Dear KMAG: 20190701 Open Topic

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KMAG-KAG! world.

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


D5NQYYoU8AAyFp3 (2)

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Audiomachine, titled ‘Godspeed’:



Visual descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: Is President Trump outside of the White House, giving a little wave with his right hand. He is grinning with his head tilted slightly to the right. It is a bright, sunny day, so he is squinting a little.
Second Image: Is a moving image, a gif, of a polar bear with his head and shoulders down on the ice. He is pushing forward with his hind legs. He looks tired…but is pushing himself forward, even with his front half down on the ice.
Third Image: Is another moving image, a gif, of a dog laying down on a carpeted floor. His head is on the floor and he is looking forward with a patient look on his face, as an endless stream of kittens runs past his head.
Fourth Image: President Trump is standing on the stairway outside the door of Air Force One. It is night time and the lights shining on him create a shadow of him on the aircraft door that looks like the head of an Eagle.



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Thank you for your faithfulness.
Love your posts!


Another busy next few days. See you on the other side!comment image


Is it you going do the infiltration and sabotage? Tell them , in your defence if caught, that it was my recipe


Or else you’re in a real life fight club


T3—and your Posts Inspire and Bless us all!!! Thank you !!!😘


Monday Again?comment image


So very tired, wanted to log in and see what’s going on… Forgot it is Monday…polar bear got me! Always cracks me up.
Thanks Wheatie;-)


Hi Michael!! I actually LIKE Mondays–Usually less chaotic than weekends for me…Have a great week!!!


Girl….you are nuts! Love ya’ Merica!!


Hey Mama!!! I know…insert pic of Kevin on home alone!!!! Augh!!!!! Hope all is well with you! 😘😘


Looks like some good info on how to do searches.


Wow, there’s a LOT of good info on that page.
I just did some digging around for OSINT in some of my old documents.
I think I’m just going to paste this here, and then run and hide…
Internet Tools and Resources for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
OSINT Tools … Recommendations List Free OSINT Tools.
Open Source Intelligence Links
Intel Techniques – Newsletter Archive
Free OSINT Resources
^ Best categorized
OSINT Tools & Internet Investigation Resources
Hiding from the Internet
Open Source Intel Techniques 6th edition


Unreal. I’m ready to hide.


Adorable! Had to send it to the kitty fans in our family! That kitten shows real promise – may have to recruit him/her into the CCOC – Captain Caturday Covert Ops Corps!


Wow yourself! Thank you. 😀


Corey’s Digs is the best – She does great, thorough research – sad not many people know about her –
Thanks for the link, grand! God Bless You!



She apologized.

I tend to agree with this reply.


I’d est nailed it.
Yeah she apologised and he accepted but, hey, no one ever forgets where they buried the hatchet


“…no one ever forgets where they buried the hatchet”
I like that. It sounds like one of those undeniable truths of human nature.




I have $20 that says someone pretending to be the psycho in question called and “apologized” to Gaetz.
Convince me I’m wrong.


That is such a demented idea that it must be true. Yikes, only a leftist would try to pull crap like this.
Then again, I ain’t taking your bet. Try wheatietoo or daughn. 🙂


The real proof is what Pete does about it. If he/she had any cajoles (pun intended! 🤣) he/she would immediately fire her.




I just saw the movie about this fire. What a tragedy then. 6 years ago now.
“The Yarnell Hill Fire was a wildfire near Yarnell, Arizona, ignited by lightning on June 28, 2013. On June 30, it overran and killed 19 City of Prescott firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. It was one of the deadliest U.S. wildfires since the 1991 East Bay Hills fire, which killed 25 people, and the deadliest wildland fire for U.S. firefighters since the 1933 Griffith Park Fire, which killed 29 impromptu civilian firefighters. It was also the most fatal incident of any kind involving U.S. firefighters since the September 11 attacks, which killed 343 firefighters. It is the sixth-deadliest American firefighter disaster overall, the deadliest wildfire ever in Arizona,[3] and at least until 2014, was “the most publicized event in wildland firefighting history.”
Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshots Crewcomment image


That’s really sad about those fire fighters. I was living in Oakland during the Oakland Hills fire and that was really scary. That one wasn’t caused by environmentalist lunacy like a lot of our increasing number of western wildfires are. But it was pretty devastating. A whole section of the city that used to be hundreds of nice homes was nothing but charred ashes when it was over.


Gil–I’ve seen that movie too–haunting….


What a fabulous weekend in Asia with our VSGPDJT !!
Can hardly wait to celebrate our Independence Day with our Beloved First Family. The Deplorables will be Dancin’ in the Wolf Den while DC will be rockin’ 🇺🇸🇺🇸 💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s gonna be an excellent July the 4th. FIREWORKS are expected. Puttin’ on my shades now! 😎


I’m thinking the fireworks in the sky might be the least of it

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is WAY PAST TIME for some droppage on the bad guys.


