This very special
Did We Stop Too Soon? SUNDAY open thread
is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like
to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
Holy Trinity Sunday
For some liturgical calendars this is the Sunday
when the focus is on the Holy Trinity.
May the grace of
the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14

Did We Stop Too Soon? – A Question To Ask
When you hear someone only provide a part of the story, but without the rest of the details the entire meaning is lost? Did it bother you? This practice is rampant in our Mind Control Media (MCM) but has also entrenched itself so deeply into our culture that you might not realize how much has been undermined by it.
Everything from religion to law to government to science has been broken using this method. The horrific practice of reductionism in science particularly galls me. Nearly every paper I read in biology or medicine demonstrates that modern research is crafted to provide an intended outcome beforehand. A failure to review other possible mechanisms for a study’s results is so common, I doubt that peer reviewers or researchers even think much about it anymore.
It’s like using stick figures to illustrate a grand ballet and expecting everyone to just go along with the illusion. Most of the time the omissions slip by without much thought on our part, but a particularly glaring omission jumped out at me last week and I had to forgive the source as it was in the Liturgy of the Hours which is given to those serving in the Roman Catholic tradition to be read out loud/prayed each day throughout the year. It became part of my usual routine some years ago as I found it to be a good preparation for centering each day.
The omission in this case is the reading of only half of a sentence of scripture from the book of Acts, describing the event of Pentecost. Apparently this reading has been the tradition for some time as the teaching that accompanied it came from the 13th Century.
The picture of this event is completely changed when the entire sentence in verse 4 is given instead of stopping at the word “speak.” As you can see, verse 4 continues with “in other languages which the Holy Spirit made them able to speak.”
So, in the original text the story is about a group of local Jewish believers miraculously speaking in languages they were not familiar with and had not been taught. In the edited text (and I suppose thought of the Roman Catholic church) they were just empowered to speak. No hint of the supernatural gift described in the context given in the scriptures.
Note, that anyone raised in that tradition might not even be reading the actual text of the Bible for themselves often enough to realize that it stopped in mid-sentence. To be fair, there is actually a time when Jesus is in the synagogue reading from Isaiah and only reads half a sentence, so it’s not without precedent. However, in Jesus’ case I believe the choice was to develop a prophetic focus. The motive for excising the miraculous from the text in Acts 2 could be more to avoid an awkward conversation. In the best possible light, the omission could be attributed to the earnest desire for the faithful to speak out the Gospel, but the violence done by the reading caused me some real anger. How dare they alter the text in this way!
This made me think of another way that using “short-hand” thinking on any particular subject opens us up to making judgements without a full understanding of the situation. When our thinking about something is missing key pieces we are open to error or deception. Like a gap in one’s armor, incomplete pictures of reality expose a weakness that can and does often lead to harm. Harm to not only our community, but also to the Kingdom of God.
When we think of “THE CHURCH” we often have a picture of people around the world that look like us, believe like us, sing the same songs as us, or read scripture the same way as us. And we are the poorer for this. Perhaps that is why I bring in images and practices from various traditions for my posts. When we see beyond our own culture we become better able to see with God’s eyes the world we are really living in.
The favored institutional churches of a particular locale have been persecuting their fellow Christians for a very long time. And rare is the church that doesn’t teach “against” some other faith tradition or other. How it must hurt the Father’s heart when the members of the Bride of His Son fight among themselves over non-essentials of the faith. And a house divided is weakened and Jesus says it cannot withstand adversity.
Maybe we could spend a little time thinking about who is edited out of our picture of “THE CHURCH.”
Do you think of the Chaldean Church in Iraq, Native Americans in Alaska or Charismatic Catholics in Canada? What about small groups of believers among the tribes living in the Amazon jungles? Or secret believers that have come to faith in Jesus while surrounded by an Islamic, Buddhist or Hindu culture.
As the oracle that is known as Q likes to say, “Expand Your Thinking.”
Think *3
I’m not tired of winning yet……though, I’d have to confess, there has been a metric buttload of winning.
Trying to picture a metric butt vs the alternative – an imperial one??? 😉
Or a Giga-a-butt??
Definitely not a Butt-i-gieg 🙁
Anyway, no doubt this POTUS would deliver a can of whoop-ass to whichever butt presented itself at the next campaign gig.
My tortured contribution for the day …
I guess that’s an offshoot of “shit ton” which got enhanced to “metric shit ton” (which I suppose could be spelled “shit tonne” since a metric ton of 1000 kg is often just called a tonne.
When I was in college, “shit load” was common slang.
But no matter how one describes it, it’s a lot of winning and I am NOT tired of it!!!!!!
It is certainly tortured. But humorous, to be sure.
Winning is addictive with President Trump. Previous President’s winning seemed rather rare and it followed a tortuous path of the then President playing Gumby advocate for something and Congress always in the way.
Back to the addictive winning. Quite frankly, I anticipate moar winning. And would like it to increase:-)
President trump seemingly makes winning achievable every day. Most always without Congress supporting. A breath of fresh air, every day!
Congress can assist winning, but is not essential in all cases. President Trump has proven, winning is largely a matter of…
“Never give in. Never give up. Never quit.
Win. Win. Win!”
That saying no longer a “staple” near the end of Trump rallies, but absolutely a keeper concept. President Trump surely embraces it, every day.
Hmmmm, Back to moderation^^^ WP is a pain.
Wolf, sorry for the extra clicks. No intention of being a pain in the @ss to you or anyone here. Too much fun here at the Q tree and reading everyone’s thoughts.
Had to log in again today. Never had to do so under previous handle. Gotta figure out how to remain logged in. May avert the moderation thing.
May very well be the extreme vetting…which is obviously well founded to protect the Q Tree, so to speak. If this is the case, got it. Otherwise, I’m off to trying to figure the nuances of WP that befuddles some. Including slow kid, me.
It was just the vetting. Your new privacy level is MUCH higher than your old one, so it was a good move. But that’s also part of why we needed to confirm.
“Had to log in again today. Never had to do so under previous handle. Gotta figure out how to remain logged in. May avert the moderation thing.”
I had problems logging in again at WP and Gab so I keep logged in and sees to work. Internet used to be simpler blogs used to be simpler.
See if logged in works for you too. I have no problems since I keep logged in.
Hi Think*3 – I originally became an atheist during my teens in part because of the internal divisions in the churches. My mother is very observant, goes to church every Sunday and has witnessed a split in a church community as a result of differences of opinion. Protestantism has seemingly yet to run its course – the process of division is still ongoing.
This seems to be like differential calculus – left brain thinking, focusing on ever smaller details to pick over. It is time for some integral calculus, as it were. Time to figure out how the whole is much bigger than the sum of the parts …
Please ignore loose use of language here – was done metaphorically …
I like it!
Something here isn’t making a lot of sense to me. You decided you no longer believed God exists because the churches were going through strife?
I’m asking because I am aware of a VERY common misuse of the word “atheist” to mean someone who thought God existed but didn’t take religion seriously. Those people will often become more observant later, deciding to become very serious about their faith, and claim they were atheists before. Unfortunately, that’s misusing the word. “Atheist” means “without a belief in a god (or gods),” it doesn’t mean “belief in god but doesn’t practice a religion.” They had never NOT believed in God; they just hadn’t concerned themselves overmuch with doing something about it, and maybe finding out what God wants from them. Deciding later on that that’s a rather pressing matter deserving of attention doesn’t mean you’ve transitioned from atheist to believer.
So I could see someone looking at church divisions, becoming disgusted with the institutions, and deciding not to participate, that the churches were worthless…but not actually deciding that because of this, they no longer believed god existed. On the other hand, I’m not you, and you may very well have done precisely that.
I was 13 at the time, living in Apartheid South Africa. I could give a whole exposition here, suffice to say that I had a typically callow reaction to what I observed. Nine years later I admitted that I was in fact an agnostic.
“Agnostic” opens up another can of worms, by the way.
It’s not some middle ground between atheism and theism, as most people think.
“Theist” is someone who believes in a god (or gods) (not necessarily YHWH). An Atheist is someone without such a belief. Notice that everyone must fall into one camp or the other–you either believe it, or you don’t. It’s one or the other. And “atheist” is without reference to anything else the person does believe, and it’s without reference to why they have no belief in a god or gods; it covers everyone from the man who never thought about the matter at all to one who thought about it quite carefully and has concluded there’s no reason to believe.
“Agnostic” describes someone who says they don’t know, or in many cases, people who believe they CANNOT know even in principle (an unanswerable question). But they might believe its true even though they can’t prove it–or they might believe it’s likely false but we’ll never know for sure. It’s somewhat orthogonal to the question “do you believe a god (or gods) exist(s)?” to discuss the matter of whether it can be known one way or the other. There are many quite religious people who will say that in principle they cannot prove God exists; they’re technically theistic agnostics. Just as there are many atheists who don’t believe, but are aware they can’t prove it one way or the other, so those are agnostic atheists.
Will respond to this later
My understanding of an agnostic is someone who professes an inability to know one way or the other and cannot be bothered with the question of determining what they actually believe. What people actually believe is not at all clear. Stated beliefs most often do not comport with actual beliefs.
Your belief system is what determines your actions in the world. It is that which animates you – that which drives you to act. From the trivial to the deepest level of meaning. To find out what people believe is a non-trivial problem. One data set is to observe their actions. Another may be an extremely well established series of interviews. There may be other strategies required – I do not believe this to be a mature field of understanding.
Most people do not have a clue as to what their deeply held beliefs are. It is a rare individual with that level of self knowledge, in my experience.
Most people are “aspirational” believers – they aspire to achieve true belief in their stated belief system.
I would be surprised if anyone who comments regularly here would fall into the category of knowing what they actually believe. I observe many stated beliefs and then other statements that seem incoherent with that belief system. I am not saying that I have observed this in everyone here. All I am saying is that true self knowledge is very rare. I do not claim to have attained this.
I’m your surprise.
I am very true to my internal beliefs, which are mine, and not a religion’s. I am who and what I am, and have been all my life. I grew up in the Christian church (specifically Methodist, then Baptist). I don’t go to any church now, because not one I have explored (many, including Judaism, Buddhism, even Wicca) matches what my internal moral code tells me to be true.
You will never find a statement I make which doesn’t match what I truly believe. I’m not made that way.
I believe that a great Creator made everything, for reasons we don’t have the capacity to understand. I further believe that no matter what humans say, there is only one God, the Creator. There isn’t a different God for Islam called Allah, or a special God for Christians. There is only the Creator. People who believe in many Gods are only naming aspects of the Creator as separate entities, but they are not separate. There is only one, whom I have known since my birth.
I believe religion organized religion is supposed to bring people closer to God and to teach them.
I also believe many religious organizations have perverted that goal because of control.
As free people of God we do not need other people to control us.
Mystics of all religion practice the way to God almost the same way. There is very little difference.
Different denominations suit different personality types that help a person to spiriually mature .
I also believe children need to be in the church to learn good from evil.
I am unchurched for the past 3 years for various reasons.
