Moar AND Logic — Vaccines

a guest post by Gail Combs

(with a FREE SPEECH preface by Wolf Moon)


I want to tell you all something RIGHT UP FRONT.

I have not read this post AT ALL. And I’m not going to read it. I’m going to publish it, and THEN READ IT.


It is very simple. I support free speech, and I am especially concerned about CENSORSHIP of viewpoints on vaccination. I am personally pro-vaccination, but I think that the anti-vaxxers have found a WEALTH of valid concerns that need to be addressed by a combination of objective and imaginative investigation, honest admission, political enlightenment, and consumer CHOICE.

The COMMUNISTS in America are NOT doing it right. The real question is WHY NOT?

Vaccines are a PRODUCT – not a CHEMICAL TATTOO that the state has a right to force upon our bodies. GET REAL. Vaccines need the FREE MARKET to prove their worth – not socialist coddling of substandard products to be forced upon us like poisonous Chinese dog treats.

If you are old enough to remember the vaccine SANITY that we had in America before the sabotage presidency of crypto-socialist BILL CLINTON and his horrible co-President wife Hillary Clinton, of WACO fame, then you realize that all of this CRAP about vaccines is utterly unnecessary.



NOW – I believe that Adam Schiff is starting a “war on anti-vaxxers” in preparation to “war on Trump’s base”. I will be posting more about this soon. But before that, I’m going to let some FREE SPEECH about vaccination happen HERE AND NOW.



Moar AND Logic — Vaccines

by Gail Combs


Perhaps the hardest concept for Americans to learn is Our Ruling Class views us with contempt. They do not hate us. To hate you have to view a person as an equal. The Ruling Class does not consider us equals, some do not even consider us ‘human’!!! We are just ‘Human Resources’ for them to use as they please. Once you realize they view us as free range slaves or cattle (chattel) their inhumane treatment of us becomes comprehensible and this plays into their views on vaccination. As long as THEY make money and the ‘Human Resource’ losses are ‘acceptable’ they don’t care if we are injured or die.

This is the best overall explanation I have seen of what we face in America today:

July 16, 2010 America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution by Angelo M. Codevilla

“…No prominent Republican challenged the ruling class’s continued claim of superior insight, nor its denigration of the American people as irritable children who must learn their place. The Republican Party did not disparage the ruling class, because most of its officials are or would like to be part of it.

Never has there been so little diversity within America’s upper crust. Always, in America as elsewhere, some people have been wealthier and more powerful than others. But until our own time America’s upper crust was a mixture of people who had gained prominence in a variety of ways, who drew their money and status from different sources and were not predictably of one mind on any given matter….

Today’s ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters — speaking the “in” language — serves as a badge of identity….

The two classes have less in common culturally, dislike each other more, and embody ways of life more different from one another than did the 19th century’s Northerners and Southerners — nearly all of whom, as Lincoln reminded them, “prayed to the same God.” By contrast, while most Americans pray to the God “who created and doth sustain us,” our ruling class prays to itself as “saviors of the planet” and improvers of humanity. Our classes’ clash is over “whose country” America is, over what way of life will prevail, over who is to defer to whom about what….”

We have already noted the consolidation of the trans-national corporations.

Daniel Estulin in his Bilderberg Speech at EU Parliament says:

“Bilderberg organization is dynamic…. Members come and go, but the system itself has not changed. It is a self-perpetuating system, a virtual spider web of interlocked financial, political, economic and industry interests. Not One World Government or New World Order as too many people mistakenly believe. Rather, the ideology is of a ONE WORLD COMPANY LIMITED….

The idea behind each and every Bilderberg meeting is to create what they themselves call THE ARISTOCRACY OF PURPOSE between European and North American elites on the best way to manage the planet. In other words, the creation of a global network of giant cartels, more powerful than any nation on Earth, destined to control the necessities of life of the rest of humanity, obviously from their vantage point, for our own good and in our benefit – THE GREAT UNWASHED AS THEY CALL US.

In this 2/29/2016 video OT Ben Stein call Trump people the “unwashed”

Later in the year, on 08/26/2016
PeterStrzok texted “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support…”
Page replys “Yep….”

Obama’s Science Czar, John Holdren certainly agrees and takes it a step further. He thinks it takes ” essential early socializing experiences”aka brainwashing to “ultimately develop into a human being.” GEE, does that mean IF you do not have the CORRECT ‘ socializing experiences’ you are not human?

Holdren, wrote on page 235 in “Human Ecology,” (1973) co-authored with Paul and Anne Ehrlich.

The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being,”

More bizarre quotes: link

Michaelh made a comment on June 12, 2019 at 02:22
The interesting part of the comment is this:

….He told the other doctor he could solve his problem, but the other doc was skeptical. Later he saw the woman in question and she went on at length about the dangers of vaccines and all the information she had gathered online, listening to her intently and patiently the whole time. At the end of it he asked a simple question, “Have you considered whether the anti-vax information you have is a Chinese and Russian disinformation campaign designed to weaken the United States’ populace?” She experienced a mind-blown moment. He said after that she came with all of her children ever single time right on the vax schedule….

Please note this doctor DID NOT ADDRESS the core problem — the perceived dangers of vaccines — Instead he substituted one FEAR for another FEAR.

So let’s back-up and ask the questions that doctor did not address.
WHY would the woman have:

  • #1. Distrust in the US government
  • #2. Distrust in the pharmaceutical companies
  • #3. Does her fear have a solid foundation?

Unfortunately, as we have seen over the last seven decades, the US government IS the Enemy of the American People. (see Codevilla’s article linked above) So the woman’s ‘Fear’ of the intentions of the US Government has a solid foundation. She can not trust that the government has HER best interests and NOT the best interests of the vaccine manufactures at heart when decisions are made.

Second US Scientists and drug companies are NOT to be trusted and neither is the FDA. I have a whole file folder on Fake Research and Data falsification. Here is a tiny sample germane to a discussion on vaccines:
US Scientists Significantly More Likely to Publish Fake Research, Study Finds

PLoS ONE: How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Reseach? A Systematic Review <<<VERY GOOD!

PLoS Medicine: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

Science Mag: Peer Review is Sick and Collapsing Under it’s Own Weight

Scientific Fraud and the Power Structure of Science

Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed Literature

Fifty-seven published clinical trials were identified for which an FDA inspection of a trial site had found significant evidence of 1 or more of the following problems: falsification or submission of false information, 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting, 14 trials (25%); protocol violations, 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent, 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized, 20 trials (35%). Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection. No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.

Conclusions and Relevance
When the FDA finds significant departures from good clinical practice, those findings are seldom reflected in the peer-reviewed literature, even when there is evidence of data fabrication or other forms of research misconduct….

The FDA did manage to catch one… FDA says CRO Cetero faked trial data; pharmas may need to redo tests

NYT: Rise in Scientific Journal Retractions Prompts Calls For Reform

Daily Mail UK: The ‘false’ pandemic: Drug firms cashed in on scare over swine flu, claims Euro health chief

Word Press CENSORED this site, Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries

The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses….

On Friday, the company’s director of global bioscience communications confirmed what scientists have suspected. “It was live,” Christopher Bona said in an email.

The contaminated product, which Baxter calls “experimental virus material,” was made at the Orth-Donau research facility. Baxter makes its flu vaccine — including a human H5N1 vaccine for which a licence is expected shortly — at a facility in the Czech Republic.

People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted. Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences….

Alternate from Physicians for Life: (Not a Word press blog) Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries (2009)

I remember when this information hit the news and I was appalled. I have worked as a QC Engineer in Drug manufacture. There is NO WAY IN HADES this should have happened. WHY? Because you LABEL EVERYTHING and it is double signed off when raw materials are withdrawn from the warehouse by manufacturing to PREVENT this type of mistake.

Vaccine Industry Watchdog Obtains CDC Documents That Show Statistically Significant Risks of Autism Associated with Vaccine Preservative Thimerosal

“Biochemist Brian Hooker, scientific advisor to A Shot of Truth, reveals CDC knew of risks for over a decade.”

February 19, 2014

For nearly ten years, Brian Hooker has been requesting documents that are kept under tight wraps by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His more than 100 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have resulted in copious evidence that the vaccine preservative Thimerosal, which is still used in the flu shot that is administered to pregnant women and infants, can cause autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Dr. Hooker, a PhD scientist, worked with two members of Congress to craft the letter to the CDC that recently resulted in his obtaining long-awaited data from the CDC, the significance of which is historic. According to Hooker, the data on over 400,000 infants born between 1991 and 1997, which was analyzed by CDC epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten, MD, “proves unequivocally that in 2000, CDC officials were informed internally of the very high risk of autism, non-organic sleep disorder and speech disorder associated with Thimerosal exposure.”….“>CDC whistleblower is just the tip of the iceberg

…“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” —(Marcia Angell, MD, “Drug Companies and Doctors: A story of Corruption.” NY Review of Books, Jan. 15, 2009.)

Here is another quote of a similar nature, also published in the NY Review of Books (May 12, 2001, Helen Epstein, “Flu Warning: Beware of Drug Companies”):

“Six years ago, John Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece, found that nearly half of published articles in scientific journals contained findings that were false.”…

So I hope these articles establish the fact this woman had a solid foundation for her concerns and the doctor’s default to ‘BLAME IT ON RUSSIA’ would be funny if it was not so serious.

Do you really think these Mega-corporations, who PAY the doctors, ACTUALLY CARE if a certain percentage of children are crippled or die from their vaccines? Don’t you think the Elite would LIKE to see American girls made sterile and more people on the government dole to aid the Cloward–Piven strategy?

What the Mega-corporations care about is MONEY and they have that all fixed up.

1987 ‘Limited’ Liability LAW:
42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22 – Standards of responsibility

….No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, solely due to the manufacturer’s failure to provide direct warnings to the injured party (or the injured party’s legal representative) of the potential dangers resulting from the administration of the vaccine manufactured by the manufacturer….

“Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government health officials said Friday.”

The first doses of swine flu vaccine will be given to the public before full data on its safety and effectiveness become available, doctors confirmed yesterday…..But, unlike seasonal flu vaccine, the pandemic version will be spread over two doses in a higher quantity, and one brand is expected to contain a chemical additive to make it go further, potentially increasing the risk of side-effects.

