Dear KAG: 20240625 Open Thread

Cover image: Summer Heat by Shirley Sykes Bracken

Anyone else roasting this summer?

President Trump pulled another rabbit out of his MAGA hat—look who will be speaking at the RNC…

Badlands News Brief – June 24, 2024

Russian UN Accuse US of “Direct Involvement” in Sevastopol

Trump 47’s Agenda

Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones’ Infowars and liquidate assets

I don’t care for Alex Jones, but this is just wrong.

Finally: Missouri AG concocts clever strategy to shoot down regime’s lawfare against President Trump…

McCaskill: Trump Will Say the Debate Was Rigged, He Has to ‘Make Up Sh-t’

Shut up, blondie.

Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free

The ‘Fix’ Is in With the Latest Attack on Clarence Thomas

Not good.

30,000 Protest ‘Barbaric Practice’ of Abortion in Rome March for Life

OMG. STUNNING! Rome doesn’t protest anything.

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

This was sent to me:

Honest question: would the Obama/Biden regime really do this if they were truly in control? Please, add why, and like all algebra teachers out there demand, show your work. 😉 (Okay, so my mom was an algebra teacher who gave points for showing work.)

Meme Zone

True story.

Our refrigerator was in the house eight days when my sister knocked something off and broke the plastic.

For the record, that’s the Easter (Paschal) Sequence. I’ve sung it many times. And I still don’t quite understand why all the traditional Easter chants are in minor keys.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


This came up in yesterday’s readings. One of my favorites.

MATTHEW 7:6, 12-14

6“Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you. 12So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets. 13“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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Thank you, De Pat, for a hale and hearty post to whisk us into Tuesday!



Barb Meier

DePat, today’s post is especially packed with goodies. Thanks! I bet your post will boost my X followers lots. 😍


Barb!!!! YESS!!!

Barb Meier

😊 ty, WSB!


Agree!! Just an awesome selection tonight and several links and tweets that I missed in my own searches today!! DPat is much appreciated in my home!!


‘Card-carrying liberal’ professor undergoes radical transformation and becomes a gun enthusiast

David Yamane’s new book, Gun Curious: A Liberal Professor’s Surprising Journey Inside America’s Gun Culture, hit shelves on June 1, and Robert VerBruggen writing a review for The Washington Free Beacon had a great lede:

“David Yamane is, by his own description, a ‘card-carrying liberal’ Asian American sociology professor from the San Francisco Bay Area who, for the first forty-two years of my life, never saw, touched, or fired a real gun.’ The first time he saw a deer stand, he remarked to his companion that it seemed like a ‘weird spot for kids to build a fort.’”

…Yamane has been on a 12-year journey, and in this time has undergone a radical transformation; while he’s presumably still a “liberal,” he’s now a gun enthusiast, with a small arsenal.

Wondering what the catalyst was for this evolution? Well according to VerBruggen, there were several factors, but it all started when… Yamane had a frightening experience with a violent man. From VerBruggen:

“Things started to shift for Yamane when he separated from his first wife and moved into an apartment complex. While his children were visiting, he saw a neighbor pleading with her boyfriend not to take her car but was powerless to do anything beyond ask if everything was okay. The next morning, she knocked frantically at his front door, he hid his children before letting her in, and she said the man had ‘threatened her with a knife and taken her cell phone and car.’”

the realization that without a tool of self-defense he’s really at a disadvantage (consider him dead in the water) if someone wanted to hurt him and those he loved, compelled Yamane to view gun ownership differently than he did before.

There’s a chasm of difference between how anti-gun “liberals” and leftists view firearms, and how those who exercise their right to keep and bear arms as a means of self-defense and security do—and I just partly gave it away. Historically, given their actions, the left views firearms as offensive tools of aggression and mayhem, or, to oppress and force compliance with a political agenda; conservatives on the other hand view firearms as defensive tools of protection. One group consistently misuses guns, while the other group consistently uses them appropriately.


The same group that abuses and misuses guns abuses and misuses everything else, too.

Imagine how many books it will take to cover that.


One thing that is funny. For decades the hollyweird film industry has cranked out many thousands of movies and tv shows….every one of them based on gun toting good guys, gun toting bad guys and many gun toting John and Jane Does ( average people not crazy gun enthusiasts)

With that in mind why haven’t the anti-gun folks united in solidarity to bring down hollywood. Why aren’t there daily tweets, blogs, etc of viewers demanding change?


Can you say vicarious?

Can you say hypocrisy?

Can you use them both in a sentence?

I knew you could. [h/t Mister Rogers]  😂  😆 




That closing paragraph sums it up pretty neatly. It really is just black-and-white.


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Not only did he provide them unconstitutional debt relief, blatently defying the Supreme Court’s ruling, he also arbitrarily exempted them from the IRS regulation that deems ‘debt forgiveness’ as taxable income.

I am just completely fed up with the federal gov’t and its ever-expanding abuse of power, plus the kickbacks feds have given states over decades to bribe states to relinquish powers reserved to the states by our Constitution.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They act like ChiComs and then call US the “insurrectionists”!!!


SMH. I just want to be left alone.

Valerie Curren



And, if I am not mistaken, this only affects those who work for the Federal government.


But the ruling also wasn’t retroactive. Meaning those that already dumped on the taxpayers get to keep their ill gotten gains.

Unless they have good tax advisors that told them to rescind their acceptance of the deal before they were forced to by a SCOTUS ruling.


This was an Obama Handler money-laundering mess to begin with. Dang.

Just another way to separate people from their own money.


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Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

Eat a d#@k, Pence.

Valerie Curren

he Might consider that as positive feedback   :wpds_envy: 


Judas is lite in the loafers.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

or so swirling rumors have implied   :wpds_evil: 


Pence has about as much credibility and respect as Romney which my algebraic calculation tells me is less than zero.


Square root of -1.

Valerie Curren

imagine that 😉


This is one issue that is taken off the table for Trump’s campaign. If the question of extraditing Pence to America had come up, RINOs like Pence would have stood on their “military patriotism” to get people to oppose Trump if he came out in favor of freeing Assange.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your Freudian slip of “extraditing Pence to America” is too cute not to both mention and preserve!!!


Ha! Thanks for pointing that out. We need to extradite him OUT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Last edited 3 months ago by WSB

An exquisite illustration, with a priceless turn-of-phrase.

I wonder why someone thought to ask Pence about Assange. I don’t remember him being outspoken about the matter, or even speaking about it at all.




I didn’t know this excrement is still around.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

America’s FLUSH of Judas Pence was incomplete due to our MSM, acting like a wad of paper at the bottom of the bowl!


Water saving toilets … don’t.

Brave and Free

It’s CYA time for Judas, keep your eyes peeled for the others who join in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

pretend patriot, deep state tool…spit…


STHU judas


While working on a paper using CERES satellite data, I discovered that the latest IPCC Report grossly misrepresented CERES observations of reflected solar and outgoing LW radiation.

In Chapter 7 of WG1 Contribution, Fig. 7.3 shows INVERTED trends of reflected solar & LW fluxes!

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cooked the data.


They only multiplied the data by -1.


“The Florida Department Of Education has finally revealed their list of approved books for the year.

They have misspelled the words for “9th” and “12th” more than 60 times throughout.

“Nineth” and “Twelth”.”


It’s DEI, plain as day. They wrote “twelth” the same as they pronounce it.

I’m surprised it wasn’t spelled ‘twelf’.

You should see how they pronounce (and spell) “didn’t do nothing” 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Dindoo shit?


Thanks to you, I suddenly can’t remember how to spell out 12th.


Craziest thing ever. I sure hope this isn’t some rare dementia symptom.

Barb Meier
Barb Meier

You can listen to the words at the links too.


