Dear KAG: 20231212 Open Thread

Cover image: Mortimer Smith: Winter Landscape (1878)

Biden Admin Sent Billions in Tax Dollars to Fraudulent Solar Company

Badlands News Brief – December 11, 2023

It’s an Op. 

Paul Fleuret  is still banned from X, and every Badlands creator is still visibility filtered. Yes, visibility filtering is still very much a thing in the supposed free speech marketplace. They call this ‘freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.’


DC appellate court just slapped down Special Counsel Jack Smith’s “stochastic terrorism” argument and told him to grow a pair…

‘The people have spoken’: Elon Musk restores the X account of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones after poll

Did they really? Read on. There’s more to this than the surface renders.

Former special agent reveals what’s really going on inside the FBI and how they fell from grace…

Senators, don’t pass the defense bill without FISA reform

Good luck with that. If anything, they are expanding it.

Real Estate Titans Battle DeSantis Over China Property Crackdown

The Change Engines

Thus, if I’ve learned anything over the course of a week spent attempting to play a small part in bridging a communications and conceptual gap between stubborn, sometimes-calcified subsets of Truthers, it’s that the noise of argument tends to gloss over the signal.

Amen, BB.

Pope Francis: How much lower can we sink?

Henry Kissinger: British Cabal Puppet

Proof We are Winning The Information War!

Free Speech Video Platform Rumble Hit By Massive Cyberattack

Tweet recap: When Elon unbanned Alex Jones, X EXPLODED… “Cannot believe the world ended today because Alex Jones was unbanned”…

It didn’t.

More bad news for the mRNAs

Eric Holder Outlines the Best DOJ Targeting Process He Knows – The Exact Process He and Obama Used

Tweet hopper:

Godfrey…there’s an Irishman out there named GODFREY?

Do I find that helpful? NO! He’s still acknowledging the “climate” events.


25 years ago.

Pay attention. Cates has a point.

Just a bit of humidity, and….

Meme & Fun hopper:

Bored and has too much time on his hands.
Who cares. It’s hilarious.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

How’s that for a bari sax?

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.



10Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; for lo, I come and I will dwell in the midst of you, says the LORD. 11And many nations shall join themselves to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people; and I will dwell in the midst of you, and you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. 12And the LORD will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land, and will again choose Jerusalem.” 13Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD; for he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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What’s the deal with timely posts? How can we get all bent out of shape unless the next day’s post is at least 20 minutes late?

Have mercy on us.  😂 

pat frederick

what do you make of SCOTUS agreeing to expedited consideration of Smith’s case?


I think that it only takes 4 justices to ‘take up’ a case. That does not mean it gets a hearing, but most do. Depending on how strong a bitching DJT’s attorneys do, Jack Thug might regret pulling his little bullshit trick.

The quiet part is whether SCOTUS’ ruling [whichever way it goes] is the law of the case, meaning it cannot be altered later if DJT loses and then appeals.

Last edited 4 months ago by pgroup2
Barb Meier

Yesterday, Sundance connected Mary McCord (“architect of Trump targeting efforts”) through her husband Sheldon Snook with Chief Justice Roberts. Snook is “special assistant to Chief Justice Roberts counselor.”


Chief justice Windsock, hard at work.


I thought it was discussed yesterday (maybe I read it elsewhere) that Jack Thug had no standing to appeal to the S.C., something about the defendant (DJT) needing to prevail on some point before Jack Thug could appeal to a higher court, in which case the S.C. could not, as a matter of law (and basic procedure), take up the case, even if they wanted to?


That is what we read yesterday and today. Pg provided the info. I believe he may have modified it a bit, from something Trump’s attorney’s filed.

At this point, Slow Guy confused. Hoping (not) SC, acts as if the are SC.


I am very interested in your answer to pat’s question here.


Thank you, De Pat, for befuddling pgroup about the nature of time, and for a wonderful post.


Some of us get be-fuddled, and others of us come pre-fuddled….


Just go de-fuddle yourself.  😂 

Valerie Curren

I wanted to find that clip about diddling from Brighton Beach memoirs, but no luck…


It’s probably for the best …

Valerie Curren

no doubt  🙃 

Valerie Curren




“To set an alarm, you just pushed a nail into the desired point and the nail would fall and clank on the metal holder at that time.”


A solution designed for light sleepers, apparently 😁


Heavy sleepers have to use a bigger nail, or more than one, and hope they fall at the same time. 🛌


Heavier sleepers arrange to have the heated nail fall on a cat.

Extremely heavy sleepers arrange to have the heated nail fall on themselves.

Valerie Curren

That’s pretty cool!


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I’m glad his voice is no longer silenced on X, but I don’t trust him for a number of reasons. One is that he once claimed to have spoken with Q, when Q explicitly said there were no outside comms.


He definitely can’t be trusted, but I do enjoy how he triggers the Left 😂


That IS entertaining. 😅

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s just hubris, I’m pretty sure. He thought he knew who Q was – as many others have – and was just plain wrong.


In this video presented by Right Wing Watch(!), Alex Jones says he talked with “QAnon,” and then he and Jerome Corsi state that Q was taken over. This was in May of 2018, I think. There was a lot going on with Corsi doing his bad decodes of Q and with AJ and Corsi trying to discredit Q. Some people said that AJ was jealous that Q was stealing his thunder and getting more attention than he was at that time.

At :30, AJ says that Corsi was told by people in the WH that they liked “QAnon,” but that “now that’s not the case.” That’s one red flag 🚩. People at the WH were talking about Q with someone? And it was Corsi, and associate of AJ, which elevates both of them almost to Q’s level? No way.

Then AJ says he was playing golf with some people who were involved with “QAnon,” and they told him that it had been taken over. At :52, AJ says he was separately told this by “QAnon.” He says, “I’ve talked to ‘QAnon.'” 🚩

I don’t believe AJ really thought he was talking to Q. I think this whole thing is made up out of whole cloth.

Q said “no outside comms” several times. Here is one, Q475, from 1/6/2018:


NO comms w/ anyone privately.

NO comms outside of this platform. Q

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I’m not sure what to think. It definitely looks like Jones thinks “QAnon” is the group which Q describes. If he’s being honest, then I suspect he talked to somebody very convincing who posed as a member of the Q team.


If he’s being honest, then I suspect he talked to somebody very convincing who posed as a member of the Q team.

Then it was hubris indeed to think he would be singled out for such communication. And that’s exactly the personality type that is easy to compromise. But the Corsi angle makes me very suspicious. We’re to believe not only that Q broke the “no comms” rule by talking with AJ, but that people in the WH talked with AJ’s associate about Q as well? It looks like a lot of self-elevation to me.


And “people in the WH” makes it sound official, when it could merely have been a low-level staffer who gave their uninformed opinion that had nothing to do with anyone who might have been in the know. (That is, if it happened at all, which I doubt.) Q had said there were less than 10 people who were in on the operation. Surely it’s not the kind of thing that would have been discussed at all, and certainly not with Corsi, who was known to have been publicly talking about Q and doing “decodes.” I don’t believe someone in the WH would have used Corsi and/or AJ to make a public announcement that Q had been taken over by the C_A or someone. Yet that’s the impression that AJ tried to give — again, elevating himself.


That was such a weird time, looking back on it, when it was all new. Trying to figure out whether Q could possibly be for real, all the internet personalities who sprang up around the Q drops, the implausibility of it all on the one hand, while at the same time, whoever it was, was speaking ‘our language’ with such consistency that it seemed impossible that the enemy could do it without tripping up.


