconstitutional!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Washington is a CANCER – a PARASITE – on OCCUPATION – an INVASION – and yes – it is the real INSURRECTION.

Gail Combs

It was taken over in 1913, and the take over was implemented by FDR with his confiscation of privately owned gold and his ‘New Deal’ aka COMMUNISM.

Valerie Curren

Yes   :wpds_evil: 

Gail Combs

Wolfie, we already KNOW the government has advanced tech they do not tell the Great Unwashed about.

In regards to Biden that could be medicine or it could be a ‘perfect’ body double.

Let’s not forget they have had EIGHT YEARS to sculpt and train Biden’s double(s) It would also explain why Biden is not seen in public very much. That would make swapping in a double as needed a lot easier.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It could be drugs, too, combined with a lot of other deceptions.

He did WAY too well in the debate against Trump in 2020.

Gail Combs

 medicine = drugs.

I found with hubby what he eats MATTERS. Beef every day, plus Coconut oil plus Lion’s mane mushroom and his balance problems have gotten much better.

On the Coconut oil, I found the ‘organic’ stinks of coconuts and is therefore only usable in certain applications. The refined, from Big Lots, has no odor so I can slip it in where ever you would use butter or olive oil.

If just those three changes got my 81 yr old Hubby OFF a cane and making a lot more sense when he talks, I wonder what other medication is known to the elite but not us.


This is great news on your hubby, Gail. I have begun Lion’s Main supplements for hubs and me. We already eat beef & use coconut oil.

In addition to the foods & supplements you mention, I’d suggest looking into balancing exercises via youtube etc. From my long history as a ballet, jazz & tap dancer, I can attest that BALANCE can be a learned movement as well as be practiced daily.

Ballet & jazz taught me how to intentionally ground myself through the soles of my feet – best learned barefoot to understand it incorporates whole foot from toes to heels. It is a concept of pushing into the floor while contemporaneously lifting your body to full height and centering your upper body correctly atop your hips.

Once you grasp that concept, balancing on one foot at a time, in various positions, can be correctly practiced because your foot/feet are stable and body centered.

Also standing/walking with eyes closed while feeling centered.

many ways to practice and improve balance 🩷🩷


Interesting information. Thanks.


You’re welcome!

Gail Combs


I told Hubby and at his instruction saved your comment Off line for him to read later.


I’ll post some links to exercises at top of tomorrow’s thread in case you’re done reading today 😁

Gail Combs

Thanks for that.

I generally try to read all the comments each day.


Very good advice. Yoga is great for this.


Really good info, Gail. Thanks.


You are on the right track.

There are cures/treatments for cancer (RBG), diabetes (Sotomayor), and dementia/Alzheimer’s that they have and will not tell us about. But they use them. You can bet Biden gets all kinds of shit we could only dream of, not to mention whatever dietary changes are necessary.

They prop him up for events that are really important. But they can’t do it all the time or they would fry him. That’s what I think.

Gail Combs

Flowers for Algernon…


“I never hear of our side using the same technologies and powers to fool people for political purposes. Maybe it’s all kept under wraps, but I would think the Left would be screaming about it.”


Our ‘side’ doesn’t do it, not in the sense that it’s ‘our side’.

The criminal race-baiter and traitor Haley Barbour would do anything the Devilcrats do, but he’s not on ‘our side’.

Krooked Karl Rove would do anything the Disastercrats would do, but he’s not on our side either.

Crying Adam Kinzinger, Lurch Thune, Joni the pig castrator Ernst, Barasso, Cocaine ‘Mr. Roboto’ Mitch, they’d all do what the Baalcrats do, but none of them are on our side.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent points. And Krying Kinzinger / Cheating Cheney even sat on the Demmunist Krazy Kangaroo Kourt against We The People. Not on our side.


“Is there anything that is impossible for *them* to do?”


They just have to count the votes.

Which they will.


TT A typical reader might infer from my statement that I meant I don’t put anything past them TO TRY and just scrolled on by.

Thoughtful of you to say you weren’t asking me to answer, but how you jump to your IF statement and ensuing comments about a defeatist attitude, etc. is beyond me, feels like a lecture, and frankly why I choose to ignore most of what you post on this forum. You expressed great frustration yesterday that more of us don’t express opinions or “engage” with you when you post your comments. Wolfie’s freedom of speech rules are “say anything but say it with a civil tone.” I extrapolate that to mean I’m also free to avoid certain styles and tones of discussion.


I use the same method, Alison. Sometimes it is better to disappear and move on to another time.

Just my opinion, sometimes we get laser focused on here about a thing that is a created thing by the evil doers. We forget we have an offense and spend all of our time on defense against the thing and those who created it.

It is said the best defense is a good offense. I strongly believe in that statement. The frustration of Scott and others on here is we do not believe we see that in action. Yet, it is in action. It is in action in every mind that perceives the evil as well as in real activities none of us seem to want to notice or see.

Which is just one more reason why leaving God out of the offense is defeatist. You do not even have to believe in God to understand that. You just have to agree that the code for living and dealing with others that arises from humanity’s best, will eventually dictate the winners and losers. Where have all the evil and murderous leaders and their cronies of the past gone? Yet, here sits mankind on this planet with an improvement in living standards over past points in history.

Just my opinion again, we don’t always have to agree with each other. That is how contentious things get fleshed out. However, we should all be respectful and have each other’s backs.

Tone of post matters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!

The American Revolution happened when enough good, God-fearing people stood together against tyranny in whatever ways they believed moral and felt comfortable, while obeying God as they perceived that duty. Some chose fighting, others not, but the sea change of culture is what ultimately won, and made Britain give up on a direct assault.

The core canon of the Q psy-op is still spot on, and is still awakening people. It’s not “going out of style”.

People can argue about Godwin’s law, but the GOD WINS law is the one I count on, and the one that has been working for thousands of years.


while obeying God as they perceived that duty.

I’ve always believed that the Founders and Framers chose “Creator” in order to reflect precisely this concept.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They were REALLY in tune with the Bible at an extraordinary level which would survive the test of time. Their amazing philosophy of God-given freedom and justice continues to anger the unjust, the corrupt, and the merciless to this day!



Exactly. I personally perceive it to be Christianity driven, however, it does not have to be for the “united” support of the consensual philosophy to apply that honors the sanctity of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The American way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see Americanism as almost a spin-off of Christianity. Yes, to the liberals – America is not “Christian” per se – but there is a reason it was the product of a “diverse” group of mostly Christians – and why today it still appeals around the world to many non-Christians! Christians learning to get along with each other, created an excellent model to get along with others, too.


Americanism is definitely a spin-off of Christianity.

They earliest Americans were mostly “acceptable” Christians. Later, though, sects like the Quakers, Dunker Baptists, and Puritans came.

These groups were very sensitive to the idea of religious freedom, as they came here from being persecuted. Thus, they were much more religiously tolerant than the European peoples they fled.

This tolerance was baked in from the beginning of America, and it has influenced us ever since.

Last edited 4 months ago by Aubergine

Spot on, pgroup! It left interpretation of Creator up to the reader.


Great comments – agree completely.




ThanQ for a pragmatic statement of truths that is easily overlaid upon many different situations. It should be copied and put on a desktop sticky for daily reminding.


Thank you for honoring me with your support and comments, pgroup. It means a lot to me.


It is my humble service.

Pleased to be of value to you.


I do my best to be nice, even when I vehemently disagree. Sometimes I am sure I fail.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We saw how much leftist effort went into preparing for 2020. Which even included a pandemic! Remember all the zoom meetings? Trying to plan to resist Trump?

They will do whatever it takes.


Do you think Trump would be fooled? and everyone in his inner circle?

Do you think a “perfect” double is possible? One with the exact same tone and timbre of voice, mannerisms, speech patterns, gait, height, knowledge base, etc.?

Do you think you would be fooled? and others?

Why wait until the debate to bring out this specimen? Dems are losing ground now. The contrast between what JB has become and a “perfect double” who performs well would be obvious.

One of the current arguments is that the dementia-ridden guy we see now is not JB. So this is confusing: If the current guy is a double with a mask on, would that same double be used for the debate but just act more cognizant? Or would a different double be brought out for the debate (again showing a noticeable difference), raising quesitons about drugs and — body doubles.

reminded me how often some of what WE regard as “conspiracy theories” turn out to be factual.

And some do not.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would be a total SCIENTIST and a MAGICIAN about it, if I was doing it.

That guy would have already completed harder and harder public missions – literally faking it with people who know Biden. We might allow some close calls, but no failures. The guy would have to never be made as a double.

And almost NOBODY would know about it – to keep control of the secret.

There is NO WAY that I would send him into a debate unless he was fooling everybody ALREADY and doing so regularly and WELL.

I’m not saying this would be easy. And I definitely don’t believe they could have a bunch of doubles – that crazy idea is part of the discreditation chaff they’re infecting our side with – no matter what.

BUT – if they had one guy who can routinely pass for Biden, and they not only have him well-practiced in public, but even filling the media record with nearly identical images and videos of HIMSELF and not Biden – his fakery would literally become part of the reality.

It would be an intelligence COUP.

I’m not thinking this IS true. But if we are wrong about it not being possible, it explains why Biden did better than expected last time – and will do better than expected this time.

It’s also more reliable than drugging Biden, IMO.


There is NO WAY that I would send him into a debate unless he was fooling everybody ALREADY and doing so regularly and WELL.

Biden is a senile dementia patient, so anyone doubling for him and theoretically “fooling everybody ALREADY and doing so regularly and WELL” is also acting like a senile dementia patient, or people would become suspicious. So if a guy shows up at the debate who is cognizant, that would not be realistic at all, IMO.

So if there is a guy who is currently fooling people “regularly and well,” and said guy is going to be capable of debating Donald Trump, why aren’t we seeing this version of JB now?

And is the JB that we see a double, or not?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re asking all the right questions!

Strategically, we DO want to see him now, but we do NOT want him to act any differently from Biden – until it is critical that he do so – such as the debate – but even then still show some “authentic” senility – but not too much. If he can just be exactly like 4 years ago, that would be perfect. He can just have “Biden’s best day in months”, where he “comes through under pressure” and the Dems can all tell themselves that Biden is still OK and re-electable.

What if the “Dark Brandon” speech was the double? Just as an example.

But by this theory, Biden’s double will have already done stuff that most of us think is really Biden.


Are you theorizing this:
They’ve been prepping a double specifically for the debate, someone who hasn’t taken the place of JB in everyday life and therefore doesn’t have to “be” him by interacting with those who know JB well but who will be able to “be” JB on the debate stage because people won’t be close to him and doing small talk and the like?

If so, that is completely different than the idea of JB being dead and a double having taken his place with no one the wiser.

Under what I’m calling your theory, JB is himself, a senile dementia patient who fraudulently took over the WH. Under the other theory, we are asked to believe the impossible, because I don’t care how good a mask is or how good an actor is or how much theater work someone has been involved with, they can’t impersonate someone well known to others and fool them in close, extended, everyday contact. You would have to switch their brains. I’d like for someone who believes this is possible to provide an example of its having happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would amend this slightly:

Are you theorizing this:

They’ve been prepping a double specifically for the debate, someone who hasn’t taken the place of JB in everyday life and therefore doesn’t have to “be” him by interacting with those who know JB well but who will be able to “be” JB on the debate stage because people won’t be close to him and doing small talk and the like?