The mistake good religious people make is think that because a person does not attend church they reject God. That is not true one can keep the Sabbath all the holidays and rituals and read the Bible. One can pray if in church or not.
To me the church is supposed to be counter from the culture and when the church becomes the culture it lost its way. Also the church does not teach prayer and prayer comes in different forms and the needs of people at any stage differed. One could say in a life time it is beneficial for a person to have attended different denominations for spiritual growth.
At this stage in my life I would be Catholic but have a problem with the church and that it has not able to manage or willing to eradicate the problems within .
My experience is that our Good Shepherd tends His sheep, guiding them to the pastures they need throughout life. 🐑
I DO KNOW what and WHOM I believe. Most people who are professing Christians over 50 know and have proved the efficacy of GOD and His Word over and over.
The church and people may fail, but GOD never fails.
As with everything else, politics, ego, and greed enter in to “spoil the broth”.
We seem to always worry, “what will the others think”, when we should be concerned about “what will GOD think” or “what is GOD’s will in this situation”.
Sometimes HIS Wil is a lot different than ours. But HIS Will is perfect.
I was thinking tonight about how quick some folks are to blame GOD when something goes wrong, but never thank GOD when something goes right. OK, we’re human, not perfect, etc., but maybe just a prayer of Happy FATHER’S Day, to the FATHER of all Fathers would be in order… (and, yep, I need to do that too).
As far as all mystics, etc., having a similar path to god or “enlightenment”, that’s a trap. My mother had a doctor who was always telling her, all paths lead to the top of the mountain. No, there is only ONE Path, and His name is Jesus. All of the other paths will end up sending you off a cliff, into a volcano, or a maze of twisty passages from which you can never escape.
Beware the wide path; for it leads straight into Hell. (Fosdick, et. al. were major proponents ot the “wide path”).
[reply to Cuppa]
“all paths lead to the top of the mountain”
No. This is a Luciferian precept – that all “religions” are equal. They aren’t, and never have been.
The Baphomet anti-credo, “As above, so below” is a total CROCK. Just like the Chinese “understanding” of duality, where war is the same as peace, and lie is the same as truth.
Again – it just ain’t so. They are deluded!
It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of duality – the LYNCHPIN of the Eastern belief system. It invokes an Orwellian view, and is an infernal LIE OF OMISSION.
War OPPOSES peace – and NOT the other way around. Lie OPPOSES truth – and again, NOT the other way around. Truth doesn’t “oppose” … it POSES. Same with peace.
And the same holds true for evil and good. While they may be – seemingly – equal in power, they AREN’T EQUAL in direction. Evil opposes good. It’s a one-way ticket! Good doesn’t “oppose” anything!
Even current MATHEMATICS makes the same mistake. The lies / misunderstandings are seemingly everywhere …
“You shall know them by their fruits.” The fruits of Islam are the polar opposite of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Somehow my reply ended up at the bottom of the next page….grrr.
@Emeraldstar, look at my comment again. That’s exactly what I was saying; that the “all roads” BS IS A TRAP. And if you look up Emerson C. Fosdick and the National Council of Churches (and the Rockefellers, for that matter), you’ll see where it started in America. OTOH, that heresy actually started in the Garden of Eden, with the Serpent, Satan.
In that den of Wicca, Satanism, New Age, and other cults, the Silicon Valley, True Christianity is all but vanishing. One cannot go anywhere without being proseletyzed by any number of evil people, yet, if only a word about Jesus and Salvation is mentioned, the PC police (and probably before long, the real police) will be circling round in minutes…
That doctor should have been told to keep his “recruiting” to outside of office hours…
My deeply held belief is: I know experientially that God is good and I belong to Jesus.
“My deeply held belief is: I know experientially that God is good and I belong to Jesus.”
So true.
I see God as Love and we are rooted in Christ. Our hearts are made for Christ.
A mentor told me ” God is always waiting for a relationship with us except most of the time we are out.”
Jonah and Nineveh
Like Nineveh of old, we are given a choice
To continue in sin or to heed God’s voice.
Jonah came to their shores to warn all the people
To turn away from sin or face certain upheaval.
The people believed God, and a fast was proclaimed.
They turned from evil ways and accepted their blame.
Our God of compassion, he saw and relented;
Did not destroy Nineveh because they repented.
Jonah prayed inside the fish (They threw him overboard.)
From within he proclaimed “Salvation comes from the Lord.”
Today we’re like Nineveh. For forty years and more,
Our leaders and people chose God’s word to ignore.
And now we’re at a time when things are much worse;
When our nation must choose either blessings or a curse.
Now we have that choice to return to the Lord;
Take our country back to one nation under God.
Our foolish old leaders, well, they just can’t see
How it benefits them, so they don’t agree.
And many foolish people won’t work for the man
Who’d return to our God. That was his stated plan.
But, there are some who hold God very dear,
Who will work to return and God’s name to revere.
Yes, there are some, and may we have enough.
Many won’t work for our man, but it’s God that they rebuff.
We look to the future, we look and try to see
How God will take action, and what will come to be.
Will we as a nation turn away from our sin,
Or dig the hole deeper and be buried within?
We still have praise and prayer, praise and pray we must do;
For God’s will and His plans will always come true.
Now remember Jonah of old, he wouldn’t follow the Lord.
So God raised a big storm and Jonah went overboard.
Sadly, the questions remain, “Will we heed God’s voice?”
“Will we turn away from sin?” We still must make that choice.
Or will we be like Jonah, and be thrown overboard?,
It was true then, and it’s true now, “Salvation comes only from the Lord.”
Awesome job T3
As always you rock Sunday
I’ve been so slammed for time that I’ve toyed with the idea of taking a break from the Sunday gigs here. Just doesn’t feel right to let it go and the grace has been on the work, and so I remain in the batting order here. 🙂
Thanks – keep it going for as long as possible. Certainly noticed that you seem strapped for time – a pity.
But life in the world has to come first. Not that this is not “in” the world. What happens here has import out there, for sure.
T3 – Hope you can keep writing as much as possible! We love and need, look forward to your writing and points of view. Please continue to do it as often as you can!
3T, Always, always appreciate your Sunday gig:-) Thank you for all of your time and effort. Rather positive other folks look forward to your articles…which always have significant meaning for the likes of me. Me thinks:-)
Though some of us are more quiet than others, TTT, do not think – for one minute! – that your words aren’t being read… and they have impact.
I’ve always had the belief that one never knows when a smile or simple words, or a spiritual reminder makes a difference in someone’s life, somewhere… Some here have expressed appreciation for the solace they find here. That’s important.
You help to keep us focused and reinforce the spiritual threads of this community. The Lord’s Work! ❤
Love your work it has really helped me.
Every Saturday night at 9 pm here in California I will continue to look forward to your teachings.
Batter up!!!!!
Thank you. 🦔
When Jesus stopped in the middle of a sentence He then told them that that particular prophecy was fulfilled that day. The last half of that sentence won’t be fulfilled until His second coming. So it makes a lot of sense that He read the prophecy that way. A lot of Old Testament prophecies talk about His first and second comings in the same prophecy. At that time they didn’t realize there would be 2 different advents.
Thank you for filling in more details Linda. I was going from memory. Very much appreciated.
This praise song comes to mind:
This is an excellent topic, TTT…and Thank You for bringing it up!
The whole meaning of something can be altered by an omission of a part of it.
Whether it is Scripture or some news story or a scientific report…
If a crucial part of it is left out…then the entire meaning of it has been changed.
Doing this can be dismissed as ‘condensation’ or having been done in the interest of ‘brevity’.
But when it changes the whole meaning of it…then it crosses the line into falsity…or even into propaganda.
I remember those broadcasts by Paul Harvey, where he would talk about “The Rest Of The Story”.
He would delve deeper into some story and reveal parts that had been left out.
This is an important lesson for us to keep in mind.
Especially now…when we are swimming in agenda-driven propaganda, coming at us from all directions.
So true Wheatie. I once worked with a fellow that had a particular phrase he used to get you thinking about other risks with a design. He’d say, “now, nothing can go wrong!” Funniest thing, as soon as he said it you’d think of ways that the design could fail.
Reminds me of “Soul of a New Machine”, by Tracy Kidder. One of the hareware engineers was wondering why his board had a few revision wires wrapped to fix something on it.
“But, but, but, it was all debugged; it was perfect”…
“Sometimes we have to make it a little more perfect” as the reply (I think from Carl Alsing, IIRC)…
Great book, btw… Kidder also has another book called “House” which tells of constructin of a custom house in New England – reads more like an adventure novel than non-fiction…
I had a discussion with my mom when I was about 15 (who, BTW, is the smartest person I know). We had been talking about a number of issues, when she stopped and said, “I believe that everything you have said so far is factually accurate…..but that I’m being led to believing things that are false.” I spent the next few moments going, “om………..” but she was substantially correct. I replied, “I’ve been responding truthfully.”
I got this by reading the subversive author Robert A. Heinlein…..who in Stranger in a Strange Land suggested that the slickest way to lie was to tell part of the truth………..and, then, shut up.
I grok what you’re saying, Coothie.
[snort] You said grok, a word that should be in common usage but is not.
Lying by omission, I think it is called. Only tell the bit that serves your purpose. Bites you in the butt, just like regular lying.
“The President is not under investigation [in this particular investigation, although suspicion of him was the alleged motivation for the investigation itself, relying on a dossier about him, which “deserved investigation”, and the people we used to justify the investigation to FISC were our own manipulated plants, meaning it’s technically a frame job, and oh, yes, I, James Comey, should probably also admit that we are using lawfare to try to get him impeached, but that’s only the real purpose of the investigation, not the stated purpose].”
Yup, a whopper, by any definition.
He came up with an even more devious method to lie, in a later book.
Tell the whole truth…but do it in such a way as to convince them that you’re actually lying.
“…slickest way to lie was to tell part of the truth………..and, then, shut up.’
^^^ MCM, CCN…headlines and sound bites every day to shape public thoughts. ^^^
Paul Harvey worked when he was 90 years of age and never had a computer….he wouldn’t have one. If you have a chance to search for a talk he gave about what he would do to destroy America if he were the devil…… then look at the date that he wrote it.
Oh yes!
I have heard that one…it’s quite prophetic, isn’t it.
Someone has made that into a Youtube video…which is very good.
Yes it was told of circumstances at the time but has shown to be very prophetic.
Always enjoyed listening to Paul Harvey as i drove to work decades ago. “The Rest Of The Story”, eye opening at times and always put a smile on my face driving along:-)
FYI, I posted some info on Daughn’s Censorship post, just to put it in a logical spot. TAG: PRIVACY, SECURITY, GOOGLE
I need user KALBO (and only Kalbo) to contact me on Gab, or by responding to this comment. However, Gab is better, because private information will have to be discussed.
Thank you. I am trying to resolve an issue from the VETTING DEPARTMENT, which has thrown a RED FLAG at me.
I signed up on Parler as, KalboKalbs.
All taken care of now. Kalbokalbs = Kalbo.