“On February 22, 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court shielded drug companies from all liability for harm caused by vaccines mandated by governmentwhen companies could have made a safer vaccine…. From now on, drug companies selling vaccines in America will not be held accountable…
The only difference is that three decades ago, government officials were ordering doctors to give children 23 doses of 7 vaccines and, today, that direct order is up to 70 doses of 16 vaccines.”
 NVIC link

Since this law has been upheld in the Supreme Court, WE the consumers now get to PAY for those crippled or killed:
Vaccine injury compensation programs:

Other sites discussing vaccines:

OK Time to leave the politics of vaccines and actually take a look at vaccination.

Here is the US Vaccination schedule for children.

[Wolfie can you include a screen shot of the chart for Birth to 15 Months please?]

Here you go!


First I am NOT a doctor and I do not have human kids. Mine are goats kids and lambs. However we are all mammals so at least some information applies across species.

Starting with newborns:
Colostrum definition: A sticky white or yellow fluid secreted by the mammary glands after giving birth, rich in antibodies. The antibodies absorbed by the newborn protect against systemic invasion by pathogens while antibodies that are not absorbed play an important role in protection against intestinal disease.

The small intestine is lined with immature cells which are capable of absorbing macromolecules.
Immunoglobulins ( antibodies) can not transmission across the placenta of the mother to the fetus. Instead the Immunoglobulins in the Colostrum is absorbed in the small intestine and thereafter transported to the blood. “The absorption of immunoglobulins has dropped to a relatively low level after 24-36 hours.” — The importance of colostral immunoglobulins and their absorption from the intestine of the newborn animalsfrom the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine

Vaccination: Kid goats that had passive immunity from immunized dams, don’t get their CD/T vaccination until 8 weeks and again at 11-12 weeks. My vet doesn’t recommend doing it earlier. HOWEVER If the kid didn’t receive its mom’s colostrum or if the doe didn’t get vaccination a month or so before birth, you should vaccinate the kid at the age of 1 to 3 weeks and again three to four weeks later. (And PRAY)

Sheep 201: Flock vaccinations written by Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist at the University of Maryland’s Western Maryland Research & Education Center in Keedysville, Maryland.

Passive immunity
Vaccines are not very successful in young lambs, 1-2 months of age. For this reason, vaccination strategies recommend vaccinating pregant ewe to confer passive immunity to the lambs through the colostrum (dam’s first milk). Ewes should be vaccinated with the CDT toxoid approximately 4 weeks prior to lambing. Ewes lambing for the first time will need to be vaccinated twice in late pregnancy, four weeks apart. Maternal antibodies will protect lambs for six to eight weeks so long as lambs consumed adequate amounts of colostrum. It is recommended that a lamb consume 10 percent of its body weight in colostrum.

Lambs should receive their first clostridal vaccination when they are approximately 6 to 8 weeks of age, followed by a booster 4 weeks later. If pastured animals are later brought into confinement or dry lot for concentrate feeding, a third vaccination should be given. Some experts recommended giving artifically-reared lambs multiple vaccinations.

Lambs whose dams were not vaccinated for C and D can be vaccinated with some success at two to three days of age and again in two weeks. However, later vaccinations will likely be more effective, as colostral antibodies usually interfere with vaccinations at very young ages. The lamb’s immature immune system may also not be able to respond to vaccination at such a young age.

Lambs and goats are usually weaned at 2 to 3 months, horses at 4 to 6 months. Lambs and goats live to mid teens, horses into there 20s and 30s. Human babies are weaned naturally sometime between 2 and 4 years of age. Humans live into their 70s and 80s. Animals are usually vaccinated AFTER they are weaned!

Last recommendation: ” Each producer must weights the pros and cons of vaccinating for a specific disease. If the cost of vaccination exceeds the expected losses, then vaccination is probably not cost-effective….The risk of a diseases outbreak should be the criteria that is used to determine the need for vaccination.” — Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist
Translation: Check with your vet/ vet school on what diseases are around your area and ALWAYS limit the exposure of your animals. If you show have separate quarantine areas for show animals also for animals you are newly introducing to the farm.

What is the take home from all of this?
1. QUARRANTINE IMMIGRANTS don’t bring the disease into the country in the first place. Since our traitorous government refuses to do this, do as much as you can to limit your exposure and your children’s exposure especially for the very young. (I hate seeing infants at a daycare as I did yesterday.)

2. MOM should receive the vaccinations not the New Born.

3. MOM should breast feed during the first few days to pass immunity to her baby even if she does not plan to continue breastfeeding. Try to stay home with your infant or use a private individual (like grand parent) for your very young baby instead of a commercial daycare. This limits disease exposure and thus need for very early vaccination.

4. Infant vaccination is a poor second for nature’s Colostrum and very early vaccination is needed only if Mom has not past immunity on to the infant via Colostrum AND can not manage quarantine conditions. (Why my bottle lambs were in the kitchen and are even now in a quarantined area instead of with the sheep.)

I have also been warned by my vet that the vaccines for multiple diseases are not a smart idea. Spacing the vaccinations of individual diseases works MUCH better.

Seems President Trump agrees!

H/T to thinkthinkthink who on April 30, 2019 at 20:55 Said:

PDJT had strong opinions on timing of vax shots for his children, just as these parents did.

There you have it. Please feel free to comment in any way you see fit. WE – unlike everybody else in socialist media – have free speech. Moreover, it is not MY JOB to determine what is “misinformation”. That is YOUR JOB.


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It seems like the ‘early vaccination’ program started with the advent of so many mothers going back to work and putting their babies into Daycare.
I am old enough to remember that vaccinations happened when it was Time To Start The First Grade.
Kindergarten used to be an optional thing…and not a part of the Public School System.
My mother paid for us to go to a private Kindergarten, because that was the only kind there was at the time.
Then…the Leftists declared that it was “not fair” that some kids were getting a ‘head start’ by going to a private Kindergarten.
So Kindergarten was added to the Public Schools.
If the commies had their way…we would probably be required to put our kids into state-run Daycare, right after birth.


DayKare, a KOMmunity service! Soviets were very proud of how progressive they were, sending women to work, and improving their production numbers! So much more efficient to send children to warehouses to be educated by a single teacher than by a mother. Didn’t work out too well for them.


Oh BTW Wheatie, you asked for it, you got it!
“If the commies had their way…we would probably be required to put our kids into state-run Daycare, right after birth.”

What is P-16?
P-16 is the shorthand term for a student-focused, comprehensive and integrated system that links all education levels from preschool (P) through post-secondary. It is a powerful framework for citizens and policymakers to use to improve teaching and learning and thus better prepare students for living, learning, and working in a changing world.


This shouldn’t come as a surprise, though.
It’s something that the commies have been wanting all along!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Demmucomms had to destroy the asymmetric family. Because humans can’t be made into fleshy robots without making gender distinctions meaningless.


My opinion on the timing of vax shots, having fought this for several years, is at the ground level there is a litigation concern if the vax is not administered at the earliest possible moment a child/baby can accept it. Not at what age would be best for the child – all legal CYA.
I interviewed one pediatrician early on, he absolutely would not deviate from the schedule. Highly respected in the region, he made the comment that his practice wouldn’t be a “good fit” for “those patients”. Wow, talk about a narcissist! There’s a book I recommend, “The No Asshole Rule”, which talks about maintaining a civilized workplace. I recommend applying that to all areas where you do business with or interact with others. If you have a prima donna doctor I don’t care how respected he is, if he does not respect and does not listen to patients or parents, avoid that person like the plague, you will get nothing but substandard care from them.
Trust yourself, trust your instincts, get a second opinion and do your own research. If the lazy doc says “Babies don’t get strep” get another doc and have the baby tested. If something doesn’t “feel right” or you have a “gut feeling”, listen to it, and get yourself some time and space to figure out what is happening for yourself. You have to take responsibility for your own health and your chlidren’s health – do not expect the medical establishment to do that for you. They won’t, and it’s really not their place.




What doctors aren’t taught about vaccines in medical school….is a lot. Same goes for nutrition.

Deplorable Patriot

This is true.


In future, we WILL see doctors going after parents of child patients in court for not following their treatment protocols…particularly vaccines.


Probably deeply involved already in the states that are enacting stricter laws now.


I have directly dealt with doctors for many years, primarily in a hospital/medical staff environment…have seen the good and the ugly. When I go to a doctor for the first time, especially if it appears it may be a long-term association, I am very up front about expecting to have a partnership and being an active participant in any decisions, including tests and medications. Yes, totally agree about taking responsibility for your own health care.
I’ve found that over the years, the “I am God, do not question me” attitude (found it especially so with surgeons!) has changed significantly as the average, educated patient is more willing to do research, to read the ever-increasing available materials. Even monthly women’s magazines and all the available health/nutrition newsletters, sections in the newspaper, etc. educate the general population…albeit, not always the best research.
Having said that, i’ve also discovered that isn’t the case in many modern, educated countries. I was very surprised on a visit several years ago to Japan when visiting with a group of young married women, taking English classes, their prepared questions to me were mostly about health issues. The information just wasn’t available to them, nor were they encouraged to ask. One woman had just returned from 6 months in Ohio while her husband did some work at the Honda plant. She told me she was shocked at how respected the dentists and doctors were to her compared to Japan.

Deplorable Patriot

I interviewed one pediatrician early on, he absolutely would not deviate from the schedule. Highly respected in the region, he made the comment that his practice wouldn’t be a “good fit” for “those patients”.
This is not narcissistic as it is not wanting patients who will cause his malpractice insurance premiums to rise. That’s doublespeak.


I summarized the conversation quite a bit, a lot of arrogance there. I learned years later that he had been recommended by a friend of ours, she was one of these people who lacked confidence in how her children should be treated and she loved having a doctor that was extremely prescriptive about how things should be done. For her he was a perfect fit. But for my wife and I it would’ve been a HUGE personality conflict – cannot work with a doctor that had this kind of disrespect for his patients.
It’s all good though, we found a great new younger doctor in the Baylor system who was a mother herself in the early family years. Now years later she’s established and pretty well respected.

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting you say that. Our pediatrician was pretty much chosen because he was a seasoned father. He was a bit older and they had six. Frequently, he’d tell my mother, the textbooks say this, but as the father of six, I’m here to tell you the reality is that. One time it had to do with teething.


