Dear MAGA: 20190502 Open Topic

This TWO DAYS IN MAY TUESDAY open thread (OK, it’s really THURSDAY, but MUH SYMMETRY) is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.




Always keep our movement’s larger purpose in mind – RESTORATION!!!

That is why there MUST BE cleaning of the SWAMP!!!

Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.




Although I now have FOUR NIGHTS a week covered by authors (other than myself) who want to do Daily Threads, as follows, I am still looking for more.

  • Monday – Wheatietoo
  • Tuesday – Wolf Moon
  • Wednesday – Wolf Moon
  • Thursday – Wolf Moon
  • Friday – ForGodandCountry
  • Saturday – Wheatietoo
  • Sunday – ThinkThinkThink

If you think you would like to take one of the remaining “Wolf” days (T, W. Th, meaning you post the night before at midnight), please let me know. I am encouraged by the great reception that our Daily Thread authors are getting, and would love to add one or two new Daily Thread authors to take maximum advantage of this effect.

You need to be US-based, operating from a secure home computer (not on a roaming laptop or mobile device), and otherwise pass somewhat rougher vetting than even Wolf’s Extreme Vetting which posters normally pass. Some upstanding interested people in deep blue zones may simply be put on hold until enough of the swamp is IN JAIL, at which point American security will automatically tighten.

The reasons I am now being a bit more cautious about (a) location of authors, and (b) making sure that this place could run smoothly if I were, say, indisposed due to some kind of LAWFARE plot, has to do with both items 2 and 3. I believe that my strongest earlier suspicions about DOJ and FBI under Rosenstein are now confirmed. More on that below.

So if you’re interested, please let me know.


There is an article in Human Events about AG Barr that your really need to read. HOWEVER, WordPress goes NUTS if the URL “embeds”, so here is a masked link:


I will also embed the URL at the END of this post, where it can’t mess anything up.

This article explains my theory on Barr, Mueller and Rosenstein in LEGAL terms.

To ME, it confirms that Rosey is a black hat who has more successfully than anybody masked himself. He was willing to let OTHERS decide Trump’s fate, once he created the corrupt Mueller process. This is how they created plausible deniability of malicious intent. Rosey threw the magic potato that turned into a grenade and said “That’s OK, just follow the process for throwing potatoes and all will be well. See? I agree with Bill Barr now that he’s my boss.”

It’s LAWFARE. I can SEE IT. Others did, too, and that is why they booted Sessions to get somebody to END THE LAWFARE based on BAD LAW (the subsection in question, which will eventually go to SCOTUS, and which is the basis of Democrat obstruction traps).

I believe that the NEED to bring in Barr is related to the “change” in “Trust Sessions” – that there was a need to stop “trusting” him and replace him. Basically, a CHANGE in the plan. In my opinion, people RIGHTLY stopped trusting Rosey, but they needed to remove SESSIONS to get past Rosey the Rook, who had castled with King Robert of Mueller.

Whatever. Water under the bridge, but WE were pawns in it. WE had to go, so that Trump supporters who liked Sessions would get out of the way of FALLING SESSIONS, who pretty much fell on his sword.


The Democrats are extremely serious about 2020. I am seeing plot investments on a scale which DWARFS anything I have seen before.

I believe that the Democrats and black hats have LOST access to NSA data on me, and that this explains why there has been a relatively large degree of calm in my life. HOWEVER, I have now discovered how they intend to remedy that situation, and it’s fairly ingenious. Independent discovery of the same by the White Hats will validate.

Interesting times that we live in.


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comment image
Anyone who thinks they can entrap Trump or his A.G…comment image
…Doesn’t realize who they’re up against.

You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? You see the one about lions? You got this lion. He’s the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here. He’s laying under a tree, in the middle of Africa. He’s so big, it’s so hot. He doesn’t want to move. Now the little lions come, they start messing with him. Biting his tail, biting his ears. He doesn’t do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him. Coming over, making trouble. Still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this. They start to move in. The jackals; hyenas. They’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes, and eat the food that’s in his domain. They do this, then they get closer and closer, bolder and bolder. Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody. Runs like the wind, eats everything in his path. Cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is.
“Our Lion 🦁 is an Apex Predator.” – fleporeblogcomment image
The LION 🦁 has a 🐺 WOLF at his side!comment image
Be like a lion and a wolf, then you have a big heart and the power of leadership.comment image

Harry Lime

Great post, Michael!


Our own AG Cheshire Cat/Barr. Best picture of him ever. It says everything!


….and Attorney General William Pelham Barr is a Honey Badger or Wolverine at the very least.


I call him the Honey Badger.
Last night I had to show the honey badger video to DH.
“Honey badger don’t care!”


Wonderful post Michael .. awesome 😎👍❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Smiling throughout your great post!


Only had an hour to try and catch up today. That was not enough time, but I do enjoy the Q Treepers when I can swing by to take in a page or two.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, I’ve been thinking about that Human Events piece ever since I read it earlier today. I appreciate your analysis. Your taking the themes and advancing them further, especially with regard to Sessions, gives me even more to think about. It feels right.


Sylvia, I agree with much of what Wolfie theorizes. I don’t think ‘Trust The Plan’ ever meant Potus had an ironclad plan with every contingency gamed out. It insults me greatly when SD and others mock it.
Trust the Plan means we trust President Trump is a competent leader who has studied the bureaucratic swamp long enough to have anticipated many obstacles and outright sabotage attempts. We have faith that his Plan is to recognize his enemies and their machinations, and apply his wisdom, experience and faith in the American people to prevail with tactics never ever utilized in that giant bureaucracy previously.
Never ever underestimate the resolve of a free United States to maintain our Constitutional rights.

Sylvia Avery

“I don’t think ‘Trust The Plan’ ever meant Potus had an ironclad plan with every contingency gamed out.”
No, that never made sense to me either. I mean, it really isn’t reasonable to expect there would be a plan that detailed. Plans are great until the battle begins and then you immediately have to begin to adapt.
If it is as Q says that this was hatched by the military, they know that better than anyone.
Sure, there was/is a plan, but it must be constantly evolving. Like you, I think the plan is as simple as trusting PDJT and his helpers.


Nothing is ever “ironclad” when it comes to plans (or life). I’ve always believed, and still do, that POTUS had a “plan” – but that simply means strategy and tactics, which are modified as the situation warrants.
My Unified Theory of DJT means that because of who/what he is, Alpha male, patriot, brilliant, etc. etc. he’d be able to formulate a “plan” – or better yet, set goals, and work to accomplish them. He’s been doing this is obvious ways with the economy and judiciary.
The not so obvious (for now) is what’s going on behind the scenes to rip away the veil, and expose the Deep State and bad actors. This will move the country towards the goal of gaining America’s sovereignty back, and fortifying the Constitutional Foundation of the country. Now that’s not an easy or going to be “completed” task, but POTUS will set us on our way by the time he is done.
Or we’ll die trying to make sure America is saved.


We just need to keep our prayers up. Who doubts that God’s providence is with us? 🙏

Deplorable Patriot

This is a military operation. Q confirmed that. Trump is the public face of it. It’s not his plan, but there is a plan that thought out every contingency like a flowchart would. If what I’ve seen on the conspiracy boards is correct – and there seems to be a short memory span on all of this – the plan has been in the works since the 1950s. I believe execution of it began in the late 1990s when personnel were beginning to be moved into place. Trump started the final parts of his preparation. More people were recruited in government and to run for office once those who could help were identified. Military brass were chosen, and those are probably the people Obama got rid of.
We don’t know what we don’t know. This is all guess work on everybody’s part, but I would be care declaring there wasn’t a plan somewhere.

Gail Combs

“…. the plan has been in the works since the 1950s….”
Yes I think people saw the Commies and Fabians gaining power here in the USA all the way back in the 1930s and 40s. Don’t forget Congressman McFadden and Congressman Charles Lindbergh.
The John Birch Society was started in December of 1958. It was later vilified as it got too close to the truth. The Society used to have an article up about the concerted attacks and vilification by the left.
You can see the villification in the WIKI article:
There was also the Foundation for the New Intellectual (1960s) that became The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism in 1985, three years after Rand’s death.
The John Locke Society is quite new. It was organized in 2016.
The problem was The Federal Reserve System Great Britian’s Stealth move to take back America.

…Created in 1910, codified by Congress in 1913 (along with the personal income tax), this “system” facilitated the US government’s ability to inflame the nation’s citizens for the purpose of supporting the European war of 1914-1918 (World War I). Warfare provides a source of immense borrowing and provides banking corporations with huge profits in the form of interest income. Several of these same Wall Street banks financed Adolph Hitler two decades later….
[They also financed the Bolshievik Revolution and Japan’s War with China. Wars are VERY lucrative!]
The adoption of “central banking”, a concept indispensible to enforcing policies determined by big central government, is as old as Alexander Hamilton and The Federalists. Central banking has been tried and thwarted in the past. Today it is alive and well. For a brief background of this subject, read this fascinating essay.
Talk bt G.Edward Griffin
… These were the seven men aboard that railroad car who were at Jekyll Island. Amazing as it may seem, they represented approximately 1/4 of the wealth of the entire world. These are the men that sat around the table and created the Federal Reserve System….Why the secrecy? … the answer is provided by Vanderlip himself in the same article. He said: “If it were to be exposed publicly that our particular group had gotten together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress.”
Why not? Because the purpose of the bill was to break the grip of the money trust and it was written by the money trust. And had that fact been known at the get-go, we would never have had a Federal Reserve System because as Vanderlip said it would have had no chance of passage at all by Congress….
Consider the composition of this group. Here we had the Morgans, the Rockefellers, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, the Rothschilds and the Warburgs. Anything strange about that mixture? These were competitors….
[Griffin forgot to mention they were EUROPEAN BANKSTERS]
This is extremely significant because it happened precisely at that point in American history where business was undergoing a major and fundamental change in ideology.** Prior to this point, American business had been operating under the principles of private enterprise–free enterprise competition is what made American great… however, this was the point in history where the shift was going away from competition toward monopoly. This has been described in many textbooks as the dawning of the era of the cartel and this was what was happening. For the fifteen year period prior to the meeting on Jekyll Island, the very investment groups about which we are speaking were coming together more and more and engaging in joint ventures rather than competing with each other. The meeting on Jekyll Island was merely the culmination of that trend where they came together completely and decided not to compete–they formed a cartel.
…. this cartel went into partnership with the government. Now we have hold of something extremely significant. Cartels often go into partnership with governments because they need the force of law to enforce their cartel agreement but in this case they did it in spades….
This example of a $100,000 home, as shocking as it is, producing $172,741 unearned interest, this is just a grain of sand in the Sahara. You have to multiply that by all the homes in America, by all of these hotels in America, all the high-rise buildings, all the factories, all the airplanes, automobiles, farm equipment, schools, everything, all the physical assets of America….You apply this same ratio and can you see it in your mind? We’re talking about a river of unearned wealth that is so wide you can’t even think of crossing it, flowing perpetually into the banking cartel. A dead short across the productive element of society….
You are led to the question of where is this river flowing? Where’s it going?….
They are spending it to acquire control over the power centers of society. The power centers are those groups and institutions through which individuals live and act and rely on for their information. They are literally buying up the world but not the real estate and the hardware, they’re buying control over the organizations, the groups and institutions that control people. In other words, to be specific, they are buying control over politicians, political parties, television networks, cable networks, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, wire services, motion picture studios, universities, labor unions, church organizations, trade associations, tax-exempt foundations, multi-national corporations, boy scouts, girl scouts, you name it. Make your own list of organizations and you will find that this is where those people have been for many decades spending this river of wealth to acquire operational control particularly over those institutions and individuals, those organizations that represent opposition to themselves. That’s a critical area for expenditure on their part.
This process has gone on not only to a marked degree in America and in the other industrialized nations of the world, but it has gone on in the so-called third world or underdeveloped nations to such a degree that I would say the process is now complete. They own these countries already…

**Griffin also forgets to mention that originally US corporations had a very narrow scope, a life of 20 years and could be disbanded by the state BEFORE the 20 year charter was up if the corporation was crooked.
Our founders were well aware of the POWER of The East India Company It “received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth I on 31 December 1600,”
Remember the dumping of TEA in Boston Harbor?
“…By 1803, at the height of its rule in India, the British East India company had a private army of about 260,000—twice the size of the British Army, with Indian revenues of £13,464,561 (£1,359,675,850.80 as of 2018), and expenses of £14,017,473 (£1,415,509,909.85 as of 2018). The company eventually came to rule large areas of India with its private armies, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions.Company rule in India effectively began in 1757….”

Deplorable Patriot

It’s more simple than that. The Pentagon high brass got pissed off that the C_A and UN were double crossing them in Korea, and under Eisenhower started to figure out how to take the country back, by force if necessary.


More, please…

Steve in Lewes

Alison – “It insults me greatly when SD and others mock it.”
I believe that is what got me banned OT. I questioned his snark by asking what is the difference between ‘Trust the plan’ and his ‘Big Ugly’. Same outcome, just a different approach. Oops ! S(ome) D(ude) didn’t like that.
No big deal. Now I’m here and much, much better off.
Thanks Wolf and all you other Banned Brethren and those who decided to self ban !
We are all in great company here on Wolf’s tree! Eeyore Central was and still is a depressing place.


“I questioned his snark by asking what is the difference between ‘Trust the plan’ and his ‘Big Ugly’.”
Pithy, and spot on!
Got a good chuckle of… “Same outcome, just a different approach. Oops ! S(ome) D(ude) didn’t like that.”
Yes, everyday I know that I am blessed to be with ya’ll.
The information, logic, analysis, laughs and more:-)

Sylvia Avery

Well said!


President Trump has several kinds of intelligence – among them – Mental Agility or Cognitive Flexibility as they now call it. He can weigh issues, people and numbers rapidly and has good clear wise judgment and the courage to make big decisions.
Fear doesn’t hold him back. Wisdom, Prescience, Experience from over 50 years of top executive experience.
President Trump’s skill at running the engine of the US economy, foreign policy, trade relations, etc. is like a master mechanic who restores engines to their top potential.
Trump makes Ø, Warren, Bernie, Biden, Buttigieg, and the rest look like kid with a lemonade stand and moldy lemons.

Gail Combs

“…Trump makes Ø, Warren, Bernie, Biden, Buttigieg, and the rest look like kid with a lemonade stand and moldy lemons.”
Actually the kid with the lemonade stand has more EXPERIENCE than that bunch of PARISITES that never ever had to actually WORK! I rather have the kid run the country than that bunch!


Yup. A case where hindsight is quite helpful.

Sylvia Avery

What you say makes so much sense to me, Wolf. It really explains the Sessions thing which I’ve tried to understand and failed. This explanation really fits, in my mind.
I also think that going forward we’ll see Sessions set some things in place that we’ll see play out. He was dealt a bad hand, but I think, I hope, we’ll find out he did the best he could.

Gail Combs

I believe AG Sessions did the best he could after being DELIBERATELY Hamstrung by the Obama Admin.
Obama is the one who set up the meeting between then Senator Sessions and Kislyak at the RNC convention. It Turns Out Obama White House Had a Direct Role in Sessions Meeting with Russian Ambassador
Sessions was also set up by Kislyak. Sessions said himself that when Kislyak came to his office, no one quite knew why he was there. The meeting lasted just a few minutes.
Those are the two meetings used to start the investigation into AG Sessions.
Do not forget that OBAMA and KISLYAK worked in concert to set-up General Flynn too. It was Kislyak who called General Flynn while he was out of the country on vacation and brought up the Russion Sanctions.
So you have TWO very important supporters of President Trump set-up by the SAME TWO PEOPLE OBAMA and KISLYAK !

Gail Combs

I forgot to add this about Kadzik

Podesta and Kadzik met several months later for dinner at Podesta’s home, another email shows. And another email sent on May 5, 2015, Kadzik’s son asked Podesta for a job on the Clinton campaign.
— ᴄʜɪʟʟ (@TheChiIIum) June 16, 2018

Also Kadzik sat with the DemonRats…


My blood just boils thinking about these setups. God, let the day of justice come quickly!

Jan Phillips

Amen, GM in T!!!


Very opening Wolf. You and my husband got it right concerning Rosenstein he calls him “shape shifter.”
He shifts to what ever is around him. My husband said “a man like that can never be in charge.”
If Session had not bee neutered by recusal I believe Rosenstein would have been ok.
I saw an interview of Mooch from NY he said in an interview “that he was at a reunion at Harvard and Rosenstein was in his class and he is a Boy Scout.” He said “he told POTUS not to worry.”
Concerning Session, if he new that he had to recuse himself becoming the AG why did he not step aside and let POTUS put someone else in?
I know I am in the minority but I struggle with Session. Maybe one day the truth will come out.
First impressions always are a key for me neither Rosenstein nor Session pass that test for me.
I have been known to be wrong therefore I am open.


