Dear KMAG: 20200308 Open Topic

This Superlative Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

Please show respect and consideration for your fellow QTreepers.

Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster.

If you feel the need to bare your fangs, we have a companion site – called The U Tree – where you can run wild and free with the Wolfpack where all legal free speech is allowed.

But NOT HERE in The Q Tree. Personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.

In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.


Our movement is about replacing a failed and CORRUPT political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. ~ Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, you can find something here that will build you up a little . . . give you a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn nor weep.” . . . “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Not Of This World

John 17:14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 

John 17:14 . . . for they [we] are not of this world . . .
Philippians 3:20 . . . we are citizens of heaven . . .
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world . . .
Ephesians 5:7 . . . do not associate with them . . .
2 Corinthians 6:17 . . . be separate from them . . .

So, is that it? As Christians we need to isolate ourselves from this fallen world and all of its evil influences?

Of course not.

We are in this world. To be more specific, God has placed us in this world. And we are to let our light so shine among men that they see our good works (that God prepared beforehand for us to do) and thereby glorify our Father in heaven. (Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5:16)

John Bunyan was right. We are pilgrims here, poor wayfaring strangers traveling through this weary land, until we take up our eternal citizenship in heaven.

How does this “in the world but not of the world” thing really work? What does it mean to follow Christ in a fallen world?

Anyone who says he is a Christian must live as Christ did. (1 John 2:6)

Does this mean we all must become itinerant teachers and preacher’s of God’s Word, wearing sandals and working our way through the countryside gathering disciples and trying to convince people to trust in God?

Again, of course not!

Jesus was raised, along with His brothers and sisters, by His mother, Mary and father, Joseph, a tekton by trade, a laborer or workman, possibly a carpenter or builder. He was raised, probably among similar class families, in Nazareth, a region of Galilee, two thousand years ago. Jesus and His family undoubtedly worshiped God at the local synagogue and observed the Jewish holy days of the time.

After the start of His ministry, Jesus was constantly among the people, mostly Jews, but, occasionally, gentiles. He did eat and drink with sinners (Luke 5:29-30), attended at least one wedding (John 2:1-11), and was an invited guest in the homes of several people (Luke 7:36). Undoubtedly, there were many other of such instances.

At times, Jesus would get away from the press of the crowds with His closest disciples. And, I would believe, during those times He would rest and relax a bit, enjoying the fellowship of those around Him. I also believe at those times, and others, He would appreciate the warmth of the sun, a cooling breeze, the smell of newly plowed ground, the sounds of the birds around Him, and, perhaps, the unexpected pleasure of some honey, or seasonal olives, grapes, dates or figs with His normal staples of gritty bread and fish.

Jesus was definitely in the world. But, of the world? That’s entirely another matter.

Jesus is the embodiment of His Father in heaven, having the overarching characteristic of perfect love, agapé love, that permeates His thoughts, words and actions.

So, how does agapé love manifest itself in the world? In many ways, as evidenced by God’s Word: by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Agapé love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Agapé love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Agapé love never fails.

Jesus had friends . . . His disciples . . . but they, all of them, were more than just friends. They were His family: “For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.”(Mark 3:35)

Jesus associated with sinners and tax collectors and the like because “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17) He loved them, agapé love, love that seeks their best welfare . . . but He was not, in our customary usage, their friend, even though He is the best Friend a sinner will ever have.

And so Jesus, our Savior, our Great Example, shows us how to be in the world but not of the world. It’s the difference between physical location and purpose of action.

Paul and Peter follow up with their teachings on Christian behavior in our fallen world-

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that . . . you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;  (Philippians 1:27)

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.  (Colossians 4:5-6)

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former desires which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior;  (1 Peter 1:13-16)

Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.  (1 Peter 2:12)

Therefore I urge you, brothers, on account of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2)

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When reading your Sunday posts, Carl, I cannot help but think of T3…who I believe set the stage for you and your awesome Sunday OPs.
I hope he is doing well. I have not seen a post from him in a very long time.
Anyway, thanks for another great OP. They are not easy to create, and they take much thought, time, and effort.
Have a great Sunday!


FG&C – T3 is an active participant in the chatroom that Wolfie set up on GAB. He has helped us newbies figure out several things on GAB, and it’s nice to have him drop in there.
I miss T3 here, and I’m so grateful to Carl for leading us in our Sunday worship. Thanks, Carl for today’s lessons. 💖✝️🇺🇸


Good to hear! Please give him my regards. 🙂


Will do 👍


Well, it’s the start of another week. May God bless and protect us from the dark forces.


Reminds me of a meme I saw yesterday..
time change,
Full moon
Friday the 13th.
AND all this without toilet paper nor hand sanitizers!
May the force be with us!


Don’t forget…..
The Ides of March

Sadie Slays

What are the odds of Joe Biden having a “sudden health emergency” as soon primary season wraps up? It would give the DNC a good excuse to select who they really want at the convention without too much drama.


Lol…snicker. .


Hah! Love it, Carl.
And thank you for another thoughtful and uplifting Sunday open thread!


“The clothes that gave no king” 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍


Spot on, except this would occur after the convention. See my post at the end of yesterday’s Open thread.
Btw….someone mentioned the number 33 in a post yesterday, but I can’t remember the context. I only remember thinking you needed to see that post. And I said as much, too.


It was about number 33 across multiple virus articles.

Sadie Slays

Sorry I missed that post. I tried searching for it, but couldn’t find it. In general, it’s a good rule of thumb to be on alert whenever the number 33 shows up. At minimum, it’s used as code in the media. Weird stuff tends to happen on dates connected to 33, too (3/3, 3/11, 3/30, and 11/3 in particular).