TTT, “How dare they alter the text in this way!” Totally understand this. I had that same “how DARE they alter the text in this way!” when I learned about the alterations made to the Scriptures by the Masoretes. It’s why I post about it now and then.
Saw this at gab…part of a larger post…
” confronting the Left with logic, facts or trying to persuade them is a fool’s errand and will simply be ineffective and a waste of time and resources.
Break with the Left in all things. Ignore them and simply refuse to participate in their world….”
I’ve heard it put this way: You can’t REASON a man out of a position he was not REASONED into.
I agree with the encouragement to break with the Left in all things – supporting alternative platforms is a great place to start.
Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. (Matthew 7:6)
There will be times when the gospel we present is absolutely rejected and ridiculed and we make the judgment to turn away and speak no more, deciding that we should “shake off the dust of [our] feet” (Matt. 10:14) and begin ministering somewhere else.
There will be times when those to whom we witness will resist the gospel and blaspheme God, and we may speak words of judgment. Like Paul, we must then say, in effect, “Your blood be upon your own heads! I am clean. From now on I shall go to the Gentiles” (Acts 18:6).
When people not only reject the gospel, but insist on mocking and reviling it, we are not to waste God’s holy Word and the precious pearls of His truth in a futile and frustrating attempt to win them. We are to leave them to the Lord, trusting that somehow His Spirit can penetrate their hearts-as
He apparently did with some of those who at first rejected the preaching of Paul and the other apostles-or leaving them to the just judgment of God.
Proverbs 9:7 “Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults; whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse. Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you.”
Proverbs 12:15 “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.”
I am not good reciting scripture but I internalize it and it seems Paul speaks to me same with Jesus.
I read for transformation.
To me Scripture does not point the finger many people use it that way to me Scripture tell the way.
I use a practice called Lectio Divina to read deeper.
Altering scripture is a phenomenon almost as old as scripture itself.
I just want to say…HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! to all of our Dads.
I don’t think that Dads get nearly the recognition that they should.
It’s a tough job…and they don’t do it for the recognition…they do it out of Love.
So…Happy Father’s Day to all of our Dads!
Thank you for all the things you do, both large and small.
Thank you for all the things you do…when no one is looking.
Thank you for being there, even though you are taken for granted.
And thank you for teaching your sons to be good Dads too.
People who do not have good Dads hunger for that all their lives.
Many mistakes, false identities, character flaws, destructive patterns of behavior, addictions, even crimes often committed by folks trying to fill the void of not having a loving, wise, encouraging, teaching, mentoring father.
Only GOD can, will and wants to fill that void. Psalm 27:10
GOD can also fill the void and hurt of choosing wrong mates which also occurs due to abusive/apathetic/abandoning fathers – Isaiah 54:5
Well, there’s an oversight in the daily open. Yes, Happy and Blessed Father’s Day.
Verse of the Day
“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.”
1 Corinthians 9:24 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
This is going to drive the democrats out of their minds. Hee Hee.
Another statue has to be removed. What’s going to be left?
In celebration of Oregon’s roots in pioneering, a statue of a pioneer, known simply as “The Pioneer,” was erected a century ago at the University of Oregon. And now, as the 100-year anniversary of the statue arrives, some in the campus community demand it be removed.
“‘The Pioneer’ is a monument to violent white supremacy, and as such it should not have a place of honor at a university striving to be inclusive, diverse, and just,” he said.
Arrrgh. That’s sickening.
The Marxist mobsters don’t want any reminders of the freedoms, self-sufficiency and pioneering spirit, that that monument represents.
Can’t have something like that in a communist indoctrination center.
^^^ Stated far better than I was going to post. ^^^
Since the university would not exist but for the pioneers, it should be insisted that their belief system is clearly incompatible with attendance at an institution delivered by the very system that they abhor.
It should be pointed out to them, just before they are evicted and their tuition fees reimbursed, that they are gigantic hypocrites and that the university has clearly failed to educate them. Hence the reimbursement and eviction for failing to meet minimum standards required to attend said institution …
Rant over – please forgive any clarity of argument as I a still in the process of trying to reduce my blood pressure …
A Fathers Day Tribute – By Motion Worship
God, Our Father, in His Heavenly Realm
Our earthly father at home takes the helm
In both – lies His great almighty strength
For each – in His way goes to any length
To provide not just for our earthly needs
With love – daily He spiritually feeds.
What greater gift could Our Father give
To support us firmly so we can live
What greater love could the Father show
To guide us through this life to know
What lives in His heart for us each day
To bless us abundantly in every way.
His Spirit is amplified in our earthly father
Who guides – delineates – like a swather
Separating and organizing to help make sense
Of this wayward world – make recompense
We would be lost without His Spirit guide
We would quickly die outside and inside.
Protector, provider, and guider is he
Whom God has given here to thee
Thank Him for your father today
Thank Him profusely in every way
The earthly one who made us feel secure
Only God knows what he had to endure.
The example God gave us of a man’s love
A blessing that could only come from above
His strength upon which we depend
His love for us that knows no end
The sacrifice he made so that we could be
Upheld and secure in the stormy sea.
Today is the day we honor that man
Who struggled to give all that he can
So that we might have a life secure
A home, a hearth, and love for sure
We give thanks to the Father above
For our earthly father’s unselfish love.
Thank You, Dad, for the love you gave
From the first light of life to the grave
Reap the rewards of a job well done
When your earthly life is finally gone
Rest in peace In your Heavenly home
Never again will this earth you roam!
Happy Father’s Day to all our wonderful fathers!!
morning giggles…
Wonderful! I just LOVE this one!
For reasons not worth going into, I do NOT agree with some of the things Z-man says in this shortish article. And the last paragraph, where he asks for money in a childish way, makes him sound (very uncharacteristically) like a jackass.
But there are several good (if unoriginal) insights, well written and worth considering again:
laugh as often as you can!!
“There is no doubt about it,” he (Reiner) says. “Laughter is my first priority. I watch something every night that makes me laugh. I wake up and tickle myself while I’m still in bed. There is no greater pleasure than pointing at something, smiling and laughing about it. I don’t think there is anything more important than being able to laugh. When you can laugh, life is worth living. It keeps me going. It keeps me young. ”
In 2017, Reiner hosted an HBO documentary, “If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast,” featuring a number of still-active nonagenarians, including Brooks, who will be 93 this month, Van Dyke, 93, TV producer Norman Lear, who will be 97 next month, and actress Betty White, 97. He believes their good health – and his – is why they still enjoy humor and stay funny.
“You can’t laugh unless you’re feeling good enough to laugh,” he says.
But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy;
And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You.
Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous ones;
And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
At one point in my life I was very involved in hospital management. We noticed that in the long hours of the afternoons for in-house patients, literally their TV entertainment choices were soap operas…period. Hospital didn’t have the usual 400 channels in those days.) we did, however, have an in-house, dedicated channel. So, going along with your comments, Pat, about laughter being the best medicine we started showing a lot of funny shows, such as I Love Lucy, etc. they were hugely popular.
Believe it or not, it became a problem that staff really didn’t have time to devote to solving. Even though all those shows could easily be rented…once you showed them to a group via the hospital channel there was a licensing, royalty issue!
The sad part…i’m Sure most of the actors you mentioned above and even the deceased Lucille Ball would love knowing their humor and talent helped the ill.
I really like Huckabee’s explanation…
One of the hallmarks of the modern left is their utter inability to understand the difference between a right and a privilege. They seem to think that a “right” refers to anything they really, really want, while a “privilege” is the unfair advantage enjoyed by people who actually work to get the things that they want.
In truth, a “right” is something God-given (which is why they can’t “repeal” the Second Amendment – the Bill of Rights doesn’t “grant” rights to citizens from the government; it affirms that these rights naturally belong to all people and the government can’t take them away.) Also, exercising a right doesn’t require infringing on other people’s rights. For instance, you have a “right” to free speech. You don’t have a right to demand that your speech be carried on expensive national TV time. Likewise, you don’t have a “right” to free health care because that would require forcing doctors to give you something of value, infringing on their rights. You may claim it’s a privilege that the government should provide, but by definition, it can’t be a “right.”
Leftists have created a host of ‘rights’ that aren’t guaranteed under the constitution:
– right not to be offended
– right not to be triggered
– right to s3x – any kind, any way – without cost or consequence (disease, pregnancy, shame, etc)
– right to silence any opinion they don’t like
– right to force someone to violate their religious principles, ethical principles, conscience
– right to condemn people who achieve great wealth honestly and responsibly
– right to decide what people teach their children
– right to indoctrinate children to unhealthy lifestyles
and many more fake rights
One of the last posts I wrote here pretty much says the same thing, albeit not as well…
Avocados…not just for guacamole any more…LOL
You’ve probably heard of bank robbers trying to use things like toy guns and other pointy objects that look like guns, but actually aren’t, to make off like bandits without ever having to brandish real-life firearms. But have you ever heard of one using an avocado to steal some quick cash?
That’s what one man from Israel reportedly did in robbing not one, but two separate banks, according to hilarious new reports.
That’s a waste of a really healthy fruit.
Microsoft refused to send, rejected, called this email spam – twice over several days: “Biden or any other Democrat in the White House would be Obama’s 3rd term. Obama is trying to hold onto power from his house 2 miles from the White House and meeting with foreign leaders, he has violated the Logan Act numerous times.
“We Tracked Obama’s Movements For Over A Month And Based On His Meetings, It’s Time To Question Whether He Is Running A Shadow Government” –”
I got it to go through by disabling the link.
Just thought you should know how protective Microsoft is of the Øbomination.
I do look forward to the day hussein is brought to Justice. hussein has been and continues to be a pox on America.
thankfully we have president Trump and Barr on our side…The Constitution.
Wolf, Thank You!!!!!!!!!!
(Borrowed some exclamation points from, Marica, IIRC:-)
Every year at this time I feel a genuine uneasiness at expressing a certain sentiment, but the sentiment always occurs. The uneasiness comes from not wanting to sound a discordant note amongst the wonderful expressions of love and appreciation. And yet I do say the same thing for whatever reason.
The fatherless suffer, especially boys, and especially if the absence is deliberate.
I have noticed how often that men who have had loving fathers have a sense of confidence lacking in the fatherless, and how much that confidence changes a man’s perspective on life.
OTOH I have noticed how fatherless men so often have something “off” in their perspective.
Those statements are generalizations, and the exceptions probably numerous (although – – maybe not).
Maybe it just goes back to learning from a secure source as opposed to learning from the school of hard knocks. And maybe there are trade-offs which go both ways. In his writings on Julius Caesar, Suetonius says that Caesar proved that being fatherless is not an insurmountable obstacle to greatness (or words to that effect).
Anyway, getting paternal love and affection seems better than not getting it.
Your thoughts have meaning. It’s not just the “fatherless men who have something “off” in their perspective,” girls/women without fathers aren’t faring well either.
I’m convinced, speaking as a woman, that many women struggle because they did not have a father role model – unresolved issues…
Society is suffering from the destruction of the nuclear family. The Family and society used to mutually reinforce moral values/mores which kept it from descending into chaos – the psychosis of the liberal mindset is deliberately destroying that framework.
