Dear KAG: 20230725 Open Thread

Cover image: The beach, no artist given

Preserving History or Purging It

The Deep State’s Sinister Core

Badlands News Brief – July 24, 2023

Ron DeSantis: Reboot

They’d like to think so.

New Data Shows Hot Weather Devastating for the Endurance of Electric Vehicles

And then there are hybrids.

Criminal Gangs Are Taking U.S. Shipments of Weapons Meant for Ukraine

No kidding. Who didn’t see this coming?

The Cultural Revolution Never Ends

Slavery in the 21st Century Falls on Deaf Ears of the Left

Fox News’ Conservative Stance Belies Hidden Liberal Agenda

It Is Completely Reasonable To Wonder If Oppenheimer Was A Soviet Spy

Deaths soar as smugglers take advantage of record heat to sneak migrants into US

Tweet hopper:

Flat earth society has members all around the globe…which side are they really on?

Meme & Fun hopper:


Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.



7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us. 8We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 11For while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 12So death is at work in us, but life in you. 13Since we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we too believe, and so we speak, 14knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. 15For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.

PSALMS 126:1-6

1When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. 2Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” 3The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad. 4Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like the watercourses in the Negeb! 5May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy! 6He that goes forth weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.

MATTHEW 20:20-28

20Then the mother of the sons of Zeb’edee came up to him, with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 21And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Command that these two sons of mine may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22But Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” 23He said to them, “You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” 24And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 26It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; 28even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


I went to the pool.

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Thank you, DePat, for a lovely Tuesday thread full of majestic content, especially the link with the 38FF’s….


A man in jail writes to his father on the family farm:

Dear Dad,

I’m sorry I won’t be there to help with the Spring planting.

Be careful not to plow the south field too deeply, or you could hit the box with the goods in it.

Your son

About two weeks later, he writes again:

Dear Dad,

How’d the agents do on the south field? It was always the most difficult to plow, so I figured it would be the biggest help I could provide getting it done for you.

Your son

On a completely unrelated subject….

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Last edited 9 months ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

Nice! hopefully here’s that image that didn’t show for me, after running through Gab…

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Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like this Auld Irish gem:

(How to get someone else to spade your garden)
An aging man lived alone in Ireland.
His only son was in Long Kesh Prison, and he didn’t know of anyone else who would spade up his potato garden.
The old man wrote to his son about it, receiving this reply:
“For Heavens’ SAKES, don’t dig up that garden; that’s where I buried the GUNS!
At 4 A.M. the next morning a dozen British soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden, but didn’t find any guns.
Confused the man wrote to his son telling him what had happened and asked him what to do next.
His son’s reply was, “I’m sorry Dad, but this was the best I could do. Just plant your potatoes.”


Now you’re baiting the likes of me.


There were 38 false flags?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This tweet from the open about spiritual ritual abuse (SRA) is informative. I’ve wondered what life is like for trafficking victims and how they transition out of it. It sounds worse than I imagined. This should alert people that we need to stop these crimes and this slavery. I’ve heard several people ask where Hollywood is. Where are actors and actresses pleading for trafficked victims? Their silence is telling.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re all in.

Remember Tom Hank’s pained look at the Oscars when Ricky Gervais said of Epstein, “He’s your friend, not mine”…..


That was the best, most unbelievable roasting of those Hollywood pigs that I have ever seen 😂


Here’s the whole text of the Brian Cates – Political Columnist & Pundit tweet from the open.

(I notice that there is no blue bird, just an X, but the URL still says “” and what he wrote is still called a tweet.)

Here’s what’s got to be accepted:

The rollout of the **evidence** from whistleblowers bringing documentary evidence with them to establish the Biden Crime Family multiple illegal bribery schemes with CCP/Ukraine officials?

That’s not for you and me. We already knew.

The point is to FORCE – pay attention here – **FORCE** those in denial about The Biden Crime Family into constant and complete and total overwhelming retreat until they have NOWHERE LEFT TO RETREAT TO.

You will know its over when even FAKE NEWS finally has to throw its hands up and go “ALL RIGHT DAMN IT, FINE, IF IT MEANS THAT MUCH TO YOU, YES YES THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY DID THIS AND THEY’RE GUILTY!”

We’re almost there.

Have a little patience.

The most reluctant confession from these propagandists will be especially sweet as they then spend the next year watching every single Trump chimeric illusory prosecution roll over and die.

While The Biden Crime Family’s crimes are fully exhumed, exhaustively examined and universally acknowledged.

Long before November 2024 gets here.

Have a nice day.



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Conceptually aligns with the entire Covid / Covid Injection SCAM run on America.

AND, the entire Global Community.

All related to Global Reset. ALL of it.


It seems that the fake crimes are tried in court and the real crimes are exposed but never tried.

We all know Trump is innocent and Biden is guilty.

Which leads me to another observation. The George Carlin meme above about not trusting the gov’t, two years ago 95% people would roll their eyes and assume he was/is a conspiracy theorist. Now it is the majority opinion. Progress.

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of the Bye,Done crime family and tainted elections, here’s a good article about uncovering ballot fraud and new tools and techniques (H/T another ian over at Chiefio’s):


I hope he’s right, but I will be amazed if many true-believers admit that they were wrong, either to themselves or especially to others.

Besides that, I suspect most Leftists, professional and general public, are some degree of psychopath.


Biden’s Gun Control Backfires After Fifth Circuit Ruling: Ghost Guns Legal Once More

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled in favor of Defense Distributed and other companies that make and distribute “ghost guns” and denied the Federal Government a “stay” in the case VanDerStok v. Garland

This ruling allows Defense Distributed, Blackhawk Manufacturing Group (incorporated, doing business as 80 Percent Arms), Second Amendment Foundation (incorporated; Not An LLC, doing business as JSD Supply), and Polymer80 the ability to continue selling unfinished gun parts or 80% receivers legally — a significant blow to President Biden’s war on ghost guns. 

Previously, US District Judge Reed O’Connor granted a motion for summary judgment against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) because the agency exceeded its authority. This judgment vacated the entire rule nationwide. 

The Federal Government’s response to that judgment was to request a stay, essentially a continuance of the status quo until the case ends. Today’s decision denied that stay, with the court stating:

“Because the ATF has not demonstrated a strong likelihood of success on the merits, nor irreparable harm in the absence of a stay, we DENY the government’s request to stay the vacatur of the two challenged portions of the Rule.” 

This is the third time the 5th Circuit has nullified an executive order by President Biden to usher in gun control. Notable cases, such as GOA v. Garland, Mock v. Garland and Cargill v. Garland, have stopped the enforcement of Biden’s “Frame or Receiver” rule.

Defense Distributed had this to say about the favorable ruling: 

“The 5th Circuit knows the ATF will not succeed on the merits. This rule was never the result of the popular will, but was instead a cynical ploy to launder Bloomberg gun control priorities through the APA rulemaking process as a reward for gun controllers supporting the Biden campaign in 2020.”

In 2021, Biden directed the Department of Justice and ATF to ban ghost guns using the administrative rulemaking process. The result was ATF’s “Frame and Receiver rule.” 

Recall Biden unveiled the new rule to rein in ghost guns and ban the manufacturing of untraceable firearms at an event in the White House Rose Garden in April 2022. 

“These guns are weapons of choice for many criminals.

“We’re going to do everything we can to deprive them of that choice,” Biden said at the event last year. 

The rule intended to prohibit businesses from selling gun kits without a serial number. However, following this new ruling, companies like Defense Distributed and Polymer80, which manufacture ghost guns, are now free to carry on with their product sales and expand. 

Also, the ruling allows Defense Distributed to unleash a barrage of lawsuits against any state AG who decides to send a cease-and-desist letter over this legal victory. This is a legal ‘checkmate’ and will deter other states from taking matters into their own hands on this issue, as it often happens as state AGs routinely send these companies threatening letters. 


The regulations proposed were absolutely insane. In targeting ghost guns, ATF wanted to ban anything that could possibly become a firearm and any means to do so. The definitions were so broad that any block of metal or metal-working tool would qualify.

As I belong to a club that makes functional miniature engines out of such blocks of metal, this would make any lathe or mill contraband, as well as any materials to be worked with same. The stupidity of these regulations went well beyond the Second Amendment into drooling idiocy.


It should be remembered that John Moses Browning [ ] invented most modern firearms before he passed in 1924.

From lever-action rifles to pump-action shotguns to the classic 1911 automatic pistol to the Browning High-Power and the Ma Deuce, Browning revolutionized firearms in the US.

And he built his prototypes in his personal machine shop at his home. All of them were “ghost guns” until he decided to mark them, if he ever did.

Just imagine WWI and WWII without Browning designs. That’s what the ATF is proposing. If ever there were a contest for the most ridiculously obnoxious useless unconstitutional agency, BATFE would be very near the top.


They are just another criminal org like FIB, used as tools by the appointed crims in charge. Most in law enforcement despise them.


Both, FIB and ATF are on my shit list. Despise works. American.

For that matter DOJ, HLS, IRS…

Feds in general.

They all seemingly work against Americans, America, The Constitution.

Valerie Curren

This 1,000%


Sheesh, you’re right ! Any govt agency that comes to mind has been turned against us.
Border Patrol & DHS, TSA, FDA, DEA, DOD, IRS

Last edited 9 months ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren

DOE, CDC, Interior, Commerce, Energy, CBP, INS (or whatever it’s called now)…it’d probably be quicker to name any, if there even are Any, that Haven’t been weaponized against the people or the constitution!




None by me. None.

Valerie Curren

see 1:55


Energy and HHS…the Human Genome Project

University of Iowa 2007:

“Lethal Infection of K18-hACE2 Mice Infected with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus”

…”Pretreatment of K18-hACE2 mice with a human anti-SARS-CoV MAb prevents clinical disease. To determine whether K18-hACE2 mice will be useful for evaluating anti-SARS-CoV therapy, animals were treated, as proof of principle, with a human MAb that binds to the hACE2 receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV surface glycoprotein (MAb 201). MAb 201 has previously been shown to diminish virus replication and the severity of pathological changes in SARS-CoV-infected mice and hamsters (1031). Intravenous administration of MAb 201 (25 mg/kg of body weight), but not of a control antibody, to K18-hACE2 mice 1 day prior to SARS-CoV infection completely prevented death (Fig. 
(Fig.8),8), clinical disease, and weight loss (data not shown).”…

MAb 201= monoclonal antibodies


University of Iowa matters.

