Dear MAGA: 20220522 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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Have you forgiven . . . yourself?

The Bible has a lot to say about forgiveness, but it doesn’t specifically address the concept of forgiving ourselves. Usually, we talk about “forgiving ourselves” when we feel guilt over past sin or remorse over negative consequences caused by an earlier decision. We might personally feel the need to “forgive ourselves” for our mistakes in order to move forward in our lives.

Forgiving ourselves ultimately comes from understanding God’s forgiveness. The Bible is clear that every human has sinned against God (Romans 3:23), and that all our wrongdoing is against God (Psalm 51:4; Genesis 39:9). The essential thing we need is God’s forgiveness, which is available to us through the person and work of Jesus Christ. All who put our faith in Jesus are fully forgiven of our sins. We are counted as righteous before God, eternally justified (Romans 5:1–11; Ephesians 1:13–14; 2:1–10). We do, of course, still struggle with sin, but God is faithful to cleanse us when we confess to Him and restore us to right fellowship with Him (1 John 1:9; 2:1–2). Jesus’ sacrifice was enough for any and all of our sins. Forgiving ourselves, then, actually has to do with receiving God’s forgiveness.

It’s helpful to compare our forgiveness of others with our forgiveness of ourselves. Matthew 18:21–35 records the parable of the unmerciful servant. In it, a master forgives the exorbitant debt of one of his servants, only for that servant to demand a much smaller amount from a fellow servant. The master said, “Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” (Matthew 18:33). As we have received forgiveness from God, we are to extend that forgiveness to others. There are no higher standards than God’s. Our sins against one another are sins against God; it is His laws that we’ve transgressed. There’s no way a person, including ourselves, could sin against us more than against God. When we understand that God’s standards are what count and that He has graciously extended forgiveness to us, we can extend that same forgiveness to others—and to ourselves.

While this might be simple to understand in concept, forgiving yourself can be difficult in practice. We regret our bad decisions, and we are remorseful over the ways they have hurt ourselves and others. The enemy continues to accuse us and remind us of our sins. Others in our lives might do the same. There are times we might even think it is repentant or praiseworthy to refuse to forgive ourselves, as if our punishment of ourselves will atone for our sins. But that is not at all the message of the gospel. In fact, the Bible is quite clear that we could never make up for our own sins. We are sinners who are dead in transgression (Romans 3:23; 6:23; Ephesians 2:1–10) and hopeless apart from Christ (John 3:16–18, 36; Romans 5:6–8). The gospel tells us that God’s wrath for our sins has been poured out on Jesus; justice has been served. Living in guilt or self-punishment is a denial of the truth of the gospel.

Oddly enough, forgiving ourselves means admitting our own sinfulness. It requires admitting that we are imperfect and unable to become perfect on our own. It means acknowledging the depths of our depravity. It means rejecting the idea that our efforts will ever atone for our wrongdoings. But it also means receiving and walking in the fullness of God’s grace. When we humble ourselves and receive God’s grace, we can let go of our own anxiety for our wrongs. We come to understand that the Creator of the universe loved us so much that He not only made us, but overcame our rebellion against Him.

When we are saved, we become children of God (John 1:12). We receive the indwelling Holy Spirit who transforms us (Philippians 2:12–13). He is with us forever (John 14:16–17; Ephesians 1:13–14). Our sins do have genuine and often heartbreaking consequences in our lives. But God is faithful to use even that for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28–30; 2 Corinthians 1:3–7). We are not left to wallow in the consequences of our sins. Instead, God helps us endure through them, and we can see His redemptive abilities (James 1:2–5).

Forgiving ourselves can be especially difficult when our sin has had a negative impact on someone else. It’s important to seek forgiveness from those we have wronged and to reconcile where possible. Again, God is the one who enables this reconciliation. Living in shame will not fix a broken relationship or remove the harm that we’ve done. But the truth of the gospel can.

Paul, in many ways, set an example of forgiving oneself. He had been a violent persecutor of the church. But rather than live in shame and regret over what he’d done, or think that God couldn’t use him, or constantly remind himself of his sin, he spread the gospel broadly. This was not from penance or trying to make up for his past. Rather, it was out of understanding God’s great salvation. Paul writes, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in Him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:15–17). Paul’s sin actually became an avenue by which God was glorified. Rather than refuse to forgive himself, Paul readily received God’s forgiveness and rejoiced in it.

In Romans 7—8 we see another example of this. Paul bemoans his continual struggle with his sin nature, a battle common to every believer in Christ. But he doesn’t say he’ll just try harder or that he’ll never forgive himself. Rather, he says, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 7:24—8:2).

Reminders of past sin prompt us to praise God for His mercy and grace. Current negative consequences from our past sin remind us of God’s faithfulness in the midst of them. They prompt us to pray and rely on God for endurance, rescue, and transformation. Forgiving ourselves is actually receiving God’s forgiveness in its fullness. In that, there is much freedom (Galatians 5:1)!

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So many people think that guys are only fixated on T&A…..but there are times when that all goes away in favor of motion….

The fixation changes to poise, strength, and fluidity [at least in my experience, I remain fixated on females, just on different aspects]. These vaults or pole vaults are beautifully athletic in and of themselves.


I haven’t clicked on the link, but I agree about the beauty of athleticism in motion. It’s one reason why people like to watch major sporting events like the Olympics (when they’re not poisoned by wokeness).


The funny thing that I was trying to highlight is how the evaluation criteria change drastically between women that are just standing around or posing, and women who are vaulting or using the uneven bars in gymnastics — what is important in one setting is nothing in a different setting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best thing – they’re all REAL women – full “double X” !!!

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I watched that video and hardly any decent racks…

Oh, wait.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool!


WOW ‼️ This is great! Loved watching this, thanks 😉👍

Valerie Curren

That’s Amazing AND Insane!!!


A very interesting post about forgiveness! Thank you, Carl.


I see forgiveness as a gift from God. Forgiving is a healing process in oneself. To forgive however we need to tap into the love of God because only through love can we forgive. The process is easier when one accepts that God unconditionally loves each person.
One cannot force it we have to let go and come before God in humility to be given the grace of forgiveness even to to be fully to forgive one self and others.
I am only sharing how forgiveness forks for me. Only use the we to explain to not mean we collectively because each person deals with forgiveness through their own relationship with God.
A thought struck me how can I forgive myself if I cannot forgive others? For me it is almost impossible.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren

Amen. These are important insights! I think there are also layers to forgiveness so that it can be an ongoing process. We’ve forgiven others or ourselves & think the work is done but then something arises & we realize we need to dive even deeper into forgiveness & the spiritual journey goes on. We are Always a work in progress 🙂


Yes we are a work in process 🙂

Valerie Curren

Pressing toward the mark!


I keep trying with my simple mind 🙂

Valerie Curren

Faith like a child & heart of a warrior!




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JW in Germany

How often can they bring the same zombie back to life over and again every election year?

It is like watching The Matrix in a perpetual loop while never comprehending the message of the film.


IMO, it would appear that “Monkeypox” has been trotted out as the “magic elixir” that the WEF / [DS] / Cabal / WHO believes will maintain the DemCommunist chokehold on We, The People.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

IF it is, Monkey Pox is a crappy option they are playing.

