DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20231116

Badlands News Brief – November 15, 2023

Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury reports, barely follow up: investigation

UN Report Attacks US, Constitution & God-Given Rights

Yeah, no. Screw you. We are what we are. Live with it or take off for somewhere other than Manhattan.

The Demographics of Polarization

Humanae Vitae ignored in action.

Inept and Radical Leadership Has Taken the Formerly Golden State to a New Low

Stolen elections have consequences.

Trial by Ordeal: The Chauvin Verdict and the Dark, Embarrassing Truth of the American Jury System

Thanks to a bombshell new report, we now know why Soros’ biggest DA hit the “eject button” and resigned…



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And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


LUKE 17:20-25

20Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; 21nor will they say, `Lo, here it is!’ or `There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” 22And he said to the disciples, “The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and you will not see it. 23And they will say to you, `Lo, there!’ or `Lo, here!’ Do not go, do not follow them. 24For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of man be in his day. 25But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.



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“Yeah, no. Screw you. We are what we are. Live with it or take off for somewhere other than Manhattan.”

The Power of “AND”, writ large…..


Thank you, De Pat, for a thorough and thymely Thursday post!


Are you going?


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! That’s hilarious!!!


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Flowers By Irene   :wpds_lol: 


A still pic from a tweet in the open, of Trump visiting his granddaughter’s school:

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It would have been hilarious if it were a model of the Resolute desk scaled to her dimension.


I’m not a fan, but I’m also not completely oblivious….

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Apparently anticipating a flood 😁

Last edited 8 months ago by scott467
Brave and Free

Oh I am sure she did, part of the arrangement for her “letting” him go out with her.
Can you imagine what the “real guy’s” in the locker room are saying behind his back.

Brave and Free

Oh that’s classic in so many ways.
The tough guy being led around. She’s testing out the new material for the next album.
Classic, guy being ruled by his manhood.
Bwahahaha !


control freak narcissists love morons.


I just got a system upgrade to install —

intel-microcode (3.20231114.0ubuntu0.20.04.1) focal-security; urgency=medium

 * SECURITY UPDATE: New upstream microcode datafile 20231114
   – Updated microcodes:
     sig 0x000606a6, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-09-01, rev 0xd0003b9, size 299008
     sig 0x000606c1, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-09-08, rev 0x1000268, size 290816
     sig 0x000706e5, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-09-03, rev 0x00c2, size 113664
     sig 0x000806c1, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-09-07, rev 0x00b4, size 111616
     sig 0x000806c2, pf_mask 0xc2, 2023-09-07, rev 0x0034, size 98304
     sig 0x000806d1, pf_mask 0xc2, 2023-09-07, rev 0x004e, size 104448
     sig 0x000806f4, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-06-26, rev 0x2c000290, size 605184
     sig 0x000806f4, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-06-16, rev 0x2b0004d0, size 572416
     sig 0x000806f5, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-06-26, rev 0x2c000290, size 605184
     sig 0x000806f5, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-06-16, rev 0x2b0004d0, size 572416
     sig 0x000806f6, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-06-26, rev 0x2c000290, size 605184
     sig 0x000806f6, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-06-16, rev 0x2b0004d0, size 572416
     sig 0x000806f7, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-06-16, rev 0x2b0004d0, size 572416
     sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-06-26, rev 0x2c000290, size 605184
     sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-06-16, rev 0x2b0004d0, size 572416
     sig 0x00090672, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-06-07, rev 0x0032, size 222208
     sig 0x00090675, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-06-07, rev 0x0032, size 222208
     sig 0x000906a3, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-06-07, rev 0x0430, size 220160
     sig 0x000906a4, pf_mask 0x40, 2023-05-05, rev 0x0005, size 117760
     sig 0x000906a4, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-06-07, rev 0x0430, size 220160
     sig 0x000a0671, pf_mask 0x02, 2023-09-03, rev 0x005d, size 104448
     sig 0x000b0671, pf_mask 0x32, 2023-08-29, rev 0x011d, size 210944
     sig 0x000b06a2, pf_mask 0xe0, 2023-08-30, rev 0x411c, size 216064
     sig 0x000b06a3, pf_mask 0xe0, 2023-08-30, rev 0x411c, size 216064
     sig 0x000b06e0, pf_mask 0x11, 2023-06-26, rev 0x0012, size 136192
     sig 0x000b06f2, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-06-07, rev 0x0032, size 222208
     sig 0x000b06f5, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-06-07, rev 0x0032, size 222208
   – CVE-2023-23583, INTEL-SA-00950
 * source: update symlinks to reflect id of the latest release, 20231114

 — Alex Murray <> Wed, 15 Nov 2023 11:34:48 +1030


I’m pasting it up here before applying it, so I can say more about it tomorrow.


What I intend to write about tomorrow is the malware ecosystem, focusing on CVEs.

So it won’t do any harm to discuss CPU firmware now.

Back in the day, there was a big to-do about RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers [ and CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers [ ]).

The idea was that programmers would like CISC because it might have a single instruction to take the square root of A and stuff it in B, where a RISC system might demand you do an ornate dance to accomplish the same thing. Along the way, it was determined that CISC computers relied on little programs (firmware) held on the computer die to do these things, while software compilers allowed RISC computers to do these things without explicitly declaring every step.

To put icing on this cake, sometimes the firmware for CISC systems was buggy, and required update… we have the current exemplar. Intel has released a series of firmware updates to fix buggy behavior in the old firmware. Because Intel has a massive bunch of processors with “marketing” names, the updates are specified in production terms, by mask, to keep things simple.

Robert Baker

cthulhu, I have a question about computers that maybe you can answer or point me in the right direction.

I have a DELL windows 10 computer that contains most of my work-related apps and is my primary work unit. The hard drive is beginning to fail, I think ( it is making a constant vibrating noise but it still is working). I intend to replace it with a new computer, probably a Samsung but I want to copy the present drive and put it on the new computer drive so that when booted it has all my programs and passwords intact.

Is that possible?
Can I copy my old drive onto my new drive?
How do I do it or where do I find instructions on how to do it?

I have a one terabyte USB drive that I can use but it must be formatted properly.

I would appreciate any advice from you or anyone else about what can be done.

This present drive has not been upgraded to Win 11 and any new machine I buy will probably come with Win 11 installed so I assume that can throw a wrench into the procedure.

Last edited 8 months ago by Robert Baker

I suggest that you call your local computer repair shop and have them do it. They are better at it. And yes, it’s a routine procedure done all the time.

Do it immediately, as your harddrive is living on borrowed time. I recently lost one of my main harddrives and am still not recovered stability six months later. Oh yeah, there are places that recover data from broken drives but they are pricey.

Stop using your harddrive ASAP.

Robert Baker

That was my Plan B. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.


I know it’s old school, but I still occasionally archive data by burning to DVD then store away from home.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not a bad plan if it’s not much data. (If you have lots of photos and or videos it would suck.)

One thing to keep an eye out for is any sign that DVDs/CDroms/Blurays are becoming obsolete. If it starts getting difficult to find those drives, you might want to buy a couple, or change media.

(I just barely avoided losing access to data I had stored on 5 1/4 inch floppies…my drive stopped writing to them, and was irrepleaceable at that time…so since I could still read floppies…for a while at least…I copied everything off and burned to a CD ROM…later on I simply copied it to my hard drive where it gets backed up routinely.)

Barb Meier

Sometimes I have also lost access to entire books I’ve written because the applications become incompatible with old versions over the years. Then, years later some guy emails asking if i have a copy. Sigh… other than that, I’m about the only one who cares about old tech docs. hehe

Last edited 8 months ago by Barb Meier
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I heard once some of the stuff from Apollo is inaccessible now…but I also vaguely recall reading someone had managed to recover the data at great expense.

Barb Meier

I hope they did manage to recover Apollo docs. When I play “what if,” I have wondered what if someone manages to not just take down the Internet but destroys our recorded history and knowledge so we go through a second dark age. I hope we have enough secure and distributed data buckets to recover things if we get a giant DEW.

Gail Combs

Well there are nerds like Hubby who still have old computers. My attic is cluttered with them.


