I know it’s Thursday, but that popped into my feed and I didn’t want to lose it.
Alright, let’s see what I’ve got:
Spooks in Silicon Valley: Flow of U.S. intelligence analysts into Big Tech jobs raises alarm
The Left-Wing Identity Crisis
BREAKING: Arizona Finds Massive Issues With 2022 Election Tabulators, Misread Nearly A Quarter Of A Million Votes…Here’s What You Should Know About The Ongoing Fight For Fair Elections
Removing Phantoms With Technology and ‘Gentle’ Persuasion
Parsing an Ungrateful Generation
Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing
The Lancet goes off the deep end, devaluing human life as no more important than animals
The Environmentalist Assault on Civilization
We Don’t Need Another Church Committee, We Need a Reformation
We need the Church Committee for the exposure of the problem to create demand for reform or blowing it all up, one or the other. That seems to get lost in the argument quite a bit.
The Case for Great American Hagiography
Massive U.S. automaker reveals $854 million investment into V8 engines amid shift to EVs
Master and Commander
That is related to the banking moves Trump and his cabinet made in 2017. I remember Sundance writing a bit about all of this and the mainstreet economy back then.
Ex-FBI Official Who Helped Launch Crossfire Hurricane Charged With Laundry List Of Crimes
Frozen: Trump’s primary challengers balk at jumping into the unknown
Matt Gaetz has a theory…
FDA Rushed Approval for Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine to Enable Vaccine Mandates: Emails
As Sundance more or less said, who are you, and what have you done with the real Kevin McCarthy.
Put some ice on it.
A non-communist reading list….
It’s over.
Waking up is hard to do.
Done! Just found a bunch of old sheet music.
I’m with Stew on this one.

That’s the left side of the St. Louis Wolves infield. (Fans of Abbott and Costello will get that.)

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MARK 4:21-25
21And he said to them, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not on a stand? 22For there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light. 23If any man has ears to hear, let him hear.” 24And he said to them, “Take heed what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. 25For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

Yakov Smirnov talking about Russian women:
“In Russia we have saying. Women are like buses…
…that’s it.”
(Remember when the stereotype of Russian women was negative?)
He was a funny guy. Still around, performing in a limited way, living the good life! Found time to get a masters and PhD in psychology, too!
just posted this too
I appreciate that they took care to have 31 (including Grimace from McDonaldland).
I was wondering what that was back in the pack.
Apparently, I may be the only person who didn’t know. I should get out more.
After reading your post, slow guy caught up.
Yea, glossed right past Cooth’s pointing it out. Gotta slow down.
You’re not the only one. 😬
Then we both should get out more. 🙃
To McDonald’s!
Hah! They don’t do McDonaldland at McDonalds any more.
Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
Though they’re disaprovin’
Keep them doggies movin’,
Don’t try to understand ’em
Just rope, throw, and brand ’em
Soon we’ll be livin’ high and wide…
Move ’em on
(Head em’ up!)
Head em’ up
(Move ’em on!)
Move ’em on
(Head em’ up!)
Cut ’em out
(Ride ’em in!)
Ride ’em in
(Cut em’ out!)
Cut ’em out
Ride ’em in,
Clint Eastwood’s first big acting role.
Plays daily on antenna TV, ME, IIRC. Along with Gunsmoke, Bonanza…
ROKU has lots of goodies, free.
What Ukrainian is going to drive that? 😝
WHOO-HOO‼️ … Thanks DePat, shot this outta da park with the bases loaded .. awesome 😎
God bless ya ❤️
From the open:
Massive U.S. automaker reveals $854 million investment into V8 engines amid shift to EVs
Good for GM! I’ve wondered when automakers were going to realize they can’t rely on the electric vahicle trend to make a profit.
And great news about Dr. Ronny Jackson:
“I’m PROUD to announce that I’ve been chosen for the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus pandemic.”
Finally, some smart, sane adults are in charge.
YES. Both of those are excellent!
GM hedging their bets…they know more than they’re letting on to while maintaining their “embrace” of EV’s.
EV chalk full of tax breaks. GM knows EV will fail.
Oh come on now, the score is much higher than that.
Yep, much higher. Sadly some folk come late to the game and think it’s started with them.
