Dear KMAG: 20220627 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / In Memory of Wheatietoo

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And while this is another Monday……

…..and while we WILL get through it……

….. we have some very sad news about our Wheatie Warrior.

…..and thus this will be a very special Monday Open Thread, honoring our friend, fellow Ultra-MAGA Deplorable, and loyal Q Treeper, Miss Wheatie.

We will dispense with the boilerplate, so that we may all remember and honor our fallen sister in arms, Wheatietoo.

OK – maybe just her three rules, from her very first open thread.

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Mood Music

The Sad News

It is my sad duty to inform my fellow patriots that it is fairly certain Miss Wheatie left us earlier this spring. In respect of Wheatie’s deep love of privacy, I will not give all the details of my investigation, but I will try to give you enough information that you can be certain she is in a better place now.

What Happened

Wheatie’s last comments here were on Christmas Eve of 2021. You may recall that we were temporarily locked out of the site, but got back in soon, after regrouping on the backup sites, and thanks to some help from our hosting company.

Wheatie “liked” a few posts during the next few days after Christmas, but did not comment. Her last “like” was on the December 29 open thread, just 4 days after Christmas.

Wheatie’s last comment on Gab was on 12/20, re-posting this meme:

Wheatie had been having difficulty posting during the fall, due to health reasons, and was having to limit computer screen time for the sake of her eyes. When I gave her the option to be relieved of the Monday thread, she took it without hesitation. Unfortunately, things did not improve.

In early December, after my wife and I recovered from Delta, which we caught around Thanksgiving, I reached out to Wheatie on Gab, because I hadn’t seen her comment in a while. She responded, telling me that she had spent a week in what seemed like a long asthma attack, and which she thought might be some kind of bad bout of allergies.

The next time I reached out to her, in early spring – nothing.

Since then, I have tried many methods of contacting her, with absolutely no luck.

Finally, I decided to look for evidence that Wheatie might have passed away. Unfortunately, that led almost immediately to an obituary notice which matched absolutely everything I knew about Wheatie. And I mean everything. Things that nobody else here knows.

At that point, I decided to enlist the aid of Aubergine, who has done professional genealogy work. Her investigation made it even more clear that we had found our Wheatie. We both agreed that it was time to tell everybody, so that people could offer prayers and honor our fellow Q Treeper. But at the same time, we felt it necessary to maintain the secrecy of Wheatie’s identity, which she had worked very, very hard to maintain.

The Real Wheatie

Wheatie lived a long, blessed, and wonderful life. Be assured of that. She did fascinating things, enjoyed the love of family, and stood up for principles in a way which profoundly influenced many lives, including my own. She made a difference.

Wheatietoo was one of the first people to join this site, and helped to turn it from a mere blog, into a true meeting-place for patriots and lovers of freedom. Many of us knew her from long before, however, on Sundance’s site, or in some cases, on Ace of Spades HQ, where she had been a regular.

Among many other things, Wheatie was responsible for this site’s long-running James Coburn meme, in which I, too, took great pleasure.

She was also responsible for the “tree and treehouse” memes, which were a comfort for all of us in the rough early days of this site.

Perhaps the most significant thing that Wheatie did, was to refuse to accept the stolen election, or the illegitimate Biden presidency. You can even see it in the title of this thread – “Joe Biden didn’t win.”

Wheatietoo’s adamant refusal to accept the lie, echoed and cascaded through this site, and far beyond. I still remember that point, when I told myself that I would become her “first follower” as far as refusing to accept EVEN THE IDEA that Joe Biden had won the election. I told her – don’t stop saying this, because if she didn’t stop – I wouldn’t stop, either.

I truly believe that Miss Wheatie now rests in peace, knowing that we will carry on the fight.


Likewise, Wheatie always felt that Vladimir Putin was a patriotic nationalist, much like American patriots, and that conflict with Russia is neither inevitable nor necessary. Thus, in lieu of flowers, may I suggest remembering “what would Wheatie say?”, the next time some neocon tries to whip up war hysteria, especially with Russia.

There is a Baha’i saying that I like, to the effect that “when a thought of war comes, oppose it with a stronger thought of peace.” I find this idea useful – so try thinking of Wheatie when the next warmonger starts rattling the saber within earshot. Wheatie will set them straight!

Thoughts and Prayers

Please feel free to share your reminiscences about Wheatietoo in the comments. Your prayers are most welcome, too!

Thank you all for your good thoughts and kindnesses toward Miss Wheatie while she was here with us. Your prayers and well-wishes at this time and in the future will be just as effective, I am certain.


Wheatie’s First Open Thread, Featuring Her 3 Rules!

Some of Wheatie Warrior’s favorite modern “epic movie music”!

Johannes Bornlöf, ‘Army of Angels’:

From Wheatie’s classic Monday post here:

“The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

“Those who choose to humble themselves before Truth, no matter how astonishing, beautiful, or painful, are forever united by it.”


PS – If I may ask a favor, please keep any potentially doxxing information or discussion about Miss Wheatie (meaning things she did not tell us publicly, that could identify her) in private channels, preferably DMs and PMs, such as Gab’s end-to-end encrypted chat service. Thank you!

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She has been missed, and will be missed for quite awhile. Until He returns and we are all re-united.



Sylvia Avery

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


She made a lasting impact on me. Peace




Oh Wolf, that is so sad to hear, but not unexpected. I just had a feeling. It wasn’t like Wheatie at all not to at least check in. She has always been one of my favorite posters, both here and at Sundance’s place. She will be greatly missed.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, thank you for checking into it, and for getting Aubergine on the case, too. I appreciate that you two put the effort in to find the truth and bring it to us so we can seek the elusive closure.

Sylvia Avery

There are some unanswered questions, and they gnaw at me. Answers to mysteries only create new questions.

I’m sure they do. But at least Wheatie is no longer missing in action. We can mourn the loss of her company, and we can celebrate her life. That’s a gift, and I’m just so grateful you gave us that.




Sylvia Avery

Sylvia Avery

Hi RDS!! I hope you and Solas are doing well!


Ty very much, Wolf for checking on it and verifying it. At least she is with our loving father, which helps with the sadness we feel.

Much love  and huggs to our close-knit family!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

💗 💗 💗

Sylvia Avery

Yes, she will. She has been missed, and I knew it had to be that she was ill. But even fearing the worst, having it confirmed is rough.


Can’t speak, the tears are pouring…thank you for letting us know.
😢 😪 🌸 🌸


And then I had another blow…

Oh no. 😕


🙏 🙏 🙏


Another blow?…I would say that’s too much. I need a breath before you disclose.

Wheatie going has affected me greatly.
I always assume you will all be here, day after day, while I check in from the other side of the world. Like fictional characters in a series. I thought I could keep myself distanced from you all.
then one of the team goes… 😥
The personalities that make this site great are real people every single
one person does make a difference.

I am here every day and send my love to you all.


This life is intended as an estuary to the Father’s heavens…if only we can keep our eyes on the prize of Faith & Salvation.
Bye Bye Wheatie 😥 🙏

Sylvia Avery

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

❤ 🤗 😘 SHE 😘 🤗 ❤

Sylvia Avery

And then I had another blow, but more about that one later.

Oh Wolfie. Sending up a prayer for you right now.


Wolf Moon
Way too much going on in the imagination department here regarding yourself.
Sending prayers and meditations for you, and Deep Healing to you.


Wow – waiting – impatiently.



Prayers for you, as always.

Sylvia Avery

❤️ ❤️ ❤️


You are in good company 


I found my way here with Flep, and was immediately welcomed by Wheatie.

I miss them both, and am discomfitted to learn that I’ll not see Wheatie again on this side of things.

I hope that someone welcomed her to her new hangout the way that she welcomed me here.

Sylvia Avery

Flep. I miss him very much.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Was thinking about him the other day too. He comes to mind when I see financial news and pigs, LOL. He was in the belly of the NY swamp, biding his time til retirement. He had no other choice but to go radio silent after J6. Praying he wasn’t forced to get the jab.🙏


Off the wall.

Walking around Virginia city, NV, some old fart walks his pot belly pig.

Flep always comes to mind. 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

There was a fair this past weekend, news showed videos of pig races. Flep and Moo Shoo. ❤❤



Sylvia Avery

Oh Coothie! She loved PHC, and he loved her. I bet he was waiting right by the gate with a smile and a joke.


Likely, indeed.


Sylvia Avery

Coothie, I wanted to thank you for your email. I had some complications so I wasn’t able to reply for awhile, but I did eventually. Not sure that you ever got it. In any event, I really appreciate your concern and good wishes for my recovery.❤️❤️❤️


YVW — but the most important part is you being you, with a wash of healing and comfort from Beyond.

Sylvia Avery

It’s been a long haul, but I’m doing pretty well for the most part.


SO GOOD TO HEAR, Miss Sylvia. L♥️VE to U!!!

Sylvia Avery

Hey GA!!! Thank you, Love and smooches right back at you!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Praise God. Luv U Shovels❣🤗😘🤗💖💖

Sylvia Avery

Love you, too, my sweet friend!comment image



Sylvia Avery

Hey, jam! Hope you and DH are doing well! ❤️❤️❤️


Doing okay. Been very busy with garden (and WWWEEEEEDDDDSSS!!!! All the rain has made for lush weeds! The garden is finally starting to look like a proper garden! I have been making almost all of our bread too. DH is finally starting to progress a little, he’s taking a little more initiative.

Looks as if you’ve been dealing with issues but getting better. Take care of yourself! Hugs!

Sylvia Avery

Oh gosh, the rain! It did make for a bumper crop of weeds, but it hasn’t done one thing for my strawberries!!! Glad your DH is improving, that’s terrific news!


Probably a naughty one, too!


..with PHC, always subtle  😅 


Lol! Yeah.

Sylvia Avery

😂 😂 😂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

For sure, tipping his hat, LOL.


Lol! Right!

Sylvia Avery

I have no doubt! Thank you, Aubergine, for your help in finding out what happened to Wheatie.❤️❤️❤️


Of course. I was gratified to be able to do so.

Sylvia Avery

Oh Wolfie. I’ve been focused on my own sadness and feelings of loss. I’m so sorry for you. I know you loved her, and she loved you, too. She always wanted to try to make your path a little smoother here. She was really something special. I know your heart is aching, and I’m so terribly sorry.❤️❤️❤️

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

WTH!?! Are you messing with me?? Can you even?? I just left those 5 RED hearts here. When I click on the reader they all appear BLUE!!! How does that happen?? No other post appears that way!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So Sorry, Not the reader, I mean the bell notifier. When I click on your like to my comment my hearts appear blue instead of red. I’m gonna stop now. I’m drained, need food and a nap.


This is such sad news. I have missed Wheatie’s sweet but strong spirit for a long time. She was a true patriot who courageously took a stand. I had no idea she was the one behind the James Coburn meme; I thought that was Wolf’s doing! I always enjoyed her word of the week, her treehouses, and her action-packed gifs. I feel a great sense of loss and sadness. 🥺 May God rest her soul. 💐


Thanks for sharing that!
Almost gunned down — those evil _____! 😠


I remember those times …

Still love Coburn… 😉


Wonderful to know that.

Sylvia Avery

I loved her word of the week and her treehouses, too. And her strength and courage. ❤️❤️❤️

Sadie Slays

Thank you, Wolfmoon, for doing the tough job of investigating and letting us know. Thank you, Aubergine, for the assist. 

Wheatie had a strong personality that shined through this mostly anonymous community and managed to touch a lot of people. I can still picture her posts in my mind with her different typing style and emojis. Her personality was so distinct that even if she tried posting under a different name, we’d all immediately know it was her. Maybe that’s a weird thing to remember or compliment given the circumstances, but that’s proof of how well-known and loved Wheatie was here that I (we?) can remember little details like that. She will be missed.


