2020·09·12 KMAG Daily Thread

Note: There’s a fairly lengthy bit below regarding gold / silver standards, thinly disguised as a coin essay. (Or maybe it’s the other way around.)

The Eight Weeks

The famous eight weeks are now at an end…and it seems like little has changed. I can only hope that things have been going on behind the scenes, and it’s just running a couple of weeks late.

I continue to maintain that something has to happen before the elections, particularly with regards to the protesting rioting. Enough people are being harmed by this that some might begin to wonder why President Trump doesn’t do something and then blame him for not doing something. Public perception now is that it’s a Democrat Caused Thing, but quite possibly, that could turn on a dime to a perception of them being a Republican Enabled Thing since little visible has been done by Republicans to stop them. (Note that word “visible,” it’s a key word.)

Yet another component of the Big Issue.

A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Needs to happen, soon.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Coin of The Day

1792. 1834. 1853. And 1896.

What do those years have in common?

They’re big dates in American monetary history, and they all have to do with the relative values of certain commodities. In particular, gold and silver.

As conservatives, we are usually people who want us to go back on the gold standard, so the Federal Reserve will have to stop inflating our money. We’ve been using a dollar that is essentially backed by nothing since 1933.

To be sure foreign governments could exchange their dollars for gold at $35/troy ounce until the 1970s, but we could not. If we could have, we’d have cleaned out Fort Knox trading dollars for gold that was in fact worth far more than those days’ $35. Which is actually an illustration of the point I am about to make.


The first US Congress under our shiny new Constitution met in 1789, and had a lot on its plate, of course, trying to institute and organize a whole new structure. One of the issues it was discussing was establishing US coinage…which in those days meant the entire monetary system, as no one was going to trust paper money any more after the sad experience with “Continental Currency.” (“Not worth a Continental” came from the Revolutionary War era.) It was common around the world for a piece of paper denominated in some money (for example, dollars or rubles) to be worth less than the physical metal money, so it might take thirty paper (Continental) dollars to buy one dollar in actual silver. Dollar meant two different things, and over in Russia, ruble did too, at the same time.

What were we using at the time? A mish-mosh of coins–English money (pounds, shillings and pence) and Spanish money (sixteen reales to the escudo) too. In fact Spanish money was more common here, because England usually specifically forbade the export of their money to the colonies! (The idea was for us to send money to them, not the other way around.) So we used Spanish silver, weighed it, and figured its value in pounds, shillings, and pence in some colonies, and other colonies just directly called the “piece of eight” a “dollar” and did things in dollars. (In Mexico the same coin was called a peso.)

So in April of 1792, we passed our first mint act, and officially adopted the dollar. Except we decided to divide it into a hundred parts, not eight. And that act specified how much silver was to be in an American dollar. 371 4/16ths grains (the same grain you use at the reloading bench, the same grain used to measure bullets) of silver, combined with enough copper to bring the total weight to 416 grains was by definition a dollar. A quarter dollar would be 92 13/16ths grains of pure silver in a 104 grain coin, a dime (spelled “disme” back then) would be 37 2/16ths grains of pure silver in a 41 2/5ths grain coin.

(Side note: Notice all the fractions, not decimals. They worked in fractions in those days, and the fractions were all expressed as 16ths in this case, because the arithmetic (all done longhand) was easier that way, though they haven’t taught arithmetic that way in a very long time. “New Math” is not a new thing. For example, to figure out the quarter, start with 371 4/16ths. Divide by four: break it down into 368 + 3 + 4/16ths, all of which are easier to divide by four. 368/4 = 92. 3/4 = 12/16ths, 4/16 divided by four is 1/16th, add (easy to do) and get 92 13/16. Similarly for the dime start with 371 4/16ths, break it up into 370 + 1 4/16ths, the first part is easy (37), the second part is equivalent to 20/16ths which readily divides by 10 to give 2/16ths, the time was 37 2/16ths ounces of pure silver. A little forethought made things easy, rather than just plug-and-chucking long division. The arithmetic worked similarly in Russia, which had, if anything even more complicated coinage standards back then.)

(End of side note.) Now this is an awfully peculiar amount. Why not 371? Or 372? Or 370? Well, they had actually assayed a bunch of Spanish coins to figure out what the typical Spanish piece of eight weighed and how pure it was.

Oh, and that purity was 371 4/16 divided by 416…easier expressed as a fraction by multiplying numerator and denominator by 4 to yield 1485/1664ths, or in modern terms 0.892427885… (a decimal which will eventually get around to repeating) fine. (Now you may be able to see why they worked in fractions!)

So we had our dollar. But the act of April 4, 1792 also authorized gold coinage. In this case, at least, we went with 22 karat gold, a nice clean 22/24ths or 11/12ths pure. We didn’t have a gold coin worth a dollar (not until 1849!) but we invented a denomination called the “eagle” equal to ten dollars. And we did start making eagles, 247 4/8 grains pure, add copper to get it to 270 grains. (And you can check to see that 247 4/8ths equals 11/12ths of 270, if you are so inclined. I did, using old methods, and it works.)

How much gold, then, in a gold dollar, if we had decided to make one? Dividing (I won’t show my work this time) you get 24 6/8ths grains of pure gold.

So by law 371 4/16ths grains of silver equaled 24 6/8ths grains of gold.

This implies a legal value ratio between gold and silver. And it turns out that 24 6/8 is 1/15th of 371 4/16. So gold and silver were defined by law to be in a 15:1 ratio, value wise. Fifteen ounces of silver had equal value to one ounce of gold.

People were allowed to bring their gold and silver to the mint, where it would be assayed, melted down, impurities removed and then alloyed to the proper fineness, and minted into coins, which would then be returned to the depositor. The government did this as a public service. (If you wanted your coins immediately, you had to pay a small fee, because you were then being given someone else’s silver from last week.) In fact the very first silver coins struck after the act was passed were, for a long time, believed to be made from Martha Washington’s silverware. It turns out it was most likely made from seventy dollars’ worth of silver Thomas Jefferson withdrew from a bank, for which he received, a few days later, 1400 half dimes. But it’s possible a second batch of half dimes came from Washington’s forks and spoons.

[No matter whose silver it was, I want one of those coins (just think, Washington or Jefferson spent that coin) and yes, they do turn up on the market occasionally–but still far more often than lottery prizes happen to me.]

Anyhow, back on the main train of thought:

Things were reasonably tidy, and would stay that way as long as the market value of gold and silver remained in a 15:1 ratio. I could bring in an ounce of gold or fifteen ounces of silver, and what came out would be of equal value either way…and they would be labeled as being of equal value. (Welllllll, they often didn’t put denomination inscriptions on the coins back then…people just knew what they were based on size and whether it was gold or silver. But hopefully you get my point.)

But gold had been slowly getting more valuable relative to silver. Around about 1700 the market value ratio was 14:1. Then it was 14.5:1. Now it was 15:1…and the trend continued!

By the 1830s, ten silver dollars could still buy a gold eagle, at places that had to conform to the 15:1 ratio…but the gold in that gold eagle was worth more than the ten silver dollars were worth. And the dollar was mostly thought of in silver terms then, so, in essence a ten dollar coin was worth more than ten dollars.

You can guess what happened: A number of people bought those gold eagles and melted them because they were worth more melted into bars than they were as coins. This is why early US gold is so dang expensive in the collector’s market now: It’s rare. Only in a few cases is a date common, generally representing “hoards” that escaped the melt down. Someone in 1813, for example, had some half eagles made and put them away. Those are now on the market so 1813 half eagles (95,428 made total) are considerably cheaper than 1829 half eagles (263,806 made), and even more so with other dates, some of which there are literally 3 or 4 surviving pieces. An 1822 half eagle (one of three survivors known out of 17,796 produced) sold for over six hundred thousand dollars in 1982 and the best guess is it would fetch around eight million dollars today.

The gold disappeared from circulation, in many cases going into a melting pot. And certainly no one was going to take their freshly-mined gold and devalue it by having eagles made from it.

The shift had happened fairly quickly. In fact, in 1799 the market ratio had already slipped to 15 3/4 to 1.


Something had to be done, and something was done. By the act of June 28, 1834:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, that the gold coins of the United States shall contain the following quantities of metal that is to say; each eagle shall contain two hundred and thirty two grains of pure gold, and two hundred and fifty eight grains of standard gold;…

Act of June 28, 1834

232/258 = 0.89224806… fine.

The change, midway through the year, was marked by a change in the design of the gold coins, so if you saw an 1834 “capped head” gold piece, you knew it was an old (overloaded) one, if you saw the “classic head,” it had the right amount of gold in it; also the E PLURIBUS UNUM motto was omitted to make the difference even more obvious. (These are the modern collector’s names for the designs.)

BEFORE…. (1813-1834 Capped Head half eagle)
and AFTER (Classic Head, 1834-1839). This is a proof specimen which is why the fields look black, the light is off center or it would otherwise glare off the mirrored surfaces.

(And if you do see an 1834 capped head half eagle (no full eagles had been made since 1804) it’s worth over 50 thousand dollars in “About Uncirculated-55” grade. An 1834 classic head, on the other hand, is worth $1,750 in the same grade. When you consider it has roughly $500 worth of gold in it and is therefore worth that much even if you beat it to death with a hammer, that’s not ridiculously expensive for a high-grade collectible.)

This works out, by the way, to being almost exactly a 16:1 ratio between silver and gold; 23.2 is 1/16th of 371 1/5th, which is almost the same (off by 1/20) as 371 4/16ths.

Also according to the act, the old coins could be weighed and treated as equaling 94 8/10 cents per pennyweight (24 grains). That, at least, stopped people melting them down. In essence a completely unworn old eagle weighing 5 5/32 pennyweights was now worth (5 5/32 x 98 4/5) = 508 7/16ths cents, so basically it was worth almost two percent over its face value.

