Dear KMAG: 20200309 Open Thread

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

      1. No food fights.
      2. No running with scissors.
      3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Randy Dominguez, titled ‘Warrior’:



Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Pettifogging is the practice of meanly bickering and quibbling over insignificant matters. Also to carry on in a petty, dishonest or unethical manner, or to practice chicanery of any sort.

Used in a sentence:

Democrats often engage in pettifogging to distract from the fact that their policies are destructive and doomed to fail.


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A most entertaining and instructive post!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love that we can resurrect the LANGUAGE which the cultural Marxists destroyed, and beat them senseless with it.
FEELS GOOD, MA’AM! 😎comment image


For the record, pettifogging is also known as the practice of law by shyster lawyers.


FG&C …. and so it begins. Just like we gave away privacy in Patriot Act, we’ll now give up freedom to assemble cuz of bioweapons


Alright France . . .


Just one of the many things the totalitarian statists gain through releasing this virus. Think of all the “state enemies” that can be rounded up and disappeared under the cover of “safety for the community”, to cite just one example.
But we will fight on, no matter what.
Which brings to mind a recent post I saw OT, which I thought was quite powerful.
“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption.
I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.
But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.
And when we are gone, the scattered, free survivors hiding in the ruins of our once-great republic will sing of our deeds in forbidden songs, tending the flickering flame of individual liberty until it bursts forth again, as it must, generations later.
We will live forever, like the Spartans at Thermopylae, in sacred memory.”
– written by Mike Vanderboegh
Some selected facts re: Spartans….
Inward-looking and self-sufficient, the Spartans were the most feared hoplites (infantrymen) in all Greece. They lived an austere life, despising any sort of luxury.
“Come back with your shield – or on it” (Plutarch, Mor.241) was the parting cry of mothers to their sons. Mothers whose sons died in battle openly rejoiced, mothers whose sons survived hung their heads in shame.
Asked why it was dishonorable to return without a shield and not without a helmet, the Spartan king, Demaratos (510 – 491) replied: “Because the latter they put on for their own protection, but the shield for the common good of all.” (Plutarch, Mor.220)
An old man wandering around the Olympic Games looking for a seat was jeered at by the crowd until he reached the seats of the Spartans, whereupon every Spartan younger than him, and some that were older, stood up and offered him their seat. The crowd applauded and the old man turned to them with a sigh, saying “All Greeks know what is right, but only the Spartans do it.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Good thoughts, FG&C. History doesn’t bode well for maintaining our democratic republic. The two pivotal points I see are Constitutional Courts & re-establishing Rule of Law and abolishing/dramatically changing our education system.
Accomplishing the first takes a 3-body govt willing to do so. Our votes are the key.
The second is to role model that guy who spoke at City Council, and went on to win the LtGov primary in NC. If we started attending our school board mtgs and becoming vocal about OUR educational priorities instead of griping about status quo. The Leftists are LOUD, demanding and relentless. We need that kind of action at our local schools.


Yes. To all of that!


Just remember that Muslim mothers openly rejoiced when one of their children wore a suicide vest into a school of small children it into a wedding celebration.

Deplorable Patriot

One can take that any number of ways.


And that’s exactly the point!


reading the comments, this will hurt places like DISNEYLAND all over the world…hmmmmm


Couldn’t resist 🤣🤣


Made my day!



No shame!
The most hard-core fighter pilot once had no tolerance for g. It is an unnatural thing, as is human flight. But tolerance for it can be built up, like calluses on a fighter’s knuckles or a guitar player’s fingers. These things can also be lost, too, just as a famed guitarist who did not play at all for a year could not subsequently play a full concert for the pain at the ends of his fingers. Skills are also lost through none-use. This is why “keeping current” is such a BIG deal for pilots, doctors, and many other professions.


I thought you would appreciate this! Courageous citizen knowing what was in store and going for the gusto. I figured it is an acquired acclimation like mountain activities, deep sea diving, etc. Anything where our human physiology needs time or repetition to adapt.

Deplorable Patriot

ANY profession, art or craft that requires manual dexterity has to be kept current. Even handwriting. It has to be practiced. Musicians who leave off for months have to get back into shape and the body part can be as out of the blue as a lip. When I went back to flute, that was a problem.
I would imagine the same is true for craftsmen and those in the trades, like bricklaying and plastering. There’s a lot of manual dexterity to it.


You are so right, DPat. I often fume when I hear someone say “You are so talented!” when what they SHOULD be saying is “You are well-practiced.”

Deplorable Patriot

And talented. Some people can practice all they want and not get any better at what they are trying to accomplish.


Amen 😄

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. We have a saying, “When you miss a day of practice, you notice it. When you miss two days, your colleagues notice it. When you miss three days, the audience notices it.”
Cellists don’t have it as bad as violinists, with that dastardly-thin e-string, but when the calluses are gone, if you play more than a half hour, you’ll end up with “handburger”… Even pianists have some calluses, though not as thick as we “stringies”…
(and in a nod to violists everywhere): Q: What do violists’ fingers and lightning have in common?
A: They never strike the same place twice 🙂
Respect to those fighter and acrobatic pilots! There’s a great IMAX/3D film that plays at the Sinsheim/Speyer museums over here, called “The Magic of Flight”. It’s great. Among other things, it shows a backseat view of a Blue Angel’s flight. Amazing…


We saw a similar (same?) same film in a small 360 degree theater at the Air Force Academy last summer. I had to close my eyes for some of it 🤓


Very cool


Whoo-ee Wheatie!! That skiing on the stair rail was freaky dizzying 🤣🤣🤣


He doesn’t know he’s mortal 😄

Gail Combs

Closest I got was repelling down the staircase rails in Grad House West until the janitor threw us out of the building. 🙃
It was great because we could take the elevator to the top floor and then repell down.


LOL you go, Gail 🤣🤓😳

Gail Combs

The college really didn’t like us using the building for climbing practice. Little did they know there were climbing registers at the top of the climbs and ‘known routes’


Look at what they climb now on the exterior of high rise urban buildings ‘just for grins’. YIKES ,,,


The falls he took acquiring that skill makes me wince!


It’s such a cool maneuver, but I was seriously wondering how someone practiced for doing that without ending up in a hospital. It’s kind of locked to that one spiral staircase and nowhere else.


No room for error on that maneuver. I think the key is just go…fast…


If you look at it from a coaching perspective, the load-on and dismount are tricky, beautiful, and unique. Sliding down a handrail sideways on skis is something you could practice anywhere (including a variety of safer places).

Harry Lime

For Polar Bear Monday…magnificent creatures aren’t they?
(this is only one minute long)


Over at the U-Tree, slowcreekno brought us “it has been noted that polar bears are rectangular bears after a coordinate transform.”


Nerd humor.
The best.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just worse than assembling a room full of engineers.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gosh…. all that graphic humour…
[No Aggie Joakes! Heh …]
Three engineers — one from Caltech, one from MIT, and one from Texas A&M — were having a friendly discussion in a bar when the subject turned to great inventions.
The MIT grad opined that the greatest invention of all time was fire. “Fire transformed the world! It gave us light at night, it kept us warm in the cold, and it let us cook food, and smelt metals, and power engines … Yes, fire has to be the greatest invention in history.”
“I respectfully disagree,” the Caltech man said. “The greatest invention in history is the one that made history itself possible: writing. Writing let us record our very thoughts and transmit them through space and time, down the generations. It made civilization possible. Hard-won knowledge need never be lost — in a sense, writing enabled us to transcend death itself!”
“No …” the Aggie said thoughtfully, “I think the greatest invention of all time would have to be the Thermos.”
“The Thermos?!” the others exclaimed.
“Well, sure!” said the Aggie. “Look — it keeps hot things hot and it keeps cold things cold. … How does it know?!


giggle…watched it three times!


