Hey CHINA, Can You Hear Me Now? #PostItAmerica Campaign to defend American Workers and Farmers.

Have you ever wondered what you could do, individually, to help our country or President? To make YOUR voice heard? Well, we might have found an answer. It’s pretty simple = #PostItAmerica has received attention from the Chinese and now, autofills on Twitter. It’s an easy way to push BACK against China, and defend our President, our farmers and workers in the USA.
Here’s how it all started.
About a week ago, Trish Regan of Fox News interviewed Steve Bannon. See Below:

Steve Bannon is the ENEMY: Soon after the interview, Chinese State TV labeled Bannon as an enemy, and the USA should not listen to him. Pretty cool, eh? Badge of honor for Steve Bannon.
Trish Regan Weighs in on China:  Well, Trish was pretty hard on the Chinese in her comments. Americans have a quite a bit of pent up anger after 30 yrs of being abused in bad trade deals, and having our intellectual property stolen. We’ve done everything we can, even with bad leadership, to bring China into the world of nations to trade in good faith. China has cheated at every turn. We’re ready to push back in this economic war. It’s time.
The Chinese respond to Trish:  Last night, Chinese State TV did a hit piece on Trish Regan. Can you imagine? A Chinese propaganda chic, on her version of the “curvy couch”, broadcasting in ENGLISH to the English speaking world, was trashing Trish Regan. I stopped on a dime and turned up the volume. Chinese State TV said Trish was “emotional” and was “spitting fire from her eyes” and “had no facts”. I eyes were glued to the television, laser focused… but my jaw was on the floor….. China was attacking an American TV pundit, a woman, because SHE was a threat. Have we ever seen that before?

Kudos to Trish Regan:  Trish Regan should have asked for a raise. Major street cred for Trish Regan. The Chinese tried to dismiss her, demean her as a woman in a way that was actually chauvinist – not ‘fake’ chauvinist like the Dems try to do in a PC culture. The Chinese tried to trivialize her background in finance….
What happens when a woman gets angry?:   … I was a partner in a brokerage firm…. and I was furious. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I worked on Wall Street, but I also worked in a grocery store and punched a clock for a long time. ANY woman would have been incensed by these comments. The way the Chinese talked about Trish Regan was scurrilous. I submit, any American man who saw a woman demeaned in such a way would instantly rise to his feet to defend her. Yeah, the Chinese effort to smear Trish Regan backfired……… and I got mad.
Targeted and effective anger:  I responded to Trish’s post of the segment on Twitter. A few months ago, I started a little campaign in my local grocery store which I named #PostItAmerica. I took sticky notes and posted a small note on to Chinese items. It was an effort to make people think before they buy. If 70% of the US economy is consumer driven, and women do most of the buying, we can send a BIG message with a little bit of effort. Normally, it’s the men who buy the big items. Their impact is bigger, but consistent small purchases overwhelms the Chinese like death from 1,000 cuts.

And what about our FARMERS?: We KNOW American farmers are purposely targeted by China to weaken support for President Trump during Trade Negotiations. Indirectly, the Dems are cheering for the Chinese and against America…… cuz they don’t want to see President Trump win….. even if it hurts America. I was even more angry and posted more pics to support AMERICAN farmers along with #PostItAmerica and #DontBuyFromChina.

What happens when more than one woman gets angry?:  The pics from my local grocer and WalMart were loaded up to Trish’s Twitter feed along with the #PostItAmerica and #DontBuyFromChina hashtags. Overnight, my twitter feed blew up. Now, the #PostItAmerica hashtag autofills on Twitter, which means it is beginning to trend. Wow, lil’ ole me, with my silly lil’ sticky notes. Twitter heard me….., but the best was yet to come.
When China notices the Americans are ANGRY:  After morning covfefe, I checked my Twitter feed. I had an actual Chinese troll. No kidding. I thought, “Huh, Twitter isn’t allowed in China” or so we thought. Must be a Chinese national located in a place where the state doesn’t censor Twitter. Yet, I checked the trolls feed and it was all post for the Chinese Olympic Team. Interesting, eh? And now, I have THREE Chinese trolls…. one who thinks he can see my bra……. all the way from China….. or wants me to run naked without Chinese clothing…….
So, what does this tell us?
1. China is watching social media in the USA to gauge reaction and check support for Trump in their trade negotiations. Public opinion is strong in the USA and for the past 30yrs, public opinion has influenced our Presidents and their foreign policy. The Chinese would be mistaken to rely upon liberal polling, however, with President Trump. He doesn’t care. Just like Steve Bannon said, the Chinese were woefully unprepared for a President Trump.
2. It’s time to wake the sleeping giant, the American consumer, and send China a message. We understand what works. We get it….. now.
3. I’m a speck of dust on China’s radar. If I merit my own Twitter troll, they’re worried.
But I was thrilled!
Bolstered by the idea that I had my own Chinese Twitter troll, I dropped the pics in a few MORE places. THEN, I got this response. Pay close attention to the #’s used and where this Chinese troll sent my pics. He/she sent them to the 5G and Huawei # feeds. Gee whiz, do you think they’re hyper vigilant and watching our social media to gauge our temperature on China?

