20200401: CoronaCRISIS/ China Virus Daily Thread

For the time being, given our national emergency, we are switching to DAILY COVID-19/China Virus threads instead of weekly threads. Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to post your valuable information, hard source links, and local observations within these Daily Threads. Additionally, we will try to include links to government and official pressers, so those who no longer have cable can remain informed.

We’ll get through this crisis, together. As a group, there is probably no one better prepared than we are.

For our newcomers: The Q Tree community has been diligent in covering the threat of Coronavirus, COVID19, Wuhan FLU. We started accumulating information about this virus in mid-late January, in what became almost weekly threads. We’ve been weeks, if not months, ahead of MSM outlets to vet rumors and other medical papers, etc.

Primary Update Links:

In our past weekly threads, we assembled information on the following:

  • Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
  • Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
  • Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates 
  • Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
  • China Responses, timelines, research, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
  • An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
  • Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
  • Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
  • Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, inflammatory headlines, etc.  
  • Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others. Excellent information to incorporate into daily lifestyle.
  • Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
  • Other news items

Our weekly updates. timelines, collection of valuable information, can be found here:

Please try to keep your sense of humor during this National Emergency, and remember, patience is a virtue.

Love to all!

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Texascomment image

Harry Lime

We’re all John Travolta now…comment image


🤓 I was going to comment about how difficult it would be to sleep in that helmut. Then again, who gets any sleep in a hospital and it sure beats the alternative of no ventilator!
I love hearing about the ingenuity of American mom’s & pop’s. They are the backbone and have been burdened by regulations and various taxes for far too long. #FreeOurUSA

Harry Lime

I concur. There are so few M&P’s left when there used to be several on every busy street. I have very fond memories of the ones I grew up with…

Harry Lime

Just to clarify, Alison, It wasn’t my intention to mock the mom & pop business you posted about with my post of ‘The Boy In the Plastic Bubble’…I was just trying to comment on how surreal life has become in a few short weeks. I hope you didn’t take it that way. Sometimes things don’t always translate as intended over the internet.comment image


No worries, Harry!!! I totally understood your comment and I agree 🤓❤️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Reminds me of a joke:
How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?


I don’t “get it” but I laughed out loud 🤷‍♀️😎

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In that case, you got it.


Beats a tube down your gullet!

Harry Lime

It certainly does. Right now, my little apartment is my bubble.


Daughn 😂😂😂 Your social distancing outfit 😂😂😂 It is “so you” 💖💖💖


….and it doubles as the perfect concealment for midget bodyguards. 👍


I don’t think Miss Daughn needs any midgets in her pantaloons !!! 😎💃🏼💃🏼

Rodney Short

I am gonna have to invest in some screen cleaner FG&C
Thank you…



Some good folks over at Atlas. Several buddies of mine fly for them. Their mgmt sucks tho. But that’s a whole of aviation problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LIL’ PURPLE RIDIN’ HOOD….comment image


You be barkin’ like a dawg, Wolfman 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s this ginger tea and guaifenesin – everything is DIFF’RENT when given to a DOG!!! 😀




As long as it keeps you breathin’ 🥰🥰

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN, sister. AMEN.


Felt the urge to mention
I was wearing a mask
before wearing a mask
was cool.
Z –

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

*** Z *** 😎

Harry Lime

What do you wanna bet that Bill Clinton is hiding under there?


comment image


Maybe even Comey.

Harry Lime

…and Podesta and Biden…it’s a big hoop!


As a young teen I lived in a state celebrating it’s Centennial and for the entire year a lot of these were worn on all occasions. We soon learned maneuvering and, more importantly, sitting down was an acquired skill! There’s a reason most of the women wore long pantaloons under these hoop dresses ☺️.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! I can imagine that a lot of geometry and spatial reasoning is involved! 😀


And they want people to take them seriously? What a bunch of clowns.


Can you imagine what being seen with the head of the WHO would do for Lady Gaga’s image?!?! No one could ever take her seriously again after being with that clown.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Who in the hell is advising her?
Sorry, let’s try that again.
WHO in the hell is advising her?


Who is advising WHO on almost everything ? 🧐🧐🧐

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



omg..my friend’s cat got ringworm so she had to clean her house all over again. She calls me and say “my cat is asshoe!” I nearly spit my coffee out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! #MeToo just now!!!


Reminds me of John Kerry taking James Taylor over to Europe to sing “You’ve Got a Friend”. How embarrassing was that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Marxist ChiCom Puppet + Cultural Marxist Icon = CORONA CLOWN CAR.


Why do the Georgia Guide Stones come to mind when I read that?


Why doesn’t a secret group pull those suckers down? It would make a great action adventure film.


Santa Clara County just piled on. I’m reading through the website and…..
(1) gun stores are nonessential. Really. The LA County Sheriff just tried that, had his ass handed to him and had to retreat, misquoted Governor Nuisance, and is trying it again. Before you waste money, effort, and time on this unconstitutional endeavor, why don’t you let him spend his budget on lawyers and get a win? Then, at least, there’d be some small twig to grasp to keep you from looking like idiots. Oh, and Federal HHS says they’re essential.
(2) nonessential things must be separated from essential things. This means that gas stations can remain open, but automated car washes attached to them must close. Really? It’s not enough to unemploy humans, but we have to unemploy robots as well?
(3) Liquor stores can remain open if they sell enough essential items (e.g. food). How much is that essential amount?


The normal ratio is a case of suds or a bottle of hootch per bag of bar nuts or pork rinds. At least it is in my household anyway. YMMV


One of the problems in highly economic depressed communities is that it is hard to get to a grocery store, but liquor stores are easy to get to. They sell a few foods that are prepackaged, like honey buns. Not exactly healthy fare. But to call them non-essential just shows the total ignorance of politicians.
As noted before, essential businesses are businesses that are open and profitable. In free markets non-essential businesses are not profitable and fail. (And in non-free markets the state steps in to subsidize business and industry that are “too big to fail!”)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some non-essential services won’t go away. Mass transit went out of business, government brought it back at great expense and it never pays for itself.


Mass transit is a really, really bad joke on America. IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, don’t get me started!
Whoops, too late.
The one thing that is keeping Colorado from going full Kalifornia is that any tax increase must be approved by the voters, and if the state should collect more taxes in a given year than inflation + population change would indicate should have been, compared to last year, the excess must be refunded.
Politicians know to spend money on their pet projects, then beg us for highway money when the highways deteriorate. Unfortunately even that isn’t done honestly; the money goes for “transportation” rather than “highways/roads” and ends up getting spent on bike trails, mass transit, you name it. We’ve caught on to that trick now, and won’t approve ANY tax increase. Someone finally did an petition for an initiative (rather than a referendum, which originates in the government) titled “Fix Our Damn Roads” but even that failed, since it was obviously “Fix Denver’s Damn Roads” (exactly two out of about thirty projects was in El Paso County/Colorado Springs, and they weren’t even remotely large projects).
When they did a major redo of Denver’s part of I-25 a long time ago (I keep thinking of it as a few years, but it has been about twenty now), it was called T-Rex…then they decided to build light rail alongside it and there was a gigantic sucking sound–every highway dollar in the state went to T-Rex and the goddamn fucking toy train.


Thank you.
Mass transit, bike trails… S P I T !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Second letter is incorrect, but polite.


A guy was knocking on my door this evening. He lives in apartments around the corner, and had rented a van to move between one storage unit and another. According to the new idiot county order, he can only go to a storage unit if he’s retrieving something “essential”. I advised him to stash some TP there, and when he went to retrieve the TP, to deposit some canned soup. If he later went to retrieve the soup, he should deposit some TP.
I told him what the law was about overnight parking and what my preferences would be, and told him I appreciated his asking.


If you have stuff in storage you don’t want to get rid of, and you pay to store it, doesn’t that imply your stuff is essential since you are keeping it rather than getting rid of it?


You want the quickest way to determine “essential”? If it’s profitable without holding a gun to your head. ALL OF GOVERNMENT IS NONESSENTIAL, BECAUSE IT’S OBTAINED BY FORCE.


They announced today that Schools are closed until May 4th and that all non-essential businesses should remain closed.
So if they closed all the schools that must mean that . . . 🤣🤣🤣


My sons school, further the entire school system in CA, is closed through June…including private and charter.


So theyre enactimg the everyone must wear a face cover here in socal. But not a mask just a bandana or something. Its great…we are going to give an unsanitary face cover a place for the virus to sit.
Last time I checked i wasnt an islamist. So why do they want me to cover up like one?

Deplorable Patriot

My sentiments exactly.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m wondering if that roll is biodegradable.


So what would be more insulting to Jim Acosta?
Telling him that he’s a terd and he sucks?
Or telling him that we’re all praying for him?


A: neither.
Get #America’sUnwipedAsshole trending on twatter with his pic attached, then make ”Dear diary” tweets about it while copying “@“ him.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Get those antibody tests rolling and my household is good for a quart. Add my neighbors for a half gallon.


AMEN! I would be SO HAPPY to donate!


A: neither.
Get #America’sUnwipedAsshole trending on twatter with his pic attached, then make ”Dear diary” tweets about it while copying “@“ him.


I’ve been studying that site that Dr. Birx keeps using for their model and realized that they have a model for every state. Every state seems to have a different date for their peak death rate. New York’s is fairly soon – April 10th. However, my state – Oregon – won’t peak until May 1st. That means the total US death rate may go down a lot after April 10 because of the large number of cases in New York. But the rest of us aren’t out of the woods then.


I saw that. Texas was in frikkin May!😡

Deplorable Patriot

Missouri too. I seriously wonder what they’re basing that on since travel is all but at a stand still, and Spring is in the process of springing here.


They are pulling the numbers out of their REAR, as they did with everything else in this farce. When their “projection” does not match up, they will simply revise it over and over again DOWN until there is nothing left to revise to. It is a JOKE, and a BAD one at that.


A nurse friend figured it would be this week in Texas.
I think our great President got out ahead of this mess and saved a lot of the states that they are claiming won’t peak for weeks.
Do you think they are stretching things out? I wonder. It may be to ensure maximum benefit of social distancing.


Not sure where they’re getting all the different dates for each state. But Fiona and others are saying that their models are based on NY #’s which are not representative of the whole country, so deaths are very high. Bottom line is we need more data and each state, county will be different.


Yes! I heard they were also using Italy in one predictive graph, not sure though.
It is terribly distracting to know that the official line is one so easily refuted, but perhaps there is something we don’t know about.


Plus, I had a short argument on Twitter with what was probably a troll. I noticed the trolls always try to scare the heck out of you personally with statements like, “I hope you are safe” and such.
Fearmongering and I’m done with that.


They ARE stringing it out, but not for maximum benefit of social distancing, for maximum benefit of SOCIALISM.

Barb Meier

I saw that but did not understand why Washington state, where the virus appeared first at a nursing home, peaks after NY.


Because they are GUESSING, that’s why they know NOTHING, and are just trying to create a self fulfilling prophecy. What happens when the numbers do not bear them out? They simply CHANGE their projection. F A R C E.


Please post a link.


In that green section near the top there is a drop down box. It is currently set to the whole US. Click on the box and choose your state. Then the charts and graphs will be specific to your state.


THANKS, Linda!!!


I am skeptical of a May 6 date for Texas as the peak. We have been social distancing and staying home for weeks now. Also, we have closed our border with LA, and quarantined travelers from hotspots.
Seems like we should be flattening the curve pretty well. Of course, my little county (like many county and city govts) have let their authority go to their heads and are issuing SIP decrees and even contemplating curfews. In Texas.


Your skepticism is CORRECT. These models are WORST CASE (on purpose) meant to keep the farce going, when they don’t match up, they will simply revise and take credit for the social distancing being MORE effective than they thought. This is a PONZI scheme, numbers don’t match, change the numbers.


So infuriating.



Barb Meier

Thank you Linda! I had to go to work and just saw the ask for a link. I should have thought to provide one but it was a little early. LOL


Link, please.


Thanks nuggets4u . . . sorry, but I have to steal this . . . 😉
Timeline wuhan virus by Maggie Alexander
Fauci’s pals at WHO & the CDC said in January the virus posed no threat, yet President Trump closed down travel from Communist China on 1/31 anyway, against the CDC’s wishes. Remember, Rod Rosenstein’s sister is the head infectious disease director at the CDC.
The media & the CDC didn’t start to ratchet up the virus panic until it was obvious the Senate WAS NOT going to call witnesses or convict him on impeachment!
1/21: “CDC: The current risk from this virus to the general public is low and for a family sitting around the dinner table tonight this is not something that they generally need to worry about.”
1/26: “CDC: While this is a serious public health threat, the CDC continues to believe immediate risk to U.S. general public is low at this time. For general public, no additional precautions are recommended at this time beyond simple daily precautions that everyone should always take.”
1/27: “CDC: However, currently in the U.S., this virus is not spreading in the community. For that reason, we continue to believe that the immediate health risk from the new virus to the general American public is low currently.”
1/30: “CDC: Virus is not spreading widely across community. At this time, we are not recommending people in general public to take additional precautions, such as canceling activities or avoiding going out. Again, this is not spreading widely in communities, and general public is believed to be at low risk.”
1/31: President Trump closed down travel from China.
2/4: President Trump gave the State of the Union and Pelosi ripped up his speech.
2/5: “CDC: The current risk to the American public is low, but as we project outward with the potential for this to be a much LONGER situation.”
2/5: Trump acquitted in Senate in impeachment hoax.
2/6: Media and Democrats call Trump a racist for closing down borders and slowly begin ratcheting up virus panic.
2/21: Stock market approaches 30,000 and Trump calls America’s economy the best ever in history. Suddenly, new studies come out from WHO & the CDC that predict 2.2 million Americans will die from Wuhan virus.
2/28: Trump calls the virus a panic hoax perpetrated by Democrats. CNBC tells investors to SELL. Market crashes and continues to fall for nearly a month while the fake news screams the world is ending.
3/4: President Trumps says the virus has a much lower fatality rate than the WHO is reporting. CNN calls him a liar.
3/16: CDC & Fauci recommend America must shut down for two weeks to slow the spread!
So, tell me again how Fauci ADVISED Trump to close down the borders in January as he says he did? NOT TRUE. He did just the opposite.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



How “coincidental”


China Must Release the Secret Records of the Wuhan Biolabs
It’s time for Beijing to come clean
Steven W. Mosher
March 31, 2020
This article originally appeared in American Greatness, 3/27/2020
https://www.pop.org/china-must-release-the-secret-records-of-the-wuhan-biolabs/comment image

The leaders of the Chinese Communist Party have a lot to answer for.
Clearly, it was the CCP’s coverup and incompetence that first allowed the Wuhan virus to reach epidemic proportions in China, and then spread around the world. A congressional resolution authored by Representative Jim Banks (R-Ind.) condemns China for these misdeeds. It should be an easy vote.
But what if China is responsible not only for the global spread of the Wuhan virus but also for the original infections?
There are many, myself included, who suspect that this particular coronavirus may have been under study at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that it somehow escaped from the lab.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yeah, exactly.
The problem for CCP is the emerging evidence that ‘somehow’ was either due massive criminal negligence or by intentional malicious design.
Either one spells astronomical liability, the kind of liability the nation of China itself couldn’t survive, much less the CCP.


Occam’s razor Scott.


So what the hell happens when “somehow” is revealed to be “purposefully?”
That is a full-on declaration of war. We would be at war with China. What happens then?
I mean, I personally believe this was deliberate, and I’m positive Trump knows that. But what does that mean exactly. How do we wage this kind of war? Has Trump ALREADY been waging war on China, with his policies? And would this virus then be considered a counter-attack by the enemy?
We are in deep, uncharted, sea-monster-infested waters here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CCP wants this to be on people’s minds in November. They want Americans to do anything but face the hard truth. “You must have peace with China.” They want to oversimplify – to make us think we have only two choices – WAR on our terms or PEACE on their terms.
The CCP had given up its right to rule.


Great points. Just hope the dragon has a big enough Panda belly ache.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Panda gotta GET OUT before digested in NAZI SNAKE STOMACH SOUP!!!


Starve the dragon until a panda crawls out of its belly – and kills the dragon. Wolfmoon1776
I want to see saying this as a famous meme, retweeted by POTUS in June.



It’s a joke, people 🤓 And yes, we DO need to clarify that. Let’s see what twitter does with it!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Left is using the same joke, with a 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue address.


Ha ha ha! This needs to be retweeted all over Twitter.


Don’t forget to send in all of your PET’S stool samples too 😁
If 330 million people sent in 500 million stool samples (including pets) every day, for a week, the stench in Washington D.C. would be so bad they’d have to shut down the whole city. 😂
And it would finally SMELL just as corrupt as it actually IS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can assure you that bearded dragon poo is stinky enough for ten dogs.


Dying WITH COVID19 is not the same as dying FROM COVID19.


This one. This is the ticket. Same with every damm disease. Every one.


That’s one of the things that annoys me about these statistics when they rate “cause of death”. If they want to maximize one type of causes they report it one way. If they want to minimize however they report it another way. The problem is that causation is a necessarily complex thing so unless you have a precision understanding of causation and a rigorous protocol for identifying cause, it can be skirted every which way.


Pompeo unites G7 to counter Chinese Communist Party disinformation
March 28, 2020
J Michael Waller
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2020/03/28/pompeo-unites-g7-to-counter-chinese-communist-party-disinformation/comment image

For the first time in a generation, an American secretary of state has worked with foreign leaders to aggressively coordinate a strategy against foreign state-sponsored disinformation. Secretary Mike Pompeo worked with six of America’s closest allies and economic partners to counter Communist China’s shrill disinformation campaign against the US over the coronavirus.

. . . Continued . . .
Recording and full text of Pompeo’s March 25 remarks:
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo At a Press Availability
MARCH 25, 2020


I was reading some talking head’s spew and got to “we handled Ebola perfectly”.
Their names are Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, and every time some dumbass says something this stupid, they should get $1M each.
Which reminds me, I need to start the next week’s blood pressure medication.


If we handled Ebola perfectly . . . I’d better update my todo list:
* Update Will
* Close up my personal affairs
* Dig out an underground bunker
* Stockpile 10+ years of food, water, and supplies
* Learn to manufacture my own Level 4 PPE
* Shut myself off from the planet
* Hope for the best


Secure Freedom Minute

We better get on a war-footing NOW
We don’t know whether the Chinese Communist Party virus was engineered at a facility in Wuhan associated with a covert biological warfare program reportedly founded to destroy this country.
What we do know is that the pandemic the Party, by its lies and inaction, allowed to incubate and spread globally has demonstrated biowarfare’s effectiveness.
After all, even a relatively low-lethality, but highly contagious, disease has literally shut down China’s main enemy – the United States of America. Without a shot having been fired, our people have been terrified, our economy devastated and our military sidelined. Indeed, sickened sailors have forced our two Pacific-deployed aircraft carriers into port and our ability to project power from the homeland is seriously degraded for the foreseeable future.
President Trump is right: We are at war with an invisible enemy from China. We better get on a war-footing NOW.
This is Frank Gaffney.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. CCP is a danger to the WORLD.


To be fair, the actual bioweapon is almost an afterthought……the real weapon is the fifth column.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The Bio release just shows us the seriousness of the ROT is deep.


I didn’t see this, might have missed it.
Daniel Horowitz: Nearly the entire outbreak in NY came from a traveler from Iran, a place that was supposed to have a travel ban, but thanks to lower courts continuing to militate against Scotus decision, it was rendered moot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe he’s right about Iran, but may be wrong about the actual date – it’s possibly even earlier. My case was contracted in mid-January, probable Iranian OR CIA OR American airport connection. If it’s Iranian through the American Iranian community, then it likely came out of Iran in December or early January.


Wow yes I hadn’t thought about using Iran as the primary delivery channel, rather than direct China to US connections. OTOH, if you look at the whole China+US+World infection from the perspective of directed spread along OBOR then pretty much all of it makes a lot more sense . We already discussed Italy as a victim of OBOR spread.


If you claim that calling it ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ is racist, you are part of the cover-up
Posted by William A. Jacobson
Monday, March 30, 2020 at 9:05pm
The Chinese government is deep into a disinformation campaign denying that this all started in Wuhan. A key component of that campaign is controlling the language used to describe the pandemic, stripping it of its connection to Wuhan and China.
https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/03/if-you-claim-that-calling-it-wuhan-coronavirus-is-racist-you-are-part-of-the-cover-up/comment image

The Chinese government caused this worldwide pandemic. It started in Wuhan. It should have stopped in Wuhan, but the Chinese government covered up, lied, and destroyed evidence.
How various countries responded is not the problem. The Chinese government threw the world overboard, and now is claiming the world should have known how to swim better.
The Chinese government now is deep into a disinformation campaign denying that this all started in Wuhan. A key component of that campaign is controlling the language used to describe the pandemic, stripping it of its connection to Wuhan and China, mandating that only generic terminology is used. Meanwhile, Chinese diplomats and media spread claims that the virus either started in the U.S. or was planted in Wuhan by the U.S.
So if you claim that calling it Wuhan coronavirus is racist, you are part of the cover-up. Speaking the truth is not the problem, covering up the truth is the problem.


Using terms Dan Bongino likes to emphasize on his show….
Misfeasance or malfeasance….they’re GUILTY either way

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that is a GREAT way to put it!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We need this test in a big way. Don’t recall a fed discussing it.
Imagine how many can get back to work, get on with life if folks knew they were immune.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Birx did a great job talking about this, but many viewers may not have caught it, because in the first part of her explanation, she was a bit technical. The lady journo asked about antibody testing. Fauci tried to explain that antibody testing is BACK BURNER because active virus testing is still FRONT BURNER, but then Birx got in to answer more directly. She did a great job of explaining that they are trying to get it ready for front burner right now – DEMONSTRATING what Fauci always likes to emphasize – you have to FIGHT WHAT’S COMING NOW. She said they would likely have something big by FRIDAY.


This will put those high unemployment claims numbers in a radically different light . . .
California is responsible for 33% of the unemployed.
March 29, 2020
California Government Makes Recovery More Difficult
by Stephen Frank
https://www.judeochristiancaucus.com/news/2020/3/29/california-government-makes-recovery-more-difficultcomment image

On March 26, national unemployment numbers were released. Nationally, in the past week, 3.3 million Americans were unemployed. In California, we contributed over one million to that number. While we are 14% of the nation, we had 33% of the unemployed. Could it be the implementation of AB 5, which was expected to kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, “worked.” No more free-lance journalists, photographers, health care workers, truckers and more.
Then you have the price of gas. On March 25, the national average cost of unleaded was $2.06 a gallon. In Dallas the price was $1.61 a gallon—in Simi Valley it was $3.09. The difference between the Dallas cost and California: Sacramento taxes and government regulation of the gas formula.
The City of Hayward, in the Bay Area is rethinking its increase in the minimum wage, due to the virus.
“The move by the three councilmembers comes in the wake of already massive layoffs in the Bay Area related to the COVID-19 outbreak and shelter in place order given last week by Gov. Gavin Newsom,” reports Online journal Eastbay Citizen.
“I’m trying to preserve jobs,” opined Councilwoman Elisa Marquez, in a bid to study the impacts of delaying a July 1 scheduled $1 wage increase. “I’m fearful if we don’t do something to help these businesses, people will be out of work.”
Councilmember Sara Lamnin, who voted for the minimum wage ordinance last month, said Tuesday the wage bump actually foments jobs loss. “Minimum wage increases do eliminate jobs, and in a time like this, we need to preserve them,” she said.
Even those who supported the minimum wage increase when the economy was going good understood it would cost jobs. Now with the Wuhan Virus, the disaster magnifies.
Yet, the State of California is on the way to a mandated $15 minimum wage.
How do you recover when AB 5 makes it too expensive to hire new workers, the minimum wage forces business to pay unqualified people wages and benefits that are not warranted?
Because of the factors noted, and others, this will accelerate the use of technology in California businesses. For instance, the push for driverless cars—already on the roads in San Fran, Oakland and Santa Ana, will be done by the end of 2021—then rider share companies will need much fewer drivers and cars. Oh, the new cars will be electric, making environmentalists happy.
Telecommuting will continue to explode, on a permanent basis. The State could even give tax credits for telecommuting employees. This will alleviate a lot of the gridlock on the roads.
The biggest change will be in urban planning. The Left has been promoting the New York lifestyle. High density communities, pushing people on buses and subways, by the millions, causing close contact and the spreading of disease before the health care industry is aware of the problem. State Senator Scott Weiner, with his SB 50 and current legislation, SB 902, wants us to look and feel like New York. That goes along with the push to get people out of safe cars and into disease carrying, and physically dangerous, government transportation.
After this crisis is over, one way of staying well is to stay out of crowds. No elbow-to-elbow commute on the BART, watch movies that are streamed into your home instead of sitting inches away from strangers with the sniffles at a theater.
Life is going to change when this crisis is over. As part of that is the way we do business. In California, high taxes, bad regulations, dangerous housing policies and more, make it more irresponsible and unhealthier—and maybe it is a necessity that productive and responsible families leave the State.
Even the illegal aliens are going to be a bigger problem. Since the cost of hiring is so high in the former Golden State, the use of people that can be paid under the table makes more economic sense. So, low skilled or inexperienced Californians will not get hired, while cheap illegal labor will get the menial and bottom rung jobs.
The crisis has forced government to reconsider regulations and rules that hold back healthcare innovations, the building of needed masks, ventilators and pushing lifesaving drugs to the patients. The governors of Maine and New Hampshire have suspended the ban on plastic grocery bags, since they knew cotton bags are disease carriers. Hopefully, like housing density, this too will be rethought, and ended.
Do not expect California to become responsible after this crisis ends. Only the financial collapse of the State will accomplish that. Just last week, Kaiser Permanente decided not to build a $900 million facility in Oakland, due to delays, government costs, and regulations. As tech firms leave the State, maybe the politicians will get the message?
Until then I would “short” California as if it was a stock. We are in trouble and those in charge are short-term thinkers. Long term, they still believe in making us the Socialist Paradise.
Can California recover? Not with current policies and leadership.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


He spent an inordinate amount of time and attention answering Acosta’s questions.

