VLWC 05: The Cloward-Piven Strategy Rescued By Illegal Immigration

Right now I am researching one of the most horrifying unrevealed cases of Cloward-Piven TREASON which has yet to see the light of day. Once people see this, the jig is up for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their utter betrayal of Americans will ASTOUND.

And they are not alone. There are several other Democrat names currently in politics that are associated with this nightmare.

I only stumbled upon this scandal accidentally, thanks to a post by Elizabeth Carter, which fired ONE errant neuron through some old data, and into a total OMG WTF jackpot of converging treason.

MOAR on that later.

I do have to say this. Everything Q has been telling us is true. I am getting independent confirmations. This is what Q was after. To get us to use what is already out here and connect the dots. The media has not done so, but WE CAN.

By the way, I am not in danger because of this knowledge. I am POSITIVE that Q already knows this. It WILL come out. Period.


In the process of this research, I also stumbled upon some thoughts which have ALMOST been wiped off the internet, but which hang on, barely, providing certain insights into the CRIMES of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Among those thoughts, was an explanation of why ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION became important to the stealth radicals which included the Clinton clan and the Obama clan. Not only that, but WHEN it became important. The implications are thus that the radicals DID NOT CHANGE THEIR MINDS ON THIS TOPIC. They never believed in border security. Open borders were PLANNED.

They LIED. All of these guys – Obama, the Clintons, Schumer, Biden, Gore – all of the ones who KNEW the truth – they LIED and pretended to be AGAINST illegal immigration until it was SAFE to be openly FOR IT.

Stated clearly….


Now – the real answer. WHY.

Cloward-Piven attacks on existing weaknesses in the American economy (things like encouraging people onto welfare) had begun during the early 1970s, and were somewhat further enabled by Jimmy Carter. However, Reagan and Bush sensibility got in the way. Sensible politics and politicians not only allowed people to SEE and FIX Cloward-Piven attacks – sensible politicians in charge – people who were NOT actual saboteurs of government – made it very difficult to create NEW Cloward-Piven attacks.

That all changed when the Clintons entered the White House. For the first time, not just dupes, but actual saboteurs were in control of the wheels and levers.

Much was possible.

During the Clinton’s FIRST term, 1993-1996, the radicals were able to operate FREELY, creating NEW Cloward-Piven set-ups, with STUNNING SUCCESS. You will hear more about that soon.

However, at the SAME TIME, patriotic, honest people were getting wise to the OLD Cloward-Piven attacks. In particular, WELFARE ABUSE.

By 1996, voters were demanding “Welfare Reform”. And guess who helped design it?

That’s right. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Working for Bill Clinton.

Do you trust that reform now?

Yeah. Think about it. THINK REALLY HARD.

From a brilliant article on Cloward-Piven:


The Cloward-Piven strategy depended on surprise. Once society recovered from the initial shock, the backlash began. New York’s welfare crisis horrified America, giving rise to a reform movement which culminated in “the end of welfare as we know it” — the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which imposed time limits on federal welfare, along with strict eligibility and work requirements. Both Cloward and Piven attended the White House signing of the bill as guests of President Clinton.

Most Americans to this day have never heard of Cloward and Piven. But New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani attempted to expose them in the late 1990s. As his drive for welfare reform gained momentum, Giuliani accused the militant scholars by name, citing their 1966 manifesto as evidence that they had engaged in deliberate economic sabotage. “This wasn’t an accident,” Giuliani charged in a 1997 speech. “It wasn’t an atmospheric thing, it wasn’t supernatural. This is the result of policies and programs designed to have the maximum number of people get on welfare.”

Cloward and Piven never again revealed their intentions as candidly as they had in their 1966 article. Even so, their activism in subsequent years continued to rely on the tactic of overloading the system. When the public caught on to their welfare scheme, Cloward and Piven simply moved on, applying pressure to other sectors of the bureaucracy, wherever they detected weakness.

Free Republic, February 27, 2005

Actually, it turns out that Frances Fox Piven simply could not resist gloating ONE MORE TIME – this time in 2010, about how the radicals had “fixed” Cloward-Piven using immigration. Piven was cagey and didn’t mention her old strategy per se, but one can see her political cunning in terms of the defusing of unions against the immigrants, with the ultimate goal of fueling protests – CLEARLY part of her old strategy.

