Barr Senate Testimony Thread – May 1, 2019.

Are you ready? Are your little fingers limber? The Barr Testimony is like a NFL playoff game for the political class. The networks are bringing in the big guns to daytime — so the heavyweights can explain it to us — under the assumption we could not possibly understand it without their help. Well, our live thread has proved the pundits wrong, time and again. We are the news!
When we did the first live thread, I was surprised at the difference of what WE focused on, as regular American voters, as opposed to what quotes the pundits pulled and tried to twist out of cherry-picked testimony. Quite revealing. All are welcome for the live thread. Michael is in charge of snacks! Hope you can make it!
Here is the link to the live testimony from FOX. All the pundits will be out and wearing their best Easter outfits this morning. I’s a rehash of the Mueller report. Thankfully, Barr’s first appearance will be in front of the Lindsey Graham led Senate Judiciary Committee. At least the Republicans will have a chance to establish narrative before Jerry Nadler gets started tomorrow.

Put on a pot of coffee and we can have brunch together. The Barr testimony starts at 10:00am Eastern.
Here is a copy of the Barr opening statement, released last night. Only 4 pages. Easy read for those who arrive early. Link to BARR opening statement to Senate
See you soon!

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Pat Frederick

diGenova believes Weissman wrote Mueller’s recent letter expressing displeasure with Barr;s handling of the report…I didn’t even realize he’d written one. If he wrote it to Barr, how did the media get a hold of it?


Tbhere was some kind of letter, a private letter back in March 27… It just got leaked.. The day before the testimony..
I am shocked, said no one, ever!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AND LOGIC!!! 😉 Seriously, I’m wondering if it’s both.


Oh yea. My understanding of AND logic. Mueller was aware and agreed to Weissman leaking the letter.
OR logic says Mueller or Weissman leaked the letter. Although Weissman is the very definition of evil, he would not leak it without Mueller approval. Precious few had access to the letter.
Related but separate, Weissman wrote the letter.
Weissman continues to manipulate Mueller.
^^^Does not lessen the evil Mueller himself, has reigned on the innocent.^^^

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting idea that Weissmann has some kind of power over Mueller. I believe that could be right – because in left-world, which has now constructed the CULTURE of DOJ and FBI, *zealousness* toward politically correct ideas is automatic power.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is just one more reason why my primary theory is that the LAWFARE GANG (Mueller, Weissmann, and “Mr. Clean” Rosenstein) planned to just segue right into obstruction for Trump and “suspicion-shifting / obstruction baiting” to the Trump kids. Only BARR ended this bullshit.
Ask yourselves what the “go along to get along”, “we’re just being neutral”, “by the book” path would have been for Rosenstein. It would have been to simply ALLOW the Mueller / Weissmann BULLSHIT to continue.
The insertion of NON-CRIMINAL, NON-PARTICIPANT, NON-RECUSED BARR literally interfered with the LAWFARE PLOT, and the commies who relied on it are ENRAGED.
The LAWFARE PLOT was sly, sly, sly. The Lawfare Gang always strove to KEEP THE CRIME in the “BY THE BOOK” region, where it can only be alleged, and cannot be proven to most human minds, because Occam’s razor peters out on observation of the crime, as it expands to gain enough evidence of criminality, through the torturous plethora of twists and turns (which, of course, lawyers THRIVE ON). The plot literally gets too big for most minds to stick with it.
They are quite literally evil.


“The networks are bringing in the big guns to daytime — so the heavyweights can explain it to us — under the assumption we could not possibly understand it without their help. Well, our live thread has proved the pundits wrong, time and again. We are the news!”
The purpose of the media isn’t to present the day’s news and events impartially. Their job is to help us to interpret, you know, so that we all know what to think 😉
(Wish I had that video clip handy! Was so epic in its accidental honesty!)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communist Fake News. Which AWARDED ITSELF over its own Watergate FBI-CIA SHILL reporting.
It’s time to dig up Nixon’s rotting corpse and throw it on the House floor so that we stink up the House of Commies with their FIRST POLITICAL ASSASSINATION.


All the cable nets, CSPAN3, And CBS are airing live. CBS??

Pat Frederick

thanks Daughn for the AG’s opening statement.
His testimony is certainly not one that you can merely listen to–you’d miss all his wonderful expressions and reactions!! He does not suffer fools!!