Great example is Germany sending tanks to Ukraine. Pretty sure Germany did that before. Didn’t turn out well, but now everyone who didn’t follow the last game are all rah rah rah and of course Bidenese were right there to pile on. After all how could they not be right there, when their the ones pushing the whole freakin war. Rah rah rah and Zelensky, no mistake here, is fast to ask for planes while everyone’s cheering this BS on. Not news to us, but lets face it America is filled with low info johns and janes who won’t want to sit still for the 2yrs it will take to get tanks there and will trip over themselves to send the planes.
Well, that’s six touchdowns with extra points.
Or it would be, except that is a soccer score and represents forty two goals.
People are asking questions.
Why is his right arm withered away like that?
That’s the arm that took the jab, isn’t it…
You might be on to something. Only other clue is the guy’s jacket and coat. Red on the inside and those are the RU’s colors. 😮🙄🧐😏🤔
Uh … it’s a drawing. Call the artist and ask him/her.
Good Artists never tell. Especially when they fear getting canceled. But if you get through and receive a blasé blasé response you are likely interrupting correctly that the artist has a hidden meaning, which in this case would be good.
Good hookers never tell, either. 😂
Don’t ruin my fun 😂
A theory (unlikely, but throwing it out there): Something has happened to his face that could be connected to the vax, so they want to cover it up. Something like Bell’s palsy is not related to the heart as far as I know.
Doesn’t see why you say unlikely. Looks like a workable theory to me. He never clutched his heart. Instead he stood up, seemed fine and then went down indicating a possible stroke, meaning blood was cut off to the brain. Strokes do indeed cause paralysis often with facial features and limbs.
That could also explain why he’s not tweeting very often. All the players would have to know and be covering it up.
Actually makes a lot of sense TT,
For weeks, the focus has been Hamlin’s heart. rightfully so.
But we KNOW, the Injections cause a slew of problems.
Talking about Joe Scarborough:
Too late. It’s over. Their fears have been realized.
Or exactly what they’ve been working towards, for 30+ years:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – February 4, 1981
Pretty much the same as nobody believes or trusts anything.
Pravda News
Big Tech – Google, YT, FB, Insta…
France is moving that way, IMO. Check the translation and comments!
This is all good, but it isn’t enough. Those who foisted COVID on the world have not been held to account, and I know they are planning something else. It’s clear from the Project Veritas video, and Bill Gates has said something too.
YES! I think that these nasty people are working on an escape crisis. It will likely happen this year, to impact the 2024 election.
In agreement, another “crisis ” to hide behind is just waiting to happen. IMO
And sadly there’ll still be SHEEPLE lined up to follow along.
Drama is like a drug now and people are addicted. Gives them an opportunity for social media posts about how it’s affecting them. Narcissism and victimhood.
These people really need to go to church. It will calm the nerves.
Most have no faith in anything beyond what there told to believe.
Yes church/God definitely is in order.
Right you are my friend, right you are 👍🙂
“Worth translating. Vaccine realism is spreading fast.”
Fast being a relative term, 2+ years into the global genocide 😉
Check out the tweet below the veritas tweet.
“Maybe there was already a lab leak from Pfizer and they called it Monkeypox?”
Inside Pfizer, the name of the newest lab leak is Moneypox.
“Either way Pfizer’s assets need to be immediately frozen by the FBI and the CEO Albert Bourla needs to be handcuffed and arrested.”
Why on earth would Al’s co-conspirators do anything like that?
Nobody named Truth Justice can be unaware that the entire federal government is a criminal organization, one which could not possibly function if DOJ and FIB were not 100% involved in every criminal facet.
Second try
Abrams tanks !
fuel burn rate ?
Look at those tank treads.
Her dogs must be barkin’.
One way for Pfizer to deal with the clot problem….
Here’s a prediction. SCIENCE!
^^^ Nails it.
I need to find that Tucker video.
It’s over on CTH, if you can’t find it easily elsewhere (or here) 👍
He’s not joking. I get nauseous watching those ads when I am visiting relatives who have Fox on 24/7.
More validation that Pfizer Bro is up near Bourla!
The guy in the Project Veritas video is a doctor???
Yes. But remember – medicine is almost turned against the Hippocratic Oath, now.
The last time medicine saw the Hippocratic Oath, Hippocrates was still teaching it.
Unfortunately too true!
I’m also referring to his demeanor, his immaturity, his complete lack of empathy…
“But as he is a person of color, it is incumbent upon us to be empathetic toward him, no matter what he does.”
THIS is the scam.
Straight from pharmaceutical sales school 👍
Al Bourla is a very very bad man!