Apparently this was appropriate, because gold began to circulate alongside silver once again. And effectively, we were now on the gold standard at this point, from now on, we didn’t think of the gold price going up, but rather of the silver price going down, which had been the historical trend.

You could still bring your gold or silver to the US mint and have it made into money, as much as you wanted to.Well, it would be made into coins. Gold and silver were money, whether or not it was in coin form. Since the coins were worth what the metal in them was worth, it had no inflationary effect.

A very slight adjustment was made in 1837, keeping the coin the same total weight but making it .900 fine, so now there were 232.2 grains of gold in an eagle. It was far easier for the mint workers to deal with 9/10ths than it was to deal with 232/258ths when mixing a batch of standard gold. (Similarly the notional dollar had copper removed from it, retaining the same amount of pure silver but being .900 fine, resulting in 412.5 grains total weight, with all the other denominations adjusted in line with this. This would end up having an unintended effect down the road.)

16 gold dollars now had 371.52 grains of pure gold in them compared to 371.25 grains of pure silver in one silver dollar, so we were still very close to a 16:1 ratio. Close enough it wasn’t worth melting the coins.

Anyhow, let me just stop right here to make my point:

Trying to tie two different commodities together and fix their value relative to each other creates a mess. It creates a royal mess when you’re trying to use those commodities as the basis for your money.

Let me repeat that:

Trying to tie two different commodities together and fix their value relative to each other creates a mess. It creates a royal mess when you’re trying to use those commodities as the basis for your money.

But this is precisely what we were doing, by defining a certain amount of silver to be a dollar, and a certain amount of gold to be a dollar, and insisting that those two dollars were equivalent by law.

If all of this detail has given you a headache, then you should agree with this point. This is precisely the sort of detail we had to deal with, when our money was based on something “hard” like metal. You had money that wasn’t worth the same as the same amount of money in a different form, all over the place, and worse: coins were often weighed and discounted if they were worn.

To give you a man-on-the-street example of what was going on, a storekeeper could agree to sell you that suit for twenty dollars–and give you a discount if you paid in gold instead of silver, or charge you extra if you used paper money issued by some bank, the more disreputable, the higher the nominal price. That was daily life in America before 1853, and in many respects continued like that until 1876. But the US government could not play those games, not without changing the law. Gold eagles were to be treated as equal to ten silver dollars, period.

It’s worth the effort to have “hard money,” but it has to be done right…or you get a mess and even more headaches. And “right” means not having two different commodities tied together by law.


Anyhow, 16:1 seemed pretty stable. Well, until something unexpected happened.

We conquered Mexico.

But rather than keeping the whole thing, we settled for half, and paid them for it.

Part of that half of Mexico was California.

The war ended on February 2, 1848, with the signing of a treaty.

Nine days before this, on January 24, 1848, gold was found at Sutter’s Mill in California.

A lot of gold. A shitload of gold, as it would turn out.

We had struck gold in the mountains of Georgia and North Carolina previously, and had even created branch mints in Charlotte NC, and Dahlonega, GA in the 1830s to handle this gold. But, though it was nice to have domestic sources rather than relying on foreign payments made in gold, there wasn’t enough gold there to make much of a dent in the market.

But the amount of gold coming out of what is today properly known as the People’s Respublik of Kalifornia was enormous.

(Mexico has been mad ever since about having to give up that territory. Since it turned out to be so dang valuable just at the time they signed it over.)

The mint adapted by introducing $20 gold pieces, double eagles. As gold coins go, these pieces are gigantic. And as I highlighted recently, we also had $1 pieces. These were introduced in 1850 and 1849 respectively. The gold had to get from California to the Philadelphia mint, and that was either overland (very hazardous and expensive) or by ship (also hazardous). A mint was established in San Francisco fairly quickly, but even then, the coins were often shipped east by boat, all the way around the tip of South America. Some of those ships sank, in fact one particularly famous example is the SS Central America, which went down in deep water in September 1857 thanks to a hurricane. On board were 30,000 pounds of gold. Since by this time gold = money, the literal loss of this much money contributed to a financial panic, somewhat (but only somewhat) like 2008.

Much of this gold has been retrieved, and as it happens 1857-S double eagles are far and away the cheapest double eagles from that time, because so many of them went down with that boat and were preserved.

But I have gotten ahead of myself by four years. I am supposed to be talking about 1853.

Refer to basic economics: what happens when there’s suddenly more of something? Its price will go down because the demand won’t otherwise balance supply. There was more gold. But gold was money, so if there’s more of it, and by definition it’s the yardstick of price…well, it looked like everything else went up.

Yes, you can have inflation on a gold standard. But at least governments just can’t stoke it for deficit spending. It’s an “act of God” not a human-caused thing.

One of the things that went up was silver. Yep, for once the gold:silver ratio was decreasing. And doing so fairly quickly, too.

So in the late 1840s and early 1850s, the silver in our silver coins was suddenly worth more than the value stamped on the coins.

You can guess what happened. The silver coins disappeared, they mostly got sent to Europe where they could laugh at our silly laws that said that quarter could only be worth 1/16th of its weight in gold. And to this day silver coins from before 1853 are generally more expensive than ones after 1853.

What did we do? Congress passed the Act of February 21, 1853. This drastically cut the weight of the half dollar, quarter, dime, and half dime, and made a smaller adjustment to the short-lived three cent silver piece (tiny!), but left the silver dollar alone. A dollar’s worth of these coins now contained 384 grams of metal, 90 percent pure, so 345.6 grains. Compare to the previous 371 4/16ths grains; it’s a seven percent reduction!

BEFORE. 1853 quarter dollar without arrows and rays. I wanted a half dollar from 1853, and couldn’t find an image to save my life. It turns out they were only produced in New Orleans that year without arrows and only four of them are known to exist. So I had to settle for this quarter dollar, but it looks substantially the same, just smaller and with QUAR. instead of HALF.
And AFTER–note the arrowheads on either side of the data (retained through 1855) and the rays around the eagle (dropped after 1853)

(And just incidentally, 384 grains is 8/10ths of a troy ounce, which made mint accounting very easy from that point forward; 16,000 ounces of .900 fine silver, for instance, became $20,000 in silver coins; I’ve even seen a copy of a receipt showing that is exactly what happened on April 1, 1871. Or…if you have two silver half dollars, 1964 or earlier, together they weigh 0.8 troy ounces, and since they are .900 fine, they contain .72 troy ounces of silver.)

[Edit to add. No, not quite. There was a minor adjustment in 1873 to make the coins come out to round weights in metric. Those two half dollars weighed 25 grams, total, and contained 20 grams of pure silver. It was a small adjustment but nevertheless it’s just a bit off from what I said.]

The silver coins (other than the dollar) were now worth less than their face value. This was deliberate. Congress was officially done dicking around with bi-metallic coinage standards trying to make them anything other than dysfunctional.

In order to mark the new coins, arrowheads were placed either side of the date in 1853, 1854, and 1855. On the quarter and half dollar, in 1853 only, a sunburst of rays was added to the background on the reverse.

Gold was left alone. You could still bring gold to the mint and have it made into coins. You could not do so with silver, not any more. Instead the government would buy the raw silver from you at market value, and then mint a strictly limited amount of silver coins. By artificially constraining the supply, they wouldn’t glut the market relative to gold. They could promise to always trade twenty silver half dollars (with less than 20 dollars worth of silver in them) for a twenty dollar gold piece, because the supply was strictly controlled. If too many people made that trade, they knew they had to make fewer silver coins to tighten the supply again.

When silver coinage is done like this, it’s described as subsidiary. It’s partially a token, not backed by the silver in the coin, but by gold somewhere else. So yes, now our silver coins were backed by gold.

But now silver miners were at the mercy of market forces. After this spike due to the gold rush, silver resumed its downward trend. And the government would only pay the market price so it could produce money for its own account (and literally make a profit, this is known as seignorage).

For reasons I’m not going to go into here, we briefly produced a heavy, 420 grain silver dollar in the 1870s and 1880s for trade with China–in essence our 412.5 grain silver dollar was too lightweight for the Chinese to appreciate. When we stopped producing those coins, we demonetized them, declaring they were no longer legal money. By then the silver to gold ratio had slipped so far that the silver in the coins was worth less than fifty cents. Their value dropped. Collectors a hundred years ago could actually buy these dollars for less than a dollar, because they could not be traded for dollars any more. (This is no longer true; of course!) They were eventually made legal tender again, but you’d be a sucker to spend one today.


Many people didn’t like this change, especially (as I alluded to) silver miners. They would receive less and less money for their product as time went on. This became a big issue, one wrangled over as much as abortion and gun control are argued over today. There were constant attempts (some successful) to pass legislation requiring the government to produce more silver coinage. Which, to repeat myself, was supposed to be backed by something else, but could not be if it were produced in such quantities.

There was a financial “panic” in 1893, a severe one, and many became convinced that returning to “free coinage of silver” (i.e., the way it was in the old days, where the mint would just turn your silver into coins, gratis) and going back to bimetallism, would solve the issue.

They were wrong.

They were led by William Jennings Bryan (D), at 36 years of age the nominee for President and embarking on a long career of being dead wrong about everything. In 1896 the market gold/silver ratio was something like 30:1 (I’m looking at a very low-res graph). If people were allowed to bring as much silver to the mint as they wanted, to be coined into more face value in coins than it was worth, that would have been inflationary. On the other hand, maybe he anticipated John Maynard Keynes’ theories of fiscal “stimulus.” Maybe the stimulus would have pulled us out, but it would have caused more problems further down the road. So, he was still, basically, dead wrong.

Jennings lost the election. A very good thing, IMHO.

