Dear KAG: 20201110 Open Thread

Cover image: Martin Johnson Heade, Hummingbirds: Two ‘Sungems’ and a ‘Crimson Topaz’, 1866.  Oil on canvas, Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, Vermont.

Full image:

As we watch the Chinese do their best to, ahem. appropriate an American election, just a reminder from some blokes who like cars:

Seriously, they even steal and repackage zit popping videos.

Why wouldn’t they give election ballots a try?

Haven’t heard this on in a while:

And a reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And please, if you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it.


LUKE 17:7-10

7“Will any one of you, who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep, say to him when he has come in from the field, `Come at once and sit down at table’? 8Will he not rather say to him, `Prepare supper for me, and gird yourself and serve me, till I eat and drink; and afterward you shall eat and drink’? 9Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? 10So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, `We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.'”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Going back to what I was saying around election day, there is a risk of exposure to furthering a fraud. When the wheels start to come off, the first step is to freeze in place and stop furthering it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They’re saving FAKE ELECTIONS.
It’s just like those Chinese cheater salesgirls in the videos. You get onto them and they SKATE to something else. The spies are that way, too. They feel a line of BS starting to come unglued, they move quick to some new lie.
Democrats have TOTALLY rigged our elections. They went big, thought they had Trump, got caught, and now the CROWN JEWELS are at risk – Dominion and Scytl. Worse yet, Pelosi, Fineswine, and Ma Cankles are all deeply INVESTED in them, so hey – better to GIVE TRUMP HIS STATES and keep the money AND future stolen elections.


Except they messed with the wrong man. Trump will bring it crashing down on their heads.


They’ve gone after his family, and even worse after the election. They were making lists, threatening everyone who had supported him from his whole family down to small donors. He won’t forget.


He won’t forget and neither will 71 million of his supporters!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We can never go back to fake elections. Never again.
For starters, I think BARR has begun pushing the idea that federal elections cannot be messed with by states. Thus, I think there have to be FEDERAL monitors who make sure all parties have real access to ballots, etc.
Next, we have to do what Florida did – be able to tell corrupt local officials to pack their bags.
Hand recounts have to be an option – much easier, and always possible.
Dominion has to be SHUT DOWN or destroyed. Maybe Scytl, too. Or just shut out of American markets.
Pols and their families, friends, associates cannot be invested in voting tech. Just END IT.
Oh, I have a huge list. But basically shut down what just happened from ever happening again.


Also the Clinton Foundation Delian Project.
Was the Delian project involved in the Ukrainian election in 2014, won by Poroshenko? Similar “glitch” software was found in their election infrastructure. They blamed the Russians.
This article was referenced in a footnote in this court filing related to the vulnerability of Georgia’s Dominion voting infrastructure. See pg.30, footnote 54:


Trump made an “offhand” remark a few days back that struck me as “interesting”: he said something to the effect that maybe the stolen votes would start coming back to him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! Oh, that’s a GREAT CATCH.


I truly believe THIS IS it Wolf, the MOMENT of reckoning for them. I think Trump gave them a CHOICE, accept DEFEAT, OR cheat to win. They chose the latter hill to die on. The dems, MSM, RINOS, and Cabal went “all in”. Trump said FINE if that is the way you WANT it, I CALL.
NOW, Trump has them, and they NOW are beginning to SEE and SENSE it. What we are beginning to se is the BACKTRACK, by those hoping to AVOID accountability, and give Trump his deserved win, HOPING he will take it and let it and THEM go. They are NOW figuring on to 2024, and a squish rep will NOT fight, like Trump, and THEN we steal it ALL.
They made a MAJOR miscalculation by going ALL IN. They thought they could simply crawl back under their rocks, and put masks back on, and HIDE now that the evidence is coming out against them.
BIG MISTAKE. They AGAIN misjudged rump, and thought he was Mitt Romney Fudd. IE that they were too clever, and Trump was too stupid to find it, and could be SMOKESCREENED into conceding. They thought by NOW, Trump would have LOST the GOP, along with FOX (wink wink) and “for the good of the country, concede and accept “defeat””.
LOL DUMBASSES, what he is doing IS for the good of the country, NOT himself, and he will not falter, he will not give in, and he will NOT FAIL.
He gave them a CHOICE, they MADE IT. NOW they for ONCE are going to have to LIVE with the CONSQUENCES of their actions.
You can SMELL the FEAR. It is palpable. It WILL get WORSE.
They are even NOW experiencing CRACKS in their façade. When people begin PULLING BACK from the ALL IN, you KNOW there is TROUBLE brewing.
They THOUGHT Trump would lose the MSM, REPS, and US. He ONLY lost RINOS and MSM.
They NOW see we are ALL galvanized. WE ALL, even Mitch (wink wink, TOLD YOU he was team MAGA) and RINOS Rubio and Graham are on team Trump, the latter actually giving Trump MONEY to fight. It is because they KNOW where this is headed, and the SEE the fraud, and Trump and OUR resolve to NOT relent. They too CHOSE.
The Cabal, MSM, and dems thought they could BLUFF us to defeat, and CHEAT, and we and our guy would ROLL OVER. They NEVER thought that WE would put on that armor of GOd and STEEL our resolve. But we DID.
NOW, the first few weak links in the fraud are PUNTING, there WILL be MORE. In the end, even Fox will TRY to punt and put the MASK back on. TOO late, by going ALL IN, we ALL saw who the “emperors” were, and they ALL have NO CLOTHES now.
My old boss ALWAYS told me. ” i never make announcements, NOR ask questions, wfor which I do not ALREADY know the answers.
THAT is Trump in a NUTSHELL. Trump HAS the proof, or he would NOT have said it.
The Cabal and MSM and dems are FUBAR, China and likely Iran too.
I see that AC 130 gunship circling DC, and it is soon to be INCOMING!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Totally agreed. The widespread cheating was SHOCKING. America isn’t going to accept a Chinese puppet government.


“We will NEVER be a Socialist nation” Donald J. Trump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. THAT is gonna age well.




If you in a hole stop digging. They never learn. Always overreach. Hubris? Or they live in a bubble?


BOTH. Now, instead of giving them a lifeline, Trump handed them a shovel. They dug DEEPER, now Trump too has a shovel (evidence) and he will BURY them with it.
NO ONE can “save them” now. NO ONE trusts them OR their sycophant MSM. They are WAY out on that limb, and they are Elmer Fudding (That is when you are WAY out on a limb, and sawing the WRONG end of the limb trying to get Buggs Bunny. )


I believe, in tenni,ts called an unforced error.
But it’s actually a runaway positive feedback. The deeper they get into the shit the more they have to engage in. Tar patch with sewerage




And when he handed them the shovel, he had that grin.
And he said, “You’re going to need this. Trust me.”