In the back o my mind, it may be a feint. At some point WHO will declare not a BFD. Give WHO Chinee stature as an honest broker for “World Health”.

Then end of Summer / early Fall, another virus will be rolled out. WHO Chinee will order lock downs, Injections, Injection Passports…

  • About this time All Hell will break out in America.
  • Hopefully hell breaks out globally.
JW in Germany

My first read locally with people in my surroundings is that it may backfire and serve to actually wake people.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This leads to DODGE.

His question has an answer.



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Brave and Free

Which leads to Barr……


Who’s is a very low Barr .. 😑🤚

Valerie Curren

Dear Q-Treepers,

God was so good to my husband “today” (technically yesterday, but not having gotten sleep yet it feels like “today”):

He passed his driving test!!!

He wasn’t asked to pay the nearly $200 re-test fee!

The evaluator asked why he’d failed yesterday & when Michael told him the particulars he was like “What/?? I would have passed you!” Such a huge confidence booster 🙂 

Weather & schedule delays had him drive for just under a half hour.

During the wait & before & after testing he was able to pray w/ 2 classmates, one of whom was only there “accidentally” for he wasn’t on the schedule. God Might have not let M pass on Thursday for just this appointed inter-racial encounter…& so much more! Can’t wait to get the details sometime after church (he’s playing worship)

M & my father got to spend hours together while Mom & I were at the birth cousin’s memorial. We all had times of encouraging fellowship & shared some meals together, though hundreds of miles apart (I came home to needed to refill Josiah’s pill box, which took like an hour & a half so am Quite Exhausted)…

M spoke w/ his brother who Loaned us 2 grand to help cover expenses & when M articulated some of the rigors of the training process his Bro was blown away & told him to keep the money that he’d “already earned it”. (both my husband’s brothers are quite well off so this “small” amount was likely not noticeable to the bro but Huge to us!!!) This is a major blessing for us as we need to look toward wedding expenses for our son’s wedding in 2 months…

Monday the paperwork should be in so he can get the actual CDL license at the Secretary of State.

We are so thankful & feel as if a huge weight has been lifted, though the job search, etc., is now upon us!

We have been buoyed by many prayers & encouragements from the Body of Christ, fellow travelers, friends, & relatives. Thank you so much for being a part of this huge transition in my family’s life…God Bless YOU!!!


Excellent news… we of course I imagine appreciate the credit, but the credit, at least on a secular plane, is all his and yours of course for supporting him in this ambition. Meantime, God is certainly great and who knows, maybe even joyfully humbled he was asked to support this.

Valerie Curren

This is a lovely perspective 😉 Thanks for sharing! Hubby Knows he couldn’t have done it without me, prayer, & Most Especially God’s consistent intervention in countless needed ways!


This is great news!

Congratulations to your husband’s passing the driving test!

Valerie Curren

Thanks so much 🙂


Wonderful news!

Valerie Curren

Agreed! Still doing the happy dance around here!

Barb Meier

Frolic is good anytime.

Valerie Curren

Yes! 😉

Brave and Free

Congratulations on all accounts, our time isn’t necessarily His time.

Valerie Curren

Yes, we have discovered that “timely” truth anew (deja vu) over & over again!


Congratulations! That’s awesome.

Valerie Curren

That’s how we feel!!!


Valerie Curren
Fabulous news!

Valerie Curren

Yes–just couldn’t wait to share with you all!!!


Wonderful ‼️ … 😉👍❤️

Valerie Curren

That was lovely & took me back to my missionary trip to Liberia in the ’80’s. We visited an outdoor church, which was a gathering of saints around an old tree stump in a field. The singing & joy of these precious believers, who had practically nothing in this world AND Everything in Christ, was angelic & otherworldly. It might have been the holiest encounter that I’ve ever experienced–unadulterated Jesus in the midst of us–glorious!


I really enjoy this hymn sung by His redeemed .. they are filled with joy and I love their voices. I look’s like some sewed their outfits as they are beautifully co-ordinated.
Glad you liked it Valerie .. 🙂🤚😜

Valerie Curren

Yes, thanks for sharing!

Valerie Curren

Amen! 🙂


.. 🙂🤚❤️🤗


Praise God! That is great news, Val.

Valerie Curren

Amen, Linda. We are so very thankful!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent news, Val!

Now, a quick request from “Q Tree Infrastructure”…..

(Others are encouraged to take note, too.)

Do you see the little “wifi” symbol under people’s names on comments? That is the “follow” button. If you click it, it turns green, and the website will send you an email every time that person posts a comment.

The problem? (A) It’s easy to click accidentally. (B) If you have certain email providers (like yours), the emails are refused and bounce back by the tens of thousands to this site, causing issues. ATT, Microsoft companies, and ISPs are notorious in this regard.

You are apparently following Steve and bfly. Possibly others. Please UNFOLLOW them, as well as anybody else where you see a green wifi symbol. Just click the symbol again, so it turns gray.

Thank you and God bless! 😀

Valerie Curren

OK, Wolf, I’ll try to take care of that if I can figure it out–blush emoji. Sorry for yet another administrative headache generated by me 🙁


On the PLUS side, slow guys like me never paid attention to that gizmo.

Now I’ll pay attention to ensure I’m not clicking on the gizmo. Reality is I follow everybody. Try to read all posts.

Valerie Curren

Love it–me too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No problem – we can beat this. Just look for ANYBODY with a green wifi icon (should be very few) and click it once back to gray. If it goes gray when you click it – good. If it goes from gray to green – click it again!!!

Valerie Curren

For some reason when I’m “following” someone that icon is actually orange so I clicked it & it went to gray & a small green box popped up to say I’d unfollowed them. I’m Trying to notice if the wi-fi icon is colored & undo the “follow”. So far I think I’ve only seen Steve’s to change…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Maybe the color is different for you. But it sounds like you figured it out.

Check bflyjesusgrl, too. I saw some of her comments in the mix.

Valerie Curren

I haven’t recently seen a comment by her, but am looking–thanks 🙂


Be careful. If you follow Aubergine, her icon might be purple.

Valerie Curren

Love it!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OR…I could just shut up so no emails are sent on my account.






Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It wouldn’t actually be a problem, if it weren’t for ISPs like ATT blocking sites like ours.

Valerie Curren

LOL–no way! Yours is one of my favorite voices to read…& Nebraska Filly’s, who apparently still reads the Q-Tree regularly even though her personal voice has been (permanently?) muted around here…


NF is dearly missed and, as you know, has become a successful poster (beyond commenter) over at Marica’s. I suspect that she could comment here if she wanted to let the past go and begin again.

Is anyone ever permanently stained with sin?

Valerie Curren

I love your words but I thought Wolf “permanently” banned her because of his policy to not give fib/ic/dodge reasons to shut us down or something. In recent conversations w/ her I think she’d love to be able to comment here again but that’s obviously Wolf’s call…


That would be a discussion between NF and Wolf.

I just understand that the doctrines of Grace and Redemption might apply, without being excuses for repeated error.