Cuomo has misleading ads on tv claiming POTUS cut the CDC funding, cut healthcare, wanted to get rid of existing conditions, and the like…pure lies…then saying how healthcare has to be the last stand…well NY stop giving it for free to illegals and maybe you wouldn’t be in a constant budget struggle ya morons!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are weaponizing it everywhere, and it will carry through to November.
I consider it my duty to turn the blade back upon them.


hubby’s boss held an impromptu meeting last Friday with the office staff–one of the project managers has parents who are considering taking a cruise–they’re like 20 cents now…
if that happens, when they get back, boss is thinking of making (not asking) the project manager self quarantine at home. he risks not only the office personnel, but job site personnel–and they frequently do work at hospitals, etc…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I agree. People are jumping on cheap cruises, but they’re risky as hell for old people, and that includes others AFTER people come back and spread it. This stuff is NASTY in nursing homes and senior communities. Have some responsibility!!!


agreed. the project manager did give everyone a heads up that this was what his parents were thinking about, so kudos to him for that…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We’re already making decisions that “respect our elders”. This is very simple. Normally, the flu is “worse for seniors”, but most of them get the shot, and overall it’s not a killer. This is roughly 10 times as bad as bad flu for seniors, and there’s no shot. Keeping them safe is what we have to do.


years ago, our MD recommended we both get the pneumonia vaccine –seniors are prone to it as they get older he said. it was the one shot I got.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Probably a good move. I’ve heard only good things about that one, even from haters of the flu vaccine.


Bin, please.


Yes, thank you.


Amazing photo

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like a TIE fighter orbiting 😉
I like the one from years ago, I think it was called “Earthrise”…


Really an inspiring family story 🤓 I posted this earlier on Fleps news thread cuz I was over-posting here, again 🙄🙄🙄 The twitter feeds have SO much good, diverse info and anecdotes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Check out the MODIS Great Lakes satellite image from two days ago (Saturday). Imagery that is like a work of art, especially Lake Erie where the rain runoff created swirling patterns, and the ice patterns along the upper Great Lakes.
The Mississippi River, some of it chocked by ice, stands out in the lower left of the image. In the lower right is the Appalachian Mountains in Pennsylvania. The ice free Finger Lakes in New York also stand out.
Also of note is the lake effect snows along the south shores of Lakes Erie and Ontario, and some interesting ‘snow flake’ patterns on the mountain tops in that area.
The image is a large file. It starts out at the northwest part of Ontario. Scroll down and to the right to find the areas of interest.comment image
“The heavens declare the glory of God…” (Psalm 19)


“…along the shoreline of the upper Great Lakes.


Byron is SOOO brutal! I love it. Such a deserving target.


Who’s she keep looking at off to her right? The guys with the AK’s holding her hostage?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FluComs be like that!



Just to let everyone know, I’m going to be loopy tomorrow.
For a variety of weird reasons, I have to do fasting blood tests. I’m phobic about being punctured.
Mind you, this has nothing to do with pain — I’ve had four dental crowns done without anaesthesia because the anaesthetic would be injected. And “explanations” where the “needle is just wafer thin” make me want to vomit like Mr. Creosote — it wouldn’t be a phobia if it were susceptible to logical reasoning.
The last time I did this, I finally had my physician (who blithely orders these tests because they cost him nothing) prescribe me some generic Xanax. I used two (one for the real phobia, and one because I was afraid the first one wasn’t doing anything) and got through the experience ok — but got looped-out and it took over 12 hours to recover.
This time, I’m going to try it with one. I’m going to try and taxi over there and walk home — it’s only about two miles.
I have high hopes that it won’t be a complete freakout, but it’s likely to be extended loopy.


please be careful and check in if you can when you’re safely home!
best of luck!!


I’ve been back for an hour. Did ok with one xanax — didn’t stop breathing throughout.


glad you’re ok!!!


Wish I was there to hold your hand. You’re going to be fine, Punkin. We need to get these tests done. Take you out for lunch afterwards!


Loopy? Isn’t that fairly normal for a denizen of this tree?


Maybe I should have said “more loopy”.


Over the weekend I noticed the first Daffodils growing in my yard. As I do every year, I got out this poem by Wordsworth to celebrate the occasion. 🙂
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.


“The earth laughs in flowers”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Also, reminds me of the scene in “Dr. Zhivago” where the wind makes the daffodils dance around.
Less than a minute:


Dr. Zhivago just might be my favorite movie. I love that scene. Thanks.



Donald J. Trump
Working hard Lori!
Quote Tweet
· 4h
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
President Trump will not be President of the US forever, unfortunately… But for the 8 years that he is, he will expose the FAKE MSM as the hateful, vile and corrupt losers and the Dems for the anti-American, Socialist party that they really are!
Thank you, President Trump!


Good for you, POTUS……………..
Trump to skip annual bipartisan St. Patrick’s Day lunch, blaming Pelosi


Donald J. Trump Retweeted


For those unfamiliar – Our Lady of La Salette is a Marian apparition reported by two children, to have occurred at La Salette-Fallavaux, France, in 1846.


Am I supposed to understand that this is because the Diocese of Rome has canceled all public Masses until April 3 in response to the coronavirus outbreak?
Why this message now from John Stone? It looks like ungrounded fear mongering. Never Trump stuff being used to correspond with today’s market crash. This message John Stone has sent was sent in 18 Sep 1846. Not seeing the correlation to what happened to what is happening today unless John Stone is trying to slash the tires on the Trump economy.
Someone care to explain.
Oh wait, read the link I’m giving. Apparently this was the Popes prayer yesterday. So I guess I’m seeing the tire slashing Pope doing his part in taking down the President unless someone wants to explain differently.


Thank you for posting that link. It’s a keeper.


I actually had a hard time finding it. I had to use all 7 of my search engines to find the quote and then a site that put it into sufficient context.

Deplorable Patriot

There are other such predictions from the Blessed Mother for at least 200 years. But…so few listen to their mother.


Mindboggling dumbness exhibited by Dem this morning.
How can these people function is a real world?????
Lay of the Land: This morning, the Dow futures are down 1255 points. Across the globe, Shanghai and DAX were down about 6% today. Japan report on 1st quarter came in and showed contraction of 7.1% for their economy. Report out of China showed exports down 17%.
Failure of Russia and OPEC to come to terms has OIL at 32USD/barrel this morning, which is down 9USD. Goldman Sachs came out with a NOTE overnight saying we could see oil in the 20-30USD range for a period of time due to decreased demand from Coronavirus.
And the Dems are thrilled. Economy is crashing. Narrative is “we told you Trump was an idiot”.
Trump was the one to warn us about the danger of China. Trump was right.
if the Dems think this market slide is terrific because of drop in oil price, what will they do when ANY of their candidates wins and fossil fuel is outlawed? Where will the market be when there is NO OIL?
These people are stupid, and cheering for their own destruction.


I don’t understand the market and the globe as well as you do, but I recognize panic when i see it. good thing POTUS recognizes opportunity when he sees it.
I will trust in POTUS to lead us thru these unsteady waters and come out ahead of the curve.


We might want to consider making a separate thread for this.


You have to wonder how long Iran and Iraq can sustain this. Their reaction to this (and their citizens) will be telling. It has the potential to topple their governments.



DANG…coffee all over the monitor, keyboard…my lap…


Dang, that’s funny!


maybe we need to have a card shower for him…bwahahaha
Convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein has two cellmates on Rikers Island, where he took a bad fall this weekend and is “miserable,” his spokesman said.
The disgraced movie mogul is housed in the North Infirmary Command with two “older gentlemen,” his spokesman Juda Engelmayer said.
“He’s miserable but trying to be optimistic as best he can,” Engelmayer said. “He has had a lot of time to think about his life and be humbled, but he thinks it’s going to be a long, uphill battle from here.”
On Saturday night, Weinstein took a tumble after trying to walk on his own. “He fell on his head and thinks he has a concussion,” Engelmayer said. “His head has been pounding since yesterday.”