Dollars to donuts


Is there an International Men’s Day?
Askin’ for a friend… google is telling everyone that today 3/8/2020 is International Women’s Day…
Who decided that? And why is a special day for women needed? All the women I know pretty much declare a day their’s whenever they feel like it………………………


Radio station is pushing this as well

Sylvia Avery

What are we supposed to DO on International Women’s Day, exactly? It’s too late to book a spa day………Wear pink? Paint our nails? Watch the Lifetime Channel? Honestly, it makes me want to wear camo and go to the range………….maybe smoke a cigar……..

Sadie Slays

From the memoryhole:
Last year, they released “Captain Marvel” on International Women’s Day. But what made this movie release especially creepy is that movie theaters showing the film had were contractually obligated to show the film on EVERY screen that day. They literally could not/did not show any other film in the theater that day. I didn’t believe it myself until I looked up local movie theaters schedules and confirmed it for myself. On 3/8/19, quite literally the only movie you could watch at a movie theater was “Captain Marvel.” They weren’t even trying to hide that it was propaganda!


Oh dear…it’s a good thing there are 365 days in a year, because now EVERY mixed up gender combination will want their own day…

para59r has added a new column. The USA is now shown to have 1.3 cases per million.

para59r apparently has added a new column to their data that shows total cases per million. The USA shown as having 1.3 cases per million.


I didn’t know that Creepy Joe had used the word “epodentially” so many times.

You’d think that someone on his staff would tell him that it’s Not a word.


Are we sure they didn’t? Seriously, how would Slow Joe know from one minute to the next?


Has he really lost it or is this all an act? I don’t trust these people at all?


Watch the clips.
If he’s acting he’s in the wrong profession!


Joe is not acting. He never made much sense, but these current faux pas are a whole new levyelmof deterioration. He’s not talented enough to fake this degree of mixups. Nancy Pelosi also on the verge of completely unraveling. Moments of stark clarity but more often incoherent rambling.
I hope Trump Team holds their ammo on Hillary & Michelle till DNC picks their final sacrificial goat.

Sylvia Avery

He’s lost it. He’s had brain problems………bleeding………..something. And that was years ago. He’s………..not well. He has no more business running for President than my dog does.


Except that running for prez makes sure the whole country sees it. And where are jury pools drawn from?
Ukraine is so dirty Rudy is still showering three times a day. That dirtiness is like the string on the end of a feed bag – once started, the pulling of the string makes all the loops pop out. Slow Joe is the string so they want to poison the jury pool.
Military tribunals in Gitmo are the only ways to even hope for justice.


I cannot help but think his wife doesn’t really love/care or she wouldn’t stand by and allow this to happen.


His wife likely gave up long ago when he insisted on skinny dipping in front of his female SS agents.

Sadie Slays

I’ve been in the “it’s all an act” camp since the day Biden “mistakenly” made a very specific assassination reference. I suspect most of these “gaffes” are code in the same way the President’s Twitter “misspellings” are usually a reference to something else.

Sue Mcdonald

I am in agreement with you Sadie.Q has let us know that certain people would try to avoid prosecution with health problems including mental decline. I have thought Joe has been putting on a show from the start. I’m still in the “it’s all an act camp” .


No, it’s not an act. Deteriorating by the day/week. The Dems are pushing that we’re ridiculing Biden for his return of a “childhood stutter.” Nope. He can’t retrieve thoughts, he has word salad, not even oriented to time and place. Dementia symptoms. He LOOKS like he’s not all there.
The Dems have a plan for trying to slip in a VP candidate that will keep the ticket afloat until November. James Woods believes it’s Clinton. Hillary’s fantasy might be that but there are many legal events to transpire in the coming months…


Most likely nobody on his staff realizes it.

Concerned Virginian

Maybe, and maybe not.
My opinion: at least his top staff believes or has “gut feelings” about what’s going on with Ole Joe. And these people are in a tough spot: Do they resign from his campaign because they aren’t allowed to tell the truth or they don’t want to be around for the “denoument”? Are they being intimidated by the DNC / “somebody” to cover up and/or deny what they believe or suspect?
WHERE IS JOE BIDEN’S FAMILY? Are they so fixated on getting more financial rewards / riding his coattails, that they likely know what’s going on and DO NOTHING about it? They watch him maunder on?


the left can’t do math–that was obvious–they don’t recognize real science–and now English eludes them.
proof positive that our American education system needs to be overhauled.


‘We All See What’s Going on Here:’ Dem Strategist Says ‘Deteriorating’ Biden Will Lead to Disaster for Party
By Johnathan Jones
Published March 7, 2020 at 12:45pm

A top surrogate for the Bernie Sanders campaign told Fox News this week that former Vice President Joe Biden is “mentally deteriorating” and warned that Democrats will face a “disaster” if the presidential hopeful is nominated.
Justin Horwitz, a Democrat strategist and a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign, told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Thursday that there is a consensus among top Democrats that Biden is in a steep mental “decline.”
“He is a candidate that is mentally deteriorating,” Horwitz said Biden on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
“People in the Democratic establishment say, ‘Oh don’t say that’. They really believe that they can shield Joe Biden from public scrutiny and the reality is, they can’t,” he said.
“We all see what’s going on here and it’s going to be a disaster if we nominate Joe Biden,” he continued.
Horwitz added that the former vice president is “a candidate in the decline” and noted that establishment Democrats are “perfectly aware” of his supposedly deteriorating mental state.
“He can’t get on stage without making some type of gaffe, and these aren’t the same gaffes that he made in his previous two failed presidential runs,” he said. “These gaffes are a lot more serious. These gaffes clearly indicate that he is not all there anymore.”
Describing Sanders as a “sharp debater,” Horwitz made a prediction that Biden’s declining cognitive state will be highlighted when the two candidates spar one-on-one during the next debate.
“I think Bernie picks up steam and ends up winning the nomination because Biden simply can’t debate,” he said.
While Horwitz stopped short of accusing top Democrats of conspiring to deny Sanders the party’s nomination, he did accuse them of attempting run interference to protect Biden from himself.
“They’re trying to protect him from being in public. Well, unfortunately, when you run for president, you’re going to be in public. People are going to see what’s happening,” Horwitz said.
Horwitz’s comments come after a month in which Biden has made a number of gaffes on the campaign trail.
While campaigning in South Carolina in February, Biden told potential voters, “My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.”

