Okay, that’s the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, but still, six votes, no speaker elected calls for black smoke as we wait. The record for voting for a pope with none actually chosen is something like two months. If it takes that long to expose the swamp…..
As the day went on….
Video – Day Two Speaker Drama, Kevin McCarthy Demands His Precious
Brilliant Plan – Kevin McCarthy Vows to Assuage Republican Fears About His UniParty Propensity by Organizing His Installation with Democrats
McCarthy Fails Again on Ballot Number Six, House in Recess Until 8:00pm ET
That, actually, is very possible as a strategy to actually get America First representatives on the various committees. Word was they were being shut out, and not put in positions where they can make the most difference. Remember, Paul Ryan did remove Devin Nunes from the Intelligence Committee when he went to President Trump with information rather than keeping it in the family.
This is why Sundance calls it “The Big Ugly.”
Mike Huckabee downgraded the episode to a temper tantrum, but it’s not over by any means.
Stay tuned for more humiliation delivered by MAGA.
Okay, what else have I got? Not much.
You Are a Horrible Person
It’s Time to Ask Whether Repeated mRNA Vaccine Shots Weaken the Immune Response to COVID-19
Nice to see opinion headlines catch up to the anons.
How Is The Uniparty Destroying America? Let Me Count The Ways
The Truth Behind George Santos’ Lies
His dishonesty, in an ironic way, is more truthful than the posturing of the preening hypocrites denouncing him.
The Equity Paradox
The Perils of Lifestyle Rightism
Trimming Back the Speakership
A tale of betrayal: Elon Musk exposes corruption, and the media goes scorched earth
Faithful American Catholics are glad to hear it.
There are rumors, actually, about the true state of Damar Hamlin’s condition. Not going to contribute to them just now.
Rumble’s music selection sucks.
What can I say…I’m a creature of the 80s.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
1 JOHN 3:11-21
11For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, 12and not be like Cain who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous. 13Do not wonder, brethren, that the world hates you. 14We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love abides in death. 15Any one who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 16By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17But if any one has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 18Little children, let us not love in word or speech but in deed and in truth. 19By this we shall know that we are of the truth, and reassure our hearts before him 20whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 21Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God;
PSALMS 100:1-5
1Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the lands! 2Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! 3Know that the LORD is God! It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name! 5For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures for ever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
JOHN 1:43-51
43The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. And he found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” 44Now Philip was from Beth-sa’ida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45Philip found Nathan’a-el, and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” 46Nathan’a-el said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” 47Jesus saw Nathan’a-el coming to him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” 48Nathan’a-el said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49Nathan’a-el answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” 50Jesus answered him, “Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You shall see greater things than these.” 51And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”
There are SO MANY settings of the Magnificat. Here is my favorite for congregational singing.
And how is our dear DePat’s health doing today?
Getting there. Now that sleeping is easier, it’s making a difference.
That’s good.
If you had the rain we’ve been having, you could just turn over and go back to sleep now…..
My alarm clock actually has a white noise feature. I have it set to thunderstorm. It’s been booming all night.
Oh, I need one of those alarm clocks. It sounds very nice. Glad you are able to sleep easier.
It’s a SHARP I found at Walmart. Two alarms, and a button for a ceiling display.
I have had Sharp electronics and they did well. Thanks for the info!!
I have a Sharp microwave that is at least 40 years old and it works just fine.
My old Magic Chef just kicked the bucket; it was roughly 20 years old.
On the other hand I have a toaster oven (very infrequently used, though it saw some use when my microwave croaked) that has an instruction manual written on papyrus. I think I may have had that thing since the mid 1980s.
So do I but it is only 30 years old 🙂
Regarding this tweet, Levin lost my respect years ago, even before he became a Never Trumper during the 2016 campaign.
REMEMBER that Bastard is behind convincing conservatives we need a Convention of the States (Instead of Constitutional Amendments) a COS REWRITES THE ENTIRE CONSTITUTION!!!
Do you really trust your PAID FOR ‘Selected’ officials to write a constitution that protects our rights???
If you are FOR a COS please read what “Publius Huldah”aka Joanna Martin, J.D. has to say. She is a “…Lawyer, philosopher & logician. Strict constructionist of the U.S. Constitution. Passionate about The Federalist Papers (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison & John Jay), restoring constitutional government, The Bible, the writings of Ayn Rand, & the following: There is no such thing as Jew & Greek, slave & freeman, male & female, black person & white person; for we are all one person in Christ Jesus….”
Oh and when I wrote about the COS and Mark Levin on the other tree house several years ago, the article I cited showing him and the others supporting it VANISHED….
I agree you on this issue.
THANKS, I have seen some support a COS so I wanted to bring up the point again.
It is very easy to fall for the lie because people equate COS with a Constitutional amendment not realizing that the COS is actually a complete re-write.
No doubt one of the reasons Civics was dropped from our school curriculum when I was in school was as Bill Ivey of Global Cultural Strategies said in an E-Mail to John Podesta:
I wonder how many Americans, esp Blacks would like to hear what the guy in charge of music they hear really thinks of them.
National Education Association says:
When you have nothing better to do, maybe you could point out the language that says ‘complete rewrite’ or words to that effect.
Also any change requires the consent of 34 states IIRC. That means it only would take 17 states saying no to defeat the entire thing.