No ‘Pity Party’ scheduled of which I am aware, Pat!


LOL…he’s with 2 older guys…smart…hoping to avoid getting his ass kicked…


If someone wants to do that – they will find a way – you know how they feel about his kind.


I do.
and forgive me, but that makes me smile a little


We reap what we sow – he will get what he deserves one way or another – imho

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I read that as “He fell on his head and thinks he has a conscience”…
If only…


Getting ready to….
1. Go back to the comfortable confines of the hospital
2. “Check out” due to a seizure, subdural hematoma, or other complications from his TBI.
Place your bets….


Border patrol confiscates counterfeit toothbrush heads? didn’t even know that was a thing…
Border Patrol agents in Philadelphia seized a shipment of counterfeit toothbrushes.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials said the more than 1,400 fake Oral-B toothbrush heads would’ve gone for more than $12,000 at the suggested retail price.
This was CBP’s second Oral-B toothbrush head seizure in five months.
In November, Philadelphia officers seized 20,400 counterfeit Oral-B toothbrushes shipped from China.
Agents said the latest seizure came from Turkey. CBP officers initially examined the express delivery shipment on Feb. 14 and discovered 1,440 Oral-B toothbrush heads that consisted of 260 four-packs and 200 two-packs. Officers detained the shipment as suspected counterfeit consumer goods due to poor packaging and questionable quality.
CBP officers then worked with CBP’s Consumer Products and Mass
CBP officials noted counterfeit toothbrush heads pose a serious health threat to consumers, as do all counterfeit health care products. Counterfeit brush heads are manufactured in unsanitary facilities with substandard materials that may sicken users or cause bleeding to a user’s gums or mouth, and structural defects may cause the brush head to detach, and potentially choke users.

Deplorable Patriot

The Chinese will literally copy anything.


POTUS not going to Nanzi’s St Patty’s day luncheon…don’t blame him!
“Since the Speaker has chosen to tear this Nation apart with her actions and her rhetoric, the President will not participate in moments where she so often chooses to drive discord and disunity, and will instead celebrate the rich history and strong ties between the United States and Ireland at the White House on March 12.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She gon be arress!


are you in your cups?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Verse of the Day

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
Deuteronomy 6:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Monday Morning Duchess!
Have a bright, Blessed Day!


Hi, Pat! Hope all is well with you and you enjoyed some warmer weather – 🙂
You have a Blessed, Fun Day, too! Hugs!!!






Trust the Lord with all thine heart, and lean Not to thine own Understanding.😍😍


Amen goes right there, BFLY!
Proverbs 3:5-7 has saved many a lost soul


I’ve always liked a particular aspect of this verse.
It doesn’t say “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall” tell you how to proceed, or whisper cryptic messages in your ear, or have you read passages that can easily be interpreted to mean multiple things.
The verse says “He shall direct your paths.” God cuts out the flawed middleman in this process, either me or you, and goes straight to the resultant action by Him . . . directing our paths.


Amen goes right there, carl!


you know what might take the heat off the administration with the covid 19 stuff?
start indicting Obama’s administration…LOL…


Might be faster just tossing them in a river and see if they float. But yes. Something soon please.


can we pick the river?


How about a SWAMPY one like the AMAZON???


I was thinking one closer to Wuhan


Do they have Crocs and pythons over there? I’m thinking Swamp creatures should be comforted with their own kind!!


if that’s the case, there’s a perfectly good Reptile Land in PA where they would be among their own kind…LOL


Sure! Just make sure its deep and fast.


and filled with piranha? crocodiles? gators? (not sure which are where)


Don’t forget the millstone!


studying this worm might help with our plastics problems.
It turns out mother nature may have a solution for our massive plastic waste problem. The answer? Galleria mellonella, more commonly known as the ‘great wax moth’ or the ‘honeycomb moth.’ What makes these little guys so special? G. mellonella larvae enjoy chowing down on polyethylene, the most common type of plastic which also happens to be incredibly difficult to breakdown.
In 2017, researchers accidentally discovered that wax worms had eaten holes through plastic bags in which they were being stored. Puzzled, Paolo Bombelli and Christopher Howe placed the critters on polyethylene film in a lab and observed them getting to work on the plastic. The results showed that 100 worms were able to ingest 92 milligrams of the material over a 12-hour period. While it’s not a massive amount, it’s still more than microbes are able to breakdown. What’s more, the caterpillars—sometimes called ‘plastivores’—actually digest the plastic allowing them to turn the material into energy.

Gail Combs

Polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene can EASILY be recycled or can burned to make ENERGY.
OH, and guess where you can find styrene??? IN TREES!
And this is incorrect: AKA PURE BULL SCHIFF!
“…. PS [polystyrene] is hard to recycle, and there are no investments to do so because there are no incentives…..”
A POST -Consumer recycling plant for polystyrene was to be opened north of Boston in the late 1980s. It was a combined project of McDonald’s, Sweetheart Plastics & Polysar. The factory was specially designed to use handicapped workers.
The design (by my favorite boss) was complete, the land purchased, the TV ads announcing the project made and the ground breaking ceremony for the factory about to happen.
So WHY no factory???
S. Robert Blair, an upstart, had stomped on the toes of Shell Oil and British Petroleum, both companies ‘owned’ by the Dutch and British Royals, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. In REVENGE these Oligarchs used their puppet WWF and at first a school teacher from New Hampshire and then some teenager to TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY! The WEEK before the recycling ads were to air on TV, an anti-polystrene campaign was ‘started’ by a teenager and SWEPT the ENTIRE COUNTRY! She was featured in ALL the media… And the crap shes spouted was LIES!
Sound like the prototype for Greta the Green Hearted??
McDonald quickly scrambled to switch to UNRECYCLABLE coated paper, Polysar and Sweet Heart had to close factories and hundreds lost their jobs. But the Oligarchs got their revenge and we are STILL swamped with their lies about plastic.


you know, in your “spare time” (sarc) you should be the Sect of Recycling!

Gail Combs

If you take the long chains of polyethylene and polypropylene and keep chopping them up you end up with wax. (That is why the worm would eat them)
The general formula for paraffin wax involves n carbon atoms and 2n plus 2 hydrogen atoms, where n is at least 16. For example, one of the hydrocarbons in the wax might have the formula C31H64. This gives you a typical melting point between about 46 and 68 °C (115 and 154 °F),
When (n) the number of repeats gets really large you get plastics which are harder and have higher melting points.
Polyethylene and Polypropylene are the two most widely produced commodity plastics.
Polyethylene Chemical formula (repeating building block)
Polystyrene’s chemical formula is
It is different than polyethylene and polypropylene because it has a benzene ring stuck on the monomer aka repeating building block.
Notice ALL these compounds are nothing but carbon and hydrogen.
So why are they not burned???
Well the plant I was at would strip off the material with low [n] via distillation. Originally it was burned to generate electricity for the plant. THEN CAME THE EPA and MARXIST DUPES and we had to PAY to have the ‘CHEMICAL WASTE’ removed by Clean Harbors. Where did it go? One state over where it was burned to produce electricity.
Heck I talked to one guy who had a small vineyard and produced some very nice wine. Originally the lees, the skins and seeds leftover from pressing the grapes, was composted and returned to the soil. BUT the EPA/state CLASSIFIED the lees as CHEMICAL WASTE and he had to hire Clean Harbors to remove those ‘DANGEROUS’ grape seeds and skins.
The local school had to pay big $$$ to Clean Harbors to remove the old black top aka CHEMICAL WASTE from the school parking lot. My journalist brother-in-law followed the truck and found they just dumped the stuff at the local dump. He wrote an article and an uproar ensued.