OK. I got it.  🎓 


Same. I had to look up where the ‘f’ was positioned. But then I am Dyslexic.

Could barely remember how to spell that one either.

Last edited 3 months ago by WSB

Dyslexics of the world untie.



Sew true!!!

Barb Meier

English is not their first language.


That’s the essential qualification for call centre staff, with accelerated advancement if combined with mumbling.


It’s not the first language of a whole bunch of native born Americans.

They speak ebonics or some similar shit.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Honest question: would the Obama/Biden regime really do this if they were truly in control? Please, add why, and like all algebra teachers out there demand, show your work. 😉 (Okay, so my mom was an algebra teacher who gave points for showing work.)

OK, let’s break this down.

Observation: Julian Assange released in a plea deal with DOJ.

Question: would the Obama/Biden regime really do this if they were truly in control?

Answer: Yes


If the Trump administration and forces backing him are NOT in control, but are at risk of gaining control of the White House, then we must consider that DOJ is currently in control of both Julian Assange and the Seth Rich narrative. Since DOJ risks losing control of both, should Trump enter the White House, it is not only desirable, but necessary for them to solve or contain the Assange problem now.

Several options for solution involve freeing Assange now, with DOJ setting conditions on Assange’s communications as part of the settlement. Those conditions make it possible to silence Assange either for the short term, the long term, or both. It is not necessary for Assange to comply completely, for DOJ to obtain the results they desire.

More than just the conditions of the plea agreement – any or all of which do not have to be made public, the release of Assange allows for CIA solutions which are not possible while Assange is in prison. Those include highly illegal methods such as murder, mind control, intimidation, poisoning, engineered accidents, phony natural causes, etc.

Thus, there are many excellent reasons why DOJ would want to reach a plea agreement with Assange now, and then release him, in which these things look like a loss for DOJ, but are in fact a win.


Good points. I hope those C_A “solutions” do not get implemented.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too!!!


Expect the worst. Hope for the best. (USG involved.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Expect Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.” Pray for favor…Always!


Looking forward to Assange spilling the beans. Anonymously or not.

DOJ C_A likely has already blackmailed Assange (threats to family and himself) to NOT release truths.

We’ll see in the coming months or years.

Valerie Curren

Hope that a “dead man switch” of some kind is in play to “protect” Assange, his family, his interests, AND the info he has yet to release…


Yea, me to. Although, I have tired greatly about “dead man” switches.

The day one is in play, I’ll reevaluate.

Lotsa stuff I used to buy into, has gone by the wayside, over the past ~nine years or so.

Valerie Curren

understood & agree…


Yeah, me too.

I wish people were smarter. If I had damaging info, I wouldn’t tell anyone, I would immediately release it, and I would have ten copies stashed somewhere they would auto-release if anything happened to me.

Why don’t these people ever actually do that?

Valerie Curren

For some reason this makes me think of the plot of The Firm where just having a dangerous idea can place you & loved ones in the cross hairs.


One of the inside parlor games when this movie came out was which law firm in NYC and/or DC was the template.

IIRC Perkins Coie was in the top five.

Valerie Curren

Oh my…that’s telling!


All five.


Didn’t Assange always say he had a ‘Kill Switch’.


That is my understanding.


“Why don’t these people ever actually do that?”


Because they’re not as think as we smart they are?

Or because they never had (or intended to release) the information in the first place?

Whatever the answer is, it’s not ‘coincidence’.

It’s one of the many glitches in the matrix.

The good guys practically never win, and the bad guys practically never lose. It’s 100% predictable.

The simulation would be a million times more believable if they changed it up at least once in a while.

Even the Washington Generals beat the Harlem Globetrotters more often than the People win against the Deep Homo-Moloch State.

That’s why when DJT finally gets them down, we drive a stake through their heart, and explode the matrix.


The problem with ‘dead man switches’ is that they require some form of validation. Thus, it is not a certainty that the stashed info is genuine or [worst case] how much of the pile is worthwhile info.

Not everything that is classified is actually correctly designated.

Best way for the govt to hide something is to classify it and then classify a bunch of unimportant fluff around it.


I shoulda read down before I accepted the challenge! I said the same thing, basically, but your explanation is better.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The more viewpoints, the better!!!

Robert Baker

The timing of the release of Assange suggest to me that it may have been timed to be a question for the upcoming debate. Trump may be asked to give his opinion on the release. His answer may be utilized as a talking point by the media and the Biden campaign going forward. Just a thought. If it is their strategy, I would rate it as a very weak effort.


If I were DJT, I’d sidestep any question on the subject by saying, “It’s already happened so my opinion on it would be pointless. Do you have a question that is about something with which the next president must handle?”

Robert Baker

I actually think that is a good strategy. Stop answering irrelevant questions based on false assumptions or poor or lacking logic. Divorce answers from anything that triggers an emotional response. Lollipops and unicorns are for children.


Trump did that recently. I think it was about whether there should be a federal ban against abortion. They kept asking him the same question over and over, and he kept saying it’s a matter for the states to decide and that that’s what is in place now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent!!! Telling the MSM to screw themselves with their gotcha questions, essentially!


Indeed, yes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice recommendation!




Been reading about that OT…
Could PDJT pardon him and release him from any conditions they’ve imposed on him.


This is a VERY good point!!


I believe Julian had a deal he could not refuse. The actual naming of Seth Rich will never be known.

And Julian is not suicidal.


Did Assange actually do anything wrong? Why would PT pardon someone who did nothing wrong?

Last edited 3 months ago by WSB

Ask President Trump if he had a real problem being threatened.

Who is Dana Bash’s husband?


JA was also whisked away to Australia which is probably the most tightly controlled and censored general public outside of China. TPTB will be able to keep a good eye on him,


Julian and family should go to Russia.


If DJT wants to really light up the leftist commies, he should pardon Julian the day after he takes office.

Since Garland cut the deal, DJT is immune from criticism.


I keep coming back to the place that Assange did nothing wrong.


Julian was made a deal he cannot refuse.


From the open: “Honest question: would the Obama/Biden regime really do this if they were truly in control?”

This article was written in February but has information about what could have happened if Assange had been extradited to the U.S.

Why extradition of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to US would be cataclysmic for press freedom

What are the charges against Assange?

The 18 indictments against Assange stem from WikiLeaks’ obtainment and publication in 2010 of some 400,000 classified U.S. military documents relating to its involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. These leaks— the largest security breaches of their kind in U.S. military history—included a video showing the 2007 killing in Iraq of two Reuters journalists by a U.S. military airstrike.

Prosecutors allege that Assange unlawfully published the names of classified sources and conspired with former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to obtain classified information.

Manning was convicted in 2013 on espionage charges and served seven years in a military prison before President Barack Obama commuted the remainder of her sentence in 2017. Manning was again jailed in 2019 for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and freed in 2020, as the judge said her detention was no longer serving “any coercive purpose.”

Seventeen of the charges against Assange are under the 1917 Espionage Act, which has been increasingly used by the Department of Justice to prosecute whistleblowers, CPJ has documented. The other charge, under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, is that Assange “encouraged” Manning to leak classified information.

When did the U.S. government indict Assange?

The Justice Department in April 2019 unsealed an indictment accusing Assange of computer hacking under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. In May 2019, Assange was indicted on 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act for his role in obtaining and publishing classified U.S. government material. In June 2020, the U.S. filed a superseding indictment against Assange that broadened the scope of the computer hacking charges.

While the leaks in question in these indictments were published while President Barack Obama was in office, his Justice Department notably declined to file charges against Assange due what it termed a “New York Times problem”—namely if it indicted Assange, a legal pathway would be created for the Justice Department to prosecute The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, and other media outlets that published the classified logs. This could allow for the prosecution of any journalists who publish leaked documents.