But Woodrow Wilson (also D), gave us the Federal Reserve, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt (also D) devalued the dollar relative to gold (and confiscated the gold). Silver was safe, it was worth less than the value stamped on it, quite a bit less. In 1930 the gold silver ratio was eighty to one. Inflation was allowed to take place, and the ratio went back to being (typically) forty to one, so eventually we couldn’t sustain making silver coins, and in 1965, we got our new clad quarter and dime. (The half dollar had a reduced amount of silver in it until 1970, when it too went clad crap.) This happened under Johnson (also D…hmm, there seems to be a pattern here). Finally Nixon (R but RINO when it came to fiscal policy) closed the gold window that sold gold for $35 per ounce, and since then our money has been backed by nothing, other than the fact that the government will let you pay your taxes with it.

Why I Went On This Rant

I saw a well-intentioned post on yesterday’s open thread, suggesting that our dollar henceforth be backed by both gold (yellow) and oil (black gold). There would be gold certificates and oil certificates, backed by yellow and black gold, respectively. (I guess it could be called the bumblebee gold standard?)

This simply can’t work, at least not as the poster probably imagines. The old silver and gold certificates entitled you to exchange those certificates for a certain specified amount of silver or gold. The silver, of course was subsidiary, worth less than face value, but since it was in coin form (until very late) it was legally exchangeable for gold at par.

Would these proposed certificates also correspond to fixed amounts of yellow and black gold? OK…if so, how much? Let’s say the yellow gold dollar certificate entitled you to 1/2000th of an ounce of gold (that’s close to the market price) [Actually they probably wouldn’t issue gold certificates in that small a denomination; even in the old days I think ten dollars or about half an ounce of gold was the lower limit.] Oil is about $37.50 a barrel right now (which is 3/8ths of a hundred bucks), so a black gold certificate should get you (very roughly) a bit more than a gallon of crude oil. (42 gallons to the oil barrel.) So that gallon+ of crude and the speck of gold weighing 1/2000 of an ounce are equivalent.


But we have seen the price of oil whipsaw a lot. It even went negative for a while this year! Gold has jumped around too, but not as much–though it has often jumped in the opposite direction!

What would a graph of the yellow:black gold price ratio look like? Why, after reviewing all that history up above, would anyone even think of tying the two together?

We would instantly have to talk about black dollars and yellow dollars, and be spending our time monitoring the ratio between the two. Have black dollars in your wallet, but the price of crude just took a major dump? Suddenly that cheeseburger sold by the guy who prefers yellow dollars has jumped up in price for you, because he wants however many of those black dollars make up his price in yellow dollars. Yet they’d both be called “dollars” and our government would presumably have to treat them the same.

(And lets not even go into the fact that oil comes in all sorts of different compositions and qualities; a barrel of light sweet crude is worth more than a barrel of oil so thick it verges on being tar, by a ratio that itself varies depending on which users are looking to buy right now and what kind of goop they want to extract from it–whereas at least all gold is the same once you account for its purity.)

Nope, the only way to make this work is to allow the yellow and the black gold dollars to float relative to each other. And allow the government to recognize this. But at that point you might as well stop calling them both “dollars” since at that point absolutely no one is pretending they are the same thing.

If you don’t insist on having them be separate but tied together, though, you have another option: Combine them. Create a bumblebee gold certificate, which entitles you to 1/4000 th of an ounce of gold AND a bit more than half a gallon of crude oil. Total value at today’s prices, about a dollar. It might even be a bit more stable than a yellow gold or black gold certificate would be, depending; I don’t know how often yellow gold and black gold move in the same direction vs different directions, if the latter is common, it would tend to damp out commodity price fluctuations.

I still like (yellow) gold as a monetary standard, over (black) oil. Gold is not something that gets consumed (at least not much), most that is used industrially ultimately gets recycled, so the available supply isn’t at the mercy of people literally burning it like with oil. If gold production drops (and it is dropping), we still have all the above-ground gold, a cube 60 feet or so on a side in total mined over all of human history. If oil production stops…we will soon have no oil to back our money with since it will have gone out peoples’ tailpipes or been turned into milk jugs and saran wrap.

Trump’s Plans

There are rumors (and that’s all they are, no matter how much a certain few vloggers flog them) that Trump is planning to return us to some sort of gold (presumably the yellow kind) standard. Knowing something about the history of such things, I’d love to know the details…and I also know we won’t be made privy to them in advance.

But we must get our fiscal house in order. We have a crushing federal debt. Even if that went *poof!* and disappeared (which apparently some people imagine to be the case), we’re spending much more than we take in, and that can’t entirely be blamed on the ChiComCrud, so we’d just have a big debt again a few years down the road.

A true gold standard (or silver standard, or oil standard or mango standard) would force discipline on our government. Discipline it simply won’t tolerate. Trump is just as much a part of the forces driving deficit spending as any other person in DC. Which is why I can’t believe he’s willing to do this, unless he’s willing to go cold turkey on finances. No more new spending, no more bigass tax cuts. Money becomes a real, scarce thing and you can no longer just fire up the printing presses to cover deficit spending.

Standard Disclaimer: No coin, paper money, postage stamp, dust bunnies, dust rhinoceros or anything else other than bearded dragons, that I show here at Q Tree is one I own. I may own something similar, I may not.

Another Standard Disclaimer: Prospective burglars will be interested to know that gold and silver are not the only heavy metals I own, and that I keep some of those other heavy metals a lot closer to me than the gold and silver.

Obligatory PSA/Reminder

Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).

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Qanon September 11, 2020 – Plan Accordingly [November]


This was a good, educational podcast, IMO.
DH kept muttering….”unbelievable!”


The Pride of the DemonRats . . .comment image


comment image
Sep 12, 2020 12:09:39 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0dec87 No. 10612953

Painfully obvious?
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Too bad they didn’t run into the actual guy, having those shovels all handy and such….


I’ve been speculating about Ms. Lindsey and, since I haven’t read of this line of thought (although I may have merely missed it), I thought I might as well drag it out into the open.
Ms. Lindsey was he-who-shall-not-be-named’s butt boy for quite some time, flying all around over the Middle East, meeting with Isis and other terrorist leaders . . . all without, seemingly, any result. In other words, in my opinion, actions that could very well be part of some quite shady dealings.
So, HWSNBN dies (late Aug 2018) . . . and, though accomplishing nothing, Ms. Lindsey loses his raison d’être.
So, about a month later (late Sep 2018), Ms. Lindsey awakens to stand and deliver a fiery impassioned speech in defense of the soon-to-be Justice Kavanaugh. Ooh’s and ahh’s abound over the newly discovered firebrand and his passion for seeing that American justice is truly and well served.
About six weeks later (16 Nov 2018), Sen. Grassley announces he’ll be leaving his position as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee to be able to concentrate his energy as Chair of the Senate Finance Committee in the upcoming congress.
Now, Ms. Lindsey was already positioned well for taking over the Chair from Sen. Grassley, but as the new staunch defender of all things Justice, Ms. Lindsey could blow in like the welcomed warm winds of Spring.
So now . . . done deal . . . and Ms. Lindsey assumes the chair and does . . . exactly nothing in the face of the biggest judicial farce of history . . . the sham attempted impeachment of President Trump.
My speculation is that Ms. Lindsey’s firebrand speech was merely a preplanned public show with full agreement by entrenched GOP insiders to ensure that Ms. Lindsey’s slide into the Judiciary Committee Chair would be very well greased, indeed.
And now we’re seemingly stuck with that posturing POS, who only shows his face every now and then to graciously bestow his thoughts upon us and to do almost nothing of true value of his own volition, but only as necessary to support his sham or herald a few items that may be shortly exposed. In my opinion (developed in spite of a rather deep degree of ignorance), also preplanned public shows.
And, yes, I’ve contemplated that Ms. Lindsey might be holding things well in check in cooperation with the desires (or threats) of PTrump, so that the evil brew being cooked by an army of Traitors and Seditionists in The Swamp will have adequate time to fully develop before being served up for eagerly awaited but long delayed consumption.
If allowing the brew to mature is his role, and it is brought to a successful conclusion . . . yes, that would be extraordinary. However, until that time, his level of POSness is what’s extraordinary.


“POSness” 🤭

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think most of this is correct, and I wish I knew which [few] parts are not!


Don’t forget that he also piped up w/some really good ‘I’m gonna’s’ right before his tough primary. Now that he’s won that, he’s slithered back into his hole. Pretty funky that Hannity had him on the other night after it was revealed that Miss Lindsey was PRO POTUS talking to Woodward, and not a nary word of it was mentioned. 🤢

Gail Combs

IF Miss Lindsey was a WITNESS or PART of the McShame ISIS crap…. AND the COUP….
WITNESS TO TREASON anyone??? (It takes two to convict)
Do not forget the GOLF GAMES with POTUS.
POTUS may have handed Miss Lindsey some ‘truths’ and put a tight leash on him AFTER taking him out behind the woodshed (golf course)
The Senate investigations are Dog & Pony SHOWS to get votes AND TO INTERFERE WITH THE DOJ!!!!
I could careless if Miss Lindsey had ‘hearings’ Actually I am glad he DID NOT INTERFERE WITH DURHAM and AG BARR!


Sep 12, 2020 12:30:55 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0dec87 No. 10613269comment image
Not organized?
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Wonder where the bracelet tag is from ?


Talked to mom in Salem for an hour today…..she was telling me about how the fire had burned the canyon where their drinking water reservoir was, but the authorities had come on the radio and said, “everything is ok, there is no emergency, nothing to see here, everything is safe, no reason to panic, the water is fine.”
Her son in law offered to drop off some jugs of water, just in case — but her garage is still full from the algae bloom emergency earlier in the year.
Then there was word that the fire was going to wipe out the treatment station, but the authorities got on the radio and said, “everything is ok, there is no emergency, nothing to see here, everything is safe, no reason to panic, the water is fine.”
Then there were rumors that many of the fires were set by arsonists, but the authorities got on the radio and said, “everything is ok, there is no emergency, nothing to see here, everything is safe, no reason to panic, the fires are climate change.”
I dryly observed that it seemed a clear pattern of behavior….and she paused for about two breaths….then changed the subject.