Days later, Biden was introducing Jamie Harrison, a candidate for the Senate in South Carolina, when he mistakenly introduced Harrison as the “next president.”
Biden also claimed that gun violence has killed 150 million Americans since 2007, mistakenly referred to Fox News host Chris Wallace as “Chuck” and stumbled while attempting to recite the Declaration of Independence.
“All men and women created by — go, you know, you know — the thing,” Biden said at an event in Texas on Monday.

These and other gaffes have led many Republicans and some Democrats to question the candidate’s cognitive health.
A number of the former vice president’s supporters told Fox News at the Biden rally Monday in Texas that they are concerned by his repeated gaffes.
“It’s very concerning. I mean, when he’s getting softballs thrown at him and he can’t answer the question,” a supporter told Fox News. “It’s getting rougher. The hard times haven’t even started.”
President Donald Trump has also turned the question of Biden’s mental acuity into a campaign issue.
At a Fox News town hall event Thursday, Trump challenged Biden’s competency while explaining his dismay at the candidate’s surprising victories on Super Tuesday.
“Then we have this crazy thing that happened on Tuesday, which [Biden] thought was Thursday, but he also said 150 million people were killed with guns and that he was running for the the United States Senate,” Trump said.
“There’s something going on there,” the president added.


Well now….
“….all signs point towards the Democratic establishment using this man’s name recognition so that they can handpick the POTUS after the National Convention. … it is possible that the Democratic establishment, unbeknownst to former Vice President Biden, could be planning on a Biden win strictly so that they can create a vacancy on the ticket that only they can fill.
Once former Vice President Biden is on the ticket, the Democratic establishment could declare him too cognitively unfit to fulfill his role. This would leave a vacancy on the ticket.
if Biden wins the nomination, they will find a way to remove him from the ticket “due to a decline in health.”
After this vacancy is established, the Democrats are free to arbitrarily replace Biden with whomever they want.
From the DNC rules:
“Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.”
the vacancy would be decided by Tom Perez (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Steny Hoyer (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Jim Clyburn (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Chuck Schumer (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), Dick Durbin (a 2016 Clinton superdelegate), and the DGA will decide on their own who will be our Democratic nominee.


FG&C I think you’ve nailed the DNC’s plan.


It’s a genius plan if the Dem voter base are really the sheeple the Dem leadership seem to think they are.


Then it’s a genius plan, because the dim voter base is exactly what the dim leadership thinks they are.comment image

Gail Combs

Those sheep have more sense. They know enough to run when they see a PREDATOR.


Btw….notice how the insufferable liberal’s thinking is reflected in this article??
The writer says they get to “handpick the POTUS”….not the democrat Presidential nominee.
Day after day, week after week, month after month of getting their asses kicked up one side and down the other…
…for YEARS now…
…and they are STILL just as arrogant and filled with hubris as they ever were.
It’s really quite amazing.
Reminds me of Nazis talking about the coming victory over the Allies, even as door-to-door fighting was taking place on the streets of Berlin in 1945.


Under no circumstances will Bernie get the nomination. That is untenable to the ruling elites.


You are spot on, Alison.
I don’t know if you saw Dr Steve Turley’s 11-min. video on the Dems’ Super Tuesday ‘fallout’, as he puts it. He says the same thing:

First of all, he rightly reminds people that Bernie is not a Democrat but an Independent. Therefore, the Dems will not want him getting the nomination and, effectively, being the top guy in their party.
Secondly, having senile Joe as nominee will be better for them in their eyes than Bernie. At least Joe is an actual Democrat.
Thirdly, Turley says that Bernie has already made it clear that he does not want anyone from the Clinton or Obama administrations in his administration, were he to win the presidency. Obviously, that is a huge no-no.


I smell Hillrotten.


I have been in agreement with this for awhile now. (as family rolls eyes🙄)

Concerned Virginian

This scenario is EXACTLY what the Clinton Machine is setting up to happen. Ole Joe won’t be told until the last minute that he’s being put out to pasture.
SO MUCH FOR DemCom lies about REPUBLICANS engaging in “voter suppression”.
It’s the DemCom inner elites (working WITH Hillary Clinton / GEORGE SOROS / DeepState top players) who will pull off the BIGGEST VOTER SUPPRESSION OF ALL — picking a Presidential nominee in a classic “boys in the back room” / Tammany Hall-type meeting!


How would the Democrat voters respond to that?


the guys on Bernie’s team that Veritas interviewed, said all he!! woul break loose if the nomination did not go to Bernie.
have no idea what the follow-up might be.
hard-core marxists they are.


^^^ B I N G O. ^^^
Too Slow Joe IS a placeholder as D-Rats eliminate Crazy Bernie.
NO back room deal AT D-Rat convention.
Back room deal AFTER convention.
– Crazy Bernie gone.
– Too Slow Joe gone.
– Clown car demolished.
– hildabeast and Liawatha D-Rat ticket 2020, my guess.