You’re assuming the convention of states decides to stay within the framework.
The last time this happened…they didn’t. They junked the Articles of Confederation AND wrote the new document to make it effective if only 9 out of 13 states ratified it (rather than the unanimity that was previously required.).
We’re damned luck it turned out to be a fairly good document.
Please read:
Getting a new Constitution under the pretext of getting Amendments
Mark Meckler’s “COS” Board Member has drafted new Constitution which imposes gun control
SO YES RE-WRITE! or would you prefer Draft an entirely new Constitution?
Even better, if they’re ALL banned, NO firearm would “ordinarily” be used for self defense or recreation. So the ban would be used to justify itself. Franz Kafka, please pick up the white paging telephone…
Never trusted the screamer 🙂
BREAKING: Arizona Supreme Court Responds To Kari Lake’s Petition For Transfer In Historic Election Challenge – ORDER INCLUDED
The AZ SCOTUS denied Kari Lake’s petition to transfer the case to them. Their statement:
“The Court notes that the Court of Appeals has entered a scheduling order directing respondents in the special action proceeding. No good cause appears to transfer the matter to this Court.”
She might be correct that the case will eventually end up at the AZ SCOTUS, but I do not expect justice. She has to remain positive and fight, but I can’t imagine any judge or court doing something so “radical” as to overturn an election or order it to be redone or cause questionable ballots to not be counted. There is a dearth of courageous people who will do the right thing. And I don’t know what will happen if (when) all her appeals are denied.
I don’t expect justice. The Cartels and China own Arizona.
What happened in Arizona is the DeepState / WEF template for the 2024 Presidential election. Katie Hobbs “won” Arizona by fraud and theft and has taken the Oath of Office. The border wall in Arizona is being dismantled. The DeepState / WEF are now focusing on 2024.
The border wall in Arizona is being dismantled…
Even though it is sound and fury probably signifying nothing, it is still satisfying.
Don’t think that.
If the original Five stand strong, McCarthy will have to go visibly Full Swamp and negotiate a win with the Demoncrats.
And everybody knows, you never go Full Swamp right out in the open.
If you ever read Sundance, he always talks about a thing called the “Big Ugly,” wherein the Uni-party is fully revealed to the country. THIS IS IT!
Voters are getting to see the raw lust for POWER that drives our government in all its naked glory. And UGLY it is.
I think we are well past overdue for an intra-party floor fight.
The pearl-clutching establishment GOP and their mockingbird lackeys in Conservative Media, Inc. are all hyperventilating about how embarrassing this is for “the party” and how we need to unify.
Remember: Unity to these people means we sacrifice our principles, positions, convictions, and objectives and surrender them to the Establishment to engage in business as usual – THEIR business, NOT the people’s business!
Yeah, screw that. I’m not selling my soul for position and power in the boy’s club.
And that’s the point. The boy’s club has to be broken up. We have to stand up to the bullies WITHIN the party that always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Put another way: If you had someone on your team that always sabotaged the game during key plays, would you keep on playing, or would you demand that something change?
This isn’t a “small” battle. It’s a battle for the soul of the party. We can’t go into other fights to win if we’re still being undermined from within.
Fight now, or every other fight is futile.
GOPe is put on notice. That wouldn’t mean anything until suddenly, 20 votes mean everything.
They can’t just walk in and put in “their speaker.”
They can’t just take ownership of the chamber like it’s their right
They can’t just do what they want and ignore the freedom caucus
The significance is that the GOPe has LOST POWER.
They are weaker.
They can’t do whatever they want now.
They can’t just bully, abuse, and undermine party members.
No it’s not perfect.
No it’s not pretty.
But when you set out to clean up a mess, you can’t just wait around and wait for it to get bigger and bigger.
And cleaning up a big mess is almost always ugly business.
Great point, Michael! We’re gonna need more mops and they are gonna need more underwear. 😆
Very well said!!!
You showcase how important this fight is!
Exactly. Great post.
The GOPe is very much aware that without the MAGA/Tea Party types they are TOAST! Therefore they want ‘Unity’
In December 2009:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports
So over a decade ago the GOPe was LESS THAN HALF of the party. Given the 2016 Republican primaries, it is pretty darn obvious that the split has widened with more and more joining the Tea Party/MAGA side.
You can bet your boots the Uniparty has the REAL VOTING NUMBERS for the PRIMARIES and elections in 2020 and 2022 and it scares them Schiffless.
Now you have General Flynn, Bannon, the Anons and a whole host of others TEACHING CIVICS and ACTIVISM and STRATEGY to MAGA… You have people going after the voter rolls and voting machines COUNTY BY COUNTY….
Remember this awakening is going on around the world and they are .1% of .1% of .1%… of the whole population.
Only secrecy and hiding behind puppets has kept them safe… so far.
“If the original Five stand strong, McCarthy will have to go visibly Full Swamp and negotiate a win with the Demoncrats.” That would be going sideways.
Going South would be if a few RINOs vote for Jeffries and allow him to be speaker.
Either are possibilities especially when your stripping the leadership of committees from members who believe they’ve earned their right to sit as the ranking member of those committees because of their longevity and playing the game as loyal members to the House. Such claims to that privilege likely extend down to the second, third and maybe the fourth ranking members. Such would be a vindictive move, but one that can’t be easily dismissed.