The best Independence Day gift the Trump Team could give the American people is a major round up and arrest of the traitors among us.


Talk about BOOMS!!!!!!🎆🎇

Sylvia Avery

I’m thinking you may be right!


Fireworks…every which way..comment imagecomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s gonna be AWESOME!!!


A special thread for President Trump’s speech on the Fourth, fly overs…?
Many will be doing BBQ and other fun things… I’ll be online to watch President Trump and chatter with whoever is available online.


Don’t forget. Bring enuf Q for everyone! Mmmmmmm!


Ha ha ha!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Next to all those commies, she ALMOST seems normal.
And the “almost” is the best part! 😀


When she was younger, she was pretty hot looking. And she ain’t half bad now. So there’s that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When I saw her picture from a time period which I call “Early Beelzebubba” (1992-1996), when she was just getting her big breaks, my first thought was “WHOA – this chick is HIS TYPE, TOO.”
So there’s THAT as well! 😉
Seriously, though, I have no idea if she would be into that, and I tend to be doubtful. But she would attract interest, of that I have no doubt.


To me, She sounds like Madeline Kahn from Blazing Saddles

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Shades of NXIVM……
Is this screwy chick doing similar CIA MK work for the globo-Nazi contagion?
Is she another RANIERE who is being PROTECTED by candidacy?


Must be in the wrong line of work!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who was wondering this. Find a touchy-feely Demonrat & I’ll show you a pervert, & that is bring restrained & kind about how I really view them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – total LMAO about “touch-feely Demonrat”!!! Oh, you nailed that. Instant suspicion!!!


That’s the rules of Research, IMO.
Expect the worse you can imagine…..then work your way backwards, til you find the TRUTH.


Well, she was “introduced” to the world by none other than Oprah, back in the 90s.
“A 1992 appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s show helped launch her into Hollywood’s elite class as the preferred spiritual guide for many in the entertainment world. ”
Remember this photo:comment image
This actress with Oprah claims she was assaulted by Harvey Weinstein. She looks terrified in this photo with Winfrey and him.
Tangled, perverted world.


I’ve always been very intrigued by that photo because for me it truly symbolizes the entire NEXIVM, perverted sex culture including the bizarre rituals and trafficking involving children. If Oprah has been involved, I pray she goes down big time! Notice she’s been awfully quiet lately?


Yeah Oprah seems to be the preferred public-facing gatekeeper for a lot of this crap.
A good public face for the dark side of the Hollywood beast.
How many times I’ve heard from authors if you can make it on Oprah you can make it big?
Yet it was always mysterious why great and legit authors were passed over, while many crazies were brought in close and given practically unlimited, unquestioned airtime?
Think about how much spiritual JUNK that Oprah has pushed out over decades?
While promoting a squeaky clean image?
Normalizing people to all kinds of new age spirituality and so forth?
Remember how Dr. Phil got his start as a guest on Oprah?
Remember that Dr. Phil is a high ranking free-mason?
The queen of self-help gurus bringing in lots of other self-help gurus?
Remember that one of the big lies of occultism is that ‘you have the light within yourself’?
In other words, esoterism?
Contrasted with Exoterism
Mysticism in opposition to Revelation?
Remember how connected Oprah was with some of the international adoption services?
Some of those “spiritual leaders” in other countries who are running their own cults and, ahem, smuggling operations?


Great points, Michael! Lots of food for thought and reviewing Oprah’s history….could be an interesting deep dive.


.. look @ oprahs cheekbone/eyebrow and jawline in that image..!?
Fake plastic surgery tv face build?
kinda scary from that view.

Rodney Short

Is that Q uestion leading to our next major story?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I’ll bet there is a story on this broad! POPCORN!!!
Seriously – what is the difference here? IMO the first difference is that Raniere is a DUDE, and that becomes a risk, because guys are simply too horny for their own good, and we now KNOW that he was DIPPING INTO THE MK PRODUCT.
This gal is marketing some kind of mind control as well, very similar, but she is NOT dipping into the product, so NO SCANDAL.
First place I’d look to see if this chick is CLOWN-CONNECTED is whether she recruits on universities, particularly ELITE universities. IF she’s a nasty story like Raniere, there will be all kinds of parallels, but probably not the horny abuse of recruits. But does she target richies and the powerful? Does she collect info on recruits?


