Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181223

This SPECIAL PATRIOT QUARTER SUNDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Today (Sunday, December 23) is the twenty-second day of Advent.

The 146th day of next year, which shall be celebrated here as Ma Cankles Uranium Day, is:

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019

Today we celebrate all witnesses – living and dead – because they ALL speak to me.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

– – · –
594 days of the Banned Wagon (not that I’m counting, mind you)!
Did you just find out that the site that Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy has banned you? Hop aboard. Here at W’s Q tree house we are getting the banned back together.
– – · –
Let the trumpets be heard! Let the Letter Q be seen and heard around the world!

– – · –
We are near the crest of the roller coaster, folks! Hang on for the ride!
– – · –
We are now into the Winter…of THEIR discontent.
Please, be careful to wear hazmat suits out there–you don’t want exploding head all over you should you be around a leftist or other Never Trumper when their craniums go kablooey. It’s dreadfully unsanitary given what’s usually inside those heads. (Starts with “Adam.”)
– – · –

Plain Jane

LOL. “Starts with Adam.” Hee, hee


IS it me–Who just got back from taking Entire Family and 3 yr old G baby to take a ride on The Polar Express–A Magical Experience that made me think I was totally IN a Hallmark Christmas MOVIE!–just needed it to SNOW–and would have even encouraged Fake snow! LOL!! But it truly WAS Magical!!!
SO I have a few minutes to check in-and I really believe this DIVIDE TRUMP SUPPORTERS is a Defcon 5! SO not gonna join in—WE GOTTA WIN –WE WILL WIN!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your post STEVE!! thank you!!!! GOD BLESS and Merry Christmas!! SPLODEY Heads and all!

Sylvia Avery

Yes, the efforts to divide Trump Supporters has just bumped up the volume. Put on the armor of God before you go out into the world.


Sylvia – I bought my grandson an Armor of God challenge coin for Christmas.

Sylvia Avery

That is very cool!

Pat Frederick

well yeah, they would HAVE to bump it up—because citizens are bringing their support up a notch when they started trying to fund the wall themselves…that’s a big IN-YOUR-FACE to all Congresspeople who oppose the wall…whether or not it works–it still shows UNITY from our side…

Sylvia Avery

Yes! Worth every penny just to make a point for heaven’s sake!!!


True but did you notice the effective pushback? That showboat McGurk tried to ride the wave but he wound up demonstrating that he was grandstanding. I think people will come back. But note who jumped off the train…..phonies among us.


Yeah, and over at CTH this morning, gloom and doom are back on the menu.
Huber and Horowitz investigations are constructs (that stupid word again) of the Deep State. Totally controlled by Mueller, blah, blah, blah.
I only got halfway through it, gave up and came over here.
Sundance, if you read here, I’m sorry for whatever has happened to you, truly. But if it was me, and ALL I was ALLOWED to write was WE ARE DOOMED, in the face of a President who is GIVING UP CHRISTMAS to fight for us, I would QUIT.
I am on this train to the bitter end, no matter where it goes. It’s the last train out of the station for the America my ancestors fought and died for.


me too Aub..

Pat Frederick

I personally believe he’s not “allowed” to quit. He developed a following–he quits and those readers simply find another conservative site. But what if he slowly “evolves his position” and take all those followers with him into the gloom…away from the light…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I still remember how he got pessimistic clear back during the failure to repeal Obamacare. He insisted that failing to repeal it endangered the tax cuts and most of the rest of the economic agenda.


Sending prayers out for all. It’s the quiet waiting is the hardest. Merry Christmas to all.

Sylvia Avery

You’re right. The waiting is hard. It makes people fractious. Merry Christmas! (And keep on praying…)

Pat Frederick

according to my favorite rocker, Tom Petty, the waiting is the HARDEST part…

Sylvia Avery

Tom Petty was an amazing rock star. He really delivered the goods. And he certainly nailed it because the waiting IS the hardest part!

Pat Frederick

well now I have to cut off the Christmas music to play one of his CDs…and of course amuse my hubby with my way cool dance moves…LOL

Sylvia Avery

Ha,ha!!! Way too much fun for a Sunday morning!


Merry Christmas, DEG!
I hope you get some Crab Chips as a present!


Amazing how much “truer” and understandable some things get with age.
Consider poem by Milton about quiet waiting:
When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide
Lodg’d with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest he returning chide;
“Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?”
I fondly ask. But Patience to prevent
That murmur, soon replies: “God doth not need
Either man’s work or his own gifts; who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state
Is kingly. Thousands at his bidding speed
And post o’er land and ocean without rest:
They also serve who only stand and wait.
There is much solace in the poem, the more so because with age it seems so much truer than before.


That was great!…pure Tonawanda-ish


With emphasis on the ish!


God Bless our Intrepid Trump Family who returned to the White House to celebrate Christmas with our fearless President Trump. Melania, Barron, Jared & Ivanka are trustworthy rocks, and I am grateful they are always by his side.
I think a $15 million-and-climbing Build the Wall Fund from patriotic Americans is a strong statement that we are NOT divided, and we are on the Trump Train to stay.
I. Am. Praying. For. You, Mr. President.
Every day, in every way. I am praying for you.
Merry Christmas, QTHers. Remember to enjoy the ride while we are on it because it is always, and only, about the journey. I thank our Holy Father for bringing us together in this fight.
#WWG1WGA 💖🇺🇸💖🇺🇸💖🇺🇸💖🇺🇸🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

Plain Jane

Beautifully said Alison.


Alison—Your post tonite Sums everything up in a beautiful way!!! like wrapping a Christmas present with a beautiful ribbon and an bow!! LOVE YOU and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!




I wish could give this a “like” ill just reply with an Amen! And a Merry Christmas Alison! I love our unity here on the QT, so grateful for a true place of refuge.


Is this the start of how the media will try to salvage some of their non-existent credibility back?
Michael Isikoff backtracks on the MuhRussia false narrative:

Link to the article mention in above tweet:
Isikoff granted an interview by a fan of his, radio show host John Zeigler.
During this interview…Isikoff backtracked on the whole MuhRussia thing.
——–From the article:
Ziegler’s repeated expressions of admiration for Isikoff’s work, plus his softball questions, utterly failed to disguise Isikoff’s disappointment that Robert Mueller’s Russia-gate investigation is “not where a lot of people would like it to be.”
“A lot of people” includes Isikoff.
Aware of the credulity given by Isikoff and Corn to the “Steele dossier,” Ziegler began with what he apparently thought was a soft-ball observation/question. “Would you agree that a lot of what is in the Steele Dossier has been at least somewhat vindicated?”
“No,” said Isikoff flatly.
I wonder if Isikoff will be persona non grata on all the Enemedia talk shows from now on.
Or…will this prompt other leftist nozzles to start backtracking as well.


In case you may have forgotten what Michael Isikoff looks like:
comment image


“In case you may have forgotten what Michael Isikoff looks like:”
He looks corrupt, just like his reporting.


Purple on purple. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. ha!

Pat Frederick

I agree…just as the Deplorables needed a slow rollout of how corrupt the government REALLY is (or they would revolt), the Leftists need a slow rollout of Mueller’s got-nothing report–or they will revolt. This back tracking is gonna continue in small steps–because a major revolt on their part will incur swift action from POTUS–he is not gonna let that crap go (think Furgeson) like Obama did.
And since that would recharge the Deplorable base–the left knows they can’t risk a major revolt…so small steps to say yeah we’ve got nothing…


Great picture of Pres Trump with Melania, Don Jr and Kimberly:
I think it is brilliant of our VSG to remain in DC for Christmas.
He knows that if he had taken off down to Mar A Lago…the Dems/Enemedia would’ve made a big hairy deal about it.
I’m sure they are all disappointed that he thwarted their evil plan.


It’s interesting, too…that they did that picture in front of a portrait of George Washington.
The George Washington Theme continues.


It’s looking more and more…like the people there had No Warning.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

New Q Drops # 2641 and 2642
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 13e23b No.4432768 📁
Dec 22 2018 22:48:03 (EST)📁
How can the ‘LEFT’ refute this?
What happens when you can no longer trust those elected to represent you?
Anons can play this game all day long.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a509ca No.4433511 📁
Dec 22 2018 23:36:43 (EST)📁
The More You Know…
Research for yourself.


Anons did a screencap of the tweet that Q linked to:comment image


I think it’s very Qewl that we got a late night Q-drop on a Saturday night.comment image
The Swamp might end up wishing that Pres Trump had left town.


comment image


My Dream:
President Trump stays in DC…….
Q Post:
Ok CONgress, you COWARDS……
Go home to mommy for Christmas….
I’ll run the damned government by MYSELF!
And while I’m at it….
I see your 1.6 BILLION for “security”…..
And RAISE you to 25 BILLION for THE WALL!


Two video clips from different angles…showing the French police having to run from a crowd of YellowVests:


And Macron said that…when Pres Trump was there. (!!)
This is what set the YellowVest protests in motion, I think.
The hike in the gas tax was the final trigger…but French citizens had been simmering since that “Nationalism is treason” speech.


“Therefore, nationalism is “treason” against WHAT?”
It’s just nonsense talk, literally.
They have pushed the insanity narrative so far that they literally sound like BLITHERING idiots, lol!
He might as well have said “Good is Bad”!
It’s beyond corruption.
It’s total perversion… even of the very core of the meaning of language itself.


GloBULLists, Lefties, DemonCraps all only want to DESTROY Civilization and LIBERTY.
Declass as soon as possible Mr. President….
That’ll shut ’em up! (and LOCK ’em up)


Well, Nationalism would be treason against the One World Order, correct?


Only if we had pledged an oath of loyalty to it – which we have not!


I do not like the fact that I hear a lot of Islamic sounding voices in those clips. That is worrying. The French citizens I completely support. Islamic invaders who are there for the gibs and to impose Islamic society are just taking advantage of the situation to further their own ends.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This was what I was afraid of.
Massive disorder->the worst thugs in the area terrorize the crap out of everyone->when the dust clears, they’re in charge and no one has the energy or gumption to fight back any more->dhimmitude.


Steve, you’ve got it.

Molly Pitcher

A drive by post to say WOW at all 17 comments on here so far. Every single one is incredibly good and the tsunami, incredibly bad.
Thanks all.


I hadn’t seen the above video before.
It’s good.
Is ^^this^^ how we win back our cities from the Dems?
The Dems have had a stranglehold on them…but all they have accomplished is decay and despair.
Our VSG’s plan sounds brilliant to me.


“Ran into Ambassador Haley at the White House yesterday.”
I wouldn’t trust Nikki Haley to take out my trash.
She may have done as she was told while working for DJT at the U.N., but that doesn’t change what she is. She doesn’t just worship at the altar of Political Correctness; she does a pagan fire dance around it.
She was not only willing to throw our nation’s HISTORY down the oblivion hole without a fight, she did it at the behest of the Marxist mob.
She tries to get anywhere near national office, she ought to be dragged away by her hair.


NTW….. Haley is NOT a “Natural Born Citizen”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Which–unless she becomes a Democrat–makes her un-nominatable.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Praying Medic’s rebuttal to Paul Sperry and Sundance
[12/22 CTH] REPORT: Huber and Horowitz Investigations Deep State Cons Constructed by DOJ
“But wait, it gets worse…With Paul Sperry’s reporting today as additional support, CTH continues to outline the true motives and intents of Horowitz:”(Sundance).comment image


“Praying Medic’s rebuttal to Paul Sperry and Sundance”
I saw Sundance’s article… I almost called 911 to report a mass-suicide event in progress at CTH.
Total, complete, pervasive, suffocating confirmation bias.
Which is fine, if it happens to be true.
The problem is that nearly all of his analysis is based on the same sources of which he is rightly hyper-critical, i.e., the MSM, a.k.a. FAKE NEWS.
To the practical EXCLUSION of so-called ‘alternative’ news sources.
So is it any WONDER that his analysis — largely based on MSM FAKE NEWS — is diametrically opposed to everything alternative/conservative that is not MSM / Fake News?

Sylvia Avery

Total, complete, pervasive, suffocating confirmation bias.


I don’t want to look. You guys tell me.


I think some people are getting suckered by Occam.
There’s a lot we don’t know yet.


