Dear MAGA: 20230604 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Be Holy For I Am Holy

Perhaps better than any other chapter in the Bible, Leviticus 19 explains what it meant for Israel to live as a holy nation. Through Moses, God spoke to the people, saying, “Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy” (Leviticus 19:2). Both the Old and the New Testament stress the importance of developing personal holiness in our lives as believers: “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy’” (1 Peter 1:15–16).

In Hebrew, the words translated “holy” and “holiness” have to do with being “set apart,” “separate,” “different,” or “dedicated.” The absolute moral purity of God’s character sets Him apart, making Him different from every other living creature. Yet He calls His people to be holy as He is holy. Humans generally think of holiness as obeying God’s law. But, for God, holiness is not a mere action or a set of behaviors. Holiness is His essence. God is morally and ethically perfect by nature. So how can we set ourselves apart to reflect God’s holiness in the way we live?

The Bible reveals that God’s holiness of character is a model for believers’ lives and our shared communion with others. Both passages (Leviticus 19:2 and 1 Peter 1:16) and their surrounding verses stress that we who wish to replicate God’s holiness must reflect His holy nature in our relationships with other people and our sincere love for fellow believers.

In Leviticus 19:1–37, God applies the Ten Commandments to various areas of life, spelling out in great detail for the Israelites how to be holy as He is holy. They were to honor their parents, keep the Sabbath, not practice idolatry, worship and offer sacrifices properly according to God’s instructions, provide for the poor, not steal, cheat, seek revenge, and not follow pagan customs and rituals. The commands continue, covering every aspect of spiritual, moral, family, work, and community life. Included is the charge to “love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:18).

Peter also lays out how we can live in the light of God’s command to be holy as He is holy. First, he says to discipline our minds: “So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world” (1 Peter 1:13, NLT). We are to exercise self-control and stay alert both mentally and spiritually. This mental discipline requires a concentrated focus on trusting in the Lord to get us to our final destination, where we will experience the fullness of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.

Paul expresses it like this: “Not that I have already reached the goal or am already perfect, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:12–14, CSB). If we focus only on the short-term—our current situation—we run the risk of straying off course. But if we live with total trust that Jesus Christ will return to accomplish all that He started in us (Philippians 1:6), it will make a significant difference in how we live.

“You must live as God’s obedient children,” says Peter, “Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires” (1 Peter 1:14. When we “do not conform to the evil desires” we had before we came to know Christ, we live in response to God’s holiness, adopting His behavior as our pattern.

This change of behavior begins on the inside with our attitude and mind-set. When our inner thought life, our purpose, and our character are changed into the image of Christ, our outward selves and outworking behavior will alter naturally. This process is the Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

As part of his teaching on cultivating holiness, Peter instructs believers to “live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear” (1 Peter 1:17). Living as strangers here on earth hammers home the idea that our earthly lives with all their challenges and struggles are only temporary. Even in our pain, we can live with hope as citizens of a future heavenly reality. Reverent fear refers to humble, respectful awe of God, which motivates us to live obedient, holy lives.

Finally, Peter makes the point that living in the light of God’s holiness means demonstrating “sincere love to each other as brothers and sisters. Love each other deeply with all your heart” (1 Peter 1:22, NLT).

Believers ought to be notably different from non-believers and their old selves because of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. His holy presence in our lives produces in us a loving obedience to God’s Word, which ultimately forms God’s character in us. If we are set apart for God’s use, separated from our old, common way of living, we are following God’s command to “be holy for I am holy.”

Take Time To Be Holy

Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord;
Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word.
Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

Take time to be holy, the world rushes on;
Spend much time in secret, with Jesus alone.
By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be;
Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.

Take time to be holy, let Him be thy Guide;
And run not before Him, whatever betide.
In joy or in sorrow, still follow the Lord,
And, looking to Jesus, still trust in His Word.

Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul,
Each thought and each motive beneath His control.
Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love,
Thou soon shalt be fitted for service above.

William D. Longstaff (ca. 1882)

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A very helpful poetry selection at the end. Thank you, Carl!

Hope you’re doing well!


It makes a nice poem but is actually a hymn that William Longstaff composed. This version has some nice “Wheatie” trees.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sundance had been insistent that the regime is going to indict Trump, and now he has proof – the EVIL Mary McCord is admitting as much.


It is all they have left.

Brave and Free

She’s one homely women for sure. 😩😩. Like she’s on a crusade against PDJT because she’s fugly and it’s his fault.


It is his fault. He took way more than his share of good hair.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you, in some photos I’m almost certain that she’s a “trans woman”! But in others, not as much.


I’ve had that same thought.


Here’s my take, and I may be completely wrong.

I think the threat of indictment is all they can do. And they think it will be enough.

The “pending indictment” story will be all over the news during the Presidential cycle. Ad nauseam. But that’s all it’ll be.

If they actually indicted an former President for doing literally nothing that a President isn’t allowed to do, they would destroy the country altogether. They know it, we know it, and they know we know it. They can’t do that, because then every President would be in danger of indictment when the other party is in power, as they eventually will be. We’ve had these swings in politics before. Cheating is not new, and it doesn’t always work.

This is all theater, designed to sway the ignorant, uniformed, “moderate” voter. And I am afraid it just might work.


If Trump does not win there will be no other site not republican cicle only uniparty if so much . I believe only democrat-Chinese cycle.


Uh, it’s either Uniparty OR TRUMP.

There is NO in-between.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very smart take! I think you may be right – that they’re “maximizing Alinsky” here.


There’s a comment in the post that Mary is “Martin” …. adam’s apple … 😂😂🤢😎


Mary McCord looks like a trace . What nastiness that goes deep in his/her person.


How important a public figure does one have to be to get profile on Wikipedia, I don’t know, but she hasn’t got one.