Going sideways or going south both likely mean loosing any concessions gained from McCarthy so far. Going South also has great potential of ostracizing the Conservative Caucus. If things go South people are going to blame Getts & Co along with the turn coats (Bacons) and heads will be demanded. If things only go sideways they’ll be blamed for not taking what was offered but they’ll likely survive and turn that into more fodder against McCarthy.
Getts and company are taking a principled stand and their logic and remedies are really unassailable and as laid out the right thing to do but it’s still a gambit.
The question is should they cut bait at some point and if so when? To cut bait, they could come back to all this at another point especially if McCarthy is seen as not honoring his agreements.
Meanwhile the Demons could take the initiative on their own and cross over and vote in McCarthy at any point which will also likely scuttle any concessions already made.
The best thing would be if McCarthy walked. Clearly the pressure from grass roots is there and growing, but these types have both a tin ear and puppet masters galore.
You are right about the “best thing,” but I doubt somebody as power-mad as he appears to be would do that.
Is Tina his daughter or granddaughter? Whichever one, she’s gonna be great!
I thought she was his wife, but I’m not sure.
You got it.
Who does it better?
Toyah’s “Brian Johnson” or Robert’s “Angus Young”?
What did I just watch???!!! 😂
You might know of Robert’s other band, King Crimson. His wife, Toyah, has a band also called Toyah, but is possibly better known as an actress. During Covid, they started releasing weekly videos out of boredom. While Robert could probably spend a day or two contemplating 19/7 time signatures, Toyah was more outwardly adventurous.
I almost thought she was mocking the Bidens with the Jill outfit and the Big Guy glasses! 😉
LOL I was going to comment with snark “That’s Jill Biden, right?”
Good! I’m not the only one!!! LOL
This is how Robert looks (and sounds) when he is playing with King Crimson.
OMG, Emerald is so awesome. You haz the best tweetz, DePat!
That one is great!
Confrontation is a lost art.
Hence, backroom deals.
Sean Hannity is full-on worshiping the porcelain god!
Worshipping his Masters for the Benjamin’s.
He really at this point has no moral compass IMO.
Hannity is a shill for the deep swamp. Why else would he support McCarthy ?
I agree.
Just like when it was time to repeal Obummercare
Or cut taxes, permanently.
Let’s keep fanning the catcher! Stay cool!
What’s pissing me off right now is how voters, you know, actual constituents of the Repukes, are being completely IGNORED.
It’s patently obvious that none of us plebes want McCarthy third in line to the Presidency, but does anybody, including Trump, give a shit about THAT?
The answer to your question is playing out right before your eyes. It reminds me of that maxim: “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”
That is what the Progressives ask you every day.
I’m enjoying the “play.”
The good part of this is that I am reminded not to rely overly on Trump, regardless of how many wonderful things he accomplished in his 4 years despite such horrendous odds against his success. Our “bench” is deep and that is a blessing.
Y U P.
I view the last couple years as TRAINING the electorate to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY AND STAND ON OUR OWN FEET instead of always looking for a ‘Savoir’
Actually it has been fascinating to watch. Hopefully enough people actually learn.
I find it fascinating that so many people are mad about the system actually working!
The header pic is hysterically funny. Nice work, DP.
I left an interesting thread on Twitter, where I educated the other side…..
Great work!
Thanks! I love Twitter for this now, because it encourages me to be a bit less “artistic” and “insider” than my posts here, which are meant for an insider audience of posting friends and lurker friends, but not really for most of the world.
One of the keys to having a strong voice is clearly defining your audience. Whether you meant to or not, QTree is an incredibly targeted and well-defined audience of ideologically similar (not identical) and intellectually curious individuals.
The reach is narrow, but the content depth is unfathomable. That couldn’t happen if writing for a more general broad audience.
That said, I’m still surprised how many lurkers the site gets for a site that, from the outside, probably seems weird and cliquish.
The other thing is that it wouldn’t be possible except as a labor of love rather than trying to monetize or build a platform. Being intentionally non-compete and respecting followers like ADULTS rather than having a sense of ownership over one’s “readers” is important too. There wasn’t an intentional effort to steal readers from OT (no matter the egos or feelings involved).
Twatter is and always was a different space. All tweets were public, and even visible externally by non-authenticated users, including search engines, internet scrapers, and Chinese data-mining operations. It’s also a giant audience pool.
Appreciate your analysis, Michael. It’s good to think about this as I bounce from here to Twit to FB. Shifting audiences.
Regarding weird and cliquish, I resemble that remark!
Well I certainly resemble the weird 🤓 … Cliquish? NO SIR I am a GDI! (Independent)
…I’m still surprised how many lurkers the site gets for a site that, from the outside,…
^^^ Would be interesting to know, how many lurkers QTree gets daily. Also visitors from other countries.
I hope some science sleuths somewhere are seeing where this leads. I believe there is a story in the literature – a very delicate and tenuous one – which indicates who figured out what, and when they figured it out, and how they recycled that knowledge into leading us precisely to this moment in time.
Yours Truly just posted above what she found — leading to Ralph Baric, NIAID funding, and coronavirus research at UNC back to 1986.
OH GOOD, you saved me the effort!!