Valerie Curren

Agreed 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As far as I know she’s free to return. She and Andy-something-or-other got into it and both got banned–and not just a one week timeout; I mean BANNED, but Wolf rescinded it.

However, from what little I saw over at Marica’s, she was VERY angry at Wolf for how he handled it, so I doubt we’ll see her here.

Valerie Curren

Andy Corrigan, I think–& good riddance to him (seemed like a troll a bit)…

OK, I’ll mention it to her for Maybe she’ll attempt a comment again here…Thx!


This is such wonderful news. 😊

Valerie Curren

Yes! We are so thankful & Had to share!!!


Thanks be to God that your husband passed his test 🙂 Quit an achievement for your husband and family.

Valerie Curren

Amen, Singing, God has been good to us throughout…but we definitely Feel It in this accomplishment & accompanying blessings <3


Blessings to your family always 🙂

Valerie Curren

Thanks you so much, Singing. God be with You & your family in His grace, peace, strength, provision, & joy too!!!


Thank you 🙂

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂

Barb Meier

Congratulations M and Valerie!!! So very happy for you and your family. God bless you too!! I am mostly familiar with two trucking companies. Not sure which company M wants to drive for. I know of two: Witte Brothers (delivered Christmas wreaths to Arlington Cemetery) and Creech Horse Transportation, both out of Troy, MO. Creech also has branches in Ocala FL and Lexington, KY. Best of luck landing that perfect job and stay safe!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren

Yes, hubby was checking Craig’s List in the Detroit area for trucking jobs & there were 1,200 options. The job search is going to be Very Interesting. We are trusting that the Lord will guide this process too & resolve it “quickly” so we can have income (& insurance) again “soon”. 🙂



Valerie Curren



Great News Valerie ! All the way around  😃 
Now that the schooling and testing part is out of the way.. the stress levels can also go back to normal for awhile.. 😄 
..and everyone can catch up on the sleep  😂 

Valerie Curren

We Really hope so! Thanks for sharing our joy 🙂


Has hopes for this.

Intel Slava Z The President of Poland has arrived in Kyiv. Today Andrzej Duda will address the Verkhovna Rada.

I’m imagining this is Poland’s ploy to step in and separate the forces. If right, I hope they don’t try to make it a double cross and manage to keep the rest of the West wanting such out of it.


I should do a follow up and search for what was said, but I’m off to bed.


Follow up time. Looks not good. Seems the peace talks have morphed into a ploy to put NATO forces into Ukraine to fight for Ukraine.


This was in today’s posts, not sure what it means.
Zelensky is going to grant Poles a special legal status in Ukraine.

He intends to submit the relevant bill to the Rada.

This was reported by the representative of the Verkhovna Rada in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Olga Sovgirya.”


very astute, bakocarl.

the ability to honestly forgive is an act of deep humility…


the direct opposite of pride.

this temporal earthly life we’re given is like bootcamp…

Onward, Christian soldiers…


the race is not for the swift.


Great post, friend. 👍



Valerie Curren

Thank you for this–beautifully said…& haunting!


The Most Important Video on Youtube


The Armour of GOD

we need it.

especially now


One time I sat across the table of my dog sitter at the time. He said something it surprised me and I looked up and for a split second I saw evil. When I saw the image in him it me like a punch in the gut and I could feel it for days. Yes the Lords Prayer is the key.
Thinking back I still see the image and never will forget it. Needless to say I never had him as dog and house sitter again. Funny thing he is respected in the churches in town and a busy body in everything that he sees as important.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

This what REALPotus re-truthed yesterday:

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/21/2022 19:25:47
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108342512673182592

Snazzyburrito / @snazzyburrito 05/17/2022 11:20:47

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108317956335600171

comment image

Edward / @SonOfJmkWalkow 05/17/2022 11:41:03

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108318036036790992Wcomment image

LOVEcomment image TRUMP

we love Truth

@Broooke 05/17/2022 12:10:53

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108318153330662933

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Please take a moment to to go to your Apple store, click on search, Type in Truth, Click on the T and stars, please give Truth a good rating. Many Democrats have gone in and given Truth a low rating.

Donald J. Trump reTruthed…

Last edited 2 years ago by eilert

Not all images show up.
They are about Clinton Foundation posts from Q.
Go to Q, Truths, Tweets and GETTR at QAgg.News to get the rest.

Last edited 2 years ago by eilert
Brave and Free

And obviously it’s now carried over to McStain’s offspring.


Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Psychology of Self-Reliance (remember when that was considered a virtue ?)



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That no doubt left a BIG mark.



Watch these globalists traitors like hawk-eyes:

Here is the Full List of US Attendees to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland (

Daniel Horowitz listed out the Republican attendees at the conference this year.

Jordan Schachtel at Substack listed the US attendees at this year’s WEF Conference.

John F. Kerry and Al Gore will be attending.

Gina Raimondo Secretary of Commerce of USA USA

John F. Kerry Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United States of America

Bill Keating Congressman from Massachusetts (D)

Daniel Meuser Congressman from Pennsylvania (R)

Madeleine Dean Congresswoman from Pennsylvania (D

Ted Lieu Congressman from California (D)

Ann Wagner Congresswoman from Missouri (R)

Christopher A. Coons Senator from Delaware (D)

Darrell Issa Congressman from California (R)

Dean Phillips Congressman from Minnesota (D)

Debra Fischer Senator from Nebraska (R)

Eric Holcomb Governor of Indiana (R)

Gregory W. Meeks Congressman from New York (D)

John W. Hickenlooper Senator from Colorado (D)

Larry Hogan Governor of Maryland (R)

Michael McCaul Congressman from Texas (R)

Pat Toomey Senator from Pennsylvania (R)

Patrick J. Leahy Senator from Vermont (D)

Robert Menendez Senator from New Jersey (D)

Roger F. Wicker Senator from Mississippi (R)

Seth Moulton Congressman from Massachusetts (D)

Sheldon Whitehouse Senator from Rhode Island (D)

Ted Deutch Congressman from Florida (D)

Francis Suarez Mayor of Miami (R)

Al Gore Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001) (D)

And HERE is the full list of attendees to this year’s conference.


Lots of representation from Ukraine.



John 2:15 And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the


and overturned their tables








In some other news, I found the list of people banned from entering Russia, from Anonymous Conservative (not Gab) via Gateway Pundit.

The list is quite interesting, and includes many members of the House and the Senate. A quick check showed that there are quite a few of the attendees listed above that is on that russian black list.

To me that looks like there are some big cracks in the globalists’ structure.

Last edited 2 years ago by slowcreekno
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great find. WEF is at war with Russia and using the US as a proxy.




So – any person or entity associating and/or in relationship with the above, plus thousands more (right, Ivanka?) are the enemies of American citizens based on the principles, goals and operations of WEF. Excluding spies for the good guys, of course.

Got it.

Brave and Free

IIRC wasn’t Darrell Issa Congressman from CA. supposed to be a thorn in the side of the Democrats with his investigations? Then nothing happens and didn’t he drop out of politics? Only to return again now as a Rhino.
Must have been a great payoff or blackmail.


seems like he may have been compromised back during the Benghazi daze…he started to slip then.


Exactly Issa is much like Rooster…all talk, that yields NO Action.


