Terrorists in USA — 2023

These bits and pieces are in no particular order. I was going to make it a comment but it grew and grew as I looked for the source backing up an old story that our US Mosques started receiving foreign funding in return for preaching RADICAL ISLAM. IIRC it was connected to a Pakistani Imam and Prince Al Waleed. And now we have possible radical jihadists from TURKEY pouring over our southern border.

In reading this do not forget the The Algerian Strategy

In the Algerian Civil War, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) had as its motto “no agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

The Algerian government helped the GIA defeat all other rebel groups and become so savage that the Algerians had no choice but to turn to the government for protection.

Thomas Wictor

From his old twitter thread that I copied. LINK

. Iran is the arsonist who sells water to the fire department. This is also known as the “Algerian strategy.”

The Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) was predicted to win the Algerian parliamentary elections of January 13, 1992. Therefore the Algerian army canceled the elections. Members of the FIS formed armed insurgent groups, including the incomprehensibly savage Armed Islamic Group (GIA). Its motto was “No agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

From 1992 to 1998, the GIA massacred tens of thousands of civilians in an effort to destabilize the nation. During night raids, the GIA murdered entire villages and dumped their bodies into wells.

And Algerian counter-terrorists aided and abetted the GIA. The strategy was to allow the GIA to become so monstrous that the Algerians would have no choice but to turn to the government for protection. Only when the nation had finally rejected Islamism did the army seriously begin the process of destroying the GIA.

Up to 250,000 people were dead.

The Iranian mullahs have been implementing the Algerian strategy in Iraq since 2003….

Thomas Wictor

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…”


In 1998 Erdogan was fired as mayor and jailed for four months for inciting religious hatred after reading a poem comparing Islam to a war. — Business Insider

From my 2015 notes:

Every time some Muslim lunatic commits an act of terrorism, we’re told not to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few. Shouldn’t gun owners be given the same treatment??

What the lame stream media and Progressives sweep under the rug.

There have been 28,018 terrorist attacks since 9/11

In the first week of 2015 there was 65 acts of terrorism with 2,414 people murdered and 323 injured. No Christian or Buddist attacks are among them.

Religion of Peace

Gov’t Confirms US Jihadi Cult Under Investigation

“Muslims of America (MOA) used to be known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra when it carried out a series of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil from the 1970s to the early 1990s. The group is led by a radical cleric in Pakistan and claims to have 22 “villages” in the U.S., some of which are known to have been used for basic military-type training.”

“FBI documents from 2003 released by Clarion Project earlier this year state that MOA is was linked to al-Qaeda in Pakistan at that time.”

Clarion Project

“Over 120 of the 129 Islamic State jihadis from the US are unaccounted for” — October 28, 2017 by Robert Spencer

More than 120 Americans who were recruited to fight for ISIS are unaccounted for, according to a new report.

This week, the Soufran Center – a Washington-based security intelligence consultancy – released ‘Beyond the Caliphate: Foreign Fighters and the Threat of Returnees’.

In the report, the agency said that at least 5,600 citizens or residents from 33 countries have returned home, making up approximately 15 per cent of ISIS’s fighters…

So extremism has been exported to other countries and then fighters were recruited from those countries.

They always show you “Dreamers” from Mexico, but the real growth in immigration in the past 30 years is from Majority Muslim countries. Here’s a Bush41 Immigration bill where Head Clown Schumer wrote: “The regions used in the Schumer proposal were: 1) Africa; 2) Asia; 3) Europe; 4) North America, excluding Mexico; 5) Oceania; and 6) South America, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.”

…from 1990 to 2015, 44 million people left the global South to find new homes in the global North. They came from Latin America, Africa, and Asia. They came to the United States above all, but to the nations of Europe too… Some 45 million foreign-born people now make their home in the United States. About 11 million to 12 million live here illegally.


Of course the 11 million is a complete LIE.

2015 — 30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico’s Former Ambassador

Jumping ahead to today…

57% of US Muslims Believe Hamas Atrocities Justified BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

The Cygnal poll is unique in that it polled Muslims in America as a separate group about the Hamas attack on Israel during which the Islamic terrorists massacred civilians, raped and kidnapped women, and killed and kidnapped children.