I hope we can keep the raccoon gif in some fashion. When I see it, it says “Wheatie.”


….and the polar bear….


Definitely! I like the cat on the skateboard too.


That bear is always what reminds me of her.


That Wheatie Warrior banner is what always brings her to mind for me.


I’m sad that she didn’t get to see the last week in SCOTUS as part of her earthly experience.

Sylvia Avery

I like to think that’s the case. I’d like to think Plain Jane is with her, too, cheering joyfully.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

And PHC, and Weeper. I think they’re all saving us a spot in the Qtree house in West Heaven.❤❤❤

Sylvia Avery

I’m sure they are, bfly! ❤️❤️❤️


That’s what I believe. The evil on this earth may believe it’s winning, but the Lord’s glorious justice is incoming. And our beloved Wheatie has a front row seat. Thank you, Jesus!


Hell, maybe she was giving them the old “finger-poke” from heaven, to do the right thing finally!


Yep. I wouldve known it was her too.

Sylvia Avery

“Her personality was so distinct that even if she tried posting under a different name, we’d all immediately know it was her,”

Oh, my goodness, yes! So true. Wheatie had a unique way of communicating. She was such an individual and her personality came through no matter what. No wonder we loved her.


Thanks, Sadie. It was not the fun I usually have with genealogy, but I’m glad I could help Wolf with it.




bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

God Bless you Dear Eggplant.🙏🤗😘💖


Thank you, Butterfly. And you, as well.


Anytime, Wolf. Anytime.


I clicked on the link to Wheatie’s first open thread. There, she said this:

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



She was the very first person I got to know OT and very welcoming and fun. Followed up by Wolf and a couple others. I have always had a fun affection for her and this is pretty awful.
There have been so many we have known who have died the past few years . I am very heartbroken that it wasnt allergies and just an internet break.
I hope her husband and her family otherwise were there for her and are doing ok.
Thank you Wolf and Aubergine for doing the work to verify.


Shed be so casual about it too, but im sure you did your due diligence.


The Fiancee is instructed to let you all know should it be necessary. I figure that there’s about a 30% chance that will work.


Yours Truly has done the same, with several people.


I’ve left similar instructions, but I think I’m at about 15%!


I gave instructions also.




You’re welcome.


She was always in good hands as I trust she is now. Remembers still the post she made after coming off that short absence mentioned. She said she was falling off the bed and her husband caught her. I think we told her “Now that’s a hero”. She agreed.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

I am sad to hear about Wheatie. Thank you kindly for the update- and for honoring her and all of the wonderful contributions she did while here with us. She was a beautiful soul. 💗

Sylvia Avery

She was a beautiful soul. 

She really was, wasn’t she?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤗 🤗 MAKS 🤗 🤗


She wouldve liked this.
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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_smile:   :wpds_wink:   :wpds_lol: 


Thank you, Wolf, for this beautiful thread and for finding out what happened to Wheatie. I know it must have been a difficult, emotional journey. Thank you, Aubergine, for your contributions too. It is comforting that we care for our own.


You’re welcome TT. I do think genealogy is something that should be used for comfort and good things.


If anyone retains posting privileges at Ace or CTH, please let them know.

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie was my friend. She was the first one to welcome me OT, and then one day she was gone. And then somehow I stumbled through the door here and there was Wheatie and I was in tears I was so relieved and happy to find my friend.

I suspected she was gone from us, because it just wasn’t like her to be away without word. And I had worried over her health issues.

Wheatie loved PHC so much. I like to think he was there, waiting to greet her when she went home.

Because we shared an admiration for Ryan Zinke, especially when he was horseback, this one’s for you, Wheatie dear.

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God bless you, Wheatie, and keep you. Rest in peace, Warrior.


Shes still sayin this too.
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Amen Miss Syl. I remember our fun OT and how you guys swoon over Zinke. Lol. Well Im sure shes getting every question answered and then some. I could only imagine the conversation and subsequent post on it all.

Sylvia Avery

We had such fun. We all had such joy in the new Trump Administration and all the Cabinet members, and getting up in the middle of the night to watch PDJT arrive in foreign lands. And Wheatie was right in the thick of it. I miss those days and our absent friends.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

You’re so right she was always up watching every minute of those overseas trips, no matter what time of night/morning here. I was struggling to keep up with her keeping up! 😊 We were always checking out Melania’s beautiful clothes and her SHOES!! 👗👠👠 I remember one time she was talking about womens skirts. How she described being so tall that a regular ladies skirt would hit her inappropriately above the knee. Not sure if it was true or if she was just trying to make us laugh. God Bless Her, she was such a Sweetheart and so funny. 🙏💖

Sylvia Avery

It was so fun. I never in my life paid attention to a President’s foreign travels, and certainly didn’t get up in the middle of the night to watch such things as AF1 landing and checking out the level of ceremony the receiving country put on for him, LOL! And being able to share that with Wheatie, and everyone else, was so fun!!

I remember her making that comment about her height, and regular skirts! Oh! Such a sweet memory! God bless Wheatie. ❤️❤️❤️


Yes, a beautiful warrior 😢 🌺 🙏 ❤️

Sylvia Avery

It’s good to see you, BTW. ❤️❤️❤️


Yes, Wheatie loved. Full stop. Still crying.

Sylvia Avery



Hi friend. Good to hear from you.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks pgroup. Always happy to see you!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yes, Zinke, HUBBA HUBBA!! 😊😊

Sylvia Avery

*fanning myself vigorously* 😁😁😁👍

Happy go lucky

Ahhh, Wheatie got to go home 💐

I’m crying, but somehow I’m not sad.

”No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Happy go lucky

Thank you for sharing, Wolf. And Aubergine, for the help and for being there for Wolf.


You’re welcome. I hope anyone here knows I am here to help if they need it.


Ouch on a Monday, what sad tidings… Wheatie’s complex and exquisitely enjoyable openers, word of the day, other posts and friendly replies will be no more — I had always hoped this was temporary but that appears not to be so.

Thank you, Wolfmoon and Aubergine, for finding out about where she went.

She was a beautiful soul

Now we have the polar bear and the dancing racoon bracketing the Monday posts.

And as ever:
Epstein didn’t kill himself
Biden didn’t win.

And prayers for Wheatietoo and for President Trump.


You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help, sad for the reason.


Thank you Wolf and Aubergine. I think about her often and wonder where’s Wheatie? Now I know. She’s here with us and was all along. RIP dear Wheatie. 


Right! Still here, in spirit!

Sylvia Avery

((((holly)))) ❤️❤️❤️


So good to see you Sylvia! Hope you are feeling better and getting stronger.  😍 

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, sweetie!


so sad & shocked to read this about wheatie  💔 

but thank you for letting us know….like many others here, I have often wondered how she was doing and why we didn’t hear from her anymore.

I always missed her presence here.

wheatie was one of the most consistantly respectful & truly loyal and compassionate ppl at this site and OT.

not the least bit overly opinionated or abrasive with her comments and input.

I appreciated her sensitivity and humor.

she was a genuinely warm and inviting person.

our loss.

GOD Bless wheatie forever.  💖 

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

kick in, coffee…

* consistently

there we go.

big moving day tomorrow…but no excuse for bad speling !

watching the tropics, as usual.


Inv 94L

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Hey Smiley, you got any pull? Can you aim it at Delaware on a weekend? 😲

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I could take my truck.

It’s bigger than that joke of a state.


Have fun moving, looks like the weather will behave.




ok will do

1200 miles to go, ugh

catcha asap

might check back here early tomorrow.


another demonic Roe vs Wade reaction…

kinda wondering why s/he didn’t turn greenlike The Hulk.

freak show.


Orange Girl Bad


Mentally unstable.


Scared Spice with more curb weight … demonic

pat frederick

Wolf, thanks for finding out and letting us know. Even though i never met wheatie personally, if i met her on the street, my heart would know her. she was kind and funny, but a fierce warrior. you knew what she stood for. her spirit will always be in the treehouse!

pat frederick

I will know her and all of you!
you are always in my prayers!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤗 😘 Miss Pat😘🤗❤🍌🍌❤

Valerie Curren

So True & beautifully said! God Bless YOU Pat 


Sad news indeed. My experience with Wheatie was similar to that expressed by others here. She was one of the first people I interacted with OT – her personality invited engagement. I fondly remember many early morning “yacking” (excuse the Aussie slang) sessions OT, most often with Sylvia. This was during the wee hours (for the US) when no one else was around.

Then finding Wheatie and all of you over here after months of isolation after being banned was such a thrill. Wheatie leaves a big hole here. She is missed by this lurker.


Very nice to see you Jason. Still waiting patiently for the end of the story!


Hi Tona. Your patience is commendable, to say the least. Many times I have thought that I was ready to share, only to be held back. I am busy writing up the draft of the current chapter – I have promised it to my mother by the end of June. It will be rather controversial, to say the least. It deals with the spiritual aspect of the story.

I went into lurker mode last year at the advise of Wolf – he advised everyone who was working on “something” to overcome the cabal. By then I was well aware that my story fell into that category, so I found Wolf’s advise to be very helpful and wise. I am ready to share in the very near future – early July seems feasible.
For a purely secular version of what I have been working on you can look at – please note that the CHE has the capacity tp prevent climate change in BOTH directions – not stressed in the website as the greenies are are obsessed with the warming aspect.

If I am right, then the directive of the New Testament to obey your government, coupled with a near world-wide governmental belief in climate change will make sense very soon. Government belief in climate change is a big part of what is playing out in the world, and it is driving much bigger change than people realize. I am referring to spiritual implications.


Bookmarked the site, and looking forward to the rest of the story!

Sylvia Avery

Such sweet memories.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


So many loving tributes to our Wheatie…

Very grateful to you Wolfie and Aubergine for enabling us to gather in her memory …

for some months Monday morning at this Treehouse has been a reminder that our friend and Compatriot was MIA . Closure is so important …

Wolfie, the treehouse posted in your Open is perfect … thank you! I enjoyed every one she posted … especially the ‘whimsical’ ones.

She is much loved and missed.


I agree, closure matters a lot. I hated wondering. And I’m thankful I could help a little.






W – tough duty … I know … Thank you so much for helping us all understand … We all miss Wheatie so much, but must trust in Him and in His ways … God Bless All …


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

God Bless you RED. 🤗💗🤗


Back atcha!! We all need blessing today … Lord knows I do … be like Wheatie … love life, live life, love one another … be best friends … defend you and yours (fam + Qtree + 17 + PDJT + Q+) to the very end.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Sylvia Avery

Howdy, Red.
It helps knowing Wheatie is in God’s hands.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Absolutely …. We should all pray that we could walk in her shoes …


Wheatie is in Heaven. Getting dusty here too. Time for a group HUG!



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

And several cases of KLEENEX!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If we run out of kleenex, TP can be a backup.

Fortunately, this isn’t two years ago.


RE: Wheatie2, she was such an integral part of what made the qtree so special and she made my days a little brighter in a way that is irreplaceable. Would it be inappropriate to ask her age, or approximate age? I worrried about the asthma, many of us did. Wheatie2 is very much missed.



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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So sorry to hear about the loss of Wheatie. What a wonderful person all the way around! She is at rest now….that will come to us all at some point. It’s the sad way of the internet that we often never learn what came of everyone. Such a trooper who is truly missed every single day!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤗 😘 😍 FILLY😍😘🤗


Thank you, Wolf, for informing us and for making today’s post a memorial of sorts to dear Wheatie. Have long missed her posts and treehouses and had feared this reason for her silence. Hard to know it for sure, though. Our great loss in the here and now, but her great gain, I believe.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30,5b

Last edited 2 years ago by GrammyInD

Rest in peace Wheatietoo. Like many others have already stated, she was one of the first people to interact with me over at CTH. I had lurked for a couple years prior to posting, but she was always kind. Prayers for all of our other friends who have gone on ahead of us as well.