Gop had him run bc a real socialist and muzzie was campaigning hard and gop didnt have anyone. Redrawn district lines too. So he reran and won but is same old typical pol. CA is really in bad shape. Asking for true conservatives at this point is not likely to get good results.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chris Coons, the stealthy subverter of Republicans, clearly working for WEF.


Issa is my rep. Only other option are socialists.


Issa’s best days were when he was manufacturing products to thwart government.

(At one point, his company made radar detectors.)



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Verse of the Day for Sunday, May 22, 2022

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 

Matthew 5:10 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Smiley posted a video above – about wearing our armor and our battle against the devil.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

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😀😆…made me think of this.

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Forwarded from 
Where We Go 1 We Go All

Durham Activated
Sussman trial proving RussiaGate was Fake Slander
Elon Musk going scorched Earth, amplifying said Russia Hoax
Biden follower Audit exposing twitter as a Bot wasteland, raising questions about the 81 Million…
Ratcliffe dropping former Q articles with Major Sauce linking Hillary to the Plan “to Vilify Trump”
Title 42 Protected by Federal Courts
Netflix laying off their “Most Vocal Social Justice Warriors”
Truth Social opening up Country wide, total anon party 🥳
Arch Bishop denying Pelosi Communion
GW Outing His Illegal War in Iraq

Man it is NOT a good time at present for the Deep State 🐸👊🏻
Nows the time to push! Get all your best dirt and pile on!




May 21

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⚡️“Looking for Hardcore Streetfighters, Not White-Shoe Lawyers Like Perkins or Cooley Who Thrive on Corruption” Elon Musk Taking on The Deep State.

This announcement is bookended by Elon Musk’s deal to purchase the Twitter social media platform, a resistant internal company ideological adversary, and a warning from the political left with Business Insider publishing an alleged sexual misconduct story. Indeed, it does appear that Elon Musk is preparing for a war that will likely include the Fourth Branch of Government as an adversary.





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Media is too big


⚡️“I’m quite sure the reason they ran with that story is they were so confident Mrs. Clinton was going to win the election, they thought she’d be elected and then we’d never hear about Trump & Russia again.

It only got revived after the election because Trump won.”







Torching them, good. 🤨👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Note that Business [commie] Insider was used as the knife-bearer. Classic.


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LOL … stock up NOW

Brave and Free

One of life’s hardest lessons to learn, IMO.
Thank you Carl for the reminder.


Amen and amen Karl, beautiful post edifying the saints. Thank you so very much. God bless you as you bless the weary travelers in this precious Q tree forum God’s Holy words strengthen us.
God bless you and your loved ones abundantly, always.

John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, the one who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life

Halleluiah praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow ..


CDC quadruples down on STOOPID.


Here We Go: CDC Recommends Covid-19 Testing in All Domestic Flights Including Vaccinated Travelers – CDC Spokesperson Finally Admits Vaccine Not 100% Effective in Preventing Infection
The CDC urges domestic travelers to consider getting tested for current infection with a viral test, using either a PCR or antigen test, as close to the day of departure as possible and no more than three days before travel, regardless of vaccination status. CDC had only recommended Covid-19 testing to unvaccinated travelers before.

“COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing severe disease and death. However, since vaccines are not 100 percent effective at preventing infection, some people who are up to date can still get COVID-19. People who are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines may feel well and not have symptoms but still can be infected and spread the virus to others,” a CDC spokesperson said in a statement.


Betcha this coming week, CDC will recommend another booster, cuz they are safe AND Effective. (NOT sarc)


Quite astute and correct analysis IMO.


“Republicans”, Pravda news SILENCE…is deafening on this BETRAYAL of Americans

GWP (Emphasis added)

EXCLUSIVE: “Yielding of Sovereignty Is Considered the Crime of High Treason” – Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO
Archbishop Vigano writes:
In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules, including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.

Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that Parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual Nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the Agenda 2030, which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.


Elephant in the room, with increasing deaths is, the Injections.

Pravda News AND Uniparty will NOT raise the Obvious Injection Injury issue.

This death and the injuries will hopefully be added to the ticker that GA/FL posts occasionally.

WE The People remain on our own to learn the truth.

Filter out the SMEAR – USG LIES, Pravada News confirming lies AND Uniparty Betrayal of Americans.


Jabby-jab-jab…. THUD?

[Comments enabled]….

A runner is dead after collapsing at the finish line of the annual Brooklyn Half Marathon Saturday, authorities said. 

The 30-year-old runner, who was not identified, was crossing the finish line and collapsed. FDNY spokesperson Frank Dwyer told The Associated Press the runner was transported to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead.  

Or maybe not.
Let’s dispense with the obvious: Yes, people do die at these events. Not all the time, but it does happen.
The weather was reportedly brutally hot on a comparative basis, and from what I can tell the skies were clear — so add the sun to that, and that’s not a small factor. Six other runners got in trouble and wound up in the hospital at original report but there are multiple reports that the number was much higher.
I’m only half-crazy so I limit my running stupidity to 13.1 miles and have done several of them, with the last being Yellowstone last year and one in front of me in a few weeks. If you didn’t train for it in the heat (and who did given this time of year?) then getting hammered on race day is a not-nice situation. Getting behind the curve with hydration and/or electrolytes can result in serious trouble.

But what’s missing was what were the conditions on the course at the time the runner collapsed? Yes, it was hot later in the day but how about when he was running and had the event? This is a very large event so the starts are staggered, but someone in reasonable (but by no means “competitive” in a field of that size) physical condition will finish a half marathon in somewhere around 2 hours. If you started with the temperature in the lower 60s and when you finished it was in the mid 70s that’s a world apart of starting with it in the upper 70s and finishing when its 90F out in full sun! In point of fact about 2 weeks ago I did a training run for my upcoming half that was over 10 miles and started with 72F temperatures — in full sun, running on a sidewalk with zero tree cover. It was 80ish by the time I finished and while it did suck it wasn’t life-threatening.
Update: There is a comment below that CNN reported he was found collapsed at 9:00 AM, so that means he started with the early groupings, it was in the low-to-mid 70s at the finish when he collapsed and it was not dangerously hot at that time. The media is lying trying to lay this off on the weather alluding to it being smoking hot (which it was later on) at the time. Those media folks running that bull**** should be disassembled for doing so. 60ish is nearly perfect running weather and low to mid 70s, while a bit uncomfortable, aren’t inherently dangerous.

Note that the sponsoring organization, New York Road Runners, required you be jabbed to compete and prove it, which is wild-eyed stupid since all such races happen outdoors. Even if you believe the jabs work and are safe there is zero argument for such a requirement outside of flat coercion and if this guy collapsed and died due to cardiac damage from the jabs the organization should be destroyed with every one of its board members and employees, along with their families, financially and personally ruined.
Who wants to bet on them shaving what should be a mandatory autopsy to find the root cause of this gentleman’s collapse given that if indeed there’s evidence of clotting dysfunction or myocarditis from the jab that left him with an impaired cardiac state you certainly should be able to find it. There’s no means to force public release of course and I suspect his family will be just as interested in not bringing that forward, if in fact that’s what happened, as is Fauci, Biden and the executives from Moderna and Pfizer.
I will say this however, given what we know about the apparent very significant increase in these type of events since the jabs rolled out — but not prior to that, from Covid itself: If you are involved in sustained and serious cardio exercise events, especially events like distance running, and got jabbed (no matter how many times and how young and apparently-healthy you are) you’d be very wise to go have a full cardiac workup done — right now.