Deplorable Patriot

Acosta and CNN are being baited, hooked, and then filleted for the world to see.
These people are stupid indeed. If they don’t want to be made out to be the fools they are, why do they insist on sending Acosta?
Don’t answer that. He’s the perfect foil for VSGPOTUSDJT despite his idiocy.


Yes it’s one of those things that really annoys me . . .
People who think “taking it seriously” is a meaningful phrase.
How a situation or problem needs to be handled changes dramatically depending in time.
The key is that POTUS far in advance anticipated what was happening and positioned for it.
For contrast, that is something the prior administration had a track record of NOT doing. Their idea of “taking it seriously” was have a press conference where Barry would issue a STERN speech.
The measure of whether something is taken seriously is not the emotions and flurry of activity but results and outcomes.
But liberals judge politicians by their speeches, their “tone” and whether they “hit the right notes”, as if a politician’s job is performance entertainment.


And then the networks have repeated that disinformation on every hourly news broadcast and in a very snarky way. Referring to what Acosta tried to do to Trump.




Too bad he doesn’t eject them from the conference then. If CNN isn’t going to carry it, why are they there? To continue to get negative talking points against the President. They’ll lie anyway so give their seat to someone else. President can just say other news organizations need a turn.


California Lets Convicted Murderers of Children and Pregnant Woman Out of Jail Amidst Coronavirus Panic
The convicted child killer was one of many felons who were freed.
Published 3 days ago on Mar 28, 2020
By Shane Trejo
https://bigleaguepolitics.com/california-lets-convicted-murderers-of-children-and-pregnant-woman-out-of-jail-amidst-coronavirus-panic/comment image

California Governor Gavin Newsom is exploiting the coronavirus crisis in order to more quickly implement far-left criminal justice policies, which has allowed at least one convicted child murder to be let back on the streets.
Newsom commuted the prison sentences of 21 different convicted criminals and pardoned five others who had already served their sentences on Friday. A stunning 14 of the cases involved murder or a charge related to murder. Children were the victims in two of the chilling cases. In another case, it was a pregnant woman who was the victim. The people found responsible for these heinous crimes by the court of law are now back on the streets.
Suzanne Johnson, a 75-year-old San Diego county resident who served 22 years in prison for assaulting a child who ended up dying, had her sentence commuted. Joann Parks, a 64-year-old Los Angeles county resident who served 27 years in prison after her three children were killed in a house fire, also received amnesty from the Governor. Rodney McNeal, a 50-year-old San Bernardino county resident found guilty of stabbing his pregnant wife to death, was freed and now walks the streets as well.
. . .This is part of a national jailbreak policy with coronavirus being used as an excuse to enact far-left criminal justice policies . . .
Liberals will never let a crisis go to waste when it comes to inflicting their extreme policies on unsuspecting Americans.


Governor Nuisance is Nazi Pelosi’s nephew. Even if you got worthy, honorable people into office, just imagine the scale of decontamination required.


I think we should stop calling them liberals and call them what they are–communists.

Gail Combs

How about TRAITOROUS CRIMINAL SEWER SCUM. And that is being nice.


Too nice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. They’re getting easier to spot!


‘Journalist’ Magnier is the US Correspondent for the South China Morning Post, ex @UMKnightWallace,ex @WSJ, ex @LATimes


“In the battle for global respect, Washington is running circles around Beijing in its handling of the coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile, Beijing loses any remaining credibility in their desperate quest for global power.”
There, fixed it for him 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Reads like reality now!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


To set the stage, https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/hoa-to-people-trying-to-earn-a-living-during-the-lockdown-drop-dead/
In a population of 150 units, 25 get notice that they’re not going broke fast enough. Seems to me that their most reasonable action is to arrange for alibis at 5:00 on Thursday, when HOA Hitler may suffer an unfortunate event. This may dissuade the next HOA bigwig from assuming dictatorial powers…..and if it doesn’t, there are plenty of events out there.
The US was a better nation when dueling was an option.
And Jackson was one of our better Presidents.


HOAs are evil. They’re just a more cheerful version of the Soviet style shared housing. You don’t own your home or your life, the HOA does.

Gail Combs

Covenants on deeds are another problem. We had a pig farm down the street but some of the property (10+ ac) have covenants that prevent all sorts of animals on YOUR land.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW – thanks for the tip. I just read this sucker now.
They are not picking up pre-COVID corona – not a single false positive!!! Takes just a few hours to return the result.


Certificates you say?
What if they were . . . digital certificates?


Well, , this might well end up like mail-in ballots in Blue states…lots of opportunity for fraud! You think those “certificates” might be a hot item to sell?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, but FRAUD of them would infuriate libtards and would be a great way to make libs vote Trump if punished visibly and harshly.
Libs (the regular little TDS ones – not the lying leaders) are taking all this quarantine stuff very seriously, so hypocrisy on any of it is punishable by DEATH as long as it’s not Hillary or their other “auto-excused” leaders.
More seriously, I think that this can all be worked out. We don’t have to do it just like Germany, either. I think people who aren’t *actually* immune aren’t going to want to be on the front lines.

Harry Lime

I know that this has been posted somewhere here recently…but Amazing Polly covers a lot of bases in her latest video…I’ll let you decide…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great video. Polly is so right-on here.

Barb Meier

Did you guys catch this story? I know it is ancient history from 3/30/2020, but 2,000 viruses?? What if these keep coming, one after another? Chinese researchers isolated deadly bat coronaviruses near Wuhan animal market


Please post a link to that site that Dr. Birx keeps using for their model.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


As I listened to the Q&A part of the White House ChinaVirus Task Force Briefing last night, all the task force were quiet on the topic of the HCQ/Z Pack/Zinc regimen. –

PDJT said something quiet and vague which I interpreted as (paraphrase), “It is being used as a prophylactic by some health professionals, and it is up to the doctors (now that it is approved by FDA) to prescribe it to patients.”
My conclusion is – they are trying to avoid a huge toilet paper sized run on the regimen before they get production ramped up adequately.
I can tell you this – I really believe it would be best to ask her physician to prescribe (it’s already on back order in most cities) a just in case patient dose and/or a prophylactic dose of at least 2 months, plus a Z-Pack for our disabled daughter. She was in the hospital for a month last Fall with unknown causation sepsis and she would certainly not survive COVID-10.


Comparing US and Global numbers a few days apart:
3/28/20 – 14:26 pm EDT
USA Cases
USA Deaths
Global Cases
Global Deaths
3/31/20 – 4:15 am EDT
USA Cases
USA Deaths
Global Cases
Global Deaths
Of course, the global numbers are not accurate, but they are what is reported to the FL site by JHU and to JHU, CDC, WHO by the PTB (powers that be) in each country.
The FL DoH and FL Disaster websites and reports are something else! https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/96dd742462124fa0b38ddedb9b25e429


12:00PM THE PRESIDENT – receives intelligence briefing
2:30PM THE PRESIDENT – phone call with military families on COVID-19 response
5:00PM Coronavirus Task Force press briefing


You can be sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.


No doubt President Trump is working…reading, making calls, meetings, presser…at least 18 hours of every day.
I do hope, and believe he has Melania and Baron safely isolated. His entire family deserves to be tucked away safely.


From little tidbits I read here and there, POTUS is meeting with a lot of people in private settings, and of course, on the phone in these off hours.
I read he had a private meeting with Caroline Kennedy recently (at her request) and almost immediately she resigned from a prestigious Board (Harvard??…sorry can’t recall for certain) That caught my attention because it was so unusual…if, indeed, is correct. Anyone read about that?
And, of course, we know he had to be meeting with military advisors!

Valerie Curren

Minor Michigan update.
Hubby swung by Sam’s & there is virtually no paper product of any kind on the shelves.
Travelling to & from work it is very eerie in Metro Detroit, very much fewer cars on the roads.
Getting lunch via fast food drive through takes no time now, early in the CV situation, after restaurants could only do drive through/pick up/delivery it was necessary to place an order ahead so as to not spend entire lunch break in line.
MI gov is now allow HCQ &CQ after threatening to pull licenses of Drs &/or pharmacists who would use for CV.
National Guard is using Cobo Hall (now TCF Center) to assemble 600 bed field hospital for non CV patients in Downtown Detroit.
Thinking about my map analysis shared previously, Detroit has poor mass transit, primarily busses & a couple of trolley style, very short route trains/trams so it likely didn’t encounter nearly the level of CV spread as those cities using subs & trains, which may, in part, help explain why the CV numbers here are less than other large metro areas.
On the home front, we’ve begun using some of our freezer inventory. A week & a half ago our kids cleaned & organized our freezers & did an inventory of what we’ve got. I used a very old package of chicken breasts in the crock pot for an adapted version of a beef burgundy recipe & it was very good, though had less liquid than usual, probably because the meat was somewhat dried out. Husband made a pot of venison chili using some rum & there were only some large bites of meat where the “freezer taste” was evident. Both these meals were a pretty big hit & it felt good to use some of our surplus stockpile. Using alcohol may have helped in tenderizing these “been around too long in the deep freeze” meats too.
Hubby’s work is down to about half the staff than are usually there. No one was laid off, for this is an essential industry, but several employees have gone on voluntary layoffs for health concerns/fears or because the unemployment compensation is too enticing–why work when you can make as much staying home.
Son’s friend tried to sway him to go on unemployment & he was considering whether it might make sense to protect his twin, with the compromised immunity from liver transplant. So far it seems better for him to continue to work, especially since now he & his boss are the only ones in their department & the work is really piling up.
Husband’s band decided to cancel practice for the 2nd week in a row. They were leaning toward the practice as only 2 guys travel to the couple’s home & they can “social distance” as they play. Other band members are all on either lay-off or working from home so Michael is the only one who is usually getting out for work & stores. Honey felt “a check in his spirit” about gathering & after prayer they all decided to postpone again.
MI gov has decided to cancel the rest of the school year, at least for K-12, so apparently everyone will be allowed to advance to the next grade & seniors will graduate & standardized testing will be delayed or skipped depending.
Ford in Rawsonville (1/2 way between Detroit & Ann Arbor) is re-tooling to make ventilators along w/ GE, I believe. This isn’t too far from Willow Run Airport where Ford had major WWII airplane production. Bill Ford was on a local radio show discussing Ford’s contribution & reflecting on its history of stepping up to help the US in times of need. In fact he just came on at 6:15am on another show after I wrote the preceding sentence! They are discussing making respirators, face shields, N95 masks, & ventilators (a much simpler & less expensive design in consultation w/ GE)…really they are ramping up production of all these important items! They are also “redesigning our workspaces to make sure our people are safe”. The ventilators they are making don’t require electricity & they used to make iron lungs for polio & incubators for rural areas during the “arsenal of democracy” era.
Local news, the few times I’ve seen it, seems to be focusing on a lot of “good deeds” kind of stories, how people are helping each other during this CV upheaval. Many of the regular TV & radio personalities are broadcasting from their homes w/out the benefit of hair & makeup artists! Some sportscasters are doing street reports since there’s not much to report on sports, obviously.
Local broadcast stations continue to limit the coverage of Trump’s CV updates, often breaking away before the Q & A time. Lately CBS has seemed to have the longest coverage. For yesterday’s presser we flipped through all channels before we found one, CBS, that actually showed the graphics that Dr. Brix was discussing. Husband thought this limiting of our visual feed was done deliberately to keep up more in the dark.
A friend, & former bandmate of my husband’s, has been diagnosed with CV. He works as a respiratory therapist so has likely been exposed more than most. I believe he’s currently under quarantine at home.
Married son is having to run his business location mostly single-handedly on site, usually there are a half dozen people there. His co-workers are working from home because of illness or vulnerable family members they can’t risk exposing. Daughter-in-law has been hired in a new position, but there is no certainty when she can start now.
Elderly parents continue to do OK at home, but Mom keeps getting out on store runs including looking for TP for an elderly neighbor “who’s like 80” my husband said…& I’m like “Mom’s like 80, at least she will be next month”. She had to go to 3 different stores before she found that TP.
Some of us played Rumicube last night & it was nice to pass the time. Son joined in after finishing up his taxes (most of his friends don’t know how to do their own taxes but I taught my kids this “skill” & he takes pride in that self-sufficiency!) & a video-chat Bible study with friends.
So far things are going relatively OK but this is a tough time of year for those of us struggling with Seasonal Affective Disorder, & being continually cooped up with heavy, grey, overcast &/or rainy skies doesn’t help! God is good & He’s helping to see us through on a daily basis.
We were blessed to catch the My Pillow guy’s spontaneous remarks on faith, freedom, & gratitude for God’s miraculous provision of Donald Trump for such a time as this! This was a Huge Encouragement to this family of believers!!!
Hope all you Q-Treepers are doing well & finding the Lord’s grace is sufficient for All of your needs. Blessings!


Thanks…good ground report from someone that’s still out and about. When you are hunkered down, like we are, there’s not a lot to report!
My intention is to empty the freezers as much as I can, but it hasn’t happened yet because we can still get almost everything fresh. Hubby got a rotisserie chicken at Sam’s yesterday (they are the best!) and we’ll be eating everything chicken for several days. And, soon it will be Easter ham…same thing.

Valerie Curren

Sorry for the wrong impression…I am not Personally “out & about” but my husband & 2 older sons are all still working at their job sites. My daughter & special needs son at times get out for errands &/or personal goals for my son’s staffing needs (now that daughter can work as his staff in addition to the regular respite care worker).
I just try to compile info from what all of them have shared & that includes some of their social media contacts as well as what I’ve gotten from local TV &/or radio. I’ve barely stepped out the door for a couple weeks now, sadly… 🙁
We get those Sam’s chickens for an occasional dinner & I usually end up using the carcass & drippings to make practically “free” soup, using what’s on hand & in the larder. My sister-in-law had made “bone broth” before (cooking so long that the bones dissolved) so last time I cooked the chicken until some of the bones & most of the connective tissue dissolved. Using the larger leg bones broken by my son to get the marrow out w/ a nut pick I discovered most of those bones were so soft that they could be eaten so they got mashed into what made a pretty hearty, & hopefully healthy soup–one my mom always referred to as Jewish penicillin from her ethnic neighborhood upbringing–a good addition to our current immune boosting quarantine scenarios.
We’re still enjoying fresh stuff as it can be obtained but the freezer “burned” meats that we have on hand we’re trying to find creative & palatable ways to cook up at a rate of maybe one package or so a week. The fresh meats often get grilled to perfection by my grill-master husband! We are not hurting in the food department yet, which makes enforced confinement much more enjoyable around here! 🙂
Easter ham sounds wonderful. We haven’t actually thought that far ahead yet here…Blessings!


I knew you were speaking “collectively” for your family. I, too, have hardly been out of the house but am seriously contemplating a quick lower back adjustment this morning…chiropractor is 1 mile away.
Decided to make a chicken pot pie today since I have all the ingredients on hand…and will definitely use the bones for broth. Never cooked them long enough to get that soft but this may well be the time to give it a go.
If I ever get to the bottom of my freezer I’ll let you know! I bet there’s treasure down there…😆

Valerie Curren

Fun..treasure hunt that is. My husband was to see his Dr. today but instead had a telehealth call w/ an associate as the Doc threw his back out! I hope you can get in for your adjustment & are safe in all that outing might entail. Feel better! Oh & enjoy that Chicken Soup/Pot Pie for the soul! Blessings


Thanks, Valerie🤓 Faith and prayer are steady companions 💖

Valerie Curren

Amen & it is a blessing to encourage each other in the Lord. We may get to participate in a video chat Bible study of some sort with some of my husband’s church &/or bandmates tomorrow so that may also be uplifting. God Bless YOU, Alison!

Valerie Curren

I just noticed your Cardinal avatar–Sweet!
That bird is special to my family. Both my parents use “cardinal” in some form for their email addresses for it was their high school mascot & they were high school sweethearts! We almost always give some type of cardinal item to them for Christmas!
We also have Cardinal as a family name going back to the late 1800s. If I ever get around to colorcoding my genealogy lines “Cardinal” will be red!
Cardinals are around here most of the year & even if we can’t see them their distinctive songs are such a joy to hear! Seeing them in the midst of winter doldrums is a special treat too…
Here’s my Cardinal pinterest collection where I’ve been collection cardinals for fun…


🥰🥰🥰 I LOVE cardinals!! Sadly they don’t migrate to Colorado (although we enjoy them in winter in AZ). I smiled at all your family’s affiliations with cardinals. Very special ties.❤️
My Dad had bird feeders every year and my appreciation for the cardinals grew out of seeing how much joy they brought him every year.

Valerie Curren

Reminds my of my grandpa’s bird feeders in Northern Michigan. He kept binoculars by the living room window so he could spy various species from afar. & boy was there an ongoing battle with those ingenious squirrels!


Valerie, Very nice report. Thanks.

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂 Blessings!



We really need to stop wasting money on the UN.
After we get past ChiCom-19, betting president Trump drop kicks WHO in the same sentence he drop kicks ChiCom scum…

Deplorable Patriot

“When we’re in a crisis, artists and musicians, sports icons, who are highly paid and used to having a large voice in our culture become irrelevant.”
Correction: HIGHLY PAID, big show and marketed musicians and artists are irrelevant. Those who work to feed souls to get through this thing we call life on a day to day and weekly basis – the ones who play and sing at Church, bars, restaurants, neighborhood twilight concerts, etc. – are just as impacted as hairdressers, nail technicians, dry cleaners, the guys who work at the car wash, restauranteers, small business owners. All of us are out of work.
Art in all its forms – music, visual, literature, artisan foods – exists as a communication to feed the soul. It is a place where humans go when needing comfort, escape, consolation, inspiration, and the will to keep going in some tough circumstances. Right now, that task is being taken care of via youtube and NetFlix. Think about that.
As such, art is essential. It is not, however, valued. At least it is not if it does not have the marketing backing of the cabal, and, unfortunately, that does include some phenomenal art museums in this nation like Crystal Bridges in Bentonville, Arkansas. Think about that, too, and all the talent that is idled when art becomes “irrelevant.”

Deplorable Patriot

Can’t help myself. There’s a bias against art and artists that gets the hackles up.


There’s a wide and quality difference between Entertainers (Beyonce, et al) and Artists (our DP, et al)

Gail Combs

“…. There’s a bias against art and artists that gets the hackles up.”
That is because the Cabal has INTENTIONALLY promoted no talent, evil people and most can sense that intuitively. I have ZERO musical talent, but I much rather listen to the street and cafe musicians than to the crap ‘Big Names.
Also to put it very bluntly PAID Entertainers and Artists are ‘non-essential’
Only when humans have met the basics of food, water and shelter, do they then have the TIME and ENERGY to move to the Arts. And after that we have specialization where very talented artists get supported by others. HOWEVER in the time of crisis they will be the first to be dropped.
And yes I am well aware of cave art, (I have seen some) and the singing and poetry and story telling that all cultures indulge in.
Remember other ‘non-essential’ businesses are also getting hit hard. We ‘entertain’ at children’s parties and festivals ALL of our gigs have dried up and we still have over 50 animals to feed every day. Only the fact I planted winter rye last fall and it is ready to eat now, is saving our rears. However we STILL have to save up the $7000.00 to pay for next winters hay.


Yes, always an age-old discussion and I know the passion of talented people who think it inconceivable not to follow their passion nor that it isn’t essential to the overall human experience. But, I am a practical personality, almost to a fault, perhaps because I grew up in what might be considered poverty circumstances (although unaware of it)..and didn’t have a record player nor even TV, much less theater, concerts, etc. until high school. Most of the oldie songs mentioned have absolutely no meaning for me because it wasn’t part of my world.
And I have lived and worked in third world countries that has also reenforced my experiences of what is essential and what is, to me, a luxury, a bonus, a reward.
I have a friend, the best trumpet player in the area, who is an OB/GYN doc and satisfies his love for the instrument playing in a community band. My Japanese friend was well in her way to being a concert pianist but ended up as a chemical engineer and still plays in a tea room once a month and gives private lessons. A well-know older professional golfer started out as an eye doctor. There are two local vocalists that so outstanding both were, at one time, offered opportunities to be “road professionals” but decided it wasn’t the life for them and wanted the small town lifestyle here. One is a massage therapist and the other a bartender…that allows them to follow their passion by constantly performing in amateur musical theater productions.
On the other hand, another younger Japanese friend is an artist, resisting any advice to make it an advocation rather than her only work. She is in her 30’s and basically lives entirely from financial support of family.
No particular point here…just conversation about perspectives and choices in life. (You can certainly tell I’m quarantined!! 😋)

Gail Combs

I originally wanted to be an illustrator. I even looked at the colleges offering courses but, on the advice of a friend, I got my degree in chemistry instead, taking some courses in art for fun. And I now design and sew costumes for my ponies.
I certainly understand the DRIVE to use your talent (cousin went to Julliard) but I also understand that food, water and shelter have to come first.


Every spring (except this one!) we host a team of high school golf team players and then a few weeks later older, post-college amateur players competing in a couple of prestigious golf tournaments here. Almost without exception, they all want to be a tour professional golfer. It is their passion, their dream and they are usually fairly good golfers.
Of all the dozens we’ve had, last year was the first time we had one of the older golfers that was accepted into Q School (the long, arduous and expensive road to qualify for a PGA card.).
Most of “our guys” end up playing for a small, private area college that no one has ever heard of and their dreams generally faded away as reality sinks in, they fall in love and start thinking of marriage and family and how to support them, etc. Most will play some very fine local club golf and take satisfaction in being the club champion, etc. And that’s okay!


Send the next one here for a penalty and they can take the free course with out signing up and report back to us. Both music and art are in here. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities


Please post a link to that site that Dr. Birx keeps using for their model.

Sue Mcdonald

I am hoping all of these disgusting narcissists disappear into complete irrelevance sooner rather then later.so tired of seeing and hearing them,who the hell cares what they are singing or saying,I sure dont.


Hopital resources and Projections.
The original tweet I saw had all states listed, sorry can’t find it. Use this, Click on United States tab and drill down into each state.


I have this site, and noticed it automatically listed Virginia (my state for breakout data). Scroll down slightly for the numbers. It’s the Worldwide link.


Uh-Oh. Get ready to hear Russia, Russia, Russia!


Well, even though the impeachment was a sham, I will Never Never trust Russia and would not accept their “help.”


Uh, while I will never trust Russia, their assistance is appreciated by myself. NOTHING LOST on US part. Ideally lives saved and both pain and suffering reduced for some or many.
– What is to not appreciate?
Same as IF Russia ends up in dire straits with ChiCom-19, we should offer assistance that we can. And US will do so.
Fair play. Russia won’t trust the US either. But Russia will accept the aid, and appreciate it.
It’s the human thing to do.


I don’t believe Putin ever does anything out of goodness. There’s a play somewhere, a catch. How humane was it to kill a dissident in London by having his tea spiked with palonium? Putin is a thug.


Yup, Putin is no good. That is not a reason to deny medical goods we need.
President Trump will deal with Putin in the future, as he has done for 3+ years.


NOW is the time for Øbnoxious, Jarrett, Brennan, Kerry and their cohorts to quarantine themselves to IRAN.
And for Hillrotten and BillyJeff to quarantine themselves to Russia or China.
If they want to escape arrest, trials, a noose or firing squad, that is.


They had better ‘Get While The Getting’s Good’……


Don’t forget The Squad! Talib…off you go to Palestine! Omar…a hut awaits you in Somalia! AOC…Venezuela NEEDS you! Acosta…visit your abuela in Cuba and reconnect.


Speaking of abuela, hildabest invoked herself as, abuela. Take abuela hildabeast to Cuba.




“You can see the stress and exhaustion on the faces of all the task force members, including the President. These people are working diligently to save America. Adding to their burden is the incessant buzzing of the #MediaGnat swarm. Sad the press only prospers from chaos and bias.”


“We’ve had swine flu (China), bird flu (China), and now bat virus? Watch this report and use your own judgment. #WuhanCoronaVirus” Video




Please post a link to that site that Dr. Birx keeps using for their model.


Valerie Curren

I think I missed that. Was it in a separate post or within the comments somewhere? Always love reading a Q-Tree perspective on things!!! Blessings

Gail Combs

Yeah, I am spamming but I want to make sure everyone realizes just what the FDA and Fauci want. And just what President Trump’s kick in the FDA butt prevented from happening. In short THE ENTIRE SYSTEM is set-up to PUSH VACCINES over medications.
I could not find the FDA guidelines quickly so this will do:
What Happens in a Clinical Trial?

What happens in phase 0?
Phase 0 of a clinical trial is done with a very small number of people, usually fewer than 15. Investigators use a very small dose of medication to make sure it isn’t harmful to humans before they start using it in higher doses for later phases…

DONE since it is an old drug

What happens in phase I?
During phase I of a clinical trial, investigators spend several months looking at the effects of the medication on about 20 to 80 people who have no underlying health conditions.

DONE since it is an old drug

What happens in phase II?
Phase II of a clinical trial involves several hundred participants who are living with the condition that the new medication is meant to treat. They’re usually given the same dose that was found to be safe in the previous phase.
Investigators monitor participants for several months or years to see how effective the medication is and to gather more information about any side effects it might cause.….

DONE since it is an old drug.

What happens in phase III?
Phase III of a clinical trial usually involves up to 3,000 participants who have the condition that the new medication is meant to treat. Trials in this phase can last for several years.
The purpose of phase III is to evaluate how the new medication works in comparison to existing medications [or procedures like ventilation? – GC] for the same condition. To move forward with the trial, investigators need to demonstrate that the medication is at least as safe and effective as existing treatment options.
To do this, investigators
use a process called randomization. This involves randomly choosing some participants to receive the new medication and others to receive an existing medication.
Phase III trials are usually double-blind, which means that neither the participant nor the investigator knows which medication the participant is taking. This helps to eliminate bias when interpreting results.
The FDA usually requires a phase III clinical trial before approving a new medication. Due to the larger number of participants and longer duration or phase III, rare and long-term side effects are more likely to show up during this phase.
If investigators demonstrate that the medication is at least as safe and effective as others already on the market, the FDA will usually approve the medication.