For those who remember Gerard Vanderleun from The Old Days, the last couple of years have been difficult to watch. He lost everything in the Paradise Fire, has been in declining health, and has just been put in hospice.
And, now, we have the bittersweet news that Neo has been his companion for a number of years.
Hospice can be a day or two years, it can be peaceful and reflective or drugged numbness, a time of happiness or a time of tears. I can only hope that these two can make the best of it.
I was not familiar with him, so for others like me, this link helps catch up on the story….
A GREAT little speech by Dr. Ryan Cole.
There is a reason the Washington State Medical Board went after him!
This is gonna get some attention!!!
Tryin’ to keep his homies outta jail 👍
It’s the ACT of sodomy that’s a sin. Same for women. Being same sex attracted is really, then, a cross to bear.
ThanQ for stating that truth. Words have meanings, especially in Scripture.
HA! They’ve already built a “ChatGPT detector”!!!
I tested the detector’s promotional ad-copy:
“Welcome to GPTKit, an AI text generation detection tool. Are you tired of not being able to distinguish between human-written and machine-generated text? Look no further! Our state-of-the-art technology is able to accurately identify and classify text as either human- or machine-generated. Give it a try and see the power of GPTKit for yourself!”
The test result said “Success! It is likely that the text above was written by a human.”
You’d think the people who created the detector would know for sure…
“You’d think the people who created the detector would know for sure…”
You are Forever identifying the heart of the matter!!!
It’s a self-defense mechanism, a survival mechanism, one that I was forced to develop at a very early age, to the point that it became instinctive and automatic.
AND now we are the beneficiaries!!!
I’m sure that is the nicest way it could be said, thank you, very kind of you as always 🙂
Not “always” kind IRL nor online 🙂 but Thx 😉
“We need the Church Committee for the exposure of the problem to create demand for reform or blowing it all up, one or the other. That seems to get lost in the argument quite a bit.”
Hmm… in the history of… oh I don’t know, let’s just go for broke and say in the history of the entire world…
Has any major institution, having become wholly corrupt, ever ‘reformed’ itself, from the inside?
Or would this be a new thing under the sun we hope to witness, for the very first time?
💟 🙏
Kory recommends – so I’m posting, sight unseen!
Image for spreading!
And it’s only missing an apostrophe!
I know someone who recently visited Switzerland. They heard the Swiss speak German, French, Italian, and English, depending on to whom they were speaking. We have ONE language…
Yeah, and when I lived in Europe, I butchered German, French, and English. I had one store owner, who did not speak English, in tears laughing because I kept switching between French and German in the same sentence.
We had a good time in spite of my lack of language skills.
Linguists call that “code switching.” Usually the person doing it is someone who moved to a new country, is learning the language…and they don’t even realize they’re doing it.
Yeah, your brain reaches for the foreign word and grabs the wrong one.
I know someone who was taking Spanish and Russian at the same time.
So he kept tripping up on the Cyrillic letter у. Which you’ll note looks just like Spanish y (pronounced “ee”) which (by itself) means “and.” So he’d see the Cyrillic letter у in class when the teacher asked him to read a sentence aloud, and pronounce it “ee” instead of “oo” (it descends from Greek upsilon, just like ours does; it just went through fewer changes). To make it worse, у is a word in Russian (it means “by”), and to make it even worse, и is Russian for “and” and is pronounced “ee” just like the Spanish word for “and” that it looks nothing like. So he’d read a sentence with у (by) in it and pronounce it as if it were “and.”
I think he finally just gave up and dropped the Spanish class.
I was taking 3rd-year High School Spanish, first-year college German, and Speech, and a speech class one time….
Fried my parser.
I find getting older I am searching for the English word specially buying groceries. I am grateful my husband is bilingual and comes forth with English pronunciation .
I have translated before and after a while I spokeEenglish to the German and German to the person speaking English. The mind can trick us sometimes 🙂
Were you walking on your hands?
That would explain your mind being unable to know up from down.
Funny 🙂
“We have ONE language…”
I guess it would be Mexican actually. My high school Spanish teacher was very clear that Spanish from Spain is very different than Spanish from Mexico.
On it boss!
^^^ On LED billboards would shake normies to their core. Effective.
It needs a bit of art work added.
The drop of liquid needs this:

or this

Beyond gross. IMO unsuitable for a serious blog.
This is a serious blog?
I stand corrected. A thousand pardons, please.
Actually I thought the second one was an excellent likeness of Pfizer’s spike protein.
no doubt!