28% of Muslims in America strongly agree that Hamas was justified whle 29% somewhat agree. On the other side, 16% strongly disagree while 25% somewhat disagree.

Notably, Muslims in America have been following the situation fairly closely, with 44% saying that they have a high awareness of Hamas…

Immigration has imported terrorism and support for it inside the United States. Islamic terrorism has become endemic and indigenous to America. How long until we have our own ‘Hamas’ in America?

These photos are from about a decade ago. They are what Muslim men have done to women, often to their own wives.

We KNOW Al Waleed was FUNDING these radical Mosques in the USA and other countries. As usual the information is no longer readily available on the web but I did scrounge up these hints:

DEC 2015 – Germany criticizes Saudi Arabia for funding radical mosques

German vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel urged Saudi Arabia on Sunday (7 December) to stop supporting religious radicals, amid growing fear it is funding militant mosques across Europe…

Saudi Billionaire Buys Pieces of America — Who is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal?

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, the Saudi Arabia royal billionaire, has become a major player in Saudi Arabia’s propaganda campaign, which is aimed at providing it’s archaic, Wahabbi-funding regime with a humane face. Bin Talal has done so by whitewashing the role the Saudis have played in promoting Islamic and Wahabbi intolerance towards non-Muslims and radical Salafist movements, which engage in terror and stealth Jihad…

Appearing on Fox News on August 26, 2010, Dan Senor, a former Bush administration official hinted that Feisal Abdul Rauf, the “Ground Zero Mosque” imam, received financial support from Alwaleed Bin Talal’s foundation. Although Dan Senor did not mention the prince’s name, he qualified him by saying, “The Kingdom Foundation [Bin Talal’s foundation], so you know, is this Saudi organization, headed up by the guy who tried to give Rudy Giuliani $10 million after 9⁄11 that was sent back. “ The money was returned because Alwaleed bin Talal had suggested that U.S. policies in the Middle East contributed to the September 11 attacks. Senor also inferred that Alwaleed Bin Talal has “funded radical madrasas all over the world.”…

Alwaleed Bin Talal’s “contributions” to U.S. institutions are attributable to the anti-Saudi backlash that followed 9⁄11, which prompted his 2005 purchase of a 5.5 percent stake in News Corp and his “gifts” of $20 million to both Georgetown and Harvard Universities, also in 2005.

Alwaleed Bin Talal’s spending spree includes a $500,000 check in 2002 to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood-linked entity, and, also in 2002, a whopping $27 million to the families of Palestinian “martyrs” – aka suicide bombers…

Alwaleed Bin Talal understands that the nature of the Saudi regime, with its denial of religious freedom in the kingdom and its teaching of intolerance and hatred towards Jews, Christians, Israel and even America, does not render it a friend of America. Furthermore, the Wahabbi-Islam that Bin Talal represents is contrary to everything Americans with Judeo-Christian values believe in. Bin Talal has therefore taken upon myself the task of influencing the way Americans think, and he is doing it by buying off Western academic and cultural institution such as Harvard, Georgetown, Cambridge, etc., where a sanitized version of Islam and its relationship to the infidel West is being taught.

Bin Talal has reasoned correctly that if Islamists cannot win over the American people through their true beliefs, then they must feed them twisted reality in the form of “news” through their expensive Washington lobbyists and increased media control (as with Fox News and the Wall Street Journal). This allows the Saudi façade as “a friend of America” to remain…

Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Founding Construction of Ground Zero Mosque

[Al Waleed]…has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to causes linked to the imam planning to build a Muslim community center and mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan, says a report from Yahoo!News.

According to the report from Yahoo!’s John Cook, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who owns seven percent of News Corp., “has directly funded [Imam Feisal Abdul] Rauf’s projects to the tune of more than $300,000.”

Cook reports that Prince Al-Waleed’s personal charity, the Kingdom Foundation, donated $305,000 to Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, a project sponsored by two of Rauf’s initiatives, the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, which is building the Manhattan mosque.