Since there are two drugs (three if you count zinc) I am sure he wants a FULL FACTORIAL DESIGNED EXPERIMENT.
A Full Factorial Design Example
“Note that the factor settings have been coded, replacing the low setting” [No Drug] “ by -1 and the high setting” [Drug] “by 1.”
Let X1 = Hydroxychloroquine
Let X2 = Azithromycin
Let X3 = Zinc
Not that this is a SIMPLE trial. It does not look at dosage levels or Chloroquine instead of Hydroxychloroquine.
TABLE 3.6 A 2^3 Two-level, Full Factorial Design Table Showing Runs in `Standard Order’
…….X1 .. X2 .. X3
1 … -1 … -1 … -1
2 … +1 …-1 … -1
3 … -1 … +1 …-1
4 … +1 …+1 …-1
5 … -1 … -1 … +1
6 … +1 …-1 … +1
7 … -1 … +1 …+1
8 … +1 …+1 …+1
LONG STORY SHORT: Only ONE out of EIGHT people would get the full medical treatment. If Hydroxychloroquine alone sort of works but more slowly, TWO out of eight get a better chance to live. This means SIX OUT OF EIGHT are LEFT TO HEAL ON THEIR OWN using current medical practices!
If the study of 3,000 people then 6 out of 8 or 75% or 2250 do not get treated with the new Trump Protocol.
Interesting how Vaccines get up and running SO MUCH FASTER….


Terrific post, Gail. Thank you for helping our understanding.
Follow the money – always.

Gail Combs

I have done the pilot plant work to make the drug for FDA clinical trials so I know what it takes. I was also pretty sure most other people had no idea of just what was involve in Fauci’s simple sentence.
And yes, the FDA wants FULL factorial. In my trial that included testing the packaging in a warehouse in three positions: right side up, up side down and on it’s side.


It’s an antiquated system designed from an academic POV.
It does work (more or less, waiting for Gail’s lengthy ‘no it doesn’t and here’s way’ response lol), but it is in no way efficient.
It is precisely the slow-down that is a big problem. Also it’s expensive which means that funding becomes a problem. There is no agility in the design at all.
And the reports that these studies generate are like playing games with a thesaurus – so needlessly wordy. It’s designed to be impenetrable to anyone but guild members. Fortunately I’ve conversant with their language – but the key point is that the papers are designed to be, well, written papers, not to communicate information in a concise, effective manner. You can hide a LOT of crap in the obtuse wording.
Which means, safety or efficacy takes a back seat to ACADEMIC BUFFOONERY.


NOW that the FDA has approved off-label use of HCQ + ZPack, if needed, for COVID-19 – the Fauci preferred path of trials has been short circuited out of mercy at President Donald Trump’s insistence.
During the press briefing last night, the Coronavirus Task Force were quiet on the topic of the HCQ/Z Pack/Zinc regimen. –

PDJT said something quiet and vague which I interpreted as (paraphrase), “It is being used as a prophylactic by some health professionals, and it is up to the doctors (now that it is approved by FDA) to prescribe it to patients.”
My conclusion is – they are trying to avoid a huge toilet paper sized run on the regimen before they get production ramped up adequately.
HOWEVER – we all now have the OPTION to ask our physicians to prescribe HCQ + Zpack if we are infected with COVID-19 – which is OUR President’s intention!
Here are the dosages being used around the world:
1. Dr. Zelenko (NY) Regimen (Zelenko has treated 700 coronavirus patients with success)
Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
Zinc sulfate 220mg daily (Sally is already on zinc)
2. Dr. Roault (France)Regimen (Roault ranks high in infectious disease research)
600mg of hydroxychloroquine daily
Azithromycin 500 my 1xd for 5 days
3. Northwestern Hospital Regimen
HCQ 400 mb PO BID day 1
200 mg PO BID x 4 days
600 mg PO q 12 hr day 1
200 mg q 8 hr x 4 days
4. Hydroxychloroquine
200mg tablet; 800 mg orally once, followed in 6 to 8 hours by 600 mg, then 600mg once a day for 4 consecutive days
Other Name: Plaquenil

Gail Combs

President Trump KNOWS
And yes, I think they are trying to ramp up the drug stock pile AND the tests for antibodies. Between the two we may actually be let out of ‘quarantine’ by Easter!!! Or at least get the good news on Easter.


AGREE! AMEN! May it be so!






^^^ A whole new perspective will rise before Easter morning. Not taking away from the Resurrection.
I am referring to results from HCQ, Zpaks, Zinc… And any other drugs they are using to cure ChiCom-19 as well as a preventive medicine regimen.
Should start getting news a two or three days, then moar news every few days…
IMO, we will whip ChiCom-19 sooner than current model reflects. It’s ONLY a model. Chosen data used and out comes the forecast.
ACTIONS taken the past week, ongoing, and in the future days WILL seriously tamp down the curve.
Light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter 🙂



well now..ain’t this convenient…comment image
CCP Coverup ~ Wuhan Doctor Who Went Public Over Spread of Coronavirus “Goes Missing”
April 1, 2020


Jim Hoft is starting to get way more sensational than the MSM lately. This isn’t news. We already know most hospitalized patients have underlying health conditions. Someone also posted yesterday that 60% of Americans have at least 1 underlying health condition. GP lately has begun to be hysterical and shrill to the extreme.


QTreepers have know about the underlying health issues since late January.
All too frequently Breitbart is disingenuous click bait.


But its good to see the numbers and what the issue is that most are facing.


(25 Feb 2020) U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a walking tour of San Francisco’s Chinatown Monday to let the public know the neighborhood is safe and open for business.

NYC Health Commissioner Last Month: Go Out, Take The Subway, Bus, Attend Parades!

Video: De Blasio’s Health Commissioner Made New York Coronavirus Epicenter When She Urged People To Attend The Chinatown Parade And Gather in Public Places


Chanel Rion is impressive, obviously brilliant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are going to be a gazillion “quaran-teens” named Chanel going through junior high in 12-15 years. Mark my words! The “Ashley” of 2032. 😉


In 96 or 97 took a three week Navy Marine Corps Logistics Class at Penn State. Attendees O-5/6 and GS-14/15.
Included was a tour of a Walmart distribution center. Incredible operation…integration of automation and manual processes designed to be error free… Product flow…every step from incoming trucks with product for the warehouse stock…to loaded Walmart trucks departing for retail stores.


Well that’s a nice slap back for all the many derogatory WalMart comments from the lunatics on the Left…especially Strok and Page


May they get jobs at Walmart.


Hannity mentioned Novartis last night. Here’s the scoop.
In response, Novartis has pledged a global donation of up to 130 million hydroxychloroquine tablets, pending regulatory approvals for COVID-19. Mylan is ramping up production at its West Virginia Facility with enough supplies to make 50 million tablets. Teva is donating 16 million tablets to hospitals around the U.S. On Friday afternoon, Amneal pledged to make 20 million tablets by mid-April.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good news!!! This is going to save a LOT of people!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think most people didn’t spot the significance of Didier Raoult’s first study with 6 patients, like we did. They’re too focused on absolute number values and not enough on ratios and what they mean. WE saw what Raoult saw – that 6/6 recovery and two days to crash the virus were signs of something REAL and USEFUL, no matter why or how – and that even if the numbers were FLUKES, worst case numbers (say, 4/6 or even 3/6 and a week to kill the virus for sure) were still real and useful. It was REAL GOLD IN THE PAN. Combine with both PUBLISHED RESEARCH on the class (chloroquine) and the anecdotal from Zelenko, moving the treatment even earlier, and it becomes pretty much a no-brainer.


Have you ever seen a diamond right out of the ground? The 6 for 6 report reminds me of raw diamonds. Would she say yes if you proposed with this?comment image

Gail Combs

Actually I have a rough diamond in my rock collection along with sapphires, rubies, garnets, amethysts, tourmalines… A friend who cut gems took one of the watermelon tourmalines I found and polished and set it for me.
(Cavers have a tendency to be rock hounds too. At least the bunch I ran with did.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VERY cool!!!

Plain Jane

I wish our Sylvia can get this.



From my blog: 20 questions to Trump ( and ESPECIALLY the task force Fauchi and Brix) The answers to these questions will pull the curtain back..
.follow ups included. http://politicalprognosticator.politics.blog/2020/04/01/we-need-answers-lets-play-20-questions-that-should-be-asked-but-never-are
Here they are for those that do not want to click
1. When did this virus FIRST come to America? Where? How do you KNOW? Are ALL the restrictions in place based upon PROJECTIONS or on facts on the ground?
2.s it possible if not probable that we ALL were infected MUCH earlier than when we first thought? What does that mean in terms of the curve? The projections?
3.Why are we quarantining the HEALTHY, and not just those at risk? Why did we START at the worst case, and not the LEAST case and adjust?
4.What about herd immunity? Is the quarantine not BAD for that Will a second wave be WORSE because of it?
5.Who wrote the guidelines? are they suggestions, or are they MANDATES? LAWS?
6.What happens if no one adheres to the guidelines? will they be arrested? CAN they legally BE arrested?
7.Are the guidelines Constitutional? Can you FORCE the healthy to give up their freedom?
8.What ARE the numbers of recovered? Do we know if the numbers could be much higher if we were infected earlier and mis labled due to inaccurate testing or NO testing.
9.What ARE the numbers of those hospitalized? Do we KNOW that ALL those hospitalizations are for Covid 19? How about the deaths? Are they all from Covid 19 SOLELY? Do we know if earlier cases of the flu, including hospitalizations, and deaths were in fact Covid 19 mis labeled? How? Don’t we ALL need to be tested for antibodies to be SURE? What would THAT do to the curve and the projections?
10.Is it true that ALL versions of the coronavirus are at first unknown and have no vaccine?
11. If #10 is in fact true, why the uproar over fear of the unknown and this particular virus? Is or SHOULD the media be held to account for over hyping a crisis? Will they be held accountable? How do we EVER trust them again?
12.Are the guidelines legally enforceable? by WHOM? If they are not, what are the plans for the local and State officials who have abused their authority and violated not only the 4th but 5th, 1st, and 6th amendments and infringed upon citizen’s rights? Will there be accountability? Liability? To WHOM?
13. What does recovery look like? When will people be “allowed” to return to their lives, and the restrictions ended?
14.What numbers must be seen in terms of “success” to drop the restrictions? # of deaths decline? Number of infections decline? When? How much? WHO decides?
15.At what point will people ultimately be on their OWN risk and accountability, and not the Nanny state? Should it not have been that way from the START?
16.Since there are NO known cures for this or ANY Corona virus, and since they are constantly changing, wil lwe be forced to endure this EVERY year? Why? We NEVER did before? What is different NOW?
17.Will it be allowed to progress this far and shut down the country again?
18.We all know it came from China, WHAT will be their liability and accountability for the damage done? Will they be held monetarily liable, can people sue?
19.What if the models are WRONG, and this is all way overblown in the numbers of deaths, infections, and overloads of the medical system NEVER happens, or is WAY OVER predicted? Who is going to be held accountable? What will be done to ensure THAT never happens again?
20.What measures are to be put in place to assure that this kind of thing NEVER happens again? How do we ever have trust again in our officials? How do we get our peace of mind back? How do the people get their time, money, homes, and businesses back? WHO is going to be held responsible and LIABLE? Who PAYS for it all?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

16.Since there are NO known cures for this or ANY Corona virus, and since they are constantly changing, wil lwe be forced to endure this EVERY year? Why? We NEVER did before? What is different NOW?
CCP has over 2000 more of these things, and CCP IS ASSHOE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, the honest answer is this.
We know now that this particular bug is mutating in what might be described as a circle or a sphere – it is staying in a region where the different strains give immunity to each other, and a single vaccine is likely to work.
Thus, the problem really isn’t THIS virus coming back – we can iteratively protect against it. The question is whether we can get rid of this virus permanently or not and that is answered. It is impossible because of CCP, who cannot be trusted, and thus is not possible while the CCP exists.
But that is only THIS virus. The CCP has 2000 more and can modify all of them to be more like HIV.
CCP is now everybody’s problem. SOCIALISM is now everybody’s problem.
The NAZIS were bad, but didn’t use NERVE GAS – they only used CYANIDE where nobody could see.
The CHINAZIS are worse, and use BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS out in the open, but protected by excuses and media distortions, payoffs to scientists, infiltration of western science, and all their other techniques.


CCP in USA is even bigger asshoe. Throw out of office our CCP-conspiring asshoes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wants this question:
Has wearing a simple scarf/bandanna (item available to all offering 50% protection and CV blocking capabilities) vs. not wearing one for the general public been modeled? Same question assuming just hot spots and just at points of public commerce?


Cuomo, of ALL people JUST set up the self fulfilling straw man argument that WILL be used to justify this farce.
He said, and I shit you not, that the models will have to WAIT on the social distancing numbers to come in (less death, etc) and THEN the models will predict the outcome to see IF the social distancing was effective.

Garbage IN Garbage Out. This is a FARCE, and Cuomo is the FIRST to HINT that the numbers are WRONG, they DON’T know what will happen, this is ALL based on PROJECTION, and THEN the REAL numbers come in and they ADJUST the MODEL, DOWN.
I’m sorry, what the actual FUCK!. This is the GREATEST fraud of ALL TIME, PT Barnum would love this shit.
They are LITERALLY, QUITE literally making it up as they go. They have NO fucking idea, they will JUST keep using models, until they run OUT of cases to model. We have been HAD folks, WAKE UP!.
This is JUST like we have to READ the bill to find out WHAT’s IN IT. WHEN this comes up as a FRAUD, they will, as Cuomo just hinted, simply say it WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE, but for all the actions we took, a SELF Fulfilling prophecy, and a BIG old straw man.
They WILL keep moving the goalposts till they run OUT of field. We need to STOP this madness and NOW.


Just like he’s been daily telling everyone that we’re all gonna be like New York. THAT’S BS!!! Not everyone had parades, didn’t lock down, etc…. The smart people, even the experts, are saying THEY DON’T KNOW, so there’s no way idiot Cuomo can either!! I won’t watch him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW – that RFA link is amazing.


Yes it is. Another trick I’ve learned. When I click on the ‘Chinese’ Epoch Times article in the tweet. I select the option to let Google translate. Then I’m able to travel around the entire site ‘unmetered’ and read any and all the articles I want! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Did you see this? China Dr. talking about virus not completely leaving, being chronic and damaging immune system.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t trust Google Translate on this. I need to see a professional English translation – and even that won’t get past disinformation.
There is an EXTREME possibility of Chinese disinformation right now. If this were false information, it would strongly hamper research in the United States – exactly what we should expect from the ChiNazis right now.
They appear to be spreading scientific disinformation about antimalarials through their proxies in the American science socialist infiltration (I have a great potential article there).
I think Trump has been advised not to trust Chinese anything at this point.
If I still have the virus in my lungs but am not shedding, that would explain some things, but it’s hard to say. I don’t think we fully understand this stuff.
I may need to enter a survivor study of some kind, but there are none near me.


Keep taking immunity boosters. Have you thought about offering your plasma? You’d get the antibody test that way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. That may be my way to do a trade for testing and some hydroxychloroquine.
Here is an article.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Plasma is good, too, because I can keep my red blood cells that I need for oxygenation.


USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort were sent to Los Angeles to take some of the non-WuFlu load from area hospitals that are treating WuFlu patients. I wonder how successful they will be in keeping WuFlu positive patients from boarding and the WuFlu itself from spreading aboard ship.

Valerie Curren

Could staff the ships w/ only those carrying antibodies, assuming there is a reliable test…


Use our stockpile of HCQ and treat every single person on board at one time. Should all be virus free in 4-6 days. Have them disinfectect everything every day while they wait.

Valerie Curren

Noice! (my lame version of an Aussie accent) 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

See the tweets I posted below. I think they were sent to treat the kids being pulled out of the tunnels.


They won’t be taking patients off the street. These are hospital patients (non WuFlu) who are screened for WuFlu then transported by ambulance to the Mercy in LA and Comfort in NY.


Hopefully they have the Abbot Labs five to fifteen minute test.
Positives can show as early as five minutes. Negative takes fifteen minutes.

Deplorable Patriot

The photo is from an article about the first patients being accepted onto the medical ships.
Would one of the medical professionals here confirm or explain the concept of a “fatpack” if that’s what that IV bag is. Thanks

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Also from the comments.


Remember when Q posted the information, when exposed, will be so horrifying and tear away trust we once had, it would be our choice to see it or not.

Deplorable Patriot

I feel bad for those who will refuse to see. And I know a number who I am afraid will fall in that category.


Can’t refuse to see what they won’t ever actually SHOW us.


“Remember when Q posted the information, when exposed, will be so horrifying and tear away trust we once had, it would be our choice to see it or not.”
No need to fear that ever happening.
The promise of exposure is the best we ever get.
ACTUAL exposure would blow the lid off everything, it would expose ALL of the bad guys and drag them out into the light for EVERYONE to see, and their power to do ANYTHING — to the administration OR the People of the WORLD — would instantly VANISH.
They would be BEGGING to be saved by the government FROM the People.
All it takes is EXPOSURE of WHO they are and WHAT they have been doing.
But the administration won’t do it.
They’ll only tease us about it.


TPN is total parental nutrition. It is high density caloric, protein and glucose. The white color is from lipids. High doses of vitamins are usually also added. It is given as an IV infusion for nutritional support or replacement to patients who are not able to tolerate regular feeding or are unable to properly absorb nutrients. The formula can be adjusted to a patient’s specific needs based on lab values


Parenteral. Spell check 🙄


FYI Dr. Shive Ltr to PTrump on WuFlu regimen –comment image


comment image


comment image


Check with YOUR Physician or a Medical Doctor before taking high doses of any vitamin.


comment image

CM in TN

I, for the last 2 months, have been taking a men’s 1 a day, 1,000 mg vit c, 250 mg magnesium, 50 mg zinc, and 125 mcg(5,000 IU) vit d3. I am healthy, with no underlying issues. Have thought about selenium, and getting more x2 Iodine from Infowars, but have not yet.
Don’t know if it has helped or not, but figure it can’t hurt…

CM in TN

I have also taken some of my wife’s iron here and there, (27mg, not the 65mg), to help my blood cells stay healthy.


For a small monthly payment, I won’t tell your wife why she keeps running out of iron pills.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That zinc is good – roughly 3X daily recommended.


Does anyone have suggestions for those of us that apparently have trouble taking zinc? I want to take it, but my stomach rebels.


Can’t hurt, Daughn….I know of those that always put baking soda in when brewing a batch of iced tea. Thanks for the idea.


I take ginger or drink peppermint tee if I have an upset stomach .

Valerie Curren

That can also help fight off UTI’s too!

Gail Combs

First take with food.
Second NEVER take vitamin C within 1/2 an hour of taking zinc.
Third I use ginger and rice and yogurt for tummy upset.
I used to have acid reflux twenty years ago and quit eating wheat. Although it went away I still had to take Tagamet (Cimetidine) rather regularly. Since I started taking CBD oil (Hemp oil) my tummy problems quit. I do not even have problems when I quit taking it for a couple of days.
Hope that helps.


Thanks…I knew I could count on you, Gail. I do take the CBD oil in the am and the tea at night for sleep.
I’ started taking my vitamins throughout the day instead all at once. Perhaps it was taking them together when I added zinc that was the problem.
Will try again because I know it’s important.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Can you take daily vitamins? That should be enough. If you get it, you only need high zinc for 5 days.


I take a fistful, all at doctor suggestion, but the zinc was just my own idea. Good to know not absolutely necessary.


I would fall into category 3. Anyone have comments about iodine not being included in that one?
Now I recall we took iodine drops while living in Guatemala, just as we took our anti-malaria pills.
I did order the suggested brand of iodine today, if not for me my hubby can use it.


I don’t know what you mean by “put this in a separate post’ . . . start a new thread???

Valerie Curren

I did a post on my blog using your letter, here, if it works you can refer to it if you’d like…
I did intersperse the pages & my limited writing w/ scripture memes on fear like this one:comment image?w=476&h=357


I’m getting suspicious cat on Dr. Shiva. Unlike other doctors THAT ARE TREATING COVID-19 PATIENTS he is simply giving his idea of good supplementation. No patient data. What if Vit A is typically good but for some reason in COVID-19 it’s very bad?
Also, He is happily drawing attention to himself and his superior knowledge, another “Trump should do this” mentality. This always is a big flag for me.
Yes, he may be absolutely right and have great ideas, but something is off at least a little bit.

Valerie Curren

Yes, it’s hard to know who (I Freudianly had “how” there first, hmm) to trust for their human nature always must be factored in. The fact that he is also running for office is “interesting”…


Very interesting! I’m happy to say that I’m already taking the vitamins he recommends for the healthy group every day. I still think, though, that I had this in December. And I was already taking those vitamins then. Maybe that kept me from getting to a critical stage.


I forgot . . . here’s the cite –


Appreciate this post very much!

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that link…it’s a great read! I added that info to my above mentioned post.
Here is something from the comments at that article:
“Here is an article that examines death statistics from normal seasonal influenza:
Governments around the world are using a faulty and incomplete data set to suspend the rights of their citizens to freedom of movement, engineering a “health crisis” to justify their control over all of us through the coercive use of fear.”
The more you know…Blessings!

Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing this important info with us! I used this letter to compile this post, fyi
God Bless YOU Sir!


I’m getting suspicious cat on Dr. Shiva. Unlike other doctors THAT ARE TREATING COVID-19 PATIENTS he is simply giving his idea of good supplementation. No patient data. What if Vit A is typically good but for some reason in COVID-19 it’s very bad?
Also, He is happily drawing attention to himself and his superior knowledge, another “Trump should do this” mentality. This always is a big flag for me.
Yes, he may be absolutely right and have great ideas, but something is off at least a little bit.
I prefer to listen to doctors that have experience treating patients with similar diseases, like Dr. Klinghardt who has treated MERS and even MERSA.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing this info again it is most illuminating. How did you get the pdf slideshow to post/show up here? for I wanted to add it to my blog post here:


WP did it automajically. I just posted the link. Links in comments may work differently than links in the body of a WP post…

Valerie Curren

Could you share your link using the * at the beginning so I could see it & try to use it too?
I tried copy/paste several different ways in the post attempt but no luck so far…Thanks!


Ah, I see the problem, you can’t get the link from the scribd embed…

Valerie Curren

Thanks so much!!! It worked on my post, whoo hoo! I really appreciate your help. Blessings


More info on dietary intervention for WhuFlu and influenza in general. Keto (very low carb) for the win.


COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate “May Be Considerably Less Than 1%” – Dr. Anthony Fauci
April 1, 2020
from Humans Are Free
As soon as the World Health Organization put out a case fatality rate of 3.4% for the new coronavirus, multiple academics jumped in and criticized the projection. Most notably, three medical professors from Stanford University.
Dr. Eran Bendavid and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, two professors of medicine at Stanford University recently published an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal entitled, “Is the coronavirus as deadly as they say?”
In it, they provide reasons for why the fatality rate might be significantly lower than the projection given by the World Health Organization (WHO).
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The problem with talking about the death rate is we simply don’t know the denominator (deaths over cases), even now. It could be that a hundred million Chinese were infected–and no one knows it!
We’re the first country making a concerted effort to test freely, rather than just those who are symptomatic (or worse, prime candidates due to travel, etc.). Every positive test of someone who feels fine and shook it off lowers the death rate.
More readily available is the numbers of people who have been hospitalized over this…and then died of it. That’s a pretty ugly number from what I’ve seen (over 50%), though hopefully the HCZ, et., al. regimen will reverse this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What was I before, chopped liver?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Aaah, that’s better then.
(Was wondering if I had imagined the ones from before.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Crap, I DID run out of bacon the other day…
Other meat options though!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gotta keep the grease off the firearms…


Yes. Surprised you didn’t know that you were.
Oh, calm down. It’s a joke. 🙂


Great Synopsis, Steve! Thanks!!!


You are starting to “get there” my friend. Projectios WITHOUT facts do not mean SQUAT. and THAT is what we are getting, and That IS WHAT THEY HAVE BASED ALL THIS HYSTERIA OVER. Simply test as MANY as possible, symptoms or no, use the antibody test, then we will be SOMEWHERE near a “projection” until THEN and ALL of my 20 questions or ANY of them are answered, they are simply GUESSING.
Their guesses and summations are doing MORE HARM than the virus itself could hope to. THAT is the problem. Notice there IS NEVER a best case, ONLY the WORST case given. That is BAD science based on FLAWED data my man.
It essentially is a self fulfilling straw man. Projections don’t match the ground reports? REVISE the numbers. That is a CLASSIC case of moving the goal posts. It is IRRESPONSIBLE< STUPID, and DANGEROUS. Get the FACTS. Just the FACTS mam.
I hope ONE thing comes out of this. Projections, based on GUESSES with ever changing factors, MANY factors, should be OUTLAWED if not totally discounted FOREVER.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My stance hasn’t changed, because it has never been based on the death rate.