I don’t think even the liberals understand how this will not end well.
Very much agreed, and taking note of your “although — maybe not”, I would state bluntly that Caesar’s greatness was another form of offness. Many times the CORRECTION to something, strong in recognition of the thing, seems like the exception, when it’s really another form of proof of the rule. The irony being that those corrections are necessary to reinforce our recognition of the thing.
As you say, ultimately, getting paternal love and affection seems better than not getting it.
Happy Fathers Day to us all! <3
This was part of the plan for the destruction of the United States – what the Communist/Socialist Liberals want
Chapter Seven: Destruction of the Family (Part I)
The specter of communism did not disappear with the disintegration of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe
July 12, 2018 Updated: April 21, 2019
Iron Mountain Report — Blueprint for Tyranny
May 28, 2019
This is against what President Trump is fighting – UN is EVIL! In the article above, there is a 2-hour plus video that explains the plan for the destruction of the United States…
President Wolf Moon will turn the UN into a combination of a Memorial to the Destruction of the Cabal, and a shooting range, where millions of New York City concealed carriers will be able to practice any time they want.
Works for me, Mr. President!
I keep telling the leftists – if they know what’s good for them, they’ll STICK WITH TRUMP! 😉
Problem is – they don’t know what’s good for them – Trump does not give ‘free stuff’ – prolly why they don’t like him – lol
The problem here is – does anyone realize how much of an environmental disaster destroying that building will be?
That building is chock full of dirty $#!+ and criminal evidence.
I love it!!!
Alas, how easy it was to convince so many that the family was worse than irrelevant, it was destructive.
Get the wrong two people making a family together, and it can be destructive.
That’s the unfortunate part of it. Sacrifice is required, and when it doesn’t happen….
That being said, a lot of dads I know put up with a lot. Mine included.
Deplorable Patriot
“Get the wrong two people making a family together, and it can be destructive.
That’s the unfortunate part of it. Sacrifice is required, and when it doesn’t happen….
That being said, a lot of dads I know put up with a lot. Mine included.”
I often have noticed that not many men or women ever ask themselves if the partner they are taking makes a good mother or good father.
I think because people often get caught up with appearance how well they party or what ever.
I did look at my husband and ask myself will he make a good father for my kids. Many people do not do that. One can love someone who is toxic who would make a horrible father.
Just my thought.
Look at what has happened – same-sex marriage – adoption by same-sex couples to perpetuate (?) – and they claim one is the mom; the other the dad – transgenderism – blending the sexes – attack on Christianity – man/woman – (3) plus genders – feminism – women having abortions to spite the male – males being diminished – women having children through sperm banks – it is all in the plan – Tonawanda – and if the witch had won – there would have been way to stop the communist takeover of America!
Legal Beagles, Daughn? Your hubby’s take on this by the Washington Post?
Carlos Slim trying to slime a Great Woman.
Makes Slim the slimy one.
There’s not much need for a Press Secretary since the WHPressCorps (with few exceptions) are so nasty and just write lies and whatever the heck their overlords dictate non-stop.
I laughed out loud when Wash Post said Sarah was “disrespectful” – the Press has to earn respect – something they’re obviously incapable of. I hope POTUS tears them apart over this – he should throw out the Jim Acosta trash.
I wish or hope someone would step and up do a big ‘we’ll miss you’ card.
New model ‘Marine One’ helicopter being tested:
I just love your posts T3!
Happy Father’s Day to those celebrating and may the fatherless find comfort in God’s rest.
This is one of my favorite days as it’s my day to attempt being “grillerelite” by making the perfect slow cooked baby back ribs over charcoal. I try something a little different every time and I’m excited to see how they turn out today. Any grillers here up for a little competition? Got up early, ribs are rubbed and it’s almost time to get the grill ready!
Beautiful ribs! Hope they turn out perfect!
Thanks, I’m excited about these as I perfect my process a little better every time I make them. I’ll take a pic when they’re done.
I’m making country style pork ribs this afternoon, now baking in a homemade sauce outside in the electric roaster. For those of you not familiar with this little beauty, I highly recommend it. Less than $30 at Walmart, it’s a plug-in roaster than can handle a turkey, a ham, casseroles, muffins, etc. I use it outside in warm weather so the kitchen doesn’t get hot…or at holidays in cold weather to free up space and the regular oven for other things. One of the best investments i’ve Made for the kitchen.
We are not big grill users…have a huge one with all the bells and whistles but rarely use it unless cooking for a crowd. Have an Advantium that grills meats to perfection in the kitchen and is great for 2 people.
Driller…can’t easily tell from your photo…electric or charcoal?
Sounds good! I line a row of charcoal along the outside of the tray, they call it a charcoal snake. Light a little pile at one end and let it slowly cook like a long fuse. I have a plum tree here that I keep the wood from when I prune it so I throw some chunks of that on the charcoal. Put a drip pan on the other part of the charcoal tray because that’s what you’ll cook the ribs over while keeping them from being directly over the burning coals. On the part of the grill you can’t put your ribs on you put a pan full of hot water to keep some moisture inside. Open up all the vents to get it up to 250° to 275 then close some off too keep it from getting too hot. Cook with the bones down for 90 mins then adjust them around the grill so they’re cooking evenly. At that time I start spritzing them with apple juice every 30 minutes for the next 90 minutes. Then wrap in double foil with some butter and honey in a way you can put them back on the grill meat side down without them leaking. Cook over indirect heat another hour or so at 275 and they should be good. I glazed them with bbq sauce and put them back on the grill for another 10 minutes on each side. Delish! Here’s a pic of the setup,
😬 shoulda cut the size of that, sorry.
I’m feeling a little deprived after reading this.
Ribs look good
They turned out 😉
This one never gets old!
Never saw that version before.
I did once see the Young Turks meltdown in about a 20 minute video. Probably the best of the bunch because they threw a temper tantrum.
It was delicious to watch! They really are vulgar and vile tempered.
Have a great Fathers Day!!!
OMG – hilarious! “Of which there are fewer and fewer”!!!
“Do you think the people will demand that I stay longer?”😂😂😂
💕 Love our President!! 💕
Wishing everyone a Happy Fathers’ Day today.
Wishing many protesters at the annual Gay Pride parade that’s always held on Fathers’ Day in Portland, Oregon.
They’ll be Keeping Portland Weird to the max today. IMO, gays are to be tolerated, but I will never celebrate their unnatural lifestyle. To each their own and live and let live, but stop trying to force what should be done behind closed doors on normal people.
Just turned on my TV to the FIFA Women’s World Cup soccer opening ceremony in Paris, France. First they played The U.S. National Anthem that was sung by the entire crowd followed by the Chilean National Anthem again sung by all those who knew it.
And there wasn’t a single kneeler or protester in the stadium! How nice to see unbridled patriotism exhibited by both teams and their fans.
Donald J. Trump /There Is No Escape!RATS! tic tok! 6.16.2019
Very scary Monopoly board.
Absotutalutely, GA/FL!
Well… that’s just…very….. odd….
That was scary.
Add to this the bizarre connection of NXIVM to the Clintons, both in Arkansas and New York, and Gillibrand’s connection to Hillary.
Something very strange there.
Hypocrites Get Last Kicks At Sarah Sanders
This was personal and it was cruel.
Moments like this reveal how nasty and partisan the left-wing media has become. Their hatred of Trump knows no bounds, and many are using the departure of Sanders to engage in what the late Charles Krauthammer called “moral preening.”
Can I just say….?
What the left is saying/doing in the wake of Sarah’s departure really burns my toast!
I’m mad as a wet hen about it too!!!
I sent out a tweet to POTUS and Barnes_Law – I want to know where is the line for libel – even public figures should have some protections. I hope POTUS destroys the MSM.
Mine too.
The loony left obviously likes V.P. Mike Pence so much they want him to be President. It’ll never happen of course, but they continue to dream of a Mike Pence Presidency nevertheless. I find that very entertaining. 🙂
I just checked in on the FIFA Womens’ Soccer match and in the first half hour of the game today, the score is USA 3 ……….. Chile 0.
Will this be another huge rout like the USA – Thailand game? Seems headed that way.
It does look like a lot of the rest of the world hasn’t caught up yet. Not watching the tournament yet. Not until they get to the place where the games are actually a challenge.
This is a reply to kalbren2r1—I put it here in case others may be interested:
I was trying to find my old comment to find exactly what I said—WordPress does not let me go back that far.
Anyway, from memory, I think I may have been talking about preparing ourselves for the 2020 campaign season and the roller-coaster of stress and emotions—we can help ourselves partly through nutrition.
Also, I think I gave tips on reducing inflammation by removing cheap vegetable oils that are chock full of Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3 fatty acids. Too much Omega 6 can cause inflammation and other problems when not balanced with other essential fatty acids.
Try some coconut oil, ghee, avocado oil as replacements—my experience is that I was able to dramatically reduced my use of ibuprofen to alleviate joint pain, due to years of heavy lifting. Of course, this was not an immediate benefit—several weeks was necessary to FEEL results.
Btw, I now fry my steaks with a 50/50 mix of coconut oil and ghee—I will never go back to vegetable oil. My steaks turn out perfect with such a great aroma! Ghee is better than normal butter to fry with because of a higher smoke point. There are other health reasons not to heat any oils too much—but I do not want to write a book today. 😀
Omega-6 Risks
Unfortunately, the typical American diet tends to contain significantly more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids, particularly because omega-6 is in a lot of unhealthy foods, such as salad dressings, potato chips, pizza, pasta dishes and processed meats like sausage, to name a few.
So why is omega 6 bad when it’s consumed in high amounts? Excessive consumption of vegetable oils, or linoleic acids, can contribute to inflammation and increase the risk of serious conditions like heart disease, cancer, asthma, arthritis and depression, which is one reason why you should keep your intake in moderation.
On the other hand, these fatty acids are absolutely vital to maintaining overall health, so you shouldn’t cut them out of your diet altogether. Instead, aim for a balance of omega 3 and omega 6 foods in your diet and steer clear of unhealthy sources of omega-6 fatty acids, including processed junk. Although the average western diet contains an omega 6 vs omega 3 ratio of around 15:1, the suggested ratio should actually be closer to around 2:1 for optimal health. (12)
Some of the tips might have been ways to naturally increase our ‘lucky’ hormones through the use of a good quality vitamin D3 supplement which has been shown in studies to help combat depression.
Studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and depression. Researchers behind a 2013 meta-analysis noticed that study participants with depression also had low vitamin D levels. The same analysis found that, statistically, people with low vitamin D were at a much greater risk of depression.
The researchers believe that because vitamin D is important to brain function, insufficient nutrient levels may play a role in depression and other mental illnesses. An earlier 2005 studyTrusted Source identified vitamin D receptors in the same areas of the brain associated with depression.
There are other studies out there where doctors were treating sunlight depression (winter blues) with artificial sunlight lamps. They wanted to know why it works and had a theory that sunlight causes the body to produce vitamin D (aka the sunlight vitamin). Those doctors began to give patients high doses of D3 to treat their depression—and it worked!