He was scheduled to testify before Congress on December 5th, wasn’t he?
Then came the GHWB false flag event to delay.
So (IIRC) Huber was rescheduled for December 13th.
But December 13th came and went, with no mention (that I recall) of Huber.
So, in the words of David Gilmour, Wot’s, uh… the deal?

Sylvia Avery

Huber was a no show at the hearing. Apparently he was elsewhere involved in some kind of….wait for it…child exploitation thing.

Pat Frederick

i believe we wouldn’t hear anything from Huber and his investigations–true ongoing investigations do not want info to leak. when you want the truth–not propaganda–you go where the FACTS take you–not where the leaks leads you.
I think that’s why they had to create the whole Q is a larp story. Q provides clues for us to research so we can know (without actual leaking) what’s happening.
Destroy the hope + no leaks from good guys = despair + fracturing POTUS’s base


The Despair-ados like to blame Q for ‘pacifying’ DJT’s base, because if it was not for Q and all the people ‘believing’ that DJT is not oblivious to what’s going on….
They never say what that ‘something’ is.
It’s just left hanging there… implying that there would have been a revolt of some kind, if Q hadn’t come along.
This, from the same people who wear ‘cold anger’ like a badge of honor, bottling everything up inside and never taking any direct action on ANYTHING.
Long before I was banned, I was so frustrated the whole ‘cold anger’ Kool-Aid, that I asked one time if there was ANYTHING that ANYONE could do, that would cause all the ‘cold anger’ around here to finally turn HOT?
I could almost ‘feel’ the disapproving frowns in my direction from all the NPCs 😁
But nobody had a reply.
And I wasn’t expecting one.
They’re using ‘Q’ — and those who follow the Q posts — as an excuse for their own impotence.
A scapegoat for their own inability to act.
They can tilt at Q like Don Quixote at windmills, pretending that everything would be different if only Q hadn’t come along.
And that let’s them off the hook.
Because they weren’t going to do anything besides talk, anyway…


good post…the way they connect the dots on our Q support never made any sense. It wasn’t the least bit logical. More like wishcasting.


Reminds me of a great old song…

Sylvia Avery

” if it was not for Q and all the people ‘believing’ that DJT is not oblivious to what’s going on….
They never say what that ‘something’ is.”
ARGH! I know, right? It drives me crazy. There’s this never ending stew of it is all the fault of those Q-kooks who said to trust Sessions, trust the plan, pray, and all it has done is keep the base quiet and pacified. If our anger had welled up and boiled over we could have……..could have what? What exactly? What is to be done? Start a hot civil war? Or? Go all French Revolution? It is crazy, but they can’t seem to see that.
And you’re right, it neatly lets them off the hook.


Completely agree with Scott. Blaming a mysterious Q for one’s own inability to act is an excuse.


Or unwillingness to act….


This is my favorite post of the week!
You are so right it’s scary.

Molly Pitcher

Good description Scott. It seemed to me that the ‘Cold Anger’ theme was building to a yellow vest type trumpet but then it dribbled down to debilitating despair which is contagious. i don’t know what to make of it all.

Sylvia Avery

Very weird. But wasn’t it Q who floated the idea that Huber was essentially a red herring tossed out to the trained seals and that the actual investigation is farmed out to a bunch of Huber’s colleagues? Or did I imagine that?


I just woke up.
Read the CTH article on bad news at DOJ and FBI. It’s all over social media.
Interesting sidenote. not sure who posted first but a similar article is out from Real Clear Investigations.
The two articles, side by side, are almost identical.


There are at least a couple people who haven’t been banned yet that are having a go at it over there.
C R Lord has been taking on the CTH NPCs very directly, and Orion posted this (which would have gotten me banned, loL!):
Orion says:
December 23, 2018 at 12:02 am
Sundance genius logic:
– The deep state can use subterfuge and run operations undercover of the MSM, however the whitehats in Trump’s orbit are not allow to do the same thing. They have to put all their cards on the table for everyone to see.
Q is fake blah blah. Pathetic.
Use logic. Trump is going to wreck these people in the greatest long game con in the history of civilisation. It’s so sophisticated that even the great sundance can’t see the forest of the trees. Either that, or he’s (((compromised))).
I have wondered the same thing many times, whether SD is either compromised or running his own psy-op. The blinders are so severe, the certitude so sure, the lack of any doubt whatsoever so complete, it’s all so over-the-top that it almost seems fake.
Because the other option is some kind of cosmic duality, lol!
In a universe where Q exists, Sundance has been compelled to polar opposition. To the point that it doesn’t even matter WHERE that puts Sundance. It could put him in a lake, or ten feet past the edge of a cliff, at the mouth of a train tunnel as freight train comes roaring through, doesn’t matter.
Wherever Q is, SD will effectively be opposite.
And after a while that pattern becomes hard to ignore.
Not speculating at causality where none exists, but something outside-the-box is having a gravitational pull in two opposite directions.
And just one manifestation or example of that is Q vs. SD.


In other words, SD has defined himself in opposition to Q.
For a long time he was (at least publicly) agnostic.
Then, seemingly overnight, he went ‘all in’, total opposition, to the point of banishing anyone and everyone who mentioned Q in any way that wasn’t blatantly negative.

Pat Frederick

you’re absolutely right about the “seemingly overnight” aspect. It was hard not to miss. But, since he was the host, I thought it was just because Q was distracting from SD’s own theories–and he didn’t want that.


To Scott467, right. SD has taken a position, line in the sand.
Timing is interesting.
Note, in SD’s article, he mentions someone he knows personally within the DOJ OIG investigation. SD points to September 2018 as being crucial time period. PDJT ordered the declass, thwarting on the 21st of Sept, and many of us were banned a few days after mid-terms.
Something changed for SD and it was dramatic.
Could have been ANYTHING and not related at all.
Bigger question—
Does a President legally HAVE to go through the DOJ, first, to declass a document? He is the Executive, after all.


There’s a procedure to be followed. The short answer to your question is yes he can declassify all by his lonesome. But he is NOT the legal entity in ACTUAL control of the documents in question. If it’s DoJ docs, the DoJ policy applies. The workaround for foot-dragging by DoJ is to demand that copies of the documents be provided to him. He can then hand them out to urinalists at a press conference. The problem with this is that almost everything the govt does has loose filaments that can hurt other things if revealed. Thus redactions. Most important, once disclosed, POTUS loses control of the info. By now, everybody should know that info control is the new wealth measurement in the world. DJT knows this and is a master at using it.

Sylvia Avery

Great post, love how you describe the Q vs SD dynamic!
I think we better air out the spare branches, gather some extra blankets, and make coffee. Orion (and wasn’t he just fabulous???) and some others may be dropping in.


Sd acting wierd with that post about whitaker telling everyone to repeat I understand was the moment for me that he had had something happen. My only issue is, he isnt the sole person working there. There are multiple mods spread around the country. Would they not be affected too just as much? SD needs prayer but also an intervention of sorts.
I still wish him Merry Christmas.

Sylvia Avery

There have been so many odd things happen that it all seems to blur together in my mind. I knew something was wrong and had been for awhile, but you are right. The pledge to say I understand or whatever about Whitaker was surely the apex of strangeness.
I’ve had all kinds of wild and mundane theories but none of them seem to fit, exactly.
I’m at a loss to understand it or explain it, so all that’s left is to accept that it is what it is (whatever THAT is) and carry on.


Happily, those of us here can carry on together! 👼👼👼🎅🎅🎅🎅🤶🤶🤶🤶🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

C R Lord even went after Flepore when Flepore called Sessions a POS.


“C R Lord even went after Flepore when Flepore called Sessions a POS.”
I have noticed that Flep really enjoys the daylights out of that acronym.


Yes he does, everyone is a POS. :/ He also misspells “your” when he means “you’re” ….But I would never point that out!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Honestly, I don’t know why Points of Sale fascinate him so… 😀

Pat Frederick

i got only so far through the article–annoyed with unnamed “lawyers and others we spoke to”…and unnamed “critics say”…tactics
the article said Huber was never scheduled to testify on Dec 5th…really?
perhaps the government is going after Hillary, Obama and others from a standpoint that no one expects–like Capone with taxes…

Sylvia Avery

With you, Pat. Couldn’t get through it. Could hear PDJT’s voice in my head talking about unnamed sources and there aren’t any they just make that stuff up and I thought there was just no point in reading it.


And SD is using that (unnamed sources) as the basis for his analysis.

Sylvia Avery

I know. WTH is he thinking?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

perhaps the government is going after Hillary, Obama and others from a standpoint that no one expects–like Capone with taxes

Rolling up pedophiles, bottom to top, would be something most people–even most Trump supporters–don’t expect. (Most people don’t believe in Pizzagate, if they’ve even heard of it.)

Pat Frederick

precisely! the evidence might not be as controlled as it is with regards to finances, national security, and other areas where federal corruption may be king…


“(Most people don’t believe in Pizzagate, if they’ve even heard of it.)”
Which is amazing to me.
I’m more than prepared to believe that these monsters drink adrenochrome and have Satanic orgies that end in child sacrifice and 90% or more of the criminal political-class is actively involved.
I have to consciously remind myself that while there is a ton of information ‘out there’ that points in that direction, and lots of ‘smoking guns’, and even multiple witnesses (Alison Mack / NVXIUM, girls on Epstein’s Lolita Express and listed on the FLIGHT MANIFEST, etc.), so far, none of biggest criminals have actually been indicted.
But there is NO evil they could be involved in that would surprise me at this point — whatever they are involved in, no matter how hideous, there would be no surprise — only vindication.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

People here and CTH know what it is, but I talk to a lot of people–a lot of conservative people, who never heard all of these pedophilia rumors.


“People here and CTH know what it is, but I talk to a lot of people–a lot of conservative people, who never heard all of these pedophilia rumors.”
Then they haven’t been red-pilled.
And the only reason anyone isn’t red-pilled by this point is because:
A) they’re not looking very hard for the truth
B) they have chosen the blue pill
There is not much anyone can do about ‘B’, but we can point them in the right direction if it’s ‘A’.
If you point them to the truth (red pill) and they reject it, then you know they chose the blue pill (B).


That was written by who? Paul Sperry! Hmmm…..scratching each other’s backs now?


Or one copying the other.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for this. I hadn’t checked out PM yet.
I couldn’t read SDs article. I started to, but when I realized what I was reading, and that there were only super secret squirrel sources who are deep undercover talking out of the sides of their mouths wearing trenchcoats in the parking garage at midnight I thought to myself, “I don’t need this crap. If I wanted to read this kind of thing I could go glue myself to the failing NYTs or WaPo. Pffft.” And I clicked out and left.
Maybe I’ll go back and finish the article later. Or not. But you could pay me a million bucks and I wouldn’t venture into the comments section. Nope. No way.


“But you could pay me a million bucks and I wouldn’t venture into the comments section. Nope. No way.”
I would.
I practically grieve over the amount of fun we’re missing out on by not taking them on 😁

Sylvia Avery

Oh, now that’s just bad, bad, bad!
If I had Soros-type wealth I might pay a million bucks to watch you go tear some new, er, pie holes over there, though. I’d sit front row with my popcorn and enjoy the show!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s always room for a backup Shovel Wielding Avenger!!

Pat Frederick

I like the Presidential Thread and the Open thread and watch some of the interview videos. As for the comment sections, I skim. i do miss Patrickhenrycensored–he was a hoot and posted some really funny stuff. But i don’t think he’s big on Q so we won’t see him here…
he posted satire videos of someone (I forgot who) who donned a Bob Rossi wig and painted Mohammed in the dessert with his wives and Hillary and her SS detail—I was literally on the floor laughing. They were not PC at all, but hysterical…

Sylvia Avery

I miss PHC, too, he was a favorite of mine. Wickedly sharp wit. So funny! But yeah, I don’t think he’s down with Q so I agree we’re unlikely to see him. Sigh.
There are some others that I miss, too, but gosh this is a happenin’ place, baby! I do go over to mostly read headlines, these days. I enjoy the economic/trade articles. I approach anything political by SD with great caution these days, though, because I don’t see his judgement or his analysis as reliable any longer.
Did you get readmitted and then banned again? I got readmitted but I’m not sure if I have been banned again or not.

