Badlands News Brief – November 8, 2023
FCC commissioner calls Biden equity plan for internet control ‘sweeping, unprecedented, and unlawful’
It’s a way around Mockingbird. Can’t have that.
American Jews on the Left Are Just Shocked by Their Fellow Leftists
Trump’s Popularity is Not Inexplicable
Pharma-Funded Fact Checkers Control the Internet
GOP takes control of Long Island with Ed Romaine’s landslide victory in Suffolk County executive race
Talk about a statement.
Not all Charities or Charitable Donors are Charitable
As a non-profit veteran, don’t be fooled. It’s all about the profits.
How the billionaire elite manipulates the world
Part of the awakening. Those of us who have been awake are getting impatient with how long this is taking.
The Systematic Dismantling of the Deep State
Now that McCarthy is gone, Matt Gaetz turns his eye to J6 political prisoners…
BANNON: DeSantis can’t beat Trump fairly, so he has another underhanded plan…
Marjorie Taylor Greene Writes Epic Rant Revealing the REAL Reason Republicans Keep Losing Elections
The second place contest.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
JOHN 2:13-22
13The Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers at their business. 15And making a whip of cords, he drove them all, with the sheep and oxen, out of the temple; and he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; you shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” 17His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for thy house will consume me.” 18The Jews then said to him, “What sign have you to show us for doing this?” 19Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” 21But he spoke of the temple of his body. 22When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this; and they believed the scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
No bacon?
Thank you for this Thursday post, De Pat!
Here’s the full text of this tweet from the open. May it be so.
You know, this evidence coming would explain the bogus prosecutions of Trump by EVERYBODY. If they have to attack Trump’s credibility directly to defend their own, it would make sense.
In all honesty every AG going after PDJT was probably “elected” in a rigged system. A deep dive into their past would be interesting am sure.
Four Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Employees Found Dead by Suicide in 24 Hours
I doubt that we’ll ever know the full story.
“Investigators have yet to publicize further details as to the nature of the four deaths, or if they were at all connected.”
Well, you know… what are the odds that four members of the L.A. County Sheriffs’ Dept. all killed themselves the same day, and they’re not connected?
One in a bazillion quadrillion?
The only way it would be even more unbelievable is if all four died of died suddenly.
Well, likely they all DID died suddenly. (But I know your intent.)
Hopefully not a double tap to back of the head, kind of, died suddenly.
Maybe they knew something about HELL-the-BEAST?
Some unheard of as yet investigation taking place or the cost of doing business (or trying not to do business) with the cartels. I’d lean toward the later (cartels) without further information.
No doubt some Coyotes who weren’t Wile E. enough… 🕵
I can’t recall the LA Sheriff’s dept being infested with gang members like the police dept is supposed to be.
This sounds really suspicious.
is this the 2 shots to the head kind of vince foster suicide?
Or the suicide on a street corner. I can’t remember who that was but that was so unbelievable
Seth Rich???/
No not Seth R, someone else. It’ll come to me one day !
Seth Rich another arkancide
Perhaps the guy on a CA highway. 2 – 3 years ago.
Maybe CA 49. Sierra foothills.
IIRC, TB, TT or someone knew the guy.
LA Sheriff’s cover a huge swath of land.
Druggies rampant, along with low life’s. Yea, repetitive, i am.
this seems way over the top…like a cartel would do. “We” would space the suicides out, not them.
Diversity is their strength and OBiden’s administration is their protection.
Unless they were members of a doomsday cult — which seems pretty unlikely, but… it is Los Angeles — I’d guess they were all killed by some drug cartel over some deal gone wrong.
If that’s the case, I doubt the cartel went to the trouble to make them look like suicides. But the Department might say it was four suicides, because as ridiculous as that is on its face, it’s less humiliating than admitting your Sheriff’s department is so corrupt that four of your people were murdered in one night by drug dealers.
Four of your people were murdered in one night and in four different locations. Drug cartels get around.
THIS ^^^
We got you beat up here in WA state.
A convict that got early release by Governor Huckabee moved to WA state. He’d been here for awhile and then one day decided to walk into a Forza coffee shop and assassinate four sheriff’s deputies siting at a booth having morning coffee before going to work.
Whacks FOUR cops, all in uniform, sitting together in a coffee shop. Not a word in the press about them being targeted other than to say this ex-con hated cops so much he just decided to kill four of them.
The local scuttlebutt was that those four cops were dirty. Could have been drugs, could have been a protection racket gone bad – who knows? Maybe it was only one bad cop but he wanted to make sure there were no witnesses so he murdered the others. Funny how he didn’t even try to hurt the baristas who scooted out the back door after the first shot was fired. They surely could ID him.
This is Pierce County WA. We have some dirty cops around here.