I’ll wager that a very significant percentage of the people who took these jabs got some level of cardio-pulmonary damage from them and that you haven’t “noticed” doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Plenty of people have heart attacks with no prior warning so if you think it can’t happen to you…… yes it can.

If you find something you don’t like in that work-up there’s probably nothing you can do about it except to cease participating in those sorts of events. It sucks to have to give up something you love but there’s a price to our actions and this may well be yours.
It sucks worse, I remind you, to be dead


THIS SHOULD extend to ALL who got Injected…

very wise to go have a full cardiac workup done — right now.


An additional 15 individuals were transported to local hospitals from the race, the New York Fire Department told CNN. At least four were in serious condition, the FDNY said.

Apologies for the cnn link. From a NYS news aggregate site.


Sheesh, wonder what the numbers will be at the next full marathon. Pitiful and criminal what has been forced on us.


Well, I am finally on Truth Social.

Aubergine @frznpch

However, since it is only on PC, and I only ever do social media on my phone, I don’t expect to use it much. But at least if somebody here references it, I can see it now.


Yea, also on PC only.

Followed QTreepers I could find, including you. Have not made any posts. Don’t plan to post TS. Occasionally look for items of interest.

So long as MAGA, America first, Save America are strong, I’ll “look in” for information. IF our movement fizzles, turns into another TW or FB, I’ll delete. I expect this to be a long term thing. 🙂


Same here. Lurking only, at least for the time being.


We’ll see what happens.


Just followed you …


Cool. Who are you there?


Try… RedLegLeader @ProfitSouth


Found you, and followed you back.


good read…covers a lot…

A Primer on The WHO, The Treaty, and It’s Plan for Pandemic Preparedness

article link..


 👉  Building a New Pandemic Industry

jmo…this is the moment they’ve been maneuvering toward.

this is it for them.

they are running outa time.

all their contrived elements are in position : WW3 hype/fear, destruction of ALL national sovereignties & borders… and the biggie : another health EMERGENCY crisis.

the perfect Cloward-Piven storm…

…with an added twist…

UFOs, suddenly, too !! (they’re gonna have to explain-away The Rapture of The Church somehow.)


right, Bill ?

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tingle up your leg ?


Awwwwwwww 🤮

Brave and Free

Does that dip shit ever wash his hair? WTF


No. He buys new hair quarterly … must be watching for the third quarter ..

😖🤚 yuk

Last edited 2 years ago by nikkichico7

Thank you for bringing this.
IMO, it appears that much of the framework and details of the WHO “takeover of sovereignty” document has to do with control and compliance regarding the proposed “regulations”, as opposed to discussion / debate among countries, let alone keeping individual country sovereignty.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS




power grab




OSCE is The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

An OSCE satellite phone used by militants was found in the basements of Azovstal.

This was announced by the commander of the Vostok battalion, Khodakovsky.

“All these years, the OSCE has been suspected by us of assisting the enemy. We were sure that their cameras on the contact line were actually transmitting information about our actions to the enemy,” he said.”


Just a quick thought, ..

If anyone here just happens to get/adopt a Siberian Husky puppy, please name it …


.. it’s perfect .. 😜👍❤️

middle name – cyber –


The German general opposed the supply of heavy equipment to Ukraine.

Erich Wade, a former adviser to Merkel, said on the Deutschlandfunk radio station that it was senseless and dangerous.

According to him, in order to learn how to drive a Leopard tank or a Marder BMP, it is necessary to undergo many years of training. In addition, such supplies will only worsen the situation in Ukraine.

“If we don’t want a third world war, sooner or later we will have to abandon military escalation and start negotiations,” Wade explained.”


Germany is ready to discuss the theft of money from the Russian state, but the theft from Russian citizens is not yet.

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said that the “obstacles” to the seizure of assets from individuals are “very significant.”

But Germany is ready to discuss proposals on the confiscation of previously frozen assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, it is still necessary to study “legal issues and consequences” for the international order in the event of the seizure of these assets, the minister noted.”


David Martin cuts to the chase. The entire focus should be prosecution for pre-meditated murder.


David Martin IS 100% CORRECT – prosecute the bastards for pre-meditated murder.

They KNOW they are MURDERING folks with their policies safe and effective Injections, corrupt medical care.

  • The folks KNOW THEY are murdering folks.
  • They Know that we KNOW, they are MURDERING folks.



And who is doing the prosecutions? They are all in on it.


I give up. Who? Suggestions? OK, I’ll spit ball a bit.

  • Yea, NOT Dodge. Big Pharma OWNS Dodge.
  • There must be at least One Red State With INTEGRITY.
  • A governor with back bone to protect its citizens. A Stage AG.
  • Florida? Arizona after Kari IS elected. Oklahoma? Montana? Arkansas? South Dakota?

It’ll only take one state, and followers, will follow.


The problem for Red States is jurisdiction and if they can get through the liability waiver. But my guess is they are protected and no one pays a price. Too many consider pharma the good guys. Unfortunately our little corner of the web is the minority.

Valerie Curren

Thank you Carl for sharing this important & balanced teaching. What an encouraging word! God Bless YOU for your faithful ministry of Truth & Life!!! 


Back to Lake T….there are fish that almost nobody keeps in their tanks, although they are quite common in the lake and feed a large proportion of the Lake’s neighbors. One is the Tanganyikan sardine (not “sardine cichild”), Limnothrissa miodon —

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This is NOT a cichlid, being related to herring, shad, and sardines (both freshwater and salt).

Another is the Tanganyika sprat, Stolothrissa tanganicae — (no photo available).

Together, they are locally known as “kapenta” and provide a great deal of nutrition for those dwelling around the lake —

As with Mediterranean sardines, these can be sold dried, fillets canned in oil, and as part of various fish sauces similar to the Roman garum — .

[Ever note that A1 sauce contains tamarinds and anchovies?]

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

I actually wrote the comment immediately before going to sleep, and looked at it today and wondered why I hadn’t posted it…..that may be why.


Hey, Smiley!

Is this our first yellow X of the season?


looks like it, ugh.

hopefully, if all goes well, I can get up to much higher ground by July.

making a major change…if all goes well.

hope to say bye bye to The Globs of Uncertainty…

if all goes well.

praying all goes well.

I will def miss DeSantis…and the palm trees…and my pals..but south Florida is being destroyed by BIG DEVELOPMENT… and sky-rocketing inflation.

unliveable anymore.

hoping to head up into Amish Country !

if all goes well.  🙏 


Wow, that’ll be an exciting change. If you don’t mind, which state(s)?


Wherever you go, I hope you find peace, joy, beauty and good friends and hope we keep hearing from you!


thank you


I buy the vegan wors. Sauce. It is good enough without the anchovies.