It’s amazing that the country has decayed to the point where a cognitively impaired candidate is pushed forward. There were still enough honest people 30-40 years ago when this could not have happened.
Today, the Dems have done more than push decadent culture, they’ve made crazy “normal.”
We can be inclusive with impaired, but to run a country? That takes some Evil logic – which the Dems have.


R E S I S T.
D-Rat party position today is 100% a product of RESIST.
D-Rats BLINDLY follow RESIST. Stay in line. RESIST at all costs. ALWAYS Trump bad. D-Rats totally destroyed any opportunity for a rational D-Rat platform.
D-Rats too stooopid to see them selves self destruct.


Jussie loses out on appeal to IL Supreme Court…he’s going to trial.


Pobrecito! Mi corazon esta sangrando para el!!!




“Poor little one……my heart is bleeding for him!”
It hearkens back to the Spanish-language soap operas — telenovelas. Everyone dabs their eyes. It conveys a level of fake drama that is difficult to express in English.


Mexican sarcasm.


Gracias 🤓


I learned my Spanish from the waiter in Fawlty Towers. The only word he uttered, always in bewilderment, was “Que?”


If you worked for Basil, wouldn’t you be constantly bewildered and asking, “what?”


He was a hapless Spanish waiter named Manuel 😅 And constantly bewildered is an understatement!


Is that similar to “Bless his little heart”?


“Bless his little heart” is more private. “My heart is bleeding for him” is a more public declaration, to be used with dramatic touches like rending of garments or dabbing eyes with handkerchiefs. The sort of over-acting that can be seen in the balcony.


LOL. Very theatrical. 🙂 The Spanish are good with that style.


I didn’t know one could petition the IL SC to have felony charges thrown out. Article also states the court rejected his attempt to remove the special prosecutor in his case, who was appointed after the initial charges against him were dropped.comment image


That’s beacause you aren’t a protected class .




He’s not going to go down without naming the people who put him up to it. Hope he has good protection.


I’m sure they have his texts and emails. Think of the treasure trove there!!


One last laugh at a fake Lizzie


I’m confident there will be ample more laughs as long as Fakeahontis is still around.


She has returned to her tribes in disgrace having failed to take land from the palefaces


Good News!





Top trolling!!


Good morning, Chruchmouse! Yes, indeed! I read it twice and then checked the date… and thought, “Oh my, that’s Dan Scavino dropping hints!”
We’re in standby mode.


I can imagine.
I do not think he would have posted that idly. The vote on the subpoena of docs relating to Hunter Biden and Burisma takes place next Wednesday. (Mitt’s spokesperson now says he will vote to approve.) Wonder if that’s what Dan’s referring to.
I have stocked up on popcorn.


We’re not the only ones who noticed! 🙂
Both Don Jr and now Dan Scavino have quoted Q verbatim in tweets
These people are sick – Don Jr
Nothing can stop what is coming -D. Scavino
Its about to go down.
The Storm.


I will put it out of my mind for now. 🙂
I really thought that Q’s first appearance back in 2017 meant the Storm was coming there and then.
Wake me when it starts. 😉


I wish I knew what Dan knew :)!!!!


No kidding !!!!


US Navy mine-seeking dolphins are pictured strapped into tanks on a cargo plane as they are flown on a top secret mission
Six U.S. Navy dolphins were taken aboard a C-17 Globemaster transport plane
The dolphins were brought to an undisclosed location for a training exercise
Dolphins are trained by the navy to locate undersea mine and they are able to perform the task far quicker than human diverscomment image


Dolphins are so smart and they love to spend time with and please humans, easily trainable. Watched a show about Ukrainian dolphin training center. Taught them to do underwater tasks, to alert when ships were coming, locate the mines, other things. It was sad Ukraine had to shutdown the program due to lack of money. 🐬🐬🐬


Eh, there’s more extreme behavior going on in certain parts of San Francisco all the time….


Trump Admin. has asked the SCOTUS to rule on the legality of its “Remain in Mexico” policy that was suspended last week by an appeals court. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the policy except in Texas & New Mexico.


Rumour has it king salman has fallen off his perch, hence MBS moving against his enemies
Will try to find link


MbS Widens Purge: Dozens Of Royals And Army Officers Swept Up After Powerful Princes Arrested


Dawson’s field on a possible feint to get the msm and dems to make another pratfall


James woods putting the knife incomment image


…..among Dems, anyway….


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The logistical challenges of restoring manufacturing


This is exactly why PDJT has been stressing the fact that infrastructure needs improvement.


Yep. The next big challenge. And what a job bonanza! Can’t let the usual suspects run it or it will be porked


In December of last year a Twitter account was set-up. Titled “Irish Students Against Fascism”, it described itself as an aspiring antifascist organising hub to physically, socially and professionally harass individuals engaged with conservative or nationalist politics on campuses.
… The account was set up with the intent of performing long term investigative work into antifascism in Ireland… ‘


brilliant idea…can’t wait to see the results!


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Sylvia Avery

Thank you carl, once again, for a wonderful opening Sunday post. I enjoyed it very much.


it’s a shame we live on opposite coasts…wearing cameo and target practice sounds like a great idea for “woman’s day”…I’ll pass on the cigar tho…LOL


Darkness to LIGHT….. the pendulum is swinging back…. to protecting children from leftist insanity and predation.


Oh no! He is involved in everything!

Elizabeth Carter

Time just changed for me. Now I am up to speed with the rest of you. LOL


How long are they going to allow this to go on? It’s becoming pathetic.


Oh, my word! Thanks for this.
Full text:



And she didn’t hesitate to go head to head with bishops when they were in the wrong!


Which was often.