Actually it was a VICTORY MOSQUE. Muslims love to build mosques on the ground where they defeated an enemy. Pam Geller fought tooth and nail to prevent the victory mosque from being built on Ground Zero of 9/11.

Aug 24, 2010 -Forbes, Much Ado About Alwaleed

Fox & Friends, Fox News Channel’s morning program, was lampooned last night on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show for a segment in which political operative Dan Senor alluded to the funding behind the proposed Islamic community center that may go up two blocks from the site of the former World Trade Center. The funding in question is from an investing concern called Kingdom Holding Company, the largest company in Saudi Arabia. According to The Daily Show, Senor and Fox & Friends engaged in a bit of shenanigans by implying that Kingdom Holding Company’s charitable arm (The Kingdom Foundation) plays fast and free with its investments — namely the alleged funding of hard-line religious schools that teach anti-American, anti-Western philosophy to its young, impressionable minds. Fair enough… Would the segment featuring Dan Senor be any more or less relevant if it were revealed that the man behind Kingdom Holding Company – billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal – also holds considerable stakes in some of America’s most renowned brands and companies?…

A 20+ year alliance with News Corporation is but one part of this international investment company’s portfolio. Here is a partial list of current and former Kingdom Holding Company investments, pulled from its website:

[This list is VERY INTERSTING -GC]

Apple Inc.



Fairmont Hotels

Four Seasons Hotels Inc.




Procter & Gamble

Time Warner

The Walt Disney Company

2018 – Will the fall of Alwaleed bin Talal herald a return to sanity in the universities he has funded?

Georgetown University has the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, which pumps out “Islamophobia” propaganda by the bucketload, gives Sharia supremacists such as Jonathan A. C. Brown and gutter thugs such as Nathan Lean an aura of respectability, and sponsors the Bridge Initiative, which endeavors to hoodwink Catholic institutions into thinking there is no jihad threat and that “Islamophobia” is the real problem (as if they needed much convincing). But what will happen if their Saudi sugar daddy can’t keep the millions coming? Will sanity return to this corner of American academia, and the other universities upon which Alwaleed has showered his poisonous largesse?…

The above article quotes Pam Geller.

2018 –What will Middle East studies do without Alwaleed bin Talal?

If an objective history of the decline and demise of American academic standards is ever written, one of the chief agents of the destruction of Middle East studies in this country, turning genuine academic institutions into centers of dawah and Islamic victimhood propaganda, will be identified as Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. If his fall in Saudi Arabia means the fall of these propaganda centers, the chief beneficiaries will be the American people…

Pam quotes: “What will Middle East studies do without Alwaleed bin Talal?,” by A. J. Cashchetta, Jerusalem Post, March 21, 2018:


At the root of bin Talal’s problem is the ambitious Saudi reform package called Vision 2030. MbS claims it will stamp out corruption and transform the kingdom into “a country of moderate Islam that will be open to all.” If his reform efforts are genuine, it’s unlikely he’ll approve of continued funding to promote the militant, anti-American, anti-Israel version of Islam bin Talal has financed. And if the anti-corruption element of the reforms are just MbS’s way to steal the wealth from his competitors, bin Talal may never regain the influence he enjoyed prior to his arrest.

After three months’ detention, bin Talal paid a $6b. fine and was released, but he has not traveled since and has stopped giving interviews. This has led to a great deal of conjecture everywhere except for academia, where few are talking.

The press speculates that bin Talal is not really free at all and is closely watched. The New York Times reports that he no longer controls his Kingdom Holding Company, while the Daily Mail quotes an insider who advises not to “buy the c**p of Alwaleed being treated right,” and claims that he will never be allowed to travel again….

According to one 2004 estimate, since the 1970s Saudi Arabia has spent “north of $75 billion” on dawa – that is, on spreading Wahhabi Islam to non-Muslim societies. Many millions went to American colleges and universities willing to assist the kingdom. That they accepted the money is clearly a conflict of interests. Would they have accepted money from the Vatican to promote Catholicism? Or from the Soviet Union to promote communism?