I would say that in this (“my”) theory, they prepped the double mostly for the debates, but also for any other contingency where the double might be needed. Even – possibly – if he died.

More importantly, in this theory the double IS almost undetectable, and HAS interacted with people who know Joe well, but possibly not with ALL of the people who know him well, and particularly not with those who might pose a risk to the plan.

I think this person would have succeeded in tests of his ability to make small talk, etc. And that this was done specifically to reduce the dangers of discovery. The CLOSER to real Joe, the SAFER for everybody involved.


I think this person would have succeeded in tests of his ability to make small talk, etc. 

I might be the onliy person here who thinks this, but I continue to believe that to be impossible without suspicion and detection.


If it is possible, then it would be most likely in someone very like an elderly dementia patient — who has “good days and bad days.”


Interesting point. Do you believe it’s possible?


It took a great leap forward towards the plausible when they ran out the Kamala double.

I think it’s very possible in some situations.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree – that incident changed the equation for me. Not completely, but it made me look at more possible terms!


It really blew away the “they wouldn’t dare!” theory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. And I’m figuring that we could only bust a single-digit percentage of their doubles ops, or they would not dare.

I think Kamala ABUSED her national security double, just like Joe and Obama are doing, but shes an idiot, and fucked up.

Valerie Curren

I’ve seen pictures/videos of Hitlery lately where she looks way better & younger than she has in years…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Surgery, Botox and Omar-The-Tent-Maker selling lots material these days.

For me. Hildabeast never fails to look like crap.

Valerie Curren

definitely ugly clear to the bone!


Then, again —

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! 64D chess for sure!!! Maybe 128D!!!


The Kamala double showed that they want to do it. It didn’t show that it can be done. It failed. And it failed with people who don’t know Kamala except through the media.

I know the arguments: technology is always advancing, the Kamala double probably wasn’t wearing a mask, etc. But here is the conflation of ideas again. If the Kamala double had been wearing the most realistic mask possible, maybe she would have fooled some (or more) people who don’t know Kamala personally, some of whom probably only saw her at a distance that day. But she wouldn’t have fooled those who know Kamala. There is not one record of that having ever happened, up close and personal, talking and associating intimately and at length with people who know the person. But some are pushing us to believe that it’s already taking place in the WH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Kamala’s incident was the tail of the stinky dog that got caught in the door, for a variety of reasons. One reason – Kamala was relatively new to federal government, having only been a senator for a short time, and a VP candidate for even less. “They” dared to do some practice runs which were abusive (e.g., to help her get elected), and only got caught because of Laura Loomer – who IMO is getting intel from good sources. Also, I don’t think her double is as good as Joe’s, mostly due to time. But I strongly suspect it’s the same “national security” program.


I think it’s very possible in some situations.

I think body doubles are possible to use successfully in some temporary situations as well. But I don’t believe JB has died and a body double in a mask has taken his place.

I’m speaking generally here, not about you: Getting people to think that through and to state what they believe is next to impossible. It’s much easier to state vague generalities. It’s okay not to know things and to suspect that things can be possible, but IMO not thinking it through and remaining in a state of uncertainty that often makes no sense whatsoever is to be in a state of weakness and vulnerability that our enemy loves to see.


I would tend to disagree. As a financial auditor, I’m used to having things “not proven” for substanial periods of time.

I see little to be gained by swearing fealty to any side of the “FJB’s a dup” issue.


I know that things can remain unproven for ages. That’s why I qualified my statement by saying “remaining in a state of uncertainty that often makes no sense whatsoever.” Even uncertainty can make sense in various ways, so it’s not the uncertainty that’s the issue. It’s the lack of thinking things through, of asking and answering questions, of actually investigating whatever the theory is instead of being in a weak state of “I just think it could happen.”

Valerie Curren

I see little to be gained by swearing fealty to any side of the “FJB’s a dup” issue.”

Ditto…maybe, maybe not…in some ways, who cares? Ultimately the Dems are (promoting) evil & out to destroy US in any & every way they can. They will make any & every effort to do so  😡 


Therein lies a problem though, suspicion of anything to do with him ( or any govt scheme) is roundly denied and dismissed espeecially with help from media to the point of having FIB agents show up on your doorstep

Gail Combs


Who in Hades is going to rat out the Biden Double when he is surrounded by Globalist/CIA assets?


If they could pull off the Buffalo Jump on Jan 6th, a double for Biden is a piece of cake.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bear in mind that it’s probably illegal as hell to disclose anything about the national security doubles, who are likely protected by all sorts of classification. And THAT is what opens them up to abuse. Whistle-blowing about a security double is likely punishable by years and years of jail, and this horrible administration (and KAPO GARLAND in particular) protects the abuse of them in that way.

Gail Combs

Well that would certainly be a excellent SHUT-UP!

It would also go for most of the MSM since a lot of them are already CIA assets to begin with.

Gail Combs


The double would be prepped to do things like the State of the Union and such.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That would be a REALLY TOUGH job. For example, there is no way that Kamala’s known double could have been used in such an op, IMO.

We need to keep a REALLY GOOD eye on this debate. Joe Biden looked very different for his debate, as I recall, and most of us thought it was due to drugs. This time, we need to keep an even more open mind, IMO.


My mother watches FOX news a lot. She is baffled by how Biden seems coherent and sharp one minute and a doddering old fool the next.


Almost like watching a doper.

Alternating high and dopey, or normal.

Or say a drunk…

Easily answered. D R U G S.


Rich Little came close, doing Richard Nixon.


That’s part of their plan to date..Biden acts every inch the senile man that he is, then they deny, Press spokes shag denies, media claims cheap fake ( actually coining a new term)
So in the public and “official record” FJB is just fine, no dementia.

There have been a couple of instances that he mnanged to give a normal sounding speech which I chalked up to better drugs


…adding a PS…the recent Ca. fundraiser where Ozero led him off the stage. Thousand or so maybe more people at the event..haven’t read of any of them speaking up about Biden’s senilty.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To me, that latter point is how effective mass psychology is in making people speak up or shut up. And PROGGIE DEMS are absolutely the worst about “checking the rules” before taking a position on ANYTHING.


For the lefty loons listening to Briben incoherent yammering.


See that. No. Problem.

Gail Combs

Given, they probably never heard the guy speak until the 2020 debates, (If then) to them it IS NORMAL BRIBEN!


DJT’s team better come up with a few test questions which only the real Crooked Joe would know, and at the same time, be questions that he could not plausibly refuse to answer, especially when being challenged.

That, or trick him into a response where he has to reveal something only Dementia Joe would have any reason to know, forcing the double to make something up, and then confront him with the evidence of his error.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thinking! I like it.


From having the same background story as Neil Kinnock to his uncle being eaten by cannibals, the things Biden “knows” are infinitely malleable. I doubt he can be “cornered’ in such a way — he’ll just spin another yarn.


“I doubt he can be “cornered’ in such a way — he’ll just spin another yarn.”


No doubt, but the only reason he gets away with it is because news junkies are the only ones who pay attention. I think most people KNOW that FJB is far from right in the head, but in their day to day lives, most normies are incentivized to go along with the Big Lie.

On debate night, I expect Super Bowl numbers to tune in for the spectacle.

With that many people watching, it will be impossible for the MSM to do their Baghdad Bob spin routine without everyone recognizing Baghdad Bob 😁


When I heard about the debate my first thought was why would Biden’s team agree to this?



  1. Why is Briben’s team going along with 90 minutes of standing.
  2. This was NOT the Briben requirement and Trump agreed to going in.
  3. Who or What authorized CNN to change the rules.
  4. No Briben Team pushback?


  1. THEN. No notes? Briben malfunctions with notes.
  2. This was never mentioned in the initial agreement.
  3. WHERE did this one come from. No Briben Team pushback?

For the record, I 100% do not buy into Briben has croaked and been replaced.

Nor do I buy into all of this body double stuff.

  :wpds_arrow:  BUT, something is clearly up with this “debate”.

  • CNN is a willing participant.
  • Another possibility. I’m guessing Wolf’s going in way up thread.
  • A one time body double inserted in a debate with no audience. Comes out with an ability to string more than two sentences together. Stand for 90 minutes. Demonstrate a grasp of current truth and daily events.

  :wpds_arrow:  BUT, IF Briben comes out in great debate form, drugs a strong possibility. One off body double of sorts, also a possibility.

  • CNN and Pravda commentators will be primed to buttress Briben is healthy…
  • Trump Will detect it. MUST call it out with accusations. Assertions of phony Joe. Gotcha questions at the ready. Otherwise Shag AND Pravda News will shout it down.

  :wpds_arrow:  I am still figuring Briben is being thrown under the bus for his departure.

  • hussein has determined Hoe is ready for further Service.

Great points. I think you’re right. He’s being thrown under the bus.


This Blaze article says the CNN rules benefit Biden. Some of the points are good. It’s not really even a debate.


Interesting take.

It will be a test to see if Briben is drugged up enough to string sentences together. Speak coherently.

Stand for 90 minutes. <<< I’d bet, Briben has NOT stood for 90 minutes in a decade or more.

Gail Combs

I am in my 70s and I could not stand for 90 minutes! (Walk yes but stand? HECK NO!)


Do we normally stand for 90 minutes in one spot, no.

But, betcha we both could stand for 90 minutes in a stand up talk scenario. An unlikely scenario for either of us.

My estimate.

  • Trump rarely if ever walks for 90 minutes. But he sure can stand for 90 minutes anytime he chooses to do so. As in rallies.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Biden will have all the questions in advance for sure. So his answers will ALL be very practiced. THAT is one of the simplest intelligence operations ever. Even if giving him the answers was not approved at the top, TDS and “fear of Trump” guarantee that somebody gives the Dems the questions by one route or another.


100% believe Briben will have or already has the questions.

Would be hilarious if somehow some or all of the questions got changed at the last minute.


“TDS and “fear of Trump” guarantee that somebody gives the Dems the questions by one route or another.”


Team Briben almost certainly wrote the questions and gave them to CNN.

Gail Combs

That is my take, although I think it was probably the CIA that did the actual writing.

Brave and Free

That would explain the sudden up tick in the various “it’s a body double videos.” As you eluded to the other day, what better way to discredit and distract.
Then use the double when it’s most useful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT is exactly how they play stuff. Discredit their own strawman version of the truth, better still when it is delivered from the mouth of the enemy.

Gail Combs


You start out with someone with acting talent and a similar voice & accent or who can mimic an accent perfectly.

As long as they are within an inch or 2 in height and has the same eye color and head shape, you can use plastic surgery for the rest if needed. The guy does not have to be “a spitting image of Biden” if you can MAKE him the spiting image. That would really open up the number of possibles.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Throw millions of dollars at something and problems go away.

Valerie Curren

Here’s an example from Gab

comment image

The Pirate Queen


I think the real Joe died years ago and these are various actors wearing those CIA masks.

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If that IS a different person, they really paid a lot of attention to the details, and IMO most AI will say it’s the same guy. I would say it’s the same guy, too. But I’m trying to “beat” my own algorithm, and I think it’s possible.


I agree. See my comment to Valerie.

For the record, while I think there may be a double or two they use for distance viewing occasionally, I don’t believe at all that they are using one for close encounters.