A little more on the preparation of garum, from a 10th Century Byzantine author:

What is called liquamen is thus made: the intestines of fish are thrown into a vessel, and are salted; and small fish, especially atherinae, or small mullets, or maenae, or lycostomi, or any small fish, are all salted in the same manner; and they are seasoned in the sun, and frequently turned; and when they have been seasoned in the heat, the garum is thus taken from them. A small basket of close texture is laid in the vessel filled with the small fish already mentioned, and the garum will flow into the basket; and they take up what has been percolated through the basket, which is called liquamen; and the remainder of the feculence is made into allec.

Note that “feculent” is today in Miriam-Webster as: ” : foul with impurities : fecal “. Feculence is the noun form.

Peasants stirred allec into their porridge to boost protein content. Both separations of fermented fish were full of umami flavoring.


I should note that just now I am finishing off a mug of black tea.

All tea leaves are harvested green. Black tea is essentially partially-composted green tea — as in, they shovel it in a hole and keep it moist until it thoroughly darkens. Then they haul it out and dry it.

There are quite a lot of foods where we have been “educated” to hate the process, but enjoy the result.


The biggest example of this involves meat. “The thought of killing animals makes me nauseous — want to run out and grab a burger?”


Y E S, a BACON, Cheese Burger 🙂

Nothing like a couple pigs getting killed in the yard the evening before a family fiesta. One gets cooked on a spit, all night. The other, a smaller pig is butchered and used in a variety of dishes. (Yes, in the Philippines)

The only sad part, the pigs sensed something was “off”.

Valerie Curren

When we were kids my mom would sometimes serve fried smelt. It had the head & guts removed but we at the flesh, skin, fins, & bones just fine. They were pretty good, to my recollection, with a light coating & fried w/ just salt & pepper to taste 🙂


Think of all the dinner prayers and meal blessings, recognizing that we have been blessed by so much to fill our bellies, nourish our bodies, delight our senses, and inform our souls. Think of the Israelites receiving manna from God’s own Hand.

And, yet, so many foods and methods of preparation are disparaged and banned by secular authorities. If it were not already sufficiently obvious that such were not Rightly Guided, their war on food would be sufficient to indicate their distance from a Righteous Path.

Valerie Curren

Beautifully stated, though I think it’s their war on God, His creation, & His children!


^^^ Planned Failure – Green BS. ^^^

JW in Germany

How do we reach young people that have been brainwashed by The System but are not interested in research on blogs and alternative media? The brainwashing has been done on many different fronts from K-12…universities, advertising, literature, entertainment etc…

I want to focus on one aspect…music/music videos…in particular rap/hip-hop. It may not be our cup of tea, but having a hands-off approach is a large part of the problem that got us where we are today. My parents hated heavy metal as just a bunch noise that you cannot understand. But trust me, my brother and I knew every Satan praising word.

Before I discovered Tom MacDonald thanks to my brother who is an old-school rap fan…I never really cared about the genre. The old school hip-hop morphed from gangster rap to the present establishment brainwashing with getting rich, partying, drugs (Xanax), and big booties.

The information war we are fighting has many fronts…some of them are simply not the typical wheelhouse for the more mature generations. However, we would be foolish and negligent to avoid the battle. Sometimes, you have to go where the enemy is.

Exactly the reason why I think truly independent artist Tom MacDonald is so important. He has discovered big success through Truth telling in his music. That success is contagious triggering a growing number of artists to follow suit…Burden…Chris Webby etc… NFT has been around but is viewed ‘uncool’ by the toughest to reach because has been marginalized as a ‘Christian rapper’.

Tom is a bit more rough around the edges and is not afraid to smack Wokism dead in the choppers. They try to paint him as a culture vulture…a whiteboy with braids and tattoos…which Tom uses as fuel for future projects. Watching his videos in chronological sequence shows the evolution and growth in his art…resulting in growth of followers gaining fans not only of rap…but of all ages and tastes bringing in even 70 year old grandmas and grandpas and metal heads like myself. They even post comments to his videos.

Now rap is somewhat its own language using lots of metaphors and doubles and triples that can be understood in multiple ways. I have never appreciated the complexity of great lyricists in rap. Tom is a gifted poet which works very well for him. Add to it his journey through hardship hitting rock bottom with addiction that nearly killed him about 6 or 7 years ago…he has taken a new path of discovering Truth and punching The System in the chops.

Despite YouTube suppression shenanigans, Tom still manages to get millions of views with every single video he makes. Turns out that controversy draws a crowd…some protesting and others in support.

Also, so-called reaction channels are growing daily…channels that react to mostly music…most of them hosted by Blacks and Hispanics at the beginning…but now all shades are involved…even internationally. Many reacted to Tom because they disagreed with his message. Over a relatively short period of time the hosts have come to be more open minded and even AGREE with Tom on many things. BUILDING BRIDGES so important!

Now several reaction channels with growing followers, largely because of Tom’s success, have decided to take a step outside of music and starting reacting on current events and controversial personalities like Jordan Peterson, Thomas Sowell and much more…WOW!

Chain reactions of seismic proportions! Tom starts conversations…it is not about agreeing with everything he says…he breaks down barriers! Do not underestimate the importance.

Today, I want to share a brilliant reaction by a black woman who is not normally a music video reactor but more like Candace Owens was doing when she was discovered. She goes by Gothix and she reacts to Tom’s latest release called “The System”.

Well worth the 25 minutes.

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany
JW in Germany

Almost forgot, Tom’s work ethic is legendary and inspirational…never takes a break constantly pumping out albums and videos. The scenes in the video The System are all created at home with Tom’s future wife Nova doing all video effects and editing.

His latest album The Brave is a collaboration with Adam Calhoun. Billboard and iTunes have played all tricks possible to suppress the albums rise up the charts to keep it out of the top spot. Same with this video where data was counted 3 days late…yet still made it #3 and #4 in two different genres on Billboard.


h/t Anonymous Conservative:

President Joe Biden recently signed a law mandating that all new vehicles sold after 2026 must be equipped with electronic “kill switches,” to be used by government officials—or hackers—to seize control of one’s car without permission or oversight. You say, well we’ll just disable them. But try to find a DIY video on how to airgap a newer car by tracking down its antenna and disconnecting it.




You can probably skip looking for one on YouTube.


I’d think if you knew where the data goes in and out you could just faraday it. Tinfoil?


One wonders if, say, Brazilian models of the same vehicle would also have such a capability. We could just black-market the one part in from some other country.


Quite likely AND not black-market, as in illegal. Just order it online. Simple “auto” part that will flow with regular packages US Mail, UPS, FedEx or another carrier.

Or so I guess.

Between now and 2026, that law can be trashed. Of course that WILL require a conservative Senate, House and President. OR, super majorities to over ride a veto.

Yea, that will be a tall dream for R-Cons to act perform as conservatives.


Until stomped by the courts, illegal in California.


Reason 2,451,869 to LEAVE CALIFORNIA.

More reasons to leave, created daily.


We’re speculating about something that was recently wished into existence and mandated, so it’s currently impossible to know what will and will not work. If it exists on a network interface with a lot of other useful network traffic, it may possibly be firewalled — you couldn’t Faraday Cage it because it could cut off automated traffic alerts or something.