Pat Frederick

I didn’t even try…Wolf has me peeking around corners these days—I am more cautious now.
Did you see where there is concern and perhaps it is just trolling in an attempt to dissuade participation, but it’s recommended if you want to contribute to the wall do it anonymously? There is a concern the left will try to doxx contributors…

Sylvia Avery

Absolutely NOTHING would surprise me. They doxx everyone they don’t like why wouldn’t they do it to people who contribute to the wall fund? I wish they’d just go get a life, but no….. they just keep hanging onto their hate.

Brave and Free

I am late to the comments today, family over today. I started to read the SD article this morning and had the same thoughts as everyone else. Felt like I was reading some fox pundit, had to stop and question myself. What’s up over on the CTH? Almost felt like he was throwing in the towel to me. Eeyore??? Is he/they trying to take everyone down that road?


The ONLY definitive clues we have (status of counter investigation) is clues from Victoria Toensing who represents a U1 whistleblower. He has not been called.
Yet, Huber might not be focused on U1 investigations.
OTOH, we have a ‘glimmer of a hint’ of an investigation of the Clinton Foundation by the FBI office in Little Rock, from the two guys who testified in front of Mark Meadows on Dec 5th.
Trying to be objective here.
And, we need to be prepared for the possibility that Huber is a head fake and these articles are real….. which is in direct conflict with Q.


“And, we need to be prepared for the possibility that Huber is a head fake and these articles are real….. which is in direct conflict with Q.”
Is it a direct conflict?
Didn’t Q say that there was a 2nd or parallel investigation, something about a tactic or strategy of running dual investigations in order to be able to hold the original investigation accountable if it was corrupt?


Personally, I will remain open to ALL possibilities.
From the article:
‘“At the time, people wanted a special counsel, but Jeff Sessions announced he brought in Huber and people said, ‘OK, we got Huber on it,’ ” former Justice Department prosecutor Victoria Toensing said. “But it was a head fake.”
‘Now a private attorney in Washington, Toensing represents a whistleblower in the so-called Uranium One scandal, who she says still has not been contacted by Huber. Her client, Doug Campbell, an FBI informant who claims to have evidence that Clinton helped Russians secure U.S.-based uranium rights in a quid pro quo for large donations to her family’s foundation and speaking fees for former President Bill Clinton from the Russian company at the heart of the deal.
‘“He should have contacted Doug Campbell within the first two months” of being assigned by Sessions to look into the 2010 uranium deal, Toensing said.
‘“It’s a farce,” she added. “It’s an embarrassment how this has been handled.”
‘Huber’s office would not speak directly to the complaints, but asserted that his inquiry is active and ongoing.
‘Two other Clinton Foundation whistleblowers reached out numerous times to Huber’s office, starting in April, and offered to turn over 6,000 pages of evidence, only to get the silent treatment for several months before finally hearing back after Republican leaders supporting the expert witnesses made a stink about the snub on Fox News.’


“Personally, I will remain open to ALL possibilities.”
Me too. 👍
‘“At the time, people wanted a special counsel, but Jeff Sessions announced he brought in Huber and people said, ‘OK, we got Huber on it,’ ” former Justice Department prosecutor Victoria Toensing said. “But it was a head fake.”
Q’s argument against a 2nd special counsel was irrefutable.
A) a second special counsel would take years
B) a second special counsel would be headquartered in D.C., the heart of the Swamp, and would consist of Swamp creatures
C) even if a second special counsel was NOT corrupt, it would only have 15 to 20 members to investigate at least 15 or more major interconnecting conspiracies
D) grand juries would consist of D.C. residents, who voted something like 97% for Hitlery.
E) the D.C. courts are likewise corrupt, as are all of the city officials
I’m sure there’s more, but nobody can refute those five points.
By contrast, Huber has:
1) 420 (or 470?) team members
2) Huber is from outside D.C.
3) Huber is based in Utah, conveniently near the NSA data collection & storage facility
4) Huber has jurisdiction across all 50 states plus the territories plus the 7 mystery states Hussein claimed to have visited during one of his campaigns
5) Huber can empanel grand juries outside of D.C., away from the near unanimous Hitlery supporting jury pool
So the ‘argument’ is sound.
If Huber is corrupt, then all bets are off of course (except for that rumored parallel investigation), but regardless, a 2nd special counsel would have accomplished nothing (except more damage).
Personally, I have never heard of a ‘special counsel’ that wasn’t corrupt or which didn’t get politicized or which didn’t seek to justify its own existence by making politically targeted prosecutions while letting the real guilty parties go free (again).
If there was ever a legitimate and honorable intention being the ‘special counsel’ (which I doubt), it was corrupted before birth.
Doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting a different result, is the definition of ytinasni.
BEYOND all that, Victoria Teonsing is not an unbiased or credible ‘source’ because she is representing her client. She may therefore be playing her own part in this drama by saying the things she is saying.
The pronouncements and proclamations of ALL active participants are necessarily SUSPECT.
There is no way for us to KNOW who can be believed, who can be trusted, and who is a black hat engaged in disinformation, and who is a White hat engaged in disinformation.
The only people who CAN know are SOME of the actual participants.
The rest of us can only make educated guesses based on processing as much ‘good’ information as we can find.


Toensing is a lawyer. When she says “Huber” she might mean Huber.
She and Joe emerged from the Oval Office exploding with “nothing’s getting done” on their minds. And it may very well be true, nothing (except bad) is being done.
The issue has been, how to shut down the Mueller farce? In retrospect, shutting it down now appears to be a precondition, for practical reasons we can all figure out.
Now, we must ask ourselves, if Mueller needs to be shut down first, is it better to have him or anyone think that other prosecutions will immediately be unleashed?
Do not other potential prosecutions do three things: 1) add more grist for the mill; 2) ramp up determination to stay; 3) create weariness in the population?
Now, the Bad Guys do know that there is a “there” there, and the question for us in the peanut gallery is how much do they know, and by that I mean what quantity and quality of evidence? And how would that affect their (Mueller’s) actions?
I am unaware of any incentive Mueller has to shut down, and plenty to motivate otherwise. But Trump is NOT going to allow an endless investigation. SOMETHING is going to happen.
So when the inevitable happens, is it preferable to have multiple ongoing investigations currently proceeding, or none?
In the Fake News aftermath of the Mueller shutdown, what would overwhelm the Fake News Narrative?
For a populace not in the know, it would be new and interesting, not old and wearisome.


I also believe something will happen – and soon. Wasn’t there something put out that Muleface’s “report” was coming in February?


Whitaker seems to be the key. There is ZERO Mueller could do about Whitaker, his boss.
And when Whitaker does it, there is no better way to follow the Fake News Report with real news about actual corruption.
If I were Trump, I would be enjoying the wait, like Christmas morning, if it were not for the anxiety of those who love him.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Wow ! Some disgruntled CTH Treepers are bashing Q supporters because they lost their Zippo
“This is my Zippo lighter, there are many like it but this one is mine. My Zippo lighter is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it, as I must master my life. My Zippo lighter without me is useless. Without my Zippo lighter I am useless.”


Was this posted over there?


‘Since its inception Zippo Lighters have been almost exclusively manufactured in the United States, with the exception of those manufactured in Niagara, Canada (an operation that has since been shut down).[6][7][8]’


You forgot your /s – otherwise someone might think you’re a real azzhole.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Hi Wheatietoo,
I was banned from CTH. The Huber and Horowitz article set off some Q bashing. Setting aside the bashing , I try to empathize with them…they are afraid and feel powerless…they lost their Zippo.


Welcome to the Banned Wagon, CHI->AZ! Great to see you!


Notice this stuff appears directly after the “Trump abandoned our allies in Syria” psy-op
Attack from the left and then from the right. A classic CIA manuever.


Sowing chaos.


More info on the volcano/tsunami in Indonesia:


So the cone has been building up for years…the question is, will there be an even bigger eruption soon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

1883 was a VERY big eruption, equivalent to a 200 Megaton nuke.
That’s not a typo. 13,000 Hiroshimas.
It was heard 2000 miles away, which makes it louder than Trigglypuff.


It also affected the weather…caused global cooling for a couple of years.
Some places didn’t have growing seasons, as a result.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s what I was trying to find when I looked it up, actually, and didn’t find it. I thought I had it confused with Tambora (1815) which was an even bigger explosion. You prompted me to check again, and this time I looked in a slightly different place and found what I had remembered.

Sylvia Avery

My question is how will they blame this on PDJT?


He pulled out of the climate accord so it is HIS fault!!!! Wait for it!!!!


“So the cone has been building up for years…the question is, will there be an even bigger eruption soon.”
If there is any question at all, why don’t they relieve the pressure in a calculated way, like stepped demolition?
Kim-Jung Un collapsed an entire mountain (possibly a mountain range!) with underground nuclear detonations. We could achieve a similar result, and probably do it without nuclear weapons.
The only reason that volcano ‘blows’ is if the pressure is ALLOWED to build up, and the energy is released all at once. And if it ‘blows’ with the force of 13,000 Hiroshimas, that is going to affect the entire planet.
So relieve the pressure by blowing the top off the volcano in a controlled demolition. Then let the resultant lava flow harmlessly (comparatively) into the ocean — instead of blasting several hundred cubic miles of earth and gas and sulfur into the atmosphere.



More recent reports show the casualties reports continue to climb:


comment image
comment image

Sylvia Avery

Love those, especially the Trump as Santa one!


He really has a great face and disposition for many characters. Santa is fantastic. My kiddo would adore meeting santa Trump!


I love seeing PDJT with kids…wish we could see that more often.
They seem to adore him.
And he obviously loves being around little ones.


I agree! Children seem to be at ease with him (and FLOTUS too!) I think it’s because he’s got a “dad” vibe going off all the time. Like a protector or a strong force that is on your side…. but don’t cross him because the discipline will be swift and painful.
Can I just say something too: I love the memes where the President has a beard. I’m kind of a beard-lover, I just think men look so strong and masculine with them. Of course, I’m biased as both my husband and son have beards and I think they look amazing! 🙂


Notice the wreath around the ‘T’ sort of makes a ‘Q’?

Elizabeth Carter

Aubergine, I noticed right after you pointed it out and I looked again. Thanks!!


** Wolf — or anyone else — a question: who is that couple in the photograph?? **


Ted and Barbara Olson.
She was killed in the 9/11 Pentagon plane crash…after calling her husband from the flight.
Ted Olson was Solicitor General under GWBush.


Thank you VERY much, wheatie — greatly appreciated.

Sylvia Avery

And sadly Ted is now a Never Trumper, I believe. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’d like to be wrong.


Yeah, I think he is, Syl.
Probably because of PDJT’s remarks about 9/11…plus he’s also a Bushie.


Ted and Barabara Olson. I just made a post below about Barbara’s death.
She died on the flight which hit the Pentagon on 9-11. She was an super intelligent woman and critic of Hillary (she wrote Hell To Pay pictured above, about Hillary).
Ted was an establishment Republican lawyer, quite a bit older IIRC, but very much in love with Barbara (at least it seemed). He was once considered “conservative” but has since gone RINO.


Thank you very much, Tonawanda, for the details.


LOL … I should have known Wheatie would get there first!


She probably has folders tucked away… you wheatie!

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Ted and Barbara Olsen (deceased)
Scroll to witness # 8

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Correction: Olson


Thank you, CHI->AZ, for the link.


That is a good synopsis!
We have lost some very good and effective advocates. Breitbart is one. Olson.
I cannot remember the details, but there was a young journalist (a REAL journalist) named Mike Kelly who was killed. IIRC he was killed as he was making a transition from leftist propagandist into genuine reporter.


Michael Hastings? The one whose sports car exploded after he had asked a neighbor to use her car because he was afraid his was compromised?


Or this Mike Kelly, first reporter killed while covering the Iraq war?


Yes, that Mike Kelly. He was very, very good, as I recall.


Yes. OMG.


“Michael, whose most prominent work had been published in Rolling Stone and Buzzfeed, was one of the fiercest critics of the surveillance state and the Obama administration’s response to whistleblowers, particularly efforts to coerce journalists into revealing their sources. His final story, “Why Democrats Love To Spy on Americans,” was published just weeks before his death; Hastings perished in a fiery single-car accident in Los Angeles.
Even four years later, not everyone has accepted that the event that killed Michael was really an accident. Those critics have been further incensed by a recent revelation in WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 release, which has detailed the extent of the CIA’s surveillance efforts to previously unconfirmed devices like smartphones and TVs.”