Mine EITHER, not based SOLEY on death rate, but, they have NO idea of the variables, the ONLY thing they have is a death rate, a more than likely INACCURATE death rate. and an INACCURATE ever growing infection rate, which may HAVE been MUSH higher than it is even NOW. They have NOTHING else.
They claim hospitals are overwhelmed, yet EVERY number, save ONE Hospital in NY, in Elmhurst is NOT matching the hype. They NEVER report the recovered number, WHY?
The CDC lists the number for the US as ZERO. NO WAY that is accurate. IMHO, they are STILL basing their models on the FAULTY assumption that the FIRST cases here were in LATE Feb. (14 day spread) That is INACCURATE at best, and disingenuous at worst.
Then, we have the requests for many times MORE ventilators than there are PEOPLE trained to run, maintain, and monitor them. Something is a miss. The ONE outlier comes back to the models.
My FEAR, and why I continue to push back on this SO strenuously is that this is just the BEGINNING. They will do this REPEATEDLY, and we will not always have a person in there that has AMERICA, and AMERICAN’s best interests at heart.
We went WHOLE hog, from the JUMP. We did MANY things that made NO sense, and then they will use the FAULTY models as cover. That my friend is inherently DANGEROUS.
I MAINTAIN, that the economic diaster caused by the overreaction, and draconian measures, will KILL MANY MORE people than the virus they meant to mitigate.
Depression, despair, and civil discourse IS coming. What THEN? Freedom is NOT free.
Freedom is FLEETING. Free people will only give SO MUCH before they realize the game, and pushback, and pushback HARD.
Fear and isolation coupled with no or inaccurate information, and exacerbated by stress over money are NOT a good mix. Tic toc. Trump’s ORIGINAL date (his GUT) was RIGHT. He will REGRET not listening to that, and listening to Fauchi, and it IS ALL Fauchi.
That is an AWFUL lot of a big EGG to put in one basket.
I PRAY Trump is letting this play out JUST long enough to see some REAL progress, and then HE will adjust his “projection” down, and release the country form this nightmare, by his GUT of Easter. That is STILL two weeks away.
Would you agree, that it is suspicious that they KEEP moving the goalposts?


Will the antibody test show antibodies caused by the presence of just any old coronavirus, of which there are many varieties, or is there somehow a specific covid-19 antibody detected?


THAT is the RIGHT question Carl. Will they GO BACK and retest those that were diagnosed as the flu? THAT along with the antibody testing WILL tell the TRUE tale of this. Notice how they don’t want to even TALK about that? Speaks VOLUMES.


Doc Birk did today. Said they will have to go back and check old blood samples so they can get an idea of how wide spread it was and when.


I read, but did not save the cite, that the test for WuFlu doesn’t specifically detect covid-19 . . . it detects the presence of a coronavirus (or antibody). I read a couple of years ago that about 30% of colds were caused by a coronavirus and the other 70% by a rhinovirus. Also, that there are 20-30 coronaviruses floating around at any given time that may trigger the test to a positive.
So, the test data is corrupt, too, if my info is correct, and that will also mess with your mortality calcs.


True – they really do not have accurate data at this point in time – the number of strains alone makes it nearly impossible – perhaps, we can get some clarification as time goes on – much of what we are getting now is pure speculation – not codified fact – imho – right now we are too busy with needs and current cases to be troubled by ‘numbers’ – and – they are still collecting data – so I think it will be a while before we know specifically with what we are dealing – my head is spinning – so I trust God to sort it all out – and let us know where to find the truth.


Cruise passengers stuck and unable to disembark….


This will last as long as it takes for a rich passenger to bribe one of the crew into lowering a lifeboat.




I’m not sure those first numbers are correct. We do not know when the 100 number really was.


BINGO, but it will NOT be as bad as said, WATCH. They DON’T know WHEN or how many were infected here that is the KEY. IF as I suspect, we were hit MUCH earlier and MUCH worse, then the numbers will do as expected, and DROP. The REASON for the spike is that everyone with the symptoms is NOW scared shitless and being tested. Before, everyone was UNAFRAID, and self medicated or got better.
It is NOW more PSYCHOLOGICAL than PATHOLOGICAL. I bet people were JUST as sick before the panic, some even went to hospital, sadly some DIED. We just did not KNOW.


On a positive note. I’ve mentioned that my daughter works for Colgate, and my hubby is connected to the Navy. So she asked her daddy if he could connect her to a contact for the USS Comfort, so Colgate could donate to them.
It’s under review by the Navy folks right now. 🙂




You said rolls and I automatically assumed you meant teepee. Shows what’s on my mind.

Valerie Curren

& I thought lesser cousins of Daughn’s famous blueberry muffins!

Gail Combs

kalbokalbs Says: “…IMO, we will whip ChiCom-19 sooner than current model reflects. It’s ONLY a model….”
That is correct.
If you listened closely last night NOTHING was said about the model AND hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.
Because they are complete game changers!
President Trump let the CDC and Fauci and the WHO have their way with their ‘Scientific Modeling’ And when the results of the hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin tests come in he will DROP KICK those models into the Wastebin of history!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The modeling DOES say it is based on the precautions we are taking (social distancing, staying home, washing hands), so there is that.
I see HCZ’s main effect, at least at first, being cutting down on hospitalizations and deaths (which is the most important aspect)…cases will probably continue to climb until we can saturate the general population with the stuff.


The meds ARE released – FDA approved.
Now it’s between you and your MD.
PDJT hinted at this yesterday.


I read that the drug is officially listed as limited availability because all the drug wholesalers, retail drug suppliers, hospitals, etc., all want a supply for now and for the future. So I don’t know how the average patient (think Sylvia) gets the prescription filled when all the suppliers contacted say “We don’t have it, but our requests are in.”


That is FALLACY Steve and you know that. There is simply NO way they can predict the effects, good or bad, and THAT is the SCAM. They have NO IDEA the numbers they are dealing with, they have NO IDEA of the timeframe. ANY model is do do, based upon whatever BIAS they modeler had absent FACTS.
You KNOW that. As REAL, TRUE, FACTS come in, notice how they have to REVISE their model, and revise it DOWN. First it was 1-2 MILLION, then it was 240000, now it is 100-200000. SOON it will be UNDER 100000, and so on and so forth.
They started ALL this from a BIAS of WORST CASE. Not just worse case, THE WORST CASE possible.
Now, Neil Fergusson was DISCREDITED for talking out his ASS, with HIS model that started this FARCE, Now it is Chris Murray from Washington University. SOON, his numbers too will be way out of whack, then they will move to the NEXT model, continuing to MOVE the goalposts until there is NO field left.
I WISH they could simply ADMIT that the models are ALL NOT adding up, and some were just FLAT WRONG. But, THAT would kill the narrative, START the pushback, and END the farce.
Look, I KNOW people are getting sick, suffering and some are dying. I get that. But people die EVERY day, MANY people, MANY MORE people than will die from this. Opioids for example. Do we shut the REST of the country down for that?
NO, we shut it down for what MIGHT happen, not what HAS or IS happening. They are GUESSING what MIGHT happen, and when their guess is WRONG, they simply adjust the GUESS. In the END, they will have had NO IDEA, but they WILL take credit for “mitigating” the crisis because of their actions. In REALITY, we may NEVER know if that is true or NOT.
This is a VIRUS, it is unpredictable, we do NOT have enough FACTS on it yet. ALL the distancing in the WORLD may not STOP the spread. We DO NOT know, we are, as my friend would say frontin’. That is talking out our ASSES on this.
A guy like ME can do that, when CDC officials, and politicians do that, there is an AGENDA., and a NARRATIVE. Read my blog posts today. Look at the questions that NEED to be asked. Try and answer them yourself, you CAN’T, THEY can’t.
It makes NO sense to do as we did, from the JUMP. WHY quarantine the HEALTHY? and NOT just those at MOST risk? It was WAY overboard. It suggests a MOTIVE. Then you see it has all based, and CONTINUES to be based on MODELS, and PROJECTIONS. Please, these same people can NOT predict the weather, they CANNOT cure the COMMON CORONAVIRUS, ( the common cold)
Why are we killing ourselves over a GUESS? Does THAT make sense? Last I looked this is America, land of the FREE, which means we have the RIGHT to assume our OWN risk.

Gail Combs

Also Steve there is testing for the Chinese Corona Crud virus AND now for antibodies.
From what Dr Brix said, with the antibody test they are going to go back and look at retain blood samples to see if they can pinpoint WHEN the infection hit the USA. That will make a BIG difference.
If a lot of the deaths labeled pneumonia were actually from the Chinese Corona Crud, it would explain the third peak and possibly part of the second.comment image
Notice how the IDed flu has tailed off.comment image

Valerie Curren

This may be way off base, but your first graph above shows an interesting pattern…comment image
In Trump’s Time, on the scene or in office, the patterns are pretty different than preceding years. By the way, why didn’t they plot data for 2010-2011 or 2012-2013 or 2013-2014 or 2016-2017 seasons…What Are They Hiding Here???
2011-2012 is also a leading into an election season & it shows the two humps perspective, could the CCP have been testing out a less virulent form here to then use to leverage BHO?
2015-2016 is leading into the Trump election & it also overlaps the Coup Machinations like Crossfire Hurricane, Steele/Clinton dossier, Manafort situations, Michael Flynn takedown ops likely planned…it’s worse than the 2011-2012 scenario but a similar pattern…
2017-2018 is leading into Mid-term elections & the peak is higher than other years besides the Usurper’s Swine Flu 2009-2010 season which peaked much earlier than the other shown “Flu” seasons. It didn’t have the double hump that the other Trumpian seasons displayed…
2018-2019 is another non-election year but displays the double hump form that May be representative of more Chi-Com viral tampering.
Oh, these are “visits for flu-like illnesses” so what if all the Trump Deranged are more immunocompromised purely from their overwhelming fears about the direction of the nation under Trump’s leadership so they get sicker easier or go to the Dr more because of general neurosis?
2007-2008 & 2008-2009 seasons on display could also be instructive too to see if similar patterns were presenting in the lead up to BHO’s usurpation, especially because Hillary was an electoral factor up until Barry was “anointed” to be the dem’s candidate…

Valerie Curren

I found it!!! 2008-2009 Flu Season data hidden…
“2007-2008 & 2008-2009 seasons on display could also be instructive too to see if similar patterns were presenting in the lead up to BHO’s usurpation, especially because Hillary was an electoral factor up until Barry was “anointed” to be the dem’s candidate…” from my prior comment
I had to get into the Internet Archive to find data on 2008-2009 at this site:
Here this page is in its entirety, in case there is something important there:
Update: Influenza Activity — United States, September 28, 2008–April 4, 2009, and Composition of the 2009–10 Influenza Vaccine
This report summarizes U.S. influenza activity* from September 28, 2008, the start of the 2008–09 influenza season, through April 4, 2009, and reports on the 2009–10 influenza vaccine strain selection. Low levels of influenza activity were reported from October through early January. Activity increased from mid-January and peaked in mid-February. Influenza A (H1N1) viruses have predominated overall this season, but influenza B viruses have been isolated more frequently than influenza A viruses since mid-March. Widespread oseltamivir resistance was detected among circulating influenza A (H1N1) viruses and a high level of adamantane resistance was identified among influenza A (H3N2) viruses.
Viral Surveillance
From September 28, 2008, to April 4, 2009, World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories in the United States tested 173,397 respiratory specimens for influenza viruses, 24,793 (14.3%) of which were positive (Figure 1). Of these, 16,686 (67.3%) were positive for influenza A viruses, and 8,107 (32.7%) were positive for influenza B viruses. Of the 16,686 specimens positive for influenza A viruses, 6,735 (40.4%) were subtyped by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or by virus culture; 6,049 (89.8%) of these were influenza A (H1N1) viruses, and 686 (10.2%) were influenza A (H3N2) viruses. The percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza first exceeded the seasonal threshold of 10% during the week ending January 17, 2009, and peaked at 25.0% during the week ending February 14, 2009. For the week ending April 4, 2009, 12.3% of specimens tested for influenza were positive. The relative proportion of influenza B viruses increased during February and March, and since the week ending March 14, 2009, >50% of the positive influenza specimens have been influenza B.
Antigenic Characterization
WHO collaborating laboratories in the United States are requested to submit a subset of their influenza virus isolates to CDC for further antigenic characterization. CDC has antigenically characterized 945 influenza viruses collected by U.S. laboratories during the 2008–09 season, including 594 influenza A (H1N1), 88 influenza A (H3N2), and 263 influenza B viruses. All 594 influenza A (H1N1) viruses are related to the influenza A (H1N1) component of the 2008–09 influenza vaccine (A/Brisbane/59/2007). All 88 influenza A (H3N2) viruses are related to the influenza A (H3N2) vaccine component (A/Brisbane/10/2007). Influenza B viruses currently circulating can be divided into two distinct lineages represented by the B/Yamagata/16/88 and B/Victoria/02/87 viruses. Among the 263 influenza B viruses tested, 50 (19.0%) belong to the B/Yamagata lineage and are related to the vaccine strain (B/Florida/04/2006); the remaining 213 (81.0%) belong to the B/Victoria lineage and are not related to the vaccine strain.
Composition of the 2009–10 Influenza Vaccine
WHO recommended that the 2009–10 Northern Hemisphere trivalent influenza vaccine contain A/Brisbane/59/2007-like (H1N1), A/Brisbane/10/2007-like (H3N2), and B/Brisbane/60/2008-like (B/Victoria lineage) viruses. The Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee recommended these same vaccine strains be included in the 2009–10 influenza vaccine for the United States (1). Only the influenza B component represents a change from the 2008–09 vaccine formulation. These recommendations were based on antigenic and genetic analyses of recently isolated influenza viruses, epidemiologic data, post-vaccination serologic studies in humans, and the availability of candidate vaccine strains and reagents.
Antiviral Resistance of Influenza Virus Isolates
CDC conducts surveillance for resistance of circulating influenza viruses to licensed influenza antiviral medications: adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) and neuraminidase inhibitors (zanamivir and oseltamivir). Since October 1, 2008, of the 699 influenza A (H1N1) viruses from 44 states tested for neuraminidase inhibitor resistance, 694 (99.3%) were resistant to oseltamivir; all were sensitive to zanamivir (Table). All 103 influenza A (H3N2) and all 274 influenza B viruses tested were sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir. Three influenza A (H1N1) viruses (0.4%) and all 100 (100%) influenza A (H3N2) viruses tested were resistant to adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine). The adamantanes are not effective against influenza B viruses. None of the influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested were resistant to both oseltamivir and adamantanes.
Novel Influenza A Viruses
A case of human infection with a novel influenza A virus was reported by the Iowa Department of Public Health during the week ending February 28, 2009. A male aged 3 years was infected with a swine influenza A (H1N1) virus. An investigation revealed that the child had close contact with ill pigs. The child has fully recovered from the illness, and no additional cases were identified among the child’s contacts or other persons exposed to the ill pigs. This is the third human infection with swine influenza virus identified in the United States this influenza season. None of the cases were related to occupation. The other two human infections with swine influenza identified during the 2008–09 influenza season occurred in a person aged 14 years from Texas and a person aged 19 years from South Dakota (2,3).
State-Specific Activity Levels
During the week ending April 4, 2009, widespread influenza activity† was reported by four states (Alabama, New York, Virginia, and Washington). Regional influenza activity was reported by 18 states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Tennessee). Local influenza activity was reported by 20 states, sporadic activity was reported by the District of Columbia and seven states, and one state did not report Regional influenza activity was reported for the first time this season during the week ending December 20, 2008 (by Massachusetts and New Jersey), and widespread activity was reported for the first time during the week ending January 10, 2009 (by Virginia). To date this season, regional or widespread influenza activity has been reported during at least 1 week by 49 states.
Outpatient Illness Surveillance
Since September 28, 2008, the weekly percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI)§ reported by approximately 1,500 U.S. health-care providers in 50 states, New York City, Chicago, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands that comprise the U.S. Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network (ILINet), has ranged from 0.9% during the week ending October 4, 2008, to 3.7% for the week ending February 14, 2009. For the week ending April 4, 2009, the weekly percentage of outpatient visits for ILI was 1.6% (Figure 2). This is below the national baseline of 2.4%.¶ One of the nine surveillance regions (Mountain) reported an ILI percentage above its region-specific baseline.
Pneumonia- and Influenza-Related Mortality
For the week ending April 4, 2009, pneumonia and influenza was reported as an underlying or contributing cause of death for 7.4% of all deaths reported through the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System. This is below the epidemic threshold of 7.8% for that week. Since September 28, 2008, the weekly percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza ranged from 6.1% to 7.6%, and remained below the epidemic threshold.**
Influenza-Associated Hospitalizations
Hospitalizations associated with laboratory-confirmed influenza infections are monitored by two population-based surveillance networks, the New Vaccine Surveillance Network (NVSN) and the Emerging Infections Program (EIP).†† From October 12, 2008, to March 21, 2009, the preliminary laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rate for children aged 0–4 years in the NVSN was 1.46 per 10,000.
From October 1, 2008, to March 28, 2009, preliminary rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization reported by the EIP for children aged 0–4 years and 5–17 years were 2.8 and 0.5 per 10,000, respectively (Figure 3). For adults aged 18–49 years, 50–64 years, and ≥65 years, the rates were 0.3, 0.4, and 1.0 per 10,000, respectively. Differences in the rate estimates between the NVSN and the EIP systems likely result from the different case-finding methods and the different populations monitored.
Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality
Since September 28, 2008, CDC has received 45 reports of influenza-associated pediatric deaths that occurred during the current season. Of the 27 decedents who had specimens collected for bacterial culture from normally sterile sites, 12 (44.4%) were positive; Staphylococcus aureus was identified in eight of the 12 children. Three of the S. aureus isolates were sensitive to methicillin, and five were methicillin resistant. Among the 12 children with bacterial coinfections, all were aged ≥5 years, and 10 (83.3%) were aged ≥12 years. An increase in the number of influenza-associated pediatric deaths with S. aureus coinfections was first recognized during the 2006–07 influenza season (4).
Of the 36 decedents aged >6 months for whom patient vaccination status was known, five (13.9%) had been vaccinated against influenza according to 2008 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendations (5). These data are provisional and subject to change as more information becomes available.
Reported by: WHO Collaborating Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Control of Influenza. P Peebles, L Brammer, MPH, S Epperson, MPH, L Blanton, MPH, R Dhara, MPH, T Wallis, MS, L Finelli, DrPH, L Gubareva, PhD, J Bresee, MD, A Klimov, PhD, N Cox, PhD, Influenza Div, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC.
Editorial Note:
From September 28, 2008, through early January 2009, the United States experienced low levels of influenza activity. Activity increased in mid-January, peaked in mid-February, and remained high until mid-March. Since mid-March, influenza levels have been decreasing nationally.
Preliminary data from the U.S. virologic surveillance networks (WHO and NREVSS collaborating laboratories), the percentage of deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza, and the percentage of outpatient visits for ILI suggest that this season has been less severe than the 2007–08 season and is more similar to the 2005–06 and 2006–07 seasons. The percentage of specimens tested for influenza that were positive peaked at 25.0% during the week ending February 14, 2009, compared with 31.6% in 2007–08, 27.7% in 2006–07, and 22.6% in 2005–06. To date during this season, the percentage of deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza peaked at 7.6% and has not exceeded the epidemic threshold. By comparison, pneumonia and influenza mortality peaked at 9.1%, 7.9%, and 7.8% during the 2007–08, 2006–07, and 2005–06 seasons, respectively. The epidemic threshold for pneumonia and influenza deaths was exceeded for 9 consecutive weeks during the 2007–08 season and for only 1 week during both the 2005–06 and 2006–07 seasons. The percentage of outpatient visits for ILI peaked at 3.7% this season, compared with 6.0% in 2007–08, 3.6% in 2006–07, and 3.1% in 2005–06.
During this influenza season, a high level of resistance to the antiviral drug oseltamivir was detected among circulating influenza A (H1N1) viruses. Since October 1, 2008, 99.3% of influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested were resistant to oseltamivir. To date, influenza A has accounted for 67.3% of all influenza viruses identified, and influenza A (H1N1) has accounted for 89.8% of the influenza A viruses that were subtyped. No oseltamivir resistance has been detected among influenza A (H3N2) or B viruses currently circulating in the United States; however, all the influenza A (H3N2) viruses tested were resistant to adamantanes. The adamantanes are not effective against influenza B viruses. None of the influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested were resistant to both oseltamivir and the adamantanes, and all influenza viruses tested this season have been susceptible to zanamivir. CDC issued interim guidelines for the use of influenza antiviral medications on December 19, 2008. Health-care providers should review their local surveillance data if available to determine which types (A or B) and subtypes of influenza A (H1N1 or H3N2) are most prominent in their community and consider using diagnostic tests to distinguish influenza A from influenza B. When an influenza A (H1N1) virus infection or exposure is suspected, zanamivir is the preferred medication; combination therapy of oseltamivir and rimantidine is an acceptable alternative (6).
Since early February, the relative proportion of influenza B viruses has been increasing each week, and more than half of influenza viruses identified since the week ending March 14, 2009, were influenza B. Approximately 80% of influenza B viruses tested have not been related to the influenza B vaccine strain. However, all influenza B viruses this season have been susceptible to oseltamivir and zanamivir. Health-care providers should be aware of these recent increases in influenza B viruses and of the differences in antiviral resistance patterns compared with influenza A (H1N1) viruses. When an influenza B infection or exposure is detected, treatment with oseltamivir or zanamivir is recommended. However, when the type or subtype is unknown, zanamivir is the preferred medication; combination therapy of oseltamivir and rimantidine also is acceptable (6).
To date this season, the cumulative laboratory-confirmed, influenza-associated hospitalization rate reported by EIP among persons aged ≥50 years has been lower than rates reported for the previous three seasons, but most similar to the 2006–07 season. Historically, excess mortality has been lower in seasons during which influenza A (H1N1) or influenza B predominated than during seasons in which influenza A (H3N2) has predominated (7). During the current and 2006–07 seasons, influenza A (H1N1) has been the prominent virus subtype circulating, which could partly explain the lower influenza-associated hospitalization rates among persons aged ≥50 years observed during these two seasons.
Vaccination remains the best method for preventing influenza virus infection and its complications. Influenza vaccination can prevent influenza infections from strains that are sensitive or resistant to antiviral medications. Thus far this season, all the influenza A viruses that have been characterized, including oseltamivir-resistant (H1N1) viruses, are antigenically related to the components in the vaccine. However, approximately 80% of influenza B viruses tested are from a distinct lineage that is not related to the vaccine strain. Limited or no protection is expected when the vaccine and circulating virus strains are from different lineages (8,9). The composition of the 2009–10 influenza vaccine includes the same influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) components, and a change in the influenza B component from the Yamagata to the Victoria lineage.
Influenza surveillance reports for the United States are posted weekly online at http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/flu
activity.htm during the influenza season from October to mid-May. Additional information regarding influenza viruses, influenza surveillance, the influenza vaccine, and avian influenza is available at http://www.cdc.gov/flu.
This report is based, in part, on data contributed by participating state and territorial health departments and state public health laboratories, World Health Organization collaborating laboratories, National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, the U.S. Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network, the Emerging Infections Program, the New Vaccine Surveillance Network, the Influenza Associated Pediatric Mortality Surveillance System, and the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System.
Food and Drug Administration. Influenza virus vaccine 2009–2010 season. Available at http://www.fda.gov/cber/flu/flu2009.htm.
CDC. Influenza activity—United States and worldwide, September 28–November 29, 2008. MMWR 2008;57:1329–32.
CDC. Influenza activity—United States, September 28, 2008–January 31, 2009. MMWR 2009;58:115–9.
Finelli L, Fiore A, Dhara R, et al. Influenza-associated pediatric mortality in the United States: increase of Staphylococcus aureus coinfection. Pediatrics 2008;122:805–11.
CDC. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2008. MMWR 2008;57(No. RR-7).
CDC. CDC issues interim recommendations for the use of influenza antiviral medications in the setting of oseltamivir resistance among circulating influenza A (H1N1) viruses, 2008–09 influenza season. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and human services, CDC; 2008. Available at http://www2a.cdc.gov/han/archivesys/viewmsgv.asp?alertnum=00279.
Thompson WW, Shay DK, Weintraub E, et al. Mortality associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in the United States. JAMA 2003;289:179–86.
Belongia E, Kieke B, Donahue J, et al. Effectiveness of inactivated influenza vaccines varied substantially with antigenic match from the 2004–2005 season to the 2006–2007 season. J Infect Dis 2009;199:159–67.
Skowronski D, De Serres G, Dickinson J, et al. Component-specific effectiveness of trivalent influenza vaccine as monitored through a sentinel surveillance network in Canada, 2006–2007. J Infect Dis 2009;199:168–79.
* The CDC influenza surveillance system collects five categories of information from nine data sources: 1) viral surveillance (World Health Organization collaborating U.S. laboratories, the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System, and novel influenza A virus case reporting), 2) outpatient illness surveillance (U.S. Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network), 3) mortality (122 Cities Mortality Reporting System and influenza-associated pediatric mortality reports), 4) hospitalizations (Emerging Infections Program and New Vaccine Surveillance Network), and 5) summary of geographic spread of influenza (state and territorial epidemiologist reports).
† Levels of activity are 1) no activity; 2) sporadic: isolated laboratory-confirmed influenza cases or a laboratory-confirmed outbreak in one institution, with no increase in influenza-like illness (ILI) activity; 3) local: increased ILI, or at least two institutional outbreaks (ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza) in one region with recent laboratory evidence of influenza in that region; virus activity no greater than sporadic in other regions; 4) regional: increased ILI activity or institutional outbreaks (ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza) in at least two but less than half of the regions in the state with recent laboratory evidence of influenza in those regions; and 5) widespread: increased ILI activity or institutional outbreaks (ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza) in at least half the regions in the state with recent laboratory evidence of influenza in the state.
§ Defined as a temperature of ≥100.0°F (≥37.8°C), oral or equivalent, and cough and/or sore throat, in the absence of a known cause other than influenza.
¶ The national and regional baselines are the mean percentage of visits for ILI during noninfluenza weeks for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations. A noninfluenza week is a week during which <10% of specimens tested positive for influenza. National and regional percentages of patient visits for ILI are weighted on the basis of state population. Use of the national baseline for regional data is not appropriate.
** The seasonal baseline proportion of pneumonia and influenza deaths is projected using a robust regression procedure in which a periodic regression model is applied to the observed percentage of deaths from pneumonia and influenza that were reported by the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System during the preceding 5 years. The epidemic threshold is 1.645 standard deviations above the seasonal baseline.
†† NVSN conducts surveillance in Monroe County, New York; Hamilton County, Ohio; and Davidson County, Tennessee. NVSN provides population-based estimates of laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalization rates in children aged <5 years admitted to NVSN hospitals with fever or respiratory symptoms. Children are prospectively enrolled, and respiratory samples are collected and tested by viral culture and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). EIP currently conducts surveillance for laboratory-confirmed, influenza-related hospitalizations in 61 counties and Baltimore, Maryland. The EIP catchment area includes 13 metropolitan areas: San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; New Haven, Connecticut; Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Las Cruces, New Mexico; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Albany, New York; Rochester, New York; Portland, Oregon; and Nashville, Tennessee. Hospital laboratory, admission, and discharge databases, and infection-control logs are reviewed to identify persons with a positive influenza test (i.e., viral culture, direct fluorescent antibody assays, RT-PCR, serology, or a commercial rapid antigen test) from testing conducted as part of their routine care.
FIGURE 1. Number (N = 24,793) and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported by World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, by type, and surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009comment image
Number (N = 24,793) and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported by World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, by type, and surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009
Return to top.
TABLE. Number and percentage of influenza viruses tested for resistance to influenza antiviral medications, by virus type — United States, October 1, 2008–April 4, 2009
No. of isolates tested
Resistant to oseltamivir*
No. of isolates tested
Resistant to adamantanes
Influenza A (H1N1)
Influenza A (H3N2)
Influenza B

* None of the tested isolates were resistant to zanamivir.
† The adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) are not effective against influenza B viruses.
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FIGURE 2. Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported by U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), by surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009 and 2006-07 and 2007-08 influenza seasonscomment image
Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported by U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), by surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009 and 2006-07 and 2007-08 influenza seasons
* The 2006-07 and 2007-08 seasons did not have a week 53; therefore the week 53 data point for those seasons is an average of weeks 52 and 1.
† The national and regional baselines are the mean percentage of visits for ILI during noninfluenza weeks for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations. A noninfluenza week is a week during which <10% of specimens tested positive for influenza. National and regional percentages of patient visits for ILI are weighted on the basis of state population. Use of the national baseline for regional data is not appropriate.
Return to top.
FIGURE 3. Cumulative laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalization rates,* by age group† and surveillance week – Emerging Infections Program, United States, October 1, 2008-March 28, 2009, and preceding three influenza seasons
Cumulative laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalization rates,* by age group† and surveillance week – Emerging Infections Program, United States, October 1, 2008-March 28, 2009, and preceding three influenza seasonscomment image
* Per 10,000 population.
† Scales differ among age groups.
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Date last reviewed: 4/15/2009
I wonder if part of why this particular season was hidden was because of the final chart showing multiple seasons in comparison…
The 2008-2009 flu season data was still available here, but there were no Q & As, unlike every other year accessible from this page:
This link discusses 2009-2010 flu season & refers to the previous season
This one has data about the 2009 H1N1 PANDEMIC…
This represents the last capture of that page before its 8-1810 update:
Here are images of the H1N1 virus that bears remarkable similarity, in certain respects to the coronavirus
Numerous reports here:
lots of pandemic info for H1N1 here
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010
well, I'm running out of gas so will let this stand "as is" forgive my feet of clay please…Blessings!