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Regarding this tweet from the open:

It quotes Trump as saying,

I actually don’t really know that it’s him… he’s the perfect vessel.

So I suspect that that’s intended to mean, and that some people are taking it to mean, that Trump is saying that might not really be Biden. And voila! Trump supposedly just gave credence to that theory. But not so fast.

UltraMJTruth, who authored that tweet, left out the context. Here’s what Trump actually said, which you can hear on the video:

I actually don’t really know that it’s him because I know the people that surround him. I think it’s them, and he’s the perfect vessel.

In other words, JB’s fraudministration is being run by the people surrounding him. There’s no way that that could mean that the person we know as JB is not him. The phrase “it’s them” shows that Trump means that a group of people is running the show.

IMO, this deception earns UltraMJTruth a “Never to be Trusted Again” distinction. He is either too dense to understand plain English, or he is manufacturing “confirmation” of false theories by leaving out key passages.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great catch. I think he’s editing to what he wants. VERY bad form.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What do you mean?

If a bunch of people are repeating it, it must be credible? You’ve never heard of the Big Lie?

All it takes is some lying asshole with a loud voice.

pat frederick

most lies contain some truth

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That doesn’t mean this is one of them, oir that even if it does, the truth it contains is this particular thing.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
pat frederick

no, it does not.
but it doesn’t preclude it either


This particular lie, today, contains no truth whatsoever. Trump said one thing, and UltraMJTruth presented it as something else altogether.

The fact of that deception is very telling. It indicates that the theory has so many holes in it that “evidence” is having to be manufactured. That is the takeaway from this.

In real life, we don’t trust people who deceive us. We don’t trust people who try to make us believe something that isn’t true. If we have boundaries, we don’t let people lie to us.

There is an elephant in the room that is being ignored or tiptoed around.


My number one life rule:

When somebody shows you who they are, believe them.



Valerie Curren

TY for your diligence in unmasking the deceptiCons!!!


Thank you.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It doesn’t preclude the moon being made of green cheese, either.

“Doesn’t preclude” is NOT “evidence for”

If all you’ve got is variations of “it’s not precluded” you have NOTHING.

TheseTruths has basically shot a ton of these things down over the past few weeks. They’re basically 0-(some large number).

At what point is it reasonable for you to consider the possibility that just maybe it’s all bullshit and doesn’t deserve any more of your time? At least until someone brings something that ISN’T a lie to the table?

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What strikes me is that we don’t NEED these theories.

The 2020 election was stolen from Trump, and he and his team are doing everything they can to get him back in office so he can continue to try to save the country. No doubt they have a lot of info that we’re not privy to, and that’s good. But that’s it. That doesn’t discredit Q, and it should not be perceived as a threat of any kind. Yet it seems to be so much of a threat that otherwise reasonable people hang on to untenable theories as if their lives depend on them.

We don’t need magic. We don’t need people dying and having others take their place (which is impossible). We don’t need Trump to be the actual president now (he isn’t). We don’t need JB to have been replaced by someone else who is acting in his place. There is no good reason for any of that. I don’t know why it is so threatening for some to let that stuff go.

Robert Baker

Once you are of an opinion that you cannot trust anyone all that is left is to construct your own reality where facts and evidence cannot destroy and your enemies cannot break in and steal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s a religion.


I have seen no indications that UltraMJTruth is right. There is no evidence. I have debunked the theory that JB is supposedly left-handed, with real evidence. But that evidence is not given credence because it doesn’t fit the narrative. I have debunked other aspects as well.

As far as going round about this many a time, the reason is that the theories get presented and then debunked, but that actual, real evidence is discarded. That doesn’t mean the debunking is not valid; it just means that people don’t want to acknowledge that the theory might be wrong.

UltraMJTruth’s tweet today is deceptive. Why anyone would follow someone who is deliberately trying to deceive is beyond my understanding. If you have to manufacture evidence, then it’s time to question the original theory, but that doesn’t happen. It might be a good idea to take it a step further and examine why that is the case.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s a religion, and its apologists are liars.


And yet the true believers won’t acknowledge that they have been lied to. Today’s issue is right there in black and white, with video and audio evidence, and yet some people won’t acknowledge the deception and be open to changing how they look at these things. For some reason, that seems to present a dire threat to them.

UltraMJTruth deceptively edited Trump’s words. If truth matters, that should be a capital offense and make people think about whom they are following and what they believe. They won’t say, “Yeah, there was no need for him to do that. It makes me question a lot of things,” which would be the normal reaction if this happened in our “real life,” in-person dealings with people.


“Except that there are indications he’s right.”


But if there are indications that he’s right, why not present those indications, instead of presenting intentionally misleading edits of quotes?

Why even do that, if there are actual indications that he’s right?

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. if there indications that he is right, he shouldn’t have to be a shiteating liar to make his case.


Such a delicate description.   :wpds_lol: 


Another piece of shit impersonating a chocolate éclair.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are communists.


EVIL. Jack Smith is EVIL.

FIFY Julie..


“Biden Admin Sent Billions in Tax Dollars to Fraudulent Solar Company”

Didn’t Hussein the Defiler do the same thing?

Wasn’t the company called Solyndra?

They’re so brazen, they don’t even bother changing up the scams anymore.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They’re just doing whatever they want now. Third Obama term, with extra corruption because Basement Boy is running the store.


hussein and Solyndra immediately came to mind with, Briben Admin sent Billions…”

hussein’s surely got plenty of kick back on this one. Briben 10%.


“Q and Devo and whatever else you may call the groups that make up this movement is not a cult of personalities.”


I’m not sure Devo is helpful to the cause…

I didn’t even know they were interested.


Valerie Curren

 😅  I think Devo is for Devolution, fwiw…



Cuppa Covfefe

I like Weird Al’s version better 😀

Last edited 4 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

They don’t want you to see this. So you should all watch it.

— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) December 11, 2023


Unbelievable that they would just shut down the camera feed for 8 minutes while Rammyswammy indicted the vaccine makers, and then return to the debate as if nothing happened.

The debate was hosted by a company called “News Nation”.

If you do a search for News Nation, under the link to News Nation it says “NewsNation is your trusted source for breaking news, unbiased U.S. news & video delivered from the heartland of America delivered 24/7.”

What a joke.

What they did was straight out of the Stalin era of the Soviet Union.

NewsNation showed the whole world that they are not a news agency at all, but a wholly owned subsidiary of Big Pharma.

I hope all of their employees are proud.


Cheeseburger Ronna and RNC had a direct hand in this.


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Signed: Trump spokesperson 😁

It’s hilarious that DJT attributes his statements to “Trump spokesperson”, when it’s obvious that he wrote it, because nobody else on the planet talks the way he does 😂🤣😂


Trump taunting the faux judge(s) in, I guess, DC, or GA. Likely both.


DJT just disclosed his vote total goal – 150 million. Way past the cheat limit.


“DJT just disclosed his vote total goal – 150 million. Way past the cheat limit.”


It’s not the people that vote who count, it’s the people who count the votes.

Even if he gets 330 million votes, what does it matter, if the people counting the votes won’t count them?


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Barb Meier

Transparency in Government Bill – Since the classification system is used for governments to CYA, classification systems are outlawed in their entirety with the exception of active military actions.