Deplorable Patriot

You know what, this is all too reminiscent of EPA/FDA meddling around here in a deal the local brewers had with the dairy farmers. IIRC, this was a nation wide practice, but what would happen was the brewers would pack their spent grain and give it to the dairy farmers for the cows. The cows LOVED the spent grains and the milk production was improved.
Well, along comes the Obama EPA/FDA meddlers and they put a stop to the practice over *possible* cross species contamination which had NEVER happened. I don’t know if that decision was reversed, but it should have been. It took care of a number of issues including keeping those grains out of the land fill.

Gail Combs

“…the brewers spent grain….”
You know where that now goes? TO PURINA and the other feed companies where it is made into pelleted grain and sells for $20 to $50 a 100lbs.
It is listed as ‘distillers grain’

Deplorable Patriot

Figures. Nestle strikes again.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And what about all those bacteria that live near sea vents which spew crude oil and other matter from deep under the ocean? They seem to have quite an appetite for the stuff…

Gail Combs

They have even found bacteria eating COAL deep in the earth.
As usual we are GAS LIGHTED!


Gail, recently I read a paper ab micro-organisms living in an arsenic environment (underwater)!
study done here in USA iirc.
We know so little.
Need moar studies and investigations for the pure joy of exploring God’s world, not for advancing voo-doo!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail, this is a very big deal, because it ties in with “disappeared research” I know about back then.
A fellow scientist I knew in a non-science hobby context worked in a different branch of shallow state which I had almost worked for. He never talked shop, until one day when he wanted my opinion. He had been handed a new project involving recycling polymers. I was a much more basic scientist than he was, so he was looking for my thoughts. He was an extremely honest and ethical guy, and I had zero competing interests, so I gave him EVERY thought I had on the topic. I was concerned about certain negatives, which I explained at a fundamental level.
A few weeks later, he thanked me. I asked if he had gotten it to work. He said YES – and massively more successful than what they had hoped for. The method was elegant and highly general. I was shocked, but it made perfect sense. It not only solved the problems I had noted – it solved all the remaining problems. I had never dreamed of this solution.
Somehow, the whole thing got pulled away from him. He was taken out of the loop. About 25 years later, I understood.
FAKE SCIENCE. Fake science deep-sixed his work from above.


WHEATIE – At risk of pettifogging, isn’t that your Word of the Week since you only do it once a week?

More than 18,000 Americans have died from this season’s generic flu so far, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2018, the CDC estimated, there were 80,000 flu deaths. That’s against 19 coronavirus deaths so far, from about 470 cases.
Worldwide, there have been about 3,400 coronavirus deaths, out of about 100,000 identified cases. Flu, by comparison, grimly reaps about 291,000 to 646,000 annually.
China is the origin of the virus and still accounts for over 80 percent of cases and deaths. But its cases peaked and began ­declining more than a month ago, according to data presented by the Canadian epidemiologist who spearheaded the World Health Organization’s coronavirus mission to China. Fewer than 200 new cases are reported daily, down from a peak of 4,000.


Yep. Concerning China, if you care to believe their numbers, which matter not to me either way, they will be, with the exception of their critical cases, Wuhan virus free in about two weeks. How convenient for them as they resume their place in the worlds economy while our economy goes into to a nose dive.


manufactured *nose dive.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, and their markets have been going up, thanks to them changing their rulez…
Satan Soros and his ilk are laughing all the way to the bank. Remember, at Davos he said that the US markets have been too high for too long… Must’ve been hurting his practice of shorting…
He should be shorting somewhere else – sitting in old sparky…
And why hasn’t he been convivted of war (and other) crimes???

Cuppa Covfefe

Or even convicted….geesh…


Would an entire nation plot to drive down the market just so it could “buy the dip”?


Of course not, but this is being driven by never trumpers spreading fear and short sellers who are already stuck in large cash positions. Once they make their money on the short sell they come back and do it again and again.

Gail Combs

They have been doing it since 1929 with the help of the FED.
Who lost? All the school teachers and farmers who were ENCOURAGED to put their savings in stock. Who WON? the Oligarchs who are the Ruling Class.



Donald J. Trump

The Obama/Biden Administration is the most corrupt Administration in the history of our Country!


You Pre-Q’d again!
See new drop #3892




Surprised everyone hasn’t started using Sleepy Joe’s term “O Biden/Bama” administration



Donald J. Trump

“Trump has outmastered the Deep State. He’s light years ahead of us.” MSDNC. I disagree. We have a long way to go. There are still some very bad, sick people in our government – people who do not love our Country (In fact, they hate our Country!).


trump, I love the fact our President uses the word “bad”.
a judgment that regular Americans understand…very bad people. yep.
simple truths.
it’s refreshing it is.



Donald J. Trump

Now the Democrats are trying to smear Bernie with Russia, Russia, Russia. They are driving him Crazy!


Is this effective?
Is it necessary?
Or is it just optics?
Scare tactics?
For the American consumer?
For US MSM to use?
If optics, What is the intended effect?
Crash US Market->panic->elect Biden
Futures S&P down 145
Yes the S&P not the Dow
Step 5 is working
China DNC MSM crashing the USA economy w Corona hoax
DJT better act & start arresting people
Quote Tweet
· 8h
Starting to think this entire #Coronavirus is a #China #psyop to bring down the US economy and usher in their puppet @JoeBiden

If this continues election polls will start favoring Biden over Trump & selling will intensify
We will have a self fulfilling prophecy
China wins
Quote Tweet
· 8h
Futures S&P down 145
Yes the S&P not the Dow
Step 5 is working
China DNC MSM crashing the USA economy w Corona hoax
DJT better act & start arresting people


Peeps be like cats chasing the red dot……………………………..
Will be the same with the next shiny ball to come after Corona peters out…………………….
Y’all keep listening to FAKE NEWS, looking at FAKE PHOTOS………………………..

Gail Combs

THAT is some random person with LESS THAN 50 followers.
What has Q said?
Experimental Drug Promises to Kill Flu Virus

11 Feb 2018 – 7:30:54 PM
11 Feb 2018 – 7:19:46 PM

What a coincidence.
This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.

If it is a hoax and a DemonRat governor puts in place quarantine YOU ARE STILL STUCK IN THE HOUSE!
So having gotten supplies A MONTH AGO means you avoid the crowds, the price gouging and the empty shelves. WIN-WIN-WIN
I think it is real.
I think it kills those over 60.
I think Bibi and President Trump had advance notice and have vaccines/ flu medicine already in the pipeline.
President Trump will TAKE THIS virus and use it as a club to drive home the fact the DEMOCRATS allowed our pharmaceutical industry to move to China.
OUR job is to take precautions and NOT spread the darn virus (or the nasty flu this season.)


That is a big bunch of bullshit. Why is it polluting our tree?



Donald J. Trump

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
7:30 AM – Mar 9, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, fever broke at about four this morning, about 24 hours ahead of schedule. Still feel like crap, but, hey, the worst is over. Will be catching up a bit, but in the meantime….
JACKPOT! We have our first Coronavirus case here, and of course, the patient’s father and sister broke self-quarantine to go to a father daughter dance (and I guessed the school before I heard which one it was. I was right). They left upon getting the call that the test was positive, but still….
And, yes, given all details, we’re in close enough proximity, I expect it will effect life around here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good to hear from you, and the good news of your recovery.
Do you have a definitive diagnosis on what you had? Influenza, or the “weak strain” corona?

Deplorable Patriot

Definitive? No. But the symptoms matched the flu bug that’s going around town. I haven’t left the house since Wednesday, and probably won’t for a couple more. This particular bug does a number on the stomach to the point that I was down to cherry juice popsicles we had left from when the kids were here last. I highly recommend having some on hand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That’s nasty. I don’t need that action.

Deplorable Patriot

No one does.