WINK, I love me some Trump.


Toss up my azzz….


Step ONE, tossup IE pullback. Step two, REVERSAL. Step three WIN. Step four, dems go to JAIL, go DIRECTLY to jail, do not collect $200 from Soros, do not pass Go. Step FOUR, MSM destruction. Step five the NATION, absent the bad actors, MSM, and agitators, HEALS.

Deplorable Patriot

$0R0$ is too cheap to pass out C-notes.


LOL too true. maybe 200 cents…the rest of the premise holds. EITHER way, those MSM and dems and RINOS sold their SOULS for 13 pieces of silver. They too will meet Judas’s FATE. For those that do not know, or do not remember, Judas HUNG himself after Christ was crucified.

Deplorable Patriot

30 pieces of silver and we say Judas HANGED himself.
The pastor when I was a little kid made a BIG deal about that.


point taken.


They used common core math to count the silver. So naturally it wasn’t 30.


“CNN just changed Georgia and Arizona back to tossup.”
That’s mighty big of them.
Change it to Trump won both, or they’re not for real (and they’re not for real).


E Pluribus Unum. Literally in Latin, Out of MANY, ONE. Or the modern translation ONE of MANY.
On EVERY US coin.
These were FIRST, WI next, then Mich, then NEV and finally PA (maybe VA too)
ALL leading to the SAME outcome, Donald Trump is re-elected the 45th President and is inaugurated Jan 20, 2021. THEN the FUN (for us) STARTS.


I thought it was from many to one . As in from many origins to one people


e plu·ri·bus u·num
/ˌē ˌplo͝orəbəs ˈ(y)o͞onəm/
out of many, one (the motto of the US).
Definitions from Oxford Languages


My Latin is beyond dodgy


it is after all a dead language LOL.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, it’s not, but the people of the world have been gaslit to believe it is.


So we could, in fact, argue pronunciation and meaning endlessly with no native speaker to appeal to. Bit like translating from Biden to english



Deplorable Patriot

There’s actually about 5 IPA sheets on Latin.
Church Latin, OTOH, is not one of them, and is probably correct. HINT: use Italian vowels.


? Better link


musta been a glitch ! hahaha j/k


Computers do this shit to me on purpose


wow that’s a lottta letters for 6:23 in the morning…


6.23 at night. Remember I’m in a WAY different time zone than you


wow…no i was referring to ME having to look at all those letters so early in the morning…LOL


I’ll translate.
The fuckening
When your day is going too well and you get suspicious. Then shit starts going down and you say/think “ this is it-the fuckening”


too funny!!!
we’ve been missing this around here!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well…but they still pretend he has Pennsylvania, so he can still pretend to be president-elect.


Real Clear Politics has pulled PA back to Toss up – so on their board, he only has 259. Now if they follow what CNN just did, that brings down the number further. Soon, it will be like dominoes.
The MSM needs to be charged with Election tampering and interference.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, that’s probably the difference between RCP’s count and CNN’s.
I suspect RCP tries to be honest; their front page includes links to editorials on both sides. They fail miserably because they have their heads up their asses in re polls, and this time around the polls didn’t swing towards Trump to cover their lying; rather they doubled down and tried to close the gap between the fake polls and the fake vote on the fake vote side.
RCP is probably having a lot of internal conversations right now about how far off they were.


NOT without AZ. He would, even with Nev be at 265.


I mean with PA too, sorry EARLY.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They show him not having AZ but still having PA, total 279.


I know was looking at RCP.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, misunderstood, I thought you were saying CNN showed BiteMe NOT having AZ.


yep they do with AZ, just not PA, yet right?
Hey, found something INTERESTING. Just told Wolf.
In 2018 in the fraud video I posted affecting Matt Bevin, he LOST 512 votes in on second, while Bershear gained 512 votes. That in itself was NOT the anomoly. It is the MULTIPLE of * that caught me. 512 bytes is 1/2 a kilobyte. 1024 is a kilobyte.
What IF the dominion software was using small segments like bits and bytes? What if ALL the glitches are a multiple of 8.
Do you remember the old 8 bit OS? It would be a LAZY coding simple ERROR that would do the job, but COULD be found if one KNEW the key. They would have NEVER suspected ANYONE would LOOK, I bet it IS in the software code. LAZY programming.


P-rex, your comment reminds me of something I heard a few years ago. It was that Windows didn’t “own” all the space on the screen. Apparently there’s a one pixel wide space around the screen which is available for anyone to use and MicroSloth can’t mess with you.

Facebook determines 1844 Election of President Polk requires Disclaimer and link to “the latest updates”
Can’t make this up!comment image


Coming to a Blue State near you. If you live in a blue state, hang on .NY State Bar Passes Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendation
If Biden steals the election, Biden will make vaccine a federal mandate.
Sign the petition
The Supreme Court Of the United States: Recount or revote the entire 2020 presidential election


I signed around 800K. It’s now over 2.3M. Keep going, almost to 3M.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Holy cow!!!


I signed about an hour prior and I think it was like 2.1 million wow, that is a lot


“If Biden steals the election, Biden will make vaccine a federal mandate.”
A) Biden is going to the gas chamber or the electric chair
B) I don’t care if there is a Starfleet Federation mandate, I don’t do man-dates.
C) We are not a country of mandates, we are a country of laws
D) no law can compel anyone to be injected with poison
This is not even remotely debatable, so don’t let them rile you up, which is all it’s designed to do 👍


Right now, I think I waited too long to make the move out of Oregon,,,,but that voice in sides keeps telling the storm has just started, and He(our Lord) controls the storm.
I was sure by now
God, you would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say “Amen,” and it’s still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear your whisper through the rain
“I’m with you”
And as your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
And I’ll praise you in this storm


Kin, hang on – there may be remedies on the voting issues for your state, Washington and others . This VBM in Federal Elections will be dealt with by POTUS in his next term.


Regardless of the election mess, I do feel that my time here in Oregon is over.


Thank you, Kin. That is so beautiful and a timely reminder to hold strong in our faith in God.


We all must have faithful trust in God. It might not be the road we want to walk right now, but He has His reasons, reasons for our good.