Would this work?

Valerie Curren

Sounds like a good start!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No it would not.

Consider a hypothetical: Our intelligence agencies, doing the job we want them to do, have planted a mole deep in the Chinese government. He’s been giving us valuable intel for 20 years and is now close to the top of their hierarchy.

If they can’t classify that, the mole will be exposed, instantly, and will be executed.

There’s no active military action here, so your criterion wouldn’t apply.

Sadly a classification system is necessary.. Sadly it will be abused. All we can do is to punish the abusers…and I don’t know if there’s a law for that or not.

Barb Meier

Thanks for your valuable input, Steve. I am looking for a way to reduce the corruption without a bill that has a thousand pages of gobbledegook.

We apparently cannot stop the corruption at the highest levels of our own government. In the hypothetical case of the mole providing valuable intel for 20 plus years, what did Clinton, Obama, and Biden do with that info?

3 of 4 presidents used it for personal gain, so what was the value of having the mole risking his life obtaining that information so Clinton could sell our tech to China and Biden could get a big paycheck from China? Lord only knows what advantage Obama took of the intel obtained, but I did not see any benefits to the American taxpayer from his terms.

Perhaps sending a mole should be considered active warfare.

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree that’s a hard problem to solve.

But rather than redefine “Active warfare” (which could have some really bad consequences) just add to the list of exceptions something like “…or to protect an intel op outside the US” (And I was very careful to specify “outside”)

The problem is, just while writing this I thought of two more very good exceptions.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Barb Meier

I know. “Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)” is so hard to achieve. I’ll think about it more.

I just watched the Army’s PSYOPS 4 recruitment video “Ghosts in the Machine” again. Because comms are global and “all the world’s a stage,” I can’t see how they can avoid manipulating those at home as well as abroad.

There’s a longer YT video where the narrator discusses a little about their work in Ukraine. Gak.. So their work has potential to do good but it only works if those at the top are not corrupt…

vvv video click below. preview may disappear. vvv

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier

Republicans just FLIPPED the Houston City Council and won 3 out of 5 seats. Biden won Houston by 33 points in 2020. Hard to overstate the magnitude of this political earthquake for Democrats.

And Sheila Jackson Lee was just shut out of the Houston mayoral race. 😀

Valerie Curren

I wonder why. I checked to make sure it’s true, and it appears to be.

Rolando Garcia

For Republicans to win 3/5 of the Houston At-Large City Council seats (elected citywide) in a city that is at least 60-40 Democrat is a political earthquake.

Congratulations to Julian Ramirez, Willie Davis and Twila Carter!

Together with Mary Nan Huffman( District G), Amy Peck (District A) and Fred Flickinger (District E) we now have SIX strong Republicans on Houston City Council.

This is an awesome foundation on which we can build! Houston has always been Democrat – unlike Harris County, the city never had a GOP phase in the 90s and 00s.

The city went straight from yellow dog Democrat rule to urban liberal Democrat rule without interruption. But that doesn’t mean it always has to be this way.

Energizing Republican voters so we over-perform in turnout while also winning over independents (and maybe a few sane Dems) with appealing candidates and good messaging on bread-and-butter issues like crime, infrastructure, taxes, honest government – that’s how Republicans can start making headway in historically blue cities.

Bravo to the @HarrisCountyRP

and @cindySiegel5

for understanding the importance of school board and city council races!

And thanks to our awesome candidates and all the precinct chairs, volunteers and grassroots activists who are engaging their neighbors and getting conservatives out to vote!


Valerie Curren

TY for digging on it 🙂


America First Legal:

CRITICAL LAWSUIT — We just sued the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration for illegally concealing government records related to the suppression of lifesaving drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID.


NEVER FORGET! “It was a lie from the very beginning. We had treatment from Day one!!!” 

Valerie Curren

TY, finally that video played fully for me for it kept hanging up around 12 seconds the other day…


YT always hangs up 4-12 seconds here, regardless of laptop. normally recovers after a few seconds.

Prolly a Feature of Microshaft, Not a Flaw.

Valerie Curren

I wouldn’t be surprised. But That video also hung up at the same place when I went to twit world to attempt to view it (also the same thing with the mother dog protecting her puppy, here & at X)…


If I had to guess, I’d go with protecting copyrights.

For example, let’s say a radio station that plays classic rock streams the song from youtube rather than playing it from a music/audio streaming service [thus saving the royalty costs]. This can be substantial, depending on the number of listeners to that station.

The hiccup is a dead giveaway, plus it pisses off the audience.

That’s my speculation. I have no idea if that is correct at all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If that’s why YouBoob is doing it, they’re stupid. People can download the video and it will play without a hiccup.

more likely the hiccup is some sort of weird buffering in the craplet that plays the video.


MedCram was posted often early Covidiocy. Simple chalk talks splaining, IIRC.

HCQ, Zinc and Azinomycin to beat Covid and an infection.

Later MedCrams talked up Ivermectin, C, D, NAC…

Valerie Curren

Now this ^^^ I am interested in seeing hammered.


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Rep. Tim Burchett has asked Rep. James Comer to subpoena Epstein’s flight logs.


Well done, Tim. Shake the trees for fruit.


Just remember – we have yet to see any objective evidence to corroborate the stories told by those girls. And Epstein is legally innocent.

Barb Meier

Epstein did not kill himself but could not be reached for comment.


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19 days left in 2023.

X author says…

  • something bad will happen before 2025.
  • Most during 2024.

That dude is genius level, at connecting dots.

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha!

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Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren



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Briben is consistent, POS.


Special counsel Jack Smith on Monday asked the Supreme Court to rule on whether former President Donald Trump can be prosecuted on charges that he allegedly worked to overturn the 2020 election results.

A federal judge said that the case could go forward, but Trump signaled that he would challenge that by asking a federal appeals court to reverse the decision, so Smith is attempting to bypass the appeals court, The Associated Press reported.

Trump had already moved to pause proceedings in the case as he appealed U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan’s ruling that he does not have presidential immunity. 

“This case presents a fundamental question at the heart of our democracy: whether a former President is absolutely immune from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office or is constitutionally protected from federal prosecution when he has been impeached but not convicted before the criminal proceedings begin,” prosecutors wrote in their filing…

The earliest that the Supreme Court could consider the case would be Jan. 5, when the justices have their next private conference scheduled.


I missed that yesterday. It’s so well stated that I’m bringing it here. Thanks.


Let’s go back to the basics. 

Appellate courts exist to review trial court decisions for legal errors. 

Appellate courts do not ‘try’ issues of fact [trials]. 

The Supreme Court is a court of original jurisdiction in very limited circumstances. In most cases, the Supreme Court reviews decisions of the courts of appeal. 

To have the right to appeal, a party must be aggrieved by a trial court decision. 

IOW, only trial court losers get the right to appeal. 

On to the Trump case: 

DJT’s attorneys made a motion to the trial court to declare that their client was immune from prosecution due to being POTUS at the time. 

The trial court denied the motion, commenting that Trump was not immune. 

The loser of the motion is DJT. The winner of the motion is USA [Jack Smith]. 

Jack Smith is asking SCOTUS to agree with the trial court. 

But JS is not aggrieved. 

Therefore, there is no wrong that the Supreme Court can make right. 

IOW, JS is asking the SC to render an advisory opinion. 

The SC does not have the constitutional authority to do that. 