Research was published in 2007. University of Iowa President in 2006 is David Skorton.

Jeffrey Lehman abruptly steps down as Cornell’s President in 2005 during its Life Sciences Initiative. Lehman heads to Peking U, later becomes a 1000 Talent, China Friendship Award winner, and Shenzhen Peacock.

Hunter Rawlings returns as Cornell’s interim President until a replacement for Lehman can be found.

Skorton is hired from Iowa. (Rawlings came from Iowa, originally)

2008, Sanford Weill (Citibank) Hall Life Sciences building opens at Cornell.

“Faculty members, alumni and beneficiaries gathered yesterday evening to dedicate the Joan and Sanford ’55 Weill Hall and the Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology.
Weill Hall — which cost $162 million to build and features state of the art equipment — will serve as the base for Cornell’s New Life Sciences Initiative and its Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology.

“It would be a place where we tangibly support our efforts of sustainability. It would be a place where innovative ideas will be developed from the bench to the bedsides,” President David Skorton said at the ceremony.”

Cornell Watkins lab publishes this in 2009:

“Activation of the SARS coronavirus spike protein via sequential proteolytic cleavage at two distinct sites”

Meanwhile, Dutch starchitect and Cornell alumni, Rem Koolhass is designing and building an addition on the Cornell College of Architecture

And this building in China:

And this building is underway on the Cornell Ithaca campus:

And this alumni is forever in the background:

Valerie Curren

Amazing pulling of so many puzzle pieces together to help the bigger picture become increasingly revealed! Thank you!!!


Coincidentally, I was given a seat in the second row. I’m just trying to make sense of what exactly went down.

Valerie Curren

A Herculean task to be sure!


Consider this:

While all of these facilities were in planning or on the drawing boards, Edward Maria was presenting his ideas on carbon neutrality and buildings to NYS members of the AIA, as keynote speaker of the 2004 American
Institute of Architects NY State Convention.

The theme of the convention was “Architecture: Art or Science?” The convention was held on the Ithaca campus of Cornell University, in the summer of 2004.

This is Edward Mazria:

The Chinese engineering firm that took over design of the Wuhan lab is a signatory of this agreement.

Also in 2004, while the addition to Cornell College of Architecture was in design and planning, Mohsen Mostafavi was hired as dean of architecture. Mostafavi was hired during the short presidential term of 1000 Talent, China Frienship awardee, and Shenzhen Peacock, Jeffrey Lehman.

Here’s Strobe Talbot introducing Mostafavi at the Brookings Institution in 2013:

In 2008, Mostafavi heads to Harvard:

Here’s what he was up to at Harvard in 2013:

…”The Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities will allow the Graduate School of Design to launch intensive research and education programs aimed at creating sustainable, high-performance buildings. The focus will be on better design, construction, and operation — especially in urban environments. Evergrande will support programs, facilities, and a research endowment.
“We are very eager to establish the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities at the Graduate School of Design,” said GSD Dean Mohsen Mostafavi, “and I am appreciative of this generous support. It is gratifying to know that the center, under the leadership of Professor Ali Malkawi, will provide the venue for collaborative and cross-disciplinary research that will have significant and productive impact for the future of the built environment.”…

Valerie Curren

That’s a Great Find & I really hope RDS, WM, & Gail see this. You might consider re-posting on Wednesday’s thread for increased visibility!


You get five internet bonus points for ‘drooling idiocy’.


This would never be allowed, I guess:

Made here:


A couple Clarifications.

“The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled in favor of Defense Distributed and other companies that make and distribute “ghost guns” and denied the Federal Government a “stay” in the case VanDerStok v. Garland.”

  • An 80% lower, is a chunk of aluminum or polymer.
  • Machining is rated to be a 80% complete.
  • The buyer must complete the remaining 20% machining.
  • At point of sale, it is NOT a gun. Just 80% machined lower.
  • Even when 100% machined, it is ONLY a lower. NOT a gun. Gun part.

“These guns are weapons of choice for many criminals.

  • PURE horseshit from ATF, Feds, Briben.
  • Criminals either buy (previously stolen) weapons on the street. Or steel weapons themselves.

  :wpds_arrow:  The Beauty Of A 80% lower, machined to 100%,


  :wpds_arrow:  In America, it is None Of The Feds Business, the lower exists.

Valerie Curren

shall not be denied or abridged makes it sound like the feds have ZERO legit role here




As a very weird quirk, the law treats lower receivers as guns because that’s where the serial number is.

You can buy a barrel, trigger parts, an upper, or anything else without going through any Federal paperwork. Just not the lower receiver.

All those other pieces can be legally purchased by a 12-year old, or a convicted felon….


Quibble. “lower” completed or not, is NOT a “complete lower receiver. A part. nothing more.

So true about the serial number, on a completed lower purchased through an FFL.

  • No serial number on an 80% lower, including when it is 100%. Latter, unless the owner chooses to number it, name it, or otherwise individualize his lower.

Tweaked a few key words above. “…ATF treats the lower as a gun.”

  • ATF is AFU on this. IIRC, lower does NOT meet the ATF definition of a gun.
  • But, ATF does treat the lower, as IF it were a gun.

Can’t recall the details. Ninth Circus three or four years ago. Southern CA. Some guy was selling 80% lowers, helping or actually finishing to 100%, selling.

ATF tried to nail the guy. The guy presented actual ATF language in regulations, laws… IIRC. The definition of a gun, includes the chamber… (No chamber in a lower. Oops.

Ninth Circus never ruled in the case.

ATF and guy settled.

If the case were settled by Ninth Circus, it was CLEAR, ATF would have LOST the case. AND, nationwide repercussions, ATF was 100% skeered to have to deal with. <<< Completed Lower, by definition is NOT a Gun. Should NOT be subject to FFL….<<<

The guy essentially walked with a year or two probation. Promise to not do it again.

To the best of my knowledge, ATF has not updated the language. A bridge too far. MeThinks.

IIRC. This case was discussed here QTree way back then.


BREAKING UPDATE: Zelensky Associate Was Present at Biden Bribery Meetings – Then Went to Work for President Zelensky Who Now Is Holding Blackmail Information Against Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Author Peter Schweizer went on with Jesse Watters on Monday night where he proceeded to drop another bomb on the Biden Crime Family. 

According to Schweizer, who wrote a best-seller “Secret Empires” on the Biden Family crimes, told Jesse that one of Vlodomyr Zelensky’s top officials was sitting in the room when they were discussing bribing the Bidens, Joe and Hunter.

Ukrainian President Zelensky has a top official who was sitting in on meetings where they talked about bribing the Bidens. 

Schweizer suggests Zelensky is using this as leverage over the Biden regime for weapons and billions in US dollars.

Many have suspected this for a long time.


A “given” in my world. Long, long ago. A blind man could see it.

Last edited 9 months ago by kalbokalbs

Now Devon Archer is scheduled to testify on Monday. I hope he survives to tell his tale.

According to New York Post reporter Miranda Devine, Devon Archer is going to sing like a canary and tell Congress that Hunter Biden put his dad, then-VP Joe Biden on speakerphone into meetings with his foreign business associates at least two dozen times.

Archer, who is currently facing one year in prison for defrauding an Indian tribe, will testify to the House Oversight Committee about at least two dozen meetings he witnessed Joe Biden attend either in person or by phone at Hunter’s request.

Devon Archer will also confirm to lawmakers that Joe Biden is indeed the “Big Guy.”


Likely being blackmailed as we wait. Likely why his testimony was delayed.

No coincidences.

Hope Archer AND his family survive unscathed.


I personally suspect his testimony was delayed because he is on the run, so to speak. He is trying to throw off his pursuers.

I think they should announce his testimony will be on Monday, and he should show up on Thursday.


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PDJT October 2, 2019:

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DC_Draino regarding Vivek:

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Last edited 9 months ago by TheseTruths

rCONS are chalk full of smooth talkers, THAT ACCOMPLISH NOTHING TANGIBLE.

Cuppa Covfefe

Smooth operators…


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OK, late night TMI time —

For years, I’ve slept with a cheap polyester comforter over a fitted sheet. Unfortunately, the comforter is getting old and clumpy — some parts have no insulation, and other parts have wads of insulation.

To make things worse, my personal thermoregulation has gone right out the window. I’ll go to bed and wrap up tight to stave off the cold, then start “fluffing” to try to cool down, until I start pulling the comforter off of selected body parts. Half-waking later when my limbs get cold, I get to repeat the cycle again.

Because of the CPAP, I usually have a corner of the comforter over my head to block light and sound.

I can tell that the current comforter is too warm overall, besides being on its last legs. I started looking on Amazon for “lightweight comforter”, but many of them boast of being reliably cool. Optimally, I could find something that was warm when pulled tight but breathable and cooler when fluffed loosely — that was optically opaque and could be run through the washing machine. Oh, and I’d prefer to spend less than $100.

There have been tantalizing hints of potential matches as I’ve been browsing online, but I’m tired and frustrated and irked, so I figured I’d ask for advice.

Oh, one last bit — two-part solutions don’t work. The extra blanket is either stolen by the Fiancee, shoved into the middle of the bed, or ends up on the floor. My subconscious can’t seem to deal with it during the night, so I’ll just sleep miserably whatever happens. The single comforter seems to be the best option.

pat frederick

no flat sheet?
hubby is always cold when he sleeps, I am the heater. to accommodate him, we always have a quilt on the bed over the flat sheet, even in summer. (in coldest of winters, we either have 2 quilts or our cuddle duds comforter) when i get hot during the night, I push off the quilt and only sleep under the cool cotton flat sheet. cotton is cool and comfortable imo

Valerie Curren

You could haunt some resale stores for potentially cheaper options.

flannel sheets are lighter than quilts, comforters, or blankets but warmer than just regular sheets. We’ve got to do cotton for breathability though some higher cotton blends can be marginally acceptable for temp control. I’ve gotta stick my feet out & in the summer have a fan to help maintain “comfortable” body temps for sleeping…


Reuse centers, rummage sales, thrift shops are the best places for finding bedding and drapes, imo. I look for lightly used down comforters and duvets. Cool in the summer, warm in the winter.