And here’s my big question. Who starts a hashtag called #spy? Think about that one for a minute. I have so many questions about
Bottom line: Are you sick and tired of Dems and pundits controlling the narrative? Ready to push back? Well then, please join me at #PostItAmerica and #DontBuyFromChina and send a message to the Chinese. We support our President and our trade team. How dare they go after our farmers! China has seriously overstepped!
Happy Memorial Day to ALL!

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Another Great report from “OUR” Famous Daughn.
Thanks again. Post it far and wide.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just got back online to see this post up top! WHAT A DAY!!!
<3 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 <3

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Those of us who chose to believe that Q was “in the know” will be sitting very good.


Ya…. Think I’m going to Grill some Salmon…..
Throwback to my days in the Pacific Northwest 🙂


Hey if we want that Asian flair, check your labels tho)
Buy from Vietnam, Phillipines ,even India or especially Japan they are probably President Trump s best friend in the area.


ABC…….. (Anywhere but China)




Daughn you are my hero! Love the fact that Trish liked your tweet and more importantly your idea. It allowed others to take a look. The Chinese are scared out of their minds. Our President and his Killers are destroying them everywhere you look.
This trip to Japan this weekend is going to pay BIG dividends. I have a funny feeling that some type of trade agreement will be announced.
Our President is going to destroy China by forming a trilateral between us, Japan 🇯🇵 and India 🇮🇳. All three countries will open their markets to one another. India 🇮🇳 will absorb a lot of companies from China that want to stay in the region. We will do more importing from India 🇮🇳. They in return will buy a good chunk of their energy from us rather than Iran.

From the article linked above:
About 200 American companies are seeking to move their manufacturing base from China to India post the general elections, a top US-based advocacy group has said, observing that there is a fantastic opportunity with firms looking at alternatives to the Communist giant. The US-India Strategic and Partnership Forum’s (USISPF) President Mukesh Aghi said that the companies are talking to them about how to set up an alternative to China by investing in India.
He said that Mark Linscott, the former Assistant US Trade Representative for South and Central Asian Affairs, is working with USISPF member companies to come up with a recommendation as to what India needs to do to enhance its exports and work up from that perspective. “One recommendation, which I strongly believe is going to help India is that we should now start thinking of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between India and the U.S,” Aghi said.
“I think if India is concerned about cheap goods coming from China, an FTA will eliminate that need. You can put barriers to Chinese goods and still have the U.S. providing access to the Indian market and Indian companies having more access to the US market, and issues like GSP would diminish,” he said.
The Japanese will have access to the India market. This will allow them to drastically bring down their surplus with us. I see a quota being put on their export of cars, trucks and parts into our country. More investment in the auto sector in our country. Japan 🇯🇵 will also continue to build up their military with major purchases from us.
Others countries in the region will get a piece of the pie as well. Look who Secretary Mnuchin was meeting with today.

Vietnam 🇻🇳 has been buying a lot from us. Including our planes. This will completely isolate China and destroy their ambitions of overtaking us as a nation.
The Eagle 🦅 is going to destroy the Dragon 🐉!


Turkey needs to be seriously isolated and should be kicked out of NATO toot sweet! Danger, danger, danger!!!