So long as the media is still readable, there may be software kludges to extract the text.

Barb Meier

I hear you, cthulhu. I did not do things I should have as various media types were being phased out or when software leaped forward without backward compatibility. Also, I wasn’t going to buy a copy of WordPerfect, for instance, when the only customer I used that for was CamStar and I just did one project for them.


Libre office can read WordPerfect documents.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cool! I may try to save some of my old media sometime!

Gail Combs

A really good reason to have Ubuntu.


Libre Office can run on Windows or Mac, as well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Libre Office is awesome!!!


There is a particular type of blue-ray that is made especially for archiving data.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good point as cheap media may be subject to bit rot.

On the other hand he mentioned DVDs, so it’s possible he doesn’t have a bluray burner.

Depending on format a DVD can apparently store as much as 17 GB and a bluray as much as 128 GB. (Minimums are 4.7 and 25 GB respectively). (Just in case anyone reading this is wondering.)


Just make it your Plan A. I still get stuck every so often even though I’m doing things that I’ve done before.




Much as I love the DIY ethic, I have to echo pgroup here. I could talk you through the process if we were in the same room, but it’s not reasonable to do with random multi-hour delays.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Agreed. I know how I would do it…but more than likely if you let Micro$haft organize your files their way, you can’t do it my way.

The shop is your best bet. If you’re worried about private stuff being pawed through by the shop, what you can do is copy it to several different thumbdrives (not just one…they do sometimes die) or SD cards, then delete it off yours system. That won’t stop a determined snoop but it will stop a casual one.


I might also suggest copying all your documents (your entire ‘documents’ folder) and any other important file/data/picture/video over to the flash drive RIGHT NOW as a backup before your old hard drive fails and before you leave your computer with someone else to do the swapover. This way, you’ll have a copy of all your important files (data) in your hands.

Programs can be replaced. Data cannot be replaced.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. Should have scrolled down.

I take a LOT of pains to safeguard my data against both loss and snooping.


Low tech, here.

Following in line with, “Please.”

Monthly, I back up all documents, downloads, pictures, etc. to a flash drive.

Each month gets its own folder. (202301, 202302, 202303…)

  • I never over write previous back ups..
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not a bad way to go (provided you have a small amount of data).

Except I’d have more than one flash drive, each with its own set of copies.

And (optional but a good idea) keep one such drive somewhere else, e.g., at work. That way even if your computer is stolen and your house burns down, you have a backup somewhere sale,


You, sir, are doing a better job than 99.9% of American computer users.


Considering Windows 10 came out in 2015 assumes your computer will be of a similar age, maybe a year or two younger. Best to go with the advice being offered but would mention that I had a similar problem with the hard drive making noise. Turned out to be the fan was dieing, fading in and out. It took six weeks to get a replacement fan and in the meantime besides giving it all a good cleaning inside, I put some pencils underneath it to give it fresh air and stop the computer from getting too hot. The new fan worked great and added another couple of years to the life of my computer and didn’t die until it fell off a table. Thing was 12 years old before it committed suicide (toshiba satellite) but it seems everything they make now a days isn’t meant to last that long. Go figure.

Anytime I’ve tried to save programs on an external device I’ve come up short and had to redownload them during setup. Dumb as box of rocks I reckon. Data though seems easier. I have a seagate thing, but can’t get the user interface to work (dumb as a box of rocks confirmed or the dang thing is a rip off) so I have to go in the back door to see what’s there. Other than that it’s the free space MS and Norton offer which is more than enough for my needs. I think there are others out there that offer data space, seems everyone wants to see what’s on our hard drives, now a day. If it’s not enough you could split it up between them so you have a back up to your other back up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, you can’t save programs when trying to migrate to a new disk…they have to be reinstalled because they won’t run properly without entries being placed in the Windows Registry.

Data on the other hand can be saved. And if you ever have to reformat your C: drive and you let Micro$haft store your data on C: you will lose your data. It takes work but I force my installs to store my drata on a different partition at the very least. That way blowing away and reinstalling windows doesn’t trash your data. You’ll want a different physical drive, though, if you’re concerned about the hard drive failing (and that’s exactly the concern here).


Theoretically, you can back-up and restore a registry. I might even attempt it, if I were truly desperate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah it’s not hard if you just grab the files that contain it.

Actually the best thing to do in this case might be to simply image the whole dang drive onto a new one. (Better yet an SSD).

I don’t know the size of the rattlebox though.


My computer guy says SSDs are not as long lasting as IDE/SATA drives.

Last edited 8 months ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Backing up SSD to spinners is what I hear is best.


Wondering. What is the draw to SSD? Faster accessing data?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. Startup time of your computer will make you laugh. Replacing a spinning hard drive with SSD, if you can, can breathe new life into an old laptop or desktop.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think that largely depends on what kind of SSD you get. The generic ones have a much shorter lifespan than “Pro” ones. There’s a convention for naming the things that (unfortunately) Samsung doesn’t follow, so it can be hard to tell what you’re dealing with.


I think you’re incorrect about saving programs on migration to a new disk. It’s how you do it that matters. Creating an ISO is one way.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Certainly if you back up (actually image) the entire drive (as I suggested elsewhere) instead of JUST your data, you’ll get everything.

What won’t work is to find the (say for example) Microshaft Word executable, drag it onto your USB thumbdrive with the data, then simply drag the executable onto the new disk, when you bring the data over. The new system won’t know Microshaft Word is on the system unless you actually *install* it. You’d have to at a bare minimum bring the registry over (and I am sure there’s more to it than that), but that registry will stomp all over the one just installed on the new drive.


IIRC, Windows Registry files are invisible to Windows systems. It’s actually easier to do surgery on Windows disks under Linux.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you show hidden files, they’re visible.

Or at least were as of Win7. Maybe they hid them more thoroughly.

There are utilities you can use to edit them too.


Yep. Really useful utilities in Kali Linux, where you can make users administrators and such….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not what I meant. WIndows itself provides utilities for altering the registry.



IDF : Footage From Gaza Hospital Released By IDF Spokesman Today 11/15…



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Last edited 8 months ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

I want that as a Tee Shirt!… And a sweatshirt…. And a hoodie.

Brave and Free

Does anyone know what happened with this? Says a vote was to take place yesterday.


It appears to have passed yesterday.

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Full Story Here or at Link.
New rules from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will now allow for possible instances of discrimination of broadband access to be investigatedTwo years to the day after the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted new rules to help address digital discrimination in the United States.
The vote was passed by a 3-2 margin at the FCC’s November 15 meeting, where it was the first agenda item.
The new rules will define the term “digital discrimination of access” as “policies or practices not justified by genuine issues of technical or economic feasibility that differentially impact consumers’ access to broadband internet access service based on their income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion or national origin, or are intended to have such differential impact.”
The rules will now allow for possible instances of discrimination of broadband access to be investigated, and for potential penalties to be assessed against companies that fail to meet the obligations in the newly adopted rules.
Additionally, the rules will lead to the creation of an improved consumer complaint portal where consumer complaints of digital discrimination can be accepted.
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel addressed the new complaint process.
“We have created a process that is aimed at finding solutions that work for all parties,” she said. “And if that is not feasible, our enforcement bureau will step in with the entire enforcement toolkit at its disposal to seek remedies.”
Rosenworcel said the FCC would accept genuine reasons of technical and economic feasibility as valid reasons why it may not be possible to provide equal access to a provider’s network.
“And we’re going to review those defenses carefully and thoughtfully on a case-by-case basis,” she said.
She said the rules also create a way for ISPs to get guidance from the FCC “to make sure they stay on the right side of the law.”
She said Section 6506 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which directed the FCC to tackle digital discrimination, “is a big deal.” She called it the first bipartisan civil rights law focused on the digital age.
“I’m grateful to so many in the civil rights community that have helped us give it meaning,” Rosenworcel said. “And I’m grateful for the companies that worked with us to improve our process.”
Commissioner Brendan Carr, who had previously noted his strong opposition, offered lengthy comments dissenting to the proposed rules.
“The Biden Administration’s entire approach to the internet, it’s broadband agenda, if you will, can be boiled down to one single word: control,” Carr said.
Carr blasted also the president’s administration for what he called the administration’s “campaign to pressure internet companies into censoring the protected political speech of Americans.”
He said the digital equity rules would give the FCC “a nearly limitless power to veto private sector decisions.”
Commissioner Geoffrey Starks, who was in favor of the rules, said ending digital discrimination anywhere will empower individuals everywhere.
Starks said he was proud to support the proposed rules.
Starks said the trajectory of digital progress has not always been fair. He said the digital divide has held back America’s collective achievements as a nation and added that broadband access is essential for full participation in the American economy.
“It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the internet reaches all Americans everywhere,” he said, and added that he supports the creation of an office dedicated to civil rights within the FCC.
Commissioner Nathan Simington was the second dissenting vote to the proposed rules. Commissioner Anna M. Gomez joined Starks and Rosenworcel to support the newly adopted rules.