Wolf Moon
Thank you most profoundly for today’s lead. It’s hard to know that Wheatietoo is no longer on this Earth, but some nagging questions about her absence here are answered. Her spirit, however, is still here. May she rest in peace for all time under the Wings of the Almighty God.
And now, of you, our good friend and guide here — Yours Truly is disquieted.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

For our friend and compatriot Wheatie

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Beautiful Darlin PR❤❤🤗😘🤗❤❤

Brave and Free

Condolences to Wheatie’s family and to her family here. She truly was a sweetheart.
Will always think of her when I see the Polar Bear and the dancing Raccoon.
When you lose those who love you it hurts the most.
Prayers for all, and an extra one for Wolf.


My heart is broken. She meant so much to me and all of us.

One of the most delightful moments of my life, sheer euphoria, happened after the CTH banishment. For months I wandered around the internet, sad because of the loss.

Then one day I decided for the heck of it to search (I think) “Wolfmoon” and “Conservative Tree House” and this site showed up. I went on the site and immediately saw “wheatietoo” – – her name literally brought tears to my eyes. I forget the date, but I remember posting to her to express my joy. Her name alone meant so much to me, so wonderful were the connections my heart had with that name, like a miraculous talisman.

Somehow everything she said, and the way she said it, always reflected that some remarkable person was posting these things. Wolfmoon has mighty prudence and self-control, but wheaties prudence, self-control, and even-handed manner, had a dignity all its own. All any of us can ever be is ourselves, but the thought occurred to me from time to time that I would love to be wheatie. There were maybe only three people I ever thought that about, and the others were not hidden behind a screen.

I posted to her on occasion that she seemed to be the only human being that I never disagreed with.

She teased me once about the cryptic obscurity of the language I would tend to use, and I laughed uproariously, even while I was being gently but pointedly made fun of. To be teased by wheatie was a beautiful honor.

How is it possible to feel a deep emptiness, a pressing sadness in the chest, about the passing of a person you have never met? Only wheatie.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda

Off topic a bit Tona, but have you heard from NYGuy? Have not seen him here or on Gab in quite a while.


NYGuy decided to leave Rochester NY and moved to Philadelphia, so we were no longer close in proximity. He also had serious health issues to deal with.

The last couple of times we talked, he said he was distancing himself from politics as an interest in his life. He was 100% MAGA, but his health, and strengthening his relationship with his son became the most important things to him.

We have not talked in a long time.

Maybe some day soon I will call to see how he is doing.


Thanks Tona! That was the last I had heard as well. If you do speak with him let him know we are thinking of him.


See my comment. Sorry I lost touch but I am doing great. Left you a voice mail. Still here. Didn’t move.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for asking, CM. I have wondered, too.


I’m here. Still kicking. Tona is right. I backed away from commenting and decided to live my life. I’m in great health. Working out daily and am in very good shape. Terrific spirits. Circumstances forced me to stay in upstate NY so I am making the best of it. Deepest sympathies to Wheaties’ family.


Good to hear from you and glad you are doung well!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Kindred Spirits.💝 🤗 🤗 Dear Tona 🤗 🤗

Sylvia Avery

Oh Tonawanda….I’m gulping back tears again. My experience at finding Wheatie here was like yours. And you described her so well. Thank you for saying it so beautifully. I miss my friend.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


A beautiful Tribute to a beautiful Lady!

We miss her greatly.

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Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
JW in Germany

I was missing Wheatie but afraid to ask if anybody knew anything. For years one of my favorite at CTH and the Q Tree.

God Bless Wheatie.

JW in Germany

I have never been a man of many words at times like this. But, this one really hit me in the heart.


It is astounding how close we can become with each other without seeing each. There is something more then Trump binding us it is the loving spirit in this forum. Yes we at times do not agree but still accept differences.
Wheatie was special each of you are special in your own way.
I miss Wheatie but I am happy every day checking in that you all are here 
Wheatie will be in my heart forever and that is comforting.

JW in Germany

One of the things that makes the Q Tree special is that the group of regulars is still small enough to kind of get to know and connect with each other even if only by text.

Also, it is the knowledge we share with each other…the discussions we have…even the disagreements like siblings arguing with each other. It is all part of why I come here regularly.

When I was still a regular at CTH…I noticed that as the site grew and thousands were posting…in my opinion, CTH lost a big part of what made it special. The close-knit comment section was no longer like a family. The crowd sourcing capabilities became a chaotic free-for-all making it virtually useless.

Thanks to Wolf for creating a place for us misfits…and thanks to Marica for fishing me out of the Twitter-Swamp and bringing me here.

I do not think you all realize how this helps me cope with life in Germany and keeps me sane…well…relatively speaking. 😂 

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤗 🤗 James 🤗 🤗 💞 💞

JW in Germany

 💗 I love you too! 💗 


Very good post and insightful.
Thank you for sharing.

JW in Germany

You are very welcome!



Sylvia Avery

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Yes, but at least there is some closure.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Badly. 💔 😭😭


Welcome, dear Wheatie . . .
.comment image


Do not fear the reaper, He will take you by the hand.


Perfect…being welcomed to her new Treehouse!


And, on another topic — now that the FDA has granted an EUA to Pfizer-BioNTech and to Moderna to use their COVID-19 ‘vaccines” in babies 6 months old to 5 years old — “all of a sudden”, there’s “new guidelines” to prevent SIDS:

Two researchers at the University of Virginia have come up with “new guidelines” to help prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Most of these are actually reiterations of things that have been recommended for decades.
However, for the first time that Yours Truly can recall, there’s mention of this:
FTA: “While there is no contraindication to using home cardiorespiratory monitors or wearable monitors, there is no evidence that using them will prevent SIDS. Families who decide to use these monitors should still follow the safe sleep guidelines.”

Recall that on 15 June 2022, the very day that the FDA granted the EUA to Pfizer-BioNTech and to Moderna for using their COVID-19 “vaccines” in the age group above, a NEW “clinical trial” was started: NCT05295290, that will be ongoing until 13 June 2028 — a 5-year follow-up study of this age group in collaboration with the Pediatric Heart Network — to evaluate POST-“VACCINE” MYOCARDITIS / PERICARDITIS in this age group.


Itll happen anyways….but theyll use sids as the excuse!


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Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt

And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain 
And/or share your personal pain

Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds

Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea

With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why

We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by

Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot

Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain

God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence

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Thank you Dear Duchess …

Beautiful …






Oh Duchess, so beautiful.


And that’s the way of it.
Thank You Duchess.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thank you Sweet Duchess, Beautiful poem for Miss Wheatie. 🤗😘🥰💗💗💗



Situation about to drastically CHANGE.

We recommend following latest updates on @IntelRepublic

(at this time this is the latest post from intelslava)



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Intel Slava Z

CNN reported that the US authorities intend to supply medium and long-range missile defense systems to Ukraine.

The channel notes that Washington may announce its decision this week. It is likely that Kyiv will be provided with other types of military assistance, including counter-battery radars and ammunition.

It is important to understand that such a move would be a deliberate escalation on the part of the US.

It was the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty that naturally led to an increase in distrust in relations between Moscow and Washington and contributed to an increase in tension around the world.

Also, American missile defense systems can be quickly equipped with strike missile systems. Putin has repeatedly spoken about this, emphasizing the danger of this issue for Russia’s security.


I apologize for the messed up post ,,,


United Arab Emirates proposes to assist Moscow in POW swap between Russia and Ukraine – RIA Novosti.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic


Boris Rozhin reports

4. There are reports that 21 IDF fighters were captured at Azovstal. They were exchanged through the United Arab Emirates – Israel in exchange for them agreed to minimize the supply of weapons to Ukraine, and also transferred to Russia the territory of the Alexander Metochion in Jerusalem for indefinite use. Officially, this topic was not commented on in any way.


Get ’em when they retreat
from Stripes–

A bloody retreat as Ukraine unit hit by Russian cluster bombs

OUTSIDE OF LYSYCHANSK, Ukraine — The Ukrainian Airborne unit was relieved to be pulling back from the front Sunday morning, riding a column of armored personnel carriers away from the embattled city of Sievierodonetsk, which had already fallen to the Russians, and Lysychansk, which was on the brink.

“Nothing happened to us to when we were at the front,” the unit commander said. “It was while we were retreating that we got hit.”

They were hit, and hit badly.

As the convoy moved into the farm village of Verkhniokamianske, with many of the soldiers riding on the outside of the vehicles, the first blast struck right by them. It was a cluster bomb, they would later surmise, something that tore through the contingent of men clinging to that side of one truck. . . .here


Oh! Wolfie!!! Such a lovely tribute to our Wheatie Warrior!!! And such a Warrior she was! Her Tree posts were always so welcoming! Her humor and memes were wicked funny! Her music was ethereal!! My heart is heavy! but knowing she is in God’s heavenly realm…makes me at peace! Thank you dear friend for this lovely post for one of the best Patriots I’ve Never met….May she Rest in Peace–With the full knowledge that she touched so many lives with her staunch support of GOD, Family and COUNTRY!

Rodney L Short

R.I.P My Dear Wheatie

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤗 💗 Rodney 💗 🤗


I will be careful what I say here, because Wheatie so greatly valued her privacy.

But I have to say that everything I found while I peered briefly into what Wolf asked me to find confirmed to me that the Wheatie I enjoyed so much here was as cool and funny and smart in real life as she was here in “online” world.

I think Wheatie led life on her own terms, and was the warrior we all knew her as. And she was gorgeous. This is not a stretch, and it is how I will always picture Wheatie:

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Thank you for your words Aubergine… they mean alot to me,,,






That picture always reminds me of Wheatie.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I remember her once describing herself as athletic, tall, thin, and blonde. I always believed this beautiful image was a true reflection of her.💖💖💖


It was.


AND ….(wheatie has God’s ear!!) Prayer Allowed in schools!!!! Praise GOD!!! 6-3 SC RULING!!




Its all to eliminate freedom and religion. Most leftists are intentionally lost.
Another black eye on public education.


If we have free speech then youre darn tootin.


Oh my goodness! Thank you dear Lord! Wheatie still fighting!


I am so sad to hear this  😢 ! God Bless Wheatie, she is dearly missed! A beautiful soul, great patriot, and fierce digital warrior!

FJB – Joe Biden Didn’t Win!


Thank you, Wolf, for researching and letting us know!! I was hoping she was just taking an extended break, but knew inside that she would have contacted us all here to let us know, if she could. God bless and I pray for your health and safety, and for all treepers!

Sylvia Avery

I will always cherish my memories of her.


Me too (((Sylvia)))!! God Bless! I love everyone here! Please everyone, take care of yourselves and stay safe. We are here to witness the most enormous and fantastic events brought forth from God’s hands ever!!!! Nothing will be hidden – all Truth will be made visible for all to see. Wheatie is here in spirit and now sits in God’s Tree House in his awesome presence to witness everything up close.

Nothing can stop what is coming! Where we go one we go all!

Sylvia Avery

This is an exciting time! And I love your image of Wheatie sitting in God’s Tree House, watching it all unfold! ❤️❤️❤️


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JW in Germany

Justice Thomas up to bat for yet another grand slam???

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday expressed a desire to revisit a landmark 1964 ruling that makes it relatively difficult to bring successful lawsuits against media outlets for defamation.

Thomas’s statement came in response to the court’s decision to turn away an appeal from a Christian nonprofit group who disputed their characterization by the civil rights watchdog group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Another prediction from President Trump to come true???

