20200207: Democrat Debate Thread

Please consider this our Dem Debate thread.

The Dems are in complete disarray, we have no confidence in the Iowa results. Allegedly we have Pete at 564 and Bernie at 562, but Bernie won the “popular vote” by over 2,000. Note that Bernie won the popular vote over Hillary in 2016 as well, and Hillary didn’t complain about popular vote back then. Hmmmmm.

Dem Congressmen and pundits are calling for Tom Perez to resign because, “The Dem Party is in chaos”. James Carville is about to lose his mind. And Karl Rove told us 79 districts had MORE total votes in the 3rd round than the 1st round, which is impossible……. unless someone cheated.

Bottom line, Trump won Iowa. We also have a MAGA/KAG Rally on Monday night with a New Hampshire Primary on Tuesday.

Let’s hope the chaos in the Dem Party lasts the rest of the year.

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CM in TN

This is so gonna be an epic train wreck!


Good time to drop this herecomment image


Daughn, you are a glutton for punishment 😄
Me thinks the Iowa Fu*ckup was intentional – not just insiders screwing with Bernie, but bigger picture … it is a precursor to the cries we will hear when Trump wins national that ‘fair’ elections didn’t happen anywhere in 2020, AND this bologna about popular vote vs delegate votes – this is All Too Convenient to have the Dems feeling cheated in a state election when popular vote doesn’t match delegate allocation. That state vote has NOTHING to do with our Constitutional Electoral College.
Butt-gudge is already calling to abolish Electoral College.

Concerned Virginian

Heard some of the “Brian Kilmeade Show” this morning. He had on a former top aide to Joe Biden on (I disremember the mans’ name).
It appears that the Biden campaign sees the South Carolina caucus as a “firewall”. His opinion: If Biden comes in anything lower than 2nd in South Carolina, there will be “serious discussions” within the campaign regarding “viability”.
And then there’s that article on http://www.businessinsider.com/ that talks about Bernie Sanders’ legal team researching about whether or not he can name Elizabeth Warren as BOTH VP and Sec of State in a potential Sanders White House.
And then there’s what I heard on the early-morning show on 700WLW about the Michael Bloomberg campaign and how he’s literally “wining and dining” potential voters with catered dinners. Think the insurance salesmen who give you that “steak dinner and discussion about your retirement income” at the local Ruth’s Chris restaurant — the Bloomberg dinners apparently are a 4-star version of these.


Can I sign up for a four star dinner? Enjoy the meal and start promoting M A G A 😉 Gosh, I could have fun with that one!


True story:
My Dad used to take us on these weird “vacations.” I was too young to really understand what was going on, but we would have to sit and listen to a “presentation,” and then Dad would get something; a silver dollar coin, a radio, a cooler. Then he would say “no, thanks,” and we would leave.
I thought it was so weird until I grew up and realized he just wanted the “free stuff.”
What makes it extra funny is, my Dad, although self-made, was a very well-off man.

Harry Lime

I don’t know…the remaining candidates are looking pretty gosh darn pale…the primary voters on the Dem side must be a bunch of flaming racists.
And if Marianne Williamson isn’t going to be there (and I mean physically in person…not spiritually or by ouija board) then where is the entertainment value?


C’mon Harry. Don’t you miss Obama telling us everything that’s wrong about us? I miss being shamed by him & Paul Ryan. I wish Butt-gudge would stop being so gosh-darn nice and tell me I can’t be a Democrat like he did that other pro-lifer. 🤓

Harry Lime

Oh, I’m sure there will be plenty of that nonsense…I just might watch to see if any socialist cat fights break out…that’s always a good time.


Cuppa Covfefe

“More divided”…
More like drawn and quartered, or diversected…

Sadie Slays

I wasn’t even aware there was a Democratic debate tonight until I saw this thread. I guess the media didn’t want to draw much attention to it after the horrible week the Democrats just had.

Sadie Slays

I quickly checked in hoping for some post-Iowa drama, but it seems they’re pretending like nothing happened. Lame.

Harry Lime

5 minutes in and I had to lumber to the medicine cabinet…comment image
I don’t think I can make it much longer. All of these people are just annoying and unlikeable. Not to mention insane.


I bet the # of viewers will hit all-time low. But lies will cover that 😂


I don’t know if I can stomach this or not, gonna try to hang in here a little while, but will probably go back and finish watching the Beck piece…fell asleep last night.
Did a little battle on Farce book today…someone I know personally is rabid on the White House page….so against my better judgement, I replied to one of her comments. I stayed factual and respectful through several exchanges and she actually turned the rhetoric down a few notches….of course she always has to have the “last word”🙄
Funniest part of it is, she already had screenshots of her venomous crap posted on her own little group page…in anticipation of arguing with one of “the minions”….this is how they operate….patting each other and agreeing how orange man bad. I really think they get paid for responses 🤷Anyway, there have been NO replies to her OP, other than mine, and her groupies are “still waiting” because she will not post our exchanges as she pretty much had her a$$ handed to her 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m gonna need a hot shower and a stiff drink if I watch this garbage….

Harry Lime

Oh, good grief these people are delusional. We are so fortunate, as Americans, that none of them will ever become president.


I don’t think I could listen to Bernie yell and watch his gestures for 4 years 😳
If they manage to cheat their way in can we pool our resources and move the Wolf den to a secluded private island? Maybe a British one since Boris is in charge over there…..🤷

Harry Lime

There’s no way they can manufacture that many fake votes. It gonna be a landslide.