My personal favorite is to combine D3 with dark chocolate to fight stress. So many benefits to dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa and NO MILK PRODUCTS within 2 hours of consumption because milk counters the positive benefits).
I might have also posted tips on ways men can naturally increase testosterone and reduce estrogen—especially as we are getting older. One of my favorites is broccoli as a natural estrogen blocker and a GOOD quality tribulus terrestris supplement (yes, I know that the science is not there yet to prove this—but from personal experience after decades of supplement use trial and error—some work—some do not).
You may ask why I include men’s health and testosterone production? Well—LIBIDO! 💘💘💘 Yes Ladies—one of the best ways to relieve stress!!! I do not think I need to explain any further—we are all adults. 😎
How does this all tie together—stress, inflammation, depression etc…? There are several ways actually, but I want to point out one of the main ways—CORTISOL! Normally, cortisol is not a bad thing—it is the ‘fight or flight’ hormone, raises heart rate, boosting energy to large muscles, REDUCING inflammation, etc… The problems begin when we have too much stress for too long keeping the bodies cortisol levels chronically high INCREASING low-level inflammation for long periods of time—among various other problems. For bodybuilders it can literally reduce muscle mass. That is why there are several supplements on the market claiming to block or reduce cortisol.
On the subject supplements, some work—some do not—some work for some people and others not. Buying cheap is usually throwing money down the drain a little bit at a time. While supplementing in general is unfortunately a lot of trial and error being the only way to really know. Even scientific studies is not a guarantee that a supplement does or does not work. I remember reading back in the 70s that steroids do not work—I remember reading back in the 80s that creatine monohydrate supplementation does not work. Today, we know that both of those statements are false. I could go on and on…..
DISCLAIMER! I am not a doctor and do not even pretend to be one on television! I am simply a guy who has decades of personal experience as an amateur power lifter in my Army days and hobby body builder that has tried just about every major supplement to come out on the market over the past 40 years—even experimenting with some of the stuff that gets into the grey areas.
Remember the record home run season for Mark McGwire? Pro-hormones aka designer steroids? Yes, until about a little over a decade ago you could buy the stuff legally at your local GNC and military sports store! I really miss Twin Labs Turbo Fuel with ephedrine floating in the bottle—I could chew through steel! 😜😜😜
If you have depression, we recommend supplementing with physiological or even high dose vitamin D. Doses between 5,000 IU/day (125 mcg) and 10,000 IU/day (250 mcg) are safe and effective in increasing most individual’s vitamin D status to a healthy level. Some patients with depression may benefit from higher doses, such as 20,000 IU/day (500 mcg), but such doses require that you have your vitamin D level [25(OH)D] checked at least twice a year.
I have used up to 50,000 IU/day with no sides—just personal experience.
Back when I was torturing myself to reach a personal best 410lb bench press—I ran into some pretty severe long lasting right side shoulder pain (I was literally addicted to training—yes, it can be an addiction). I was the poster child for ibuprofen taking up to 8000mg per day!
I did some online research and came across Cissus Quadrangularis and immediately bought the leading brand at the time. Within a couple of weeks of use—my shoulder pain reduced dramatically<<<I NEVER TOOK A BREAK FROM THE TORTURE! Remember though—some of these supplements work somewhat together with other foods and supplements that you are taking—synergy. I was also eating up to 400grams of protein per day along with high doses of high quality Omega 3 etc…..
Thanks for all the info. Gee, I’ve never heard of ghee.
Ghee is basically a double clarified form of butter. When you melt butter you can see the oil part and the liquid milky part—separate the two saving the oil part and repeat.
It is not hard to find. You may have actually seen it and not know it simply because you were not looking for it. That is how it was for me—all of a sudden, I see ghee everywhere I go. 😁
—all of a sudden, I see ghee everywhere I go. Heh, usually how it goes. Even at this age I’ll finally catch on to or notice something I’ve never heard, saw, was interested in or whatever and once I do it’s everywhere, weird 😆
No. Ghee Tea Eeeeee….
(sorry…ducks flying football phones, smoking frypans, and half-cooked phals… 🙂 )…
Traider Jo has ghee.
One more great supplement to fight inflammation CURCUMIN that is actually found in a common spice called turmeric contained in many curries has exploded onto the supplement scene. Remember, that many of these supplements can be added very naturally simply by eating the foods that contain them. On the other hand, a good supplement is often easier to get the therapeutic dosages necessary to achieve the desired results.
Curcumin is a component of the yellow spice turmeric and is found in curry. Studies have shown that curcumin can subside painful inflammation. And it may have special anti-inflammatory properties in the eyes. A layer of yellow pigment helps to protect the retina and especially, the macula from the harmful effects of sunlight. The pigment actually acts as a filter. It blocks harmful blue UV light from striking the retina. Curcumin has been proven helpful for chronic anterior uveitis (an inflammation of the front part of the eye) and for macular degeneration.
Speaking of Ephedrine – I used to love to take a diet pill called Eskatrol back in the early 70s as a way to lose weight fast. I’d work it off due to lots of energy and lack of appetite. Sure didn’t know what was in it, but loved all the energy and quick weight loss.
Nearly 20 years ago, a friend was selling herbs and talked me into trying Ma Huang. Said it was 100% natural – nothing that would hurt me – just leaves and grass. First day I took it, I cleaned the whole house top to bottom, washed and waxed all the cars and mowed, blowed and edged the yard. The second day I had heart palpitations and thought I was going to DIE! Read later that nearly the world’s most lethal poisons were also 100% natural herbal substances!
Ma Huang, Ephedra tea aka Mormon tea (that’s right—Mormons taking drugs LOL 🤣)—pretty much all the same thing with perhaps slight variations on the species of the Ephedra plant containing the chemical ephedrine. FANTASTIC for weight loss!
I am not sure what the current laws are stateside on fat-burners. Very common among body builders is the ECA stack—specific combination of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin. Some countries still allow sales with a limit on the amount of ephedrine per dose.
Ephedrine is also a great decongestant! Pseudo-ephedrine sound familiar? It used to be in the original formulas for many over the counter cold and flu remedies. Unfortunately, jerks converting ephedrine into crystal meth has caused a crack-down on the substance. Chinese have been using Ma Huang for over 3000 years. Mormons?
All that said, if you use ephedra plant parts BE CAREFUL!!! The amount of ephedrine found in parts of the SAME PLANT can vary greatly—leading to the possibility that the amount found acceptable one time—is too much the next time with the same measure of plant material.
I once had a product called Ephedra Super Caps and made the idiotic mistake of immediately taking the maximum dosage on the package. I took 4 at 6PM and was still awake the next day at noon and having some crazy heart things going on! Scary! ALWAYS IN MODERATION! We do not chug a bottle of whiskey in one go either. Right?😉
For clarification—I am not promoting ephedra for use as a way to get high. I believe people that do such things ruin the reputation of a substance that can be very beneficial when used properly.
Example: Mormons drink Mormon tea sometimes before they go out to work on a farm or whatever heavy labor they may have to complete. Very similar effects to caffeine but without the jitters—but perhaps a bit stronger on the energy side of things.
I hate when idiots give the government the excuse to come in and baby sit its citizens.
I would advise caution with ephedrine or any compounds containing it.
My son has a not uncommon heart issue called Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome, where there are accessory pathways in the heart, causing either extra heartbeats, or persistent tachycardia or up to 300 bpm, which almost killed him. Many athletes you hear of who keel over and almost die (or do) have this or other electrical anomalies in the heart. The accessory pathways can be abladed (same as with A-fib), but they can come back (stubborn, I know). At least it’s not OHS, like it was in the 1980s and earlier…
His WPW was concealed, which is why it never showed up on his ekgs, and why, for athletes, a stress test with accompanying ekg should be done.
Red Bull, and other hyper stimulants can also trigger tachycardia.
I’m not saying “don’t do it”, but there are reasons some of these things have the black label, and others have warnings. It doesn’t hurt to have a pulse/omimeter or a Blood Pressure Monitor at home, in any case. Many of them can sense tachycardia or irregular heartbeats, and can help prevent worse problems.
The same could be said for depressants, as they can cause Bradycardia, a heartbeat that is too slow. Folks who are in really good cardiopulmonary shape will typically have low heart rates, but if Joe or Jane normal has pulse in the 40-45 range (or lower), something is not right. Best to check with a doctor if you’re getting down into that territory.
(Just watch a few minutes of CNN and you’ll be back over 100 or so 🙂 in no time flat)…
Electric and Radio fields also interact with the neurons related to the heart.
Everything in moderation and one needs to learn about herbs. My grandmother taught me lots about herbs my father also. If I do not know about an herb I do not use it.
I have medical herb books and grow herbs but not exotic once . Everything is excess can be harmful.
My one knee gives me problems though injury and I found eating some herbs are good and if I have a big problem take 1 aspirin in the evening that has an healing effect on me but maybe only take it twice a week.
Also a bath with dead sea salt does wonders but one has to sit in it for 20 minutes.
Dr Andrew Weil is a good source inflammatory foods herbs and vitamins. I have been a fan of his for 30 plus years.
Your fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A can be TOXIC in high dosages because they build up in the body and do not get expelled out of the body quickly like water soluble vitamins do—example B vitamins.
However, vitamin A is essential to our health.
A glass (or 2 or 3 😎) of a good dry red wine can have many positive health benefits—a gallon, not so much.
JW in Germany
“A glass (or 2 or 3 😎) of a good dry red wine can have many positive health benefits—a gallon, not so much.”
My dessert tonight was a glass of red wine and a little dark chocolate.
I have to take high doses of vitamin A for my Macular but I skip on and off so I do not get toxic 🙂
Gosh, GA/FL …wish i’d Known you then…you could have come over to my house and cleaned it from top to bottom…just to help you work off some of that excess energy.
JW in Germany
I agree with you 100%
I use Avocado oil for years and also Ghee and in salads good olive oil.
Vitamin D is important and one time I run low on my bloodworm my joints were aching. The doc put me on high doses and now on maintenance. I get sun because my dogs force me too 🙂
Balance is the key and no sugar or modern grans. I stick with ancient grains moderately.
If one wants to stay away from doctors then one needs to take care of once own health.
I have always been like that and hate doctors and Hospitals even though my son is one.
I love the German Reformhause of course we do not have that in the US. I also ike that the staff is trained and they know what one needs if ask.
Seems that only vegans work at the reformhaus I go to in Hanau. I made the mistake one day talking about high protein intake and meats—IF LOOKS COULD KILL! LOL!
JW in Germany
“Seems that only vegans work at the reformhaus I go to in Hanau. I made the mistake one day talking about high protein intake and meats—IF LOOKS COULD KILL! LOL!”
We Germans can be nuts sometimes 🙂 I used to be vegetarian. I found over time eating meats in moderation is healthy and not neglect vegetables. I grew up on Barley, Lintels and root vegetable soups and cabbage and lots of fruit in season. Bread was the old type of schwarzbrot Ikea has a bread mix from Sweden I buy that is very close to the German one. I also like Norwegian crackers from Trader Joe they are all seeds.