Wolf Moon
Thank you so much for this!
Ralph Baric
Ralph Baric
Ralph Baric
Who is STILL getting funds from NIH / NIAID to research coronavirus:
“PI/ Project Leader – BARIC, RALPH S.”
Who, through UNC, owns several patents related to SARS-CoV-2. Using the link above, click on the “Patents” tab.
Who started getting funds from NIAID / Anthony Fauci BACK IN 1986 to research CORONAVIRUS TRANSCRIPTION:
“Studies Into the Mechanism of Mhv Replication”
Ralph Baric, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC
Project # 1R01AI023946-01
Project Start: 1986-07-01
Project End: 1989-06-30
From the Abstract of the grant application (the grant was approved by NIAID):
“The overall objective of this study is to characterize the basic molecular mechanisms of coronavirus transcription utilizing mouse hepatitis (MHV) as a model…Coronaviruses replicate by a unique mode of discontinuous RNA synthesis in which a free leader RNA is transcribed independently, and is utilized as a primer for transcription of 6 subgenomic mRNAs.” (bolding mine)
Yours Truly: IMO, this grant is the “Ground Zero” of the whole COVID-19 disaster.
Well done.
Testing if a new YouTube plugin works in comments.
Think we’re going to be living with bad YouTube service.
I take it you’ve tried htt ps://wor dpress .org/plugins/youtube-playlist-player/
or htt ps://wor dpress .org/plugins/yt-player/
I tried a bunch – I’ll take a look to see if those were among them.
Many require some deep Google integration. Not gonna happen.
If you have a list, I can try to find different ones.
When you say “deep Google integration”, do you mean establishing a dev account to expose the API? Have you considered doing this with a false identity?
I’m just going to have to stop commenting on site tech. Sorry about that. I can’t even really explain why, without compromising hard-won advantages.
Although I am planning to review the “60,000 fake Russians” incident at a high level, for the public record.
If you can see any connections there, you’re welcome to see them! 😉
…..and valued.
^^^ Fakers rooted in Aye Sea. My guess.
I don’t suppose one might use bugmenot.com somehow…
I’m just going to extend my refreshed “no comment” policy to this one, too.
I was letting my momentary frustration reveal a bit too much about site tech – or at least I came close enough to the opposing traffic that I’m thinking it better to get back in the slow lane. 😉
Plugins? What’s a plugin? 😆 😎
Now we are getting on my level. 🤣
Oops, at least BMN is sort of a non sequitur. 😎
It’s what a toddler does with a fork and an electric outlet.
Only the incompetent toddlers.
The competent ones do it while standing in the pool of liquid from the sippy they spilled.
Works fine for me.
It shows as a video, instead of just a link???
Yes, I watched the video…no problem.
I’m looking for ways to embed the videos, not just show the link.
(specifics removed)
I watched the video just fine.
I really miss being able to see YouTube videos on this page. I don’t want to have to open YouTube to see them, and a lot of times I just don’t go there. I think I’m spoiled. 😆
We are.
Last time I opened one not embeded I got a 2 minute commercial, then a 4 minute commercial and then a FORTY TWO MINUTE COMMERCIAL!!!
For short commercials I just set a timer and look at something else but 42 minutes??? for a 3 minute video? 😡
AdBlocker seems to work. At least, I never get a youtube ad on systems where I have it installed.
I have an adblocker but my system needs an update. I have ALWAYS goten ads on Youtube. Probably because I refuse to sign up.
Ublock seems to work, well–at least for Firefox.
I never signed up for Youboobtoob either.
Try Ghostery.
There’s a good video included in this article.
Some analysis regarding Damar Hamlin.
We are getting some significant rain.
In case you’re checking, I’m looking at https://radar.weather.gov
I had to turn off the alerts — the whole damned state is got zillions of them, mostly overlapping. I’m using the CREF.QCD dataset.
There’s still this ginormous angry orange/red blob over Yuba City.
A few years ago — golly, probably about 40 now — TPTB decided to intentionally breach the levees around Yuba City. Killed thousands of walnut trees, and submerged a downtown mall under 16 feet of muddy water for two weeks. When they went to start cleaning it up, one place was a Mrs. Fields’ Cookie shop — they had batches of cookie dough in the mixers that had been under water…..
A little bit of a break to let things drain….
I tried to take my car on a bit of a gallivant, but it didn’t even make it all the way down the block. So I pushed it to the curb in front of a neighbor and parked it, being that it was starting to rain, then walked home. Same symptoms as before, so it may resolve by itself (with gas goo) as before.
I’m a bit concerned that I pushed into the gutter and didn’t leave enough space for water to drain, so it’ll be an obstruction. With ordinary rainfall, it shouldn’t be a problem, but this last little bit was pretty heavy. I guess we’ll see…..tomorrow….
I didnt see anything about a bomb cyclone pineapple express fallout up there yet.
You were concerned about BP =?= Blood Pressure meds and Nattokinase
Nattokinase is a problem if taken with blood THINNERS like Rat Poison (wararin) (I really want to get hubby of that crap)
Blood thinners are a problem because it is a trip to the hospital to see if you are taking the correct amount.
At least with blood pressure you can do the monitoring youself.
Xarelto is a pricy alternative to rat poison. It might be appropriate for your better half.