Deplorable Patriot

The thing is, now I need to restock a whole lot of stuff, and with a case of the actual Coronavirus less than five miles away with definite networking vectors in my usual paths, I’m not sure which way to go when I do venture out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Going very early or very late when crowds are thinnest is recommended by one of my best prepping sources, and not surprisingly, this is exactly what CDC is now recommending to oldsters who need to venture out.


which is counter to their safety in more populated areas—less crowds= easier targets for thieves. catch 22…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Yup. Sad unintended consequence of living in blue zones.

Deplorable Patriot

Fortunately, the family involved lives in Ladue, which is a wealthy suburb where property is more like estates. The population density is lower than in other parts of town, so cross your fingers the distances might help hamper the spread.


Yep, morning after they’ve had their best cleaning. I’m pretty sure Gail has that in the Daughn’s notes somewhere.


Is there a grocery or other store near you that does curb-side pickup for orders? That would limit your exposure. Or you could have stuff delivered.

Deplorable Patriot

The closest grocery store is my best bet actually. When I can I’ll run down there.

Deplorable Patriot

IDK if it’s so much the rich as the Villa people.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. I do expect this to directly impact the communities at Priory, SLUH, and maybe DeSmet as well. And then…depending on how well it’s contained, probably the other girls’ schools in the county. Every parish straight down the central corridor before moving into retail. What a mess.


Now they’re worried about creve coeur bayer? Must they report ever possible cold and cough?

Deplorable Patriot

Not possible.

Deplorable Patriot

Now that I think about it, as the couch commando woke up with a fever yesterday, but today no…I suspect this is a variation of influenza B. He had it a couple years ago, and may well have some natural immunity in place.

Gail Combs

D Pat.
The best time to hit a Walmart will be very early in the morning. The store will have been cleaned, droplets will have floated to the ground, shelves will hopefully have been stocked and the low-life will be home sleeping off their beer & drugs.
“adults’ strongest sleep drive generally occurs between 2:00-4:00 am….
…for teens the strongest circadian “dips” tend to occur between 3:00-7:00 am and 2:00-5:00 pm, but the morning dip (3:00-7:00 am) can be even longer if teens haven’t had enough sleep….”
So shopping between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM should be the safest.


glad your fever broke!
hope you have a speedy recovery!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. As soon as I can actually eat….


take care of yourself!!!

Gail Combs

De pat remember that rice helps clean the ‘bad bacteria’ out of your tract and yogurt helps put ‘good bacteria’ back into the tract.
Just stay away from Turkish owned and operated Chobani. He hires immigrants whose bathroom habits may leave a lot to be desired.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. Yogurt this morning stayed down fine. Rice….one brother and I don’t tolerate it well.


Bananas, applesauce, and toast. The BRAT diet, minus the rice for you. But it was always recommended for my kids coming back from an illness as the easiest on the tummy.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. I’m a paleo eater due to gluten and soy intolerance. And bananas…i choked on one as a toddler.
I go with broth applesauce and a few other things.
Thanks though.


Glad your fever broke. That’s a good sign.
Get plenty of rest and stay well.


The Truth About Canadian Healthcare



Brian Cates on the Erik Prince spy ring….. sounds like he may be coming around to Q without saying it. Referenced Trumps quote about the Calm before the Storm. Maybe he took his last red pill when he was at CPAC, alot of
Q-b’leivers in attendence Im sure


Brian may simply keep his thoughts on Q to himself…

Gail Combs

The last thing Brian needs as a writer for the Epic Times is a connection to Q.
Think about that 2017 spy operations on the teachers union…. THINK 2018 election CHEATING….


Democrats are sick puppies!


I hope so.


That’s telling.
Most comments on other sites keep saying buy low.
You know someone is getting Rich off this drop.
I know under trump we’ll be fine but this panic is just ridiculous




I’m posting a tweet and maybe Daughn can explain because I admit I am no financial person. “Can’t have a reset without a crash” …gold standard coming??

BrunoBarking for a #TRUMP2020LANDSLIDE Retweeted
Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass
Ten bucks says Gov Inslee is one of the China-friendly governors Pompeo talked about.
Quote Tweet
The Hill
· 10h
“I really don’t care too much what Donald Trump thinks of me. It’s background noise. This is a national crisis.”


phoenix, in all fairness to Inslee (whom I loath, he’s My Governor!), he did tweet out the President’s visit convinced him the feds are doing this right by the States,
then somewhat later, Newsome repeated this (!).
I texted a friend saying, Ima thinkin’ the President was a bit of The Godfather to these two miscreant Marxists.


I think you’re on to something there Piper ! He made them an offer they couldn’t refuse? LUV our VSG POTUS!


phoenix, oh, me too.
He knows just about all that needs to be known.
And holds it until it’s an appropriate time…for maximum effect.


Mark Knoller
Arriving in Orland/Sanford FL, Pres greeted by
and they walk over to greet supporters on the tarmac before departing for Trump Campaign fundraiser.
Mark Knoller
Despite advice against handshaking, Pres Trump greets supporters on the tarmac at Orlando/Sanford Airport and then departs for Trump Victory fundraising event, expected to draw 250 donors and raise $4-million. It’s his 3rd fundraiser in four days. All closed to press.


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here’s the link from the Patriot Post


Old WuFlu Self-Report Form 1:
I just returned from Wuhan, China
I have repeated close contact with a WuFlu patient
My temperature is over 106˚F
More than 1 of my organs has failed
To report, call CDC at W-AIT-FOR-EVER
New WuFlu Self-Report Form 1A:
I just attended a Trump rally
I just saw Trump on TV
I read about Trump on the web
I think I might have a runny nose or cough
To report, text “Trump gave me flu” to J-OEB-ISL-UCID




Unbelievably funny



Gail Combs

The Autusts are getting better and better at memes.


Ohhhhhhhh, this is wonderful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, my wife and I were howling! 🐺 🐺


I voted early in the FL primary today.
While I was out, turned on the radio to Glenn Beck spouting off with panic propaganda – he’s pushing a WORLD-WIDE FINANCIAL CRISIS/CRASH/CHAOS!!! And Trump will be to blame unless he does what Glenn thinks he should.
Walmart was not restocked with alcohol, peroxide, sanitizer or wipes – but the Publix did have Elderberry syrup and other flu fighting vitamins/supplements.


Don’t give us just part of the story . . .
You voted early today . . . but did you vote often?


:8-) You da man, BC!!


FL scans your DL or ID – and nowadays you have to document prove your ID from Birth and document every married name change.
I had to order my birth certificate from the Louisiana archives!


ALSO – TO VOTE IN THE FL PRIMARY – you must be registered in a party – you can only vote amongst your party’s candidates!
In 2016, I had to change from Independent to Republican in order to vote for Donald Trump.
In 2012 – I changed from Republican to Independent – when Rubio wrote the Gang of 8 Bill with McCain, etc. I was mad as heck!!!
Still do not have any regard/admiration for Rubio after he betrayed the Tea Party voters the way he did.


I agree 100% that only party members should choose their candidates. It’s been a scam since it changed.



Going on my screen saver…I do appreciate these reminders of the beauty we have to sooth our souls and calm our spirits.


Garrison lifts my spirits daily with pictures of God’s creation – and – he tickles my funny bone, too – glad you enjoy them, Tea.


comment image
Mar 09, 2020 12:05:42 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 14a566 No. 8357870comment image
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Rig for Red.
55m ago
8kun qresearch

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Rigged for red THREE YEARS AGO on your advice.
All hat, no cattle.