Valerie Curren

2010-2011 info
OK, so I attempted to go to the source cdc.gov to see if there was other data available for the “hidden” seasons on the line graph you shared. This site deals with historic flu data
It starts with 2006-2007 & goes to 2018-2019 but is conspicuously missing 2008-2009 hmm…
If I can find decent summary data for the “missing” seasons on your line graph I will attempt to sharecomment image
This link goes to data about 2010-2011:
& we find these charts there:comment image
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the number and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza by type, surveillance week, and year in the United States from October 3, 2010-May 21, 2011, according to the World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories. During October 3, 2010 – May 21, 2011, World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laborato¬ries in the United States tested 246,128 specimens for influenza viruses; 54,226 (22%) were positive.comment image
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported, by surveillance week and year in the United States from September 30, 2007-May 21, 2011, according to the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet). The weekly percentage of outpatient visits for ILI to the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) exceeded national baseline levels (2.5%) during the weeks ending December 25, 2010, through March 19, 2011 (weeks 51-11), and peaked at 4.6% during the week ending February 19, 2011 (week 7).comment image
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the cumulative rate of laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations, by age group, surveillance week, and year in the United States from October 1, 2010-April 30, 2011, according to FluSurv-NET. The cumulative incidence for all age groups since October 1, 2010, was 20.5 per 100,000.comment image
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of all deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) by surveillance week and year in the United States from 2006-2011, according to the Mortality Reporting Systems of 122 cities. During the 2010-11 influenza season, the percentage of deaths attributed to P&I exceeded the epidemic threshold for 13 consecutive weeks, from the weeks ending January 29 to April 23, 2011 (weeks 4-16).
So at this point I’ll share data about missing years in separate comments…Regards!

Valerie Curren

2012-2013 info
OK, so I attempted to go to the source cdc.gov to see if there was other data available for the “hidden” seasons on the line graph you shared. This site deals with historic flu data
It starts with 2006-2007 & goes to 2018-2019 but is conspicuously missing 2008-2009 hmm…
If I can find decent summary data for the “missing” seasons on your line graph I will attempt to sharecomment image
for 2012-2013
Here are the charts:
FIGURE 1. Number and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported to CDC, by type and surveillance week and year — World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, United States, September 30, 2012–May 18, 2013comment image
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the number and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza in the United States reported to CDC, by type, surveillance week, and year from World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, during September 30, 2012-May 18, 2013. During this period, these laboratories tested 311,333 specimens for influenza viruses; 73,130 (23%) were positive.
FIGURE 2. Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI)* reported to CDC, by surveillance week and year — U.S. Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network, United States, September 30, 2012–May 18, 2013, and selected previous seasonscomment image
* Defined as a temperature of ≥100.0°F (≥37.8°C), oral or equivalent, and cough or sore throat, in the absence of a known cause other than influenza.
† The national baseline is the mean percentage of visits for ILI during noninfluenza weeks for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations. A noninfluenza week is defined as periods of two or more consecutive weeks in which each week accounted for <2% of the season's total number of specimens that tested positive for influenza. Use of the national baseline for regional data is not appropriate.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported to CDC, by surveillance week and year in the United States during September 30, 2012-May 18, 2013, and selected previous seasons. Nationally, the weekly percentage of outpatient visits for ILI to health-care providers participating in the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network exceeded the national baseline level of 2.2% for 15 weeks during the 2012-13 influenza season.
FIGURE 3. Cumulative hospitalization rates for laboratory-confirmed influenza, by age group and surveillance week and year — FluSurv-NET* surveillance system, United States, October 1, 2012–April 30, 2013comment image
Alternate Text: The figure above shows cumulate hospitalization rates for laboratory-confirmed influenza, by age group, surveillance week, and year, in the United States during October 1, 2012-April 30, 2013. The cumulative incidence for all age groups since October 1, 2012, was 44.3 per 100,000.
FIGURE 4. Percentage of all deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza (P&I), by surveillance week and year — 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System, United States, 2008–May 18, 2013comment image
* The epidemic threshold is 1.645 standard deviations above the seasonal baseline.
† The seasonal baseline is projected using a robust regression procedure that applies a periodic regression model to the observed percentage of deaths from P&I during the preceding 5 years.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows percentage of all deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza (P&I), by surveillance week and year in 122 U.S. cities during 2008-May 18, 2013. The percentage of deaths attributed to P&I peaked at 9.9% during the week ending January 19, 2013 (week 3). From the 2008-09 season through the 2011-12 season, the peak percentage of P&I deaths ranged from 7.9% to 9.1%, and the total number of consecutive weeks at or above the epidemic threshold ranged from 1 to 13.
This time I also copied the data that wasn't included in the images, will go back & correct the previous reply shortly…

Valerie Curren

2013-2014 info
OK, so I attempted to go to the source cdc.gov to see if there was other data available for the “hidden” seasons on the line graph you shared. This site deals with historic flu data
It starts with 2006-2007 & goes to 2018-2019 but is conspicuously missing 2008-2009 hmm…
If I can find decent summary data for the “missing” seasons on your line graph I will attempt to sharecomment image
This link goes to data about 2013-2014:
FIGURE 1. Number* and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza, by type, subtype, surveillance week, and year — World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, United States, 2013–14 influenza season†comment image
* N = 53,470.
† Data reported as of May 30, 2014.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the number and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported by type, subtype, surveillance week, and year in the United States during the 2013-14 influenza season. During September 29, 2013-May 17, 2014, World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories in the United States tested 308,741 specimens for influenza viruses; 53,470 (17.3%) were positive.
FIGURE 2. Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI)* reported to CDC, by surveillance week — Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network, United States, 2013–14 influenza season and selected previous seasons†comment image
* Defined as a fever of ≥100.0°F (≥37.8°C), oral or equivalent, and cough or sore throat, in the absence of a known cause other than influenza.
† Data as of May 30, 2014.
§ The national baseline is the mean percentage of visits for ILI during weeks with little or no influenza virus circulation (noninfluenza periods) for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations. A noninfluenza period is defined as ≥2 consecutive weeks in which each week accounted for <2% of the season's total number of specimens that tested positive for influenza. Use of the national baseline for regional data is not appropriate.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported to CDC, by surveillance week and year in the United States during the 2013-14 influenza season and selected previous seasons. Nationally, the weekly percentage of outpatient visits for ILI to health-care providers participating in the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network was at or above the national baseline level of 2.0% for 15 consecutive weeks during the 2013-14 influenza season.
FIGURE 3. Cumulative rates of hospitalization for laboratory-confirmed influenza, by age group and surveillance week and year — FluSurv-NET* surveillance system, United States, 2013–14 influenza season†comment image
* FluSurv-NET conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations in children aged <18 years (since the 2003–04 influenza season) and adults aged ≥18 years (since the 2005–06 influenza season). FluSurv-NET covers approximately 70 counties in the 10 Emerging Infections Program states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Tennessee) and additional Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project states (Michigan, Ohio, and Utah).
† Data as of May 30, 2014.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows cumulative rates of hospitalization for laboratory-confirmed influenza, by age group and surveillance week and year in the United States during the 2013-14 influenza season. Cumulative hospitalization rates (per 100,000 population) were calculated by age group based on 9,635 reported influenza hospitalizations resulting from influenza during October 1, 2013-April 30, 2014. Among 9,586 cases with influenza type specified, 8,497 (88.2%) were associated with influenza A, 1,046 (10.9%) with influenza B virus infection, and 43 (0.4%) were associated with mixed influenza A and influenza B virus infections. Persons aged 18-64 years accounted for 57.4% of reported hospitalizations. The cumulative incidence for all age groups since October 1, 2013, was 35.6 per 100,000.
FIGURE 4. Percentage of all deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza (P&I), by surveillance week and year — 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System, United States, 2009–2014*comment image
* Data as of May 30, 2014.
† The seasonal baseline proportion of P&I deaths is projected using a robust regression procedure, in which a periodic regression model is applied to the observed percentage of deaths from P&I reported by the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System during the preceding 5 years.
§ The epidemic threshold is set at 1.645 standard deviations above the seasonal baseline.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of all deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza (P&I), by surveillance week and year in 122 U.S cities during 2008-2014. During the 2013-14 influenza season, the percentage of deaths attributed to P&I exceeded the epidemic threshold for 8 consecutive weeks from January 11, 2014 to March 1, 2014 (weeks 2-9). The percentage of deaths attributed to P&I peaked at 8.7% during the week ending January 25, 2014 (week 4).

Valerie Curren

2016-2017 info
OK, so I attempted to go to the source cdc.gov to see if there was other data available for the “hidden” seasons on the line graph you shared. This site deals with historic flu data
It starts with 2006-2007 & goes to 2018-2019 but is conspicuously missing 2008-2009 hmm…
If I can find decent summary data for the “missing” seasons on your line graph I will attempt to sharecomment image
This link goes to data about 2016-2017:
FIGURE 1. Number* and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported by clinical laboratories, by influenza virus type and surveillance week — United States, October 2, 2016–May 20, 2017†comment image
* Specimens from 121,223 (14.0%) of 865,168 persons tested positive during October 2, 2016–May 20, 2017.
† As of June 9, 2017.
FIGURE 2. Number* of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported by public health laboratories, by influenza virus type, subtype/lineage, and surveillance week — United States, October 2, 2016–May 20, 2017†comment image
* N = 40,728.
† As of June 9, 2017.
FIGURE 3. Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI)* reported to CDC, by surveillance week — Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network, United States, 2016–17 influenza season and selected previous influenza seasons†comment image
* Defined as fever (temperature ≥100.0°F [≥37.8°C], oral or equivalent) and cough and/or sore throat, without a known cause other than influenza.
† As of June 9, 2017.
Interesting that this year they don’t have a “Figure 4” & they also list someone with a conflict of interest:
“Conflict of Interest
Jacquline Katz reports U.S. Patent 6,196,175 (issued 01/02/2001) and U.S. Patent 8,163,545 (issued 4/26/2012). No other conflicts of interest were reported.
Corresponding author: Lenee Blanton, lblanton@cdc.gov, 404–639–3747.”
now I’ll attempt to “correct” the info I shared on 2010-2011…

Valerie Curren

Enhanced 2010-2011 info, showing aspects of charts that weren’t part of the images…
OK, so I attempted to go to the source cdc.gov to see if there was other data available for the “hidden” seasons on the line graph you shared. This site deals with historic flu data
It starts with 2006-2007 & goes to 2018-2019 but is conspicuously missing 2008-2009 hmm…
If I can find decent summary data for the “missing” seasons on your line graph I will attempt to sharecomment image
This link goes to data about 2010-2011:
& we find these charts there:
FIGURE 1. Number* and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza, by type, surveillance week, and year — World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, United States, October 3, 2010–May 21, 2011†comment image
* N = 54,226.
† As of May 25, 2011.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the number and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza by type, surveillance week, and year in the United States from October 3, 2010-May 21, 2011, according to the World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories. During October 3, 2010 – May 21, 2011, World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laborato¬ries in the United States tested 246,128 specimens for influenza viruses; 54,226 (22%) were positive.
FIGURE 2. Percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported, by surveillance week and year — U.S. Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), United States, September 30, 2007–May 21, 2011*comment image
* As of May 25, 2010.
† The national and regional baselines are the mean percentage of visits for ILI during noninfluenza weeks for the previous three seasons, plus two standard deviations. A noninfluenza week is a week during which <10% of specimens tested positive for influenza. National and regional percentages of patient visits for ILI are weighted on the basis of state population. Use of the national baseline for regional data is not appropriate.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported, by surveillance week and year in the United States from September 30, 2007-May 21, 2011, according to the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet). The weekly percentage of outpatient visits for ILI to the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) exceeded national baseline levels (2.5%) during the weeks ending December 25, 2010, through March 19, 2011 (weeks 51-11), and peaked at 4.6% during the week ending February 19, 2011 (week 7).
FIGURE 3. Cumulative rate of laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations, by age group, surveillance week, and year — FluSurv-NET,* United States, October 1, 2010–April 30, 2011comment image
* FluSurv-NET results include surveillance at Emerging Infections Program sites and at sites in six additional states (Idaho, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Utah). Rates are based on 5,968 total cases for the period, of which 898 occurred among persons aged 0–4 years, 423 among persons aged 5–17 years, 1,453 among persons aged 18–49 years, 1,146 among persons aged 50–64 years, and 2,048 among persons aged ≥65 years.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the cumulative rate of laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations, by age group, surveillance week, and year in the United States from October 1, 2010-April 30, 2011, according to FluSurv-NET. The cumulative incidence for all age groups since October 1, 2010, was 20.5 per 100,000.
FIGURE 4. Percentage of all deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I), by surveillance week and year —122 Cities Mortality Reporting System, United States, 2006–2011comment image
* The epidemic threshold is1.645 standard deviations above the seasonal baseline.
† The seasonal baseline is projected using a robust regression procedure that applies a periodic regression model to the observed percentage of deaths from P&I during the preceding 5 years.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of all deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) by surveillance week and year in the United States from 2006-2011, according to the Mortality Reporting Systems of 122 cities. During the 2010-11 influenza season, the percentage of deaths attributed to P&I exceeded the epidemic threshold for 13 consecutive weeks, from the weeks ending January 29 to April 23, 2011 (weeks 4-16).
This is updated info because when I originally shared 2010-2011 info the explanations on the charts weren't part of the images…
Now I will share data from the years preceding the main comparative line drawing…

Valerie Curren

2006-2007 info, data available not shown on the comparative chart…
OK, so I attempted to go to the source cdc.gov to see if there was other data available for the “hidden” seasons on the line graph you shared. This site deals with historic flu data
It starts with 2006-2007 & goes to 2018-2019 but is conspicuously missing 2008-2009 hmm…
If I can find decent summary data for the “missing” seasons on your line graph I will attempt to sharecomment image
This link goes to data about 2006-2007:
Unfortunately there are NO Charts available for this year so I will copy the page linked above fyi…
Summary of the 2006-2007 Influenza Season
On This Page
Flu Season Summary (October 1, 2006 – May 19, 2007)
Flu Deaths in Children
New Practices for Tracking Novel (New) Influenza A Viruses
Flu Season Summary (October 1, 2006 – May 19, 2007)*
When and where did the 2006-07 flu season start?
The first report of regional flu activity came from the southeastern United States during the first week of November. Regional flu activity is defined as increased flu-like activity or flu outbreaks in at least two (but fewer than half) of the regions in a state with recent laboratory evidence of flu in those regions.
How severe was the 2006-2007 flu season?
The 2006-07 flu season was generally mild compared to recent flu seasons. For example, the proportion of all deaths associated with influenza illness was lower this season than the previous three flu seasons. Hospitalization rates among children were also lower than the previous three flu seasons. However, more pediatric deaths related to influenza were reported during the 2006-07 season than the previous two seasons. Nationally, low levels of flu activity were reported during October through mid-December. Flu activity increased during late December, peaked in mid-February, and decreased through the end of the flu season on May 19.
What determines the severity of a flu season?
The overall health impact (e.g., infections, hospitalizations and deaths) of a flu season varies from year to year. The severity of a flu season can be judged according to a variety of criteria, such as the following:
The geographic extent of influenza in the U.S. and within each state;
The proportion of influenza laboratory tests that are positive;
The proportion of visits to physicians for influenza-like illness;
The proportion of all deaths that are caused by pneumonia and flu;
The number of influenza-associated deaths among children; and
The influenza-associated hospitalization rate among children.
A flu season’s severity is determined by comparing these measures with previous seasons.
Top of Page
Where did the most flu activity occur in the United States this season?
Influenza viruses were identified in all states. From October 1, 2006 to May 19, 2007, widespread** flu activity was reported in a total of 41 states across all regions of the country.
When did the 2006-2007 flu season peak?
During the 2006-2007 season, flu activity in the United States peaked in mid-February. During the past 31 years, flu activity in the United States has peaked in February 45 percent of the time. Although the timing of peak activity varies from year to year, peak activity usually occurs sometime during December through March.
How many people died from flu during the 2006-07 season?
Exact numbers of how many people died from flu this season cannot be determined. Flu-associated deaths are only a nationally notifiable condition among children, and states are not required to report flu cases or to report adult deaths from influenza to CDC. In addition, many people who die of complications from flu infection are not tested for flu, or they seek medical care later in their illness when influenza can no longer be detected from respiratory samples. However, CDC tracks pneumonia and flu deaths through the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System. This system collects information each week on the total number of death certificates filed in each of the 122 participating cities and the number of death certificates with pneumonia or influenza listed as a cause of death. This system helps gauge the severity of the flu season compared with other years, but does not specifically estimate the number of flu-associated deaths. Estimates of flu-associated deaths are made by modeling death certificate data from the National Center for Health Statistics and from CDC influenza virus surveillance data. For more information on influenza mortality modeling, see Mortality associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in the United Statesexternal icon.
What influenza viruses circulated this season?
Influenza A viruses accounted for 79 percent of the specimens testing positive for flu and submitted to CDC. Influenza B viruses accounted for 21 percent. A particular subtype*** of influenza A called influenza A (H1) predominated during most of the season. However, beginning in early March and continuing through May, influenza A (H3) viruses were reported more frequently than influenza A (H1) viruses.
Was there a good match between the influenza strains selected for the vaccine and the strains that circulated during the 2006-07 season?
The influenza A (H1) component of the 2006-07 flu vaccine was well matched to circulating influenza A (H1) viruses, which accounted for the majority of influenza viruses tested by CDC. There are two groups of influenza B viruses currently circulating, which are known as the B/Yamagata lineage viruses and the B/Victoria lineage viruses. The 2006-07 vaccine contained a B virus from the B/Victoria lineage and 77% of the viruses tested by CDC were from the B/Victoria lineage. Fifty percent of the influenza B viruses characterized as belonging to the B/Victoria lineage were well matched to the influenza B component of the 2006-07 flu vaccine. In the early months of the season, the majority of influenza A (H3) viruses circulating in the country matched the influenza A (H3N2) component of the 2006–07 vaccine. However, the proportion of H3N2 viruses similar to the H3N2 vaccine component declined as the season progressed. Overall for the 2006-07 season, 24 percent of H3N2 viruses were well matched to the vaccine strain.
Top of Page
Flu Deaths in Children
Flu-associated deaths in children (defined as persons 18 years of age and younger) first became a nationally notifiable condition during the 2004-05 flu season and are reported through the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). However, CDC first asked for flu deaths in children to be reported to CDC during the 2003-04 season. The number of flu-associated deaths among children reported during the 2006-07 flu season can be found in the final report of the 2006-07 season.
How many children have died from flu-associated complications during previous flu seasons?
During the 2003-04 Season, 153 flu-associated deaths in children were reported to CDC.
During the 2004-05 Season, 47 deaths in children were reported to CDC.
During the 2005-06 Season, 46 deaths in children were reported to CDC.
As of August 6, 2007, 68 deaths in children occurring during the 2006-07 season have been reported to CDC.
What can be done to protect children from flu-associated illness and death?
Vaccination remains the best method for preventing flu and its potentially severe complications in children. October or November is the best time to get vaccinated, but getting vaccinated in December or even later can still be beneficial, since most flu activity occurs in January or later in most years. Though it varies, the flu season can last as late as May and sporadic cases of flu occur year round.
All children 6 months of age to their 5th birthday are recommended for influenza vaccination. In addition, all children with chronic medical conditions such as asthma should get the flu vaccine. Household contacts and caregivers of these children are also recommended for annual vaccination.
Children younger than 6 months of age are at high risk of influenza complications, but are too young to get a flu vaccine. The best way to protect these children is to vaccinate their household members and out-of-home caregivers.
Children receiving flu vaccine for the first time need to receive two doses their first year, with the first dose ideally given in September. For inactivated vaccine (the flu shot), the second dose is given four or more weeks after the first dose. For live attenuated flu vaccine (nasal spray vaccine), the second dose can be administered six weeks after the first dose. The flu shot is approved for children 6 months of age and older. The nasal spray vaccine is approved for healthy children 5 years of age and older. Children with asthma or other conditions should get the flu shot instead of the nasal spray.
For more information, see Children and the Flu Vaccine.
New Practices for Tracking Novel (New) Influenza A Viruses
What is a novel influenza virus?
Novel influenza A viruses are viruses that are found in humans but are not ordinary human subtypes (many novel flu viruses originate from animals, such as birds or pigs), or those that cannot be subtyped by standard methods. In January 2007, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists voted to add human infections with novel influenza A viruses to the list of nationally notifiable diseases and conditions reportable to the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System.
Why is tracking novel viruses useful?
Because very few people have antibodies against novel influenza viruses, if a novel influenza virus infects a person and is then able to spread easily from one person to another person, a global epidemic, also know as a pandemic could begin. Early detection and timely reporting of human infections with novel influenza A viruses will allow for rapid assessment of the situation and early implementation of the appropriate public health responses.
* The most up-to-date influenza surveillance summaries can be found on the US Map of Flu Outbreaks and Activity .
** Widespread flu activity is defined as increased flu-like activity or flu outbreaks in at least half of the regions in a state with recent laboratory evidence of flu in the state.
*** Subtyping is the process of identifying the two main surface proteins of influenza A viruses (e.g., identifying H1N1 versus H3N2 influenza A viruses).
Top of Page
Page last reviewed: July 8, 2009
Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)
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Valerie Curren