Barb Meier

How important a public figure does one have to be to delete one’s profile on Wikipedia?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CIA employee or asset!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s very “CIA”, actually.


Thank you, Carl. The concept of and the need for holiness are lost on many segments of society, which seems to be growing more self-focused as time goes on.


As Jordan Peterson said paraphrased ” God put something of himself in you act like it.”

What does the Bible say about us being the temple of God?
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV), he asks, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” The context of this astounding assertion pertains to the avoidance of sexual immorality.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to say, some of the DeSantis supporters are getting really nasty.


Sounds like Billy is already conceding the contest 👍🤣


I don’t read or follow Bill Mitchell, but occasionally I will see a reference to him. It is usually accompanied by derogatory remarks about his sexuality, and that he’s a turncoat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I still follow him, but I rarely reply, so as to avoid getting blocked.


If I can stand four more minutes of Bill Mitchell, he can stand four more years of Trump!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





So he loves 4 years of SlowJoe?


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that’s perfect!


That’s an impressive lack of self-awareness, called out perfectly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Dem queenz, ahm tellin’ y’all!” 😆


Top Major League Baseball Team Refuses to Host LGBTQ Pride Night

Find out which team here. ⚾️
While every other team across Major League Baseball has held a Pride Night or similar promotional event, the Dallas Morning News reports that Texas Rangers have not hosted a promotion to welcome and celebrate the LGBTQ+ in over two decades. Back in 2003, the team did invite several LGBTQ+ groups to the ballpark, according to The Advocate, but it was not officially marketed as any specific promotion and was met with anti-gay protests. The team has not hosted a similar event since.


Well, there’s ONE MLB team with common sense.

Paging the rest of them dirtballs.


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— You wore a Luciferian Face Diaper in public because the regime told you to.

You put a diaper on your head, like a goof.

And you kept doing it, even after you knew the idiot mask did nothing more to prevent getting a virus than wearing a propeller beanie or carrying a rabbit’s foot. If the regime had told you to wear a propeller beanie, you would have.

Don’t even try to pretend you like wouldn’t have 😂

You didn’t even try to think for yourself. You just did what everybody else did. Because bureaucrats and politicians told you to.

And that’s EXACTLY how genocide and atrocities happen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


People are getting it now. They’re really starting to see it.


I wanted to sugn my son up for kids cooking classed through the city. Among the requirements as of 2023 is to wear a face diaper. I cant believe the city is allowing this cooking class to force masks. Theres also a kids learning center that requires them and staff to wear face diapers also. Lots of people of varioys ages wear them still. Brainwashed, and thats what we can obviously see.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nobody who is requiring masks is actually following the science on masks. If they ARE following the science, then they have ditched masks!


And we’re still having the exact same conversation that we did three years and three months ago about it

It’s like talking to the guy at the bar and pointing out that he has a drinking problem, over and over, but he still won’t accept it.

Except it’s worse, because they insist on pushing their bad choices on you. You bear the cost of the consequences rather than them taking it on themselves.

Which, it also a good definition of socialism.


Wolf Moon
There are health systems (like Duke) and private clinics (like dermatologists) in North Carolina that still require masking for staff and patients.




That is criminal.


It doesn’t make sense. The tutoring place is Asian owned and more Asians here are very inclined to still wear masks but on kids? And the parents agree to it!


Sometimes one cannot help those who do not want help. I feel sorry though for your son missing out on cooking school.


Well he’s going to archery and horse day camp so thats something. He really wanted the cooking one though.


That sounds good he will have fun. What about if you teach him cooking? I know it is different because you are always around him. I taught my boys how to cook and clean and iron. My daughter did some of it but she rebelled against it. She now is an excellent cook 🙂 My boys cook for their family the women cannot cook.


He will do it a bit for me but not like in a directed class.


I can see it. My kids had too one day a week in summer be my helper. They got one hour break after lunch and finished after dinner at 5 PM. That was their contribution to the family. So one day a week to be moms helper . They learned cleaning, washing clothe, washing windows ,dusting, ironing , and cooking. They could volunteer for an extra job and got paid for that They did not get paid for being one day helper. They did not like it but are grateful since they are their own.
My husbands mother caved to my husband and he cannot do anything for himself. I tried 🙂 This is instilled at a young age to contribute to the family and cleaning up and help.


Thats an idea. 1 day for everything. He vacuums and does some window cleaning, makes his bed, but i like that idea. He is old enough to help w dishes.


You are on track 😀
With dishes I dried that way they did not feel alone. We kind of worked together was also bonding


Yes i will do that. He cant be expected to do it all alone.


Right I worked with my kids with them so they could lean from me. One think do not expect perfection in time it gets better 🙂 Good luck your kids sounds great 🙂



Barb Meier

In the next plandemic, we must all keep insisting that only propeller beanies will keep us all safe.


hhahahah..ya know that could be a million $$ idea. A propeller hat that ” keeps your personal air space” free of germs ! With the right amount of fear porn and clever marketing..covidots will buy them by the case!

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Here, I’ll help. UV diodes on the propellers.

Barb Meier

Excellent, barkerjim! Can we call them “glowies” hehe



Prolly give it a medical sounding name to really hook the Wojaks.

Something that can be shortened to an acronym similar to their regular word salad nonsense. A carbon-neutral blend of meaningless, pseudo-scientific BS.

Something like… Transviral Infection Prophylactic Propeller Cap

The TIP-pc Beanie (pronounced Tipsy Beanie)

Battery operated propeller sends a gentle pillow of air cascading over your face, an invisible barrier to protect your eyes, nose, and mouth, directing unwanted airborne virus particles harmlessly to the ground.

Doctor recommended and institution approved.

Licensed by the American Medical Accessory Complex [AMAC] and sponsored by real doctors who have no affiliation with our product*.