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany

G7 Set To Impose “Price Caps” On Russian Oil; Unclear What This Actually Does
Europe threatens to cut imports from Russia further, and pretend to pay less, but only if Russia doesn’t cut exports to Europe even more first.


Below is a quote from a ZH posting about the G7 meeting

“Under the price-capping scheme, Europe would limit the availability of shipping and insurance services that enable the worldwide transport of Russian oil, mandating that the services would only be available if the price ceiling was observed by the importer. A similar restriction on the availability of US financial services could give the scheme added impact.

Obviously, this naive proposal has had the full backing of the Biden admin and recent comments by German officials suggested Berlin was also coming around to the idea. Officials said that Mario Draghi, Italy’s prime minister, told fellow G7 leaders that energy price caps were needed because “we must reduce the amount of money going to Russia and get rid of one of the main causes of inflation”.”

Anyone but me think this idea is delusional?


I dont think they think. Just throwing anything justifying the fraud of this war for their wef scheme.


G7 is going in circles.  😂 
This is Stoopid schemes exposed on a World stage.
.. too good on soo many levels…  😂  😂 

So good,..only the certified drooling ice cream cone licker could play the part of organizer who dreamed it up, as everyone at the table nods their heads in synchronized agreement. (except for the ones who can’t move at what they’re hearing  😂 )
Zellinsky on teleconference in the background is a nice touch.. 😂 
..yeah let’s get his expert input  😂 
What a waste of fuel.
 😄  😄  😄  😅  😂 



These “leaders” are the dumbest of the dumb azzhats. First rule of financial deals – who has the most leverage? They have product you must have for people to live. You have…some shipping and insurance they may (big ?) need?! LMAO 🤣

Uh, you have zippo leverage. Your American friends (Bite-me and Soetoro) have throttled US supply to chase delusional green dreams, which are really just excuses to destroy America, but I digress.

BRICS – again. The Chi-coms don’t play by the rules, so none of their aligned group of nations will either. They do not have to play in the game. There is enough demand around the world to make up for any reduction to idiot Euros. It has the effect of shooting one’s self in the foot and then saying let’s shoot the other one so they match.


Think the EU is doing it on purpose. They can wreck the economies, blame Putin, and think they can bring on the great reset to “fix” everything. Ditto for Biden and his handlers.


Yup, Zero leverage. and G7 loses more credibility.
Russia has the product and is sitting on the spigot. As far as they’re concerned shipping AND Insurance is someone else’s problem.
Brandon should have let Hunter do this deal  😂 


He was…uh, busy with hoes and huff and stuff. 😂


RF can sell it’s stuff to the (still) free world.
I’d think the chief globo’s are trying to ensure none of their fellow treacherous heads of state break ranks this winter and start a bidding war for oil and gas.


That… and Cabal is fighting to save the Petro Reserve Dollar and their future wealth… they’ve lost that battle … it will bring down the CBs and the Cabal … imho


^^^ This.

Agree – they are deep into the petro dollar. It’s old money wealth. It’s over, all they have are diversionary actions.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Oh my God, I just knew, increasingly, sadly, I knew it in my spirit, but could never
say it loud for fear it might be true. I kept hoping that maybe her allergies, eyes, 
or back had her disabled, preventing her from posting, and have been fervently
praying for her healing. I go to Gab every other week to look for her. I’ve left messages. 
It’s just so unlike her not to post somewhere.

One day last week the thought that Covid took her out popped into my mind from out of 
the blue. I believe it was God, letting me know she was OK, prepping me for this day. I’ve been crying all morning. (Miss Wheatie would’ve been the first to send Kleenex).
Painfully, sorrowfully, thank you Wolfie and Aubergine for your detective work.

In 2017, being a newbie to politics and CTH, I immediately took a liking to Miss
Wheatie. She was VSG smart, she new all the facts and the angles, she was quick
witted and funny too. I wanted to be like her one day. I so admired her and she
was the first one I looked for in the comments every day. She always made things
make sense.

I soooo loved Miss Wheatie. She’s the reason I’m here. She was my absolute favorite
at CTH, and when she disappeared after the 2018 election I was crushed.  💔 For 3-4 
months I was looking for her daily, not understanding why she disappeared. Then one day (Thank God) the witches of CTH let their guard down and Wolfie managed to sneak
a post through the blockade. It caused me to go searching and find the Qtree and my beloved Miss Wheatie!!! I was so thrilled and happy to find her again.  😍 😍 😍 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 💖 💖 💖 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 😍 😍 😍

She was Wolfie’s trusted 2nd Lieutenant. And she did a mighty fine job tending to the place while he was away. I can still hear her say, ‘Hey Boss’. She was always humble and kind.  Whenever a tiff arose she would go out her way to be diplomatic, explain, reason, be the first to apologize (even when she didn’t need to) and always try to calm the waters. She was extremely patient with the unruly kids (unlike me) and never said an unkind word. Her mission, like Wolfie’s, was always peace in the Tree.

Week after week, she brought us such comfy, cozy, relaxing, beautiful QTree homes 🌳 🏡 (including beautiful flowers for Butterfles 🌸 🌼 🌷 🌻 🌺 🌹 😍 ) and good music. She gave me my beautiful blue butterfly avatar. In her honor, I will never change it.

I wish I had met her IRL. I have actually planned several road trips to go see her, 
one of the last being Thanksgiving 2021, taking her a bacon covered turkey. I have 
mentally pictured loading up the 4Runner, heading out I-45 north, a straight shot to
Oklahoma, and getting there in 10-12 hours.

I’m heart broken at losing our Dear Friend, but so relieved to know she’s at home
in the loving arms of Jesus. No more suffering, sorrow or pain. God Bless her and
Keep her, and now He has her. Until we meet again, RIP Dear Sweet Miss Wheatie. 
WE LOVE YOU ❣ ❣ ❣ 💞 💖 💞

Psalm 23 – King James Version
23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Lovely post in Wheatie’s honor. Thanks.


{{{Butterfly}}} Big ole Hugs!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Ty Marica, this is so hard. I adored that woman. 💔😭😭 Luv U. 🤗😘💝


Same!!! I’m walking around in a daze…Luv U too!!😘




BJG, many thanks for sharing your memories.
Prayers for Ms Wheatie and all her loved ones…🙏🙏🙏

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎




Sylvia Avery

(((Bfly))) and now the tears have started again. What a beautiful tribute to our friend.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Marica’s right, today’s shot. Just took more sinus medicine and aspirin. Opened another box of puffs with lotion. Have some. {{Butterfly hands Puffs to Shovels}}

Sylvia Avery

*sniffling* Thanks Cartwheels. ❤️❤️❤️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not even bacon can fix this.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Nope, not even bacon. 😭

Valerie Curren


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Dang it Wolfie, just when I was starting to dry out for a minute. I know you know. 💔 💔 💔 Thank you for this sanctuary and all you do for us. God Bless and Keep you kind Sir. Prayers up for you. 🙏 🙏 🙏 Luv U lots. ❤ ❤ ❤ 🤗 🤗 🤗


Such a beautiful post. Hate to lessen it with a smiley, but here it is anyway. 😊

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Valerie Curren

Thank you for this beautifully moving tribute to our fallen warrior, now at peace in the arms of Jesus.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



I think that is how I found this site. Wheatie was a class act.


Oh my…Wheatie had been sorely missed already and we always hoped for a visit however brief.
Now we know to keep her in our hearts and remember her fondly until we meet again.
Rest in gentle peace Wheatie


I miss Wheatie, she was an awesome lady. She went home to be with the Lord which means …. till we meet again.
I am sorry for her family’s loss.
Loved her Monday open.
‘Thank you very much W0lf for finding information about Wheatie I appreciate it. God bless you.


This morning I have been pondering Q and what he said about “it had to be this way.

Can’t lie, I have been pretty pissed at all we have been suffering through, and mad at some people, but I have to admit I am seeing it now. Why it “had to be.”

It’s like someone pulled a trigger at the Supreme Court last week, and now today; prayer in schools! And you know, it’s not been the chaos the lefties promised if they didn’t get their way.

“Jane’s Revenge” for abortion has been more like “Jane’s Perfunctory Pfizzle.” Sure, the big cities saw some rioting, but I was expecting protests even in my little town, and other small towns across America. This is NOTHING compared to what it would have been a couple of years ago. Churches would have burned to the ground all over America.

And protest over the prayer in school ruling will likewise be a bunch of low-life Satanists with no credibility, pissing into the wind.

Not to mention the gun rights ruling. After all the leftist craziness of the summer, so many people went out and bought guns that this ruling excited almost everybody. Almost nobody want guns only in criminal hands.

But there is NO WAY these rulings didn’t cause mass-chaos before the last couple of years went by, and we all suffered the way we have. No way.

It had to be this way. Q was correct.

JW in Germany

As Dave at X22 has said almost daily since the election,“You cannot tell the people…they will not believe you…you have to SHOW them the Truth!”

I believed this going back before Q. One of the regular (rhetorical) questions I would post at CTH…”What would taking down the Deep State look like?”. The answer implied was that we were witnessing it in real-time.

Admittedly, at the time, I could not have imagined the mammoth global scale of such an operation. Now realizing that this was never going to be finished in a couple of years. That said…it is apparent to me that the tide has turned.

We the People are on the offense! That does not mean we win every battle…but we are definitely kicking some ass!

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany

Yes, we are! I feel that the tide has turned, too. It’s been a great week.

Sylvia Avery

I think you’re right, JW. It hasn’t always been easy to see, but we are fighting hard and the results are beginning to be visible.


Aubergine, Saved this for just for you. I’m certain you will wear it well.  😃 
comment image?fit=982%2C387&ssl=1


That’s FANTASTIC! I love it!



Jack Posobiec

Don’t worry, libs

Roe v Wade was just a clump of words

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

[snort; guffaw]

Sylvia Avery

It really was all a bit of a fizzle, wasn’t it? I was expecting it to be like George Floyd, only worse.


Hopefully it stays a fizzle. Keep my wife in thoughts and prayers as she has to fly to D.C. Wednesday morning and thankfully back home on Thursday. She will be nowhere near Capital Hill, but further out in N.W.

Sylvia Avery

I will do that, CM. A scary place to be in these times, but we’ll pray her through.


Thank you!

Sylvia Avery



Prayers up CM …




Me, too! But no. Three years ago? The world would have burned.

Sylvia Avery

Outrage fatigue? Or have antifa types been getting quietly rounded up? Or both? I don’t know. But it’s interesting.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Nah, it was Dems deploying their brown shirts to make Trump look bad. They can hardly afford that now, Creepy is doing that all by himself.

Sylvia Avery

I do think the spigot on their money supply has been turning off. I’m sure you’re right and that made a difference!


Yes, it sure is.

Valerie Curren

The country has Always been Center Right on abortion…so no real motivation to promote active baby killing by normies…


Money shortage


You’re just disappointed that you’re deprived of doing some shovel work.  😆 

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
Sylvia Avery

Ha! You’ve got that right, my friend!


They can’t afford the gas to go protest and they’re starving!

Sylvia Avery

LOL…..well……some of them seem rather, er, robust! But in all seriousness, I think the funding might be drying up. Hallelujah!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I understand it, this particular prayer ruling involved the case of someone who was praying after games, by himself.

It could be a harbinger of things to come, but right now the door is not open to teachers leading children in prayer or anything that might look like the government school system is endorsing a particular class of faiths. IMHO there are BIG problems with that sort of thing (solvable by ditching the government school system).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The problem with the schools specifically is…is it truly voluntary?

I can assure you from personal experience you do NOT want to be singled out as the one atheist in class. Many are smart enough to keep their mouths shut. I was not.