2006-2007 info, data available not shown on the comparative chart…
OK, so I attempted to go to the source cdc.gov to see if there was other data available for the “hidden” seasons on the line graph you shared. This site deals with historic flu data
It starts with 2006-2007 & goes to 2018-2019 but is conspicuously missing 2008-2009 hmm…
If I can find decent summary data for the “missing” seasons on your line graph I will attempt to sharecomment image
This link goes to data about 2006-2007:
Unfortunately there are NO Charts available for this year so I will copy the page linked above fyi…
Summary of the 2007-2008 Influenza Season
Flu Season Summary (September 30, 2007 — May 17, 2008)**
When did the 2007-2008 flu season start, peak and end?
From October through early December, low levels of flu activity were reported in the United States. The first report of regional flu activity came from the West South Central region of the United States (Texas) during the first week of December. (Regional flu activity is defined as increased flu-like activity or flu outbreaks in at least two — but fewer than half — of the regions in a state with recent laboratory evidence of flu in those regions.) Activity increased slowly from mid-December through the end of the year with more rapid increases during January and through the week ending February 16. Flu activity peaked in mid-February and then decreased through the end of the flu season on May 17.
How severe was the 2007-2008 flu season?
A greater proportion of deaths associated with influenza illness and slightly higher rates of influenza-related hospitalizations in children 0-4 years occurred during the 2007-2008 U.S. flu season than was measured during each of the previous three seasons. When compared with the previous three seasons, the 2007-2008 season was similar in severity to the 2004-2005 flu season in terms of the percentage of deaths due to pneumonia and flu, pediatric hospitalization rates, and the percentage of visits to outpatient clinics for flu-like illness.
What determines the severity of a flu season?
The overall health impact (e.g., infections, hospitalizations and deaths) of a flu season varies from year to year. Based on available data from U.S. influenza surveillance systems monitored and reported by CDC, the severity of a flu season can be judged according to a variety of criteria, including:
The level of reported activity within each state;
The proportion of influenza laboratory tests that are positive;
The proportion of visits to physicians for influenza-like illness;
The proportion of all deaths that are caused by pneumonia and flu;
The number of influenza-associated deaths among children; and
The influenza-associated hospitalization rate among children
A season’s severity is determined by comparing these measures with previous seasons.
Top of Page
Was the peak of the 2007-2008 flu season typical in terms of timing?
Flu activity for the 2007-2008 U.S. flu season peaked in mid-February. Flu activity in the United States typically peaks between December and March, and the timing of peak activity changes from year to year. In 16 of the past 26 years, the U.S. flu season has peaked in February or later, making this year pretty typical in terms of the timing of the peak.
Where did most flu activity occur in the United States this season?
Flu viruses were identified in all states. In February, when the flu season peaked, widespread* flu activity was reported in all 50 states across all regions of the country.
*Widespread flu activity is defined as increased flu-like activity or flu outbreaks in at least half of the regions in a state with recent laboratory evidence of flu in the state.
How many people died from flu during the 2007-2008 season?
Exact numbers of how many people died from flu this season cannot be determined. Flu-associated deaths (which have laboratory confirmed influenza), are only a nationally notifiable condition among children; however not all pediatric influenza deaths may be detected and reported and there is no requirement to report adult deaths from influenza. In addition, many people who die from flu complications are not tested, or they seek medical care later in their illness when flu can no longer be detected from respiratory samples. However, CDC tracks pneumonia and influenza (P&I) deaths through the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System. This system collects information each week on the total number of death certificates filed in each of the 122 participating cities and the number of death certificates with pneumonia or influenza listed as a cause of death. The 122 Cities Mortality Reporting system helps gauge the severity of a flu season compared with other years. However, only a proportion of all P&I deaths are influenza-related and, as noted, most flu deaths are not lab confirmed. Thus, this system does not allow for an estimation of the number of deaths, only the relative severity among different influenza seasons. For the 2007-2008 season, the proportion of deaths due to pneumonia and influenza was higher than the previous two years, but was similar to the 2004-2005 season.
What flu viruses circulated this season?
In the United States, influenza A (H1N1), A (H3N2) and B viruses co-circulated throughout the season. Influenza A viruses accounted for 71% of the specimens testing positive for flu by public health laboratories while influenza B viruses accounted for 29%.
Early in the season, influenza A (H1N1) viruses predominated, however, as the season progressed, an increasing proportion of sub-typed* influenza A viruses were influenza A (H3N2) viruses. Late in the season, when overall influenza activity was declining, influenza B viruses were more commonly reported than influenza A viruses. Overall, for the 2007-2008 U.S. flu season, influenza A (H3N2) viruses were most commonly reported.
* Subtyping is the process of identifying an influenza A virus by its genetic and antigenic (biological) properties to determine if it is an influenza A (H3N2) or influenza A (H1N1) virus. Flu A viruses are subtyped in public health laboratories, such as state department of health laboratories and CDC Influenza Division laboratories.
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How well did circulating viruses match the vaccine strains during the 2007-2008 season?
The majority (66%) of influenza A (H1N1) viruses were found to be similar to the vaccine strain. However, 77% of influenza A (H3N2) and 98% of B viruses sent to CDC for further testing were not optimally matched to the 2007-2008 influenza vaccine strains.
Why were two of the three strains in this season’s flu vaccine less than optimally matched to circulating viruses?
Flu viruses are always changing. They can change from the time the vaccine is recommended and the beginning of the flu season, or they can even change during a flu season. Each year, experts study thousands of flu virus samples from around the world to figure out which viruses are making people sick and how these viruses are changing. With this information, they forecast which three viruses are most likely to make the most people sick during the next flu season. Each year, the seasonal influenza vaccine contains three influenza virus strains – one influenza A (H3N2) virus, one influenza A (H1N1) virus, and one influenza B virus. The selection of which viruses to include in the vaccine must be made in February of the prior year in order for vaccine to be produced in time for distribution the following season. For this reason, there is always the possibility of a less than optimal match between viruses in the vaccine and circulating viruses. For more information about the vaccine strain selection process, visit Selecting the Viruses in the Influenza (Flu) Vaccine.
In terms of the influenza A (H3N2) virus strain selection for the 2007-2008 vaccine, in February of 2007, there were few influenza A (H3N2) virus samples available to guide the selection of the H3N2 vaccine component. While the H3N2 A/Brisbane-like virus that became the predominant virus in the U.S. this season first emerged in Australia in 2007, there was no clear indication that this virus would become the predominant virus causing illness. In addition, there were very few influenza A (H3N2) samples and nothing suitable as a strain for vaccine production. For this reason, the World Health Organization and the Vaccines and Related Biologicals Advisory Committee in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended that the influenza A (H3N2) component of the 2007-2008 influenza vaccine would remain the same as the previous season because influenza A (H3N2) viruses similar to the vaccine strain were still circulating and no other candidate reference strains were available. CDC continued to monitor this situation closely and frequently updated information on circulating strains and public health and public education guidance based on this information throughout the season.
In terms of the selection of the B/Yamagata lineage for inclusion in the 2007-2008 vaccine, in February 2007, both B/Yamagata and B/Victoria viruses were co-circulating, however the B/Victoria lineage was predominant at the time. B/Victoria and B/Yamagata viruses are antigenically and genetically far apart. With two co-circulating B lineages, it’s more difficult to forecast which B lineage will predominate for the next season. At the time the vaccine virus selection decision was made, is was not yet clear that B/Yamagata viruses would become the predominant B viruses circulating in the United States this season.
Can the vaccine provide protection even if the vaccine is not a “good” match?
Yes, antibodies made in response to vaccination with one strain of influenza viruses can provide protection against different, but related strains. A less than ideal match may result in reduced vaccine effectiveness against the variant viruses, but it can still provide enough protection to prevent or lessen illness severity and prevent flu-related complications. In addition, it’s important to remember that the influenza vaccine contains three virus strains so that even when there is a less than ideal match or lower effectiveness against one strain, the vaccine may protect against the other two viruses. For these reasons, even during seasons when there is a less than ideal match, CDC continues to recommend influenza vaccination. This is particularly important for people at high risk for serious flu complications and their close contacts.
How often are the vaccine and circulating virus strains well matched?
In recent years the match between the vaccine viruses and those identified during the flu season has usually been good. In 16 of the last 20 U.S. influenza seasons, including the 2007-2008 season, the viruses in the influenza vaccine have been well matched to the predominant circulating viruses. Since 1988, there has only been one season (1997-1998) when there was very low cross-reaction between the viruses in the vaccine and the predominate circulating virus and three seasons (1992-1993, 2003-2004, and 2007-2008) when there was low cross-reaction.
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What did we see during the 2007-2008 season in terms of antiviral resistance monitoring or surveillance in the United States?
During the 2007-2008 flu season, a small increase in the number of flu viruses resistant to the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir was observed. Among specimens collected since October 1, 2007, 111 (10.9%) of the 1,020 influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested were found to be resistant to oseltamivir, an increase from four (0.7%) of 588 influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested during the 2006-2007 season. No resistance to oseltamivir was identified among the 444 influenza A (H3N2) or the 305 influenza B viruses tested.
CDC laboratory surveillance has indicated continued high resistance among influenza virus isolates to the adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) in the United States. Among specimens collected since October 1, 2007, 99.8% of influenza A (H3N2) viruses tested were resistant to the adamantanes. Adamantane resistance among influenza A (H1N1) viruses has been detected at a lower level with 10.8% of influenza A (H1N1) viruses resistant to adamantanes.
Did CDC recommend any changes to the guidance on the use of antivirals for the 2007-2008 influenza season?
No, CDC did not recommending any changes to the guidance on the use of influenza antivirals. CDC and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that oseltamivir (brand name Tamiflu®) or zanamivir (brand name Relenza®) be used for the treatment and prevention of flu in the United States during the 2007-2008 season. Although amantadine and rimantadine (two other influenza antiviral drugs) also are FDA-approved for treatment or prevention of influenza, these two drugs were NOT recommended for use in the United States during the 2007-2008 flu season because many recent flu viruses are resistant to these drugs. This guidance can be found in Prevention & Control of Influenza – Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR 2007 Jul 13;56(RR06):1-54.
What was this season like in terms of bacterial co-infections, including Staphylococcus aureus, with flu?
Bacterial infections can occur as co-infections with influenza or occur following influenza infection. In 2006-2007, CDC noted an increase in flu and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) co-infections among children who had died or were hospitalized with influenza infection. Some of those infections were with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). CDC is working with state and local public health authorities to monitor and investigate flu-S. aureus co-infections, including pneumonias and other types of S. aureus infections. On January 30, 2008 CDC issued a Health Advisory on Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality and Staphylococcus aureus co-infection. For more information about flu and staph infections visit Seasonal Flu and Staph Infection.
Flu Deaths in Children
Flu-associated deaths in children (defined as persons aged 18 years and younger) first became a nationally notifiable condition during the 2004-2005 flu season and are reported through the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). The number of flu-associated deaths among children reported during the 2007-2008 flu season can be found at Flu Activity & Surveillance.
How many children have died from flu-associated complications during previous flu seasons?
During the 2003-2004 season, 153 flu-associated deaths in children were reported to CDC. (This data was collected by CDC.)
During the 2004-2005 season, 47 deaths in children were reported to CDC. (This is the first year that influenza mortality in children became a nationally reportable condition.)
During the 2005-2006 season, 46 deaths in children were reported to CDC.
During the 2006-2007 season, 76 deaths in children were reported to CDC.
As of June 14, 2008, 83 deaths in children occurring during the 2007-2008 season have been reported to CDC.
(Note: The counts above are of flu-associated deaths among children according to the flu season the deaths occur, not when they are reported to CDC.)
What can be done to protect children from flu-associated illness and death?
Vaccination remains the best method for preventing flu and its potentially severe complications in children. There are two types of vaccines that protect against the flu. The “flu shot” is an inactivated vaccine (containing killed virus) approved for use among people 6 months of age or older, including healthy people and those with chronic medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease). The nasal-spray flu vaccine (sometimes referred to as LAIV for Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine or FluMist®) contains attenuated (weakened) live viruses, and is administered by nasal sprayer. It is approved for use only among healthy* people 2-49 years of age who are not pregnant. Children under 6 months old can become very sick from the flu, but they are too young to get a flu vaccine. The best way to protect young children is to make sure that their household members and their caregivers are vaccinated.
Children 6 months to 9 years of age getting a flu shot for the first time will need two doses of vaccine the first year they are vaccinated, with the first dose ideally being given in September. The second dose should be given 28 or more days after the first dose. The first dose “primes” the immune system; the second dose provides immune protection. Keep this in mind if your child needs the two doses—begin the process early. It usually takes about two weeks after the second dose for protection to begin.
Vaccination should begin in September or as soon as vaccine is available. Though it varies, the flu season can last as late as May and sporadic cases of flu occur year round. For more information, see Children, the Flu, and the Flu Vaccine.
* “Healthy” indicates persons who do not have an underlying medical condition that predisposes them to influenza complications.
**The most up-to-date influenza surveillance summaries can be found at Flu Activity & Surveillance.
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Page last reviewed: June 26, 2008
Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)

Gail Combs

Here are a couple more charts that are interesting.comment imagecomment image
All Charts from: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/#ILINet


BINGO. The LIE will be exposed. The question is THEN what?


While you are waiting for the WHTFPB (press briefing)


Do you know those people GA/FL?


No – just looking around YouTube for new Coronavirus songs….there are more every day! America’s Got Talent and a Great Attitude!


Glad to hear……..that is cringilly awful ……..just sayin 😉


It’s fun – MASH humor, but still, we gotta laugh to alleviate the pressure and avoid depression.


READ THE FINE PRINT of the S-I-P order.
Know your full rights under the order.
Various counties in North Texas have been under S-I-P and it varies a bit county by county . . . but the short version was that if you are already keeping to yourself there’s plenty you can still do.
Including going to parks, riding bikes, walking outside, etc etc etc.


P.S. Also note what level of enforcement they intend to follow. North Texas counties generally have NOT enforced.
Also note that some businesses are exempt from those local orders by federal statute. For example, defense industry. Do you think your BNB qualifies for that? 😉


Thank U Frontline – song by Chris Mann

It’s amazing what Americans are doing – singing and soldiering on – making the best of this chapter in our history.


WH –



comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, the cast today includes the Attorney General, the Secretary of Defense, three members of the Joint Chiefs, and one other guy.
No Fauci or Dr. Birx.
He’s talking military. What’s going on?

Deplorable Patriot

It’s O’Brien, the National Security Advisor. And the military guys are Milley, Coast Guard, and one other.

Deplorable Patriot

No $#!+.
I wonder if this is going to be the way things go from now on. Uncomfortable news first, then Corona-virus news when they are done.


And as the physical wall goes up, drug flow patterns change…from land to afloat or air.
The wall works:-)
Bonus, may help Maduro depart sooner.


Guessing Fauci and Birx will come out after military folks and Barr exit stage.


jeez both times Barr has appeared in the daily briefing, he has sported a sourpuss.


ok maybe that is his serious expression.




Holy crap, we’re going to war against narcotic cartels

Deplorable Patriot

There’s worse and less productive wars we can fight.


Those groups aren’t just dealing in drugs……


Always good to protect the Homeland.

Brave and Free

So is this Navy response to drugs or are they rounding up child trafficking?



Barr said Venezuela by name


Hmmm is right.


Drug Cartels are trying to take advantage of COVID-19 to smuggle drugs into the United States.
(That’s the public briefing folks.)


Gen Milley gonna kick some Cartel AZZ!!!


He’s one tough DUDE! Did ya see the circles under his eyes? I bet He’s earned them the hard way.


If you remember, Mattis had those under eye circles too.


Makes sense to take on drug cartels now much commerce has stopped and the tentacles from these targets are easier to see. If you can see it, you can kill it.


Remember the Mexican cartels are a “pet” . . .


No misunderstanding this message – Clear as a bell


Ships to the Carribean!


Under COVER of a virus “pandemic”?


There goes the primary Democrat funding source.


Not just their funding, a huge weapon they use . . . border’s more than ya know eh


AND Barr said shut down their air routes to the U.S.


It ain’t in are spare time
Twas plannedemic


from orbit . . . only way to be sure


That was our tweet this morning!!! ✈🚀✈




Incidentally, this will FORCE the FAKE NEWS MEDIA – CNN – to COVER THE BRIEFING.


Wow..this is huge. Can’t wait for the media to ask questions. Wonder if they wiill ignore it and try to blame POTUS for something.


Yeah well we know from Acosta it’s all his fault /s




Air and Space Forces, Navy, Coast Guard, so far

Steve in Lewes

Food for thought – Wife asked me last night at dinner if anyone has speculated why NY is being so hard hit. I told her the only issues I have seen raised were the early dismissals from mayor, Gov, and others about going about their daily lives , hug-a-chinese, etc.
She replied has anyone mentioned the biggest outdoor, packed like sardines, drunken festival called the New Year’s Eve Ball drop.
By gosh, I thinks she’s got it! All that kissing, hugging, puking, touching, coughing, sneezing, filthy environment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s not one specific event, it’s everyday life there.
New York City in general is the most crowded place in the United States. Disease tends to find it easier to propagate under those circumstances, all things being equal.
NYC does have sanitation better than the third world, but then so does the rest of the USA, so other things tend to be equal, and the crowded place gets it worse than the uncrowded ones.


WAY earlier then we were TOLD this started, as I predicted. It FITS! There were upwards of 1 MILLION people in and around times square then, from ALL corners of the country. But people want to know why the spike NOW. Well, I have a theory, and it explains why NY is hit HARD, and CA is NOT. NY was RESEEDED, or seeded LATER than the rest. I lie the rest, assume that the virus hit the west coast first, and worked it’s way across the country from there, and it took TIME to get from there to NY.
That is what I believe the CDC and Fauchi are selling, but that too does not make sense, since NY has MAJOR ports and airports that go DIRECTLY to China and vice versa, JUST LIKE CA and WA. The postulated gestation is between 3 and 14 days. That would make NY WAY too late from the first cases of WA. SOMETHING is a miss.
I think this virus was seeded EARLY in the west, and staged to the east using the major cities as the epicenters of the states. It WOULD explain why states with NO or FEW big cities are less hit. Without knowing parient ZERO, and just HOW MANY have ALREADY had this and recovered, there is NO WAY they can accurately predict ANYTHING. Models aside. TOO many variables and GIGO.


4GW just got real

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that CHYYYNNAA and their proxies in the US science community who shill their crap are dumping disinformation. BEWARE.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. The couch commando would rather listen to videos with stories about Andre the Giant.

Brave and Free

He going to cut off the $$ supply to the corrupt politicians when the drug supply goes down

Brave and Free

He’ll be cutting off the $$ supply to the corrupt politicians when the cartels are taken out.


Two Words . . . Military Tribunals


Two MORE words, I HOPE!


Working in a unified, orchestrated manner. Needs a puppetmaster.




Part of it


AGREED. Obama? Clinton? Rothschild? Rockefeller?


✔️ All of the Above




Trump wears the Lavender tie today with his navy suit

Gail Combs


Brave and Free

Let’s kick some a** ! The military has to be chomping at the bit.


That’s a bad idea. VA has never been able to deal with all the vets (maybe it’s better now; don’t know). But even if it is better, why make it like it was before?


This is much better than yesterday’s death and destruction.
Good strategy today, Unite us by fighting the bad guys.
Time for us to come back swinging!
Kick some Cartel butt and Iran don’t you dare.


POTUS – I think Iran wants to make a deal, they’ve been given bad advice by John Kerry. Violation of the Logan Act.


Slamming Ketchup Kerry!!!
You go, Mr. President!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t forget, old man Heinz was a charter member of the Bilderberg Group.


Well, in 1971 he sold cheap crap at the DC fair, otherwise known as Congress.


Call him out…and while you are at it, name the person that gave him directions!!

Deplorable Patriot

Now the COVID-19 people take the stage.

Brave and Free

WOW going after Kerry !!


Amazing amount of clicking sounds in the briefing room. Photos galore.


Oh Look! Talk of military action, Dow futures going up!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Asses need kicking.


And asshoes

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed, CIA needs kicking (China Is Asshoe).


That’s me!! Yesterday I cloroxed the clorox bottle!! And everything else!! Bout ready to get my cloroxed wiped delivery items out of quarantine from 2 days ago. 😜


Yeah – tough decisions between overkill and it might kill ya !!


ROTFL. I think the guy is still in the bathroom!


I have a little trouble with the paleo fruit recommendations above.
For a long I have taken care of kids. (Not now, I am on house arrest due to Chinese plague precautions). Once thing I have noticed along the way is that the kids who ate fresh fruit were far less likely to get sick.
I know my simple observations are not scientific, but there are reasons for them that are. There are enzymes and polyphenols and other things in fruit that work to raise our immunity.
These things also help keep our livers and kidneys working well, both of which are pretty important for health.
I know that people who eat paleo and keto are dedicated to it, as are those who adhere to plant based and vegetarian diets.
I think healthy, clean eating is important for all of us and realize that everyone is trying help others, but the idea of eliminating fruit at this time is alarming to me for everyone’s sake.
Maybe someone else knows more and can set me straight. However, I have read that the fiber and nourishment in fresh fruit makes up for the fructose and allows us to metabolize it more slowly so if it is simply the fructose that is being objected to it probably won’t convince me.
I really want to help everyone to stay healthy and well.
🤔 💕

Deplorable Patriot

Fresh fruit is fine for paleo, especially for kids who are growing and need the energy. Berries are pushed, but old species of apples, citrus, and those that have not been bred for higher sugar content are fine.

Gail Combs

As a kid and even now I loved fruit and much preferred it to candy. I was also the only one in the family NOT to be an asthmatic. I wonder if my giving up fruit a decade ago trying to lose weight maybe part of why I suddenly ended up with asthma? I am now eating fruit again to go with my Vit C. (and nettle & licorice root) and my asthma and allergies have gotten much better despite all the pollen.
And yes, it may very well be the type of fruit. I have lived on two properties with very old apple orchards and heritage type varieties. I really do not like the ‘new’ types in the stores. They are MUCH too sweet.


That sounds so happy!
That fresh food was good for them…kids I know that don’t eat enough of it are all on Metamucil.
You are an awesome Mom!


Me, too. For sure.

Valerie Curren

Some of my ADHD guys are perpetually That age regardless of the calendar!


Fruit is sugar. So while there are some nutrients in there the negatives of sugar is just too much. That is why childhood obesity is exploding. You want to be low carb as virus thrives on high blood glucose levels. The most nutrient dense food that we can eat, and easily absorb is in meat. Preferably red meat. It is not even close.
Fruit when it was only eaten when it was in season was not too bad. But since it has been modified to be bigger and sweeter and available year round it is now just a year round sugar bomb.
Also, the need for dietary fiber is zero.


THIS x 1000!!


States whining they need help moving material from warehouses in their own state is an indictment on that state’s Governor and bureaucracy.
All the dumb bastards need to do is book the shipment online (stuff like piece, weight, cube, from, to…), call 1 800 FEDEX (used to be the number). Crap gets picked up. Easy enough to deliver over night.
Slightly more complicated, but really simple. Not rocket science.
Reality is states know how to do this. They are simply LAZY. Not accountable for their own piss poor performance.


That’s another reason he’s having suppliers ship direct to hospitals.


Boo Hoo Illegals, NO stimulous for you!!! AMERICANS FIRST!!!


Simple answer, GO HOME.


AOC is SO upset the illegals aren’t getting checks! Her voter base.


Aww, bless her heart.


These briefings are better than Rallies – PDJT is speaking to more people in a serious, genuine, loving way.
A whole new side of our President is getting shown to the people!


On ALL the major networks and cable channels, Day In, Day Out! 😉👏👏👏

Valerie Curren

Well, Wednesday’s briefing was only covered “briefly” by FOX, CBS, NBC, & ABC…we saw a couple Q & A & didn’t get the CV part, just the military stuff…None of it was mentioned on evening local news either…


For the most part the media was on their good behavior…but, a lot of the “players” were absent. POTUS did have to scold John Roberts for trying to stir the pot with a question he knew was fake information. Heh heh

Brave and Free

.99c gas holly crap. when we come out of this traveling will be cheap. Think summer time. Ad the restaurant deduction he wants too. All designed to get this country running full steam ahead!


♫ Chh chh-chh, uh
Chh chh-chh ♫
♫ In the summertime when the weather is hot
You can stretch right up and touch the sky ♫


Instant earworm. 😄


And prices this low means West Texas will be in a depression. Maybe Pennsylvania too.


Hmm….SecDef and Fauci both used Trump’s word “scourge.”


Ahh, Toto, NOW you begin to pull the curtain back, there stands the wizard.


You spelled weasel wrong😉


Sorry, let me try again…S O R O S. Is that better?


Can we spell… a g e n d a?


Yes. We can. It’s spelled M O N E Y!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check out the major downplay of antimalarials coming from both (1) the American Chemical Society, and (2) the CIA Peace Corps.
The former is interesting, in that it’s all very skillful, gentle, “not too hard” pooh-poohing. Read it and see. I have not read the comments yet, but when I do, I’ll leave open the possibility of “grooming” for narrative.
The latter link is interesting, given that many of the Peace Corps people overseas are already ON powerful antimalarials – clearly their people overseas have HEARD about chloroquine, so management is pushing back on it.

Gail Combs

When the American Chemical Society got on board the Gore Bull(shiff) Warming crapola I told them to take their membership and shove it where the sun don’t shine!
The ACS has been infected with Political Correctness for DECADES!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That was when I gave up on them, too. There was basically a stealthy Bolshevik take-over that began prior to that point using journalists, until they controlled the whole society and all their divisions. C&EN became overtly political once the feminist editor ascended to Executive Director and left an even more radical yes-boy in charge of the mag. That guy was really annoying.
This particular mag (C & E News) used to be one of the best cross-disciplinary secondary literature sources in all of science, and their letters to the editor section was where the actual temperature of American science could be taken. I have no idea how bad they are now – I gave up when they declared that the “science was settled” on global warming. That stupid saying may have actually come from C&EN, for all I know.
Now, if you want to take the anal temperature of Fake Science, C&EN is the place. 😉

Brave and Free

This briefing is totally different than yesterday, so what do they know?


That the gloom and doom numbers from yesterday have CHANGED, (down again). WAY more measured.


Hi Prog, I’ve read a lot a your blog today. I have a couple of questions for you (or anyone here) that are basic, but I need clarification on.
1) Are the big differences with this flu that it’s hyper-contagious and leaves you with lung damage? (I believe Zelenko has said that as well.)
2) If coronavirus or whatever they call the seasonal flu is always new, how is there a flu shot every year ready to be pushed on us that’s supposed to work on THAT flu?
And another curiosity that I’ve noticed. We NEVER see segments on the news with RECOVERED patients. A good month ago, when the first Princess cruise ship cases were in the news, I remember seeing a 65 year old woman on Fox that had the virus and was in quarantine on the ship. She was extremely positive and upbeat, and reported that she had mild cold symptoms for just a few days. Where are all the recovered patients?
Thanks all for your replies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Flu shots are only for influenza – never for coronaviruses, which include 4 types of “flu-like crud”. We have never had a corona vaccine that I’m aware of. I don’t know about regular corona viruses, but they may or may not confer long-term immunity to their own types and maybe others, but NOT to COVID-19.
Read THIS to get a better idea of where things are now.


Thanks so much.