Google John Bananola and don’t miss
Long Pinocchio nose and two flies.
Joey Two-Flies
And blood dripping off his hand.
Special aroma when lying.
In this case, ever present with Briben.
S/B “All new vehicles sold after 2026….”
My 1994 Honda is safe.
My dad wants to trade my 2007 Escape with a sunroof in for a new Bronco. The reality is…he wants a new Bronco. I don’t. No sunroof.
Easy peasy. Win-Win..
Keep 2007, it’s paid for. Buy
20262024 Bronco.Not so easy when he put his name on the title after my mom died.
Does he drive?
Will he pay for ALL the fuel?
Yes and yes.
Yea, minor wrinkle in the plan. Remains, easy, peasy.
Gift the 2007 to you.
Engineer wants, can afford, ~80 or so, he deserves new wheels to ride to get around.
Keep it positive. Still, a Win-Win.
They have no right.
We don’t have government of the mandate, by the mandate and for the mandate.
This regime is beyond ridiculous.
Uniparty is complicit
Another reason the automakers will see declining sales if the people are paying attention. Then again we’ve come this far without much of a whimper from people.
They used to have a seatbelt buzzer. There was a brisk business in removing that buzzer. I am sure the same will happen.
If not all it takes is a bit of ‘crazy driving’ around the DC beltway and COMPLETE GRIDLOCK.
The whole idea is LOONEY TUNES.
I remember the first new car I bought in 74 had them, sit down and don’t buckle buzzer and went off. Looked under the seat and disconnected that sucker!
The cars now have a DING DING DING that we call “enemy astern” when seatbelts aren’t buckled.
Not mine… But my newest is a 1993.
Yeah…cars in this house used to be driven into the ground. Not anymore. When they start to become a money pit, they get traded in.
Both, make sense.
Two are diesels and still going strong. The oldest (1987) is a southern truck I picked up for $1,500 and runs just fine too.
I do not begrudge them a shot of cash every few years.
One customer swapped a brake job for a birthday party. (I think he was itching to get the truck onto a lift and have a look.) Well the next day I came back and he said, I went all thru that truck and it is in DARN FINE mechanical shape. It surprised me. 🤓
Relative perspective on repairs. Older truck.
So long as the engine and trans are working well, repair it.
Engine or trans goes, likely get another vehicle.
Can’t say i disagree with him.
Actually I am on transmission #3 for one diesel and #2 for the other. My mechanic is well known for rebuilding them. And he is actually not that expensive. (At ~ a million miles of towing I am NOT complaining)
On the way home, I just passed a used truck for $26K. I can do a LOT of repairs for that money and I KNOW if I get a used vehicle it is an automatic couple thousand or more right off the bat.
Trustworthy mechanic and reasonable rates, it can work.
‘enemy astern’ is LoL funny.
Around the DC beltway is 66 miles. I used to live there. Any crazy driving on the beltway back in ’86 would get you pulled over in about one mile or less. No chance to go ‘crazy driving’ around the beltway. Bet it’s worse now.
Here is the nitter URL for that:
Here is the URL to check if your Congress Critter voted FOR INSANITY:
here is Thomas Massie’s account
In general I do like the guy. He thinks CO2 is plant food and the Freedom of Speech actually is in the Constitution.
Local moron critter, Northern NV, had the common sense to vote yes.
Link to roll call.
Davis (NC)
Foushee (NC)
Jackson (NC)
Manning (NC)
Adams (NC)
Ross (NC)
Nickel (NC)
Jackson (NC)
YES VOTES voted with Massie
Foxx (NC)
Rouzer (NC)
Murphy (NC)
Bishop (NC)
Hudson (NC)
McHenry (NC)
Edwards (NC)
As of January 3, 2023 [WIKI]
Vehicles would have to have the kill switch installed if they’re 2006 – now ?
I haven’t seen anything about 2006 or this being effective retroactively. I hope it wouldn’t be. LOTS of people would not comply.
Chutkan Refuses Trump’s Requested Deadline Delay Because It Would Hamper Her Election Interference
I’d like to know if Trump has any recourse.
Mostly on appeal.
Is this the case where his lawyers had to get security clearances which were only recently granted and have to review the information in Skiffs where they are only allowed hand written notes?
And yes, expected the evidence to be examined would be disorderly, by order of Jack the Thug. We talked about it months ago. No shame with these demons. 😠
No, but he doesn’t need any. His attorneys have to protect their Bar cards so they must file the motions that would normally be filed in any other case.
I wouldn’t worry about it. He has a plan. 😎
This is an overview of Mike Lindell’s plan to secure our elections.
More details here:
He is one of a few who have dedicated countless hours and dollars to this.
Time to go Christmas shopping for My Pillow products.
MyPillow 2.0 on the list for adult kids AND grands.