Michael is dependable, a sturdy Rule #3 guy. For appetizers I have requested Pepto and Tums, maybe some Zantac or Nexium too. 🥴🥴
P.S. He has THE BEST snacks!! BACON and BUTTER!!!😋😋😋

Pat Frederick

did you get to see the piano keys and dragontail butterflies Wheatie posted a few days ago? Reminded me of you, sweet butterfly!!!


Nooo, I don’t think I did 😔 , when was that??

Pat Frederick

just found it..
it’s from Monday…the first is a Kingfisher bird…then the butterflies


They’re gorgeous Miss Pat!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋 TYSM for the link😍😍😍

Pat Frederick

aw, shucks..Wheatie deserves the credit…she posted them!!!


I know I’m OT but it’s worth posting a hard news story for a change:
Heliconius Piano Key Butterfly


B-U-TI-MUS!!! 😍😍😍🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋

A Fortiori

Pat — how did you create this reference to a specific post? I need to learn to use the technology here better.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You can right-click on the TIMESTAMP of a post to get a link to it!


Mark Levin said
– the Mueller Report was 400 pages of INNUENDO AND OPINION.
– not written in legal language and was unprofessional.
Levin was steamed about it.
That sounds like the work of Democrat smear artist & political hit man Andrew Weissman.
In reality
– the entire Mueller Investigation was an attempted HIT
– following ILLEGAL SPYING in an attempted COUP,
– that was dragged on for 2 YEARS
– to act as a POLITICAL WEAPON to affect the 2018 election!
– NOW, the Democrats are going to continue to YAMMER and YELL about RUSSIA, IMPEACHMENT, ETC. to try to change the 2020 election.
REMEMBER – THERE WAS NO CRIME to even form the Special Counsel Investigation!
The whole thing was illegal as heck.
MOST LIKELY – it was a smoke screen to distract from and cover up the many Øbama/Hillrotten crimes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our DOJ is actually FILLED with this shit. They are just BEGINNING to find the crimes. This goes deep, and it stretches out to every district and every field office.
How do I know?
Firstly, because we now see that Nellie Ohr was conspiring with three NEW NAMES in DOJ. Just THIS PLOT against Trump is going to cascade. Now multiply by ALL the Holder scandals. It is going to be HUGE.
Secondly, because I see the other end of the curve. What starts in Washington ends in flyover. Don’t believe for a second that this stuff is only in DC. It is EVERYWHERE.
Somebody came up with the FBI plots that I’ve dealt with here at the local level. WHO IS IT? Which REAL PERSON approved this shit? They KNEW they were doing the “LAWFARE” barely legal equivalent of planting evidence. WHO WAS IT?
Quite literally – there are NAMES and FACES in FBI and DOJ who are doing this stuff – and who are continuing to do this stuff. WHO ARE THEY?
If we simply accept as normal what they did to POTUS, we will NEVER clean this shit out.
Time to CLEAN OUT THE SHIT. Excuse my French.


Not sure if it was illegal. What I DO know is that it started out as an intel operation and DID NOT CHANGE after MuleDeer was appointed.
In reality, certain FBI agents were deputized as deputy AGs. But that would have been too obvious so they inserted SC in between the FBI op and the SC op. The mislabeling of the SC op as a criminal investigation was also false since (as you say) there was no crime.
The only thing unusual about this intel op was putting it out in public. Well, that and the fact that it was a fantasy from its inception.

Deplorable Patriot

So, then, was Mueller brought in to give legitimate looking cover to a Dem hit job?


Probably wore out some shredders too.


Barr opening statement is very Bill Barr – brief as possible – and as cut and dried as hay in a July drought waiting to be rolled.
Barr doesn’t waste words on juicy opinions about the heavy innuendo/opinion (lack of legal meat) content of the report, to the quality, length and cost of the investigation, or to the stacking of the counsel with opposing political party connected personnel (which made it look like an unemployed Democrat lawyer pension fund).
Barr makes no reference to the Mueller Investigation’s obvious political purpose and agenda being stretched as far as possible to affect the 2018 and 2020 elections.
Barr ends curtly:
“From here on, the exercise of responding and reacting to the report is a matter for the American people and the political process. As I am sure you agree, it is vitally important for the Department of Justice to stand apart from the political process and not to become an adjunct of it.”
In other words – It’s time for the American people to vote their opinion (of the Mueller political action and the Øbama/Hillrotten Spying crap) BECAUSE the Barr-led Department of Justice will not act to try to change their votes or the 2020 election (as the Democrats and Mueller team have brazenly attempted to do).
DISCLAIMER: Content in Parentheses () are my opinions of Barr’s opinions, that in my opinion are entirely correct. Heh.