Not necessarily to you, Aubergine. Just interjecting into this discussion.

Why is everybody assuming Biden is senile? He has practiced for years for plausible deniability to protect his criminal enterprises. Seems everybody desires to believe he is incapable of playing a Stage 4, 5 or 6 dementia patient at various times as needed, but cannot possibly be the real Biden when placed in a controlled setting.

This bunch has sent our nation’s wealth to Ukraine in an undeclared war to shelter nazis that were helping develop bioweapons through our federal “health” orgs while leading and contributing to a worldwide depopulation effort. Nothing is below these people.

IMO, the guy has been a devious criminal POS for most of his life. There are countless devious POS’s in the clowns, FIB, worldwide intel agencies, foreign governments to assist him and the cabal he is in. They have all sorts of things they can do that we do not have a clue about on here. They can still trot out body doubles as needed, shoot the real guy up to addle his brain functions temporarily, etc. He disappears from the scene regularly only to be rolled out as needed so nobody can get a real bead on him to take him down.

Not one thing is mutually exclusive of the other things. It would be great if he really was senile and exposed for the world to see during the debate. Just not buying the hopium yet.

This whole DNC replacement thing playing out or not will soon reveal the game.


Good points. The recent G7 event with all the other foreign dignitaries, Biden wandered off distracted by the paratroopers. The faces of the others registered bewilderment and then they all moved over a few feet to where the woman guided him back over to again stand with the group.
I can definitely see him cultivating a US version of dementia man but it’s so hard for me to believe he’d carry it on as a ruse on a worldwide stage.

Gail Combs

He would if it meant he was not hanged for treason!

I am not sure what the DemonRats plans are, I just know they HAVE THEM.

Gail Combs

“…This whole DNC replacement thing…”


The window on that is closing very very quickly. You have to get the person ON the ballot, have the ballots printed… All in time for early voting.

I saw someone go thru the time line….

Just doing a Quicky Dig, I have the feeling you have to register for the PRIMARY for a major party and that is in April or May. Independents are later in the year.

FROM ballotpedia

So it looks like end of June is the Drop Dead date for state filing.

List of registered 2024 presidential candidates
There are a TON listed but Gavin Newscum, Hitlery and MOOoooShell are not listed.

Just picking a state out of thin air:
Indiana filing deadline for an independent: 7/1/24

EXCEPTION: Candidates for President and Vice President of the United States or Governor and Lt. Governor are elected as a ticket. An independent candidate for President may include their running mate for Vice President on the same petition of nomination. An independent candidate for Governor must include their running mate for Lt. Governor on the same petition of nomination (IC 3-8-1-9.5; IC 3-8-6-4) If no Democratic or Republican party candidate filed to run for an office in the May primary election, the ballot vacancy may be filled after the date of the primary election but before noon (prevailing local time), July 3, 2024.

A candidate may also withdraw from the ballot for any reason not later than noon (prevailing local time), July 15, 2024, and may only withdraw after the July 15 deadline if the candidate is disqualified for a reason like death, a move out of the election district, 👉or upon conviction of a felony.👈 Information about filling ballot vacancies can be found in later chapters of this Guide…


That’s the same guy.

On the left, the lighting is soft and ambient. On the right, he’s down-lit.

On the left, he’s not smiling, on the right he is. Changing the cheeks and chin.

The forehead lines are the same, the one-down-and-one-up eyebrows are the same, the lower lip is the same, the jowls are the same. The weird square-shaped left eye and triangular-shaped right eye are the same.

I’m a lifelong artist and painter. I am trained to observe details absent my preconception of what I think I’m looking at. Both of these photos are Joe Biden.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! Now – here is the next problem for CIA. How do you beat that algorithm? How do you hit all the “tells”?

It’s basically the problem of “deep fakes” – and IMO they’ve been working on it for years. Deep fakes accept the challenge and try to take it on.

Sidney Gottlieb (CIA, MKULTRA) was a stable genius of Oppenheimer abilities, who portrayed himself as a fool in his legacy, for the benefit of the agency. He’s the one who brought in magicians back in the 1940s. I think his legacy of success hiding under faked failure lives on.


“How do you beat that algorithm? How do you hit all the “tells”?”

I don’t think you can. I don’t think anyone can. Because that would mean duplicating a human being that has a God-given soul. No man can replicate that.

You know that saying “the eyes are the window to the soul?” Well, they are, and it is visible. Good, bad, or evil.

Valerie Curren

I was thinking the one on the right, with the shinier, fuller face could have been after recent botox or skin peeling…


Getting older. Tyranny of time on the human body.

Valerie Curren

yup AND the evil soul there


Thanks, DPat!! Intrigued to read more about a new-to-me architect Gyo Obata, and smiled to hear your impressions of performing in one of his buildings. I’ll look up some of his buildings tomorrow.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BEWARE the return of CANKLES!!!


It is unthinkable, a nightmare worse than the scariest horror movie ever.


Another loss in Hildabeast’s record book.


Beware of the return of the two time loser Cankles.

What makes her think she can beat a proven deliverer? Nobody has to take DJT’s word on anything – he already showed what he does with the office.

This is a Look! squirrel Cankles operation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! I think you’re right!


Exactly. D-Rats are not so stoopid or delusional to believe Hildabeast could win.

They know, Hildabeast IS a loser.


If they know they’re going to lose, they need a fall guy. A fall guy in the movie business has to not only be gymnastic in nature but also must make it look real (it’s called acting).

On your resume, what are the qualifications to be a fall guy?

Experience in the type of performance needed for the script.

There’s only one who fits the 11/5/24 script perfectly.

Last edited 4 months ago by pgroup2
Valerie Curren

Cankles vs Cackles vs Butt Crackles   :wpds_twisted: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“C’mon, man!”

Valerie Curren



She emulates a buzzard. If blood and guts cling to her feet she urinates to clean them off. Think about it.


You’ve generated an interesting mental pic in my geezer brain.  😂 


Could explain why Hildabeast wear bags for clothes, rather than pant suits these days.

Beyond a puddle of sorts, no one would know.

  :wpds_sad:    :wpds_unamused:    :wpds_shock:    :wpds_chuckle:    :wpds_razz:    :wpds_lol: 

Gail Combs

Certainly would hide the Adult Diapers she probably wears now. She is 76 and I doubt she bothered to do the exercises need to prevent old lady leakage.


No way Hussein wants to deal with Hitlery for his fourth term.

No one wants to deal with Hitlery, not even her supposed supporters and sycophants.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Hussein picked CACKLES specifically to have somebody as dumb and infantile as Joe Biden, who can still “fuck up anything”, as Obama put it. On the other hand, Hitlery is guaranteed to connive and scheme anything into a disaster, hence the nickname “Twister” in Arkansas.


She’s also greedy and ambitious. She doesn’t seem to be the type to follow the orders from obama


You are correct. She will only go along with Soetoro if it benefits her interests.

Gail Combs

Loose Cannon… ARMED AND DANGEROUS Loose Cannon.


She is legit psychopath.


Daily laughs if D-Rats allow Hildabeast to be the candidate.


A-men, brother!!!!!!

Valerie Curren

I just noticed the double microphones sort of look like breast pumps   :wpds_envy: 


That’s fairly disgusting.



Valerie Curren



you have GOT to be kidding me … climate change now blamed for rise of populist politicians 😂😅🤣


Because they want us to believe anything.


Precisely. Testing the waters for what the uninformed fools will accept.


Climate change affected the waters.


Why not?

Too many dumb asses believe in Global Warming, Climate Change, Green New Deal lies.

This is just another lie.

IF Pravda picks it up, it’ll have traction.


Valerie Curren

hope it shows here

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Soon they’ll declare our face palms are heating up the atmosphere … or causing THUNDER storms … 😁

Gail Combs

Rising temperatures???

It was 61F this morning!!!

And it has barely gone over 90F so far this year unlike the 100F in APRIL I saw one year.

From my old notes:

Central North Carolina Monthly temps over 90F for yrs 2004 & 2010 & 2013
.April 2004 (6)……..April 2010 (1)……….April 2013 (0)
2 days – 91F…………1day – 91F……………..(high 86F)
4 days – 93F……………………………………….

In April 2004 we had 2 days – 91F. and 4 days – 93F. With 17 days over 90F and a high of 98 for the month of May.

In 2011 the April highs ranged from 55F to 87F we did not see temps over 90F until May23th (91F)

In 2012 the April highs ranged from 51F to 86F (five over 80F) we did not see temps over 90F until May2th (91F)

In 2013 the April highs ranged from 45F to 86F (seven over 80F) we did not see temps 90F or over til Jun 12th. (3 days, 90F, 90F, 95F for the entire month of June)

In 2014 the April highs ranged from 52F to 85F we did not see temps over 90F or over til May 15th. One day @ 91F for the entire month.

May 2004 (17)……….May 2010 (4)………May 2013 (0)
6 days – 91F………….4day……. – 91…….. (2 days 88)
6 days – 93F…………………………………….
2 days – 95F…………………………………….
1 days – 96F……………………………………
2 days – 98F…………………………………….

June 2004 (11)……..June 2010 (18)……June 2013 (3)
1 days – 91F…………5 day – 91F……….. 90F – 2
7 days – 93F………….5 days – 93F………
none …………………..2 days – 95F………..95 F – 1
2 days – 96…………..2 days – 96F……….
1 days – 98F………….4 days – 98F……….

Jul 2004 (24)….Jul 2010 (15)…..Jul 2013 (7)
……………………………………………….90F – 3
4 day – 91F 91F – 4…………91F – 1
11 days – 93F 93F – 4………..92F – 3
1 days – 95F. 95F – 2
days – 96F 96F – 2
7days – 98F 98F – 2
………………………….100F – 1

Aug 2004 (12)….Aug 2010 (13)….Aug 2013 (4)
……………………………………………….90F – 1
1 day – 91F 91F – 4………….91F – 2
8 days – 93F 93F – 3………….92F – 1
3 days – 95F 95F – 5
0days – 96F 96F – 1

Sept 2004 (0)…..Sept 2010 (11)….Sept 2013 (1)
0 days – 91F 91F – 5…………91F – 1
0 days – 93F 93F – 3………..
0 days – 95F 95F – 1
0 days – 96F 96F – 2

I count 43 day over ninety F for 2004 by July tenth vs 26 days for 2010, and four days of 98F in 2010 vs nine days of 98F


More info:
This is a regular survey

Last Friday (the 21st of August) I was again up on the North Face of Ben Nevis to do some surveying. This time I was helping with the Ben Nevis part of the annual Scottish snowpatch survey.

The Scottish snowpatch survey occurs each year in mid/late August,and basically involves people wandering around the hills counting and measuring the remaining snowpatches. I have been involved most years since 2008, and it is something I have written about on my blog a few times. This year I was joined by three fellow snowpatch enthusiasts; Iain Cameron, Mark Atkinson and Al Todd.

As expected given the snowy winter and cool spring/summer, there was a lot of snow on the Ben. In fact there was far more than I had seen at this time of the year before…

Scotland was where glaciers formed during the Wisconsin Ice Age and not in Siberia which was a polar desert as were parts of Alaska. The other area where glaciers formed was the eastern part of North America. According to WIKI Hudson Bay was the growth center for the main ice sheet that covered northern North America during the last Ice Age.