I can guarantee, however, that a mandate this stupid cannot be implemented by humans in a way other humans cannot circumvent it.

On a slightly related subject, Saturday was a very special meeting of the Bay Area Engine Modelers club, which I attended. Peter ran his model of a Rolls-Royce Merlin engine (Spitfire, Mustang P-51). I have no idea what scale he was using, but the engine is about 22″ long, suspended on its rack He has a “firewall”, gauges, distributors, coolant and fuel tanks, in back of the engine; In front, he has a propeller. It is a V-12 design. One concession to reality is that he used two valves per cylinder instead of four. In addition, there was no CNC used in the construction of this model — Peter gets enough of that in his day job. He has been working on this for TWELVE YEARS.

It has pumped oil lubrication and pumped fluid cooling — both of which, in alignment with its British heritage, currently leak like sieves. The vanes for the superchargers are currently not installed, as they weren’t used until a certain altitude which this model is unlikely to visit under power. He hand-built 14 tiny spark plugs about one inch long. Made his own crankshaft, made his own camshafts.

One of his last improvements was to lap the valves and valve seats using toothpaste, which involved several changes to the valves. He believes that there are something like 700 screws in the thing, based on the last time he counted.

He got it started, and it ran smooth. Spurting fluids in all directions, and with all the peculiarities involved, it ran smooth. The club was applauding and cheering for 15 minutes after he shut it off.

This shutoff mandate is a bunch of paranoid control-crazy globalist assholes who’d likely need an instruction book to change a lightbulb. When it gets out into the real world of hobbyists who will work twelve years on a historically meaningful toy model, they are going to have a helluva time keeping it running.


THIS WILL remain a HIDDEN problem UNTIL powerful voices SOUND THE ALARM.

Trump IS my nomination. Line up Kory, McCullough, Gold, Simon,…another dozen we commonly hear from AND RESPECT. Make it a day or two event. Broadcast RSBN, OAN, TS…YT until it is booted.

Have ALL of the data available. SIMPLE uncluttered charts.

  • Major Life insurance company data. Deaths before 2020 Vs death since Injections became available ~January 2021.
  • Deaths, National, by State.
  • Athletes…
  • Children…
  • THEN same breakouts to show Injection injuries

No one else can shake things up.

Yea, I do NOT want to hear they’ll crucify Trump. He was the President, NOT one of the scientists creating AND vouching for the Injections.

Honesty. Transparency.


5/21/22 – Update – now 1024 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 666 Dead, After COVID Shot


The heat conditions appear to be about the same. 88 by noon, but the race was run in the morning. Big difference is that was a full marathon and the NY one was a half marathon.

The athlete issue is mostly with soccer players and a small amount of basket ball players and others engaged in a continuous speed up slow down type events. Running is not like that and uses a different energy cycle. Some one several months back posted a good article on that explaining why we are seeing the heart trouble mostly in soccer players.

IMO the marathon stuff is still too anecdotal to make a judgement with. More data needed. Maybe we should encourage our vaxxx’d friends to go out and run more. 🤪

Side story. Anecdotal as well. Pre pandemic, there were, at their height, about 500 plus bike riders that would pass by my house doing a week end ride. The lock down brought it to a stop, but when it was lifted they started to ride again but at about half those numbers. Since then those numbers have kept dropping and now at best it’s about 30 to 50 riders.


I put a lot of weight in your anecdotal report – it’s very telling – unless some kind of rerouting was done due to construction, regulations, traffic changes, etc.


That would mean a hair over a 65% death rate for the numbers given above.


SSA shorting widows of their benefits.

Shorting Seniors | Full Measure


Karl is annoyed at another pervasive issue — you paid good money for something, now throw it away:

And I can’t help thinking of Deut 14:21……

Maybe we can ship it to the Texas border and get our formula back….

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Return the food to the store it was purchased.


So this is about the Salmonella contamination of Jiff products.

First I heard about this is when COSTCO called yesterday to inform me I had bought the product and to bring it in for a refund. Since then I went to a web site to see if the product lot numbers matched. They didn’t seem to. Note though they are recalling appox 50 of their products. LIke COSTCO other grocery operations will likely refund the product but the market ticker guy is right as the web site says to throw it away. Don’t. Take it in for a refund. You will likely get it.

When I did work a grocery store it was during the Obama years as well as the Trump years. Product recalls were about 10 to 20 a week during the Obama years. During the Trump years product recalls were about 1 to 2 a week. Personally always felt that the product inspectors were engaged in some sort of shake down with the companies issuing the recalls. But I don’t know that for sure.

Another issue is all the immigrants that are working at these food processing plants. Not sure that’s what is happening with Jiff but I’d bet they jumped on that train. So no mercy there, though I love Jiff peanut butter.

Last issue. Concerning the Monkey Pox and someone posting about reversitol being a possible aide in fighting off the pox and that peanut butter is one of the top foods sources where reversitol can be obtained from. The last part checks. The first part about it being able to fight off the Pox I have no idea, but the Cabal did the same with HCQ and latter IVM. Wouldn’t surprise me if they would want to do the same again especially if the pox is really on the way but we don’t know that yet.

Anyway I’m keeping my peanut butter because it’s my dinner every other day and I have six month supply. 😁

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Return the product to store it was purchased. They’ll refund the purchase price.


Also sticking with. Weekly IVM. Daily multi vitamin, quecertin, zinc, Super B, C, D , E, and Melatonin.

  • IF Monkey Pox arrives, add HCQ, increase IVM, zinc, green tea and prolly others.

As GA/FL has posted a few times recently, Monkey Pox IS A Virus.

Malone suggested most of the Monkey Pox BS in Pravda News IS FEAR PORN.


I bought some the other day and checked the numbers this afternoon. They are the recalled lots. My SIL too.
I’m taking them back tomorrow




Taking them back is the best thing. The other alternative is to send them to me, but it’s not a good idea to send my address in the open. 🙃


Same here – Costco called and sent an email. I checked and they were in the recall, we had not used any yet. Unlike Karl, Costco says to trash them, bring receipt and get refund. Costco keeps your receipt under your account on-line for two years, so you can access it there.

We also purchased recalled Jif snack packs from Kroger last week. Taking them back unopened for a refund. .



#2 – Biden was siding with pro-groomer/pro-indoctrination Teachers Union and National School Board

BONUS – Joe Rogan and guest talk about ‘groomer teachers’ and the weirdos who go on Tic-Tock and say they are proud to push perversion on kids.

Twenty-two States have cancelled membership in the National School Board over the groomer issue.

Disney is going broke over the groomer issue.

MILLIONS of parents are homeschooling – because they do not want their kids in the government’s groomer schools!!!


I wish people would quote movie lines accurately.

The line is: “Can’t stop the signal, Mal.” Delivered by Mister Universe to Capt. Malcolm Reynolds in the movie Serenity.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’re not quoting so much as reminding or alluding.

If he had said “Can’t stop the signal, Mal” he’d probably have been bombarded by non-Firefly people wanting to know who or what Mal was.

This way, he makes his point even to people who don’t recognize the referent.


Like me. 🙂


Me, too.