i am confident..comment image


Now TWO of them have quoted this guy:
Robert H. Jackson, the chief U.S. prosecutor for the Nuremburg trials!
First, in his letter of resignation, Rod Rosenstein quotes the guy:
“In 1940, Jackson explained that government lawyers “must at times risk ourselves and our records to defend our legal processes from discredit, and to maintain a dispassionate, disinterested, and impartial enforcement of the law.”
Then, Barr, in his opening statement:
“The appointment of a Special Counsel calls for particular care since it poses the risk of what Attorney General Robert Jackson called “the most dangerous power of the prosecutor: that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted.””
These guys are on the SAME page.
I have held my tongue a lot on Rod Rosenstein. Many have read him as arrogant, smug, etc. I have read him as a man who is frustrated that he is viewed as dishonest, and is restrained from telling the whole story of how that is just not true.
I think it is likely that Rosenstein showed up late in the game, and the coup-plotters used him. I know, I know, he signed a FISA warrant. BUT, he has stated that what he signed was NOT as it was represented to him. I know many honest people. Generally, they think of others as honest and trust until the get burned. I think Rod got burned and had to take a hard look at the institution he loves. He had to accept that it had been corrupted, but he has not been allowed to say so.
Rosenstein is one of those unfortunate guys who just LOOKS like a rat. Poor guy was probably picked on mercilessly in school. His personality has developed from that. But I don’t think how he comes across is WHO he is. Think about it this way; imagine YOU, a Trump supporter and believer all the way, gets bamboozled by some bad actors into a situation that appears to compromise your support. BUT, you can’t tell a soul, because in order to “get” the compromiser, you’ve gotta keep quiet, in public, for YEARS. They’re gonna get theirs, but only if you can take it. Meanwhile, ALL the people on YOUR SIDE think you are a RAT.
Could you do it?


Plausible, though I do wonder about his wife Lisa Barsoomian.


Yeah, I do too.
But James Carville and Mary Matalin are married. Can you imagine the arguments over the dinner table in THAT house?


Arguments??? Bwahahaha.
More likely: “Can you believe how much money they have paid us just because we’re married? Isn’t it sweet? They pay us to pretend to disagree with each other 24/7 yet we only have to do it 5 minutes every few days.”
“Bwahahahaha, my sides hurt.”
“Mine too, sweetie. This is better than sex.”



Deplorable Patriot

The Carvilles claim they don’t talk politics at home. Plus they left Washington which was probably the best thing they could have done for their life together.


Don’t know if RR is a white hat, black hat, or arrived on the scene where things were rolling on and he was, for lack of better words, steam rolled a bit. But I do believe since the “wear a wire” revelation, RR seemed to be even handed.
Hopefully we’ll see total transparency as declas happens, 302s and texts released…
The concept that the FISA he signed is not the FISA that was submitted to the Court, is actually quite believable, for me.
– Consider the level of corrupt behavior at the highest echelons of the FBI and DOJ. RR was a relatively new guy in the pecking order.
– RR signature required by bad guys to move forward. RR was not (in this theory) onboard with bad guys, so switch select page(s) of the document.
Would be good to know what page(s) / text were switched / changed.
Was RR signature digitally signed by the computer? Military uses CAC – Common Access Card. Computer reads the card, user inputs PIN / password. DOJ, I assume has a like system. Probably difficult to fudge this. But not impossible for computer hacks.
FISAs are paper documents in review / signature process. Easy to see manipulating page(s) in this process.
Would imagine, FISC and / or DOJ IG looking at this very closely.


I think FISA apps have become rubber-stamps, and that is the root of the problem.
They just slip them in front of the boss and get a quick signature.
It’t the problem with the assumption that your “people” are honest actors.


Yes, I have read FISAs are commonly rubber stamped. Certainly believe it. Good guys gonna nail the bad guys club. Huge problem.
The entire FISA process is wrong to me. The assumption the Feds are acting in good faith is simply BS. There is no one representing the contrary view…the target is innocent. Or threshold to spy on someone legally met.