⬆️ A major conflict for Dems who want(ed) to prosecute Assange. Obama’s Justice Department didn’t even press charges. That doesn’t mean Obama wasn’t in control.

What’s at stake for journalism?

CPJ has long spoken out against the prosecution of Assange and the implications for press freedom globally, and repeatedly called for the charges to be dropped, including in a 2010 letter to Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

I think it has been a hot-button issue from the start with the issues of press freedom vs. the nature of the information Assange published.

While Assange’s controversial diplomatic and military leaks have named and endangered vulnerable journalists, U.S. prosecution efforts have been described as “holding a gun to the head of investigative journalism.”

The arguments used in the indictments against Assange could establish a legal pathway for the prosecution of journalists and severely weaken the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of the press. Journalists’ right to report on matters of public interest without fear of censorship or retribution could be harmed.

If Assange were found guilty of violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it could facilitate the criminalization of investigative journalists’ interactions with their sources.

If Assange is extradited and prosecuted in the U.S. under the Espionage Act, it would allow the U.S. government to extradite any publisher of classified information from any country with which the U.S. has an extradition agreement. It would set a harmful precedent for governments worldwide, establishing a framework whereby states can pursue journalists through the courts, no matter where they are located.

Furthermore, the prosecution of Assange in the U.S. would be a gift to authoritarian leaders who could cite Washington’s example the next time they wanted to jail an irksome journalist or publisher.

So I think there has been much more at stake with the Assange situation than whether he would rat out Hillary, for example. I have also wondered if *they* were reluctant to have Assange on trial here for fear of what would be revealed in discovery and in a trial. Much better to let his case be dropped and (hopefully for them) have the situation go away. IMO there was no way for them to score a win against Assange.



Thanks for the link(s) AND logical thoughts. No vague unnamed sources.

A bit of contrarian here.

  • DOJ C_A could covertly select and blackmail a judge AND prosecutor. Stack a jury.
  • Disallow discovery AND anything NOT in keeping with their narrative.
  • It’s NOT like we haven’t seen faux courts in Georgia AND NY railroad a cabal Target.

Personally, I find zero reason to trust the courts. Hope for the best AND Assange’s health.


Yes, it did occur to me that they could “classify” the entire trial if Assange were tried here.


That’s not how it’s done. Govt is given the choice of revealing classified info or dismissing the charges.

Sixth Amendment.


Good; thanks!


The Assange judge is an Obama-appointed judge in the Mariana Islands.

Valerie Curren

Needs to relocate to the Trench 😉


“… her sentence …”

Detect any bias in this article? I challenge the author to provide the case number of any court martial against someone named Chelsea Manning.




Solid. There was no Russian anything. No Intel. Cripes!!!!


See? This!!!!


Why did Assange agree to a plea deal if he did nothing WRONG?????


From the Badlands roundup, about Nigel Farage:

For the uninitiated, I would direct your attention to this clip from 2010, when he stood in the European Parliament and told its president, Herman van Rompuy, “You have the charisma of a damp rag, and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk.”




Nigel is a priceless treasure.




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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like a plan! It might work even better by inviting over two drinking engineers with Mr. Fix-It complex.


 😅  Good plan !


My father tried fixing something in the attic one afternoon. Sat on a nail.



Tetanus shot.


This is actually an IKEA Brimnes armoire. The numbers are trying to say that a complete unit comes in three flat boxes, of which the pictured is the first (why the one box is in yellow). The wine glass is to tell you that you’ll need a glass after assembly.


Have a glass prior to assembly, and then stop.

Valerie Curren



I would drink and not bother constructing the bookshelf. Next year. Christmas. Maybe.


= two bottles of wine.


For Scott:

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I’d buy one 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re really good! I have multiple sources on this!




Ha! I bet your wife is one of them. Give her keys back!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely brilliant! Turn it around and it’s obvious!

EVs have been a worthy dream for a long time, IMO, but the technical hurdles are BIG and MANY, and they are beyond the poor thinking of our Western globalist non-techie bureaucrats, who are at the mercy of the Chinese technocrats, and who are easily double-suckered by the latter.

China’s solution to the key energy aspect is superior.

  • deceive the stupid West that it is going along with their stupidity
  • build fossil fuel reactors as fast as it can, while the West self-destroys
  • prepare for the nuclear reactors which will take their place

Without commitments to the plentiful electricity of nuclear energy, fossil fuel vehicles just make much more sense right now. BIG PICTURE.

Barb Meier

Damn, and all I’ve ever wanted is a firefly hat. But nooooo…

Barb Meier
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But does it come with accessories! 😉

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No. Could not knit that.


And the fireflies just came out last night.


Also, take a look at fossil fuel. Look at John Rockefeller, and then tell me these are not mineral fuels. Ouch

Valerie Curren

abiogenesis theory of oil is, iirc, that it is a naturally occurring geologic process & continually being made. There is not such thing as “peak oil” except in enviro nazi dreams, imo…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would depend.

Assuming it’s really that way (and I have my doubts), we might still be burning it faster than it’s being created.

Valerie Curren

That would require Honest Investigation. I thought there was one oil field that actually has more oil in it now than when it was discovered &/or predicted to run out, possibly back in the 1970’s.

Here is an interesting paper, I am partway through, which appears to give a somewhat even-handed treatment of the topic from an historical standpoint, before weighing in on an alternate theory that is purported to better account for the known facts.




Gorgeous takeoff of SPACE X Falcon 9 from Vandenberg at sunset.

Barb Meier

Trump and friends are clearly pointing out the importance of 2024 election. This was discussed here the other day and perhaps someone is listening or we just needed to wait a minute. 😊



Wow! Nicely done.


Nothing to see here. Move along…


One Killed, One Seriously Injured – Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

Hungarian President Viktor Orban is not liked by NATO and Western leaders for his opposition to the war in Ukraine. Hungary just took over as rotating lead of presidency of the EU. Germany is the largest nation in the EU and vehemently opposed to the Orban peace initiative.

President Orban was traveling to the airport in Germany, when suddenly a car made an unexpected turn into his motorcade. One motorcycle officer was killed, another seriously injured. Viktor Orban is unharmed. Samantha Power and William Burns shout, “VERDAMMT!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Straight out of that incident that happened to Trump’s motorcade on a highway. There was a VIDEO of it – that car that weirdly came down a drainage from a parking lot, IIRC.

Valerie Curren



There are no coincidences.

Valerie Curren

The little Kookaburra video reminded me of a song I learned in Girl Scouts (I think)

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra
Gay your life must be!

We only learned the first verse, sadly…


I had never heard the other verses.

Valerie Curren

me neither

Valerie Curren

This one goes right along with that comic I shared yesterday…Hey PGroup! 😉 😉

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Valerie Curren

yep, but they airbrushed out aka BHO’s pitchfork & horns   :wpds_twisted: 


Past couple months, have posted a couple articles predicting coffee prices will rise dramatically, soon.

It appears FDA is doing its part to shape coffee futures.

Potential Botulism Sparks Coffee Recall: What Consumers Need to Know
Wisconsin-based Snapchill says the voluntary recall involves its low-acid canning process and that there have been no ‘known consumer cases of botulism.’

List of recalled products at this link.


TruDopes Canada…

British Activist Tommy Robinson Arrested in Canada by Undercover Police After Delivering a Powerful Speech on Censorship and Government Overreach

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maple Nazis are still Nazis.

Valerie Curren

You guys, I’m going to re-post some Gab AI generated images that I shared late yesterday, inspired by this comment 🙂 from a discussion on who shouldn’t be VP for Trump.
rayzorback( rayzorback)Offline


 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 June 24, 2024 14:58

I refer to Ted Cruz as: Cubanadian due to his father being a Cuban citizen at the time when Ted was born in Canada.