That’s hilarious! I hope it works and that she stays in for a while. Her message is all wrong, though; Pres. Trump is all about love — love of this country, its founding and history, and its people. Setting boundaries is part of life, and is not antithetical to love. Otherwise, we would let everyone into our personal spaces, we would allow everyone to touch us at will, we would leave the doors of our homes unlocked, and we would become doormats to be exploited. So this “guru,” though entertaining, is all wet. The fact that people are following her is telling.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Psychologists, Stalinists, Frankfurt School, NXIVM, self-help, CASH FLOW, Democrats, CIA….
This is all adding up. I smell another TWO DOOR FORD. 😉


i smell a trojan horse…


Scary, how people just let people like this influence them. We, as a society, are so dumbed down since WW2, that if GEOTUS had not stepped in, the country would now be a gulag wasteland.


Well, heck…look how much Entertainers, sports stars, TV anchors, etc “influence” the zombies….as planned.

Cuppa Covfefe

Williamson is a New-Age “Profit”, headed toward Satanism. She is anathema to anyone who believes in Salvation and the Word of GOD. She’s poison. And she wants to have a “Department of Peace”, complete in pink motifs. Maybe there wasn’t enough RED to go around…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, Williamson is very interesting in that she sells what seems to be a lot like “Christianity without Christ, Judaism without God”. There is a HUNGER for it, and she has tapped into that.
I think that is where she found her market – her automatic empowerment. There is a hunger in the secular socialist DPRC for certain obvious positives that communism has set adrift.
Absolutely agreed that she doesn’t GET that Trump is about love – a love of many things which are being RIPPED AWAY FROM US by a combination of STEALTH, ARTIFICE and LIES.
She DOES understand where some of the REAL PROBLEMS ARE, such as “what’s wrong in Central America” as opposed to dealing with symptoms. But yet I see no willingness or ability to be concrete in the downstream of those general ideas.
The fact that she either can’t see that Trump is also about love, or does not want to risk SAYING certain truths like that, is instantly disqualifying to me.
I have no reason to believe that she could ever direct this country toward true solutions in a proper order, the way Trump has DEMONSTRATED he can.
She UNIFIES BY OMISSION. What she omits – the ROUGH STUFF – is stuff that must be dealt with in the real world. Yet I see her entire schtick as being based on AVOIDING the ROUGH STUFF.
This lady needs Trump University.

Cuppa Covfefe

One might say, what she needs is
A Course In Reality™
I’m still searching for that article on her that goes deep into her supposed belief structure and sources of “power” (and they’re NOT GOD). Could be Carl Techrib, or I do know they basically shredded her lies about “A Course In Miracles”… Even “the Wide Path” isn’t wide enough for her…
(nor for Michael Moore and that Blue-Haired “lady” from the other day… Whatever happened to the “Green-Eyed Lady from my teenage years?????)…


from the gab feed….lol….comment image


So the pink pussy hat Stephani Wilkerson of the dead Red Hen has spoken again.
““Maybe They Should Dine at Home” – Red Hen Restaurant Owner Stephanie Wilkinson Suggests Trump’s People Deserve to Be Spit On”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That chick’s 15 minutes are UP!!!
Sounds like business is down from all the Republican normies leaving, so she needs to rile up a few LIBTARDS ON HER SIDE to pack ’em in.


So if any Trump supporter were allowed to eat at that restaurant, they would probably have body fluids placed in their food.


Who would want to eat at that restaurant? If someone looks at the waiter wrong, they’ll probably get something terrible added to their food. Can’t trust ’em.


It is not a good restaurant. I am guessing it is a front, a pretend restaurant.


seriously…I would never go into that restaurant…or maybe I would…wear my MAGA gear…bring my big purse and a container and a cop (undercover) lol. then box up whatever they served us and take it out for analysis…maybe then we could close this cockroach OWNED place down…


Brad Parscale could find a position for a creative dirty trickster genius like you. 🙂


LOVE the way you think pat!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Pat certainly isn’t bananas.

Cuppa Covfefe

Why not box up the cockroaches first, and send them ahead to do a litlle *cough* advance work?????
(cf “Storybook Tree”, “The Lowdown Showdown at Gizzard Gulch”… Storybook Tree, another of the many good Christian Children’s Video Series obliterated by Veggie Tales – although I like Veggie Tales)…
(n.b. the cockroaches in that episode were from the bad guys…).


eeeeeewwwwwww….and have them in my purse??? {{skin crawling}}

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A Canadian anti-Trump cartoonist claims he was fired for a particularly outrageous anti-Trump cartoon, but it seems to be another SELF-INFLICTED HOAX – he was on the skids anyway, per the people who were actually firing him.
“It is entirely incorrect to suggest Brunswick News Inc. cancelled its freelance contract with cartoonist Michael de Adder due to a cartoon depicting Donald Trump currently circulating on social media. This is a false narrative which has emerged carelessly and recklessly on social media. In fact, BNI was not even offered this cartoon by Mr. de Adder. The decision to bring back reader favourite Greg Perry was made long before this cartoon, and negotiations had been ongoing for weeks.”
Sounds like people were just plain SICK OF THE GUY!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like what that idiot cartoonist was saying didn’t (de) Add up…