So sick of the climate change BS. Thread has a lot of proof that it’s not and I’ve seen several random people with sightings but not arrested arsonists


As the tiniest of glosses to Steve’s grand symphony of numismaticism….
In Spanish, the verb “pesar” means “to weigh”.
Spanish verbs change their endings depending on who or what is doing them. “Hablar” is “to speak” I “hablo”; you (if you’re a friend) “hablas”; he, she, or you (if I just met you) “habla”; we “hablamos”; they “hablan”.
So a peso coin is an “I weigh” coin.


As a further gloss on a gloss, it is not unusual for conjugated verbs to be nouns. “Dame un beso” is “give(me) a kiss” — and, sure enough, “besar” is the verb “to kiss”. You could also say, “cuando me besas” [when you kiss me]. Or, even, “No me gusta cuando ellos te besan” [It is not pleasing to me when they kiss you].
Putting both of these together, you can imagine circumstances where you might mention “cuando me pesas” [when you weigh me] or “no me gusta cuando ellos te pesan”.


Cthulhu, a gloss on your gloss. Peso means weight in Spanish as a noun. For example if you are at the doctor’s and the medical assistant asks “Su peso?” equals “Your weight?” One would say “Yo peso cien kilos.” in English, “I weigh a hundred kilos.”
Translation and interpretation can be very different. In Spanish “pesame” does not mean weigh me, but “condolences.”
In 1865 Spain left the peso behind for the peseta.

Elizabeth Carter

Carl, Lindsey Graham has been on my mind also. On 9/9/2020, I was making notes about him and wondering what is happening.
Observations 9/9/2020 8:47am
Bob Woodward’s book came out.
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were heavily involved in the coup against President Nixon.
President Nixon did not commit a crime but he resigned under pressure.
After five years in the White House that saw the conclusion to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, détente with the Soviet Union and China, and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency, President Nixon became the only president to resign from the office.
Lindsay Graham was heavily involved with John McCain.
President Trump has no respect for John McCain.
President Trump has no reason to trust or respect Lindsey Graham.
John McCain confessed to being a war criminal and to committing treason during the Vietnam War, but he was later pardoned by U.S. President Richard Nixon to spare him from death by firing squad.
President Trump has been the target of the current Coup and many of the same players are involved that were involved in the Nixon Coup.
President Trump often brings the old news into current events before dropping the hammer.
President Trump is bringing current: JFK’s assassination, LBJ, the Bushes, the Clintons, Mattis, the Nixon coup , Vietnam and all the endless wars, human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, the selling of America to China and the Globalists….
Eulogies ignore George McGovern’s epiphany of capitalism
Mar 06, 2020 · It wasn’t till late in his life that the Socialist Senator from South Dakota, George McGovern realized that government was the enemy, not the friend of the people. In a Wall street Journal article in 1992 he wrote the following. ““Today we are much closer to a general acknowledgment that government must encourage business to expand and grow.


President Trump is bringing current: JFK’s assassination, LBJ, the Bushes, the Clintons, Mattis, the Nixon coup , Vietnam and all the endless wars, human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, the selling of America to China and the Globalists….———— that is a good point. Reminds me of Q past proves present. Learn your history.


Okay, what is it with the dark skin around their eyes…
This is not just regular ‘dark circles’. This is something else.
I doubt that it is makeup.
If you ask me…it looks demonic.
.comment image


That is beetle juice and the poltergeist pastor you got there, so… definitely runs inbevil circles.


Gotta be photoshopped. I’ve seen those same pics before, and they didn’t have that much black under the eyes — and I suspected those were photoshopped as well.


I don’t think it’s photoshopped with Lightfoot.comment imagecomment image


Doesn’t look photoshopped with this guy either:comment imagecomment image


Just my opinion and perception:
Those last four pics you posted don’t look photoshopped to me. The people have dark circles under their eyes, but they look real to me, like the darkness is caused by bone structure and lighting and shadows.
In the triptych they have much more darkness under their eyes, IMO, that looks like someone applied makeup or touched them up to make them look like zombies. And especially with the two on the left, the lighting in the pics is coming from an angle that would not make that much shadow under their eyes. I’ve seen pics of the woman on the right before, and she does look extremely pale with dark eyes. This pic looks very grainy, and her chin line is barely there.


I know what you’re saying.
In fact, when I was looking for pics of those three…I saw a lot of older pictures of them where they didn’t have dark circles at all.
What’s curious is that the more recent the pictures are — the more they have dark circles around their eyes.
So…even though there may be some photoshopping going on in that triptych, those three do actually have dark circles that have appeared in recent years.

Sadie Slays

There’s a theory on the chans that it’s related to adrenochrome use. Not endorsing this, only reporting that it’s a theory going around.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the anti-Trump psy-ops are doubling down on adrenochrome theories now for max discreditation of Q for when they have to shut us down soon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly!!! You remember it quite accurately!!!
For those who need a link:

The Adrenochrome Deception

comment image


Beyond the chemistry issues of the substance in question, there are also the adjacent issues that occur regarding ritual abuse…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, the abuse is another thing entirely.
Ritual abuse is known satanism. One way to protect its practitioners through unbelievability is to give it a cheesy, disprovable motive, and disprove that motive continuously.
Satanists don’t need adrenochrome to abuse children or commit ritual crimes. Although I’m sure one can “bring in the suckers” with it.
The satanic left loves to “dabble in play satanism” openly. Stuff like “spirit cooking”, human body desserts, “cannibalism porn”, and all the rest are designed to titillate potential converts.
All lies. Things may be “real”, but it’s still all lies.


I think Wolf hit on a very important point yesterday, and one that our VSGPOTUSDJT has already shown a mastery of — we must never let them do an against-against shuffle.
Take the following “belief system”
1 Children abducted for nefarious purposes
2 Nefarious purposes include extracting X through abuse
3 X used for gain among corrupt
4 Que is against this
A standard tactic is to say “2 has been thoroughly debunked — now will you turn against Que?” If you go “against-against”, then repudiating Que says that you support 1, 2, and 3. Instead, you reply, “I don’t know much about 2 — but it seems that Que’s heart is in the right place,” you cut the legs out from under the smear.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!
And then I go further, and say to them:
“Oh, by the way……”
(a) Q never said anything about 2 or 3 – isn’t THAT interesting?
(b) It seems likely that people allied with Q’s enemies originally seeded and continue to support ideas about 2 and 3, as a way of SETTING UP such people to be discredited and denigrated
(c) Some think Q was even designed to make the target audience think more critically about such ideas
Then finishing off


They are not having corrective surgery to remove anything. That’s not what the discoloration is saying.


[…] Posted By: SteveInCO 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]


Thank you for the in-depth dive into how money has been backed, Steve. I have also wondered what Pres. Trump is considering doing, because I don’t think he would cause drastic differences in our daily lives or cause people to lose money. “Complicated business.”

Sadie Slays

Deleted tweet from ANTIFA about the fires.
Archived tweet:
https://archive.is/UjGRDcomment image


Coos Bay is on the coast, about 3/4 of the way down from the Washington border to California. It’s easily 90 minutes just to get over the mountains to the main north-south route (I-5). Going to Medford would be another hour and a half from there. They might actually be honestly amused to be warned away from places that are difficult to reach.


One of the fun bits of driving in Oregon is hitting the Cascades. The Coastal Range of Oregon is quite similar to the Coastal Range of California, but even I-5 hits these stretches in the Cascades where there’s a 2,000 ft slope up, and a 2,000 ft slope down, another 2,000 ft slope up…..if you get off the highway and move into the Cascades, proper, you can spend the whole day above 4,000 ft. The lowest point of the rim of Crater Lake’s caldera (from which you can see inside) is at 7,000 ft.


So, oxygen deprivation explains it…..good to know. /s

Sadie Slays
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Climate commies and Pantifa – a match made in hell.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great coinage post – I learned a lot!


And Steve, the US could handle a two-handed money system. Gold to be the ‘dollars’ at some defined rate, and silver to be undefined floating money used as approximate quarters, dimes and nickels. We’d still need pennies too. Sure the ratio will fluctuate over months and years but we just need the currentcy to circulate for exchanges of commerce – right? Shopkeepers in Mexico can do business in euros, pesos, y dollars con no problemo, verdad?
VSG may pull out a genius reset on our money and debt. Let the Fed own the old debt in the swamp and us own the new money in the country.


Part of the problem is that relative values can shift dramatically and rapidly in a very unsettling fashion. In general, if a transaction looks like a great deal going X->Y today, but going X<-Y tomorrow, you are not contributing to a stable medium of exchange that facilitates fair trade.


Yep, I agree that happens sometimes. But Steve showed that locking the gold/silver ratio always has a bad end, sometimes. If gold was the defined dollars for heavy lifting, then silver coins could be helpful money based on market pressures.
You ‘n Steve could probably build a backyard alchemy station just to start us Treepers off on the right foot. Thanks in advance.


Steve, loved the historic background on gold discoveries relative to the creation of Mints.
Thanks for sharing your scholarship.


While I am flattered that my comment about gold and oil being the new dollars became the subject of an open thread, let me assure everybody that the comment is as far as it goes. I have no idea whether such a thing would work, other than gold and silver used to work that way. But no way did I mean to suggest that it was a sure thing.
All I know is that the entire Libyan revolution was because Ghaddafi was going to create gold dinars AND that he was going to price Libyan oil in gold dinars. France and Italy (and likely others) would be crippled by such a price jump so the globalist thugs destroyed Libya.
By the way, where is Ghaddafi’s gold? It seems to have vanished.