An intriguing theory. Rosenstein’s role is going to be one of the most interesting things to find out, IMO. If he was presented with a fake FISA to sign, then woe to the ones orchestrating that little scheme.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you are very right that Rosenstein is the INFLECTION POINT of a corrupt system. But I see him as basically defending the PRINCIPLE upon which LAWFARE DEPENDS. I see these two guys quoting the SAME PERSON for different purposes and different messages, which is an ironic parallel to the principles upon which lawfare depends.
Actually, in that graph, the inflection point is to the LEFT of the arrow, where the path is microscopically horizontal (meaning the path is momentarily flat), and the curve could go UP or DOWN to the right. And THAT idea – the fact that we cannot see where something definitely has committed to going up or down if the region is too small, illustrates the idea of leeway.
The LAW needs leeway.
The combination of inflection point and leeway is exactly how LAWFARE WORKS.
Our law generally is not infinitesimally FINE on most points – there is LEEWAY.
Add up enough INFLECTION PLUS LEEWAY, enough TIMES, and you can make something which is LEGALLY FLAT into a CIRCLE.
Simply note that Rosenstein could have acted perfectly within what he said, quoting from the SAME GUY, and he would have let Weissmann’s stuff go forward.
Now look at Barr, quoting from the same guy. But they are almost saying opposite things, deep down. Ironically, just another demonstration of the idea of “inflection plus leeway”, since one person can be quoted to say two opposite things if we use enough leeway.
“In 1940, Jackson explained that government lawyers “must at times risk ourselves and our records to defend our legal processes from discredit, and to maintain a dispassionate, disinterested, and impartial enforcement of the law.”
Rosenstein is saying that we just have to “trust the system”.
“The appointment of a Special Counsel calls for particular care since it poses the risk of what Attorney General Robert Jackson called “the most dangerous power of the prosecutor: that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted.”
Barr is citing the fundamental problem of a special counsel – the very fact that it is SELECTIVE PROSECUTION from the git-go. (Sidebar: This is why I hate the things, and think that they need to have extremely STIFF entry requirements, which were obviously NOT MET in this case.)
I would almost argue the horrifying idea that Rosenstein is saying “I was only following orders, trusting the system, and this is an honorable thing.” Note that what he is saying works for BOTH continued harassment of Trump AND for ending this monstrosity of lawfare.
This is the point where – if I am honest – I know there are times that I accept this logic, and times where I reject it. How do we tell those apart?
This is a great irony, a great truth, and WHY – if you look closely at Nuremberg and the ACTUAL RESULTS, it was in many ways a bit of a farce. The more you look at how difficult it was to get hard convictions for a significant number of players in the prosecution of NAZI LAWFARE AGAINST JEWS, the more one is left with the DISTURBING IDEA that both “I was just following orders” and “Why didn’t you question your orders?” are highly flawed in a real world.
Bottom line – Rosy may or may not be a bad guy. Maybe no better or worse than any of us. But without BARR to BOX IN the inflection point, I believe we would have had the OPPOSITE RESULT, and Nadler would be happy.

A Fortiori

I continue to find myself in the debate on Rosy confronting my confirmation biases. I had read the Jackson quote he chose to explain that he, Rosenstein, was risking himself to protect the rule of law.


This sounds plausible if you’re inclined to give RR the benefit of the doubt. However, all the disgusting gestapo tactics he’s let Weissman get away with are stomach turning and don’t belong in the United States of America. If he is a white hat, there better be some serious law license removing and orange jumpsuit repercussions for Heir Viessman!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. I DO NOT TRUST Rosy without BARR to call out the LAWFARE BS.
Just look how Mueller colored his work to be non-committal when he knew BARR was the one who was going to be looking at it, rather than just ROSEY.


One of the conservatives on Twitter even gave credence to the idea that if RR had not signed the FISA renewal after Mueller was in place, it would have been seen as obstruction. If I come across it again, will post.


Oh, and I believe that the good folks on POTUS’ side have had to remain quiet while Mueller’s game played itself out. Now that it’s done, we’re going to be hearing and seeing the truth.
Mueller’s Gestapo hunt was the way to keep POTUS et al silent. But no longer…