Polar Bear Science reported on August 13, 2015: 2nd highest ice coverage for Hudson Bay since 1971 at mid-August – only 1992 higher
Directly south of Hudson Bay are the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes obliterated all records for springtime ice last year, and this year. The Daily Mail (UK) reported that in mid October 2014 “Water temperature of the Great Lakes is over 6 degrees colder than normal ”

I would think, given the shape of the ice sheets during the Wisconsin Ice Age, that meridional jets and not necessarily temperature, are indicative of cooling weather at least at the beginning of the switch. Meridonal jets allow the mixing of polar air with moisture laden tropical air. This allows blizzards to dump massive snow amounts on various areas as we saw in the last few years.

Slow spring melting will then allow the ground and lakes to remain cooler heading into summer. For the last three years here in mid North Carolina it has been so cool my white clover has bloomed all summer. The is the first time I have seen the clover not die in the summer in the over 20 years I have lived here. According to Clemson Univ (S.C.) “White clover (Trifolium repens), also known as Dutch clover, is a cool-season perennial… It grows best when temperatures range from 50 to 85 °F.” Normally we see summer temperatures in the 95 to above 100 °F range but not the last few years.


My white clover is doing very very well so far this year. For the last few years it has NOT turned into crispy critters as it did more than a decade ago when we were routinely hitting 95F-100+F.


Not to mention most people are in a climate controlled environment except for walking to their car. It’s not like these people are hanging outside for hours daily.

Gail Combs

When you spend a summer walking ponies in 95F to 100F YOU REMEMBER!!

It has just not been that hot since the Grand Solar Maximum ended.

Valerie Curren

I was going to say, iirc, you have shared data about a Grand Solar Minimum for like the next four decades I believe…

Gail Combs

Of note is the changes in high-latitude circulation patterns’ this would be the change from zonal jet stream to ‘loopy’ jets that brings erratic weather AND MORE SNOW as polar air clashes with warm tropical air.

2018: Ultraviolet Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength Observation of Solar Analogs


Over the past decade there has been increasing realization and concern that the steady and high solar luminosity of the past century may transition to greater variability later this century (Abreu et al. 2008; Feulner & Rahmstorf 2010; Lockwood 2010).

Specifically, the Sun may descend into a period of low magnetic activity analogous to the historical Maunder minimum (MM; circa 1640–1715; Eddy 1976). A resulting decrease in total solar irradiance (TSI) impacting the terrestrial lower atmosphere energy budget is linked to changes in high-latitude circulation patterns that strongly influence the climate of Europe and the Atlantic sector of the Arctic and sub-Arctic (Song et al. 2010; Meehl et al. 2013), and may also influence Antarctic climate (Orsi et al. 2012).

Studies have also shown the importance of stratospheric response to a grand minimum (e.g., Gray et al. 2010; Bolduc et al. 2015; Maycock et al. 2015). Over a solar cycle and certainly in response to a future grand minimum, irradiance variability at middle ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths that drive oxygen photolysis and ozone chemistry is much larger that that of the TSI. Resulting changes to stratospheric ozone abundance alter the stratosphere–troposphere temperature gradient and feed back to tropospheric planetary wave refraction, further altering climatically relevant circulation patterns (Maycock et al. 2015).

With this realization that both direct radiative and indirect stratospheric influences affect terrestrial climate under a solar grand minimum, it is important to understand how UV irradiance would respond to such a large and prolonged change in solar magnetic activity….


We have identified a sample of 33 Sun-like stars observed by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) with the short-wavelength spectrographs that have ground-based detections of chromospheric Ca ii H+K activity. Our objective is to determine if these observations can provide an estimate of the decrease in ultraviolet (UV) surface flux associated with a transition from a normal stellar cycle to a grand-minimum state…

From this linear regression we estimate a range in UV flux of 9.3% over solar cycle 22 and a reduction of 6.9% below solar cycle minimum under a grand minimum. The 95% confidence interval in this grand-minimum estimate is 5.5%–8.4%. An alternative estimate is provided by the IUE observations of τ Cet (HD 10700), a star having strong evidence of being in a grand-minimum state, and this star’s normalized surface flux is 23.0 ± 5.7% lower than solar cycle minimum.


Makes sense. People recognize that there is no such thing as human-caused climate change and therefore they get more upset the more they hear the term.

This causes germination of the populism seeds in the brains of humans.

 🤔  😮  😟 


I blame fake climate change for rise in nazis so…

Valerie Curren



BREAKING NEWS: In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads

It has just passed peer review & will be PUBLISHED!

74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Someone at Lancet buried their credibility in an unmarked grave, never to be seen again 😁

Barb Meier

I don’t remember sudden deaths being a thing pre-covid except for suicides, accidental deaths, or murders. I wonder how the 26% break down by cause.


26% likely in the causes you list and whatever they could not attribute clearly.

Hope we get to see this report.


I think they were there, they just weren’t notable. Like heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, and stuff like that.


^^^ This.


Hoping we get a copy of that one.


HERE ARE THE FIRST 3 PAGES OF THE ORIGINAL PAPER IN THE LANCET, JULY 2023. Yours Truly downloaded the paper right when one saw it online. One presented it on the board here, IIRC.

Page 1:
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Yours Truly is NOT “patting oneself on the back” for downloading the original paper right away.
Yours Truly is again urging interested persons to DOWNLOAD and SAVE a paper or article written and/or published by doctors and scientists who are telling the truth about the DANGEROUS AND DEADLY COVID-19 “vaccines.” Even if it’s a paper or article that are “dense” or not easily “accessible.” Even if it’s a paper or article that doesn’t interest a reader at the moment.

Here’s the deal, IMO: Yes, Dr. Makis is correct — the TRUTH TSUNAMI about how DANGEROUS AND DEADLY these “vaccines” are is rolling out. This is a real reason why the Lancet, Cureus, and other medical/scientific publishers will be under ENORMOUS PRESSURE from their owners/funders, from governments, from Big Pharma, from the WEF, etc., to Retract, Withdraw, or Remove such papers and articles; or, to have them Re-issued with “new conclusions” that reflect these pressures.

IMO, Dr. Makis is also correct when he says that politicians need to get “out in front” of the TRUTH TSUNAMI that’s rolling. This, IMO, may include President Trump. IMO, a fair argument can be made that the DeepState / WEF / Soro$ Cabal / Big Pharma / DNC, etc., will try to hold President Trump “responsible” for every COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injury, illness, disability, and death, since December 2020 — and that “President Biden rode to the rescue” in some way.

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That is hilarious.

Make it a pocket T in another color, and I’ll buy one.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



He should do it, he should threaten to cancel them when he wins, just for the entertainment value alone 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Joy Behar foaming at the mouth and uttering fresh irrationalities is always a pleasure!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Joy Behar is the AOC of Barbara Streisands, and thus a uniquely American national treasure, like Rocky Mountain spotted fever.


I ‘View’ her more as a herpes virus!!!


Beat me to it 👍😂

Valerie Curren



“Okay, the story on the Idaho farmers needing to give up water rights. There might be an answer:”


Where in the world is the Guvernator of Idaho?

Why isn’t he (or she) standing up for the farmers and calling out the National Guard to defend the water rights of Idaho farmers from the insane and tyrannical illegitimate federal mafia?

It has to be a 100% political win in Idaho, zero political risk to the Guvernator…


American Thinker: “Any American who has participated on Facebook, or Twitter before it was X, knows exactly what it’s like to have their First Amendment rights trampled.”


And after it was X.

I was banned (again) by Linda Yaccarino-Hitler. Pretty sure that was after it was X, but it was definitely long after Elon bought Tweeter and named Yaccarino-Hitler as head of X Gestapo.



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Truth is always funnier, 🤣


Schlichter’s got a new one out, and I’m not even going to link it. For one thing, it’s a “VIP Post”, so many of you couldn’t read it. For another, it’s a stupid idea — he wants Trump to name his executive team now, to give the Dims plenty of time to run oppo research or invent embarrassing incidents. I’d be more in favor of naming his team members about three minutes before their hearing.


Readers Digest version appreciated.

Further validates my opinion of Schlichter.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

Schlichter is NOT on our side.


Controlled op.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Doesn’t he realize that the TLAs have destructo prepped against EVERYBODY???


An amazing baseball player.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Unfortunately, the taller he gets, the shorter his lifespan becomes. Statistically speaking. Hopefully, he might be the exception.


Sadly, my understanding.


He looks a bit embarrassed by his unfair advantage.

He’ll grow out of that too 👍😂


Barb Meier

I live on a mountain in rural Virginia. Shentel, my land phone company, told me they’ve been working on getting high-speed internet to us for the last two years. I signed up this month and they sent a crew to run a tube under the highway to reach my house. It’s about 3 or 4 feet underground and goes through stone and tree roots. One more crew will come to add the cables and then a tech will come to bring me a new router. My story is anecdotal, but I will be glad to get high-speed Internet here. I never dreamed they would try to run fiber on the mountain with all the big rocks. They installed an underground box on each side of the highway so spent about 2 or 3 hours doing this part of the install.


Great news you’ll have high speed Internet soon.

Gail Combs

They are installing it FINALLY on our road. You would think, give we do not have any rocks, it would have been a lot faster.


Compare that to SpaceX Starlink which is amabile in about 100 countries by now
You only need to get the terminal.
Also, they just announced the limited availability of the newest mobile terminal about the size of an iPad.
SpaceX unveils backpack-sized ‘Starlink Mini’ satellite internet antenna for $599 (

SpaceX is rolling out a compact version of its satellite internet antennas called “Starlink Mini.”

The company is offering a “limited number” of the Starlink Mini antennas for $599 each in an early access release.

In addition to the upfront hardware cost, service for a Starlink Mini is effectively $150 per month for 50 gigabytes of data.


Some of the newer Starlink satellites version can even connect directly to your phone.
They have

They launched more than 5000 satellites and there are +/- 4500 operational by now


Fairly pricey.

Valerie Curren

If this all actually happened then the depop agenda appears to predate the 1970’s  😡 

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Many of us didn’t realize just how much infiltrators can manipulate patriotic organizations into fulfilling self-destructive agendas……until GLOBAMA came along.


Globama ! Perfect name

Valerie Curren

I wonder if the military grunts doing the heavy lifting even Knew what they were Actually doing with those activities  😠 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obeying orders. It’s what the military does.

Valerie Curren

Militia is more my speed 😉 😉


Come to find out.

Mindlessly following orders.

Sad to say.

Valerie Curren

Don’t the grunts take an oath to obey orders, but the officers take one to protect & defend the Constitution?


A rather lengthy answer.

  • Please consider All of it.
  • Complicated business, is an understatement.

The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted):”I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

The Oath of Office (for officers):”I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.”

The conundrum of sorts is:

Further, withOUT proof, I Am Certain.

  • Active Duty Military Knew Illegal activity occurred On J6. Almost certainly before. Likely after.
  • It is My opinion, they had a duty to report the illegal activity.
  • 1. Report to superiors. 2. 1-800. 3. More extreme, Whistleblower official or Leaker.

As we, at least I believe we had a coup that generally started on November 3, 2020. <<<>>> J6 was sealed the coup.

Someone, several, many, whatever, Active Duty ARE in the know since November 3 AND certainly J6. Illegal activity part of an active coup ongoing, and successfully completed.