So how many people will be forced to violate their personal convictions if you start seeing teacher led (or even “spontaneous” student-organized prayer) in school? I put “spontaneous” in quotes because there are shitheel Christian organizations that will try to get such things to happen. There’s already a “pray around the flagpole” thing going on at many schools just before the bell rings, and…you don’t want to not participate, in many parts of the country. There’s also another shitheel organization that rents rooms in schools immediately after school is out so that it will look like the school approves of the activity. Young kids being willing to pander to authority, it looks to them like authority is telling them to do this. (Note: when a church across the street is suggested as a venue for this activity, the organization declines; they want it to look like a school activity so I am NOT blowing it out of proportion.)

High school football coaches are a BIG problem in fact; if they want to pray before the game, what player is going to risk the coach’s displeasure (and benching, but never for this reason, oh, no!) by declining to participate in a “voluntary” prayer session?

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In the early 60s, my high school in NJ had a moment of silence at the start of homeroom period [first]. Reciting the pledge was in elementary school in the late 50s; not high school.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, the pledge of allegiance was pretty much an elementary school thing (and maybe that’s still the way it is). I don’t recall doing it even in junior high (which, since many never did that, was 7-9th grades). And it’s probably not done in middle school now that the local schools have switched over to that (6-8th grade).

It was hilarious though in college. The local College Republican chapter decided to do the Pledge of Allegiance and I had an astonished Campus Democrat ask me if we actually did that. Yep.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing these insights & perspective!


I have a little different view of this.

I am VERY private about my religious practice. I do not pray in public with others. I DO however, quietly bow my head and think my thoughts when others are praying. Generally when this happens there are many Christian people around me, and I wouldn’t want to be offensive, so I’m not.

I know I’m weird, but I view this in the same light as politely taking a bit of everything at a potluck and trying it. It’s just good manners. When in Rome, you know.

Putting my head down doesn’t have to mean anything more than I’m bending my neck, is all I’m saying. And children CAN and SHOULD be taught that sometimes you do stuff just for manners’ sake. If your children have a strong upbringing at home, then they aren’t going to just “go along” with anything. And if children don’t have a strong upbringing at home, they could do a WHOLE LOT worse than to fall in with the Christians.

And I completely agree with what Wolf replied to you here. When we were kids, none of this was forced on us at school. All we had to do was stand there, if that’s what everyone was doing. Manners. Civility. Society.



Valerie Curren

I had an art teacher in Junior High that “forced” Transcendental Meditation, iirc, on us. He tried to lead every one in a chant of Ohmmmm. As a strong Christian I did Not participate but chose to Pray to God instead. I was “offended” by this pressure by the teacher, but it didn’t change who I was & I don’t think I told my parents about that either. Now I would speak up a bit I think…


As far as Joe Kennedy goes, he did not reward or punish in relation to the 50 yardline prayer. I seem to remember hearing that he actually tried to discourage joining him [but I am not sure].

I’ll ask my wife; she knows him.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And, based on the descriptions I saw today, I’m fine with what he was doing.


I don’t believe teachers should lead children in prayer. But I believe children who want to pray should be able to, which this ruling appears to address. If a teacher wants to bow his/her head before lunch and silently pray, they should be able to do so.

There is NO state religion in America. But the Constitution protects freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM it. No one has the right to suppress another person’s private prayers in any setting in our country.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So long as they remain private…not even a tincture of endorsement by the school system.

There are practical problems however; see my reply to Wolf below (or above, depending on how you hold your mouth when you load the site).


And man, are they suffering! The bitter red-pills have been swallowed by many in the last 18 months, with more to come.

Valerie Curren

Hubby heard that Taco Bell in Michigan is donating funds to promote/protect abortion in our state in defiance of existing law eliminating all but “medically necessary” (save the life of the mother) procedures. They are also promising Trannies in as many locations as possible. Hubby immediately wrote to them about losing his business AND Why…& how he was telling everyone he knew so that the cascade losses would be evident. Everything woke turns…


Well, Yours Truly believes that Taco Bell has been on the skids for some time. Going “woke” may take care of the rest of it.

Valerie Curren

Make it so!


“Russia did NOT target residential building in Kiev, damage was done while it was trying to hit ammunition factory – Pentagon.”
(Pentagon passing up the opportunity to blame RF, hmmm)


So whilst pretending to be fair they slipped in the disinformation.
“damage was done while it was trying to hit ammunition factory”
Not at all, according to Intelslava the damage was done by one of ukraines anti aircraft missiles which they shot down themselves.

“Russian Defense Ministry: Yesterday, a missile attack was carried out on the shops of the Artem Rocket-Building Corporation in the Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv, where ammunition for Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems was produced – all 4 Russian missiles reached the target, the object was hit, the civilian infrastructure of Kyiv as a result of the use of high-precision weapons didn’t get hurt.

At the same time, the Kyiv regime tried to intercept Russian missiles deployed in the city of anti-aircraft weapons, according to the Ministry of Defense.

According to him, the Ukrainian S-300 and Buk M1 fired more than 10 anti-aircraft missiles, but due to the lack of interface between the launchers of air defense systems and radio equipment located in urban areas, two S-300 missiles were shot down in the air by Ukrainian Buk . Presumably, one of the downed anti-aircraft missiles fell on a residential building, according to the Ministry of Defense.”


W – here’s one for ya:

What do we know about this: Librewolf 101.0 browser??

Saw it here from GAB:


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


The executive doesn’t have an unending slush fund in the budget. Where did they hide all this money he keeps spending?!??


They just crank up the printing presses!


The latest gun bill?


Well, when Louis XIV of France wanted to spend more money, and there wasn’t enough on hand, he literally took it from his subjects — by imposing more and more onerous taxes, by ordering the nobility to take their silverplate to the Mint to be melted down, by “revaluing” the French currency.
The king’s own surgeon told him that the people were crying out in protest and misery over this. The king replied that he had been assured that “the entirety of the wealth of his subjects belonged to him; so that in taking it, he was only taking what was his.”
IMO, “President” Biden appears to have studied the life of Louis XIV. It seems Biden (and his handlers) believes that We, The People are nothing more than subjects, and that OUR money belongs to him to do with as he pleases.


I fear you are probably correct.



Cernovich would be correct. There is no amount of restoring that will work. Abolish, imprison and rebuild.

Which is one of a million reasons why we need Constitutional amendments to correct the flaws and fill in the gaps that were not anticipated so long ago. Build the coalition of states to accomplish it along with the SC staying true to the Republic.




We don’t need Constitutional amendments to get rid of 3-letter agencies and correct flaws. We need voters who are awake, accurate elections, and leaders who will restore American principles and law and order, as Pres. Trump was doing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And without those awake voters, accurate elections, and faithful-to-the-Constitution leaders, amendments are pointless. They’ll just ignore the amendments, too, and the sleeping voters will let them do it.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

XXVIIIth amendment:

All officials of the government are required to stop ignoring the document this amendment is a part of. Stop! or we’ll say ‘Stop!’ again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I *could* see an amendment that made it clear that Article I section 8 is a strict set of limits. Or that the commerce clause was just meant to prevent states from erecting tariff and regulatory barriers against other states and should not be construed as allowing the FedGov to dictate how many gallons in a flush.

But first we have to have officials and an electorate that actually thinks it’s important to follow the Constitution.

I said and an electorate because many popular government programs (e.g., Social Security being the 80,000 lb gorilla of such things, but there are many others thankyouveryeffingmuch FDR et. seq.) are beyond the scope of the Constitution and the electorate would have to deal with that.

An “and we really mean it” amendment that imposed penalties for violations might help keep us from backsliding again once righted, but right now, prosecutors would refuse to prosecute and judges would toss cases on technicalities, because they’re just as guilty as anyone else. We have to fix the people before we can fix the document.


The last sentence is the truth – too many Americans are broken.


Wheatie already is where we want to go. Reunion will be sweet. Thanks for the report and work on this, Wolf and Aubergine. We get concerned when somebody of such value to the group is MIA.


This might be slightly alleviated by having our nom de plumes include the state where we live. That info seems slightly more useful than what kind of animal each of us resembles.


Yes, we do. I’m glad that Wolf was able to find some things, and I that I was able to assist. We all need to know where our people are.


BREAKING: New York Supreme Court strikes down law that allowed non-citizens to vote

New York City’s City Council approved a measure in January to give non-citizens the right to vote in local elections. But after a suit was brought by the GOP lawmakers, the New York Supreme Court ruled that no, non-citizens do not have the right to vote. 

The plan would have added some 800,000 New Yorkers to the voting rolls, and would have allowed them to vote for mayor, public advocate, city council, borough presidents, and school boards.

Justice Ralph Porzio said that the law was in direct violation of the New York State Constitution. “The New York State Constitution expressly states that citizens meeting the age and residency requirements are entitled to register and vote in elections,” he said.

“Though voting is a right so many citizens take for granted, the City of New York cannot ‘obviate’ the restrictions imposed by the Constitution,” Porzio continued, going on to say that “the weight of the citizens’ vote will be diluted by municipal voters and candidates and political parties alike will need to reconfigure their campaigns.”

The bill allowed non-citizens to register in political parties and vote in local elections if they hold green cards or have working visas. The only additional requirement for non-citizens is that they have been residents of New York City for a mere 30 days.

Sylvia Avery

Terrific news, thanks!



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Does this apply to Commiefornia too??


I wish. That occurred to me too.


And MD too. They were one of the first to do this. Takoma Park area that borders D.C. Ate up with illegal day workers.


Supreme Court in NY is NOT the highest court. It is your basic trial court.


EDIT: The tweet links I’m trying to post aren’t working. This was the story:

comment image

Jack Posobiec commented on his Twitter that he bet 90% of this was due to Scott Pressler’s voter registration efforts.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

I suspect some of these dimms will be activists working to subvert/create chaos in elections like we are learning from the South Carolina example.
Not taking anything away from Scott Pressler.  😃 


Target is selling this shirt.
Malc9lm x advertising the nation of Islam.
In the KIDS section.

Last edited 2 years ago by gil00
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Target was the 1st Disney. Men in women’s restrooms, alphabet children’s clothing, merging of boys and girls clothes together. Eff them!



Cuppa Covfefe

Toddlers, no less! From the ad:

He’ll love adding an inspirational touch to his wardrobe with this Malcolm X Freedom Short-Sleeve Graphic T-Shirt. This toddler boys’ graphic T-shirt features a graphic of Malcolm X, along with a quote by the activist regarding freedom for an inspiring look. Made from soft fabric for comfy wear, this heathered gray T-shirt complements a range of bottoms in his wardrobe.

On the bright side, at least they spelled “complements” correctly…

Wonder if there are any toddlers out there who could either read or understand the sentiment of the shirt, or the “movement” behind it…. Sounds like libtard virtue-signaling to me… Perfect for meal times, I guess… upchucked peas and carrots and drool ought to do the trick… :mrgreen:


Really wtf…promotes nation of islam too.


Lovely tribute!


Comment posted at MoA:


“Russia names conditions for BRICS global reserve currency”:

“A new international reserve currency based on the BRICS currency basket requires more transactions to be made in national currencies, Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development suggested on Monday.

“The reliance on the US dollar and euro also has to be reduced, business outlet RBC quoted a ministry official.

“To launch a new reserve currency, it is necessary to build a joint financial architecture, ‘increase the share of settlements in national currencies, reach a certain level of de-dollarization, something that is happening already in the BRICS countries,’ Nikita Kondratyev, of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects of the Ministry of Economic Development, told RBC.”

IMO, this is more about the need for more nations to connect to the non-SWIFT clearing mechanism since they’ll be using their own currencies in doing so thus shunning the use of dollars. Once the architecture is humming then the new trading currency can be introduced that aims to facilitate commerce more efficiently versus a jumble of currencies. Most important is how all those national currencies will be weighted against the new trading currency.