A Fortiori

My copy of the Mueller report arrived yesterday. In the short time I have had to look at it, I note the following:
Alan Dershowitz in his foreword to the report states flatly that this report is the end of it. Mueller found no illegal act undertaken by PDJT — no actus rea — and without that, there can be no obstruction as a matter of law. Also, Dershowitz gives the report a C+ grade for its legal analysis. As anyone who has been to grad school knows, this is a flunking grade.
When you weed into the report itself, it is striking, as DeGenova states above, how poorly it is written. The people responsible for this graduated from schools I could not get into, stand fully in the spotlight, and produce this??
As to the substance, Mueller opens in early 2016, when “indications” began to surface that the Russians sought to interfere with our election. He cites as proof the DNC hacking incident and Wikileaks, and then goes on to reference the Downer/Papadopoulos London wine bar incident, framing the information flowing from this encounter as having come from a “foreign government.” He then wants us to believe that the inquiry into PDJT was opened on July 31, 2016.
I know enemies of PDJT believe the “Russia hacked the DNC server” fairy tale is planted firmly enough that they can rely on it, but this whole fairy tale cannot withstand scrutiny. I’m just a citizen who seeks to remain informed, and off the top of my head, I can point to several facts that are not consistent with this narrative:
— Julian Assange has stated that he did not get the DNC information he released from Russians. I believe he can prove it.;
— NSA head Rogers became concerned about the volume of inquiries into US persons of NSA data in late 2015, began an audit of this activity, and shut down contractor access in April 2016. I believe these inquiries relate to PDJT and his family and his campaign;
— The initial FISA request to spy on Carter Page was filed in June, 2016. It was denied.;
— Papadopoulos has been pretty vocal about how he was approached by Mifsud with an offer to provide dirt on the Hildabeast prior to his meeting with Downer. I believe we will soon learn that an operation targeting him because of his association with the Trump campaign began before he met with Downer.


Excellent post. From the ‘Russia did the hack’ narrative support you can identify the PDT supporters, the RINO’s, the leftists, etc. Until proven otherwise, which has not happened, there was no hack by Russia. If Russia obtained the info it came from Hillary’s camp directly or through another source.

Brave and Free

I believe that the seams are beginning to unravel, pretty soon there all just going to CYA. The rats are jumping off the ship pretty soon because it’s going down.
Don’t know how true this is but curious nonetheless.


He’s here with coffee AND infamous water bottle!!!

Elizabeth Carter

Those who scream the loudest….. I looked up Jerry Nadler just now and found this. It would be interesting to check Nadler’s bank accounts after the huge Obama cash delivery to Iran. I also noticed that according to some sources, there is a big Obama tie in with Venezuela and Iran.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Jerry rhymes with Kerry. ;8-}


Lyndsey Graham goin over all specifics of Mueller Report… WH turned over 1.4 million Documents; No exec Privelege; Don McGahn spent over 30 hours being interviewed…etc…


Thank goodness! Graham finally stated the obvious.
How can you “hack” into a state election system that is NOT connected to the internet?

Deplorable Patriot

“How can you “hack” into a state election system that is NOT connected to the internet?”
Talk about Mission Impossible.


The other campaign–Hillary Clinton’s emails are being discussed! Peter Strozk Hated Trumps guts!!!
Quoting from Paige/ strozk emails!!

Curry Worsham

He got everybody’s attention!

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks for the heads up as to what to watch. I was at PetSmart.


Compare Strozk and Paige to Mueller!!! Great Point!! Lyndsey just read “Fucking Idiot”! (sorry to the kids out there)


This was a good statement by Lyndsey….he came across strong.
Can pistachios morph into walnuts?😎


Everything I just said–Substitute Clinton with Trump and the news changes…


Discussing Bleachbit and Clinton!! He’s really pissed about the double standard!! GOOD!


DFiCh on now… Last nite Mueller letter leak now!!! Think about this–Until WaPo leaked letter–Di Fi had NOTHING to even ASK BARR!!!!


Exactly why it was dropped! They GOT Nothing.

Deplorable Patriot

This is why I hate these show hearings. If there are no questions for the witness, why bother.


Ahhhhhhhhh 😫 …. dichi commie butt is speaking … I have to get the disinfect spray, pour hydrogen peroxide in my ears and gargle with glen fiddich …..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the humanity


… and case of maalox … for chasers …. 😑🤚

Deplorable Patriot

MAybe some ginger ale or club soda.


Marvelous idea dp … 😃👍❤️‼️

Cuppa Covfefe

Glenfiddich and Pepto? (yuck!)….
Is that Johnny Walker Pink? 🙂
Yeah, though, Drive-By-Chi-Spy-Di-Fi is a crook from wayyyyy back. And she’s probably pwned by the cartels, the Cabal, the Chicoms, and maybe even the Russkies (Russian Hill, and all)…


She an international Petrie dish 🧫 of unmitigated treason … and someday …. 😌

Curry Worsham

Chi-Fi is VERY concerned about national security.


She needs a swift kick in the arse … creepy old traitor … to hell with her … 👊🤨 .. ‼️‼️


National Security? Too bad AG Barr doesn’t ask her how her 20 yr Chinese chauffeur is doing.

Deplorable Patriot

Is there a retirement community with an open bed in a padded cell?


As DiFi drones on– Bill Barr is shone going thru documents…

Curry Worsham

Meuller has 10 examples of what is NOT obstruction of Justice.