Daughn #I.Am.In 😊😊😊
Marker & post-its coming with me on the plane to Michigan. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 What better way to spend my time than preparing these ‘bulletts’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is my take.
If China was some benevolent, freedom-loving country, with strong internal processes that guaranteed it would stay that way, I would not be terribly concerned with their drive for hegemony.
But none of that is true. China treats its citizens with contempt for their citizenship, contempt for their rights, and even contempt for their very lives. The BODIES and ORGANS of Chinese subjects are STATE PROPERTY, and if the state wants to chop you up because you’re Falun Gong, and give your parts to some loyal party member, or some rich foreigner for CASH, then they simply DO IT.
They’re CANNIBALS. No better than CANNIBALS.
Communism has corrupted China into the ULTIMATE UNCIVIL SOCIETY. Every modern primitive tribe that has LEFT CANNIBALISM BEHIND is morally superior to China, in my opinion.
We are idiots to support a country that lies, cheats, steals, and backstabs the world for money and power. A nation that IS, in fact, far worse than anything they every accused “capitalists”, “colonialists”, and everybody else of being. A nation which, by all accounts from those who have survived or just witnessed its concentration camps and medical butcher shops, seems to be like a LARGE-SCALE, SPACE-AGE, REINCARNATION OF NAZISM.
When China was all Mao jackets and Mao hats, and we did not trade a DIME with them, America was great, America was free, and America’s economy was doing wonderfully. CHINA was in trouble, because all they had was SOCIALISM.
It is very clear what happened. WE FED SOCIALISM, because socialism NEEDS “other people’s money”.

Harry Lime

Now you’ve gone and done it! The LGBTQ movement will now be adding a C for cannibals to include under their victim umbrella…with full Democrat/Media/Hollyweird support, of course.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

C is definitely THEIR “Q”!!!


Spring and summer, one can ALWAYS find a Farmer’s Market in NE!


I just bought a bunch of neon-colored post-it papers! I know what to do with them! Busy doing them and $20’s! Going to the beach this weekend and enjoying our family, giving thanks for the blood of patriots because our freedom is not free, it came and comes at a high cost. Thank you for the gold star families, may Yah comfort and strengthen you now and in the future.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you for the shout out to Gold Star families. It means a lot. You’d be surprised how many people have to ask what that means.


You are welcome. We are a blue star family only by the grace of YAH. Thank you, Slyvia and to your family, very grateful for the sacrifice if I am reading you right.

Sylvia Avery

TY kalbren. Yes, you read me right.
I appreciate that your family is serving. It is such a tremendous gift to all of us.


He is medically discharged and on disability due to musculoskeletal injuries, PTSD, and TBI. Now serving our God behind bars due to legal beagle issues I have described in other postings. He has a group of about 6 guys he hangs with they are getting red pilled and Yeshua (Jesus) pilled!

Elizabeth Carter

I have stopped buying things Made in China, Mexico and Canada. I have no desire to support the people who want to destroy the USA.
I buy Made in America whenever I can.
If I can’t find it and can’t wait until I can, I complain to the store and ask if they can get “Made in America”. It actually works. Be polite, be concerned and be clear that you can wait until they have “Made in America” available.
Never use Amazon, Google, etc. since they won’t recognize that we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. If they want to only deal with Communist countries that is their choice. If I don’t want to deal with companies that are out to destroy America, that is my choice.
People laughed at my small contribution to this idea but if 65 million of us do it, it becomes a very big deal.

Sylvia Avery

All I can say is the heathen Chinee miscalculated terribly when they decided to take on PDJT, Trish Regan (go, Red!), and Daughn!
Have a care though, Daughn. You’ll have those Chicoms on you like white on rice as the saying goes.

Sadie Slays

If you ever want Chinese trolls to leave you alone, send them the following text. Just copy and paste it to Word or word processing it equivalent. It causes their censors to go nuts. At minimum, they’ll probably stop talking to you out of fear of getting in trouble with their government. At worst, the government censors will nuke their internet connection.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Sadie Slays

I got an unexpected lesson last night about Chinese propaganda in America. I was searching Youtube for videos about Mississippi accents, and nearly all of the videos in the search results were about the history of Chinese people living in the Deep South. It wasn’t just one or two videos–the search results were simply dominated by videos about the Chinese. Upon further investigation, I discovered that most of the videos were produced by the Chinese government. Why is the Chinese government making English-language Youtube videos about Mississippi? What’s their angle?


NEW Q Drop!
New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 8:29:33 PM


Another one!
New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 8:35:23 PM
Important to remember.
Page is public.
Remainder are still classified.


OK – please, can someone explain the “+Cruz?” Lyin’ Canadian Cruz?


Hell, WE should be surveilling that POS!!! Ok, ok – I know – noone is perfect but……IMO, he is particularly dangerous because he is sooooo very good at what he does!


Appears that Lyin CubaNadian (Anchor Baby) Cruz was #2 in the polls at the time. Probably was under surveillance too.




Spit – he can’t even be called an anchor baby. His Mother was registered to vote – and voted – in Canada during a period of time where dual citizenship was illegal in Canada. So, she had to have given up her US citizenship. When did she re-gain US citizenship? Or did she? Nope – no anchor baby there. He is not even a US citizen!!!!