Sue Mcdonald

Kin I am a 6th gen Oregonian from a long line of loggers and as much as I would like to leave I just cant.i am now in my 60s and praying for for the state of my birth is about all I can do. I believe POTUS won our state.
as long as we have this evil mail in voting system conservatives won’t have a chance hoping POTUS can change that!


Strange but the first place I heard of GOP poll watchers being kicked out was in Oregon.
I was like “DAMN”, no one expects Oregon to turn so why the H3LL cheat.
It was after I post the article that more and more cities in other states were coming out with similar news,


Biden will go to a lock up dementia facility


And Camel Ass will take up pole dancing, and I don’t mean The Beer Barrel Polka.


Doubt Hoe ever gave up “pole” dancing. It’s been her ticket. Goes with incestuous and pedo behavior.


I thought she was more partial to sword swallowing……….
Pork swords


She wants to look her best.


Dementia Facility is a 100% sure thing, whether they Illegally declare him the winner or not


signed !
thanks for posting that link.


You are welcome. Pray that all goes well for all Americans regardless of who they voted for,






DH only had the radio on for a little while this evening while Hannity was on. Hannity was talking all around the election and seemed to be mostly talking about the vaccine. So you know he was given some sort of directive, so rather than spout lies, he chose to talk around the issues, and focus on the vaccine. Sad.


He opened with slamming some of the irregularities and then talked with Miss Lindsey. But then he left and went somewhere, anywhere else. Watched Tucker, at least he tried. Not watching Laura, she’s been too middle of the road. If they won’t fight for POTUS and for us, they’re not worthy. NEWSMAX or OAN

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They’ve gotten “the talk” from Paul Treason.


SOON Mr Ryan gets his WELL deserved Pink SLIP. THEN I suspect someone from the FCC or FEC may want to have a “talk” with Fox, and the Murdock boys.


He had it on for only a little while, probably just finishing up on irregularities when DH tuned in. I was fixing dinner, so was only half listening to it.


Someone pointed out yesterday that Newsmax streams on your computer. Sure enough! Went to the site and clicked! What a refreshing difference from the dreary Fake News communist narrative baloney.


I have a spare laptop plugged into tv. I switch between cable box, OAN and laptop streaming Newsmax.


Just like what he did with the whole Seth Rich murder….Hannity is useless. He’s only interested in promoting himself.


Seth talk got shutdown because of lawsuits.

Sue Mcdonald

Truth is I am not at all sad I am relieved and glad that all of us now see these people for who they really are! I think back 30 yrs and all the folks who were screaming from the rooftops about the media,chemtrails, Rothchilds, central banks, you name it , all of us accused of being conspiracy nutjobs for speaking up.for a long time my sister would say to me you just see things with different lens, I would say damn right I she calls me for info and to talk. Great awakening BABY!
The LORD led me all those years ago to dig for truth so grateful to our heavenly Father.

Deplorable Patriot

After dinner on Sunday, my dad, mom and sister just dismissed anything I had to say on a number of fronts.


Sorry they are brainwashed, DP – will pray for you – and them – in the name of Jesus – I will pray!!!


For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of affliction, to give you an end and patience.
And you shall call upon me, and you shall go: and you shall pray to me, and I will hear you. You shall seek me, and shall find me: when you shall seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11-13comment image


Thank you!
This is a beautiful and uplifting passage.
It adds so much comfort qnd peace.
My heart is welling up with gratitude to God for good reports, to Wolf for creating this haven which has helped us weather so many political storms, and to all of you who are so strong and steadfast and do so much to support the President and one another.
I have not had a problem with turning off Fox news. I can’t stand them or any of the rest of MSM..
I love that we are the news now.
God bless all❣️
Saying good night.
(Up too late again but maybe I will sleep a little better now….hopefully we all will)


The DRA translation is literal, making it a bit awkward with “give you an end.” Other translations seem to indicate that God is referencing the outcome of returning His people back to the land He gave them.
Here’s another translation:
“I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the LORD; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope.”


Here is another:
“For I know the thoughts that I think concerning you,
said the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you the end that you wait for.”


Thank you for these precious words of comfort. Shared them with my hubby.
The Lord is in our hearts, and he hears our cries.


This is the only thing which makes complete sense in life, but a person has to have an open mind to have an open heart, and an open heart to experience the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(From GAB)


NOw, WHY do you think ESPER was the FIRST to go? WINK WINK.


In 2015/16 i had this gut felling, with 2 Chronicles 7:14 popping all over the place.. This year it just wasn’t there. Actually believe i even spend more time in prayer. Seemed like every time Trump name came into my head which was alot, I was saying small prayers for Trump, America, Americans and all my on line friends. But it was not there. Maybe all the personal issues I’ve had or ??? but I still know the Lord is in control and with me.
Although my personal issues are still crazy, that weird gut felling is there again. is it back to 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Or its it for some other reason?
YES He will take all that is wrong and make it right. That is why I will stand my ground. AMEN!
Though times it seems like I’m coming undone
This walk can often feel lonely
No matter what until this race is won
I will stand my ground
Where hope can be found
I will stand my ground
Where hope can be found
Oh! O’ Lord, o’ Lord, I know You hear my cry
Your love is lifting me above all the lies
No matter what I face this I know in time
You’ll take all that is wrong and make it right




Yes the Lord is good all the time AMEN

Harry Lime

How many times have we been here in the last four plus years?comment image
“They’ve got us surrounded again, the poor bastards.” – Creighton Abrams


chuckle…this is brilliant!!

Harry Lime

After a while you know what to expect.comment image
“So they’ve got us surrounded, good! Now we can fire in any direction, those bastards won’t get away this time!” – Chesty Puller

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More from Twitter VIA Gab:comment image


I sent that to every name I could on the Trump Campaign team.


Looks like we’ll be able to watch the Saturday Million MAGA March:


I wish I could be there! We participated in a glorious MAGA road rally here in Utah that stretched for 45 miles along our interstate the Sunday before the election. It was wonderful! Don’t tell me Trump didn’t win this election. God Speed to all of you that can attend this rally and please report back. Trump 2020!


Remember CNN saying FLOTUS wants Trump to concede?


Seriously, CNN – do you honestly believe that our beloved Flotus whom you have put through hell for the last four years is throwing in the towel now? You are out of your minds and crazy as hell if you think that is the case. That woman is tough as nails. You are laughable.


Our First Lady is a fierce fiesty fighter as her wardrobe, actions and press statements have shown.
The last time one of the media outlets fomented a lie about Barron – she sued them and won $2 Million – enough for Barron’s entire education, plus a ‘grand tour’ after graduation – if he cares to view what’s left of Europe since the migration.