Every set of ethics rules for lawyers prohibits a lawyer from trying to trick a court into exceeding its authority. 

It is also grounds for sanctions inside the case as well as grounds for a Bar complaint against Smith. 

This is the most outrageous legal move I’ve ever seen or heard about. 

Bring popcorn. Lots of popcorn. This is going to be fun to watch.


Cool. I can upvote my own comment.  😂 


It seems I may have gotten it wrong. What I said is accurate but there’s a detail missing – DJT appealed the order denying immunity. Jack Thug is trying to transfer it from the court of appeals to SCOTUS. He’s trying to save time but I think the Supremes are likely to view it like I see it – he won and he needs to defend that victory in the court of appeals.

Trust me on this – there is no legal basis for SCOTUS to accept review. If they accept review [regardless of what they do with it], it is a political move and I will be severely disappointed in our ‘conservative original intent’ justices.

To put it succinctly – DJT is entitled to have the court of appeals make a decision on the immunity issue. The system is set up so SCOTUS reviews what the court of appeals did. Without that opinion, they are left to review what the trial court did, which denies DJT’s attorneys the opportunity to improve the briefing points that they argue from.

Judicial scheduling [Jack Thug’s issue] is not a constitutional issue.

Valerie Curren

While perusing Dr. Godek’s profile on twit world I came across this gem…

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Dr. Simon Goddek

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The more I dug into @GretaThunberg
‘s story, the more I realized that something stinks here. It’s no COINCIDENCE that her first appearance was on August 20, 2018, with a sit-in protest in front of the Swedish Parliament, followed COINCIDENTALLY four days later by the release of a book she co-authored with her mother.

But that’s not all – the PR machine for her was already in full swing on August 20, thanks to a man named Ingmar Rentzhog, who financed and drove the campaign through his company, @WeDontHaveTime
. And guess what? Rentzhog is also COINCIDENTALLY the chairman of the think tank “Global Challenge” (@ChallengesFnd
), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person, a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers’ Party and former minister in the government under Stefan Löfven.

And if that’s not enough, Rentzhog purely COINCIDENTALLY happened to walk by the Swedish Parliament on August 20 and encounter Greta during her sit-in protest, taking a photograph of her. But wait, there’s more – Rentzhog and Gretas mother had already met before at a climate conference on May 4, 2018, which is COINCIDENTALLY the exact date when Rentzhog became CEO of the aforementioned think tank.

And here’s something interesting – both Kristine Person and Stefan Löfven happen to be members of Klaus Schwab’s @WEF
. It’s amazing how all these connections seem to come full circle, isn’t it?

It’s clear to me that something fishy is going on behind the scenes here. These people are manipulating the public and abusing their power for their own political gain. We need to be aware of their tactics and warn everybody we know about the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.×900
4:32 PM · Mar 16, 2023


Greta gets too much attention.

Valerie Curren

No doubt! It’s Insane that any ptb would pay attention to that delusional child!

useful idiot/cannon fodder/satanic sacrifice when the time comes  😡 

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

There are at least twenty more like her (including Luisa Neubauer, her mentor). There are a TON of very rich, very powerful, and mostly Satanic people funding/running the Green RELIGION movement, and should Greta the Greenhearted disappear, just as in whack-a-mole, another one will pop up.

Btw., her parents are Satanists… bad apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_evil:    :wpds_mad:    :wpds_evil: 


It’s Insane that any ptb would pay attention to that delusional child!

Some people pay attention to that which confirms their own biases or theories, regardless of logic, truth, or plausibility.


Ugly children are often the focus of bystanders, due to their visual repulsiveness.

Barb Meier

I once read an article that said babies eyes go to the prettiest people. All babies would be staring at Melania. I wonder if Barron ever cried. His first words might have been “Oooh love the momma!” Thinking of the cute little dinosaur.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Satanic left and the greens (but I repeat myself) have been using young girls for decades (if not centuries) as their lure to get people to agree to and accept their ideas, and pursue them (and vicariously, the little girls)…

Old trick; still works, sad to say…..

Valerie Curren

Just for fun I enjoy listening to while reading online. Currently there is a song called Emmanuel by Northern Light Orchestra. It sounded like John Elefante singing leads so I had to look them up.

There is Quite a list of artists who have contributed to this Christmas based group:

Members[edit]The following is a list of artists who contributed to the band:

Another fun band that gets regular play there this time of year is Apologetix, this one is currently playing:

Valerie Curren

This is another find from Dr. Godek, it’s a twit world thread that I’m viewing on nitter, being still banned for truth-telling on twitter…

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He’s got a lot of great, succinct info in this thread!

Dr. Simon Goddek
Nov 24
#13 But there are many things you can do about it: saturated fats and cut out seed oils carbs and sugars your own food in your self-made compost at least 3 times a week in the sun as much as possible and supplement with @sunfluencer or alike 118
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I found it interesting that in the tweet that he mentions his Substack he wrote “s*bstack” making me wonder if twit world is actively suppressing links to Substacks for others???

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

This was in replies to him

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I believe that Sasha also has a substack

Valerie Curren

I’m scanning replies for a threadreader (many have requested it); here’s something similar

OK I scrolled through All the replies that would show at nitter & there were zero threadreader responses, so this guy or this type of info is being suppressed by twit world–shocked, shocked I say!

Here is also an insightful reply:

Dean Paul
Nov 26
Replying to @goddeketal
Addressing this query in its full complexity within a single paragraph is challenging, but I’ll offer a concise perspective. The crux of the issue lies in our gradual detachment from robust models and patterns that emphasize emotional well-being and spiritual growth. Over recent decades, there’s been a noticeable shift from relying on our innate instinctual, intuitive, and emotional intelligence to depending heavily on external sources for guidance. This external dependence often lacks the depth of wisdom necessary for holistic development.

As a result, our emotional growth has been stunted, leading us to seek gratification from external pleasures rather than nurturing our internal development. This is essential for sustaining fundamental human health and intelligence, which has evolved over eons, even considering factors like intelligent design. Within a relatively short span of five generations, there’s been a significant erosion of this biological and emotional foundation.

Furthermore, the current landscape of health and wellness is riddled with conflicting advice, much of which comes from sources more interested in profit than in genuine well-being. Terms like ‘veganism’ have become buzzwords, often detached from their relevance or meaning in the context of individual health. The real challenge lies in finding authentic, wise guidance that can help us take care of ourselves holistically, encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual health. 1

Here’s another interesting reply:

Daily Habits – Elf Morning Tribe
Nov 25
Replying to @goddeketal
Yep, everything in our food now has “corn syrup” type of sugar in all our and it’s crazy, how our bodies crave it and no one walks anymore or plays outside…

We are built to always keep moving, otherwise we get fat, weak hearts, diabetes and die way sooner. Just look at the picture 2 (Hard Facts).

My brother-in-law died at the age of 54, due to a weak heart.

Why just a few daily morning habits like even stretching alone, can make a huge difference in one’s health, due to it’s consistency and zero interruptions!

I even built a free Excel habit tracker ( , that can keep track of one’s daily habits, including sleep, core physical and mental exercises.

Also shows how long one has until they reach age 85 (usually mental and physically, we start to break down).


Another helpful reply w/ tips for better health

Nov 25
Replying to @goddeketal
The nutritional value of the food supply has gone to hell due to geoengineering, glycophate & others which depleated the soil.