Valerie Curren

some of that older stuff hold up better as things were made better & more durable in the past, in addition to being relatively easy on the pocketbook!


I would try a down-alternative comforter. A good one is less than 100%. You can wash them. They are fluffy, but warm when you bundle up.

Have you ever tried a sleep mask? There are some really comfy ones that would block light for you.

The reason for that last question is that it isn’t healthy to sleep with your face covered. I know you have CPAP, so this is mostly for others reading this. The same way wearing a mask causes hypoxia and hypercapnia, sleeping with your head covered can, too:


Totally empathize with the “thermal regulation” thing.
Yours Truly’s solution:
For late Spring into early Fall — quilt plus flannel flat sheet on top of it. The flannel flat sheet can be pulled up or folded down as necessary.
For mid-Fall into late Spring — “all-season” fake down blanket with flannel flat sheet on top of it, pulled up or folded down as necessary. Plus, in very cold weather, an extra-large size electric heating pad on the mattress underneath one, turned on or off as needed.


DW does the same. Has worked well for many years, even as we shift locations.

Minor tweak in summer. Essentially the same solution, keeping warm, comfortable

Barb Meier

I do a fitted sheet under, a flat sheet over, a quilt in summer (handmade) and one of those inexpensive fleece blankets on top. One kitty likes the fleece and the other likes the cotton quilt unless he is diving under the quilt. LOL We used to have a “fuzzy” blanket but nowadays, I use fleece.


It just may be one of the most adorable things I’ve ever heard. It’s amazing. The tone. The pitch. The earnestness.

She really, really means it.

Right now! 😂



I so appreciate that wench. Enjoy the laughs. Thank you.

  :wpds_arrow:  We need a 365 day calendar of memes of this wench, with her featured daily.

Cuppa Covfefe

Voice like a dentist’s drill… sad…

Valerie Curren

Yes!!!  😂 


I am 99% confident that her normal speaking voice is nothing like her voice when she is hanging by a thread to her last bit of composure, before breaking into tears 😉


  :wpds_wink: .Of course, we all know that.. (   :wpds_cool: )


I haven’t seen any post-incident reports about her…who she is, what she was thinking, etc. Maybe it’s best that she reside in meme world.


Wise words !!!  :wpds_lol: 

Valerie Curren

Here’s a copy of a comment I shared at Marica’s 

Hi Maricans, I just wanted to drop a link to a blog post that articulates so well some of what some of us can continue to wrestle with in (mis)communications with others online. Given the absence of certain regulars here & at the Q-Tree, I thought this post might speak to you as it has to me.  

Blessings, in Jesus’ Love

Barb Meier

Note on thinking before speaking: Once upon a time, I lived with a super-smart guy. I noticed that he paused before speaking. I believe he felt it caused people to listen to him more intently waiting for his response. That is mostly lost in written communication, unless you press Enter a number of times to force someone else to scroll down to get to your next “bit of wisdom.” hehe…

Valerie Curren

Great point! It’s funny how both written & verbal communication can at times be incredibly effective & at other times be so completely misconstrued. Sometimes it seems a wonder that we can actually Ever connect with Any other person on the planet or ever have a hope of “getting” what each other Might mean in communications 🙂


Seriously, LMAO…..

Adidas seized upon some comments by Kanye West to screech, “Well, I never!!!” and drop him like a hot rock. Then they discovered that they had manufactured a metric buttload of Yeezy shoes….which they wrote down to zero and blew up their earnings and their stock valuation.

Well, surprise surprise surprise…..

Now they’re all trying to figure out what charity they can donate to in order to wash themselves clean. Has it not occurred to them to repudiate everything they’ve done in this whole sleazy virtue-signaling horsepuckey affair and just pocket the profits?


Adidas may have lost sight of, capitalism…profits…

Seems Woke BS, ESG, DEI, all that crap dominate corporate decisions these days.


“Repudiate” is not in the dictionary of woke companies, in my experience.

Valerie Curren

This one is just fun, h/t Marica’s


Then, again, more cats….

Valerie Curren

that’s pretty weird  🙄 

Barb Meier

I was waiting for the surprise cannons to go booming and the cat to leap off the top of the window. It was still neat seeing his response to the music.

Valerie Curren

His motions were so strange & at times all his facial features but the eyes were obscured making him look, to me, like one of those Looney Tunes characters. 🙂



Well, one hopes that Mr. Archer has 24/7 armed security for himself and his immediate family right now.
(And perhaps a food-taster…)


If somebody in Congress has a brain, (a stretch, I know) he and his family are in the custody of U.S. Marshals.


If one assumes that the FBI is corrupt. The CIA is corrupt. The IRS is corrupt. The State Dept is corrupt. The courts are corrupt. Homeland Security is corrupt. The odds are not good that the US Marshals are different. Washington DC attracts a certain kind of person. That kind of person is dispersed in large numbers in every federal organization. Recall that the Secret Service cannot be trusted to conduct a legitimate investigation. In fact, I cannot think of one agency in the entire city that has not shown itself to be tainted.


^^^^^^ yes

Plus it’s probably a true statement that they will be happier if he doesn’t testify or delays much longer. They don’t really want proof. Proof means they’d be expected to DO something.


“Proof means they’d be expected to DO something.”



This isn’t their first rodeo… 😂🤣😂

Proof just means launching another investigation to nowhere followed by another Congressional hearing to nowhere.

Just ask Jason Chaffetz, or Rooster Head, or Darrel Issa, or Ken Starr, or John Bull Durham, or the Warren Commission, or…

It’s all a joke.


Hey, here’s an article from CTH, making the same observation, about the same characters!

The House Oversight Committee and Biden InvestigationJuly 25, 2023

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Need to add Jim Jordan.


Washington DC vets for a certain kind of corruptible person..”


Valerie Curren



I don’t know. I think the U.S. Marshals are a different breed of cat. I could be wrong, of course.


Believe me, I would rather the marshals prove me wrong.


You beat me to it 👍


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, July 25, 2023

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” 

Philippians 3:14 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Valerie Curren



He’s got a temper as vicious as his master’s.
Biden’s dog Commander sent Secret Service officer to hospital, bit 6 others after replacing first pooch Major


It is not the dogs fault. Dogs are better than Biden.
One would think these people get a good trainer and a dog walker and send the dog on some days to day care ?
Dogs need to be walked and socialized. Mine love to go to dog day care where they have a swimming pool and have a happy time.


The dog is probably just reflecting the psychotic nature of its owner, PERVERTOTUS.


it is possible but still they need a trainer and the dog needs walks and day car a couple of days to get away from the crazy.

Valerie Curren

Major, Commander? overcompensate much 😉


The Biden environment is toxic to everyone, including their pets.

pat frederick

well said


Seems the dog HAMPERS SS from doing their job – protecting Briben AND his family.

SS should remove the dog. DUH.


Or just put on their dog masks, and make love, not war 😂


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 😍  🐕  🐶  🐩 
I’ve noticed that the Biden predator never wears a mask. They prefer to drill down into the victim’s personal space and do whatever they do…ya know, the thing.
Even Hunter…he learned from the master…no clothes except possibly a scarf or other no mask


The scarf is a great look, with nothing else but tighty-whities and a cigarette dangling out of his mouth 😂

Valerie Curren

puke emoji w/ rainbow hair LOL


Don’t most places have a law that a dog gets put down after biting someone a second (or maybe third) time?


Not that the law applies to the Brandon Crime Organization.

I didn’t mean to suggest anything so surreal or psychedelic 😂

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

At least somebody is giving the SS something to worry about.

Why in the world does Brandon need a German Shepherd?

Apparently this is the second one, the first German Shepherd had to be replaced for the same problem.

Just keep doing the same thing over and over guys, good call 👍


Russian Defence Ministry 

Last night the AFU carried out an unsuccessful attempt to attack the Black Sea Fleet’s patrol ship ‘Sergei Kotov’ by two maritime high-speed unmanned boats, which is carrying out tasks to control navigation in the south-western part of the Black Sea (370 kilometres south-west of Sevastopol).

▫️ In the course of repelling the attack, both remote-controlled enemy boats were destroyed by Russian ship’s standard armament at a distance of 1,000 and 800 metres.

There were no casualties.

▫️ The Black Sea Fleet’s ship ‘Sergei Kotov’ continues to fulfil its assigned tasks.

Cuppa Covfefe

And this, from simplicius (H/T another ian over at Chiefio’s)


Just finished this one.

ABSOLUTELY SUPERB article, WITH dozens of videos.

Incredibly information.

Seems Poland will TRY to take Western Ukraine. Poland staging forces, land and air.

Another step towards WWIII.


Poland’s government must have mush for brains.

Or they’re being controlled by Hussein / WEF / Soros, et al.


Within the link, there is a Putin Laschenko (sp) staged discussion.

Very informative. Poland information clearly stated.

MeThinks, WEF, Soros, Global Reset.

Recent post by Linda. Russia MOD clearly stating Briben can’t / won’t allow peace talks.

Reason, Briben Crime Family invested in the Biolabs. Easy to believe.


Sounds like a test to probe ship defense.


Casey going for one final campaign readjustment? Does she think she’d be the better candidate? lol


She knows she would be.

Rhonda is just her political beard 🤣

Valerie Curren

Like them HillBillies LOL


From the article:

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a top contender for the 2024 Republican nomination,”



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Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

Chinese Banks Offload Huge Dollar Holdings as Yuan Surges
Amidst a global move towards de-dollarization and increasing demand for
yuan-based transactions, the efforts of Chinese policymakers to prop up
their currency have increasingly gained traction.


From the WSJ. Companion Story?

Chinese Money Flees the Western WorldInvestors who once bought New York City hotels are placing funds elsewhere


Larry’s latest:

24 July 2023 by Larry Johnson 114 Comments


Busts out the video with Larry and the Judge.

GWP also ran the story. Moar comments but the ones on Larry’s Page are likely best as the crowd over there seems extra smart.