I shared the Block Chain information with my hubby who is savvy about tech stuff, Also showed him FLOTUS” dress
He did a little reading about Block Chain and agreed about the dress… She was messaging us.
God Bless her.


Hahaha! So right! Can’t fix stoopid with these MSM types, can ya?


NEVER forget, they TRIED to kill Melania AND Baron too via Covid. I am sure Trump and Melania have NOT forgotten.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



but Epstein didn’t kill the Democrat Party

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OR DID HE ??? *ominous music* 😉


only the shadows know


“Remember CNN saying FLOTUS wants Trump to concede?”
What’s even more hilarious is that DJT would even consider conceding for a nanosecond.
Which FLOTUS knows as well or better than anyone.
Which is why should would never express such a thought, even if she had it — which she didn’t 😂


FLOTUS wants Trump to concede, so that the Deep State can get an early start on raking her and her son over the coals……
Yeah, no.


Jack P is about a day late with that. We fact checked it right away knowing it was a lie and it was.


And a dollar short, too, Para!!! Can’t like him…


I don’t generally mind his tweets or writing but he really needs to get to the point when he talks and loose the smart guy attitude.


‘Smart Guy Attitude’ – Exactly, Para – Bingo!


Of course she does. It’s her family’s lives on the line


I recall reading that in China let’s say Gucci wants to make a 10,000 handbags well the Chinese order enough material to make 11,000 Gucci handbags. So Gucci gets its handbags and China on the black market gets to sell 1,000 real Gucci.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yes! Overruns are a normal annoyance of using Chinese contractors.

Deplorable Patriot

This happens no matter where designer handbags are made. In Italy, the African guys selling the “knockoffs” on the street are selling what they make after hours and off the books.
Just be sure to use it as intended on the way home.



Defund the post office


Or relocate it to the event horizon of a black hole.


Wait a bit- I have a package coming tomorrow.

Harry Lime

comment image


The postman always rings twice….now they steal your mail in ballot


New article up at PoliticalMoonshine… I haven’t even had time to read the one from yesterday yet!
November 9, 2020


Whoa, Scott – just had my mind blown yet again. Good stuff – thanks!

Harry Lime

Yuppers…I bookmarked this site after you brought to our attention a few days ago. Thanks, Scott!




This Moonshine guy claims he knows who Q is, but that it’s not his place to tell the rest of us. I call bullshit on this guy. Maybe controlled opp.


Martin Johnson Heade, Hummingbirds: Two ‘Sungems’ and a ‘Crimson Topaz’, 1866. Oil on canvas, Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, Vermont.——What a lovely painting DP


It caught my eye right away. Was going to comment about it earlier, but you might say I was distracted…..


For DP — I don’t know exactly how, but I was looking at probably your last post and somehow opened a tab on blogspot with a crochet link and a familiar avatar. If you don’t want it to get out, you might still be able to sanitize some bits of it.

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, I have so many accounts with that avitar…. Somehow it’s hooked in with a specific email address.
Actually, after all this is over, I’m going to start marketing the crochet more. I have baby beanies coming out of my ears.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if this has been shared here yet, but this entire twitter thread is worth checking out…

Here’s the video broken out separately.


Gab. Meme Warfare group.
That was fast…comment image


Someone somewhere is going to want this.
Gab has all the best memes.comment image


Just learned something.
Accidently hitting [ctrl][enter] on my keyboard triggers WP to post my comment before I meant to post it.comment image


Can’t get enough of this one!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t know it would appear again when I fixed it, but yeah!!!


Just picking up a few more from Gab…comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Life at the Conaways… ?


Thanks, T3!!! Wondered where I saw that face before – LOL


From Gab:
Jacob Judicial @JacobJudicial
Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Donald Trump
A woman had a service dog who was being trained at a local college and was therefore registered as a student. The dog’s electronic ID tag had a number format that matched a social security number. The college had it’s database searched by those who stole the election, they took EVERYONE at that college, registered them to vote, and voted for them, INCLUDING THE DOG. The woman then received an e-mail telling her that someone under her dog’s name and age of 18 had voted and that it was a registered vote. She then checked her own legitimately cast vote, and it was not counted.
I obviously have this one saved and when it vanishes, I’ll serve it from here.
I embedded this one, because it is just too preposterous:


Dogs are wonderful animals and all, but that doesn’t mean that they’re supposed to vote?! Horses next?
This is getting sillier and sillier….


Considering how many horses’ behinds currently infest Washington, DC — it’d be only right that horse’s heads should be allowed to vote.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chinaberg’s “Safe Elections” project that appears indistinguishable from a DNC “Get Out The Vote” program was responsible for most new Dem votes in Georgia.
Most of Biden’s 221,000 Vote Margin Gain in Georgia in 3 Counties that Received $15 Million from Zuckerberg-Funded ‘Safe Elections’ Project


wow…that is the umpteenth coincidence in this election!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China’s minions went ALL OUT.

Valerie Curren

Here’s a few more from that twitter thread

Valerie Curren

Here’s a threadreader for that too

Sylvia Avery

@wheatie, don’t know if you saw but I posted an article earlier today saying Burgess Owens had a slim lead but they thought he’d win his seat when they’redone.


Yes, I saw that!
Thank you so much, Syl!

Sylvia Avery

I’m excited. I like him so much and I want him in Congress!


Yes! Me too!
He’s a fighter…and we need guys like him in the House, teaming up with our other fighters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Great Awakening and The End of an Elitist Era

The way people consume news and information is about to change forever in a big way. Once the truth of this election surfaces institutional media power will crumble to ash. No one will ever again believe anything the mainstream media reports. No one will ever again trust anything they see from Big Tech platforms. No one will ever again take any poll seriously.
The People yearn for the free flow of information, for authenticity, and for truth. We will no longer submit to celebrities, media personalities, Big Tech companies, or “journalists” telling us what to believe, what to think, and what reality is. The era of smug inner city elites dictating “facts” to us like a parent scolding a child is forever over.
Big Tech, pollsters, pundits, and the mainstream media have all overplayed their hand for the last time. This false narrative and this fake “President elect” will be the red pill to end all red pills. When the bubble bursts, and make no mistake it will burst, the collective great awakening of people around the world will be an unstoppable force that will forever change the way we process, consume, and distribute information.
The Truth is surfacing daily on from normal everyday people who are brave enough to speak freely. Gabbers have seen the content of Hunter Biden’s laptop. We’ve seen the truth of the pervasive and systemic fraud in our electoral process. We knew all of this was coming which is why we stand firmly grounded as the sane minds in a world gone incredibly mad.
The Gab community is the dawn of a new era for the free flow of information. An era where information is not dictated to the masses by a handful of elites, but rather crowdsourced, curated, and distributed by millions of people in real time.
Buckle up, the media revolution has only just begun.
Andrew Torba
Jesus is King
November 10th, 2020