Available in a wild variety of colors, patterns and ersatz team logos. Never take it off. Sleep, shower and microwave safe.

Yours for just $19.98, or three Easy-pays of just $6.66 (plus S&H and tax).

Call our toll free hotline at 1-800-782-5377 (1-800-SUCKERS) in the next 3 minutes to qualify for the Free Turbo-Prop 12″ Blade Extension Extravaganza Package at no extra cost (just pay separate shipping & handling, tax and gratuity).

4 out of 5 Doctors agree that Tipsy Beanie™ has no practical benefits or beneficial side effects [some materials are known to the state of California to cause cancer]

Safe for all ages.

Designed in the USA.

Hecho en Mexico.

Patent pending.

Void where prohibited.

Slippery when wet.

Never stand on the top step of a ladder.

*sponsoring doctors may qualify to receive a numerical portion of the proceeds

Call now!

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Barb Meier

Eeeek, this is wonderful Scott!!


I’m glad you enjoyed it!

I forgot to include “Removal of tags from a mattress may be a felony”


“The FIB takes copyright violations seriously. Unauthorized duplication of old VHS tapes could result in a 5-year fine or $150,000 in prison — or both” 😁


A heartwarming story:

In Chandler, Arizona, Doug is a loyal customer at Arby’s restaurant. Actually, he’s the most loyal customer they have there. Doug is a 97-year-old World War II veteran, and has long loved the famous roast beef sandwiches on which the chain has built its reputation.

Doug comes in every single day to enjoy a meal with his favorite sandwich. He almost always orders a Swiss cheese filled roast beef slider and a Coke with no ice. All the staff members there have memorized that as his “usual.” After quite a while, one of the employees, Travis Coye, wanted to know more about this elderly man, and why he had such a fascination with the food they serve there. So he asked him why he keeps coming there; why that location?

Doug replied, saying: “This is the only place I can get a sandwich or get anything else to eat that doesn’t hurt my stomach.” Actually, it may be closer to the truth that he likes the sandwich so much that he stopped looking for alternatives. Doug lives in a nearby retirement home, but always makes sure to get his daily meal at Arby’s. And he has his own favorite table where he enjoys it. The staff there treats him as much like family as possible and staff members go out of their way to make him comfortable. Says the manager there, Christina Gamage: “He comes in with a walker, as soon as we see him come to the doors, we try [to] grab the doors for him. He’s gone through a lot being a veteran, coming in, being in a retirement home, but he doesn’t have family.” Doug is such a loyal customer and really good guy that one day the staff pitched in and got him a $200 gift card. He thought at first they were joking, but it was definitely real, and Doug told them: “Thank you. I never know if I’ll be here the next day, but thank you so much for this.” But what might be even more important than that… at least, more meaningful… is that many of the staffers gave Doug their phone numbers in case he needed anything. And they all offered to bring him his favorite meal to the retirement home in case he could not make it there.

Then, after Doug’s story made national news, Arby’s gave him another gift… free food for the rest of his life. Now he never has to worry about where his next meal is coming from, giving him more time to make more friendship.

Source: Daniel Moloney.

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https: //

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Thats a bit bittersweet. It makes him content then he doesn’t want for much.
Thats a good thing Arbys did.


My allergies are acting up…


Lots of “house dust” just showed up.


This story give me chills. If enough good people do good deeds Evil will not get the better of us.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


As an aside, I can imagine what that took, administratively.

The restaurant of course has to account for everything…the ingredients it uses, syrup for the soda machines, etc. etc. compared to revenue (hopefully they match closely, though they get some write off for waste, people who refused their order at the drive through, etc. and now there is a one sandwich “hole” every day. This restaurant was probably issued a special line item to enter the Doug Free Food on.

Meanwhile, unless they turn around and go woke…I need to consider visiting them more often.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Massive Citizens’ Movement Is Growing, Defending Children Against Permanent Mutilation of Woke Trans Ideology

Everything below is from the article:
They won’t tell you about it in the Mainstream Media but there is a rapidly growing and massive movement of parents, educators, healthcare professionals, legal experts, legislators, and victims coming together to stop the Woke transgender movement…
How big is the movement to stop this? Liberty Counsel, the Florida-based public interest law foundation that specializes in defending First Amendment religious freedoms, did some digging and here’s what they found:

According to legislation tracking data, more than 100 bills focused on protecting minors in health care, sports, bathrooms, education and the public square have been enacted since 2022, while 373 bills remain in the legislative process. An additional 246 bills have failed in committee hearings or were voted down …

According to Liberty Counsel’s own research, nearly 30 states have either enacted or are considering bills giving greater parental control over sexual education materials in public schools. Also, at least 20 states have banned biological males from competing on female sports teams and at least 18 states now prohibit puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilating surgeries for children.

In addition, 10 states have passed protections for minors in public and school restrooms, and seven states either require parental notification when students change their pronouns or do not compel the use of pronouns that do not align with a child’s biological sex.

Thank God for the principle of Federalism that the founders of this nation wove into the Constitution to ensure that the authority of government to decide the most fundamentally important issues would be divided between the central government and the multiple state and local governments.
Individual freedom and much else suffers whenever political power is concentrated in a distant and unaccountable centralized will. As things presently stand, 49 of the 50 states have some form of transgender legislation either on their books or under consideration. The one state with nothing is Delaware…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff. We have momentum!!!

The next thing is quite disturbing, but many need to see it, to maintain their resolve against letting this happen to kids.

Very Gross FTM Trans Surgery Tweet By Stew Peters


This is a very serious sickness on the part of some, and evil on the part of others. It’s as if no one is thinking (except the ones with the evil agenda). A lot of young people are too immature to understand the consequences or even what questions to ask.