I made several attempts in a few different Gab AI image generators using variations on this prompt “United States Senator Ted Cruz as both a Cuban and a Canadian, his heritage is complicated, use ethnic clothing from both Cuba & Canada & surround him with items associated with both countries. Have a small amount of American symbolism for balance.”

It was pretty clear the the AI is censoring Cuban stuff, even as “Gabby” (the original Gab AI image generator) is billed as the “uncensored AI image generator”…

For some reason some of these made me think of Bob & Doug MacKenzie of Strange Brew (Hubby periodically cracks joking movie quotes from that unseen by me flick).

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Whatever Gab has done w/ their AI image generators they actually are significantly reducing how many images, & maybe even the quality of said images, than last time I tried it quite a while back. Previously w/ every prompt there would be 3 or 4 images generated & one could request a “reload” & get multiple versions before maxing out for a day. Last night a total of 5 images were all I was allowed for “that day”…

The AI area of Gab labeled these conversations as “Cruz: Cuban-Canadian Fusion” etc.

I think those characters may have been born on SNL but not totally sure of that…


The original impetus came from SCTV, not SNL. SCTV launched the careers Harold Ramis, John Candy, Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy, Rick Moranis, Martin Short, Dave Thomas, and others. It was a production of the Toronto-based Second City comedy troupe.

Once the show started gaining popularity in the US, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation started telling them that they needed more Canadian content. SCTV responded with, “it’s a Canadian show, made in Canada with Canadian writers and actors….what more Canadian content do you need — a couple of guys wearing toques and talking about back-bacon saying ‘eh’ and ‘you hoser’?” The CBC then said, “whatever, just do it.”

Which lead to Bob and Doug MacKenzie’s segment about The Great White North.

Valerie Curren

That is some interesting info–TY!


“Honest question: would the Obama/Biden regime really do this if they were truly in control? Please, add why, and like all algebra teachers out there demand, show your work.”

My theory would be that part of the plea agreement was silence. Thus, the DOJ eliminates Assange as a threat, a talking point, and a focus. Win for them.

IF Assange actually comes out and releases information that is damaging, I will reassess. But my bet is, he fades into obscurity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Add to this the likelihood that he received substantial MKULTRA during his time in prison, and I suspect that he’s going to keep quiet.


I didn’t even consider that, but yeah.


My true kookaburra story:

I spent a night in Canarvon Gorge in Australia, in a tent (a really fancy tent at the wilderness facility there; very “glamping”). It is a remarkably beautiful place. I actually saw platypuses in the wild, which is so rare the forest rangers freaked out. I mean, they really freaked out.

Anyway, I woke up from a very sound and restful sleep, laughing hysterically. A flock of kookaburras was flying over, laughing their fool heads off, and apparently my brain thought I had to join in!

Valerie Curren



Same place, another story:

My daughter was with me on that trip. She was young, and we had talked before going about some things we shouldn’t joke about in Australia. One of them was a quote from the movie “A Cry in the Dark,” about the case where a dingo dragged an infant out of a tent, and the parents were falsely accused of killing the baby. The quote was “a dingo ate my baby” with an exaggerated Aussie accent. We’d been doing it for years, but I knew it would be a very bad idea to say it in Australia.

Anyway, the night we were at Canarvon in the tent with my Australian friends, there was this couple in the tent next to us with a couple of kids. And those kids were awful! They were raising all manner of hell, and the parents were ineffectively shouting at them for over an hour well past our bedtime. We were all trying to go to sleep and these kids just would NOT stop!

Finally, I was just so fed up I loudly proclaimed “where’s a dingo when you need one?” Everybody in the tent went silent for a few seconds, and then just exploded laughing.

Apparently I was loud enough for the people in the kid’s tent, because after that it got real quiet.

Valerie Curren

WOW! The Spirit of the West runs wildly in your veins!


Wild West, lol.

Valerie Curren

on Hubby’s periodic playlist 😉 😉

Hubby apparently used to do some sweet break dancing back in the day, before I knew him LOL

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that’s awesome! LMAO!!!


So this means you have to change your pic to a flying kookaburra.


Lol. I don’t think they come in purple 🙂


A Haiku for our good DePat

Singer, Chronicler:
Paintings, Roses, and the News —
Thank you from us all. 🌹

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

delusional demon


Yo Tony … how much did you make in “commissions” from Big Pharma since 2016: Askin’ for +85 million Patriots and Pure Bloods! Oh, and STFDSTFU. Also known as S-Squared.

I’ve had it with this Moron …

Valerie Curren



“There should be no plea deals to avoid prison for anyone that endangers the security of our military or the national security of the United States. Ever.”
— M. Pence, when asked about Assange’s release

Talk about tone deaf, with no self-awareness. I guess being part of a plot to rig the Electoral Collage vote doesn’t count as endangering national security.


I seem to be brain fogged.

What was NOT?


Would not blame her. The continuous parade of deviant freaks parading through the WH would require an army of exorcists and other assorted cleaners to remove the evil and filth that Biden has invited in.

I’d say build a new WH! and don’t let it be in WA DC!


I imagine that’s a hit piece and I hope to see something from her refuting it.

It would look bad for Trump’s campaign, and that’s the purpose. “His own wife doesn’t want to live with him.” “Melania’s heart isn’t in it; she doesn’t like Washington.” My guess is that Trump needs her more than ever, as difficult as everything is. Her being away would be a constant source of tabloid gossip and negative press for Trump–as has already started with this piece.

Those close to the former first lady believe she will likely split her time between Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, and New York City – especially with Barron, 18, tipped to attend New York University. 

Melania would instead only travel to Washington, D.C. for ceremonial responsibilities like state dinners and other special events. 

Melania was late moving into the WH in 2017 because of Barron’s school schedule. I doubt that his being in college would make her think she needed to spend time near his location. She can just as easily fly to NY to see him as fly to D.C.


Possible… the claim she hired an exorcist to cleanse the WH back in 2017 came from a priest and not Melania or her people, so there is that. Meanwhile most believing that previous story would likely not blame Melania at all for not wanting to set foot in that cesspool again. Many Americans would agree that had the the WH grounds ever been sanctified in the past, they’d have been desecrated by now. The story has equal chance of raising sympathy as it does for angst.


Realistically she isn’t some drudge housewife that needs to stay home and fix dinner and bring Donald his slippers. DJT isn’t at home very much either .
Also, the press and social media is relentlessly cruel to her so if it were me I’d choose to do what she might do…if it’s even true.
Look at what they did to her when she did make the WH her home . The rose garden overhaul was fodder for the meanest stuff around on social media and elsewhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I personally think that if/when Trump is back in the WH, Melania should maximally mess with the minds of the poisonous toads who go with the building, in whatever ways she can.


The Trump’s lived between Florida and DC when they were in the WH do not see a big deal. Hit piece!


Whatever Melania does is 100% between Trump AND Melania.

I am good with whatever they decide.

100% don’t care about tradition OR whatever Pravda News may raise. Latter are liars at best AND NOT important, by any measure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This ^^^


Guess what? Deaths from neurological issues have increased SUBSTANTIALLY among people ages 15 – 44 in the United States SINCE 2021. The paper below points a finger to the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2. It also points a finger to the AstraZeneca adenoviral-vector COVID-19 “vaccine.”
NOTE: the linked paper below is a PREPRINT. And, IMO, it’s explosive. Therefore, this paper may be a prime target for Retraction, Removal, Withdrawal, or Reissue with “new conclusions” that would reflect the pressure put on ResearchGate from “outside entities.”
NOTE 2: The AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine” uses the same technology as that of the (now-removed) Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine.” The AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine” is still used in numerous non-Unted States countries.
NOTE 3: The preprint paper finds that there is a larger potential for neurological damage to occur in persons who take the AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine” as compared to those who took the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine.” This is NOT to imply that the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” is somehow “safer” — IT IS NOT.