And here I’d been thinking that McConnell had gotten better and had gotten on the Trump-Train.
He is still a GOPe lackey for the globalists.


He’s only on board the TT when it comes to judicial appointments.
He said something to that effect when the Kavanaugh hearings were going on.


I cannot believe hoe naive and trusting a soul I still am, but I have hopes the new Senate will approve the House bill before Pelosi takes over. NYGuy made this suggestion, and I hope he is right. The nuke option after the New Year.


Yes I tweeted him last night and among other things told him “I hope your wife kicks your ass.”


Good for you, Sobriquet!
I love it.


Oh that made me laugh!

Elizabeth Carter

His wife and her family are high up Chinese. Elain Chao is head of Department of Transportation. From everything I read, she and Mitch are on China’s side and not America’s.


Afraid you are right, Elizabeth.


They probably paid protestors to hit them up at restaurant. False flag for idiots.


Midterms made the turtle a turdle. Really just who he was all this time. Sad.

Pat Frederick

LOL turdle…love that!


Goes to show you McConnell plays checkers not chess.




SO – IS McConnell part of the (insert vilest possible epithets) Muh Russia Dossier Spy Never Trump HillRotten Scheme Team™


I don’t know about the Russia/Dossier thing, but on the rest, yes.

Pat Frederick

wasn’t he at Sea Island?


I don’t know, but Trump certainly does!


YEP – here’s a list:
Bill Kristol, founder of the supposedly-conservative magazine Weekly Standard, wrote in an emailed report from the AEI meeting:
“A specter was haunting the World Forum — the specter of Donald Trump. There was much unhappiness about his emergence, a good deal of talk, some of it insightful and thoughtful, about why he’s done so well, and many expressions of hope that he would be defeated.”
GOP political guru Karl Rove gave a presentation outlining Trump’s weaknesses. Rove insisted voters would have a hard time seeing Trump as “presidential,” which must be why they are turning out in droves to vote for him. [Sarc]
Here’s a list of the AEI World Forum attendees:
(1) High-tech billionaires:
Apple CEO Tim Cook
Google co-founder Larry Page
Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker
Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk
(2) GOP political élites:
Political guru Karl Rove
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky)
House Speaker Paul Ryan
Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.).
Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.)
Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas)
Kevin McCarthy (Calif.)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.),
Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.)
Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas)
Diane Black (Tenn.)



That last one is bull! Simply setting it up so Senators’ votes are not exposed!!!! Bunch of crap not even bringing it to the floor until they know it will pass!!!! SMH

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lawyer speak. He didn’t say it wouldn’t receive a “force them to take a position” vote, otherwise.


I know, right?
It just shows how much these guys and gals love American voters (not).


The death of Barbara Olson is so suspicious to me. At the time I wondered if she was a Ron Brown type “throw in” for 911, a favor done for Hillary. It sounds like a theory from behind the Tin Foil Curtain, but I think how well coordinated the whole plot was. What would it take to get Olson on that specific flight, trapped in existential terror before her death?
Hillary is in love with unimpeded power, which means she is in love with unimpeded evil. Part of unimpeded power is lust for total revenge.
I have a friend who openly disrespected Hillary in a public forum. My friend was subsequently subjected to protracted, devastating legal proceedings where injustice reigned at every turn. The instigator of the proceedings had a direct connection to Hillary. No one can prove it, but it is hard not to suspect this was Hillary’s revenge.
In part, the persecution Our President is enduring IMO is very personal revenge direct from Hillary.


Our President also dared to question HusseinO’s shady past…so the O-team wants revenge too.
PDJT was offered membership in the Big Club, but he rejected it.
He is also working to pry the globalists loose from their stranglehold on our country.
So there are a lot of evil people who are out to destroy our President.
He doesn’t shy away from the fight, though.
This is why we pray for him.


Trump said he is a Christian, and (totally guessing) IMO he was a Norman Peale Power of Positive Thinking type of Christian, which did not require any messy thinking about the actual truth of Jesus.
But (again IMO) the gravity of his decision forced his mind to consider the deeper questions on a very personal basis. Part of that process led to a heroic decision, a genuine sacrifice.
I totally agree, They wanted him as part of The Big Club, but Trump saw it as a very likely 1 in 7 billion unique opportunity to do good. It was up to Trump to accept this invitation or not, and he did, for you and me.
His many qualities matched improbably but perfectly with his circumstances.
He has a conscience, and he sees clearly how wrong the Hillaries of the world are using humanity for fodder.
We have to pray for him continuously.


Tonawanda, I think you’ve got Trump pegged, and we do pray for him, and he has made a great sacrifice for us and our country. Thank you.


I also meant to add, Wheatie, that I do want to get the actual details on BO’s life of treachery.
From Trump’s perspective, these details bestow immense “leverage,” and leverage with a shelf life which will not end any time soon.
Trump may very well decide never to use these details, for a variety of reasons, including as bargaining chips.
As for me, I want them all out there. These details are literally the key to unlocking the treachery which has been with us from well before BO was born. They will open minds, and lead to thousands of details unrelated to BO. Maybe that is one reason Trump would keep them secret (as Q suggests).


Yes, I want them all out there too, Tona.
But maybe that is something for the second term?


That means an excess of clean living on my part will be needed! Oh well, if that is what it calls for!


IMO, not only would it expose the goals accomplished from the Communist Manifesto, i.e., global governance, it would highlight the absolute necessity to clarify the “natural born citizen” argument. It would highlight the absolute necessity to ensure that those who vote are legal US citizens. It would highlight the absolute electoral corruption that exists right down to the local/State level.



Pat Frederick

we used to watch The Black List–and your suggestion is right out of one of their plots. The Blacklister would orchestrate “accidents” or catastrophes in order to cover up the murder of a single individual. Trains derailing and hundreds killed would mask the murder of a judge or prominent person. Fires, bridges collapsing, you name it.
The entire show revolved around a cabal that (for example) would and could release an air borne crop disease that would devastate world food production just because they (and they alone) had produced the “recovery and resistance” seed that they could then sell world wide to “save everyone” at any price they chose.
So many of these themes are playing out in the real world.


I am looking up Black List.
The premise makes too much sense for it not to be true.


W, one of my all time favorite shows is Green Acres, but when watching it now it is very clear the tiny breaks from traditional norms, introducing ideas to make them acceptable and “normal.” This is also true of Andy of Mayberry.
But Green Acres still cracks me up.


OK, I just watched a trailer on YT and it looks like a great show.
Maybe I will go on ebay and see if there a cheap dvds of previous seasons.

Pat Frederick

there are…and it’s an ongoing show iirc…
the similarities with the FBI, the sub plots and deceptions going on are startling.


The trailer I saw was for the current season. In 3 minutes I was hooked (unusual for me).
But no NBC for me, so I will find the earlier dvds.

Pat Frederick

the earlier ones show the duplicity of the DOJ, FBI and the IC–i really don’t want to give any of the plots away but it shows how the cabal leverages people–seemingly GOOD people with lies and omissions.
actually, since hubby has watched the first few seasons with me (we have the dvds), when i explain some of these “conspiracy theories” of recent events–and he looks skeptical, I ask him to think about those Blacklist episodes.


The trailer piqued my interest immediately, and that happens about 1% of the time. TY!

Pat Frederick



OK, bought Season 1 for less than 8 bucks on ebay, including delivery.
At least NBC does not get my direct patronage.

Pat Frederick

we never watched on NBC either–we did see the trailer (when the show was first being promoted at our children’s house) and waited and bought the dvds as they became available. James Spader as Red is spot on…
I can’t wait to hear your assessments vis a vis current events.


It was his acting in the trailer which I liked, plus the premise. My dvds come in early January.

Sylvia Avery

It’s a pretty good show. Of course, if I watched those first seasons NOW with what I know NOW I’d probably lock myself in the closet and never come out.
The female lead is cute. James Spader is a joy to watch. He creates an interesting character. For network TV, it is a pretty good show. Enjoy!


Remember Gabby Giffords? She got shot in the head and became the poster child for gun control. Long before she was even minimally rehabilitated, her astronaut husband started parading her around the country at anti-gun rallies.
Who was killed at that incident? Don’t remember? It’s okay because the YSM saw fit to ignore all the victims except Giffords.
Ted Ralls, federal district court judge. Very conservative. Likely would have been on DJT’s short list if he had survived.
What if Giffords WASN’T the target? What if Ralls was the target? Fits in with who got killed and who got grievously wounded but survived.
I have always believed Ralls was the intended target, as soon as the Sarah Palin “target” theme started. I knew something wasn’t right if they used a shooting like that as an attack took.

Pat Frederick

i think you’re right!

Cuppa Covfefe

Another thing about Hill-the-BEAST is she is a Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch. The most powerful, and evil type that exists. Bubba is one too, but she outranks him. This was explained by a former Satanist Black Magick Illuminised Witch (who repented and is saved, thank GOD) who was aware of her and her power, even though he didn’t deal directly with her.
And yes, Satanic Witches use blood (and murder) for power. So the use of baby’s/youths blood, and abortions, is not surprising in that context.
The articles about the Clinton Christmas Tree (cf. – be in prayer when you read this! ) and in “Unlimited Access” by Gary Aldrich show just how evil the Clintoons are, and some of the activities which they pursue. The Paedosta “art” collection has nothing on them (but is equally evil)…
Like I said before, we need to pray that GOD confounds and destroys the evil of the Clintons, the deep state (and its malevolent masters) and the DEMONcRATs.
And pray that GOD covers President Trump and his family, Vice-President Pence and his family, and the administration with His Power, His Glory, His Strength, His Wisdom, and His Love, and that HE delivers HIS Perfectly Righteous Justice to end the evil of the globalist deep state.


I read Unlimited Access when it came out, but like a lot a truthful expositions it seemed to reach just a small number of people.
I have bookmarked your link and will read later, if I can ever emerge from these QT threads!


I also want to add: for personal reasons, I have known extreme left lesbians like Hillary, the kind who believe that Republicans favor concentration camps for gay people to be forced into aversion therapy.
These leftist lesbians firmly “know” that “Republicans” (which is as “granular” as they get in their understanding) are uneducated, superstitious, backward, filled with anger, stupid, and sub-human.
These same leftist lesbians believe in tarot, astrology, witchcraft and magical amulets. And they embody every hysterical negative stereotype of women, in contrast to gown-up women. They are self-satire, living examples of the stereotypes they condemn.
There is an absurdity and astonishing ridiculous aspect to evil, and Hillary is a pure reflection of the absurd side aspect, absurd but ridiculously deadly, and too willing to inflict suffering.


Well, that was interesting – will have to get his book. This was written in 1998 and is speculating that Clinton would be the “last President” and possibly being the anti-Christ. Juxtapose that to speculation about O.B.A.M.A. and the alleged biblical connections to PDJT. Hmmm….I am seeing a repeating thread here…..perhaps we should stop trying to correlate political happenings with the Bible? As everyone here probably knows quite well – it is crucial TO ME that religion be kept separate from civil governance. I am NOT denigrating all those here who are deeply religious but, please, keep it OUT of government.
“You simply cannot ignore the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton are powerful practising Illuminist witches, just as Doc Marquis recognized in November, 1992, after closly observing the two of them on television. Yet, why should we be surprised, since world events are clearly flashing the signal that the End of the Age Kingdom of Antichrist is close at hand? We would naturally expect that the final American president would be one that would be of the same type of person as Antichrist [Read NEWS1215 , “Clinton Identifiable In Prophecy As One of the 10 Kings of Daniel and Revelation].”

Cuppa Covfefe

We should ALWAYS be prepared for the END OF THE AGE, no matter from whence it comes.
Granted, cuttingedge has an end-times view of things, but they also gather a lot of information from legitimate and expert sources about subjects most people ignore or avoid, yet are important nonetheless.
As you noted, the article was written in 1998, but the facts about the Clintons remain, and are confirmed by an ex-illuminised witch.
Also, please note, I DO NOT ADVOCATE A THEOCRACY. When the Founding Fathers “birthed” our country, the did not envision “freedom from religion”, rather, they envisioned freedom of religion, i.e. no state-sponsored (or mandated, or limited) religion, e.g. the Church of England. In Germany, for instance, we have the EKD (Evangelical Church of Germany), the Catholic Church, Free Evangelicalism, and a host of smaller churches.
The problem isn’t so much the “churching of politics” (for lack of a better term); the problem is the politicisation of the churches. And the EKD is nothing if not politicised.
Just because a site is wrong about some things some time doesn’t invalidate the other information they provide. As the saying goes, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” This has been attributed to Yogi Berra, Niels Bohr, and Danish cartoonist Storm P (Robert Storm Petersen). So much for filtering sources…


Cuppa, excellent point about the ppoliticization of churches not being a good thing–Hitler did that–replaced the cross with the swastika, didn’t he, among other things?