Been on vacation for two weeks and just catching up. A friend send me this. If its been posted before I apologize. Damn this guy should have been locked up ages ago or deported.
The more I read about this incident, the more i feel it was not an accident. It is very hard to run down bikes of the size he did, unless on purpose. Someplace I read that the driver actually turned around and drove through them again.
Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported
Daniel Horowitz · June 25, 2019

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something really bothers me about this wreck. The KGB could not have picked a more demoralizing “event”. And this dude coming straight out of “Rukraine” just stinks of it.


When I heard the numbers and that it wasn’t an 18 wheeler I knew something was really weird
Trucks don’t take out that many big bikes unless they are intentionally doing it.


Biden can’t help himself, and his wife Jill knows it. Some entity must have strongly *encouraged* him to run. She could have emphasized their nice life and time spent with the offspring, but no, he gets on the national stage to be humiliated again. There’s something wrong with this picture.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. He is there to ELEVATE KAMALA. “Do as you’re told. We’ll do all the rest.”
Who is his campaign head? I will bet there are TIES TO AXELROD.


The article says Sleepy’s remarks wouldn’t have flown in Shitattle, even in 2014. AH, Seattle that bright & shining Hammer & Sickle by the sea, I hope for a tsunami daily, but, there are too many people in the hinterlands that would also be wiped out. It will eventually rot itself out of exsistence, until then I will just stay away.


“bright & shining Hammer & Sickle by the sea”
[snort out loud; laughing coughing fit]
Yes, consider that stolen.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. But rarely, very, VERY rarely. it can be useful (but not in politics or economics):
(H/T LL at chiefios)comment image


What I find funny about all this is there is nothing at all wrong with what he said, unless you are a pussy-hat wearing, fault-finding, PC-policing, leftist idiot.
But in leftist-land, it’s a gaffe.
These people are eating each other alive. By the time they pick a nominee, there won’t be anything left of them for Trump to run against.


comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Harry Lime

Nigel Farage on tThe Candace Owens Show…great conversation!

Harry Lime

In the above video Nigel discusses the plane crash he survived back in 2010 (which I was unaware of until seeing this interview).
Can you believe he walked away from this? He did spend some time in critical care and had some surgery but this is one lucky man. Wow! Nigel is a gift. We’re blessed to have such a good friend from across the pond.comment image

Rodney Short

Holy shit I cant believe anyone lived thru that crash.


Yes, that happened on our General Election day that year.
A lot of UKIP supporters thought someone wanted to remove him from the political scene. Even now, I still hope it was a malfunction and nothing deliberate. The pilot suffered worse injuries than Nigel (see plane crash link below).
Nigel was running for MP in Buckinghamshire (near London) but lost to John Bercow, the incumbent. Bercow is currently Speaker of the House.
Nigel came in third:
The plan that morning was for the plane to fly a UKIP banner over Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire.
He’d had a splendid campaign, meeting voters in villages and on their farms. Detractors called it one long pub crawl, but it was a great tactic:


Want to know why big tech censors conservatives, hates America, doesn’t want to say the pledge, despises our flag, and recoils at the idea of patriotism?
Answer: It’s because the majority is NOT American!!!!!!!!!!
“About 71 percent of tech employees in the Valley are foreign born, compared to around 50 percent in the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward region, according to a new report based on 2016 census data … the paper’s research indicated that 63 percent of Seattle’s foreign-born tech workers were not American citizens.”
Here’s the bill Kamala Harris is pushing for more Indian workers in the USA….. just like her momma did.


Well – if they pay them low enough wages – the US subsidizes their living with health care, welfare checks and Section 8 free housing. To some foreign born folks, that is a princely living!!!


No Social Security saves 15%.
Medicare taxes are about 2.25% in my state.
Even though Cali state tax is what (????) 11% now? It’s still cheaper, and big tech only has to pay the State Income tax on “earnings”.
Hey……. I can make ANY company a “non-profit”.
What is shocking about the H1B and OPT program is the 400% increase under Obama AND there are NO LIMITS for non-profits (universities, NGO’s, HOSPITALS, and research facilities)
It means their wives can work for an NGO.
or university
Probably how Kamala’s parents got into the country to begin with.