“The People yearn for the free flow of information, for authenticity, and for truth. We will no longer submit to celebrities, media personalities, Big Tech companies, or “journalists” telling us what to believe, what to think, and what reality is.”
The People ALSO yearn to be able to confront these same ‘celebrities, media personalities, Big Tech companies and ‘journalists’ without being suspended or banned.
I will personally humiliate them in front of their hundreds of thousands of followers, and I will do it in a way that they cannot even respond, because any reply makes them look even worse.
It’s easy to do.
I have close to two decades of practice.
Until now, all the craphead celebrities and media personalities have been protected, they have never had to defend themselves or their idiocy.
Let that end, so I can go hunting.


GRIN!!! (—————————–REALLY BIG GRIN!!!———————————)


Courtesy of Citizen Free Press: Maidengate. People used other people’s maiden names to fraudently vote.

Here is how you can help with #MaidenGate:
1. Check your registration status in every state you have ever lived in and been a registered voter.
2. If you can check whether a ballot was cast, even better.
3. If you got a text from a different state asking about your vote, lmk.
4. Check your registration status for any names you were registered under before. Name changes due to marriage/divorce/adoption/WHATEVER.
5. If you are in Oakland Co. MI, Maricopa Co. AZ, Fulton Co. GA, or Alleghany Co. PA especially. But this seems to be nationwide.


This would only work in States that DO NOT require current Photo ID – unless people had fake DLs in every name/address configuration.


Crap, OAN reporting Dave Bossie has Chyna plague. He was leading campaign legal effort, not anymore.
Note: OAN has been reporting instances of election fraud nonstop for almost an hour. So glad we have an option for real news. 😃

Sylvia Avery

I hope he gets Regeneron and it does for him what it did for PDJT. But having said that, this is another key position supporting PDJT. He really doesn’t need this crap right now. I hope Dave Bossie will be alright and gets good care if he needs it.


Watch, they’ll be knockin’ it down in 48 hours .

Sylvia Avery


Valerie Curren

PA county voting systems…most of which show up in the GEMS video…


∇ ˙ D = ρ
∇ ˙ B = 0
∇ × E = -∂B/∂t
∇ × H = J + ∂D/∂t
B = μ H
D = ε E
It isn’t just a good idea, it is the law….
Penalty for breaking which, is that your machinery or device or other product won’t work. Or maybe fall apart, catch fire, or fail in some other spectacular or non-spectacular way. Then your customers will be dissatisfied, then soon they won’t be your customers anymore. Not good.
Ain’t no appeals either.
Now there are some other laws, the one of causality comes to mind.
Viz.: effect follows cause. Or the horse goes in front of the cart.
Not behind it.
Again, break this one at your peril. But the penalty is less immediate than the previous one. While that one tends toward being enacted at the speed of light or some large fraction thereof, the illusion of acausality can go on for a while, until it, like all things that can’t continue forever, stop.
So as we all are exquisitely aware, there has been an election.
And while the results of this is not finally decided, as a number of other natural laws have been found to be violated, some investigations mandated by civilian laws are under way.
That didn’t stop the Associated Press from calling the result early. Projecting the results as they said. With no actual basis in reality, other than maybe it looked good at the time, and there’s always the race towards having the freshest news.
Unfortunately, only few others stopped to check the situation on the ground… Obrador of Mexico and Putin of Russia, and even Xi of China have not been congratulating the non-president.
But nigh-on everyone else has… I’ve got some friends who are talking about that, and I say «hold on, the results aren’t final yet» — oh no, so I’m all sorts of useless and daft, because we’re now rid of the orange man and I’m not cheering for that. No I’m not, not until the election results are in. Until then everything is the same as they were last week and the week before. «But that Trump is so mean and he lies and all…»
But hey, has Trump ever done something mean to you personally? No, not just (ostensibly) talked about grabbing someone by their pussy. Did he grab your pussy? Or even threaten to grab it? — No — So what’s the problem?
«Orange man bad». Oh hasn’t he done a good job? «He’s out, now there is Biden and Harris (and rainbows and unicorns)» I say: «No, the results are not final, anything might still happen.»
Dodge- and deflect-o-rama … IT JUST DOESNT REGISTER! Water off a goose. I’ve stopped bothering talking politics with them. It is all cars, food and drink, and such now…
So I’m reading the various news and making up my own opinion on things… MSM is useless but they are more concerned with the various effects of the coronavirus. Even so, there was some squealing about the General Services Administration not granting the Biden team access to various Federal buildings, and for the exact same reason as I am banging away on: THE RESULTS ARE NOT FINAL. Makes me feel vindicated…
The amount of egg on various faces is going to be epic when this breaks. Will be some really dissatisfied customers indeed, once the fat lady has made it to the end of her song.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Many will have no idea what those bits of mathematics are, but of course I know they shed some light on everything.


Netanyahu tweet from November 8th:

Benjamin Netanyahu
Nov 8
Congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris
. Joe, we’ve had a long & warm personal relationship for nearly 40 years, and I know you as a great friend of Israel. I look forward to working with both of you to further strengthen the special alliance between the U.S. and Israel.


How has Hiden been a great friend of Israel? I thought the entire O presidency was working against Israel, though that might be painting with too broad of a brush. Bibi’s tweet calls everthing into question — his character, whether he has been honest with Pres. Trump and America, what clandestine operations might be working against us, etc.


Biden violates The Logan Act
discusses foreign policy with foreign leaders without any electoral certification as winner of Presidency.
imposter fraud !
IMPEACH him !! s/
ARREST him !


“This is the kind of bullshit we are going to hear from this clown” ~ Mark Levin Destroys Biden For Vaccine Remarks

Valerie Curren

BEST TWEET of the 2020 ELECTION!!!

Valerie Curren


Happy go lucky

Yes! I saw your post yesterday, and shared it with my loved ones ❤️


It’s a good reminder.


While using their friends in Big Tech to disenfranchise american’s rights to free speech.

Valerie Curren

Yes Sick Commies!