The following comes from a wonderful article by Chuck Norris. Yes – THE Chuck Norris.


You see, it’s not a coincidence either that these new drivers and voters, who have flooded and are still flooding into our country through porous borders, are also at the heart of plan to overload the U.S. welfare system under the Cloward-Piven strategy. As Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa told WND: “I do feel this attempt to flood the border with illegals is a playing out of the Cloward-Piven theory.”

In 2010, Frances Piven, who is also one of eight honorary chairs in the Democratic Socialists of America, gave an interview to the progressive Common Dreams in which she confessed: “The important development is the emergence of a feisty immigration movement that contemporary unions have no choice but to support, especially unions with large numbers of immigrants in their ranks. … Together with [students and their universities, service workers – not industrial, and] immigrants, these are the constituencies that will give birth to new protest movements.”

Chuck Norris, July 26, 2015 in WND

Yeah, she’s DSA, too. IMAGINE THAT. A saboteur. A political IED maker. That is EXACTLY what these people are. Political and social bombers.

Given that it is likely the 2008 crash was a DESIGNED Cloward-Piven event, and Obama’s half of the subsequent 16-year plan (2009-2016) involved intentional immigration malfeasance even in his first term, it is likely that illegal immigration was designed to be abused for Democrats in 2008 AT THE LATEST, and likely as early as 1996, when Cloward Piven was clearly under assault, and new tactics were needed.

With that in mind, let’s look at Q’s most recent posts. These things fall DIRECTLY into my research.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 13e23b No.4432768 
Dec 22 2018 22:48:03 (EST)
How can the ‘LEFT’ refute this?
What happens when you can no longer trust those elected to represent you?
Anons can play this game all day long.

Q Post 2641

Personally, I’m no longer buying that Bill Clinton believed ANYTHING he was telling us during his 8 years in office. We KNOW he was a devotee of Cloward-Piven from the MOMENT he took office in 1993. So no – Q is calling this properly.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a509ca No.4433511 
Dec 22 2018 23:36:43 (EST)
The More You Know…
Research for yourself.

Q Post 2642

Again – I do NOT think this was mere hypocrisy. I think these people have been LYING TO US since the beginning, and now are simply UNMASKED BY TRUMP.


We were sold out on immigration when these people opened their mouths and spoke. We were SOLD OUT on immigration LONG before they LIED.

They were after one thing – taking power.

Trump Unmasking Effect.

NOW – ask yourselves why UNMASKING was necessary. 😉


“We’ve gotta build it, folks.”

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GWBush was a placeholder…wasn’t he.
That election in 2000 was a case of: “Heads we win & Tails you lose.”
Thanks for another excellent installment in the VLWC series, Wolfie.
Totally spot on, about the Cloward & Piven strategy.
First, the Dems insisted on all these ‘free shit’ programs…preying on our compassionate natures to get them installed.
“It’s for the children!”
“Our citizens need a helping hand!”
But the Truth is…the Dems do not have any compassion.
No compassion.
No shame.
It’s another one of their Lies.
So now that all these programs are in place, including ZeroCare…they bring in waves of illegals to overload them!
Just like the jihadis do, they are using our compassion against us.
Like a blunt instrument.
Oh, and I think that Michael Delauzon is a Q-peep.

Sadie Slays

The Broward County shenanigans of the past year made me seriously wonder what the REAL story behind the 2000 election was about. I leaned Left at the time and bought the mainstream narrative that GWB stole the election. Knowing what I now, it’s more likely that the Democrats tried to steal it and the Republicans countered with shady actions via Governor Jeb and the Supreme Court. Personally, I believe America was screwed no matter who won. The cabal is an alliance of various bad actors who team up to bring down mutual enemies (in this case, America).


I have often heard POTUS has a sock account. I always wondered if this was it.I have no idea who this guy is but he posts the greatest stuff.


Yeah, Michael Delauzon is kind of a mysterious guy.
He was with the Transition Team…and was briefly at the WH…then left.
And yes, his twitter account does have some great stuff.
Makes ya wonder…doesn’t it.