Twofer of sorts. Affordable AND something they’ll use everyday.
Bonus. They will NEVER guess, what is inside the wrapped up gift.
Well, don’t buy the pillows. IMO, spend a little more on down.
Unless you are violently allergic to down and have a neck injury. I like his pillows because they hold my head/neck in a straight line with my spine. RESULT: no morning pain.
So, the Fiancee got another Covid shot today.
I suspect she does it partially to spite me.
Well, the “joke” is on her.
It may speed up your timeline for moving.
You went there, I was debating whether or not I should.
Same, but I figured we’re like family
Like this? 🙂
Or this? (just kidding, in both cases)…
(I miss those Lionel Trains…)….
Well, the jab may ensure, she never moves to NC. <<< Her bottom line goal.
Very sad, but the damn truth.
Sorry. Not Sorry.Thank God somebody else said it.
Was she due for one?
Or has it become a fetish?
She’s working at the VA, and it’s all government umgawa, all the time.
The VA is launching a “Million Veteran Program” to study how genes, lifestyle, military experiences and exposures affect veteran health – and all they want is a little personal info and a little bit of blood… I haven’t allowed them to stick me for years & for good reason. Trust and obey is meant for God, not the VA.
“….a little personal info and a little bit of blood…”
Seems they are still doing the personality tied to genes research. Remember the CABAL DOES NOT WANT ALPHA MALES, the type you find in the Armed Forces.
Yet, VA NOT mandating latest Boosters. Voluntary. IIRC.
How many total? She could be at some real risk if it’s 4-6 shots total.
It’s probably around there. Sometimes she hides them from me. She mentioned this one because she was feeling “out of sorts.”
The JAB is a bad addiction!
Could Fiancee’s shot shedding be a cause for Cthulhu’s recent medical issues? Not counting the physical attack in his sleep. Gak.
I have been literally watching the slow physical decline of a neighbor friend who works in sales for a company that sells products to hospitals around the region. She is falling apart physically.
Most hospitals are still requiring vendors to show their proof of current jabs to be permitted to enter. The average worker who needs the job either has to quit or get the jabs. She is trading living healthy for making good money and killing herself. 🤪 She is a very nice person whose husband is disabled and overly controlling, who is riding his cash cow wife into any early grave.
There is a culling in progress.
She works for a contractor, for VA. Correct?
Contractor could be requiring their employees be jabbed, again and again.
Not a defense to get jabbed. Walk the hell away.
I understand your situation. My guy took the first jab and another despite hours of talking about the problems with it…had a stroke in Jan this year..and asked me the other day if I thought he should get a flu shot. A flu shot from those ghouls ?? I can’t fix the stupid going on in his head.
I am blunt, My answer would be “Only after you take out a large insurance policy first!”
😅 right?!
Nothing like a slam to the gut to get the point across.
Not him, he has a strange ability simultaneously know all the side effects, sudden deaths, listens to all the vax pros on WarRoom but then let it all fly out the window if a doctor or one of his know-it-all Leftard kids says jabs are good.
😠 can’t fix stupid !
Then DO get that insurance policy. I AM SERIOUS!
IMO, there’s an increasing risk factor on all scores for anyone who has any more than 3 total COVID-19 ‘vaccine” shots in their body.
how are you??
Hell, I see several positives, for you. <<< I Am Like That.
By the way. RSV IS very popular among trained adults. As is the flu vaccine.
ALL three Safe AND Effective. She can trust CDC, FDA and local quacks.
Does she also like to play Russian Roulette with a loaded gun? iT IS PROBABLY SAFER!
Rasmussen poll: A stunning 42% of Americans would likely join a class action lawsuit against COVID vax makers if it was permitted by law
Wow. 42% of Americans were vaccine injured! The poll also implies that 500,000 Americans were killed by the jab.
…Their latest survey, released at 10:30am EST on November 2, confirms (yet again) that the COVID vaccine is a train wreck, the biggest healthcare disaster in our lifetime.
The key conclusions:
47% personally know someone who was killed by the COVID virus24% personally know someone who was killed by the COVID vaccine.42% said it was somewhat likely or very likely they would join a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects. That would make it the largest class action in US history by a long shot.The implications are stunning:
56% of people who got vaccinated are or were vaccine injured in some way. This is because 42% want to sue but only 75% were vaccinated. So 42/75=56%. That is is unprecedented; a complete train wreck for a vaccine that was touted as “safe and effective.”If you believe over 1M people died from COVID, then this poll suggests that at least 500K people died from the COVID vaccine (computed as 24/47×1.1M killed from COVID virus using the two numbers above from the survey)….[UNQUOTE[
“56% of people who got vaccinated are or were vaccine injured in some way.”
And the other 44% just don’t know it yet.