WWG1WGA, brother.

Sadie Slays

Remember the “Ten Days” thing? Remember how POTUS kept repeating “ten days” at rallies and on Twitter? POTUS said that on August 28th. Ten days from August 28th is September 7th. September 7th is when the Oregon wildfires started.
Anon was right. POTUS was warning us!comment image


Sadie Slays

It’s possible that they were aware of an incoming false flag, but didn’t know the exact nature of it.


And how would he stop unknown firebugs from setting fires? And how does he get the left coast governments to stop the firebugs?
But yes, “He knew, and didn’t stop it.”

Sadie Slays

comment image
Power poles were vandalized in Washington. Article is from August, but wondering if similar tactics are being used with wildfires.

Sadie Slays

Two-year delta with Oregon fires:comment image

Sadie Slays

comment image


Public ALERT Statement
heading into Miami, moving WNW at 8 mph….35 mph, at present time.
torrential rain with this, already, on and off, over here on SWFL coastal Collier.
heads-up south floridians….and GoM.


comment image


TD 19 …radar loop…comment image
NOAA…comment image


Previous weather prognostication essentially relied on shaking a rattle and imbibing psychotropic substances. With satellites, you can see what’s going on — you may not predict it well, but you can at least see what you’re talking about.


…and nowadays we can prepare a whole lot better, in advance.
fishermen used to read the sky…could tell when something was brewing…but not exactly when or how close or how severe….


This is the last thing LA needs!

Sadie Slays


Not addressing the domestic terror has brought the eco terrorist murderers out into the countryside. Entire cities burned to the ground, livestock lost,innocent people badly maimed and others killed.
I’d love to know if they really believe it was worth hiding it all


Q 4678
jV6 ID: 20fbcc No.10613807 📁
Sep 12 2020 00:10:31 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: dfa17e No.10613424 📁
Sep 11 2020 23:41:01 (EST) NEW
>>10613269 (Q last bread)
Q, I’m in Oregon City. Clackamas County. Level 2 Evacuation. Terrified. Fires raging everywhere. I’ve been posting to you here for about 2 weeks about these fires. It is real. The rednecks around me are on alert. The others are completely brainwashed. There is no hope for them. Their eyeballs are no longer connected to their brains. Like 90% of ppl are hopelessly brainwashed by the media.
1599884752500.png ⬇comment image
Stay safe!
Be vigilant.


Hmmmm… Maybe, if the “rednecks” around you are on alert and everyone else is clueless, it may be a good time to find common cause with “rednecks”. They may help save your life; your property; and the lives, property, and virtue of your dependents.
It’s likely that they’ll help you without question in this emergency because they value life. And if you forsake your stupidity in the future, they’ll probably welcome you into their brotherhood because they believe in Redemption.
But if you want to associate with other kinds of people, that’s your option.

Gail Combs

WELL put cthulhu,
My neighbors have checked on us a couple times or more thru the Plandemic to make sure we were OK and didn’t need anything.


Q 4679
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 20fbcc No.10613875 📁
Sep 12 2020 00:14:55 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 5b54dd No.10613821 📁
Sep 12 2020 00:11:28 (EST) NEW
Arson is extremism
1599883763987.jpg ⬇comment image


What will it take to stop this terrorism? For a while we were having so many school shootings and other shootings (nightclubs, Vegas), and there were also a number of attacks by Muslims. Now it’s Americans (from what we can see) attacking our country. I know it’s part of the lead-up to the election; anything to hurt Pres. Trump or cause him trouble. But I can’t imagine it stoppinig right after the election.
I’m wondering from a strategic standpoint: if there are indictments, will the powers-that-be call off the hounds? Why would they?
I know Pres. Trump has plans, and it will be interesting to see how he handles it.


some parts of America are literally under siege.
while too many Americans are still asleep at the wheel, inebriated by the toxic narratives of the violent, demon-possessed commie Left.
we need GOD’s help.
it’s a spiritual war.


A minor ground report…..
As I have mentioned, I’m not particularly worried about being incinerated — I live in a suburban tract of houses (built in 1955) that borders a couple of other tracts (built in 1954, 1955, and 1966), bordering some “main drags” and next to neighborhood grocery stores with a couple of gas stations. There is no forest, there is no scrubland, and the Fire Department would be fighting tooth-and-nail to save every structure.
We were surrounded by three lightning-strike fires in the hills several days ago, but they are now mostly contained.
But the wind shifted Tuesday night to draw large amounts of smoke across Santa Clara from the North all the way up to Oregon. This was hot, foul, particulate-laden crud — but, as it happens, our fires drew in air off the Pacific, so we had a layer of cool dense foggy air sitting at ground level. To cut a long issue short, the hot mess rode across on the lower air and the air quality was pretty good at ground level while the upper level smoke did the orange limbo treatment.
Thus, Wednesday was nice. Thursday was OK.
Thursday night, the smoke layer cooled enough for it to start falling through the marine layer, and has just been getting worse and worse. I spent the day intermittently coughing, having my eyes burn, huddled in my house.
I hope we’re all outsoodaleent


That sounds miserable, Coothie.
I hope your air clears up real soon!

Sue Mcdonald

I live in between the holiday farm fire in the Marcolla valley and the Glide fire burning to the south. The road I live on is in the Willamette national forest and everyone on our road keeps an eye on people going up and down the road.we know who belongs and who does not.yesterday morning a man came walking up the road slow like and seemed to be checking houses out. He paused at my driveway saw me watching him and kept walking slow like, my hair was standing on end and in an instance I was on the phone calling the Sheriff ,they know our road very well lots of illegal things go on at the top of the ridge ,I explained the situation to dispatch and she said someone would be there shortly to patrol.other neighbors called to and the Sheriff was here pretty quick. I’m sure as I can be the man was looking to set a fire.
Then later on I was looking out my window and saw a cougar a big one stalking up on my livestock and without thinking grabbed my cane went running out back yelling and chased him off he ran down the creek while I was wheezing and coughing my one lung up in the smoke.all of the neighbors came running up and chased the cougar up out of the creek and down to hwy.99 . Hubby had our dog out patrolling putting his scent around. Animals are confused in the smoke ,deer have been on I-5 running ,my yard is filled with squirrels and now a cougar,what a weird week. Hoping this nightmare ends soon.


Thanks for that ground report, Sue!
I hope that nightmare is over soon, too.
It sounds horrendous.
I’m glad you have a Sheriff that responds so quickly to your calls about someone suspicious lurking about!
These fires are heartbreaking…both for people and for all the critters who live there.


An Anon posted this…the Biden campaign is hiring people for a fake crowd?comment image
They also posted this link for it:


comment image


Adam Housley
The Durham Investigation is clearly coming to its final phase/days. Dannehy helped frame the investigation and likely doesn’t want or need to be in the spotlight. It’s gonna get ugly. The media reporting…yet again…is wrong.

Found in the replies:comment image


Adam Housley is referring to Norah Dannehy, who has been working with Durham.
Dannehy resigned recently.
And there has been all sorts of speculation about why she left.
From another tweet:
Adam Housley
She resigned because everyone a part of this will be attacked. From both sides. The spotlight will be bright. Not sure she wanted to put her family through that. Just a thought.


shuttered down
more, from Dr Bad News… omg not this…
It Might Be More Than A Year Before We Can Safely Go To Theaters Again
Sept 12, 2020
awful news for the Hollywood elites……and the theater-going crowd.
theaters are just not safe yet…
“…going to be a combination of a vaccine …and good public-health measures…” , says Fauci, before that ever gets back to normal.
looking like Fauci is urging all of us to get that vaccine + practice “good public-heath measures”, like wearing our maskscomment image
WHY is he still talking…???
won’t someone plse make him STFU and go siddown.


….and the shootings.


Did he clarify movie theaters or Broadway like theaters or shows in Las Vegas or Branson, Missouri?
I don’t like the comic book movie offerings, Broadway is too far away, and Las Vegas, too expensive. Branson? Never been.
I don’t think this will affect my life. Apologies to those that have high school theater or local regional theater.


The Anons are trying to figure out what these wristbands are for.comment image
They think the wristbands might be for getting into camps…or food commissaries.
Tyvek ‘event wristbands’ are used for all sorts of things — both public and private.comment image


Tulsi Gabbard came out and condemned Netflix and their ‘Cuties’ film.
This woman, ‘Melissa Ryan’ is an uber leftist, whose profile says “I organize to combat disinfo and extremism.”
And she wants to be hired to battle the ‘alt-right’.
She is trying to dismiss Tulsi Gabbard by saying she is “going QAnon”.
But Melissa is getting roasted in the replies.
There are left-leaning people who are saying that if QAnon is against pedophilia and child trafficking, then he must be okay!
Some of the replies:
“If I’m considered a QAnon supporter for thinking that sexualizing 11 year olds is gross, then sign me up. Guess I should look into this Q stuff.”
“Not wanting children to be exploited for a Netflix film is Q anon now?”
“You libs really want to go with the idea that protecting kids from being sexually exploited = conspiracy theory? You’re making it so easy to vote for Trump. Thank you. Keep it up.”
“Don’t you love how she’s making the left squirm at how uncomfortable defending pedophilic material is…and at the same time piquing the interest of others who now wonder what this whole #SaveOurChildren Q ordeal is? It’s perfect.”
“So then you support the sexualization of these children? Good to know.”