Plain Jane

This is the first time I heard that name. Hope you all post more of him. Thank you all.


“preying on our compassionate natures”
Yes, Wheatie, I think you have their tactic exactly right.
They use our GOODNESS against us.
And the proper counter, IMO, is to use their EVIL against them, in JUST, and EFFECTIVE, response.
Notice how the political positions of the US Dems, through masterful strategy by VSGPDJT (and others, helping), have been boiled down and reduced to their insanely destructive core.
No doors on our country-house (open borders); promote illegal aliens before legal Americans (amnesty); kill babies (“Planned Parenthood”, the genocidal advice of Sanger); Gimme-dat freebies (muh, compassion!) for laggards / leeches, conflating them with people truly in need, and willing to work; … and the list goes on.
I actually LIKE the term “CRUSADE” – for this is exactly what we must do. REPEL the invaders, in a defensive action, against their aggression.
THEY are attacking US. We are attacking them BACK. (It ISN’T the same thing, ethically – though they try to convince us so. Pfft.)
For God And Country.
(I wish he’d have found this site by now! He was the FIRST person I responded to, OT.)

Sadie Slays

The plan to destroy America through illegal immigration probably pre-dates the Reagan amnesty. Not to let the Clintons off the hook for their part in it, but people need to get used to the idea that the cabal’s sick plans have been going on for a very long time indeed.


I think that point has come and gone.
The elections are over for a while…and that’s where they reaped the benefit of it.
Now they are desperately clinging to their false narratives.
But it is straining the abilities of their enemedia operatives to continue to cover for them.
Our best counter-narrative…which is the truth…is that the Dems Do Not Care About Americans Who Are Hurting.
And expose their evil plans, as you have done here.


“the idea is an old one”
The Ted Kennedy sponsored Immigration Act – of 1965, IIRC – comes to mind.
Cloward-Piven published in 1966. They, like HRC, were devotees of Alinsky.
Alinsky’s infernal book was published in 1971.
“Swamping the system” is about creating CHAOS.
The Latin “Ordo ab Chao” means “order out of chaos”, and from what I’ve gathered, is the motto of the 33rd level Freemasons.
From Orwell-dot-com: “The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of manipulation and deception.”
From ZeroHedge (2014): “Each supposed disintegration of global unity has eventually led to greater centralization […].”
It all comes together, under the aegis of totalitarianism, i.e., tyranny.
“at what critical point […] being OPENLY for it”
The election of VSGPDJT hijacked their timeline. I suspect that the nefarious “16-year plan”, 8 of Obozo then 8 of the Hildebeast, would have been revealed at latest by 2024. In fact, I think we would have seen 2020 as the unmasking date, when the Broom-pilot may not have been able to get re-elected.
The reason, IMO, that they are so OPEN now, is that they’ve had to accelerate their plans, and so, have become VISIBLE before they had planned. They only would have become visible AFTER having won; but now, they are decloaking (both by their choice, and by our force) too soon.
I’m glad you brought up Cloward-Piven, Wolf – I was going to post about it on your “Chaos Narrative” thread …


“They were so sure she would win” is a sentence I am getting sick of hearing but it is so true. You are very prescient – the machinery was already turned on when DJT “hijacked” the captains chair, and they had no way to turn off (or pause) the battleship.
“It’s complicated, folks” is so accurate. So many levels which need lots of patriots filling the parallel paths all going to the promised land of constitutional republic restored.


Great post, ES.


Thanks Tona.
You’ve submitted some great posts yourself!


I still don’t think Hitlery would have survived to the swearing in ceremony if their cheating has succeeded.
DJT wasn’t even going to support any of the other GOP candidates had they won (remember the 1st debate).
Knowing that Hitlery and the Communist DNC were cheating like mad, DJT certainly wouldn’t have accepted a stolen election.
And neither would the 73+ million people (including at least 10 million whose votes were ‘lost’) who voted for DJT.
She would have been killed.


Pardon me.
She would have been “Arkancided”.
With extreme prejudice, followed by the kind of celebration that hasn’t been seen since the end of WWII.