I vaguely remember having seen some discussion somewhere, that when Sessions was released from the position of AG, he would then be available for the expected military tribunal. Forgot where I read that, and it is some time ago.
It is as if there are several simultaneous chess games going, and with the additional rule, that pieces that are knocked out of one of the games become available for insertion into one of the others.
And as a spectator watching this or these plays, I notice there are some moves of certain pieces that don’t seem to make sense until much later. Just like in regular chess. Or a well-written novel.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, don’t forget some of the ‘silent players’
A certain Derek Harvey has been on Nunes’ staff since September 2017. A compatriot of Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Harvey was fired by H. R. McMaster in late July 2017.
Derek Harvey is a longtime intelligence analyst who had been close to former General Michael Flynn. Ret. Army Col. Harvey is a Senior Executive Service-member of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). DIA is a national-level intelligence organization that does not belong to a single military element or the traditional chain of command and instead answers to the Secretary of Defense directly through the USDI.
Perhaps Derek Harvey was the staff member who went with Gowdy when he went to read those classified documents.
And where is Ezra Cohen-Watnick another person close to General Flynn? Like Harvey, he was fired by H. R. McMaster. Then he became the national security adviser to AG Jeff Sessions.
Ezra Cohen-Watnick: The Hero that We Don’t Deserve:
And yes it is like chess but when a piece gets knocked out, it dusts it’s self off and assumes another role. 😁 So it makes you wonder just what roles General Flynn and Jeff Sessions are now playing….


EXACTLY – such talent is not likely to be wasted by our man in DC who perceives, greatly values, mentors and utilizes the valuable talents of others.


Wolfie, God Bless you; you keep raising the Bar(r) here at the QTree.
I am so sorry I cannot fit the criteria to volunteer as a host. It is physical limitations, not lack of desire. I will give some thought to whether I have the ability to do an occasional ‘guest post’ if that would help. If it is possible to write a draft and send it to one of the gatekeepers who can format it into published form.
If I can make a suggestion – this might be a way to take one of the nights off your shoulders … I have no idea what a daily host must do behind the scenes, but I’m sure I’m not the only QTreeper who would be more than satisfied one night a week to have a boilerplate opener posted as the daily which could be pre-scheduled to “publish” at the witching hour. I know you can schedule that ahead if time. It could be just the date and the standard house rules.
Even without an interesting leadoff topic offered by a host, and without a host who responds throughout the comment thread, we commenters can carry the ball that day. There is so much happening, and we have such engaged Treepers, I think we can pick up the slack once a week just by upping our contributions to the comments section.
We might be incented to research a tad more, and seek meaningful links, to flesh out the comment section despite having no ‘booster’ host for a day.
Only you know whether that pre-scheduled boilerplate can suit your desire to reduce one night’s responsibility, and whether you trust us as commenters to both police ourselves as to content, while making content as current & lively as every other day.
What do others think about these suggestions.


Heheh…I didn’t know that I was ‘extreme vetted’, Wolfie.
I didn’t even feel a thing.
But I guess the fact that I am in a deep red state and exclusively use a desktop that is loaded to the max with firewalls and active anti-spyware programs, worked in my favor.
I totally appreciate your sense of caution, though…and share it as well.
Can’t be too careful these days.
Because the bad guys truly *are* out to get us.

Sylvia Avery

I’m envisioning Wolf scanning you with a “tricorder” like Doctor McCoy in the original Star Trek.

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha!!!! I can totally see that.


Yes! I just did! .. totally cool 😎👍❤️‼️❤️


Ha! Great picture!


Didn’t that bend over and cough give you a heads up?


… 😳👎🏻 …


You mean there is a….shudder….. ‘blue gloves’ test for daily thread volunteers?


Miss Wheatie, you have “Q” level clearance. 😉😃
Q clearance. Q clearance or Q access authorization is the Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data.
Miss Wheatie, you have “Q” level clearance.😉

Sylvia Avery

I’d like to help. I cherish this place and what you have created for us. I thought about volunteering last time you asked for help. The reason I didn’t is I’m not confident I have the necessary technical ability, although I could probably learn.
I feel really lacking in understanding WordPress and am afraid I don’t know what I need to to dive in. I keep thinking I should look for a WordPress tutorial. Surely such a thing exists.
I don’t know what you mean by roaming laptop, exactly. I have a laptop but I don’t take it out of the house and hook up to some random wi-fi. I’ve never done that and have no desire to do that. It doesn’t fit my lifestyle.
But I live in a deep blue state.
So there you go. If you need me, let me know.


Would love to see you post, Sylvia!

Sylvia Avery

<3 <3 <3

Jan Phillips

Yes, Sylvia!! You would be great!!

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Jan!


I’d volunteer, but worry about my techi skills with pics, etc. I like Alison’s boilerplate idea, because participating and even being able to “host” on a daily thread is something I can do.


Maybe take a comment/thought or meme or something from a past thread that really had a good impact… 🙂


I like the idea of some of our treepers “hosting” an Open Topic so that when the thread author isn’t available to keep up with the conversation of the day, they know others have the baton.


Agree with Alison. I am physically residing in a deep blue zone due to machine cheated vote results. We get more “thumbs up” responses in public than “f u’s.” So hopefully the plan results will fix the machine cheat. Wolf you are the best stay safe and go with God!


What I forgot to finish is I would be willing to be on standby, but I live in a deep blue zone.


What strikes me about that Statute… [18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)]…that Mueller chose to interpret his own way and Barr disagreed with…could apply to Every Attorney out there!
Most every attorney, in the service of their client, attempts to ‘conceal records and documents’.
They also try to ‘influence’ the ‘official proceeding’ of a trial or court case, in order to get a favorable ruling for their client.
I know they are not supposed to and are supposed to cooperate fully with the Discovery process.
But they do.
They do this by telling their client to not make them ‘aware’ of anything that could be used against them.
But they All try to ‘influence’ the outcome of a trial or court case.


I REALLY like how what you said, “Barr is a first-rate legal mind, and Mueller’s whole career is a tortured string of problems and bad prosecutions.”
Sums the two men up nicely.


Last week, I had finished a mystery novel, (my favorite reads) “Dark Harbor” by David Hosp. 2005. Took place in Boston, and while not part of the plot, the story of Whitey Bulgar was mentioned throughout the book _ dealing with Boston mobs and Mafia, and the FBI’s involvement etc. I decided to look it up to get the big picture. Wiki actually does a good job.
Conclusion? IMO, the FBI should have been dismantled. Unbelievable what they’ve been doing and what they get away with. Add in some of the DOJ – because they let the FBI get off the hook. Only one guy went to prison – Bulger’s handler, Michael Connolly. It’s a horrible, ugly story,
It was that same DOJ/FBI that Mueller let take out Senator Ted Stevens in 2008. And of course, don’t forget Enron. The big disappointment about guys like Mueller, besides how they broke their oaths to the Constitution, is that they have no remorse, they live in such a bubble, the People’s opinion means nothing to them. So they wont feel any pain for what they’ve done.
Now Strozac, Page, McCabe, Lynch, Powers, the Ohrs, Brennan, Clapper et al – maybe they’ll feel pain if they get indicted and have to hire lawyers.
Just the fact that Obama could weaponize both the DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc. tells us how bad those agencies are.


Speaking of Enron – I discovered within the last couple of years that I had 2 uncles involved in that. Peripheral but involved…..and I don’t know to what extent. One of my uncles was the President of a natural gas company in Omaha.


“Just the fact that Obama could weaponize both the DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc. tells us how bad those agencies are.”
I agree with you about the general tenor of the regime figureheaded by Soebarkah.
But I disagree regarding the timeline of the corruption. Whitey Bulger and his brother, State Senate President Billy Bulger, to cite just one case as an example, were major players on the Massachusetts scene over a decade before Soebarkah and his handler ValJar slithered into the White House.
Maybe the weaponization wasn’t manifest while a nominal Republican like Little Bush was at the helm. And maybe the FBI was partially corrupt, but still independent of the CIA, until after the Twin Towers/Pentagon/Patriot Act false flag op.
But ask yourself who planted Vince Foster’s body in Ft. Marcy Park?
Or who squeezed off the .45 round that left the neat, circular hole in the top of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown’s skull, after he crawled away from the crash site, after his plane flew into the Croatian mountain on its approach to Dubrovnik? If you’re thinking local talent, then who recruited and paid that talent? Who had the necessary foreign connections?
So I think some substantial degree of weaponization was in place, at least in a latent form, pre-Soebarkah.
I also have thought that Ronald Reagan was the victim of a psy-op regarding events in Lebanon, to kick off his involvement in Iran-Contra. Reading Wolf Moon’s research on Stephan Halper’s involvement in Watergate, Iran-Contra, and FISA-gate has led me to surmise that the psy-op was not run solely from the Iranian end.


That is a very brilliant comment. Thank you. I learn something new here every day.


Probably too simplistic.
There is the spirit of the law. And there is the letter of the law.
– The former, what the law was written for…intended to achieve. Supporting the Constitution. White Hat lawyers work in this realm.
– The latter is the realm of folks twisting the law to fit their goals, their narrative. Commonly nefarious pursuits. Black hats the likes of Mueller, Weismann… Enron comes to mind. Business destroyed. Thousands lose employment. Supreme Court tossed their work. These days, it was the endless pursuit of the soft coup by the deep state against President Trump.
Devastating to consider the lives ruined, businesses destroyed by the likes of Mueller, Weissman and DOJ lawyers like them.
Have read snippets along the lines of Checkmate. But never the “rest of the story” as portrayed in Checkmate. Great read. Hindsight is 20/20. So very clear now.
So very fortunate to have Legal Grand Masters like John Dowd, Ty Cobb, Jay Sekulow, Giuliani…with strategic minds supporting the Constitution, President Trump…
Good triumphs evil. But, the battle continues.


Barr made it a point to focus on the fact that our Law in this country is based on the premise that an individual is considered INNOCENT until proven guilty. He also was noticeably pointing out that investigations have to have a “crime” requiring an investigation. not an investigation to create a crime.
It was neither obstruction or a crime for POTUS to confer with his lawyers, but if there was any question, POTUS also has the right of Executive Privilege, and the idea that the Senate/House vile vermin think he shouldn’t, is ludicrous.
I LOL over Blumenthal/Barr clip – Barr could have asked Stolen Valor Blumenthal if he’d like to hand over his chief of staff’s notes. Same thing. Dems don’t see how it works both ways.


Using the law as a weapon against political enemies – like they used lawsuits against Sarah Palin – until they can’t afford to fight any further – is unconscionable.
This is the tactic of the left who do not care about the law – they only care about destroying others and winning by any means necessary.


Glad you are okay, Wolfie. Good that things are settling down a little bit.
Guards at the gate.
I can’t sleep tonight. Mind on overload. The weather is beautiful and I have the side door open. The air is cool and fragrant. Bucket has her chin pitched on the bottom rail of the screen door to the side porch. She is scanning, watching attentively, for every blade of grass that moves. It’s her job to protect the ‘castle’ from every errant possum, racoon, or stray cat who wanders into her domain.
God bless those who stand watch, so the rest of us may rest easily.
We love you, Wolfie!


Great thread you did today on the Barr testimony!
Sadly, I was called away from my computer by real-life stuff that could not be avoided.

I hate it when real life interferes with my cyber activities!

Sylvia Avery

I missed you today Wheatie! I was so glad I was able to watch the hearings and be here to read and comment with every one. I think our punditry is superior to FOX’s!


Thanks…yeah, I hated missing out on it!
And I figured that Barr would tell the House Dems to fk off, so this was going to be our only chance to watch some BarrTV.


You saved your blood pressure, Wheatie. I didn’t watch, but followed the comments, and caught clips. You likely have seen this one, but it’s one we’ll enjoy watching again, and again, and again. 🙂


Oh I know, right!?
That was pure gold!
These guys seem to forget that the DOJ is part of the Executive Branch!
And as such…Barr can tell them “No” and that’s the end of it.


💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 BOOM 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Bwahahahahahah … 🤨👍‼️ .. bwahahahahahah bwahahahahahah


…. 🧐 … uh … well … ha! 😉❤️

Sylvia Avery

I love that cool, fragrant air that is so typical of spring. One of my favorite things is to lie in bed with the window open and smell that cool fresh air and the scent of my hyacinths wafting in.


The honeysuckle is blooming right now. That smell……. takes me back to being a kid. Unmistakable natural perfume.

Sylvia Avery

Oh yes, such a wonderful scent! Mine isn’t blooming yet, but soon…


Still waiting here in NE – put most of my flowers back out and, of course, it gets down to 30 last night! SMH – guess I will be replacing some flowers…..waiting on my Lily of the Valley that is planted down the front of my house. Love the smell of those dainty flowers! We have only had a couple of days warm enough so far to open my windows. Finally have some sun today tho.


I have a little patch of Lily of the Valley. They bloomed last month. I miss them already.


WoW!…. Just WOW!
Daughn, you have such a GIFT.
Even your comments can be intriguing.
I love the way you write (and think)
Thanks again friend.


Hey, Rayzorback, I would be happy to just make the muffins and hand you straight lines. When you guys get on a roll, it’s a lovely site to see. Sure wish we all lived closer.


Draw and strike has the exact opposite opinion as yours re RR.
I like his better. However, my wolf-love never changes. Howl on! 🙂


Yes, I’m not on the same page with you about RR – but that’s simply because I don’t have the information to change certain observations, but no worries.
The main player is POTUS, and it looks like the very white hat, Barr, have got this. So we go on from here, and get to watch the play unfold.
Ultimately, I think we’ll know at least some of the good and the bad about most of the participants.


I very respectfully disagree with Wolf also, and am not nearly as impressed with Chamberlain’s column as many seem to be.
The main point we can all agree upon, is that Barr unexpectedly (because he was a Bush guy) and surprisingly delightfully has turned out to be legally sound, but just as importantly he has turned out to be “stylistically” sound, exceptionally able to deal with absurd communist tactics.
Barr brings out the adverbial in me.


Thanks, Tonawanda. Haven’t had a chance to read Chamberlain’s column – had been commenting from my own instincts and observations. Doesn’t sound like it will change my mind.
I don’t have a Unified Theory of Rosenstein, but my observations of him from when he was interacting with POTUS’ close confidants, or after he met w/ POTUS – have him on the side of at least the Law, if not POTUS. RR is an enigma, and that’s okay.
I do have a Unified Theory of Donald J Trump, along with confidence that he’s had and continues to have a good handle on what went down, and how it’s going to be dealt with. This may be the greatest political story ever told. 🙂
There are a number of ways this puzzle is being constructed, and the puzzle pieces will fit eventually whatever the final version it turns out to be. I like what you said about Barr, because there had been doubt – my hackles rise whenever I hear the name “Bush.” He has more than proven himself to be a man of the Law, the Constitution, and you say “stylistically sound, exceptionally able to deal with absurd communist tactics.”
As the old barber in the Andy Griffith show once said, “Oh, you should have seen it, Andy, it was a thing of beauty, a thing of beauty, Andy, a real beauty.”
Democrat Senators AND the Deep State were in meltdown yesterday. Imagine what it will be like when the declassifications happens, and people are named openly for investigation or indictments.


I have a working assumption/anticipation that events over the course of the next year will completely annihilate the Fake News, Lawfare, communist tactics off the face of the Earth.
And IMO VSG, Sessions, RR and others have known for a LONG time that the annihilation was inevitable.
If true, then past events can be understood better in light of that expectation.


You said: ” my hackles rise whenever I hear the name “Bush.”
Ditto. A thousand times Ditto. Every time I have to see that damned Bush Turnpike in Dallas I want to see it renamed Trump Turnpike.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree with Cates here. We’re watching a movie, sort of like the 1990s version of “Clue” and all we see is what is meant to keep us distracted.


I have gone back-and-forth in my head, about RR.
One of the things that made me give him the stinkeye…was the vicious treatment of Gen Flynn, Manafort and Roger Stone.
Those raids on Manafort, Cohen’s office and then that pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone were way beyond the pale!
These guys had not been involved in the commission of any terrible crimes.
Raids like that are what is done to drug dealers, murderers and mobsters.
Not to political campaign workers and authors!
Rosenstein would’ve had to have been okay with those raids being done.
He was in charge of the Mueller operation!
After reading that HumanEvents article…I now think that RR would’ve had to be the one who Leaked Barr’s Memo to the media.