When SoComs use the word…”socializing”…it does not mean what we think it means.


Our govt didn’t want Drug Manufacturers to profiteer off of vaccinations.
But they needed millions of doses manufactured, sometimes in a hurry.
So how do you get companies to manufacture a product…that they cannot make a good profit from?
Answer: …You offer them immunity from Liability.
Pharma Companies spend a lot on liability insurance, if they can even get it.
They have to charge enough for their drugs to be able to defend themselves in lawsuits…or they have to close down.
It is that simple.
I don’t like it.
But I understand it.
Do we want vaccinations that cost us hundreds of dollars per dose?
Do we want to be on a ‘waiting list’ to get a vaccination?
We want cheap vaccinations available on demand.
And yet…we want to be able to Sue if we are harmed by a cheap vaccination.
I don’t think we can have it both ways.


The whole system needs to be completely de-coupled from the government control and socialist utopianism. These dream of “everyone should be vaccinated for free; these vaccines belong to the people of the world” need to be sent back into Hades whence they came.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The SOASH look for anything that needs “everybody” or “almost everybody” to participate as a breach for their BS.

Deplorable Patriot

Medicine as it is currently will never be decoupled from the government, IMO. Too much control can be lost that way.
The history of medicine in this country is part of the transfer of wealth. Follow the money. Always follow the money, and you’ll find out that other avenues of treating illness, pain, mental health, etc., that are actually effective were ridiculed to the point that the practitioners are considered to be witch doctors. Each discipline has its quacks, but the market should bear out who is and who isn’t via professional review which does not – and will not – exist. Physicians who are MDs know amongst themselves who is good, and they will say “so and so is fine,” but that’s it or they stand to lose licenses. It’s a self-perpetuating thing.


BIG difference when they lie, obfuscate, manipulate and outright hide the REAL data, however.


We don’t have to have it both ways. They need to say flat out, this could happen if you “choose to use this drug”, including vaccinations. Buyer beware, no force.


Thoughtful and well informed doctors say, “I have no problem with vaccinations, I just have a problem with unsafe preparations.”
Personally I have a problem with the way they are administered. If I ask for the drug insert so I can read the warnings before getting the jab, they act all befuddled and can’t seem to produce it.
Where’s the informed consent in that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OH – let me tell you one more thing about that, which bugs the hell out of me.
I got a hold of some of the dosage and administration information ONLINE. I am pretty sure I got my hands on a flu shot circular, too, at one point.
They said the SAME THING.
The doctors HAVE alternate administration sites on other parts of the body, particularly the thighs.
EVEN at the doctor’s office, NOBODY is trained or allowed to give a shot in any of those other places. And EVEN ON THE SHOULDERS or ARM, they have a TINY allowed region, and literally cannot move the shot away from the shoulder itself.
SO – if you have an IMMUNE SYSTEM PROBLEM of BOTH SHOULDERS (say, something called ARTHRITIS), or various inflammatory processes – well, TOUGH – you have to get an IMMUNE-SYSTEM HIJACKING AND INVOKING SHOT right next to one of them – instead of IN BETWEEN your knee and hip, which is the much nicer alternative.
The attitude on shots, which I think is pushed as a protector of vaccines per se, is NO COMPROMISE. EVER.


There may be issues with opposite sex staff with patients with their pants down. This may be a staffing cost,( two in the room when injections occur if pants down) or related to insurance . Doctors rarely examine without a nurse present now. It’s called defensive medicine and costs everybody.


The natural course of infection is not through a needle placing a foreign substance deep into your tissues. Usually it’s the lungs, digestive tract, etc. And that’s where the immune cells are prepared to respond.
So, to get a stronger immune response they add aluminum to provoke an inflammatory response.
What could possibly go wrong?
Maybe a little arthritis?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of the greatest and most basic scientific paradoxes of immunization that we are NOT ALLOWED TO THINK ABOUT is that (1) so many disorders and human problems are immunological in origin, and yet (2) intentionally provoking the immune machinery to react is asserted to be wonderful, effortless, and 100% safe. And then various arguments and counter-arguments ensue on this, to HOLD THE DISCUSSION at this level of “is it 100% safe or almost 100% safe?”
But sneak past that fight and look at the one they are trying to PROTECT FROM INSPECTION, and it’s even more monstrous, and this is where FAKE SCIENCE becomes highly visible.
We are not addressing vaccine side effects OPENLY in a spirit of FIGURE OUT WHAT’S WRONG AND MAKE THINGS BETTER. We are trying not to even ADMIT that something is wrong. This is an incredibly anti-scientific idea. Yet SCIENCE was somehow SOLD on the idea of adopting it. In fact, the idea of a “vaccine court” that “protects the science” sure seems like a PROTECTION RACKET in that context.
See why I call it “FAKE SCIENCE”? It’s a much deeper problem than just “this is bullshit”. It’s a lot of sneaky stuff that MAINTAINS THE BULLSHIT – or actually any bullshit they WANT to protect.
That kind of thinking should be strongly contested in science to begin with! And yet they’ve made vaccine science BUY IN to the anti-scientific thinking!
The SMART position on vaccines is that they’re basically AWESOME (because they actually do allow us to consciously modulate our own machinery in a way that can CHANGE disease levels), but that the SCIENCE HAS ISSUES AND NEEDS SOME MAINTENANCE, and will likely never be free of issues and side effects.
We’re up against some of the toughest biochemistry of all. Why are we trying to HIDE the problems, when OPENNESS and HONESTY not only diminishes fear, but SOLVES PROBLEMS?
No – something is NOT RIGHT.


I used to proofread drug inserts as part of my job at a small pharma company. These were generics, btw.
I have determined that many of the ‘cures’ are worse than the disease. And many of these drugs have not been tested for their effects on pregnant and nursing mothers and their infants, or on children.
Think about that…the patents are gone. They’ve been on the market long enough for that, but no testing done for a very important part of our population.

CM in TN

Just like a lot of medicines pushed in commercials now…the side effects sound much worse than what is being treated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The position you were in is an interesting one.


Tell me about it! Sometimes I would have to proofread the same thing over and over before it got to the approval stage. Eventually the implications sink in. 😲

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“We can’t say that! But we can’t say why we can’t say that! Say something else. But don’t say THAT!!! SSSHHHHH!!!”


Yes. The process to get a label and inserts approved by FDA is quite a trial. Even for generics. Every inch of a bottle label is used for something and the rules that govern fonts, font size and placement is insane.


I think there are genuine reactions to vaccines. I don’t believe that they cause autism. That has been conclusively disproved. What has happened has that the boundaries of autism have changed from a hard diagnosis of someone who NEVER has any speech whatsoever to a spectrum with differing degrees. That said the obvious rule applies -you get what you pay for.
My mother told me that in her mother’s day (if I was here when dinosaurs roamed the earth then this was when we crawled out of the swamp), it was EXPECTED to lose at least one child to a communicable disease. In fact she said that my older brother and I were so sick with measles that she feared we would die. Especially him as he was skin and bone at the end and too weak to lift his head. He’s had problems since,alcohol and drugs, and I wonder as measles can become encephalitis.
Vaccinations aren’t fool proof because there’s always a variation in each generation of virus but a very important aspect of vaccination is so called herd immunity. What this means is that if above a certain percentage of the population are vaccinated the virus cannot get the momentum to escalate to pandemic.
Slightly off topic I read today that the Ebola virus is much older than previously thought. Genetic studies point to it being at least 37million years old ! And interestingly has a predisposition to people with higher levels of melatonin. This is going to give the SJWs the vapours. Ffs this virus is………..racist.
There is a resistance to hiv in European populations because the HIV virus shares some characteristics with bubonic plague. Ergo if your ancestors survived the Black Death even now you retain the genetic advantages of that winnowing.


“I don’t believe that they cause autism. That has been conclusively disproved.”
Wrong. Did you actually read the post…..or research any of the links?
“Biochemist Brian Hooker, scientific advisor to A Shot of Truth, reveals CDC knew of risks for over a decade. According to Hooker, the data on over 400,000 infants born between 1991 and 1997, which was analyzed by CDC epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten, MD, “proves unequivocally that in 2000, CDC officials were informed internally of the very high risk of autism, non-organic sleep disorder and speech disorder associated with Thimerosal exposure.”


I think there is another, much more likely, cause of the rise in incidence of autism.
What is autism, really? At root, it is an inability to cope with, and withdrawal from, stimulation. Human interaction, noise, crowds, all of it is hyper-stimulating for autistic people.
What has happened in the last 200 years? Children used to come into a world where there was no artificial light, no cars, no ringing phones, no television. Just quiet.
The instant a child is born today, the over-stimulation begins. Bright light, loud noise, car ride home from the hospital. musical mobile over the crib, mom’s got the news on the TV, and on and on.
Technology has evolved faster than human being’s minds ever could, but nobody wants to admit that, because we are addicted to it. Some minds can’t handle this great “progress,” and voila, autism rates skyrocket.
How do you fix that? Well, you can’t, so researchers look frantically for another cause of autism. Because nobody wants to give up technology, or introduce it slowly over years to developing infants.