I have never been sure about Pence.
For one thing, he is a lifelong professional politician, and if there are any of those who are uncorrupted, I’ve never seen one.
Second, apparently Indiana is some kind of human trafficking ‘hub’, and if so, there is no way that Pence, as governor, would not have knowledge of it.
Third, his wife (Karen?) was one of the recipients of the letters hidden inside some of the programs when the Deep State used GHWB to play the ‘funeral card’.
I hope for the best about Pence.
I won’t be surprised if he turns out to be Deep State — and everything that implies.


Is Bill Mahar involved (facetious, but kind of not.)

Elizabeth Carter

From my research, cell phones could not work on airplanes back then. No one was calling anyone from airplanes to the ground. Period.


Interesting. One account I read said that the account of Olson’s phone call was THE ONLY evidence that box cutters were used. Very suspicious.


Govt used cell phones a lot. All that was needed to call from an airplane was a password interlink to the plane’s radio system (today called wifi) which important govt officials would obviously have. I clearly remember flying during the late 80s – early 90s with phones in the back of the seat in front of you, which were powered the same way. Never used it because it was five dollars a minute.


Pat Frederick

just before the end of the Obama reign of terror, quite a number of Obama appointees moved into “career positions” in the government…and now we know why. Not only to obstruct and muck up whatever they can while they’re there…but to resign abruptly to create the appearance of chaos and distrust in the Trump administration. tiny little time bombs


Agree. Like political sleeper cells that are activated.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Resigning abruptly may never have been part of the plan, but they are opportunists, making lemonade out of lemons when they’ve got nothing but lemons


This relative unknown, Brett McGurk, is suddenly the media’s newest darling now that he is resigning two months sooner than expected — over PDJT’s withdrawal from Syria.
McGurk was, SD says, ‘the envoy used by President Obama in 2016 for secret negotiations (pallets of cash) with the Iranians’.
PDJT rightly tweets:


Why are these people still there in the first place? Grave disservice to our POTUS.


Can’t get rid of them without looking like a bad guy.


It is actually a very delicate matter, getting rid of people without doing more damage to yourself or your goals. Like a lot of what Trump faces, there are many, many ignorant people who unwittingly fail to understand what is happening, or the true circumstances we face.
These people need to be taken into consideration. This is in some small part what Q is doing.


Agree 110%!

Pat Frederick

so many people have a misconception about an incoming administration. they believe that all the former administrative hires leave and the new President fills the Executive Branch with his choices. I think it’s so important to educate citizens about holdovers and embeds that do not have to leave and can have such a detrimental effect on the new administration.


“so many people have a misconception about an incoming administration. they believe that all the former administrative hires leave and the new President fills the Executive Branch with his choices. I think it’s so important to educate citizens about holdovers and embeds that do not have to leave and can have such a detrimental effect on the new administration.”
I know they CAN have a detrimental effect, because they obviously ARE, every day.
What I do NOT understand is why, after TWO YEARS, that Trump hasn’t found a way to FIRE THEM ALL.


Until they wrest control from the civil employees’ union, that will not change. It is almost impossible to outright fire a civil employee – fact.

Pat Frederick

so the law that POTUS signed was just about getting rid of federal employees at the VA? not the entire gov’t?


I believe so but am not sure.


So absurd to have government unions on the face of it, but the communists have succeeded wildly in getting many Americans to accept absurdity as reality.


“Until they wrest control from the civil employees’ union, that will not change. It is almost impossible to outright fire a civil employee – fact.”
BUST the ‘civil seditious employee’s union’.
It’s a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY.
These Hussein embeds make Julius and Ethel Rosenberg look like patriots by comparison.


“Like a lot of what Trump faces, there are many, many ignorant people who unwittingly fail to understand what is happening, or the true circumstances we face.”
I am certainly one of those people, because I don’t understand why, over the past TWO YEARS, the entire government has not been purged of Hussein holdovers.
We can come with excuses until the cows come home, but the reality is that DJT declared an NATIONAL EMERGENCY and the reality is that our Republic is under attack by a coordinated domestic and international enemy.
Just purge, baby, PURGE.


“Can’t get rid of them without looking like a bad guy.”
A) couldn’t care less about looking like a bad guy to the Left, who ARE the real bad guys. DJT would like a hero to the Right for firing all these Husseinocrats.
B) even if DJT was concerned about looking like a bad guy, fire them all at once, get it over with, and with the news cycle moving as fast as it does, it would be old news in less than 48 hours
C) compared to the amount of damage these Hussein holdovers have done and are doing, what possible reason outweighs that damage?
D) I see that ‘unions’ are raised as a reason that people can’t be fired. BREAK the unions and FIRE everybody. Reagan did it to the Air Traffic Controllers, and if Reagan did it, Trump can do it on STEROIDS.

Sylvia Avery

I think once they burrow into the career positions they have all the protections of their Collective Bargaining Agreements which seem to be jaw-droppingly generous. I don’t think you can fire them if they have kiddie porn on their work computer or murder their coworker. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Pat Frederick

I would like to know who or how the career positions were created—a law? an EO? figure out how they came into being and then undo that…

Sylvia Avery

You know, that’s a good question. I don’t know, but I suspect it is a law. Remember PDJT talking about having to get a law passed, I believe, to fire anyone at the VA? He’s mentioned it several times how there were doctors who were sadists and you couldn’t fire them, but now he can.


“But experts say it is a cumbersome process that needs to be streamlined.
“Very few federal employees — in the hundreds, not the thousands — are ever fired on the basis of poor performance,” said Paul Light, a professor of public service at New York University.
That’s out of a federal workforce of 1.86 million, he said.
“If you want to fire an employee, you’re taking on a task that is very intense and difficult, and biased in favor of protecting employees, and it can take a year or more to complete,” Light said.
Don Kettl, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, agreed that it’s too hard to fire poor performers and that few experts who study the issue would disagree.
“The federal civil service is hamstrung by antiquated rules,” he said. “We need to make it easier to fire poor performers.”


Apparently they “can’t be fired”.
Not without ‘just cause’…which is messed up.
We ought to be able to fire them ‘just cause they’re assholes’.


It depends on where you stand on the “protected list.” As an example: I had a close friend (white) who worked for the Architect of the Capitol as a landscape supervisor. He had an older black guy working for him who completely screwed something up. He was explaining to the black guy where he messed up and touched him on the chest with a clipboard he was holding. The black guy charged him with assault and he was fired outright, with no investigation. My friend’s Dad was a government lawyer and helped him get a settlement but he still lost his job. Wrong race!


Apparently they “can’t be fired”.
Not without ‘just cause’…which is messed up.”
They CAN be fired, ANYBODY can be fired. The only reason someone could NOT be fired is if they succeeded in making everybody THINK that they can’t be fired.
Then deal with the consequences.
Bankrupt every last one of them who sues the government by draining their funds through necessary legal representation.
If they get pro-bono lawyers, attack the lawyers.
Look, the Left has already shown us ALL of the tricks they use to accomplish whatever they want to do. So do it back to them. On STEROIDS.
There is nothing we CAN’T do.
We sent Men to the MOON, we can freakin’ FIRE a civil servant.
We are NOT hostages to our own government, and any ‘law’ claiming otherwise is unConstitutional on its FACE.
Fire everybody. Fill the positions with regular Americans.
Then let the courts try to undo it.
Like (IIRC) President Andrew Jackson supposedly said to Chief Justice Marshall: “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”
And the only thing worse than doing the WRONG thing is doing NOTHING at all.


If I was president of the United States, then unless it says I can’t do something in the Constitution, the word “can’t” is NOT in my vocabulary.


Agree, Scott…I would love to see some mass firings.
I find it encouraging that our VSG Potus has an affinity for Andrew Jackson.


The real issue the media is trying to distract and hide – is IMMIGRATION AND THE WALL – not Syria!
This is the real showdown between President Trump and Congress.


Stephen Miller was on Wolf Blitzer’s show on Thursday, December 20, to discuss foreign policy (video at link):
On big-picture foreign policy:
“This president got elected to get our foreign policy back on the right track after years of being adrift. One foreign policy blunder after another in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya hasn’t worked out for our national interest.”
Stating that the night would include “no policy announcements,” but rather a “big picture” view, Miller spoke “of a country that through several administrations had an absolutely catastrophic foreign policy that cost trillions and trillions of dollars and thousands and thousands of lives that made the Middle East more unstable and more dangerous.”
On Syria:
“And let’s talk about Syria,” he added. “Let’s talk about the fact — ISIS is the enemy of Russia. ISIS is the enemy of Assad. ISIS is the enemy of Turkey. Are we supposed to stay in Syria for generation after generation, spilling American blood to fight the enemies of all those countries?”
On America as the world’s policeman (my words, not his):
“Wolf, when did the American people sign up to be in every war in every place in every side of every conflict all over planet earth?” Miller asked.
On Miss Lindsey’s reaction:
“Some of the voices you’re talking about like our dear friend Lindsey Graham, who we like a great deal, have been wrong about Middle East policy, have been wrong about Iraq,” he said.
“I just find it amusing that the media continue to cite Lindsey Graham as the greatest authority on foreign policy in American history,” said Miller before adding a question for Blitzer and other media figures. “Since when has the United States media become the supporters of every entanglement in the Middle East that has bogged down this country?”
“This president has been very clear about the fact — he will defend America like no one else,” Miller added. “He will have a military power second to none. He will kill terrorists wherever and whenever he has to, but he is also gonna be sophisticated and smart about it.”


Love Miller!


Me, too!


Like I’ve been saying…the Globalists *want* us to continue to be the “world’s policeman”.
They want us to continue to police-the-world and make it a safe place…for them to carry on their globalist empires in places that used to be ‘too risky’ to set up businesses in.
And we get handed the Bill for it.
As well as sacrifice our finest people.
It wasn’t that long ago, when Corporations would’ve never even considered moving their operations to 3rd world countries.
That started changing about the time that GHWBush started talking about the New World Order.
It is no coincidence that he spent most of his time as VP, going around the world visiting other countries.
The Clintons took it from there, using millions of our tax dollars to promote Globalism.
“Going Global”…was the slogan.
They made it seem like you weren’t a part of the cool club, if you didn’t embrace globalism.
The Globalists are in a panic now, at the thought of the world reverting back to its natural state…if we cease to be the “world’s policeman”.
Was Mattis an unwitting pawn in that We-Must-Police-The-World directive?
I hate to think that he was onboard with it.
But after the disloyalty on display in that ‘resignation statement’ that he made, I can’t help but wonder.


I deffo think Mattis is a world policeman kind of guy. He wanted to stay in Afghanistan, too.
Thinking back on the ‘world policeman’ thing, we used to have discussions about it in primary school (7th and 8th grade) and high school US History classes. The main topic then was the Vietnam War.
It’s not a new concept, at least from my experience.


But the Vietnam War was a proxy-war…to fight the Soviets.
Pretty much all of our foreign entanglements during the Cold War years, were proxy-wars.


It didn’t matter in our discussions. It was our involvement, whatever the circumstances.


The Korean war was a proxy war with China wasn’t it?


Eisenhower warned us about the warmongering military industrial complex.


comment image
Korea and Viet Nam were not entered to protect national interests but corporate interests. There is a long list of dark, dirty, dastardly deeds committed by our leaders.


An Anon did a flashback on a Q-post about Paul Sperry:comment imagecomment image


Some of our favourites (well, mine anyway) all on Judge Jeanine last night!


YouTube version:


Yep, yep and yep:


It is so strange to see this newest incarnation of the Cloward-Piven plan, not only in the US but also its origins three years ago in Europe (continuing to the present day).