Someone in the media or the administration, please ask Nancy Pelosi if dead people voting, corrupt computer systems, halting vote counting on election night, etc., are some of the “arrows in her quiver.” Pretty please! I have not heard Miss Righteous Constitution decry any and all dishonesty in our sacred election process. Enquiring minds are anxiously waiting for her to weigh in on the multiple accounts of provable fraud.


Expect crickets chirping…. Amazing that those like Pelosi who are so strict about all sorts of rules and regulations look the other way, if they look at anything at all, when there are indications of things like:
Dead people voting
Dogs voting
All of which have been voting early and often
Biden has been doing great in the 120-220 year age bracket
Ballots keep being found in the trash
Except the ones being trucked in at 4 AM in the dead of night.
Something’s off in at least 30 States, courtesy of the Dominion and Shadow — what a wonderfully ominous pair of names.
And if those aren’t scary enough, there’s «Meet my assistents, Hammer and Scorecard»
No, there is going to be the sound of silence from that direction…
«We’re watching a movie» — I can’t decide if it is a horror-show or a thriller, but I’m sitting uneasy here at the edge of the chair. In or practising jactation, last meaning shown for yesterday’s word.


I’m just afraid we’re going to find out some cat ladies have been registering the whole household. 😎


trend is weakening (hopefully) …comment image
trending slightly more north…but still a “maybe” for Florida west coast…comment imagecomment image?hash=37262


oops….here’s the FLOATER image…comment image


THANKS for always giving us the full picture, Smiley!!!


looks like it’s firing up again, imo…
must be windshear keeping it a TS as it crosses the GoM.
frankly, I am getting very burnt-out with this hurricane season….massive headache-inducing.


It’s gone on and on into November….rare. But perhaps they are naming storms a bit more quickly these days.


comment image


(eye roll, naming things a bit more quckly these days…Biden Wins !)


Have there been MORE actual landfalls?


I dunno…got landfall burn-outcomment image


There, there, honey child…’s almost over. Unfortunately, ‘holiday season’ is coming up next.


yeah but the GLITCH stole Christmas




Love that eye-roll, Smiley!!! Bet Pat is gonna keep that one – LOL


I better put some ice on that burncomment image


thank goodness I finished my coffee before i read thru that last section…you’re on fire this morning smiley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


good news that it’s weakening!!
thanks smiley!


Smiley, I read on Accuweather (dunno how accurate it is – mind you) there was massive flooding – 12-14 inches of rain in some spots – but, since I do not know the topography – I have no idea about where they are experiencing this uncommon November rainfall.
Hate to ask you – cause I know you are at burnout level with this hurricane season – but, that’s an awful lot of rain from a Tropical Storm – Yes?


Key West & Miami….maybe up in Ft Myers.
very slow moving mess…spiraling bands dumped a LOT of rain…tropical Storms are very strong storms typically rainmakers.


Oh, ok – Thanks, Smiley!!! Poor dears!!!


actually all the Florida Keys got hit with rain.


Enormous inches of rain?

Eilert Schwarting
Sadie Slays

comment image






MEME OF THE DAY!!! Thanks, Sadie!!!


They are finding all these “Glitches” now.
THEY TRYING TO COVER THEIR A..ES NOW. – Do Not let them get away with this:


That was my stage 2 — they turn from doing more mischief to hiding their prior shenanigans.


Hiden in his basement now:comment image


Swamp Draining at the DOJ.
Maybe this pushes some of the GrayHat holdovers to get some backbone.


You guys are missing it, he did NOT step down, he was ASKED to leave IE FIRED.


There was a series that the Fiancee was binge watching — it might have been “The Americans”. It involved soviet agents in the US and problems inside the soviet union. At the same time, there was an agent in custody in the USSR who had compromised the mission on ideological (pro-USA) grounds.
I don’t watch TV, but I happened to be wandering by. The pro-USA agent had appealed her death sentence for espionage. She was hauled out of her cell to meet the appellant officer in a hallway. He told her that her appeal had been denied, and that her execution would be carried out “shortly”. She was doing the usual squawks about more appeals and legal maneuvers as she was dragged away….and didn’t make it ten feet from his desk before she was shot.
It was meant to show how brutal, callous, and cruel the soviets were.
But it also showed how Americans were unserious about existential threats, cared more for virtue-signalling than actual justice, and would pander and dither when decisive action was necessary.
We’ll see how this works out in the real world.


I recall that some time — maybe in the 90s? — the PLO was running a cottage industry of kidnapping Americans for ransoms, and that financed a significant part of their operations. So they decided to branch out and start kidnapping Russians.
So one of their sheikhs nabbed one, and sent the usual note. There was no response.
Two days later, one of the sheikh’s nephews disappeared.
The next day, the sheikh received a severed pinky in a box.
The day after that, the sheikh received a severed ring-finger in a box. They released their Russian hostage and their 8-fingered nephew was released shortly thereafter.
Yeah, the Russians can be the Evil Empire, but you have to acknowledge what works. Imagine if you were a US prisoner through this and for two years after — wouldn’t you be asking why US troops couldn’t seize another nephew?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Soviets knew how to speak the PLO’s language, largely because they did so routinely. There are times when I wish we understood it.
The Brits in Sudan had a reputation too, there was some high official who kept some local chieftain’s skull in his office as a subtle reminder not to be messed with.


remembers that episode. series is actually pretty interesting.


That was an excellent — and, at times, shocking — series. One episode at a time just will not do.

Sylvia Avery

In 2004, Perkins Coie (Seattle law firm and notorious Clinton fixer) perfected stealing elections with the Washington state gubernatorial election between Dino Rossi and Chris Gregoire. Dino was young, charismatic, and a real comer with possibilities on the national scene. Can’t have that!!!! They had to take him out.
This was before they used the same tactics on Norm Coleman to get that toad Al Franken over the finish line. Dims found “more ballots” nine different times and they were allowed every time. There’s an pretty interesting video, about 20 minutes or so) of Dino Rossi being interviewed about the theft of his election. He was certified as winning TWICE before the third time they succeeded in stealing it.


I smell Microsoft/Bill Gates.


Barr’s Memo for Election/Voter Fraud investigations:


I hope this brings another million patriots to Washington!


She can’t possibly enforce this. She’s just preening and posturing and showing her totalitarian ways.


BINGO. TRY and stop a million, or more patriots from marching fool. THEN the NG comes in. You DON’T get duplicity, OK for BLM to march, but NOT Trump supporters, and that LAND is NOT a STATE land, it is FEDERAL land, in fact ALL of DC IS, it is a DISTRICT. Time to play HARDBALL Mr President.