I’ve never read of someone having ‘gender-changing’ surgery, for either gender, who says everything functions normally, without side effects. I have not seen one success story. At this point, even if I saw one I would think it was propaganda.

*They* want to desensitize us, to blunt our visceral reaction to seeing drag queens, people of the same sex kissing, and even human mutilation. I try to avoid looking at drag queens, both because they’re not pleasant to see, but also because I don’t want to become accustomed to seeing them. They are abnormal, an aberration, and an abomination.


Isaiah 5:20




Amen. And 5:21, which applies to the so-called “doctors” who would do such a thing.


21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And Isaiah 5: 22-30, which explains the invasion of our country.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:
23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!
24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
26 And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly:
27 None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken:
28 Whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent, their horses’ hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind:
29 Their roaring shall be like a lion, they shall roar like young lions: yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and shall carry it away safe, and none shall deliver it.
30 And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s as if this was written for the District of Criminals.


20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


If you saw photographs from Mengele’s laboratory, they wouldn’t look much different.

On another note, Mary Shelley was either a prophet or a time-traveler.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes to both. Exactly.


Fascinating that Peters is such a horse’s ass in other areas.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s like the left – he goes too far without reason!

Barb Meier

Thanks Wolf! I had seen that before and it was so horrible. Later, I read a tweet and wanted to reply with that but could not remember who shared it earlier. I don’t think Twitter has the option to hide/show a tweet like we can here. This is the perfect time to use that. It’s pretty disturbing to see how much physical damage the “add-a-dic-to-me” surgery does.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Groomer Awareness Month! I love it!


Trans are looking for violins.

Cuppa Covfefe

And all they think about is sax…


I’m sure it’s just a coinkydink that pResident Sniffer is from Delaware, the first state …


Paul Sperry:

DEVELOPING: Garland and Wray persuaded Durham to bury in a Classified Appendix of his report even more egregious examples of FBI misconduct in the last 2 FISA applications to renew wiretaps to spy on Trump aide Page. Trump could declassify the doc if he recaptures the White House

People must be terrified of what would happen if 3-letter agencies were exposed. We need to see everything.


One of the responses to that tweet:

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what military?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not the woke one!


“People must be terrified of what would happen if 3-letter agencies were exposed.”


Not me.

Not even a little 😁😂


I’m with you and Patrick Henry.

From his “Liberty or Death” speech, March 23, 1775, in the Virginia Convention:

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.

“You can’t handle the truth”? No, actually, we can. If it means the entire structure of 3-letter agencies falls and other plans have to be made, we can handle it. If it would affect national security, I have no doubt our country can deal with it. The corruption is corrosive.


THEY can’t handle the truth getting to the public.

Protect the institutions – it’s a cult. The self-licking ice cream cone must continue.

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We must remember that Sessions provided the deception and then stepped aside to open the door for this to happen; Rod Rat implemented it and kept it going; B2 facilitated it along with providing the mechanism to cover for it as The Big Cleaner; and Garland is providing the defensive formations to hold back the onslaught of truth.

Traitors – each and every one of them along with their staffs and henchmen.

Brave and Free

And don’t forget the two who started the whole mess, Cankles and Zero.


Sessions, a Sleeper. Hiding in plain sight.


The daemons try to stop Trump at any cost. I am fearful for him these monsters stop at nothing. May God protect him.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

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Conquistadors. The conquering horde.


Yes! We are being colonized.



There was speculation for a while that Newsom would run for president. There’s no way he could defend his record.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The man is toast.

Satanic BLM claims even Gavin Satan when the bill comes due.


Sleight of hand for the dimms. Theyd do it in a ❤beat.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Defend his record? Who imagines that imaginary voters would imagine they need to know about his record (be it imaginary or real)?


Only thing that matters in an election, is the vote tabulator.


We’re seeing the knock-on effects of Cali’s property scam writ large.




Cathedral of St. John the Divine. NYC. [with “pride” colors prominently displayed]

People have lost their minds. Aside from the spiritual and religious aspect of this, why celebrate one segment of society for a whole month? What have they done to merit that kind of attention? At least Black History Month came about because slavery was wrong (although I would do away with BHMonth now because I think it is divisive). But why “pride”? Why not celebrate our founders and founding documents for a month?


It’s demoralization and psychological war. They are putting on a giant show to make it look like they are winning and hold all the power, to convince everyone that they have to go along or they will get steamrolled.

Bottom line, queer theory is Marxism repackaged, part of the woke constellation. It’s a Marxist color revolution by infiltration.

What they hate is that they can beam rainbow-colored beams at us all day, but they can’t make us bow to them.


Mao would be proud how hiss ideology turned some denominations. They will not rest until the church is destroy from within. We are awake and we know that the church has been taken over by the devil.


Why have ANY month long campaign of adoration for any group ?

Answer above in Michael’s comment


We still have a choice to adore evil or not. Believe me it will backfire and those who are tolerant will get tired of it. In my opinion every one should have there day but a month is stupid and counter productive. We see how people begin to rebel even those who were tolerant of others life style. They crossed the line.


They wonder why Christians are leaving the church and worship on their own.


Ding. Ding. Ding.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Elon posted a comic meme that struck me as a metaphor for the TRANS problem (and the abortion problem, too), once somebody posted some more of the comic book. It was visible to me, mostly having just watched “What Is A Woman?”

It’s basically a device in the story – the girl has an “alternate life” as an adult woman heroine.

Relevant comic pages…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a tweet from the lady doctor (Miriam Grossman) in the Matt Walsh movie “What Is A Woman?”

It’s a bit graphic, so I’m using a spoiler.

Phalloplasty scar and explanation


After this, I’m taking these spoiler warnings moar seriously! 😬😮😖🙄😏😆


I had no idea what the butchers do to the trance people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the best “spooneristic speech-to-text” ever!