Needs a skull & crossbones in the yellow drop, and a Swastika on the gloved hand.
Customize it for each country by putting a national flag patch on the shirts of the fleeing people.
Market-Ticker: You Won’t Stop This, But You Must
“Proof of the postulate: CMS is still paying an extra 20% on the entire hospital bill to anyone on Medicare or Medicaid if you test positive for Covid-19. It matters not why you’re there — if your chart has an ICD code on it for a positive Covid-19 test the hospital gets an extra 20% over what they would be paid.
No less than CNN’s Wen has admitted that a huge percentage of those people who have gone into a hospital “with” Covid were not there for that reason and testing positive for the virus had nothing to do with the cause of the incident, nor with their treatment. The reason the so-called “Emergency” has not been dropped is exactly this; that “bonus” would expire immediately with the end of said “Emergency”, as would the “standards” that made the hospitals billions of dollars on Remdesivir from 2020-2022. In fact Remdesivir was the highest billed dollar amount to CMS for drugs — including cancer drugs, which are typically very expensive.
It would be nice to lay this all at Obamacare’s feet but you can’t. It in fact goes back to the 1980s. But Obamacare mandated “Electronic Medical Records” and then they started paying bonuses for “complete health-related information” coded in said records which include things like whether you own guns or…… now, whether you’re Covid-vaccinated.
You have ceded all this information — every single medical thing you do and anything they deem “relevant” to health — to the government.
Yet despite the Constitution making it illegal for your records to be seized or inspected without a particularized, individual warrant its done every single day by CMS and every private health insurer.
You have no choice; every physician is coerced in one way or another to participate and none of them have banded together and stood up for this, refusing to do so. They have also not told you about it which makes every single one of them explicit co-conspirators in what’s being done.
Thus must not just end, but the databases must be destroyed. You, and only you, have a right to that information. If you “share” it with an insurer for the purpose of payment that restricted right of use by said insurer must be absolutely honored and violations punished severely, including criminally for everyone involved.
The only exception permitted must be under an actual specific warrant issued with probable cause that you committed a crime, and where the reasonable confluence between the information and your culpability (or lack thereof) is established.”
[continued at title link above]
My thoughts on the Pfizer doc who blabbed, what he knows, why he’s authentic, what his frank talk means, how “directed evolution” is validating my suspicions about bat microbiomes, “fitness”, human longevity, and the Chesnut theory of spike disease being related to progeria.
Dr Fleming thinks it is not credible? After what the establishment did to him, I would think he would be more open minded.
On the other hand you have to come to the realization that the Cabal WANTS TO KILL 13 out of 14 people, or something like that. Once you wrap your head around that, then it is easier to swallow the rest of the horrors.
Not just 13/14 but they would probably prefer if we Deplorable types were in the 13/14ths instead of the 1/14th.
Yep, cause for everyone of us that sticks around in the 1/14th range, means one of them has got to step down into the 13/14th range. Must seriously suck having us hang on like this.
The Bills, Hochul and Hamlin…
After weeks of closed-door negotiations with the billionaire owners of the Buffalo Bills and Erie County officials, Gov. Kathy Hochul is sticking New York taxpayers with a record $850 million in subsidies for a new $1.4 billion football stadium.
The scheme creates a new state entity, the Erie County Stadium Corp., that will lease the arena to the Bills while being on the hook for millions in yearly upkeep, maintenance and repairs. It’s a ridiculous giveaway to a wealthy and successful sports franchise that likely wasn’t going to leave the area.
Hochul’s husband is Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Delaware North which operates the concessions at the Buffalo Bills’ Highmark Stadium.
Yeah business as usual in NY, well actually in every major sports stadium build.
Nothing corrupt here move along sports fans.
Smells so much like hollyweird…
Smells a lot like the stadium in Santa Clara.
KFC…very clever!
Larry Johnson is on fire!
25 January 2023 by Larry Johnson 110 Comments
“Let me give you a scenario. The United States military occupies Iraq and is trying to quash an Islamic insurgency. We then discover that Iran is providing weapons, vehicles and explosives to those Islamic rebels. Do you think the United States would see that as a casus belli to retaliate against Iran? You bet your ass Washington saw this as an act of war against the United States. The George W. Bush administration started providing funding and support to a terrorist groups in Iran, the MEK, and stepped up its denunciation of Iran as a terrorist state.