With the above in mind, consider the following.

  :wpds_arrow:  Common in Both the Enlisted AND Officer Oath’s

  • defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic

  :wpds_arrow:  IF I am correct, The OATH alone, requires Action by the Enlisted AND OR Officer(s) knowing of the illegal activity.

I stand by my, “Mindlessly following orders”, posted slightly up thread.

Admittedly. I am NOT legally trained. But it all smacks of being on target. IMO.

Valerie Curren

TY Kalbo. I can’t remember the man’s name but I believe he was thrown in Leavenworth for questioning the legality of orders from aka BHO because he sincerely believed that “Obama” was not a Natural Born Citizen & therefore not eligible constitutionally to be president so any orders he gave were automatically unlawful. I believe he was near retirement age, stripped of his pension, & locked away. I have no idea of what became of him 🙁

Gail Combs


Notice they say they did not think it would cause harm.🙄

In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco Smithsonian mag
This was one of hundreds of bioweapon simulations carried out in the 1950s and 1960s

Helen Thompson

July 6, 2015

The bacterium Serratia marcescens lives in soil and water, and is best known for its ability to produce bright red pigment. This flashy trait makes this particular microbe useful in experiments—because it is so bright, it’s easy to see where it is. And in 1950, the U.S. military harnessed that power in a large-scale biowarefare test, writes Rebecca Kreston on her blog “Body Horrors” for Scientific American.

Beginning on September 26, 1950, the crew of a U.S. Navy minesweeper ship spent six days spraying Serratia marcescens into the air about two miles off the northern California coast. The project was called “Operation Sea Spray,” and its aim was to determine the susceptibility of a big city like San Francisco to a bioweapon attack by terrorists. 

In the following days, the military took samples at 43 sites to track the bacteria’s spread, and found that it had quickly infested not only the city but surrounding suburbs as well. During the test, residents of these areas would have inhaled millions of bacterial spores. Clearly, their test showed, San Francisco and cities with similar size and topography could face germ warfare threats. “In this regard, the experiment was a success,” writes Kreston….

The military had performed similar tests in other cities across the country over the next two decades, until Richard Nixon halted all germ warfare research in 1969. The San Francisco experiment didn’t become public knowledge until 1976.

Valerie Curren

Seen on Gab


BREAKING: A Michigan judge just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State’s election manual issued to local election officials is unconstitutional & against state law. He is also mandating strict signature verification for mail in votes in the upcoming 2024 election

“The Court declares that the “initial presumption” of validity in signature verification of absentee-ballot applications and envelopes mandated by the December 2023 guidance manual issued by defendants is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. For similar reasons, the Court declares that the catch line referring to an “initial presumption of validity” in R 168.22 is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. Accordingly, those provisions must be excised from the guidance manual and the catch line in R 168.22″
– Judge Christopher Yates

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let the THREE WITCHES cackle about that one!!!


Trying to keep up here… Seems the Dems countered.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Demmunists are evil.


Great news.

Wish to hell this guy was around November 3, 2020.   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Some of this looks real, at least to me…1 minute video on DEWs…

[video src="" /]

Valerie Curren

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Established care with a new quack Tuesday.

NOT one question about Jabs of any flavor. Not Covidiot, flu, pneumonia, shingles…

Plenty of positive comments from staff regarding my Trump hat. Although not from the quack. 😎

Valerie Curren

Excellent. Apparently life is much better in Texas!

Valerie Curren

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To the latter point, Neil DeGrasse Tyson is usually only mildly terrible – meaning PC and pro-narrative. Otherwise, he’s very sharp, IMO. But I was surprised that he continued to push the “Dunning-Kruger” stuff, even long after it has been found to be an artifact.


Valerie Curren

fun conclusion from the above paper

Mistakes happen. So in that sense, we should not fault Dunning and Kruger for having erred. However, there is a delightful irony to the circumstances of their blunder. Here are two Ivy League professors7 arguing that unskilled people have a ‘dual burden’: not only are unskilled people ‘incompetent’ … they are unaware of their own incompetence.

The irony is that the situation is actually reversed. In their seminal paper, Dunning and Kruger are the ones broadcasting their (statistical) incompetence by conflating autocorrelation for a psychological effect. In this light, the paper’s title may still be appropriate. It’s just that it was the authors (not the test subjects) who were ‘unskilled and unaware of it’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Everybody needs that link to fire back at leftist trolls who love DK.

Valerie Curren

It’s great stuff!


I live in the West, and believe me when I tell you, water rights are a HUGE DEAL.

Regarding Idaho and the water restrictions:

“I want to emphatically say that there has been no water shut off to date, period. Nobody’s been shut off, and we don’t anticipate having to shut anyone off.”

Lt. Gov. Scott Bedke

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) — The director of the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) put a pause on curtailment well inspections last Friday. This as farmers across the region are concerned about getting a return on their investments in crops this season.

Did this become nearly a crisis? Yeah, it did. Is that what it took to get us to work it out? Maybe. But, we all have a better work product after this is over.”

Lt. Gov. Scott Bedke

This is an ongoing issue in Western states, which is why there are many laws governing water rights out here.

We might want to stop freaking out all the time about stuff we don’t understand.


So this is not true?


Very interesting… Money sent to Ukraine is being used for Cobalt mining in Idaho.

Lots of congress members own stock in this cobalt mine.

Cobalt mining uses lots of water.

The farmers in Idaho were told that there is a water shortage and they were being shut off.


— Bad Kitty Unleashed (@pepesgrandma) June 18, 2024

Gail Combs





Great news.

NOW WHAT?   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

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Gail Combs

He is missing the great big titties to go with the beard and Pride symbol.


Needs wilder eyes too!!

Valerie Curren

I think that rainbow circle is different than gay pride. IIRC it Might have been associated with either Build Back Better or some other globullist agenda, fwiw…

Valerie Curren

OK, I used a snipping tool to clip the rainbow circle from the image above & then did a visual search using Bing…some results…

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The colors of the original clip at top appear to best match this one below…

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This appears to be different than rainbow pride crapola, fwiw…

Here the goals are as a chart from 4 hours ago, per bing.

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the above image from this link from Today!

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Look at the cities involved now & planned…

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from this document from the last link in the above comment

This appears to be some serious central planning crapola & presumed tyranny  😡 

I hope Gail &/or Wolfmoon sees this & digs in a bit…

Valerie Curren


China is not going to invade Taiwan. IMO.

Too many negative consequences.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not until America agrees to it – and THAT is the slow boil of all those ringers coming into the US.

Valerie Curren

I saw something on Gab the other day claiming that China thought the US was trying to goad them into invading Taiwan but they weren’t going to play 🙂

PS I hope you saw my replies on the Kate Middleton stuff on yesterday’s Q-Tree 🙂


USG is good at that. Goading other governments into fighting. Just ask Putin.

Valerie Curren

No doubt!



Chinee does NOT need to invade Taiwan, to take over Taiwan.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Gail Combs


From my notes:

Most of us are familiar with ‘The Great Reset,’ Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. This article goes into the details.

The Global Elite’s Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives
To put their plan in place they have to ‘BREAK’ the American people by destroying our freedoms, our will and our economy. If you look at what Biden is doing from the point of view of crashing the US economy it makes sense. Bring in millions of third worlders looking for a handout. INSISTING workers and school kids take the Clot Shot, destroy our import/export of goods and lastly, disrupting our food supply chain.

How will they know where you live?
Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door Coordinates being taken for every residence in nation

“According to an online Yahoo program, the Global Position System coordinates for the White House, probably one of the best-known publicly owned buildings in the world, are 38.898590 Latitude and -77.035971 Longitude. And since you know that, it’s no big deal for the White House to know the coordinates for your front door, is it?

Some people think it is, and are upset over an army of some 140,000 workers hired in part with a $700 million taxpayer-funded contract to collect GPS readings for every front door in the nation.

The data collection, presented as preparation for the 2010 Census, is pinpointing with computer accuracy the locations and has raised considerable concern from privacy advocates who have questioned why the information is needed. The privacy advocates also are more than a little worried over what could be done with that information.

Enhancing the concerns is the Obama administration’s recent decision to put White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in an oversight role over the census, which will be used to determine a reapportionment of congressional seats and could be used to solidify a single political party’s control over the nation, its budget, military and future…

Real Texas Cowgirl

HOW would they know who is hoarding?
Well there are your credit card records and those handy ‘Rewards Cards’ that let you buy featured produces at a discounted price. Many grocery stores have them.

That they are doing this type of snooping is established.
Hospitals to begin monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits

What you buy at the grocery store, where you live, and even your membership status at the local gym are all subject to a new data collection scheme by the American medical system. Reports indicate that hospitals and doctors’ offices all across the country are now collecting this and other personal information in order to target individuals deemed to have “unhealthy” lifestyle habits that put them at high risk of disease.

Bloomberg reports that hospital systems in both North and South Carolina as well as Pennsylvania have already begun tracking people’s food-purchasing habits by spying on them through public records and credit card transactions. Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), which operates some 900 care centers throughout the Carolinas, has teamed up with a data-mining company to compile and track this information for the later purpose of calling “high-risk” folks and urging them to make a change.

“What we are looking to find are people before they end up in trouble,” stated Michael Dulin, chief clinical officer for analytics and outcomes at CHS, to Bloomberg. “The idea is to use big data and predictive models to think about population health and drill down to the individual levels to find someone running into trouble that we can reach out to and try to help out.”.

Jonathan Benson of Natural News August 10, 2014 

I copied this comment back around 2008 during the ‘Farm Wars’ It may have been from a Yahoo group or from NoNais, I am not sure but it is a very telling comment.

I have been involved in a discussion about a USDA employee who visited an individual’s home in the Pacific NW and began asking a lot of questions about the person’s food storage practices & their raising of small livestock (chickens).…

I agree completely with the “do it quietly” mind set…. But in this case the Dept. of Ag was visiting all the homes in a neigborhood.

“A person from the US Dept of Agriculture came to my door and asked me a bunch of questions which boiled down to whether or not I store food. My daughter has ONE pet chicken, and this woman was looking at the chicken and asking if I have any others, etc. Do I garden? Any other animals? Also, she had a list in her hand of all my neighbors, and was planning to see all of them, too.”

Actually, I did see a congresscritter once who stated that the government really needed to either stop or put some guidelines out about people raising their own food.

He said that most people did not know how to do it safely.

Gardening is the same way. Technically it is illegal….I couldn’t find the garden thing specifically. This was something a professor pointed out to me, though I did find it odd as well. It was somehow tied into “affecting interstate commerce” This clause however, seems to provide a loophole for anything the govt wishes to do.


“…Gardening is the same way. Technically it is illegal….” And she is correct.

Trojan Horse Law: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009

…. Lori Robertson of, who is not a lawyer (she has a B.A. in advertising), claims the bill doesn’t apply to “that tomato plant in your backyard.” 

As a lawyer, I am skeptical of this claim (I co-represented the prevailing defendant in the last successful constitutional challenge to federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause, United States v. Morrison (2000), one of only two cases in 70 years in which a challenge was successful). Congress’s power under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause is almost unlimited in the eyes of the courts, and thus can reach the “tomato plant in your backyard.”