^^^ Sort of like mask edicts. Ignore them all.
No masks. No tests 72 hours earlier.
Along those lines, unless I have multiple Chinee virus symptoms, no test, ever.

Gail Combs

Take Selenium, Zinc, Quercetin, D3, C and plenty of fluids. Get a prescription for HCQ & antibiotic if needed.


SteveFlag of United StatesAmerica FirstFlag of United StatesFlag of ItalyMAGAFlag of United StatesKAG
Welcome To #MAGA Country Mother F*cker !
Man Crashes His Car Into Trump Rally & Gets Put Into A Chokehold On The Concrete
Funny how this little p-o-s was glad to see the police arrive.
And I love how the police didn’t ask any questions, just took over from the citizens who were holding him down.


From 4Chan – Scytl Server in Frankfurt German confiscated by US Military:
>>289097587 →
>Election Software Servers from Scytl confiscated by the US ARMY in Germany
German Post translated:
>Something big is on the way. The Spanish software company Scytl, which offers worldwide election manipulation software that was deployed in the USA, has come into the crosshairs.
>The servers for the manipulation were located in Germany (Frankfurt). A prankster who thinks evil of it. Tonight the servers were confiscated by the US ARMY with a huge contingent.
some more german video but I don’t understand it, any krauts? [Embed]
>>289092653 →
>SCYTL owns the servers that Dominion uses, our votes go to a database in Germany
confirms this: [Embed]
QResearch Reference: image


So…since Dominion is running through foreign servers, that puts it into ‘Foreign Interference’ category.
It also justifies using FISA to surveil and investigate.


IT ALSO triggers the 2018 EO. Looks like someone’s losing a F ton of “assets”


Double Bingo!


First thought that came to me this morning – The change of Secretary of Defense yesterday is all about the riots that Øbama and S0r0$ have planned to implement WHEN President Trump wins the election.
This time around – PRESIDENT Trump – has planned to deal with the Antifa/Occupy/BLM/OFA hordes using the Insurrection Act and National Emergency Powers. Swift action – negative consequences – stiff penalties. No asking permission from Pelosi, Schumer or DC Mayor.
Esper has proved to be a political wimp – the new guy is a warrior and patriot. Milley had better toe the line and cooperate or he’s poof gone like Kelly and Mattis.
President Trump has proved he’s not the least bit afraid to say, “You’re Fired!” and he’s not afraid of loud squeals, wild accusations and drummed up charges.


Sorry – I messed up closing the bold again!


AH, we have a confirmed BINGO here. LOL


Election rectification and reform coming right up!!!


In about, ten days (of darkness) from Saturday (when the race was “called” by MSM. That would be NEXT Monday, fitting Trump’s tweet to tee.


For those who saw #MAIDENGATE on Twitter and wonder what this is about:comment imagecomment image


Hmmm – someone in an apartment outside a certain college here in town opened up a CitiBank credit card in MY MAIDEN NAME last year. They got caught and arrested without my even raising a finger or having to sign any paperwork, see their faces, etc. My bank and the local cops took care of it all.
Makes me wonder if these people were part of the Demoncrap 2020 Election Effort Corps™ and couldn’t resist trying to cash in.
Since living in FL – I’ve had 6 different attempts to hack/defraud my credit cards and bank accounts in 15 years. Our banks and debit/credit card companies have been aggressive, competent and successfully found and prosecuted the perps.

Cuppa Covfefe

No wonder the DEMONRATS were so into “the HandMAIDEN’S TALE”…
More like Maiden China, as it were…..

CM in TN

DePat, thank you for putting up “The President’s Own.” Happy birthday to all of our U.S. Marines! Semper Fi!

Valerie Curren

Cat crap fever 🙂





Tea Party Of America
The logo should use an oversize T with ‘ea’ at the top and ‘rump’ at the bottom in smaller font. The rest of the line after ‘ea’ should be regular font size with the P and the A the same font as the T.

Valerie Curren

Long Island, NY keeping hope alive!


No looting, burning, assaults!


Did Trump Set Up a Sting Operation to Nab Vote Fraud on Election Day?
There are reports that the Trump administration set up a vote fraud monitoring system that found widespread voter fraud in Democrat-infested states.


Y E S. Block chain. EXACT numbers listed in PA lawsuit, 682479 ballots. He HAD to let them STEAL IT for HARM to be done, and then the suppression of poll watching SEALED IT., They are FUBAR.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And that’s not including, of course, many of the the sorts of fraud that happen before the computers see the ballots, e.g., ballots for Trump dumpsterized before being scanned. (Blockchain cannot see something never entered into the computer.)
They’re probably in a position to prove that ballots were trashed, but not how many. If blockchain or some other means gives them the ability to precisely quantify some methods, that’s fantastic.
We (you and I, I mean, not “our side”) will never know everything, but we’ll know enough to know the Biteme “victory” is ridiculous in ways that will convince a court.


BINGO. the dumpster fraud and even the ballot harvesting would be HARD to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, BUT an EXACT count because of block chain WOULD be proof BEYOND a reasonable doubt.
Read my later post reply to you about multiples of 8. I think THAT is HOW the dems rigged it. In SELECT areas, precincts would flip EXACTLY 8 votes FROM Trump TO biden, mostly or exclusevely in RED areas. Think, that is 16 votes PER precinct. That is TONS of votes, on BOTH sides. MINUIS 8 from Trump, and PLUS 8 for Biden.
Lets say a state has 500 precints (I am SURE the bigger ones, like PA, MI, WI, GA, have MANY more than 500. ) ONE flip would equal 8000 votes. It ONLY takes 4 flips, done at different intervals and you have 32000. 8 flips is 64K. NOT hard at aLL. It has to be a WHOLE number, divisble by 2 (eight in this case) Using a fraction of a vote would EASILY be accounted for. BUT, using a divisible by 2 in SMALL increments, done randomly would be HARD to catch, unless one had ACCURATE real time software watching. WINK.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My COUNTY has hundreds of precincts. Or rather, HAD. I’m not sure the concept is meaningful any more.
I’m sure the size of a precinct differs by state, or maybe even by county. I know here that different counties could at the very least come up with different numbering schemes. Boulder county, for instance, did something I thought was pretty clever and other large counties would have been wise to emulate. Four digit precinct number, but you could tell the state senatorial district from one digit, the state house district from another digit…and the other two were unique within the senate-house combination. That made it very easy to tell whether someone was able to vote in a particular race. (This was almost 40 years ago, so I might be wrong in the details.)


