Dear KAG: 20220524 Open Thread

Cover Image: Summer Vinyard by Nanette Biers.

Popping back in to do the dailies.

Where to start. Let’s see….

Some clean-up from last week:

Yeah, here’s the thing about that…bishops have to resign. Cordileone could be pulled into the Vatican for a different job, but he can’t just be removed.

As for the timing of the whole Pelosi-Holy Eucharist episode (which Pelosi ignored as expected, thus putting her in real danger of being excommunicated which will be played as a political move even if it’s really a pastorally corrective measure), Archbishop Cordileone explains:

“With all that’s going on right now – with Dobbs v. Jackson and the leaked opinion [suggesting] that Roe could be overturned – why make this decision now?” Gloria Purvis asked Cordileone in an interview for America, the magazine of the Jesuits of the United States.

“The leaked decision and the Dobbs case really have nothing to do with the timing of it,” the archbishop responded Friday.

He noted that Pelosi had spoken with him “a couple of times” over the years, but he lamented, “more recently, her advocacy for codifying the Roe decision into federal law—it’s becoming more and more extreme and more and more aggressive.”

“I’ve been trying to speak with her about this,” Cordileone added in the America interview. “I’ve been debating this within my own conscience for many years, actually. So this is not something that has just come up recently. I’ve been discerning this.”

That was reported on American Thinker over the weekend as well.

And…Archbishop Vigano chimed in on the World Health Organization treaty thing:

In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules, including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations, and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.

Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the “Agenda 2030,” which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.

Oh, my.

Truthfully, the treaty probably doesn’t do that, but the people in positions of power will pretend that it does.

So, Revolver published a fairly long piece which is completely worth the read (okay, it’s pretty important) when it comes to how the left is weaving the disinformation narrative. It covers a lot of the lies and incest when it comes to that, but in truth, one of the more interesting aspects of it is in the financing realm.

In this piece we see reference to the same narratives, election integrity and Covid skepticism, that DiResta previously lumped in with ISIS and terrorism, perpetrated by vaguely defined alleged malefactors like “QAnon boosters” (whatever that is) and, Heaven forfend, “pro-Trump influencers.” DiResta backs up her shocking claim, that misinformation is essentially a right-wing problem, with a Harvard study. Without wasting too much of our time on it, we dug up the specific Harvard study DiResta references.

Immediately we note that the Harvard study DiResta cites in support of her remarkable claim that misinformation is exclusively a right-wing problem is funded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, among other similar “philanthropic” organizations. 

ALWAYS follow the money.

Breitbart did that, and….

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Poured Millions into Dark Money Fund Attacking Elon Musk

Research exclusively shared with Breitbart News identifies hundreds of millions of dollars flowing from Bill Gates’ foundation to 11 of the 26 organizations that signed an open letter last month urging Twitter advertisers to boycott the company if Elon Musk restores free speech on the platform.

Breitbart News’ report, based on research and analysis from the newly-formed Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), analyzed public filings to trace hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions from the letter signatories back to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In total, 11 of the 26 anti-Musk organizations received funding from a Gates-backed entity.

The New Venture Fund, which in 2020 received the largest one-year commitment the Gates Foundation had made in more than half a decade, funds four of the signatories:

Two other signatories are tied to Gates Foundation money:

The open letter’s connection to the billionaire Microsoft founder is significant, as Gates is in the middle of a public feud with free speech advocate Musk. Last month, Gates revealed his $500 million short position against Musk-owned Tesla, prompting Musk to call Gates a “b*ner” killer alongside a meme of Gates as a pregnant man emoji.

Meanwhile, in Davos:

Multiple reports claim that the event is poorly attended. Why is a matter of speculation.

How’s this for a headline?

Sussmann Trial Week 2: It Was Hillary, In the Back Room, With the Chardonnay Bottle

The bottle was more likely Bourbon, or Scotch, but, yes,

Does anyone remember a perfect score like this at Rotten Tomatoes?

This weekend’s collection.

Mmm…. My cursive is prettier than that.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.



1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. 2And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; 3and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; 4he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.” 5And he who sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

PSALMS 95:1-7

1O come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! 2Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! 3For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. 4In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. 5The sea is his, for he made it; for his hands formed the dry land. 6O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! 7For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. O that today you would hearken to his voice!

JOHN 10:22-30

22It was the feast of the Dedication at Jerusalem; 23it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the portico of Solomon. 24So the Jews gathered round him and said to him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” 25Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness to me; 26but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. 27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; 28and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand. 29My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. 30I and the Father are one.”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Hi there. Nice to see you again.  😀 



A DePat visitation!!!!


How are you doing DePat? Did things get better over the weekend?

Barb Meier

I’m happy you are back and it is a great post today. Thanks DePat!!! To survive the Obama years, I cannot count the number of times I had to tell myself: “stay straight and steady.” These are very hard times. A little more action a decade ago and better law enforcement might have side-stepped so many evil things.


Speaking of “Woke Consultants Helping Your Business Go Broke” (the JP Sears video), someone woke at State Farm Insurance decided that donating transgender books for kindergarteners in Florida (GWP) would be a good idea.

Auto insurance company State Farm has partnered with the “GenderCool Project” to supply transgender books for students as young as kindergarten to schools in Florida.

An email from the company to their Florida agents was given to the nonprofit organization Consumers’ Research by a whistleblower.

“This gross and blatant attempt to indoctrinate our children by @StateFarm is shameless and consumers should be aware a company founded on family values is now encouraging five-year-old children to question their gender.

And we have the receipts.

— Will Hild (@WillHild) May 23, 2022

“The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children age 5+,” the email said.

Will Hide:


’s goal was to have “550 agents and employees” nationwide donate a 3-book bundle about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary to their “local teacher, community center or library of their choice.”

We’ve obtained screenshots of the books and…it’s bad.

There are other tweets with pages from the books, and then this one:

Think that was the end of it? Sadly, no — the @StateFarm

promoted book encourages 5-year-old children to question their own gender identity and to reconsider their pronouns.


Here’s the State Farm contact page:

I had to pare down the diatribe I wrote to 500 characters, about a paragraph’s worth.


State farm, like many 9ld school companies, is riding on the fumes of its origin and original mission statement, bc ceos and boards are made up of people who care about themselves 1st and the business of business in a social way 2nd. The whole idea of responsibility to the company is foreign.


State Farm is no longer supporting GenderCool Project. Customers complained. 💲💲💲

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like they, erm, bought the farm…

Their words for the day should be “discernment” and “fiduciary responsibility”, not “woke” and “non-binary”.

They need to stew a bit in the juices of their idocy and short-sightedness. Wonder who on their board or in their (mic)management structure put them up to this?


Excellent! The people have spoken and made a difference, again. That article says it was a “a mid-to-lower level employee” who made the decision. They try to infiltrate everywhere, and we have to stop them.

Barb Meier

If the decider was not “a mid-to-lower level employee” before, they are now.


Jonathan Martin:

The rupture is complete

Pence tells me he’s open to running v Trump in ‘24 – will go “where we’re called” – and heads goes to Ga today to join ranks against Trump’s vengeance tour

Trump spox says Pence is “desperate to chase his lost relevance”

Pence has been targeting Trump over what many Repubs believe are the former prez’s worse impulses:

1/6 (speeches hitting Trump by name)

Charlottesville (Pence went to Heyer memorial)

The ‘22 vengeance tour (today in Ga)


Speaking explicitly about his role on 1/6, Pence told me

“I have been very moved traveling around the country how much people have made a point to express appreciation, it has been very humbling to me.”

🤢 He doesn’t mention that those are Dems and RINOs.


GWP: Never-Trump Leader Opens Rally for Brian Kemp and Turncoat Mike Pence in Georgia — With Only a Couple Hundred Supporters in the Crowd

It should not be a surprise that Never-Trump leader Erick Erickson opened the rally for Kemp and Pence.

Erickson vowed to not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and vote for Democrats instead.

At the rally,

There were only men spotted in the crowd of a couple hundred.

There has to be big money behind Pence, Kemp, Erickson, etc. They have to know they don’t have the support of the people.


Does this finally put to an end that Pence was actually doing Trump’s bidding during the collapse of his presidency? That the military was clandestinely working through Pence to take control and to keep the country safe? Or are people going to say Pence is actually out working against Trump to bring down the never-Trumpers? I get confused about the subterfuge.

Same crap as Sessions, Barr, Turtle, McCarthy, etc. etc. They hated Trump, just like Mattis, McMaster, Kelly and most of his appointed cabinet. Most GOP Senators were happy to confirm his picks because they knew the picks would undermine him.


Couple of months before the 2020 election I do not remember his name but someone was put in charge of the military and he thanked Pence publicly for helping through a difficult period. I thought it to be strange and wondered. I never trusted Pence but I am in good company with that.

Remember also it was Pence who helped staff the WH always wondered if he put his people in.
Pence also had traitors working for him a female doctor and an FBI informant or what it his staffs wife?
Pence double crossed Trump just as Chris Christie did. It was he who recommend Pence.
I think what we are seeing the establishment never accepted Trump envious of him that he did not come through the ranks.
I have some others in mind not saying waiting for that clue but my instincts are hinting another faker.
To much money to be gained to much $$$ after leaving WH. Trump is the only one loosing money while serving and afterwards. Trump is being respected by me more and more other people can have those normal two faced fakers.
Three Presidents I respect JFK, Reagan and Trump the rest everyone can have .