So why in the world of the sane does the United States and NATO think that they can send advanced weapons to Ukraine for the purpose of killing Russians. If we use the principle the U.S. followed in Iraq, Russia is fully entitled to treat the U.S. and NATO as supporters of terrorism. This is the principle of “What is good for the goose is good for the gander.”
Today’s media events, with the U.S. and Germany announcing they were going to send tanks — the M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 respectively — to Ukraine. But those tanks will not arrive any time soon. The Germans might be able to deliver the Leopard 2s to Kiev by the end of March, but that does not mean they are ready for the battlefield. The U.S. Army requires a prospective crew member of a tank to undergo 22 weeks of training (that is five and one-half months). Even with that training under one’s belt, the new tank crew needs at least two more months of unit training to learn how to fight with the tank in a company (there are 14 tanks in a U.S. Army company) and in a battalion (there are 3 tank companies in a battalion).
There is no place in Ukraine where the tank training can be done that is beyond the reach of Russia’s missiles. That means the Ukrainian soldiers who will be trained to operate these tanks will be away from Ukraine for at least six months, if not longer. Today’s announcement means that the M1 Abrams and Leopard 2s cannot be used in combat in Ukraine before next September unless they are being staffed by trained NATO soldiers.
Joe Biden insists that this is purely a gesture to help Ukraine defend itself and that it is not a threat to Russia. What delusional nonsense!! Tell that to a Russian soldier or tanker facing off against a NATO supplied tank with a NATO tank team inside.
Apparently the Germans did not get the word that this is not a threat to Russia. Germany’s Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, said that Europe is at war with Russia:
Baerbock’s declaration that “we are fighting a war against Russia,” gives Moscow the legal justification under international law to attack the tank training bases in Poland, Germany and the United States. I do not believe that Russia is going to do anything rash. They have time to plan and weigh options.
What is truly astonishing is that the United States and its NATO allies are talking so openly about what they are doing. Normally, a country contemplating war or escalating a war will hide what they are doing until an attack or a campaign is launched. Ditto for deception and feints. The NATO crowd eschews those principles and is more focused on playing the public relations game — e.g., pretend you are doing something meaningful that can change the strategic picture on the ground for Ukraine. If Las Vegas or the bookies in London are looking for a new bet to attract gamblers they might want to offer a chance to wager how long a M1 Abrams or Leopard 2 will survive on the ground in Ukraine. I will put my money on two days. What do you think?
If we continue on this trajectory the moment will arrive when Russia decides to close its diplomatic missions in the United States and Europe. If that happens, the shooting war in Ukraine will expand to other countries. A horrible prospect.
Brian Berletic provides an excellent discussion of this issue:
One final important point. The United States no longer has the ability to produce more M1 Abrams tanks in any meaningful quantity:
The U.S. Army planned to end production at the Lima Army Tank Plant from 2013 to 2016 in an effort to save over $1 billion; it would be restarted in 2017 to upgrade existing tanks. General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), which operates the factory, opposed the move, arguing that suspension of operations would increase long-term costs and reduce flexibility.[61][62] Specifically, GDLS estimated that closing the plant would cost $380 million and restarting production would cost $1.3 billion.[63]. . . .
Last I heard 130 food processing plants in the USA have already been taken out…
Biden and his woke mil are destroying US capabilities. Good job, China Joe!
Study Finds US Would Run Out Of Long-Range Munitions In 1 Week In China Hot War
skip … “The findings were the result of a war games simulation which also relied heavily on observations and statistics being gained from the Ukraine-Russia war, and Washington’s ongoing military support role to Kiev.
Information from the Ukraine war led CSIS to find that the US would rapidly deplete its munitions, particularly long-range, precision-guided ones – in merely less than a week of a hot war with China in the Taiwan Strait.”
Comment lifted from Larry’s blog:
“If China goes hot against Taiwan, the US has enough munitions for about a week. And that’s not allowing for the current drain. China’s hyper-sonics take out the US Pacific fleet in a day or two, so whatever they have there goes to the bottom of the ocean in a hurry. Not pretty. Germany currently has munitions for 2 days. What’ll those tanks use as ammo? And the wadding for artillery shells comes from China. Does the UK still get their tank cannon barrels from China? They used to. Pretty bad when you rely on your enemies for the supply critical components.”
Washington won’t even be able to order body bags – they’re all made in China!
Allow me to point out that we have a formidable fleet of submarines, most of which are capable of launching missiles while submerged.
China would have many smoking craters which were formerly cities and military bases, if it were to try to ‘take’ Taiwan.