In 2003 Alwaleed bin Talal became the face of the Saudis’ academic dawa when he went on what Martin Kramer called an “academic shopping spree” in search of cooperative scholars who shared his ideals…

Daily Caller EXCLUSIVE: ‘A Nexus To Terrorism’: Illegals Flagged As Potential National Security Risks Soared Nearly 600% In Last Year

* The number of illegal aliens labeled as “special interest migrants” for potential national security risks increased by nearly 600% to 25,627 in fiscal year 2022, according to internal Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

* Of the total, 60% of the illegal migrants were from Turkey, a country where Islamic State and other foreign terrorist organizations are known to operate, according to the State Department.

* “Anybody that doesn’t think that serious threats to this country are sneaking in right now is naïve,” former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott told the DCNF.

…A “special interest” migrant is someone who isn’t a U.S. citizen who frequently travels in areas designated as national security concerns due to terrorist activity or other types of “nefarious activity,” according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Border Patrol agents encountered 25,627 “special interest” illegal migrants compared to the 3,675 encounters in fiscal year 2021, according to the data.

“Special interest aliens” can include individuals who “possibly have a nexus to terrorism,” according to 2019 DHS fact sheet. The newly-obtained internal data refers to these individuals as “special interest migrants,” however….

Now add in this is a video by Steven Gern U. S. Marine Corps that Juanita Broaddrick  posted on X. It is from 2017 BTW but the warning certainly still stands.


Juanita Broaddrick ‘s account:


I think this is him — Steven Gern (@swgern) / Twitter



And after looking at the history of Al Waleed and the Islamification of the USA, What US Sleeper Cells Look like:


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This appears to be brutally true.


^^^ This. i suggest the latter.


Rumors were that bin Talal was dangled upside-down for periods of his “interrogation”.



Thank you, Gail!!


Thanks for your work once again, Gail. 👍


What’s happening right now with the border invasion is a testament to O bama devotion to islam. Biden is so thoroughly greedy and narcissistic that he made a pact with the devil himself. He finally was given the prize of POTUS without lifting a finger but the payment was giving the islamic braintrust (O and Jarrett, Brennan et al) decision making authority…on everything.

You’re a true treasure Gail ! It’s not pleasant to see the facts but it’s so much better than pretending that islam is wholesome and that when horrors happen that it’s only the ‘lone wolf’.

Do you think a caliphate scenario is the ultimate goal or some hybrid communism/islam thing or as long as the USA is destroyed they don’t care ?

Barb Meier

WEF may have plans, but Islamists do not share power.


I hope we don’t live to see that power struggle …not meaning that I we die first, I hope that situation is knocked off the table..forever


Reading below, from Gail’s post above…

  • In the Algerian Civil War, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) had as its motto “no agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

IIRC, the Koran or some Islam document allows, promotes lying, deception, etc. Based on the Ends Justify The Means. (If I got this wrong, please correct me.)

  • Have always thought above perfectly fits hussein. His taking any of the Oaths he has, All A Lie. Everything he has done to destroy America.
  • Ends Justify The Means.

Thank you for the added information. Lots of new stuff, or stuff I had simply forgotten.

Barb Meier

Obama had 8 years to bring Islamists into the U.S. Government.


Right ?! When we realize how he seeded anti Americans in so many places, not all muslims but all tearing the foundations down it’s so sad/infuriating


Today’s headlines sure show how very easily so many are willing to put on the head scarves and neckerchiefs in solidarity with islam.


Except me…



From above. Reading this,

>>> Emphasis <<< added

Here is a partial list of current and former >>> Kingdom Holding Company <<< investments, pulled from its website:

>>>> Four Seasons Hotels Inc. <<<

Reminded me of… Stephen Paddock AND

comment image

  :wpds_arrow:  Did you know…?

  :wpds_arrow:  At the time of the Las Vegas massacre. Four Seasons Hotels, owned one or more floors in the Mandalay Bay hotel.

(I believe it was three or four floors. ALL above the floor Paddock reportedly fired from.)

All just a coincidence, I am sure.


Another great one, Gail. Thank you!