Much talk about why such a new currency is needed has occurred but very little about its construction and subsequent convertibility has occurred. I intend to ask Dr. Hudson about this in our next Patreon meeting with him on the 30th, where I’m hoping he can reveal some inner thinking on the subject.


Decades of inflation that we exported [as reserve currency] are revving the engines while waiting at the starting line, itching to floor it and come roaring home.

When that happens, every house with a basement full of prepper-type supplies will be sitting pretty. Others, not so much.


Agree … no basement, but every nook and cranny in our nest … lots of rice and dried beans 😉


“BROTHER RUSSIA: Narrative of GLOBAL support for Ukraine DISPELLED as CNN inadvertently PLATFORMS honest, pro-Russian voice after paramilitary veteran, Obbey Mabena calls UKRAINE a SELL-OUT and says Russia OUR FRIEND BY DEFAULT, treats Africans as EQUALS.”
(with video)


I recall Whip recently including in his list of things to happen …

“Justice Thomas Will bring the Hammer”

(what an understatement, right? And … he’s “only just begun.!”)


General McInerney

JUST IN: Russia has defaulted on its foreign debt for the first time since 1918.


Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page
Forwarded from

NEW – Russia is set to default on its overseas debt for the first time in more than a century after missing an interest payment deadline today, bondholders claim.

The Kremlin has repeatedly said there are no grounds for Russia to default but it is unable to send money to bondholders because of sanctions, accusing the West of trying to drive it into an artificial default.


Posted by Bernhard @ MoA:


Russia has paid the interest on June 24:

MOSCOW. June 24 (Interfax) – National Settlement Depository (NSD), the paying agent for Russian sovereign Eurobonds, has received 8.5 billion rubles or $159.4 million equivalent in order payment of coupon interest on the country’s 2028 Eurobonds, the Finance Ministry said.

The ministry said it had honored obligations to service the sovereign bonds in full.

The ministry said on June 23 that it had has transferred rubles to the NSD in payment of coupons on the country’s 2027 and 2047 Eurobonds as part of the new arrangement for servicing sovereign external debt, as approved by a presidential decree of June 22.

The new form of payment came after the ‘west’ rejected to receive the money in Euros. As the NYT writes:

Russia is rejecting the default declaration, on the grounds that it has made efforts to pay. Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, told reporters on Monday that the statements about default were “absolutely illegal.”

“The fact that Euroclear withheld this money, did not transfer it to the recipients, it is not our problem,” Mr. Peskov said. “In other words, there are no grounds to call this situation a default.”

The bond investors can easily get their money in the currency they want. They will have to open two accounts with Gazprombank in Zurich, one in rubles and one in euros. They then can ask Russia’s National Settlement Depository to send their rubles to their rubles account at Gazprombank which will happily buy those rubles and move the corresponding euro value into the investor’s euro account.

That is simply the reverse of the process European buyers use to pay for Russian gas in rubles.

There is zero reason then to call this a default.


Except to create propaganda per usual.

So disingenuous.


The money’s there but the west won’t accept it, they prefer to act like spoiled children whilst all the time thinking they’re so clever.
Wish Putin would just turn off all energy to the globo’s, no warning just do it.


Amen …


Sent ya a message over on the Gab Chat. No emergency.


That’s weird!


Don’t listen to all the disinformation about riots “across the country wrt to SCOTUS decision on R v W” …


comment image


What a lightweight, she could’ve brought explosives or something . Oh well, there’s always car seat raging into her phone!


The trouble makers can’t have a riot if there’s not a big crowd for them to hide inamonst




I get that rioting is what they do and that some are probably paid to do it, but for others, I wonder what they think riots would accomplish. The Dobbs decision is out and is not going to change. If it’s to get the attention of leftie legislators, they already have that, in spades. Legislators on the right who have any political savvy would never give in to them. It’s kind of funny to me if they think they’re accomplishing anything.


Totally agree …


You’re correct. These fools have been told that rioting will accomplish something. It doesn’t unless they count making cities look like moonscapes and running mom n pop businesses into the ground.
Look at the list of Pols and celebs urging them…of course the lunatic fringe who aren’t getting paid are disappointed.


Yeah, the “Jane’s Revenge” people threw a riot and nobody came.

It’s like being the weird kid in middle school. Too many people have swallowed the red pill and become too cool for them.


Listen to how much he sounds like his father..the ego in this filthy is off the charts


Apparently part of a short thread, so there’s a bit more in there explaining this scene.
Finds it interesting that little by little new things are dropping. 😁


Jaw dropping!


When a Biden or a Clinton asks What’s wrong with you ?….It’s time to carry a gun and not be alone…anywhere

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Jesse Waters just had Kerr on and sadly congratulated him for being more on the ball than US journalists.


BREAKING: Joe Biden unwittingly financed Hunter Biden's participation in an escort ring tied to Russia.

Joe Biden wired $100,000 to Hunter from Dec. 2018 through Jan. 2019, the same timeframe he spent 30k on escorts tied to .ru email addresses.

— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 27, 2022

This too:

Remember when a campaigning Biden repeatedly insisted he knew nothing about Hunter's business interests?
Well, turns out Joe left a voicemail in 2018 for Hunter asking to talk to him about a NYT report on Hunter’s business deals in China.
Impeach Joe now.

— Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) June 27, 2022


And October 1, 2018, Hunter has an event with Eric Lander (resigned from Joe’s cabinet in Feb. 2022) at the Broad Institute on his calendar.


Note the date of this photo, 1/5/17…

And this report, Nov. 2016:

Report to the President: Action Needed to Protect against Biological Attack



JW in Germany
WTF?????? 😂  😂  😂 


Good grief!


Seriously demonic, ….
generously DOUSE with Holy Water and salt to preferred, cough/two truck loads of salt.

There, I feel better now. ☺️

JW in Germany

Watch out for spinning heads spewing pea soup!  😂 



Likes where he’s going with this.


I think his education at the ETH had something to do with it. A hive of central planning?


I guess we can figure out the motive


Whoever did that is likely to end up taking a dirt nap in one of those hollers they have around there. Prosecution would be the better choice for that scum.


I’m wondering if this is more of the plan post-Dobbs, rather than rioting.


Churches need to organize watches. Parishioners need to step up. Do it in shifts through the night. 911 on speed dial, with a video camera in hand. From concealment, of course. I am deadly serious about this.

It’s time to take it to these people.


Yup! In some of those New River Gorge hollers, it gets so dark, makes you wonder if the sun is shining  😅 


Another article on that.
Shady Spring WV. location , Beautiful area.  😃


The tide IS turning.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

It went from Red wave to tsunami. Econchick said Geostorm. Now I’m thinking MARS ATTACKS!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

6-mile-asteroid-in-the-middle-of-the-Pacific tsunami size.

Actually one that size did in the non-avian dinosaurs and not just from the tsunami.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am sad too to hear of Wheatie’s almost-certain passing. We were fortunate to have her here for reasons already given scores of times before.

My work office is dusty, but that doesn’t account for what went on here as I read all of the comments in praise of Wheatie.


Hear, hear … I second that.


Side effect of all those comments is that they prove that American social standards remain intact despite the barbarians’ attacks.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In other news, JWST is up to twelve checked-out instrument modes as of today. NIRISS (Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph instrument) is now officially good to go.

It will be used primarily to look at light refracting through exoplanets’ atmospheres as they eclipse their primary star.

If we ever detect oxygen (or other compositions that are not long-term chemically stable), that’d be a strong indicator of the presence of some form of life on that planet.


Would there be a definitive answer as to whether there is oxygen or not? In other words, if none is detected at this time by whatever mechanisms of detection they have, would that mean there is definitely no oxygen (and presumably no form of life)?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It would mean that there’s probably very little oxygen on that planet. There are hundreds if not thousands of known extrasolar planets though!

(We’d want to concentrate on the relative few that are the right size and density and distance from their star that they might be ‘earthlike’ though, at least for purposes of detecting (possible) life. There are other reasons to investigate other planets, of course.)

Even a *certain* lack of oxygen doesn’t mean no life is there though. (You can get strong evidence that it IS there by detecting oxygen; failure to detect oxygen doesn’t mean there’s no life there.)

Earth for hundreds of millions of years was populated purely by anaerobic bacteria (and they still exist just to remind us, via botulism if nothing else). Plants–all plants–in fact don’t need it either. Who’s to say on some other world there couldn’t be animals that don’t need oxygen?

Of course a plant spews oxygen as a waste product. That’s the ONLY reason why we have an oxygen atmosphere in the first place; were it not being renewed it’d react with rocks and the like and be absent from the atmosphere.


Keep in mind that the age of the earth is only guessing. And any logic built on one of those guesses is equally guesswork.

Luv ya.  😎 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Uh, no; there’s tons of solid evidence.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I wrote that and realized it was one of the most literally-true-but-sounds-like-an-exaggeration things ever written.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

HARD evidence.

Measured on the Moh’s scale, a lot of it comes in at 4-7.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I was honestly just using a figure of speech…then it hit me.




Have people heard Dr. Carrie Madej was in a plane crash Sun. afternoon and last I knew she was in very serious condition after several surgeries. Anyone have a more current update?


Will appreciate if you can find anything, now or later. Thanks, Wolf.


Found this on reddit.

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08

I found that, too, Holly. I got my original report from Brannon Howse of Worldviewweekend who has interviewed Dr. Madej and would have known whom to contact, and he is a very careful journalist. Prayers for her. and her family.


Another person who might know more is Stew Peters, who had Dr. Madej on his show at least a couple of times.
IMO, Dr. Madej was getting “a little too close to the truth” about the “vaccines.”
IMO, those who might have “motive” agaisnt Dr. Madej include: Fauci / Bourla / Bancel.


RDS, I agree with you about Dr. M. maybe getting a little too close to the truthh, and she wasn’t going to back down, and she wasn’t afraid to be a pioneer in science.


Wolf, for the last two days I haven’t received the daily by email, though did receive Tradebait’s post. Suggestions? Thanks.


Thanks, Wolf. I received the daily today and found the one from the 4th.


I found this, which doesn’t contain any new information.

Small plane crashes after leaving Roosevelt Memorial Airport

The FAA said two people were on board.

Published: 11:05 PM EDT June 26, 2022

Updated: 7:11 AM EDT June 27, 2022

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a plane crash in Meriwether County on Sunday. 

A pilot and passenger leaving Roosevelt Memorial Airport in Warm Springs crashed after reporting engine trouble. The two landed in the field north of the airport, according to the FAA. 

It happened around 2:15 p.m. The FAA said they were flying a single-engine Piper PA-24.

The FAA is working with the National Transportation Safety Board on the investigation. There is no information about the condition of the two on board.


TheseTruths, it filled in some info about the plane crash, anyway. Thank you.




The crash happened near MENDON — isn’t that where POTUS45 had his rally?

Deplorable Patriot

The rally was in Mendon, Illinois. This is Mendon, Missouri, which is outside of Kansas City.


Yes, someone on Truth Social pointed out that it was Mendon, Missouri, but that Trump was just in Mendon, Illinois. They then said they looked through Q posts and saw there was a delta to this week about being vigilant and watching out for trains.


Q post 1600 dated June 27, 2018.

Be vigilant.

A new posting on Truth just said that a bus in El Segundo, CA just overturned too.


Thank you for clarifying this.


Something about trains and dump trucks seem suspicious. We still have that travel advisory out for this week on account of G. Maxwell’s sentencing tomorrow or the next day. If it is that, it might seem like an incredible waste given the news cycle is such that even a passenger train derailment with multiple deaths won’t garner as much attention as it would in the past. Such is the state of affairs under the string of disasters that marks Biden’s fraudulent presidency.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep, reminds of the crash with all the Republicans on the train. Who leaves a vehicle on a train track?