Cuppa Covfefe

Make them all pay full-ride for Øbozocare, and they’ll all go home immediately….
Problem solved…
Down in Milpitas (south of Fremont, north of San Jose, many MANY electronics firms there), a new shopping center popped up (2006? or so). Largest Asian shopping center west of the Mississippi, if not in the whole USA.
NOT ONE SIGN ON THAT (at least one square mile) CENTER WAS IN ENGLISH!!! All of the signs were in Chinese…
One thing that really helped bring this on was the concept of a “Foreign Trade Zone” which simplified customs regulations (heyyyy, I MISS COCOM (not)). apparently lowered taxes, and probably encouraged foreign employees to relocate to Silly Valley, in particular north San Jose up to Mountain View (on the West-bay side) and Fremont (on the East-bay side).
Goodness me. I had no idea it had gotten even WORSE…
Reminds me of that Robert Louis Stevenson poem, set by Ralph Vaughn-Williams… “Home, no more home to me, whither must I wander…”. So I move over here, and we get the refauxgees…
Anyone need me to move somewhere to ruin it? 🙂 (or 🙁 )…..

Sylvia Avery

It is incredibly easy to run afoul of the IRS Contract Worker rules. Audit. Audit. Audit. 🙂
And I love the thought of a FARA violation for good measure.




They have been curtailed. Grandpa knows of a guy who had worked here for years, but he couldn’t get his visa renewed after going home on an extended vacation back home.
It is turning around.


As most of us know (at least the females here!)…the vast majority of nail salons are own by Vietnamese…extended families working long hours and reinvesting their money into yet additional salons. Definitely the American dream in action, However, very few ever go back to Vietnam to see family or vacation…they know they may not be allowed to get back in the US because of visa issues.


In my small town we have four nail salons. Two are owned by one owner, the fourth being opened about a year ago. They work, work, work.
We have an Asian restaurant owned by Vietnamese. They take naps on little cots in the kitchen. They also cook some crazy meat in there. I won’t enlighten you. Blech.


In the spirit of Nigel Farage, having all these non-citizens running social media powerhouses is effectively outsourcing our national sovereignty…not to mention consigning future generations to the designs of these anti-US forces.


The addiction to Facebook in young people has to be seen to be believed. Witnessed grand daughter exclaim “mom, get off your phone!” I should add they’re all on Facebook, instagram, Pinterest…social media.


daughnworks247 ,
I would acknowledge and agree ..majority of employees may indeed be foreign born, thus do not process those boundries Patriotic Americans know intuitively in their hearts is unamerican , and cannot/will not do.
However , I would posit the employees do not make the corporate decisions , or sit at the board of Directors table .
Those positions(seats) are bought and paid for, ..they and they alone are responsible for the direction a company will go . They (the BOD) are ultimately responsible .
Should the Corporate Board of directors of ANY (caps for emphasis ) company who does business in the USA makes decisions that lead it into conflict with those rights guaranteed in the Constitutional Bill of Rights ,
In a sane world “unless artificially propped up”.. ,They would” pay the Piper ” for those decisions ..either with falling stock $$ or loss of market share, loss of BOD seat and go out of business .
After all , They do have the ability to make a corrections..
Not an argument, just a position and POV.
Time for big tech to .. “Pay the Piper.


Current law encourages lobby by Board, to Dem establishment and GOPe.
Which is why they hate President Trump.


He is spot on. It’s happening with LGBTXYZ. It was all about “love” and equal rights, and now we’re being called upon to change the pronouns we use and trannies are performing in front of children in libraries. Give them an inch and they’l keep pushing. You can’t believe a word they say — any of them, about any issue.



Now that person has an attitude I really like

Sylvia Avery

Wow, Harmeet!!!! Love it!


Just a random thought: if a person casually and occasionally resorts to wishing sadistic violence on other people, does that say something about the person, or no?


You talking to me?






So, in some circumstances, it does tell you something about the person? Meaning, that the person has sadistic violence in his heart, or mind, or soul?


I don’t think so. I think everyone has their limit, and it’s natural to be angry about unjust violence against someone you consider an ally. Go read Kipling’s “The Wrath of the Awakened Anglo-Saxon” to understand what I mean.


TY for the recommendation! I read the poem – – very interesting. I am guessing it will not be found on many university reading lists!


Not current ones anyway…


i hope those women sue this bugger into oblivion…


Love them, Pat…..already on their way out to the Universe…


comment image


time for feds to get involved!!!!!
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called for Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler to be investigated by the FBI and DOJ for his handling of Saturday’s Antifa protest, which led to journalist Andy Ngo being attacked and sent to the hospital.
“To law enforcement: find & prosecute these violent felons,” Cruz said on Twitter following the attack on Saturday. “To federal law enforcement: investigate & bring legal action against a Mayor who has, for political reasons, ordered his police officers to let citizens be attacked by domestic terrorists.”