He got a trial packet from the doctor but we just can not afford $500+ a month and still eat. That is about all the money we have left from SS and pension after the mortgage + electric + phone. It is why we are still working at doing children’s entertainment. That income pays for the animals and my trucks.
Ask the manufacturer for a hardship price.
I will make the suggestion to Hubby.
It rained well through the night but its just drizzly. Seems another deluge heading in coastal around 11 am.
Another YouTube thread (10 tweets) starting with Steve Kirsch talking about how AP is ignoring published science.
Wolf Moon
Amazing stuff!
IMO, the DeepState will do anything / everything it needs to do to preserve / “enforce” the narrative that what happened to Damar Hamlin was just a “an accident that went wrong on the field during a game.”
I can envision that the companies who insure NFL teams are re-evaluating their actuarial risk tables over the last 48 hours.
That’s a mild way of putting it.
I envision an office suite littered with innumerable clumps of hair.
Clean up in the conference room!
I imagine an increase in ALL INSURANCE ACROSS THE BOARD. That is what they did after 9/11. We couldn’t even GET business insurance for a while and even now have to use an out of state company (Who I really like)
WOlfie do not forget GOVERNMENT (& University/corporate) FUNDING. Piss off the Big Boys and no more $$$ for you. Just ask the Climate scientists who would not toe the Climate Gore BullSchiff Warming — DEPOPULATION Schiff Like Dr Gray and Dr Tim Ball.
I hope increasing numbers of people will follow you and reTweet.
Kohberger not exactly showing his best side in prison. Demonic?
With his academic background in criminal justice and criminology, he probably saw himself as immune to his current situation — whether or not he is actually guilty. Being enmeshed in it may well be enough stress to cause a psychotic break.
I think this guy is definitely psychotic. And all that stuff from his fellow students about him being exhausted and edgy – all making sense – he was very close to the edge, IMO.
Here is some GREAT information on the case, including an apparent court gag order on LE from spilling any more details.
THIS is why we’re not hearing anything new.
Covid vaxx.
Remember, the quackzine causes psychotic behavior in some people. Wouldn’t this guy’s educational background prime him, more or less, for this type of breakdown if he got jabbed?
IMO, there may be real connection. it is now known that the COVID-19 ‘vaccines” can cause — or aggravate — psychoses in people who get “vaccinated.”
Maybe he’s thinking a life in a lunatic asylum will be preferable to a life in prison.
Can you say primrose path?
I knew you could.
[apologies to Mr. Rogers]
Sundance lets Hannity have it!
“Mitt Romney is a Hologram” is a hilarious handle!
And “Ratings are good cuz G’ma can’t find Murder She Wrote on cable” 😂🤣
Worthy health thread.
I’m suspicious of those health apps because I don’t know who ends up with the information. Am I being paranoid?
Even paranoids have real enemies.
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
Narapoia: The delusional belief that you are out to get someone.
“you’re not paranoid enough”
…someone smart
Thank you!
Imagine what your life insurance company would do with the info.
Trying a new comment.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/124/168/096/playable/ec8a5077c2dd58dc.mp4" /]
Trying a youtube video…
works fine for me.
Wow. Now MP4s are failing.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/124/265/305/playable/e24324b62b0dfa69.mp4" /]
Another test…..
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/124/267/585/playable/086b51ca9f0ff7f8.mp4" /]
Another test (manual HTML)…..
I had thought to do a pastiche where, instead of Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking on your door — you got Drupal fans knocking on your blog’s webmaster address…..
So, Wolf — you should take some time to visit our sister site —
They could use a bottle of this stuff! 😉
So you were once held prisoner in a bottle of bourbon whiskey? That must have been one wild time.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, January 5, 2023
“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:”
Hebrews 12:28 (KJV)
Thank you, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Cryin’ Kinzinger goes to CNN.
REGIME. Always was.
IMO, his contract was written up right after he found out that he wouldn’t be re-elected. Signed the day after the election.
What’s he “auditioning” for — to be a Joe Scarborough clone?
Just to be clear, he chose not to run again. Supposedly because he got redistricted and would have to run against a Republican. No, he wasn’t being noble; he knew the other guy would puree him over the J6 committee BS.
Thank you for the clarification about his choosing to not run. That leaves the “Joe Scarborough clone” question.
LOL. Fetterman’s neck. I just watched this clip of his swearing in with Kamala. Are there any normal people left in politics?
Politics is a broad spectrum sample of the criminal class.
May I add the mentally disturbed
Esp the Psychopaths…
Quote from the header: “We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” – J. Robert Oppenheimer
We the People are of course ‘free to inquire’ to our heart’s content.
This is only because We the People have no power to be heard, or to require a response to our inquiry, so our inquiry can be summarily ignored, and therefore, it is ignored.
The role and function of the press is to hold government and others in positions of power and authority publicly accountable — but like every other institution, it too is subject to becoming completely subverted and corrupt, and is now, having become the protector of TPTB, synonymous with TPTB, over whom the press was meant to be a watchdog.
So we may inquire all we want, as we do here all the time, but no one in a position of power will hear or care, because they don’t need to.
They do as they will.
We complain only to ourselves.
That becomes the condition of things, to which we then become accustomed.