Larry certainly delivers the goods AND I believe reports / analyzes fairly.


Superb information.


Should of looked up higher… you already have it. 😁


No prob …


Dupes are OK. Even HELPFUL.

I really miss the issue, with stuff double posted. Damn, I Am Slow.   :wpds_sad: 

Cuppa Covfefe

Re: Scouts Billboard,

“Leaflets three, let it be”…


Bronny James Hospitalized: LeBron James’ Son Suffers Cardiac Arrest …
TodayLeBron James’ son Bronny James, 18, was rushed to the hospital after suffering cardiac arrest, a spokesperson for the James family revealed to TMZ on July 25. “Yesterday while practicing …
Bucks coach Adrian Griffin releases statement after tragic death of 2-year-old grandson

Riggs said that doctors had found fluid in her son’s lungs and that he had a respiratory infection prior to his death, though it did not appear to be a serious illness. “I took him to the convenient care. He was running around, they said he was fine, was all happy and healthy. The next day I took him to day care,” she said, via CBS 58.
ESPN’s Shaka Hislop to ‘seek best medical opinion’ after scary on-air collapse
Judge Tammy Stewart passed away due to some illness on July 24, 2023, at the age of 53. Her family confirmed the news and stated that Tammy had been hospitalized at the time of her death. Judge Stewart served as the senior judge on the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court bench. (some illness ?)
Chris Bart-Williams dies aged 49 as tributes flood in for former Premier League star
Story by Alex Richards • Yesterday 5:10 PM


Last edited 9 months ago by mollypitcher5

  :wpds_arrow:  jab. Jab. Jab. JAB. JAB.   :wpds_evil: 

Looking forward to Dowd’s next video.

Reporting deaths continue skyrocketing, over pre-Covidiot years.

Deaths, perhaps accelerating pace.




I held off noting that all of those victims are POC because death is death regardless of color but on the whole AA’s have a bigger public voice and a more receptive audience on MSM . I want them to start yelling on this


Yup. The ONLY silver lining.

Public has to be awakened.

Broadcasting Jab deaths, handicaps and injuries necessary.

It is also a prevention measure, for whatever is being planned against us.


“The frequency is getting noticed.”


It’s like getting punched in the face repeatedly by Mike Tyson.

The ‘frequency is getting noticed’.

But is the PAIN being noticed?

In my experience, PAIN focuses one’s attention much better than ‘frequency’.


Another one…

LIV golfer Pat Perez mourns death of younger brother: ‘Saddest day of my life’
Story by Christian Arnold • Yesterday 5:47 PM

LIV golfer Pat Perez was mourning the loss of his younger brother Mike on Monday in a heartbreaking post on Instagram.

Mike, 43, spent most of his life as a golf professional and teacher. 


JaJab.   :wpds_evil: 


I wonder how many people have to die ‘suddenly’, before these bubble people connect a couple dots, calculate the sum of 2 + 2 (correctly, using old math), and finally have the penny drop.

Will it take half the population pushing up daisies?

I think it will take more than 50%, if for no other reason than half of the 50% will be true-believers, and with them gone, those who know but are scared of their own shadow will have an opportunity to become a little bolder.

So my guess is 60% to 75% will have to die ‘suddenly’ before the masses wake up, if they ever wake up, at all.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

Did they all just die… you know… suddenly?


And, apparently, the Obamas took bag and baggage and flew out.

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA

Of course they did. Optics and all with Big Mike and the future campaign.


We need to think deeper. Has the “Movie” impacted something or shaken up some things that would disturb us all?
Do want quite to say what I am thinking because I am waiting for more accidents to silence people. A lot of scared creepy men and some women out there.


Well. I’d like to read whatever thoughts you are holding back. <<< Really.



Recall how the story in the Chicago Sun-Times said that the Obamas “were not on the island” when their sous chef, Mr. Campbell, died?
Well, guess what — the Obamas WERE INDEED at their Massachusetts island estate when Mr. Campbell died.

The Obama press office claimed yesterday that the “former” President and Michelle weren’t on the island. The press office has now changed their story — the Obamas WERE on the island but “just not at the residence.”
IMO, this situation is starting to “smell bad.”

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA

Welp you do know that the Obominations avoid scandal at all costs. Not even a hint of one…oops, this is hinky. They were ON the island but not at home. All night ? They have sleepovers with other mega rich pals ? They were at the Jet Port for a midnight flight ?
Why the heck wouldn’t they admit they were home. FFS it’s not like they killed the man. Rich folk are so weird.


  :wpds_idea: Bright bulb you are Carolina Girl …


Cheers to my Carolina Sista !!!

Reading upside down from bottom up but if any of that stuff is true about the conversation with the chef’s wife…sumpthin is UP!


Perhaps something happened at home that they wanted to disassociate themselves from, and or not be questioned about.


Like the Chef dying? 😮😬🫣🙄😉😆


That was gonna be my guess too 😁


Hasn’t noticed the story confirming what you say, so posting this GWP story to confirm.

WOW – Story Changes: Barack and Michelle Obama WERE on Martha’s Vineyard When Their Private Chef Mysteriously Drowned Cullen Linebarger Jul. 25, 2023 10:15 am 633 Comments

Last edited 9 months ago by para59r

OK, so hussein is home.

Private chef dies.

An assumption. I’d guess private chef and wife live reasonably close.

hussein calls private chef’s wife to notify her? WTF? Dead fish smell.


Aha… the plot sickens… it’s just so hard to believe the Obamanations could be involved in anything so sordid… 🙄… 😂


I do like the paddle board aspect, Michelle is very health focused. No gunshot suicide to the back of the head or falling down steps like a dork or tumbling out of the palatial bathroom.
Death on the Obamination Estate has a classy feel..just like them


“hussein calls private chef’s wife to notify her? WTF? Dead fish smell.”


I sure hope it was recorded.

Which of course, it was. There must be ten different U.S. agencies and 30+ foreign intelligence agencies recording every call he makes.

FOIA request.

Get on it, Fitton!

We gotta hear this. It’ll be fascinating to hear a psychopath break news like this to his victim’s family.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467
Barb Meier

Perhaps they live on the estate.



Read a report, Obama called the wife, to inform her of her husband’s death.

It struck me as, odd as hell. Personal chef. Certainly friends. A call. NOT a personal visit. Hmmm.

Yea, I am missing something again.


“They were ON the island but not at home.”


No reason at all to believe that… if they had a good alibi, it would have been included in the lede 😂


“FFS it’s not like they killed the man.”


We don’t know that… in fact, the chances are wildly in favor that they DID kill him.

IIRC, the majority of murders are committed by someone the victim knows. How many other people were at Villa Hussein besides the Husseins?

This isn’t a complicated whodunnit like how Hunter’s crack was smuggled into the WH. There must literally be less than a handful of people who were in the house at the time of the murder.

And the ONLY people who the authorities could NOT coerce a confession out of is either Bathhouse Barry or Monster Mike.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

They were on the 2nd paddle boat … remember the second man, who saw the Chef fall into the water (and apparently did nothing to rescue him?


I have read a couple of times that the pond was only 8 feet deep.

Even if you can’t swim, you can push off the bottom (same as in a pool) and get to the surface for air, before going back down again and repeating the process, as you bounce closer and closer to shore.

Unless he was dead before Barock put him in the water.


Yahoo has report of a statement made by the the Obamas –

and here’s everything you might want to know about paddleboarding

Note: photo on left of the couple on a board, both wearing a life jacket

Last edited 9 months ago by phoenixrising

It’s all very mysterious… like every single other thing about the Husseins.


The first comment at the bottom of the yahoo news article:

7 hours ago

Why is this even news?????

Robert seems to not understand why it might be newsworthy, that someone has died under mysterious circumstances at the Hussein’s home, while the Husseins where on the island, but mysteriously and supposedly, not at the scene of the crime.

No doubt Robert would find it equally un-newsworthy, if it had happened at Mar-a-Lago instead of Martha’s Hideout…



Phil Holloway, former assistant DA on Fox News: “…until police can rule everything out, they have to treat this as if it were a potential homicide…that means they’ll be doing a full autopsy — medical, legal, forensic autopsy.”
[IMO — Unless the Obamas or **someone else** shuts the investigation down and it’s swept under the rug as an “accident, how awful.”]

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA

3, 2, 1….investigators and medical examiner declare a sad accident. Shit happens.


3… 2… 1… after ‘sad accident’ is declared, coroner and investigators all turn up on the Clinton Body Count list.

All suicides, coincidentally… 😂

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

Addicted to Agatha Christie Murder Mysteries, I am…

‘suspicious death’ is correct term … Mr. Holloway …

not ‘potential homicide’ (which rules out ‘suicide’) … some D.A. you are


He’s not really a D.A., not when it comes to murder most foul involving Mr. and Mr. Hussein.

In that scenario, he’s a D.A.Y.T.

Do as you’re told 👍😉😁


“…until police can rule everything out, they have to treat this as if it were a potential homicide…”


We can be sure, and confident, and positive, that the police are doing everything humanly possible, literally everything, to rule everything out.

Hunter’s crack bag investigation is the pattern, all they have to do is follow it, and we can be sure they will 👍


Did they fly off before or after the body was found, same question before or after they knew the dead guy was missing.


The radar fags have tracked Obama going from Andrews AFB to Hawaii, but yeah, wants to see the data from Martha’s Vineyard. Hasn’t seen something definite yet. Someone out there must be posting data I’d think.

Valerie Curren

Marica’s open has a bunch of tweets on this, some different than I’ve seen here. If you’re on twitter or if that replacement of bypass still works there might be some good stuff in the ensuing twit world conversations…


Seems this masked iSource News guy has all the stories…. while we wait for confirmation here’s some moar…

Last edited 9 months ago by para59r


If the report by emergency personnel is accurate, foul play has to be considered. Autopsy warranted. hussein dodging an inquiry.


Trying to capture all his tweets here. Seems rather interesting. Before this he was following top players in Ukraine, most recently assassination teams sent to SA to take out Putin but other stuff as well.

Last edited 9 months ago by para59r

“hussein dodging an inquiry.”


He’s a dodger from way back.


‘Suspicious death’ doesn’t require PERMISSION for an autopsy …

It’s done!!!