Fast food, restraunts, grocery stores, carry the cheaper GMO foods. As well as, convenience foods, which are loaded with all kinds of seed oils, chemicals, & crap. Our body thinks we’re starving it & stores these seed oils, but can’t break it down. So consequently, people get fat. Heavy metals are stored in this fat as well as organs in the body.

USDA organic food label is compromised. Nano products are presently put in NON-GMO as well as USDA organic.

Solution: Grow your own food using chicken/ goat/cow… manure & stop digging up the nutrients to grow your garden.
Get to know local farmers & shop at farmers markets and such.
Grow hydroponic herb gardens in home.
Build a aquaponic system for fish & fresh veggies.

Many grow weed indoors. Why not food?

Bottom line: We as people have become dependent on deep state systems little by little over the years out of social pressures to work more (slaves) & contribute less to a healthy lifestyle.

There are many reasons America has become fat. These are some examples off the top of my head.

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A great bottom line reply, reminds me of Kalbo’s type of take on things 🙂

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Here is my simplest way to grow some of your own food. Anybody can do it on your kitchen counter. It doesn’t even require a grow light.

Buy a bag of whole green peas like these:

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Soak them in water for 5-6 hours. Pour the water off. Put the peas on a screen of some kind. This would work:

I found a screen in the thrift store. You should soak enough peas to cover your screen in a single layer. I usually do about 1/3 cup at a time.

Put the screen on a plate deep enough to hold water (I use plastic picnic plates). Cover the peas with a paper towel, and pour water over it. Keep it wet until the peas sprout (about 2 days). If you use the plastic picnic plates, you can put one over the top upside-down to help it retain moisture. Remove the paper towel and the plate. Keep water in the plate for the peas to root into.

When the pea shoots are 5-6 inches tall with lots of leaves and tendrils, cut them down to the first leaves. Keep watering, and they will grow a second harvest. After the second cutting, start over with new peas.

Saute the shoots in butter or olive oil for a couple of minutes, until just tender. They are absolutely DELICIOUS. You can serve them in pasta with olive oil and garlic with some grated parmesan, and you will be in heaven.

I also put the shoots in smoothies, and raw into salads.

Last edited 4 months ago by Aubergine
Valerie Curren

Wow, this is fascinating–TY!!!


Just remember that the great majority of wild legumes are toxic.

Green peas = fine
Yellow peas = fine
English peas = fine
Snap peas = fine
Sugar snap peas = fine
Sweet peas = toxic



Valerie Curren

legal insider newsletter

Ad on said that Pacific Justice Institute got the University of Michigan Hospitals to no longer require transplant recipients (those on the waiting list for transplant, perhaps, since this has never been brought up at our U of M transplant clinic visits, thankfully) to No Longer Require them to get the covid “vax”–Praise the Lord!!!


For those who need a basic, simple overall economic lesson in these troubled times, the link below provides it.

One of the reasons I posted awhile back that we have been in a recession for over a year is discussed in the link. The Fed began serious tightening of the money supply in mid-2022. That was the official start of a recession, although with the high inflation it really began at least six months before. Typically the Fed tightening is done to slow inflation and it has to a debatable degree. Unsaid is that they needed to unwind Quantitative Easing that had been used to create fake economic prosperity for a decade. The war pig economy was no longer working. The Fed has been using a balancing act that the Wallenda’s would even admire. Perhaps with the same end result, we will see.

Buffett saw the signal and sold stocks to increase cash reserves. He knows the markets will tank at some point and he can do the usual buy low, sell high. Rinse and repeat.

So the only question to be resolved is how bad does it get? The answer to resolve still is, does PDT go back into office or not? Place your personal investing bets accordingly.

Most savvy personal investors are doing like Buffett and increasing cash since fixed rates on bonds and CD’s are decent now. the Fed will continue its balancing act through the election. Watch what they and Buffett do for your clues.

Valerie Curren

Here’s something I wanted to find from Dr. Godek on Vitamin D

Here is an important thread on Vitamin D, I would guess that threadreader won’t respond for this (subversive to big pharma/government promoted genocide agendas) either…

Here he presents it as a substack

Valerie Curren

Some of the comments there are priceless…

Barb Meier

Twitter reply:

PostSee new posts
Dec 10
Was it murder or suicide?×900
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The opinionated Black woman ~ Aunty

Bro was making a feed, he was on the phone probably booking his flight he has marked on the calendar, he was packing his bag.
Something spooked him, he had to get out of town quick.
Cig still burning in the ashtray.
The knife and pen on the table indicate he is right handed, the gun is in his left. If he shot himself the blood splatter would be to the left not the right

Valerie Curren

Nice & logical. Did you see the ones that implicate Hitlery? 😉 😉

Barb Meier

No, I didn’t read all the comments. I should though. LOL

Valerie Curren

I found it pretty fun, which is why I shared it 🙂

Valerie Curren

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Fauci for execution?  😡 

Valerie Curren

Cuppa Covfefe

Have a look at Anthony Watts’ surfacestations project. He’s been covering this for years… even before the 2009 ClimateGate scandals (UEA, Penn, Manniac, etc.)….

Valerie Curren

Is he the Watts Up With That guy? I don’t think I’ve ever read his stuff yet…TY for the heads up!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep… I’ve been following his site for years; there are a number of good climate sites out there, and his is one of the best…

Valerie Curren

Good to know–Thx!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

took me a sec…

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I don’t get it.

Barb Meier

Adams Apples are most noticeable in men.

Valerie Curren

avoiding trannies by checking for Adam’s Apples, like Barb said.

My initial thought was that the top pics were both of butt cheeks, LOL, for I think the boobs are surgically enhanced…

Valerie Curren

Never forget!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Just wow

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So sad so many lost souls 🤔


Lots of targets.

Valerie Curren

Yes pretty much ALL of these people look more disturbed than the psych patients I encountered working on the locked psychiatric ward of a hospital back in the day–yikes!

Valerie Curren

got caught in a twitter feed from one of DP’s shares in the open…

Dr. Simon Goddek

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LIFE HACKS – 2023 edition government is involved, avoid it. government supports it, reject it. government says it’s safe, it’s not. government says it’s true, it’s false. government endorses it, question it. government says you need it, you don’t. government owns it, it’s probably stolen. government regulates it, it’s stifling freedom. government funds it, there’s a hidden agenda. government calls it progress, it’s likely regression. government is the solution, you’re asking the wrong question.
10:17 AM · Aug 22, 2023



Valerie Curren

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Host L Todd Wood speaks with Patrick Byrne who outlines whistleblower complaints alleging Trump Special Prosecutor Jack Smith involved in extortion while a prosecutor at The Hague International Criminal Court.

Last edited 4 months ago by eilert

Yes, I know many do here and unfortunately do dismiss him outright without even looking at the evidence.

These whistleblowers have not only made complaints to the DOJ IG Horrowitz, but also CIA and State Departement, as well as to ranking members in Congress as Ivan Raiklin states above. Also Trumps lawyers’ team has got it too, a few days ago.

You can read the complaint here:
Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump? – Deep Capture
(see pdf link in that article or download here:

Last edited 4 months ago by eilert

It’s just my opinion, but I don’t think we should trust anyone fully. Verify is the operative word.


I agree. These are extra ordinary times. So much is shady and manipulation and psychological manipulation and it is bad. Even Alex J, Birney, Barns and others show warning signs of manipulation. Maybe just BS artists I do not know.
This seems to be the safest place. Always question and be alert and when something does not feel right something is not right.