Yes, the TRANCE PEOPLE go under the knife!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I don’t use them lightly!


Mengele would be jealous of the work being done now.


I am glad I saw it had no idea. Yes Mengele would be in his element.


The idea that someone would agree to having that done to their arm to try to manufacture a different body part that isn’t going to function properly is like something out of a horror novel. It can’t be real…and yet it is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We like to think that our personal sense of reason is enough to protect us from social insanity, but the social insanity is very intelligent, and abuses good to achieve evils it could not obtain otherwise.

Barb Meier

I remember when leftists hid what it means to have an abortion. It is horrible and evil these things but to comprehend it, people must see. How sad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. I hear you. Sometimes we spare ourselves of details for our own good, but that can be turned against us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GOP Establishment sending signals!


If this election is won or lost in San Diego, it will be even weirder than previously imagined…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yeah cuz you know it would sure suck if the Magadonians rose up as a third party and trounced Ron De Stupified because the polling was (obviously) rigged.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Jab damage pathologist Arne Burkhardt has died!



Prof. Burkhardt’s death is being called an “unexpected passing”; “unexpected death”; “sudden passing.”
ONE MONTH AGO, on 3 May, Prof. Burkhardt was testifying at the International Covid Summit at the European Parliament.
FTA: “The fact of his death was not made public and we should refrain from all speculation and wait and see. He had people around who are sure to get to the bottom of this and if they find it necessary they will let us know.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

False flags incoming!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yeah others are seeing it too – they’re calling their violins out

Marxists use middle-level violence to achieve their end – they provoke

Well, when that doesn’t work, you need insider instigators


They’re taunting us. The natural reaction, born of anger, fatigue, and disgust, is to lash out. They’re saying, “We can parade this in your faces, in front of your children, and you can’t do a thing about it.”

They want violence. It would feel good to give it to them, but it would be a huge mistake. IMO, we’re doing a good job of speaking up and boycotting, but we need to keep coming up with effective ways to fight this.


Yes! They do want violence. They want more attention, more sympathy, more recognition…all of it. When they’re having parades or any event, the true believers should be the only ones there. Looky-loos and gawkers are playing into their game. Anti-trans would be more effective ignoring them. Give them nothing. moo

Adding..Save the fights for groomers within the ‘system’ like teachers, admin that allows sexual classes and materials

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. They’re desperate to get the guns, and the wicked Kam-Com has been beating the drums about “assault weapons”.


I’m about at the point where I don’t care anymore. To be clear, I do not advocate violence against, or harm inflicted on, anyone. I just don’t care if they call me a homophobe, transphobe, or any other -phobe. If they keep inflicting their evil ideology on us, the chips will fall where they may and some people might get hurt. It’s the consequences of their own actions. We don’t have to protect them from all harm, even the natural consequences of their own actions (like blocking public streets). If a brawl breaks out, that’s been happening since man was created. Solution: Stop demanding something from the rest of us and just go live your miserable lives. And stop grooming children.




I’m about at the point where I don’t care anymore. To be clear, I do not advocate violence…

As you are “…about at the point…”, WELCOME

For some time I truly do NOT care what repercussions, evil meets. Whatever they get, they’ve earned.

Nor do i advocate violence. Folks can only be pushed so far, then…they push back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. When the father of the rape victim is “out of order” in the school meeting, and is threatened by a leftist in the audience, and calls her a bitch, and is unjustly arrested and SHE IS NOT……

My answer is “fuck you” to the monsters who protected the rapist and the “reputation of trans-women” from the truth.

These communists are evil, and eventually, they will be brought to justice, and there will be no tears from me.


He is setting up the agenda. What a monster.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The white glove on Obama’s hand.


This will catch up with him.

Brave and Free

Thank you Carl for this, especially in these times were currently in.


Another great message, Carl. One to take to the heart and never stray from living. Thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a keeper!!!


NASHVILLE, TN — A federal judge says Tennessee’s first-in-the-nation law designed to place strict limits on drag shows is unconstitutional.

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like the Federal Judge just does not care.

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Oklahoma girl beaten by trans student in bathroom

Last October, a 15-year-old girl only identified as “E.G.” was “severely beaten” in the girl’s room at the school by a 17-year-old male dressed as a female. Now the parents are taking the school district to court for ignoring the law and endangering their daughter. (NY Post)

Link with comments on GWP.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Dora, delete everything in the link after [and including] the question mark BEFORE posting. What remains is the true link.


Thank You.


With that ruling in mind, why have movie ratings, why have warnings and restrictions on video games, why have age restrictions on alcohol, vape and cigarettes, why have restrictions on purchasing things online ?
Why does zero’s wife push healthy foods when it’s been “decided” that being morbidly obese is healthy ?
If a child can choose life altering surgery without consent why have any age related restrictions on anything ?


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Is ANYONE surprised? Should not be.

I was surprised by MTG. I should NOT have been surprised by MTG.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She got swamped.


Verse of the Day for Sunday, June 4, 2023

“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.” 

Psalms 118:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Interesting info on the mechanics of mind manipulation with boys wanting to become girls. “Sissy Hypno Porn” apparently is a common trend among those who are “transitioning.” Link below is from the no agenda show, start at the 2:06:00 mark, runs about 8 minutes, it is very insightful. There is no video or audio of said porn, just a discussion about it. I personally have not looked into this but its definitely something you won’t find on the MSM.


I had never heard of that. It’s obviously an evil, engineered mechanism to destroy people’s lives and normal society with them.


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Bwahahahahaha … 🙄😣🤚😜😎


I hate it for the employees, but I hope it continues until they fail as a company and shareholder value is wiped out since they ultimately have control over what happens.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Will BlackRock or Vanguard fold on ESG/DEI/CEI? Doubt it for BlackRock.