Wow…this is not the first time that Netflix has produced something that crossed the line.
I didn’t know about this:comment image
We’ve never been a subscriber of Netflix…and I’m now glad that we’ve never given them any money.


no wonder they wanted Obama and Mooochelle on board


this is from one of the scenes in Desire where little girls’ + sexuality was depicted…comment image
….I won’t go into the details.
personally, I’m not surprised by any of this…
disgusted, revolted, alarmed… yes .
but the film industry has been promoting raunchy, deviant behavior/sexuality for decades…
and the more we, as a society, tolerate as “acceptable” deviant behavior, the raunchier and more debased the movies become until, eventually, the film industry is producing nothing but smut, porn and paedophilia…
kinda goes hand-in-hand with transvestites teaching sex ed to kindergartners.
this country is becoming so morally bankrupt and deranged, we will soon be just like those 2 Old Testament towns that were reduced to rubble.
and don’t look back or you’ll turn to salt.


Good video from The Epoch Times from their Thought Leader series.
“How Communist China Weaponized the Waters of Asia—Maura Moynihan on the Three Gorges Dam, Flooding”

From underneath the video:
Months of heavy rain have battered China with record floods. And there are growing fears that the Three Gorges Dam may break. It’s the world’s largest hydroelectric project, and it’s been marred by controversy for decades.
A breach of the Three Gorges Dam would wipe out the homes of millions of Chinese. And it would likely destroy many of China’s pharmaceutical factories—which produce the majority of the drug precursors that Americans rely on.
But the problem with Asia’s waters goes far beyond the Three Gorges Dam. To really understand what’s going on, we follow the water to its source.
All the nine great rivers of Asia descend from the Tibetan plateau. After the Chinese Communist Party occupied Tibet, it has essentially monopolized these waters, according to longtime China and Tibet watcher Maura Moynihan. As she argues, whoever controls the water, controls the future.
This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.
At the 5:44 mark she talks about how expensive the 3 Gorges Dam project was, and the shoddy workmanship due to the graft and corruption.


Noticed wristbands immediately…I’m sure the purpose will be found out immediately and those “sources” will cease to exist. My theory…in addition to the food..handy-dandy arson supplies in pre-loaded back packs, transportation, eligibility for instant bail.
Can you say well-planned and highly organized?


Gail Combs

They are TRAFFICKERS in Kid Porn. Esp since this is the SECOND film.



Some people are saying it’s fake, but…I dunno.


Found this mp4 video that was posted at Qresearch…
[video src="https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0d200040de0a8fc6140e689ca0fa27b36926586d27e2169872f7f0843595eb3e.mp4" /]
It’s a short conversation between a citizen journalist and a Clackamus County Sheriff, talking about Auntyfuh starting fires.
Since it’s an mp4 video, I don’t know how to make it post here…if WP even allows mp4 videos.
But you can click on the link and watch it.


Ack…not sure why all that stuff is around that link.
Try this, but without the splat:
*[video src="https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0d200040de0a8fc6140e689ca0fa27b36926586d27e2169872f7f0843595eb3e.mp4" /]


This is the link on YouTube:


Thanks, Eilert!


THANK YOU to the 28,000+ Firefighters and other First Responders who are battling wildfires across California, Oregon, and Washington. I have approved 37 Stafford Act Declarations, including Fire Management Grants to support their brave work. We are with them all the way! pic.twitter.com/Uu9vArw70Z
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 12, 2020


“What are the odds of 31 phones accidentally wiped clean?” @LizMacDonaldFOX @realKTMcFarland pic.twitter.com/mEzwHTmAKI
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 12, 2020


Hunter Biden-tied fund helped Communist Chinese military firm obtain a Michigan auto parts maker. Recipient firm had been repeatedly sanctioned by US | Just The News https://t.co/c7Em3r4onx
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) September 9, 2020


Abortion doctor who bragged about killing babies before they have a chance to scream has her medical license suspended


she should have to suffer what she put those babies thru!


Heheh.comment image


That’s about right:comment image


NFL ratings at a 10 yr low…who’d thought? bunch of thugs…
There is a woman in America who has to live with the fact that the NFL will honor her rapist by wearing his name on their helmets. #JacobBlake
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) September 10, 2020


Same with Woman’s (professional) Basketball….wore tee shirts honoring the rapist….WOMAN’s sports!!


do they even READ about or know about who they’re supporting?


Dumb as rocks…I would say the answer is NO.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, September 12, 2020

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:14 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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Good Morning!
Have a Blessed day Duchess!


Hi, Patty!!! Glorious Morning – God is Good!!!
God Bless Your Day, too! Hugs!!!


very cool beginning here…still not above 45*
WARM HUGS back to you!


Wow! * Hug Your Honey * Night!!!
Tanks for the Hugs – Much appreciated!!!




Oh, what a lovely post, Butterfly!!! Thanks!!!
God Bless You Real Good, Dear Lady! Hugs!!!


GBYRG2SD!!! 🤗🤗🥰😚😍💖💖


Thanks!!! * Smiling Bigly *

Gail Combs

I am going to bring my Von Mises comment from yesterday over here since it dovetails with Steve’s article. I also agree with Steve that a GOLD standard and NOT a bi-metal standard is better.
ALSO if the USA goes BACK on a gold standard then ALL the FDR New Deal bureaucracy HAS TO GO! The US federal government has to become what the Constitution allowed and NOTHING MORE. Get rid of the DARN ‘Public Servant’ UNIONS for one! And all the deadwood for another. A CONSTITUTIONAL Supreme Court would do wonders for accomplishing this

Von Mises stated it was not necessary to go back to the gold standard. What WAS necessary was to STOP PRINTING EXTRA MONEY. QUIT expanding the money supply! (It is THEFT!)
The nice thing about gold is when the ‘value of gold’ increases compared to what you can buy, THEN it is ECONOMIC to MINE MORE GOLD. This keeps the economy more or less in balance.
Since the article is very long. A few good bits gleaned from my ten pages of notes.
“Mises concluded that money is neither a consumption good nor a capital good. He argued that production and consumption are possible without money (p. 82). Money facilitates both production and consumption, but it is neither a production good nor a consumption good. Money is therefore a separate analytical category.”
Barter has been around for eons and is still in use today all over the world. All money does is make ‘barter’ aka TRADE easier.

….New money does not appear magically in equal percentages in all people’s bank accounts or under their mattresses. Money spreads unevenly, and this process has varying effects on individuals, depending on whether they receive early or late access to the new money
It is these losses of the groups that are the last to be reached by the variation in the value of money which ultimately constitute the source of the profits made by the mine owners and the groups most closely connected with them
This indicates a fundamental aspect of Mises’s monetary theory that is rarely mentioned: the expansion or contraction of money is a zero-sum game.

….Mises recommended no “scientific” government monetary policy whatsoever. He recommended private ownership, the State’s enforcement of all contracts, and legal sanctions against private violence. As he wrote in his 1927 book, Liberalismus, “This is the function that the liberal doctrine assigns to the state: the protection of property, liberty, and peace” (Liberalism in the Classical Tradition [1985], p. 37). Providing money of stable purchasing power was not on the list.
No government agency or committee can design and operate a monetary system that would avoid the problems associated with wealth redistribution from those who gain access to new money late in the process to those who gained access early.

“The Return to Sound Money,”
The first step must be a radical and unconditional abandonment of any further inflation. The total amount of dollar bills, whatever their name or legal characteristic may be, must not be increased by further issuance. No bank must be permitted to expand the total amount of its deposits subject to check or the balance of such deposits of any individual customer, be he a private citizen or the U.S. Treasury, otherwise than by receiving cash deposits in legal-tender banknotes from the public or by receiving a check payable by another domestic bank subject to the same limitations. This means a rigid 100 percent reserve for all future deposits; that is, all deposits not already in existence on the first day of the reform (p. 448).


Money can be ANY agreed upon material that is scarce, durable, and at least somewhat divisible. Obsidian Arrow heads, shell beads (Wampum), Hudson Bay blankets have all been used as money.

”Now, the gold standard is not a game, but a social institution. Its working does not depend on the preparedness of any people to observe arbitrary rules. It is controlled by the operation of inexorable economic law” (p. 462).
Mises therefore defined money as the most marketable commodity. “It is the most marketable good which people accept because they want to offer it in later acts of impersonal exchange” (Human Action, p. 401.).
Money serves as a transmitter of value through time because certain goods serve as media of exchange.
Money transmits value, Mises taught, but money does not measure value. This distinction is fundamental in Mises’s theory of money.
Mises was adamant: there is no measure of economic value.
He was a disciple of Carl Menger. Menger was a proponent of a strictly subjective theory of economic value. Mises insisted that there is no objective way to measure subjective value.
Subjective valuation “arranges commodities in order of their significance; it does not measure its significance” (p. 39). It ranks significance; it does not measure it.
The fact that money does not measure value is a crucially important aspect of Mises’s theory of money.

NOTE that for over two hundred years the VALUE OF GOLD WAS SET BY THE ROTHSCHILDS!!!!
15 April 2004 Rothschild to pull out of gold market after 200 years“The investment bank that has chaired the London meetings setting the world gold price since 1919 is quitting the market….”