He’s not urging calm, so I suppose he is urging panic.
Me thinks Cuomo is enjoying his time in the spotlight and looking forward to the extra money that will be coming in.
‘I’m not urging calm’: New York Governor Cuomo declares state of emergency as coronavirus cases rise to 89 after infected Uber driver walked into a Queens hospital and potentially infected 40 doctors and nurses


Yes. Also these funds will help a bit with loosing the billions of sanctuary city $$.


Rome is the capital of the Lazio region of Italy. Lazio’s governor has coronavirus:


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The color description thing is so true.


my hubby is color blind–so his color spectrum is even further skewed…


Coronavirus update UK:
A) Personal notes —
1/ As I wrote last week, I did go to the local superette to buy Grey Poupon. Just out of interest, I checked the household goods and soap aisle. Hardly any TP left (three packs only). No soap gel or handwash at all. I have never seen empty shelves in our shops, at least, for these types of products.
2/ Went to church today. Last week, no coronavirus guidelines. This time, we had Church of England guidelines on the Peace (you can just say ‘Peace be with you’ and/or find some other way to express yourself, like an elbow-to-elbow nudge) and Communion (the Cup is OK as our chalices are either gold or sterling silver, but no intinction [dipping host into the Cup]; asking for a blessing instead is OK, too.) I sipped from the Cup as usual.
B) Nationwide notes —
1/ The Queen will continue to go about her engagements in the usual way for now. Keep calm and carry on. Good woman:
2/ We have 209 cases in the UK, most of which are in England. This LONG article from the Daily Mail should answer every question one has about future contingency plans nationally (including sports fixtures). Things could peak at Easter, with contingency plans kicking in. It also has photos of people at a Costco with TONS of loo roll in their trolleys. The article says that people were actually fighting over it. Seriously, one does not need to buy 24 rolls of TP in one go! Photos of empty shelves, too:
3/ A Daily Mail columnist (Glenda Jackson’s son, incidentally) says that the coronavirus panic could be the making of Boris Johnson as a great Prime Minister. He’s handling it v. well, indeed, so far. He also is getting the two top medical experts on telly and radio regularly:
4/ A doctor, writing for the Daily Mail, offers common sense advice to those people, especially the over-50s. For now, keep calm and carry on. Wash hands regularly. Soap is perfectly fine:


stay safe and healthy churchmouse!


Thank you, Pat!
Hope the weather is improving out your way.


we’re supposed to have sunny and 60* today…so I am excited! may get on my muck boots and try to find my garden…LOL


Yay! Good for you! 🙂


He “popped into the superette to buy some Grey Poupon”
…….. this, right there, is why I love Churchmouse.
How I wish we could hear his delightful accent.


Maybe one day … 😉


Churchmouse, I’ve been known to take a bit of Grey Poupon right out of the container. I often use a squirt of GP in foods I’m cooking, such as soup.
But, then, I also enjoy a couple of swallows of dill pickle or sauerkraut juice! I have to do it out of sight of DH, though…who won’t eat any of those things.
From childhood, I’ve always loved sour, tart, fermented foods and have since learned they are good for you….
Lots of fermented radish and other veggies in Japan, Korea, etc.


..before we do ‘anything’ , lets make sure we have the Grey Poupon on hand !..
anything else would be ‘uncivilized’.
LOVE it !!
Rock on Churchmouse


GP is my go-to for a steak sandwich w/ Swiss cheese.
Tip: always buy the biggest steak (usually just over 1 pound of meat).. Why? You can make 2-4 meals out of it.
1. Primary dinner.
2. 2-3 lunch sandwiches from the leftover.
So, a $10/lb steak winds up feeding you for 2-3 meals.


We do the same thing.
Last week, a £4.50 steak gave us three meals (six portions) of beef Stroganoff filled crepes.


I just realized….daylight savings just totally took a dump on the timing of my cron jobs.


The Iditarod begins today!!!!!!
In honor of all of us who love pretty doggies (always good for a random post) and our beloved Wolfie, this is OUR Olympics.


such cuties!


Hope you’re feeling better!


The #Iditarod twit thread is too funny.


PETA is having a meltdown.


After living in Anchorage for over 10 years our family still follows the Iditarod every year. When you live there everyone attends the “Fur Rendezvous” which is 10 days of fun ending with the start of the Iditarod. Even our shih tzu’s answer to “Mush!” Come gee come haw!!! 😂😂


must be an awesome sight!


daughn, gonna be challenging this yr…much deeper-than-usual snow.
who knows what it was like on the original vaccine run?


THREE DOZEN? Federal agents raid 3 dozen birthing centers in CA–no arrests made-pisses me off!!!!!
“It is fertile ground for this kind of scheme,” Immigration and Customs Enforcement official Claude Arnold said. “These people were told to lie, how to lie, so that their motives for coming to the U.S. wouldn’t be questioned.”
Shortly after sunrise on Tuesday, dozens of federal agents stormed an upscale apartment complex believed to be the site of a birth tourism business known as You Win USA Vacation Resort, which markets to pregnant women and charges them as much as $50,000.
Investigators believe that women were coached to lie about their travel plans, told to wear loose clothing to hide their pregnancies, and promised Social Security numbers and passports for their babies. The business owners collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past two years while 400 babies were born at just one Orange County hospital, according to court papers.


Verse of the Day

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”
1 Peter 1:3 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
Wishing you a Happy, Blessed Sunday!


Morning, Pat! We are having a heat wave – it is above freezing – hope all is well with you and hubby – God loves you and so do I!!!
You, have a Blessed, Relaxing Day! Hugs!


Hugs back to you!!


* Smiling * Warm hugs received!!!