Last edited 9 months ago by phoenixrising

Right. It’s suspicious at his age anyway not to mention a alleged drowning in shallow water with a man who knows how to swim. .


Jab in play?


I’m going with Chef T in the pond with the jab.


Just Autopsy tweets. There are others in between. Would be nice if this guy had one of those unroll things.


Whut !!!! I’m skeptical about this person’s info. How does he have all of this insider stuff ?


It’s parody!

all made up


Oh DUH !


Doesn’t mean it won’t turn out to be mostly true…

I mean, it’s not hard to predict how things are going to go… 😂


He’s certainly could be considered to be acting satirical but I’m not seeing anything that says that. 🤔

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The same place all the other internet charlatans do: the rectal database.


LOL now that I know it’s BS..I like his attention to detail and his reach on what Barry would sounds so entirely plausible for a Kenyan CYA event


“FBI Flying Out Coroners To Assist Martha’s Vineyard In Handling The Body Of Obama Drowning Victim”


Oh, so that’s what they’re calling narrative engineers these days… 😂


“Sources on the Island confirm help was offered and accepted from Washington.”


No doubt it was an offer they couldn’t refuse… because what other kind of other could it possibly have been?”

This whole thing is setting up like a long awaited sequel to Murder by Death (1976)… 😂


“”Obama doesn’t want to take any chances on this getting botched,” said a person familiar with the matter.”


I don’t know if anybody is aware of this, but…

It’s NOT his call.

He has ZERO lawful or legal authority in this matter.


Just like his name, O’Zero.


“According to sources within the Dukes County Medical Examiners Office no autopsy will be performed.

“We believe the decedent was not under the influence of any alcohol or drugs. The death was accidental.”


That’s how all the best coroners do it.

They just state their beliefs, and then close the case.

Much easier than doing the actual work.




Tafari Campbell’s family quietly assured they will be fully compensated over the ‘tragic and needless’ death of their loved one.

Settlement expected to be at the seven figure kevel.”


I’ll take this one for Hussein’s future outside of prison, Alex:

“What is blatant, obvious in-your-face Hush Money”?



“The same sources tell iSN the call lasted well over an hour.”


That’s enough time to add a lot of zeroes to Oblither’s initial offer.

When your spouse is murdered, and the murderer calls to break the bad news to you, which is the most natural reaction?

A) talk with the murderer for well over an hour like you’re long lost pals

B) agree to forgo an autopsy (even though it doesn’t really work that way in reality land) before any of the facts surrounding the death of your spouse can be known

C) negotiate a financial settlement that protects the murderer

D) be overcome with grief and demand a full investigation [to nowhere]


“‘Suspicious death’ doesn’t require PERMISSION for an autopsy …

It’s done!!!”



Unless someone who is above the law, like B-rock the Magic Kenyan, says otherwise, of course!

This ain’t your grand daddy’s banana republic, ya know!

We’re in a whole new paradigm… 😂🤣😂


“According to well placed sources Obama managed to talk Sharise out of granting permission for an autopsy.”


Well now We the People (not to mention the Keystone Cops running the ‘investigation’ [wink, wink]) have a compelling reason to hear the recorded phone call.

It just keeps getting better and better… 😂

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

That’s yuuuge!




What could it be?

1) pond bottom was very hard, and he hit head first… again and again

2) victim punched himself in the head repeatedly while he sank

3) victim was dead and dumped in the pond


ALL rhetorical.

So, we are to believe hussein few Andrews AFB to Hawaii, as a civilian, on a civilian AC? Or on a military AC?

To damn convenient and I don’t buy into coincidences.

So, is hussein still in HI?

All the more reason it all smells.

Acrimonious break up? Big Mike jealous? Dunno which one Big Mike would want.


“Acrimonious break up? Big Mike jealous? Dunno which one Big Mike would want.”



Big Mike.

Reggie Love.

Tafari sous Chef.

Sausage Party turns Wal-Mart free-for-all at the Hussein Bordello of Blood… then it was a sword fight to the death.


TarGay Free For All.


Excellent question.

Unfortunately, it’s not as if we’re ever gonna find out!

I almost begin to feel a tiny bit jaded… 🤣


Always a good idea to flee the scene of the crime if you’re in the political-class 👍

Especially if B-rock or Big Mike is the murderer.


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Impeachment of Biden?

Lucy’s got the football, as usual…

I decided to take some time to track the progress of Boebart’s Bill …

We start with the text of the bill … as originally presented

… which was tabled … to be ‘reviewed’ … first review

and after a couple of text changes, the existing text is here

This text went back to the TWO committees:

Passed House (06/22/2023)
This resolution refers H. Res. 503 from the House floor to the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on the Judiciary. That resolution impeaches President Joe Biden for high crimes and misdemeanors relating to actions taken that involve immigration and the southern border.

Read the above ^^^^ carefully … top of doc shows THREE summaries so far …

Note: A Resolution for Impeachment will never, imho, reach the House floor for passage.

All will die in ‘Committee’ or be tabled.

The Speaker will avoid criticism, as Boebart’s Text was actually rescued from
‘the table’ and sent to TWO Committees … so death of the attempt to impeach will be laid at the floor of ‘abstract’ COMMITTEE (reminder: composed of DIMs as well as RINOs)

Lucy (Uniparty) snuckers Charlie (American people) again!!!

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Last edited 9 months ago by phoenixrising

At this point, what would be served by removing him?

He’s not in charge and not making any important decisions. The elections are right around the corner.

I’d rather him stay right there on display in full view as a reminder of the corruption that we are living under.


(Sarcasm deleted. Hope I got it all.)

Simple mind here.

Cuz impeaching IS warranted AND the right thing to do.

  • Yea, the Senate won’t convict, but FACTS will be more publicly displayed.

Speaking of Warranted AND right thing to do.

  • Briben, taking Bribes AND selling influence that drove USG decisions. Holding classified documents while AND after VP and Senator. Squandering Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
  • Briben, Hoe and Mayorkis. Open borders, intentionally so, by USG policy since 20 January 2021.
  • Briben, Hoe, and Idi Amin for the botched Afghanistan US forces fleeing. Leaving behind Americans.
  • Garland & Wray. Spying on and harrassing Americans at School Boards. Lying about it. Lying about hunter laptop being very real, NOT Russia disinformation. Two tier justice in America. J6. Trump. DOJ & FIB illegally abusing FISA searches. ALL of the revelations from Durham’s report – NO INDICTMENTS.

  :wpds_arrow:  Or we can do nothing for another ~19 months.

  • Hope there is a 2024 election.
  • Hope there is a FAIR 2024 election.
  • Hope they don’t create a way to keep Trump off the ballot.
  • HOPE is a Piss Poor Strategy. Or so, slow guy figures.

Amen …


It’s what we expect to happen. In my way of thinking the only way we would be suckered is if they actually did something. We know how it works. All theater but we’ve left our seats


‘we’ is not even 5% of Americans …

and most of them think everything went sour when Obama occupied the Oval Office…

very few realize how far back the corruption, the ‘snookering’ goes …

Some say end of WWII w/ frequent bouts pre-WWII

The ‘theatre’ is quite full, at least in the USA … imo (see Ukraine War)

Note: ol’ brain misspelled ‘snookered’ above …


late Hubby was very familiar with the game …

Last edited 9 months ago by phoenixrising
Cuppa Covfefe

At least as far back as Woodrow Wilson (with his Faux “Colonel” House, a puppet of the British Mandarins [their deep state])… just in time for the creation of the Fe(de)ral Reserve and the US Income Tax (oddly enough, not, before that the US Treasury was mostly filled via customs duties and the like)…

Many believe that the rot began July 5, 1776, as England NEVER wanted to lose the USA in any way, shape or form; hidden or not……. [paging Gail]…

Last edited 9 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Amen Cuppa …


So much for “forcing” an up or down vote.


Russia has introduced a ban on the import of seafood and finished fish products from unfriendly countries .

This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development. The niches will be filled by domestic manufacturers.

Russia also increased duties on wine from unfriendly countries from 2.5% to 20%. They will be valid until the end of 2023


Rightfully so.

Russia, being more self sufficient than many, or most countries, has better position.


via Intel Slava

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu will pay an official visit to North Korea on July 25-27. Issues of strengthening military cooperation will be discussed.

The visit is timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the end of the Korean War.

An important point – the DPRK has huge stocks of ammunition for Soviet calibers and a good production of its own. The United States has repeatedly accused the DPRK of supplying ammunition to Russia, but Pyongyang has always sent the United States with these accusations in the woods, especially since Kim Jong-un officially supports the SMO.

The Epoch Times:
“EXCLUSIVE: The CDC Changed Definition of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About ‘Vaccine Failure'”


Andrei’s latest:

Tuesday, July 25, 2023
This Is Just The Start.

I do not say this under the influence of schadenfreude, I just say this because it is a cold hard fact and it will get worse, much-much worse. WSJ noticed. 

Europeans are facing a new economic reality, one they haven’t experienced in decades. They are becoming poorer. Life on a continent long envied by outsiders for its art de vivre is rapidly losing its shine as Europeans see their purchasing power melt away. The French are eating less foie gras and drinking less red wine. Spaniards are stinting on olive oil. Finns are being urged to use saunas on windy days when energy is less expensive. Across Germany, meat and milk consumption has fallen to the lowest level in three decades and the once-booming market for organic food has tanked. Italy’s economic development minister, Adolfo Urso, convened a crisis meeting in May over prices for pasta, the country’s favorite staple, after they jumped by more than double the national inflation rate. With consumption spending in free fall, Europe tipped into recession at the start of the year, reinforcing a sense of relative economic, political and military decline that kicked in at the start of the century. 

It is inevitable in the times of the systemic collapse of the order under the weight of objective laws of economics and geopolitics. Remarkably, the creeps in WSJ, while making correct observation on Europe immediately fall into the cesspool of own economic BS attempt pathetically to draw a rosier picture of the US–a typical behavior of losers. 

comment image

One has to ask the question–in what parallel universe these ignorant propagandists from WSJ reside, when American economic reality is anything but an unfolding calamity. But then again, the school of the economic legerdemain in the US–a euphemism for cooking books–is renown around the world as one of those affairs of a porn starlet selling herself as virtuous wife. Some still buy this BS, but reality, of course, is such that without consuming Europe, an ongoing process as I type this, the American decline would have been even steeper. 