Only Sunday was meat on the table when I grew up.
Cakes cookies seldom and in moderation. Sugar was not much in the diet.
I never knew of Pizza or spaghetti or french fries until I came to the US. I did not like it but my husband does.
LIke that famous book.
The Last Of The Mo-Vegans… 🙂
Ahhh. LIke that famous book.
The Last Of The Mo-Vegans… 🙂
Unfortunately, my experience with doctors is they are taught to treat with chemicals and are actually not that educated on nutrition.
JW in Germany
“Unfortunately, my experience with doctors is they are taught to treat with chemicals and are actually not that educated on nutrition.”
Doctors do not know much about nutrition. When I go to the doctor my blood pressure goes up and he wants to prescribe blood pressure meds.
My normal blood pressure is between 108-120 any given day. Sometimes lower if I do not drink coffee.
I know one day he will trow me out of his office for waiting his time 🙂
Normally, daily coffee drinkers should not have a problem with blood pressure spikes because they are adapted to the caffeine intake—those that only drink an occasional cup are the ones that have more issues.
I can drink a strong cup of black coffee and go right to bed—no probs!
That’s called the “White Coat Syndrome”, and for most people it drives up the BP by about 10 points. Trouble is, most home BP monitors are not that good, and the wrist ones are less than useless.
Another thing that has happened is Big Pharma are lowering and lowering what constitutes high blood pressure. It’s almost at the point where 110 systolic (the higher number) is bad.
It’s a very complex topic, with lots of dependencies and variables, but rest assured, Big Pharma will be more than happy to put you on Captopril or a diuretic, or both, to make sure they “earn their keep”. The old standard was 120/80 or so. YMMV…
We had an interesting time when my son was in the hostpital (for about four months, half of that in intensive care), because he really REALLY didn’t like hospital food, but LOVED Cheddar cheese and other American-type food. The folks there were not thrilled about that, until my wife jumped in. She’s a food scientist (started out as Diplom öcotrophologe and went on from there). Eventually worked everything out.
My son’s “room mate” for part of the time there (a tad chunky) had Bradycardia, and would eat ANYTHING, according to his Mom. Anything, except for the “healthy” pizza they served, which could double as a discus… even he wouldn’t eat that…
They say “do no harm”, which could explain the incredibly bland food…
If a doctor is impatient with me, I make a note to find a new doctor (if possible). Not much in the world more dangerous than a doctor that feels he/she must compel you to comply. I’ve learned to say, how about I try some changes in my diet/exercise and we wait and see if that helps?
YESSSS! Thank you so much! Your efforts are greatly appreciated! I have copy and pasted the info into my electronic notebook. You are a true friend, and the AMA, American Murder, oh I mean Medical, Association does not want us to know or use this kind of information, because how else who quacks stay in business. Yes, doctors have their place and purpose, but they do not use nutrition to help heal. Very rarely will a AMA doctor give nutritional or supplemental advice.
Chinese woman arrested for ‘stomping all over’ sea turtle nest in Miami, police say
They always say look at how a person treats an animal and they will show their true colors.
So she’s ‘Chinese citizen living in Michigan’….. great mug shot.
China – and communists in general – have no respect for life or GOD’s creation. They are pouring all sorts of pollutants and garbage into the oceans.
They eat dog meat. IMO, any culture that does that is very sick.
Didn’t I read something that the younger generation is turning away from that? But yes sick!!!!!
I don’t know if they still celebrate the dog meat market or not in China, but I sure wouldn’t ask a Chinese immigrant to dog-sit for me.
Oh yes, I read the smaller villages interior China still do the dog meat market and resist outside attempts to change. But, in fairness…that is their culture and perhaps they would think the same of us for eating rabbit, chickens, etc.
My Japanese friends have told me they think the Thanksgiving Turkey is “grotesque”!
By our standards, yes. Given other options, such as we enjoy, yes.
Folks in third world countries gotta eat. Some of them really have few options. Too commonly, their options are worse than a dog…also unacceptable by our standards.
Personally, I defer to their survival instincts. Have spent some time in the provinces of the Philippines. Great folks. Proud folks. The fortunate folks make a living, as we do. The rest of the folks scratch out survival.
I am sure Flep might not like pork 🙂
He has his wonderful pet pig who is like a dog. What is the difference eating a pig or a pet pig so many love.
I would have one in an instant but my NYC husband would go on strike 🙂
I saw on the Internet people are now saving these dogs and many find homes in the US.
I was always under the impression that it was number 15 (medicinal and enhances the male sex drive) but now sees where 6 (food of the gods) comes into play also.
9 also makes sense in that Manchus were more nomadic and thus have less of a reason to eat dog meat as they can move place to place to avoid famine or just raid others to get their food (you rembember, the Great Wall of China. The Manchus were on the other side of it).
Anyway, famine has always been part of the Asian experience and if that is all the rulers have left to feed the people with then its comes to reason that they would invent reasons for it to be more palatable to the citizenry. This kinda plays into one of the themes up thread on how little your leaders really care for you.
Also still of the understanding that this custom is largely confined to the men and not the woman. Oh noooo… maybe the woman eat cats! (errr.. that’s a joke, but yeah, someone’s eating cats over there too, but I’m not going to look it up.)
“Thankfully, it appears the eggs were not damaged,” Miami Beach police tweeted. …well then what the hell was her point?
Thank you!!!! That was my same thought as well!!!!!
My first suspicion is that she was trying to find the eggs to SELL.
Here is what I said on Dissenter (on the Miami Herald article):
Closed to comments? Not for Dissenter.
My question is whether this ChiCom floozie was going to get the eggs to sell (first thing you think of with the degraded ChiComs) or whether she was going to commit an anonymous act of vandalism as a way to demoralize Americans (standard Chinese communist infiltration tactic).
So she’s either a ChiCom or a ChiCom byproduct.
Interrogate strongly. This one may be a “keeper”.
Seems extremely plausible, wouldn’t be surprised
Get a load of the SMUG on this one!
I know flep was posting about this in the daily thread…
Hong Kong: Mass Protests Continue Despite Extradition Vote Being Delayed
‘Thousands protested last week after Hong Kong politicians announced changes to the law that would allow the country to extradite suspected criminals to China. The concern is that it would allow Beijing to arrest protesters and deport them to China –’ (this also includes Taiwan and Macau)
But I love this ‘This all comes at a delicate time in Chinese-US relations after the current trade negotiations were stalled. China cannot afford to appear weak in any of its activities and therefore these protests are coming at a bad time for China and certainly are being closely watched by Beijing.’
@ Deplorable Patriot If you reading this how was the Blue’s rally? Looked amazing. Almost as large as a Trump rally. 😀 Note I said Almost!!! 😉
Well, it was a good time even if the people running the parade had no clue what they were doing. Got confirmation of that at Mass this morning. I know someone who was at the meeting, and the city’s parade guru was supposedly a consultant, but was summarily ignored by the people who actually did run the thing.
NO ONE was having a better time than the players. They got off the trucks, and the fire trucks (I swear they emptied out the garage where the vintage ones are kept) and ran around, signed autographs, high fived fans on both sides of the street, the goalie ended up marching with the Oakville band. They all had a Bud Light in a hand. The Stanley Cup was all but carried down the street when it was supposed to be on the beer wagon.
It was a good time even if it took forever. Seriously, they even drove the Zambonis down Market Street. And, as usual around here, there were MANY Anheuser-Busch products consumed to the point that Brett Hull and Pat Maroon were visibly over served.
My one quibble other than the time gaps and having ANYBODY in a convertible (Laila, Bobby Plager and at least on player) is that in ANY parade like this the Clydesdales really need to be at the front. I was about halfway down the route, and with all the stops, they were not happy. Ears were back, and the crew walking along side had their hands full.
Oh, yeah, and there were white caps on the Mississippi when I went over it, you could not get a cell phone signal downtown with all the people around, and standing on a styrofoam cooler is not going to get you a better view.
Thanks for the update. Yup saw all that online. I did like how the players were running around.
I felt for the poor Clydesdales. I agree they should have been up front.
But at least you had a good time. And its St. louis. No destruction!!! Just a good time had by all.
“Well, it was a good time even if the people running the parade had no clue what they were doing. “——interesting
Well, on the no destruction front…um the Ginko trees along Market at Citygarden got pruned a little underneath where smaller branches were blocking the view, Literally heard, “Hold my beer” when one was liberated from the tree. You couldn’t tell when it was done, though.
LOL Love it. The secret is safe with us! 😉
Crowd size estimate was half a million. That’s probably right altogether between the parade and the rally. EVERY Metrolink parking lot was full to the point that cars were parked in the grass, people made their own spaces, etc. I waited multiple trains both ways.
BUT, and here’s the thing: no rioting, no looting, no shootings, no major fistfights, no mass arrests. This is the way we do things here when certain elements stay away.
Yup!!!!! Its how STL rolls.
FIFA final score USA -3 …………. Chile -0
And poor Thailand just can’t catch a break. Sweden -5 ………. Thailand -1
🙁 After what the person on the USA team said….
Poor Thailand
It was ridiculous for the drama queens to criticize the USA team for their exuberance at winning 13 to 0 against Thailand last week. It was a record score. They deserved to be excited.
Oh that I have no issue with. I have issue with what’s her name ‘rapinoe’ who ‘doesn’t sing the national anthem’ first its BLM now its anti Trump. I want sports not politics if you know what I mean!!!
This is a goody!
This was great!
Sounds like a plan.
Good warning! Thanks for this!!!
Prepare for huge spikes in violent crimes in the very near future. When citizens stop giving these leeches handouts, they’ll get desperate and turn to crime to get what they want or need.
The really bad thing about this is all red states have democrat party offices.
From Moonbattery:
Biden Denies Obama Administration Scandals
“Space does not permit listing more than a tiny percentage of Obama’s major scandals, so I’ll just bring up a few that still make me grind my teeth:
• Massive illegal cash payments to America’s worst enemy Iran.
• Allowing Hezbollah to smuggle cocaine into USA to curry favor with Iran.
• Abandoning all responsibility when Americans came under attack in Benghazi.
• Commuting the sentence of Bradley Manning, who had committed about 750,000 counts of treason.
• Weaponizing the IRS, DOJ, and FBI to target conservatives.
• Illegally trading five top Taliban terrorists for worthless traitor Bowe Bergdahl.
• Helping Mexican criminals smuggle arms across the border.
• Brazen “green energy: payoffs to contributors, e.g., Solyndra.
• Dishonestly ramming through Iran nuclear deal.
• His former Secretary of State erasing subpoenaed documents stored on her unsecured private email server.
• The VA disaster.
• Using drones to execute American citizens without due process.
• The Pigford Pigout.
• GSA living like debauched Roman emperors on our dime.
• Flagrantly wasting massive sums of money in the name of “stimulus.”
• Allowing New Black Panthers to scare whites away from polls.
• Attacking Libya without congressional approval, with catastrophic consequences.
If I missed your choice for the most infuriating of the multitudinous Obama scandals, please sound off in the comments.