But instead, they’re doing it the hard way, doing everything possible to the dainties and the snowflakes and the sleepwalkers won’t be too inconvenienced by bringing our Republic back from the brink of destruction the sleepwalkers, snowflakes and dainties allowed.
Arrests cannot come soon enough.


edit / correction: “…doing everything possible to SO the dainties and…”

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Great topic and article.
Every MAGA supporter should have an understanding of the Cloward-Piven strategy and its “enforcer” the Rules for Radicals Alinsky tactics.
I urge everyone to search,read and bookmark Discover the Networks…a wealth of information !
“Welcome to DiscoverTheNetworks, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This website is a “Guide to the Political Left.” It identifies the individuals and organizations that make up the left, and also the institutions that fund and sustain the left; it maps the paths through which the left exerts its influence on the larger body politic; it defines the left’s (often hidden) programmatic agendas; and it provides an understanding of the left’s history and ideas.”


Bookmarked ty😊

Plain Jane

Thanks Gil. I browsed the site. Looks great.
A good site for officeholders is judgepedia.com and ballotpedia.com.

Brave and Free

Yes overload everything, I think the ACA belongs in that category too. Thanks for the reference to the site ,more reading ahead for me.
I grew up in the sixties ang early seventies I remember all the protesters back then. Now there all in the government.
Keep praying


“the ACA belongs in that category too”
I believe that the “plan” was to make ACA so bad, so expensive, and such a “problem”, that the American populace would have clamored for relief.
And Hey Presto! – here comes the single-payer “solution”, putting ALL of healthcare in the hands of government. This is one of Alinsky’s goals, to destroy nations … and it’s why we should NEVER allow that to happen.


IMO, that was the SOLE goal of Obamacare.


Sherlock Holmes is a favorite of mine. When I heard a few years back of (yet another) version of Holmes, the Cumberbatch version, I was skeptical. IMO only the Jeremy Brett version gets the stories “right” in a satisfying way for fans of Holmes.
But I loved Cumberbatch! It was NOT Holmes, but it was a wonderful version inspired by Holmes, set in modern day.
When I recently saw a Cumberbatch episode on TV I had an entirely different thought: there is Wolfmoon!
You can practically “see” the calculations. And like Watson, it all seems so simple when it is explained, but it is never possible to duplicate.
Great post, so much insight!


Agree about Jeremy Brett’s Holmes.


I always wondered why our ‘leaders’ weren’t more insistent on tying our foreign aid to outcomes that actually generated a measure of self-sufficiency in the countries we’ve given our $$$$ billions to over the decades.
During the Obama era, it finally dawned on me, they never cared one way or the other. In fact, our leaders preferred masses of ‘underprivileged’ who would eventually show up at our border.
Make America Third World.
and Hillary would have.
God Blessed us with an ordinary man fighting an extraordinary war. Please continue to pray that God protect and guide President Trump.


We. Are. Screwed. When 5% or less possess or control the wealth and resources of planet Earth (they think of themselves as the Olympians of the universe), their primary motivation becomes POWER/Absolute Control. They position their Houses for control generation after generation—the Houses of Rothchild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Windsor (originally Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Carnegie, et al. They and their constituents are the puppeteers, and we seemingly obsess over “their players” in the ongoing Kabuki Theater!
They are the ultimate enemy of the people’s of earth, and they worship their god of the earth, Lucifer. One day in the future Lucifer will rise up and empower his one world ruler in order to destroy mankind (human genocide)—cf. Rev.13; 2Thes.2:1–12; Matt. 24:15–31; Dan. 7:23–27; 8:23–25; 9:24–27. According to Scripture, this plan by Lucifer can only be thwarted by the return of Jesus Christ to earth in power and great glory!!! So as we somewhat celebrate His birth at this time of year, we should also anticipate His return—“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men (Jesus Christ)…looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ…” (cf. Titus 2:11-14; NKJV). This is perhaps one of the strongest references to the deity of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures—as God and Savior!!! Of course this belief of reality only pertains to those who believe in Scripture as the Word of God to His creation—and hold to a futuristic interpretation of biblical prophecy!
Ultimately, men will not prevail against the globalists (the Olympians)—it will require a Power greater than ourselves!


The Titus passage is worth quoting in full since it encompasses the complete(d) work of Jesus Christ as we celebrate the season—
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men [1st Advent], teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ [2nd Advent], who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” (Titus 2:11–14).