The underlying assumption in your comment is that DJT was behind someone else in the “know” camp. That is something I cannot accept. IMO, DJT is the one with The Plan and everyone else is a piece on the chessboard.
Put another way, DJT doesn’t have to figure anything out. He’s the one that concocted the whole scheme, once Rogers told him what was going on. When he took the oath, all that remained was to pull the trigger and watch the plan work. And work it sure is.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Admiral Rogers has aided POTUS is whatever strategy and tactics were needed. Sometimes more than a lawyer is required. 🙂


Just to be clear, this is a DISCUSSION thread on one of the few sites that permits such, and likely the only one that encourages this crazy thing called free speech. Discussion means different ideas exchanged. It doesn’t mean war.
It’s either free speech or it’s the singing choir.
You, wolfie, are worthy in so many ways. If I’m the worst thing that happens to you, you’re living a wonderful life. I treasure this site and everybody on it (even a certain poster who shall remain nameless).
10% of what I say here got me tossed OT, and also on several other sites that claim to be open.


Whenever I’m working with my hands or engaged in manual labor my mind starts feeding me examples of FAKE [whatever] to mull over. Not one sector of our life is free from the Fakery!


I agree with Wolf that this “Plan” predates Trump.
Unless….. Trump was “recruited” a LONG time ago.
That said…… SOMETHING had to be done or “we” were going to LOSE our country.
As smart as Trump is…. I don’t think that He could have planned EVERYTHING by himself.
Trump is the PERFECT MAN to be President in this plan at this time…..


I agree. Our great POTUS is central to the Plan (for two terms), but there are many great minds and patriots who have planned this thing for a long time. I really think of it as a Deeper State having been in place to watch the Deep State. It’s like in Narnia when the White Witch killed Aslan. She had Deep Magic, but Aslan knew of the Deeper Magic before the dawn of time.


With the intrepid Stephen Miller working beside PDJT’s right hand…I figure Miller was a direct conduit for the President to communicate with Sessions.
Sessions screwed up, politically, when he started going after pot users.
I say ‘politically’…because the national attitude about Marijuana has shifted now, and too many people think of it as a ‘victimless crime’.
There are loads of seriously bad crimes out there to spend time and money on.
Crimes that the American people *want* to see prosecuted.
Chasing down pot users would have hurt Pres Trump, politically…and we don’t need that in the battle of 2020.
I still think that Session’s recusal bought us time…the time to get Trump Judges on the bench.
I have said this before…
We only get One Chance to convict these traitorous coup plotters…and other criminal Dems.
And the courts were packed with corrupt leftist Judges, when Potus took office.
If we had had an AG that wasn’t recused, who started going after the traitors back in Feb 2017…like everyone would have expected…then chances are, the corrupt Dem Judges would’ve made sure those cases went nowhere.
So I will always consider the Elf as a great patriot, if he did what I ‘think’ he did for us.


I’m still a believer that Sessions had to recuse, but that’s really moot now. Your point is a very good one, and one I think Q-treepers get better than others.
If POTUS had started right out of the gate going after the evil doers publicly, it would have been seen as politics, and tied up his efforts to get the judges through – and the tax cut, which he was able to do out of the gate with a lot of effort. That tax cut bill had important stuff in it – ACA mandate repeal, and regulation cutting. Critical.
I also think that these things had to be done slowly, carefully and thoroughly – something lay folks don’t often understand. “Lock her up” is a great soundbite – but getting one person charged wasn’t going to fix this.


Oh, I agree…Sessions had to recuse.
On anything having to do with the campaign, since he took an active part in it.
But I think they knew this going in.
So I think it was pure theater when PDJT said things like “I wish he had told me that he was going to recuse.”


Yes, I believe POTUS knew too. He had to haven’t known by the confirmation hearings – because it was clear then what Sessions said. No way Potus didn’t pay attention to how that was going.

Steve in Lewes

Yes, I made that same point to the anti-Sessions crowd OT whenever they claimed PDJT means what he says or some other silly tripe.
Even posting yt vids showing Sessions agreeing to recusal.


It was and still is unclear to me what role RR played in those atrocities.
And it is unclear to me exactly what was accomplished by those atrocities, other than to taint Mueller and to gain sympathy for the victims.
Sending a message to Trump supporters? Could be, very plausible, but unlikely IMO.
And actually in recent years it is not unusual for these full scale military operations to be used against lesser suspects who present no danger. IMO it is relatively rare, yes, but not at all unusual.
The desire to be Famous On TV is a HUGE factor, especially where the FBI is concerned. The FBI has to make up for lack of genuine accomplishment (compared to local law enforcement) that they need razzle-dazzle to boost the budgets. And what better way to get eyes on than suspects who are at the center of the daily news?



But I think that Grassley was waaay too easy on them.
The scumsucking Enemedia was in on it!

Sylvia Avery

That was so funny! He made me forget I am mad at him!


I want to tweet that to Sally Yates: “The jig is up.” LOL


Oh, sorry, Wheatie, didn’t see your posting this. Wolfie can delete mine below.


Hi Wheatie – I HAVE to take issue with you 😉
The scumsucking Enemedia “ARE STILL” in on it … 🙂


Yep! So true.


A short and most humble thank you to all those who contributed to the Barr thread yesterday. By accident, we’ve learned our QTree threads, with real time reaction from regular Americans (and a few terrific friends from overseas), paint a far more accurate picture of what really happened. No pundit, no news organization can compete. If we missed the testimony, we can go back and scan for key moments to catch up.
Trump supporters never cease to amaze. You pitch in and get the job done. Makes me proud and glad to know you all.


Amen! And FLEP…’s astonishing, Great work done by all!


Thank you, daughn, for a superb Barr thread.
I read it all. The info was so good, I felt as if I were actually watching the testimony.


Thank you so much for the thread!
I was in and out all day, and checked in a few times for a fast read. I wanted to be home watching, but just couldn’t swing it.
I appreciate all on this site so much! I am better informed that any of my friends or family. When all this shit comes down, I will be the calm in the eye of the storm, thanks to Wolfmoon’s awesome tree.


Me too. I have to fill everybody in on what’s going on. They always have yesterday’s “news’.


Our thread today should have this in it:


Wow…no words.

Someone in the comments said:
“So he acknowledges that they are living beings.”
Well that’s true…he does call it ‘killing kids’.
So there’s that.


These people are SAF (sick as fuck) 🙁

Deplorable Patriot

The list of people waiting to adopt is fairly long. The children are wanted, just not necessarily by the conceiving parties.


Pres Trump tweeted out this clip of part of his conversation with Trish:


Hi Wolf, thanks for the Humanevents link ….
Interesting how we can come away from the same data and reach opposite conclusions … This is a lot of fun 🙂
Everything I have seen in the last couple of weeks, including your link, has made me feel MORE secure on Dan’s small branch. I am now all but certain that SD’s original sting theory was on the money. Whether SD “abandoned” it as distraction, or actually abandoned it, I do not know.
Now I could be suffering from extreme confirmation bias, or I could be seeing things ( as far as is possible to us outsiders) relatively clearly. THIS is the reason for my continued interest – am I a shmuck who is unable to read the situation clearly or not? So will await Trumps book in 2025 with interest, unless RR and Sessions get a medal pinned on their chests by POTUS beforehand 🙂


I am right there with you, which is why I frequently use the word “speculation” and the acronym “IMO”.


I’m reasonably confident that the vast majority of “us” who comment here would hold the same open minded attitude.
This questioning approach to life is what differentiates us from those who are certain about what it is they claim to “know” – at least in the realm of politics today. If nothing else, it makes for very interesting discussions of opposing viewpoints – critically, WITHOUT resulting in people getting upset if their favourite “theory” is not treated as revealed truth. The harmony in this assemblage is ridiculously rare, in my experience!!


Ditto x 1000!


Signs of being a Q Treeper:
OPEN Minded to “Possibilities”


I used to mention the movie, “The Sting” OT – until I realized the believers had disappeared. I’m still thinking this is going to be the biggest Sting of all time. The Greatest Political Story Ever Told.
I bet whenever Barr speaks, folks are tuning in. He is a joy to watch.


I bet some movie director somewhere is thinking – “Who the heck can I get to play HIM?? I wonder if he will consider playing himself – he’s a natural … ?”




That’s easy.
Paul Sorvinocomment imagecomment image


Love the Bud bottles. Once I found out about product placement, I can’t just “watch” movies any more.


Damn sure not that Baldwin asshole.


I am on your branch, Jason, and have been since we were “OT.”
I was raised in the South. Still Southern waters run deep, and integrity is a value that old Southern gentlemen have in spades.
Most outside the South don’t understand, but the values of the Confederacy, which have nothing whatsoever to do with racism, bigotry, slavery or the like, are instilled in many boys even today. Sessions was born in 1946. I promise you, he was imbued with those values from birth. What are they? You fight for the cause you believe in, stand for what you know to be right, keep your word no matter what, commit to and stick with your principles to the bitter end, and never, ever, give in.
Whatever Jeff Sessions did or didn’t do, I will never believe he violated his principles. And he went all-in for Trump from the beginning. That means he committed. And he would not break that commitment.
As to the high-visibility early-morning raids, the prosecution of General Flynn, and the rest, I believe Q:
“You are watching a ‘scripted’ movie.”


Aubergine, Jeff Sessions has a international reputation as a non-corrupt politician. Even I became aware of him, in Tasmania. This is why I refused to accept the slander of him OT.
I always found it strange that an Aussie would have more faith in him then some so-called conservatives in the US.


I could say this every day – Thanks to Wolf, your great contributors and all the commenters. This is one AWESOME site, with great people. Thanks for letting a “foreigner” be a small part of all this …
🙂 🙂 🙂


We adore our JasonD!


Blushing … Daughn truly works 24/7 – and what WORKS she produces!!


Barr’s bodyguard was constantly scanning the room:
I may be the only one…but I think this guy is Hot!
The mohawk haircut makes him look badass.
And there is just something about the guy that says he could probably kill someone with his thumb.
In watching the replay, this guy is a big distraction.


I think you may be right.
And I think that Potus firing that head of the SecServ was…notable.
Haven’t checked out this new guy who just got sworn in…but it wouldn’t surprise me, if he had a military background.

Sylvia Avery

Gosh, how cool would it have been to watch him decide the Hawaiian Harridan was a threat and neutralize it!


I would pay money to see that!

Pat Frederick

I’ve seen that look before…usually it’s at a larger gathering, there’s one slice of pizza left, or maybe a single slice of cake on the table and this look is the assessment…who wants that slice besides me? what’s their reaction time? distance to target? can I get there first?
I’ve done this many, many times…you get to know your competition…LOL
I don’t think he’s hot in particular, but then Sylvia had me dreaming about painting smiley faces on the AG’s knees…so I may not be the best judge right now…


I know! First she tells us Barr likes to play the bagpipes, then they’re talking about kilts, and you know the rest that goes with whenever someone mentions kilts… Next thing you know, we’re thinking Barr is an Alpha male hunk! LOL
Just for his mind, I’d fall in love with him.

Pat Frederick

i like his confidence and attitude…gonna run with the Lion…gotta have guts, confidence and attitude!


I watched this guy behind Barr also. He’s a honey. The kind of guy who has eyebrows with muscles.

Pat Frederick



One cool dude! I was surprised, but not shocked to realize he had a bodyguard. I mean that’s so movie theater to lay people like me.
I know Barr couldn’t, but I sure wanted him to – to respond to those dirtbag Dems – just wait, you’ll be amazed at what we know about “YOU”!


Oh, then there is this good point someone made:


Maybe it’s intentional. Like advertising who he is and that he’s on the job even here.
Then again, maybe he’s from central casting, like that courtroom scene in the movie “A Few Good Men” where the two guys in the back looked out of place.


I guarantee you, he was not the only one there. He was the eye candy.

Steve in Lewes

‘They say this cat is a baad Muther…, Shut your mouth – Shaft’
Yes he is !


Good Lord. I’m blushing.


Such a cool plane. 👇


Rosie has got a thread about this guy, Ed O’Callaghan.
He was the bearded guy who was standing behind Barr during that presser…RR was also standing there behind him, like a crash-dummy.
And…Yes, that is Sidney Powell sitting behind the bearded O’Callaghan.👇

Pat Frederick

crash dummy…LOL…great line!


Put me down for $10 on Sidney Powell becoming a Special Prosecutor in Barr’s DOJ.
Wow, if she met Barr when they were in their 20’s, they could have had a dozen kids.



More from the dinner on the National Day of Prayer:


Sidney Powell was on Lou Dobbs last night, still wearing the outfit she had on at the Barr hearing:

Sylvia Avery

And Sidney looked terrific, didn’t she? I loved her jacket. If fit really well.


Yes! And she’s a big fan of AG Barr, too.
Like us!


She always keeps herself looking good, but even the slight change in her hairstyle (length, I think) is complimentary. She does Not show her age! 🤩

Sylvia Avery

I want PDJT to call Tom Homan back into service. He’s dying to get in the fight, frustrated because he has ideas that he believes would help. I like his can-do spirit.


Me too, Syl.
I really like Homan.
He left when Neilson was put in the top job.
Makes me wonder if she was the reason he left.

Sylvia Avery

Could very well be. He certainly seems like the kind of guy who can get things done. I like that he is a realist. Forget Congress. They’re never going to help. Instead, we need to use the rules and laws we have and figure out how to get stuff done.
I’ve spent a lifetime working inside a system and using it to accomplish your goals. It can be done, you just have to learn the system so you can strategize and exploit it. And Homan sounds like he gets that and has used that same mindset at ICE.
I’d sure like to give him a crack at it!


I think Homan needs to be DHS Secretary. The acting dude is in the mold of Kelly/Nielsen, begging Congress, and not doing everything they can to prevent thousands from pouring in. Homan’s ideas are sound, LIFO👏👏, and he’s a fighter. He’s kicking himself for retiring, poor guy.


The kids at my high school who took Russian were red diaper babies with parents who hated America.


Sidenote on learning Russian:
There is a program for high schoolers funded by the NSA for desirable languages (Mandarin, Pashto, Farsi, Russian, Swahili, etc) called STARTalk. Application is rigorous and it’s a summer scholarship only available at a few colleges in the nation. Univ of WA in Seattle focuses on Russian. Kids get college credit, but don’t have to take foreign language in college.
Gunner was into engineering but most good universities would not accept the transfer credit for calculus and physics. MIT/GaTech want to teach their own math and science. So, it made sense for Gunner to knock out the English/Fine Arts/Lang in high school.
He was able to graduate high school with 34hrs of college credit, saved a year, and saved us a lot of college tuition money.
Going into 11th grade, we looked into the scholarship and he was chosen – then he had to pick a language.
Well, when Gunner was a baby, I had a Ukrainian physician as his afternoon nanny.
Weird, right? But it worked well.
She was a “holistic” doctor, new to the USA, taking boards to get into one of our colleges for a real MD. She was working at a local nursing home for $7/hour, and sponsored by a local church. I insisted she speak Russian to Gunner as an infant – best time for a kid to learn. She was here, on and off, until Gunner was about 5yrs old.
Gunner wanted to do the Russia program because for the second summer, they would travel to the ISS launch site in conjunction with our NASA programs. Yet, he had to pass an interview from the professor in charge and be ‘assessed’ as to his language skills. All the rudimentary Russian came back to him, even though he had not heard it in years.
In the end, he had to pick Mandarin. At Univ of WA, no dorms were offered for the 6 weeks and I couldn’t check him into a hotel as a 16yr old. Frustrating but it was fine. Gunner could never pass as a Chinese spy, or an Iranian, but he does have that Dolph Lundgren look.

Pat Frederick


Seriously. That cow has lost her marbles. That’s sedition right there


Interesting that she said China!


She said China multiple times, and was so deliberate that it was clearly scripted.
Made me think bad guys are changing the narrative. In response to Russian/Ukrainian revelations of last few days?


Wonder if Hillrotten paid Brian Williams to refer to “The Presidency of Hillary Rodham Clinton” on national TV?

Does she just hunger to hear those words? Wonder if she has played that Williams statement over and over. She was so determined to be President, she hired someone to make up an obscene fake dossier about DJT. She is a sick evil old woman. Like Ø, the US law and Constitution means nothing to her.


Misery loves company. She wants to be able to say “see, everyone’s doing it, so how can it be wrong.”.


Looks like I am going to have to report the restrictions on posting daily threads to my State Commission On Discrimination Against People Who Are Dumb Enough To Be Still Living Here.


I haven’t listened to this but Boston Herald Radio talked to PDJT:


Trolling, trolling, trolling….. If Trump were a Bass fisherman, he’d be the International Grand Champion.
He’s mastered sitting tight in the boat, setting the hook, letting the fish run with the bait until it’s worn out, reeling in and netting the fish, etc.