Story appearing elsewhere…

  1. › business › 2023 › 11 › 15 › fcc-broadband-redlining-internet-access-rural-race › dc2b6d74-83f2-11ee-924c-6e6807155e36_story.html

FCC adopts rules to eliminate ‘digital discrimination’ for communities …

  1. 1 day agoIn a statement after Wednesday’s vote, The National Cable and Telecommunications Association, the industry’s main trade association, called the new rules “potentially unlawful.” The group also…
  2. › homenews › ap › ap-business › ap-fcc-adopts-rules-to-eliminate-digital-discrimination-for-communities-with-poor-internet-access

FCC adopts rules to eliminate ‘digital discrimination’ for communities …

  1. 1 day agoWASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Communications Commission has enacted new rules intended to eliminate discrimination in access to internet services, a move which regulators are calling the first…
  2. › tech › 2023 › 11 › 15 › fcc-adopts-rules-to-eliminate-digital-discrimination-for-communities-with-poor-internet-access

FCC adopts rules to eliminate ‘digital discrimination’ for communities …

  1. TodayThe Federal Communications Commission is implementing new rules banning internet providers from discrimination in how they provide service to communities based on income level, race and other protected classes. … less white neighborhoods were found to have received lower

The problem now is how to respond before the overreach takes effect.

If it is by individual lawsuits we will have lost and won’t be able to keep up.

Courts need to shut it down in mass as early as possible and Congress needs to step up to the plate on this, trash their RINO WEFfing friends and find a remedy quickly before the next election.


This this where Rep Higgins got his information from:

Tony Seruga



My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.

There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors, and other nefarious behaviors.

We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made.

The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data.

Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings.

Last edited 8 months ago by eilert

I really do not know how anybody even on the left could defend the alphabets at this point unless they are in collusion and communists. With any change in leadership at the top there will be severe retribution for what has been done.

This is exactly how they should be exposed and identified. Freeze them out of society with exposure as well as inform and pray for authorized patriots to administer the law as written.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail Combs

Sort of goes along with Martin Armstrong saying the Cabal will use the illegal terrorists to commit acts of terrorism and that will then be used for a total lock down… PERMANENT since they KNOW the financial system is imploding.


Writing on the walls. Which is why everyone needs a Plan B, C, D…

Barb Meier

Riddle me this: my wifi hits the Internet from different locations all the time. None of them are mine. IP addresses change periodically. How do data scientists handle subnet masks and the many secure tunneling strategies like ZScaler?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Only up to a point, IMO.

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Do it – Dare you, Republican Reps and Senators!


The Vigilant Fox 

Attorney Accuses the CIA and DoD of Being Deeply Involved With COVID-19

“When someone got this [COVID] shot. They didn’t get it from Pfizer or Moderna. They got it from the DoD. The DoD distributed this,” testified attorney @RenzTom


• Evidence suggests that COVID-19 was developed in the mid-2010s, with a Moderna patent from 2016 indicating a connection.

• A whistleblower provided military medical records showing a soldier receiving COVID-19 immunization by Moderna in 2014.

• Attorney Renz has developed a legal case against EcoHealth Alliance, alleging their involvement in creating SARS-CoV-2 with the CCP and Wuhan Lab.

• He then asked: “Does anybody believe that we transferred that sort of [bioweapon] technology to a CCP lab, without an okay from the DoD or CIA? I’ve got news for you. They knew exactly what was going on.”


I guess we got there first again. Once we learned about DoD involvement early in the start of the new year we knew back then that DoD would be an impenetrable labyrinth of denial when it came to FOIA.


We usually do. The full evidence rolls out behind us.


REMEMBER Senator Ron Johnson had Attorney Tom Renz speak at his investigative Second Opinion (Covid Crimes) seminar!

TIMELINE and Live Links – for Senator Ron Johnson’s forums, roundtables, hearings, interviews, statements, letters, actions on CV19 –

January 2022 – SECOND OPINION FORUM – 1/23/22 – begins at 40:19 –

Senator Johnson has worked tirelessly on bringing truth, transparency and accountability into the coronavirus situation.
Attorney Renz website –


Senator Johnson’s opening speech was very impressive – it begins at 40:19 –


Would love to see Senator Ron Johnson be SENATE MAJORITY LEADER!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I would love to see my dead pet bearded dragon be Senate Majority Leader…if the other choice is (Schumer’s) Bitch McConnell.


This is fantastic because it is documented evidence that an officer of the court is disclosing openly in Congress.

For the unaware that probably does not include some on here. Let’s recap at the 30 K altitude view.

China told the world that our military was responsible in response to the world pointing the finger at them not long after it all spread in 2020. Many people worldwide did not want to believe it because PDT was POTUS. After that he pointed his finger at the CCP as well. He knew it would have election implications if he did not. Which did not matter anyway since our dear panda leaders were going to do the steal and appoint who they wanted using kabuki theater combined with keystone cops involvement. That infiltration of traitors and seditionists began decades ago.

As if we did not know exactly what they were doing. If people claim they did not know they were not paying attention or did not care because all of this has played out openly for decades. Most of us who knew were just legally powerless to prevent it and we knew that, generally, we would not be the ones to violate the law, especially if Christian.

Those in authority who shirked their responsibilities to uphold the law are who to blame, which included 80+% of Congress. If they were unafraid, called it out and voted accordingly they are not guilty of being complicit. Precious few hands would go up in that bunch.

SARS/Covid-2 was the implementation point of the plan that occurred nearly two decades before. That was the beta test to see the effect. The research occurred way back. We the People all thought it was a nothing burger. The scoundrels observed the effects, researched and transferred the illegal gain of function research to Wuhan, while hiding their own domestic research that was funded through grants in the US by NIH and such. This research was used to develop the mRNA based vaccines for production and distribution worldwide that also had the added gain of function effects to meet depop and transhumanism research goals of the scum buckets. China was incapable of doing what they did without American involvement, just like was true with Ukraine and other world bio-weapons labs.

The globalist controlled Fed provides dark money to the military industrial complex that is used worldwide by the clowns and others. That and they are used to start conflicts and wars to replenish the cash supply and refuel the economy through contracts to same and related military industrial complex operative companies. Additional funding comes through drug cartel distribution worldwide as well as other criminal activities.

Patriots were not in charge then or now. The evil doers cranked this current plan up back in the Slick years and slow rolled it out over several decades so the frog (us) in the pot did not notice. All part of the NWO plan that predates even HW.

Moving on…

Last edited 8 months ago by TradeBait2
Gail Combs

It goes back to the Civil War when the Brits/Europe planned to exhaust the Americans via a civil war and then step in and carve up the USA into three pieces – France gets the south, Brits the north and the Spanish the southwest.

Russia scuttle the plans. So the Brits decided to abandon a frontal assault and went 5th Gen Warfare. ENTER THE FABIAN SOCIETY.



Jack Smith is a THUG

time for a beauty break.
make sure you’re sitting down…she’ll take your breath away!

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m sorry, someone please help me out here.

What is my name?

This happens every time Pat posts a self portrait.

Jack Smith is a THUG

HA…my hair is very blond and short…
but I can see your problem…LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, yeah, that’s right…wrong hair color.

So why are you posting pics of Duchess?