WSJ piece is reminiscent of the reaction of a convict on the death row consoling himself that he has a few more days to live left after the execution of the criminal from the neighboring cell. That in itself is an indicator of a nervous reaction. Especially claims that the US economy now “is nearly twice the size” of Eurozone’s. Well, Wall Street “mathematics” certainly allows for this idiotic statement, but then again–in accordance to US media Ukraine is also winning. As Larry astutely noted at Judge’s podcast:

It appears that the “Russia has lost” meme being pushed by Biden and his lackeys is to create an excuse for the United States to declare victory in Ukraine and walk away basking in the knowledge of “Mission Accomplished.” Based on what has transpired over the last 18 months, with the media refusing to ask any tough questions and frantically pushing pro-Ukrainian propaganda, I think the Biden national security team genuinely believes they can put the shine on Ukrainian military debacle by shouting victory over and over. They are firm believers in the power of spin. But the usually servile U.S. media is starting to show some signs of doing some actual journalism. A CNN reporter ventured to the front lines of a Ukrainian outpost and came back with a pretty somber picture of a faltering Ukrainian counter-offensive. 

Watch Larry with Judge here:

Schizophrenia afflicted Western societies and US media, such as this low life tabloid WSJ. US media played a crucial role in driving the US into the ground while helping to destroy Europe and setting it on the course to what would be called a “Second World”–much lower wages, much lower consumption and continuous industrial decline until it… implodes. The same scenario awaiting the US but with its own quirks and being delayed somewhat. 

In SMO news, Russian Army took Sergeevka and continued to do what it does best–annihilating remaining VSU reserves. I’ll be talking about delusion of Admiral Stavridis in my video later today. Evidently Stavridis missed bigly on the capabilities of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. Somehow, I am not surprised–American top brass, most of it anyway, paraded itself as militarily ignorant people who reside in the alternative warfare universe. I am not surprised.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Meat and milk consumption here in Germany is also dropping due to the constant propaganda about VEGANISM (e.g. VEGANUARY instead of January). The RELIGION of GAIA is growing by leaps and bounds.

Also, Demeter production of food (Anthropsophic farming, aka “Bio-Dynamisch”, from Rudolf Steiner, where plants/animals are basically dedicated to Satan (“gependelt”) and bones and body parts from animals, as well as crystals, etc. are buried in the fields before planting) is being pushed now not only by the, erm, “out there” stores, but many of the mainline stores (REWE, Penny, Edeka, Kaufland, etc.).

The forced acceptance of New Age, Satanism, and all manner of perversions is being pushed intensely by the Red-Green (and passive yellow) traffic-light coalition.

We are under attack from the forces of darkness, and many people don’t even realize it. The one thing everyone realizes is food and other prices have doubled over the last five-ten years, and show no hints of EVER going back down.

Of course, helping the economy and improving “the proles” lot is the remit of that idjiot Habeck, our GreenGang business (Wirtschaft) and enviro minister (as well as vice-chancellor). So he won’t do a damned thing, except drive Germany and Germans into the ground…


I agree that is a war good against evil. Until everyone understands this it is going to be hard to change. I do believe there is a push for veganism all around the world we are here just lagging. In Germany it is hip to embrace all new things and leave traditions behind including old people.
I think it comes from wanting to distant themselves from the past the the past is still a emotional burden on this last generation. Youth does that and because of the pitfall of youth strong relationship with grandparents and tradition is important.
I understand this but because of my grandfather and other family from his side I was spared the incredible shame of Nazi Germany. This has fallowed many young people and that is why they are dismantling the culture and society.
We have the same here concerning slavery. Evil forces not better than evil forces are taking advantage of it to enslave us and generations to come.
I am not sure if I grasp this properly .

Last edited 9 months ago by singingsoul1
Cuppa Covfefe

And the WEFfenSS and other deep state dreck use the NAZI years to force Germans to hate Germany, German Culture, German History, and themselves, most of all.

What was it, 40-50 years out of probably a thousand or so years of history, albeit many of them as city-states, etc., rather than a contiguous country, but they’d have Germans think it was 1000-2000 years of infamy.

Funny (not), how quickly people forget about the repeated Moslem invasions of Europe, and how many HUNDREDS of years it took each time to get rid of the sacking, raping, stealing, pillaging, murdering hordes.

Yet THAT repeats. And no-one says a darned thing, nor learns from it!

I remember when I first moved here in the early 1980s, we had 2,5 TV channels (I would joke) and the sidewalks were rolled up at 10PM. But each evening, without fail, there would be a movie, or a TV show, or documentary with the requisite breast-beating mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, to remind each and every one watching of the “collective guilt” that Germany must endure forever…

I found it to be irritating bullshit, and contrived. As if someone was trying to destroy Germany from within, even back then. I wouldn’t be surprised if somehow Satan Sauros was behind that. [Not to mention Old Adolf and whoever started WWI were both Austrian, but I digress]…

Now, Poland wants reparations. For a war that ended almost 80 years ago. AND conveniently forgetting the massive amount of land they were “awarded” that was originally Germany. But, of course, in these politically-correct times, everybody gets reparations.

Hmmm. I guess I’ll have to look up my Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and English ancestors to see if I’m deserving of reparations from somewhere… Hmmm. Maybe the Visigoths… or the Angles… (the acute ones)… or the Saxons…

Time to be proud of the GOOD THINGS, celebrate them (without falling prey to the sin of pride), and learning from history.

Only the Demonic Left, and the Devil believe that no one can change or repent. Jesus showed that one can repent even at the last second (cf the thief on the cross next to HIM). Best not to leave it too late, though…

Last edited 9 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Thank you for your insights.
Europe learned nothing from the Muslim invasion. The reason the Ottoman Empire were driven was a strong Christian population.
Same here when Christians become complacent bad things happen. This is through history from the beginning. We need to come together in order for the faith to survive.
I grew up in a Germany where we left door and windows open. Where children could play without being molested. I have seen the changes each time I visited.
I also have seen changes here in the US. For the first time I am grateful to God to live in OH in a small town. Sometimes God knows what is best. Looking back in of my life I see the hand of God in my life .
Maybe Germany has to go though what it does to find God again and its rich history it lost in WWI and WWII. Prayers are with you .

Cuppa Covfefe

And (hope it posts correctly), further confirmation that Americans are far better off than Europeans (H/T ZeroHedge):

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, saw that one too. Quandry time. Between woke Boeing (their Affirmative Action Idiot Hires) and Airbus… “If it ain’t Boeing, I ain’t going” … but now?????

Though I think Boeing might use P&W engines too…

(Have to say I miss FG&C’s insights, especially in things like this… hope he’s managed to avoid the jab and is OK)….

Last edited 9 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

gosh, five hours into it, still going through the daily goodies. Thank You, DP.

This one is great. Baby Castro got an earful of reality.


This is great news for people who have vegetable stands and can move on short notice.
Brick Pallet Donators might also be interested in this.


If one is rational?




Cuppa Covfefe

Paraphrasing “A Day In The Life”

“And though the cones were rather small,
They had to count them all”….

(apologies to the Beatles and Beatles fans everywhere 🙂 )….


The eco-Nazi pagan climate cult choir has their work cut out for them!



And the Druids of Doom, can’t forget the Druids! 🤦‍♂️😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Send Greta the Greenhearted down there with 19,000 corks… cheers 😀

pat frederick

i vaguely remember the moniker, but that’s all. johnheretohelp has passed…??? from tcth

July 25, 2023 3:44 pm

Death Notice: 🥲
aka: Johnheretohelp (Twitter)
Read the comments at his obituary page.
-What a wonderful man who gave soooo much to save America & her people.
-God Bless you Jon


Same here. I remember the name but don’t know anything about him. May he RIP.


Was he one of the victims of an Antifa attack ?


Odd Pfizer vaccine content,


Ruh-roh, Raggy….

From the article:

“ALL chemicals have what’s called a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), required by law. I’ll attach the MSDS for ALC-0315 to this post so you can see it but it says the following, CLEARLY, about ALC-0315:

This product is for research use – Not for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use.”


“The MSDS also states, you might want to sit down:

May cause anemia, cough, CNS depression, drowsiness, headache, heart damage, lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), liver damage, narcosis, reproductive effects, teratogenic (birth) effects.” ”


“This product is in the Pfizer mRNA injectable.
Full MSDS for ALC-0315

Peace & Love to the Warriors as Dr. Toby would say
Blessings to all.



This sounds like a job for the Republi-Cons.

If they can’t get to the bottom of it, no one can… 😂


Go to
On the top of the main page where it says “Clinical Trial Documents”, the drop-down menu will have “Pfizer 16+”. Click on that.
In the search box, search for:
125742_S1_M2_26_pharmkin-tabulated-summary.pdf —
the 2.6. Pharmacokinetcs Tabulated Summary for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2.

BOTH of the specifically-developed LIPID NANOPARTICLES for this “vaccine”, compounds called ALC-0159 and ALC-0315, were used in the “clinical trials” with BOTH the Wistar lab rats AND the human trials for BNT162b2.



It’s just so diabolical, no one would believe it.

Not unless they were already wide awake with regard to how utterly corrupt and evil TCTB are, to the point that believing they would actually try to murder the population of the entire world was much more than just a likely possibility.

But in fairness, people didn’t even have to believe they would do it on purpose. Most people here were prepared to believe that, but it was enough to reject the vaxx just knowing it could not possibly have undergone the required LENGTHY human trials.

Everyone knew, from the beginning, regardless of what they believed about the gov’t or Big Pharma, that the vaxx was ‘experimental‘ and had not (couldn’t possibly have been) tested on humans. Nowhere near enough time had passed for it to have been tested. That kind of testing takes YEARS.

Even if TCTB were angels with the government’s best intentions at heart, why would anyone put untested experimental ANYTHING in their body?

You only get one body.


Just common sense Scott …

apparently very few have it …

I wouldn’t wear a mask, much less get the damn vax


^^^ This.

They funded and created the disease.