Scott Presler tells Breitbart about his clean up of San Francisco:

‘“I can just tell you I have been to some of America’s most dirtiest and dangerous cities — I’ve been to Austin, Baltimore, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco — San Francisco was the only city where you had to watch your step because of human excrement,” Presler said.
‘“You know you hear things about the ‘poop map,’ and you hear things about the city — it’s hard to believe because so many things are hyperbole,” Pressler said. “I’m here to tell you having walked the streets it’s real, it’s factual.”’


I cannot believe that HHS has not declared that to be a serious public health threat and forced CA to clean that up!


I can’t, either.
The good doctor and his team should go all in and clean that state up.
On that topic, you know how CA says they cannot force people off the streets into treatment centres for their addiction. Well, a couple of weeks ago, John Bird — the man who founded the British magazine to help the homeless, The Big Issue — was on a BBC current affairs show. He said that the homeless should be forced into accommodation and/or treatment to get them off the streets. He served a prison sentence many years ago and was also homeless, so he knows about this type of culture. He says it is no abuse of human rights at all. He said it is far better to forcibly cure these people than to leave them to their own devices. He is a lefty, too.


wow, a lefty?
funny how lefties only want to control certain aspects of your life–wanna murder your baby? have at it. wanna be a drug addict? have at it. wanna own a gun and protect yourself? WHOA…you’re not qualified to make that decision.


They live in their own paradoxical universe, don’t they?
At least the guy is against letting the homeless hang around on the streets, esp. if they are drug-addled.


If you took the required “Art history 101” course in college, you might well be familiar with Georges Seurat’s pointillist painting “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”, currently at the Art Institute of Chicago. They may be more familiar with a study he produced earlier that is housed at the NYC Met. But in the travelling exhibition of the Musee d’Orsay’s collection, the original sketches of each subject were collected….and Seurat could actually paint like a human being and not a printing machine. I was actually floored.


Friends of mine saw those paintings at Musee d’Orsay and expressed the same amazement.


Also featured in mid 80’s “Farris Buellers day off” I beleive


Update on the UK’s Home Secretary Priti Patel, accused by three civil servants of bullying.
1/ She’s a strong woman and will probably be effective, so Boris must continue to stand by her, otherwise, the Left, aided by the media, will go after them, too.
2/ According to the Mail (excerpts follow) …
… the former Chancellor, Sajid Javid, was a thorn in her side. He’s still an MP, but, now that he’s on the back benches again, I do not see how he can hurt her, unless he’ll continue to work against her behind the scenes (FTA):
‘A friend of Ms Patel said: ‘Priti and Sajid clashed all the time when Javid was at the Treasury, usually over immigration. He resisted her funding requests and annoyed her by calling for an extension of EU freedom of movement rules for two years after Brexit. This had Javid’s fingerprints all over it.’
‘The ally added that suspicions of Mr Javid’s involvement were increased by the fact that one of his closest advisers during his time at the Treasury shared a flat with a senior Rutnam aide – and that journalists writing widely about the bullying allegations also have close links with the Javid camp.’
Friends of hers told the Mail she is really stressing out now (FTA):
‘Friends of Ms Patel have spoken privately about how she feels worn down by the bullying claims.
‘One said: ‘You know how resilient Priti is – she really is as tough as nails. But this is really getting to her. I spoke to her this week and she is very stressed out.’’
3/ BBC policy editor for the Newsnight programme wants the dirt. He says ‘beyond Priti Patel’, but dirt on Priti is probably what he wants:

4/ Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran, who enjoys female and male company (ahem), was on the BBC’s Question Time on Thursday. What a hypocrite:
5/ The top civil servant who resigned in this row is not only incompetent but also denies giving hostile briefings against his former boss, Priti Patel:

6/ The Left and the civil servants do not want the truth to come out. They will not give Priti the report she has been asking for:


Dang! Her cheekbones are a lot higher than Lieawatha’s. Is she an injun? (asking for a friend)



@realDonaldTrump followers:
73,487,933 – 9:33 am
73,232,389 – 7:52 am – 3/1/20 – 1 week ago
73,286,371 – 1 month ago
58,880,953 – 9:02 am – 3/8/19 – 1 year ago
48,746,757 – 8 am – 3/8/18 – 2 years ago


Ruth Buzzi reminisces about Carol Burnett.
The show she is talking about was one I don’t remember, but, maybe some of you do — The Entertainers:

Here’s Ruth’s tweet followed by a photo from Laugh-in:


This is too cool. Someone who received an aid box in the 1990s responded to the boy who sent it — via Twitter!


wow how amazing is that!


Yes, and his mom told him to send the box!
I should have included the next tweet wherein he thanks her for doing that, adding: ‘I know you read my Twitter feed’. 🙂


so cool!
thanks for sharing!


You’re welcome!
Hope you had a nice time gardening. I, too, went outdoors to start pruning.


mostly I removed last year’s corn stalks and debris and started tilling…but it was lovely in the warm sun!


Gardening is such a tonic for the soul, especially when the sun is shining.




water into wine…winery in Italy has a malfunction that allows wine to flow from local water spigots
A malfunction at a winery in Castelvetro, Italy caused 1,000 liters of wine to leak into the water pipes, according to CNN.
About 20 homes nearby turned on their sinks that day to find ready-to-be-bottled wine freely flowing from the faucet. It lasted for about three hours.
The local government said the issue did not post any health risks. In fact, officials found the situation to be humorous in light of the coronavirus outbreak that has plagued their region.
“At a time where we have very little to smile about, I’m glad we brought some levity to others,” Deputy Mayor Giorgia Mezzacqui told CNN. “Hopefully some day they’ll remember us and will want to come visit us.”
A manager for the winery said some residents didn’t seem to mind and actually decided to save as much as they could to drink for later.