Pat Frederick

reading on the Eeyore Tree…although I refuse to copy a link to CNN…so take it for what it’s worth…a foreign owned company is asking SCOTUS to pause a subpoena from Mueller. They say it’s in relation to the sealing of the entire floor thing a short time ago…
guesses are Canada and Uranium 1 so far in the lead



Cari Kelemen is a wonderful person who has given me permission to call her “Sweetheart,” so I will say she is a wonderful Sweetheart (and yes, I told my wife about this and she laughed).
I wish Cari were on QT, but I don’t know what she thinks about Q, and I believe she is a very loyal person, so she might not want to leave CTH out of loyalty.


I did not know that she still comments on CTH, but, then, I only read half the threads anyway.
It’s cool that you get to call her ‘sweetheart’. 🙂


I don’t know either. I see her on occasion on twitter, but not nearly as much as 6 months ago.
On CTH there was a discussion of men calling women terms of endearment and WHAT IT ALL MEANT. Cari said she thought it meant a man was being gentle and courteous, which I think it is exactly what is meant MOST of the time. It is a recognition that men are stronger and more prone to violence, and a customary every day means of assuring a woman that she is respected, like a handshake is intended to show you are not carrying a weapon in your hand, a long time practice with a genuine, civilized intent.
So I playfully called her Sweetheart in response with an apology, and she said “please do”.




As far as I am concerned, these non-women women who get bent out of shape over such pleasantries need to find a purpose in their life! I NEVER get upset about such things – I look at it as a term of endearment. Of course, that depends on the circumstances – sometimes one can tell by the tone that it is intended to be snarky – big difference.


Women know immediately when a guy is being a creep and when he is not.
Unless they are drunk, or a leftist.


Well, some women do……SJWs and radical feminists – not so much!



After spending 2 hours on this thread, I can finally move over to W’s substantive post.
The only downside is too much caffeine.

Pat Frederick

I may be wrong, but Matt Gaetz came out and publicly said he wouldn’t be taking a salary as long as the government is shut down? and then yesterday…
Next time we have a gov shutdown, Congressional salaries should be furloughed as well.
It’s completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision.
Have some integrity.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) December 22, 2018
does she even know which side she’s on?


Is she giving up her salary voluntarily? Somehow, I doubt it!

Pat Frederick

maybe her go-fund-me for rent gave her enough to slide for a while.
But it’s the DEMS that are acting partisan trying to deny POTUS a success…so isn’t she calling out her colleagues?


Yep – she is stupid like that, IMO. Totally clueless!


Still haven’t seen enough data points to rule out
that she is a deep plant for MAGA.


Ooooo..wouldn’t that just be a cool plot twist!


This is a little boy.
This seems like child abuse to me.
Sexualizing children is just…wrong.

NYGuy54 this to your wife…..and then duck….


Sick, sick, sick.
Thank goodness she has 87% broken with GMA!




Leftists are all about pedophilia/children’s sexual rights, etc. The gender crap is one of the ways they are working toward that goal. In the early 2000s they were putting bills before state legislatures to lower the age of consent to 12!!!
As a very very young child I was robbed of innocence by a predator/sicko who was also victimized/abused as a child. I hate these people with the heat of ten trillion suns!

Pat Frederick

I am so sorry you went through that!!
I believe crimes against children are the worst!

Sylvia Avery

I’m sorry GA/FL. I wish I could find words. I can’t. So I’m sorry will have to do.


Our wounds are also our calling in a way. II Cor 1:3-4
“Praise to the God of All Comfort. 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”


My experience happened when I was a young teen – by the Treasurer of my church, who also happened to be my adopted Father. This was how I was introduced to sex. This is MUCH more prevalent than anyone who hasn’t experienced it can possibly understand. My sister was raped by our step-father when she was 11. Police got involved and when they were on the way to meet with the judge, my Mother slapped her and blamed her. In front of the judge: my step-father stated “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.” All in the room chuckled, including the judge.

Pat Frederick

oh dear, so sorry that this was allowed to occur!!
my experience was not with sex, but with being struck. when i told my parents my first boyfriend struck me, she asked me what i did to MAKE him hit me…that attitude stayed with me through my first abusive marriage


Yep – perpetuating the blame game! Sick! That is one thing I never put up with – I had one boyfriend who picked me up and threw me up against the wall when I was trying to move out of the house we shared. Nope, nada – not putting up with that shyte! I left and my Father had a friend on the State Patrol. We arranged for him to be there while I got the rest of my stuff.


My heart breaks for every child that suffers in this way. They are always in my heart and my prayers. Many people still carrying that broken child around in an adult body. Grace to them.


What absolutely amazes me is how my sister has come through it all with her sanity intact! She is truly incredible and one of the most level-headed people you could ever meet. Neither she nor I allowed it to destroy us. But, then, all the women in my family were, and are, very strong-willed.


Nebraska, I’m so very sorry, I just knew you had a wound of the deepest kind, did not know what it was. TTT, amen, my heart goes out to those who have suffered in this way.


Nebraska, you made my blood run cold.
God Bless you.


I definitely have an……..shall we say, “interesting” background. Both of my families are dysfunctional as can be….I have 8 siblings (that I know of anyway): only 1 full sibling. One sister lived and died without my ever having met her and I have a brother and sister whom I have never met. As PDJT likes to say – it’s complicated.


Horrors Absolutely horrific story. So much evil in the world.. but GOD is our true father, true healer and helper.

Molly Pitcher

GA, sincere heartbreak for your abuse .
Eons ago, as a kid at parochial school, I went to confession and said…sorry for having impure thoughts. The priest asked who I was. My heart stopped. The shackles went up and I left out of the confessional as fast as my saddle shoes would go. Right then I stopped believing much of what the Church taught.
After high school I hit the road running to see it all, hippies,bikers,freaks and finally dedicated evangelical Christians who taught about how to recognize the last days. They never said it but i always thought that when the most pure and innocent of humans made in D-d’s image are mistreated on large scale that would be a sign. Never in my wildest dreams would it have occurred to me that it would be on the scale it is now.
I didn’t stay with the group because my “worldly” inclinations were too ingrained but I never stopped believing that thought.
Crimes against children are unnatural and immoral..

Sylvia Avery

That was sickening.


Merry Christmas Eve eve morning. Seems like the inly things I had a chance to hear including my notifications from next door are sad or bad. I have no idea why Im awake! But here, this is great:


Excellent! I love it!


I don’t know who Snake is but this accurately describes me

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They can be “for” it when there’s not a snowball’s chance in Hell it will happen.
Making it quite possible unmasks them.


And, sad to say, as much as we all agree with you, Wolf, MILLIONS of Americans STILL CANNOT SEE IT!


POTUS has tweeted wrt Snake…
thanked him personally and quoted Snake’s tweet


really? I see Gen Flynn follows him






Those fit together by association, BTW.


Zinke outlines his accomplishments:


Ryan Zinke is a good man.
And Brett Baier has a punchable face.


Baier was just hoping to make him look bad. Zinke was good and sympathetic.


Losing Zinke is a great loss…and I am just sick about it.
And yeah, Brett Baier is detestable.
I cannot stand to watch him.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, and yes.
Definitely YES.


I feel very bad for Zinke — and his family (no doubt caught up in all this).
All part of Whats-his-face’s 2016 tweet about Trump — and we can safely add, those like him — never being able to do this again.
Admittedly, I’m paraphrasing. (Exhausting day. My apologies.)



I know this was mentioned above, but it’s worth linking to. It has to do with the recent lockdown in the courthouse:
‘This is the first known legal challenge apparently related to Mueller’s investigation to make its way to the Supreme Court.
‘It is not known when the court might decide if it will take action on the company’s request to appeal further. The application is likely an effort to put the lower court action on hold before the Supreme Court is asked to step in to hear an appeal.
‘”So far as we know, the Court has never had a sealed argument before all nine Justices,” said Steve Vladeck, a CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law. “They can keep parts of the record and briefing sealed, and often do, such as in cases implicating trade secrets. But there’s no procedure in the court’s rules for having the whole case briefed, argued and decided under seal. The only times I’m aware of in which parties tried it, the court denied certiorari,” or the review of the case.
‘The company’s challenge of the subpoena appears to have begun in September.
‘In its ruling this past week, the US Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia offered few clues about the company and its country of origin or what Mueller’s team sought…
‘The company in the Supreme Court challenge has stayed secret—as has the grand jury proceeding it’s related to. And both the company, prosecutors and the circuit court took pains to keep the identities of those involved in the case under wraps. An entire floor of the DC federal courthouse was locked down by security on the morning of the company’s appeal argument, so that the lawyers entering and leaving the courtroom would not be seen.’


This is an extraordinary thing.
I wonder which country it is…Canada?


Who knows? Could be a new element.

Pat Frederick

lots of speculation at this point–some say Mueller trying to subpoena The Duetsche Bank (going after POTUS); some think it’s Canada and Uranium 1, while others are thinking Canada/China and CEO…


It could be some corporation we didn’t know about before.

Sylvia Avery

Gosh, I’m glad you posted this.
I don’t know what on earth to make of it. And I had no idea this was the case that caused all the excitement last week about the courthouse being closed off.


You’re most welcome, Sylvia.
It came as a surprise to me, too.
Worth posting, even if it’s from the dreaded CNN. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Wow. Unbelievable:
‘Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) raised concerns about membership in the Knights of Columbus while the Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed the candidacy of Brian C. Buescher, an Omaha-based lawyer nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.
‘Senators also asked whether belonging to the Catholic charitable organization could prevent judges from hearing cases “fairly and impartially.”
‘In written questions sent to Buescher by committee members Dec. 5, Sen. Hirono stated that “the Knights of Columbus has taken a number of extreme positions. For example, it was reportedly one of the top contributors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign to ban same-sex marriage.”
‘Hirono then asked Buescher if he would quit the group if he was confirmed “to avoid any appearance of bias.”
‘“The Knights of Columbus does not have the authority to take personal political positions on behalf of all of its approximately two million members,” Buescher responded.
‘“If confirmed, I will apply all provisions of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges regarding recusal and disqualification,” he said.
‘Kathleen Blomquist, spokesperson for the Knights of Columbus, told CNA that the senators’ questions echoed the kind of anti-Catholicism seen in previous generations of American history …’

Sylvia Avery

I read something like that and I can’t believe I am living in America.


I saw a post that some German police stopped a woman bc she was wearing “nazi braids”. How can any human be that dense?

Pat Frederick

what the heck are Nazi braids?


Really! I think a braid on each side then pinned up.

Pat Frederick



Those would be the traditional “Heidi” braids that German, Austrian, and Swiss women have worn for oh, a thousand years or longer.. German police are now considering native women who wear braids to be right wing racist fascist nazi collaborators

Pat Frederick

wore those a lot myself as a girl…gees…


Makes me want to immediately begin wearing braids every. single. day. Just to spite them. Says my 43% German/Swiss ancestry. 🙂

Pat Frederick

LOL…my hair is too short to join in your protest, but you go right ahead!!!


Concerning the compact size of this video. It is the way it came from using the share button. Maybe nothing, but normally the video’s from youtube show up larger than this. Is this a gentler attempt at censorship?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Possibly because it’s embedded in a fifth-level reply.


They’re not even pinned up, as we surmised.
They’re just normal braids — or ‘plaits’ (pron. ‘platts’) — down each side resting on her shoulders.
As she says, wearing a bun would have looked stupid with her winter woolly hat.
What’s wrong with that, Chemnitz police?


Now I’m hunting around for Steve’s technique to post a reply to one of the unreplyble posts.
Anyway, does it here.
Of course. Ty, must of still had Nasim Aghdam hunting down Farsi speakers at YT Hq’s on my mind.
Maybe if they ever ID’d her three victims beyond age and sex I’d be able to let it go assuming they weren’t Iranian, which I assume they were.


This is beyond even my feverish imagination back in my teenage years.
Everyone said, ‘You think too much. Don’t worry about life. This will never happen.’
Somehow, I feel vindicated for all those thoughts decades ago. Hey, classmates, family, friends: it’s happening!

Its Happening Ron Paul GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

(Hope that worked.)


Okay, it didn’t. It’s the Ron Paul moving GIF.


Ron Paul – It’s Happening GIF [IMGUR]


Okay, I give up.


Greatly appreciated! (I love that GIF.)
I did not ‘copy IMAGE ADDRESS’. I just copied and pasted the URL from the toolbar.


Lol, CM.