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, you know what, as sick as I’ve been this winter, none of the bugs I’ve had have been “crud.” None. None of the heavy congestion that’s thick and takes warm water pushing it out to get it out. The coughing, and stomach irritation has been the worst of it.
BUT, and I wonder if this isn’t part of the these bugs work together thing, this last one my SENSES were off the charts sensitive. The Irlen Syndrome which is a visual perception disorder that I have naturally went off the rails for about 10 days, smells were magnified, my sense of taste made Jameson taste like Robitussen, I felt like I had a bad sunburn, and noises were LOUD, and I mean loud.
Over the years, I’ve never had a bug do that, and from the symptoms, the doctor’s office pegged it as flu. Any thoughts on that given that COVID-19 patients report a lack of a sense of smell?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think there is a reasonable chance you’ll test positive for COVID-19 in an antibody test. Where some people are going through anosmia, you might have experienced hyperosmia or dysosmia. The point is that it AFFECTED taste or smell, and that seems to be a very common symptom.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, well, it sucks.


Hi Gingersmom. I hope you enjoyed my blog. as to your questions, all good btw, #1 The CDC ,who I do NOT trust, and the WHO, that NO ONE should trust, CLAIM that this version of the Coronavirus, (the common cold and the seasonal flus are BOTH Coronaviruses, this is the 19th version of the Coronavirus.) is HYPER contagious. There is no RELIABLE data on that other than the numbers of infected. However, since NO ONE can tell you with ANY accuracy the TRUE numbers of infected, or WHERE and WHEN this started in the US, NO ONE can be SURE that this is anymore contaigious than the AVERAGE flu.
The AVERAGE flu and this BOTH infect the same way by direct contact with the virus through the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. That is why the STRESS washing you hands so much, because the virus can live for a period of time on surfaces, and when you touch that surface, and then your face, you are more than likely infected. NO ONE knows how long this virus can live on a surface, NO ONE. They DO know that SUNLIGHT KILLLS THIS VIRUS almost INSTANTLY, which is good.
Most viruses require dark, moist places to survive, replicate, and thrive that is why the mucus membranes, particularly the nose, are IDEAL breeding grounds, your nose is a little cooler than 98.6 degrees.
As for the Lung damage, that IMHO is a scare tactic. Yes those that have had covid 19 pneumonia can have lung damage. Here is what they WON’T tell you, ALL FORMS OF Pneumonia can cause scarring of the lungs, IE lung damage. The worse the pneumonia, the worse the scarring, so this too is HALF the story by the MSM meant to SCARE you, and keep you in the fear narrative, so you wil COMPLY.
This is the 19th version of the Coronavirus we have cataloged, That means there were EIGHTEEN More before this one.
The reason there are 19 is that the coronavirus, the underlying “pattern” of all the covid strains is BASICALLY the same. However, the virus constantly mutates, changes, just SLIGHTLY, and that is meant to fool the bodies own Immune system, allowing the new version to infect.
See, as we get a virus, the body attacks the virus with white blood cells, and RAISES the bodies temperature, a fever, trying to destroy the invader. Once the virus is recognized by the immune system (most viruses attach to ordinary healthy cells and “hide” in them and replicate. They “hide” to trick the white blood cells. But, thanks to God, our immune systems are SMART. They “learn” the virus signature, its DNA I suppose, and then attack and destroy it.
New versions of the virus change SLIGHTLY, so that the immune systems in our bodies do NOT immediately recognize them and KILL them. Hence the 19th version of the Corona virus, which as an aside the common cold is a corona virus.
Now saying that the CDC and others have developed a baseline vaccine for all the previous versions of the corona virus, that took time, gene sequencing, and properly identifying the slight change, to give the body a “heads up” They have to do this EVERY time the virus changes.
Another SCARE tactic. ALL Coronaviruses start out UNKNOWN and WITHOUT a vaccine. They hacve to identify the strain, and make a new one EVERY YEAR. They have done this at LEAST NINETEEN TIMES BEFORE. This is NOT “new”. It is NOT “unknown” they are LYING, by omission. That is why asking the RIGHT questions KILLS the narrative. The MSM will NEVER do that. They HAVE the basline Corona virus template, they just need to identify the strain. Then how a vaccine works, it is a WEAKENED or DEAD version of whatever virus is out there. It is introduced in a small dose, to give the body a quick heads up to the NEW virus. The buddy immediately recognizes the weakened or dead, but UNHIDDEN version of the virus, attacks it, kills it, and then immediately recognizes any NEW invaders of the SAME virus, before they can replicate. Sometimes the weakened versions STILL make people sick, especially if their immune systems are compromised or low. They have 18 flu shots, sometimes the flu recycles multiple OLD versions, and they MIX the flu shot into a cocktail to fight BOTH. This is NOT new, it is OLD science. They are INTENTIONALLY omitting key facts to SCARE people.
Ahh, onto #3. GOOD grasshopper, you SAW the trick. They have a DEATH tote board, listing 24/7, all the DEATH and infections world wide, and with MORE testing, that number will go up, till it doesn’t. but, the gestation is 3-14 days depending on who you listen to and IF you can believe them. Then, the disease in it’s milder form can last another 3-14 days they THINK. Hence the MONTH Trump is using. The PROBLEM with 24/7 fear porn and a death tote, is that they OMIT key info. Like those recovered. See THAT would expose the GAME they have ran on us.
Notice, that they make it VERY hard to find the ACTUAL number of hospitalizations for Covid 19. ON PURPOSE. If the hospitals are NOT overwhelmed, then that KILLS another part of the tapestry of LIES they MSM and those with this agenda have pushed on us.
KEEP questioning, ask anyone that claims they know my 20 questions, they CAN’T answer MOST of them with ANY certainty. And that Gingersmom, is the RUB. They do NOT know. This is ALL based on a doom and gloom projection, which will NOT come true, and then they will say oops, my bad, but if we didn’t do what we said it would have been WORSE. BULL.
If this were REAL, they would have quarantined the sick, elderly, and the subsceptable, and NOT EVERYONE, especially the HEALTHY. Well, we MIGHT have it since 80% show little to NO symptoms is what they will say. SO? Herd immunity then kicks in, the strong pass it on and become immune and so on and so forth, it is how the human species has survived for thousands of years. What doesn’t kill you makes you STRONGER. They KNOW this.
All the quarantine of the HEALTHY will do is ENSURE that we will get hit a 2nd time, and maybe HARDER, there is no vaccine (forced immunity) and there will be little herd immunity. UNLESS I am right, and we all got hit much EARLIER and much more widespread but we did not know because 80% had MILD symptoms and chalked it up to something ELSE like a cold or the REGULAR flu. ?I suspect the REAL numbers are “hidden there”
I hope that helps!


It certainly has helped. I’m a retired public school music teacher/church musician, so “science related” is not what I do. But when you have highly developed aesthetic sensibilities and something just doesn’t feel right, that feeling doesn’t go away. The more I read, watch and listen to – the more incredulous I become.
Additional questions . . Is there a correlation between faulty test kits that certain countries obtained from China and the spread of the virus? Like they were designed to spread it?
How much credence do put into the people filming empty hospitals/testing sites? If the numbers of “cases” are supposed to (have to, according to plan) skyrocket, especially in the areas that are already bad, then shouldn’t there be thousands of people testing to produce those numbers?
How seamlessly we morphed from impeachment into this. They knew that wasn’t going anywhere from the jump, but it made a nice distraction while this was in the works. There’s no way that they just “realized the possibilities” in January, and now here we are.
POTUS needs to bring back the Easter timeline, right now. I wonder if he knows he’s been had.


Again, thanks for the reply. 👍🏻


There is a WHOLE NEW ATTITUDE amongst the press corps today.
Maybe all those Generals glaring at them gave them a new respect for the Commander In Chief.



US, India, UK, now Japan…..The whole world will unite against CCP.
POTUS playing Nice Guy for now, while we collect our $250 BIllion and spin up our own factories.

And Australia.


I want MORE than a pound of flesh from the CCP for this. TAKE THEIR MONEY HERE, give it to all that have had to suffer here, medically and or economically.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Incidentally, I remember yesterday you talked about how the three thousand dollars would only pay two of your employees, once…but can’t they each get $3000 if they sign up, instead of you giving money that was intended for you, to them?
Have you looked into the business loans? Apparently they open up on Friday.
NO, not as good as working, I know that.


NO, they can’t if they happen to be MARRIED to each other. There are MORE restrictions than most know.
They do not KNOW if the business loans here will be ready or not. The unemployment si a DISASTER. They do not have the capacity and they systems are outdated with inadequate staffing, IE cluster fuck.
THAT is why this was and IS a bad idea, we are in uncharted territory, and REAL people, MANY more than infected will be DESTROYED over this.


Watch, They’ll go from a global power to a 2 bit regional player.


QUARANTINED!!!comment image


April 01, 2020 (Xinhua Li Sixuan, Hong Kong) On Monday, March 30, the Vatican announced that Cardinal Angelo De Donatis has been confirmed to be infected with the Communist Party of China virus. Bishop Donatis, 66, is the archdiocese of Rome and is the highest-ranking cleric among the seven communists the Vatican has so far been named.



Brave and Free

Okay so the oan feed just went out WTF


I have always said I would not be going on a cruise ship. Did my sea time in the Navy. Now due to this I have ammo to convince the wife why we don’t need to do a cruise either. Side benefit.

Brave and Free

I must have to say that after that news briefing I feel kind of opoptimistic of where this is all going.


so what did everyone think of the pc?


I remember the Clinton Foundation beat that figure by miles! Hillary sniffs…”Amateurs…Hold my bottle of hot sauce and I’ll show you how it’s done!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Oh, oh, *** THIS *** !!!
CF is THE most corrupt org of them all.
And the worst part was using it to corrupt Beelzechelsea. Put the SPAWN in charge of the PIT FROM HELL and she will get satanized quickly enough!


To borrow a Trump phrase, Tom Donahue is a rotten person…


Should be the other way around, raise them and invest at home when we need it most

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Raise the tariffs and PAY THE CHAMBER TO SHUT UP. 😉


also this~~~
Recruiters have seen this an opportunity to increase recruitment online.
They have been watching potential victims
I have been watching THEM
Tick tock ….


The second part is her words..from continued


I did not know that. See forget Russia it’s all China!
I do hope trump can slay the dragon wait this is trump what am I saying

Sadie Slays

Rumors on the chans for weeks now that Iran has its hands in Venezuela, too, but I’ve got nothing to back it up beyond “rumors.” Meanwhile, this probably all ties back to the Bolsonaro dinner with President Trump because Brazil doesn’t want that Venezuelan mess in their backyard, either.

Sadie Slays

Forgot to add this tweet:


And you can imagine how much of that $5 Billion Maduro kept for himself.


Yep…the ChiComs have been propping up Maduro all along.
They load up their oil tankers with Venezuelan Oil and take it through the Panama Canal, which they control since Jimmy Carter gave it away.
Thanks, Carter!
I’ve suspected that the ChiComs have also been funding the leftist groups that have been recruiting people to join those caravans.
China…not Russia…has been the biggest threat to the US, for decades!


I know China was building another Canal in Costa Rica I beloved it was…


Yes…but it was in Nicaragua.
They have abandoned that project, though.
It became an untenable money pit.


LOL see I knew it was somewhere! I blame the glass of wine! 😉
Money pit you mean China didn’t get what it wanted? 😉


As I recall…Nicaragua only granted them a 50-year concession/control over the canal, once completed.
So the ChiComs may have thought that wasn’t long enough to justify the expenditure.
Or…the ChiComs may think that their deal with Nicaragua will keep *anyone else* from building a canal there.
A canal in Nicaragua would be in direct competition with the Panama Canal, which they control now.
The Plan to create a canal in Nicaragua has been around for over a hundred years.
So it wasn’t a ‘new thought’ by the ChiComs.
The Plan is to route the canal through an existing river, then connect to a huge lake there, then cut through the terrain to the Pacific.
One of the big drawbacks is…elevation.
That big lake is about 10 ft. above sea level.
So it would require building a lot of locks to take ships up to the lake and then back down again.


I recall seeing photos of the damage they had already caused. someone page the little climate change Swedish meatball


Well, here we go!
Southern Nevada Health District reporting
UPDATE (March 31, 7:19 p.m.): Nye County reported two additional positive COVID-19 cases on Tuesday evening.
Both cases were in Pahrump, officials said. One was a woman in her 60s and the other is a woman in her 70s. Both women are in quarantine.
According to Nye County, these were the second and third confirmed cases in the county. The first on Tuesday was a man in his 40s from Amargosa Valley, reported in the morning. He is self-quarantined at home, officials said.
The movements of all three people are being retraced by Emergency Services, Nye County said. They urged the public to stay home.
A woman from Beatty was the first case reported in the county. She has since recovered.


We’ve now got 151 cases in my county, and there is no information about where they were or the circumstances behind them being infected. So I’m a bit nervous about going out at this point.


Need to look for the video from a NY doc who has treated a bunch of patients. His simple point was keep the social distance. Don’t touch your hands to your face. Wash hands, sanitizer etc. Majority of infection was from hands to face.


As I recall, eyes, nose and mouth primary way ChiCom-19 gets in the body.


Yes. The docs point was that mostly happens from our bad habit of using our hands to scratch nose, put fingers in mouth etc. He is a fan of a mask, scarf, bandanna just to help break the habit.


Albany GA – Dougherty county – that got to be a hot spot for Coronavirus infections through two Atlanta church groups coming down to two funerals had 267 cases and 18 deaths last week.
Now it’s up to 490 cases and 29 deaths today – and they are now 2nd most cases in Georgia behind Fulton county.
Link – https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report


The funerals were 2/29 and 3/7 – just before the 3/15 White House 15 day Guidelines were issued.


I recently had 3 friends die with 3 weeks here…no services. There’s a thing as a memorial service at later date…happens frequently in Florida with “Snowbird winter residents.” Not a terrible idea, IMO, and gives people time to make travel,plans, etc.
It’s like the community choral group of 121 in Mt. Vernon, Washington…north of Seattle (!) deciding to go ahead with weekly rehearsal…resulting in several virus infections and at least a couple of deaths in the group. How would you like to live with that guilt?


Hydroxychloroquine proving an effective treatment for coronavirus patients around the world


Oklahoma cases have ticked upward in the past few days.
Positive – 719
Negative – 1248
Hospitalized – 219
Deaths – 30
The first two cases in OK were a couple of people who had returned home to Tulsa, from Italy.
Other cases have been traced to Oklahomans who were traveling and brought the virus back home with them.
Breakdown of the age groups of the fatalities:
36 – 49….138 cases….1 death
50 – 64….194 cases….8 deaths
65 + …….261 cases….21 deaths


Wheatie, are those the total number of people they’ve tested, just 2,000? We have about the same total number of positive tests here in Oregon – 736. But we’ve tested 14,868 people.


I don’t think they know the total number of people that have been tested…yet.
That OKdot-gov site posted this caveat along with the statistics:
*Negative testing results are only from the State Public Health Laboratory and do not include private laboratory negative results.
A lot of people are just going to private labs…or to their doctors.
And those results — if negative — are going unreported, so far.


From a Yahoo article about it:
“LOS ANGELES — Prosecutors charged a locomotive engineer who worked at the Port of Los Angeles with intentionally derailing a train at full speed near the Navy hospital ship Mercy because of suspicions over its activities surrounding COVID-19, according to a federal criminal complaint.
Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro, California, was charged with one count under a little-known train-wrecking statute that carries a maximum sentence of up to 20 years in the incident Tuesday, according to the 10-page criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.
Moreno, who was held overnight, was turned over to FBI agents Wednesday morning. He was expected to make an initial appearance in federal court Wednesday afternoon.”
So…was this guy MK’d?
Or was he paid a lot of money to do this?
He should be prosecuted for More than just “train-wrecking”!
That statute applies to causing train wrecks out in wide open rural areas, too…for the twisted enjoyment of wrecking a train.
That guy turned the train into a Weapon!
He deliberately endangered even more lives than the ones currently on USNS Mercy!


^^^ Same rocket scientists who saw the train north through through San Diego heading north through San Diego. Many thought imminent martial law, Army occupying forces inbound…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Weird as hell. Watch them try to pin it on QAnon. In that case, it’s FBI / CIA / MK for sure. Why? BAD NEWS ON FBI JUST CAME OUT (Horowitz and FISA shocker abuse – “rule, not exception”).

Valerie Curren

suppose he might be a converted moooslum? as an alternate theory…

Gail Combs

OK guys, I think you MISSED STUFF!
#1. President Trump’s tie was BABY BLUE AND BABY PINK (Melania @ work?)
#2. Ambassador Robert O’Brien Said:
“…Counter the Madero Regime MALIGN ACTIVITIES INCLUDING DRUG TRAFFICKING…Working on a NUMBER of National Security priorities…”
#3. President Trump Said:
“…I see things THAT NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE. I SEE REPORTS NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE I met with the group [of military] behind me and said what do you think we can do?….”
I DO NOT think this is just about Drug trafficking.


Along with that comment at the beginning of the PC a few days ago when he spoke of the rescue of a young woman. That has completely disappeared from consciousness…and the talk last night of a “painful couple of weeks”…. Drug cartels don’t just deal in drugs….

Gail Combs

The USA is #1 in the world for COMMERCIAL underage sex.
The USA is the customer for the world.
Planned Parenthood performs abortions on underage sex slaves without notifying the authorities. (One of the reasons the DemonRats want to get rid of parental consent.)
I posted these videos earlier today,
Jaco Booyen on Child Sex Trafficking in the USA:

Tim Ballard on World human Trafficking (USA is the main customer) :


I know I missed stuff. I had work calls and couldn’t watch the whole presser 🙁

Gail Combs

I just finished watching it on Gold State. You should be able to also.


I’m trying to watch it now. I have a one year old wallowing on me trying hard not to sleep 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! Please extend my AMEN!!! to your GF Linda!!!

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just it. Give Americans a job to do, and we do it.
When all is said and done, though, and the REAL reason for the shelter in place orders and all that comes out, I hope the American people understand why it had to be done this way. Part of it, I’m now convinced, is keeping traffic off the interstates, and opening up air space so that the military can move fast. If you’ve ever been on an Amtrak train, the concept should be obvious. In rail, freight traffic takes precedence. You can sit on the tracks in Alton, Illinois (yes, I’ve done this) for an hour and a half waiting for long trains to get a move on while trying to get home.
Same concept.

Valerie Curren

Perfect thanks for the shot in the arm, virus, vaccine, & RFID free! 🙂


Funny, ranitdine has a well-known off-label as an anti-viral.
Specifically for treating shingles.
I wonder why China would poison that drug with toxins?
CCP wants us dead.


One has no control over the items one gets from the pharmacy.
And who wants to try anything from China anymore
Look at the dogs that died via the dog food years ago. My last dog got very sick off that food.


Don’t eat crap that makes your body rebel and you won’t need antacid type drugs. They never want to cure you, just say keep doing bad things to your body and we have a med to counter act it. But it does not. Just masks the symptoms.


For some shingles sufferers with unendinig nerve pain, the discovery of Zantac’s “side effect” was life changing.


The odds are that shingles is related to something you are eating that your body is saying, hell no. Humans are not designed to be medicated.
Bottom line for me is if you are on any medication it is not normal. Eat meat, exercise, fast, and live a healthy life.
But like most type 2 diabetics the answer to their problem is I can eat all the crap I want then just medicate to bring their insulin level down. Then they amputate a limb but it is then too late.

Deplorable Patriot

Try telling that to an 80-year old woman who is brainwashed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting molecule that contains the two pieces needed to make NDMA. It was always a risk of this.


Okay. Suspicious cat will sit down now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keep him around, just in case!!! 😀


Well, this is good news, and hopefully it’s similarly working in other states as well.
‘Strong evidence’ seen that Oregon’s coronavirus restrictions are working
“The unprecedented disruptions affecting millions of Oregonians appear to be reducing the transmission of the novel coronavirus between 50% and 70%, according to a new analysis released Wednesday by state health officials, the first positive sign that social distancing is helping in Oregon.
“It appears that staying homes to save lives is working,” said Dean Sidelinger, Oregon’s state epidemiologist.”


Dims have finally revealed the #1 goal of their PLANNEDEMIC….
Vote by mail.
Nothing could be more easily manipulated….pallet loads of GOP votes “lost”, and pallet loads of Dim votes “suddenly discovered” “at the last minute”.
They are plotting theft in full view of the public.
1. crash the economy, spiking unemployment….taking away PDJT’s #1 re-election plank
2. make the virus outbreak PDJT’s “Katrina”, no matter what he does
3. Impeach Trump for “murder”
4. force “vote by mail” and steal the election

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. And their CHINESE ALLIES would approve of that plan!


I don’t this has shown up here yet.
Credit: Drix Dressler, American Thinker

“I won’t hold my breath waiting for the MSM to take note that Dr. Anthony Fauci has vocal critics on the left, too.”

Could this be why leading White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, long-time head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently pooh-poohed the published chloroquine evidence as merely “anecdotal”?
Fauci is a stalwart enthusiast of “patentable” vaccines, skilled in attracting massive government funding for vaccines that either never materialize or are spectacularly ineffective or unsafe.
For example, Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (“swine flu”) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were “very, very, very rare.”
Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia — prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives.
In 2010, then-Senator and physician Tom Coburn, MD, called out Fauci for misleadingly touting “significant progress in HIV vaccine researc
Accompanying the article is a six minute-long Children’s Health Defense YouTube video that is uncompromising in its critique of Fauci and his colleagues for their preoccupation to fast-track a coronavirus vaccine allegedly without proper testing. The video dramatically features white text on a black background interspersed with several soundbites of scientists whose comments throw cold water on the current direction of the National Institutes of Health regarding Covid-19. Some excerpts from the video’s text:
Biotech companies are racing to patent vaccines and profit from disease. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a dedicated vaccine advocate at N.I.H. for 36 years. He demanded billions to create an HIV vaccine. It never materialized…. Dr. Fauci has little interest in treatments that can’t be patented. Is it because NIH stands to make hundreds of millions in royalties when they partner with pharma on blockbuster global vaccines? Dr. Fauci delivers billions of taxpayer dollars to pharma to promote vaccine schemes while public health declines. Dr. Fauci secured $2 billion for a future coronavirus vaccine while N.I.H. partnered with biotech giant, Moderna, to share in the profits.
Dr. Fauci has applied for a dozen patents to protect his inventions while working at the NIH.
Also of note, and also totally ignored by the MSM, are Charles Ortleb’s numerous critical analyses of Dr. Fauci. Ortleb is a journalist, publisher, and editor on the left who founded a biweekly gay newspaper, the New York Native, in 1980. According to the New York Times (June 3, 2001), “The New York Native, then the nation’s most influential gay newspaper, carried a report of a strange new ailment on May 18, 1981,” becoming the first publication in the country to take note of what would later be named AIDS. In the introduction to his 2017 podcast interview with Ortleb titled “The Infectious Myth,” David Crowe writes that Ortleb’s “career bloomed at the start of the AIDS epidemic, and then crashed when he started to criticize the HIV-AIDS dogma promulgated by the CDC and powerful pharmaceutically funded organizations within his own community.”
Last month, Ortleb made his 48-page paperback book, titled Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic, available for purchase on Amazon. Also in March, Ortleb uploaded his 2,000-word “editorial” titled “The Fauci Fiasco” to Scribd, where it can be read and downloaded without charge. Among the observations of Ortleb:
Anthony Fauci is not the great scientist you think he is. Every time I see someone praising Dr. Anthony Fauci to the skies on television, I say, “Oy Vey!” …
I think it is safe to say my newspaper [the New York Native] is probably the only one in the world to ever have a cover portraying Anthony Fauci as Pinocchio. If you are a journalist or scientist and you ever have the opportunity to mention my newspaper to Anthony Fauci, I can pretty much guarantee that the blood will drain from his face.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for the MSM to take note that Dr. Anthony Fauci has vocal critics on the left, too.


So, he’s just another Big Pharma-like profiteer with little regard for the hippocratic oath?
This is my shocked face.
Is he an Obama holdover?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are adding up. His plan for how this unfolds is geared to his view of what a proper solution should look like.


He was there long, long before 44 took office. He’s been obstructing true health solutions for decades… before HIV was found… before that.

Deplorable Patriot

I think Fauci is more like a late Reagan/Bush/Clinton holdover.


Daughn, Will you settle for 20 Trillion?
$20 trillion lawsuit against China! US group says coronavirus is bioweapon-business today-mar 26
Coronavirus update: The plaintiffs have sought USD 20 trillion, which is a bigger amount than China’s GDP, claiming coronavirus is the result of a biological weapon prepared by the Chinese authorities
https://www.businesstoday.in/current/world/usd-20-trillion-lawsuit-against-china-us-group-says-coronavirus-bioweapon/story/399071.htmlcomment image


Now we’re talking.
‘Course, the Chicoms will just ignore it.


Daughn’s got a plan…


Phase 1


We have a back room?

Sadie Slays

I’m hesitant to post this because I strongly suspect that videos like are intended as demoralization / pushing for societal breakdown / fanning flames of war. Even if that’s the case, though, people need to know.


First witnessed suspicious handling of products of items, children’s books, where the “shoppers” did not even have a cart… in a Costco… towards the end of January.
One week later I had what could have been a mild case, starting with the more rare gastrointestinal symptoms. The last symptom to resolve has been a weak valve at the top of my stomach (pyloric?). I finally kicked it with extra strength peptobismol.

Sadie Slays

Back in February, I was shopping in my local supermarket when I noticed a very suspicious Chinese man who didn’t look he was shopping for food. The reason I say “suspicious” is because I got an instant gut feel that the man was dangerous as soon as I saw him. I don’t normally feel this way around strangers in public. I watched him like a hawk and didn’t even try to be discreet about it.


I know what you mean about that gut feel. The thousand subtle queues that “this one” is “not like the other ones.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are SOCIETAL problems and mentally ill people who do such things, and probably MORE of them in China. This is like in the Arab world, where scores are often settled in such ways (look at false blasphemy accusations against Christians in Pakistan as a prime example today. Same thing against Jews in medieval Europe.)