Kamala Harris endorsed bite me. Toe is toeing the line.
Video in article.
“There is no one better prepared than Joe to steer our nation through these turbulent times, and restore truth, honor, and decency to the Oval Office,” Harris said in a statement. “He is kind and endlessly caring, and he truly listens to the American people.”

Concerned Virginian
March 7
A Marine stationed at FORT BELVOIR, Virginia, is the first confirmed case of the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus AND the first case in Virginia.
The Marine had returned to Ft. Belvoir from a trip overseas on “official business”.
Test results on 7 more persons in Virginia are pending.
11 hours ago
The first confirmed case of the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus in WASHINGTON, DC.
The infected person, a man in his 50’s, is considered to be a case from “community spread”, as he had no contacts with any other confirmed case, and no history of international travel.

Gail Combs

Felice give us the MOTIVE for turning loose the Wuhan virus.
“The economy has been a key variable for incumbents’ re-election success. Since 1916, elected incumbents are 11-3 when seeking second terms. Of the three losers (Hoover, Carter and Bush I), each saw annual real GDP contract within a year of their election. That is unlikely for Mr. Trump now, and just as importantly: Americans feel it is unlikely.”
The globalist Elite want to hit the economy HARD using the Wuhan virus and then blame the mis-management on president Trump
Who out there beside us would understand the person responsible for all the F..K-Ups is OBAMA APPOINTED SES Nancy Messonnier, the Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. She began her career as a BureauRat in 1995 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer under BILL CLINTON. She and the other top level mangers in CDC are Senior Executive Service (SES) ” the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978″
It [SES] is the heart of the swamp.
Or how to win against a superior force by using your bag of dirty tricks .
michaelh posted a long discussion


Thanks for the shout out! 🙂
Gail – this is from a guy in Army, he sent me some unclass info this afternoon I haven’t had time to watch or vet yet, but it’s from “Smarter Every Day” which I have enjoyed in the past – had a very good presentation on the 2017 eclipse that we used for study . . .
Watch “The Future of War, and How It Affects YOU (Multi-Domain Operations) – Smarter Every Day 211” on YouTube

Watch “The Gun Detector – Smarter Every Day 225” on YouTube

Here is the whole series on multi-domain warfare.
Watch “Social Media Manipulation” on YouTube


saw that…she’s as delusional as Biden at this point…


Amy Klobuchar Misspeaks, Accidentally Tells Campaign Crowd She’ll Be Biden’s VP, Receives Applause image

While campaigning on behalf of former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) had an embarrassing verbal flub when she accidentally told a crowd of Biden supporters that she was joining the ticket as the nominee’s vice president.
According to Amanda Golden of NBC News, Klobuchar had a “bit of a Freudian slip” when the former Democratic presidential candidate said she “couldn’t think of a better way to end my candidacy than join the ticket.”
After the statement, the crowd applauded the senator. Klobuchar, however, immediately backtracked, amending her remarks to note that she was joining the “terrific campaign of Joe Biden,” not the Democrats’ general election ticket itself.

Hmmm… 🤔


Okay….just have to comment about the Klobuchar photo…I think she needs larger pants, don’t you? She and Nadler must have the same tailor.


Prollty scheduled with hildabeast fave, Omar The Tent Maker. Stylish they are 😉


CPAC goers asked what they think of our beautiful FLOTUS…

5 min video about what CPAC goers think of FLOTUS–number one answer: CLASSY


EXCELLENT thread showing all the fakey fake ‘news’ headlines.


Great minds. Was just about to post that!


The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence
Molly put up her hand and said, My father went to my grandad’s farm and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating.
The teacher said, That was good, but I wanted you to use the word “fascinate”, not fascinating.
Sally raised her hand. She said, My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.
The teacher said, Well that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word fascinate.
Little Johnny raised his hand, but the teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the world “fascinate”, so she called on him.
Johnny said, “My aunt Carolyn has a sweater with 10 buttons, but her tits are so big she can only fasten eight.”
The teacher sat down and cried……………..
h/t Ace of Spades




Little Johnny was sitting in class doing math problems when his teacher picked him to answer a question,
“Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun, how many would be left?”
“None,” replied Johnny, ” ‘cause the rest would fly away.”
“Well, the answer is four,” said the teacher, “but I like the way you’re thinking.”
Right then, Little Johnny was all…comment image
So Little Johnny says, “Teacher, I have a question for you.”
“If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop, one was licking her cone, the second was biting her cone and the third was sucking her cone, which one is married?”
“Well,” said the teacher nervously, “I guess the one sucking the cone.”
“Wrong”, said Little Johnny, “the one with the wedding ring on her finger, but I like the way you’re thinking.”




I blame misandry. 😎

Gail Combs

With the 70 people+ with the Wuhan virus in Westchester county NY (VERY UPPER CLASS) and now showing up at ‘political gatherings’ I think it is a bit of too little too late for the Jet Setters. After all that group is actually fairly small and they travel all over the global. They also shake hands, pound backs, hug and kiss a lot.
It is IRONIC that our American Ruling Class seems to be getting hit and not the serf class. Of course that may be because they can DEMAND testing while the homeless in San FranFeces are left to incubate the disease and then die on the streets.
As I said above the CDC in the person of Nancy messonnier intentionally dropped the ball.
“CDC believes at this time that symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure.” They are STILL pushing this crap statement)
However we are aware of it sometimes taking 24 to 27 days before major symptoms show.
24 Days
Feb 11, 2020: New Chinese Research On Coronavirus Finds Incubation Period Of Up To 24 Days
“…A new medical and clinical study on the coronavirus based on data gathered from more than 1,000 coronavirus patients in Wuhan, China revealed that the incubation period for the coronavirus was as long as 24 days rather than the previously believed 14 days, and also significantly, fewer than half of the patients showed fever symptoms when they first saw doctors….”
Study Reference :
27 days
Feb 22, 2020: Coronavirus Can Incubate For As Long As 27 days Before Showing Symptoms