Yeah, that is about it. Blood clots and heart damage and creeping cancer can all be silent.
Not to mention possible neurological damages.
I just reeled the top three I could think of.🙄
The neurological damage probably impeded the rest of the list. 😀
The flip side of statistics. I love it.
Maybe… or maybe she now knows or has heard, once in for a penny, in for a pound. Backing out comes with it’s own risk of adverse event. Something we talked about early in this when the shot first came out. Is this still the prevailing wisdom? Hasn’t seen it talked about much since?
IIRC the damage done is accumulative.
Gregory Yetman manhunt: FBI SWAT teams and cops search for Jan 6 riot suspect after he fled through New Jersey woods – as schools are warned to shelter-in-place
You’d think he was wanted for murder. I don’t blame him for not wanting to get locked up like the others, but he is in grave danger because I wouldn’t put it past them to want a scalp to show how unruly the J6 (Trump) people are. I pray for his safety. If they catch him, it’s going to be a lot worse than if he had just gone with them in the first place.
He should hang a bag of Hunter’s crack around his neck, and wear it like a medallion.
Crime enforcement won’t even be able to look directly at him.
TRUTH. DC is becoming SICK. It’s EVIL. No agent of the FBI should want any part of this lunacy.
DC IS Evil.
Which is exactly why, after J6, I Am Adamant, Never Returning To DC.
Short of a Trump inauguration.
One and Only one shot at returning to DC. January 20, 2025.
Going to Boston, I turn west at Fredericksburg and head for the hills before turning north again. NO WAY am I going to drive thru BosNYWash ever again.
Sounds like what I used to do.
Living in Suffolk, VA, and needing to work in Mechanicsburg / Harrisburg, PA. .
I-81 perchance?
If so it has a reputation for lots and lots of trucks. Hell for a car.
Yes, I-81. Trucks do not bother me, Idiots in cars do. I have driven that route thru the night more times than I can count.
I’ve been on it once or twice. I don’t remember lots of trucks, but it was a long time ago.
Trucks irritate me especially on hils, you get trapped behind a pack of them and can’t get through because they’re constantly shifting around and using the left lane to do it. I call any group of more than two semis a “truck party.” (“You must stay for a while, we insist!”)
OK more seriously I realize that’s not their intent but dang it can be frustrating some times.
There has been at least some talk of adding a third lane to each side of substantial parts of I-81.
They need the third lane.
I drive 81 all the time, and I’m convinced some trucks clog up the passing lane on hills intentionally. But crazy people in cars are still the worst.
“… I’m convinced some trucks clog up the passing lane on hills intentionally….”
It has to do with losing momentum and having NO acceleration. Going up a hill you want to keep every bit of speed you can. It is not as bad as it used to be when the engines were a lot more under powered.
Since I am driving a diesel usually hauling a trailer, I just get behind a truck and stay there.
Another much more recent aspect of it is that since they started passing those “move over” laws…with apparently HUGE fines for truckers violating them, I’ve seen two people nearly get run off the road as a truck starts to lane change without regard for whether someone’s starting to pass them. And I myself have been cut off (fortunately my brakes and tires are good enough to make your eyeballs touch the windshield).
That law has in my admittedly small experience probably caused more accidents than it has prevented.
More unthinking idioticracy. I think here the law is you must move IF YOU CAN DO SO SAFELY.
Car drivers sometimes don’t understand how long it can take a fully loaded truck/trailer to change a lane especially on a grade.
There’s a lot of impatient jackasses.
Agree, Molly. Plus slowing down and stopping takes time too. Just like a train can’t stop quickly.
Yes…but if you can’t, you’re expected to slow down.
Many truckers would rather shoot their mother in the forehead than do that.
And I am not just talking climbing hills. They’re like that on flat ground too.
I commuted from here (Shenandoah County) north on I-81 and east on I-66 to Chantilly near DC for 11 years. 2 to 3 hours each way depending on traffic.
I remember the year a trucker drove off the highway at night to save a woman who cut in too close in front of him in heavy rain. Where he went off the highway was a steep ravine. He died rather than hit her in her little car. She probably couldn’t see how close she was in the dark.
That happened on I-66 near Front Royal. Truckers bring so much of the stuff we need to survive. I do my best to be careful driving and not make it harder for them.
On the other side of that balance, a coworker of mine once was forced into a spinout by a trucker making a lane change. The trucker bumped the rear of his car in exactly the way a cop will induce a spinout of a car he is pursuing.
He ended up at an angle against a guard rail and another truck T-boned him but fortunately struck his car at the rear door.
Neither truck stopped. They both fled what could easily have been a fatal accident.