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

The man thanking Pence was Christopher Miller. He was the acting Sec. of Defense from Nov. 9, 2020 to Jan. 2021.

My personal take on his thanking Pence for working through a “difficult time” was just hyperbole for the difficulty of the period of Trump’s loss and the aftermath. But I could be wrong.

I don’t believe Pence is a good guy. I think he is a religious fanatic, and a slimy politician. But that’s just my opinion.


Trump had not lost at the time when Miller thanked Pence.
Thank you for remembering his name.
Yes Pence is way off I do not believe he is a religious fanatic he in my opinion he is using his faith for his own gain. I have been around fanatics in a good way they take their faith to the extreme. Pence is a show man of his faith trying to convince others how faithful he is.
True people of faith do not have to go into overdrive they just are ” and we know them by their deeds”.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think Pence is a flaming hypocrite, one who is a good enough counterfeit to fool most, if not all of us, and, sadly, we Christians fell for it.

Looking back, even among my most conservative friends, I have never seen someone say they would not go to lunch where there was a woman, without their wife being present.

That right there was too good to be true. And his rotten fruit(s) have betrayed his disloyalty, dishonesty, and treachery. He didn’t cheat on his wife, as far as we can see, rather he cheated on his friends and colleagues, and on his word and his country.

His word is worth nothing to me now. Just wish I’d seen it earler, though that wouldn’t have helped, probably. Knowing the DC Swamp, it’s not knee-deep in alligators, but eye-level deep in alligators and snakes (if not deeper).

And there’s no worse nor more damaging “testimony” than that of a hypocrite. “Twice as fit for Hell”… (like the song “Alas For You” from “Godspell”)…..

Here it is, kind of odd staging (been a LOOONG time since I saw it). Scribes and Pharisees, indeed…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Actually, Trump HAD lost when Miller thanked Pence. It happened in December of 2020, after the election:

I agree with you about knowing them by their deeds.


Thank you I was wrong as I am often 🙂
You have a good memory 🙂


No, I have a terrible memory, and great search-engine skills! Lol! I looked it up!


Good skills are golden ;0


Pence wears his religion, just as Mittens does.


A pastor told me one time “God help us from the Angels in the church”. He must saying” they create most of the problems”.
My husband reminded me “that the money changers in the temple were religious also so were the Pharisees”.
In another way I should not question anothers faith . Faith is between them and their God.
That is at time hard to do specially when it is so in the face.


I think he hides behind the religious veneer. He wears it like a “beard” to hide something in his closet.

Last edited 2 years ago by CMinTN

Entirely possible.


I never thought that Sessions hated Trump.


The people want to run him out of town on a rail.




I think we should turn the rail into a post and hang his ass from it.

Barb Meier

Without Trump, Pence’s political future was non-existent. Same today as yesterday.



schmuck noun

\ ˈshmək   \
plural schmucks
Definition of schmuck
: a stupid, foolish, or unlikeable person : JERK sense 1b

Synonyms for schmuckSynonyms

Do not be the poor schmuck who runs out of gas and is stranded when a natural disaster is about to hit.
— Ryan Carlyle
… his realization that he’s … like the rest of us, just an average schmuck who makes mistakes and tries to fix them.
— Maureen Ryan
… cursing under your breath as some other schmuck wins all the Bingo prizes …
… the phenomenon known as road rage, in which aggressive schmucks attack other people who get in the way of their four-by-fours.
— Stanley Bing
In the very early days, we used to do all sorts of stuff that no one would have suspected of us, so that when we did get to the level of “The Ed Sullivan Show,” we were real and not just some little schmucks from out of town.
— Paul McCartney

I’m being polite … 🤨


Just putting it out there for any Repuke spies monitoring our opinions here:


Make him the nominee, and you lose my vote. Period.


Me too 🙂


Pence is a traitor in the literal sense. He allowed the theft of the election to stand when he had the power to do something. “Never Pence” is not just a slogan.


Agree, 100%.


And justified it by saying that his role was a mere formality.

IOW, a ceremonial position enshrined in the shortest constitution ever written after we had just fought a war for our independence to get away from a ceremonial system of rubber-stamping the boss’s desires.

What a piece of shit he is. If God didn’t love him, he’d have nobody.

Cuppa Covfefe

So Pence wants to go where he’s called (yet more hypocrisy)…

Hey, Pence, Satan on Line 2…..


… pick up any white courtesy telephone.


Both 1/6 and Charlottesville were FBI False Flag OPERATIONS.

Barb Meier



On yesterday’s thread, B’fly was noting that it’s my own paranoia that constrains my view of things. If I’d just let twitter and google search through my underwear several times a minute, I could read all the tweets and see all the pics and videos that everyone else does.

So, I recently went into an AT&T store to ask some questions about paperless billing options. I had to wait until their most technical guy was available. First, I apologized for being a bit of a Luddite….

Then we went through how it’s supposed to work in excruciating detail. “You get an email saying it’s available.” “Is that to my AT&T email address, which I never use? Can it be to any given address? Is it always in the same format? Are any other emails sent to this address?”

“There is a button with a link to your most recent statement.” “Is it always the same button, in the same place?”

Thinking about how so many things look like:

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    <p>Hi there. Nice to see you again. <span class="ql-emojiblot" data-name="grinning"><span contenteditable="false"><span class="wpd-content-em wpdem-grinning"> 😀 </span></span></span></p>

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…..when you try to work with them.

Told him that my intent would be to devote a specific computer to downloading and archiving these invoices. That I was concerned that they’d effectively be in cleartext except for being on https: . The intended computer would be a Raspberry Pi, and briefly sauntered into the various uses of Raspberry Pi computers for secure setups…..including a little sojourn into Kali on the Pi — and a story about when I was trying out the “map the signals in your local neighborhood” function on my kitchen counter and it kept telling me there was a strong LG signal…..which was odd because it was right above my LG dishwasher, and I was scratching my head about why my dishwasher might be trying to “phone home”…..until I realized that it was a Roberto day, and went out to the hedge and yelled, “QUE TIPO DE CELLPHONE TIENE USTED?” (it was an LG).

Cybersecurity is a complex issue, and no matter how bad you think it is — it’s worse.


Having you explain anything cyber is a punishment for sins far worse than any I’ve committed. Just saying.


Good thing you have a scroll wheel to save you.


What was it that I missed, while scrolling? /s


Nothing important, I’m sure.


To the contrary, I am SURE.

All too often, slow guy isn’t smart enough, to follow the bouncing ball. Assuming I even saw the ball. 🙂


Valerie Curren

Though I personally didn’t understand the technical stuff you shared, I Am thankful that you are documenting such things for those who can speak & read such material. That seems pretty important from my ignorant view 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wait until I give it a go.

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Worse, he left out all the psuedo-dynamic code for ads, like buttons, farcebork, versioning, device recognition, and all the rest 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

For the record, I said nothing about paranoia. I merely asked if the reason you can’t see tweets is by your own choice via computer configuration.


No worries.

But there is a causation thing where paranoia -> computer configuration; Computer configuration + Tweets configuration -> can’t see Tweets.

Twitter could easily make it so that the things I have configured wouldn’t matter, but they instead insist that I configure my computer in what I consider unsafe ways.

Valerie Curren

accidentally unsafe surely/s

Cuppa Covfefe


Because just one noia is NEVER ENOUGH… 😀


Regarding the cursive thing…..

First, my own cursive looks like I may be having a seizure. My mom’s, by comparison, is perfect.

Second, I had thought that driving a stick might make me immune from carjackings. Then I realized that it would probably be better if it failed after the carjacker had moved some significant distance, because once he recognized how little he knew about driving stick, he might pop out and shoot me in frustration…..since he’d still be RIGHT THERE.


Nah, the perp can NOT shoot you. You live in Gun Control CA ! DUH! /s

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s what happens when HELL-the-BEAST drives a stick 😀

comment image



Trump posting on Truth about Dr. Deborah Birx … She had few dresses, many scarves, and no “class.” I said, You’re Fired!



Keep a wary eye out for any unusual man interest in your scarves.

comment image


Bwahahahahaha … 😎👍


Fish stuff…..


More fish —


Back in the day, one of the great mysteries was how to breed N. mustax. Here’s an up-close and personal report —


For Kalbo’s consideration…..


Hmmm. Yea, no fricken way OR, NY, CA, NJ. But they missed IL, WA, and NV. 🙂

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if any of you saw info about tornado damage in Gaylord, Michigan the other day. Some damage happened about 1/2 mile from our first house, at the Family History Center at the local Mormon church, where I would occasionally do genealogical research.

My parents’ Cottage is less than 10 miles from where most of the damage was, at least based on pictures we’d seen of known businesses. The power was out in that mostly vacation community but is now restored, as far as we know. Who knows how long clean-up & repair might need in the aftermath of the storm damage.

My husband & I lived in The Cottage for 1 1/2 years after moving to MI from OK around our 6 month anniversary. It’s possible that we might celebrate our 30th anniversary Up North, while staying after this holiday weekend at The Cottage. Our son, the only family member Born in the local hospital though many from my grandparents’ generation in our family died there, had his height put on the wall at 1 day old. We have 4 generations of height changes on the door jambs, 4 different surfaces, between the dining & living room.