As for lies, the 2013 Lie of the Year, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it” may go down as the most arrogant lie a politician has ever told — even if the lie that the Obama Administration was scandal-free is actually more arrogant still.”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did a good job again today countering nasty witch Margaret Brennan’s half truths and outright lies. She constantly tried to trip him up with trick questions about Iran and Russia.
It’s scary to think The Obama Administration not only arranged for huge amounts of Uranium to be transferred to Russia. And they also sent as much as $150 billion to Iran they can use to expedite the weaponization of the Uranium.
And now Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, attack U.S. military bases in the middle east and manufacturing nuclear weapons they can use to sink one of our aircraft carriers.
Thanks Obama. Our brave military forces and their families will hold you responsible if Iran does indeed use nukes against us.
Very soon we will not be able to trust anything we see or hear….I hate technology.
The Beast out of the Earth
11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Revelations 13:11-17
Technology….sold to mankind with the promise of improving life…
– made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast
– performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.
– was given power to perform ….(and) it deceived the inhabitants of the earth.
– give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak
We even NAMED “it” IT…INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY….and gave IT intelligence, in the For, of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)
Consider the corporate logo of one of the best know, giant IT companies…
“In 1954 he committed suicide, by cyanide poising. A half eaten apple was found with his body, which was thought to have contained the cyanide. Hence forth a half eaten apple was a symbol for Alan Turing and his life’s work; and thus the apple logo, with a bite out of it was a reference to this.”
….a practicing homosexual who believed in fortune telling and credited as being the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence committed suicide, and IN HONOR OF THIS what would become one of the biggest, most well-known, and wealthiest IT corporation in the entire world adopted the logo of an apple with a bite taken out of it.
Seeing the apple like that was thinking a bit bigger as in the Garden of Eve.

Man was tricked into dooming by eating the forbidden fruit…
….and in later centuries doomed himself once again by creating technology and artificial intelligence…
….ushering in a time when “all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, (were forced) to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark”
The mark….??
A microchip implant….no bigger than a grain of rice….
Here how this is going to go down…
Initially, it would be the sheep who blindly desire to be chipped for their own “convenience” leading the way.
Then, it would become remarkably inconvenient not to be chipped – sort of like it’s nearly impossible to not have a bank account these days.
Then, the last holdouts could be forcibly chipped by law.
Chip is going to be old fashion soon. Work is done on the nano scale and you won’t need no chip. You just need a bottle of water or anything else laced with it and if you produce your own they’ll have a mosquito bring it to you.
But still a good day to be alive! 🙂
More Ant Hills, Less Ant Mounds!
Lets Hurry Up and Get Off This Rock!
Space Force!
“The Internet of Things” = “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”
“Fruit” = “Apple”; “Macintosh”
Yes… and as Q would remind us, they do love their symbols.
Yeah, that moment when you’re watching the news, and you realize that Revelation wasn’t so much prophecy, as it was a documentary 😉
I mean, we survived “The Late Great Planet Earth” crowd and countless campy rapture movies – but we still hadn’t seen anything like Big Tech yet… even into the 90s we believed that there would be Internet-enabled phone booths all over the place!
The latest developments I see from Big Tech and China definitely give me chills! No one being able to buy or trade without the Mark of the Facebook/Apple Beast? Yeah about that!
someone from the ancient past…, say, John….who wrote the book of Revelations…
…..if he saw these images….
….would’ve asked “what are these people worshipping?”
One is reminded of 2001, the apes and the Monolith…
One also wonders about the various *x operating system variants. The screen handler is named “curses”, driver and system services programs are called “demons/daemons”, and often the default file access code, rw-rw-rw- (2+4+0, in threes) is 666. Kernigan and Ritchie were both involved in the dark arts, if not Satanists.
And, with the exception of a few niche embedded systems, and vanishingly rare legacy OS’s, ALL computer operating systems out there are derivatives of UNIX…
When I started doing OS and systems and hardware work (early 1960s), Ux didn’t exist, and its parent OS, MULTICS, was a DOD speciality OS just getting off the ground. Finally, the name UNIX is itself a dirty pun on the word MULTICS and eunuch…
Probably won’t be long before Windows morphs into yet another variant of *x. They’ve already added many POSIX features, entire subsystems. All that’s left is the infinitely-delayed filesystem rewrite… And with Win10 (or Win 1 0 as I call it), you’re stuck… (no) Thanks, Nutella…
I knew it TOO! Years ago asking myself the question ‘how long will it take before we can no longer tell the difference’?
For me, it really became an issue after the film The Matrix. If you can manipulate every single pixel and associated metadata—-digital evidence is no longer reliable as evidence. We will have to go retro back to using old fashioned film and analog tape recordings etc…….
I also do not like the idea of all of my earnings and savings being represented as digital currency. Call me paranoid. Crazy world we live in!
I tried to raise this point in response to someone laughing at Obola for claiming videos would be faked.
Maybe not this year, but soon.
On the previous thread we were discussing technology, kicked off by a Mark Dice video explaining why we won’t be able to trust the images and videos we see in the very near future.
And on the very next thread comes a post about the Nation of Israel honoring the current POTUS, who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem….a historic first.
And all this….on. Sunday….a day of worship….in a community of the practicing faithful….
thanks for all of the tech posts …very interesting and disturbing
You are welcome. Take it with a grain of salt and remember that no matter what, the war is already won and we know who wins in the end! 😁
Disturbing indeed…
Hey FG&C!
Glad you’re now an AUTHOR here – Congrats!
“we won’t be able to trust the images and videos we see”
What better way to remind everyone that REAL LIFE is the best source: what we see, and hear, and experience DIRECTLY will always trump virtual info.
It’s time to get back to basics! One must find out for oneself what’s going on, in ones own home, in ones own town, and in ones own country.
Fresh air, too!
Hope you’re well!
Wow. Thank you. You’re exactly right. As usual. Hope the same for you. Please post more often!
Most of this is well known to those on the right but it is still quite something to see it presented in an article. There are probably many more examples of Mueller wrongdoing that we are not even aware of…
Robert Mueller: A Scary and Mendacious Man (article by John Dale Dunn at American Thinker)
That Sydney Powell interview was excellent. Thanks for posting both of these.
Sorry for misspelling…Sidney!
Very welcome. I thought they might make a nice bookend to your OP.
Just as we should not forget to mention the name of Valerie Jarrett when speaking of Barry Soetoro (aka “Barack Obama”), we should never forget to mention the name of Andrew Weismann when speaking of Robert Mueller.
Tim Pool discusses Big Tech dangers ahead…
Hong Kong….been reading about the enlarged crowd of protesters in the streets of Hong Kong (1.6 to 2 million estimated!).
A couple of comments…I was there about 4 years ago and had a very good tour guide, an older woman who had lived through many stages of HK history and told fascinating stories of her parents’ generation coming to HK. She was very forthcoming and pragmatic without the fears our other guides throughout China had to deal with.
She said at that time people, seeing the handwriting on the wall, were taking their money and assets out…primarily to Vancouver, BC. So, this is not a recent development, as some news stories would like you to think. Singapore had already surpassed HK as a financial center.
Second point that I have yet to see mentioned, but IMO, very critical is that HK gets all its water supply from mainland China. At least it did a few years ago, according to this guide. Talk about leverage!
Trump accuses NY Times of ‘virtual treason’ after report exposing U.S. cyber-targeting of Russian infrastructure: He’s right
Posted on June 16, 2019 by usafeaturesmedia in Constitution, Current Events, Cyberwar, Deep State, Executive Branch, First Amendment, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, National Security, World
By Jon Dougherty
We need someone to mount a counter-attack against the propaganda media with TRUTH NEWS.
No, what we need to do is put people in prison for committing treason against the USA by exposing national security secrets with the intent to harm a political rival due to partisan political bias.
That too.
I believe we need to stop listening to them in any format and stop buying their bs as if it were a real consideration. Stop supporting them and their sponsors. Let them lie to each other because they have no other audience but like minded corrupted liars.
You may recall the story of Lot and his family being warned to flee from their city and its impending judgement and to head for the hills without looking back. You may also recall that his wife turned around to satisfy her curiosity and was turned into what some, today, believe was a pillar of salt.
This raised a question in my mind as I first read that story, for if you believe in the creditability of the one issuing the warning, and, you know that they have a track record of doing what they say, why would anyone look back for the destruction?
I suggest all or part of two reasons; Curiosity prompted by lack of personal conviction, or else, that was where her heart remained.
Listening to any news outlet spend the opening 10 minutes expounding on the corruption and lies of others so that they can remind us that they are more virtuous does little to convince me that they are much different. Unless and until there are consequences for treason and corruption, nothing will change. There is nothing of interest in their stories that you can talk differently than the lies they are.
The Economic Reset Plan Is Working, Next Phase On Deck – Episode 1894a
[DS] Panicking, Moving To Event Phase, Patriots Ready To Counter – Episode 1894b
“The private life is dead” in Denver….
Hope the right picture shows up..her campaign sign is identical to AOC… same handlers
Oh HO!!! That Young Turks guy with the vile vocabulary is involved. They are pushing communism and Islam – in other words oppressive, oligarchical totalitarianism.
Islamo-nazi global conquest.
“I believe in community ownership of land…”
Which land? All land? The lot your home is built on? The multiple-acre ranch outside of town that has been in a family for generations?
We can start by giving the “community” your own land and see how that works out. Also, any “resources” it might have, like a creek or stream. Everyone can come over to fish and swim. That’ll be fun for the community.
Communists are envious, conniving thieves.
What a female donkey……
We remember ALL of Øbominable’s lies, his corrupt, communist, racist thugocracy and his abuses of power.
Reblogged this on Bren's voice and commented:
I have to post this and continue my thoughts…..will holster the key board for awhile as I pray that my words will be given in the LOVE that ABBA , Father, and Think*3 wants them to be spoken
Where have PhoenixRising, Marica, Sylvia, NYGuy54, Trumpismine, andrew1979, churchmouse, PHC, and so many others gone??
Well, Marica, Sylvia and Phoenix are spending a lot of time over on PHC’s blog. He is now in hospice, and there is a party over on his blog every day to keep him company.
I miss the others you mention, too. I haven’t seen them around.
churchmouse posted on her blog a little while back that she was stopping comments b/c her time commitments she could not monitor or moderate messages.
I’m back now, many thanks for asking!
Have been reading every post and all the comments on the open topic threads. Should be caught up by this weekend.
A long old English Poem for the day celebrating father’s love.
A dedication to WOLFMOON as you plod along searching and seeking with the heart and steadfastness of THE FATHER of our souls, you follow along with strong Feet that followed, followed after. But with unhurrying chase, And unperturbèd pace, the pack to seek out the food that feeds and to warn and protect from danger.
May we all see and hear the steadfastness of the footsteps that follow us through out our lives, it is the heart of THE GOOD SHEPHERD seeking to save the lost or wondering sheep. Does The Good Shepherd use a faithful sheep dog?