Only the uninformed or idgits would choose the same azzhats to provide the remedy.

Some in the medical community are still selling their patients on wearing masks if they are immune compromised and the dumbazzes are still believing it.

My SIL and her husband have co-morbidities and are jabbed because her rheumatologist insisted she get them. So like good little sheeple they did. They now have COVID for the third time.

We told them. They did it anyway. You can’t fix stupid.


Typos: should be

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA

I do understand that as more time passes, and more documents come to light, that most if not all of this stuff was tested on humans, and found to be incredibly dangerous.

We couldn’t be sure that human testing had been done at the beginning, and even if we had known, the test results were deadly, not recuperative.

But what we could know is that either:

A) it was truly ‘experimental’ and no human testing had been done, which made it crazy dangerous


B) if we guessed that they actually had done human testing, in which case they were LYING and saying they hadn’t, then it was double crazy to take it

No matter which way you look at it, no matter what we knew or didn’t know, it had bad news written all over it.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467
Barb Meier

Love your post today, DePat… So many things to make us laugh!


Oh Killary..STHU .

Matt Walsh
They are now directly blaming “MAGA Republicans” for the temperature outside. 

The Democrat Party has fallen fully into a state of primitive superstition. They have all the scientific credibility of an Aztec priest in the year 1450.

Hillary Clinton
Hot enough for you? 

Thank a MAGA Republican. 

Or better yet, vote them out of office.


Finally ! MAGA has been culled from the UNIPARTY.


That’s very interesting. It’s part of their going after Trump, too. But I think it’s a great development.


I do too. It’s a good thing.

I appreciate her for coining ‘basket of deplorables’ and now MAGA Republican. Thanks Hillsy

Cuppa Covfefe

And who could forget the immortal Arkancide meme:

comment image


^^^ So very spot on. ^^^


I am of the opinion that the gradual awakening of what awaits in a few years, the reckoning, is beginning to unhinge whatever remains of her rationality


Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals Jamie Foxx Consulted Him Post-Vaccine; Urges Foxx to Speak Out the Truth Behind His Ordeal (VIDEO)
My impression from the headline was that Jamie Foxx consulted Dr. McCullough after he got vaxed and became ill. That doesn’t appear to be the case.

There is some backstory about Foxx being ill, then:

Dr. McCullough wrote in June about his conversations with Foxx about the vaccine and about his concern for Foxx’s future:

“As a public figure and practicing doctor, I get calls and questions from patients and family members every day all over the world. Without engaging in a doctor-patient relationship in the clinic or hospital, I cannot make a diagnosis, or give direct medical advice or care. However, I can help audiences develop an interpretive framework in public commentary.

“I was asked by Dan Ball on Real America, about the condition of beloved actor Jamie Foxx. I had met Foxx in 2021 and we had a personal conversation about the COVID-19 vaccines. While that remains confidential, I can tell you I am concerned that if indeed he has suffered a stroke or intracranial hemorrhage, the long-term prognosis may not be good.”

In an interview with Grant Stinchfield on Monday, Dr. McCullough expressed concern over Foxx’s decision to remain silent about the specifics of his condition. He urged Foxx to reveal whether he had taken the vaccine and if it played any part in his current health state.

“He’s not telling us the truth. He’s not telling us what he has,” said McCullough.

“Firstly, he should tell his fans and tell the public did he take a vaccine, yes or no. He and I talked about this a long time ago. He knows my views on this,” said McCullough.

“The second thing is, he didn’t tell what the diagnosis is. Did he have a stroke? It looks like he did. His left side of his face is paralyzed. He says he had tubes in him. I presume that’s an endotracheal tube and a feeding tube. His collar is buttoned up over what’s probably a tracheostomy stoma. Why doesn’t he just tell the truth?”

“Jamie’s a good guy. I know him. I don’t know why he, Damar, Hamlin, Justin Bieber, the list goes on and on. Why can’t they just tell the public the truth? They’re public figures like you and me, Grant, and they have an obligation to disclose and be truthful to the public, not to be private or keep secrets,” McCullough added.

He emphasized that the COVID-19 vaccines are a public health issue and not a matter of personal privacy. As public figures, McCullough believes they have a responsibility to be truthful and transparent. The lack of such honesty, he feels, impedes public understanding and puts more lives at risk.


Wow. McCullough is not pulling any punches. Names, names.

Vaccine injured gotta speak up.

Of course, their future income is at stake if they piss off their masters.

Spineless, if they don’t speak up.


Impressive by the Doc. 👍

Barb Meier

New Tucker Carlson on Twitter. If you don’t have Twitter, it may also be viewable at Tucker’s own website ( I could not make it work by replacing twitter with nitter. Not sure if it no longer works or if I did it wrong.


I was able to play it by clicking on the date of the tweet as usual. It just doesn’t show any comments to those of us who aren’t signed in. Thanks for posting it.


One can click the tweet anywhere … doesn’t have to be the date


Both Tucker and TW worked here. Thank you.


Kudos to Ice Cube. Turned down $9 Million, when he would NOT get jabbed.

Background music annoying as hell.

Looking forward to the interview.


gil00 on Sylvia’s site really has a very badly smashed ankle. Any and all support would be appreciated.

Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up!




I’m sorry to hear about this.
Prayers and meditations ongoing.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing.


Rds, you will be interested bc i was standing at the bathroom sink, started feeling hot, just not right, sat down on end of bathtub. I woke up a couple minutes later on the floor with my ankle busted. Its called a trimalleolar fracture. No seizure/mi/stroke/dvt ffound in labs or ultrasound or head/neck/chest CT. I am very confused as to why i passed out and how i broke it so severely.


O M G.

Streaming warm thoughts and best wishes.

Speedy recovery, minimal to no pain.

Had noticed ya were not around. Was thinking Kiddo had an outing of sorts, before home schooling kicks in.


Yes we went on a mini birthday break up north to stay cool and go to a certain aquarium 🙂
Today was just a normal day. The heat is pretty bad but we have ac, so this was very odd.


Gil, I’m so sorry that happened to you. How was it treated ? Cast, boot, surgery? Can you bear weight on it ? My heart goes out to you.


They put a fiberglass splint on it and said that i wear it until i see ortho, but thats if i see him in a week or 2. The hospital said its so bad i need surgery w pins and plates. I dont know really bc they dont bother to have you see ortho consult in the hospital unless you get admitted. Im in so mch pain that im surprised they sent me home. Doing my best to function. I have a shower chair so will sit and clean up downstairs for a few days.
I cannot bear any weight at all. The bones are broken across, so i have zero support whatsoever. My left knee needs to be replaced and i cannot bear all the load on it. Crutches arent good but its all i have right now.

Last edited 9 months ago by gil00

Crazy the hospital didn’t admit you. Were you told to take Ibuprofen for pain?


They gave my 800mg every 8 hrs. I just took one since i ate a little bit.

Valerie Curren

From my post-partum time & my daughter’s a few months back it is possible to layer ibu & acetaminophen & stagger them so that you never have pain killer completely out of your system which might help you a little bit I would hope…


with mine they let me choose, surgery in SC or go back home to Ca. Like you, so much pain it seemed like a trip would kill me. Plus I had stairs in Ca, here, one level. I chose SC

While going to the ortho so often I heard ankle fractures are tough so be strong as you can and I’m glad you have Mr Gil and kiddo to help.

Hospitals seem to want you out asap. I was shocked that they sent me home til surgery.


Single level is my calling. Glad you got through your surgery. Im too young to have these complex ortho probs but thats that. Ive heard the same so itll be a learning experience.


they make some really slim profile wheel chairs that might be an option. Crutches are scary, a walker is somewhat handy. The raised toilet seat thing is handy too.

Last edited 9 months ago by mollypitcher5

That toilet thing is a lifesaver. WC….sounds good too.

Valerie Curren

That’s all horrifying. My son who had a displaced forearm fracture years ago had to be splinted for some days before surgery could be done because the swelling needed to go down. I’m so sorry you are facing this difficult & painful situation 🙁


Thats what i was told. 1 week for swelling then surgery.

Valerie Curren

That sounds like a Long Wait…hang in there. Will continue thinking of & praying for you 🙂


Yes. I just watched a video on the surgery and post op. 2 months recovery until walking, depending on severity.

Valerie Curren

Wow that’s pretty intense, so sorry you’re having to deal with this 🙁


Are you taking any meds that can weaken bones ? Unbeknown to me I was taking something that the ortho doc said most probably contributed to my broken knee
OMYGOSH, I looked it up…you poor thing. It sounds terrible.Again, hate to hear this, thinking of you

Last edited 9 months ago by mollypitcher5

Huh. Dont think so but when i see him he will be very interested in what happened.



No seizure/mi/stroke/dvt ffound in labs or ultrasound or head/neck/chest CT.

Well, that’s good news, but I know you’re wondering what happened and are hoping it won’t happen again! Prayers that you will get answers, and for your healing. 🙏


Yes. Phone consult in am w primary. Need to see ortho, neuro, and cardiology. Need a mobility scooter bc crutches are too unstable.


keeping it elevated and iced ?


Thank God no signs of stroke, DVT, etc.
Please get your vitamin D level tested. Get your blood pressure monitored for signs of unsteady fluctuations. Get your bone density tested. Get your blood sugar level tested. Get your thyroid levels tested.
Dehydration can make a person faint, pass out, and fall. So can too-high anxiety/stress levels, even if the person is taking enough liquids and diet is adequate.


Blood sugar was 141. Not happy about that.


Blood sugar levels can get messed up by too much stress. So can the LDL (“bad”) cholesterol level.

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA

Ok. Im dehydrated a bit acvording to the labs but they didnt put any fluids in me at all. Just going to hydrate, nibble food, rake ibuprofen round the clock and avoid the norco.


You need to take liquids. Not coffee or sodas–plain water or herbal tea.
Divide your body weight by 2. The result will be how much liquid you need each day.
Example: a person weighs 100 pounds. 100 ÷ 2 = 50. The person needs 50 ounces of liquid per day. If it’s hot / humid weather, add some more ounces per day. Space the liquids intake through the day so it’s as evenly distributed as possible.


Ty. Thats a great way to remember. Ive started drinking much more plain water the past few months.