When we first moved to The Cottage in the early 90’s we had to get the telephone service re-connected & it took more than a month for they literally had to come & string a phone wire from the pole to our dwelling again. During the years of my grandparent’s lives the phone number at The Cottage was just a couple digits different than my grandma’s sister. There was some type of Major Party Line, that involved different ringing patterns for different residences so that multiple households could pick up the line & listen in on other family’s conversations. I guess everyone had the various rings memorized so they Knew which place was being called. Nothing could be concealed from the extended family clan, related to both my grandparents, who ended up being part of that Summer Cottage community for many decades…

My dad & his sister spent Every Summer of their childhood & youth at The Cottage, which then had not been winterized, with my grandma, Grandpa staying in Detroit to run his gas station. They went North for the Memorial Day Weekend, just after school let out & returned after Labor Day Weekend, in time for school to begin again.

Grandma’s sister, my Great Aunt Bernice, & her son & daughter, also spent Summers at their nearby cottage in a different “resort” community on Otsego Lake. These cousins, nearby friends & then kids who lived in Gaylord year round & some Summer people in a community about a mile North used to live an idyllic summer life. Cookouts, sleep overs on the beach, bonfires, various parties & social gatherings, boating, water skiing, fishing, swimming, exploring, beach combing, picking berries, trading work on the local ski resort (was Sylvan Knob now Treetops) for free horseback riding & so much more!

Boy I wish my summers went like that as a kid! Should the Cottage end being able to stay in the family after my parents head on to their rewards I would hope to host the grandkids for extended Summer stays so that the love of simpler living can be instilled in another generation. Our kids had So Much Fun with their cousins growing up w/ the 3 major Summer holidays Up North. They got used to the slower pace, old school games, campfires, singing, roasting marshmallows, & lots of beach time, especially when old enough to not have to be watched extensively by life-guarding parents.

We have old puzzles, kids books, vintage games no one’s heard of but love to play when there, an old Nintendo game system that gets some hilarious use w/ ridiculous Contra, Football, & Dr. Mario games that engage multi-generations in play time–my brothers & now the kids recall the cheat codes for unlimited lives in Contra! Some kids bring guitars &/or ukuleles & there’s a keyboard that Mom & some of the girls play, singing original creations, silly stuff, & praise & worship songs.

There are old photo albums, formerly slide shows put on by my world-travelling mountaineer & naturalist aunt, & some old cheesy movies recalled fondly by multiple generations. Josiah’s insane autistic stories have become legendary on the “sleeping porch” & days & nights are overflowing with laughter, love, & sometimes frustration. We’ve initiated some ad libbing games in recent trips that have people laughing so hard they practically fall out of their chairs.

I obtained some star charts & guides for viewing the night skies & on clear nights you can see the Milky Way & so many constellations that we city dwellers can almost never see. Sometimes we see the Northern Lights, usually just white or green, though I recall being carried out on my dad’s shoulders to see the multi-colored ones just once! There are binoculars & old bird books to aid in identifying our feathered friends. Hanging laundry on the clothesline & picking lilacs can be highlights for me…& my husband’s steaks & smoked ribs are to die for, we even sometimes share with the neighbors!

I guess I’m looking forward to returning to the Cottage in a few days, a place that’s figured significantly in the lives of 4 generations of my family. With my niece’s daughter to be on this trip we’ll be extending the joy into the 5th generation! Can’t wait for the chaos & creativity to continue…& lots of “caveman culture” tall tales, especially by the menfolk!

Counting my blessings & so thankful to have had this very special place filled with memories & so much laughter & love to escape to.  The reprieve from recent stressors will likely be incalculable for Michael & I, in particular–Thank the Lord!


Those sound like wonderful memories, VC.

Valerie Curren

Thanks 🙂 was feeling a bit nostalgic, I guess <3

Barb Meier

Lucky for us, Valerie. I loved reading about your Cottage and the fun memories.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Barb, blush emoji 🙂

If you want an even deeper dive…

Our section of the beach at sunset here:

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The lake area of Arbutus Beach before being inundated w/ docks & boats.

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This post includes reminiscences shared w/ TrumpIsMine, at his request, back when we were CTH regulars, prior to banning…

Another sunset over Otsego Lake! They can be so glorious 

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Don’t see how you find the time. I’m still havin’ a “happy” ’cause your DH passed. 🙂

Valerie Curren

Wouldn’t miss it if at all possible. We are super thankful that he passed too!!! He’s already applying at a couple jobs so maybe we’ll have funds incoming sooner than anticipated!


Good times, Valerie. Thanks for sharing.

For some reason I have a desire to watch the Maine Cabin Masters on the Magnolia Network now.


Valerie Curren

YW I’m not familiar w/ that show but sounds interesting! If you want a flavor of Up North living of yesteryear check out Somewhere in Time, filmed on Mackinac Island…just a short boat ride from Mackinaw City, an hour North of my parents’ Cottage 😉


Party phone lines = no privacy whatsoever!

Valerie Curren

Yep. We had one growing up which was pretty funny sometimes 😉


I have to confess that I find this guy very amusing. Particularly since he’s got this thing going with his coffeemaker that is reminiscent of Mr. Rogers with his sweaters and shoes.


That’s Gonzalo Lira. I had not seen anything from him since he was detained and released.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

He’s still putting out videos regularly, and it’s hard to believe they’re deepfakes — but I have to wonder why they ever released him.


He was known to so many people already, before being detained — and everyone knew exactly when it occurred. Destroys their good guy narrative if he’s tortured and thrown in a ditch.

Barb Meier

Three scoops! My dad would approve of his coffee-making skills. 😉

Valerie Curren

They can’t hide any more!

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Valerie Curren

Maybe not the Only conversation…

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

cracking the code!

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Cuppa Covfefe

It has been, for a long, looooong time.

Hence the books by Leonard Wibberly, “The Mouse That Roared” and “The Mouse On The Moon” (with the Q-Bomb, no less)…

The massive amount of foreign aid that the US ejected into often hostile areas was a hot topic of discussion in the 1960s and early 1970s, and Vietnam, et. al. was just a tiny bit of it. Seems that the CIA was a “for-profit” Agency even then…

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Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Cain & Abel

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…& this blast from the past examining Abel in a unique way…

“Abel, like Jesus, did not have natural human descendants. Yet in the historical Hall of Faith articulated in Hebrews chapter 11 he is the first person God acknowledges & commends for his faith. Abel’s faith led him to sacrifice a Lamb, the firstborn of his flock (per Genesis 4: likely several firstborn of his flock, perhaps from sheep & goats?). Surely this was a foreshadowing of Jesus’ death as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

Abel recognized the need for blood sacrifice, a cutting off of an animal that will no longer have natural descendants. Cain’s sacrifice of fruits of the soil (not specifically First fruits) means that he hasn’t actually inconvenienced himself too much. Plants can continue to produce a harvest & while burning up some seeds would reduce his ability to sow his fields he would not be in a position of total devotion (irrevocably giving over something to the Lord, often by total destruction). He can always grow more but Abel’s firstborn of his flock are gone forever, never to reproduce.

This blood sacrifice acknowledges Abel’s awareness of the consequences of his parents’ choice in Eden, to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil & thereby visiting upon themselves & all their descendants/mankind original sin & death. God shed the blood of some animals in order to clothe Adam & Eve in their growing awareness of their nakedness, creating the first sacrifice, an act of divine love & protection for His wayward children.

So in a way Abel is foreshadowing the end of all these as foretold in Revelation, when the Lamb of God by whose shed blood all who choose to believe are redeemed, opens the seals of The Book & has “made us unto our God kings and priests”. It’s as if Abel, at the very beginning of the fallen creation by his sacrificial worship, for which he paid the ultimate price of his life at the hand of his murderous, jealous brother, is revealing what is to be the end of all things for the True Believers–being kings & priests to our God (like Melchizedek which really means like Jesus). In a sense Abel is the very first person grafted into the Vine that is Christ Jesus, his faith is like the FirstFruits of All Creation! He is God’s favored & highly prized child & all the faithful who follow are in a sense his spiritual descendants.

Abel’s story & the meaning of his life & death reminds us that the present sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed. His blood still cries out to the Lord & his life of faith is still speaking today, per Hebrews 11, if only we have eyes to see, ears to hear, & hearts to understand!

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Valerie Curren

I hope this is accurate, but I don’t personally remember this…

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A quick search and I could find a lot of articles saying PDJT was threatening to pull out of the who but only this one that said he had definitely done so, and it’s a foreign source, so could be the only one telling the truth or they’re mistaken IDK.

“Trump administration formally pulls US out of WHO”


Aha this may explain the current rush to give sovereignty away to the who…..

“The United States’ notice of withdrawal, effective July 6, 2021, has been submitted to the U.N. secretary general, who is the depository for the W.H.O.,” a senior administration official said on Tuesday.
The departure would take effect sometime next year, should the United States meet established conditions of giving a one-year notice and fulfilling its current financial obligations, Stéphane Dujarric, a spokesman for the secretary general, António Guterres, said on Tuesday.”
One year notice will take us to July this year.
The quote above comes from here dated July 7, 2020.


I think I’ve got confused with the dates the 12 month wait might already have elapsed.

Valerie Curren

That would be so much better!

Valerie Curren

Thanks RAC!



Yesterday Dave of X22 reported that Jordan Sather reports that the WEF doesn’t have its own police force. Police officers are wearing commemorative WEF badges. I don’t see much difference.

Valerie Curren

I thought they looked “velcroed” on 😉


Has anyone of status, anyone, remarked on this ? Demanded to know why ? Mildly curious ? Open snickers ?


NOT that I heard. NOR expected.

Why would anyone in power, or status defend a conservative?