Another ‘wow’ — about the 7 year old who died — smuggling involved? Even WaPo is forced to admit it?


omg this is so cool. Dennis Miller and Mark Steyn are coming to my little city


Sarcasm so thick you could cut with a spoon(cause itll hurt more, in a good way). Sounds fun.


gotta check it out


comment image


See how much more beautiful and sparkling and glamorous Michael is?!?!


Did Mike steal those drapes for the tent s/he’s wearing?

Pat Frederick

ha! was just going to make the same comment–color matches perfectly! did they do an inventory when the Obamas left?


Lol … you know he’s not paying a penny for anything!
He got promised a dacha!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

See how much more beautiful and sparkling and glamorous Michael is?!?!

“Let the Wookie win” is not a strategy I would go by here.


Lol ….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember a couple of years ago a friend complaining that he expected PDJT to gold plate the oval office (since he does decorate in gold a lot, see Trump Force One). In fact, it’s not unheard of for newly rich people to overdo things like that.
But as we can see, it’s someone else who way overdoes bling and glitter.


One of the most successful inventors in Japan has a room covered in gold foil to meditate in. He claims to get his best ideas in that room.


Lots of speculation here… twitter stream is worth a peak… click on tweet

Pat Frederick

wow…what a train wreck…against my better judgement I skimmed through some of the comments on the Eeyore Tree. They are losing their collective minds over there, maybe by design.
One commenter even intimated POTUS was DEEP STATE. wtf????? My fault– I ventured off the reservation–should have stayed on the Presidential thread, but i wandered over to the Sessions/Huber thread where they are advocating lynching…
yesterday they were tearing themselves apart over the Mattis resignation. Civility is on thin ice over there at times.

Sylvia Avery

Dare I ask who they were lynching? At this point I hesitate to even guess because I feel like I couldn’t possibly hit the mark. Anything is possible.

Pat Frederick

Sessions…they thought he should hang himself…other piled on with comments about crowd sourcing it…

Sylvia Avery

Oh good grief.


Pat, thank you for being willing to go over there and take a look. I can’t do it, I barely read SD article’s and I cannot force myself to read any of the comments… I like the Open Thread as that one is much more positive and uplifting. I am done with the “hair on fire, chaos reigns” stuff that is going on over there.
Bless you!!


Hmmmm, Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wonder what sort of “price” Q has in mind.
A crow dinner doesn’t seem to merit “pay the price.” Anywhere else, that threat would sound very sinister.


That was dated November 30 …


PM posted today in response to some naysayers yesterday. 🙂








Lol…full a but identifies as a c.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Complete boob.

Plain Jane

All of a sudden WP or someWHY is putting me in moderation at the recipe thread at the other website???

Plain Jane says:
December 22, 2018 at 12:46 am
Going to make this as a vegie. Clean and allergyfriendly. Brussel Sprouts with Bacon and Pomegranate. It’s beautiful and extremely delish.
Liked by 1 person
littleflower481 says:
December 22, 2018 at 10:40 am
Is there anything you can sub for the pomegranate?
Chitownmom (@chitownmom) says:
December 22, 2018 at 1:49 pm
Dried cranberries, perhaps?
Plain Jane says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
December 23, 2018 at 10:03 am
Plain Jane says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
December 23, 2018 at 10:03 am
Something went awry with my comment littleflower. So sorry. I suggested a drizzle of balsalmic or balsamic reduction, but Chitownmom’s suggestion would work beautifully.
Also, she has a great suggestion for REAL food canned frosting when you are in a pinch, in her chocolate cupcake recipe thread.
BTW, for some reason, I cannot “Like.” Here’s my Like. 🙂
Plain Jane says:
December 22, 2018 at 12:49 am
Yes, I have a thing for bacon….Bacon Wrapped Pears for appetizers.
Amy2 says:
December 22, 2018 at 11:19 pm
I don’t do pears. Will the bacon drowned out the flavor??
Plain Jane says:
December 23, 2018 at 2:05 am
No, especially if it’s a good bacon. Good bacon isn’t overly salty. The salt of smoked bacon enhances the flavor of the pears.
Think salted caramels, or caramel popcorn in the same bite with salted buttered popcorn.
Have you ever had grilled peaches? Contrast flavors in same bite.
Happy eating and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Liked by 1 person
Amy2 says:
December 23, 2018 at 10:05 am
Ditto Jane!
Plain Jane says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
December 23, 2018 at 10:07 am
Plain Jane says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.”


Youre on a list. And who is controlling the list?

Plain Jane

You are right. Thought if one is restored, there would not be hassle . Oh well.


other place’s article on Horowitz & Huber is up on Q research board… anons are a LITTLE upset over it…
I’m more than a LITTLE upset over it…
Disgusted with that website… I am.

Sue Mcdonald

Iam very glad to know that others had the same reaction as I did this morning reading or should I say skimming the article at the other place. I do not go there any longer but for some reason I got a notification in my email on the Huber , Horowitz article so went to see what it was about, and have been in a weird mood since. just been disgusted with everything this morning.


Praying Medic answers SD’s analysis… THREAD – click tweet

Would a Trump supporter announce the Deep State is not only winning, but stomping POTUS? SD expects to be right… yeay, insists he be right… the hey with defeating the Cabal/Deep State.


I was told some people are causing problems but not who or why or for how long. SD started acting strange a while ago, so no coincidences but strange timing until its figured out.


“I continue to believe that SOMEBODY is messing with stuff over there. But who it is and what they are doing is unknown.”
Earlier this year – maybe last Spring – I started getting a mental image of Ad rem having a small dagger hidden up her sleeve, similar to Brutus.


Do you remember when CTH moderator Stella started her own WordPress site maybe a year or two ago? There was no banning that I recall and posters were able to post on both sites, even though some complained about the CTH posters.


I go to stellas. I have no problems posting there. Very few cth people visit anymore. Even ad rem doesnt go. But, those there do post at cth just not frequently.


Ad Rem publicly announced her affection for Gunny, which seemed both gratuitous and odd.
I liked her up til then, then I just wondered.


I thought Gunny way overplayed his “character”. The love of beer, the cold showers after a picture of Maria B.
But regarding Sessions he suddenly had very long, detailed posts about why he was not to be trusted. Then came the Ad Rem endorsement which was off putting.


I may be mixed up, or just plain wrong, but I kind of think from something that was said that Gunny may be a female.


Q research board covering this today, after latest Q drops:
H.R.6061 – Secure Fence Act of 2006
following is my research:
Summary found here:
Full Text found here:
There is one Related Bill: H.Res.1002 — 109th Congress (2005-2006)All Information (Except Text)
(which appears to be procedural)
HR 1002 stipulates a report by DHS to be rendered, link is here:
Calls for a Study of the Northern Border to be completed within a year


Jerome Corsi wrote the following
Funding for Secure Fence Act of 2006 has been blocked
Published: 11/15/2016 at 7:46 PM
Where’s the Fence?
“…However, as WND reported in 2007 then Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-Texas, submitted an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security 2008 budget that would effectively gut the Secure Fence Act.
The Hutchison amendment read, in part, “nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location.”
By slipping the amendment into the 2008 DHS funding bill, Hutchison gave DHS total discretion to build a fence or to not build a fence in any particular location.
Hutchinson knew that if then-Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff had discretion on whether or not to build the fence, the Bush administration could always insist that negotiations at the local level along the border, including with Mexico, had resulted in solutions to border security – including cameras, drones, sensors and other technological surveillance measures – that would make the barrier unnecessary.”

Corsi continues with a Timeline of the legislative obstacles to the building. Find article here:


Joke is on Cabal/Deep State and their puppets in the Senate…
THE WALL IS BEING BUILT as my fingers hit these keys… every day a bit more. Right under their noses.


┳┻| _
┻┳| •.•) — We’re building
┳┻|⊂ノ the wall.

Pat Frederick

I love this!!

Pat Frederick

our holiday plans to gather with family abruptly fell apart last weekend because of scheduling conflicts. Undaunted, we mailed the presents, spoke with family over the phone with assurances to call on Christmas–we live about 4 hours from everyone–and resigned to have a comfy little Christmas, just hubby and I.
Then I went into the freezer and faced the mountains of cookies I baked to take home with me. sigh hopefully I will find somewhere close that I can donate a good deal of them or hubby and I won’t fit through the door come spring…everyone should have such problems. 🙂


Any assisted living facilities in your area? You might consider visiting and donating cookies…


Or the VA, fire dept, police/sheriff’s dept. All will be grateful.

Pat Frederick

no VA, fire department is volunteer–no one there right now…and the police are only part time…our township is less than 1,000 people…but thanks for all the suggestions!


I would just ration them out between you and your husband, Pat.
It could be one of those hidden blessings. Those biscuits — sorry, cookies — could last you until Easter! 🙂
Enjoy! (Why not?)

Pat Frederick

we are a tiny township…so nothing like that close…
I contacted the only church in town and they asked if i used nuts in any of my cookies, which i do and they would not accept them at all…even the ones without nuts because they are baked in the same kitchen. the search continues…


It’s not as easy as one would think to offer your services these days. I tried to volunteer at a senior center but was turned down because I don’t get the flu shot.

Pat Frederick

well that’s sad…


Honestly you could probably go down to your main city block and have a free cookie stand just to say Merry Christmas! Then get in trouble for not having a permit….

Pat Frederick

yeah, no…
the local police in the next municipality are looking for any reason to “question” me…lol
I used to be the Secretary/Treasurer there when we first moved to the area. I worked on the budget-found many discrepancies and made serious enemies there.
A local resident once asked me if I parked behind the police dept and i said yeah it was the municipal lot. She asked if I locked my vehicle–I said no need–I don’t keep anything in there. She said you don’t have to worry about what they’ll take OUT…and this is in Podunksville…scary.


bag them up and get hubby to take to homeless in the area…

Pat Frederick

we are really in rural America here–hunting camps and mobile homes for the most part, but not homeless that I’ve ever seen…I will keep the cookies in the freezer and after Christmas make my way towards the county seat–half hour away–and see what they recommend. i doubt i would find anyone to ask til then…but i (and my waistline) do appreciate all the good suggestions!!!


comment image?itemid=5599918


I would consult a lawyer to see if you are on the verge of becoming a felon and criminalizing yourself forever if you donate your cookies.
Have they been inspected by the proper authorities?

Pat Frederick



Looks like you are down on local options.
Perhaps mail them (frozen) to more distant loved ones?

Pat Frederick

i tried shipping them once before–using ziploc bags of popcorn inside the boxes to cushion the cookies…they didn’t do well. I make about a dozen or so different kinds and some are delicate pastries. Next year I make fruitcakes–they’re indestructible bricks! lol

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I still remember one year the running gag is that there was actually only one fruitcake in the world; it just kept getting passed around. No one would actually eat it, and it wouldn’t rot, or perhaps the better word was “corrode.”

Pat Frederick

if we all baked a few and mailed them to border patrol we could build that wall…LOL…or at least use them as projectiles

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve caught on. 😀


Firemen and Police.
They get everything extra from our catering.
We even made a joke out of it for a few years and made them fill out surveys. They became my quality control inspectors.


Let’s welcome Patrick.


It means Mattis leaves next week.


Yup and didn’t his resignation indicate he was leaving end of Feb.?


I’m reading online now that his departure has been moved up to Jan 1st
‘Course that’s behind POTUS’ calendar, as Patrick is probably already on the job!!!!


Do you keep all these lovely comments in a notebook, at the ‘ready’???
Diamond is definitely the speaker in that duo… w/ Silk doing the background ‘Amen’…
Kudos to you for all your creative visuals and comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Molly Pitcher

LOL, very true Phoenix. In a great reply to me recently, Wolf said he had plenty of Boomerangiem and Unmaskium so I’d guess he has a lot of Who’swhosium too! Good times here.




Mattis and Kelly both pushed out at the same time. D Day coming


Welcome Patrick!
Thank you POTUS…. for working so hard for us.



Jordan Sather says: Patrick Shanahan has been pushing hard for the creation of the Space Force…
I like this move 😎


Has he made editor yet? I thought with all his OPINIONS… nope, still a stenographer

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Except that stenographers are supposed to shut up and take dictation. Acosta doesn’t know the meaning of “shut up.”