I live near I-81 and think it is a little better than I-95, but not much. We get lots of wrecks on I-81 and locals often stay on Hwy-11 to avoid I-81. Though if there is a wreck on I-81, we get rerouted onto Hwy-11.
howdy 😉
In the meantime, I think people should call the FIB hotline and fib about some guy hiding under their boat in the back yard, neighbors back yard or seen while driving home from the bar 😆. Owning said boat is not a requirement in making said call. 😮😏😁
You reminded me about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (Boston Marathon bomber) who was found in a guy’s boat. It is notable that Tsarnaev ran over his brother during a shootout with police.
I love the sideshow aspects of this, because it makes the FBI look like goons and idiots, and will hopefully push back on DOJ and put an end to this nonsense.
Think about it. The guy “clutched pepper spray”. Is that it? Is that his crime?
Sure, if he maced a cop, I get it. But if he just held a can of pepper spray, I’m sorry, this is becoming IDIOCY. Women carry pepper spray on their keyrings in DC because it’s a freaking jungle. And they sent SWAT and FIB after him?
SOVIET CRAP STATE. FIB should be ashamed of fronting for the sickos at DODGE.
The US is becoming a dangerous Banana Republic.
Get the full documentary here:
Police State | Official Site (
“The US is becoming a dangerous Banana Republic.”
All the best banana republics are 👍😁
“…Yetman is accused of picking up a large canister of pepper spray from the ground and spraying it toward Capitol police and protesters! For this crime – something that happens each weekend at your local antifa riot…”
This sounds fishy – like he picked something up and tested it. The “toward police and protesters” part sounds pretty thin. Whatever he did here, it doesn’t exactly sound like a call for SWAT.
This is an interesting commentary about a current 2nd Amendment case that the Left thinks will be good for them if the S.C. rules in their favor, and this Constitutional attorney says the S.C. probably will rule in their favor.
But he says if the S.C. rules the way the Left hopes, it will actually be great for 2nd Amendment supporters. The MSM won’t report it that way though, so this is a preemptive dose of Gaslight-Be-Gone… 😁
This would be great because it would completely torpedoes Red Flag Laws if you have to be PROVED DANGEROUS in a court of law before you lose your gun rights.
No more having a lefty neighbor call and rat on you.
or a vindictive ex
Or a sister, the BITCH that managed to get her own brother Shot and killed by a SWAT TEAM ONLY because she did not like guns. He had DONE NO CRIMES AT ALL!
I hope that memory HAUNTS HER until the day she dies and beyond!
she’s probably still on a power high.
one day though I hope it hits her
I don’t know who the woman is at the 1:29 mark, but she sure seems happy to have been called out by Ramaswammy… just a big old smile, and it looks for real! 😁
OMG, that was awesome – I was cheering like mad!!!
Vivek is also taking no prisoners with Nikki Zelensky!
Wolf says: “Vivek is also taking no prisoners with Nikki Zelensky!
I think there is a bit more to it than just the surface. BOTH are First Generation Americans WITH STRONG TIES TO INDIA AND IT’s CULTURE.
Nikki was raised a Sikh and Vivek was raised a Brahmin, of the HIGHEST CASTE as can be seen by the high education levels of both his parents.
What the inter-Indian Politics are between the 2 groups, I have zero idea, but it could certainly play into the animosity between those two.
Nikki Haley’s South Asian heritage is historic part of her presidential campaign – ABC News
amilNadu on Reddit: The interesting cas(t)e of Vivek Ramaswamy
The C.E.O. of Anti-Woke, Inc. –
Brahmins and Sikh History
Brahmins are the highest caste and Sikhs have no caste. That could certainly lead to a bit of friction.
Work experience with a Brahmin lady raised in India – A lady was hired as a programmer for our 8-person graph analysis software dev team. She was very nice and even bought me a piece of jewelry for Christmas. I liked her personally and would bring in fresh dark cherries when they were in season primarily because she enjoyed them so much.
Sadly, she exhausted each of the programmers, one after another with questions. The team lead started and was visibly exhausted. Another programmer volunteered and took over the ramp-up task. After a time, another programmer took over the task. After exhausting all the programmers, she wore out the lone test engineer who knew programming. Finally, she hoped I could answer coder-level questions to fix a bug I’d reported. I can help with GUI workflows but don’t code.
She had taught programming at a college but did not have the mind of any programmer I’ve ever worked with. She would ask so many questions that her colleague would want to do the coding to get her to hush. When she tried to code a procedure by herself, it meandered and had unnecessary stuff that made no sense to me or others.
She went home to India for a month and when she got back, she told me it was such a change because there were servants to do everything for her in India. I believe that was how she was raised. She said she was part of the Priest caste (Brahmins). I don’t know her citizenship status. This was a GOTS program inside FedGov.