I almost cannot sit thru this! Di FI is so damn corrupt! I cannot even quote anything–Blood is boiling…


That’s why I’m reading everyone’s comments and not watching. Will view relevant clips later, but to watch the vile vermin who pass themselves off as Democrat Americans, who are so corrupt, the pigs wallowing in muck wouldn’t want their company, that’s a bridge too far.


I Love Barrs face right now!! He looks Bored!! LOL!!


POTUS has every right to call lawyers whenever he wants to. He also has the right to tell them to release any statements he wants. What’s wrong with not wanting Mueller fired? Well, we all did, but Finestein has a problem with that?

Curry Worsham

Chi-Fi re Mueller report:
“… while gathering the facts that Congress needed to examine.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ship that beayatch BACK TO CHINA.


During confirmation process there were 2 main questions:
1. Would I allow Mueller to finish
2. Share what of report could legally be shared…
This was DONE.
Cannot share Grand Jury info–Redactions !


March 5th I Met with Bob Mueller to get a readout on what his conclusions would be..
I asked Mueller to identifie the 6 E material (Grand Jury info) but it did not arrive in my hands that way (interesting)

A Fortiori

I would like to know more about this little point. Setting aside the insubordination, it is unethical and illegal for a lawyer to propose to release Grand Jury information.
I wonder who the Grand Jury information that Mueller proposed to release would have smeared?


Only 10% redactions in Volume 1 2% redactions in volume 2.

Curry Worsham

THAT’S where the crimes are hidden!!!


YEP!!!! Curry!!!

Curry Worsham

We had to do Mueller’s job for him and come to a conclusion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This says a LOT. Plot the course of Mueller in legal information space, and he is aiming STRAIGHT to the maximum lawfare negative yield on the Trump administration. CREATE CONTINUED UNCERTAINTY.
Mueller is a BLACK HAT, there is no doubt.


^^^ 100% ^^^
Not determination on obstruction…words implying obstruction in multiple areas of volume two.
Mueller intentionally wussed…for political reasons…
The hoax lives…purely political reasons…D-Rats in the lead, AND MCM robustly supporting the hoax.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yes. Just his hiring of 19 vermin Dems to do the dirty work said all we needed to know. That fact that Mueller/Wiessmann left anything ambiguous was the final straw. They intentionally tried to create a crime to pretend obstruction on POTUS’ part.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These obstruction TRAPS need to be outlawed. BARR can fix American law for a LONG TIME if he FIXES THE LOOPHOLE that allows OBSTRUCTION TRAPS.

A Fortiori

I am not quite sure that Lawfare is the right term for what they are trying to do. I think the idea is not to find some legal theory or act that can lead to a conviction of PDJT, but instead the idea is to so badly dent his reputation that he will be unable to continue and will have to resign.
I was listening to Mark Levin the other day quoting from the SCt decision in which the legal theory Weissman used to take down Arthur Andersen was rejected 9-0. Levin seemed to think this was a huge defeat for Weissman, but in point of fact, it was not. AA’s reputation stood in the way of the possibility of convicting any of the Enron executives, and the act of indicting AA destroyed its reputation and caused all its clients to flee. This, in turn, enabled Weissman to achieve his goal without regard to whether the legal theory he used to indict AA held up.
Think back to Nixon. Nixon resigned rather than be impeached because he had been so badly tainted that his political capital was gone.
Whether they can put forward a legal theory that stands up is not the point. The point is to find some narrative that will ruin PDJT’s political capital, cause his allies to flee and impel him to quit.


Barr continues to refer to “Deputy AG” Rod and himself concluded the President did not commit an obstruction of Justice Offense.

Curry Worsham

“Mueller declined to review the letter before it went out.”
End of story.


I offered Bob Mueller to read the letter and you declined.
Mueller said Press Reporting is Inaccurate! Not Bill Barr’s Letter.
Bob Mueller is NOT suggesting we were misrepresented report. (I despise BM)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mueller wanted to DRAG IT OUT.
*** BLACK HAT ***


Mueller wanted to drag it out and allow the malignant media to paint innuendo into the public square.


So – Mueller was ASKED to highlight 6E info and refused to do it, thereby causing more delay. Scumbag!

Curry Worsham

Interesting that Barr used his statement as talking points rather than the usual reading.
Very effective.


Graham: Were you surprised he left you to decide on collusion charge?
Barr: Yes I was..


Barr is one cool cucumber – never gets flustered. Ice in his veins.