Barb Meier

Dear God, thank you for Melania. Please keep her safe.

Gail Combs

👃 And Trump too.

It was interesting that Martin Armstrong said he has met many leaders of various countries but Trump was the ONLY one who actually cared about the people.

This clip verifies all we have thought about POTUS Trump.

1:13:30 Martin Armstrong’s opinion of Trump


This is hilarious.
Il Donaldo outdid himself again:


They coordinated to unleash Covid during an election year

“Fortified” the election with mail-in ballots, internet algorithm rigging, and censorship

Banned the sitting President of the United States from all social media

Unleashed anarcho tyranny with BLM & Antifa riots and kept you in your house with lockdowns

Set a trap on J6 to justify DOJ & FBI weaponization against 74 million Americans

Forced you to be injected against your will, opened the borders, crashed the economy with a run on the US treasury, and instigated multiple wars

And now they roll out the red carpet for a Communist dictator who owns half the politicians in America so he can come inspect his work like a conquering warlord

Make no mistake about it, we are already at war

A war unlike any we’ve ever been involved with

2/3 of the country just doesn’t realize it yet

The sooner we wake them up, the better our chances of victory

Last edited 8 months ago by eilert



Question for a sister site poster…

on PR since you also frequent our sister sites and PR would sometimes post on our sister sites too. had you noticed PR posting the same kind of pro Hamas stuff she was posting here before she left?

If no, or not posting during that time frame it might lend to a theory that her posts here may not of actually been from her. is why I’d ask.

Her last page like here was 19 Oct and she dropped posting about the day after. So is curious if you had seen anything from the time of the Hamas attack till present.

Theory is along the lines of anyone taking over her posts may not of known that she also posted on our sister sites.

Of course you don’t have to answer… but as an important member of Q tree we are curious about her well being.


Jack Smith is a THUG

although not addressed to me, I can answer for my site. she didn’t post those types of things at my place and she hasn’t posted there since before then. when the topic came up here, i noticed, she hadn’t posted at M’s site either and went looking at Sylvia’s as well…I didn’t go far back at all–but nothing recent that i saw.

she was taking breaks from the drama (politics) sporadically over the last year i think and making “preparations”. more than that, i don’t know anything.


I have no way of knowing. Posts attributed to her, aside.

My guesstimate is, health is at the root of PR having not posted recently.

I do wish her well AND a return when she can do so.

Gail Combs

Didn’t she have a stroke a while back?


Now that you mention it, I think so. Posted she was recovering well, therapy… Then no further comments that I recall.


Thank you Pat. Finding things here is much easier than finding them at our sister sites. Your answer takes us a step further to thinking that someone may of been posting with PR’s name though we’ll never know for sure unless she shows back up.

Eventually someone will ask again about PR a month or two maybe more, but at least we have current recollection to think back on. Thank You and trusts her well wherever she may be.

Jack Smith is a THUG

her “preparations” were in regards to end of life decisions. she was being prudent at the time because of the stroke. I’m not suggesting that anything has happened, but it was definitely concerning enough for her to take it seriously.
wherever she is, I hope she is at peace.

Brave and Free

That’s an excellent summary by DC
I’ve a feeling things get much worse before they get better.
Stay safe and keep a healthy mind everyone. We’ll get through this.
Was reading 2 Peter 2:4-17 this morning, remember God is in control of what’s happening.

I encourage everyone to read TB2’s article.

Barb Meier

Nuscum looks like he’s on a hot date with someone very special to him.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, November 16, 2023

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” 

Romans 10:4 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Gail Combs



7 am cst – SPECIAL BROADCAST JOIN THE STREAM – I spill the BEANS! “Trump Administration Put Secret Watermarks on Official Ballots” Find out HOW MANY ballots were deployed, How was it kept SECRET? and How They Were Tracked? Very direct eye opening first hand ballot testing experience and first hand account.

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Gail Combs

Hubby, listened for a few minutes and thinks the guy is a Con-man.


Smells like a retread, of crap we bantered about Nov 2020 and a few months after.

Scrolled on…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Put up or shut up on election theft, is what I say. Gregg Philips did it with the mules operation. Undeniable data. STOLEN.

I think there’s MORE “fortifying” that the CRIMINALS did, but I want to see PROOF.

Gail Combs

I did a bit of a look at Jovan’s background. He is a con-man…. DARN IT!

Gail Combs



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The threat to open and free speech is too obvious to ignore unless you were recently raised up in a government school and think your going to be tended to by the govt cradle to grave and will be happy on owning nothing. The effect will be chilling in the extreme. She needs to be dragged through the mud on this as incredibly stupid or a WEFen communist.

Last edited 8 months ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nikki is the darling of the Bushies. She has the New World Odor about her.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’ll never get my vote now. She had little chance before – now she has NONE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even if she somehow ends up on the general election ballot…

No vote.


Graphic. Another man beaten bloody and unconscious by mob.

vid & someone’s response


Regardless of where one lives. BE PREPARED.

FWIW. Just perused half dozen web sites checking ammo prices, which still suck. Have not gone down recently. May have gone up. I am NOT surprised.

Last really good Black Friday sale, that I recall, was 2019. Before Covidiocy was launched.

My guesstimate, this Black Friday sales with select ammo significantly lower. Past years, if they showed up, it was either the weekend before Black Friday or the Monday before.

Free shipping has been offered by some. Sales tax varies by seller location and delivery state. Ideally, no shipping AND no sales tax, makes the deal quite nice.

NOT endorsing. Here are a few links, I peruse.

Rifle Parts Up To 83% Off on 4,693 Products | Brownells

Ammunition | Handgun, Shotgun & Rifle Ammo | Sportsman’s Warehouse

Ammo for Rifles, Shotguns, & Handguns |

AR-15 Parts, Bulk Ammo, Guns, Bulk Mags, Optics | Palmetto State Armory


A few years back, Bass Pro merged with Cabells. Gander Mountain is also out there. Maybe I’ll look them up later.

Brick and Mortar will usually have one or more types of ammo at significantly reduced prices. Clothing which is usually stoopid high, will also have some very low prces, to get folks in the door.


Thank you for this. IMO, might be an idea to “stock up” on 2nd Amendment “items” before interstate / online sales of said “items” are banned, and replaced with in-person purchases only for persons over age 21 + background checks + “verified reason to purchase” regulations.

Valerie Curren

another ammo place for your mix…this is the guy that told off the staties that wanted him to donate ammo for their training & he gave them the business for their unconstitutional tyrannies during overt covid crimes…


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Gail Combs

The origin of the slur ‘Redneck’ Sunburned Irish slaves.


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That’s not funny. As a matter of fact, it’s pretty sick.

Tucker should bitch about this photoshop.


depends on how you look at it.

maybe it needs a /s/ tag…

Last edited 8 months ago by smiley2

Keeping it simple. Bitch.

Last edited 8 months ago by kalbokalbs




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cankles! Bitch!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting thought, that it might be output of a discred project.


it showed up as an “ad” alongside an article. got past AdblockPlus, sometimes that happens…made me laugh so I posted it.

you can remove it if you want to, no prob.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, I’m fine with it. Love it. Free speech, awareness, and it made me think for a second before half-laughing (I’m slow this morning – so slow that I didn’t even get it for a second). I think it’s very interesting, and would like to keep my eye out for more examples.

Ads are one of the CIA’s top methods of sowing influence. Discreditation is one of their top tactics. This could be their work product.


yeah there’s def something weird about it, surreal, almost like it’s political satire…not just the shirt but the whole ad…wonder if there actually exists such a tshirt ?

I’m gonna look…


yes, the tshirt does exist, it really is something to shop for…


so maybe that ad was tongue-in-cheek, placed alongside the article ab biden ‘s “massive purge”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some of them are hilarious or spot-on. This one made me laugh!

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Valerie Curren

“Tucker” looks like an AI generated image to me, fwiw…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I’m leaning toward a guy with a very edgy sense of humor. Some of the shirts on his site are hilarious, but some are very edgy, and many are profane. Smells like a single mind behind them all.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

HA…when you said “Smells like a single mind…” that primed me.