That’s assuming we were willing to nuke them (and thereby open the door to them doing things to us) simply over Taiwan.
Do you think the Brandon Administration (whoever it is who is actually making decisions) would be willing to do that for Taiwan?
I suspect there are a lot of odd, asymmetric things that Taiwan has up its sleeves before nukes start popping. Especially up in the Three Gorges region….
“Do you think the Brandon Administration (whoever it is who is actually making decisions) would be willing to do that for Taiwan?”
I am certain that the Brandon administration is determined to destroy America, and would do whatever they are told to do in that regard.
Exactly. The Brandon traitors will lead America into military loss, particularly if they themselves are not blamed, or can somehow (like using the media) escape blame.
Obama is already protected from blame.
“China would have many smoking craters which were formerly cities and military bases, if it were to try to ‘take’ Taiwan.”
Unless china Joe is working for china, and the whole plan, from Beijing, is for the U.S. to get in a hot war with chyna over Taiwan, provoke a nuclear strike against the U.S., and then have the U.S. surrender.
Political Moonshine has been talking about this for at least a year now, probably longer.
Sounds about right.
Formidable US submarine fleet. I guess. Yes, awesome capability. Smaller submarine fleet than some might guess. (Chinee also have a submarine fleet)
Sub launched missiles.
Nuke or Tomahawk.
OK, fire off available Tomahawks. What does the submarine do then?
By the way, there are prolly five or six Tomahawk capable ships homeported Yokosuka, JA. They can also launch, if they are not sunk, in the Middle East. THEN, they have to be re-armed. easier than a submarine. But they still gotta go to Sasebo, Iwakuni, Yokosuka, Subic Bay Complex or Guam to re-arm.
The US Navy is smaller than many may think. Ship type/class. Location on the globe. Availability, readiness… And, yes, Tyranny of time and distance.
Have posted a few times.
Thank you for your real-world informed assessment…
But this presupposes what would be normal, but which is not when foreign adversaries have taken over one’s country.
Normal would be that the leadership of each nation is looking out for its own nation.
That is only true of one of the parties.
And it’s not us.
So if the Brandon administration takes a group trip outside the country, that’s the signal that a strike on the U.S. is imminent.
G20 chooses to meet in NZ, it may be our signal to bend over.
(Yea, NZ not a formal member of G20.)
Please pay attention to Master and Commander. Yes, it’s confirmation of what I and a few others on here have been telling you. No, I have no connection to the author at all. It gives you a vision of what to expect so you can prepare.
JMO – It’s not IF, it’s WHEN.
Second point for the day. Anecdotal evidence in my life for about a year and a half – IVM for respiratory. Using as a prophylaxis and adding an extra dose when I feel under the weather to go with the normal vitamins and supplements we talk about on here. I can literally tell a big difference within 24 hours of taking the extra dose. Colds, Flu and COVID have been raging around here for months. I’ve had none of it to date and we never stop going anywhere or doing anything.
Have a blessed day.
^^^ Spot on, Entire Post.
TB, I was hoping you might expand a bit on why you follow Master and Commander. Good information is valuable but these days one needs to vet information sources. So in a couple of paragraphs would you tell why you pay attention to MnC. Second, does MnC concentrate in specific areas or cast a wide net?
It is about the moves POTUS Trump made with regards to the FED and the implications going forward.
Remember we need to KILL THE FEDERAL RESERVE…
Are you talking about this?
Verse of the Day for Thursday, January 26, 2023
“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”
Psalms 56:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
OK, here’s the scoop on the FDA’s VRBPAC meeting of TODAY:
First, the FDA finally did post what Yours Truly believes are all the “meeting materials” on its website. There are numerous “presentations” among the materials listed. HOWEVER, the only piece of meeting material that really counts, IMO, is the Briefing Document — http://www.fda.gov/media/164699/download
Looking at the Briefing Document:
Page 4: Horesh!t discussion about the “need” for people to keep getting COVID-19 “vaccines.” Last paragraph on this page in particular.
Page 5: Look at the “bullet points” list. THIS IS WHAT THE FDA IS GOING TO VOTE TO MAKE HAPPEN — in particular, notice the bullet point “Harmonizing the strain composition of all COVID-19 vaccines (mRNA, protein-based);”. AND — the FDA plans to implement a “yearly process” that will “predict” by JUNE of each year what COVID-19 “new strains” are “dominant”, so that “new vaccines” can be produced BY SEPTEMBER OF THAT SAME YEAR.