…..Ignorance about the law’s broad reach (and how it will be construed by the courts) has thwarted opposition to the bill, which will likely pass Congress. For example, a newspaper claims the bill “doesn’t regulate home gardens.” The newspaper probably assumed that was true because the bill, like most federal laws, only purports to reach activities that affect “interstate commerce.” To an uninformed layperson or journalist, that “sounds as if it might not reach local and mom-and-pop operators at all.” (The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, has sought to forestall opposition to her bill by falsely claiming that that “the Constitution’s commerce clause prevents the federal government from regulating commerce that doesn’t cross state lines.”)

But lawyers familiar with our capricious legal system know better. The Supreme Court ruled in Wickard v. Filburn (1942) that even home gardens (in that case, a farmer’s growing wheat for his own consumption) are subject to federal laws that regulate interstate commerce. Economists and scholars have criticized this decision, but it continues to be cited and followed in Supreme Court rulings, such as those applying federal anti-drug laws to consumption of even home-grown medical marijuana. Indeed, many court decisions allow Congress to define as “interstate commerce” even non-commercial conduct that doesn’t cross state lines — something directly at odds with Rep. DeLauro’s claims.

Hans Bader

For what it is worth the USDA got REAL PUSHY about their Ag survey under Obama. It was a comprehensive invintory down to how may toilets you had! They even used the subscription lists of GARDENING and HORSE MAGAZINES as well as 4-h kids addresses to make sure they scooped up everyone….

And just to give you the warm fuzzies…

Why Is the USDA Buying Submachine Guns with 30-Round Magazines? Are those bullets for our livestock or for us farmers?

And that brings us to

I am using a 2005 article as my jumping off point:
Can Our Government Really Tell Us How Much Food and Supplies We Can Keep?

The short answer is YES, in a roundabout way. Due to numerous discussions questioning the existence of federal anti-hoarding legislation, I wanted to see if such Executive Orders had been written….

Holly Deyo:

And then she provides a list of E.O.s now superseded by Obama’s

Executive Order 13603

Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation; (5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

E.O. 13603

However she did not actually look at the 1950 DEFENSE PRODUCTION.

SUBCHAPTER I—PRIORITIES AND ALLOCATIONS Section 4512.§4512. Hoarding of designated scarce materials

In order to prevent hoarding, no person shall accumulate

(1) in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption, or

(2) for the purpose of resale at prices in excess of prevailing market prices,

materials which have been designated by the President as scarce materials or materials the supply of which would be threatened by such accumulation. The President shall order published in the Federal Register, and in such other manner as he may deem appropriate, every designation of materials the accumulation of which is unlawful and any withdrawal of such designation. In making such designations the President may prescribe such conditions with respect to the accumulation of materials in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption as he deems necessary to carry out the objectives of this chapter. This section shall not be construed to limit the authority contained in .

(Sept. 8, 1950, ch. 932, title I, §102, July 31, 1951, ch. 275, title I, §101(b), .)

𝗙𝗘𝗠𝗔’𝘀 𝗷𝗼𝗯 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘀. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝟭𝟵𝟱𝟬 𝗹𝗮𝘄 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟴 𝗹𝗮𝘄 (𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄) 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀.


Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, PL 100-707, signed into law November 23, 1988; amended the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, PL 93-288. This Act constitutes the statutory authority for most Federal disaster response activities especially as they pertain to FEMA and FEMA programs.


Stafford Act, as Amended

Sec. 413. Food Commodities (42 U.S.C. 5180)

(a) Emergency Mass Feeding – The President is authorized and directed to assure that adequate stocks of food will be ready and conveniently available for emergency mass feeding or distribution in any area of the United States which suffers a major disaster or emergency.

(b) Funds for Purchase of Food Commodities – The Secretary of Agriculture shall utilize funds appropriated under section 612c of title 7, to purchase food commodities necessary to provide adequate supplies for use in any area of the United States in the event of a major disaster or emergency in such area.

Stafford Act from FEMA website

However she is correct about state laws and gives a list of titles to look under.

Of course you need an EXCUSE before you can start confiscation of Food, Cars, Tractors, Equipment and Farmland So Mr Global set up the situation over the decades since WWII.

In 2008, the financial traders (and banks) saw food as the next big moneymaker. They also set up the USA for starvation down the road.

How Goldman gambled on starvation

Speculators set up a casino where the chips were the stomachs of millions. What does it say about our system that we can so casually inflict so much pain?

Johann Hari

Food shortfalls predicted: 2008

The agricultural sector was one of the areas we found most attractive in 2007. We expect that will remain the case. Long term global price and demand trends remain positive…

In summary, we have record low grain inventories globally as we move into a new crop year. We have demand growing strongly. Which means that going forward even small crop failures are going to drive grain prices to record levels. As an investor, we continue to find these long term trends…very attractive.

Joseph Dancy

And by the same outfit

Investing in Farmland: 4 Ways to Play the Agricultural Boom

By the NGO Grain (dot) Org: Financial Speculators Reap Profits From Global Hunger

By a blogger: Biofuel starvation wasn’t “unforeseen consequences”

And Counter Currents: Financial Speculators Reap Profits From Global Hunger April 28, 2008

A series of reports in the international media have drawn attention to the role of professional speculators and hedge funds in driving up the price of basic commodities—in particular, foodstuffs. The sharp increase in food prices in recent months has led to protests and riots in a number of countries across the globe.

Stefan Steinberg

However the KEY for the USA IN 2022 was the destruction of US grain reserves and grain elevators.

Want food security? Bring back a national grain reserve

September 21, 2012|– To blunt the ravages of drought and market greed, we need a national grain reserve….our country cannot even threaten to bolster the national supply because the United States does not possess a national grain reserve. Such was not always the case….

Frederick Kaufman

July 22, 2008 letter to President Bush from the Grain Traders

Recently there have been increased calls for the development of a U.S. or international grain reserve to provide priority access to food supplies for Humanitarian needs. The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA) strongly advise against this concept..Stock reserves have a documented depressing effect on prices… and resulted in less aggressive market bidding for the grains.

Kendell Keith, President

National Grain and Feed Association

Gary C. Martin, President and CEO North American Export Grain Association

So over a decade ago US food reserves were ABOLISHED but that was not enough. MORE ACTION WAS NEEDED. Ice Age Farmer in this 13 minute video goes over the last moves designed to lead to major food shortages.


Australia BANS unvaxed farmers from selling grain….

Unvaxed Truckers WILL NOT DRIVE… (Check out the comments too)

Valerie Curren

overwhelming 🙁

iirc, the Stafford Act gets some discussion at Political Moonshine

Gail Combs

When you dig deep you find they PLANNED for everything.

Valerie Curren

satanic scheming psychopaths!   :wpds_evil: 


The big SCOTUS opinions have not been issued yet. There was a big one that I think will be the source of much mischief in the future. It held that the govt can prove knowledge of what is in the dufflebag from the reality that most “mules” are aware they are carrying contraband, using DEA agent’s expert testimony.

How long will it take for some prosecutor to have an expert witness testify that “most” CIA/FBI/DOJ employees know that they work in corrupt agencies and therefore they “know” that their memos are probably ordering them to do wrong things and therefore they are liable for adverse consequences.

I think this is the “sleeper” opinion of the entire SCOTUS term. Maybe I’ll live long enough to see if I’m correct.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. That’s a very problematic issue to take ANY position on, frankly.


I don’t remember seeing that case or decision. I’ll try to find it because you piqued my curiosity, Pgroup.


Nothing to see here folks. The Vatican is just tying up a few loose ends so the Cabal can move on to the next big thing unhindered! 😉comment image
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated
Guest Contributor Jun. 20, 2024 9:45 am 26 Comments
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Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church…

…The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudicial penal trial against me, with the accusation of having committed the crime of schism and charging me of having denied the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” of having broken communion “with Him” and of having rejected the Second Vatican Council. I have been summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office on June 20, in person or represented by a canon lawyer. I assume that the sentence has already been prepared, given that it is an extrajudicial process.

I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis.


Dear God Almighty.

Gail Combs

I consider it a BADGE OF HONOR that Archbishop Vigano is being Excommunicated by the Church that SUPPORTED and laundered money for  the CIA, the Mafia and Operation Gladio.



I was born and raised a Roman Catholic….

 taught religion and the humanities at the University of Scranton, a Jesuit institution, and served as the editor of the annual proceedings of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. I also penned a number of articles on Vatican II and the effects of aggiornamento for National Review, where I met William Buckley, the celebrated CIA spook. 

I encountered the wrath of Rome while writing Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Catholic Church for Doubleday. Doubleday, at that time, was a publishing outlet for the Catholic Church through its imprint, Image Books, and an imprimatur was considered a prerequisite for publication. My clerical overseers found no fault with my handling of the evolution of doctrine and the matter of the pontiffs who later were decried as heretics. The problem arose with the subject of the Church’s “temporalities.” I was told to expunge all references to the Vatican Bank, including the donation of Mussolini, the Ambrosiano affair, and the P2 scandal. These topics had garnered headlines throughout the world and to exclude them from a book with a tell-all title would be an act of obsequiousness that bordered on cowardice…

In subsequent years, I probed deeper into the affairs of Vatican, Inc., during my tenure as the editor and publisher of the Metro, and as a consultant (CI-9) for the FBI. My findings, including the ties between the Vatican and Gambino crime family, constituted the core of The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder and the Mafia, which was published by Prometheus in 2001. 

For the past fourteen years, I have been engaged in combing all available government records regarding the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia. The task has been grueling, since most of the files— even the files of Pope Paul VI, Michele Sindona, Roberto Calvi, Archbishop Paul Marcinkus and other individuals long dead—remain classified; any disclosure of their contents would represent a threat to “national security.” Fortunately, enough information has come to light in recent years that readers can obtain a complete account of the unholy alliance of Gladio. 

Am I still a Catholic? 

Suffice it to say, anyone who attempts to come to terms with the facts presented in these pages will have his faith in Holy Mother Church compromised, if not shattered.

There is an awful lot in this article (more like a book) and it is well worth book marking for a LONG STUDY.

This section is interesting considering Rudy and Potus Trump’s take down of the Five Families.



Col. Albert Carone, a New York City policeman, served the new drug network as “a bagman for the CIA,” paying law enforcement officials to “look the other way” when drugs were being distributed in Harlem and other black communities.58 A made man within the Genovese crime family, Carone also collected money for drug payments and, later, for money to be laundered by the Vatican from Mafia families in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. In recognition of his service, the cop/bagman became a Grand Knight of the Sovereign Military of Malta, which has been described as “the military arm of the Holy See.59 

Protection of the drug trade would become reflected in the fact that not one major drug bust was conducted by US officials from 1947 to 1967, despite the rise in heroin addicts from 20,000 to 150,000….

And at that point the Civil Rights laws and Affirmative Action transplanted all those little NYC drug dealers into the neighboring white areas. I was living in Westchester County and saw it happen.

Valerie Curren

including the ties between the Vatican and Gambino crime family”

perhaps w/ pro-abort demon Nanshi hasn’t been excommunicated yet herself  😡 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Red Francis is the Obama of Cromwells.


Infested by miscreants?

No. That is not sarcasm. Serious question.

Seems to be an ongoing problem. NOT getting better.


Never would have guessed the first line. Politics, power…   :wpds_sad: 

Gail Combs

When ever you have MONEY and POWER you are going to have intrigue and Psychopaths clawing for that power and money.