The power of an adversarial press is to easily withstand and expose any attempt by TPTB to silence it, and to use their megaphone and focus public attention so comprehensively and relentlessly on a specific abuse or issue, that TPTB are compelled, by self-interest, to take at least some token action to satisfy the public.
The power of a complicit press is to render TPTB unaccountable to anyone, to cover up government abuses, to propagandize on behalf of government, and to sever any and all connection between the governed and their government.
So far, the problems known or identified are:
1) power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
2) the government is now corrupted absolutely
3) the press is likewise corrupted absolutely, having become a protector of the corrupted government and a watchdog for the government against the People
4) We the People are entirely cut off from our ability, through an adversarial press (or even the corrupted government judicial system), to hold government accountable, in even a token manner
5) as a result, there can be no consent of the governed, by definition, when the government is not accountable to the People. Not only is our government not accountable to the People, the power of the People to elect our leaders is likewise usurped and removed. Our vote no longer matters or counts in the election process.
The corrupt government appoints itself via rigged elections, in violation of all law, and is unaccountable to the People or the Constitution.
In plain language, representative government, our Republic, literally no longer exists.
6) it cannot be said that we are free to inquire, if we are intentionally not heard. Talking to oneself is not ‘freedom to inquire’, and anyone of sufficient stature to shine a light on TPTB is subject to attack by the same powers that be. So we may conclude that ‘freedom to inquire’, as a practical reality, no longer exists.
Even if we had not lost the ability to inquire, or if we somehow regain it, the next problem of course, is in obtaining a truthful response to inquiry.
If those who operate in secrecy are not compelled to answer our inquiries, they won’t. Or they’ll just lie.
So how can We the People compel them to reply, and how can We the People verify that the reply is true?
To rely on ‘self-reporting’, or what might otherwise be called the ‘honor system’, is a mockery of everything known about the nature and character of man since Adam. To rely on the ‘honor system’ is purposeful self-abuse, a collective exercise in masochism, like putting a ‘kick me’ sign on your face and then going in search of Droogs (A Clockwork Orange) to oblige you.
So ‘freedom of inquiry’, even if regained at some future time, is not sufficient. The issue is the ability to determine for ourselves what is true or not true — and the ability to expose corruption and force correction when violations and untruths are discovered.
Can there ever be any transparency — the ability for We the People to determine for ourselves what is true or false — without direct oversight?
Representative government could not have failed more spectacularly. It was analyzed and picked apart by armies of lawfare lawyers for decades. Every weakness was exploited, turning our government into a Trojan Horse. It maintains the outward appearance of Representative government, but inside, it is full of enemies.
We have not Representative government, what we have is Trojan Horse government.
So we can add a few more to the list:
7) a means to compel government reply to public inquiry is necessary
8) without a means to verify any compelled government reply, the reply is meaningless and must be assumed to be a lie
9) compulsion of government reply and verification of same is not possible without an enforcement mechanism
Without an enforcement mechanism, a real one with sharp teeth, we’re just fooling ourselves, and TPTB are certainly fine with that.
They understand that it’s results that matter. Words and concepts — and laws — without enforcement, are meaningless. Worth infinitely less than the paper they were written on.
As it turns out, ‘enforcement mechanism‘ appears to be the missing link, pretty much the answer to every abuse of power, whether in government, religion or anywhere else.
Any system designed without a credible means, for those who are under the nominal power or authority of others to quickly and forcefully correct abuses of power, is 100% guaranteed to become totalitarian in nature, in everything but name.
Without exception, that system will consolidate power to itself, it will abuse that power for its own ends, and without exception it will use secrecy and force to protect itself.
Every single time, without exception, ever.
Corruption begins from inception. The only question is how fast it gets to effective totalitarianism. It could be months, certainly not more than a year or two, at most, before any human institution with unaccountable power over others, is corrupted against the interests of the People the institution was intended to serve — if it was ever intended to serve the People in the first place, which most are not.
It appears that it is not possible to elect others to represent us or our interests, because strangers don’t know us or care about us, and because our interests are individual to us, they are our own. We can only represent ourselves, our own interests, to any practical extent, which I suspect we all know from experience.
If we want anything done right, to our own satisfaction, we pretty much have to do it ourselves, or personally contract (fee for service, with applicable contract law protection) with some expert to do it for us.
Turning power over to others, to have power over us, without sufficient protection, is crazy dangerous.
Who would ever do it? Who, being reasonably informed, knowing that power corrupts, and having even a passing familiarity with history and current circumstances, would ever consent to such a thing, to effective totalitarian enslavement — a prison without bars — if there was any other option?
Is there a better option? There must be. What is clear is that nobody has even looked for one, in 246 years. Our system was like a car from 1886. Amazing for its time, but with a top speed of 11 mph, it would get its doors blown off by a Go-cart.
And without locks on the doors, or an alarm, or any other kind of protection whatsoever, by the 1970s, in any big city, it would have been stolen in minutes. Like taking candy from a baby. By the 2000s, it would be stolen in seconds.
And it was.
I’m pretty confident Robert understood all of the concepts above, being more or less self-evident, he just didn’t say it.
The addition of a few paragraphs should clarify, but of course all such words are meaningless too, without enforcement, and enforcement doesn’t happen without the lawful use of force, and that force cannot come from within the institution, because no corrupt institution, in the history of mankind, has ever enforced anything meaningful against itself.