Valerie Curren

this is a Great Short clip to share w/ the climate alarmists

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can guarantee you they will rebut it.

His points assume that the CO2 level in the atmosphere would respond instantly to a change in inputs. In other words, it’s being pulled out as fast as it’s put in, and that right now we are at some sort of equilibrium.

The climate alarmist would simply respond that as long as we generate CO2 faster than it can be removed from the atmosphere, the levels will increase.

What we would expect to see if humans are responsible for this is a reduction in the rate of increase when our CO2 production went down, not necessarily a decrease in the level. In an extreme case the rate of increase might turn negative (in which case we’d see a dcreaase in the level) but such is not necessary for “humans are causing the increase” to be true.

Since he simply says “it still increased” without specifying any rate of change, I can’t give his statement any credence. In fact for all I can see he might be lying with statistics here.

Valerie Curren

TY for these excellent & well-reasoned, per usual, insights–much appreciated.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It pains me to have to write something like that, because I very much want him to be right.

Valerie Curren

Digging for truth is Much more important & your science-based analysis is spot on from my cheap seats view!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

graphic cartoon on cure for pedos

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Valerie Curren

Hmmm, I think that a playful comment I posted might be “in the bin” w/ too many links since I copied a list of musical artists from Wikipedia & their names might have had links associated with them.

It was basically about some Christmas music stuff heard on in case anyone might choose to release it from the bit…

both the above links were in the original comment…


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, December 12, 2023

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” 

Matthew 28:18 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


EASTBOUND AND DOWN: CIA Commandeers International Drug Trafficking Operations South to … Paraguay? – National File

National File’s ‘Narco Governments’ Series: Top Bush Family Henchmen, The CIA-Linked ‘Moonies,’ Reportedly Run a Transcontinental Narco-Trafficking Operation From Little-Known Paraguay

The CIA, the government of Paraguay, the Korean Deep State – led by long-time U.S. and Korean Government assets known as “The Moonies,” and several other international interests, both sovereign and private, are working to move high volumes of illicit narcotics out of a little known patch of rural dirt near the border of Paraguay, Brazil, and Bolivia. National File can reveal these bombshell claims after an extensive, exclusive tell-all interview with former Moon contractor and ex-Goldman Sachs trader and investment banker, Luke David Thorburn-Calcino.

What follows is the result of a years-long collaborative Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) research project between National File and British Texans’ Research, led by Noel Fritsch and Luke David Thorburn-Calcino, which combines publicly available documents, news articles, and first-hand, primary source, on-ground, at-the-negotiating-table experience.



The United States Deep State doesn’t like other countries dealing drugs.

Just last February, Joe Biden’s D.O.J. formally charged the former head of Bolivia’s Anti-Narcotics Agency with Cocaine Importation And Firearms Offenses.

As prior CIA drug trafficking operations have played out, one element which is unmistakable is that of the turf war. Just like a street hustler in South Side Chicago or Long Beach Compton or West Philly, the United States is a jealous pimp.

So too, as it turns out, is the secular geo-political nation-state calling itself “Israel.”

Spy games have been the stock in trade of Israel since its inception and before. It is no different in the Israeli-Paraguayan relationship in 2023.

Pegasus is military-grade surveillance software created by Tel Aviv-based NSO Group. Normally sold to foreign government agencies, Pegasus was given to Paraguay by Benjamin Netanyahu. Pegasus, which is a spyware developed by former Israeli intelligence operatives, has earned a reputation as the “world’s most powerful cyberweapon.”

Pegasus infiltrates smartphones without requiring the user to click a link to activate the malware. Once installed, Pegasus can collect all the device’s data undetected.

“[Pegasus] fell off the back of a (proverbial) truck from Netanyahu to Cartes,” alleged CIA Paraguay operative, Mark Shakespeare, told Thorburn numerous times.

Former President Horacio Cartes was “gifted” Pegasus by the government of Israel, by his close confidant, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Inertia. It is THE most powerful force in politics. There are drugs being shipped, smuggled, trafficked, flown, driven, and Federal Expressed, and UPS’d everywhere on the planet, every second of every day. So when a drug bust happens, it happens because some government employee somewhere decided to make that particular bust on that particular drug route.

So it was when police in Paraguay found a reported 2.3 metric tons of cocaine worth as much as $500 million hidden in a charcoal shipment destined for the secular nation-state calling itself “Israel.” The BBC reported on the bust here.

But before that $500 million drug bust, there was The Bush Family.

As far back as 2006, The Guardian reported on a 10-day trip George W. Bush’s daughter Jenna took to Paraguay, and the 100,000-acre (circa 40,000 hectares) investment the Bush family was alleged to have made. While The Guardian never confirmed the 100,000-acre purchase in explicit terms, sources indicate the Bush acquisition was indeed ratified.


Intriguingly, as National File prepared to go to press with this Paraguayan-CIA expose, both CNN and Reuters suddenly began to cover Moon’s gargantuan Paraguay operation, albeit in a light-touch, Mockingbird-style fashion.

On becoming aware of National File’s forthcoming report, a Paraguay-focused, anglophile NGO, and a corporate intelligence firm, each jumped in.

Both “Insight Crime” and The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project each launched a “Narco Files” series.

Predictably, however, each failed to cover the Paraguayan narcotics trafficking and the Moonies’ ties to the Paraguay operation.

Indeed, Insight Crime entirely glosses over the violent narcotics trade in Paraguay, choosing instead to focus on “illegal cigarettes” and marijuana.

But never fear, Dear Reader! The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) is on the case!

The Poynter Institute, which lauds the work of the  OCCRP tells us “it takes a network (of journalists) to fight a network (of criminals).

Surely the OCCRP would have covered Paraguay’s massive narcotics operation, right?

Despite what would appear to be a high number of reports about Paraguayan corruption and narcotics trade, most of the Paraguayan coverage at OCCRP about Paraguay amounts to the Paraguayan and Brazilian government patting themselves on the back for their stellar work fighting corruption.

In the end, the reality is that a cottage industry has developed that is entirely dedicated to “showing the work” in the fight against corruption.



In all the hullabaloo over Alex Jones return to twitter, I think Brian Cates gets it.

Alex is a single provider of data points. That’s ALL he is. If all you do is rely on one provider of data and ideas, you know NOTHING.

In the same vein, we need to read and study widely. All viewpoints need to be pondered, at least.

People have mostly forgotten how to gather and sift information. They want to be spoon-fed. But that is the road to falling for false and potentially nefarious actors. We have to learn to sort out the truth from the lies for ourselves.


Agree completely. 👍





THAT is a powerful indictment.


Cuppa Covfefe

And in related news 🙂
(H/T Filly over at Marica’s)

“Harvard President Claudine Gay In Hot Water For Plagiarizing Large Sections Of ‘Mein Kampf’”
EDUCATION • Dec 11, 2023 •

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HARVARD, MA — It has been a tumultuous week for Ivy League university presidents as they have faced harsh criticism for acts as simple as allowing their students to call for the genocide of the Jews. Most recently, Harvard President Claudine Gay is in even more hot water after reports surfaced that she plagiarized large sections of her Ph.D. thesis, borrowing entire sections from Mein Kampf.

This news comes shortly after UPenn President Liz Magill was forced to resign for paragliding into a school assembly while firing an AK-47 in the air.