Gail Combs

Notice that President Trump is AGAIN wearing a YELLOW TIE.
Yellow flag in signal corp = letter Q

It is seven more months until the ‘OCTOBER SURPRISE’

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ummm…. this isn’t actually addressing my point.
Leaving aside the possibility that the yellow tie is a coincidence (we’ll never know until/unless Trump speaks directly to the issue of Q), my point is: We’ve been told by Q (whoever he/she/they is/are) over and over again that something will happen soon, get ready. I don’t think anyone’s definition of “soon” could be “two years.”
And now you apparently think that something will happen seven months from now. How many times have we figured we knew when things would finally happen, only to be disappointed, again…and again…and again?
In fact I would expect NOTHING WHATSOEVER to happen in October, because we wouldn’t want to be seen doing something to the opposition right before an election and actually INFLUENCING it. In fact that was the reason given for not doing something during the entire year of 2018!! Same logic applies now. Nothing will happen this year. Then in 2021 (assuming Trump wins), there’ll be some other reason. In 2024, we’ll still be waiting and we’ll be asked to be patient because we don’t want to mess up the election of _________ (whoever succeeds Trump).
I just don’t believe Q’s “soons” any more. He’s been saying it for as long has he’s been around. He’s a proven liar, in my book.


Thank you, Steve — much appreciated.
I don’t know if Q lies. Perhaps he boosts morale?
That said, by now, boosting morale through constant misdirection since late October 2017 has become BORING.
We learned a lot of background info and that’s about it.
I’m with you on discounting the ‘soons’ and on the constant shift of timeline to the point that PDJT will be out of office after two terms and NOT A DAMN THING OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL HAVE HAPPENED.
Wake me when arrests, prosecutions, trials, convictions and IMPRISONMENT actually start. Until then …


Mar 09, 2020 12:08:14 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 14a566 No. 8357903

Silent running is a tactic used when….
52m ago
8kun qresearch


THAT INCLUDES Secretaries of State Hillrotten and Ketchup, AGs Holder and Lynch and all the rest!!!


I believe it’s significant POTUS is restating this again…

Gail Combs

AND all of a sudden wearing yellow ties.


Short summary of Colonialism and Globalism
This will make most academics angry. They will NOT accept these categories.
* Colonization existed long prior to the 1500s. It has, in fact been a characteristic of civilizations from ancient times, noteably Babylon, Persia, Hellenistic Greece, Rome, Muslim conquests, and on we can go.
* Age of Exploration, 1500s began the Exploration phase
* Exploitation – taking of wealth from a site, often an explored site. For instance, trappers capturing hides in the New World and taking them back to the Old World
* Colonization 1600s – Establishment of remote centers of productive activity
* Colonization was largely focused on productivity, exploitation as extraction.
* Confusion exists primarily b/c leftist academics confuse production and exploitation into the same concept. In their worldview, colonization is always, necessarily, and wholly exploitative. In reality, colonies that are completely exploitative are FAILURES. Joseph Conrad wrote of FAILED colonies that were exploitative – exhibited predation.
* Colonies were productive but still subject to mercantilism, where the colonies’ economic surplus was exported via deficit to the mother country
* Integration 1800s-early 1900s – Colonial economies and mother nation economies move from the mercantilism model to a more inter-dependent model, with a more fair trading regiment.
* Marxism 1917 – became a major ideological and economic challenger with the rise of the USSR
* Socialism, Fascism, Communism 1930s – Affected all nations and created massive economic disasters, ex: The Great Depression, The New Deal
* Globalization 1945 to Present – The post-war order, Marshall Plan where wealthy nations assist war torn and under-developed nations (a new concept) become economically sustainable. Concept of “first-world” and “third-world” become common nomenclature
* Globalism is just a name for another stage of Colonialism. Instead of mercantilism of wealth from colonies to mother nations, the new mercantilism is the movement of wealth from first-world nations to third-world nations, ostensibly for development. In reality many of these relationships were corrupt, predatory, and explotative.
* De-colonisation 1950s – The shedding of empires into nations. Also described as Post-colonialism.
* Academics describe the USSR as a champion of De-Colonization. They deny the USSR’s obvious colonial ambitions. The Cold War was a major economic conflict to prevent the rabid colonial ambitions of the imperial USSR. Therefore de-colonization should be understood as actual Colonization by Marxist Communism.
* USSR’s motivation in De-Colonization was to reduce Western (first-world capitalistic) influence on other nations, that they could then influence into their orbit and with Marxism. It was exploitative in nature, as is all communism.
* Accelerated Globalization 1970s – The process of globalization (or reverse colonisation) was not going fast enough so efforts were made to stymie the first-world economic progress to redirect investment and give time for third world countries to “catch up”
* End of Cold War 1990
* Pseudo-capitalistic China 1990 to present – Pure communism failed but instead of ending the economic war the goal became to use capitalist tools against the first-world capitalist nations. Controlled capitalism became embraced by China.
* China granted status as a “developing nation” to enable the globalist (reverse colonisation) economic shift – reverse mercantilism where first-world nations (U.S.) were put at a disadvantage and China exploits the relationship
* International priorities on treaties and plans to further slow first-world economic development. United States highly independent economy was stubbornly resistant to international attempts to slow it down.
* China Globalism, aka One Belt One Road – Create a world-wide belt of exploitative partnerships with other nations to self-advantage while simultaneously dis-advantage the U.S.
This outline can be extended indefinitely.
* Donald Trump throws a monkey wrench in the globalist machine and powerfully asserts economic nationalism. Other nations begin to follow suit as populism rises against elitist economic globalism.


Thank you, Michaelh. My fave post of the day.


Glad to be of service!


Coronavirus will put paid to some of this, too.
I don’t recall if I read it here or on a UK site, but northern Italy has a lot of Chinese workers at the artisan factories there (leather, luxury products, etc.). Cheap labour, higher profits. I think that will start to come to a close.


Yes, true.
Explored on an episode of Pandemic. The Chinese pretty much took over manufacturing within Italy. Lombardy region is most harmed.


Thank you, Daughn — much appreciated.
Now the Chinese want (or already have?) port ownership in the north, too. Hmm.
Every nation needs its own security in manufacturing (inc. pharma), transport, utilities and defence.


Yeah, I think they got it. Part of the Xi visit.


Yes I heard the same!


Then I must have read it here. Thanks!


VIX at level that normally indicate a bottom in being put in.
Probability of a V bottom here are quite high.
Panic selling is NOT what causes a long-term decline in the market. Deep State needs a long-term decline, not a short-lived panic sell-off.
BTW….on a historical basis (ie. 30 year chart) you can’t even see this sell off.


Bloomberg adviser warns of ‘scorched earth’ retaliation against Trump children if GOP attacks Hunter Biden
An adviser to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s campaign threatened a “scorched earth” response against President Trump’s children if the GOP refuses to back off from Hunter Biden.


I love the smell of democrat fear and panic.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It DOES seem to be hitting a nerve.


Read carefully.
Re-read carefully.
Spy_insert [EC] known?
Re-read drops re: Spy_insert.
What do these people have in common?
Pelosi’s son
Kerry’s son
Romney’s son
Biden’s son
Hint: Geo location: Ukraine
Hint: Energy
When [GS] calls, D’s always answer.
Nothing can stop what is coming.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And why should I pay one microsecond of attention to what that blowhard who calls himself
“Q” says any more?
For years, it’s been imminent, if he/they are to be believed. Imminent.
Sorry. Q is an asshole, who has cried wolf too often. He can go to hell.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oddly enough I’d be banned for expressing this opinion over there (had I not been banned already).
I’m certainly not in the camp of wanting to forbid any discussion of Q (those are the people who belong over there), but if someone responds to something I say to them (having nothing to do with Q) with a Q post, I’m damned well going to tell him what I think the value of Q is.
Part of being free to discuss Q, as we are over here, is being free to hold the opinion that Q is worthless.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…oh, and if Q is intended as disionformation, then I’d have to modify what I just said. He’d then be useful tactically, but useless as a source of information (since it could be disinformation) and should be disregarded anyway.