. . . The role played by ingots in the gold reserves of the banks is a proof that the monetary standard consists in the precious metal, and not in the proclamation of the authorities (p. 67).
In order to effect the acceptance of fiat money or credit money, the State adopts a policy of the abolition of its previous contractual obligations. What was previously a legal right of full convertability into either gold or silver coins is abolished by a new law. The State removes the individual’s legal right to exchange the State’s paper notes for gold or silver coins. It then declares that the new, inconvertible fiat paper money or bank credit money is equal in value to the older redeemable notes, meaning equal to the value of the actual coins previously obtainable through redemption. But the free market determines otherwise. The two forms of money are not equal in value in the judgment of the market’s individual participants. Gresham’s law is still obeyed….
Gresham’s law (This is what Steve was talking about with silver and gold values)
The State can set legal prices, meaning exchange ratios, between the various kinds of money. The effects of such fixed exchange rates are identical to the effects of any other kind of price control: gluts and shortages. The artificially overvalued money (glut) replaces the artificially undervalued money (shortage). This cause-and-effect relationship is called Gresham’s law.
An increase in the quantity of money can no more increase the welfare of the members of a community, than a diminution of it can decrease their welfare. Regarded from this point of view, those goods that are employed as money are indeed what Adam Smith called them, “dead stock, which . . . produces nothing” (p. 85).
This theory regarding the impact that changes in the money supply have on social value is the basis of everything that follows. Mises offered here a unique assessment of the demand for money. He implied here that an individual’s demand for production goods or consumption goods, when met by increased production, confers an increase in social value or social welfare
If a producer benefits society by increasing the production of a non-monetary good, later finding a buyer, then society is benefitted because there are at least two winners and no losers.
Therefore, if a producer of gold and a buyer of gold both benefit from an exchange – which they do, or else they would not trade – yet society receives no social benefit, then the analyst has to conclude that some other members of society have been made, or will be made, worse off by the increase in the money supply. This analysis would also apply to decreases in the money supply.
There are two conceptually related issues here: (1) money as a separate analytical category, neither a consumption good nor a production good; (2) changes in the money supply as conveying neither an increase nor decrease in social value…..

And yes I like Von Mises because what I have read MAKES SENSE.


“a producer of gold and a buyer of gold ”
So what does a producer of gold get in exchange from the buyer of gold?
More gold? But the producer already has gold.
Too much for my brain to handle.


Gail Combs !! What an explainer you are !!
Astonishing – what a big piece of understanding in such a small piece of writing. Wow and thank you


One more idea to fit into Mises’ amount of money; do we allow the number of dollars to increase at the same rate as domestic production/ wealth/ economic activity?
I maintain one reason the stock markets keep going up is the people getting the money have no other place to invest or save it. “Tina” = there is no alternative. If USA were freed by Trump or Mises from bureaucrats and regulations then investments become available on Main St, neighborhoods and out in the country.


Steve, the real heat in the markets started when the central banks decided that they could create money to buy stocks. Talk about a total scam. Gail probably was the one that posted that horrific news.


Very busy day and weekend for President Trump – he’s got two ‘Peaceful Protests’ and several fund raisers lined up! Next week – Minnesota and Wisconsin!comment image
12:50PM – The President departs the White House en route to Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. – South Portico
1:30PM – President Trump participates in a roundtable with supporters
2:30PM – President Trump participates in a roundtable with supporters
3:30PM – Departs Trump International Hotel, en route to Joint Base Andrews
4:05PM – Departs Washington, D.C., en route to Reno, NV
6:00PM – Arrives at Reno-Tahoe International Airport
6:55PM – Arrives at Minden-Tahoe Airport
7:00PM- President Trump delivers remarks Live from Nevada
8:15PM – Departs Minden, NV, en route to Reno, NV
9:10PM – Departs Reno, NV, en route to Las Vegas, NV
10:40PM – Arrives at the RON Location – Las Vegas, NV
RALLY SCHEDULE – https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events/
Sat, September 12
7:00 PM ET
Reno, NV
Sun, September 13
7:30 PM ET
Las Vegas, NV
Fri – September 18
4:00 PM – CDT
Bemidji, MN
Fri – September 18
7:00 PM – CDT
Minosee, WI


Ah…so he’s going to RON in Las Vegas.
RON = remain over night.
Probably will be staying at the Trump Hotel there.
The secret service should like that…they can have free reign over the place.


GA/FL– Would it be too much extra trouble to publish candidate Biden’s travel schedule? Asking for a friend.


You funny, Nurse Suzy!


Apologies – NV rallies are 7:00 PDT not ET.
Now Reno Rally will begin at 10:00 pm ET.


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older sister Sweetheart…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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What will this gear system do? If teachers turn clockwise, it KICKS OUT PARENTS.
Gotta think it’s NOT AN ERROR.

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. In Loco Parentis rears its ugly head yet again…




H/T CITIZEN817comment imagecomment image




LP, you got in before they limited replies, must’ve been getting their A’s handed to them.
Will not be participating in any testing and tracing, done w/masks, done w/WuFlu!!


Morning Prayer
There is something very special about praying in the morning. Prayer works at every time of the day, but there is something very powerful about morning prayer. Prayers said in the morning have an ability to get the day started off in the right direction. When I pray properly in the morning, I notice that things work out more gracefully; that I have less warfare throughout the day, and that I can maintain my peace more easily. In my opinion, I don’t have enough time in my day to not pray in the morning. The prayer that follows is a super-powered morning prayer that will revolutionize your life. I recommend using it as part of your morning routine and tailoring it to your needs.
Father, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You are great, and greatly to be praised! I come boldly before your throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. In the morning, O LORD, you will hear my voice. In the morning, I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch. I take this opportunity to put up smoke screens in the spirit that act as sight and sound barriers against interlopers, satanic agents, and evil spirits.
I decree that I am cleansed of all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. I am washed by the blood of Jesus, which cleanses me of all unrighteousness. I am washed by the water of your Word.
I declare that every evil word that was spoken over me in my dreams, evil prayers, other realms where I was taken, or that were imported into me through technologies, are now being devoured by the locusts of God loosed to create crop failure.
I declare that all evil devices, chains of bondage, evil injections, imprisonments of my humanity, insertions and implants of every type physical, spiritual, and energetic that were established against me in my sleep, are now being consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ. I renounce and declare destruction upon all evil altars set up bearing my name or image in every timeline, age, realm, and dimension. I renounce and break the power of all sacrifices or rituals performed on these altars, declaring that they will have no impact on me or anyone else.
I repent for and renounce every act of agreement with evil agendas and assignments taking place during my sleep, including the reception of evil spirit food, counterfeit gifts, callings, mandates, judgments, technologies, counterfeit revelations, and assignments.
I declare that the blood of Jesus covers not only me, but my house, car(s), bank account(s), and everything under my stewardship, in Jesus’ name.
I declare that my body is blessed, my soul is blessed, and my spirit is blessed in Jesus’ name.
I call for the oil of anointing to be poured over every component of my person, anointing me for service, establishing my heart in joy, and awakening the strength of Jesus Christ in my members.
Angels bless the Lord and praise his holy name! You excel in strength; you perform his Word and you hearken unto the voice of his Word. You are made ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation. As an heir of salvation, I speak that your ministry to me is the execution of your assignments.
Angels of finance, you are loosed to bring me what has been appointed to my storehouse. Establish me in the provision of the Lord and cause the abundant blessings of God to overtake me.
Angels of opportunity, you are loosed to find and secure opportunities, and to establish an environment of favor around me.
Angels of healing, you are loosed to ensure that attacks against my health are derailed. You are loosed to block the transmission of infectious diseases, to prevent food poisoning, to interrupt accidents that would cause harm to my body, and to heal issues in my flesh, soul, and spirit.
Angels of warfare, you are loosed to conquest the enemies of God that oppose me in my assignments, mandates, and callings. I declare that you conquer all time thieves in the name of Jesus. I identify the strongholds, strategic positions, war rooms, and laboratories of darkness that have been erected against my life and declare that the warhorses of heaven are loosed against them. I bombard the enemy with hailstones, coals of fire, tsunamis of living water, engines of war, instruments of war, and the armies of heaven. I declare the enemy is pummeled by the smoke from the nostrils of God, the hiss of the Lord that brings the bees and flies, the ravenous beasts, and light of his glory. I release the spear of the Lord, instruments of death, and the razor of the Lord by which the enemies of God are shamed. I cover the encampments of evil with clouds of confusion and smite evil realms pitted against me with plague and disaster in the name of Jesus.
I declare that the sun, moon, stars, and planets are created to praise the Lord. The earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Therefore, I speak to every evil assignment invested into the sun, moon, stars, and planets by witches, warlocks, and the agents of darkness. I declare that they are now being excised by the sword of the Lord. I declare that these evil assignments are being replaced by the word of the Lord which says, Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Just as the stars fought in the courses against Sisera, I determine that the stars are now employed in exploits against the enemies of Jesus Christ and fight alongside the children of light to expand the influence of the government of God in the earth.
I declare that creation is reoriented at the outset of this day to serve the Lord and that cosmological powers are employed in the revelation of the glory of God, for it is written that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
I declare that the whirlwind of the Lord surrounds me and my associates. It draws unto us all resources that are expedient relative to our callings and mandates, and it destroys the snares of the enemy from before our face.
Lord Jesus, you are my shield, my buckler, and my rearguard. I take opportunity to assume the armor of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, I put on the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace, I take up the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, the garments of vengeance and the cloak of zeal. I will not be afraid of the terror by night, neither of the arrow that flies by day, neither of the pestilence that walks in darkness, neither of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
I declare that the spirit of excellence rests upon me, and that those over me will seek to set me over entire realms. I declare that my realm is engaged in my assignments. I call it charged with the names of God; Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Makeddesh, Jehovah-Ra’ah, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Gibbowr, Jehovah-Elohim, Jehovah-Sabbaoth, Jehovah-Issuwz, Jehovah-Hoseenu, El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, El-Olam, El-Roy, Yeshuah Ha Mashiach.
I cause my realm and life to come into interface with the seven Spirits of God; the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Fear of the Lord.
I declare that I behold with open face the glory of the Lord and am changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. I seal these declarations across every realm, age, timeline, and dimension, past, present, and future, to infinity. I call this day blessed, fruitful, and prosperous in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Cited: Morning prayer – Bride ministries international. (2020, March 17). Bride Ministries International. https://bridemovement.com/morning-prayer/
Father, we thank You that Your hand is upon our president mightily.
We cover him with the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ, and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over him and his family.
Let the fire of Your glory surround them and that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell shall prosper against them.
Father, we ask that You dispatch legions of Your warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy.
Father, let Your anointing rest strongly upon him at all times and our nation is brought totally back to You.
Father, we praise You, we glorify You in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and soon to return, Messiah. Amen.