The summary from the article at The Burning Platform:
via Zero Hedge

The preprint paper is here:
“Trends in death rates from Neurological diseases in the US for all ages and detailed analysis for 15 – 44”
Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes
June 2024
It is also found here:

And, from the redoubtable Ed Dowd:

And, a screenshot image from The Burning Platform’s article, referring to the paper:

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A screenshot from the AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) COVID-19 “vaccine” Fact Sheet (NOTE: Yours Truly cannot find a detailed fact sheet for healthcare professionals for Vaxzevria. This information is apparently disallowed to be published, per WHO / EMA rules.) The Fact Sheet is found here:

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Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent stuff. This is very much like what The Ethical Skeptic was finding. I like that it was done by Portuguese researchers on American data that is being ignored here! Excellent external science repair mechanisms!

I remember when Iberian science was way behind America. Now, thanks to Stalinism….


Wolf Moon
Good Lord, take a look at the “What Vaxzevria contains” section — it appears that this COVID-19 “vaccine” is a REAL “witches’ brew” of the SARS-CoV-2 genome (mixed in with GMO-produced elements from the HEK293 aborted human embryo kidney cells line) AND recombinant DNA elements from other sources. (That’s the “recombinant DNA” part of the description.)

Valerie Curren

Such Monstrous Evil!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When searching for simple serenity
The falsehood mask obscures verity
No way to determine or to perceive
The secret agenda there to deceive

What clues are provided for clarity
When relevance becomes a rarity
Has something been lost that cannot be found
Does the back and forth go round and around

We can’t move on when we do not let go
Of memories past tugging to and fro
We cannot go back to where we began
We must decide to move forward again

There is a direct path and place to be
That God has decided for you and me
To serve Him in this world until such time
We have completed our duty divine

It might not be what we wanted to do
Or probably something we even knew
Our lives are not written for us to view
To modify beforehand in the queue

What does it take to keep on going
How can we stop this to and froing
It takes faith in what can never be seen
To quit returning to where we have been

God wants us to prosper and live our lives
Free and happy and no longer take dives
Into a world of pestilence and pain
With no hope of happiness ever again

D01: 08/14/2023




Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




All refer to this X post:


At that time, John A. McCone was Director of Central Intelligence, and the US was involved in several coups around the world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Fascinating.


Pompeo is a bad guy just as bad as Pence. Did Pampeo not warn Trump not to release the JFK papers and did he not stand in Trump’s way to free Assange. Really bothers me these pretenders good family men good Christians. They give us Christians a bad reputation. Looks as if they use good family man and Christian as cover for their evil deeds.

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1

I believe nothing about someone in the C_I_A is real. Nothing. Not family, not religion, not any of it. It’s ALL cover.




Catherine Herridge on vax injuries and the military’s culpability

REAKING: Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

New military records confirm the soldier’s heart injury was “In Line of Duty,” and details her account of “complications since receiving the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.” Moderna did not respond to our questions.

Army Specialist Karoline Stancik now faces over $70,000 in medical debt.

EPISODE ONE: “The Cost of Following Orders”

Subscribe on X @C__Herridge:



And apparently there are 1000’s of more like her. This is work for a team of Ivan Raiklins to go after these commanding officers in what ever way possible.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating. This may explain why we have so few ticks. We have lots of possums.


Opossums are, frankly, God’s garbage truck. Please leave them alone. They’ll take care of … whatever. Yea, they can be scary, but they are really, really needed.


Once when I was a kid, there was a dead possum on our lawn. I freaked out because it was sort of moving. I thought it had maggots.

I ran screaming to my Dad, who investigated, knowing of course that there were little possums in there. We raised them on an eye dropper. Three made it and we let them go.

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

One year, a mom opossum dropped off her babies in my front yard. There were four and they ran around the flower beds at the edge of my house looking for where their mom went. A young up-mountain neighbor and her hubby saw them from the highway and stopped. They were freaked out and wanted to help them. I learned that day that this is just what mom opossums do and we should leave them alone. So we did. Later that evening, one opossum baby was climbing the steps to my back deck where I had a baby gate to keep my westies from getting out to the highway. The baby opossum showed its teeth to my dog on the other side of the gate and hissed loudly. I had to carry my insulted westie girl back in the house. We left them alone. The young ones are very cute but those teeth look like they could leave a mark.

Valerie Curren



Possums scare me. They are cool, but at a distance!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool!

Gail Combs

We kill them!!!

EPM and How to Prevent it — Irongate Equine Clinic

December 13, 2016 – Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurologic disease in horses caused by infection with the protozoan Sarcocystis neurona (SN). SN infects horses when they ingest the organism in contaminated feed or water. The definitive host of this organism is the opossum.

A few years ago I lost a mare to this disease. It is SLOW NASTY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating disease, but very sorry for horses that show illness.


The South Carolina Republican primary runoff vote is also today.


Julie Kelly:

HOLY SH*T: Special Counsel Jack Smith just admitted the FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents found at MAL and took photos for evidence.

This confirms my report from last month that the FBI doctored evidence to produce stunt photos of classified docs at MAL:

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Now see if you notice the slight shift here.

FBI agents allegedly found “loose classified cover sheets” in a blue leatherbound box in Trump’s office.

Then suddenly–some were attached to classified documents.

Also why are FBI placeholder sheets in classified discovery??comment image

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As I reported last month, the FBI brought colored classified cover sheets to the raid under the guise of using them to substitute classified documents found within Trump’s boxes.

Instead, FBi agents attached the scary looking sheets to various files and took photos. 

In DOJ’s opposition to Trump’s special master lawsuit in 2022, Jay Bratt attached infamous photo as a prop so the media would publish it and claim the papers were found with classified cover sheets.

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The DOJ’s Doctored Crime Scene Photo of Mar-a-Lago Raid

New disclosures in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s espionage case against Donald Trump reveal the FBI tampered with evidence to create the infamous photo–and DOJ has lied about it for nearly two years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people. EVIL. Dodge and FIB are utterly EVIL.


Yes and this didn’t happen on scene, they brought them with…thought this out beforehand. Unethical seditious bastids

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent point. Premeditated, it was.


Who knows what else they planted since they turned off the cameras. In my mind would not surprise me that the FBI did plant false evidence? They are not to be trusted because they are using Gestapo tactics. This whole charade should be thrown out.


Turning off the cameras POISONS everything, IMO.

  • Case dismissed.

We ask Police to have body camera for their own protection and protection of the criminal. The FBI are so dirty that they turn the camera off. I will never talk to those filthy traitors.


No way.


America First Legal Sends Directive to All 50 States on Preventing Illegal Aliens from Voting Amidst Reports of Biden Regime Distributing Social Security Numbers and Voter Registration to Illegals

America First Legal (AFL), a conservative legal group, has sent letters to officials in every state urging them to enforce existing laws that prevent illegal immigrants and non-US citizens from registering to vote or casting ballots in elections.

The AFL letter was addressed to the chief election official of all 50 states, with copies sent to each Governor and Attorney General. The letter outlined how two key existing federal laws could be used to obtain information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security about the citizenship or immigration status of any individual for “any purpose authorized by law.”

“Biden is giving registration forms and social security numbers to illegals. America First Legal is sending an urgent ACTION PLAN to officials in all 50 states on how to stop illegals & non-citizens from voting. States must ensure only citizens vote,” AFL wrote on its social media.