It’s okay to do that (threats) now that Chucky has suffered no consequences so expect to see more of it. Later we’ll likely find this guy in the Hamptons with the rest of the NTs. Just saying.


sure are worried about hunter biden

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s the most obvious corruption. As long as he is not acted against, they’re all safe. Once the cutting begins, the question becomes HOW DEEP, and that is a worrying question.
It’s going to be ugly. The first arrests need to have SOBERING EVIDENCE in the public domain, like the LAW used to give in the past.
The entirety of the population is held hostage from the most basic NEWS by an overplayed idea of jury taint. COMMIE SUCCESS right there.
When people were arrested when I was a kid, papers got TONS of evidence. This is the proper balance of the First Amendment – an INFORMED POPULACE. It allows the nation to believe in justice. The commies were VERY SMART in using alleged First Amendment defenders like the ACLU to rein in justice by reining in the public’s right to know.


If you throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one you hit.


Another Q Drop!
Mar 09, 2020 1:30:28 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 98c60c No. 8358831
Per MSM [Fake News]:
(person in the basement – LARP) who simply asks(ed) questions on a forum [imageboard] that generates(ed) continued [massive (thousands)] MSM attacks & WW movement [Great Awakening]?
Logical thinking.
Backchannels are important when the ‘news’ itself is untrustworthy [controlled].
1m ago
8kun qresearch

Sadie Slays

It is pretty weird that there are no Trump rallies scheduled for Michigan despite it being a huge win in 2016.


Coronavirus spread?
That’s the last thing they’d want to be blamed for.
They’ll reschedule once there is less health risk and maximum campaign impact.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Dems are just POISED to play up coronavirus fears ON OUR SIDE, and a Trump rally would be perfect. Send in one flannel shirt choom-smoking Bernie bro with the virus, and 10,000 people think they might have it, even though maybe 4 or 5 people were exposed.
Media is just ready to pounce. They would play up the Trump “concern-bots” like crazy. END OF THE WORLD!!!
Yeah, don’t fall for it.
Maybe we need an ONLINE RALLY!!!


THIS x 1000!!
Thanks, Wolf. That is a highly realistic scenario.


He was a good actor.
RIP Max.


There Is No Such Thing As Free Healthcare




And the majority of the deaths are from the WA Nursing home, the most vulnerable to the virus.
This in my mind totally skews the US death rate.


That as well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is very simple – new strong flu and no vaccine, particularly bad for the elderly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ironic, isn’t it?
It used to be a crash in the oil price was good news.
Now that we’re a BigTime producer once again–it’s bad news?


Ugh they are trying to removal Confederate monuments and memorials again!!!!
Learn from your history, you idiots!!! Go do something constructive for once.


Report: Twitter Strikes Deal with Activist Investors to Keep Jack Dorsey as CEO


In addition to Cruz and Gosar, now we have…


This isn’t the real Blago, but he asks a good question:


Remember queer boy who licked doorknobs at GOP event when he was sick with flu? Nothing new here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, we need to know who he is. Crowdsource can determine if he was a plant.


Now do Senator Murphy and his staff.



And this will prove that the “work” they do can be handled outside the swamp….getting ready to pull the plug? Let them all work from their home districts/states


In offices with glass walls. Just to keep ’em (somewhat) honest.


Remote work on computers, cell phones, Skype….Pretty sure there is No Such Agency that can capture it all 🤔😉


comment image
Mar 09, 2020 1:34:20 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 98c60c No. 8358897
Mar 09, 2020 1:32:29 PM CDT
Anonymous ID: 905be4 No. 8358859
Mar 09, 2020 1:30:28 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 98c60c No. 8358831
Per MSM [Fake News]:
(person in the basement – LARP) who simply asks(ed) questions on a forum [imageboard] that generates(ed) continued [massive (thousands)] MSM attacks & WW movement [Great Awakening]?
Logical thinking.
Backchannels are important when the ‘news’ itself is untrustworthy [controlled].
3h, 10m ago
8kun qresearch



It still amazes me that people are surprised that Mother Nature ignores government edicts. If you count on the government to protect you from the vicissitudes of life you are destined for disappointment.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the USA could actually close it’s borders during the time of a global pandemic?
Instead of Congress conjuring up more ways to spend our money, they need to make us safe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is some good news. Soros DAs are all corrupt, inexperienced, extremely political, and possibly criminal.


WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS Press Briefing – Fox 10 + scenes of Princess cruise ship docked in Oakland, CA – getting ready to disembark 3,500 passengers.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently slipped to 6:30 PM ET.


The press briefing has been put back to 6:30 pm.
Right now, Gov. DeSantis is giving a briefing.

Gail Combs

Coronavirus Concerns Lead to Cancellation of Austin’s SXSW
MOAR on the Wuhan Virus:
We know the Chinese LIE so lets look at Italy.
16 days after the beginning of the outbreak
Total…………New……Total…….New……..Total…….Active…Serious..tot cases/
Because of ONE ASS-HOLE!

From Nancy & John Hultquist @ ChiefIO
“I had wondered why Italy, specifically the northwest inland area, was a center for the coronavirus.
….Pavia, Italy has been identified as “ground zero” of the coronavirus outbreak. Geographically this doesn’t make much sense. This is Nowheresville compared to Rome, Paris, or Seattle. So why Pavia?
The story is here:
Patient Zero in Italy

Quote from that source:

The man believed to be coronavirus patient zero in Italy is a Pakistani migrant refused to self-isolate after testing positive for the virus and continued to deliver food.
Health authorities asked the man to quarantine himself at his home in the Pavia area for two weeks, but he ignored the request and continued to work at a Chinese restaurant.
He then compounded the risk of spreading the virus by making home deliveries of Chinese food.

Gail Combs

The data (and I messed up lineup of the chart) is from:


People like this need to do time behind bars.

CM in TN

People like that need to be “pushing daisies”.

Gail Combs

400+ counts of manslaughter….


He apparently will do 3 months in prison. hopefully in solitary confinement.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – there will be hundreds of dead because of him and he does 3 months.
Justice will happen, unfortunately, if some mobster’s mom is one of the hundreds or thousands of victims.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One consolation of using Android is that you’re not dealing with Crapple.
On the other hand…
One consolation of using Crapple is that you’re not dealing with the Goolag.




POTUS live on OANN


I flipped on Faux and they had Bernie on full screen with POTUS in the small box lower corner of the screen….switched right back to OANN


Yeah, no thanks, I pass on the Communist.


Pi$$3d me off royally to see that instead of carrying POTUS remarks.


Especially given the topic POTUS was addressing! Aren’t we all dying? Isn’t that why the economy is tanking?? One would think that is more important than a Communist townhall??


Not to the fellow travelers they are, apparently 😡


In all fairness, FNC was under a contract to do the Townhall live. Breaking the contract would be an ongoing disaster for carrying future events. They at least put the pic inside the pic. But that is useless unless it comes with subtitles.


Good to know



More tests available today, all states should have. LabCorp and Quest announcted they have today.
POTUS and Mnuchin considering payroll tax cuts and possible monetary stimulus for workers, meeting w/ Senate tomorrow to discuss.
DOW futures already up 100+


Have any Democrats self-quarantined?


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So we are supposed to assume that the tenth repeat of “Nothing can stop what is coming” and the fourth
repeat of “God Wins” (and so on) will actually lead to a DIFFERENT result than the previous repetitions?
Wake up, people!


This is a 5 year chart. Compare this sell off to that at the end of last year. Volume is down significantly from last week. Market is very oversold.comment image



When the worms come crawling out….also signifies spring or a re-birth….🤔




OK what’s REALLY going on here?👀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need the ID of the CPAC attendee. The theory that it was a plant must be examined by crowdsourcing to make sure all leads are followed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Minimum information – was the attendee a “journalist”? Of any kind?


He was a Dr. Go to Malkin’s twitter for details. She’s been a very loud bad girl.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I saw the name earlier….will go back and look

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I know that people are avoiding saying it, and I understand that, but now would be the time to find out more about the person.