Remember that the CCP operated a GIANT PONZI SCHEME. The Chinese people are who are supposed to be PAID OFF – and the CCP can’t do it.
Thus, some of the people doing this may be doing it very intentionally for IDEOLOGICAL and/or POLITICAL / ECONOMIC reasons as well.
AND logic. Both personal vendettas AND some cases directed by the CCP.
It is very possible that this weapon was designed with TWO MAIN TARGETS.
(1) America in general and various leaders and enemies overseas, under the cover of the epidemic.
(2) Population CORRECTION in China. Reduce the burden of old pensioners who can’t be paid. Reduce the excess of males. Remove expensive smokers. Also remove political dissidents under cover of epidemic.
Thus, either CCP members or more likely PAID assets would be tasked with spreading it to SPECIFIC PLACES to get rid of certain enemies and others.
In other words, I’m saying this matches up with what may have been done here to get the virus close to certain targeted people. There would logically be many MORE targeted people IN CHINA.

Sadie Slays

I agree, but the reason I’m hesitant to share videos of tampering is because I suspect they WANT us to watch their crimes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think it will spread over here. Now I would agree that it will trigger the Nervous Nellies – that’s just expected. But I think we can fight back by (1) make sure this behavior is properly reviled, and (2) doubling down on CCP IS ASSHOE as a principle. Not CHINA IS ASSHOE – CCP IS ASSHOE.
The enemy isn’t China or the Chinese people, althought the CCP will try to equate itself with China. The enemy is CCP. And they ARE the enemy of the people – including THEIR OWN.


Parody… Really?
Harry Chen PhD
· Mar 29, 2020
Chinese factory worker runs his shoes on the masks asking the camera man if this is good enough. Are these the masks for export??? Can we trust China to do the west’s manufacturing?
Same type mask he’s wearing (blue surgical). Seriously that’s a lot of masks to try to shove back into a packages for sale (at least a 1000 there on the floor). Likely never passed quality control because it would look messy. Thus it likely remained in China and is likely being sold at the grocery store in his neighbor hood. Karma’s a bitch.
Meanwhile I did buy some masks on line early last month for the wife when everything was selling out, (not planning on wearing one myself, not in a store long enough to be overly concerned unless they make it a requirement) they came in late a few days ago. Of course they came from China. Nice fit, material is good, cotton blend. I’ll trust that and wash them first. Meanwhile they come with several packs of filters, 4 ply thin layers about 1 1/2″ x 3″ that go into a little insert, about a 200 total with the four masks. Seriously isn’t going to trust those. Will likely insert another layer of cloth instead.


A Chinese woman proudly filmed herself buying huge amount of facemasks from multiple US supermarkets and loaded the masks onto her pickup truck.
“It feels so awesome to buy all the masks! I didn’t leave a single mask for the Americans!”
Clearly there is something to this being the the Year of the Rat. Remember the story (its not old, its new). The rat didn’t wake the cat because it was jealous and the emperor ended up substituting the pig. Thus no year of the cat.


For whatever reason, this reminds me of back when the Japanese were looking down their noses at Americans while they bought up all our RE and such….just exactly like the Chinese are today.
Japan has yet to recover, even all these decades later.


Yep, Older bush took a nose dive into his plate at Jap function and with in a month Japan’s economic supremacy came to an end.


So the song in the year of the cat lied to us?


Apparently so. No Cat among the 12. Listen to audio on the page as you look it over .and the story about the rat and cat are told.


Then there is this. More proof that TDS has effected all common sense. These people want to make it as painful as possible to get through this.
Apparently this is not the only place doing this. Chicoppe Ma. too where my very liberal mother lives. I think I’ll call her and see what she thinks.
Other stories on this show video of a Walmart and Costco in full compliance with many aisles taped off. I guess it’s okay to have people funneled into areas where essential goods are but not to let them spread out to get the many other things they need. These people are sick.


According to the state, large retailers must cease in-person sales of items that include, but are not limited to:
Arts and crafts
Beauty supplies
Carpet and flooring
Consumer electronics
Entertainment (books, music, movies)
Home and garden
Photo services
Sports equipment
The state says stores must restrict access to nonessential goods by close aisles, closing portions of the store or removing items from the floor. The order says “showrooms and garden sections of large home improvement centers should be closed.”

OK So now the big box store has to spend the ridiculous TIME AND EFFORT to enforce the LEFT’S VERSION OF BLUE LAWS???!?
All of the items above have essential use applications, you morons.
Pox on all leftists!


I wonder what people in New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Quebec and Amazon think about this…..


This is wrong.
Here school is out until June or technically until next Sept. So for all intent and purpose the shut down would be going on for months WITH the hanging sword of another strain to hit in the fall…September is fall.. What then, stay at home until the next spring?


Move the election to 2021 that should make this all stop ASAP


I know we all trust POTUS but this is like the soft version of communism. it’s for our good..how many Fin times have we heard “it’s for the children” by the DemComs when we know full well it wasn’t.
I’m not okay with this descent into the abyss, our freedom is being yanked out from under us.
What is the issue with grown adults purchasing items they might WANT, not need? There’s already limits on how many customers can be in the stores

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I’m getting very warm thoughts about some above-ground nuclear tests to make sure the ChiComs don’t think they can pull this shit again.


It’s almost as if it were a Commie plot against America.
OH WAIT. It’s Vermont.


It’s Vermont but when police guard local trails where people walk not in groups but singles or couples, maybe their own kids like they are here..it might as well be Vermont.
Can’t go to a beach, where the wind blows, nobody is in anybody else’s space…okay I’ll shut up now cause I’m heading straight in the dreaded Eyeore corner .


Which area is it?


San Diego and my brother told me South Carolina closing beaches too


Florida beaches AND boat ramps too.


Most people live payday to payday. This can go at most a couple more weeks before the violence starts and survival instincts start to kick in. The salaried government employees who have the guaranteed paychecks have not realized this yet.


Forgot to mention. If you have supplies, money in the bank, and think you are fine for several months because you were prepared. Then make sure you are armed and have plenty of ammo. The have nots will be coming after you.




The Memes about “your trial test of Socialism looks like …” practically write themselves.

Valerie Curren

I found it!!! 2008-2009 Flu Season data hidden…
“2007-2008 & 2008-2009 seasons on display could also be instructive too to see if similar patterns were presenting in the lead up to BHO’s usurpation, especially because Hillary was an electoral factor up until Barry was “anointed” to be the dem’s candidate…” from my prior comment
I had to get into the Internet Archive to find data on 2008-2009 at this site:
Here this page is in its entirety, in case there is something important there:
Update: Influenza Activity — United States, September 28, 2008–April 4, 2009, and Composition of the 2009–10 Influenza Vaccine
This report summarizes U.S. influenza activity* from September 28, 2008, the start of the 2008–09 influenza season, through April 4, 2009, and reports on the 2009–10 influenza vaccine strain selection. Low levels of influenza activity were reported from October through early January. Activity increased from mid-January and peaked in mid-February. Influenza A (H1N1) viruses have predominated overall this season, but influenza B viruses have been isolated more frequently than influenza A viruses since mid-March. Widespread oseltamivir resistance was detected among circulating influenza A (H1N1) viruses and a high level of adamantane resistance was identified among influenza A (H3N2) viruses.
Viral Surveillance
From September 28, 2008, to April 4, 2009, World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories in the United States tested 173,397 respiratory specimens for influenza viruses, 24,793 (14.3%) of which were positive (Figure 1). Of these, 16,686 (67.3%) were positive for influenza A viruses, and 8,107 (32.7%) were positive for influenza B viruses. Of the 16,686 specimens positive for influenza A viruses, 6,735 (40.4%) were subtyped by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or by virus culture; 6,049 (89.8%) of these were influenza A (H1N1) viruses, and 686 (10.2%) were influenza A (H3N2) viruses. The percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza first exceeded the seasonal threshold of 10% during the week ending January 17, 2009, and peaked at 25.0% during the week ending February 14, 2009. For the week ending April 4, 2009, 12.3% of specimens tested for influenza were positive. The relative proportion of influenza B viruses increased during February and March, and since the week ending March 14, 2009, >50% of the positive influenza specimens have been influenza B.
Antigenic Characterization
WHO collaborating laboratories in the United States are requested to submit a subset of their influenza virus isolates to CDC for further antigenic characterization. CDC has antigenically characterized 945 influenza viruses collected by U.S. laboratories during the 2008–09 season, including 594 influenza A (H1N1), 88 influenza A (H3N2), and 263 influenza B viruses. All 594 influenza A (H1N1) viruses are related to the influenza A (H1N1) component of the 2008–09 influenza vaccine (A/Brisbane/59/2007). All 88 influenza A (H3N2) viruses are related to the influenza A (H3N2) vaccine component (A/Brisbane/10/2007). Influenza B viruses currently circulating can be divided into two distinct lineages represented by the B/Yamagata/16/88 and B/Victoria/02/87 viruses. Among the 263 influenza B viruses tested, 50 (19.0%) belong to the B/Yamagata lineage and are related to the vaccine strain (B/Florida/04/2006); the remaining 213 (81.0%) belong to the B/Victoria lineage and are not related to the vaccine strain.
Composition of the 2009–10 Influenza Vaccine
WHO recommended that the 2009–10 Northern Hemisphere trivalent influenza vaccine contain A/Brisbane/59/2007-like (H1N1), A/Brisbane/10/2007-like (H3N2), and B/Brisbane/60/2008-like (B/Victoria lineage) viruses. The Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee recommended these same vaccine strains be included in the 2009–10 influenza vaccine for the United States (1). Only the influenza B component represents a change from the 2008–09 vaccine formulation. These recommendations were based on antigenic and genetic analyses of recently isolated influenza viruses, epidemiologic data, post-vaccination serologic studies in humans, and the availability of candidate vaccine strains and reagents.
Antiviral Resistance of Influenza Virus Isolates
CDC conducts surveillance for resistance of circulating influenza viruses to licensed influenza antiviral medications: adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) and neuraminidase inhibitors (zanamivir and oseltamivir). Since October 1, 2008, of the 699 influenza A (H1N1) viruses from 44 states tested for neuraminidase inhibitor resistance, 694 (99.3%) were resistant to oseltamivir; all were sensitive to zanamivir (Table). All 103 influenza A (H3N2) and all 274 influenza B viruses tested were sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir. Three influenza A (H1N1) viruses (0.4%) and all 100 (100%) influenza A (H3N2) viruses tested were resistant to adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine). The adamantanes are not effective against influenza B viruses. None of the influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested were resistant to both oseltamivir and adamantanes.
Novel Influenza A Viruses
A case of human infection with a novel influenza A virus was reported by the Iowa Department of Public Health during the week ending February 28, 2009. A male aged 3 years was infected with a swine influenza A (H1N1) virus. An investigation revealed that the child had close contact with ill pigs. The child has fully recovered from the illness, and no additional cases were identified among the child’s contacts or other persons exposed to the ill pigs. This is the third human infection with swine influenza virus identified in the United States this influenza season. None of the cases were related to occupation. The other two human infections with swine influenza identified during the 2008–09 influenza season occurred in a person aged 14 years from Texas and a person aged 19 years from South Dakota (2,3).
State-Specific Activity Levels
During the week ending April 4, 2009, widespread influenza activity† was reported by four states (Alabama, New York, Virginia, and Washington). Regional influenza activity was reported by 18 states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Tennessee). Local influenza activity was reported by 20 states, sporadic activity was reported by the District of Columbia and seven states, and one state did not report Regional influenza activity was reported for the first time this season during the week ending December 20, 2008 (by Massachusetts and New Jersey), and widespread activity was reported for the first time during the week ending January 10, 2009 (by Virginia). To date this season, regional or widespread influenza activity has been reported during at least 1 week by 49 states.
Outpatient Illness Surveillance
Since September 28, 2008, the weekly percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI)§ reported by approximately 1,500 U.S. health-care providers in 50 states, New York City, Chicago, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands that comprise the U.S. Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network (ILINet), has ranged from 0.9% during the week ending October 4, 2008, to 3.7% for the week ending February 14, 2009. For the week ending April 4, 2009, the weekly percentage of outpatient visits for ILI was 1.6% (Figure 2). This is below the national baseline of 2.4%.¶ One of the nine surveillance regions (Mountain) reported an ILI percentage above its region-specific baseline.
Pneumonia- and Influenza-Related Mortality
For the week ending April 4, 2009, pneumonia and influenza was reported as an underlying or contributing cause of death for 7.4% of all deaths reported through the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System. This is below the epidemic threshold of 7.8% for that week. Since September 28, 2008, the weekly percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza ranged from 6.1% to 7.6%, and remained below the epidemic threshold.**
Influenza-Associated Hospitalizations
Hospitalizations associated with laboratory-confirmed influenza infections are monitored by two population-based surveillance networks, the New Vaccine Surveillance Network (NVSN) and the Emerging Infections Program (EIP).†† From October 12, 2008, to March 21, 2009, the preliminary laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rate for children aged 0–4 years in the NVSN was 1.46 per 10,000.
From October 1, 2008, to March 28, 2009, preliminary rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization reported by the EIP for children aged 0–4 years and 5–17 years were 2.8 and 0.5 per 10,000, respectively (Figure 3). For adults aged 18–49 years, 50–64 years, and ≥65 years, the rates were 0.3, 0.4, and 1.0 per 10,000, respectively. Differences in the rate estimates between the NVSN and the EIP systems likely result from the different case-finding methods and the different populations monitored.
Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality
Since September 28, 2008, CDC has received 45 reports of influenza-associated pediatric deaths that occurred during the current season. Of the 27 decedents who had specimens collected for bacterial culture from normally sterile sites, 12 (44.4%) were positive; Staphylococcus aureus was identified in eight of the 12 children. Three of the S. aureus isolates were sensitive to methicillin, and five were methicillin resistant. Among the 12 children with bacterial coinfections, all were aged ≥5 years, and 10 (83.3%) were aged ≥12 years. An increase in the number of influenza-associated pediatric deaths with S. aureus coinfections was first recognized during the 2006–07 influenza season (4).
Of the 36 decedents aged >6 months for whom patient vaccination status was known, five (13.9%) had been vaccinated against influenza according to 2008 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendations (5). These data are provisional and subject to change as more information becomes available.
Reported by: WHO Collaborating Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Control of Influenza. P Peebles, L Brammer, MPH, S Epperson, MPH, L Blanton, MPH, R Dhara, MPH, T Wallis, MS, L Finelli, DrPH, L Gubareva, PhD, J Bresee, MD, A Klimov, PhD, N Cox, PhD, Influenza Div, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC.
Editorial Note:
From September 28, 2008, through early January 2009, the United States experienced low levels of influenza activity. Activity increased in mid-January, peaked in mid-February, and remained high until mid-March. Since mid-March, influenza levels have been decreasing nationally.
Preliminary data from the U.S. virologic surveillance networks (WHO and NREVSS collaborating laboratories), the percentage of deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza, and the percentage of outpatient visits for ILI suggest that this season has been less severe than the 2007–08 season and is more similar to the 2005–06 and 2006–07 seasons. The percentage of specimens tested for influenza that were positive peaked at 25.0% during the week ending February 14, 2009, compared with 31.6% in 2007–08, 27.7% in 2006–07, and 22.6% in 2005–06. To date during this season, the percentage of deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza peaked at 7.6% and has not exceeded the epidemic threshold. By comparison, pneumonia and influenza mortality peaked at 9.1%, 7.9%, and 7.8% during the 2007–08, 2006–07, and 2005–06 seasons, respectively. The epidemic threshold for pneumonia and influenza deaths was exceeded for 9 consecutive weeks during the 2007–08 season and for only 1 week during both the 2005–06 and 2006–07 seasons. The percentage of outpatient visits for ILI peaked at 3.7% this season, compared with 6.0% in 2007–08, 3.6% in 2006–07, and 3.1% in 2005–06.
During this influenza season, a high level of resistance to the antiviral drug oseltamivir was detected among circulating influenza A (H1N1) viruses. Since October 1, 2008, 99.3% of influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested were resistant to oseltamivir. To date, influenza A has accounted for 67.3% of all influenza viruses identified, and influenza A (H1N1) has accounted for 89.8% of the influenza A viruses that were subtyped. No oseltamivir resistance has been detected among influenza A (H3N2) or B viruses currently circulating in the United States; however, all the influenza A (H3N2) viruses tested were resistant to adamantanes. The adamantanes are not effective against influenza B viruses. None of the influenza A (H1N1) viruses tested were resistant to both oseltamivir and the adamantanes, and all influenza viruses tested this season have been susceptible to zanamivir. CDC issued interim guidelines for the use of influenza antiviral medications on December 19, 2008. Health-care providers should review their local surveillance data if available to determine which types (A or B) and subtypes of influenza A (H1N1 or H3N2) are most prominent in their community and consider using diagnostic tests to distinguish influenza A from influenza B. When an influenza A (H1N1) virus infection or exposure is suspected, zanamivir is the preferred medication; combination therapy of oseltamivir and rimantidine is an acceptable alternative (6).
Since early February, the relative proportion of influenza B viruses has been increasing each week, and more than half of influenza viruses identified since the week ending March 14, 2009, were influenza B. Approximately 80% of influenza B viruses tested have not been related to the influenza B vaccine strain. However, all influenza B viruses this season have been susceptible to oseltamivir and zanamivir. Health-care providers should be aware of these recent increases in influenza B viruses and of the differences in antiviral resistance patterns compared with influenza A (H1N1) viruses. When an influenza B infection or exposure is detected, treatment with oseltamivir or zanamivir is recommended. However, when the type or subtype is unknown, zanamivir is the preferred medication; combination therapy of oseltamivir and rimantidine also is acceptable (6).
To date this season, the cumulative laboratory-confirmed, influenza-associated hospitalization rate reported by EIP among persons aged ≥50 years has been lower than rates reported for the previous three seasons, but most similar to the 2006–07 season. Historically, excess mortality has been lower in seasons during which influenza A (H1N1) or influenza B predominated than during seasons in which influenza A (H3N2) has predominated (7). During the current and 2006–07 seasons, influenza A (H1N1) has been the prominent virus subtype circulating, which could partly explain the lower influenza-associated hospitalization rates among persons aged ≥50 years observed during these two seasons.
Vaccination remains the best method for preventing influenza virus infection and its complications. Influenza vaccination can prevent influenza infections from strains that are sensitive or resistant to antiviral medications. Thus far this season, all the influenza A viruses that have been characterized, including oseltamivir-resistant (H1N1) viruses, are antigenically related to the components in the vaccine. However, approximately 80% of influenza B viruses tested are from a distinct lineage that is not related to the vaccine strain. Limited or no protection is expected when the vaccine and circulating virus strains are from different lineages (8,9). The composition of the 2009–10 influenza vaccine includes the same influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) components, and a change in the influenza B component from the Yamagata to the Victoria lineage.
Influenza surveillance reports for the United States are posted weekly online at http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/flu
activity.htm during the influenza season from October to mid-May. Additional information regarding influenza viruses, influenza surveillance, the influenza vaccine, and avian influenza is available at http://www.cdc.gov/flu.
This report is based, in part, on data contributed by participating state and territorial health departments and state public health laboratories, World Health Organization collaborating laboratories, National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, the U.S. Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network, the Emerging Infections Program, the New Vaccine Surveillance Network, the Influenza Associated Pediatric Mortality Surveillance System, and the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System.
Food and Drug Administration. Influenza virus vaccine 2009–2010 season. Available at http://www.fda.gov/cber/flu/flu2009.htm.
CDC. Influenza activity—United States and worldwide, September 28–November 29, 2008. MMWR 2008;57:1329–32.
CDC. Influenza activity—United States, September 28, 2008–January 31, 2009. MMWR 2009;58:115–9.
Finelli L, Fiore A, Dhara R, et al. Influenza-associated pediatric mortality in the United States: increase of Staphylococcus aureus coinfection. Pediatrics 2008;122:805–11.
CDC. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2008. MMWR 2008;57(No. RR-7).
CDC. CDC issues interim recommendations for the use of influenza antiviral medications in the setting of oseltamivir resistance among circulating influenza A (H1N1) viruses, 2008–09 influenza season. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and human services, CDC; 2008. Available at http://www2a.cdc.gov/han/archivesys/viewmsgv.asp?alertnum=00279.
Thompson WW, Shay DK, Weintraub E, et al. Mortality associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in the United States. JAMA 2003;289:179–86.
Belongia E, Kieke B, Donahue J, et al. Effectiveness of inactivated influenza vaccines varied substantially with antigenic match from the 2004–2005 season to the 2006–2007 season. J Infect Dis 2009;199:159–67.
Skowronski D, De Serres G, Dickinson J, et al. Component-specific effectiveness of trivalent influenza vaccine as monitored through a sentinel surveillance network in Canada, 2006–2007. J Infect Dis 2009;199:168–79.
* The CDC influenza surveillance system collects five categories of information from nine data sources: 1) viral surveillance (World Health Organization collaborating U.S. laboratories, the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System, and novel influenza A virus case reporting), 2) outpatient illness surveillance (U.S. Outpatient ILI Surveillance Network), 3) mortality (122 Cities Mortality Reporting System and influenza-associated pediatric mortality reports), 4) hospitalizations (Emerging Infections Program and New Vaccine Surveillance Network), and 5) summary of geographic spread of influenza (state and territorial epidemiologist reports).
† Levels of activity are 1) no activity; 2) sporadic: isolated laboratory-confirmed influenza cases or a laboratory-confirmed outbreak in one institution, with no increase in influenza-like illness (ILI) activity; 3) local: increased ILI, or at least two institutional outbreaks (ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza) in one region with recent laboratory evidence of influenza in that region; virus activity no greater than sporadic in other regions; 4) regional: increased ILI activity or institutional outbreaks (ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza) in at least two but less than half of the regions in the state with recent laboratory evidence of influenza in those regions; and 5) widespread: increased ILI activity or institutional outbreaks (ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza) in at least half the regions in the state with recent laboratory evidence of influenza in the state.
§ Defined as a temperature of ≥100.0°F (≥37.8°C), oral or equivalent, and cough and/or sore throat, in the absence of a known cause other than influenza.
¶ The national and regional baselines are the mean percentage of visits for ILI during noninfluenza weeks for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations. A noninfluenza week is a week during which <10% of specimens tested positive for influenza. National and regional percentages of patient visits for ILI are weighted on the basis of state population. Use of the national baseline for regional data is not appropriate.
** The seasonal baseline proportion of pneumonia and influenza deaths is projected using a robust regression procedure in which a periodic regression model is applied to the observed percentage of deaths from pneumonia and influenza that were reported by the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System during the preceding 5 years. The epidemic threshold is 1.645 standard deviations above the seasonal baseline.
†† NVSN conducts surveillance in Monroe County, New York; Hamilton County, Ohio; and Davidson County, Tennessee. NVSN provides population-based estimates of laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalization rates in children aged <5 years admitted to NVSN hospitals with fever or respiratory symptoms. Children are prospectively enrolled, and respiratory samples are collected and tested by viral culture and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). EIP currently conducts surveillance for laboratory-confirmed, influenza-related hospitalizations in 61 counties and Baltimore, Maryland. The EIP catchment area includes 13 metropolitan areas: San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; New Haven, Connecticut; Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Las Cruces, New Mexico; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Albany, New York; Rochester, New York; Portland, Oregon; and Nashville, Tennessee. Hospital laboratory, admission, and discharge databases, and infection-control logs are reviewed to identify persons with a positive influenza test (i.e., viral culture, direct fluorescent antibody assays, RT-PCR, serology, or a commercial rapid antigen test) from testing conducted as part of their routine care.
FIGURE 1. Number (N = 24,793) and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported by World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, by type, and surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009comment image
Number (N = 24,793) and percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza reported by World Health Organization and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories, by type, and surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009
Return to top.
TABLE. Number and percentage of influenza viruses tested for resistance to influenza antiviral medications, by virus type — United States, October 1, 2008–April 4, 2009
No. of isolates tested
Resistant to oseltamivir*
No. of isolates tested
Resistant to adamantanes
Influenza A (H1N1)
Influenza A (H3N2)
Influenza B

* None of the tested isolates were resistant to zanamivir.
† The adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) are not effective against influenza B viruses.
Return to top.
FIGURE 2. Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported by U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), by surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009 and 2006-07 and 2007-08 influenza seasonscomment image
Percentage of visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) reported by U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), by surveillance week – United States, September 28, 2008-April 4, 2009 and 2006-07 and 2007-08 influenza seasons
* The 2006-07 and 2007-08 seasons did not have a week 53; therefore the week 53 data point for those seasons is an average of weeks 52 and 1.
† The national and regional baselines are the mean percentage of visits for ILI during noninfluenza weeks for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations. A noninfluenza week is a week during which <10% of specimens tested positive for influenza. National and regional percentages of patient visits for ILI are weighted on the basis of state population. Use of the national baseline for regional data is not appropriate.
Return to top.
FIGURE 3. Cumulative laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalization rates,* by age group† and surveillance week – Emerging Infections Program, United States, October 1, 2008-March 28, 2009, and preceding three influenza seasons
Cumulative laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalization rates,* by age group† and surveillance week – Emerging Infections Program, United States, October 1, 2008-March 28, 2009, and preceding three influenza seasonscomment image
* Per 10,000 population.
† Scales differ among age groups.
Return to top.
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Date last reviewed: 4/15/2009
I wonder if part of why this particular season was hidden was because of the final chart showing multiple seasons in comparison…
The 2008-2009 flu season data was still available here, but there were no Q & As, unlike every other year accessible from this page:
This link discusses 2009-2010 flu season & refers to the previous season
This one has data about the 2009 H1N1 PANDEMIC…
This represents the last capture of that page before its 8-1810 update:
Here are images of the H1N1 virus that bears remarkable similarity, in certain respects to the coronavirus
Numerous reports here:
lots of pandemic info for H1N1 here
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010
well, I'm running out of gas so will let this stand "as is" forgive my feet of clay please…Blessings!