What a beautiful mental image you provided to me! I can just see a beat-up old rowboat with VSG in it, blond hair blowing in the wind.


His bass boat would be a lot like this one with a little more black and gold:


From John Solomon’s article about the Nellie Ohr investigation:
‘… Now, 339 pages of emails from her private account to Department of Justice (DOJ) email accounts, have been released under a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative legal group Judicial Watch. And they are raising concerns among Republicans in Congress, who filed a criminal referral with the Justice Department on Wednesday night.
‘They clearly show that Ohr sent reams of open-source intelligence to her husband, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, and on some occasions to at least three DOJ prosecutors: Lisa Holtyn, Ivana Nizich and Joseph Wheatley.
‘The contents tracked corruption developments in Russia and Ukraine, including intelligence affecting Russian figures she told Congress she had tried to connect to Trump or Manafort.
‘“Hi Honey, if you ever get a moment you might find the penultimate article interesting — especially the summary in the final paragraph,” Nellie Ohr emailed her husband on July 6, 2016, in one typical communication. The article and paragraph she flagged suggested that Trump was a Putin stooge: “If Putin wanted to concoct the ideal candidate to service his purposes, his laboratory creation would look like Donald Trump.” Nellie Ohr bolded that key sentence for apparent emphasis.
‘Such overt political content flowing into the email accounts of a DOJ charged with the nonpartisan mission of prosecuting crimes is jarring enough. It raises additional questions about potential conflicts of interest when it is being injected by a spouse working as a Democratic contractor trying to defeat Trump, and she is forwarding her own research to her husband’s department and co-workers …’

Pat Frederick

this created a big ole smile on my face!!


Good, I’m glad. 🙂


Their logic just fails. Putin would have preferred to see Hillary rather than Trump in office. Hillary was someone he could control, DJT? Not so much!




Notice how EVERYONE (almost) on TV either actively promotes the silliness that Russia wanted Trump, or goes along with it without comment, as if constant repetition of a falsehood has numbed them to logic and to the truth.
Kind of like man-made climate change. Or saying ‘they’ when the speaker obviously means either ‘he’ or ‘she’.


Still, it’s what makes them dangerous – they’re getting the narrative out there. Setting the falsehoods as truth. Hopefully, soon, the news from our side will be so shocking that it takes some of those headlines out of the news. Be prepared to see stories as a backlash… POTUS “getting even” political, abusing his power, etc. etc.


“Still, it’s what makes them dangerous – they’re getting the narrative out there. Setting the falsehoods as truth.”
Absolutely. That’s exactly why they are so dangerous, and so despicable.


Has Phil Mudd changed his tune?


Refresh my memory…I remember him getting his panties in a bunch about something last spring, but I cant recall the specifics


He was very upset over PDJT investigating the Deep State.
From 2017:
‘CNN counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd, who worked for the CIA and the FBI when Robert Mueller was the director, on Thursday told host Jake Tapper that “the government is going to kill” President Donald Trump “because he doesn’t support them.”
‘”Let me give you one bottom line as a former government official,” Mudd began. “The government is going to kill this guy.”‘
One year later, PDJT tweeted:

SD wrote a few posts about Mudd’s mental state.
In between — Feb 2018 — Mudd said this:


Excellent, thanks! Yea, very interesting his change of perspective.


It is.
Hope we find out more. Maybe FOX will hire him. 😉


He sees the writing on the wall. Doofus.


Former CIA counterterrorism officials likely run in tight circles. So it seems the consensuses in these tight circles are finally coming to distinguish fact from fiction.
It’s like smart kids are forced to wait for the not so smart kids to catch up before anything new happens.


WaPo on Barr:


More Barr Derangement Syndrome:

Pat Frederick

I couldn’t believe the utter chaos i that House Judiciary meeting yesterday…Nadless counldn’t run a tea party let alone a major committee like that…smh
I wouldn’t go either.


Nor would I.


LEFTIST LUNACY looms over our nation.
The only comfort is that the Founding Fathers also thought the print media was a scourge and purveyor of dishonesty.
Thomas Jefferson gave his recommendations that newspapers should be agreeably divided into four sections: Truths, Probabilities, Possibilities, and Lies. Yes, he thought they contained outright lies from time to time.”
However, Jefferson was not above hiring a journalist (media propagandizer) to smear John Adams. And there were such persons, even in the dawn of our Republic!


Indeed — it’s part of human nature.
Thank you for the article, which I have duly bookmarked.


Founding Fathers on media:
Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.
― George Orwell
Any newspaper, from the first line to the last, is nothing but a web of horrors, I cannot understand how an innocent hand can touch a newspaper without convulsing in disgust.
― Charles Baudelaire
I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it.
― Thomas Jefferson
“If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.” – Thomas Sowell
“The best fiction is far more true than any journalism.”
― William Faulkner
“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets..”
― Napoléon Bonaparte
“The news isn’t there to tell you what happened. It’s there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear.”
― Joss Whedon, Astonishing X-Men, Volume 2: Dangerous
“A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.”
― H.L. Mencken
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.”
― Mark Twain
Editor: a person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed.
― Elbert Hubbard
America is a country of inventors, and the greatest of inventors are the newspaper men.
― Alexander Graham Bell


True then, true now!
Thanks for the link, also bookmarked. Excellent.


I just tweeted out every single one of those quotes. Thank you. Perfect. The news is Fake. Fake. Fake. Always has been.


Nothing like a Texas Grandma! Don’t mess with ’em if you want to live long and do well!


My favorite:
We no longer have journalists – they are narrative engineers


This x1000!

Pat Frederick

that makes them sounds so much better than they are. they are shit slingers or propaganda whores…I refuse to elevate their already elitist attitude butts…


GO PAT!!! They have earned and deserve your contempt!

Pat Frederick

oh my…now gov’t should give citizens money to give to candidates’ campaigns? what shouldn’t the gov’t pay for Dems?


Biden’s got no chance in 2020. I wonder how PDJT will handle this, especially at rallies 🙂 :


IMHO, Powers is dirty, dirty, dirty. It’s a load of nonsense that others unmasked using her name. Believe me the credentials needed for secret access are significant. One doesn’t just hand over their “card” to someone to use – even one time, and we’re talking hundreds+++.
Hope they get her.


Along with the CAC to access computers, the password is required. Major breaks in protocol.
Powers needs to start singing, if she hasn’t already started.


Yes! Hubby has to go through this in his work, that’s why I know it wasn’t someone simply using her “computer.” If she “lent” her CAC and password to someone else – that’s criminal as well.


It seems as if this is the first time we are hearing that the FBI told the Trump campaign team about possible Russian infiltration.
Something isn’t right about this. Either the campaign knew or it didn’t. Did they tell then-candidate Trump? (Someone else would have handled his mail before passing it on to him.)
Here’s a letter from October 2017 to Chuck Grassley referring to an August 2016 notification:
Here’s an NBC news story from December 2017 purporting same:
‘WASHINGTON — In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, according to multiple government officials familiar with the matter.
‘The warning came in the form of a high-level counterintelligence briefing by senior FBI officials, the officials said. A similar briefing was given to Hillary Clinton, they added. They said the briefings, which are commonly provided to presidential nominees, were designed to educate the candidates and their top aides about potential threats from foreign spies.
‘The candidates were urged to alert the FBI about any suspicious overtures to their campaigns, the officials said …
‘Trump was “briefed and warned” at the session about potential espionage threats from Russia, two former law enforcement officials familiar with the sessions told NBC News. A source close to the White House said their position is that Trump was unaware of the contacts between his campaign and Russians.
‘”That the Republican and Democrat nominee for president received a standardized briefing on counterintelligence is hardly a news story,” said Raj Shah, a White House spokesman. “That NBC News hears about the contents of this classified conversation due to an inappropriate leak is a news story.”
‘It’s unclear whether the warning about Russia was passed on to other campaign officials …’

Pat Frederick

it sounds like the standard, generic bad guys may try to contact you briefing–not specifics regarding any named Russians or anything…
kind of like the briefings Hillary got on how to handle classified intelligence that she seemed to ignore…


Yes — and it did mention Hillary not responding to it because she had received similar briefings in the past.


Fauxcahontas chimes in on Barr:


Oh that is funny! “Suppress” the Muller report!?!?!?
These folks know how bad they are about to get hit. Desperate flailing away with the first nasty thing which comes to mind is a sure sign of that.


I do not know how she continues to pop up with such nauseating regularity.
If I had a dollar for every time Howie Carr, bright as he is, said, ‘This is it. It’s all over for Elizabeth Warren now,’ I’d be writing this from Monaco. 😉


He released the whole thing. A more unredacted version, with less than 1/10th of 1% remaining redacted is available – but no Dem has gone to see it.
No, they cannot have grand jury testimony.
No, they cannot have the underlying docs……….. yet Barr said, clearly, they would work with Nadler to make available as much as they could.


Interesting that Hillary mentioned China above:

From the BBC article:
‘… Jerry Chun Shing Lee, 54, left the CIA in 2007 to live in Hong Kong, where he was recruited by Chinese agents.
‘Prosecutors say the naturalised US citizen was then paid to divulge information on US covert assets.
‘This led China to bring down a network of informants between 2010 and 2012 …
‘Lee, who worked for the CIA between 1994 and 2007, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deliver national defence information to aid a foreign government in a court in Virginia on Wednesday, the justice department said in a statement …’

Pat Frederick

I should have refreshed! we think alike!


Great minds! 🙂


It is utterly brazenly damnable for Hillrotten to refer to Chinese spying – since her intentional carelessness with US classified information while she was Sec. of State – caused the deaths of US CHINESE ASSETS!!!
SPIT, SPIT, SPIT ON HILLROTTEN. She is rotten and evil to the core.


Hillrotten is so evil that she is sick/drunk on her sins and is now utterly without conscience.


She was pretty doggone brassy in saying that.
It would be really great seeing her on trial, then found guilty.


YES – it will. (rubbing my hands together, salivating like Pavlov’s dog…)


Likely, at the trial, she will have a demonic manifestation, foam at the mouth and writhe hissing on the floor….after turning over the table, trying to choke her own counsel, clawing and spitting on him.


Hope it’s on YouTube!


There are stories of several demonic Hillrotten tirades. Candidate Trump even heard and mentioned one of them on National TV. It didn’t phase her.


I remember them well.


‘The CLOWNS now have a CHINESE fall guy to take the heat off CANKLES.’ Thank you for that. I was thinking the same thing.
Am very much looking to the future discovery mentioned in your third paragraph.

Cuppa Covfefe

She’d make a crooked windchime…




Easy to follow 2016 breakdown of all the main US demographics based on 100 people:

Pat Frederick

naturalized citizen who grew up in Hawaii…hmmm…Chinese spy…CIA officer
Jerry Chun Shing Lee, 53, accepted a plea deal with prosecutors, which was approved by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III in the federal court for the Eastern District of Virginia, according to the DOJ statement.
In May 2018, Lee was indicted by a federal grand jury in Virginia on charges of retaining documents relating to national defense, and conspiracy to gather and deliver that information to aid a foreign government.
Lee’s work for Chinese intelligence coincided with the breakdown of CIA spying operations in China from 2010 to 2012, during which more than a dozen CIA informants in the country were killed or imprisoned, The New York Times reported. Lee is suspected to be the source of the breach, according to the report.
The former CIA officer was arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City in January 2018.
Fluent in Chinese, Lee is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Hawaii.


I have not read the article but one has to wonder……might this be cover for Killary’s unsecured server, the plunder of which resulted in the deaths of those agents?


Just a thought: the effusive praise RR has gotten numerous times from VSG, Sessions and Barr has always seemed genuine to me.
And RR when announcing Mueller indictments always offered gratuitous commentary that they have nothing to do with Trump/Russia collusion. His deadpan delivery of those commentaries was humorous to me, almost as if he was making a point.
But your MMV!


2 possible scenario’s for RR/Mueller meeting on the day before SC is announced in 2017 …
Scenario 1
RR- Morning Mr Pres, Bob here would like to be considered for the vacancy at the FBI – you know, the “showboat’s” old job 😉
POTUS – Morning Bob – haven’t you already exceeded the maximum statutory term for that?
Bob – Yeah, but, you know, I, I, uh …..
POTUS – Plus, there was that biz between us a while back – I’m still a bit pissed at you, so not sure it’s a good idea, even if we could do a work-around on the term problem!
Bob – Geez, you still hang up on that – I thought you’d have given me a pass on that by now, surely? I thought we was, you know, past all that, uh …
POTUS – Thanks for dropping by Bob – I’ll let you know my decision, though I would be looking at other opportunities, if I was you! 🙂
Duration – 3 minutes …
Scenario 2
RR – Morning Mr Pres, I brought Bob over as requested.
POTUS – Morning Bob. Not sure how much you have been briefed, but I have been presented with solid intelligence by the head of the NSA, corroborated by the head of the FISC, that a plot is currently underway to overthrow the Presidency – I have been advised by top Justice officials as well as the JAG that this is treason of the worst kind and that I would be derelict in my duty as CoC not to act to thwart this attack on our Country. This is what you are going to be doing to assist me …
4 hrs later, meeting finishes
RR’s “deadpan” expression reflected the gravity of the situation as it was.


State of the British Empire aka UK…..


George Orwell – “I tried to warn you!!”


While you all were watching and reporting on Barr yesterday, I was singing Salve Regina at a May crowning of Mary. What a wonderful occasion!
It was held outside, and the security was very heavy. Made me wonder if there had been specific threats, or if it was a reaction to the killing of Christians all over the world.
And it was also wonderful to get home and read the real time Barr reports!

Pat Frederick

is that the song from Sister Act–where the shy nun really let go and sang so beautifully?
I love that song and it’s so awesome that you sang it!!


Well, everyone present sang Salve Regina. I would never inflict my voice on anyone solo!

Deplorable Patriot

That’s “Hail Holy Queen” as a hymn, one of two all Catholics will actually sing.
The other is a chant featured in the movie version of “Brideshead Revisited” with Emma Thompson, Michael Gambon, et al.

Brave and Free

Wolf, great article thanks for the link. This whole time in history is like I great detective novel. Everyday there’s a different twist and turn we need to evaluate. And this site is the best place for all that information.
God Bless y’all!
Can’t wait for the final chapters to be written.


I got a kick out of seeing the photo that is being used as the header for today’s MAGA thread. I always look for the small bronze statue of General Andrew Jackson on his rearing horse, Duke. It depicts him at the Battle of New Orleans.
In this photo, the statue can be seen just behind President Trump’s back. The raised hat looks as though Jackson is doing it to urge on President Trump on with what he is doing to “Make America Great Again.”comment image?itok=zGvZNALo


Oops! Forgot to remove what comes after .jpgcomment image


This is my all-time favorite photo of POTUS in the Oval Office in relation to the bronze of Andrew Jackson.comment image


OK – Sir Wolf – I read the article with my morning coffee. Came out of it with much respect for Will Chamberlain and the Trump legal team…and for our AG William Barr. Also came to appreciate the legal ramifications behind the terms ‘collusion’ and ‘obstruction.’
When AG Barr explained when he made the ruling after the Mueller report was received, that he put himself into Mueller’s argument for obstruction but still couldn’t make a case, that was the BOOM heard around the nation.
Chamberlain explains this in depth and translates the legalese and legal wranglings for us laypersons.
I’m still not clear what color hat RR wears, and am not sure it matters. He’s gone and so is JBS – but Wm. Barr looms like a giant in the role of AGOTUS. He may go down in history as the pinnacle of those holding that office.
I love that he gave no deference to the Democrat clowns who pretended to be qualified to defame him yesterday and refused to return today to be their whipping boy.

Deplorable Patriot

Thread that adds to the pile of data points, and “we don’t know what we don’t know” concept. Intriguing questions are brought up here that do need to be answered.

Pat Frederick

thanks for posting…a lot of interesting questions in there!!


Thanks, DP. That’s a VERY interesting thread. It adds some pieces to the puzzle.