“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to have direct public oversight and the ability to compel specific performance by force.
We know for obvious reasons that the necessary force to compel performance must come from outside of the entity being compelled or it will never happen, and that force must be sufficient to easily overcome any resistant force arising from within the institution.
Effectively that means institutions can have no police enforcement powers at all, because the instant such powers are granted, they will inexorably increase to whatever size is needed to protect the institution and control the People by that same force.
The nature of man, the nature of power and the nature of corruption guarantee that any institution with power over men will abuse that power, becoming oppressive and tyrannical as fast as it is able.
We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert. We also know that tyranny is vicious and fast and murderous, that by definition, nothing is more dangerous to a free People than centralized power, and therefore any institutional power is by definition a threat to a free People, and must be restrained and locked down and prevented from abuse of power by any and all means.
Either we absolutely control it, or it will absolutely control us.
Error undetected has flourished and subverted! And that error was SOCIALISM!!!
Actually it was the hidden goal of Neo-feudal totalitarianism masquerading as socialism. We are finally seeing the face of it in the ReichsWEF GREAT RESET — YOU WILL OWN NOTHING –> SERFDOM
The idea is to go back to an impoverished serfdom for the people and a Master Class of super wealthy elite.
We really really need to QUIT USING THEIR WORDS that are meant to hide reality.
“The idea is to go back to an impoverished serfdom for the people and a Master Class of super wealthy elite.”
Reee-jected 😂
A simple history for your liberal friends that will show them WHO their actual MASTERS are:
Instead of the Senate being selected by the State Legislature to represent the interests of the STATES, it was change to a ‘democratic vote’ subject to the whims of an uninformed populous. The House was suposed to represent the People.
Federal Reserve Act ALLOWED a PRIVATE Central Bank to issue fiat currency that at the time was only backed by an 80% fraction of gold allowing 10% of ‘nothing’ (aka currency Depreciation.) It now is at 3%, the vault cash which means when you get a mortgage or loan, they just print it out of thin air and YOU PAY IT BACK WITH YOUR LABOR.
FDR by E.O. FORBID AMERICANS to OWN GOLD and THE PEOPLE’S gold was CONFISCATED placed in Fort Knox in order to back the fiat paper ISSUED BY THAT PRIVATE BANK
The gold backed dollar is no more because the Bank of England (Rothschilds) and bought up dollars all over the world and then came to the USA to DEMAND GOLD in return for those dollars.
Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation
Remarks in Congress, 1934
That set the stage. The Banksters make the most money from WAR.
So the goal was the CONTROL OF THE PRESS in order to have ENDLESS WARS.
Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editors
The Oligarchs/Banksters –remember financial interest CONTROL the trans national corporations LINK — have CONTROLLED the USA ever since.
And on January 21, 2010, the US Supreme Court made it OFFICIAL
Hilarious FBI wanted poster
Actually, if you add up all the taxes you pay it is more like 50% to 80% (I did the math) 30% is ONLY the VISIBLE amount to the FEDS (Not the State and Local too.) It is actually MISLEADING ON PURPOSE. I ran into the same argument in Boston in the 80s which is why I did year long data gathering and the math.
64.5% outright tax and then add in the 150 taxes on a loaf of bread, over 1/2 the cost per Reagan, and you are headed towards 80% of what you earn.
See Eye A??? Never thought of that. Certainly possible esp after Tradebait’s last article.
And just for laughs… (FJB)
This says it all (Twatter files the Pandora box.)
via Larry Johnson’s blog:
I have confirmed that the Defense Intelligence Agency is relying solely on Ukraine for the intelligence on Russian and Ukrainian casualties. In other words, if Ukraine tells its DIA liaison officer that Ukraine killed 400 Russians in its latest HIMARS strike then that is what DIA tells the U.S. General commanding EUCOM. This is more than troubling. This is dangerous.
There are six basic types of intelligence that a good analyst should consult in preparing an assessment:
What DIA and CIA ought to be doing is to scour all source intelligence to come up with an accurate report on the casualty rate for Ukraine and Russia. For example, surely the United States has intercepted communications between Russian military commands discussing killed and wounded. Ditto with respect to Ukraine.
Here is what we know with certainty from open source reports.
Those rounds translate into casualties on both sides. Put simply, Ukraine is suffering at least four times the number of killed and wounded than Russia.
U.S. journalists are a lazy lot and are regurgitating to the public the official line presented to them by the White House, the Department of Defense and the Department of State. The same applies to most of Europe. But once in a while, a reporter stumbles on to the truth. Maria Senovilla, who writes for the Spanish magazine Atalayer, committed an act of journalism:
Con’t https://sonar21.com/blinded-by-the-lies-the-u-s-military-is-relying-on-ukrainian-intelligence/
“….The Defense Intelligence Agency is relying solely on Ukraine for the intelligence on Russian and Ukrainian casualties….” = They all should be fired in a SANE WORLD.
The buttbuddy from Ukraine comes swaggering in, displaying his CONTEMPT for the USA by not even wearing a business suit. He gets slobbered all over by the DemonRats and Rinos and handed even more BILLIONS….
Meanwhile Col Douglas McGregor tells Judge Napolitano the Ukrainians are now using teens young enough they don’t shave as Cannon Fodder. = You are running out of live bodies.