Excellent point Steve, excellent!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had a congressman once–I thought at the time he was a good guy, and haven’t heard otherwise (but these days the world is so topsy turvy I have to qualify things), who came up with the idea of renaming the Air Force the Aerospace Force.
Which, it seems to me, would accomplish the same end. Even today they have a lot of responsibilities in space; the space command is hosted on an air force base, and they “fly” lots of satellites.


I can see the wisdom in starting a new Space Force branch, though.
There are pilots in every branch of our Armed Forces.
Having a new branch, the Space Force…will allow them to pick people from all of the other branches.
The Air Force probably has some ‘dead wood’ that would be in line for choice positions, if it were given the “Aerospace Force” designation.
The new Space Force will be able to pick tech support from wherever it sees talent.
It will also need mechanics, scientists and space ‘marines’ to man the space-faring ships.
So I think it’s a good thing, that the Space Force will be starting out as a separate entity.


I feel dumb. Who is he?




and to show Carlos Slim’s NYSlimes once thought Patrick great…


Whomever updated that Wiki should be slapped. Anywhere else on the page it’s President Trump. The update says “Trump elevated him to Acting Secretary of Defense effective January 1, 2019, replacing James Mattis.[2]”
It doesn’t read that way anymore. Changed it. 🙂


Is this a good bona fide.


well the tweet is from a Dem who hates POTUS



Every time this comes up, media and Dems act as if it’s the first time there’s ever been a government shutdown.
Essential services — and pay — keep going, regardless.


The Senate walked away at 6:30pm on a Friday night with the shutdown to take effect at midnight. They left Washington, DC, and went home for Christmas.
They completely destroyed the narrative they give a damn about the 800K who are furloughed or without jobs/in limbo.
The Dems lost that argument, otherwise they would have stayed.
Guess a shutdown is not as important as passing Obamacare on Christmas Eve, eh?




Love me some ‘Charlie Daniels’ ….


Amen Mr. Daniels. Amen.


Wish we could get him over over here!
BlackKnightRides says:
December 23, 2018 at 10:09 am
President Trump’s WIN-WIN-WIN-… move to withdraw American Troops from Syria:
• NATO-Ally Turkey’s President Erdogan promises to clean up the 1% ISIS residue in Syria, so President Trump simply agrees … assigning REGIONAL OWNERSHIP for Neighborhood Security.
• If Turkey fails to honor their commitment, or uses it to persecute the Kurds, they’re NO LONGER an ALLY, RAISING their DUPLICITY for using Khashoggi to set up their arch-rival MBS of Saudi Arabia.
• Trump’s pull-out HONORS yet another CAMPAIGN COMMITMENT.
• He triggers the Media-DemBot Complex to again PROVE they’re FAKE NEWS by duplicitously criticizing him for actions that they extolled Obama for taking and for LEAVING a VACUUM.
• He got the D-Rats to PROVE they’re now the WAR-MONGERING PARTY.
• POTUS secretly embeds Saudi Arabian Military to replace withdrawn American forces at a newly-constructed base in Syria
… setting the table for Saudi-Turkish TEAMING to DEMONSTRATE REGIONAL OWNERSHIP for Neighborhood Security.
• The Saudi role will cement the Saudi-Israeli-Jordanian ALLIANCE.
• The Saudi role positions MBS to HONOR his COMMITMENT to PROTECT the KURDS with a SAFE ZONE (overlooked by everyone).
• Trump’s Withdrawal-and-Replacement action ENTANGLES RUSSIA in MEDIATION or FIGHTING over who-gains-what in Syria amongst Turkey, Iraq, Iran, the Kurds and the Saudi Alliance.
• His decision to leave ENDS CONTENTIOUS DEBATE (a good thing) over his Regional Ownership policy to TRANSFORM AMERICA’s DEFENSE ROLE
… from ENDLESS CONFLICT as FRONT-LINE FIGHTERS for other nations’ interests
… to MILITARY BACKSTOP for Existential Threats to America.
• This triggers RESIGNATIONS of ADMINISTRATION ANTI-TRUMPERS (SecDef Mattis and Special Envoy to Defeat ISIS McGurk), whose announcements prevented political fallout by eroding their own reputations with their chicken-little demands that we needlessly keep our troops in harms way.
Our VSG POTUS or what.


BKR always has great comments.
But his post entirely fails to mention Sessions.


iirc, he’s anti Sessions and Q


Did not recall that. Oh well.


God bless, prosper and grant great favor to Mick Mulvaney.


Mike’s mind is even sharper than his pencil…
He knows all the loopholes in the budget and in the legislation that can get money for OUR wall…
and he’s ruthless when it comes to callin out softly in their ears… the corruption the DIMs in the Senate wade in…
Praying for our Carolina guy to get it done !!!!!!


Very true Phoenix Rising.
If you watch to the end, you can see the wormy walleye guy try to get Mick to smile, soften, or intimate he might come back on the show while serving in his new role. Mick was having none of it. Very strong, sober, and clearly demonstrating he was not beholden or impressed by the worm.


U r right. That was great!


The borders will be secured.
Our military will be strengthened.
Terrorists and criminal invaders will be found and removed.
Our streets will be made safe.
Corruption in the Electoral process will be exposed and removed.
We the People awakened and restored to self-determination.
God bless America.
God bless our Patriots!


MOAR Courage Lord.


May the truth be seen Lord!




Thank you for those standing with the American PEOPLE on border security!


I’m with our Lion.



didn’t mean to post this here… please remove Wolf
meant to post this:comment image


I had already posted it below… but xtwo can’t hurt!


We Need the Wall.


But… but… what about the poppies? And all the money we DIMS derive from the opium we… umm, they produce and we smuggle over the border… if we leave Afghanistan AND the wall is built???? No, No, no… can’t have that. DIMS need money from drugs for campaigns and bigger houses…
oh Rand Paul… you simply don’t understand economics!!!!


GoFundMe now at $16,075,624 of $1.0B goal
Raised by 264,035 people in 6 days


PM has a THREAD –

Sylvia Avery

Oh, boy!

Molly Pitcher

Gatwick couple that was arrested for the alleged drone fiasco…released without charges.
And from Paul J Watson~~~Police now saying there may have been no drone at all over Gatwick. Bizarre.


Cabal/Deep State FF to distract from May/Brexit


Meanwhile, 200,000 people were unable to leave for their Christmas destinations?
My empathy goes out to that couple. I hope they are able to enjoy a happy Christmas despite the aggro and the adverse publicity.
Only now do we find out he is an ex-soldier? Interesting.



Tucker is great — and a practising Episcopalian (my original denom after I left the Catholic Church — am now an Anglican).


I like Tucker, don’t think I knew that about him.


Thanks, CM.


You’re welcome, Zoe.


Article by David Horowitz below shows how cowardly GOP Senators are most of the time… and how it is McConnell who is preventing getting the H.R. with $5.7 B for the wall passed… and shutting Schumer’s mouth. Turtle is being a turdle… Dec. 27th the Senate could pass the HR…. we need to bombard the GOP senators with this maneuver.


thank you ttt…


428 thoughts on “Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181223”
There’s too much posting going on here. I’ll never catch up!
/ 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This place is getting crazy popular, ain’t it?


We love you Wolfie. You built it and we came.
Bigger and better than ever before!
Ho, HO, HO! Merry Christmas!


So much to be thankful for.
God bless our Lion.
God bless our troops.
God bless America.


Husband was reading me a story about Noam Chomsky, freaking out about our withdrawal from Syria.
Did you ever think Noam Chomsky would be pro-war?
Starting to think PDJT hypnotizes them.
It really is glorious.


Wolf’s theory would just say they were always pro-chaos.
So if protesting wars creates the most chaos, they will protest wars. If protesting troop withdrawal creates the most chaos, they will protest troop withdrawal. No true moral compass as we understand them. Only a need to undermine any goodness in our world.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Winter of THEIR Discontent.
If they have to fold on the border/immigration, it’s over for them.


Best president ever! Sing it POTUS….




Who knew Rand Paul was so funny !
His Festivus twitter stream is a scream…
just click on this tweet – one of many fun comments…


Agreed. A total scream phoenixRising.


Trollin’, trollin’, trollin’
Get those tweets a-rollin’ …



IKR, right?
Have bookmarked for posterity!


It’s like the old Christmases, including cards, from days of yore (19th century, not so long ago in real terms). Not condoning, ‘just saying’:


Rand was hilarious today. Sounds like a dinner speech?


I guess it’s a tradition.
Like a roast or something…


I laughed really loudly.


I was just over at CTH nosing around and it has turned into one big troll show and that includes some of the regulars. They were beating up on Gen. Mattis (asses) and poor Gunny ripped them over Mattis and the sharks went into a swarm. Starfker and Lawrencepalt were among the jerks. They also were ripping on us Q followers and Wictor. What a mess. I felt so bad for Gunny that I waded in and thanked him for defending Gen. Mattis who I credit with my Marine son making it home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Very disappointing. Shame on SD for allowing this to get out of hand.


And to think that Over There — SD or whoever — banned US??


That is why I’m confused. He didn’t want us to discuss Q but he allows endless chatter about Q and followers. In essence they are still talking about Q.


We (Q people) are just like POTUS! ALL Attention–good OR bad brings attention to us all!! Wait….could this be by design?…..Maybe SD is doing this on purpose…
I could NOT wrap my head around TRUMP supporters DIVIDING ON PURPOSE! Could it be diversion. Could it be to bring more attention to Q? Somebody smarter than me figure this out?


SD is rather mercurial in terms of what he will tolerate as comments.

Sylvia Avery

Too bad. From everything I have read about Mattis, he is really a good guy as far as his character. A great warrior. The military guys love him. Sadly, he seems completely wrong on the key political issues of our time.
He served the country well, but if he is unable to support PDJT’s vision and mission it is good that he step aside. I just don’t know how it benefits any of us to belabor his shortcomings or whatever we want to call them. He’s yesterday’s news, now, as far as I’m concerned.
God bless your son, the Marine, and I’m glad Mattis got him home safely. I appreciate your son’s service, and you for raising him right.


Thanks Sylvia. I agree with him being the wrong choice politically. The bashing is unwarranted. I liken it to the same bashing the media does to our great President.


Likely that Mattis did some good things and some bad things. It seems obvious that POTUS thought the bad things were more important. Once I heard Mattis was ok with transgenders, I was no longer a fan. It is extremely good for POTUS that Mattis and Kelly are gone
As far as SD is concerned, he’s not as sharp as he wants you to believe. No sense in listening to a negative Nellie. We get that on tv every day.


Depends on whether there is animus. High achieving leaders don’t like being shown up in public.


As in — The Military Tribunal. YUP!


Anybody here remember Little Green Footballs? Early 2000s? That place did a 180 and quickly became a leftist sewer.

Sylvia Avery

Oh yeah! I remember them! They were good…until they became awful.


The biggest bust I think was the dan rather fake TNG memo.
Anyhow, like Sylvia said, it was “good…until they became awful”. Became a bickering troll cesspit. That’s how I now see CTH.
There is only so much time in a day and I ain’t gonna waste it there.


I will post a husband and wife twitter duo for your entertainment. First off will be the cartoon


I wish they had done bigfoot. Id save that.


Tha Tha that’s all folks….


Nice collection of Meme’s over there!comment image


Brian Cates wrote a brilliant twitter thread about Flynn and the state of the investigations. One of his conclusions was that Flynn was running a counter-intelligence op when all this stuff went down. It’s why the Flynn case makes almost no sense..however this little Q tree group right here was suspecting what Cates concluded…
There’s way more and this is incredible writing. Very high level of concentration. Feedback please…


Way better stuff here wolf…good job. This is a discussion site not a dissertation. Thinking people don’t need a tree like the old one.


I’m typing way tonight, and I looked up to gather my thoughts.
We put the nutcracker collection in the bedroom this year, almost a hundred of them. They form battalions all over the bedroom, my little desk, on top of the fireplace mantle, window seat, highboys, and all over the bookcase. Looks like a wooden army has landed and the “Elf on the Shelf” needs a clean pair of underwear.
Just remember, we are never alone.
Love to all and Merry Christmas!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There are certainly a lot of nuts to crack in Washington D.C.
Of course they’ve all gone home for the holidays, leaving VSGPDJT pretty much in peace.
Oh, wait, you meant something having to do with Tchaikovskiy…