Page 10: Section 4.2. This is the horsesh!t about the “data” that will be used for COVID-19 “vaccine” future development and use — “DATA” SUPPLIED BY THE “VACCINE” MANUFACTURERS, “DATA” REPORTED IN “THE LITERATURE”; AND “OBSERVATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS REPORTED BY THE CDC AND ISRAEL.”
[Yours Truly: ISRAEL? Where the government there DELIBERATELY hid / altered / lied about, data on “vaccine effectiveness” there?]
Page 18, Section 5.1: “Simplification of immunization schedule”
Here, the FDA, COMPLETELY IGNORING the mounting REAL DATA on “vaccine” serious adverse events / injuries / induced or aggravated disabilities / deaths, is going to vote to require “the same composition of S protein sequence(s) contained or encoded in all COVID-19 vaccines in use in the U.S.”. TRANSLATION: ALL COVID-19 “vaccines” will have the S protein encoding from the SPIKE PROTEIN IN THE PFIZER-BIONTECH “vaccine”, BNT162b2. All other “vaccines” will have to conform to this encoding (examples: the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” and the Novavax “vaccine.”)
Page 20: Look at the chart. The FDA will vote for: Giving young children and the elderly 2 doses of a COVID-19 “vaccine” if they haven’t gotten that already; while children up to the elderly who DID get 2 doses already will only “need” to get 1 dose FOLLOWING A VACCINATION SCHEDULE.
Pages 21 – 22: Horsesh!t “discussion” of the “single composition” concept for all COVID-19 “vaccines” in the future.
Page 23: Section 6: “Topics for VRBPAC discussion.” Notice “e.g., the composition of all vaccines administered currently would be a bivalent vaccine (Original plus Omicron BA.4/BA.5)?”.
[Yours Truly: First, the “original” spike protein strain (Wuhan Hu1) was created IN A LAB FROM COMPUTER-GENERATED GENE SYNTHESIS AND DNA TECHNOLOGY — from samples taken from bats and other animals after conducting experiments on them — NOT from anything that would occur naturally in the animal world. The sequence is: MN908947.3 (also known as 2 Genbank 908947.3).
Second: The FDA wants this “original” spike protein to be included in ALL COVID-19 “vaccines” in one way or another.
Third: The FDA is going straight ahead into CODIFYING something called the “single composition” concept of ALL future COVID-19 “vaccines” to include the mRNA-based “vaccine” platform of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.” Other “vaccine” platforms will be excluded (inactivated / protein sub-unit, etc.).
Fourth: The FDA is going straight ahead into CODIFYING a “COVID-19 universal vaccination schedule” for ALL people in the United States.
Fifth: The FDA will CODIFY the use of their previously-approved “Option 4” for future COVID-19 “vaccine” development and production — “Option 4” is the one that allows for “vaccines” to be developed and authorized for use WITHOUT ANY HUMAN TRIALS PERFORMED OR COMPLETED. THIS IS THE OPTION THAT THE FDA APPROVED FOR THE “NEW BIVALENT COVID-19 “VACCINE” IN USE NOW. THIS “VACCINE” WAS ONLY “TESTED” ON 8 MICE.
Sixth, and most important: IMO, the VRBPAC committee will vote YES (with perhaps a few abstentions / No votes) to approve all of the above.
They’re making all these ‘annual’ plans under ’emergency’ authorization.🤡🤡🤡
^^^ Horrifying…P U R E EVIL. ^^^
Congressman Jackson sure has endless, Low Hanging Fruit, to go after with Covidiocy.
Up to this point I’ve been polite and firm, with the quack, nurse, asking about Covidiot Injections.
Going forward it’ll start with a brusque, Never. Them Injections ARE Deadly.
If something isn’t done to bring these slimeballs to justice soon, This situation is going to go critical.
All it takes is the WRONG people having their vaxxed kids ‘die suddenly’
The problem is that they’re “normalizing” juvenile heart attacks, and the American Prog-Nazi parents just click their heels and believe the bullshit from Cornpop Hitler.
It depends on whether they can normalize it fast enough to evade the drip, drip, drip, EXPLODE of alternate info.
THINK, how many classmates did YOU have drop dead of heart attacks???
I had three die early of leukemia but no one had heart issues.