She came to the US with her brother and lived with him and his wife. Her parents still lived in India. The tidbit about her growing up surrounded by servants made the light go on for me about her behavior as one of our team’s programmers. Perhaps if I was raised with servants, it would be natural to try to lead others to do my job too. I can’t say all Brahmins are like this lady or if her behaviors were unique.
How we are raised affects how well we fit into various job roles. My dad and uncles were all doers who were curious about how things work. Once I got out on my own, I expected all people to be this way. Not so. Why should they be?
Perhaps this summarizes the failure of “diversity.” Individuals are not one-size-fits-all cogs, nor should they be. The caste system seems a failure too.
As a chemist I also worked with a high caste Indian — Book Smart, but an absolute walking DISASTER when it came to the lab. I hate to think of the amount of high price equipment that guy managed to destroy.
I understand that you never, ever wanted to hand a tool to Albert Einstein.
That is this guy. He literally destroyed most of the Lab.
In Albert’s case he probably would have simply put his own eye out with the screwdriver.
I managed to break an expensive part one time in school. Fortunately I had bought lab insurance just that one semester.
This guy confused degree F with degree C on the oven thermometer. He managed to decompose PVC over night releasing HCl gas. Every bit of metal in the lab was corroded. Not to mention you could not go into the lab until it had the gas removed.
It was a real surprise when I tried to open the Lab in the morning.
Yeah a lungful of that will definitely not be a pleasant surprise!
It took months before she left for a different job. One person can slow down or destroy high-price equipment in months. The teams who did the work probably figured it out in days.
“The persuit of dominance, the desire for materials, the lust of beauty, pride of caste & joys of youth; are the deceivers. In the journey of a spiritual life one must rise beyond the deception of these deceivers.”
And figure out how to live and provide for a family with no income.
The lofty people never mention that part, when they preach against materialism.
Food costs money.
Roof over your head costs money.
Taxes cost money.
Debasement of the currency means whatever money you might have is worth less tomorrow than it is today.
But the lofty ones, the ones with NO answers to the practical realities of life, want to keep their heads in the clouds.
What I want to know is who’s paying their bills, so they can afford to be so lofty.
Show me.
Show me how to be so lofty, eschewing income, with debasement of the currency bleeding you dry of whatever pittance you might possess.
The lofty people never explain that part.
They never even try.
And they’re never going to.
I can’t believe she called him “scum.” That’s a major insult, yet all he did was tell the truth and defend himself. People tell yoiu who they are.
Don’t forget, Nasty Nikki said her heels aren’t just for walking, they’re “ammunition”.
Some kind of assault shoe, apparently.
What you see someone do to another, you can bet they would also do to you.
If I understand correctly, this is breaking news, the ATF’s bogus “pistol brace” rule trying to outlaw pistol braces was just declared invalid nationwide 😁
At 12:35, after preliminary comments, he says:
“This is a nationwide injunction. You do not need to be in the (jurisdiction) of the 5th circuit; you do not need to be a member of any particular group or donor to any particular organization; in their view, and I’m the messenger in this, I’m not giving you my legal pronouncement on this, I’m passing on their legal pronouncement on this, this is an immediate nationwide injunction… period… for now. Because this will almost certainly be appealed.”
Then he goes on to say that if (when) it is appealed, it will be appealed to the same 5th circuit which has been handing down pro-2nd Amendment after pro-2nd Amendment decisions, and that’s the last court the ATF wants the appeal to be heard by.
Great news!
I’ve been noticing how nothing seems to ever be settled. It seems as if there’s always an appeal or an injunction that has to be decided later, or someone else who has to look at a case. Of course I’m not really correct about this and these things will finally get resolved, but the process seems to be so long. In the meantime, a nationwide injuction is a good thing.
And then they just pass the law again with slightly different phrasing, so the whole process has to start again.
That’s lawfare.
It’s like Borg. Their entire eco-system is based on relentless pressure and being well paid to do it, while the people they attack have to earn a living and use their own savings to defend themselves.
No decision is ever final until it gets to the (not)Supreme Court, and when that became the obstacle, they set about taking over the court.
It never stops, not until they are PUBLICLY IDENTIFIED and physically STOPPED.
Don’t believe this meme! WOLF is not a drag queen, and fully supports HOME-SCHOOLING!!!
Good place to briefly report the public school’s response to Grandson #1’s departure to be homeschooled.
Red faced and apologetic would be an apt description. The local admin and teachers knew we were right, the school district did not care unless we pushed buttons legally. They have nobody available to fulfill the needs. We are not interested in confrontation with a failed education system that could not teach our grandson effectively for years. Let them crumble from within while millions of other families across the country take control of their own situations.
Life cycle. Public education was seeded, grew, entered maturity and became corrupted, is now in the dying stage.
His teacher loves him and is having a party for him in the class as it is his last day. He has been doing some homeschooling work each day for several weeks to catch him up anyway. Excited for his future now.