Please tell me Barr is wiping the floor with those vermin.


He’s not giving them an inch and not allowing their kabuki theatrics any credence either.




Did you have problem with way Comey handled Clinton emails?
Barr; YES!!
Comey was fired for refusing to tell the public what he was telling President in Private.

Deplorable Patriot

What? There has to be more to it than that.

Curry Worsham

The Lindsey lightning round!
Boom! Boom! Boom!


You all deserve medals for watching and giving us the running commentary. I (& my blood pressure) are SO appreciative. I mean it.


I know what you mean Miss Allison. ‘Tis probably the reason I won’t be able to watch the House show. The Senate is the more civilized of the two and the Dems still piss me off😡🤬🤬


I told Marica, I couldn’t do it. I know how vile the Dems are and the fact that they can grandstand their lies is beyond anything I can cope with.
It won’t stop until the indictments come…

Curry Worsham

POTUS didn’t ask McGahn to lie under oath. Not obstruction.


Curry Worsham

The Mueller conflict of interest was real.


Removal for conflict also implies another will be appointed to take RM’s place, not shut it down! BOOM!💥💥




… bwahahahahahah .. 🤨 … bwahahahahahah bwahahahahahah
She’s a pud .. 😑🤚


Di Fi is whining…


Barr OWNED her. 😂😂


Wonderful. Looking forward to the next Supreme Court nominee owning her. Maybe by then she’ll have retired to spend time with her family.
What snakes live under her rocks?


Exactly. Few thought of that. They assumed “firing” meant ending the SC investigation, but it certainly could have been getting someone in there who wasn’t a lousy partisan hack. Hope Mueller’s legacy is known for the dirty putz he turned out to be.
Must have forgot the meaning of the LAW and the Constitution. Hey Mueller, this isn’t Nazi Germany.


BARR: The is no underling criminal conduct and there was no obstruction of justice..What is the impact?
If President is being falsely accused–which he was!


Grassley up!


Barr–I do have people looking into the actions of the summer of 2016.





Grassley discussing Peepee Dossier–Dems Paid for it and that is the definition of collusion!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Grassley accuses Democrats of COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA.


RR letter creating SC and Muller running it has, IIRC, language allowing Mueller to investigate where ever the evidence leads them.
Yet, zero looking into FISA, Fusion / Dossier, criminal actions by senior DOJ/FBI…
IMHO, Mueller had the charter to investigate everything.
Mueller, and his cronies, being good lackeys, only pursued President Trump, his family and staff.
The very essence of a political witch hunt.


Mueller is the perfect example of obstructing Justice.



Deplorable Patriot

Criminal leaks. Ahh, now that’s something we can work with.


Grassley discussing Leaks in FBI to Media!


Depends splashing unleashed.

Curry Worsham

“We have multiple leak investigations underway.”

Sylvia Avery

And he is a major league douche.

Deplorable Patriot

That old man is STILL in in the Senate? Jeez. Talk about a case for term limits even if I think that should be each state’s individual perogative.


Leahy is an A$$!! And Bill Barr is eating him for lunch!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Leahy is an old, decrepit, evil POS, but he’s still a POS.


leahy accuses Barr of lying -as Barr takes a sip of water-Barr raises eyebrows– Mini gif! Ha!

Sylvia Avery

I caught that, too. Snicker, snicker.


Barr is Hilarious?–Where is that in the report?.


Barr’s face!! Looking at Leahy as if he is a dotering old fool!! and He IS!!


It’s clear we some of The Walking Dead as members of Senate/Congress.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a CREEP that Leahy is! Narrative, narrative, narrative.


Cornyn up–Discussing Comey! Fired and Potus relied partially on RR recommendation as well as Democrat in congress.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cornyn – very INTERESTING.


Cornyn brings up Brennan going to Obama in July of 2016. Obama admin placed their efforts on pushing Hilary Clinton ….


What steps did Obama admin do to place finger on scales to tip it in favor of one candidate over the other!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Barr stated something VERY interesting, but only by IMPLICATION. Obama didn’t act against Russia EARLY when it would actually stop “interference in the election” – he only did it AFTER it would HELP THE NARRATIVE by tainting the Republican candidate.
I think Russia would have been “helping” Jeb, too. I think this narrative would work for a generic Republican candidate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cornyn just opened it up BIG for Barr to lay down the foundations of CONSPIRACY by the Obama administration. Not everybody is going to see it, but he just did. Nobody ever briefed Trump, because they didn’t want to PROTECT Trump or the election – they wanted to GET TRUMP.