But you are completely ignoring the considerable evidence that infants and toddlers have experienced considerable negative effects soon after receiving vaccines. The drug companies want you to think this is just parents noticing a developmental problem at a certain age, but it is not.
I have a dear friend whose child was receiving vaccines all along. At age 2 he went in for boosters. The change was dramatic within 24 hours. His grandmother said he was like a different child, normal one day and not normal the next day. He was eventually diagnosed with severe autism, but there was a sharp contrast post-vaccination.
My own grandson had the exact same issue, except he had a seizure within 24 hours of his one year boosters, and IN THE DOCTOR’S OFFICE with his 2 year boosters immediately after the vaccination. However, thank God that a lot of information has come out. His developmental problems are not nearly as severe because my daughter STOPPED THE VACCINES.
Another doctor diagnosed his issues as a vaccine-injury. My own daughter had a terrible reaction to vaccines at about 4 months old. I stopped vaccinating her immediately after she developed a full body rash and cried constantly for a 24 hour period within 3 hours of receiving a vaccination. The doctors at the time denied that her “illness” was from the vaccination. She wasn’t vaccinated again until college.
There is a great deal of evidence now to suggest that some children are genetically indisposed to vaccinations, especially at an early age when the immune system is immature. The vaccines are causing an allergic immune response which manifests as autism at an early stage and later in adulthood with autoimmune diseases.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can totally see what you’re saying – I can totally fit it into good science – I can totally see it. The problem is actually SCIENCE ITSELF. We are running into the edges of “Fake Science” – science that is controlled by people who control BOTH science and media and who do this out of some imperative to control humanity.
That control works AGAINST the self-correction of science. It forces SIMPLICITY for wrong reasons, when the complexity of a problem needs to EXPAND. Science has larger social algorithms and changes in those algorithms and socialism is HARMING THE LAYERS OF ALGORITHMS.
Fake Science cannot WORK correctly because the VERY IDEA that MEDIA and POLITICS must be, should be, or even CAN BE used to correct it, accelerate it, modify it, or in any way HELP IT are screwing it up.
The INDEPENDENCE of science is what makes it work, and these FALSE IDEAS that media and government need to “help it” are a SCAM that is being used by those forces (EVIL IDIOTS LIKE SCHIFF) to protect themselves and increase their power.
What you have done here is shown me EXACTLY what Gail is saying. “AND” LOGIC. If I admit that there is complexity here I don’t QUITE understand, thus necessitating MORE “AND” LOGIC, and admit that there are SOME PEOPLE who for MULTIPLE REASONS are having issues with vaccines that we don’t QUITE understand, then we are ready for the next steps of REAL SCIENCE.
But the Democrats and “go-along” RINOS are pushing FAKE SCIENCE that admits POLITICS into its motivations and solutions.
I am absolutely convinced now that what Adam Schiff is doing with vaccines will set back American Science from Chinese science for DECADES or even CENTURIES.
Tell that FUCKER to GO TO HELL.


Exactly correct. Politics is driving science. This is evil on an unimagined scale.


In fact it the stuff of Nazi Germany.


We do live in an overstimulated and toxic (chemicals and processed food) environment. No doubt exposure to certain things in certain people can cause certain problems/reactions/sensitivities/allergies. However, in coining your phrase “The instant a child is born today”…I will add they are injected with the vaccine for Hep B regardless of the fact that the mother tested negative and thereby the baby is protected. Please rationalize why an hours old infant is required to have a totally unnecessary vaccine before leaving the hospital that supposedly “protects” from getting a blood borne disease acquired through sharing needles or sex. So the unnecessary and dangerous over stimulation of the immunity of a newborn begins in the hospital hours after birth.
I have 4 children and they were all fully vaccinated back in the 80’s and early 90’s. The vaccine schedule was reasonable back in those days so I never knew to question it. Then one of my children had a very adverse reaction to the MMR and became ADD right before my eyes. Technology and over stimulation sure as hell didn’t cause the reaction which immediately followed administration of the vaccine. Another child has shingles attached to a nerve in his inner eardrum….caused by a case of chicken pox that he never had. His first incredibly painful shingles attack happened at age 20 and could’ve left him deaf. He recovered but suffers extreme tinnitus in that ear. The shingles virus now lies in wait like a ticking time bomb thanks to the “protection” provided by the chicken pox vaccine.
“Some minds can’t handle this great progress, and viola, autism rates skyrocket.” Utter bullhockey. If you don’t know a family with an autistic child or one damaged by vaccines, please do us a favor and watch Vaxxed and follow the links in this post.


Hepatitis B can be spread in other ways than you stated. A human bite can spread it. Kids bite sometimes.
The problem with vaccine injury is establishing causality. Your child may have had ADD whether or not he was vaccinated. How would we know? The vaccine may have been the trigger, or something else could have been.
Your son who had the shingles attack, if not vaccinated, could have contracted chicken pox as a child, like I did, and have the same risk of shingles later. Vaccine or illness, same result.
Vaccination is important. Whole families used to die from preventable disease. I do agree that the vaccination schedule today is outrageous, and needs to change. But I also cannot agree that vaccination is bad.
I’m sure that I will change no minds on the subject, as it is a touchy one.


My child did not have ADD before vaccination. She walked at 8-1/2 months, spoke perfect sentences at 12 months, was potty trained at 14 months. And my son HAD the chicken pox vaccine and NEVER contracted chicken pox before the shingles outbreak which was a confirmed case by his ENT.
Yes certain vaccines are important. There used to be under 20. Now there are 70 and the doctor’s use coercion, fear and removal from practice unless the parent permits all 70 be administered according to the schedule and it’s strict timing including multiple dosing when a schedule is missed due to illness.
The problem for parents who are rightly concerned about the dangers (have you read the warning inserts???) is that they are forced into making a decision for their children as either ALL or NOTHING . This is being enforced by 99% of all pediatricians. There is no flexibility to receive important vaccines but opt out of unneccesary ones. The system is broken and the victims are our children.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. !00% agreed. AND (pun kept) you point out something which is the FLIP SIDE to “AND logic”. That is “ALL OR NOTHING”.
The cabal LOVES to force all-or-nothing thinking on us, to create binaries out of whole cloth, and then use THOSE to enforce XOR thinking on us, so that we have to pick the “ALL” or the “NOTHING” choice that they want.
And they have been SO successful with this idea to take over the idea of vaccines (JUST LOOK AT CTH) that sleazy Adam Schiff USED this as his lead-in to the NEXT FAKE NEWS assault, which is relabeled as MISINFORMATION.
Note that MANY conservatives and would-be libertarians are “vulnerable” on vaccines, because they are very trusting of FAKE SCIENCE, and based on that, they ASSUME that all is well in the science of vaccines.
There is in humans a deep desire to “get along with the human opponent on something”, and thus VACCINATION is where we see a very high level of “virtue signaling” from right to left, when in fact, WE should be adamant on parental refusal of vaccinations as a TRUE CONSUMER PUSH-BACK (when viewed from the left), a MOST BASIC FREEDOM (when viewed from the liberty wing), and a BULWARK RIGHT OF PARENTS AND THE FAMILY (when viewed from social conservatism).
All-or-nothing thinking is CLEARLY AN ERROR IN SCIENCE. Every advance in knowledge comes from ADMITTING ERROR (meaning concession that it exists first) and then ADMITTING ERROR AGAIN (meaning allowing it to be discussed).
FAKE SCIENCE (which I WATCHED TAKE OVER) started changing this paradigm – and they did it by taking over the SCIENCE MEDIA FIRST.


Wolfmoon, what an excellent comment and important addition to the discussion for others who are hopefully following. The subject matter is so much LARGER than vaccination. It is EXACTLY as you just outlined. FAKENEWS, FAKESCIENCE, so much deception and redirection which enables their control. I have a difficult time understanding when our side question everything, are suspicious of our government and media YET buy into the vaccine conundrum like MK’d zealots.
Thank you for contributing to this thread!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – the idea that you have more control over your veterinary vaccination than you own CHILDREN’S vaccination is outrageous.
Any self-respecting scientist who is reading this – WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE? WHY are you not outraged by this?
Humans are being controlled more strongly than BARNYARD ANIMALS. This is so incredibly wrong.
WordPress – how can you do this? How can you contribute to the SHUTTING DOWN OF DISCUSSION ON VACCINES?
It’s inconceivable to me that any platform that even remotely wants to favor the idea of “discussion” can shut down reasoned discussions like this one, on an extremely important topic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Triggers are important. (Remember what I’ve talked about in hidden science – psychotomimetics and anxiogenics, etc. Very useful. TRIGGERING is what they LOVE.) But so is the idea that triggers should not be touched – that vaccination does not have a RIGHT to push and pull triggers everywhere it pleases, “because herd” or something like that.
I love my vaccinations. From an early age, they worked for me. But if those same vaccines go around setting off bombs in my neighborhood – TRIGGERING an autistic child here – a spastic child there – and the PARENT establishes probable causality for a single evidence case (PULLING A TRIGGER IS PART OF CAUSATION – it’s the proximate cause) – then that parent should be able to yell FIRE in their own theater, and say STOP PULLING TRIGGERS IN THIS HOUSE.
The idea that “first cause” and “proximate cause” need to be treated differently by a parent because the state says so is where we have been deceived. Whether it’s a trigger, a bullet, a barrel or the trigger-puller doesn’t matter. STOP THE INSANITY.
A SMART and HUMANE (I said “human” first – bit of a slip there) science says ACT IN AN ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION and give that parent full control over vaccination. Examine everything about the FIRST BAD REACTION – which can be in a RELATIVE (best to intercept early) and go from there. WHICH vaccine proved risky? Which are like it?
One of the wonderful things about science is that it USUALLY works very well BEFORE YOU KNOW THE MECHANISM. You can make hugely useful predictions well before you have it all figured out – and indeed, that is where awesome proofs are discovered before the fact.
It’s like a detective story. So when we have a VICTIM WHO SURVIVES or a POTENTIAL VICTIM, we need to PROTECT THAT PERSON STRONGLY. Not deny there is a problem.
This idea of triggers is going to be extremely useful to me. THANK YOU!!! This is going to crumble the walls on the FAKE SCIENCE surrounding vaccines.
My new saying:
“It’s just a trigger” doesn’t matter to the person being shot.
Love the “vaccine pun” on that one!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – this is a huge roadblock to the OBAMACARE PATH to treating people like HERD ANIMALS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And interestingly has a predisposition to people with higher levels of melatonin. This is going to give the SJWs the vapours. Ffs this virus is………..racist.
There is a resistance to hiv in European populations because the HIV virus shares some characteristics with bubonic plague. Ergo if your ancestors survived the Black Death even now you retain the genetic advantages of that winnowing.

I’d better stop taking melatonin immediately. Of course, you probably meant melanin. And you’re right the SJWs will freak. Now they’ll be looking to prove the US created Ebola because we’re all racist.
There are other diseases where non-Europeans have a relative advantage over Europeans, too, so it’s actually pretty even-handed.
My understanding (which may be out of date) is that once HIV symptoms start…it’s a guaranteed death sentence, 100% fatal–deadlier by far than ebola. Treatment has basically been to stave off the onset of symptoms, once it’s known that you have the virus in your system. Again, someone correct me if I am wrong (because otherwise, the truth is pretty damned awful).