I read the link as “”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





No surprise there, but still an eye opener.


Some Intel Slava posts showing situ in Gaza. Short says “The British Parliament has voted against the call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip”.

Gail Combs

“…Short says “The British Parliament has voted against the call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip”…..”


Notice it was the Brits that also interfered with the Russian-Ukraine negotiations. (And our elections)


I was wondering the same about the protesters in D.C. last night calling for a ceasefire. How would that be our call?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Brits used to own “Palestine” and the “Trans Jordan” as League of Nations mandates. (I.e., it’s part of what they got from the dismembered Ottoman Empire. The French got the sofa.)

So they likely still have some residual influence there.

Jack Smith is a THUG

ahhhhh, yes the OTHER ottoman empire…
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Ottoman empire…where conqured dhimmis were used for footstools.

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Ever since I watched pretty much the whole O.J. trial (I was a stay home mom, my kids were in school), I have been convinced that jurors should be required to take an I.Q. test.

Some people are literally not intelligent enough to follow complex evidence like DNA and autopsy results, and it get taken massive advantage of by both defense and prosecuting attorneys. The stuff goes right over the heads of the jurors.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup – that trial exposed a real problem with the jury system. Low Info Jurors are a problem.


We should be so lucky that low info jurors is the problem ! Now we’re faced with biased jurors AND judges


Not to mention low info judges.

Brave and Free

And low IQ judges.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Part of the prolbem is if you actually know too much about it, you’ll be excused. You’d be bringing your own knowledge of the topic in and using it (possibly) to override their expert witnesses.

Personally I think the ONLY valid voir dire excuses should be knowing one of the parties in the case (or being a party, obviously).


Not a bad suggestion.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) which advocates for letting people know about jury nullification, refers to voir dire as French for “jury stacking”


Good one.


This is a good article about why “proportional” warfare is kind of a stupid concept:

“Proportionality in war is a synonym for lethal stalemate, if not defeat.

When two sides go at it with roughly equal forces, weapons, and strategies, the result is often a horrific deadlock—like the four years of toxic trench warfare on the Western Front of World War I that resulted in 12 million fatalities.

The purpose of war is to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible with the least number of causalities—and thereby achieve political ends.

So, every side aims to find superior strategies, tactics, weapons, and manpower to ensure as great a disproportionate advantage as possible.”

My own thoughts about “proportionality” are a little different. If you are a Jew, and Muslims want to kill every last one of you, “proportionality” in that case demands you kill every last one of them. That’s proportional.

P.S. I’m kind of a black-and-white thinker on this kind of thing.

Last edited 8 months ago by Aubergine
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Israel is being overly courteous with this “Hamas must be totally destroyed” weakness, because the problem of radical Islam is far bigger. I personally don’t think that all Muslims need to be destroyed, but the world needs to get realistic about Islam. Peaceful societies DEMAND that those societies are either ALL Muslim or under 10%, better under 5%. Something like 15% Muslim is terminal, like Stage 4 cancer. GET REAL about Islam.

Also, leftism is destroying Judaism. WAKE UP, JEWS.

Jews were instrumental in bringing all the Muslims here – and now those Muslims and their leftist allies are going after Jews. DUH! You FREAKING IDIOTS!!!

My thoughts are simple. I am not up for helping Israel until Israel fixes its own leaky boat, shot through the hull everywhere by LEFTIST JEWS. Until Israel and Judaism in general deals with their own self-destructive habits, mostly mediated on the left, there is no way to help either Israel or Judaism, and make it last longer than the next world war.

One of the biggest things is this. Criminal Jews need punishment, not protection under the umbrella of “fighting antisemitism”. Screw that. Criminal, evil, and megalomaniacal Jews are destroying the world, and getting away with it because everybody is afraid of being labeled an antisemite if they criticize these monsters. Screw that. It’s time to deal with Soros and his craziness, wrecking societies for fun and profit.

But as for Hamas……

Like I said – Palestinians are lucky I’m not in charge over there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think you and I are on the same page.


Criminal Jews need punishment, not protection under the umbrella of “fighting antisemitism”. 

This is what the Left does. You can’t prosecute blacks who commit heinous crimes because “racism.” You can’t reveal the truth about the trans-murderer because “gender-identity.”

Jews were instrumental in bringing all the Muslims here – and now those Muslims and their leftist allies are going after Jews. 

By voting for Dem policies? Or Jews who were in positions of power here, came up with open-border policies?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AND logic! Many ways. Jewish Dem pols – Jewish organizations – Jewish influencers – Jewish voters. Just recall “Trump’s Muslim ban” – the number of prominent Jews who savaged Trump over it – just embarrassing.

Yeah, let’s bring in more radical, unvetted Muslims! Great idea!


“Like I said – Palestinians are lucky I’m not in charge over there.”

Or me.

And as for criminal Jews, they should be treated like any other criminal. And Soros was a Nazi collaborator, so he should get a special kind of treatment.


Special kind of treatment = jump to the head of the gallows line.


Uh huh.


Your definition of Jewish proportional is brutal … and correct.


Some things are sad, but true.

Jack Smith is a THUG

ahhhhh…..James trying to appear nonpartisan by going after Pepsi in NY. get this, she wants to penalize PEPSI because some of its plastic bottles and caps have made it into the Buffalo River. She claims Pepsi doesn’t inform the public of the dangers of their single use bottles and therefore is liable for the pollution cause by litterers.
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against PepsiCo Inc. over “harming the public and the environment” tied to alleged single-use plastic pollution caused by the company in and around the Buffalo River, the AG’s Office announced Wednesday.

James said that her office “found that single-use plastic produced by PepsiCo contributes significantly to high levels of plastic pollution along the Buffalo River, pollution that is contaminating drinking water and harming wildlife.”

The “historic” lawsuit alleges that PepsiCo, which is headquartered in New York State, causes substantial harm in Buffalo, fails to warn consumers about the risks of its single-use plastic packaging, and mislead consumers and the public about its efforts to prevent plastic pollution.

James seeks to require PepsiCo to end environmentally-threatening practices through the lawsuit and obtain disgorgement, civil penalties and restitution for the damage caused to New York’s environment.

Last edited 8 months ago by patfrederick

The world has gone MAD!

Jack Smith is a THUG

they’re going to drive businesses out of NY and people will get laid off but she will have made a name for herself. Unfortunately it’s gonna be idiot.

Brave and Free

Oh they’ve already fled NY, the whole Southern Tier is a ghost town. Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo are all on the decline. Don’t ever drive through there the roads are horrible.

Jack Smith is a THUG

I live close enough to spit into NY and I do…frequently!

Gail Combs

That is horrible. Rochester used to be such a nice town.


It’s curious to me after seeing the end results of woke methods. Blue States are emptying unfortunately into red States.

Woke business policies and crime is gutting brick and mortar stores. Online shopping is dominated by pages and pages of Amazon for whatever itemm you’re searching for.

Churches are emptying because of incorporating woke junk.
Schools are a hotbed of woke..People who can’t homeschool are stuck trying to fight school boards,librarians and teachers

Everyday there’s a new attack on the way of life here.


Something like this which should never be a question about receiving disability is being drug out. Things aren’t right anymore.

Florida teacher beaten unconscious by 270-pound student living off donations after being put on unpaid leave

Jack Smith is a THUG

agreed…where is her union? why are they not fighting for her? isn’t that supposed to be one of their primary functions?


They should be but if they are it’s not helping. It might be that she’s refusing to bow down and agree to leniency for her attacker. She did go back to work but not as a teacher. It said a “diifferent title’ and that’s when they put her on unpaid leave .Maybe because she did go back workmens comp is saying she’s able to work but doesn’t want to?

Jack Smith is a THUG

physically she may be able, but mentally? she may be terrified. and that’s understandable

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The primary function of the union is to perpetuate the union.


Similar to DNC, RNC…

Jack Smith is a THUG

well yes of course. but shouldn’t they make some perfunctory moves to at least simulate that they’re for the teachers?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That depends on whether their secondary function is Woke or protecting teachers.

I suspect the former, and I also suspect it wasn’t always that way.