Please let us know how the experiment with different type of light works out.
Will do. Will start next week.
Happy to hear it . I wish him the very best with homeschooling. 🙏
Wolf living in Oh I want to thank you for all the work you did for amendment 1.
Wish we would have won for the sake of life.
Thank you! I’m just recovering from our final push. Yes – huge disappointment, but it’s not over. The wicked left preserved the 50% constitutional takedown, left in place. Watch what happens next!
Just because gov says people can, does not mean it will be popular or done often. Change hearts and minds and the gov becomes irrelevant.
^^^ This.
Praying for your success and proud of your efforts.
Good to know that not all is lost 🙂
ATF attempts to silence Gun Owners of America.
Apparently GOA finally obtained admissions from the ATF that the ATF had been unlawfully surveilling gun owners, and referenced lots of redactions, but there were no actual redactions in the information released.
When the ATF realized they sent unredacted copies to GOA, they demanded that GOA destroy all the unredacted documents… 😂🤣😂
Best part. GOA Is Not Intimidated By ATF .
Unfortunately the NRA is still dominated by Fudds.
And they still brag about the NICS background check bill.
Most people assume they are just bragging about how they prevented it from being a two week waiting period, but read what they actually write: They are glad the check exists because it keeps guns out of the hands of the “wrong kind” of people.
GOA and at least one other similar organization received a massive inflow of money via brand new memberships, when the ATF’s bogus pistol brace ban rule was decreed from on low.
On account of the interpretation of a judge’s stay against the ATF’s bogus rule applying to anyone who was a member of the organizations who were appealing the ATF’s bogus rule.
Apparently there are somewhere between 5 and 20 million pistol braces ‘out there’ in America.
This caused a stampede of pistol brace owners to join PDQ for around $15 to $30 each, rather than get rid of their pistol braces or risk being suddenly turned into a felon by the rogue and lawless ATF.
Those groups (GOA and at least one other one) probably saw more memberships (and therefore money) in the space of about 3 days than in the entire history of their organizations 😁
The, “other” is likely Second Amendment Foundation.
NRA, trash. Yes, NRA promotes training. NRA is NOT a defender of 2A. Latter makes them trash.
I visited Dachau when I was 15 —
I woke in the middle of the night with this phrase, “Lord help me Jesus”, running thru my mind. I have not thought of this song in many years. I find strength here and I thought someone else may as well.
Great song 👍
I have listened to Johnny Cash’s cover of this song many times, from his 1994 album American Recordings. The whole album is great, if you like stripped down songs with mostly just Johnny and his guitar.
When I was trying to figure who sang the song Johnny Cash was my first thought but upon hearing Kristofferson I knew that was the version I remember. But it definitely is a Johnny Cash genre.
Johnny was no spring chicken by the time he recorded it in 1994, but I found videos of him performing Why Me, Lord live from many years earlier.
He played with Kris Kristofferson as part of the group The Highwaymen (1985-1995, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash), so I’m sure they knew and could play most of each other’s best songs.
deep intrigue…
Sinister Secrets Exposed : CIA Is Behind Deagle’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast, And Official Excess Death Figures In The Millions Prove It’s On Target….
article link…
(Dr Edwin A. Deagle, Jr., prior to his death on 2/16/2021, served as Ass’t to The Sec’y of Defense, and was also Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation.)
this goes a lot deeper than Deagle.
interesting read.
Very interesting. I added it to my DePop series.
Almost as if Deagle, or someone knew, something like Covid AND Covid jabs, were incoming.
~70% of US reported jabbed. Immune system weakened. Too many boosted and boosted again, again, again…
Death rates accelerating.
American Jews on the Left Are Just Shocked by Their Fellow Leftists
“…Left-wing American Jews feel betrayed by the Left. A Left that remains anti-Israel even after the greatest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and even though most Palestinians and their supporters explicitly call for the destruction of the Jewish state: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” …”
Why are they ‘SHOCKED’ I saw this coming several years ago under OH!Bummer’s immigration policies.
It is quite simple:
In 2017 Pew Research said —“…Muslims are the fastest-growing religious group in the world. – roughly 24% of the global population… there are about 3.45 million Muslims of all ages in the U.S., or about 1.1% of the U.S. population… there are 2.15 million Muslim adults in the country, and that a majority of them (58%) are immigrants.
Our demographic projections estimate that Muslims will make up 2.1% of the U.S. population by the year 2050, surpassing people who identify as Jewish on the basis of religion as the second-largest faith group in the country…” LINK
How many Muslims are there in the United States? – Gordon Conwell
I would be very surprised if 1.4% of the population is correct today. I would estimate, with illegals you are closer to 2.0% or more, fast overtaking the Jewish population.