Sylvia Avery

Every now and then Ted pops up and says/does something I like. Like this, now. Applauding…





no surprise people regret amassing the debt for college–even less surprising is the regret with their degree choices.
A new poll of nearly a quarter-million Americans has found fully two-thirds of them have buyer’s remorse about their diploma, their major and the higher education experience in general. How much longer do you think folks are going to keep paying such fees that produce such dissatisfaction and unhappiness?


I’m sure New Yorkers will be happy to hear this. (Sarc)

Concerned Virginian

OK, so the job listing linked in the article ALSO states as part of the job description that the person hired will work on this project with REGIONAL PARTNERS in New York State and New Jersey.
Which means the NYC Public Health people believe that POTENTIAL EBOLA CARRIERS may ALREADY be in the city, NY state, and NJ.
There are THREE hospitals in New York City, ONE hospital in Glen Cove, NY, and ONE hospital in New Brunswick NJ that are have CDC-approved Ebola Virus / other fatal virus isolation and treatment suites.


Verse of the Day

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”
Hebrews 12:14 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Thank you duchess.


From Foreman Mike:

Here’s what’s also going on in some parts – they fly in (without permission) to take American welfare benefits and/or American jobs!
Meanwhile, there is conflict and infighting between DHS McAleenan and ICE chief Morgan.
More on this twitter feed.
California and the 9th Circuit are still obstructing the border wall….
But President Trump could give WeBuildTheWall permission to build from El Paso to San Diego!
Hope that happens – it will cover the US border even the leftist liberal New Mexico and the RINO Arizona wall segments!!!
That would overcome the resistance (and obstruction?) of the El Paso Border Patrol sector, covering NM and AZ.
This sector is not in the game.

These people (NM governor, AZ governor, BP officials, et al) are evidently in rebellion against stopping illegals, criminals, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, human trafficking and drugs to America!


Sorry – Wheatie – I didn’t know the El Paso BP feed would take up so much space!
Maybe you can deactivate the link with an asterisk or take that part out?
I just thought it was strange that on critical sector of our southern border was wide open!!!


Yes. It’s a large empty space with one sentence – “Hmm, an empty timeline. That’s weird.”


My spidey senses have always told me McAleenan is a weasel. Now that Daddy’s home, maybe he’ll tend to some housekeeping. His idea of “Acting” is brilliant – audition for the part, a try it before you buy it else you risk getting stuck with it concept. Mark Morgan is solid, no way he leaks!! I’m still pulling for Homan to come on board after McAleenan “resigns”.😉
McAleenan was accused by five current and former senior administration officials, in comments published by the Washington Examiner over the weekend, of attempting to sabotage a federal immigration operation by leaking details to a media outlet.
Since then, top officials at DHS and across the administration have used various press outlets, including the Washington Examiner, to try to undermine McAleenan by calling for him to resign and charging he is a liar for an alleged cover-up of what they claim was his own leak.


Thanks, Butterfly!


On your 6, GF!!😊. Appreciate you keeping on top of this issue, you inspire me!!🤩🤩

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, something bothers me about McAleenan. I almost suspect that he was part of a SURVIVAL PLAN for Obama operations in DHS. It reminds me of MAY and MACRON – who I deride as “globalist constructs” set in place as SPEED-BUMPS for Trump. Just like they were “fake conservatives” designed to fool the public, I think this guy may be fake MAGA.
Ask yourselves – why have things become WORSE after Trump removed Nielsen? Something very “not right” about this.


Things ARE WORSE, Eggzactly!!


Billionaire Bernie Marcus to donate majority of fortune, support Trump for re-election


Well, this guy can certainly turn a phrase or two … just sayin’ … 😉
Well, Trump Just Won in 2020


Definitely has a way with words!


one of my favorite lines…
“Joe was never going to get mixed up with Stephen Hawking…”


“Exactly who, outside of Manhattan and Scat Francisco, think Americans are dying to stop even our feeble enforcement of the border, make illegal immigration not illegal, never send illegals home once they get here and – think about this – take our tax money to give these foreigners who shouldn’t even be here in the first place better free health care than our vets get? That should go well in places like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. I eagerly await Salena Zito’s interview with a bunch of construction workers at a diner near Pittsburg who tell her, “It really bugs me, Lou and Joe here that those people coming into the country illegally aren’t getting free heath care on our dime. We all want to work an extra shift so we can give it to ‘em. We need a president who finally puts foreigners first! Also, we all agree we ought to give up our deer rifles because people in Cory Booker’s neighborhood can’t stop shooting each other.”
Right on!
Democrats got nothing!


“Hillary had her Bill, at least once, and Kamala had her Willie Brown.”
LOL. Schlichter takes you on a verbal journey and doesn’t mince words in the process.