It DOES NOT happen.


Looks like the RF suspect the poles are in, whether mercenaries or as nato, it doesn’t say.

” Against the background of information about the arrival of units in Pavlograd from the territory of Poland, a missile attack was launched on a military facility in the city.

Which object was hit is still unknown. It is likely that the target was precisely the place of concentration of those same armed groups that arrived from Poland.

Pavlograd is the most important transport hub for supplying the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass.

Roads run from it to Pokrovsk, Kurakhovo and Marinka, as well as towards the Kramatorsk-Slavic agglomeration. The railway goes towards Avdiivka.”



And – the media is making this day and this election a test of Trump’s political power and influence.

SD writes – “Factually, albeit many subversively, from Ronna McDaniel to Mike Pence, to Mitch McConnell and every establishment republican who wants to see MAGA crushed in 2020 the same way they crushed the Tea Party in 2012, has been leaning heavily into the Georgia race to support incumbent governor Brian Kemp. In the background of Georgia politics, the democrat operatives have been doing the same.”



IF NOT – the election has already been decided by the number of ballots harvested from elders, disabled, dead voters – the number of fake ballots stored in warehouses, the fake counts made in the dark of the night – and resulting a fake victory for Kemp and evil traitor Pence.

REMEMBER – Pence was in charge of election integrity for the 2020 election and 2020 was the most brazenly fraudulent election in US History – with the media, the courts, including Trump’s SCOTUS nominees, the congress, including President of the Senate, VP Pence, and the Senate Majority leader, even the military, all aiding and abetting the fraud!

AND – We have still have righteous protestors held without trial in DC prisons punished because of the damnable election fraud. Why?

Because the 2020 Election and subsequent disenfranchisement of the American voter WAS THE INSURRECTION – WAS THE COUP D’ETAT – ! BHØ, the community organizer, plus the cabal of DC and state politicians and election officials conspired together to steal the the 2020 election.

Now the same political operatives are trying to make MAGA patriots, conscientious parents, Christians, anyone who dissents against leftist decadence and depravity, into violent terrorists.

What can and will ever be done about it?


eventually Almighty GOD will turn things around in a BIG WAY..

HE, too, has a Greater Reset in-store than anything the Luciferians can ever hope to achieve…

HE is Patient.

they are not…and it shows.

they are liars…and it shows.

they are killers, destroyers, rapers, malignant sores that fester and ooze and contaminate The Lost, the compliant, the silly people easily held captive by the fear, by all the rumors of wars, by diverse lusts, by greed, by power, by their own corrupted minds.

all we can do is watch

and be ready.

speak The Truth…point The Way.

walk humbly with Our GOD…

and leave all the consequences to Him.

Maranatha.  💖  🙏 

do not panic.

take heart…

they are digging their own pit.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

Copying to keep. Thanks, Smiley.


don’t let anybody steal your Joy or your Crown of Faith.






One more problem – the GA has an open Primary – which allows for shenanigans.


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here’s a good read…stay with it…

Update : The Illuminati’s Satan Council, Soros Moving His Pawns On Behalf of Illuminati, Obama on Board of Directors, Our Demonic Leaders

article link…


been around for a long, long time…

the old Luciferian cult…

the ancient plan for World Dominance.

Jesus Christ called it the synagogue of satan.

 👉  the Global Elite

nothing in history just “happens” by accident.

enjoy the read, all you history buffs…and so-called conspiracy theorists.

…of which I am one.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

Pat Frederick’s got some great memes at her blog today 🙂

an example!

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Pat has a blog? Good to know. Will pop over. Thanks Valerie! 👍

Valerie Curren





biden’s world

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Why yes ‼️ He do that‼️🙄😑🤚‼️ … numb nuts


English is my second language … murmur is the first .. 🙄😑



Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

😩 awwwwwww 🥺


didn’t post


… nuts 🥜☹️🤚❤️ … 😞


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, May 24, 2022

“Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.” 

Ecclesiastes 7:9 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Presumptive Case of Monkeypox “Identified” In Florida

south Florida…Broward County..

international travel.

article link…



Pretty sure that nothing good comes out of Broward County.


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a lot of partying fools & maniacs over there.

I’m in Collier…

the influx of ppl over here is horrific…on many levels.

south Florida is a mess.


We always went to the gulf side. Many lovely homes small communities. We haven’t been there in ages, I know it’s changed but not for the better.


Ormand Beach on the Atlantic side of Florida is pretty awesome too.


here’s an article from one year ago…and its only gotten worse since then..regarding the obscene development “growth” in Naples, particularly east Naples Bayshore area…the very last area wthin Naples that is…or was…left pretty much untouched…lots of wild natural beauty & wildlife habitats..and storm surge hurricane buffers provided by nature..

the eco system matters, and I don’t care if I sound like a leftie tree-hugger…I am kinda leftie when it comes to preserving natural beauty and the eco systems both of which are being totally & viciously destroyed FOREVER by the GREEDY CORRUPT developers.

article link… with horrendous pics of various renderings that some think of as “paradise”…

constant demolition, NOISE, DUST, deforestation, wildlife slaughtered on the roads trying to scurry out of the path of armies & battalions of heavy equipment, bulldozers, concrete mixers etc etc.

then the constant hell of the actual construction…not just a few custom homes…500 new homes just for one massive area alone…multiply that by 10 more massive areas now being flattened for more of the same..

yet another gated HOA prison, walled in, where they come for fun & sun sizzling in their mink oil driving taxes up and creating a nightmare of traffic congestion…and just begging for hurricane disasters…

Fake Lake Estates…get on the waiting list now !

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

The Good Stewards…

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bucket list

hope I make it.

 💖  🙏 

Spirit of Place

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

Yiu will. 🙂




Ernest Hemingway did an unfinished short story that he titled, “The Last Good Country”.

Amish country reminds me of that.


aww…I’d like to read it.

I’m hoping to do Wyeth-inspired paintings up there.

Henry Miller, by way of contrast, wrote a short story about Florida…a long time ago…called The Air-Conditioned Nightmare…he should see it now.

developers have their beady greedy eyeballs on The Everglades next.

I can’t stand it.

Valerie Curren

Building in Alligator Territory???  🙄 


I feel ya Smiley.

In the time I lived in So Cal ( 15 yrs) they allowed massive projects from Del Mar to La Jolla, both near the coast and inland. All the while moaning and groaning about water. Developments razed every tree and bush replaced by concrete and a few decorative plants and the prerequisite palm trees.

Now here in SC, the place I bought several years ago In an area that our family has been coming to for 4 generations is seeing the same thing as your area. Sleepy modest havens being pushed out by the trite stereotypical beach houses on stilts packed into lots that previously had a house or mobile on them. The natural woods and wetlands that are the barrier between the ocean are being cut down and filled in so the wannabes can pretend they’re part of coastal communities that thrived for years by fishing and clamming . They come down (typically from the North) here looking at the long timers almost with amusement at times. .


 🎵 ..while muslims stick up Washington.. 🎶 ..

joni mitchell Otis & Marlena

…shufflin into folding chairs…

all the many zillions of wannabes, up to their botoxed eyeballs in debt, pretending to live the life of billionaires, stacked and packed together in gigantic condo filing cabinets & glossy pretentious gated enclaves with names like Tall Oaks…


It’s lunacy .. plus the ugly tall stack of hideous boxes obstruct views of the water .. spit 💦


The name that takes the cake for absurdity was the development I heard of that got named “Walden Woods”.


a 40 acre parcel less than a mile from me was developed about 2 yrs ago…still under construction !

“villas” and “coach homes”…all crammed in there…every single blade of grass, every single beautiful old tree and ALL the many tropical Palm Trees and flowering bushes…all the wildlife & babies, all the birds, all the growth and natural beauty…gone…yanked out of the grown, mulched up, broken apart, leveled into dust…so…they buld the crappy high-priced fakery with fake stone facades…truck in some new trees…and call it The Arborium.



Lyric lines:

“I can see the world from here
And it sometimes makes me want to disappear
Back to nature and where we belong….”

J. Hayward


It’s a darn shame. You never know though the destruction of the natural checks and balances of nature may just have it’s natural response with new areas making new water front areas .. snicker 😏
You can’t mess with Mother Nature, she is after all a .. mother


I was afraid of that, it’s dadgum shame and outrageous. These nincompoops builders take a beautiful area and destroy it ignoring that they destroy what beauty the area has. The buyers think they’ll live amidst a paradise when in fact they will live in a suburbanized sprawl of “luxury” houses a hurricane will level … it’s outrageous but MONEY 💰 is the bottom line for developers .. nuts 🥜


let’s not forget the city/county that approves this junk…pretty sure their sweaty hands are getting some ‘thank you’ money


oh deposits into their campaigns…that’s the problem.

total waste of time & energy sitting in on any of the meetings.

sad situation.

you don’t know what you miss til its gone..

and many of us are leaving.


Yep, Broward and Miami Dade’s most notables are “Hanging Chads” and “Parkland”, where the crooked FIB’s go to retire.


JUST IN – Chinese and Russian warplanes enter South Korea’s Air Defence Zone without notice, Yonhap reports.

Russia’s defence ministry says Russian and Chinese military planes conducted joint patrol in the Pacific region.



THIS used to be standard practice.

SAME as the US ENTERS Chinee AND Rusky Air Defense Zones.

N B F D.


Just wonderful DePat .. thank you hit it out of the park and rounded the bases, .. ❤️😉👍❤️, thank you very much. God bless you and your loved ones abundantly, always.