Pat Frederick

so I read that Nadless is gonna have his hearing today anyway, even tho AG Barr isn’t coming. Trust me, the results will be the same–I don’t think the Dems would listen to Barr, understand him or even allow him to finish a complete sentence anyway, so same results if they have an empty chair or Barr there.
they will have to subpoena him, snicker, snicker, and he will come at a later date and have them for lunch then…but by then everything they want to know will be covered under the “i can’t comment on current investigations.” LOL and I hope he smiles BIGLY when he says it over and over…


Could the DOJ not send over a stuffed elephant called BaBar? At least the empty chair would not look quite so ridiculous? A mechatronic one with a water bottle would be even better …

Pat Frederick

I don’t like the optics of a stuffed elephant–they will see Repub symbol, and I prefer to think he’s on the side of the law here…i like a stuffed wolf…lol…but i would LOVE to see someone put a water bottle in front of the empty chair…


Good Morning Jason!! I’d prefer a stuffed Honey Badger–with water bottle…but that’s just me! (Wink emoji)–yeah–lost them again! and don’t have time to figure it out!! (Laughing emoji with tears)!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I think the empty chair is actually a message in and of itself. There’s nothing to talk about. The show hearings are just a chance for these people to be on TV when otherwise they are absolutely forgettable.
It’s also not worth the DoJ’s time…and who is going to enforce a subpoena on the AG when he is the one who orders enforcement.
The country is being shown just how little power the Dems in the House have, and it is a beautiful thing.


Or a life-size cardboard sheet of Clint Eastwood looking down at the empty chair.


Or, since the problem at issue is them using proxies to ask questions of Mr. Barr, rather than asking him themselves, now that he won’t be there, maybe they could hire Clint Eastwood to ask questions of the empty chair…


I would love to get Clint’s take on what is happening … 🙂
I suspect his response would not be fit to print.


If you’re in Australia, possibly you might not have caught my reference to the 2012 Republican National Convention?


That performance by Clint was not missed by too many!!!


Ok, just checking!
But in this case, the Empty Suits would be the Dims facing the Empty Chair.


Funny thing is, the empty chair is destroying them … 😉


NADLER COmmittee major fireworks!!!!!

Elizabeth Carter

I am glad that AG Barr is not going back to Congress for more abuse today.
The Senators are supposedly more intelligent and refined than the Representatives in the House.
The Representatives are threatening to hold AG Barr in Contempt of Congress.
Many of the Senators were just rude and crude.
AG Barr had to have Secret Service protection yesterday.
AG Barr handled the situation very well under the circumstances but there is nothing to be gained by going through the process again at the House level.

Deplorable Patriot

I get the idea that Barr and most of the other Trump men have not just SS protection, but BlackRock 24/7.


Morning folks,
Long night. Many storms, lots of lightning. Many emergency calls on the road kept our police, EMT, and firefighters very busy. Kids kept waking up disturbed.
I got up, still not ready to face the day.
But I couldn’t help but think about the border mess. One of the videos the rancher on the border was talking about how ten years ago he might find a migrant once in a while on his property – traveling alone and looking to avoid trouble. Today when he sees one he knows they’re in groups nearby, he has to protect himself, and they’re certainly involved in criminality, drug trade or ahem, other. They’re also belligerent and ready to cause trouble.
Ten years ago. As in, before the Obama administration. Heck, let’s spell this out. Before Eric Holder.
The entire border mess is Eric Holder’s baby. He’s the chief architect of our border crisis – after all Fast and Furious is only the tip of the iceberg of turning the border region into a war zone. Sure he wasn’t working alone, and Zero was more than willing to play his part in the dance with South American and Central American countries. Convincing Venezuela and others to release their worst prisoners, send them north to join the gangs and cartels, and into the United States.
We talk about this whole border problem almost like it’s its own thing that has arisen – but there was never anything normal or organic about it. I mean, if you shovel tons of manure you’re going to get a big crop of mushrooms – so yeah I guess it’s organic, but who shoveled all that manure in the first place. Holder sowed to the wind and we are reaping the WHIRLWIND. Drugs, much great evil, cartel criminality married with political corruption, importing voters, overwhelming the welfare system, tragic treatment of minors to transform demographics into a permanent underclass, a permanent (illegal) slave class to be manipulated, criminal gangs to serve as the shock troops a private brown shirt group not bound by mere laws completely under the control of the political classes, more and bigger terror conspiracies…
Almost all the manure (crap) that Holder shoved on us has been hidden from view, [LL] strategically burying any evidence.
Trump knows the border is bigger than we know. Not only is he the first to seriously do something about it, he knows it needs a much more PERMANENT and PHYSICAL solution than passing a couple laws. Too much extra-legal lawlessness has been done outside the U.S. jurisdiction to rely on simple gentleman’s agreements. A physical wall fundamentally alters the border threat landscape.
And I am hopeful now than nothing will Barr the flood of indictments coming for Eric Holder. Justice come swiftly.


^^^THIS is high-test TRUTH^^^

Deplorable Patriot

4 am lightning really close to home. I feel your pain.
I get the idea that LL actually may have flipped to save her own skin. There have been indications of that on a number of boards. Holder never will, but, and this is a big but, we don’t know what safeguards against prosecution were put in place by Obama before leaving office on any of his people. I hope there aren’t any, or that one crime was missed, but when it comes to CYA, that group had a pretty firm grip on it.

Curry Worsham

Collins was on fire!
Afterwards the press lined up to take pictures of the empty stunt chair.

Curry Worsham

Apparently that included a bucket of fried chicken courtesy of our “distinguished” TN rep Cohen.

Pat Frederick

details, please!

Curry Worsham

Collins angrily called out Nonads for wanting to have the appearance of impeachment hearings without having the gonads to actually have impeachment hearings.

Pat Frederick
Gail Combs

“What strikes me about that Statute… [18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)]…that Mueller chose to interpret his own way and Barr disagreed with…could apply to Every Attorney out there!…”
Judge bars most motive evidence in Fort Hood trial “A military judge blocked several key pieces of evidence that prosecutors said would explain the mindset of the soldier accused in the 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, including his belief that he had a “jihad duty” to carry out the attack….”
Judge blocks evidence: Former Officer Mohamed Noor Pleads Not Guilty To Justine Ruszczyk Damond’s Death “…The prosecution also wanted the court to consider a previous psychological evaluation Noor took in his process to be a police officer as evidence. The judge denied that motion as well. …That includes a field training officers report that Noor refused to respond to police calls on occasion while he was in training….”
There are MANY MANY other cases like Manafort placed in solitary BEFORE his trial, the Ethics Prof geting 3 months probation for striking SEVEN PEOPLE with a lethal weapon (bike lock) while a guy gets FIFTEEN YEARS for leaving a slab of bacon in a mosque…

A can of worms??? Oh Yeah just like the RAID on President Trump’s Lawyer, Cohen just opened a MAJOR CAN of WORMS.
“The attorney client privilege has existed for a long time and has been practiced way back in the Roman Empire”
What Is Attorney Client Privilege? — The Law Dictionary


I’m soooooo thrilled to be on a blog that gets to have the benefit of master researcher Gail Combs posts!
Same with our dear Churchmouse….not to mention Aubergine’s genealogy talents, Daughn’s Southern Color, Business and Law posts, Wolfie’s covert ops and FLEP’s economy polls analysis.
What riches we have at WQTH. I bet the President would love to read here.
Man O Man!


Didn’t mean to leave off Wheatie, Count Steve and T3 and who knows what other worthy contributors – due to my advanced age. Please forgive!!!


Wolfie – !?!!! Polygamy?!?!!!
Surely you mean women polygamists only, not men, right? A woman needs a builder, a mechanic, a doctor, lawyer, marksman/martial arts/defense expert and fisherman/hunter to keep a household going right. No one man can fill all her needs.
(just kidding)
The Bible’s guidelines are good enough for me….New Testament – one man/one woman. Period.


Thank you! 🙂 <3


No kidding, folks.
CNN is hosting a TOWN HALL with James Comey on May 9th.

Gail Combs

James Comey on May 9th?
Hope by then he is in SOLITARY at GITMO!


And nobody knows because there are no leaks. He just suddenly is nowhere to be found.

Sue Mcdonald

AAnd this is why I have never watched crap news network. Who do think they are fooling? There 4 viewers?

Curry Worsham

Post hearing Dem news conference.
Rep McBath: “This (Barr hearing?) is about affordable health care.”


Andrew mccarthy was right. Theatrics around impeachment without calling it so.
Jackson Lee is a buffoon.


Can’t hold someone in contempt until you subpoena them.
Not even subpoenaed yet.

Deplorable Patriot

I swear these people just like to hear themselves talk.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah. And what did Holder do to them?
Can’t wait to see Nadler get drained along with the rest of the swamp. He makes a sewage pond look pure. His soul is probably a SuperFund site. The DEMONcRATs: driven by Satan…


I’ll just quote Andrew Breitbart here:


He must be named “No Neck Nadler henceforth.

Deplorable Patriot

And then there is this. She’s right about one thing, though. This is not a Democracy. It’s a Republic, and the people’s house has been hijacked.


One thing I have experienced is when certain types of people power trip, esp certain flavors of women, they are nasty vicious and cruel in ways unlike their male counterparts. There are plenty of people willing to pull a lever and watch them drop. Until the arrests happen this wont stop.


It’s what I’ve been saying forever. Until someone on that side — someone prominent, not some podunk mayor and his wife for voter fraud, or some obscure judge on an isolated immigration incident — gets arrested and charged with something, this will NEVER stop. There will be no wake-up call until the arrests begin.


That will not stop them silly. Their OWN arrest is the only thing that might make that happen.


Best ever bumper sticker.

Pat Frederick

“sensitive material”???? really twitter?
I love it!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Suck it up, Dorsey-cup…


I’d forgotten about Dorsey cups.

Gail Combs

I click on DISPLAY and get a BLANK SCREEN…. POS…


I saw my first ever Q sticker in the rear window of a truck today. I gave the man a thumbs up when we were stopped at a red light.


I started taking a sticky note pad to the grocery store with me. I leave little messages everywhere.


Good idea. I always think I should have ready made signs to flash to other drivers. Maybe I will make up a set and patent the idea and make millions of dollars!

Deplorable Patriot

WEAK! Not Charles Payne. The Dem attempt at being funny.

Curry Worsham

Rep Cohen from TN is a constant embarrassment to my state.


I’ve known Cohen for 30yrs, and he’s been an ass for 4 decades.


That asshole is an embarrassment to the other 49 states too…..
Guess even the phantom 7 states of obungler too.

Weather Watcher

If a Republican did that it would be called………everyone……RACIST!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s Collins’s opening statement.


Today is a tough day for me. We bury my cousin who was killed in a car accident in Nevada. A great guy. Totally MAGA. He was extremely active in Nevada politics and wound up leading the Republican Party in his county. Many of the most famous names in the state were his friends. Always a great time when he called because he gave me insider stuff that no one else had. He was very bright, perceptive and exceptionally accurate
Most of all, he was a lifelong friend. Remarkably loyal to his family. Nevada is less of a place without him. God rest his soul.


Peace to you and yours.


So sorry to hear that, NYGuy. May God be with you and your family during this time.


Sorry for your loss NYGuy…

Weather Watcher

So sorry for your loss…..May God heal your heart.


NYGuy so sorry for your and your families loss.

Rodney Short

Sorry for your loss and praying for you and yours.

Pat Frederick

I hope you find peace NYGuy


I am sorry that we lost a valuable Patriot, and your beloved cousin, Ed. Know that our prayers are with you.

Gail Combs

It is terrible that my first thought is that your cousin was deliberately taken out… That is how badly the Coummunists have harmed our country.

Steve in Lewes

Prayers and sympathy to you and your family. May he rest in peace!

Sylvia Avery

I am so sorry for your loss, Ed, and for the loss to our country of another patriot.


Dear Ed (NYGuy),
Trying to hold it together with ya; tough duty, my friend, tough duty!
May I quote for you from our bflyjesusgrl’s post below? It captures so eloquently my prayers for you!
FLOTUS opened with:
“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6:24-26‬ ‭KJV‬‬
POTUS quoted:
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:31‬ ‭KJV‬‬
You must be strong for your cousin and family. He has mounted up with wings as eagles…
God Bless!


Very sorry to hear about your loss, NYGuy. May the memories you shared with keep you in the days ahead. People like that never really leave us – we carry them in our hearts and minds.


So very sorry Ed. Sending prayers your way…


Sending you hugs and prayers. Seems to me greatness and goodness runs in your family. We are sorry for your loss. Know we will be with you in spirit. Very best blessings and peace to you and your whole family.


Extra prayers going up for you and your family Ed.


So very sorry – my heart aches for you and yours!


NYGuy, Sorry for your loss. America, MAGA, and NV need more folks like him!
A couple coincidences here in Northern Nevada. Perhaps related.
– Saw a couple American Flags flying half mast today, local businesses on US50. Lyon County, NV.
– – When I got home, perused the news for indications to fly Flag half mast. Perhaps related to your cousin passing. Don’t know.
– Spoke with an elderly Veteran today at an In-n-Out in Carson. Member of American Legion Honor Guard. He was returning from Rendering Honors at Nevada Veterans Cemetery, Fernley, NV.
Apologize for the ramble. Thought I’d share.


How tragic. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your tragic loss, Ed.
My sincere condolences…he sounds like a great guy, which makes the loss even more acute.

Deplorable Patriot

Brian Cates article with more speculation. At this point, who knows what to believe since we don’t know what we don’t know.
Nobody really paid any attention to what Rosenstein said as he was grilled during a House hearing in June 2018: listen carefully to what Rosenstein says at 5:50 of the linked video.
Rosenstein: “We sit down with a team of attorneys from the Department of Justice, all of whom review that [the FISA warrant] and provide a briefing for us about what’s in it. Sir, I’ve reviewed that one in some detail and I can tell you, sir, that the information that’s public about that doesn’t match with my understanding of the one that I signed.
But I think it’s appropriate to let the Inspector General complete that investigation. These are serious allegations and I don’t do the investigation, I’m not the affiant. I’m reviewing the finished product, sir. If the Inspector General finds that I did something wrong then I’ll respect that judgment, but I think it’s highly highly unlikely, sir.”
Most missed what Rosenstein meant when he explained to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) that he wasn’t the affiant of the FISA renewal application on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page; that is, he wasn’t the one who did the investigating and prepared the information.
If the people who presented that FISA warrant to Rosenstein lied to him and hid things from him—deceiving him to get it renewed—they instantly became guilty of perjuring themselves when he signed off on it.
That would be a very serious offense indeed, and I can assure you that Justice Department (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz has been taking a long and very serious look at all of this FISA abuse and will soon be releasing a report detailing what he’s discovered. Barr publicly testified before Congress that Horowitz will release that report “in May or June.”


Brian Cates has always been pro-Rosenstein. I always take those parts of his posts with a grain of salt, because I still have very serious doubts about Rosenstein. There is still the fact that he appointed Mueller and let him run wild. And I recall Q talking about an intercepted phone call where Rosy talked with Loretta Lynch for 45 minutes.


Q has stated that some of his drops are dis-info to confuse the enemy. Just saying.
I figure there have been multiple times when DJT has talked with enemies for 45 minutes or more.
What if “running wild” was intended by DJT?
I’m just trying to provoke your brain cells. 🙂


Jeff Carlson (The Epoch Times) has reviewed the same Rosenstein testimony and thinks similarly.


Yes. That RR statement regarding the FISA he reviewed differs from the FISA submitted to FISC. Also RR was not an affiant. (I assume affiant is one who swaers the information is factual. Not a lawyer.) RR was checking the FISA for completeness and meets the required legal threshholds, I assume.
These are huge points and I’ll also be looking to see how the IG reports out on each of them.



Nothing will be released until Rosie leaves on May 11th … esp. report on Comey…
America will be focused on Mother’s Day, May 12th……… WalMart parking lots will be overflowing…

Gail Combs

Cinco de mayo (5th of May) celebrations are this weekend. So it is a busy 4 weekends.
Lenin’s Birthday- Earth Day – May day – Cinco de mayo – Mother’s Day
🌹 🌻 🌸 🌺 🌷 SPRING FEVER! 💐


“Cinco de mayo (5th of May) celebrations are this weekend.”
Strange. Here in the U.S. Ramadan also starts on May 5th, and runs for 30 days.


Comey has a CNN Townhall scheduled for May 9th

Deplorable Patriot

In this house, we celebrate Ramadan with plenty of bacon.
Seriously, though, Sunday is a HUGE family party.


Busted up…wife wondering whats with me…
…In this house, we celebrate Ramadan with plenty of bacon.
Oh my. Had me 60% way throgh that line….thinking whaaat? Then Bacon!!!

Deplorable Patriot

In a household this Catholic, we celebrate Ramadan and a few other holy days with bacon, ham, and pork roast.


that is Damn funny DP! I love it!


and in Ky–It Derby Week!!! The Oaks is tomorrow and Derby is Saturday!!


OH! Thank you for that reminder! Must set my DVR to record….