Exactly and just the Cabal’s Deep State does that kind of stuff.

Sadie Slays

Since several people have already commented on the relative lack of rioting over the weekend, I’ll share a quick theory about that.

Expanding on this comment that I wrote this two days ago:

Q is back. Allegedly. I’m taking the wait-and-see approach. But I am reminded of the first time Q showed up, which was exactly one week before the planned ANTIFA 11/4/17 event. That event fizzled out after the Saudi money financing it was cut. Presently, ANTIFA and other domestic terrorists are threatening another violent summer over Roe v Wade being overturned. Q’s timing could be a coincidence with the increased threat of domestic terrorism, or maybe it could be that Q is an anti-terror op that appears when things start getting too hot. I don’t know, but today’s parallels with Q’s 2017 appearance interest me.

1) Here’s another parallel with 2017 and my point about Q being an anti-terror op. The Enemy spent days advertising a “Night of Rage.” Q reappears. The advertised “Night of Rage” didn’t pan out. This parallels with the November 4th ANTIFA event fizzling out shortly after Q’s appearance. Did the Q team cut off the money of whoever was paying the “Night of Rage” agitators?

2) Speaking of domestic terrorism, Q returned (June 24th) exactly one month to the date of the Uvalde shooting (May 24th). This is another parallel with 2017 where the botched false flag in Las Vegas prompted President Trump’s “calm before the storm” comment, and Q’s arrival at the end of the same month. Anti-terror op.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

I don’t understand how it would work, but it’s an interesting parallel. Would those who were planning terror events be watching Q and, by Q’s presence, realize that forces would prevent or fight them if they tried to proceed? So Q making his presence felt would be a signal to the domestic terrorists to back off?

Sadie Slays

Further support for the theory that the riot organizers and/or money funding them were cut off. In fact, I’m genuinely surprised that corporate media is even acknowledging the “dwindling” numbers of protesters. It’s almost like they’re deliberately trying to dial back the extremism.

Protesters Dwindle at Supreme Court as Abortion Ruling Sinks In

Only a fraction of the demonstrators who poured out after the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision on Friday returned for a third day of protests outside the court in Washington. 

With temperatures climbing to more than 90F (32C) on Sunday, a hard core of demonstrators sang and chanted, pledging to continue their vigil until action was taken to restore abortion rights voided by the court’s majority. There wasn’t much evidence of organizations such as Planned Parenthood and religious faiths that coordinated demonstrations, for and against choice, in the wake of the decision.

Denise Jones arrived in Washington from Milwaukee on Saturday to attend a family reunion and diverted to the Supreme Court to add her voice to the protest. Family members in town from Arizona, Florida, North Carolina and Texas joined her.

“We would normally not be out in this kind of weather,” Jones said. “But this is too big an issue. We owe a responsibility to our children, our grandchildren — everyone, men and women.”

Just a handful of people on hand Sunday appeared to support the court’s decision, including one man who lumbered silently through the protest carrying a giant wooden cross on wheels.


 It’s almost like they’re deliberately trying to dial back the extremism.

Could be. It doesn’t go over well and probably doesn’t poll well. They might be counting on Dobbs and SCOTUS getting their people to the polls in November, but I am also wary about what else they might be planning.

And to the woman who said this: “We owe a responsibility to our children, our grandchildren — everyone, men and women” — You owe it to your children to have a federal abortion mandate? Not an instilled sense of personal responsibility and respect for life? You’re what’s wrong with this country.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If they keep having abortions there will be no children, much less grandchildren.
Just like Nasty telling people their mother’s had more rights than they now do. Duh, if their mothers exercised those rights THEY WOULDN’T BE HERE to hear her demonic drivel!!!


Another Kamala bloviation…


Abortion was never a Constitutional right, and the “right” to have one was not taken away. Those who want an abortion can find a place to obtain one legally in the United States. I acknowledge that it could be a great financial burden on someone of limited means to travel for that purpose, so each “birthing person” has to weigh the risks and take personal responsibility, just as we all do with multiple decisions every day.


Really .. ? … if nothing else she’s most profound …

pro .. found

3 seconds, bail out at 2


Every time that woman opens her mouth, well, she illustrates the lack of connection in her thinking processes.


vacuous 😂 
adjective   formalUS  /ˈvæk.ju.əs/ UK  /ˈvæk.ju.əs/

not expressing or showing intelligent thought or purpose:

Zorro rides

Oh Wheatie, I’ve missed you so!

I look forward to the big Treehouses party in the sky, when we all greet one another in joy. We’ll all know one the other; no need for yearbook pictures and name badges.

I feel connected with all of you seasoned posters. I often drop a ‘like’ onto your posts even though it’s always just from Guest. That’s me! My logins don’t seem to last very long. Haven’t posted because I feel that silence and prayer are being imposed on my opinions, and it’s not often I’d be one first with the news.

What I loved first about Wheatie was the straw-gold grain against the sky-blue sky. It touches my Okie heart. She always linked some grand music to go with her lady warrior in the realm of Trees. Her persona is authentic. I once asked her, “Wheatie, are you from Kansas?” If I remember right she replied, “A little south-ier from there.”

What a brave new world, with such people in it!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Good to see you Zorro. Please post more often. Promise, we won’t bite. 🤗🤗🥰🥰


This is weird. A few days ago my bro was telling me that he’s had strange exchanges and out of the blue people contacting him about things that mean nothing to him.
One was allegedly from a cousin, very well off, who told him she had gotten $100,000 fro some social service grant and that he should apply too. She’s rich, wth would she be getting that and why tell him? This might explain it


So FB is sending messages to people, unsolicited, supposedly from other people who aren’t really sending them. People need to get off of FB.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Colorado Republican Primary field report:

From what I can tell, MAGA candidates almost always ended up at the top ballot position. Of course that could just mean the RINO with the best camouflage ended up on top. (The name order comes from how high they placed at the relevant assembly. And the assembly was dominated by dump truck loads of Deplorables.)

Since I don’t follow the local stuff nearly as much as I damn well should, and most of these people are names I’d never heard before, that was handy for me.

My incumbent congressman is actually below his challenger on the ballot!

I of course voted for Tina Peters. And there’s a solid candidate for sheriff–voted for. And a guy whose name I recognized from twenty years ago who is going through all the county offices–he’s the treasurer now, trying to become the clerk and recorder. That’s one way to avoid having to get a real damn job after you’re term limited out, I suppose. I voted against him (and he was bottom-line on the ballot, in spite of what has to be pretty good name recognition).

In the Senate race, there’s Joe O’Dea versus Ron Hanks. Joe O’Dea (more likely to be a RINO) has been spamming the crap out of my text messaging, which tells me he’s getting desperate enough to risk pissing people off. I’m getting texts from other down-ballot/more-likely-to-be-putrid-RINOs people too, now including other races I hadn’t seen texts from today.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just wish I could vote for Boebert as well. Wrong district.


It’s always a minefield, my MO is to print out a sample ballot from SOS site, post it on a centrally located bulletin board,with a blank piece of paper under it for notes/questions etc to the honey-do list, and start hunting for info. Eventually as time passes names get scratched from the sample ballot. Invariably, once they start talking the BS they eliminate themselves  😄 
Those that dodge questions or speaking events get scratched.


There are multiple stories on this now. One mentioned Hunter needing to pay 100,000 for three months of service.


Found it. But it was a 1 yr period and only 30,000 could be traced back to paying for services.


“An escort ring tied to Russia.” Where is the media? Where are the investigations of the whole family, including the usurper in the WH? I mean, it’s R.u.s.s.i.a‼️


Ummm….”Dec. 2018 through Jan. 2019″ is two months.

That’s a heckuva burn rate.


Just ran across this. Do y’all know about it? Did I just miss it?

“After the election, the remarkable prophecy came to light that a Catholic “holy man” named Tom Zimmer prophesied in the 1980s that “Donald Trump would lead America back to God.” Zimmer, who died on Sept 10, 2009, was known as the “Hermit of Loreto,” a town on the east coast of Italy. An American, he moved to Loreto in the early 1970s and lived there until 2008, when he returned to America to die. He was no ordinary Catholic. He co-authored the Pieta prayer book, which sold millions of copies, and is said to have attended Mass many times a day.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Political types simply can’t stand the sorts of people who won’t play the games for the prizes they are after.


I think I heard of it a while back, but I will look at it again.


Yes, we posted about this very early in the Trump Presidency if I remember. Seemed relevant then and now even more relevant.


I missed it then. Interesting.


This guy’s prophecy/prediction is a one-liner, and from a very long time ago, when Trump was not involved in politics at all. Very interesting to me.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. This has been out there for some time. It matches up with a number of other predictions made by the Blessed Virgin Mary, although, I don’t think she mentioned Trump by name. She rarely does actually give names.


Cool. Weird I just saw it.


Yes, Aubergine, I saw the video years ago about the same time people here or at CTH were posting about the Trump prophesies of Mark Taylor and Kim Clement, and around the same time Q started posting. I watched and read them all. They were very specific and many have come true. Kim Clement died before Trump became President, so I was amazed at his accuracy. Duchess mentioned a new prophet, Julie Green, over at Marica’s, and I have been listening to her Rumble videos, which new ones are posted almost daily. I find them very interesting – I’m not trying to convince anyone. I just find her to be very specific with names and events. The first several minutes of her videos are pretty general, but then she gets into details.


Fascinating. Thanks!


Yes, saw years ago. & now again within the last week. The father comes across very sincere.


I found CTH when Trump announced he was running in 2015. Even though I am mostly a lurker, I looked forward to the lively comments as much as SD’s posts. That’s where I developed a special fondness for Wheatie. After the purge, I wandered the internet looking for the expelled until I had the good fortune of finding someone’s post that led me here. I believe that someone might have been Wheatie.

I have thought often about her MIA for so long and worried that she might not be well but it never crossed my mind that she might have passed without first letting her family here know the seriousness of her situation. I am sad that we never had the chance to pray with her for a recovery….give her hope and maybe a few chuckles before left on her new journey into eternity. I will always think of her fondly with the wish that one day we will all meet up in the heavens for a reunion in one of her beautiful treehouses. RIP Wheatie. Thank you for letting us know Wolf Moon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

 but it never crossed my mind that she might have passed without first letting her family here know the seriousness of her situation. 

It may have been too sudden for her to tell us. Or it may have taken a long time but she was totally unable during that time…with that line being crossed unexpectedly.

I don’t know if Wolf and Aubergine learned anything about how she died, and even if they did, of course her privacy is paramount even (especially) now.

I can only hope the suffering was minimized, because she didn’t deserve to suffer.


With all due respect, she doesn’t have any privacy concerns any more. Not legally. Not morally either IMO.


Some folk prefer just to slip from crowd and don’t desire the extra fuss. Likely that simple.

Speaking of such we are going to have to work on getting Duchess’s poem posted on the page Wheatie set up for us to post remarkable poems.


Fluorine ? See the wagon with the blue cab. He is reversing until the thing falls off the crane, quick change of direction looks like he escaped.

Five killed and more than 230 injured due to gas leak in Jordan’s Aqaba port.

UPDATE – Reports suggest up to 10 dead now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The good news is if that IS F2 and you got caught in that cloud, you’d not regret it for long.


My my aren’t you the comforting one.  😂 


You’ll get a roughly twenty second membership to the “people who know what fluorine smells like” club.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But it is a LIFETIME membership!


There is that….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


No, that’s not some weird compound of uranium, nitrogen and sulphur.