Thank you so much!
IMO, Revelation 21:5 is the fulfillment of Isaiah 43:19.


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Excellent 🙂



No Bills with the last name Gates


AND PAID for with existing tax / revenue streams.


Just when I think I’ve seen EVERYTHING, leftists come out with something that blows my mind:

“Black Americans who are “tired” of American hostility can relocate to Ghana and be “free from White America’s psychic violence,” according to a recent Washington Post piece that suggests, “Sometimes, leaving is the most powerful form of resistance.”

In an essay published in the Washington Post on Wednesday titled, “For African Americans tired of U.S. hostility, Ghana is still calling,” columnist Karen Attiah begins by citing American civil rights activist W.E.B. DuBois’ move to Ghana in 1961.”

Isn’t “if they don’t like it, they can go back to Africa” what the white supremacist bigots say?

I am just speechless.


Yes, incredible. But to them I say, go. Please. Stop tearing down our country and go somewhere else.

Cuppa Covfefe

Erm, isn’t that what Liberia was for?????


It sure was.


ea, BUT, liberals can say this shit and it IS OK.

For what it matters, regardless of color or whatever, anyone unhappy in America, please DO LEAVE.


Micah 6:8I will shew thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee: Verily, to do judgment, and to love mercy, and to walk solicitous with thy God.


Distress or dumass

“A video conference on Ukraine with the participation of the head of the Pentagon, all Ukrainian flags were hung upside down”

(with pic)(not sure is that milly on the right)


My guess is that some poor Staff Sgt aide has already started packing for deployment to the Arctic Circle. It is really bad form to embarrass the CO.


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pouty faces !

Starbucks coffee !

distress virtue signaling !


They’re step ants 🐜, *iss on them


LOL..that’s a good one..distress virtue signaling. At least they refrained from tears rolling down their faces

Cuppa Covfefe

Surprised that Thilly Milley didn’t have his pink ‘do… and that his mascara wasn’t running…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Oh that’s a much better photo than the one I saw, didn’t recognize him without the purple hair.


Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


This is interesting. Apparently Henry Kissinger spoke at Davos about Ukraine-Russia. Essentially said, the West needs to bully Ukraine into accepting Russia Terms. Not exactly the message the Davos crew was prepared to hear I’d think.

Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory

This yahoo story is open to comments which is also rare. Suggests you don’t use the word “Nazi” but De-nazify will work 😁


Nice surprise, how. much weight does he still pull.


Enough to shock the establishment on both sides of the aisle. But I’m sure stupidity and monied interest will kick right back in. Still great that they get to doubt themselves for a while.


aw jeez…Kissinger again…??

is he senile yet ? still back in The Cold War ?

like anyone should trust Kissinger now…he was sooo helpful during Vietnam…right ? yeah right…


so how much is Putin paying Henry’s consulting firm ?


Kissinger knows what war in Europe looks like. I give him the benefit of doubt. Yes his past has been checker. One can hope that there is still a shred of goodness left.


you’ve got to be kidding.


Chamberlain sucking up to Hitler…

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oh wait.

Cuppa Covfefe

Some people do change.

Others neither forgive nor forget.

Nonetheless, nothing happens that does not pass through the Hands of GOD. HE will shape events, even to Eternity for HIS good Will and HIS GLORY.


I could not agree more. Thank you for sharing your wisdom 🙂


I’m chalking it down to something like a death bed confession where he is trying to wipe the slate clean by finally telling the truth before meeting his maker 😎


I don’t trust HK.

there’s a globalist reason for this, imo, but what do I know, certainly no expert..

betcha Klaus wheeled him out to save Zelensky’s ass in Donbas, give Z some breathing room to regroup.

land for peace.

yeah right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Boom. Exactly.


Nah. $40 billion sent to all the WEF AND globalist assholes.

Henry got his pay off, just as the rest have.

It’s a big club. And we ain’t in it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he sees his precious Jazi-backed globalism going over a cliff on Ukraine, and is trying to stop the bleeding by a fast retreat to the fait accompli.


US Air Force Base holds Drag Queen Story Hour for kids
We’re celebrating Pride Month at the Ramstein Library with Drag Queen Storytime!” The Ramstein Air Force Base event details read. “Be sure to wear your brightest and most colorful outfits!


If only someone would have a Corporal Klinger mask and dress in one of his iconic outfits…maybe somebody would get the irony, maybe

Cuppa Covfefe

One would think that Ramstein had suffered enough… there are those of us who remember that tragedy… I had some colleagues there, who, thank GOD, survived the carnage.

Fire and brimstone raining down almost seems to be next up…

JW in Germany

Where do we point curious new-comers to learn about the information war? What topic pretty much incorporates the entire playbook but can be boiled down to a couple of days of learning providing a solid base for further research to help fill in the details?

I have often advised people, with whom I have limited time with for in depth discussion, to do research on Color Revolutions and study past examples and how they were setup and executed.

Next, observe the present world around you applying your new knowledge.

In my humble estimate, The Great Reset is basically a color revolution on a global scale and long underway in the United States…and we are much further along than many of us want to fathom.

I skimmed through the debate from yesterday’s daily about President Trump’s perceived lack of action to help the J6ers in the DC Gulag. Why not just go in there and demand their release immediately? Right? Where is Trump?!

I get it…I feel the anger and frustration too.

However, I agree with TheseTruths’ view that we are much deeper into this war than many of us may realize. What we may perceive as injustice that simply needs a judge, sheriff, or politician to intervene and all is settled…is a false read that would lead right into the cabal trap.

The J6ers are not simply political prisoners being denied a speedy trial…the J6ers are PRISONERS OF WAR…and we are playing by WARTIME RULES.

As I mentioned in a comment that DePat highlighted on Friday…I believe that our side is indeed on the offensive and that will play out in ways that are more indicative of military strategy…instead of civilian law enforcement measures. Except the military operation is camouflaged with a civilian face.

Trump must operate in that realm. Yes…I will say it. 4D Chess. My analysis is not based on loyalty to Trump…I have remained pretty consistent going back to pre-Q era.

I have asked this question many times…now I can define it more narrowly: What would a military operation to Save America from a global color revolution…without triggering a bloody civil war and resulting in the fewest number of casualties possible…look like?

Not an attempt to make excuses for Trump or anybody else…I think we are seeing what such an operation would look like in REAL TIME.

Call it ‘Operation Counter Color Revolution’.

Traditional civilian law enforcement intervention alone is not feasible because that system has long been compromised by the color revolution. Instead, we are seeing a combined effort with a civilian facade.

Sound too incredible? Why? If the cabal can undermine Western democracies with complex multi-faceted strategies planned decades in advance…why is it such a leap to believe that a counter would be anything less impressive? In fact, much more so because the opponent is not restrained by the boundaries of law.

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany
JW in Germany

This bolsters my comments from last week and today. Exposure…exposure…exposure.

comment image

JW in Germany

And there is this…Navy SEALS hanging out with President Trump. The same guy being attacked by the current Commander-in-Chief? Who is really in control?

These are just some of the things I see.


Well, that was inspiring! Thanks!

JW in Germany

You are very welcome! I know there have been times over the past few years where I was lifted by reading your posts and from others as well. That is why I keep coming back here even if I sometimes disappear for a month or two.


I’m glad you keep coming back!


I suggest X22 (or on Rumble or Bitchute).

JW in Germany

Absolutely! A daily stop for me too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ukraine 2014 was a “color revolution” (the effects of which are being felt even now, and then some) as were the various “-spring” uprisings throughout the Middle (muddled) East.

Satan Sauros has his cloven hooves in all of these, IMHO, through his “openxxx” foundations, various NGOs, and dark money amplified by them…..

Like you say, a “remove color cast” tool would be great. It’s really time to lock ’em all up.
Gotta Catch ‘Em All…….

(And I think there’s a TON of chess being played and WON that we aren’t privy to, at least yet)….


JW from RLG6 – Fire Mission!

JW in Germany

RLG6 from JW—Fire for effect, over!




JUST IN – Hungary declares a wartime state of emergency effective from Wednesday over the conflict in Ukraine: PM Orban

Orban says “the government will declare a state of war from midnight today” to “protect Hungary and Hungarian families by all possible means” in a video posted on Facebook.


… “The 98-year-old statesman is making no friends among the blue-check-mark brigade who seem to see only one path for humanity… and it ends in a mushroom cloud…”

Tyler includes some of the tweets coming from these idiots! (phoenix)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kissinger is one of the few globos who sees how bad a spot globalism has gotten itself into.


Hi PR – Hope you are OK and your yard renovations are going well. We are missing you at QTH and Marica’s. Much Love from your Ultra MAGA Deplorable friends.


Here’s one example of continued pursuit of Trump over the election and J6. Yes, it’s Liz Cheney, but she has a lot of influence in her sphere of Trump-haters, and she doesn’t back down.

Escalating her war of words with former President Donald Trump to DEFCON 1, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Sunday that his challenge to the 2020 election results poses the greatest threat to American democracy ever.

The top Republican on the House panel investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riots said, “Only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. Today, that role is ours as we face a threat we have never faced before — a former president attempting to unravel our constitutional republic.”

Cheney gave her biggest warning about Trump while accepting the 2022 Profile In Courage Award from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. In her address, she quoted former presidents from Kennedy to Ronald Reagan heralding the nation’s history of peaceful transfers of power after elections.