Pete, I agree. I believe antichrist will set himself up in the temple in Jerusalem, and many will be deceived into believing he is Christ or messiah.


Amen Zoe! The deception is not that Satan’s chosen one will declare himself to be “against” (anti-) Christ, but he will present himself as the Messiah, the Christ!!!!


What does this have to do with the topic at hand??? Nothing!😳
The Cloward—Piven plan seeks to bring to fruition the Humanist Manifesto, which in part is the Communist Manifesto—by overloading the governmental system leading to the full control of society under a godless system in total control by the central authority (the ruling class or government).
The Houses of wealth and power long ago determined that the communist system would give them the totalitarian/absolute control over “the useless eaters” of planet Earth, all gathered under their total control.
The global cabal (The Olympians) ultimately believe in “transhumanism”, where technology combined with the human organism will create a super-human race of beings (posthuman)! As such, all human life (except theirs) is expendable.


“Indeed, if there is any kingdom being prepared by antichrist for the fulfillment of end-time events, it is one based on Scientism, Technocracy and Transhumanism- providing systematic and comprehensive control over every human being on earth without regard to geographic boundaries.” (Patrick Wood, “Technocracy Rising,” p. 212)


I refuse to follow the “advice” of someone who claims to “know”, without doubt, the nature of the antichrist.
His “authority” – while seductive – is errant. IMO.
The author – Patrick Wood – assumes authority he does not have, in stating this.
Be careful whom you follow, PeteC! Vanity comes in many forms.


I don’t “follow” Wood as you may suspect, but I found his quote interesting in what he sees as foundations being laid to facilitate the anti-christ (in his opinion). My indications (or signs) rest with Scripture.


I don’t ‘””follow him, either but also found the quote interesting.


What Wood does understand is that institutional Christianity has been infiltrated by non-biblical ideology, pushing the believer further away rather than closer to God’s truth—and moving the institutional church into apostasy, a falling away from the truths of Scripture (cf. 2Thes. 2:3-4)— “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day [the return of Jesus Christ] will not come unless the falling away [Grk—“apostasia”] comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition [the anti-christ], who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (NKJV).
In the historical context, the Thessalonians (due to false teachers), were of the mistaken understanding that the Day of Jesus Christ (His 2nd Advent), had already taken place and they were left behind. So Paul finds the need to write a second letter to clarify the fact they haven’t been abandoned, and gives them two things that must occur before His return—1) the falling away; and 2) the appearance of the anti-christ on the world scene. “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” (2Thes. 2:9-10; NKJV).
This is what I believe, and for those who don’t, I’m okay with that—I’m not here trying to evangelize people!!!


I think so, and it will involve worship of antichrist.


With communism as the overall authoritarian ruling structure encouraging (demanding) “communitarian” action at the local level (where your value is determined solely by your contribution to the “common good”), as it relates to the collectivist community!
If you cannot be reprogrammed in the re-education camps for resistors to the communitarian ideal, then you will simply be extinguished.


And don’t forget the power of working towards a common goal.
Or creating divisions so that does not happen.


“But I tell you who hear Me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27-28).


Yes, Zoo.
Otherwise, we become like them, and lose ourselves.
Let us not wish ill, on anyone, except what justice that our laws (both moral, and legal) provide.
Instead, let us wish for universal good, in succor to our compatriots, and in hope that our enemies (enemies of truth, liberty, and God) will find the error of their ways, and see the TRUE light.
Let us not curse, but bless.


This was one of the biggest issues
that I have had with the “culture” *over there*.
Comment moderation never seemed to have a problem with those who insulted, belittled, even cursed whomever was not on “our side”.
To allow the public verbal “lynching” of whomever was in the “other camp” go unchecked, uncorrected smacks of alinsky/communist practices.
If nothing else, the fear of grieving the Holy Spirit of God should guide our speech.


The more I learn the less I’ve known.
I woke up at 6:17 two days in a row, with no alarm.
Have no idea what it means but it sure caught my attention.