3, 2, 1…

Single use containers will start having a blurb, stating, Dispose of Properly AND Recycle..


And Pepsi will move out of NY.


Don’t forget when Coke went woke a lot of people switched to Pepsi. It’s punishment for something they had no control over.

That’s stupid on the face of it anyway. Have they collected ALL caps and bottles or ONLY Pepsi ?


Oh my but you ask such impertinent questions! How dare you?  😂 


Silly —

If they take down Pepsi, then they’ll already have a win when they go after Coke the following year.


And don’t let ypour dog eat the bottle, and don’t stick the bottle top in your ear, and discard contents if not refrigerated after opening, and don’t use the bottle to set off fireworks…


^^^ That’s a, Bridge Too Far.

  • MTY bottles are great platforms for bottle rockets and such.
  • Fundamental kid fun. 🙂


Brave and Free

I saw that too from another news outlet, more communism from NY. Sounds like a shake down to me, pay up or else Pepsi, they must have the deepest pockets. Nobody drinks coke in NY must be.
Bet she’s eyeing for a spot in the next communist/Dem administration, a payback for her attacking PDJT.

Gail Combs

Donald Trump Jr warned of this. If James gets away with going after the Trump corporation using idiotic charges NO CORPORATION IS SAFE.

Jack Smith is a THUG

I’m wondering if she did this now as a “see I’m not in a vendetta against ONE person” move


You’re saying the quiet part out loud again.  😆 

Jack Smith is a THUG


If nothing else, Manchin is a Money Whore. WH runs can be cash cows.

Jack Smith is a THUG

oh yeah…whatever he doesn’t spend on his campaign he gets to keep. he knows he won’t be re elected to congress…so one last money grab


This is how you destroy the creatures in the Propaganda Stream Media:

Last edited 8 months ago by eilert

Vivek Delivers Priceless rants,

That wench lost control of the interview AND Never Recovered.

Gail Combs

He does. I do not trust him but I do admire his ability to think on his feet.


Nor do I trust him. Unelectable, in my mind AND I think he knows it.

Vivek is on a mission, of which I don’t know.

  • Perhaps it is simply, destroy dopes on the Second Place losers list.

That was a master class.

Happy go lucky

😂 that was awesome 😎

Robert Baker

You may find this article both interesting and horrifying in its implications. I am not sure humanity was ready for the computer age.

The link is courtesy of Laura Rosen Cohen who writes often for Mark Steyn Online.

Here is a paragraph from the story illustrating how “inside the camp” the enemy really is.

Always happy to assist the progressive messaging campaign du jour, the Anti-Defamation League—which had once professed to be an organization dedicated to ensuring the safety of Jews before it realized it could wax fatter by posing as “the Jewish branch” of the progressive DEI complex—pronounced Pallywood a “conspiracy theory.” It’s been nearly a decade since any sentient person familiar with the landscape of Jewish organizations has viewed the ADL as anything other than a Democratic Party messaging shop whose passion for fighting antisemitism is confined to one side of the partisan aisle. Even so, seeking to actively aid the PR campaigns of Jew-killing terrorists by labeling the accusations against them a “conspiracy theory” marked a new low.


Very interesting.

Saleh Aljafarawi has played the role of a radiologist, tour guide, journalist, fighter, and father in anti-Israel social media videos. He has also died on camera twice.

Who is he? He is Saleh Aljafarawi, 25, Gazan, Hamas supporter, and professional social media influencer. The genre in which he works is Pallywood, the term coined by scholar Richard Landes to describe a long Palestinian cinematic tradition, in which a wide variety of political parties and terrorist groups create fake dramatic videos and peddle them to sympathetic Western media outlets who pay for these comically obvious fabrications and then cynically or cluelessly present them as indictments of the Jewish state’s cruelty.

But such literal-minded answers miss the larger point. #MrFAFO—the acronym means “fuck around, find out”—matters because his work is the best prism we’ve got if we wish to truly gaze into the heart of darkness.

Because #MrFAFO, truly, c’est nous.

Why do we love him so? Why has he become the subject of so much attention, on social media and in the press? Because he is the pure embodiment of a greater truth: We live in an age that has progressed beyond rational argument. It should be obvious by now that so many of the creeps who purport to weep for Palestine don’t really care about Palestinians, dead or alive, or about Israelis, or about the historical and moral intricacies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What they want is an excuse to indulge in something deeper, more libidinal, ancient, and indeed erotic—hating Jews. They cheer for #MrFAFO not despite the fact that he’s so obviously faking it but precisely because of it. His performances promise liberation from the annoyances of a fact-based reality whose contradictions are inherently troubling, and instead affirm that old motto coined by Hasan-i Sabbah, the 12th-century founder of the Hashashin, or the Order of the Assassins—nothing is true, everything is permitted…

This is what I have thought:

It should be obvious by now that so many of the creeps who purport to weep for Palestine don’t really care about Palestinians, dead or alive, or about Israelis, or about the historical and moral intricacies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But I can’t begin to understand this:

What they want is an excuse to indulge in something deeper, more libidinal, ancient, and indeed erotic—hating Jews.


Hating has become a cult. A satisfaction, a rush, must wash over them when they get that last kick or punch in. It appears that some haters are comfortable joining several ‘movements” as long as there’s a state sanctioned boogeyman.
It’s okay to hate Whites, Jews, Trump, MAGA, Christians, Law Enforcement .

IMO, the key to all of it is State sanctioned..higher powers are fomenting and paying for endless hate campaigns. It was the JV team back in the early BLM it’s morphed into a really wide program that doesn’t even address’s hate, . Why is most of the anger focused here in the US? We didn’t have a tortured past with Jews so how can so many protesting have developed a primal feeling of any kind about them?
My 2cents


We didn’t have a tortured past with Jews so how can so many protesting have developed a primal feeling of any kind about them?

That’s what I don’t understand. I can’t believe anyone is protesting regarding the issues in the Middle East, let alone in huge numbers. I know that some are paid, but even at that, I think they do have a “primal feeling.”


It’s the same mindset of people that in recent times will fight with all they’ve got to allow children to mutilate their bodies and minds. The same ones that used to snicker at over-the-top gays in movies have begun to view transvestites as icons.
The same ones that drank the koolaid that violent thugs don’t need to be punished.
I can’t understand how they’ve come to have the primal feeling but I know who is promoting it all. It’s as if their heads are completely empty until the influencers tell them what to believe.


But are their heads really empty? Or do they have a demon, or two, or Legion?

The Jews are God’s chosen people. Imagine how a demon feels about them, given that reality.

You know I think many people have been either influenced or literally inhabited by demons in recent times. Maybe this accounts for that “primal feeling” these Jew haters are experiencing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love how people are finally getting why ADL is so problematic.

Jack Smith is a THUG

so it’s Q’s and right wingers’ fault that DePape attacked paul pelosi and thought nancy was lying. SO PREDICTABLE

“He was never my target and I’m sorry that he got hurt,” DePape said.

He told jurors he believed news outlets repeatedly lied about former President Donald Trump. In rants posted on a blog and online forum that were taken down after his arrest, DePape echoed the baseless, right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory that claims the U.S. government is run by a cabal of devil-worshipping pedophiles. He repeated QAnon-like conspiracies during his testimony, referring to a cabal and the ruling elite and saying they are eroding Americans’ liberty and allowing the abuse of children.


Welp, he’s not wrong about all that..just saying.!

Wonder when he learned all of that ? Wasn’t he in some living in a lefty flophouse..antifa pals or was that a different one ? Trying to score a lesser plea is pretty easyI bet if the nutter will bring up qanon

Jack Smith is a THUG

i think you’re right about the antifa crap


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT is a typical CHINA move. Make a concession that they know will FALL.


Holton Township, Michigan establishes its own MILITIA to protect second amendment and declares it will not enforce new red-flag laws restricting gun ownership

• Holton Township, in Muskegon County, passed a Second Amendment Resolution

•The move established the town of 2,500 as a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ 

• Holton residents can now sign up to their very own militia


BREAKING: Judge Issues Huge Decision On Georgia Voting Machines

Judge Amy Totenberg has issued a decision concurring there is sufficient reason to believe that the electronic voting machines used by the State of Georgia have substantial flaws.