The Favorite, Omaha Beach was scratched today due to a cough.. Sad because some WWII vets were scheduled to get pics with him and they had to cancel…One guy was 102 years old…😥



Sue Mcdonald

My birthday is on Cinco de mayo ,I get offered a free drink at our favorite eating establishment every year 😊


Wonder how declass fits in with UK State visit? I would think declass beforehand would make visit extremely awkward. Is reason for POTUS’ visit to work out plan to minimize UK embarrassment/culpability???


NO WAY to minimize what the UK has done…
Personally, I do not believe POTUS will go to UK in June… not only is UK NOT an ally, they are clearly an enemy… POTUS and FLOTUS would be at extreme risk to go to UK
imho of course ……..
Thread —


Don’t care about minimizing UK embarrassment / culpability.
UK participated in an attempted coup. Zero forgiveness by me.


Hey Remember the day Rosie stood behind AG Barr and we all focused on how uncomfortable he looked…?comment image
Well, I couldn’t figure out who the other guy was… and apparently nobody seemed curious or cared. Well, here comes Ms Rosie (no relation) to explain it all to us… verrry interesting it is… recommend you read her THREAD – click either tweet – comments are interesting also

Deplorable Patriot

So, that’s Ed O’Callahan. Okay then.


POTUS NOW speaking in WH Rose Garden – National Day of Prayer Service


Only OANN, Fox’s, CSPAN3 airing


FLOTUS opened with:
“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6:24-26‬ ‭KJV‬‬
POTUS quoted:
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:31‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Hope I’m not double posting, but then there was this today. Can we get Nadler on an indictment list???


It was a circus. Then there were dueling press conferences afterwards. Nader is out of control. Doug Collins is awesome sauce!! 😎


Same thing happened yesterday Lady P,
Nadler had a virtual meltdown in the Committee meeting… called for vote, took it WHILE in middle of debate, would not allow other Congressmen to speak.

Gail Combs

Looks like the Communits DemonRats are sending a VERY CLEAR MESSAGE to AMERICANS.


PR, they were crazy in that room yesterday. I’m praying for the day their names appear on indictment papers – issued by a Grand Jury.


THESE IDIOTS (Nadless et al) make the 9th Circus look intelligent.
CONgress says it all.
WHO voted for theses ASSHOLES?
Wake the FUCK up America!


Duels. We need duels on the White House lawn. Pistols at dawn. Better yet, swords. Nadler deserves whatever Gaetz could deal out. Bring real men back!


I don’t think Nadler could make it to the front lawn. That guy is a walking heart attack.


Too bad. Duels bring separate the men from the boys, which is the whole point. 🙂


Nads is a buffoon. Trying to play tough guy. Problem is Nads is a wuss.
Nads has zero “presence of mind” to manage real time events he really has little control over. Nads is in theory chairing a committee with set rules…yet he is overwhelmed when things don’t go his way.
What the hell does Nads expect when he is launching innuendos constantly? The opposition has a right to play within committee rules.
Nads handlers failing. Nads is a failure. Warped, I am…appreciate the D-Rat comedy theater.
D-Rat implosion broadening…:-)

Pat Frederick

Biden’s possible running mate? LOL Kerry



That’s 3 more POTUS-picked judges today. I’m surprised that some dems are actually voting to confirm them. Schumer must be apoplectic.


I wonder about that also Linda…….
FL and PR judges are Latino……. perhaps DIMs support for that reason?
I can’t figure the DIM vote on the PA judge… one of the senators is DIM… but that leaves a dozen +- voting for the nominee…..



First Lady Melania’s dresses:
Beige lace dress – RedValentino
Green dress by Emilia Wickstead for rose garden ceremony:

Pat Frederick
Pat Frederick

IT’S OVER. Period. No matter how much whining and blather. It’s the heck over.

59,956,899 @realDonaldTrump followers – 7:02 am – 5/2/19
59,961,361 – 12:29 pm


Mueller did decide. Prosecutors only have two options: A) Prosecure or B) Don’t. He chose option B.
Barr simply agreed with him.


You are absolutely right! Then AG Barr agreed – no collusion/no obstruction!





For once, positive replies at the top of the Trump WMD twitter feed!



Gail Combs

You will want to read this guys:
Politics by Other Means: The Use and Abuse of Scandal by John Marini Hillsdale College

….To understand a political scandal fully, one must take into account all of the interests of those involved. The problem is that these interests are rarely revealed—which is precisely why it is so tempting for partisans, particularly if they are at a political disadvantage, to resort to scandal to attack their opponents. Many great scandals arise not as a means of exposing corruption, but as a means of attacking political foes while obscuring the political differences that are at issue. This is especially likely to occur in the aftermath of elections that threaten the authority of an established order. In such circumstances, scandal provides a way for defenders of the status quo to undermine the legitimacy of those who have been elected on a platform of challenging the status quo—diluting, as a consequence, the authority of the electorate….


An excellent article GailCombs. Thanks. :0)

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: be77ab No.6392995 📁
May 2 2019 11:41:23 (EST)” target=”_new” title=”archive” id=”archive_today”>
You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
May, 2019 – ‘kick-off’ ‘start’ ‘offense’
Enjoy the show!

Deplorable Patriot

Video at link:

Deplorable Patriot

Explanation from anon on VOAT of the Karate Kid clip:
Seems people are missing the point of this.
Cobra Kai was teaching a normalized war methodology. ( black hats )
MiyagiDo ( White hats ) played effectively and patiently and struck with honor when the time was right ( the competition )
In this part of the movie Daniel goes there to explore and thinks about joining – but he leaves once he sees there is no honor. And he begins ascending his payback and training as a result.

Deplorable Patriot

For those who haven’t seen the classic since the 80s, this is scene of where we are whether we realize it or not. We’ve been in training.


Who knew the Karate Kid movie was so deep. All I remember was wax on, wax off. Or something like that.

Deplorable Patriot

The kid was in training and didn’t know it.

Brave and Free

New Q drop


comment image


Phoenix – You can post this every tima, and I STILL chuckle like I am seeing it for the first time 😊😊

Pat Frederick

I’m right there with ya!!!


me to Alison……….. I just love her ! feisty, loud… adorable.

Sylvia Avery



Funny story thread is up. Figured we need a funny story after the Dems in Congress.


Thanks Daughn,
Best storyteller I know !!!!!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Great story, Daughn.
The Democrats (especially Nadler) are going to find out “when you’re out of slats, you’re out of pier”… 🙂 [from an old “commercial” on the Sonny and Cher show]


“Top officials are deeply upset about Attorney General Bill Barr’s announcement that he is investigating the reasons the FBI spied on Donald Trump’s campaign.
In a statement made while he was pasting on a fake beard and disguising himself as an Egyptian goatherd, former FBI Director James Comey said, “It is a very sad day for this nation when I have to leave town as quickly as possible in this ridiculous getup. I can’t believe that anyone could doubt the righteousness of the most righteous person this universe has produced since Paul Scofield in A Man for all Seasons, and you can’t get any more righteous than he was, believe you me.” Mr. Comey than excused himself, climbed out the bathroom window and has not been seen since.”
Andrew Klavan

Pat Frederick

how many times have we heard in the last 2 years…if they have nothing to hide, what are they afraid of? bwahaha!!!


Terrific ………….. absolutely spot-on imagery !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I sometimes wonder if Comey played Bin Laden on TV 😉
So tall, neither could walk around unnoticed… gonna be hard to run Jimmie boy !!!!!!!!!!


Hope Comey the weasel runs off a cliff.


“an Egyptian goatherd” ROFL….I can see it now phc….A posted image of rolling green hills covered with herds of goats and another cryptic tweet from the goatherd – “Be Afwaid, Be Vewy, Vewy Afwaid”


Patrick! HA! Excelent Parody… “Mr. Comey then excused himself, climbed ou of the bathroom window and has not been seen since.”–IF ONLY…


Did he check behind the shower curtain??





“…the way we react to DARKNESS is with LIGHT…”


YES Michael…. Amen.


He called POTUS a “Mensch par Excellence”. 😍😍😍

Sylvia Avery

I love this Rabbi. I love to hear him speak. He communicates at a basic, human level. You can feel his warmth and the love radiating from him.


Absolutely Sylvia… easy how to understand that a congregant would throw herself between him and the shooter. He radiates love. In my view, that is a person “of Light” …. you meet them in your journey through this life, and too often don’t realize it.
His conversation was not about the shooter… it was about “what must I do now, to make things better”
First protect those here, second continue to serve. God’s vessel …

Sylvia Avery

When he begins to speak, I find him electrifying. I stumble around trying to explain it because it isn’t so much what he says or how he says it, it is just he has that “light” you speak about.
Wonderful man. I’m so glad he was there. Can you imagine flying across the country five days after you’re involved in a shooting and have one finger blown off and another reattached surgically????? I hate flying even when I’m well and whole and not having to cope with having both hands bandaged.
He is a very admirable man. Humble, gracious, and rock steady in his faith.


That he stood up and finished his sermon the day of the shooting, his hands wrapped in a prayer shawl, encouraging his flock….That says it all.

Sylvia Avery



Senate now voting…

up to this point, today, with more to come this afternoon and evening:

Thank you Lord for giving us Donald John Trump, and for giving Mitch the backbone to push the confirmation of judges (even though he does it to create a legacy for himself, it serves the common good)…
Can I get an Amen ?


oops …….. I left out the ‘meat’ of the post !!!!!!!


I lifted it from GA/FL previous page:


LOVE IT… thanks Lady P ……. !!!!!!!!!!


Amen!! 😃




Go TIGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Breaking NEWS


RealClear’s got a crappy piece of propaganda going there… shifting the crime from LL to BC ?
Ain’t gonna fly… glad to know there were two crew members onboard. Bet they heard the conversation. Have they been arkancided?
Don’t know how Sperry sees this as new news …….. am I missin’ something here ???????

Pat Frederick

we never had more than her bare bones “talked about grandkids and golf” story–this purports to flesh it out a bit. But it’s still just HER saying what they talked about–like she would say anything else at that point…and certainly casts her in the VICTIM role…Bill did this to her–she wanted him to leave, he stayed…he compromised HER…lol…blame casting

Deplorable Patriot

A couple things. One, this outlet is not one of the usual venues for leaks and releases of transcripts. That alone makes it suspicious. Two, not much of the transcript itself is in the article. There is no indication of how much more there is, if indeed this is the real thing, and what has been left out.
Add it to the pile, but with a pound of salt and maybe a little lime.




“… a little lime.”


Important to remember that Mueller and Barr are close friends and their wives attend the same Bible study:
Note the Bible in the photo of the Barr swearing in ceremony is not your formal Bible, but a thumb indexed working model study Bible.
Barr was giving Mueller’s legal thinking every chance to be correct – but in the end – found not enough to prove Trump obstructed anything.


Barr can be friends with Mueller and still observe that he is a lousy lawyer…
and Barr pretty much said yesterday that, wrt letter signed by Mueller as SC and rec’d by Barr in March…
letter was snitty and probably written by staff member
(my money’s on Wassermann)


It’s Andrew Weissman who is the DNC smear terrorist.
Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC chairwoman.

Sylvia Avery

And they are both horrible. 🙂


Being a Democrat is enough to be considered horrible.

Sylvia Avery

True that!!!


I wondered when I typed the name… but I couldn’t pull up in my head the correct spelling…
That’s the dementia problem I am having… can’t complete sentences because correct ‘word’ won’t come… and even when it does, I can’t think how to spell it. For instance yesterday I couldn’t think how to spell author… I was typing arther, knew it wasn’t right, actually had to use search engine. I use search engine for correct spelling at least every other post. And names ! don’t get me started… can’t remember.
Have had an MRI… no evidence of dementia… but I know something is off, because I struggle so… thank goodness grandson is understanding… and attentive.


PR – believe me, we see no sign of dementia in your astute posts. Physical exercise, walking and memory exercises and games do help. They are also using high doses of niacinamide with success for age-related memory loss.


Thank you… my ankle should be completely healed in September, so exercise is limited… play scrabble with grandson, but there again, probable with getting correct spelling.
will try the niacinamide…


Love Scrabble! Banana-grams is also fun.


Since a big part of the problem is specifically word related, might I suggest Rosetta Stone, or another foreign language learning software package?
I find just using Rosetta every day is very good exercise for my brain. And there is clinical evidence that using more than one language every day has a powerful effect at delaying the onset of dementia in people who are otherwise susceptible.
There are iirc 7 parts of the brain that have to work correctly together to make communication in the native language possible. On of them is specifically to remember individual vocabulary words.
And there are the same number of parts of the brain that work together to communicate in foreign languages.
For people who know more than one foreign language, the foreign languages all have to share the same parts of the brain. That is why people who know more than one foreign language often have a word from the wrong foreign language pop into their mind when they are trying to say something in another. But a foreign word will seldom pop up when using the native language, or a native word when using a foreign language.
Anyway, learning or using more than one language is terrific brain exercise. It requires inductive and deductive logic, automatic application of rules, verbal memory, sense memory, fine coordination of many muscle in the throat, tongue, lips, etc.


Coffee, even decaf has high doses of B vitamins. Hugs – and best wishes.
PS – I seem to skip words in a sentence lately and remembering names, etc. is harder than it used to be – but I’ve always been scatterbrained – even in my teens. Friends would laugh at me.


Oranges, at least the rind, has niacin… and since the body doesn’t store B vitamins, I need to be getting it daily… thanks for the reminder, writing it down now !!!
You weren’t scatterbrained… probably just curious, intellectually…
I can’t run into a library… I go in and get lost… for hours. Same with the internet. 😉
Thanks for the thoughts… 😉

Sylvia Avery

pR, I would imagine that is terribly frustrating for you, and I’m sorry you’re going through that.
All I can say is you compensate for it very successfully because your posts are always great.
Love you, pR.


Thank you Sylvia,
spellcheck’s redlining is my friend… 😉
There are worse problems… it’s mostly that I’m so vain 😉 was blessed from the get-go with ability to write and speak well, good speller… now that’s changing. But we are all experiencing change of some kind. I seem to be kicking and screaming more 😉
Love you too gal…
Truly don’t know what I would do without this tree, thank you Wolfie for my branch…
There’s tons of light in this treehouse… thank you Lord.


Kids in Korea that grew up with wireless tech gadgets are being diagnosed with dementia in their teens. It’s not an aging thing, its the molecules breaking down faster than they are being replenished (by some scientists way of thinking). Our food doesn’t support the body’s nutritional needs in this high stress world. For nutrition ideas, I like Dr. Axe. Here’s an example page (I didn’t read it all, just searched on mind on his site) …


pR, I feel your pain. Even down to the ankle! (Broke left ankle Jan 3rd). Have always been a crossword fiend. Not so much lately.

Cuppa Covfefe

I like to call her Waterbuffalo-Schultz 🙂
She’s in deep, hot swamp water, no doubt…


Love that Cuppa…


Cuppa! Spit That was a grand one!


And Barr stated something along the lines of Mueller was a political appointee. Not a lawyer. Or maybe it was not a prosecutor. The idea is there.
A political person. Sort of sums up Mueller.

Pat Frederick

rereading some of the commentary from the hearing yesterday and I was reminded of something Cruz said to Barr…about POTUS not being the ONLY candidate to be spied on. Wouldn’t it be great if all the candidates could file some sort of class action lawsuit against the previous administration? then it wouldn’t look like just POTUS was angry about it…and they couldn’t make it just about “Trump” getting revenge…it would truly be a kill-shot for the Dems and their party…and speaking of that…Repubs weren’t allowed to challenge election results for 36 or so years because of a court ruling or whatever (sorry, memory fails me here). could that be applied to Dems now going forward if the Repubs could prove Dems illegally spied on their campaigns? that would be soooooo good!


Do you wonder if zero’s administration also spied on DIMs other than Hill…? Sanders ? Is that why Bernie played sheep dog, herding in the youth and later handing them over to HER…? Is Bernie playing sheep dog again, 2020?

Pat Frederick

yeah I don’t peg Obama as being a team player. he was a smug son of a bitch and he thought he was the smartest person in the room and ahead of everybody…well if you spied on everybody, you’d know things ahead too…
I’d be willing he spied on EVERYBODY


It was a consent decree, agreed to by RNC attorneys and signed off by RNC board. It prohibited the RNC from conducting or facilitating voter rolls verification operations. Stupidest crap I ever saw and wondered how any attorney could recommend settling a lawsuit with those provisions. Attorneys should have been sued for deliberate malpractice.