InBev is large enough to display monopolistic behavior — and they repeatedly have done so since the merger inexplicably was allowed to go through. It should be broken up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great thinking!


Sunday just got better.


Found this on the JB fall twit ..



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Be a safe place to try out free range AI and see what happens.


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On personal note,
My one granddaughter 20 has a summer job with girl scout in Alaska setting up camps in remote areas. She called this morning just telling me not to worry but she will be off the grit for 2 1/2 months. She will be going into camps in a puddle jumper. She has been there for the past month sleeping in a tent while in training 🙂 The sleeping bag was warm the tent was not and cold shower. 🙂
I remember when I was on the Island of Iona Scotland had to shower cold one gets used to it and it is good 🙂
Her parents had not have her Baptized because they want her to choose her own faith.
I told her “my prayers are with you ” and to my surprise she said ” thank you very much”.
She also learned German and text me in German the other day. Her parents have no clue she learned German and now I wonder what else they do not know 🙂
Grandchildren are a blessing. ❤

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

I will pray for her safety and her faith. How nice that she can text you in German. I’m not sure about those cold showers! 🥶 (How did people manage through the ages?)


Thank you 🙂
How did they manage cold bathing? Not as bad as one thinks. Showering hot and cold is healthy for circulation.
One manages what one is given and is grateful 🙂


People washed the “dirty bits,” and rarely submerged to bathe. Sink baths were common.


Bucket baths, with small cup to pour water on, as needed.

Common to this day in the Philippines. Of course, the water is not ice cold.


It sounds like she inherited some of her grandmother’s spunk! Good for her. What a cool way to spend a summer when you are twenty.

I will pray she stays safe and has a great time.


Thank you. Yes adventures is in the genes of my family. She likes the stuff I would have done in her age but got married instead. No regrets 🙂


Marriage is its own kind of adventure!


It sure it 🙂 🙂


She’ll do fine.

Same young lady that surprised Grandma at her graduation. Her dress, celebrating hers, and your heritage?


Yes that is the same one. Very practical problem salver common sense and she is very bright specially math and sciences. Now languages. She speaks Spanish learns it in High School but German on her own. She very tight with money 🙂


Thats quite an adventure. Great character building all summer.


What surprised me is that she is expressing her love for us more and so open about it. She also says she misses us she never said that before. Of course I am concerned for her safety. Something has changed for her to be this open. Her parents never took her to church now I wonder if she has been going with friends. She would not tell her parents .


Sounds like she’s finding herself and realizing the world isnt such a self centered thing.


Yes she is past teenage years 🙂 She also is an only child. She is mature for her age common sense.




From the article:

“I can only take pride in my accomplishments because my mother and father raised me.”

No, Tyler.

You only have your accomplishments because, in the words of the late, great Rush Limbaugh, you have talent on loan from God.


“The situation in the Belgorod region — what is known by 18.00 on June 4, 2023

A difficult situation is developing in the Belgorod region. Over the past two days, Russian cities and towns have been repeatedly shelled with barrel rocket artillery.

Belgorod and Shebekino were hit, as well as Shchetinovka, the Near Abbess, Bogun-Gorodok, Stary, Tishanka, Kozinka, Glotovo, Prilesye, Grafovka, Novaya Tavolzhanka, Bezlyudovka, Murom, Ziborovka and Maslova Pier.

The most critical situation was noted in the Shebekinsky city district, where the APU released more than 500 units of various ammunition. It is noteworthy that a significant part of the shots fall at bridges and crossings on the Belgorod highway from Shebekino.

Most likely, the APU is trying to destroy the logistics supply routes of the Russian group near the border with the Kharkiv region.

🔻 Now there is a battle in Novaya Tavolzhanka, where a DRG of about 20 people without armored vehicles entered the village. This is the second attack attempt of the day.

The APU uses the legend of the Russians from the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps” to attack Russian territories. Both Polish and American mercenaries act as part of the sabotage groups.

>>>It is curious that doctors and orderlies are actively working with them, whose task is to evacuate the wounded and killed from the battlefield as quickly as possible in order to prevent the corpses of the dead from falling into the hands of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”<<<

Globo’s haven’t cared too much previously about leaving dead mercenaries. One has to wonder if they’re trying now to hide the quantity they’re using or the country that’s supplying them, or both.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dead Americans and Europeans is my guess.


FEDS! Matching outfits, face coverings, over-the-top protest materials. What is the flag with the skull on it?

HAPPENING NOW: Centerville, TX residents are expressing disgust over a small group of outsiders who are rallying in the downtown area. (1/4)

**WARNING NSFW LANGUAGE: The g group told me they’re here because it was one year ago this week escaped inmate Gonzalo Lopez killed 5 members of a white family. (2/4)

The group chose to hide behind face masks and declined to say where they’re from. They said only “we’re from all over Texas” but residents here say this is NOT a reflection of this community that sits off I-45 between Dallas and Houston. (3/4)

I spoke with Keith and others who hate the fact that the rally has disrupted a typically peacefully Saturday that includes a farmer’s market and community support of local businesses. (4/4)


GWP: Feds on Parade: Patriot Front Wannabees the Aryan Freedom Network Holds Protest in TX – Want You to Believe They’re Nazis but THEY DON’T EVEN SALUTE WITH CORRECT HAND!

The Aryan Freedom Network was out on Saturday in Centreville, Texas outside a farmer’s market.

They really need to up their research and training before they pull off these stunts.

The boys wore camo pants for the Texas outing and carried Confederate flags with them. The group was wearing masks. This is a typical look stolen from the fed-infested Patriot Front group in their recent outings.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Stolen from”?