LOVE Kurt Schlichter ! wonderful, dry sense of humor.


“Mark Levin Show producer Rich Valdes plans to challenge Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on the Republican ticket for her seat in 2020.”
“AOC – All Out Crazy – wants to establish a new Soviet Republic. I believe in capitalism over socialism. Her misguided policies don’t represent the district,” he told the crowd, according to the New York Post.


wow another nickname for the Pompous Little Twit!!! i love it!


i’d like to say that’s just nuts! but it appears to be the whole package…lol


That’s about as close as he’ll ever have to having one.




Correction , should have said ‘get to having one’.




Hilarious photo, but it’s just a good Photoshop designed to offset his “Putting women first” speech at the World Economic Forum recently.
Very creative and funny picture, though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Punch line! Where’s the punch line???!!! We need the punch line!!! 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

He ordered the socks, to say “Oui, Oui”,
but what he got back was wee-wee…


Got to go for the day see ya’ll later.


Donald J. Trump/ This Week! The Left will feel PAIN. 7.1.2019


And where are all the supposedly proud lgbtq’s who should be marching in the streets condemning Antifa for their violent assault last weekend on the gay Asian Andy Ngo?


they’re supposed to be dividing us–but they keep dividing themselves into smaller groups pitted against each other!


They are skeert of those alpha males and females in masks, andy – at MMA class?


thanks for these!!!
and for reminding me I missed the ones on Saturday…gonna go back now…
I LOVE the first one…so cool!!!!


These 8 Graphics Explain How Bad the Illegal Immigration Crisis Really Is
Kelsey Bolar
June 30, 2019 image
For months, Democrats denied the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border, with Sen. Chuck Schumer, flanked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, going so far as to accuse President Donald Trump of working to “manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.”
The president, on the other hand, has made the situation on the southern border a top priority, in January declaring it both a “humanitarian and security crisis,” and stressing it ever since.
So how bad is it? The Daily Signal rounded up some of the most striking statistics to explain the current crisis.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


this disgusts me and frustrates me so much!!
i really want to (pardon my french) bitchslap the judges who block enforcement of our laws, the authority of an American President and the will of the people!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. These Obama judges need to be sent to Cuba.


if you’ve got the plane, I got the gas money…and 2 parachutes!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

*breaks out calculator to see how much money can be saved by a low flight over a lake with no parachutes*




hmmmm maybe Oregon? don’t they allow human composting now?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well I’m assuming they can swim. We can always find some nice soft sand dunes for the non-swimmers! 😀
Humanitarian mission! No exiled Obama judge left behind!
Oh, well. If we have to pay for parachutes, it’s STILL worth it, IMO.


oh you thought we were taking them over water? LOL…


Nah – why waste the chutes???


the chutes are for Wolf and I when we “have” to ditch the plane…LOL…oh the humanity when the rest are lost…it will be tragic…I’m sure I can cry on cue…


ROFLMAO – perfect!!!


I’ve been studying the Pompous Little Twit’s technique in her “border” photos…I can fake it good as her…LOL


Thanks – LOVE the Daily Signal – they are reliable – not prone to dish out click bait stuff – and very informative.


The beloved mayor of South Bend, Indiana, the lovable Mayor Pete *eye roll * isn’t so beloved right now.
Buttman has members of both the black community and the police department calling for him to resign following a police shooting of a black man.


ahhhh…Mayor Bendover should take it like a man!


Your naughty mind is working overtime this morning, pat 😉 I like it.
Definitely a mood lifter.


well the Dems bow to everyone…thank the Lord we have Donald Trump as President!!


Mayor Bendover!!!!!! Stealing!!!!


Thats: SOUTH Bendover


Exactly Razor!!! LOL!!!!!!


Copied this from … ot … 🤫 …. 😜🤚
Autonomous Collective says:
July 1, 2019 at 12:26 am
Don’t ever say you weren’t warned-
‘He IS being groomed at this very minute’-PRESIDENT ABDUL EL-SAYED?
His name is Abdul El-Sayed.
After years of being groomed by George Soros. He has been hand-picked by the Left to be their next “champion” of Hope and Change.
He is 33 years old, born in the USA, and an well educated Muslim Doctor in Detroit Michigan. (education funded by Soros)
He is sympathetic of the Muslim Brotherhood, and is running for Governor of Michigan. Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed is an American physician, epidemiologist, public health advocate, and politician.
He has announced his candidacy for Governor of Michigan, running as a Democrat.
Democrats’ mouths are watering in anticipation and raising money.
Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren is already campaigning for him. Another Trojan Horse?
Al Jazeera, which is widely read by Michigan’s large Muslim population is doing its best to help George make him “YOUR” president in 2024?
…… the soros being must stopped … 😑🤚‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


….. take all his $$$ … leave the coat 🧥 …. 😡👍‼️


how many wives does HE have currently?