It was a consent decree that the national party signed when Republicans were caught cheating in New Jersey.
The original New Jersey judge kept renewing his order every few years. Then he retired, but came out of retirement for one day to renew it before it could expire. Then came out of retirement one more day a few years later.
I didn’t know it was up to a judge to decide personally when he has power or not, but that’s the way they do things in New Jersey.
He eventually died a few years ago, and so couldn’t come out of retirement any more. So by Nov 2018 his order finally died too. I guess globalist elite baby blood technology can only delay aging. It’s not yet up to actually bringing someone back from the dead…



bbuuttt……. Sessions was a bad AG…. right?
zero Admin spied on Sessions… corrupt FBI began an investigation of him…
His investigations shut down most of the leaks… except of course those emanating from VP Chief of Staff
Sessions appointed Huber to investigate…. what will soon be revealed…
POTUS even chose Sessions’ Chief of Staff “Mr Clean” to serve as Acting AG, before Barr came onboard.
Sessions recommended Stephen Miller to POTUS… y’all know Miller… the guy who is finally getting the right people in place in DHS and the guy who suggested moving BP agents from Ports of entry to unprotected areas… imposing long waits in traffic flow…
Sessions was gifted the chair he sat in at cabinet meetings….. with a ceremony…


PR, thanks for the reminders. I meant to mention that Cabinet Chair story as well – That isn’t done for someone who left in disgrace, but even more to the point as you noted, Whitaker and Miller, two stellar #MAGA folks aiding POTUS – when he needed good people to get the job done.

Sylvia Avery

“Snitty” was trending bigly on Twitter this morning.


hee hee……… Barr is such a troll ?
No wonder POTUS chose him… persuaded him to come out of retirement…
They’re like two peas in a pod……
Remember when Da Nang Dick asked yesterday if he (Barr) had ‘memorialized’* his phone conversation with Mueller? And when Barr responded ‘yes’ …… ol’ Dick said “may we have them” ? Barr quickly responded NO!
Then he crossed his arms, leaned on table top, looked him straight in the eyes and said “why should you have them”? End of story.

Sylvia Avery

That was possibly one of the best moments of the day.
Barr is a giant. If he is who I think he is, when the dust has settled from all this he will be a hero for restoring the rule of law to our country.


would love to hear Daughn’s hubby’s view of that word…….
Personally, I see it as pure legalese… in everyday speech we would say to one another, did you make note of the phone conversation, right? FBI/DoJ agents say memorialize?
See, that’s the problem with the upper level of the FBI…….. they’re all lawyers. Field agents don’t talk like that. Tony Shaffer talks about that in video linked below. I posted last night, but think it’s informative enough to post again. Shaffer doesn’t think Wray is cleaning up the FBI… thinks he needs replacing. I agree… Wray seems too interested in protecting “the institution”…… Wray is a lawyer.×280

Cuppa Covfefe

But I thought the DEMONcRATs want to tear down statutes… 🙂

Curry Worsham

“Solely for your entertainment.”

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Curry, I swear I should watch that every morning along with my coffee just to put a smile on my face.

Elizabeth Carter

I was checking out Dep Pat link on Karate Kid and found this.
I thought you all might all enjoy it.

Sylvia Avery

I’d love it if PDJT gave him a Presidential Medal.

Sylvia Avery

Andrew was sort of the original citizen journalist who really started to break the evil media’s hold. I think it would be powerful to have a WH ceremony awarding this posthumously to his family. And he deserves it.


His site “Big” is what got me started!

Sylvia Avery

I am pretty sure I never heard his story of how he ended up at that podium taking over Weiner’s press conference. Hilarious.
Gosh, I miss him.


Send POTUS a letter Sylvia, asking him to recognize Andrew…
Bet he will……….

Sylvia Avery

I might do that, pR. Thanks for the idea!

Sylvia Avery

I hadn’t thought of that. BWAHAHAHA!


The tide truly has turned……………..


Hope it drops right before his townhall. Why TF is he doing a townhall??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Husband was jumping up and down about COmey doing a town hall.
He said, no matter what needed to happen, Barr should move heaven and earth, and have Comey arrested in the midst of the town hall.


Patrick…Ok so at 1st glance I thought your link would bring me to a picture of Fatty Naddy’s wife with Schifty Pencil-necks wife…😂😂 Then I realized Thelma & Louise!! LOL! Excellent article! Thanks for sharing!!!😊
I have two CC guns and that’s what I named them!!😜🔫


Concealed Carry Thigh Sense

View post on


Oh!! 🤣🤣🤣 You Bad!! LOL!!!


Not that there’s anything wrong with that…………


Exactly!!!! 😍😍😘


Could always claim Artistic Licentious……………


That’s a perfect way to put it!! phc’s Thesaurus says…
Artistic Licentious = Imaginatively Wanton?


Shoot to thrill


Every TIME!!!😅


I LIKE it!


YAY!! Marica got emojis back!!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋🤗😍👏🤩🥳🥳


I DID Butterfly!!! Thanks for noticing!!!😚🤗😍🚂💕

Cuppa Covfefe

The thigh’s the limit…

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting article. Considering how far off the road Nadjerk and Shiffttt are,
Themela amd Luciferese might indicate their Demonic direction…

Sylvia Avery

Enjoyable read.
I have my own version where Detective Sylvia Avery is running after Thelma and Louise yelling, “Don’t Stop! Faster! Faster! Hit that gas!”


Deplorable Patriot

I tend to agree. Bill Mitchell, Praying Medic, and others are all claiming their sources are indicating the feces is about to hit the oscilator.


🎢🎢🎢 Buckle UP!!!!!

Curry Worsham

Rush was all over it:
“Their trying to get ahead of the story.”


Friday tomorrow….But I will be at the track ALL DAY!!!😪😥😥


Why so glum??
🐎🐎🐎 💵 💵 🍺🍺🥜🥜…. 😉🙃😃


I’m with normies all day! It’a Friday news dump…And I will miss you all!!! Another meet up in the bathroom with Alison day!🤣🤣😎


THis really is frightening—FOR LIFE!! 😨😱🤮

Sylvia Avery

This censorship and banning keeps heating up. Give it another 6-9 months (closer to the election) and they will have silenced most of us. All we will be allowed to see or hear are devil’s imps like Ana Navarro, Nicole Wallace, and the like for “balanced conservative perspectives” and everyone else will be off the interwebs or TV or Radio.
I saw something earlier today about some journalistic authority who had compiled a list of conservative web sites that are officially fake news and it included Breitbart, Daily Wire, The Blaze, Lifezette, and hundreds of others including The Conservative Treehouse.


We are going to have to dig Deeper!!! can I please borrow your shovel Sylvia?🤔😋

Sylvia Avery

Sure! Rodney Short just sharpened it up for me so it is good to go!


Excellent!!! and how kind of Rodney!!! 💕💗


Personally, I don’t see PDJT allowing this to continue. FCC or FTC needs to do something, IMO.

Sylvia Avery

My imagination is in overdrive today. I keep seeing these instant visuals. And few of them are pleasant, regrettably.


Class Action Lawsuit Time!!!

Curry Worsham

Now there’s an honest pro abortion argument you won’t hear in DC:
Kill them now so you don’t have to kill them later.

Sylvia Avery

This was so awful I could hardly bear to read it.

Deplorable Patriot

Since Q stuff tends to have a one year aging delta, I went back to the beginning of May 2018. Two posts stand out following the focus on the FBI:
Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.66 📁
May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST)
Mass exodus in DC?
Mass exodus – corporate CEOs?
Who has the POWER?
Who has the CONTROL?
If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?
Who is the AG?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?
Re_read DOJ org change (open source – more in pipe)
Who is the FBI director?
Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?
Re_read FBI org change (open source – more in pipe)
If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?
Why are they slow walking unredacted data?
Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?
Why is the WH backing up DOJ?
What if the same data is being used by other investigators?
What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?
Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?
What would be the purpose of creating confusion?
What was Sessions’ Senate confirmation vote?
What was RR’s Senate confirmation vote?
If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
Common denominator.
Why did Sessions pick RR?
Everyone has an opinion.
Few have the facts.
Few know the plan.
Midterms [save & push]?
Swing voters to retake House/Senate?
Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?
Power at all costs?
Blue wave?
Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?
What is the DOJ responsible for?
What is the FBI responsible for?
Why did HRC get a free pass?
Define single shooter.
Who is HUBER?
Define IG.
When does SESSIONS step back in?
Already is?
Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?
Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?
Timing is everything.
Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,
What about the active investigation into leaks?
“Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations.”
Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?
They are deeply connected.
Think Offshore.
MIL INTEL providing support during this time?
Why are select EO’s aggressively being written and put into law?
State/C_A next?
Think logically.
No outside comms.
Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.67 📁
May 8 2018 12:38:39 (EST)
Review Time.
Not seeking re-election.
Bob Corker – Republican
Jeff Flake – Republican
Orrin Hatch – Republican
No Name – Republican [Departure Soon]
Bill Shuster – Republican
Bob Goodlatte – Republican
Carol Shea-Porter – Democrat
Charles W. Dent – Republican
Darrell Issa – Republican
Dave Reichert – Republican
David Trott – Republican
Dennis Ross – Republican
Edward Royce – Republican
Elizabeth Esty – Democrat
Frank LoBiondo – Republican
Gene Green – Democrat
Gregg Harper – Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – Republican
Jeb Hensarling – Republican
Jim Bridenstine – Republican
Joe Barton – Republican
John Delaney – Democrat
John J. Duncan, Jr. – Republican
Lamar Smith – Republican
Luis V. Gutierrez – Democrat
Lynn Jenkins – Republican
Niki Tsongas – Democrat
Paul Ryan – Republican
Rick Nolan – Democrat
Robert Brady – Democrat
Rodney Frelinghuysen – Republican
Ruben J. Kihuen – Democrat
Ryan Costello – Republican
Sam Johnson – Republican
Sandy Levin – Democrat
Ted Poe – Republican
Thomas Rooney – Republican
Trey Gowdy – Republican
Al Franken – Democratic U.S. Senate
Blake Farenthold – Republican U.S. House
Jason Chaffetz – Republican U.S. House
John Conyers, Jr. – Democrat U.S. House
Louise Slaughter – Democrat U.S. House
Patrick Meehan – Republican U.S. House
Patrick J. Tiberi – Republican U.S. House
Thad Cochran – Republican U.S. Senate
Tim Murphy – Republican U.S. House
Trent Franks – Republican U.S. House
Xavier Becerra – Democrat Attorney General of California
+ CEOs
Nothing happening?
Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Why is the NY AG resignation important?
What past/current ‘high profile’ FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Define roadblock.
You have more than you know.
Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.

Deplorable Patriot

Looks like the drops have started. First up is the NYT on George Papadopoulos. He had this to say:

Deplorable Patriot

More on this at Jim Hoft’s site:
The New York Times dropped a bombshell Thursday and revealed that Stefan Halper’s assistant, ‘Azra Turk,’ who met with Papadopoulos is September of 2016 was actually an FBI investigator posing as a sexy assistant to Halper.
Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos traveled to London in September of 2016 after he received a strange request via email, for a meeting with Stefan Halper, a Cambridge professor with CIA connections, to discuss foreign policy.
Halper sent Papadopoulos an email in early September of 2016 offering him $3,000 to travel to London and write a policy paper about Cyprus, Turkey and Israel because Papadopoulos was working in the Israeli energy business and had an extensive amount of knowledge in that field.
Enter the spy posing as a sexy assistant…
Stefan Halper’s assistant, Azra Turk (alias), who Papadopoulos referred to as a ‘honeypot,’ said she flirted with him and directly asked him if the Trump campaign was working with Russia.
It turns out this honeypot was sent to Papadopoulos as part of the FBI’s spying operation on the Trump campaign.


Thank goodness the entire Trump team was smarter than the Inspector Clouseaus thought. PapaD didn’t take the bait a number of times.


George had brought that up before – he knew what she was early on.


Just a cautionary note on this. Should be inconsequential, however Azra Turk (alias) <<< reminds me of Valerie Plame who the left successfully made lots of noise about her being outed in an effort to take out Scooter Libby even though it was Richard Armitage that actually outed her.
It would be wise to reel this one in and put under protection if just so she can cause no harm. Example of harm would be if she were still active, outed by someone, and is captured and punished by a foreign nation, lets say Turkey. Propaganda value would be through the roof.

Curry Worsham

Solomon on Hannity radio just said that Ukraine has acknowledged that Dems asked for dirt on Manafort in 2016.

Sylvia Avery

The drops become a dribble, the dribble becomes a stream, look out for the flood!


Dems colluded with a foreign government to get dirt on a political opponent during a presidential campaign? No way!

Curry Worsham



Ohhhhhhhhh lookie there, we’re right OVER that target!!!!!!!!!

Steve in Lewes

Pilot to bombardier……
Navigator Daughn declares we’re Over target…..
Prepare to open bomb bay doors….
Release MOABs upon President’s command…….


“One benefit of the elections of Omar and Tlaib, assessed Jasser, is the increased public exposure of the ideology of America’s Islamic “establishment.”
Jasser remarked, “Now, since Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have been in Congress, people are like, ‘Oh, my God, they’re right. These are radical positions. What’s going on?’ We’re like, ‘Welcome to our world.’ These are the folks that are the establishment in the Muslim community that need to be exposed, and on a daily basis, people are getting an education into their worldview. I think in some ways, it’s a blessing. People are starting to get some exposure, and in other ways, you’re seeing a lot of dysfunction in dealing with it, and you’re starting to learn why [Ilhan Omar’s] district in Minnesota, for example, has the highest radicalization rate for Somali refugees going to fight jihad. It’s not a coincidence that exists. … People are starting to put the pieces together.”
“What you’re seeing in terms of progress [in Muslims speaking up against radicalization] is folks that are almost forced or necessitated to speak up,” assessed Jasser. “It’s not because they’ve actually begun to help our platforms of reform … looking to expose the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and legacy groups and to expose the influence of Islamists and ideologies that are not compatible with American law and American identity.”


I often tell my tea party that Jugears was a blessing, for without him there would have been no President Trump.


Understandable – however, his election, unfortunately, has set a precedent – look at the guy who was born in India running for President!!!!! THAT is the biggest danger, IMO. The Natural Born Citizen requirement in our Constitution MUST be honored!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS, including PDJT’s non-NBC children!!!!

Sylvia Avery

PDJT with the men who chased the shooter out of the synagogue on Saturday.

Sylvia Avery

Pics of Flotus from the National Day of Prayer ceremony. Gorgeous green dress.

Sylvia Avery

Sylvia Avery

Someone told me long ago There’s a calm before the storm,
I know; It’s been comin’ for some time.
When it’s over, so they say, It’ll rain a sunny day,
I know; Shinin’ down like water.


Good choice Sylvia …………


The AG Barr B Q’d them.


Cucks Filleted

Sylvia Avery

You have got your game on!


Just another pretty face…………………

Sylvia Avery

So that WAS you in the mid 80s on that epic Times Square billboard modelling for Calvin Klein!
For some reason I thought it was Marky Mark.


The only time I competed for an advertising gig was in the late seventies.
Tom Sellick won it.

Sylvia Avery

I’m sure you were magnanimous in defeat. I mean, Tom Selleck! Couldn’t get any hotter. If you’re gonna lose, lose to the best!


Open casting for Salem cig commercial, 1977.
I had the better mustache, however.

Sylvia Avery

Seriously??? I thought you were kidding! What an experience that must have been!


The casting was countrywide.
I was in Houston.
He was probably in California.

Sylvia Avery

Well, you’ve still been closer to him than I have ever been.
Was it fun?


It was different.
My photos were originally submitted by the agency that had did the work for a local magazine article.
(I was a builder in Houston)
They were featuring local businesses.
Mattress Mack was one of them.
He and I were good friends.

Sylvia Avery

That is pretty cool. I remember hearing about Mattress Mack during the Hurricane Harvey coverage. I thought it was such a creative idea (and incredibly generous) to open up his furniture stores to let people have a place to stay.
I forgot that Tom Selleck supposedly owned a summer home on the water in a town about 10 miles from me. I used to wish I’d casually run into him, LOL.


Jim was a good guy.
Started out pretty small. Hit the big time in ’81 when he opened Gallery Furniture.


had done

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Like Benson and Hedges they were. Silly millimeter longer 🙂

2 treehouses r better than 1

There are so many people in our treehouse gang that I would love to get to know in person. I “meet” and learn from and enjoy internet friendship with so many great people. And the stories some of you all tell…wow!
What a story, PHC!

Sylvia Avery

I know what you mean!

Cuppa Covfefe

Buger Baggers…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The DEMONcRATs should be meme’d and not herd…


The socialist/progressives can’t meme…
They have NO SENSE… not even a sense of humor ………..


Phoenix!! and THAT very fact…Is why we win!!!! Donald John Trump has shown us HOW!!!😘😊

Sylvia Avery

And boy, does this ever illustrate that!