Stephen Miller, former senior advisor to President Trump and America First Legal President, said, “Joe Biden is mass importing criminal migrants, giving them social security numbers, and handing out voter registration forms to migrants, and vigorously opposes any and every effort to verify the citizenship of voters before voting. This is a clear, unambiguous, and direct effort to sabotage the 2024 election through potential mass illegal alien voting — aiding and abetting dramatic foreign interference and the subversion of our democracy.”

Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Executive Director, added, “States have the utmost authority, obligation, and expectation from the American people to prevent noncitizens from voting in elections. Congress has equipped States with the tools necessary to verify the citizenship status of registered voters and remove ineligible foreign nationals – but States must act swiftly to ensure that only citizens vote in this fall’s elections.”

More about legal complications at the link. I would like to see lawsuits filed against states that allow illegals to vote, but I’m not sure that’s possible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re giving illegals SSNs?

Good grief. These Biden/Obama people deserve PRISON.


They are traitors.


100 % traitor

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s mind-boggling!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This may be the fastest way into discovering what DODGE has tried to make Assange shut up about, using their phony “plea deal”.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They didn’t fix things – they sabotaged things!

And those pictures look familiar…..

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Gotta love the inclusion of the word Pride in the last sentence.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It’s also impactful that is written in monospace, typewriter font. 😉


This is way out of my wheelhouse. I had to look up DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

NEWS: Elon says that 𝕏 does not plan to comply with DMCA takedowns by CNN of the Presidential debate.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Valerie Curren

in case that doesn’t show for others

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Thank you.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I just got a Word Press “award” notification for one of my blogs:

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Congratulations! Your site, Christ-like Kara, passed 500 all-time views.

This particular blog is an archive of another liver transplant recipient’s transplant journey as chronicled in the former CarePages blog primarily run by her dad. When CarePages was going under I couldn’t bear for all the life experiences documented in my blog for Josiah, Josiah’s first blog in his own voice about his transplant journey, & Kara’s epic journey to just disappear. It was an extensive labor of love but I archived all 3 of our blogs on separate WP platforms.

Kara’s Liver Transplant journey was very different from Josiah’s. She was a regular kid who was found to have some type of rare condition that ultimately required transplant. Her family chose to affiliate with a hospital in Cincinnati, even though they also lived in Metro Detroit. She was listed for transplant Before Josiah but ultimately Josiah got his new liver before she ended up getting hers, which was intensely sorrowful for me. Josiah was a very complicated special needs person in multiple arenas & we already had faced many battlegrounds medically, therapeutically, educationally, & interpersonally before transplant was added to our equation. We chose to continue to work with the University of Michigan hospitals, which were less than an hour from home, so we had less transportation & lifestyle upheavals than the other family did.

If for some reason you, or someone you know, might benefit from reading about these very different journeys & perspectives I’ll include links to all 3 blogs here. Kara’s was widely read & they amassed quite a supportive team over the years. Several of my family members are even included within the comments for Kara was a classmate of my son Brandon, Josiah’s twin, & also my daughter, Clarissa. This was because Kara was in the grade between B & C but the small Christian school they all attended had combined classes of 2 grades so every other year it would switch as to which Curren kid was her classmate. At one point Brandon & Kara played the male & female leads, Tom Sawyer & Becky Thatcher, in the Tom Sawyer school play 🙂 Both of our families had a front row seat to A Lot of stuff over those years.

Here is Kara’s archived blog:

a snippet from the about page there: Kara’s CarePage was begun roughly January 2008. The CarePage was actively updated through December of 2015. The first Historical Post, they copied communications from earlier just like I did at Josiah’s CarePage, was written in March 2004. It seemed to me that Kara and her family transferred much of their updating on Kara’s situation to their Facebook pages eventually. As I am not on Facebook myself I do not have direct access to those further updates beyond what any of my family members share with me about Kara’s situation since December 2015.

Here are the other blogs related to our family’s medical journeys, as copied from that about page as well:

It is my hope that you will also be encouraged & edified by Kara’s CarePage Tale, and that you will ultimately be drawn closer to our Savior, Healer, and Lover of Our Souls–The Lord Jesus Christ! God Bless You…

If you care to read about our family’s experience with Josiah’s Liver Transplant, please check out these blogs:

  1.  My archive of where I detail many aspects of our journey with Liver Transplant, Josiah’s complex life, & our family
  2. Josiah’s archive of his where Josiah shares his perspective on Liver Transplant, Faith, & Freedom
  3. My Special Connections blog where I write on wide-ranging topics but often address topics related to Josiah & managing his myriad needs
  4. Josiah’s blog Josiah’s Freak Show, where he shares various things on his heart and has been developing his voice this year, 2017
  5. The substitute site for the original blog where I post updates occasionally about Josiah’s situation & about the family to a lesser degree          

I hope and pray that all of our journeys & acknowledgement of and surrender to The Lord can be an inspiration to you to endure whatever challenges you might be facing. Please drop me a line to let us know how our stories have impacted you or share your prayer needs so that we, & our readers, can lift them to that Throne of Grace…

In the Love & Grace & Peace of Christ,

Valerie Curren

PS, finally, a snippet from my blog quoting Kara, then about age 14, found here:

I recently received permission from Kara and her parents to copy and paste this very moving posting. You can find the original post at this link

Please visit Kara’s page and lift her and her family to the Lord too.

Here is Kara’s wisdom…

Below is the exact copy/paste of her posting…

If I could – I wouldn’t change it, because God’s plan is mighty!
Posted Apr 29, 2011 4:45pm

It’s me, Kara, again =] I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my liver disease and how it has become a part of my life. I thought I would share some of my thoughts with you all…

Before I had my liver disease and ulcerative colitis, I never ever would have wished for this situation in my life. But now I do have a liver disease and I do have ulcerative colitis. Over the years,of living with this,though, it has become a part of my life. Even though it’s hard, and I don’t always like it, God has shown me that this is all a part of His plan for me – every single detail – including the tests, IVs, and pokes. Not just the easy things in life are included in His plan, but also the hard things. I have met some really cool people through all of this and built relationships with others that wouldn’t be the same if none of this had happened. God has taught me so much through my disease, and I hope and pray that He will continue to do so. I ask that you would pray,too – that God would continue to work in my life and others through this situation, and that I would be a light for Christ even in the midst of this struggle. And now, I realize, that if I could change things and make it so that I never had a liver disease and I never had ulcerative colitis – that none of this had ever happened – I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t change it. That’s because God has shown me that this is part of His plan – His perfect plan, which is higher and better than anything we could know. God has a plan for you. All you need to do is trust Him and believe and live for Him, and know that Christ has carried your sin if you confess and repent. We may not always see the perfectness of His plan through the hard things we go through, but God has the bigger picture. I pray that you would trust in God’s plan for you – even when you can’t see it. That’s okay – you don’t need to always see it. You just need to trust in Him who does see it. God knows all things.

Praise Him!
In Christ,


Congratulations! You are providing a valuable service.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

(Typo corrected above)

Valerie Curren

TY TT 🙂 It’s just the word of our testimony  😇  Hopefully God is being glorified…


Valerie Curren
Thank you so much for this! It speaks to many things and is deeply inspirational!

Valerie Curren

PAVACA this means A Lot coming from you. I am Still blown away by Kara’s words all these years later. I cannot say that I’ve obtained that degree of serenity or wisdom nor accepting surrender to the “will of God” as it unfolds in & around me…yet 🙂

One interesting aspect, as I recall, is that at some point in Kara’s journey she became very ill w/ some unusual, & for quite a while unidentified, bug. The CDC was actually called in to Cincinnati to consult on or possibly oversee her case then. It might be beneficial to read that portion, at least, of her tale, at some point, but after spending quite a bit of time trying to pinpoint that part of the saga I’ve been unsuccessful, so far. I probably need to make that archive a bit more user friendly…eventually.