You can’t plagiarize yourself.


Actually you can. If you don’t remember what you did before.  🤔 

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2



I sure hope the ARYAN FREEDOM guys are on the FIB’s radar…like listed on their most fearful, most wanted, most violent, most racist, most potentially dangerous list. Why haven’t they had a presser saying ” See, here they are, a group representing an extremist view, just like we claimed that there are thousands of in US”.

They just let them be, going back to their hidey-hole cooking up some extremist violence”. Sure Jan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

10% ADL for sure!


Right on cue AGAIN….PERVOTUS said to be expecting white supremes and here they are


One might think they were FBI staged. 🤔


One or two might think that or maybe gabillions of us who know false flags


Yes we found them out 🙂


Is good. Multiple sites carry the story and everywhere comments are allowed FIB is at the tip of every post. 😅🤣😂🤣


FIB earned it.


They cannot hide.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

25% FIB for sure – working on 75%!!!


Scary and plausible


To me they look like the idiots in DC. They look like FBI or Antifa . I hope someone beats the crap out of them so they learn a lesson.


Speaking of anitifa…why aren’t they there with their chains, bikelocks, skateboards and flag stabbers ? Normally this would manage to draw a few for a fun day of throat punching…vewy mysterious


Antifa was not needed they need Nazis at this time. We are so awake that they cannot pull the wool over our eyes any longer .


Just for grins. 😂

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https: //




Kanekoa Releases The Konnech Files: FBI Shielded Two Firms Tied to Chinese Communist Regime That Holds US Voter Data in Mainland China

In October 2022, Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested in Michigan in connection with “theft of personal data.”

The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the Michigan based company.

During the PIT conference, Phillips and Engelbrecht alleged they were cooperating with the FBI in Michigan about data being sent overseas by this company.  The investigation quickly started to turn on them after the FBI started to distance itself from the investigation for some strange reason.

The article outlines more history, including Gregg and Catherine’s jail time, and then:

Kanekoa has another explosive investigative piece on the Konnech company. The FBI shielded and protected Konnech from investigation despite its ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

This is a Twitter post with 32 tweets for subscribers.

#1🚨: Evidence shockingly suggests that the FBI is shielding two firms closely tied to the Chinese government, which have financed and developed an American election software company for the past 15 years, all while transferring confidential election data back to China…

Kanekoa confirms what has been previously reported. The FBI knew about Konnech and its ties to the Chinese Communist Party and its work with US elections. The DC FBI elites DROPPED the investigation into Konnech for some reason. This is just the latest example of the lawlessness of our top investigative agency.

In this instance it appears they are working for the Chinese Communists and against the American people. What else are they hiding?


Enemy of America. Traitors.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Eventually people figure out that FIB is on China’s side.


Per Marica’s blog:

Of your charity, please spare a prayer or kind thought for our good GA/FL and her ex-husband. The ex is still hospitalized (since 5/20) and now apparently there are more complications. A Zoom call is arranged for this afternoon so their disabled daughter can talk to her father.
Thank you.


I offer prayers for GA/FL and family. I lift them up to God because He knows what they need. Amen

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1



So people who are breaking the law are being allowed to arrest others for breaking the law.


Bizzaro world.


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Fair question. Will they speak fluent English?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is not good. This is how they create their “global police” to rule over Americans.


They will be ruthless. They have no understanding of America, constitution and Bill of Rights.
it takes a long time to truly understand American culture.
I agree “ this is not good “


They cant own a gun. Legally.


They can’t work in the US, either. Legally.




DC Boom Mystery Deepens: Reports Jets Scrambled for Plane Headed to Nation’s Capital; Plane Later Crashed in Rural Virginia

DC Boom Mystery Deepens: Reports Jets Scrambled for Plane Headed to Nation’s Capital; Plane Later Crashed in Rural Virginia | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor


Chinee weather balloon.


Cessna 560 stock image. Small commuter.
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Thanks for the pic.

Weather reconnaissance. All very innocent, I am sure. (Don’t care either)

Have not clicked on the link. NO intention of pursuing this “noise”.


Missed again.

Happy go lucky

how do you know a level headed politician? he dribbles from both sides of his mouth

From the comments on that story 😂



Headline buries cause.

WaPo: Owner of the Cessna Aircraft Confirms “Entire Family” was Aboard on the Plane that Crashed in Virginia – Pilot “Passed Out”


Today’s mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” rabbit holes:

One: COVID-19 “vaccines” can cause Multiple Sclerosis:
December 9, 2021
“New diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the setting of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine exposure”
Karlo Toljan, et al.

Two: COVID-19 “vaccines” can cause ALS (“Lou Gehrig’s Disease”):
March 15, 2023
“New-Onset Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis in a Patient who Received the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine”
Eric Acosta, MD, et al.

Which led to, Three:
by Geoff Pain, PhD
May 8, 2023
“Autoimmune Diseases caused by Endotoxin in mRNA Jabs include Myocarditis, Pericarditis Lupus”
Yours Truly: It appears that the endotoxin involved is contained in the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines.” The LNPs apparently are made up of cationic polysaccharides.

Which then led to, Four:
**peer-reviewed paper published July 24, 2015**
“Lipopolysaccharide Density and Structure Govern the Extent and Distance of Nanoparticle Interaction with Actual and Model Bacterial Outer Membranes”
Kurt H. Jacobson, et al.
Yours Truly: It appears that a bacterial interface is part of the lipid nanoparticle concept. IMO, this opens the question of whether bacterial interfaces are used in the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” as part of the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) “delivery system” of these “vaccines.”


Yours Truly understands that there’s a lot of things out there to follow — RonDeepState / RFK, Jr., trying hard to be a “statesman” / the entire “trans” disaster and the “grooming” of our children — and much more.