Sylvia Avery

Heh! 🙂

Sylvia Avery

I think this is true. They’re so out of touch they think they’ll call names and be all like Trump, sort of like Rubio during that debate. Nope. Doesn’t work.
This chicken thing is silly and juvenile, like HRC wanting people dressed as Donald Duck at the rallies.
I can just see Barr rolling his eyes at the idiocy.


Yes Sylvia–‘Sips from water bottle” 😜

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

And Rubio runs along, looking up at the sky, yelling:
(And Sylvia replies, “Rich Corinthian shovels”… 🙂 )…


VSG has DECLAS. Dims have no class.


The rules of both houses of Congress prohibit food and beverages besides water. Maybe this guy should be held in contempt of Congress. He is contemptible, after all.


Dems: “Rules? We don’t need no stinkin Rules!!”!!!

Sylvia Avery

Rules are for the little people. They never, EVER apply to the Dims.


I don’t get it…. but he’s a dem so nothing new there.


Here’s K_ovefe’s Thread on the short interview with Catherine Herridge… Evidently more of this interview will air at 11:00 pm


Something weird at BB – no Disqus…..
“According to CEP, MB itself or some of its affiliated groups maintain an active presence in at least 18 countries primarily located across the Muslim world, namely in the Middle East and Africa.
Given its global reach, it appears the Brotherhood is closer to achieving its goal of bringing about a caliphate, by changing existing governments and societies from within, than groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS.
At one point or another, American congressional hearings and federal terrorism trials have linked MB to U.S.-based Islamic groups such as Muslim American Society (MAS), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Students Association (MSA), North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and the Hamas-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Analysts such as Lorenzo Vidino of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism argue that over time some of those American groups have shed their links to MB.
Nevertheless, an MB manifesto, dubbed “Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” and presented by the FBI as evidence in a U.S. federal case against Hamas financing, explicitly claimed that it is a “civilization jihadist” group responsible for Muslims to “present Islam as a civilization alternative, and support[ing] the global Islamic State wherever it is.”


Funny how they leave out the US….
“According to CEP, MB and its affiliates operate in Egypt; Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.”


“Something weird at BB – no Disqus”
I read, a week or so ago that BB had dropped Disqus


It was fine for me this morning….huh. Hadn’t heard that!


I have it. American Thinker switched platforms.



Deplorable Patriot

Earlier, I was watching a video from India where a mongoose was in a battle with a cobra. The cobra eventually was worn down, and the mongoose won. It was a hard fought battle, though.
I know apex predator and honey badger, wolverine, etc., are the animals we usually think of when it comes to the Trump Administration, but guys like Matt Whitaker remind me of the mongoose.


As a little girl in Okinawa we used to go to carnivals and watch the snake and mongoose fights. The men would bet.


Another one? The Dims are going to need a bigger clown car.
So Michael Bennet is in the running. He’s a United States Senator from Colorado…. born in New Delhi, India…??????

Sylvia Avery

Why does no one tell him he can’t????
Oh, wait, I remember. Rules/Laws/ The Constitution don’t apply to Dims.
Bring on the Clown Car Caravan.

Cuppa Covfefe

Might just have well as been Gordon Bennet…




Truth Dies In The Darkness…………………..Nocturnal Omissions

Sylvia Avery

Oh LORDY to quote one of my favorite treasonous conspirators!

Cuppa Covfefe

Let the wed betting begin…

She is now the second Baltimore mayor to resign over corruption charges in the past decade.

Sylvia Avery

I watched The Wire. I’m not surprised. 🙂 Very Chicagoesque.



Sylvia Avery

Thanks pR. I did see Karate Kid a million years ago, but I don’t remember much of it. I know it is sort of a classic, but I was kind of “meh” about it so watching the clip didn’t help me much to understand the reference.
This cleared it right up for me.


Thanks for posting Phoenix!! PM’s football analogy is good! real good!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The DEMONcRATs are like the Browns playing the Oakland Raiders back in the Golden Years of their “Eleven Angry Men” defense and Kenny Stabler at his peak. The Browns were at 4th and 74 (!), and it only got worse from there… for the Cleveland DEMONcRATs…
(THOSE were the days)…


Excellent! Thank you for posting.
I’ve started my Sunday Open thread composition and guess what my working title is?
“We are on the Offensive!”
A little awestruck that I’ve read the shifting winds in a similar way to praying medic.


Remember we recently had the post on the Battle of Midway…
We’re all being led in the same direction, almost as if from a source beyond all dimensions of space and time




Can the testify without the permission of DOJ? They were employees after all.


Elizabeth Carter

I was explaining to a friend the difference between Trump Rallies and other rallies. This was the last rally of the 2016 election and called on very short notice. It still makes tears in my eyes.
I thought you all might like to remember how we got here.


It is so good to look back and realize this patriotic man who may have been our last hope for the USA won It all for us. Thx EC 🙂


Sylvia Avery


Lindsey’s enthusiasm peters out rather quickly.


Bold pronouncements one day,
And a softening the next.


Saw what you did there 😉

Sylvia Avery

Dude. Now I’m thinking about Lindsey’s body parts and I most assuredly don’t want to be doing that.
Let’s talk about Tom Selleck some more!


Might be hard on your laundry

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Poor Ivory Snow…flake…

Sylvia Avery



“Let’s talk about Tom Selleck some more!”
Yummy!!! :0)


Cold shower for you.

Sylvia Avery

No, just gallons of brain bleach. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

*cough* well, that’s one way to put it


hey, Friday’s comin’ early …………. 😉

Sylvia Avery

Leaping Lizards as Little Orphan Annie might say. Wow!


For proof of Jacko’s twitter bots, check out the comments to Ramses’ tweet….
keep in mind that Ramses was suspended just a day ago…so very few would be following him on new acc’t, yet the first comments up are ALL negative against Trump…
I think words trigger the algorithms – others know more about this than I do… but Biden and investigate would do it, I think
This has to stop… twitter must me made a public utility



What an amazing structure!


Not right. He was just one member of a team that executed their mission. Most followed protocol and kept quiet and moved on. O’Neil is a grand stander and is now shunned by the Seal Team community. Good.


As far as I’m concerned O’Neil is a Patriot and an elite American Warrior, and I’m forever grateful to him for taking out that scumbag UBL.


He takes all the credit for a team effort. Sure. Publicity hound who should STFU and respect Seal tradition.


As far as I’m concerned O’Neil is a Patriot and an elite American Warrior, and I’m forever grateful to him for taking out that scumbag UBL.


We must be over the target…
Nasty Nan’s panties are certainly in a wad……..

Sylvia Avery

What is WRONG with me today? Now I have a vision of Nasty Nan’s wadded up undies. Ick, ick, ick. Some days are more visual than others. It can be painful.

Cuppa Covfefe

Need that radioactive waste symbol over that…
Pig-lousy. All the corruption that money can buy…


The tweet about Mueller being disturbed by Pelosi’s attack on Barr’s truthfulness is significant. It indicates that Barr’s representation of the Mueller report and his conversation with Mueller are true — despite Dems screaming to the contrary.


Thank you for pointing that out TheseTruths…
So much verbage is being bandied about by the DIMs …


It’s interesting how Posobiec has called Q a fake…even did a bogus fake smear of Q with MicroChip, which the Anons debunked in a matter of hours…
And yet, Posobiec uses intel that Q gave us months ago.
Q gave us that video on the ‘Wrap Up Smear’.
The video had only a few views when Q posted it.


Burns me up….

Surely the Democrats have jumped the shark on this one…..
of course, their Kavanaugh hoax smear attempt was even more dishonest than the accusations against AG Barr and President Trump.


GA! I think they jumped the chicken!🐣🐣…Maybe The Chicken in the House–is code for…”Chickens have come home to roost?”– 😂😂😂
Anyone else?

Sylvia Avery

Nicely done, Marica!


Pelosi’s a mobster like her father.



Have it your way, snowflake

Sylvia Avery

Oh good lord. That was pathetic. Can you imagine that bunch landing at Normandy? We’d all be sieg heiling our way to perdition.


I have to wonder what they feed you if you tell them; you ‘feel like sh!t today.’

Sylvia Avery

BWAHAHAHAHA! I’ve heard of shIt sammiches, but…

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember, it’s said that “you are what you eat”… 🙂

Sylvia Avery


Cuppa Covfefe

Well Brfur”queen” is off my list now.
Buncha WUSSES!!!
They have NO CLUE what it is to suffer.
My cello professor and her sister (both Jews) survived WWII thanks to the Dutch underground. They barely made it out alive, and the suffering they went through was horrible. But the suffering other went through was fatal, and they were the first to say that.
She said to me one time, “the problem with your generation is, you haven’t suffered enough”.
That was almost 50 years ago. Two more generations have come, and they haven’t suffered enough to understand what REAL suffering is. If they did, they might see that the refauxgees coming up from down south are NOT suffering, and NOT real refugees.
She and her sister knew people who made a one-way trip, ostensibly to a vacation spot, that ended up in an oven that baked humans.
My late father-in-law had his nose blown off and his eyes blown out because Hitler forced him, at 15, to work in an ammo dump, alongside others who goofed up and caused an explosion. He didn’t want to go. But he ended up suffering, too. Oh, and it hurt him when the shrapnel would shift around in his head: they couldn’t remove it because that would kill him…
Now THAT’S suffering.
Flame-broiled PEOPLE, Burger-fake and snowflakes.
Chew on that a while…


You’re so right Cuppa,
I’m sure it pains you to even write about those experiences friends and relatives went through…
I don’t know how we got to where we are as a society… nor how we pull back from it…
Just keep telling myself Cabal propagandizes so much of it… the youth I know aren’t snowflakes.

Sylvia Avery

My mom, who was a very little girl during the Great Depression, knew what the libs today call “food insecurity.” To be blunt, her family was barely scraping by and they were hungry at times.
She used to tell me the same thing: that my generation had been pretty spoiled, hadn’t suffered enough, and that suffering was useful to toughen people up.
I’m sad to hear about your FIL and your cello teacher and her sister. Hugs, Cuppa.


IMO, that girl, though young, seems too old to be in high school. Are the guys on the couch supposed to be a couple? They’re sitting very close together. And who tells a girl who’s given birth that she’s too young to raise the child, when she is obviously committed to doing so? I’ve heard of a teen mom getting help from various sources, but not of people pressuring her to give up the child when she clearly wants it.
It’s a dumb commercial celebrating contrived emotion in an effort to play off a competitor’s marketing (Happy Meals).

Sadie Slays

My Facebook account was just suspended. I only ever used it to post (mild) conservative opinions on local news websites, but apparently that was too much for the Leftist censors.


Sadie!!! Sorry–Commies on fakebook found you… I am shocked Mr. Merica hasn’t got suspended–He’s a GIANT Sh*t Poster!!! Maybe you have a lot more followers…


I don’t know what’s worse…
Being on LIFELOG and having everything tracked from your cell phone…
Or being permanently banned from Facebook and losing the platform to your tribe/audience.

“In an authoritarian society controlled by a handful of Silicon Valley giants, all dissent must be purged.”


That’s a message to the DIMs….. esp. Ms Nancy………
you want war? It’s comin’

Sylvia Avery

VERY interesting indeed!


Listen carefully to this exchange… I don’t think he’s talking about the summer, not even June… “comin’ soon”


Yep…I saw that!comment image

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂




I dont care what tbey day…even if they get down on their knees. Traitors deserve what they get.


Thanks Gil– Super subtle..😏….but, I LOVE IT!!!!!💃🕺🤣🤣


Fox is NOT our friend…


LOVE Button Wolfie!!! #BatteredNoMore !!! 😍


I DO!!!! YES Sir!!! Patriots gonna rejoice YUGELY!!!


Exactly my point! Admitting what you did on a few things aint absolution. This isnt a private life oopsie. Treason among them all and pedo joe would be selling everything for top dollar. Talk about compromised. You know its probably why he acts like a shoe in. He’s been promised bc he has done all the dirty deeds and then some for the cabal. Its “his turn”.


All excellent points Gil! They really are STUPID. Cannot wrap their head around 50 years of fooling the masses….IS OVER.


The Counter “PROBE” Oh yeah, Baby!!! We are on Offense now! And Coach Trump just put Barr in as the QB…
(Cheshire Cat Smile)😊 Which, if you think about is—AGOTUS– Bill Barr’s rather infamous grin!!😁😂
Ya’ll having fun yet?


Watching Catherine Herridge Interview!! WOW!!!


Isnt he the one who has to do it though? He should do it and after the next election retire. Let POTUS have this +2 more.


Yes John Roberts is compromised. I have it cued up a little before that because it explains a bit some people don’t know about BO.


“Roberts has to be compromised. I wouldn’t trust him on this.”
The fact that he even has to be ASKED to investigate the (corrupt, UN-constitutional FISA court) is just another proof that he’s compromised.
It’s like having to ask the Chief of the Fire Dept. to put out a raging inferno at the fire station.
Or having to ask the Chief of Police to investigate a mass-murder.
What, is his SCHEDULE too full?
Is it even possible that he has ANYTHING more important he should be doing?
This is reason number 5,789,412 why the People have NO CONFIDENCE in government.


edit/correction: “This is reason number 55,789,412 why the People have NO CONFIDENCE in government.”


The only issue I had with Catherin Herridge was when discussing COMEY with Shannon Bream–She said something about the FBI was concerned about weighing in on the Russians because they “didn’t want to tip the scales”–THAT IS BULLSHIT!! As Russia would NEVER have wanted TRUMP to win.. Even Catherine Herridge is buying into that false narrative… Sheesh!


beautiful ! shoes…. and Melania 😉

Sylvia Avery

Those are fabulous!!!


Exactly!!! I cannot even envision “Ban for LIfe” Bullshit? In America? Jumping the Shark Fakebook!!!


BB article says even linking to an article or website etc willnot show,then if you do it more than once youll get booted, even betweenfakebook and instagram. People just need to walk away. I would think there would be enough camaraderie between the conservative parties that someone could come up with a news/blog clearinghouse site en masse. It could be every site advertises plus allow a couple teaser articles then link to their own site.


“If all the great people went to Gab, it would change overnight.”
If all the regular people went to Gab, all the so-called great people would have no choice but to follow their audience… or be left in the apocalyptic nightmare scenario of talking to each other 😁


Kinda like walk away OT, welcome WQTH?


POTUS will make a move…and millions will follow…BOOM! Fakebook and Twatter goes DOWN! He is biding his time…


This is beautiful!


comment image


phoenix!!! So Exactly ME TOO!!!!! what a fabulous MEME!!! LOVE 💗💗


Smarmy Swallswell tweet: “Do you know how many times the word ‘Woman’ is mentioned in the Constitution? Zero,” Swalwell declared.
“That is unacceptable,” he continued.”
It may be ‘unacceptable’, but it is REALITY, so… Eric Swallwell is the first Demokrat candidate to actually concede that he is in plain denial of reality. He simply won’t accept it.
And though it was a shameless attempt to pander to insecure Liberal women (which would certainly have worked with silly, insecure Liberal women), as someone else pointed out, there’s a little problem with Smarmy Swallswell’s pandermania:
The word MEN doesn’t appear anywhere in the Constitution, either.
No comment from Silly Swallswell yet whether that is EQUALLY ‘unacceptable’ to his delicate feminine sensibilities.


This is exactly what pisses me off.
This wench can spew her garbage, but I can’t reply or challenge or present a BETTER commentary than her own, and let the People decide who won the point…
Because I can’t say ANYTHING on twitter without being BANNED.
If slicing and dicing the comments these Marxist traitors make was an Olympic sport, I’d be vying for a medal every day.
Instead I’m in the cheap seats, watching a bunch of talentless traitorous hacks being put on a pedestal.


edit / correction: COULD be vying for a medal every day.
Who knows?
I never even get to try!





Tucker was SUPER HOT tonight!!! #lLovingIt!!!
Guys– It’s freakin HERE!!! THE Great Awakening!! Shrug off any doubt! From Tucker to Rush! Do.Not.Doubt.Me. 😍😍😍


It’s getting quiet around the house.
I’ve got to wrap up my day.
See you tomorrow!comment image


Thanks T*3 … you chose some really beautiful ones to close the THREAD.
Good night and God bless you and yours.


I found this off Insty. It belongs here —


What a great story, Coothie!
Thanks for posting that!


That’s a really great story! And if we’re going to have immigrants, those are the kind I want coming in.


Yes, absolutely!


Paging FG&C…?
I’m beginning to wonder if I need to get to work on a Friday Open Thread post, in his stead?


Okay, I’ve got a quickie thread post ready to go…
But in looking at the recent uploads of pics and gifs…it looks like our FG&C has been working on a thread post.
So I will hold off a little while longer, to see if he drops it.