Did anyone ever advise Trump campaign–failure to provide this info to Trump–Bill Barr cannot fathom why FBI would not have given them a briefing –Bill Barr


The FBI is going to be outed for their part in collusion to interfere in a presidential election.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People should be watching the Dick Wolf “FBI” series to see REAL-TIME CORRECTION OF FAILING NARRATIVE. Hollywood is desperately NORMALIZING the Obama FBI. And doing an excellent job, too. But it is truly “Fake Entertainment”.


Dick Durbin–He just brought up Benghazi!!! HA! and Hilary’s emails!


YouTube …
Live: AG Barr faces Senate in contentious Mueller report hearing
43,838 watching now


So Mueller wouldn’t get ripped for being the partisan hack he was and spending 30 million dollars.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hillary OUTRIGHT LIED at her interview – without being sworn in – and she WALKED.
THAT is the reality of the Obama FBI. Why should Trump put up with MUELLER BULLSHIT?


Barr is Awesome!! and Dick Durbin is living up to his name!…just sayin

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – what a JERK. What a DICK!!!

Curry Worsham

What a little Dick.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Durbin is a misleading JERK.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s LYING about the McGahn question!!! Durbin is misrepresenting it utterly. POTUS actually cared about conflict of interest, like ALL OF US did.


Mike Lee up!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

McCabe DOWN!!!


FBI improperly spied on Trump campaign…
Barr– questioning anemic surveillance in counterintelligence community–He is questioning those in upper echelons who are no loger there…

Curry Worsham

“I’m working closely with Chris Wray …”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Surprised DEMS haven’t negged more on Wray already. Likely testament to POTUS making a sound choice!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHOA!!! Ex-IC dude BARR just hinted that the intelligence collection against Trump is likely FAR GREATER than what we know about, and even what HE knows about!!!
He calls what we know about “anemic”. He’s implying that the spying on Trump was HUGE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The way it works it that your phone and the phones of everybody around you are basically ON AND RECORDING all the time. The NORMAL data collection of all calls, messages, etc., which just goes into the massive warehouse, is heightened by various tricks to get MORE DATA out of devices.
That is how one knows that NSA data is being used against one. Stuff that nobody should know is the only way to explain certain things they do.
The question would be whether Melania had a phone, and whether it was ever on and pointed at her or a reflecting surface while she was dressing. Same with everybody else’s phone around her.
From all that noise, they are looking for anything that helps paint a Democrat narrative. They aren’t asking if they might be wrong. They are asking what fulfills their task. The TASKMAKERS are the ones who create the false narrative. Hillary, Obama, Comey, Brennan. Sneak the DIRT in at the top, and all wicked things are possible.
Not sure if you’re watching the new Dick Wolf TV show “FBI”, but the entire thing is a justification of the Comey FBI, subtly wrapped in the Wray FBI like a sugar coating. The abuses are SUBTLE, and are being PROTECTED.
One can really see how jacking up Muslims to commit jihad by forcing migrations to create cultural conflict SERVES THEIR PURPOSES of creating a surveillance state that keeps them in power. A vicious multidimensional cycle operating against everything in our Constitution. We have to FIGHT for our freedoms.

Curry Worsham

Senator Pompous Ass is up.

Deplorable Patriot

Can you be more specific on which pompous ass senator? There’s so many.

Curry Worsham

Sorry, real time remark.
That would be the most pompous Senator of them all, Sen. Pompous A. Whitehouse.


Barr is NOT going to go to house tomorrow as Nadler is going to allow questioning by staffers (read lawyers) _My prediction…


Hope Barr stays away.
Congressional over sight.
Not, staffer oversight.

Gail Combs

“….the HOUSE has voted for staffers to question Barr tomorrow….”
If I were Barr I would flip them the finger. He owes STAFFERS/GOFERS NOTHING!


Whitehouse has a lisp!!! sounds really STOOPID!

Sylvia Avery

thuffering thuckotash!


Egthactly Thylvia!! LOL!!!

Steve in Lewes

Sthop it you two, just sthop it.
You just made me sthit my pants !




Steve!! Thnankth for weighing In! Tho funny!!!

Steve in Lewes

Mt pleathsure!

Cuppa Covfefe

Whitehouth ith thutch a thilly thavage…. thimply thavage…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! Barr NUKES the Whitehouse TACTIC by killing the premise, and leaves him SPEECHLESS. Recovers by calling it “hair-splitting”.
What a TURD.

Curry Worsham

Translation: Bob Mueller works for me.