I was going to make a post exactly along those lines. No matter the organization, secular, religious or whatever, the ever wicked heart of man will make attempts to seize and to use that money and power for his own purposes.

Gail Combs

D-Pat have you heard of Paul L Williams author of Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia  – February 3, 2015

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TheseTruths, Wolf Moon, Gail Combs, and all —
Yours Truly replied to the comment by TheseTruths regarding the Lancet paper that was Removed but now will be re-published.
The first publication was in July 2023. Yours Truly’s reply to TheseTruths sheds some more light on the situation (including a few JPGs from the original paper that I downloaded right after I saw it online in July 2023.)

Gail Combs

Already transferred the info to

The article has 393 comments at this point so it is a good One Stop info cache.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Hear my prayer, O Lord – please hear my cry;
Hide not Thy face from me – stand closely by;
Incline Thine ear to me – answer my call;
For I am helpless in my wherewithal!

My days are consumed – in pain, I move not;
My heart beats in vain – overwhelmed, besought;
I struggle to breathe – I implore Your aid;
Begging for mercy – and yet, unafraid!

Strengthen me, Lord – as only You know how;
Send forth Thy Comforter to help me now;
Send forth the angels to hold me upright;
Help me, Lord – Help me to live, love, and fight!

The enemy plagues me both day and night;
His demons work to discourage me right;
He taunts me, haunts me, and laughs at my pain;
My prayers he sees worthless – and all in vain!

Be it Your will – with Your power and might;
Remove this affliction – far out of sight;
Defeat the devil – his power disband;
Help me, Lord – with Your Healing Hand!

You called me, Lord – in Your Service to be;
Your minister, Lord – bring people to Thee;
How can I manage – for people to care?
With this heart sorely in need of repair?

I ask not for me this healing take place;
I ask not this suffering You erase;
I ask only to stand for You, O Lord;
To bring others to You in one accord!

If in this state, You still want me to serve;
If it be Your will, my heart you preserve;
Whatever you decide – I will endure;
With You by my side – of that I am sure!

Help me, Lord to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide;
Through You and for You – my heart is alive;
Heal me, Lord – Help me – to live, love, and thrive!

D01: 5/14/2013




Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



Barb Meier

When I saw the company name of “Burnham” I knew that Obama was involved. There are so many cases of double entendre names of his people. Burnham is pronounced by many as “Burn em.” I remember press secretaries Jay Carney and Josh Earnest. Obama, always the smart ass.

John Solomon: The FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP

Hunter Biden slated to serve on board of new venture to be incorporated in Liechtenstein and funded by controversial Ukrainian oligarch, memos show.

The FBI learned as far back as 2016 that Hunter Biden and his partners had plotted to set up a new venture in tax-friendly Liechtenstein that would be capitalized by a whopping $120 million investment from the controversial owner of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings, according to documents obtained by Just the News that have been kept from the American public for eight years.

The mega-deal was not referenced inside Hunter Biden’s now infamous laptop or during the 2019 impeachment proceedings involving Ukraine, but was instead chronicled in a trove of 3.39 million documents the FBI seized from Hunter Biden and his business partners during an investigation of securities fraud nearly a decade ago.

The cache of documents was recently turned over by former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer to the House Oversight Committee as part of its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s conduct.

The new evidence shows the major investment plan was being built at the time when Hunter Biden was serving on Burisma’s board of directors and Joe Biden was still serving as Barack Obama’s vice president in charge of U.S.-Ukraine policy.

The memos state Hunter Biden was also supposed to serve on the board of the new company called Burnham Energy Security LLC, and it was going to be capitalized in 2015 by Burisma owner Nykola Zlochevsky, who at a time was trying to get out from under corruption allegations in his home country.


Nice Lady keeping herself informed.🤗

Seems Julie is having no problems making the connections also 🤗


Whoops… top was cut off. These two were first.


I wonder if shes an anchor baby. How did they choose this one? Payment for another illegals border trip? Some guy in nyc was robbed of his 100k watch in front of an expensive restaurant by a couple guys w scooters 2 days ago.
Sounds like we need to see who is buying and selling scooters too.


They have a lot of disposable income to buy things especially if they pool their money. Housing taken care of, food provided…all the basic needs plus the monthly stipend.
I think NYC has city scooters free to use or they used to


That’s got a lot of things to unpack.
The girl meeting a person online.
The online guy hires illegals to bring her to him? Is there some kind of illegals for hire service out there?
It’s so hard to imagine a reasonably typical Indiana girl hopping in a car with 5 men.

It reminds me of that case a few months back of the 14yr old illegal who had been placed in the care of another illegal couple and the male in the household wanted the teen as his girlfriend..the 14 yr old was given an apartment of her own to escape him and then he kidnapped her.


Indiana needs to go hard after the California guy who sent the illegals, but you know he’s going to pull out the “she wants to transition” card making him an instant love of the rainbow coalition and California will attempt to fend off prosecutions.

Florida should send guy a new hook up that he can meet at Disney Land and then nab his sorry arse and pack him up in a iron box and ship him to Indiana for prosecution. 😁


I;m going with the 48 hr rule. There’s something hinky about this, for starters the illegal pick up team


Not surprised. Commies and pedos and satanists at the vatican.

The disgraced former papal nuncio to the United States, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, announced that he has been charged with schism by the Vatican’s doctrinal office, after a six-year rogue period in which he called for Pope Francis to resign and labeled him a “false prophet.”On June 20, the archbishop posted on his own website a two-page decree from the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith ordering him to appear for a trial regarding “public statements that show a denial of points necessary for the preservation of communion with the Catholic Church.”The decree is dated June 11 and is signed by Msgr. John Kennedy, secretary of the doctrinal office’s disciplinary section, requesting that Viganò present himself on June 20 at 15:30 to formally receive the accusation and evidence against him.In 2018, Viganò penned an 11-page letter alleging a widespread Vatican cover-up of allegations against ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and called on Francis to resign. Since then, many of the claims he alleged have been discredited, but the Italian archbishop has become something of a hero to some right-wing Catholics for his support of former U.S. President Donald Trump, opposition to the COVID-19 vaccines, spreading of Q-Anon conspiracy theories, and his outright rejection of the Second Vatican Council.


many of the claims [that] he alleged have been discredited

Sounds like an opinion to me, and not necessarily accurate.


Based on the 100 year comment somewhere today, I’d guess you are being an optimist. A good thing it is. Hoping it is realistic.


Wouldn’t that mean that the laity would have to voice their displeasure via the collection plate to the point it hurt?


The Catholic church could continue for another 2000 years on the wealth it has appropriated already. Withholding money won’t do it.


Yeah, probably so.


There are good, of course, but not in the main leadership atm. Maybe things will change for the good soon!


As a Catholic, wonder if any of them were vaxed??


So, do you think he should be ex’d bc of the way he spoke out no matter the subject? Or just based on his continuing to be a thorn?


Honesty as much as it hurts would help it heal and more quickly get back to tradition i would think.


Certainly NOT in the loop.

My guess is the powers to be do NOT want tradition. Just the opposite.


By what i see you’re correct.


If Vigano asked, I’d write a reply to the Vatican invite. F O D.


Deborah Birx lets the cat out of the bag to Chris Cuomo.
She talks about “mitochondrial damage” from HIV and this slowly destroys the patient’s immune system. Then she links this type of damage to “Long COVID.”
Guess what? The modRNA OVID-19 “vaccines” ALSO damage the mitochondria of the “vaccinated” person — by increasing / aggravating mitochondrial cell death (apoptosis.). It’s called “Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased” on Page 6 of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Events Reports, Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest at the end of the report.
FDA time-stamped 30 April 2021 09:26 GMT.
Induced or disease-driven mitochondrial apoptosis can occur anywhere in the body, from the brain to the blood to the gut to the heart, and so on.
Please also refer to:

But wait, there’s more:
The “Pradhan paper” of January 2020 (since Withdrawn) pointed out 4 possible HIV-like “inserts” in the COVID-19 virus itself. This paper was published well before the COVID-19 “vaccines” were authorized for use. The paper is gone — nothing but the Withdrawal Statement in place of the Abstract is available.
However, Yours Truly downloaded a copy of the original paper after it was Withdrawn but before it was “disappeared” off the internet.

Following is the Jimmy Dore tweet of the clip between Chris Cuomo and Deborah Birx; a JPG of Page 1 of the original “Pradhan paper”, with the original Abstract; then, a JPG of the Withdrawal Abstract statement.
(Another example of how interested persons need to to download and save papers and articles.)

Page 1 of the “Pradhan paper”, with the original Abstract:

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The Withdrawal Abstract statement about the “Pradhan paper”, from

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(Your Truly can find no “re-issue” or “re-written” version of this paper.)

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

Who was originally in AIDS research? Scarf and Fauxi. Really, how hard was it to understand that it was all going end up this way? Media fans the fear porn, government creates the coercion, leftists increase the social pressure, election system collapses, economy worsens, deficits increase, money flows to the medical community and Big Pharm who line politician pockets, etc. etc.

Destruction of immune systems is for the long term purpose of enabling pre-existing conditions and weaknesses to increase control over the body. This Increases revenue streams for Rockefeller oriented treatment and meds while increasing the mortality and sterility rates. Depop rate increases significantly without the general public becoming aware while modifying the DNA of the folks who fall for it, causing even more mortality and sterility in their steady march toward transhumanism.

Dystopian vision for the world.

The only questions are how many people resist and when will God say that is enough?

Last edited 4 months ago by TradeBait2

And we know it’s a perpetuating scam because even now in the timeframe between “post-covid-pandemic” and “pre-bird-flu-pandemic” there is ZERO gov’t health agency information, public service announcements, local health department outreach nor doctor- driven initiatives to educate people about how to strengthen our natural immune systems !!!!


Nails it. The missing link from Feds AND medical world.

  • Strengthen immune system – prevention.

That’s why we all read here!


Zactly!! So grateful for your willingness to share your knowledge as I’m grateful for others here who do same. Keeps us all in fighting condition 😁


Reading here kept me, my family, and my friends from succumbing to the Covid insanity. I am also very grateful for all here.


Yours Truly will add the following:
Dr. Birx’s comments regarding mitochondrial damage in HIV and in “Long COVID.”
“Long COVID” appears in people who are COVID-19 “vaccinated” AND in “unvaccinated” persons who contract a COVID-19 infection and recover.
The “Pradhan paper” was written and published before any COVID-19 “vaccine” had been granted an EUA for use.
To Yours Truly, this may indicate that any HIV-like inserts in the COVID-19 virus itself “predate” the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Does this mean that all persons with “Long COVID” will also come down with HIV at some point? I don’t believe so.
HOWEVER, the difference is that “vaccinated” persons have the spike protein “circulating” in their bodies, undermining their natural immune system, for an indefinite period of time.
To me, it all points to the immense importance of having one’s natural immune system in the best shape possible at all times.

Gail Combs

Given my personal experience, I think treatment with Ivermectin, or in my case Goat spit & Moxidectrin 😆 along with plenty of ZINC (beef) will wipe out the lingering virus/effects.

For those who are vaccinated, at MINIMUM Ivermectin + Nattokinase + Zinc.

The protocol is HERE:


Gail Combs
Thank you. IMO, people already taking blood thinners or are on aspirin for blood issues need to talk with a doctor before starting Nattokinase.