However, IMO, it’s very important NOT to lose sight of the COVID-19 “vaccines” situation. This situation has NOT been “taken care of” because “President Biden’s” handlers ended the “national health emergency” last month. It has NOT been “taken care of” because the CDC / FDA have pulled BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 (the “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNtech and by Moderna) and the Johnson & Johnson [Janssen] COVID-19 “vaccine” off the market — only to replace them with the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna. These “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines” STILL CONTAIN, albeit at “reduced amounts”, the spike protein + its mRNA of the “flagship vaccines” of these companies — in addition to the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs).

NOBODY knows how long the spike protein + its mRNA remain in the body of the “vaccinated” recipient. NOBODY knows how long the lipid nanoparticles remain in the body. NOBODY knows the EXACT mechanisms of how these “vaccines” work — except for Albert Bourla, Stephane Bancel, Anthony Fauci, and Ralph Baric.

What IS known is that the mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” can, and do, alter the DNA of the “vaccinated” recipient. What IS known that these “vaccines” can, and do, cause cardiovascular damage. What IS known is that these “vaccines” can, and do, damage the reproductive organs and functions of the “vaccinated” female, and also negatively impact the testes of the “vaccinated” male. What IS known is that the spike protein + its mRNA (and possibly also the lipid nanoparticles) of the “vaccines” transfer from a “vaccinated” pregnant woman to her fetus; and from a “vaccinated” new mother to her child via breastfeeding.

The “mid-term” injuries, illnesses, and deaths engendered / induced by these “vaccines” are JUST NOW starting to show up in REAL numbers — “turbo-cancers” / “died suddenly” 1+ years after being “fully vaccinated and boosted” / enormous blood clots being removed from “vaccinated” persons / autoimmune and cardiovascular disease conditions now being diagnosed in “vaccinated” persons — and so on. The “long-term” injuries, illnesses, and deaths likely won’t start showing up in REAL numbers until another 3 – 5 years from now, IMO. By that time, most, if not all, of these will be attributed to “old age” / “underlying medical condition” / “complications from X disease.”

Does this mean that EVERY “vaccinated” person will get injured, ill, or die from, the COVID-19 “vaccines” in their body? Likely not — but it also would appear that ANY person who has a COVID-19 “vaccine” in their body IS POTENTIALLY AT RISK from the ingredients and the mechanisms of the “vaccines.”



Covid and Covid vaccines are NOT over.

There has been ZERO accountability.

Likely never will, with the current “justice” system in the US. Globally for that matter.

  :wpds_arrow:  Worse, the next plandemic is being engineered, if not ready, for release.

  :wpds_arrow:  mRNA vaccines for the the next plandemic , are being engineered, if not ready for release.

  :wpds_arrow:  WHO will apparently have a license to dictate global policy, effective late 2024.

  • If this comes to pass, guessing Americans WILL rise up. Emphatic NOPE.

  :wpds_arrow:  CBDC may be at least partially in-place. Federal pay checks, retirement, benefits, government contract, a done deal. <<< Dictated.

Tax dollars funneled to state, county and city, likely linked to playing along with CBDC.

PLUS whatever nonsense they do to throttle down energy AND food. (Meat)

I’ll quit now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I hear you.


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Fun factoid…..

Though these look and act like modern tablets, essentially NONE of the requisite technology to build tablets was available in 1968 when the movie was made. They couldn’t even use CRT screens, as those had noticeable curved faces. Flat-panel displays were well in the future, and spent years at comparatively low resolutions.

Just to show how much of a genius (and maniac) Kubrick was……there were holes cut in the table, and they mounted little movie projectors below the surface of the table to do reverse projection on the “tablet screen”. These were then filmed from above with the actors in the shot.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Cuppa Covfefe


Straight from the pit of HELL…

C’mon, fire and brimstone…


Looking for violins

Maybe we should be the ones provoking – get in front of this mess

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That would likely get a reaction at a pride thing.

AND, get a reaction at a Trump rally.

Latter definitely gonna make news.


These FED bois really are famous now 😂


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’d hold back, but DP doesn’t start posting until Tuesday and it was on Rumble. But this one might be worth posting twice 😁

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Perhaps they might not be impressed by the “Diversity is our Strength” BS.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

I see we have more of the usual nonsense coming from The Swamp.

California’s idiot Congressman (BIRM) Ted “Tiger Boy” Lieu calls for Congress to regulate AI.

Given only the following two choices, which do you figure would be safer for mankind?

(a) Congress regulates AI
or (b) AI regulates Congress.


Paging Hal…

Sadie Slays

Happy Killdozer Day.

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After reading that account, I have nothing but empathy for Marvin Heemeyer.

We need 10 million more, just like him.


The Strange Story of ‘Killdozer’ and the Man Behind It
Marvin Heemeyer built a tank. He built a tank, leveled a good portion of a previously quiet small town in the Rocky Mountains with it, then immediately gained a measure of fame because of it, and almost as immediately met an inglorious end.

But here’s where the story gets weird (as if it isn’t weird already). Somehow during the past 17 years since, Heemeyer has become a legend of sorts. A patriot, even, in some people’s eyes. A hero for our troubled times.

Which, for more than one witness to this bizarre chapter in modern American history, is simply wrong. Just flat out wrong.

A man with a grudge built something, instantly christened a “killdozer,” to tear up a town: How is he a hero?

“It is the predominant narrative; that Marv was screwed by this small town board that was out to get him, that the local community was out to get him,” says Patrick Brower, the author of a book on Heemeyer and his tank. “People get focused on this, that Marv was victimized by the town. But the idea, somehow, that Granby was sophisticated enough to launch this campaign to go get Marv really defies my imagination.”



This was sposed to slide under Sadie’s, Happy Killdozer Day.