New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 8:41:57 PM
23 May 2019 – 8:39:35 PM
Follow the watch.


Moar!…. how many tonight?
New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 8:45:25 PM
23 May 2019 – 8:40:07 PM
Is Potus going to ask the Queen about UK assist
Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.


lol…. I wish that was true….
I have to work tomorrow 🙂


One Moar! (so far) 🙂
New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 8:53:04 PM
23 May 2019 – 8:45:18 PM
Carter Page anon. 🤪
Carter Page ‘public’ FISA.
Remainder are still under classification (until today).
Waterfall of proofs coming (post DECLAS).
(see qmap.pub for actual Drops….. )


New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 9:01:32 PM
>>6572364 (/pb)
Under protection.
Threat is real.
Key to DNC ‘source’ ‘hack’ ‘187’.




Assange / Seth Rich/ (thanks to Wolfie) ‘187″ = murder


We’ll know soon enough


Busy night tonight…..
Tomorrow should be awesome


Me too!


Whole thing about Brennan and Obungler too


Uniparty ……. Time for the “American Patriot Party” …. FUCK the Republitards AND the DEMON-i-craps


Is that a question?


One Moar!
New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 9:02:33 PM
23 May 2019 – 9:01:04 PM
UK/AUS assist/set up


New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 9:07:37 PM
23 May 2019 – 9:05:06 PM


New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 9:11:35 PM
23 May 2019 – 9:09:11 PM
what about the Comey report?
Moves & countermoves.
Misdirection sometimes creates one person to turn on another (publicly).
[C]oming soon.


New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 9:23:51 PM


comment image


New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 9:25:37 PM
(Again….. see qmap.pub for actual Drop)


Where is everyone?


DECLASS is coming soon!


I encourage more stories on, involving or having to do with Trish Regan 😁


12 Kids?…. Oh hell no 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Nah, just four sets of triplets 🙂
I knew a family with three sets of twins (almost was four)…
Then we’d have QTreepers by the dozen 🙂 (OK, in a few years)…


Pelvic floor Daughn. Pelvic floor


Another one!
New: Title TBD
23 May 2019 – 10:13:18 PM
Why did POTUS circumvent DNI Coats (normal protocol for DECLAS) and give AUTH directly to AG Barr?


BIG things happening soon!


Been following it for about 2 hours


“Why did POTUS circumvent DNI Coats (normal protocol for DECLAS) and give AUTH directly to AG Barr?”
Because apparently DJT knows Coats is dirty, or compromised.
It fits with SD’s take on Coats from months ago too, as do many of Q’s points.
It’s a very interesting dynamic.
You have Brian Cates/Steath Jeff who apparently does NOT follow Q, but who is at odds with SD and vice-versa; you have SD at odds with EVERYONE who pays attention to Q; and yet SD and Brian Cates each, in their own way, seem to be working toward what Q has been saying all along.
Like a three-legged stool, where two of the legs are at odds with each other, and both of those legs pretend like the 3rd leg doesn’t exist.
And yet if the 3rd leg didn’t exist, it wouldn’t be a stool… it would just fall over. 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if Coats is pwned?
TurnCoats, as it were (methinks)…


Bringing the HAMMER!….. Soon!


150lb Sledge Hammer!




Bring ALL the hammers!
Even the tack hammers. Whatever’s in the arsenal… just bring it!


Miss Daughn, you know I have to be stealthy if not hold back in socal. I just so happen to have post its sitting sadly in a drawer. Ill use them the next time I go out.
The chinee make good food but not a good bet on messing with you!


The Chinese don’t trust their own food. There is a hugely lucrative business in Australia of daiwi(? Forgotten the exact Chinese word). These Chinese students/ whatever buy baby formula and other foods and shop/post them to customers in China. They are making $100,000 +++/ year.
Yeah, I wouldn’t go up against Daughn either. She scary


Important reputation always stuff. Your husband would have been screwed (honourably) repeatedly.
When in Rome do as the romans do




If you like the idea, but aren’t happy with all the writing, you can arrange your created post-its on an 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of paper and place in copier to run copies ONTO more Post-Its on paper in the copier paper feed.

Cuppa Covfefe

VistaPrint and other places (maybe even a local print shop) offer pads of pre-printed sticky-notes. If they’re like other places here, they can take “artwork” and print that, so it looks handwritten…
(Better yet, have the same thing written in Chinese at the bottom of the note…hmmm, maybe have them in different languages, e.g. Spanish)…


#BuyUSA — Blow it up!