“This sacred obligation to defend the peaceful transfer of power has been honored by every American president except one,” Cheney said.

She said that the bid by Trump and his supporters to challenge the election was an unprecedented threat that needs to be snuffed out without prejudice…

Cheney has led the effort to probe Trump’s responsibility for the riots and has blamed him for inspiring them. At times, she has sounded harsher than even the former president’s toughest critics…

When asked why she is calling out Trump, Cheney has repeatedly said that somebody in the Republican leadership has to challenge him, and she did so again in her Sunday speech.

She carefully refrains from saying it in these words, but she wants to completely take down Trump. She wants to accuse him of treason and insurrection and remove him from the political landscape. And there are lots of power-hungry snakes who want to do the same because he is sometimes the only thing standing in the way of their taking over the country. They can’t be given any ammunition in this war.


She is a dangerous woman just as her father was dangerous.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Millions died because of her father, and billions could die for her crafty lies



Cuppa Covfefe

No Brainy Liz Cheney comes to mind, but as Wolf says, she’s a very crafty liar. Much like her father, and her father the Devil, the father of lies…

Sooner or later, she’ll trip over one or more of her lies….


I hope so


TT, I find it difficult to decipher what the implications of your argument are. Your last sentence suggests you see this as a war. It is obvious, from your comments, that Cheney and Trump are combatants on opposing sides. However the implications of your reasoning is that if Trump responds in any offensive way (and I mean offensive in the sense of attacking as opposed to defending) he is providing ammunition to his opponent. Since that surely cannot be the thesis of your argument I think (my analysis) it must be that any criticism of Trump by his supporters is seen as aiding the opposition. Is that what you mean or is there something else you have in mind? I suppose that it is possible to win a debate by saying nothing but it must be a rare thing indeed.


It is obvious, from your comments, that Cheney and Trump are combatants on opposing sides.

Trump is on our side; Cheney is on the side of those who want to take down America.

However the implications of your reasoning is that if Trump responds in any offensive way (and I mean offensive in the sense of attacking as opposed to defending) he is providing ammunition to his opponent.

Trump gets criticized all the time by people on our side. I’m saying in one particular area, that of defending the J6 prisoners, if he says a word (call it going on the offensive if you like), he will himself be incapacitated politically and his power will be destroyed — resulting in a major chess piece on our side, equivalent to the king, being lost. And when the king is taken, the game is over.

Since that surely cannot be the thesis of your argument I think (my analysis) it must be that any criticism of Trump by his supporters is seen as aiding the opposition.

That is not what I mean. People have differing opinions about his decisions and criticize them all the time. I’m saying the expectation that he do something, whatever that might mean, in this one area — J6 — is tantamount to surrendering the fight and the country to the enemy.

I suppose that it is possible to win a debate by saying nothing but it must be a rare thing indeed.

If you are referring to Trump saying nothing, it’s not about winning a debate. It’s about surviving to fight the bigger war, which involves the future and literal survival of this nation and the well-being of the world. That sounds grandiose, but all one has to do is look at what has happened since he was cheated out of office.


Thank you. I agree the stakes are as high as any earthly stakes can be. However my perspective is that in the political sphere it is not possible to lead from the shadows. If he intends to be a leader then Trump has to be on the front lines where the arrows are.


I believe that is what he is doing.

What do you think he should be doing regarding J6? And what do you think the implications of any such actions would be?


Trump has a big soapbox. He should stand on it every day and broadcast to the nation that what the government is doing to these Americans is wrong. Wrong constitutionally, ethically, and morally. He should remind anyone who will listen that such behavior is illegal and should be repugnant to every American citizen. Every day repeat the message. Sometimes Americans need to be rebuked when they forget what America is.

As to the implications- The outcome is not reason for doing it. He should do it because it is right and would be seen by many as the actions of a righteous man.




A M E N !


With all due respect, I’m not asking about the reasons for doing it. I’m asking what the expected result would be. What do you think would happen to Trump, and what do you think people would say and do, if Trump did what you expect?


If it’s the morally correct thing to do, what does it matter what happens?

Doing the RIGHT THING matters.


Ah Yup.


Yes, doing the right thing matters.

When Americans are taken hostage in a foreign country, what is the right thing to do?


Very apt.





Whatever country the J6 prisoners are held in, it sure as hell isn’t the US as we know it. It really is much more like hostages in a foreign land, where habeus corpus, innocent before proven guilty, due process, and the rule of law do not apply. Further, the people of this strange land hate Trump with an unreasoning, rabid, slathering passion.

If Trump puts in the wrong sort of “good word” for the prisoners, the mob might torture and kill a prisoner just to spite him.

If there were any open negotiations, there’d likely be really stupid, over-the-top demands from the other side. Things like, “we demand all the territory between the Jordan River and the Sea”, or “DJT must disavow MAGA and withdraw from politics forever.” If such proposals were appropriately denied, this would merely be another brick to throw — “Trump wants the Presidency so much that he won’t do a thing to help the J6 prisoners.” Of course, if any demand was granted, there’d be another demand the next day — there is no “good faith” to work with.

I am sure that the plight of the J6 political prisoners weighs heavily on the mind of VSGPOTUSDJT. He’s got some tremendous assets around who know how to change the game instead of getting played by it (see the Abraham Accords).

But it is entirely possible that the things Trump might publicly do or say at this point would likely make the situation worse.


Excellent points. And yes, “there is no ‘good faith’ to work with.” I have no doubt that his speaking out would make the situation worse for the prisoners, himself, and the country.

JW in Germany

Whatever country the J6 prisoners are held in, it sure as hell isn’t the US as we know it. It really is much more like hostages in a foreign land, where habeus corpus, innocent before proven guilty, due process, and the rule of law do not apply. Further, the people of this strange land hate Trump with an unreasoning, rabid, slathering passion.

Exactly why I call the J6ers prisoners of war. Not to be hyperbolic…instead as an accurate description.

You are spot on!


Mind you, there is a famous anecdote where Palestinians — who had been taking American and British hostages for fun and profit — decided to take a Russian hostage. They made overtures for “negotiations” and started planning out how they were going to collect their ransom. They received no reply whatsoever.

Until a treasured nephew of the Sheik in charge of the operation disappeared some days later. Two days after this, the tip of his left pinkie, severed at the joint, was delivered to the Sheik — there was no note, and no “negotiation”. The day after that, the middle bone of the nephew’s left pinkie was delivered. That evening, the Russian hostage was “released” — they wrapped him in a sack and dumped him (relatively unharmed) on the sidewalk of a major street. The next afternoon, the nephew turned up on a major street, high out of his mind, missing two joints of his pinkie.

When it comes to Russians, their ways are not our ways — but they can be quite effective.


Well any speculation would be just my opinion. I do not claim to have any special insight. However as I said one result I would anticipate is that many would see it as the actions of a righteous man.


Forgive me, but that is a dodge.

I’m asking people to defend their position, having thought it through thoroughly and carefully. Amazingly, no one will go there.

No one will say, “If Trump defends the J6 prisoners and becomes persecuted (or impeached again or in endless litigation that ties him up, or even imprisoned), that is A-OK because he would have done the right thing regarding the prisoners.” No one will say that, if Trump’s influence on America were blunted or removed altogether, that is fine with them. The hope he provides that we all share when he endorses candidates, holds rallies, hints at running for president again — all that could be gone. Our hope for staving off the march of communism in this country would be severely curtailed. That is what people are advocating for, but no one will admit it.

And it is not possible to posit with a straight face that the things I listed, and more, would not happen to Trump. The article I posted about Liz Cheney is Exhibit A. They want him gone.

JW in Germany

Absolutely correct.

The reports that J6ers have been beaten is a clear indication what category of prisoners they are…making it apparent that their captors do not operate by any rules of law nor do they give a shit about some Geneva Convention humanitarian treatment.

These barbarians do not abide by the Constitution and in fact deplore it. They are by default enemy combatants that have infiltrated the government and are actively destroying the country to replace it with there own.

This is no different than having military command toppled by infiltrators…literally a coup removing the Commander-in-Chief.

I mean this 100% seriously…zero hyperbole.


Yep. Trump should do nothing. Bad guys MAY prevail in attacks on Trump.

For certain:

  • Do NOTHING to highlight the J6 Political Prisoners in SOLITARY 24/7/365+. (It’s a small price for J6 Political Prisoners and their families to endure. /s)
  • J6 Political Prisoners showed their LOYALTY to The Constitution AND Trump on J6.
  • Is there any loyalty for J6 Political Prisoners…OR are they left to ROT? (Rhetorical)

^^^ The only reason for this post.

Done for the day, on this crap.


I will ask what I asked Robert Baker. Since you don’t want to discuss this further, it will be a rhetorical question for anyone reading.

What do you think Trump should be doing? And what do you think the results of those actions would be?


I answered 🙂


“It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”
— David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) June 13, 2016

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ is how the other side felt, and STILL FEELS about PDJT.

“They” did almost EVERYTHNG they could to either hinder or obstruct him from implementing his agenda ON OUR BEHALF.

That they STILL FEAR HIM is a testament to his influence, on the nation, and on the world stage.

The J6 PRE-TRIAL detainees are being denied due process in inhumane conditions at the hands of ANIMALS, and have NOT been CONVICTED of crimes.
(These conditions, NO DOUBT, have existed LONG before PDJT, and do not fall under any state or county jurisdiction. I am not sure who they answer to.)
(technically the constitution mentions “prisoners” which are different from “pretrial detainees”)

One CANNOT effectively wage battle – offense or defense – from a jail cell.