HIV is an easily preventable disease, as are syphillis, super-gonorrhea, HPV, Herpes, Hepatitis, etc.


Some types of hepatitis.
Other types can be caused by exposure to human excrement, which means there’s a risk in every major city on the West Coast.


I do not have a link to any reference material but I do recall reading recently that there is a young man who was actually cured. Perhaps a short internet search…..going to re-pot a plant to add to my front yard display so I can’t look right now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I recall that too…but I don’t know if that happened before or after the symptoms began.


It is total bullshit. For about a decade now there have been drug regimens that suppress the virus from the bloodstream. WHERE IT GOES NO ONE KNOWS. The blood tests simply show no DETECTABLE virus in the blood.
It is theorized that the reason the immune system cannot deal with the initial infection is that the virus rather quickly incorporates the host’s DNA into its own DNA. The theory says that the immune system thus does not “read” the virus as an intruder.
If this is correct, then it is impossible to determine if the virus has been eradicated from the body. The virus can hide ANYWHERE and we have no idea where. All of this makes a conclusion of “cure” to be a complete fabrication, for what nefarious purpose is open to speculation. Let your imagination be your guide. Side note: there are dozens of strains of HIV. That means that each one is different from the others and a cure for one will not affect the others, assuming a cure is possible (which it ain’t). .
The only cure is to not get infected in the first place. And the way to accomplish that is to disobey everything in the “if it feels good do it” philosophy.


HIV has been cured by bone marrow transplant but that is a really rough road to take. There are also some patients with no detectable hiv in their blood even with pcr(a very accurate test), for 5 years post treatment. I think autocorrect got to melanin

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What is autocorrect for?
I read somewhere where the bone marrow transplant, for technical reasons, was unlikely to ever work on anyone but that one individual. Wish I could remember more.


Unlikely to be given to anyone. A risks are high. B cost is astronomical. C you have to NEED a BMT for something ie leukaemia, other blood cancer. Not want it for HIV which can be controlled by meds


I once heard a lecture by a doctor that had been work with 2 groups of patients with chronic disease for over a decade. They stated that the group with HIV could be treated with a blend of drugs that gave them the ability to live a fairly normal life for a long time.
The other group they had been working with had CFS/ME and no matter what treatment was given they could no live a normal life. The energy envelope often was only large enough to handle one aspect of life. They got to choose: heal/recover self, care for family, or work a job. The lucky ones could handle two aspects. None of them could handle all three.
Dr. Bell has worked with CFS/ME patients for almost 3 decades. It is his opinion that it is a failure of the neuro-immune systems in the body. The damage comes for some in the form of a chemical/toxin insult, some from a viral insult, some from a bacterial or fungal insult. Those that recover in first couple years go on to live full lives. The others are in for a long slide into less and less capacity to live. And the end stage of immune failure looks a lot like cancer. In the CFS/ME group it’s often rare cancers which has spurred much study.
The precipitating event for some of these CFS/ME patients was indeed a vaccine. Many of them received the jabs as part of medical or military preparation. Striking down the strongest, brightest, most motivated members of our young adult population. A tragedy beyond imagination.


Very interesting post, Gail (as usual). You have a true independent mind.


Gail, thank you for an incredibly important post. “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink” comes to mind on the cult like subject matter of vaccines. Hopefully it’ll be enough to stimulate the indoctrinated to read and research.


You really do have to go to the few scientific voices out there who are doing independent research. They are routinely vilified, lose positions, etc.
Lotus Oak does a fantastic job of aggregating the science on vaccines and showing the politicization of them. I think some will be surprised at just how much information is out there if one cares to leave the establishment propaganda machine behind:


Exactly, the ones who question the propaganda with scientific facts not only get the boot but they are targeted for complete destruction as a warning. Thanks for the twitter link. I’m surprised she (he?) hasn’t been banned yet.


I am, too. Don’t know who Lotus Oak is, but I’m grateful for the independent voice who shares great info on a scientific basis. Actual links to studies and to articles that detail the state of the politicization.


I refused the flu shot this year. I told the nurse why – because I had a friend who nearly died from a flu shot.
These days, I don’t trust medical groups, mental health groups, research publications or drug companies any more than I do politicians.
Everything has been politicized, commercialized, propagandized, weaponized.
Basically, Science has been corrupted!
First thing I thought about after reading the first paragraphs of this post was the CDC doctor who committed suicide.
Then I thought about Miriam Grossman, MD, Psychiatrist who worked on the campuses of a major California university, who after she saw years of the toll the ‘sexual revolution’ and sexual licentiousness took on young minds and bodies, tried to push abstinence. The uproar from the leftist-run university, Planned Parenthood, birth control producers, etc. was astounding.
Dr. Grossman was propounding common sense, safety, low risk lifestyle, traditional values, etc. She was fired. I have read the CDC report for decades.
Dr. Grossman is right and the (insert expletives) leftists are dead wrong! Grossman has a website and has written some books. One is called “You’re teaching my child WHAT?!!!”
The leftists are pushing research for STDs, but not abstinence. Instead, they push behaviors that produce STDs.
Back to vaccines: My family has lots of doctors. Generations of them. Most doctors I know are concerned about giving the vaccines too early and too intensely and would rather see them spread out over a longer time.
My concern is the quality and honest testing of the vaccines. God forbid any of our vaccines are made in China, Mexico, etc.
No other country has the controls and testing of food, water, medications and physicians or the value of human life as the US does, as bad as it is at times. Especially where the leftists are concerned.
It’s a risk to have a radical leftist or a muslim for a doctor or one trained in China, Russia, the caribbean or another 3rd world country. Some cultures and ideologies do not value human life.


My husband refuses the flu shot, and I’ve taken it only once. My husband in the past took flu shots, he did for 3 years in a row. Every year he got a bad case of the flu with each succeeding year being worse. He got pneumonia the last time and it took about 3 years to fully recover his immunity to flu, naturally, no shots. So he didn’t get a flu shot for many years. A couple of years ago when he went in for a checkup, the Dr. convinced him to get a flu shot. I was horrified that he’d gone ahead with the recommendation and sure enough he got really sick that year, started having bronchitis. It’s been a couple of years now, and he just got “normally” sick this year.
I wonder if the flu vaccine is a mlv virus, as it is possible to contract the disease from a mlv vaccine althoug the percentage is small. See my post below.


Thank you for sharing. My mom swore by the flu shot, yet never made the connection that she would get a bad case of bronchitis every year, and later pneumonia three times.
I could not convince her otherwise as her doctor recommended it for the elderly.


Once Big Pharma was protected from litigation, they were no longer hamstrung by the normal correctives of the market place or the legal system. Think about the implications.


Exactly. And we the taxpayers are paying for the vaccine injury payouts. Not only that but you have to report the injury within a very short time, and by the time many people figure it out the time-limit has run out. It is truly an evil system set up by our own government and the pharma companies.


Shhhh…Gmatx. Don’t let the public know that the gvmt actually pays out tax money for actual vaccine injury! /s


And I believe the number is well into the hundreds of millions if not a billion or more.


Last figure I saw was 4 billion paid out in the VAERS Court, as of 2018.


Thank you for sharing that ungodly number.


As regards vaccines

CM in TN

I have only had the flu-shot once. It was during the time my father was going through chemo before he passed. I was shamed into getting it by the doctor when I was in for a physical. I never get them anymore due to the same reasons you listed.


Bam I only have gotten the flue shot 3 times. First time I got sick , second time nothing and last year I got the flu real bad. I am contemplating if I am going to take it again.
Because I so seldom take meds like once every thirty years I am sensitive . I need small doses of anything.


They are being made in China and in Pakistan. And the FDA doesn’t have enough staff to even inspect once a year let alone on a regular basis.

Deplorable Patriot

One year, several members of my family came down with the flu. It was the year Influenza B was the big culprit, and it was not in that year’s shot because flu shots are based on last year’s flu group, and the viruses are grown on eggs which takes forever. (Got that tidbit from a friend who is a medical researcher and refuses to take them.)
Anyway, the people who were the sickest were the three who had flu shots due to existing medical conditions. The next sickest was the person who brought it home. The then eight year old slept for 36 hours and was fine, my one brother was over it fairly quickly, the youngest had to have a tonselectomy rescheduled (it really was needed), but bounced back quickly.
There’s a reason why I refuse.


I used to get the flu snort (FluMist) for a while until the CDC effectively made it impossible for me to get. The obvious reason is that I’m so phobic about being punctured (though not about pain) that I have had three dental crowns done without anesthetic. But I should note that I successfully “powered through” blood tests for my annual physical at the same time, which was actually worse.
But another major issue that I always had in mind was that I wanted that technology to be developed — even if it wasn’t perfect at the time. And a major reason for that was that conventional flu vaccine has to be loaded into the pipeline something like nine months in advance — which leaves its suppliers consulting Ouija boards and goat entrails for the strains to be targeted……whereas the FluMist pipeline is something like four months long and can actually look at early outbreaks — and, get this, adjust along the way!
But, y’know — the CDC doesn’t care about actual people when there are kickbacks to be had.

Deplorable Patriot

The one time I actually got the flu, it was really early in the season, I was EXHAUSTED from working a day job and being in two demanding music groups. Had not really laid down the law to my family on gluten. When I’m not eating it, amazingly enough, I don’t get sick. Imagine that.
It was awful

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These days, I don’t trust medical groups, mental health groups, research publications or drug companies any more than I do politicians.
Everything has been politicized, commercialized, propagandized, weaponized.
Basically, Science has been corrupted!

Agreed completely. I watched Science corrupted from the inside by POLITICS, and it was horrifying.
BTW, I credit my “pre-vaccine” upbringing (played in the dirt, filth, mud, and animal droppings of a fence-line), and the fact that I got no vaccinations until I was beginning elementary school, with the fact that I “do very well” with vaccines, and thus am PERSONALLY (meaning ME) a vaccine lover. The worst they have possibly done is aggravated joint problems and injuries, but they have really worked well in protecting me from disease – especially the flu and tetanus (I lived a very high-risk life for it).
The idea that we have to SIMPLIFY OUR REASONING ON VACCINES RIGHT NOW is utterly preposterous.
The real “vaccine crisis” is that we are not figuring out WHO NOT TO VACCINATE.