The Hound of Heaven
Francis Thompson (1859-1907)
I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;
I fled Him, down the arches of the years;
I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways
Of my own mind; and in the mist of tears
I hid from Him, and under running laughter.
Up vistaed hopes I sped;
And shot, precipitated,
Adown Titanic glooms of chasmed fears,
From those strong Feet that followed, followed after.
But with unhurrying chase,
And unperturbèd pace,
Deliberate speed, majestic instancy,
They beat–and a Voice beat
More instant than the Feet–
“All things betray thee, who betrayest Me.”
I pleaded, outlaw-wise,
By many a hearted casement, curtained red,
Trellised with intertwining charities
(For, though I knew His love Who followed,
Yet was I sore adread
Lest having Him, I must have naught beside);
But if one little casement parted wide,
The gust of His approach would clash it to.
Fear wist not to evade, as Love wist to pursue.
Across the margent of the world I fled,
And troubled the gold gateways of the stars,
Smiting for shelter on their clanged bars;
Fretted to dulcet jars
And silvern chatter the pale ports o’ the moon.
I said to dawn, Be sudden; to eve, Be soon;
With thy young skyey blossoms heap me over
From this tremendous Lover!
Float thy vague veil about me, lest He see!
I tempted all His servitors, but to find
My own betrayal in their constancy,
In faith to Him their fickleness to me,
Their traitorous trueness, and their loyal deceit.
To all swift things for swiftness did I sue;
Clung to the whistling mane of every wind.
But whether they swept, smoothly fleet,
The long savannahs of the blue;
Or whether, Thunder-driven,
They clanged his chariot ‘thwart a heaven
Plashy with flying lightnings round the spurn o’ their feet–
Still with unhurrying chase,
And unperturbèd pace,
Deliberate speed, majestic instancy,
Came on the following Feet,
And a Voice above their beat–
“Naught shelters thee, who wilt not shelter Me.”
I sought no more that after which I strayed
In face of man or maid;
But still within the little children’s eyes
Seems something, something that replies;
They at least are for me, surely for me!
I turned me to them very wistfully;
But, just as their young eyes grew sudden fair
With dawning answers there,
Their angel plucked them from me by the hair.
“Come then, ye other children, Nature’s–share
With me,” said I, “your delicate fellowship;
Let me greet you lip to lip,
Let me twine with you caresses,
With our Lady-Mother’s vagrant tresses’
With her in her wind-walled palace,
Underneath her azured daïs,
Quaffing, as your taintless way is,
From a chalice
Lucent-weeping out of the dayspring.”
So it was done;
I in their delicate fellowship was one–
Drew the bolt of Nature’s secrecies.
I knew all the swift importings
On the wilful face of skies;
I knew how the clouds arise
Spumèd of the wild sea-snortings;
All that’s born or dies
Rose and drooped with–made them shapers
Of mine own moods, or wailful or divine–
With them joyed and was bereaven.
I was heavy with the even,
When she lit her glimmering tapers
Round the day’s dead sanctities.
I laughed in the morning’s eyes.
I triumphed and I saddened with all weather,
Heaven and I wept together,
And its sweet tears were salt with mortal mine;
Against the red throb of its sunset-heart
I laid my own to beat,
And share commingling heat;
But not by that, by that, was eased my human smart.
In vain my tears were wet on Heaven’s gray cheek.
For ah! we know not what each other says,
These things and I; in sound I speak–
Their sound is but their stir, they speak by silences.
Nature, poor stepdame, cannot slake my drouth;
Let her, if she would owe me,
Drop yon blue bosom-veil of sky, and show me
The breasts of her tenderness;
Never did any milk of hers once bless
My thirsting mouth.
Nigh and nigh draws the chase,
With unperturbèd pace,
Deliberate speed, majestic instancy;
And past those noisèd Feet
A voice comes yet more fleet–
“Lo naught contents thee, who content’st not Me.”
Naked I wait Thy love’s uplifted stroke!
My harness piece by piece Thou hast hewn from me,
And smitten me to my knee;
I am defenseless utterly.
I slept, methinks, and woke,
And, slowly gazing, find me stripped in sleep.
In the rash lustihead of my young powers,
I shook the pillaring hours
And pulled my life upon me; grimed with smears,
I stand amid the dust o’ the mounded years–
My mangled youth lies dead beneath the heap.
My days have crackled and gone up in smoke,
Have puffed and burst as sun-starts on a stream.
Yea, faileth now even dream
The dreamer, and the lute the lutanist;
Even the linked fantasies, in whose blossomy twist
I swung the earth a trinket at my wrist,
Are yielding; cords of all too weak account
For earth with heavy griefs so overplussed.
Ah! is Thy love indeed
A weed, albeit amaranthine weed,
Suffering no flowers except its own to mount?
Ah! must–
Designer infinite!–
Ah! must Thou char the wood ere Thou canst limn with it?
My freshness spent its wavering shower i’ the dust;
And now my heart is a broken fount,
Wherein tear-drippings stagnate, spilt down ever
From the dank thoughts that shiver
Upon the sighful branches of my mind.
Such is; what is to be?
The pulp so bitter, how shall taste the rind?
I dimly guess what Time in mist confounds;
Yet ever and anon a trumpet sounds
From the hid battlements of Eternity;
Those shaken mists a space unsettle, then
Round the half-glimpsed turrets slowly wash again.
But not ere him who summoneth
I first have seen, enwound
With blooming robes, purpureal, cypress-crowned;
His name I know, and what his trumpet saith.
Whether man’s heart or life it be which yields
Thee harvest, must Thy harvest fields
Be dunged with rotten death?
Now of that long pursuit
Comes on at hand the bruit;
That Voice is round me like a bursting sea:
“And is thy earth so marred,
Shattered in shard on shard?
Lo, all things fly thee, for thou fliest Me!
Strange, piteous, futile thing,
Wherefore should any set thee love apart?
Seeing none but I makes much of naught,” He said,
“And human love needs human meriting,
How hast thou merited–
Of all man’s clotted clay rhe dingiest clot?
Alack, thou knowest not
How little worthy of any love thou art!
Whom wilt thou find to love ignoble thee
Save Me, save only Me?
All which I took from thee I did but take,
Not for thy harms.
But just that thou might’st seek it in my arms.
All which thy child’s mistake
Fancies as lost, I have stored for the at home;
Rise, clasp My hand, and come!”
Halts by me that footfall;
Is my gloom, after all,
Shade of His hand, outstreched caressingly?
“Ah, fondest, blindest, weakest,
I am He Whom thou seekest!
Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me.”
Francis Thompson (1859-1907)
I can’t write poetry like others here, and their works speak to my heart. This one is a difficlut read, but a powerful and comforting message is contained therein.
Happy Father’s day! To those fathers who are grieving the loss of relationship with children or the physical loss of their lives, I pray God’s comfort and SHALOM for your heart.
Amazing Polly has reached 100,000 subs on youtube. Congrats to an amazing woman!
When “Brian” took his 16-year-old daughter “Eliza” to A Woman’s Pregnancy Center in Tallahassee, Florida, the last thing he was expecting was to be ministered to as well.
When a client comes into A Women’s Pregnancy Center with another person, the staff determines the other person’s relationship to the client and invites the support person to speak with a different counselor about their thoughts and feelings on the client’s situation.
“What we’ve found is they’re worried, they’re concerned, they ask how much longer it’s going to be, and we see that concern from the lobby,” said Sherri Daume, director of client services.“We see it as a ministry opportunity, a chance to share Jesus, that we don’t want to overlook.”
A Woman’s Pregnancy Center, located near the Florida State University campus, has served the community for over 30 years with pregnancy testing, post-abortion recovery and one-on-one mentoring for men and women. The center sees approximately 1,400 clients per year.
A few minutes after Eliza was called from the waiting room for her ultrasound appointment, a male counselor called for Brian.
Brian told the counselor he wanted his daughter to be safe but didn’t know how to make that happen. As for his wife, she was dead-set on Eliza having an abortion.
The counselor listened to Brian’s concerns and gently reminded him of his identity in Christ.
“You are Eliza’s father, and this is what God calls fathers to do,” the counselor told Brian.
“I’ve got goose pimples just remembering,” Daume said. “One man telling another man, ‘You are made in the image of God for a reason and a purpose. You are Eliza’s father AND the grandfather of her child. He is the Creator of the Universe and has given you this role. Trust Him, and He will equip you to take care of your family.’ Brian came out of that session with a totally different demeanor.”
Daume didn’t know about the transformation in Brian’s heart at the time. She was focused on performing an ultrasound on Eliza in the other room. Of course, Eliza had her own list of concerns—the fact that she was on the track team and her shame because her parents didn’t even know she was having sex.
As Eliza was signing papers for the ultrasound, Brian walked into the room.
“There’s a dynamic when the woman is there by herself, but when the male person or the support person she came with walks in the room, her demeanor changes,” Daume said.
Eliza was too ashamed to look at her dad. With her head turned away, she couldn’t see Brian’s eyes welling up with tears.
Daume started the ultrasound, and as soon as they saw the baby’s heartbeat, Eliza gasped and tears started running down her cheeks.
Daume saw the compassion in Brian’s eyes and asked if he was her dad and what he thought of the situation.
“Baby girl, we’ve got this,” Brian told Eliza, “You don’t have to do this.”
Eliza kept looking at the ultrasound screen.
“Look at me,” Brian whispered. Eliza turned to him, and he rubbed her arm.
“Yes, we’ve got this,” he said. “I’m going to take care of you.”
Eliza burst into tears. Her relief was overwhelming that she did not have to abort her child. After finishing the ultrasound, the staff let Eliza off the table so she could give her father a hug.
Daume said the staff has had moments like this with roommates, moms, and even grandmas raising five kids.
“It’s all about ministering to the support person based on what’s going on from their perspective,” Daume said. “The support person is often as confused and scared for their loved one as the client herself. They might have a grandchild or niece or nephew in the picture. They usually want to help the client but don’t know how. We equip the support person with information and resources that help them support their loved one in a relevant way.”
LifeNews Note: Jen writes for Heartbeat International and Pregnancy Help News and is a fellow at the Baton Exchange, a Christian leadership development program for millennials. She recently graduated from Cedarville University and grew up in northeast Ohio.
An amazing conversation between two brilliant women…this is worth every minute of your time.
How did George Stephanopoulos not know that President Trump would use his interview to undermine the Pelosi impeachment narrative is beyond my ability to comprehend, BUT… these people are stupid.
@Emeraldstar, look at my comment again. That’s exactly what I was saying; that the “all roads” BS IS A TRAP. And if you look up Emerson C. Fosdick and the National Council of Churches (and the Rockefellers, for that matter), you’ll see where it started in America. OTOH, that heresy actually started in the Garden of Eden, with the Serpent, Satan.
In that den of Wicca, Satanism, New Age, and other cults, the Silicon Valley, True Christianity is all but vanishing. One cannot go anywhere without being proseletyzed by any number of evil people, yet, if only a word about Jesus and Salvation is mentioned, the PC police (and probably before long, the real police) will be circling round in minutes…
That doctor should have been told to keep his “recruiting” to outside of office hours…