Considering that “they” are treating the J6ers as they are, while STILL pursuing a means of DESTROYING PDJT, “they” would LOVE to find ANY REASON TO “DETAIN” PDJT.

While “they” would try to charge PDJT with ANYTHING in order to DETAIN him, “they” would NO DOUBT make the J6ers lives MUCH MORE DIFFICULT FOR ANY WORDS OR DEEDS FROM PDJT ON THEIR BEHALF.

Always remember that PDJT DID NOT NEED TO RUN.

At times, it seemed like it was “Trump against the World”.
But many of the worlds people, and NOT JUST US, were, and continue to be, behind him.

There are more of “US” than there are of “THEM”. MANY MORE.

Imagine HOW THICK ones skin would have to be to do what PDJT did, and to “endeavor to persevere”.

(I often refer people to this less-than-six-minute video that was given BEFORE PDJT was elected in 2016):


I guess someone has to be the target of anger. I am not going to be drawn into this discussion again.
My friend we can agree to disagree 🙂


Missed the point(s).


  • Doing What IS Right.
  • Integrity.
  • Leadership.
  • Loyalty.

Yes, we can agree to disagree.




She is as evil as her father.


She is twice as evil as her father and half as smart.



JW in Germany

Very well stated. Exactly, they are holding the J6ers as POWs and BAIT.

Information/psychological warfare weaponized by modern technology and a brainwashed population can be as destructive as any nuke.

I believe we are already in WWIII. How is that for grandiose? 😉 


Does she and her platoon of anti Trump RINOs really think that a majority of the 75 million people that voted for Trump support her and Pence and Ronna.
If they take him down probably the R’s will never win ANY election again because people will quit voting at all for them. Why bother. Let the DemCommies hold every office and let’s end the Uniparty for good. If we’re going to be denied our vote anyway, the die has been cast.


Does she and her platoon of anti Trump RINOs really think that a majority of the 75 million people that voted for Trump support her and Pence and Ronna.

That’s puzzling to me. They’d have to be completely blind to think the thousands of people who attend Trump rallies, for example, would turn on a dime and support them.

I know there is a burning “need” to destroy Trump and the MAGA movement, but how they think they can accomplish it is what I don’t know. The only thing I can put a finger on is to completely take Trump out of the picture.

I do think they underestimate us and that they don’t realize that the age of politics as usual is over. We are not going to support traitors just because there’s an R by their name.


It’s my thinking that if they take Trump out that I want the total demise of the country to be accelerated . We have nothing if we don’t have fair elections.
So go ahead, do it…bring the country into full communism. See how the snowflakes like it after awhile.
If we can’t stop the juggernaut with fair elections..I’m done and also people in my sphere. None of us will vote for an R hoping, fingers crossed for some pitiful breadcrumb of America first.


There IS a reason I post Uniparty and R-Con, as opposed to republican.

  • Uniparty and R-Con more accurate than republican.

The R IS meaningless to me, these days.


I am dividing as Bannon does i like it. Those who love America and those who want Word Order Davos crowed
One site our site are Patriots the others are one world order crowed. Or simpler one site is the good side the other evil.
Wanting to control the world is evil freedom is good.
This so much simpler than dems and repups.


^^^ It IS that simple. ^^^




Truth. My hope is that any name for them will cease to be relevant if the STEALs continue. They will be token politicians,all for… elected by glassy eyed robots


Ya. Elections in the US ARE on borrowed time, IF the stolen elections don’t STOP.

Valerie Curren

bring the country into full communism” I don’t there is any realistic way to turn back from that brink, so that’s a dangerous, potentially hopeless, proposition. I don’t know what the solution is, or even could be, but God & prayer better be a consistent part of our battle plan!


“We are not going to support traitors just because there’s an R by their name.”

But, I PROMISE you, THEY still think we WILL. It explains all their actions.


Horrific shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, TX.

Limited details at the moment. Shooter was a murder suspect being chased by police. The pursuit ended near Robb Elementary. He apparently ran into the school and started firing.

As many as 14 elementary school kids are killed after Texas gunman barricaded himself inside school during shoot-out with border patrol: Shooter, 18, is killed by cops

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

I wonder what the shooter’s immigration status was. 🤔

Valerie Curren

& his MK &/or FIB connected status



Valerie Curren



FJB can own this one. Lovely “job seekers” coming over the non existent border


I speculate that’s the case.
Word is that the guy killed his grandmother and was on the run for that.


18 y.o. didnt care about anything. Still “all about me.”


Its going ro make him jump for joy.
A yuge “gun” violence tragedy to continue to go after the 2nd.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fox News is in pure Deep State mode. “Geraldo”. “Caputo”. “DHS”.


When we have police chases in CA, and the routes are staying near schools, the schools are notified so they can be placed in lockdown. So border patrol, chasing this guy, and whoever else, did not take 2 minutes to notify schools even for the possibility of an incident.
This is a policy failure, either not written and thought out, or in violation wuthout follow through.
Id really want to know active shooter policy for school district AND notification policy by pursuing agency.
Plus are teachers in that district allowed to be armed?


Some teachers in TX are armed. Can’t speak to which school districts.


Do they not lock down when a shooter is on the loose? Maybe I am wrong.


That is the typical protocol. However, there are still many schools that don’t lock down as well as the newer one’s or those that did retrofits. The more rural, the more true that is.


So sad but there are so many mentally confused young people.


I wonder who came up with the speculation that the SCOTUS decision re: abortion would be released yesterday, and why they thought that, or whether someone just made it up.

Sadie Slays

Supreme Court decisions are routinely publicized on Mondays from now until the end of June, but SCOTUS doesn’t reveal in advance any specifics about which decisions they’re releasing and on which Monday. So expect every weekend to have headlines with some variation of, “Abortion decision might be released on Monday” or “gun rights decision might be released on Monday” until SCOTUS finally releases those decisions.



Is this an infamous “white Hispanic?”

Cuppa Covfefe

One has to wonder, with all the massive amounts of online surveillance going on, especially with Bye,Dung’s on-again-off-again MiniTruth, that the TLAs and other “stakeholders” weren’t aware of this perp. Could they have been wilfully blind?

Especially since he appears to belong to a “protected class”?????

Too bad no one (Border Patrol, DHS, etc.) was thinking of protecting the elementary school class…..

RIP to the students, the teacher, and may GOD Bless, Comfort, and Heal the injured and all their families…

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if one or more of the weapons could be traced back to “Fast and Furious”…

This smells of Øbløwhøle and Hølder….. 😡 😡 😡 😡


ATF, DOJ, FIB & HLS would cover it up, IF the weapon serial numbers are NOT in the public domain.


Yes, its awful for thise families.


Salvador Romes



Yes. I had a couple few hrs i coukdnt keep searching and there ya go.
I bet his grandmother told him how Mexican culture wont accept his behavior.


Just saw possibly Romas. Someone will get it correct.


The source I got that from had it wrong. It could well be Ramos.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Left picture looks “trans”. What’s the story? Grandparents rejected?


Right? My thoughts as well. Trying to highlight his look.
Hispanics have yuge families thats a fact.
Only mention of him and his grandma and no one else is VERY odd. Even early on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If there are more trans pics, this links back to Dayton shooter and his sister. Trans is highest susceptibility to MK.


Theyre already conflicted bigly by the time they actually think they can change gender. Susceptible to anything imo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. People who can be convinced they’re the other sex are psychological Play-Doh. The perfect exemplar is Bradley Manning. Trans and Treason were not a coincidence.



Cuppa Covfefe

Seems like the DEMONRATS and the derp state are going to keep running that play until they get it right (as it were).

Somehow we seem to be in the role of Charlie Brown kicking the football… if only there was a way to get ahead of the curve…

DEMONRATS want to make it a long hot summer, once again. Shades ot the Watts riots, etc. and the worship of Rodney the King…….


Wolf omg…our instincts were right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What people – especially kids – will do for acceptance is extraordinary. That is why the trans attack is so deadly. If schools push it, confused kids will fit their psyches to one of the most illogical but deadly ideas possible – gender reversal.

The “ungroomed” find it crazy or horrifying. In his heart, the poor kid knew he wasn’t a girl.

A bad reckoning was bound to happen, when the kid was taught to hate reality.


Is he a trannie?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like yes.

comment image


Violence, depression and suicide are highly correlated with this condition.


We know now for sure. I was suspecting it.


So he turned 18 8 days ago. Whats the background check time for 2 rifles and a handgun in TX? And dont you have to wait between purchases?
Ok for under 18 to buy a rifle?
Someone gave him money to buy and he had a nice truck, unless it was grandma’s.


CA gun laws are obscene on the level of stoopid. (Duh)

Quick look at TX, my understanding:

  • Rifle 18 yo.
  • Handgun 21 yo.
  • Background check required, if LTC – License To Carry.
  • No waiting period after background check.
  • No background check if private sale.

NV wise. IIRC…

  • Rifle 18 yo.
  • Handgun 21 yo.
  • Background check required, if no CCW.
  • NO 10 day wait as CA has.
  • NO wait between purchases.

Ah ok. Background check should be done, waiting period should be determined by state.


Yea. When I lived in CA.

Back ground checks always required. All gun transfers via FFL. Ten day 10 day waiting period. One handgun in 30 days. Multiple rifles OK.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. This troubles me (might have been used by the DEMONRATS as an out)

  • “No background check if private sale.”