You can overdo it on plain water — you actually need some electrolytes. Just not all the time.


Agreed about the need for electrolytes. Zero Sugar Gatorade is one source.

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA

Please make sure your primary gets copies of every test result and tell him/her that the labs result indicated you were a little dehydrated.

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA



If it’s any help, I’m less worried about you now then when they were giving you remdesivir.

Barb Meier

Prayers for you to not pass out like that again. That’s awful. You’re in my prayers, giloo.



Valerie Curren

Oh my goodness Gil, that’s crazy scary. Hopefully your hubby & son will do a good job taking care of you & help you keep off your feet so you can heal quickly & without complications. Praying for you 



Valerie Curren

YW Hope you are doing (relatively) OK…


The heat is killing me but 1 day at a time.

Valerie Curren

Yikes, I get that. I’m still having heat issues from that job fair a week ago. I was mostly OK but then went to a church picnic on Sunday & got too much heat. Then Monday too much sun & heat visiting daughter’s house to get trained on caring for their birds while they take a trip. Starting today I go there every day for about a week to feed & water the birds plus spend 20 minutes socializing with the main bird in their room upstairs. They have no A/C, though there is a fan at least. Between walking to/from, half the walk in direct sunlight, & that time in their overly warm house I basically keep exacerbating my heat “exhaustion”. I didn’t know it could be compounded like that, though maybe it’s also because I’m older now. I’ll try to go earlier in the day to miss some of the heat if possible.

Having a small fan to blow on me at home, plus putting water on pulse points, neck, & torso also helps me to cool down too. I have long hair so keep it in a ponytail & off my neck or that extra heat trapping there would about kill me. 😉

Oh, if the heat gets really bad I have one of those handheld battery operated personal fans w/ a spray bottle to “mist” myself. That’s another thing you could have your husband pick up to help you be more comfortable too. Hang in there!!!


You be very careful. Hydrate constantly bc by the time you “feel thirsty” in the heat, you are already getting in trouble.

Valerie Curren

TY for the reminder. I brought my glass of ice water over but tomorrow I think I’ll also soak my shirt before hanging out with Bean upstairs 😉


I am so sorry to here about Sylvia’s the smashed ankle. Prayers for healing.


It’s Giloo who smashed her ankle Singing…


Oh I did read wrong. Thank you for pointing it out. Giloo has always my prayers.


From OT 👍😂


comment image


Uniparty Establishment Panic.

  • It IS Glorious To Watch Their Baboonery.

Best part, Uniparty KNOWS they WILL lose to Trump. Can NOT Face Reality.


Donald J. Trump

So, let’s get this straight? The Democrat SLIMEBALLS in Congress, then headed by Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Impeached me over a PERFECT PHONE CALL (I Won!), and are now Indicting me over their continuing, illegal, and long running Witch Hunt, but Crooked Joe Biden, who has stolen and extorted millions of dollars, won’t be Impeached or Indicted by a very kind, friendly, and politically correct Republican Congress. Gee, that seems very fair to me? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!


Is Trump scheduled to appear before A District of Criminals Grand Jury Inquisition this week?

Thought I read that, a week ago. But have seen no updates.


Last week I saw something about “within 4 days,” or “in 4 days,” but I haven’t seen anything either.


Thanks. That was what I had read.





Here is that entire tweet:

For those wondering why peace talks haven’t happened and why the Biden regime are sending more US troops to Ukraine; allow me to enlighten you.

Russian MIL accused Biden himself of orchestrating bioweapons production via his biolab company operating in Ukraine, Metabiota.

Biden cannot allow Ukraine to surrender and he cannot have peace talks with Putin, because Russia have presented evidence at the UN over the past 18 months, of biological weapon production by US funded labs in Ukraine, and Russia have demanded that a stipulation for peace would be a UN Security Council investigation of the US biological network in Ukraine. Biden cannot have this because he is directly involved.

Keep in mind these are the same biolabs that the MSM initially said didn’t exist at all, only to then later admit that they do exist, but claim they are totally not nefarious in any way. Hunter Biden just has ownership of a biolab company operating in Ukraine, studying bat coronaviruses BEFORE the pandemic. Nothing to see here.

This is why hundreds of billions of your dollars are in Ukraine and why Biden is willing to sacrifice the Ukrainian People down to the last man. Russia want justice for crimes against humanity via violations of the Biological Weapons Treaty, for which the punishment is death.

I’ve been telling the world since the jump; Russia’s escalation in Ukraine is backlash for the US creation of C19. Ukraine and Covid are connected.

Here is Russian General Igor Kirillov last summer, briefing the public on the US Biological network and Hunter Biden’s Metabiota.


Wow, thanks for bringing that Linda


Great information. Thanks. Late in the day.

Maybe post again, in Wednesday daily? More visibility.

Barb Meier




Ozempic side effects left women vomiting years after stopping weight loss drug: ‘I wish I never touched it’

I think it’s a drug for diabetes, but people take it for weight loss.

Women who quit Ozempic said it made their lives ‘hell’ even years after coming off the drug. 

Joanie Knight, 37, started taking the blockbuster weight-loss drug in 2019 and began suffering from severe nausea and vomiting two years into the medication.

The drug – which often requires users to take it for life to keep the weight off – was diagnosed with stomach paralysis after the sickness became so bad she couldn’t eat.

She believes because the drug slows down digestion, it may have led to or worsened the condition, which causes severe vomiting and malnutrition. Now, she can only eat a few bites of her favorite food at a time – even though she stopped taking the drug in 2021. 

Meanwhile, Emily Wright, 38, a teacher in Toronto, Canada, took Ozempic for four years and lost 80 pounds. However, she was also diagnosed with gastroparesis and now vomits so frequently that she had to quit her job.

‘I’ve almost been off Ozempic for a year, but I’m still not back to my normal,’ she told CNN.  

Ms Knight’s story comes amid concerns about long-term effects of drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy that contain semaglutide, which have only been available for a few years.

‘I wish I never touched [Ozempic]. I wish I’d never heard of it in my life,’ she told CNN. This medicine made my life hell. So much hell.’

These women trusted their doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. I wonder if any of them will start to question other things they have been told by the medical profession.

I’m not a doctor or scientist, but something that “slows the passage of food through the stomach to make people feel fuller longer” is tampering with nature and doesn’t seem like a good idea unless absolutely necessary.

Last edited 9 months ago by TheseTruths

It sounds like a lot of celebrities hopped on the ozempic bandwagon.
Pharmaceutical ads should be banned from TV, imo. Medicines shouldn’t be promoted like any other consumer item. People in general are are too stupid to diagnose and choose newly marketed meds and doctors are becoming too commercial willing to prescribe based on pushy patients


Pharmaceutical ads should be banned from TV, imo.

Yes! “Ask your doctor if ____ is right for you.” They are getting the consumer/patient to do their marketing for them.


Back when I used to watch TV, the commercials for drugs always said “Ask your doctor about ______________ and whether it’s right for you!” or similar nonsense.

And my immediate thought, every time, was WTH should I be asking my doctor if some random drug I saw on TV is ‘right for me’?

Shouldn’t he already know?

Should I really be in a position to bring ‘new’ drugs to my doctor’s attention? I mean, if he didn’t know about it before I brought it up, how is he supposed to know whether it’s right for me?

And if he did know about it, and didn’t prescribe it, then it’s not right for me.

So whether it’s not something the Doc would prescribe in my case, or whether he’s never heard of it, either way, he’s not going to prescribe it.

So what point is there in asking him about it?


And on top of everything else, why am I not being paid to be your drug rep?


Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

“I wonder if any of them will start to question other things they have been told by the medical profession.”



No chance of that! 😂


Check this out… unreal!

Wow, on Eve of Hunter Biden Case Before Judge, Biden Defense Lawyers Accused of Impersonating Congressional Staff to Remove Derogatory Evidence Against Hunter
July 25, 2023 | Sundance

“Things are awful sketchy in Delaware, as the Hunter Biden case is about to enter court for Judge Maryellen Noreika to review sweetheart plea deal between corrupt DOJ officials and Hunter Biden lawyers.

As the situation unfolded, Congress filed an amicus brief opposing the plea deal and outlining new evidence discovered by the House Oversight Committee so the judge would have additional background on the deal. The amicus filing was done by GOP lawyer Mr. Theodore Kittila, from the committee.

Someone from the defense team, a lawyer later identified as Jessica Bengels from the law firm of Latham and Watkins, then contacted the clerk of the court –falsely claimed to be working with Theodore Kittila- and asked the clerk to remove the amicus filing. The clerk removed the filing.

GOP lawyer Kittila found out and contacted the clerk to understand what was going on. Mr. Kittila then confronted the lawyers for Hunter Biden, and Judge Noreika is a little angry about the Biden team manipulation. [COURT ORDER]”


Biden team ‘manipulation’?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

If you or I did something like that, we would be in prison, without bond, with charges of criminal tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice, attempting to subvert the court, attempting to create a miscarriage of justice, intentional misrepresentation to the court, I can’t even imagine how many books would be thrown at me.

But Jessica Bengels does it, an ‘officer of the court’, in what must be the highest profile case on earth at this moment, she pulls an Animal House type stunt like this, and the judge is just “a little angry” about “manipulation”?

She ought to be stripped of her law license and incarcerated, and the clown show law firm she works for should be the subject of criminal investigations for the next 20 years, or until every partner in the firm is bankrupted, whichever comes first.

I was wrong, ours isn’t a banana republic.

It’s worse.

I don’t think there’s even a term for it, we’re going to have make up our own.


Here’s hoping it was recorded.


The comments section at CTH is pretty humorous. Also, apparently the court clerk memorialized the conversation in an email after it happened (isn’t that convenient… LOL!).


I think that is what I posted from Techno Fog. She used her real name.


Techno Fog posted the law firm’s response:

comment image

Also the clerk’s account of what happened:

comment image

One of these things is not like the other. (IOW, the stories don’t jibe.)

I wonder if the phone number that is blacked out is her real number; i.e., the number of her law firm.


“I’ll not hit *post* until it’s toast.”

— DePat Welles, for Ernest & Julio Qtree….


No hurry, the old thread is still working fine! 👍



— old thread