God Bless, Comfort, & Keep you PAVACA  ❤ 

edit. Wow did I misremember what happened w/ Kara, it was actually the FDA, not the CDC, that got brought in, plus some big pharma entity to slide her into some type of drug trial for some anti-viral because she had massive amounts of Adenovirus.

FDA is in this post but the story is probably in posts before & after if one is interested in digging into that particular case at all.

Large team of staff at rounds this morning for the discussion and much more positive today (23 plus us & included infectious disease and the Adeno specialists). Yesterday the Adeno specialist was actually meeting with the FDA and drug manufacturer as part of the drug approval process and was able to use Kara’s case in the discussions. They said her whole body was full of the virus and several infection identifiers spiked up yesterday but it appears to be headed in the right direction now today.

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

It was pretty remarkable, at the time, that Two Families affiliated with the same small Christian K-8 school (w/ roughly 100 students) were facing the liver transplant odyssey for one of their children. Josiah’s main pediatrician remarked at one point that it would be extremely unusual for a physician to have Any transplant patients over the course of their entire career. Quite a confluence in our little neck of the woods back then 🙂

Valerie Curren

This particular post has a short-hand view of the Liver Transplant for my son Josiah:


LIVE WITH JULIE – 06/25/2024



Nehemiah 9:6-38
1 Samuel 8:1-22
Hosea 4:6
Exodus 32:1
Genesis 50:20
Hebrews 12:6
Psalm 34:4, 7, 17, 19
Exodus 3:19-22
Isaiah 54:17
1 Corinthians 2:9


God hears the cries of His people and He answers and will deliver you.

God was forced out of government, churches, and schools and the Body of Christ sat silent and allowed this to happen. God wants to be allowed back in.

If truth is removed then there is deception.

If you don’t have God in your presence then you have nothing.

This is a time of a great shaking and great awakening.

People got too comfortable and didn’t expect God’s Glory and His goodness.

God wants back into politics so you can win, be free, be one nation under God again.

God is merciful and long-suffering.

God will give you back your freedom and remove the wicked people in power because He loves you.

We don’t need an election to save this country. We need God. For the Body of Christ to unite and get on their knees and ask for His forgiveness.

Pray for your nation to fully turn back to God.

God will deliver you out of it all. He delivers!

God has allowed things to happen in order for His people to see all the evil and corruption, and for an awakening to turn back to Him.

God is telling His children that they can’t get out of this mess, the bondage and slavery, without Him.

There is a time to walk in love, but there is also a time for righteous indignation and to cry out to God for justice.

God cares about the rule of law and wants to be by the leaders that He has appointed and anointed.

Names of God: Jehovah Rapha – The Lord your Healer, Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider, Emmauel- God is with us.

Turn to God ALWAYS. Acknowledge Him daily.



The Lord is answering our questions. He hears the cries of His people and delivers them. He answers their questions and gives them insight and revelation knowledge on what HE needs them to know at this particular point in time. God is hearing the cries of the people from the nations around the world and HE is answering…. 

[Heard – June 21, 2024] 

For I the Lord have seen My creation under attack. My children, under great oppression, stress, pressure, sorrow, anguish, fear, worry, anxiety. I have seen the constant torment and the struggle. I have seen the burden your taskmaster and your nations and your govts has subjected you to. I have heard and seen all that they have done to you. I will not allow it to continue. I will not allow the ruling class to stay in power and to keep you in their bondage. You may ask Why Lord was this allowed? Why is the world so dark? Why have these people been allowed to stay in power so long to torture us like this? My children may I remind you that I was the One that was allowed to be thrown out of your govt while My people stayed silent. I was the One thrown out of schools, while My people stayed silent. I was the One taken out of businesses while My people stayed silent. I was allowed to be thrown out of many churches while My people continued to stay silent. I was thrown out of your Justice system while My people remained silent. I had to allow certain things because I was no longer wanted and I was no longer welcomed. Now you see what’s left when I am not there. I did not want this for you. I did not want to leave you in any of those places. I was forced out when MY people did nothing to stand and fight for Me to stay there. But I have heard the cries of My people now and I will deliver you. I will answer your prayers and I WILL destroy your enemy’s power and remove them in this hour.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!


Judge partially lifts Trump hush money gag order

A New York judge partially lifted a gag order on Donald Trump on Tuesday…

The revised order now allows Trump to speak publicly about witnesses in the case and eases a prohibition on his commenting about the jury, but keeps in place restrictions on his statements about individual prosecutors and others involved in the case.

A separate order barring Trump or lawyers from either side from identifying members of the anonymous jury remains in effect, according to Tuesday’s order from Justice Juan Merchan. Prosecutors said last week that Trump supporters had attempted to identify jurors and threatened violence against them.

“There is ample evidence to justify continued concern for the jurors,” the judge wrote.

Trump’s lawyers argued the gag order was stifling his campaign speech and said it might limit his ability to respond to attacks from Democratic President Joe Biden during their forthcoming debate on Thursday…

In his order on Tuesday, Merchan wrote that circumstances had changed now that the trial was over. But he said the restriction on Trump’s comments about individual prosecutors on the case, court staff and their families would remain in effect through his sentencing.

“Until sentence is imposed, all individuals covered … must continue to perform their lawful duties free from threats, intimidation, harassment and harm,” the judge wrote.

Bragg’s office last week said limits on Trump’s speech about trial witnesses were no longer needed. But they urged Merchan to keep the other restrictions in place, citing safety risks.

In a June 20 affidavit, the New York police officer in charge of Bragg’s security detail said Bragg, his family and his staff had received 61 threats in 2024.

These included a post disclosing the residential address of one of Bragg’s employees, as well as a bomb threat to the homes of two people involved in the case on April 15 – the first day of Trump’s trial – according to the affidavit.

I fail to see how this ⬆️ relates to Trump’s ability to speak. The public already knows what a travesty the case was.

Defense lawyers Todd Blanche and Emil Bove in a June 11 court filing argued that holding Trump accountable for “harassing communications” by “independent third parties” violated his right to free speech.

The order does not prevent Trump from criticizing the case or from speaking about Merchan and Bragg.


How Stalinist of Merchan. Lift a little for public consumption but keep denying Trump his God given right of “Free Speech”. The good judge 🙄 seems to continue violation the Constitution denying US citizen the first Amendment. Maybe he should go back to law school or back to his birth country might be a better fit than USA.😡


Trump at a rally. One of Trump’s speakers he calls to the stage.

  • That person “just happens to” verbally beat the shit out of Merchan, his daughter, Bragg…
  • Trump DinDuNuffin.

How intelligent and American. One has to love trump and his supporters 🙂

Barb Meier

I keep thinking someone has planned a big evil for Thursday that none of us are expecting. 1) The CNN studio is bombed, eliminating both presidential candidates and paving the way for Hillary to take over. 2) Someone says something and the FBI shows up and arrests Trump on the spot. Extreme leftists cheer. 3) Trump speaks three words in entire “debate” while Biden screams and whispers in front of a red devil background. Extreme leftists cheer. Your thoughts? Nothing is impossible, IMHO.


Hunter Biden’s law license suspended in D.C.
At least it’s something.

I never heard of Hunter practicing law. I doubt he needed to with all his foreign deals.