Who cares … it’s those women’s problem to be under that kind of evil dominion …. 😑🤚


true but it also shows how he feels about sharia law being over American law–and that might harm his chances at getting into office, no?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. The time to CATCH his SHARIA is NOW.


Yes … I’m hoping the patriots in Michigan shit-can that bugger with lightening speed .. 🤨


Someone, somewhere has got to stop Soros. His money is funding over 200 leftie organizations and he owns dem politicians, attorney generals around the country and is helping fund the invading caravans. Has his arthritic fingers in every anti-American scheme going.. This man is pure evil.


There has to be a way to take the $ from him and his sons … but if that doesn’t happen then there’s always ETERNITY ‼️


Good heads-up. We need to be prepared to stop what they are planning, and we need to stay on offense. I can’t see “President El-Sayed” going over well, though. Only with the crazed far Left that is all about “love and diversity.”


I’d say that it’s pretty good advice.


Hes right. Have respect for yourself. Sometimes the truth, hard truth, stings like that.


Very onerous California State ammunition laws go into effect today. A background check is now required for every purchase of ammo. Pity the poor California residents who must endure the brainless leadership of their loony liberal governor. Sadly, I can relate since we have one here in Oregon too.


Time to start selling ammo out of the car trunk.
How are they going to stop CA people from going to AZ or NV and buying ammo? This proves that CA govt is not populated with functioning brains.


They cant, people do….Arizona is great.

Concerned Virginian

I used to live in San Francisco.
Would NOT be surprised if Gov. NewIdiot orders the CHP to randomly stop cars with CA plates coming in from AZ / NV and searching them for ammo (with some type of “cause” thrown in to be pulled over, like being 3 miles above the speed limit).


WP is chewing my caboose again.




Yes, no one has had ammo for many months, and then whatever they have is jacked up. Some companies stopped shipping ammo to CA a couple years ago. Mr Gil had nothing but trouble getting what he needed. Walmarts all sell their ammo when they get it in, depending on the caliber. The law is being challenged but in the meantime Gryesome and his antiAmerican reconquita crew are running roughshod on the Constitution.


The complete list of alternatives to all Google products
Parallel universe for the super security conscious




This is interesting:
“Tip: is a great Youtube proxy that allows you to watch any Youtube video without logging in, even if the video is somehow restricted. To do this, simply replace [] with [] in the URL you want to view.”


Huh….that actually works, even with an obscure video from the Blue Ridge Mtns. when I helped to move some llamas for a friend in 2007!

Deplorable Patriot

Do any of our techies have opinions on this aspect of alternatives to the Google suite?
Google Docs / Sheets / Slides alternative
There are many solid Google Docs alternatives available. The largest offline document editing suite is, of course, Microsoft Office. As most people know, however, Microsoft is not the best company for privacy. Nonetheless, there are a few other good Google Docs alternatives:
CryptPad – CryptPad is a privacy-focused alternative with strong encryption, and it’s free.
Etherpad – A self-hosted collaborative online editor that’s also open source.
Zoho Docs – This is another good Google Docs alternative with a clean interface and good functionality, although it may not be the best for privacy.
OnlyOffice – OnlyOffice feels a bit more restricted than some of the other options in terms of features.
Cryptee – This is a privacy-focused platform for photo and document storage and editing. It’s open source and based in Estonia.
LibreOffice (offline) – You can use LibreOffice which is free and open source.
Apache OpenOffice (offline) – Another good open source office suite.


I haven’t played with any of the alternative online office suites. I used Smartsheets for a while at another job site and liked it. Zoho Docs is on my list to play with in me, ahem, copious free time… I don’t know anything about the privacy with them – the key of course is to do more vetting. I’ve seen ZoHo advertising at airports, and I don’t like that.
That said for offline suites I love LibreOffice. It forked from OpenOffice when Ora*coughcough*cle “managed” it. They got it cleaned up, optimized a lot of the code. I’d use it over OpenOffice. It’s a great alternative to Microsoft Office for home and small business users.

Deplorable Patriot

I hated OpenOffice. It was not user friendly for a non-engineer.
I guess I’ll have to play with them a bit.


Free and Open Source are rarely as easy to use as their counterparts. Though ease is in the eye of the beholder as I spend a lot of time fighting with MS Office to make it behave properly. Ever since 2003 every release has had more and more of a mind of its own.

Deplorable Patriot

This is true. I currently have 2007 and the autocorrects are frequently wrong. 2000 was about the best the product was.


Thank you!