It’s “Unbelievably Nasty Shit.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it IS fluorine, then…YIKES!!!! That stuff will burn water. It will oxidize oxygen (not burn in oxygen, it will burn oxygen–it’s more so). When oxygen is in a bad mood, it aspires to be like fluorine. You can burn holes in steel plate with it. Of course, it’s very difficult to store because it likes to eat the containers it’s put in.

People think of chlorine as green but it can be yellowish too, so maybe this is chlorine. And there’s nothing to say it can’t be some compound. I Am Not A Chemist and will defer to those who are, once I quit shuddering at the thought of fluorine.

(Someone once described what it would be like to breathe chlorine (not even fluorine). He said it was like having a Bernz-O-Matic aimed up your nostrils.)

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Correction…it will burn holes in concrete.


And, of course, the evocatively named (but actually tamer) “FOOF”.

Valerie Curren

I only just read Wolf’s opening & am moved to tears in reflecting on this brutal loss. We are truly surrounded by an Even Greater cloud of witnesses. To God be the Glory!

Valerie Curren

Amen Wolf. We do not sorrow as those who have no hope. AND we’ve got Quite the Reunion to look forward to!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They are, of course, focused on dino juice (it’s actually a lot older than that and not made of dinosaurs, at least according to the conventional theories), so it’s worth adding #11 nuclear power.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

John Solomon had an excellent weekend show interviewing various O&G experts. One guy held back nothing, blasting all the idiots by name in the administration.


I will always think of Wheatie when I see a cozy treehouse, or a funny meme, or when I hear an especially moving musical piece. I haven’t contributed much lately, able only to drop by and do some reading from time to time. I was afraid something terrible had sidelined her when I never saw any posts. I wish she could have celebrated these last SC victories with all her tree house friends, but who knows….she and PHC may have been a guiding force with the best seats in the house. Fly high, dear Wheatie, watch over us with the angels as they play that beautiful Celtic music you love. Tell everyone up there that JB didn’t win!

Last edited 2 years ago by Volgarian8301
Cuppa Covfefe

Lots of dust here in Covfefeville…

Mondays with Wheatie’s word of the day/week, the perpetually sliding polar beaer, the cat winding up the lab with the help of a skateboard, and the dancing racoon…

And then, the spectacular treehouses. And Wheatie’s wonderful comments, banter, warmth, humor and friendliness (even when a good whack was probably deserved)…

I’d wondered if she was OK, tired, ill, busy, something, but didn’t want to think of anything else. Hopring against hope that wasn’t the case.

Wheatie was outstanding in her field (one can say), and now her field is in Heaven, maybe helping to bring in the sheaves. She was and is a blessing to all of the trees, all of us, and I treasured her comments and her posts and her presence, a winsome Warrior wheatie for MAGA…

I’m really at a loss for words, which is why it’s taken so long to post. Seems the dust and watery eyes haven’t helped either. GOD BLESS you Wheatie, and your family, and may HE welcome you in one of mansions (treehouses?) HE has prepared for you (John 14:2).

And Wolf and Aubergine, thanks for searching for Wheatie, despite the fact that the seaerch had a sad end; but not so sad after all, as Wheatie is with Jesus now,

Revelation 21:3-7 says:
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Miss you Wheatie; Mondays will never be the same. Auf widersehen and GOD Bless…

These two hymns/vids come to mind… replace dashes with dots…

“Will the circle be unbroken”: www_youtube_com/watch?v=7bRJLkNqNXI
“Go Rest High On That Mountain”: www_youtube_com/watch?v=6jXrmAKBBTU

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Just Beautiful Cuppa!!! ❤❤❤🤗🤗🥰🥰


Thanks, Cuppa.


Thank you for comforting thoughts…




Big numbers for Miss Wheatie today. 🥺😇😇😇😇🥰


comment image

So apparently there is another leak from the laptop. This one is a voice tape of Biden showing that he knew about his son’s business deals, with China apparently.

Biden voicemail leaks… Bulk of the story is at Daily Mail

VOICEMAIL from Joe Biden to Hunter about NY Times report on his Chinese business dealings proves he DID speak to his son about his relationship with criminal dubbed the ‘spy chief of China’

Joe Biden called Hunter in December 2018 saying he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter’s dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC

Files on Hunter’s abandoned laptop previously disclosed by show that he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars 

The Times’ 2018 story pointed out CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted of bribery

Hunter accidentally recorded himself referring to Ho as the ‘spy chief of China’

After seeing the story online, Joe called Hunter and left a voicemail  

‘I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear,’ Joe said in the voicemail 

The message flies in the face of the president’s repeated denials that he ever discussed Hunter’s overseas business dealings with his son 

The story continues with much more detail inside. Seems this stuff should be more than enough to open an epic investigation into the Biden Crime Family if only any would.

Does anyone know what the going rate of time now is for a story that appears in the Daily Mail and be then be picked up by the American MSM? 1 day? week? month? year?

Anyway, there was speculation below about why Q has come back now. My take is two things. One the bottom is falling out from below Biden and the Democrats. Two, the DOJ and Democrat’s are tossing everything they can right now at both Trump and his supporters wanting something to at least stick in the eye of the public. Q’s back to take arrows, kick ass and protect Trump. Oh… that’s three things. 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Whoa, I was going to say what a buttugly vacuum cleaner, then saw the, erm, body under the money on the left… Talk about, erm, Russian handmaidens…

(here’s one case where the German word is a bit more descriptive … in German, vacuum cleaner is “Staubsauger”, literally Dust Sucker… Dustsucker Brandon, indeed..)….


They shouldve made the hunter vacuum suck up its nose!


Just reading about Wheatie. Enjoyed her comments OT originally and and was so happy when I found this site and she was here. Such a loss for all.


It will not end well by design.



Russia Uproots US Biological Network in Armenia

11 min ago

Today, Russia’s focus is in Armenia.
Russia has been adamant about inspecting Armenia’s biological laboratories as early as 2018. Accusing the United States of involvement with Armenian biological activity, and assisting with biological operations in Ukraine.

Here’s a report from Armenian press, pertaining to a Facebook Livestream from Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan from earlier today, speaking on the Russian interest in US involvement in Armenian biolabs.

Pashinyan responded, “It is true that [Armenian biolabs] were created with the support of the United States, but they are owned by the Republic of Armenia. This topic was raised in 2018, our Russian partners expressed concern, we invited them, we said, come and show what the concern is. There have been visits and discussions, but no concerns were raised as a result of those discussions.”

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…



On the road all day. Just logged in a few minutes ago.

Stunning, but not expected Wheatie news.

I, and I know, WE, continue to treasure Wheatie. Sad news. GREAT Wheatie memories!

Calling it a night, at this point.

G’nite folks.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Ni Ni K-Bo, sweet sleep friend. 🤗🤗


Safe travels.


Way to go Joe! 😠

Biden Border Crisis Update: AT LEAST 40 Illegals Found DEAD in San Antonio Inside 18-Wheeler Looking at the tweet below see’s this is now 42.

Hey, Abbott? You getting tired, or what?

Now this might just be the Travel Advisory, Look Squirrel event we were talking about…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



46! 😮

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

For the life of me, why doesn’t he increase inspection times at the port of entry bridges again??!?? Miles of backed up cargo got their attention last time. Mexico is handing out thousands of passes for them to travel to border unencumbered. 🤬

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


This is one of the videos Wheatie shared with us that I particularly like listening to over and over.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Her Gab profile. 😍

comment imagewheatie
 wheatietooFollows you


Just a wheat head in flyover country.
President Trump is our 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽.
We were robbed!
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧!


Adding this here. duchess’s poem posted to the poem place Wheatie built for us.


I don’t think she expected a poem about her to be posted there when she built that page. As I remember people asked for the page and she made it for us.


Update on the Catturd puppies. I saw something yesterday about the mom dog, Sweetie, feeling sick and then getting better. Here is what Catturd says today:

1) Thread – FYI

Missed my podcast today, had to rush Sweetie to the vet. She’s getting an infection in her boobs, she’s anemic, and she’s basically just plain exhausted. Bottom line, she did great nursing for 18 days but she’s done. I’m going to have to feed the pups from here.

2) Unfortunately, I have to keep them separated for now and let her heal. I had to move the puppy bed to my bedroom and will have to feed them every 3-4 hours around the clock. To be honest, some are already licking formula from a bowl.

3) Thanks for everyone who has reached out, offered donations or help. I’ve talked to numerous @catturd2 follower vets and had some great advice. Sweetie is on antibiotics, etc, and I believe she’ll be just fine. I have a vet who will come here anytime and I’m watching closely.

4) All 9 puppies are doing great right now – They’re eyes are fully open, they’re walking, yapping. I haven’t slept in two weeks but the joy of those little turds is worth it times a million. I have someone helping me, so we can alternate shifts and maybe get some rest soon.

5) I’m signing off for tonight – already feeding time again lol. I should be back on the podcast talking shit with Jewels tomorrow. Hope to see you there.


Nobody said it was going to be easy….


comment image


600, for Wheatie…

comment image


😊 👍🏼

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

HUBBA HUBBA🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


At one point some time ago, T3 had put together a “poster” of Wheatietoo’s Trees. I d/l’d the file to local storage, then turned it into a jigsaw puzzle, and use it regularly when I need to refigure a day’s tasks.

I think it may be in the blog’s bric-a-brac pictures area.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Been worried about T3 too. He hasn’t checked in in a long while. His last Gab post was Jan 29. 😢

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Very sad to hear of Wheatie’s passing. She was a stalwart Patriot. Nothing stood in her way, and you’re right, she KNEW Joe Biden didn’t win.

My favorite meme of hers was the dancing raccoon. Seeing Mr. Raccoon helped keep things in perspective – no matter how worrisome events were.

I strongly believe that our Dear Wheatie is with Patrick, Weeper, and other sweet Patriots who have passed – looking down and seeing all the good things happen that they worked and prayed for.

God Bless Wheatie, and Keep her in His loving Arms.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So good to see you LP, you’re greatly missed!! 😍 🤗 😘 💞 💞


Miss you all too. Been working fulltime this summer, and it’s long days.

Very sorry to hear about Wheatie. Had been missing her awhile back when she stopped doing the Monday postings.

I loved her Mr. Raccoon. Always made me smile, and keep on Trucking!


I miss you all too. Haven’t had a chance to catch my breath this summer – working fulltime at one of those bucket list jobs.  😃 

Was very fortunate to be off this past Friday – when the SC decision on Roe v Wade was announced. Spent the day celebrating with fellow prayer warriors and activists friends. We laughed and cried, and laughed some more.

It took 50 years.

Satan has been cast out – at least for a little while. The war continues, even with a great battle won.

I also believe that the decision is a “Marker” – events heating up. DJT activated.

Believe puzzle pieces getting put in place.

I still believe DJT has a PLAN, and will be able to expose/reveal the criminality of what they’ve done.


Heavy heart… no words… Rest easy now, sister…

“Saw” a lot of “old faces”, all familiar faces too, in this post, many of whom expressed some of what I think and feel…

RIP ((( Wheatie )))… Thank you for everything… See you on the other side…

Thank you Wolf and Aubergine for digging and putting this together.


@Wolf Moon


I was honored to help.






aw crap! something made me go to the QTree just now to find this…SMDH. I vividly remember her posts from the Treehouse as we spurred our VSG to victory in 2016 and beyond. So many memories from those days…we all seemed immortal online, but we’ve lost so many since then

So, RIP Wheatietoo

Gail Combs

Been very busy with a tone of little kids all week. I am so sad 💔  to start catching up and find this.

May Miss Wheatirtoo  🙏  rest in the loving arms of the Lord 🙏  and enjoy reuniting with all her friends and family that have already pasted.