The District Court Judge found that there is sufficient cause to believe that there may be “cybersecurity deficiencies that unconstitutionally burden Plaintiffs’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights and capacity to case effective votes that are accurately counted.”

Totenberg scheduled a bench trial for January 9, 2024, which entails the absence of a jury. Nevertheless, she acknowledged that a compromise might be possible if the state legislature were to take action…

  :wpds_arrow:  Critically, the court denied that criticism of security flaws with Georgia’s voting machines are based purely on “conspiracy theories.”

“The Court notes that the record evidence does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists of any variety. Indeed, some of the nation’s leading cybersecurity experts and computer scientists have provided testimony and affidavits on behalf of Plaintiffs’ case in the long course of this litigation,” the judge’s footnote remarked.

The District Court then laid out several established objections to the 2020 election….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Steve Irwin’s son Robert


Nice accomplishment and tribute to his father.

Jack Smith is a THUG

no charges expected in biden’s document case–but look at the frickin’ spin at the end of the article.  biden quickly notified NARA about documents in his possession—what 12 YEARS AFTER he was VP? 

 Special counsel Robert Hur is not expected to charge anyone in connection with the mishandling of classified documents at two locations connected to President Joe Biden, two sources close to the investigation told CNN.

Hur and his team are compiling a detailed report on their year-long probe that is expected to be critical of Biden and his staff for the way they handled sensitive materials. The report is expected to go into significant detail about what the special counsel’s office found in its investigation.

Investigators on Hur’s team have told other Justice Department officials that they hope to have the report completed by the end of the year, but that timeline could slide.

Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White House Counsel’s Office, declined to comment.

Hur was appointed in January to investigate after classified documents from Biden’s time as vice president were found at his former office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC, and at his Wilmington, Delaware, home. A spokesperson for Hur declined to comment.

The Wall Street Journal first reported Hur isn’t likely to bring a criminal case. CNN previously reported charges appeared unlikely, according to sources familiar with investigators’ line of questioning, and that there has been no discernible grand jury activity.

A decision to not pursue charges is likely to draw criticism from Donald Trump and his allies. They have long drawn parallels between Hur’s investigation with that of special counsel Jack Smith, who earlier this year brought charges against the former president related to his own handling of classified documents after he left the White House.

But key differences between the two probes abound, including the fact that the National Archives repeatedly tried and failed to get back documents in Trump’s possession. At one point, the FBI secured a search warrant to search his Florida estate.

Biden’s attorneys, on the other hand, quickly notified the National Archives of the materials found in his possession.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy: 

Brave and Free

Ya know this is just a waste of money and time. We all knew the outcome before this even started. Love the timeline could slide comment, in other words let’s keep this going and milk some more paychecks for ourselves.
Disgusting what has become of our justice system.

Jack Smith is a THUG

gag order temporarily lifted by appeals court

NEW YORK (WABC) — A New York appeals court on Thursday temporarily lifted a limited gag order imposed on former President Donald Trump.

Judge David Friedman of the appellate division’s first department ruled from the bench after a brief oral argument.

The judge stayed the gag order citing constitutional concerns over Trump’s free speech rights.

The gag order was imposed by the judge presiding over Trump’s civil trial, Arthur Engoron, after Trump posted disparaging things on social media about his law clerk.

Trump and his lawyers have repeatedly put the law clerk, Allison Greenfield, under a microscope during the trial. They contend that the former Democratic judicial candidate is a partisan voice in Engoron’s ear – though he also is a Democrat – and that she is playing too big a role in the case involving the former Republican president.

Engoron has responded by defending her role in the courtroom, ordering participants in the trial not to comment on court staffers and fining Trump a total of $15,000 for what the judge deemed violations. Engoron went on last week to prohibit attorneys in the case from commenting on “confidential communications” between him and his staff.

Trump’s lawyers – who, separately, sought a mistrial Wednesday – contend that Engoron’s orders are unconstitutionally suppressing free speech, and not just any free speech.

“This constitutional protection is at its apogee where the speech in question is core political speech, made by the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, regarding perceived partisanship and bias at a trial where he is subject to hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties and the threatened prohibition of his lawful business activities in the state,” they wrote in a legal filing.


Looking forward to what Trump will say now.

Jack Smith is a THUG

oh me too!


I N C O M I N G….


Horrific. >>> S H O T D E A D. <<<

Finally got around to watching this, movie. ~ One hour. Barb posted the link yesterday.

But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children. Shot Dead premiered on November 9, 2023 – the one-year anniversary of 18 year-old Trista Martin’s death from the shot, in her hometown of Tulsa (Trista is featured prominently in the film).
Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.This is the first film that focuses on the deeply personal aspect of the devastation unleashed by the shot and the mandates, as told by the families who lost loved ones. This film will make you cry. This film will make you think. And this film will prompt you to take action for children everywhere.

^^^ Please open in another window. Please watch when you can.



Last edited 8 months ago by kalbokalbs
Barb Meier

Thank you for bringing this forward, Kalbo! I was pretty wowed by the site that’s hosting it too and all the things they are involved with. They are a much bigger org and it looks like they know the legal side of things too. I think their registered motto “When you stand up to tyrants, we stand up for you.(r)” is not an idle statement. Perhaps someday we will need their help or guidance. The movie looks so sad I haven’t started watching it yet. 😪

Jack Smith is a THUG

pardon the language

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But the five letter B word wasn’t mentioned at all.

Last edited 8 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Jack Smith is a THUG

I’m gonna smack myself for asking, but…the B word?

Brave and Free

Wild guess B**ch

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Gail Combs

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchDog — Martin Armstrong: Terrorists Blowing up Stuff Gives Excuse for Martial Law
Sunday, 5 November 2023

….So, a debt default will tank the economy and make millions of Americans poor and broke overnight. Poor and broke is how revolutions and civil unrest start, especially against the government that caused all the problems. Armstrong contends this is why the Southern U.S. border has been wide open for the past three years. The Deep State corrupt Biden Administration (RINO Republicans included) want terrorists to come to America and commit awful acts of violence and murder. Why? Armstrong explains, “You have Neocons pushing for war on all possible fronts. . . . Terrorism leads to lockdowns. As soon as you start getting this, they will have to know what everybody is doing and where they are moving. You are looking at ‘Papers, Please.’ . . . .

Lockdowns are coming to America again, absolutely. This is to prevent civil unrest. So, they want the terrorists to blow up some stuff. This gives them the excuse to effectively enforce martial law. . . . This helps the government to hold onto power.”

Armstrong thinks interest rates and inflation are going to go up for a while. He thinks the U.S. dollar will get stronger because capital will flow to the U.S. in times of crisis and war. Armstrong thinks Hamas has won the public relations war and is trying to isolate Israel on the world stage. This attack is much deeper than anyone imagines. Armstrong says get tangible assets, and that includes gold and silver as core assets. He also thinks the global economy will implode, but the USA goes down last. Armstrong says the economy will tank in America, but it will be much worse in Blue states like New York, California and Illinois.

Video with 58 minute interview.

The clip I saw said the Elite are buying Military Industrial Stock in prep for making money during the coming war.

Gail Combs

CLIPS of Martin Armstrong:

1:08:46 Attacks by the Terrorists coming over the border will be used as an excuse for Martial Law.

1:13:30 His opinion of Trump


IOW the USG has for 3 years at least been planning this which to me indicates their up close and personal involvement in the hamas attack. The attack is the catalyst for the alleged heartfelt feelings for the palastiians and the calls for jihad…..and coming lockdown

Gail Combs


Your typical Money Making False Flag.

Remember all those cargo planes of Cash OH!Bummer sent to Iran?
Remember Kerry meeting with Iran officials in Paris?