.That’s it in a nutshell. “The real “vaccine crisis” is that we are not figuring out WHO NOT TO VACCINATE.”


This is a comment about vaccines in general. All vaccines for any species take 2 weeks to develop antibodies. Apparently, some vaccines can create lifelong resistances, some resistances fade over time. There are debates about lifelong resistance about various vaccines for humans as well as animals; rabies and tetanus are 2 common ones.
We used to board animals. When the vaccine for kennel cough first came out, we started having problems with it. We RARELY had a problem with it up until that time. It took about a year to figure out that it was coming in through a particular form of the vaccine. There are 2 forms of any vaccine, mlv (modified live virus) or kv(killed virus). Most vets were administering the live virus, which are commonly referred to as “nose drops”, although I have seen an eye drop form discussed more recently. The killed virus is administered by injection. We implemented a change in vaccine requirements. All animals had to have received ALL their vaccines at least 2 weeks prior to being boarded. The incidence of kennel cough decreased dramatically.
We also did not require dogs to have been vaccinated for kennel cough, only strongly recommended it .
There is another component to the above that has to do with vaccines that are called “herd” vaccines. These are vaccines that are designed to be transmitted. The mlv form of the kennel cough vaccine is a herd vaccine. (I’m pretty sure that one form of the polio vaccine is also a herd type vaccine.) So if the dog had received the vaccine in less than 2 weeks, it would be contagious, “shedding” the modified form of kennel cough. The dogs still get sick from the modified live virus, but usually mildly so. However, about 10 percent of those coming into contact with the mlv form of the vaccine will develop full blown kennel cough. Think about that in terms of humans receiving mlv forms of vaccines. Not all vaccines given to people are mlv, some are kv, but I haven’t looked into that. I do know that you should be able to find out which form a particular vaccine is, and be able to request a kv form, if desired.


No. They don’t offer a choice. You either take what they offer or you refuse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wait. Are they giving HERD VIRUSES TO HUMANS?
In other words, they are giving viruses that are designed to transmit to others and (hopefully) protect them from more sinister forms?
In other words, we are GIVING PEOPLE COWPOX AGAIN????!!!!


You need to ask more questions.
What ELSE are they putting in that jab in your arm?
Why did women’s groups in OTHER COUNTRIES protest the vaccines BECAUSE those that got them could NO LONGER carry a child to term? Is their claim that they were given anti-bodies that would make them reject their own embryonic child have an element of truth? Was their claim entirely true?
Who would want to secretly put something in the vaccine that would make one unable to reproduce?
Maybe the same minds that create seeds that can be patented and do not produce “after their own kind.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I think I see what’s going on here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They REALLY are not going to be able to walk the streets.


We live in a 100% mandatory vaccination state. No problems with any of the kids. None of us take the flu vaccine.
Here’s the scary part: I noticed an enormous difference in HEALTH of our kids between north and south. For about 5 years, we kept two homes, one outside Boston and one outside Memphis. In both places we had large groups of friends in and out of our home, and at moments, we were responsible for their children. 60-125 was standard for a birthday party (have to invite the whole class), and 200 kids was standard to host a dance or football game after party……. way more than necessary for a statistical sample.
In Mississippi: I …… don’t….. know…….. anyone….. who is allergic to anything, none of my girlfriends, none of their husbands, or anyone who has children who are allergic. I asked my son and husband and they’ve noticed the oddity as well. We’ve talked about it several times through the years. I have one girlfriend with an autistic son, but they were corporate transplants and the boy was born prior to their arrival. I don’t know anyone with a Down’s Syndrome child either. Statistically, it’s almost impossible…. or is it something else? Another variable we’re not considering?
In Boston: We had husband’s four daughters as well as Gunner. There were constant sleepovers, kids in and out of the house, birthday parties, chaperoned trips, and we hosted school functions. I noticed if a kid spent the night, it was typical for the mom to give me a list of allergies, ailments, along with medications and an emergency number to a pediatrician. HUH?
One time, Gunner had 8 kids spend the night in Boston and I had 3 notes/medications. In Boston, I became familiar with “the drill” from other moms and adapted to their concerns. When I came home to MS, and someone spent the night, I would ask the mom…. “any medical problems (with their child) that I need to know about?”, and they would look at me like I was crazy. It was 180 degrees different. By the same token, if I dropped off Gunner for a sleepover or a weekend vacation with another family…. in Boston…. the moms would ask me, 100% of the time, for Gunners list of maladies, and when I said, “Nothing wrong”, they were curious and puzzled.
We’ve talked about this curiosity A LOT in our house, trying to figure it out, because the difference is so glaring.
When Gunner was a baby, we ran a commercial kitchen, hand-washing all the time. Okay fine, we had to. Gunner was not sick, EVER, for the first two years. Yet, there were people in and out of the house all the time, 25 staff people, people from every state and 40+ countries who “wanted to hold the baby”……… one would think he would catch a cold, right? Nope, nothing.
Then, at 2yrs old, we sent him to a morning play group at a local church. He was sick constantly, and WE WERE sick. One month, I hit an $1100 pharma bill. I finally threw up my hands, and said, “Screw this, let’s just be sick.”… and wow, did we ever suffer.
The colds from daycare went on until he hit kindergarten. It was relentless and would immediately taper off a few days after the kids were released for Christmas break or summer break. In other words, once he was out of a “germ factory”, he was fine. After that period, from 2-5yrs old, he didn’t miss a day of school for a cold…….. still hasn’t. In high school, I sent him all over the country for summer camps with kids from all over the world…. strange dorms, strange germs, 14 airports one summer…… nothing…….. he was never sick. ….. We expected him to get sick when he had concurrent travel plans, and might miss another summer scholarship, but nothing. In college now, still never sick. How is that possible? I mean, it doesn’t make sense…..
Here’s the weird part:
The girls came down to spend the summer here. First 10-14 days, sick as dogs. After that, nothing. One daughter “forgot” her ADHD medication and mysteriously “grew out of it” that summer. I was giving a bath to the littlest one the first night she got here and was almost afraid to touch her. She looked anorexic. The kid was starving. In fact, their complexions changed, no more pimples for the teenagers. Maybe they were outside more? Took more showers? Different soap? What could it be? They slept like rocks and ate like horses. They were everywhere, all the time. It was impossible to contain 5 kids of different ages. Were they in “unhealthy” environments? Yeah, probably. Did they eat a lot of dirt, swap food and spit? Yeah, probably. Yet, their bodies changed too, no longer looking frail, pale, and weak. They LOOKED healthier. The change was weird but absolutely undeniable.
The ONLY thing I can think of that it could be is food. We cook. Could that be it? We don’t do a lot of prepared food or prepackaged food or snacks. Our water is on an aquifer. Is that it? Other than that, I have no answers…. above my pay grade. Something is very, very, very, different and it’s obvious.


Maybe it’s the water and dirt in Mississippi!
Maybe that infamous Yazoo clay is great for humans, but bad for highway pavement.
“It’s a treat to put your feet in the Mississippi mud!”


…and your great home cooking, farm raised vegetables raised in Mississippi soil!


I don’t know, but it’s noticeable.
Another time, I had a bunch of my elementary school friends down from Chicago, mini-reunion. They brought their families. There were 6 of us. THEIR kids looked sallow, shorter, not up to weight, weak. Several were allergic, 2 on ADHD. AND all kinds of accommodations for diets.
The moms kept telling Gunner, “not to hurt” their children when playing, cuz he was so much bigger. Weird and obvious.


Wonder if Mississippi mud makes for all the great writers?


You could write a book called Mud’n Sunshine! :8->


And it wasn’t genetics either.
All my crew of “grands” is from the Chicago area. First husband was out of Milwaukee. Not southern genes.
Who knows what it could be?


Your post has really got ” my wheels turning”. Lately I’ve been writing about food, a series of thoughts and anecdotes that I may turn into a blog. I cook mostly from scratch, and at one point made bread regularly for about 6 years when our children were young. We also were on a well and are now again. When we went back to being on city water, our city water did not add fluoride to the water. The doctor provided a prescription for fluoride, but I didn’t give it to our children. They played outside a lot both places. As adults, 2 developed adult onset allergies. One probably dealt with the allergy most of her life, but it didn’t become a problem until mid twenties. Hers is probably family genetics. I don’t remember any of their friends needing meds or having severe allergies except one who had a peanut allergy, 25 years ago and that was novel.
Third child is mildly add or adhd, but so is my husband and neither is on meds. Husband’s never been diagnosed though.
So, water/and or the combination of mud as well as running around outside could be a combination? The other thing might have to do with pesticides and gmos, particularly with wheat. Maybe it is the mud. I read somewhere in the last few months about people eating dirt because of poverty, but some continued to very occasionally eat dirt because they felt they were lacking in something. It seemed weird at the time, but who knows, maybe there’s something to it.


In Israel peanut allergy is unheard of but it is traditional to do baby massage from an early age and use peanut oil as a skin protectant. Early exposure = no over reaction?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting and likely, IMO.


Daycares and public schools are germ incubation factories. Consider:
“The norovirus was originally named the “Norwalk agent” after Norwalk, Ohio, in the United States, where an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis occurred among children at Bronson Elementary School in November 1968″
Years ago for our first newborn our pediatrician (one I trusted who did not parade a big ego) made it very clear to avoid leaving an infant in a day care facility for precisely that reason. He couldn’t tell parents what to do, but he did advise them.
As for food, I do think there is much to be said for that. I’m sure that Daughn’s food is much better by default 😉
To me though “pimples”, “complexions” etc point to food. Especially in young children and teenagers the body is growing and changing dramatically, and they may not be getting as much nutrition as they need. Particularly in the form of DHA. I’ve known people with severe untreatable acne get on fish oil supplements and their problems cleared up. We also gave our daughters DHA supplements when they were very young and saw similar results to their skin problems. Basically, these supplements are made of the stuff that is basically the body’s repair kit, which is used in every cell in the body, heavily used by the brain, the skin, and in organ development. I’ve also had friends who were prescribed huge doses of Ritalin (shudder, the stories!) for extreme ADHD, what did much better as adults when they started taking DHA and upped their vitamin intake (in this case, dramatically increasing choline intake rather than fish oil did the trick,).
Keep in mind too that the change of household might also do the trick. Some moms, particularly in cities, may prepare or stock foods that don’t have as much meat or nutrition. An obvious example, if there are a lot of snack cakes around, those may be taking the hunger pains off while not giving the body what it needs. Or if a mom likes to prepare meals with pasta and rice while going lean on “red meat”. Diets that make sense for adults don’t always make sense for young children and teenagers, who really do need regular and large portions of meat. Red meat in particular is a critical source of iron that teenagers need for their blood supply, which in turn affects every aspect of their body’s growth, energy, and athleticism. Choline, I mentioned earlier, the best reliable source is meat. Without a steady supply of iron and red meat, looking “anorexic” or “anemic” might in fact be exactly what’s going on.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m wondering if all the low fat foods are part of it. That craze has yet to really run its course. With my nephew, whole milk did make a difference.