I know Glenn Beck has lost his way and bought into the Uni party and chaos theories….
But there was a time when he introduced me to Cloward-Piven, Alinski, Margaret Sanger, fabian socialism etc., etc….
I appreciate what he did in the early Obama years, I hope that whatever or whoever has steered him on his current sad path falls away and allows him to see that PDJT is fighting the fight he saw on a level he only dreamed would happen.
It will be interesting as the facts are revealed en mass in this battle, who will enter the fray on the side of good. We need all the voices//warriors with megaphones we can get, even if they have been AWOL for the last couple years.


Wolfmoon: “They LIED. All of these guys – Obama, the Clintons, Schumer, Biden, Gore – all of the ones who KNEW the truth – they LIED and pretended to be AGAINST illegal immigration until it was SAFE to be openly FOR IT.”
I have known for years that they were all lying about this and many other topics. It’s significant that, after waiting years and sometimes decades, they think it’s safe to reveal their true positions NOW. These are the times we live in. They must think they have transformed society enough that it will support them and they can proceed with their agenda. And if not enough of us agree, they will continue to cheat and railroad us, with the media giving them positive coverage.
The battle has been drawn. As time goes on, we get more glimpses (as in this excellent article) of what they’ve been planning. It is more proof that we can’t just all work together. You can’t compromise with your enemy.


“You can’t compromise with your enemy.”
It is incumbent on our enemy to work with US.
The burden is on THEM. Not us.
It’s proper order …


And the every day peeps that have not developed the skill of living out of a heart of courage. Well, they are stuck.
Great thread.


This man. Our VSG Lion POTUS.
He speaks out where he is going to help us get to.
He’s already set the goal that will destroy that tool of the destroyers, the ACA.
At the 4 minute mark here, just a little over a week ago.
“We are going to get really good healthcare.”


“We were sold out on immigration when these people opened their mouths and spoke. We were SOLD OUT on immigration LONG before they LIED.
They were after one thing – taking power.”
It goes at least as far back as Ted Kennedy, and the 1965 immigration & Nationality Act.
“NOW – ask yourselves why UNMASKING was necessary. “.
There is something for needful than unmasking.
The people who are sleeping won’t ever seek out the truth and slowly ‘awaken’… all they’re accomplishing by drawing this out (and out… and out… and out…) is further dividing the country and GASLIGHTING the people who are already AWAKE.
And those people are going to start getting PISSED OFF about it if the people in charge don’t put an END to the INSANITY.
If they really want to WAKE UP all the sleepwalkers, then start ARRESTING people.
THAT will get their attention.


I was first introduced to Cloward and Piven by Glenn Beck… That is why so many of us left his network because he embraced illegals when they came by the millions while obama was president. I know obama says he stopped more illegals than any other president but he was sneaking them in by other methods… Flying them in… smuggling them in using UPS flights among other methods.
I had figured that Beck had a nervous breakdown but now I realize that he turned when he could not handle his popularity with the tea party. he began to believe he was a prophet and began rethinking everything he had taught us!! But along with Beck, the tea party went bust as well! I was a member and volunteer of the tea party until their leader became the darling of the press and threw our money into republican, RINO politics! 🙁 I dropped them like a hot stone just like I dropped Beck…
Beck was very disappointing to my whole family because he originally woke us to the condition of our nation and turned on us when we dared to disagree.


I would not think it a stretch to label Cloward—Piven, Ayers—Dohrn, and Saul Alinsky as communists. They were comrades in arms. Open borders and illegal immigration suits their goal of destroying the United States and burning the Constitution. As we all know, the Clintons, the Obama’s, and Soros are counted in their number. I wouldn’t have thought that I would live to see the day where outright professing socialists would be elected to public office here in America!
Alinsky dedicates his book (“Rules for Radicals”) to Lucifer, the first radical to fight for a kingdom, the earth, and “win” (so they believe)! This is their god they sacrifice to, literally!
Reminds me of the scathing rebuke Jesus Christ made to the religious leaders of Israel back in the day— “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.” (Matt. 23:15; NKJV).
Realize I’m not making much sense, but one does not always have to be coherent, do we???


Pete, it’s Not a stretch at all, it Is communism and many realize it. That is known.


[…] VLWC 05: The Cloward-Piven Strategy Rescued By Illegal Immigration […]