To put it bluntly the Muslims are out breeding and out immigrating Jews so the DemonRats were ALWAYS going to choose the Muslims over the Jews once push cane to shove.
Not all Charities or Charitable Donors are CharitableAs a non-profit veteran, don’t be fooled. It’s all about the profits.
Agreed. the real difference between ‘For Profit’ and ‘nonprofit’, is in For profit the excess money after ‘expenses’ is called ‘earnings’ and in a nonprofit the ‘excess’ money is called ‘SALARIES’
For example, when I was a teen the highest paid exec in the USA was the president of the Red Cross.
Most charities give SOME money to actual charity but most is skimmed off in various ways since there is ZERO incentive to be ‘lean and mean’ as there is in the for profit world.
Every non-profit I worked for spent money in the last quarter of the fiscal year just so as to not lose the line item. More often than not, if there was money there at the end of the year, that line item would disappear since “we didn’t need it” even if the person responsible for spending it was saving it for the next year.
When I ran a lab, I spent LOTS of money in Dec. Generally that meant I got a 10% discount over what the cost would be the next year for non-perishables.
It was fun watching the light bulb go on in the head of the Top Accountant. We also got to do ZERO-BASED budget where you had to defend all money spent. Since I had taken accounting courses and I kept very good records, it was a breeze for me.
I sure wish the US bureaucracy had ZERO-BASED budget!!! We would cut the budget IN HALF OR MORE!
^^^ This.
I forced zero based budgeting into every org, church and business I had authority including our HOA where I live now.
Moar than true. Saw this at the user end. Go into a company level staff meeting and the Commander says “we have X dollars to spend and if we don’t spend them by the end of the fiscal year they won’t be there next year so what do we want to buy?”
Then as you travel about to other units offering services you can see the radical updates to new furniture modules, tv’s, and a whole assortment of new office equipment. Commanders got real smart on how to spend their monies each and every year.
You just have to know this has been happening in every organization the Federal Govt runs and not just the military.
The old “Use it or lose it” fourth quarter routine…
Happened in the computer biz too…
Oddly enough, we got in trouble just the same when we overestimated a project as when we underestimated a project… Made for *cough* interesting review and checkpoint meetings… and massive amounts of CYA that got in the way of doing the right thing…
I remember the filet mignon and lobster tail bought for Basic Trainees to waste money at the end of the year.
just the gov’t buying all that new furniture for offices in DC that are rarely used
Citizen 817
November 9, 2023 12:25 am
Ridiculous 14th Amendment lawsuit just thrown out by Minnesota Supreme Court. “Without Merit, Unconstitutional.”Congratulations to all who fought this HOAX!
How the billionaire elite manipulates the world
The 1960s??? How about the mid 1800s? Marx was ALWAYS an instrument of the Elite. Heck Piper, his secretary, was loaned to him by Lord Rothschild! Also his mother’s cousin (I think it was) married Nathan Rothschild.
1960, haha! Anyone follow an agenda of burning history, or did they just research “very thoroughly”? As far as I’m concerned, the story is even long before 1980.
Marx has always been the boy of the big men, and today’s heads of state are, too. In this sense, I would like to tell you about a key news from Russia, which will obviously pass quite imperceptibly, if anyone reports it at all (most likely, no one will report it).
Details (+links to even more interesting details about the essence of the concept).
Interesting links. Thanks!
smart dude
💖james woods👍
He is very correct too. You have to be able to define what the actual problem IS before you can solve it. In many cases it is not nearly as easy as it sounds. Just ask your car mechanic. 🤓
I have little patience for the mentality that hates people for complaining. “Don’t complain unless you have a solution” means problems don’t get addressed because no one will point them out.
And yes, that’s the implicit first step. You must acknowledge that there IS a problem, or there is nothing to define…much less solve it.
“Don’t complain unless you have a solution” DOES NOT COMPUTE. It just does not.
On the other hand, if someone complains my automatic reaction is to try and figure out a way to solve the problem. The whiners hate that.
A true whiner-for-the-sake-of-whining would.
I gripe a lot, but as someone told me once. I gripe about real problems. I gripe hoping someone can solve them.
In the software dev world, problems are called bugs or issues. We see them all the time. We rank them in order by degree of the problem to users. Cosmetic is low, functional is higher, especially if an issue prevents users from doing their job. Some problems are high on the list but the fix requires software updates that either are not available or would conflict with another team’s requirements. Then one has to determine the fix maintenance schedule that all the software users can agree to losing access to their software. It can get very interesting in a complex infrastructure that requires so many different programs on both the back end and front end. LOL
Canon calls them “phenomena” when they are explaining what their firmware updates do. “Fixed a phenomenon where…”
Rolls-Royce motorcars are famous for not having breakdowns. In their manuals, the preferred wording is “should your Rolls-Royce fail to proceed…..”