Gail Combs

Actually they need to do the testing for clotting times so they can ADD the Nattokinase since Nattokinase has properties the blood thinners do not.

Unfortunately good luck getting a doctor to cooperate!

EXPERT: Nattokinase detoxifies covid spike proteins from the body

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, has dropped another bombshell revelation, this time about how nattokinase, a natural enzyme found in fermented soybeans, is a powerful remedy against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) spike proteins.McCullough says he is asked all the time by people who got “vaccinated” for covid what they can do to “get this out of my body.” This inspired him to write a piece about nattokinase that calls the substance the “holy grail of covid-19 vaccine detoxification.”…

Dr Peter McCullough: Does Nattokinase Dissolve Spike Protein?
By Dr Frank Yap, M.D. – December 15, 2023

….Base Spike Detox

According to Dr Peter McCullough (in a Twitter post – July 2023):

Base Spike Detox is what I am currently using in my practice for those who have had COVID-19 multiple times, one or more of the COVID-19 vaccines, or both and believe persistent SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could be causing problems in their body. A major publication is under review and editing; however, the information is far too important to hold back. 

Update (Nov 2023): Published on August 25, 2023 in Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE PAPER > Base Spike Protein Detoxification and on November 21, 2023 in Cureus (PubMed – November 2023)

I have arrived, based on the emerging scientific literature and my clinical observation, that three OTC products are essential as a triple base combination:

Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice a day

Bromelain 500 mg once a day

Nano/Liposomal Curcumin 500 mg twice a day

Additional products can be added, including NAC, IVM (Ivermectin), HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine), fluvoxamine, low-dose naltrexone, and 👉blood thinners, depending on the clinical evaluation and the syndrome. The therapeutic objective is to start treatment and allow the body to clear Spike and its fragments with the natural reticuloendothelial system. I believe this triple combination is the best approach.

Patients can get a big head start if they self-initiate Base Spike Detox as they get organized for appointments. I have found three months is a minimum duration, and some require more than a year. Don’t expect instant results, be patient. I have a major manuscript under review for publication that summarizes the clinical rationale and evidence supporting Base Spike Detox.

Another source:


Yandex had this in it’s AI blurb:

Nattokinase is an enzyme found in natto, a meal made from fermented soybeans that is popular in Japan. It is not authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or by Health Canada as a COVID-19 treatment….
False claim nattokinase dissolves COVID-19 spike protein | Fact check

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

I have been on the natto train since Aubergine’s first recommendation. I have nothing but good to say about it. Two excellent annual blood tests later and prophylactic use of IVM tell me that it is the way to go. No respiratory issues in two years since I had Omicron.


Gail Combs
Thank you.
Not trying to start an argument or to denigrate Nattokinase. However, here is this, from Memorial Sloan-Kettering:

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IMO, it absolutely may be possible to use Nattokinase along with a prescription blood thinner and/or with aspirin, under a doctor’s supervision.

Gail Combs

That is what I meant by “..they need to do the testing for clotting times so they can ADD the Nattokinase…”

Hubby is on blood thinners and does this test routinely since changes in diet can cause changes in blood clotting times. Consumption of spinach for example can be a problem.


Gail Combs
Thank you for the clarification. One well remembers her late husband on blood thinners. There were indeed changes that were made to his diet.

Gail Combs

I figured I had not been clear in what I meant. To use the Anti-clot shot protocol the blood thinners would have to be scaled back until the right combination was found.


Excellent info! Thanks!


Hunger Games’ actor Donald Sutherland dead at 88

Beloved actor Donald Sutherland has died, his son Kiefer Sutherland announced on Thursday.

The Hollywood icon, who was known for his roles of President Snow in the “Hunger Games” film franchise and Hawkeye Pierce on “M*A*S*H,” among many others, had been battling with a long illness at the time of his death, Deadline reports.

He was 88 years old at the time of his passing.

“With a heavy heart, I tell you that my father, Donald Sutherland, has passed away,” Kiefer wrote on X. “I personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film.”


No doubt that he was one of the great actors of motion pictures. Too bad there aren’t more like him.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He was great. So many different roles.

One of my favorites…..


It has been since i was really little that i saw that. Didnt realize jeff goldblum and spick were there. Is that treat williams? Ill have to watch again.

Valerie Curren

We loved his small but moving role in Pride & Prejudice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, that was good!!!


I watch that movie a lot. It was excellent.

Valerie Curren

Agreed. It’s a fave here too 🙂


LIVE WITH JULIE – 06/20/2024



2 Corinthians 2:14
2 Corinthians 5:7
Eccleseastes 3:17
Hebrews 10:30
Hosea 12:6
Job 12:22
Proverbs 21:15
Proverbs 24:24-25
Nehemiah 9:5-38
Deuteronomy 30:19
Psalm 34:17, 19
Hebrews 6:18-19
Psalm 75:7
Psalm 37, 33, 9 (full chapters)
Galatians 6:7
Proverbs 16:18
Isaiah 54:17
Luke 18:8


Believe and trust God. Don’t try to fix or figure things out on your own.

Allow God in. Let go and let God flow.

God is the God of justice. He will judge everyone.

Justice: just behavior or treatment.

God is separating the wheat from the chaff.

If you need justice in your life or your nation then you need to look to God.
Vengeance is God’s.

Vengeance: punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense; retribution.

We are living in unconventional and unprecedented times.

God is going to bring the darkness into the light. He will expose all hidden things.

In the last days evil will be portrayed as good and good as evil.

Don’t focus on your problems and forget how awesome God is.

If you’re spending more time with God then you won’t be easily deceived.

God is merciful and He is still a God who delivers.

God has given you two unchangeable things: His promise and His oath.

God cannot lie and He will perform His Word.

Your victory and deliverance is right around the corner!



We are at a crossroads…at a time of decision making – where we are going to believe God or the reports of the enemy. We’re going to press through all the attacks of the enemy or we are going to give in….always turn to God with what the problem is and let Him resolve that problem. HE is a problem solver. Give it to God and God will wipe him out…He has annihilated him, brought him to nothing and has disarmed him. Thank God for what His word says…you always cause me to triumph…Give your issues, problems, and cares over to God. Sometimes you can hit a wall, a pause…and you’re at a standstill…which is the crossroads of decision maker…sit and reflect on what God is saying and doing…If we’re trying to fix everything, that means God can’t…Are you trying to figure this out on your own? Are you trying to help God? He just wants you to trust Him…He will take care of it. Allow God in. Allow Him to work. Let go and let Me flow. 

[Prophetic Word heard – June 16, 2024] 

WOE to those in the United States Justice Department. You think you can hide your crimes behind your doors and your twisted version of the law. You think you are safe because of your positions and power and the ones who gave you those seats. A great shake up will take place in your department for not only this nation to see but for all the world to see. I’m exposing and removing Merrick Garland but I will expose and remove everyone who’s against Me in this nation. A whistle-blower is coming to wipe out your plans so real justice can be served by Me. I told you enemies of Almighty God, your time in power is about to expire, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Documents, emails, phone conversations, surveillance footage, text messages, all these things, secret conversations, secret deals made by the White House, pulled off by the House of Representatives, the Senate, the AG’s offices, the FBI, the CIA and every deal and every steal.





I did not write this, yet, I could have and brought up a number of his points for years now.

You did not write this as fellow QTree posters, yet, you could have and brought up a number of his points for years now.

Which means at some point, more of the nation and world will have realized this and exert more pressure on the scumbuckets if we keep doing what we have been doing well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN!!! We must endeavor to persevere, for the reward may well be our FREEDOM and JUSTICE!

comment image


Absolutely loved that scene!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of the greats!!! 😃


I’m loving both scenes.   :wpds_cool: 

Outlaw Josie Wales is a great movie!

Valerie Curren

Buzzards gotta eat same as worms!


Wolf scores a TwoFer.

Gail Combs

They already floated the Forgive and Forget Crap and got roundly told NO F..king WAY!

Nuremberg II!



A Powerful Evening Prayer for Peace and Serenity
Dear Lord,

As the day gradually transitions into the comforting embrace of night, I humbly come before you, seeking the precious gifts of peace and serenity. Please, dear God, enfold me in your tranquil presence, and help me find respite from the storms that may be raging within my heart and mind. Grant me the serenity to gracefully accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can. May your divine light shine upon me as I seek rest and tranquility, knowing that your unwavering love and guidance are my constant companions.


A Powerful Evening Prayer for Strength and Guidance
Dear God,

In these twilight hours, I turn to you, my unwavering source of strength and guidance. As I reflect upon the day’s challenges and triumphs, I seek your divine intervention. Grant me the courage to face the uncertainties of tomorrow and the wisdom to make sound decisions along the way. I earnestly request that your radiant light illuminate my path through the darkness, and may your steadfast strength be my refuge in moments of doubt and weakness. Lord, help me navigate life’s complexities with unwavering faith in your unwavering presence.


A Powerful Evening Prayer for Gratitude and Thankfulness
Heavenly Father,

As I pause to contemplate the events of this day, my heart brims with profound gratitude for the countless blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. I thank you, dear Lord, for the boundless love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have enriched my journey, and for the valuable lessons I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences. As I lay down to rest, may my heart overflow with thankfulness, recognizing that your grace continually sustains me and that even in the challenges, your love remains unwavering.



Thank you so much for the Evening Prayers, and especially for the prayer for Peace and Serenity.
There are those who are besieged with storms of the heart and mind. Some of these storms may trace all the way back to childhood, and the subconscious mind carries the hurt, pain, and fear decades forward into the present. There are those who are facing terrible health issues. There are those who are in abusive relationships. And many more.
May you yourself have a restful night. Sending Good Energy to you.


Venezuelans. Again.
Migrant charged with murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was released into US just weeks ago

Police in Houston have arrested two migrants from Venezuela for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was lured away from home, then strangled and dumped in a bayou.

One of the suspects crossed the border illegally less than a month before the shocking murder, and was released into the US after claiming he feared for his life if he was sent back to his home country, sources told The Post.

Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were charged Thursday with capital murder.


How many is that now in the past few weeks that we know of? Let alone the many they never solve. Someone or all of us have to do something to protect ourselves. The ONE thing the federal gov’t was supposed to do is protect its citizens.

Biden and Obama that started this, has put America under siege….on purpose


It was murder for the hell of it. They have video..she was on a bridge with them and then she wasn’t. Emptying the prisons…FJB FJB FJB

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama hates America with a satanic passion.


Oh wow. Its every day one or another. Not like you know it was in CA. No where near our trobles we tried to stop decades ago and no one listened. Look at this cra p. Execute every make illegal who commits any crime. Theyll leave.


Yellen is such a lousy liar. Bitch needs to be bitch slapped into retirement.

Gail Combs

“…Bitch needs to be bitch slapped into retirement….”

I rather slap her all the way to Venezuela!


Maybe tomorrow….

Gail Combs

I am listening to Eye of The Storm.


Statement From Kansas Attny Gen. Kris Kobach.

2:32:24 – 2:33:15 “… After making these misleading statements, Pfizer also engaged in some censorship attempts. Emails reveal that Pfizer officials coordinated with social media platforms to censor any speech critical of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness.



So that lets POTUS Trump and Operation Warp Speed off the hook.


Great find.

Wonder about J&J and Moderna.