Wonder if it was a private sale (or perhaps they were, cough, gifted):…


so where’s the manifesto !


He was obviously intending to harm his family over his perceived injustices and put a couple pics on the instafool. Theres a trail.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Find his “trans” counselors


Yeah, if he had that, but the gay flag photo was taken by someone.



Fox News: John Roberts Breaks The Silence About Vaccine InjuriesHow many people trusted the vaccine misinformation spread by Fox News? One tweet shows you the number: too many.
In the back of my mind, for the last eight weeks, I kept wondering when the reckoning would come for Fox News. How long would it take for a prominent employee to be injured by the COVID vaccines? And who would dare to publicly disclose that injury in the face of Fox News’ ongoing campaign to push Big Pharma’s diabolical shots?
And the answer is: John Roberts.

comment image

Roberts should be congratulated for his courage. He’s gambling with his network contract. What’s even more incredible is that over 4,000 people who follow the ex-White House correspondent actually commented on his post — and that’s about 3,950 more than usual.
It’s hard to overstate the sheer scale of the tragedy contained in these comments.


Yours Truly guesses that Mr. Roberts got scared enough from his body’s reactions to the “booster shot” to go public, even though doing this most likely did “trifle” with his FOX contract. Perhaps he should get the D-dimer test to ascertain whether or not there’s capillary damage / death in his heart and his lungs.


Yea, thinking you are on the money. Either his body reactions or close family.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pericarditis. Spike protein symptom. Disease or vaccine.


Yup. Something sure spooked Roberts.

Not that I wish it on him, I don’t. Hope it is NOT one of his kids. (I assume he has kids at home.)



Also at that aacct..pic oh him (allegedly) in girl’s clothes


If you don’t want to click on the link, it’s a screen shot of some sm communication with the title…Allegedly groomed by the same person that groomed Buffalo shopter (rumored)


if that was a thread and you still have it opened, might want to post the rest of it cause the bad kitty post no longer exists.


Oh shoot. The screen shot was of a site called Frenschan or something..with a message 13 days ago with the nic of Armond…message allegedly to this shooter…13 days to go woooooooo

Might be off a word or two but the gist was “they” had been seeing some Armond and buffalo shooter communication also


FF clean up squad active.


Eighteen kids + one teacher.


According to officials and media reporting from Texas. Fourteen eighteen children and a teacher have been killed …

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s the evidence.

Munchausen madness.

From comments on CTH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Has that Richard Ramirez look.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That dude was full satanic. And Dianne Feinstein helped him stay loose.

Cuppa Covfefe

This should be shouted from the rooftops, and spread through all the media and everywhere else.

The DEMONRATS and the TLAs keep pulling this cr@p over, and over, and over, and OVER again.

It’s time to stop it. And it’s time to pull the wool away from the sheeples’ eyes…

Matthew 10:26-28:
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Time for the WEFfenSS, the WHO, and the DEMONRATS to be put on their knees to face the truth… we’ve hurt and paid and endured too much already, as have (or will have) future generations because of the clot-shot, slab-jab, and all-but-infinite perversity of the DEMONRATS, et. al….

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

They’re making people mentally ill.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. “They” are using our public schools, and our kids, against us.


comment imageBreaking911


BREAKING: Sarah Huckabee Sanders wins Republican nomination for governor in Arkansas primary election – AP


Yah Sarah 🙂


comment imageThe Epoch Times


Incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp easily defeated former Sen. David Perdue in the #Georgia GOP gubernatorial primary

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump *might* have pushed Renacci to a win, but Kemp was a very, very long shot – particularly in Georgia’s corrupt electoral infrastructure.


Corrupt AND “OPEN” primaries.

There are a few states whose citizens should consider brushing up on “How-to-do ‘Write-Ins'”.
(Georgia is one; Texas is another. There may be more.)


Georgia gets what they voted for. I almost wound up in Georgia glad my son moved.


One reason to “Write-In” a candidate is when the declared winner of a primary is unacceptable.


So one writes in and gets the worse by default?
I had a friend she did this over and over one person running she was mad at never mind he was good but one thing rubbed her she voted for the looser. She was conservative very critical. I stopped trying to convince her otherwise.


Murkowski [*spit*] of Alaska managed to accomplish a write-in for Senator after she lost her primary election. It’s not completely hopeless or impossible.


Alaska proved write-ins are doable. Granted, judge(s) made it easier. Allowed anything that mght show intent for M…ski to be counted for her.


(prolly a little cheatin’ goin’ on in that one, but it CAN be done !)


On Bannon they pushed for Perdue of course, BUT definitely talked of Kemp’s popularity in GA. The latter says a lot about GA. SPIT.

Looks like Raffensperger will get 50%+. SPIT.


Maybe his daughter’s boyfriend will be incinerated in a freak car accident….


I admirer rinos and dems they are united in purpose. Conservatives are fickle looking for perfection easy mislead by imposters who exploit the tendency. Conservative splinter and by doing so the wrong person gets elected.
Perdue should have won according to Kemp’s track record. Apparently Georgia is not MAGA they are establishment. They created the mess we have in the country, Pence and Kemp fit together.


comment imageThe Epoch Times


Trump-endorsed #HerschelWalker decisively won the #GeorgiaGOP US Senate primary.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The cry-bullying trans viral victim/groomers will scream that it’s an outcome of “violent speech” “killing trans”, and that “trans kids are dying”, but it’s really a demonstration that the psych orgs have enshrined literal insanity.


comment imageThe Epoch Times


Rep. #MarjorieTaylorGreene won the GOP US House primary in in #Georgia’s 14th Congressional District. 


Paxton over Bush by 50% with 37% of vote in.

They’ve been playing this in the news every day since early voting started and its even posted to the results….

The attorney general is the top lawyer in Texas, representing the state in mostly civil litigation. Ken Paxton is seeking a third term, and his tenure has been clouded by a high-profile securities fraud indictment and an FBI investigation into claims of malfeasance while in office. Paxton is facing off against George P. Bush, the state’s land commissioner and scion of a political dynasty.


Bush political dynasty ends when George P Bush is out of office. There will then be no Bush’s in office or running.
^^^ A great day.


Interesting that the AG won in that district also . As on Bannon ” one wonders in Georgia’s 14th one would vote for MTG and also for the AG? ” To me it is counter intuitive.




I think there was some Micky Mouse going on in Georgia. I mean people cannot be so blind to vote for Kemp?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Anyone catch Creepy cry, quote scripture, then launch into a political gun control diatribe?🙄

Fox is reporting an Elite Border Patrol Tactical Operator shot the school shooter. BP also responded to the call. BORTAC agent also wounded in leg, don’t know if due to gun shot or shrapnel.

School District has 4 gun carrying Resource Officers. None of them were at the school today.

Ken Paxton said Texas Legislature has given the School Districts money and authority of how they allocate their resources. Some administrator is deciding to whether or not to put armed officers at the schools.

Sadly, Body count now 19 children, 2 teachers.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do not let up on trans maniac.


I heard the other day a trans who regretted and reverted that the hormone meds caused her to be very angry rage like.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Valerie Curren

Chicks just need to deal with That mostly vicariously 😉


Madge the Palmolive manicure specialist: “[with twin boys and husband] You’re soaking in it.”

Valerie Curren

Now that’s funny to this mom of twin boys AND an older brother AND a younger sister AND a husband! You’re so bad–LOL

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Nah … arm and train all employees and post signage saying this. This is not a gun free zone. Perps will be shot … dead.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

SMILE, you’re on candid camera. All of it! Plus MOAR!!

Sadie Slays

Another food plant fire: Large chicken processing plant in Canada burned down last night.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a war on humanity.


Broad Based War On humanity, it IS.

We couldn’t make this shit up.


Pelosi responded [with deflection] to the Archbishop denying her Holy Communion.

“I wonder about the death penalty, which I’m opposed to. So is the church, but they take no actions against people who may not share their view,” Pelosi said Tuesday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey! That’s Satan’s argument! (Conflating innocent and condemned life). Funny that Pelosi would make it, too.


Very funny…


Paging Francis, for definitive guidance.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Hey Nasty, all aborted children receive the death penalty!


GWP: CONFIRMED: Search Warrants Served at Arizona Nonprofit and for Employee’s Home in Connection with “2000 Mules” Ballot Trafficking Election Scandal

The Gateway Pundit confirmed today that search warrants were served to an employee at a Yuma County nonprofit organization connected to the illegal ballot trafficking scheme discovered by Yuma County citizens and revealed in True The Vote’s “2000 Mules”documentary…

“18 months ago, we knew that when the full story was told about Yuma County, Arizona, it would reveal systematic, systemic, ballot trafficking, with connections that spread nationwide. It’s now happening, thankfully with law enforcement fully engaged. Much more remains to be revealed in the days ahead,” said Catherine Engelbrecht to the Gateway Pundit.

The nonprofit facilities were not raided. However, Tony Reyes, the Executive Director of Comité de Bien Estar, confirmed to The Gateway Pundit that Comité de Bien Estar’s Membership Coordinator, Gloria Torres received search warrants at the nonprofit office, and law enforcement is looking for evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.

“That 2000 Mule Documentary is starting to permeate all throughout this process,” said Reyes. He then confirmed that officers showed up to the office, “confiscated her phone, and basically went to her house.”

Tony Reyes is also the current Chairman of the Yuma County Board of Supervisors and they run the elections in Yuma County.