“…The incubation period of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus which causes the Covid-19 disease can be as long as 27 days according to a new media report by Reuters based on statements by Health authorities in Hubei….
Virologists are warning that even the 27 days observed time period might not be even accurate as the new coronavirus could even have an incubation periods that much longer that have yet to be clinically observed and verified.
This new revelation could also indicate that all past quarantines were actually ineffective and many of those who have been released could actually now be spreading the disease. Health authorities worldwide need to react fast on this new information. “



got this in my email with the header…Let’s give Chuck something to cry about…
Demand Chuck Schumer Resign Petition
Chuck Schumer is a national disgrace.
He recently stood on the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States and THREATENED Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
President Trump is counting on YOU to hold him accountable.
Add your name to DEMAND Chuck Schumer Resign IMMEDIATELY.

Gail Combs

Any link to the petition?


no…unfortunately…when I click on the a screen comes up with those words, and a place to enter your name, zip code, email and (optional) mobile number.


pat, the petition does come in an email to those being dinned by The Campaign.
so it’s out there.



Turning Point USA
Mar 6
Politicians have talked about Criminal Justice Reform for decades.

President Donald Trump took ACTION.

Angela Stanton-King has an incredibly powerful story that every American should hear.
followed by a vid clip


The issue is not how many are dying today or even per day average or even how many are dying each day between now and next Sunday. The issue is its growth rate, the trajectory.
True, if the numbers above were not ever going to increase…108 per day forever more and that is the top most limit…less panic.
The numbers of infected, critically ill and dead per day are raising at a critical pace….That is the issue.
Quoting the current death #s is not the point. Hopefully, the rates will be slowed, treatments will improve, the death #s will come down/stay low.
If there were 0 deaths from cancer last June, a handful in July, a few more in August, and the number had increased per month until the current number then Yes, that number of current deaths per day of cancer would be alarming!!! It is the growth rate and where that number is going (potentially) that is alarming. it is not the 14 who have died so far but the growth rate and the expected number in 3-6 months that is alarming.
Also, remember…calculate the recovered #s/death #s NOT the currently infected to how many have died. All of those currently infected have not finished cycling through are not part of the death rate numbers yet.
How many have it will die is figured by how many have it have died/recovered.
100K infected, 3K dead …. that does NOT equal 3% death rate! The 3K are those dead who were infected weeks ago when the infected numbers were much lower.
On the flip side, probably many more infected than the official diagnosed 100K as only those sickest are diagnosed so there is a Large number of undiagnosed who did not advance to complications or ill enough to be tested &/or hospitalized. When consider all who are sick, the death rate comes back down.
So glad low rate of death/no deaths for children!


It is a serious illness but, thankfully, the majority of people only get a mild case. However, for those whose case is not mild it is Very Serious and the death rates + rates of infecting others are higher than the flu. Lastly, this is on top of all other existing illnesses v. the type of flu that is going around this year.
No, we aren’t panicked…but we are realistic and we are not making light of the situation. Taking it seriously and praying that the situation does not go worst case scenario.
Several days ago, I began talking to my fellow GOP leaders that we may need to consider rescheduling some events and they thought that was completely wrong. I was projecting what was happening and taking it seriously. Giving it a week and they will catch up and we can talk again.


Thinking on your post here, Mom, a piece of good news occurs to me.
To wit…
The virus doesn’t differentiate between political bias…
…if GOP events must be cancelled and/or postponed because of it, the same holds true for dimocrats.


But nobody goes to their rally’s

Gail Combs

I suggest you hand the people at your local GOP this story in the Daily Mail. It is an almost daily account of a young healthy TWENTY FIVE YEAR OLD BRIT’s sickness with the Wuhan Virus.
He describes how ‘worst disease he ever had’ left him sweating, shivering, and struggling to breathe as his eyes burned and bones ached…
“Day 22: I was hoping to be back at work today but no such luck. The pneumonia has gone — but now I ache as if I’ve been run over by a steamroller. My sinuses are agony, and my eardrums feel ready to pop. I know I shouldn’t but I’m massaging my inner ear with cotton buds, trying to take the pain away….


^^^ Unbelievably sad. ^^^


He recovered…hopefully, without heart or kidney or lung damage. And he was young and had no previous health issues that were mentioned/known. How much harder for already diseased/aged?!
+ I still don’t believe the death rate China gave us via their stats. I do believe that some have it as only a mild case. But of those who are not mild, we saw evidence of more than 3K die.
+I don’t understand how they are getting their numbers right now. 90K infected divided 3K dead is not an accurate measurement. How are they currently calculating their death/mortality rate?
As far as meetings and dinners, etc., I am already calculating in my plans that we may meet within the next 2 weeks and then assess a projection from there. Five weeks from now…??? Hard to say but based on other countries and what is happening in NY, CA & WA it looks like it will spread.
Can we quarantine those states and people traveling to/from them? Guess that won’t fly with the media/Dems
Anyway, I think we will have some clarity as to the direction this is going over the next week or so.

Concerned Virginian

Per 700WLW “Sunday Sterling” radio show, today:
There is now a confirmed first case of the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus in HARRISON COUNTY, Kentucky. The Kentucky health department is in the process of tracing the infected person’s contacts to get them tested. The infected person is in isolation at CHANDLER HOSPITAL in Lexington, KY.
Here’s where it gets dicey and JUST what I predicted, based on the enforced quarantine in Rocklin (Placer County, CA) —
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear (D) has issued a State of Emergency AND IS CONSIDERING a county-wide lockdown for Harrison County. The schools there will be closed for at least a week.