Harry Lime

WE MUST FIGHT CORRUPTION!!! ……(except the Bidens).


and says that is who we are…..as truth comes out this may come back to bite him. a truer statement that the Dem followers maybe realize…lying, corrupt, criminal and possibly/probably treasonous Vindman really Is who the Dem leaders are


O. M. G. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Steyer just bragged that he started the impeach now movement in fall of ’17.
Just bragged that his father prosecuted nazi’s for war crimes and that is why he went after President Trump, because he looked to his father’s example
buttijudgejudge just said No to letting President Trump investigate Biden & that Trump is trying to turn Biden on his own son
Biden had everyone give Vindman standing ovation


We need to pull up your post from last March re Styer!


Wonder if we ought to have general opposition research? so much already available on Warren, Sanders and Biden…but what about bloomberg, steyer, buttigieg…some may not have “dirt” but just terrible positions?


Maybe POTUS can hook him up😉


Amy just said she can see Canada from her porch…
Will SNL make a fake news sketch of her?

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably a few cases of soda stacked out on the porch.
Canada Dry…

Cuppa Covfefe

Ying’s not there either… 😎


Biden wouldn’t have ordered the strike on Solemeni






Pete the CHEAT.
Screwing Bernie was bad enough.
This seals the deal:
Rinse & Repeat !!!


Pete the CHEAT.
Rinse & Repeat.
Pete the CHEAT.
Rinse & Repeat.


He also claimed victory in Iowa in the first couple of hours of a week long count.
There was a connection between someone on his staff and the software company




If we post on enough blogs, POTUS may pick it up … it STICKS!


I’m in !! Today I’ve been working the hashtag #TakeBackTheHouse.
#PeteTheCheat will be next 😁




So far

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh, I really need new glasses… misread that link (where the break is)…


Steyer talking about climate change…fossil fuels…thinking about what we know about Steyer’s investments


Climate will be fine. Environment will be fine. Earth will be fine.
People OTOH are already off-the-charts murderers of their own race, beginning with the unborn.

Cuppa Covfefe



Legalize opioids ?????? He said that ??????


That’s not what I meant


You know what three days in rehab is for an opioid addict?
An appetizer.

Rodney Short

Let the festivities begin, wake me up when they start eating each other.

Cuppa Covfefe

Is one of them named Raoul?
(ducks and runs…)



The reason Obama did nothing about the opioid crisis is it was killing off the people who would never have voted for him, lower-middle-class and poor white men in the South.

Cuppa Covfefe

And it was the souce of funding for Øblowhole’s overlords, the Deep State and the TLAs…


Sleepy Joe is not so sleepy tonight….must have drunk a Red Bull back stage. He is ANGRY


Angry at all the Malarky ???


And apparently he did it singlehandedly




And they say WE are stacking the courts??


And there’s the race card 🙄

Cuppa Covfefe

So she rejected an old flame… how DARE she…


what did Biden’s supporter in SC say that was supposedly racist? that one of Steyer’s SC supporters was “bought”. That is it? So now race card being used against Dems in a stupid, stupid way.
Biden says we need to stop taking black vote/POC vote for granted. Admitting that they do take it for granted


Bernie yells and pokes the air
Lizzie lectures and scolds and harps
Amy shakes her head a lot and eats with a comb
Steyer can’t pick a decent tie and pushes the race card
Pete the Cheat wants to paint rainbows everywhere
Yang seems halfway sensible but is probably CCP
Joe just wants to stay out of jail and sniff hair
These are their choices to beat TRUMP????!!!
And their ACE in the hole at a contested convention is gonna be a drunken broke down old hag
Sure am glad I’m not a Dimwit

Cuppa Covfefe

The Wookie and the Crookie…


Wait….black people have to borrow more $ to go to college than white people?? Is tuition different based on race? Mozzie will have a plan for that.



My goodness, he looks like a serial killer in that photo!


Yep, and a thick pair of glasses would make him look like the “typical” mass s#00ter

Cuppa Covfefe

Leaving the CornPop(s) cowering in fear…



Ooh Don Jr must have drawn the short straw for Friday night debate watch 🤓





Lizzie wants to invest in the children….I guess she wants to let a few escape being aborted 🙄


Sleepy Joe didn’t focus on $ for himself….cause he was funneling it all to Where’sHunter 😳


I’m out….my ears hurt from hearing them use so many words to say nothing at all


hello….hello….HELLO..???? No one is here. We all quit! hahahahaha
I took a break ’cause I was over it and seems everyone else left in the mean time.
Ok, I will turn out the light and head to another thread.


Just want to say thank you to all!
This thread has a labor of love and dedication by all of you above and beyond what any of us, after what we have been through in the past few years, can manage to stomach or should have to.
You are the best and most loyal of Deplorables and such a blessing to all of us.
No one should have to listen to these lying, despicable, misery causing politicians.
God bless you all for being there for the rest of us.


I think this thread is dead….

Barb Meier

It came to me early this morning. Bernie Sanders has always been an “Independent” though he “caucuses” with the Democrats for purposes of committee appointments and such. That means the Democrats leading candidate is not fully a Democrat party member. Hence, Democrats had to outsource to get their leading candidate. How’s that for a party that sux?