With the Maui fire part of DePat’s opener and Tucker’s interview of Steve Sailer behind the paywall that includes discussion on the false writing of history; I will release my second American Story tonight a few hours after DePat’s Wednesday opener. Will give you some extra summer doldrums reading material. 😀

A big shout out to some guys I have a lot of respect for and casual connections to from the collegiate baseball world…

Maybe the GOAT of college baseball teams. Just really good people as players, coaches and families. In 1992 the NCAA reduced the total number of games teams could play in a season. This season the Vols won 60 games and lost 13, setting the record for most wins in SEC history and most for any team in college since the 1992 change. They have won more games cumulatively over the past 4 seasons than any team in college, averaging over 50 wins per season. Yet, they have not won a College World Series in its history and only been to the finals once in 1951. The #1 ranked/seeded team going into the CWS had not won the national championship since 1999. They overcame it all to become champs.

There will probably be at least 5 of their players selected in the top three rounds of the upcoming MLB draft.

A shout out as well to the classy Texas A&M fans, coaches and players that made the series one for the ages. They were just as deserving as our guys and had never won it all as well. It just fell our way for once. It will not be the last, however. With arguably the top collegiate coaching staff, a great fan base and a $100 million ballpark renovation underway the commitment is there to create a legendary program similar to what LSU has already done.

Baseball is alive and well on Rocky Top as well college overall. It is getting bigger and bigger as MLB has reduced the number of minor league teams in favor of drafting collegiate players much more.

Last edited 3 months ago by TradeBait2

Tucker is always worth listening in on AND appreciated. Thank you.


  • For me, if the damn actually fails.
  • The rest of it, your good judgement. I’ll click to listen in on videos and read the stories.

EVERYTHING you do DP, is greatly appreciated!

Barb Meier

I’ve started listening to Tucker-Sailer now on X. Here’s the topics discussed. The spike in black deaths was huge immediately after Geo Floyd and the associated reduction in police presence. Evil in action. If you can’t wait to listen, click one of the timestamps to go to the X post where you should be able to start the 1:56:48 video.

Steve Sailer has spent a lifetime observing human behavior and coming to obvious, sensible conclusions. For the crime of noticing reality, he’s been ostracized, although secretly everyone still reads him.

(3:53) What Was the Impact of Black Lives Matter on Black Lives?
(20:26) The Mexican Cartels Targeting the Appalachian Whites
(31:06) Why Democrats Hide Crime Statistics
(35:17) The Increase in Anti-White Racism
(43:05) Emmitt Till
(49:11) Are Race Relations Getting Better?
(1:01:20) Demographic Change
(1:11:05) Will Donald Trump Win the Election?
(1:39:58) Schools Getting Rid of the SAT Requirement
(1:38:33) Is the Country Becoming More Open and Receptive?


Sad news…

BIDENOMICS: Hooters Abruptly Closes 40 Locations, Citing Rampant Inflation
The iconic restaurant chain Hooters has abruptly announced the closure of 40 locations nationwide, citing the rising cost of food and rent.

The restaurant chain, known for its attractive and scantily dressed waitresses, will close stores in Florida, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A 42-WGTT salute to the 40 departed locations.

(Scroll down for best results!)


You’re thinking, perhaps, of ?

Valerie Curren

While some of those hooters are clearly fake (newz) not to this degree LOL

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Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

I just received a notice that my household was “selected at random through a scientific process that is designed to accurately reflect the national population” to take part in the CDC Summer 2024 Health Issues Survey. The mailing comes from Department of Health & Human Services with a web address and password to access the survey. It further states that “eligible respondents will receive an incentive of $20 or more in the form of a check mailed to their address”. The survey is sponsored by the CDC and conducted by Ipsos. “The survey is being conducted to accurately capture Americans’ opinions, attitudes and beliefs about important health issues. Your participation is crucial in helping scientists better understand these issues”.

It says scientists from CDC with use results to improve program activities and will publish results in reports and scientific journals.


Do what DPat says. Do NOT answer anything like this.


B I N G O.


Question 1 — Do you love the CDC with every fiber of your being, or should we reserve you a seat on a “health train” to a “health camp”?


I agree and also do not trust the CDC.


I would shred as well. Sad if the CDC is so out of touch they need a survey.


Couple years ago I received a like CDC offer.

  • I ignored it.
  • They reminded me a few times. Ignored those also.
  • Pests, CDC went away.

CDC is the definition of Liars, Untrustworthy

My estimation CDC = E V I L.

  • Consider everything Covid.
  • Consider Covid Jabs.
  • Consider MonkeyPox.
  • Consider Disease X, which is assumed to be BirdFlu.
  • Consider CDC essentially banned HCQ, Ivermectin.
  • …..

NOTHING good comes from the government.


IMO, I wouldn’t go near any “survey” from the CDC.
The “$20 incentive check” is a giveaway indication that the CDC would use any information divulged to plug into its databases — and the information would likely be sold several times over (making money for the CDC, not to mention the loss of privacy for the individual who completes the survey.)


Not for $20,000. Not for any amount.

These people are nefarious, lying, manipulative pus bags.

You do not want anything that has to do with you or your family on their radar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope that if anybody else here sees this survey offer, that they report it here.

I have gotten similar survey offers from Google, various bad health players, government agencies, and other bad guys. I never respond, even after the third request. Nobody had gone to 4 – and usually 1 or 2 only. So expect one follow-up. If more than that, be very suspicious that it’s targeted for some reason.


DP, the Heated Butter Conditioner may not have been a good idea.

But I am constantly blessed to come here every so often to kick my own butt about the comedy!!!


Did you receive your sense of humor from your Mother or Father?! Asking for a lot of friends with parents.



Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day

Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold. 

Give us, I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night. 

Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name,



Prayer Of Reflection On The Past Day

Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want to thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.

Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray. 

Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself. 

Give me a good night’s rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. In Jesus’ name, 



Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful night’s sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,



Thank you so much for the Evening Prayers! And for all the wonderful inspiring things you bring to the board every day.
It’s interesting how sometimes “secular counseling” that those professionals give is very similar to what Scripture says — as in Psalm 103: 1-5. The “secular counseling” recommendation is to have a “Gratitude Journal” and/or “make a list of things to be grateful for” each day and review it at bedtime.
Sending Good Energy to you. Have a restful night.

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I read that they ran 5 people against her. Steve could probably tell us more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting. That’s a big number. My theory would be that 2 of them were real challengers, and that the others were pushed by Boebert-friendly forces to diminish the challengers.


Interesting strategy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It works.

Learned some interesting numerology in my short vacation into realpolitik. Not everybody gets how that stuff works, and not every candidate is a team player, so things get complicated.

Democrats tend to use union endorsements and money routed through the unions to defend their hand-picked candidates, but they will also send messages directly to people who can’t do the math, but need to stand down for the good of the party.

Republicans tend to be less direct. Sometimes that has bad consequences. Saw one clueless R challenger, without party endorsement, foolishly torpedo a race by not withdrawing, and apparently was never asked to do the smart thing. The party-backed hard-core conservative would have won with the challenger’s votes. Instead, the seat went to a woke Dem, and tipped a city from red to purple.

Dems NEVER do the stupid crap like that.

Instead, they’re shamelessly evil. Sherrod Brown is now running as “tough on the border”. It’s a scandalous lie, backed with megabucks from Hollywood. The ads are more hard-core on the border than ANY Republican I’ve ever seen.

They’re assholes. Evil assholes. Our side should jump his ass and make him pay for it, but they won’t. WIMPS. GOP wimps.



Mike Johnson just announced that he has authorized the House to submit a congressional Amicus Brief on behalf of Steve Bannon to the Supreme Court and Justice Roberts.

Finally some positive momentum for Bannon.

Valerie Curren

Now I’m imagining Cthulhu crying out “Come On!!!” when we are So Close to a Leonidas level…

Valerie Curren

maybe I’ll cheat it into existence, just for fun 🙂

Valerie Curren

I don’t think anyone brought DP roses today…

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You perservered!!!

Valerie Curren

I endeavored to do so 😉 😉

Valerie Curren

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