Allergies are strongly related to exposure to germs and allergens at an early age. If a family have a cat or dog their child is unlikely to develop allergies. Exposure to soil is very important as a preventative. Children going to daycare do get a LOT of colds etc. but by the time they reach school age they are hardened up and take half as much time off school as children who attended childcare.
What has change over the last generation is birth control. Families used to be be big with all the kids learning social behaviours from the go get. Also houses were small, they played outside in the dirt with all the neighbourhood kids in roaming packs. They paddled in streams,(and drank from them), walked trough paddocks with animal dung getting on their bare feet, they climbed trees and generally had a very unsterile environment. Compare that to today when there is one or two kids who rarely venture outside the door. There houses are cleaned with antibacterial detergents and they don’t get and stay dirty until the weekly bath.


Well, I don’t know about the pets part. We always had lots of pets, dogs, cats, a goat, ducks and chickens when the kids were growing up. I think there’s a genetic component to some allergies, and I’m definitely not saying all. My kids all have some allergies, hops being one, as my mother-in-law was deathly allergic to hops. All 3 have some problem with hops ranging from severe, but not life threatening to mild. 2 have difficulties with dairy, and that also is a genetic problem.
They did play outside a lot, we had some woods they would play in. My kids were pretty healthy, and hearty, and didn’t get sick often. So playing outside might have more to do with helping develop overall health and resistance to getting sick.


The other thing besides birth control that has changed is housing density. There’s no place for kids to get out and “blow the stink off” as my mother used to say.

Deplorable Patriot

I kind of had the same thing happen with a nephew. His parents are TERRIBLE eaters. It’s a long story why, but he stayed with me/us for a summer, and once we started feeding him better food – and he’s a great eater – growth spurt and was not sick at all.


One of my children has an adult friend who was allowed to be a very picky eater growing up. Very little meat, no fruit or vegetables, and sounds like the person grew up on peanut butter and honey sandwiches and was still eating pretty much the same thing.. She wondered why she was getting sick all the time as an adult.


Daughn I have noticed the same. One son is married to a women who has asthma allergy to red meet.
The other wife from another son has allergies to cats and asthma.
I never new people with allergies until I moved to the US .
What I have noticed poor eating habits and parents do not seem it their responsibility to teach kids to eat a balanced meal. They get to much sugar to little variety of vegetable and fruits.
The other is of course to little sleep and to much TV.
I have seen small kids 3-4 still up as long as parents 10-11 PM.
My daughter was traumatized having to eat everything I cooked so she let her daughter choose. Mom wants to be a friend.
My granddaughter has very poor eating habits and eats to much sweets no vegetables to much carbs.
I told my kids I am not their friend and it was my responsibility to teach them.
The spouses of my kids have horrible eating habits also but not my problem .
One can work hard and in one generation can be puff gone 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A generalized version of the “hygienic theory of the origins of the US polio epidemic” might explain it.
The hygienic theory is a social theory of the origins of the famous epidemic of polio in the United States. It basically postulates that a sufficiently large number of Americans were raised in “more sterile” and “less natural” environments, and that some early exposure to dead virus as a child was not happening – that people were not being NATUALLY VACCINATED and that this led to large numbers of people, both adults and children, who were susceptible to the live virus, making previously impossible epidemics possible.
NOW – there is a similar theory about ALLERGIES – that the rise in allergies is because people are not getting EARLY exposure to allergens, and that their LATER exposure to the same allergens is problematic.
We can take both of those and make a GENERAL THEORY which oddly explains everything you are talking about, as well as everything that underlies the “kitchen table theory” of Natural News and other sites, and is still sound from the viewpoints of modern medical science and even (I love this part) EVOLUTION.
It is easiest to lead into the general theory from the evolutionary aspects.
Our biochemical background is billions of years old, and it evolved almost entirely in NATURE – meaning a NON-INTELLIGENTLY GROOMED PLANT AND ANIMAL ENVIRONMENT.
The last few million years were in a WEAKLY INTELLIGENTLY GROOMED ENVIRONMENT – meaning primates with basic tools and fire began to alter their environment, particularly by sterilizing food, but they still basically lived in nature.
The last few THOUSAND years were in a MODERATELY INTELLIGENTLY GROOMED ENVIRONMENT – meaning people living with AGRICULTURE. (That word should be RINGING DAUGHN BELLS). Even though we were now living outside of purely natural cycles, we were living in roughly natural epicycles of agriculture, meaning it’s STILL NATURE.
But the LAST 100-200 YEARS we are now seeing the amazing phenomenon of people living almost entirely outside of nature.
SO – you are basically seeing how a LARGER theory of isolation from nature incorporates both the hygienic theory of polio and the “suburban theory of allergy increase”.
And notice that all of DAUGN’S observations fit very neatly into the idea that the “agricultural South” seems to exhibit SOME AMORPHOUS BUT REAL overall protection against diseases and disorders in a very broad fashion – something not seen NEAR the industrial centers of the “industrial North”.
Now – what is the MOST GENERAL CAUSE that I can assign to this – in order to AVOID any kind of more specific “XOR FAILURE” – which is how such theories tend to be put down. What could it be?
The idea is that WE and THOSE THINGS evolved together, starting long before we were even human.
Now this seems to be like not much more than the hygienic theory, but it’s actually a LOT MORE, because it offers complete carte blanche on how these mechanisms might operate, and there could be MILLIONS or even BILLIONS of operating protections that EVOLVED over billions of years, and they are likely mostly small, complex, statistical, rarely “full-population-affecting”, and CURRENTLY UNKNOWN – perhaps in some cases nearly ephemeral. Add in “mineral” co-evolution, and even climatic and geological evolution, and I suspect that thousands of such small connections are already floating around in the literature as “curious observations needing more study”.
But if you add them all up together, it’s NOTICEABLE.
The idea, ultimately, is that we CO-EVOLVED with millions of organisms in our environment and were exposed to them all the time in various ways, and despite the incidental problems of them (rashes, bites, vectored diseases), they also had many weak and subtle UPSIDES due to that long evolution.
EVEN OUR ORDER OF EXPOSURE TO THESE THINGS EVOLVED. So we aren’t just asserting the hygienic theory – we’re saying it’s SOUND because of evolution. Evolution will naturally front-load exposure, protection from that exposure, and chronological response TO that exposure, meaning the order of immune complexities which will work best in accord with that exposure.
This of course is part of my view of intelligence as all one thing, the very idea of “artificial” being ridiculous, and that evolution itself is intelligent – it’s just very big and very long and we don’t see it as freaky and smart because we’re microbes of time and space next to it.
Back to vaccination….
Now this might argue for early vaccination – IF it was done purely in accord with ALL FACTORS of the natural vaccination model – which honestly I don’t think we know. Because if you can’t explain why letting kids play in the dirt in an agricultural environment WORKS for almost all kids without side effects and needle-sticks at the same age causes problems FOR SOME KIDS then you probably don’t understand how “agricultural vaccination” (other than better diet) works to begin with, so say nothing about vaccine catastrophic failures.
The bottom line is this – the “optimal” medical environment for humans to live in right now, may be an industrialized agricultural environment which reaps the benefits of both (1) science and industry, and (2) agricultural evolutionary history from NATURAL EXPOSURES AND INFLUENCES.
This tells me that (1) people in INDUSTRIAL and URBAN environments need more continuous close (as in skin-close, daily or weekly) biological exposure to nature in agricultural and wild recreational settings, from birth on, and (2) the currently developing model of “wildlife and humans separated” is not proper. Wildlife is evolving to infiltrate human environments, and we should probably take a clue and facilitate this process, as well as the reverse, of people spending MORE time in wildlife areas while being non-destructive.
BOTTOM LINE – Health Ranger’s nebulous schtick about getting back to nature is probably right in a million small and nebulous ways, due to EVOLUTION.
And what bugs the hell out of me is that the Cabal has managed to corner the very people who would defend nature, into hating nature’s magic wand of evolution, which is a GIFT FROM GOD, in my opinion.
My next question – WHY THE FRACK does the Cabal oppose “Natural Man”? You’ve seen how Schiffty Schiff is going after places like Natural News. What’s up with that?
Are they afraid that humanity is going to “settle in” in some sane state that doesn’t involve some weird goal they have and aren’t saying? They TALK sustainability but they LIE in my opinion. They’re not honest about what’s truly sustainable. Once I realized that they LIED about the idea of spreading Zero Population Growth, and started labeling it a PROBLEM that needed FAKE REFUGEES, the blinders came off. They LIE and have some kind of weird, different agenda. They CAUSE PROBLEMS to gain control – they do not SOLVE PROBLEMS. VSG Trump has showed us this truth about them better than anyone.
Long rant. I’ll quit now.


There’s an old scientist that could tell you how long a population –anywhere in the world– would live based solely on studying the water they drank.


Hehe, how old is he?
Do we need to move?


Daughn, thank you very much for sharing your personal experience so thoroughly in this regard.
I think it is the fact that you cook from scratch and don’t have industrial snacks on hand.
You probably vary the food you serve for dinner, too (e.g. chicken one night, fish the next). That means everyone’s getting a variety of vitamins and enzymes in their system every day.


Churchmouse, I am so glad you are back. We missed you.
As to food/allergy/vaccine issue:
I’m not sure what the difference is but the difference is so stark, so 180 degrees opposite, it makes us wonder.
How is it possible my entire friend group could be devoid of problems in one neighborhood, and rife with problems in another neighborhood?
What the heck is going on?