The following email showed up for Yours Truly this afternoon, from the local vet’s office (bolding is mine):

“Important — Schedule Changes at XXXXX Animal Hospital”
“Effective immediately and until further notice, we have made the following schedule changes in order to help care for our hospital team:
“1. We will be closed on Saturdays. If your pet has an emergency, please contact:
(here follows the names and phone numbers of three area emergency vet clinics)
“2. On Monday – Friday between 7 – 8AM, we will only be open for pets being dropped off for surgery and other drop-off services. The phones will be off till 8AM, and we will not have a doctor available during this hour. Upon arrival from 7 – 8AM, please do NOT call, but please come into the lobby.
“We appreciate your understanding as we continue to navigate the widespread staffing struggles within the veterinary industry.”

This local vet clinic was one of the few in the area that was open on Saturdays from 8AM until Noon. Now that’s gone. There’ve been other changes to their operations in the past few months — for example, there’s no longer a boarding / hospital kennel attendant on site during the overnights or on the weekends, except for an attendant who comes in to feed and give medication to boarding / hospital pets. There also seems to be a lot of “new staff”, and a couple of the vets have “retired” early.
One wonders if “in order to help care for our hospital team” means that many of the clinic’s staff are out sick with illnesses induced by the “vaccinations” that they were required to get; and/or the staff has demanded, and got, extra (paid) time off.

While one is NOT “extrapolating” the situation with this particular vet clinic into either all vet clinics, OR into the availability of medical care for humans — one can posit that the “human medical care industry” is having “staffing struggles” of its own.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

100% the human medical IS strapped for docs, nurses, technicians, supply / logistics, equipment maintenance, physical plant maintenance, kitchen & cafeteria, HR…

^^^ THINKING folks damn sure don’t want the Injection.

  • Not trying to be offensive to folks that got the Injection for whatever reason.
  • Folks getting jobs in other industries, retiring or some other option.

Right on. Yours Truly prays daily that the only visit she has to make to a hospital is for the polyp removal surgery in mid-July.

About the vet clinic situation: Pets are like family. To many people, their pets are really the only companions they have.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Yes. On my, our minds also. With YA in prayer for all goes well.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My dentist has one hygienist working. As a consequence, she’s booked absolutely neutronium-solid for the next six months.

They want another one. They can’t find one.


Yup. We booked in October.

Had cancelled, walked out on a couple appointments when masks were required to be in the office and walk to the hygienist room. Stoopid was strong.


Most of us who are college graduates are familiar with the constant push to join alumni associations and “give back” to schools. From what I gather, this can be particularly intense if you have a medical degree. My dentist has been hit up pretty hard, and is now down to the point where licensed dentists are doing teeth cleanings.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My school nickel and dimed me so much when I was there I swore they’d not get a cent from me.

I’ve kept that promise.


Uh, Alex. Daily double, All In. What IS the, DOJ AND FBI ARE chalk full of corrupt leftists.


I never knew about this but my God, this gender perversion that they’re force feeding on kids is demonic. The full story and reason this person committed suicide is here

Health Check: The boy who was raised a girl – BBC News


Deranged evil people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Linda

Prolly funded by FauXi – CDC – NIH.


I got to do a good deed today. I had purchased the chickie-bab I intended for dinner, and walked out to my car to throw it in. Since I normally park in the Curmudgeon Section of parking lots, I passed a bunch of cars and people to get out there. One of them was fiddling around with one of those new jumpstart whatzits — smaller that a carton of cigarettes and supposed to jump a car.

I put my stuff in my car and walked back. I told the guy that I had time to hang out until he got his car started, and I was telling him this to dissuade him from thinking I was a stalker or something. Oh, and BTW — I have a pair of jumper cables in my car.

His widget had a little box the size of a couple of sticks of butter with two 18″ cables coming out to clamps — one red and one white. Then it had a little connector on the other side and some indicator lights. His larger box had all sorts of things written on it and a bunch of connectors. It had a flashlight, and a compass, a couple of charging options, what looked like an HDMI output…..

So he tried assembling it and putting it on his car, but it started beeping when the two pieces were put together. I noted that it might want the cable connectors in place before putting the actual power widget on. He tried that and it also beeped when the cables were attached to his battery but it wasn’t attached to the big box. He looked for microscopic instructions on either piece, but whenever he did anything, it beeped. At one point, it said that it had 95% charge……and beeped.

Several minutes had gone by. I was pretty relaxed, but I could see his frustration build. I reminded him, “I have a set of ANALOG jumper cables in my car. They’re guaranteed not to beep.”

So I pulled my car over facing his car with our batteries right across from each other, had him help lift the folding tables off my rear deck so I could grab the jumpers. I assured him that this should be “foolproof” for most definitions of “fool”. We connected everything — I reminded him that it was safest to connect the black terminal to any random shiny screw on the frame or block than to the battery, then we both had trouble finding one (his later model VW tried to hide everything under plastic shields; all the “shiny screws” on my older model Honda were filthy).

Turned his key, and *ta-dah*! Pulled it all apart and I threw things in the back on top of the tables. Came back around, shut the hoods…..and he said that he was lacking in cash but could buy me some food or something (we were in front of a supermarket).

I was so startled that I botched my line. What I should have said was, “You have already given me the opportunity to help someone out today, to do a good deed….I’m going to be smiling the rest of the day. I don’t need anything more, but maybe you can be as lucky and feel as good tomorrow.”

What I did say was, “Just drive carefully and get yourself home safe.” And we shook hands.

As a side note, he spoke excellent and idiomatic English, but his vowel sounds were a little off to be a native speaker. I’d guess a very good education in eastern Europe and a few years in the states. He was probably nervous, being that I looked like a bum and was driving an antique automobile.

I wish that I had given the better answer…..but I do hope he got safely home.


Love the story. You are a good guy and yes giving feels real good 🙂


The clamps were red and black….not red and white.


Incidentally, I love Chik-fil-A’s official response to “Thank You”. Employees there are aggressively trained to respond, “it is MY pleasure.”

I’m sure they get their share of surly teenage employees who think this is the worst corporate slogan ever and take fifty corrections to even say the right thing. To be fair, the kids probably have do deal with hundreds of insincere utterances of “thank you” from customers every day.

Then, one day, they’ll get an unusual request — “I’m in your drive-through line with four kids and they say they need a restroom”. And you’ll sneak ’em in the back door while mom works her way through the line. And mom will park in a space past the window while her little ones get back in the van, and she’ll say “THANK YOU”…..and the C-F-A employee will realize how much their help had meant to someone struggling.

They get a paycheck either way. They could work at any other fast-food place and just grunt. Or they could say, “it is MY pleasure”, and realize that it is true, maybe for the first time — but probably not the last.

All the happy people coming to C-F-A want something beyond a surly teenager slingin’ slop. That’s why there’s long queues inside and out. The customers, who in older days were always right, want something — when they get it, they say “thank you”, and every customer-facing C-F-A employee should feel proud and happy about this.

There is a callback to

at 7:41 — “Give us a chance, so that we can discover, the most valuable ways to serve one another.”


I’d rather hire someone with two years at C-F-A than a degree from Yale.

A successful business will strive to continually delight its customers.