Fo sho……but this time it’s not a one stroke money maker. It’s the implosion of the rest of the USA’s economy. Sure it works for some fast cash but after awhile the enemy is dead . By then the US population is barely hanging on so WTF is the end goal?
This scheme reaches way farther than their usual foreign war games


IF what we imagine might happen about jihad to instill fear and chaos and then martial law why would the muslims stop? They could almost taste caliphate being possible..right here in INFIDEL central. Look at the inconceivable support they’re the U S freakin A

Gail Combs

THAT is why Trump’s plan of evicting Illegals is so harsh. Let’s just hope we can get him back into office and the Deep State FLUSHED out of DC.


More than ever before..what can we do?? Not directed at you to answer but like a plea to the heavens question

Gail Combs

Get active in local politics and try to ‘red pill’ people — GENTLY.

I found discussion of the Federal Reserve, Fractional Reserve banking GRAFT, money laundering… works pretty well.

Gail Combs

Klaus Schwab and the UN has point blank told us.

January 5, 2016
These Maps Show Us Where We Won’t Be Able To Live After The Takeover Of America Is Completed – ‘Human Access Denied’
We also know they want to Depopulate the world. Given the 1974 National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 when the world population was only 3 billion, they plan to reduce the population by AT LEAST 5 billion. That takes a nuclear world war. (I think the Sovereign Alliance of Trump, Xi, Putin & MBS of Saudi Arabia are defusing that)

And more recent:
NOVEMBER 8, 2023 Sinister Secrets Exposed: CIA is behind Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast & Official Excess Death Figures in the Millions prove it’s on Target & not just an Estimation

…This strongly suggests that isn’t just the work of one man, but is in fact the work of a U.S. Military Industrial Complex consisting of the CIA, the U.S. Department of Defense and the shady Rockefeller Foundation. Making its apocalyptic depopulation forecasts all the more concerning.

Deagel’s Forecasts & Current Events:

Deagel’s apocalyptic depopulation forecasts for 2025 predict significant population declines in various countries, stirring unease given the current excess death data being recorded around the world.’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions before discovered by critical thinkers.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United Kingdom would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025….



Gail Combs


Most people do not realize the rot is over a century in the making AND World Wide. That is why I think the ‘Biden’ term was a necessary part of ‘The Plan’

We had to FEEL/EXPERIENCE just how bad the rot is in order to get off our butts and help fix it.

General Flynn and Boone Cutler wrote

When you think about it, ‘The Biden Reveal’ has been quite something. I think the Cabal is on a Time Schedule and Trump’s four years really mucked them up.



Briben has no clue WTF he is saying…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GTH, China Joe!!!


I can’t stand to listen to him. “Woke up dead” is both hilarious and pathetic at the same time, though it’s not funny if the kids died.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is kinda fun but pointless.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Military tries to backtrack on COVID-19 vaccine refusal discharges. BRIBEN administration opposes.

comment image


Pilots, Grunts, whoever…

It’s a cinch. They stood strong, rightfully refusing the poisonous jabs, were Fired.

Quite likely, their discharge NOT characterized, honorable.^^^ THAT there IS something NOT taken lightly, Ever.Never Forgotten. Never Forgiven. Hugely, a BFD.They’ll NOT rejoin the military AND ARE better for it.

DoD, Each of the Services, Fucked Up Royally, with Covin Injection Mandates.Total betrayal of every Service Member.

Last edited 8 months ago by kalbokalbs

In part reads…

The World At Large


The EU is having a tiff over those countries with brains who can do math and see what is real, NOT wanting to send more buckets of money to the Laundry In Ukraine – so has proposed having member states with any acceptable credit rating (and low on math skills & brains… so might be a hard combination to find…) taking out loans to fund more Death For Ukrainians by loading them up with lots of lethal “stuff” and running them into the Russian Meat Grinder.

Oh, and the EU is proposing to induct Ukraine into the EU despite war ongoing, demographic destruction (i.e. anyone between 16 and 60 dead or damaged in battle – did I mention they gave the “get prepared for the draft” notice to women?), and a destitute non-functional economy. Somebody has a lot of somebodies over a “barrel”, I think… Anyone know if Epstein had an EU branch?

Then the Hopium is strong in the UK. Somehow they think that the Ukrainians have blown up the best Russian Tanks, killed the best soldiers, and overall run the Russian Military into a degraded state. Somebody needs to tell them that Russia has about a 1 MILLION MAN army in the wings, in nice new production advanced tanks, trucks, and fighting gear.

It is only a very small part of the Russian Army & Air Force that are busy doing exactly what Putin said they would do at the start. Wipe out the National State Socialists (N.A.Z.I), destroy the army, and keep Ukraine free of NATO. Though when NATO started shipping everything they had to Ukraine, I think Putin saw a chance to slow roll the war and drain NATO dry too… which he has done for the EU portion (and made a good dent in the USA supplies).

At this point, Mr. Z. may not make it to “negotiations”. Several folks in his government have died. One “playing with birthday hand grenades”… so one gets the feeling that the Purge is underway, and no telling how high it will go. What with elections buggered / banned, The People may just take a different path.

I figure Ukraine is not going to make it to spring. But we’ll see. After all, they have a whole new fresh set of Women Armies…


Israel is going all John Wick on the Hamas in Tunnels. Interesting stuff. Sponge Bombs (perhaps urethane foam?) blocking them off. Some being flooded. Others blown up. Seems they also captured a map of the tunnels when they captured a H.Q. bunker too…

The major disappointment for me has been The Duran. Alexander Mercouris is busy talking about how they really REALLY need to stop fighting and do diplomacy and make nice. Other folks I’ve liked also saying that. Um, folks, they have tried making nice for 1000 years. When you have a blood enemy who only wants to kill 100% of you and won’t “give it up” for 1/2 Century that I’ve observed, the only choice open to you is to kill them first.

In Other World News

Musk is looking to launch Starship on Friday next.

The Electric Vehicle market is imploding. After the first flush of True Believers was filled up with overpriced flaming cars, turns out most folks don’t want to spend and extra $20,000 for an electric Pick Up Truck when the gas one lasts longer, works better, drives further, and costs less. Oh, and it doesn’t burn your house down or sink car carrier ships with massive fires.

The EU is headed into recession. I think it will be a pretty hard recession. See, a manufacturing economy lives or dies on the prices of: Fuel / Energy, Raw Material, and Labor. “Sanctions” have shut off the supply of cheap Russian Fuel / energy and raw materials (minerals, wood, etc.). The war in Ukraine has also shut off the supply of lower cost Ukrainian labor. The other major effect is driving up interest rates while draining the EU of any available capital, what with sending it all to the Ukrainian Money Laundry for cleaning…. So while Germany had been able to make enough surplus earnings to keep the lesser lights of the EU afloat, it presently isn’t making any money.

Companies are moving production to lower cost places as fast as they reasonably can. Others are just going out of business.

The USA has been able to avoid that fate so far via astounding levels of borrowing and money printing. That process is going to come to a screeching halt at some point, and no, you will not have any warning when it happens. Just at some point a loaf of bread will be $10 and China will not be loaning us any of their productivity for pieces of paper… and in a brittle failure moment, folks will just stop buying cars… Oh, wait…

Also of note is that the EU is going full Authoritarian on things like Digital ID and all that, while the USA is going full intrusive spying on everyone. It will become increasingly difficult to just live a private free life. That path eventually ends in revolutions and national collapse. The big question is just who will get there first.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail Combs

Not being able to recognize a door pull, is a MAJOR FAIL. We already have a complete moron in the White House AND it has been a major disaster!


Falling for a narrative was also a major fail that reveals her questionable judgment.


Techno Fog has a thread about how Newsom can become the Dem nominee without a primary (h/t Citizen Free Press). The DNC rules say that, if the nominee resigns, dies, or becomes diabled, the DNC has the authority to appoint a replacement.

So much for the people in each state who voted in primaries and caucuses. This rule would apply to anyone, not just Newsom. But JB would have to be nominated and then be removed in some way first.


NYC Mayor Adams Announces City will Reduce NYPD Officers to Below 30,000, Slash Education Department Due to Financial Impact of Illegal Aliens (VIDEO)
I would think that hordes of people coming in would necessitate having more law enforcement. And isn’t the city educating illegal alien children? Yet they are cutting the education budget.

The people are getting what they voted for. Will they realize it and change their ways, is the question.


Trump speaks:

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