Here ya go Wolfie

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! No way is this guy a plant. He must have picked it up in a hospital.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OR he was plausibly infected BECAUSE of who he was. A DOCTOR with ACCESS to top political people would be an amazing way to get the virus to the American leadership. Hospitals are filled with ChiComs and socialists, too. Easy venue to infect him.


Found this too. It’s discounted at the end as a “joke between friends” but who knows?


This makes sense. Don’t want to jeopardize POTUS in any way.


Let’s list them all and keep a running list…
Doug Collins
Mark Meadows
Matt Gaetz
Ted Cruz
Who else is self-quarantining? Nunez? Ratcliff? Jordan? Grassley?


Nunes and Jordan haven’t tweeted anything recently…I checked after I saw the news on Meadows. This is…..interesting 🤔

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG. If they’re using the epidemic as cover to hit specific people with the virus…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Beware of Stalinists who think they can get away with something.


I kind of think of it like they are “going dark”….maybe wishful thinking, but it sure is odd when you look at exactly who all is “quarantining”


It was a Conservative conference.


Yeah, but the whole quarantine of the President’s people may be “cover” for getting in to place for….something? 🤷 I’m still hoping

Elizabeth Carter

I found this very positive.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Lisa Mei Crowley Frog face
Ready, Boss!
Quote Tweet
· 2h
POTUS announced that there will be a press conference tomorrow with “dramatic/major” economic steps coming…


Look…. he brought out his yellow gold tie also……………..
Lisa Mei Crowley Frog face Retweeted
Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass
POTUS wanted everyone to know he was in close contact with Gaetz and Collins today, both of whom were supposedly exposed to Corona.
Did he look worried at the presser? No. It’s a message.


Ohh, and about ‘Congress’ working from home……………
ck out Chad’s twitter stream… that’s TOTALLY Pelosi’s idea… AND she wants more money to ‘pay for it’ …
Senate is in session today, Mitch trying to get a vote on energy bill……………


What is this significance of a yellow tie?

Rodney Short

Q flag in nautical flags.


Oh my goodness your right, but there is more.
The Q flag is solid yellow but it has two additional meanings:
Ship meets health regulations; request clearance into port. (International)
Boat recall; all boats return to ship. (Navy)

Rodney Short

I would love to see President Trump just go all out and wear a Q shirt to his next press briefing.


Based on who Q might be, I don’t think either side is really willing to push it. Sort of like a double edge sword for both parties in the optics department, but yeah, Trump’s communicating to us while taunting them. Maybe after the election though.
btw, great catch on nautical flag!

Rodney Short

Thank you para I seen the flag on research board a few times and thought it would be best to share the info.




Hi big sista!!!! You make my eyes twinkle!!! So good to see you here!!! keep being….Genius!!!!😘💖🥰🤗😎


Hi Sweet Lady… hope you and yours are well… (((Marica)))


All are well.. thanks (((Phoenix)))🥰🥰


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The final HOAX of the FAKE NEWS is to dogpile a Chinese communist HIV-modified Alt-Flu and then try to blame Trump for it.


I didn’t see that you already had this one🤷


It’s OKAY!!!! Too important not to post twice!!! How ya doin Volgarian?! Things are heating up!!!


I’m good! Got my paper towels, fresh hand soaps, sanitizer, Mucinex, toilet paper, and the Q tree…who could ask for more?😉


Right!!!!! We gonna be FINE! I am so glad you didn’t type ….Water!!! These idjiots buying up bottled water????? Wassup with that? Mexican Beer Flu doesn’t cut off our water supply! LOL!!!


I got Mexican beer and limes too😉….does that mean if I get the Coronavirus it will be complicated by Lime disease 🤔


LOL!!! No!!!! it would…..Perfect it!!! WE WIN!!!😂😂😂


Mark Meadows is…Self Quarantining!!! COS!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sadie Slays

Sadly, I doubt this is the final hoax. They’re just going to come up with something new once they maxxed out the WuFlu panic.


Yes. They never stop.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They will move on to something new.


Well they still have an army of illegals here in there bag of tricks. Not sure when they’ll use it but its in bag.



Louie Rohnert….advised to go back to work?


Put up or shut up maybe.
“359355>>8359382 >>8359446
Rigged for Red & Running Slient are mil terms + scope and magnitude of crimes, treason, sedition, involve a staggering amount of people and agencies, will DHS & Barr request Espers & DoD to get involved. POTUS already signed the EO to pave the way.
Tribunal time?”


I think there needs to be a big announcement that will force the media off the virus blame game.




Missed the “big announcement tomorrow”. Was that Q or president Trump speaking? What setting?


Pres. Trump said he will hold a press conference tomorrow regarding steps to help the economy. IMO, there is too much hype about this. He is just going to announce some proposals and things he will be doing to help people adversely affected, economically, by the virus. People are speculating and getting their hopes up, and I don’t think anything dramatic is going to happen. If something yuge were about to happen, it would not be during a press conference about the economy. That is a serious issue that is genuinely affecting people right now, and it is a campaign issue as well. In other words, this ain’t it.


Makes sense. Thanks.


You’re welcome. I’m surprised that Praying Medic is hyping this.


Me to. PM is a source that I pay attention to.


Sadly, I’m afraid so.


POTUS, he was talking economic relief for hourly workers unless I missed something. It was during the evening virus update


^^^ Leadership. Leads by example. Greatest President of my 65 years 😉


Honza Bláha – open borders

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do not expect changes in Twitter platform – may get worse.
The terms of the agreement reached in the new deal state that Elliott Management and Silver Lake will not “comment on or influence, or attempt to influence, directly or indirectly, any Twitter policies or rules, or policy or rule enforcement decisions, related to the Twitter platform.”
It means “Jack” is protected, if he wants to be WORSE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Look what Jack’s bottom line was. Retaining control of the platform.


We’ll see about that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think if he does things that affect the bottom line, they’ll jump him.


Where the heck is to speaker with the applause track??? Theres like 40/50 people there.


This is why, of course, they are now pushing closing down “Indoor rallies”…neither Biden nor Sanders can get anyone to attend theirs so they want to shut POTUS down. Kill the momentum of the ztrumpmtrain.
Hope the Team has a plan!


Im with you, 100%. But I was pondering. Would our side use the chaos to its advantage ? Wouldnt it be a convenient way, in the course of preventing the spread, ALSO use self and/or mass isolation in order to effect the cabal network? Theres no need for martial law when people are afraid to go out. Trafficking of all kinds gets affected too. Thinking about Italy, with all the cabal and POTUS’ investigation that has occurred, couldnt a lot of lemonade be made in more than one place?


Initially I was of the mind, most probably Corona release was accidental. About seven days ago or so, I shifted to ChiComs calculated intentional release.
– Chinese economy going down the tubes.
– ChiCom influence on the global community lessening.
– ChiCom goals of global dominance fading.
Single leader was orchestrating ChiCom fall from global glory. President Trump, OUR hero. ChiCom’s view President Trump as a villain. Perhaps, views President Trump an existential threat to China.
ChiComs needed a reset. Enter, hildabeast, that was easy button. Release Corona on the global community. Wrack the global economy.
ChiComs release Corona on themselves…plausible deniability? Average Chinese citizen expendable, in ChiCom eyes. Delayed admitting Corona was in the wild. ChiComs have lied continually since. NO CDC access. Destroying records. Blame the US.
100% believe President Trump will be reelected.


Also, guessing, mid November ChiComs may have dropped off Corona somewhere in US. IIRC, Gail posted data showing increased numbers for flu, pneumonia and deaths weekly, starting December through January. Numbers doubling, weekly, IIRC.
What could cause the sudden increase. Corona? Intentionally released in US?


It sure cleared up those pesky protests they were having….






CPAC’s Matt Schlapp and wife Mercedes(works in WH) are self quarantining at home. Said Public Health Dept determined releasing name of infected wasn’t necessary.