Thank you very much, Daughn. I missed you and everyone here equally. Hope to be up to speed with reading here very soon.
With regard to your question, they don’t cook from scratch, I reckon.
Reheating a ready meal, like one American woman I know who calls herself a ‘cook’, doesn’t count. One of her boys, now in his early 20s, has long-standing personality issues. Diet related? I think so. The older son seems to be okay, very sporty.
Of course, a divorce did not help the boys, either.
So, there’s another factor. You have a HAPPY HOME! How many of the others do?? I would be interested in knowing, just to see if this is a viable theory.
I also know of a pasty-faced young man man now in his early 20s. He’s English. He’s in and out of ER and hospital often. His skin has a green tinge to it. His parents are highly educated professionals and very nice people. I don’t think the young man eats properly, and given his mother’s job, it’s doubtful she has time to cook from scratch. I think he still lives at home because of his health problem(s).
I told the father that his son needed a lot more protein in his diet, specifically red meat, rather than soup and vegetables. The father seemed doubtful. I imagine my advice was duly ignored. We don’t see them very often, so I can’t really follow up and, in a way, it’s none of my business.
The boy’s diet/poor health seems to have affected his personality negatively, which isn’t surprising.


We need to feed those kids.
It’s not hard to cook and everyone has to eat!


These are women who view actual cooking as ‘oppressive’ for a female.
They never see the irony in that. The world’s greatest chefs are nearly all MEN.


You know, I remember at age 16, my stepmother trying to teach me to cook. My response was that I planned to be an exec VP for Exxon and I didn’t need to know how to cook. Bwwhahaaa.
When I moved out on my own, I had an expense account but was a young exec. My first REAL furniture purchase was a dining room set. I wanted to have a dinner, to celebrate, and invited a client and his wife. I made several mistakes during dinner but the dinner went SO WELL I was encouraged.
Unknown to me, NO ONE ever invites a client to their home —- people meet for dinner at a restaurant. The client’s wife adored me and fussed all over me. I gained business…. so, I did it again, and again, and began to invite clients home for dinner.
I got better.
I bought beautiful antique china.
It worked.
And I ended up with a B&B.
Along the way, I was humbled from my pretense about cooking……. and RE-learned that breaking bread together is a time honored tradition…. earthy, comforting, and genuine.


This x 1000!!
THANK YOU for another great story!!
French chef Raymond Blanc says that breaking bread together is secular Communion.
Blanc (paraphrased): ‘You have not only bread, but also wine, and you are all together with your friends and family sharing it together’.

Plain Jane

Excellent thread Wolfie, Gail Combs. and commenters. Thank you.


Aye ah good job.”…………
It was your intention to turn this place into bedlam for the day for everyone to blow off steam wasn’t it?

Plain Jane

I had to resist joining in today…up to my eyeballs in catching up in the home.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome! Too many people here remember “real science”, or what was a lot closer to it than what we have now, which is definitely “fake science”.


I feel the need to ask this…..I am on FB primarily to try to educate people. If I can influence JUST ONE, and that one influences another, I have made a difference, IMO.
So, considering the recent discussions regarding on-line security and privacy issues, I want to ask if anyone here objects to my posting links to the articles here on FB. Bear in mind, I post public and share in other groups as well. Case in point, this outstanding article…..
Let me know if anyone has any objections, please.


No objections to reposting content on LIFELOG.
The biggest problem is that they intentionally de-boost anything that doesn’t fit their worldview!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, I have no objection to the sharing of this discussion at all!
We will not solve the world’s problems by being fearful.
NO FEAR!!!comment image


Just an FYI – the first couple of links I tried don’t work; the one for Rappaport on WP says it has been “archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.” How do you like THAT for free speech??!!?? Seems pretty clear, TPTB do NOT want this info spread around!!! Bastids!!!
Also, this one: “Page not found” The American Spectator

Linda K Harrison

I wonder if you went out of word press first and just tried pulling them up in say “msn” if it wouldn’t come up then. It did for me. It has a facebook logo that makes it easier to share. It is the only way I know how to do it. The loooong way around the block. Just trying to be helpful.

Deplorable Patriot

I think I read something this week re Jon Rappaport’s blog being taken down by WP or the host.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – it’s GONE. WordPress CLOSED DOWN HIS BLOG.
They’d better not try it with us. I need a life mission.
He has a new site now:

Deplorable Patriot

Just a few data points to augment Gail’s information on timing/immunity/colostrum, breast feeding and some history of autism.
First off, the first case study of “autism” appears in medical literature in 1943, AFTER vaccination was invented. ( At that time, the condition was a medical oddity and known as a “rich kids disease.” What did rich kids have in common? They were vaccinated. It’s one data point, but an interesting one, IMO.
What I would have to look up was the incidence of breast feeding at the time, but in those days, frequently, physicians would give a new mother a dry up shot before she knew what happened. In my parents’ generation hardly anyone was breastfed. My grandfather had a cousin who breastfed her kids starting in the 1950s, and my mom did us, all weening at different times for different reasons, but we were definitely not the norm. Not at all. In fact, derision was the order of the day for mothers who did breastfeed outside of the La Leche League circle. And I don’t know many women who breastfed past 3-6 months let alone a year or two. Some got pregnant, some babies were no longer interested, frequently there were issues with the adults in the picture. It’s simply not cut and dried.
IMO, the incidence of injury attributed to vaccines and breastfeeding rates should be studied…but probably won’t be. Enfamil, Isomil, etc. Breastfeeding is free. Follow the money. (And can we go back to full fat dairy from local farmers? Enfamil is more expensive, actually. Nutrition wise that might be part of it.)
The other tidbit that has not been considered in medical research that I can tell, is the incidence of autism or such issues in children born via Caesarian. Equally important in immunity development as colostrum is gut flora and fauna. A HS classmate who is a midwife told me we pick that up in the birth canal on the way out. I’ve actually seen that confirmed elsewhere. So, what is the percentage of kids with immune issues, autism, or anything else who were born via C-Section? Until that question is answered, it’s hard to make any determination on the finality of all of it.
I’m not arguing one way or another, but from what I can tell from reading up on the subject is that we’re vaccinating too early in many cases due to immature immune systems, and the main culprit in injury is the 12 month MMR shot. Why do they have to be together and why not spread them out? Measles, mumps and rubella are not at such epidemic levels that there is urgency. Some rethinking how this is all done might well be in order.
So, just some quick points in a subject that seems to generate a lot of emotional upheaval on both sides. I almost think that learning the history of the subject in this case is more important than talking about preservative contamination.


Great points. GREAT POINTS.


And MMR has the fetal tissue problem.


If you want to see a small example of what the public is up against regarding the propaganda being spread by the medical and pharma communities, this is just one example. The British Medical Journal did a poll, and then switched the numbers at closing. They were caught and had to change it back. Scroll down to see the evidence:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



OMG, you are right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s even more fake than just fake statistics. They are literally creating a fake reality of what we know and don’t know. They are hiding some pretty amazing stuff.
Peer review is utterly controlled. Scientific journals are utterly controlled. Scientific grants are utterly controlled.
Control the media of science, and you control science.


When you hear that vaccines are tested against OTHER vaccines and not placebos, it becomes clear we are dealing with a lot of false conclusions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. I mean YIKES.


Peanut allergies are usually the first and most common to show up.
Here’s a shocker.
In 2017, we finally had a local school go peanut free…….. because ONE KID had a peanut allergy.
Statistically, what are the chances?

A Fortiori

I think we should more fully address the wedge that has been driven between patients and physicians.
Many of us are now working hard to become educated on health related issues because we can no longer delegate this task to the health professionals we use. This problem arises for two reasons: (1) we no longer contract directly with health care professionals for our health care and therefore our doctors do not work for us, and (2) the range of judgments health care professionals are allowed to employ is getting smaller and smaller. I want to highlight the second of these issues.
We are finding more and more that the trained professionals we want to rely upon to help us are not exercising their best judgments, they are instead trying to fit whatever need we may have into a playbook that was written by our betters, and without our input.
I have posted previously about Harvey Silverglate’s book “Three Felonies a Day” in which he asserts that the average white collar professional commits three felonies every day in the course of going about his business.
In response to this aspect of our legal system, entire industries adopt “best practices” so that they cannot be sued for exercising judgments consistent with best practices. Licensing and training within these professions teach practitioners about the virtues of best practices and employer ethical rules are modified to strongly imply deviation from best practices is unethical. This means professionals are strongly encouraged to fit whatever situation they are evaluating into one of the approved judgments. They are also discouraged from addressing with customers or clients any deviation from the approved judgment because any such discussion could be used against them and their employer in court.
Then add to this problem the issue of cost cutting in health care. If a particular solution will resolve a set of symptoms 75% of the time, why bother getting into the detail of the particular patient when a computer algorithm can identify the 75% solution with no human intervention (or more specifically, much less expensive human intervention). You then eliminate 75% of your patient load using only lower level human resources. Of course, the other 25% do not get prompt treatment.
And of course, as judgments become more centralized, nodes of control are created that can be and most likely are exploited for reasons that are not in our best interest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post. The DANGERS of Obamacare were a lot worse than we imagined.
We dodged a NUKE. A SOVIET NUKE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are most welcome. My censorship post, still somewhat in the can, is now DWARFED by my FAKE SCIENCE post, rumbling around in my brain, thanks to this discussion.
Your thinking about vaccines broke a kind of very basic psychological BLOCK in my brain – my very basic tendency to VIRTUE SIGNAL on vaccines. By strong introspection on this, I now see very clearly AROUND IT. Now I feel like I have a very good scientific attitude – because of – literally – the acceptance of the complexities of AND LOGIC here, and the absolute rejection of ALL OR NOTHING thinking on vaccines.
It’s like I’ve woken up from being HYPNOTIZED.


Please add in the discovery of and increased us of antibiotics which also go to the issue of gut health.
Another factor are the ingredients, from mercury to aluminum, and the varied rate and ability to deal with these ingredients. Some people are predisposed to not being able to deal with, process and shed these ingredients.
Especially concerning is the amount per ounce of the person’s weight for infants/babies/toddlers in comparison adults.
There are many aspects of this issue to consider and I am delighted to see a serious, thoughtful discussion of the pros, cons and issues.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Funny how our military veterans are hard against the VAXX push.