“I would like to apologize to the students and faculty for naively plagiarizing Hitler’s astounding and courageous work without thinking that it could lead to Antisemitism,” said President Gay, “I promise to retract any use of Mein Kampf and have made an appointment to have my newly-inked swastika forehead tattoo removed.”

At publishing time, the board of Harvard University had expressed concern at how long it would take to find another president who is black and has the last name of “Gay.”

Last edited 4 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Does the Bee ever strike out?

Those guys make me feel like a new apprentice, in the sarcasm department.



I love the Bee.

“At publishing time, the board of Harvard University had expressed concern at how long it would take to find another president who is black and has the last name of “Gay.””



Side note:

It looks like zipper teeth on the right side of the pic [her left]. No biggie except it appears that they go all the way around her neck. This makes no sense, as anyone who owns a zippered jacket can attest.

Any ideas what I’m missing?


I think it’s not a zipper but a decorative, rope-like trim. I’ve seen that on jackets before.

Valerie Curren

whip stitch maybe?






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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Now THAT is hilarious!


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Cuppa Covfefe

Here are a few more 😀 from Calvin’s Snowman House of Horror 🙂  ☃  ☄  ⚡  🔥  ⛄  ☄ 

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The middle one, on the hill, is my favorite… great perspective
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Last edited 4 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I’m with Calvin’s dad: get that kid to a psychologist. 😅


He’s not nuts — he’s just predestined…..

Valerie Curren

These are awesome!


I just love this photo! It’s a dog in the Israeli army. That is one geared-up pupper!

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The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is going to provide House Oversight Committee lawmakers access to more than 1,700 emails from President Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

NARA will give the committee access to 1,799 emails and attachments, 62,610 pages of records in total, from Biden’s vice presidency tied to Hunter Biden and his business dealings with Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings, the agency said in a Monday letter to Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer obtained by the Daily Caller. 

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths

OK.   :wpds_arrow:  W H E N ?

IIRC, there are over 80,000 pages. Will they remaining ~20,000 pages be released in couple weeks? In time for New Years?


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It should be a yuuuuge naughty list.


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Valerie Curren

that is beyond freaky

brings a lot of sci fi to mind

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My fantasy girl. Thanks for the pinup.

Valerie Curren

LOL   :wpds_envy: 


How does it get food?


#BREAKING: Republicans Release Impeachment Inquiry Explainer Ahead of Vote

A video, 5:40 long.



r-Con theatrics are childish, at best. Dumbasses.


“Run in opposite directions, to see who your dog loves more.” 😂



LOL! A very wise dog.


Or a very confused one!

What do I do… what do I do!?! 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

It’s so dangerous. The cops all need to know Catturd and details about his life so they would at least have some inkling of whether the reports are credible. I could have told them he wasn’t married.


Well let’s think about that.

Presumably, there is one police department with jurisdiction that includes Catturd’s house.

Presumably, there is one SWAT team in that police department.

Presumably, at least several of the SWAT team members have now been to Catturd’s home on more than one occasion, as the result of a false police report.

Presumably, anyone who is qualified to be a member of a SWAT team has an IQ above freezing.

So what is their excuse for repeatedly SWATTING someone who is a known to the SWAT team as an ongoing subject of false police reports?

Since there is no credible excuse, how many times does this have to happen, before Catturd can SUE the daylights out of the police department, for gross negligence and incompetence leading to repeated and inexcusable abuses of Catturd’s rights?

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

The minute he sues, they stop responding.

That’s when the false calls stop, and a real attack on his home happens.

The resulting 911 call goes unanswered.


Then what is the remedy?

There is always a lawful remedy, the problem is always that no one wants to avail themselves of it.


When 911 types in an address, or an address pops up,

IF the address has been swatted, THAT FACT should show…Possible Swatting.

Can’t be that damn hard to figure this crap out.


Apparently, for them, it is.


No kidding. Seriously, how dumb are the cops?


They’re not dumb at all, and if they’re not dumb, then that means they’re corrupt.

They wouldn’t say it that way of course, they’d say something like “I was just following orders” or “who am I to stand up to my corrupt boss” or some other yellow-belly snake-snot excuse.

Every member of the SWAT team ought to be NAMED and SHAMED.


Another thing: Catturd was doing a podcast at the time. If they knew him, they would know when he does podcasts and could have checked on that…maybe tuned in.


If the police were even half as interested in finding out who is making false police calls as they are in dressing up in their mall-ninja outfits and going full-Hitler on regular Americans, this wouldn’t be happening.


Oh shush! They’re just playing Call of Duty.

Boyz jus’ wanna haf fun.


“Oh shush! They’re just playing Call of Duty.”


Duty called.

They want the uniforms and weapons back.


The last part of Catturd’s post says this, so they are trying to trace the perps.

The call came from Miami and they’re trying to track them down now. Hopefully they’ll catch the scumbag this time.


So, when a call comes in to 911, are they really telling us that the caller I.D. information doesn’t come up? That a Miami area code doesn’t show?

Cause I call bullshit. The cops knew damned well the call didn’t come from the Catturd Ranch, and five cars responded anyway. Douchebags.


I’m not defending the cops; I just don’t know how it works. Telemarketers can mimic your area code to try to get you to answer the phone. I don’t know if something like that could work with 911 calls and not be detected.


That does seem at least plausible.

Barb Meier

He is, DePat. I also think he’s not near a city.



The cops can’t figure out that Catturd’s house isn’t in the area code where the call came from? Yeah, right.

Barb Meier

Burner phones don’t do Caller ID, right? Also, I think they have to respond to calls. If not, then some goof could call a few times as a hoax, assume there would be no response next time, and then actually do some kind of attack.


That’s a possibility, but then how did the cops know the call came from Miami?


The world’s most comprehensive and totalitarian surveillance state is ‘trying’ to track down a phone number… right….

Try real hard, guys…


Last edited 4 months ago by barkerjim

Have mercy…


I find most physicians not as intelligent as anyone posting here on the Q Tree.

Of course, that is a high bar.

Honestly, though, most doctors are pretty average intellects. They make excuses to leave the room after you tell them symptoms so they can look stuff up to know what to do.


Always figured the goof taking vitals and why have an appointment, is part of the sham.

  • Goof gives notes, for quack, who looks up what to look for, what to ask…
  • Quack also has a tablet or computer while with the patient.

Quacks ARE guided AND required to remain within health care system, Federal guidelines. (No HCQ, IVM…).


I think you are spot on.


Next time, just hold your phone out and say “You don’t have to leave, here, look it up on my phone.”






Or how about, “I know the answer, but here, you can use my phone to confirm it.”

Because I almost always already know what my diagnosis is before I go to a doctor.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pierre and his NoTricksZone are VERY good… and a good source of non-English websites/infos translated into English. Also a ton of information and statistics from Kenneth Richard, and Kirye (from Japan)…


Marjorie Taylor Greene:

MAGA would revolt if Nikki Haley were to even be given an internship in Trump’s next administration.

She represents the neocon establishment America last wing of the Republican Party that we are absolutely done with.

Also, she lied and said she would not run against Trump.


Speaker Mike Johnson doesn’t plan to hold the House in session close to Christmas, despite dissatisfaction with how plans to tie together border security support and aid to Ukraine are shaping up.

“I think the American people agree with us that national security begins at our own borders,” Johnson told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday. “We have to maintain our own sovereignty, so that we can project peace through strength and help our friends. And so I don’t think that’s an outrageous request.”