A long time ago I got to hear him at the San Antonio Rodeo and meet him backstage. Love his songs.


How special, Smidge! In the right place at the right time – Good for you!!!


I was going to change genres tonight but then I started listening to one last daddystovepipe song. Listening to him is so familiar, it’s like being in someone’s living room. Hope you like this one as much as I do . . .
The Sky Is Crying – Fingerpicking Blues in the key of E


Duchess !! What great control and flow – thank you.
My superfine lucky buys of Lightening Hopkins’ best 20 albums was stolen from me 30 years ago, and I’ve been angry ever since. Today you helped me get over it.


Awww…I am so sorry for your loss, Zorro – perhaps, you can find these albums online – for purchase – and/or – recording on an MP3 – in parts – will pray for a solution and restoration. Happy you enjoyed this one!!!


Lightning, actually it was the record companies, must’ve put out hundreds of albums. I tried a lot of them as they did find their way to the cheapie bins. A few caught Lightning’s glorious acoustic/electric colors in the vinyl, and I had at least ten of them. Presence and atmosphere.
Friends would say, “Ah man, this is different from what I thought. This is… heavy.”


Well – Good for you, Zorro – just not the same – unique in his own way.


Delta Blues Slide Guitar Instrumental in Open G “Blue Paloma”


Here is a MIX…



The Integrity Project (TIP) fear porn
One scenario not played out by the TIP, is Trump wins bigly and Biden concedes. No lawfare, no court challenges, no counting late ballots, nothing. Biden concedes. Election over, Trump reelected and inaugurated in January 2021.
No way!!!! NurseSusy you will all reply. Why not the Biden conceding the election scenario? I am sure that VSGPOTUSDJT has many tentacles out and he’s a win-win negotiator. Biden spouted unity during the Dem convention. Who really controls Biden? Dr Jill Biden, that’s who. We have to look at this from a more positive angle than forever looking for a political fight. The fear porn gets our hackles up and we’re ready to fight. VSGPOTUSDJT prefers peace making deals over fighting. Look what he’s doing in the Middle East & with centuries of hate between Kosovo and the Serbia.
The appeal to her would be, does she want her & Joe’s legacy to be not unity for the nation, but the man that will forever go down inn US History of the Presidential election mess of 2020? That his NOT conceding caused more riots, destruction, and deaths: maybe a shooting Civil War? All because of Joe Biden not conceding.
Will Dr Jill want that to be his legacy? How about a legacy of a hard fought campaign that he lost but to unify the nation he concedes to President Donald J Trump? Trump would then tweet and give speeches praising Joe Biden as a true patriot American doing his best for the Nation. Unifying talk, soft soap. He would also present Dr Jill Biden with a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Name something after Joseph Biden and have a memorial/statue in his honor. Why wouldn’t Joe Biden & Dr Jill Biden want that? Then Joe can retire peacefully from politics and die with a huge state funeral.
Only the Deep State wouldn’t want that. So what? Joe Biden can concede publicly & they can’t do a thing about it, especially if passes away soon after the election. Joe Biden conceding would be the best scenario.
Mail in voting, whether by absentee ballot or mailed out ballot–
The concern is that how does one know if their mailed in ballot makes it to the ballot counters.
1) Deliver it in person to your local election office
2) Mail it using the USPS Domestic Return Receipt — Get an electronic or hard copy delivery record showing the recipient’s signature. Purchase at a Post Office depending on the mail class. Electronic Return Receipts are not available to APO/FPO/DPO addresses or to certain U.S. territories or possessions, or Freely Associated States.
Cost$2.85 for mail receipt
$1.70 for email receipt
In return you get a mailed Green Postcard signed that it was received at your local election office or where the ballot is mailed OR an email receipt with the image of the signature.
It’s a cost and a bit of a hassle, but at least you have proof your ballot was delivered or proof of non-delivery. If it’s mailed in early enough, if no delivery confirmation, you can get another ballot or vote in person.
I haven’t read of any reference to spending the time & money and have a proof of delivery. That’s what I am going to do, since I will have to do absentee ballot this time, as I will not be at my residence on election day.


There are ways for free market capitalism to work with gold or some other form of commodity market basket type of standard on which to base the dollar. A few of many stories about it are linked below.
Here is an informational story –
Another case for it –
I’m only going to do this once on here. You can ignore or consider, it’s up to you. But think through what you have seen over the past few years from PDT and gang. Then compare to what you have observed in your lifetime.
There are many scenarios that work well for a commodity such as gold, or, a market basket of commodities to work. The first thought to get out of our heads is that there has to be a central bank (Fed). Simply return the duties to the US Treasury where they belong. There are good reasons PDT wants the Secret Service in the US Treasury as they originally were assigned. Then institute Constitutional reform such that incoming admins cannot change the rules to rig the system with each change of POTUS/admins without Constitutional amendment.
With what you have seen from PDT and the wolverines so far, do you honestly believe they do not know a perfectly acceptable method to tie the world’s currencies to a standard that all would eventually accept if they are seeking fair and equitable treatment? So ask yourselves which nations are fighting that? Does China come to your mind? Ask yourselves why did China, Russia and Iran send operatives and mercenaries into Venezuela to shore up Maduro early on? Where might the treasure of that formerly wealthy nation go? Why has Russia been buying up gold reserves throughout the world? Why has the CCP been rattling sabers with neighbors and creating bioweapon havoc on the world to crash economies? Why is peace in the ME now a thing? This world war is being fought globally through non-traditional weaponry in the offices of world leaders. We have the finest POTUS and wolverine support staff ever for the times along with an incredible MI system to get it all done.
Our job is to hand the keys to our VSGPOTUS and the patriot conservative Congress in this election and we can see it happen. Quantitative easing from fiat currency a dozen years ago has brought us crushing debt as a nation if we assume liability for it as citizens. So how did they fund it? Through SPV’s (look it up), which can be collapsed into bankruptcy by an act of Congress and signed into law by the POTUS. When that happens the holders of the debt of the SPV’s will go bankrupt, which are the Fed banks for the most part, which are owned by the globalist cabal. When they go bankrupt it triggers the first FULL scale audit of the Fed in its history. The results of that would be so much fun you would never want to leave your seat. Ever wonder why Powell does what PDT wants him to do now? The cabal could not take PDT down and they know PDT knows along with Mnuchin and the economic wolverines.
Imagine a nation without a deficit, without a personal federal income tax, without massive inflation and market bubbles that cause mind numbing economic collapses and crashes. Imagine a world without massive wars, since nations need money to fight them and if they spend commodity backed money to make mischief they better not lose or they will be toast. Satan’s minions will continue to fight it tooth and nail. However, it’s in the people’s hands to decide. As Q repeatedly has told us (paraphrased) – they fear the people being awake. We still have a majority of people in America that love their country and want a more peaceful world. The brainwashing has not taken down the silent majority.
Now do you understand why VSGPOTUS says this is the most important election in our nation’s history? We can continue to fulfill the will of God and walk toward the Promised Land, or, we can cower and return to Egypt. It’s on us.

Gail Combs

I will add back up articles:
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
How the AIG Bailout Could be Driving More Foreclosures
AND we Americans ended up PAYING FOR IT!
Remember Ron Paul wanted to AUDIT THE FED at that time and he got shot down. It wasn’t till a year later we found out: Big European Banks Benefit from AIG Bailout


Released ? It doesn’t seem to matter what is done, they’re released.


I will call AG Barr – he will fix it!!! After all, if they broke federal laws – they will not be released – hey, a girl can hope, can’t she?


Patty: This Bud’s for You!


Gee, who posted that VERY fact on masks O2 deficiency, and Hypercabnia here WEEKS ago? That’s right your favorite adorable critter, me. ABOUT TIME some one did it.
This links to Wolfes post, and mine on my blog before that.


Sad it has taken so long for someone to come forward and challenge them!!!
H/T to both of you!!!


TY, I too am STUNNED it took this long. God help those poor doctors, they are literally risking their livelihoods, reputations, and maybe more on this. PATRIOTS all.


Praying for God’s Protection, prog!!!


AMEN! Duchess, be sure to check out my latest, I think it is TIME. I HOPE it is!!


Okey Dokey, prog – Will do!!!


LOTS of smoke Duchess, I think this time, there is a FIRE.


Yes, and it will not be in WA, OR, and/or CA, either!!!


Oh, I think it will MOVE to DC, but AFFECT places like CA, WA, NY., OR, HI, VA, and more.
I think LOTS of places are gonna NEED new Congressmen and women and Senators…SOON,
Perhaps even BEFORE the elections.


Very few in Congress are men and/or women of honor – no wonder PT looks forward to 2021 – he will be able to do so much more!!!
[As if he has not done enough already!]


Think of ALL he has accomplished despite little to NO help from Congress, on BOTHJ sides, and under constant legal, political, and MSM attack, in the middle of a pandemic too! TRULY he HAS to be guided by and aided by God.


I have – and thank God daily for His assistance – if anyone doubts his love for this country – they need a mental check-up!!!


See 98% of the MSM and 99.9% of the dems in Congress, and 100% of the Cabal.


Is that all? You sure they calculated that correctly – most of the time it is over 100% – Yes?


The DEAD and mail in votes have not yet been counted…grin.




It would be funny if it were not so TRUE and sad.


Awww…lighten up, Prog – Patty says it is healthy to laugh – I am not giving that up at all!!!

Brave and Free

Well now’s the time to see how the judge’s PDJT put in place will react to this if it doesn’t get assigned to some DS judge first.


BINGO. But there are NOW tons of MAGA judges in the appeals courts now.


“adorable critter”??? You seem pretty sure about that.


LOL, well my GRAVITAR IS adorable, Wink.