Might be interesting to ask “quack, nurse” if they know the sequence number for the original Wuhan Hu1 strain spike protein used in the “vaccine”. Betcha they don’t — in which case, one supposes, spring the MN908947.3 on them and tell them it’s a computer-generated construct? This is before the “H3ll No, thank you.”
This is exactly how phony climate science was foisted on humanity.
IMO, what has to be brought into daylight is every email chain, phone conversation, piece of paper, etc., between every member (voting and ex-officio) of the VRBPAC committee, plus the head of the FDA, and Big Pharma (especially Pfizer-BioNTech.) Subpoena everything before it’s destroyed “a la HRC.” Maybe cast the net all way to the WEF / UN?
Thank you for this excellent exposure!
This appears to be a smart operation.
I assume they make book if you volunteer to go on a blood donors list. But the key word there is volunteer. Meanwhile the only imposition is the initial filing and monthly updates which don’t seem like much of an imposition if your not adverse to giving out some minimal private information for a worthy cause. In exchange you help further a data base to be used against the vaxxers insupport of the pure bloods and you get the scary card, readily printable or you can order a plastic one.
They just keep pushing.
Donald J. Trump
FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES. Get this crazy war ended, NOW. So easy to do!
I just called my congress critter’s office in DC and pointed out the declaring war on Russia and an open border are flat out CRAZY!
Mentioned the 130 food plants being taken out and how EASY it was for me to drive into the Ratheon parking lot to pick up my boy friend.
The staffer agreed and said she hadn’t followed the food plant destruction.
Since this is a freedom Caucus member we may see this info filter up.
Excellent. Did you consider sending a follow-up email with links to some of the info & CC’d to other freedom caucus members?
My e-mails go nowhere. Not even my hubby could receive them until he e-mailed me back!
The lady I talked to was aware of the food plants but was not aware of the number or that Dr Huff had a list.
I am better off with a personal visit to his local office when I feel better.
You are an unstoppable force for TRUTH!!! Hope you feel better soon. I’m still getting over the New Year’s bug that went through our household, but thankfully Most of the symptoms are mostly gone. I think my long-hauler’s has been a factor in this one since it involves my lungs & that’s where long-hauler’s has really lingered for me…sigh…
At least my O2 has moved from mid eighties to 90%
Good. You’ve gotta keep reducing that O2. Otherwise what’s it for?
That’s a very positive development.
Trump gets it! The blue-and-yellow GRIFTERS do NOT!
Wish to hell, The Enablers, R-Cons could figure out the obvious. Of course, they’d lose their 1% kickback.
Donald J. Trump
WOW. AT&T DIRECTV REMOVES NEWSMAX FROM ITS CHANNEL LINEUP. This disgusting move comes after “deplatforming” OAN last year. The Radical Left seems to have taken over the mind and soul of AT&T. This is a big blow to the Republican Party, and to America itself. For DIRECTV to drop very popular NEWSMAX, without explanation, will not be accepted. I, for one, will be dropping all association with AT&T and DIRECTV, and I have plenty. This is just one of many reasons why we must WIN IN 2024!!!
Jan 25, 2023, 9:38 PM
Boycott threat. I love it.
Just checked with hubby about if we are doing business with AT&T
Guessing, boycott implies, a return IF DirecTV reverses the decision.
To hell with that. ^^^
#WalkAwayFromDirecTV AND cable.
I’m thinking he’s gonna yank ATT from all his employyes, biz offices, hotels, and properties worldwide. And get his rich friends to do same.
Do not forget MAGA…. there are LITERALLY MILLIONS OF US!
#CutTheCord !!!
^^^ Easy Peasy FIX. Fired them assholes ~ten years ago. No cable TV either.
$29.95 antenna one time fee.
Toss in Internet stuff, 100% don’t miss DirecTV or cable TV.
What is TV?
(I walked away in 1976 — MY REVOLUTION!)
Slow guy playing catch up.
Still enjoy westerns from long, long ago.
When they took off the Westerns and the Detective shows and put sit-com on in their place I shut off the TV.
I actually did not realize until a couple years ago that my old TV can no longer receive a signal (It is Dad’s old tube model.) The last it was turned on was for 9/11.
Yes! You have to get a digital converter to make the old TVs run now, and even those converters are becoming a chore to find, due to the limited market.
Probably easier to buy a cheap modern tv.
Just don’t get a “smart” TV.
Who said I wanted a TV?
Note the one I do have I inherited!
I do have a TV. But it gets NOTHING except the DVD or blue ray I am playing. Certainly none of the broadcast tripe.