There is increasing doubt that lawmakers can reach a compromise on the dual Ukraine funding and border policy issues by the end of the year.

“Here we are on the eve, virtually, of Christmas and the end of the year, and the White House, as we talk this morning, has not moved in our direction on that issue,” Johnson said. “And I’ve told them very clearly where we stand.”

Johnson said Tuesday morning that he wanted more oversight of the aid to Ukraine and a stronger policy framework and objectives for the financial backing of the fight against Russia’s Vladimir Putin. He also wants the White House and Democrats to agree to “transformational” policy changes on the southern border.

Without significant progress, Johnson said he doesn’t plan to extend the House’s session into next week.

“I don’t know what else to do. I’m not going to have everybody sit here through Christmas twiddling their thumbs.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he asked Johnson on Monday to consider the House staying for another week. “Last night, I got on the phone with Speaker Johnson and urged him to keep the House in session to give a supplemental a chance to come together,” Schumer said.

“You know, we’re willing to work,” Johnson said. “The House members will work. We’ve shown that over and over and over, but we’re not getting any cooperation from the White House and the Senate Democrats at all.”


Zelensky left with Biden allocating him 200 million from already allocated funds. No new monies. It will be revisited at the start of next year.

Meanwhile… Zelensky Tells Senators He Is Considering Drafting 40-Year-Old Men and Needs More US Dollars Jim Hoft Dec. 12, 2023 3:20 pm 671 Comments

Important Zelensky statement.


Johnson is playing the Uniparty game.

Johnson needs to play America First.

  • Ukraine, GFY.
  • Secure the American border.
Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths
Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder how much money the Bushies made for Pi$$ing in the soup??????? 😡 😡 😡 😡


comment image

Heartland/Rasmussen Poll: One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Committing at Least One Kind of Voter Fraud During 2020 Election
And those are the ones that admit it. I bet there are more than that. From that article:

“The results of this survey are nothing short of stunning. For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true. This conclusion isn’t based on conspiracy theories or suspect evidence, but rather from the responses made directly by the voters themselves.

“A democratic republic cannot survive if election laws allow voters to commit fraud easily, and that’s exactly what occurred during the 2020 election. Although some progress has been made in more than a dozen states since the conclusion of the 2020 election, much more work is needed in most regions of the United States. If America’s election laws do not improve soon, voters and politicians will continue to question the truthfulness and fairness of all future elections.”


And I’m a conspiracy theorist domestic terrorist for even thinking the 2020 election was stolen.


We all know how dangerous you are, LOL. 😂


Oh, yeah, I’m real scary, lol!


Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

“Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails reveal that from the very start of the vaccinations, he knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects in order to reassure Italian citizens of their safety and to not jeopardize the vaccination campaign,” reported InfoWars contributor Greg Reese in viral X post shared by Alex Jones

The publication of these internal emails revealed that they had been aware of the dangers of the COVID vaccination from the start. The accusation is that the responsible minister and the head of the drug authority knowingly and deliberately exposed the unsuspecting Italian population to this risk.

Yes, they encouraged Italians to get vaccinated. Vaccination was even made mandatory for certain professional groups. Consequently, many side effects, including fatal ones, came to light. The investigations are for murder, serious bodily harm, and more because Speranza and Magrini evidently gave instructions to the local health authorities to conceal the deaths and serious side effects that occurred immediately after the vaccinations began in order not to jeopardize the vaccination campaign — and to reassure the citizens about their safety.”


Great news.

Barb Meier

Thanks for bringing this, TT! It is hard to know all the evil intentionally done but better to know the truth. We must know the truth.

From here, all the dots must be connected by knowing who he discussed this with, how and when did he know, was he paid to keep quiet, and by whom for starters? I suspect it is going to be a huge graph connecting everyone who let other people die by forcing shots that caused so much harm.

Dear Lord help us all. It makes me think ‘will the last honest man please turn out the lights?’ I know we are not alone, but the evil is overwhelming.


You’re welcome. I hope this will open others up to prosecution, not onliy in Italy but in other countries as well. I wish it would happen here. And I hope it will make people think before getting vaxxed now.


InfoWars didn’t waste any time after being reinstated to Tweeter 👍😁


Well if the Health Minister knew, then everyone above him, including the Prime Minister, knew.

Unless they’re all throwing him under the autobus, and claiming he was a rogue minister who acted independently… but in collusion with every other health minister in Europe and North America and practically every other country with a name I could pronounce.


Worth every minute of your time.


Excellent listen.


Absolute indictment on Kaiser Health, Sutter Health and prolly (duh) health systems across the board.

~20 minutes.

This nurse gives great information, what went wrong AND how she was kept from doing the right thing.

ht DP daily above.


That’s a great video. She speaks calmly and with the authority of her nursing education. I believe, as you say, that it’s an indictment of health systems across the board.


AP: Argentina sharply devalues its currency and cuts subsidies as part of shock economic measures
Updated 9:36 PM EST, December 12, 2023

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentina on Tuesday announced a sharp devaluation of its currency and cuts to energy and transportation subsidies as part of shock measures new President Javier Milei says are needed to deal with an economic emergency.

Economy Minister Luis Caputo said in a televised message the Argentine peso will be devalued by 50% to 800 to the U.S. dollar from 400 pesos to the dollar.

“For a few months, we’re going to be worse than before,” Caputo said, two days after the libertarian Milei was sworn in as president of the second largest economy in South America and immediately warned of tough measures.

Milei has said the country didn’t have time to consider other alternatives.”


THIS is why Bitcoin was created

The crypto analyst (he’s actually a former professional institutional trader and a market analyst who focuses on macro, stocks and crypto) who I watch every day has lots of viewers from Argentina. They were invested in Bitcoin.

Today, everyone in Argentina who had their money in a BANK in Argentine currency today lost HALF of the purchasing power of their currency. In minutes.

The people who put their Argentine currency in Bitcoin, didn’t.

They didn’t lose anything.


A couple short Tucker Shroyer videos. Looking for full interview.


~21 second mark, this guy goes down for the count. After saying Israel would face the wrath of…


AP: Andre Braugher, Emmy-winning actor who starred in ‘Homicide’ and ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine,’ dies at 61
Updated 11:40 PM EST, December 12, 2023

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Andre Braugher, the Emmy-winning actor who would master gritty drama for seven seasons on “Homicide: Life on The Street” and modern comedy for eight on “Brooklyn 99,” died Monday at 61.

Braugher died after a brief illness, his publicist Jennifer Allen told The Associated Press. No further details were given.

The Chicago-born actor would establish himself in the role of Det. Frank Pembleton, the lead role on “Homicide: Life on the Street,” a dark police drama based on a book by David Simon, who would go on to create “The Wire.” The show, which focused on the homicide unit of the Baltimore Police Department, ran for seven seasons on NBC, and would win critical acclaim with Braugher as its dramatic center and breakout star.

He would win his first career Emmy for the role, taking the trophy for lead actor in a drama series in 1998.


Apparently the Tesla Optimus Robot is now on Generation 2.

The first generation had a neck that couldn’t move, and it walked flat-footed, among other things.

Generation 2 has a neck which articulates and it walks heel-to-toe. Still looks awkward to me, but Generation 1 was only released in March of 2023, so at this pace, it will be walking like a human soon enough.