The 🐀 s in DC pass a bill not only tossing $$$ to Ukraine, Bankrupting the USA, they ALSO include a provision BANNING the use of funds to Protect the southern US border…. AFTER KICKING the RUSSIAN BEAR IN THE NUTS….
Either it is all Kabuki theater and Putin is best buds with DC…
I have confirmed that the Defense Intelligence Agency is relying solely on Ukraine for the intelligence on Russian and Ukrainian casualties. In other words, if Ukraine tells its DIA liaison officer that Ukraine killed 400 Russians in its latest HIMARS strike then that is what DIA tells the U.S. General commanding EUCOM. This is more than troubling. This is dangerous.”
If the U.S. military is actually relying on Ukulele intelligentz, then they’re truly incompetent or willfully corrupt, and derelict either way.
If the U.S. military is not doing their own battle damage assessments, it’s because they don’t want to know the truth.
This isn’t WWII. They’re not reliant on field reports. They can watch every battle from the sky in real time, and have computers count the dead.
The criminals running this *&^%show deserve to crash and burn.
Question: Has there been R&D to develop bioweapons that affect people’s self-restraint or sanity and not just bioweapons that kill people? Just wondering about the possible causes of the increase in craziness and violence.
I think myself that Covid was one such. It didn’t affect everyone, but it affected many. And the quackzine is 10,000X worse.
It is. Quackzine is.
From Google.
…people who distrusted the vaccines called them “quackcine” (quack + vaccine)
Not to be too theological about it but the causes may be related to increased demonic influence. I understand that many people do not accept the premise that demons actually exist. I will not press the issue on these people but demonic activity satisfies my criteria as a reasonable (admittedly metaphysical) explanation.
Great point, Robert. I’m older now and have learned to listen to that little voice that sometimes pops up warning me about stuff that then happens shortly thereafter. I have avoided dangers based on that. I would not dismiss the possibility of demonic influence. I do believe in God and His word as expressed in the Bible. That means I believe in the devil too and hence in demons. It is good to think beyond the physical things we see in our lives to what is possible.
What you suggest is all the more reason to follow Bakocarl’s guidance to keep looking upward and to keep our eyes on God.
If one looks at demons as instantiation and spread of communicable intelligent sociopsychological dysfunction in a network of intelligent hosts, it’s quite scientific, too.
Think of the trans phenomenon. It is spiritual, demonic, psychological, informatic, scientific, and more, because it’s the same thing in different languages.
IMO, both the TRANS madness and the Salem Witchcraft Error (basically social self-cutting to try to root out what can’t be rooted out by such means) are deeply related. And I would say that both are – ironically – quite satanic.
One of Satan’s greatest tricks is to make people act in a satanic fashion to try to get rid of him. Massive error.
Back to what you’re saying, I agree that most of the problem is not coming from disease, although disease and fear of disease are both being used to weaken people and societies spiritually.
yes, it is called John Dewey, Father of PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION…
Two issues I have seen bounced around. Food for thought.
Low fat, high carb diets and the impacts to mental health and spread of cognitive diseases. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s.
Impact due to earths weakening magnetic field. Animal behavior changes being noted. Possible impacts to humans needs to be studied.
Low fat, As I know from direct observation can mess with the sheaths around your nerves.
And yes, the magnetic field is weakening and Magnetic North pole is moving faster towards Siberia the last I looked.
Most people do not know about Magnetic Reversals.
Dr. Tim Ball: What are the Implications for Climate of Recent North Magnetic Pole Activity?
Since this is so true now as it was several years ago when Dr Ball was ordered to appear before the Canadian parliament…
And based on catastrophism theory, these reversals do lead to mass extinction events and they have happened multiple times in the past. Knocking us back to the stone age and starting all over. Rinse, wash, repeat. If the pole movement continues to accelerate along with the drop in field strength then things will get interesting.
Some in that community expect it to occur by 2040 and gubmint is aware of it which is why they are building underground tunnels and refuges.
Geology not being my forte, I’m nonetheless aware of the reversals; they turned out to be a key bit of evidence for continental drift.
I don’t know if one is imminent…this reads a bit like (informed but nevertheless) speculation to me.
The last thing I heard from an actual geologist/paleontologist was that the entire process of flipping could take less than a human lifetime, once it actually starts. And they’re not sure what triggers it.
Dr Ball was using it as an example of a life threatening hypothesis that needs independent verification when he was ordered to speak about the ‘ozone hole’
It is an interesting bit of info. (NOT a forecast) and more valid then the darn ‘Freon causes Ozone Depletion’ crap.
What Freon was doing was running out of patent and threatening Duponts cash stream, not the Atmospheric ozone.
The amusing thing about the ozone hole is that it appeared over the Southern hemisphere. I.e. where most of the people presumably emitting ozone-depleting stuff are not.
It would also tend to decrease during summer, since the Sun causes ozone to be created; the poles don’t get sun in their wintertime.
Best suggestion I heard was that it was caused by chlorine coming out of Mt. Erebus in Antarctica.
Correct, Dr Robinson in the ‘pink newsletter’ (Access to Energy) noted that the READINGS WERE TAKEN DOWN WIND OF AN ACTIVE VOLCANO that was belching chlorine.