That is sweeter than cheesecake.


I make a MEAN cheesecake.


Found on Parler:comment imagecomment imagecomment image


SAD MARY TRUMP – She is celebrating Now – But her meltdown in a few days/weeks, when “The Whole Deceased Temple falls done on their heads”, will be truly something to see!!
It is sad when a family member feels rightly/wrongly wronged!! (I don’t know anything about this fight within the family)
Mary Trump on the end of Uncle Donald: all he has now is breaking things
OpEd by Mary Trump in The Guardian
This is how the most colossal and fragile ego on the planet deals with losing the US election: he does not deal with it at all.
After January, things look bleak for Donald. He has $400m of debt coming. Why would his lenders pay him any slack?
He’ll be having meltdowns upon meltdowns right now. He has never been in a situation like this before. What’s interesting is that Donald has never won anything legitimately in his entire life, but because he has been so enabled by people along the way, he has never lost anything either. He’s the kind of person who thinks that even if you steal and cheat to win, you deserve to win.
But there is some poetic justice here because he has been cheating for months. Now his tactics are coming back to bite him. He told Republicans not to vote by mail and they didn’t, but the result is he has been experiencing this slow drip-drip of disaster over the past few days. Oh, you have these huge margins! Now your margins are shrinking. Oh, Joe Biden’s ahead. Now his margins are growing. It must have been like slow torture, but he set up this failure for himself.
Comment by me:
REALLY MARY DO YOU EVEN KNOW YOUR UNCLE -You see quitting is not in his vocabulary – ESPECIALLY when he and his supporters and Country has been WRONGED.


With Mary I wonder how she felt entitle to her grandparents estate or her Uncles?
Today there is an entitlement mentality. She is angry she failed and is envious of the rich part of the family?
She apparently got money they gave her money from her grandparents. Now if it was in the will she would get what was in the will for her no more no less. Her father was a drunk never provided for her or her and his family and worked and handyman in dads business. He was a pilot and he squandered his profession.


My estranged cousins showed up to court for probation of Grandfather’s will. He left everything to my Mom, me, and sister. They thought because they had property next door to him that they were entitled to his. People are CRAZEE!

Valerie Curren

Muslim murderers

Valerie Curren

POTUS Promisekeeper!


POTUS is right!!!!!!!
.@FoxNews, @QuinnipiacPoll, ABC/WaPo, NBC/WSJ were so inaccurate with their polls on me, that it really is tampering with an Election. They were so far off in their polling, and in their attempt to suppress – that they should be called out for Election Interference…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020
…The worst polling ever, and then they’ll be back in four years to do it again. This is much more then voter and campaign finance suppression!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020


As I have long said, @Pfizer and the others would only announce a Vaccine after the Election, because they didn’t have the courage to do it before. Likewise, the @US_FDA should have announced it earlier, not for political purposes, but for saving lives!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020


The @US_FDA and the Democrats didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN, prior to the election, so instead it came out five days later – As I’ve said all along!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Interesting that this 2019 thread is getting traction Now 🙂


Breaking: Orange County California board of Elections have just announced a AUDIT/Recount of the Presidential Election race!!
— Ronnie V🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@ronnieverruto) November 10, 2020


PAY ATTENTION: Richard Pilger quitting his job as head of voter fraud at the DOJ and actually a sign that something is there.
— Roger L. Simon (@rogerlsimon) November 10, 2020


Valerie Curren

Jussie Smollett just announced that he was attacked by two men wearing Build Back Better hats who threw prune juice in his face and yelled “This is trunalimunumaprzure country!”.
— Mini AOC (@RealMiniAOC) November 9, 2020

Sylvia Avery

The Tide is Already Turning for PDJT
“Attorney General Barr just mobilized the Department of Justice to engage as appropriate to investigate this election fraud throughout America. He is on very solid legal grounds. ​It is a very simple means of addressing the greatest attempted political theft in American history and I would rather be us, Trump Nation, than them, the Democrat Party’s illegal operatives.
This is because President Trump and his team laid the legal ground work for identifying and prosecuting such criminal behavior in 2017:
Federal Prosecution of Election Offensives
Eight Edition 2017
“Our constitutional system of representative government only works when the worth of honest ballots is not diluted by invalid ballots procured by corruption.
The actual fact that AG late last night triggered the use of the DOJ legal handbook bodes very ill for those who are involved in electoral cheating………….”


Welcome words, Sylvia. Had a down moment this morning. Anxious for news. Last Thursday, POTUS said they’d be shocked (I know I’m repeating info, but it’s a reminder to remember his words…) at what they had on vote fraud. If he knew Thursday night, he knew before Tuesday.


AT has really been throwing down Aces !!!


in case you were wondering…
Many ask why Hubby and I not on Fox. Explained once…give more details now. At dinner, Hubby told @LouDobbs that @GeorgeSoros “controls parts of DOS.” Lou asked us to discuss on next show. Hubby did. Soros accused Hubby,who is part Jewish,of AntiSemitism. Fox took us off air.
— Victoria Toensing (@VicToensing) November 9, 2020


Sounds like $0r0$ is invested heavily in Fox.


and apparently our state department


It’s all coming to light.
Dark to light.
We have it all.


Soros uses his Being a non practicing Jew as a weapon to squash anyone who questions his thuggery.
How does he get away with that? All practicing Jews should rebel against that man who helped thousands to the death camp.

Valerie Curren

I think the number he quotes is wrong but this is interesting…


haven’t had a chance to check out all the links here…should I post this in the voter fraud thread just in case??
Joemama says:
November 10, 2020 at 5:04 am

Deplorable Patriot

Sure, although, at this point, I think the president and his people have this firmly in hand.




Verse of the Day for Tuesday, November 10, 2020

“For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
Mark 10:45 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Tuesday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Good Tuesday Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed day!


Hey, Pat! Another Sunshine Day – We are so blessed – Enjoying every minute of it!!!
God Bless Your Day, too – HUGS!!!


HUGS back to you dear heart!!


* Received and Appreciated *
So excited – my friend of nearly 30 years will be 100 in 9 days!!! And – she is still quite sharp!!!


wish her all the best from me!!!!!!


Will do – she is in a nursing home – and I have not been able to go and see her – there will be a ‘crowd’ at her birthday celebration!!! They have a huge dinning room there – am sure it will be FULL!!!


are they doing a card shower for her???
is she allowed to get cards???


Dunno who is in charge of the celebration – not sure about a ‘card shower’ – but – she may have to ‘rent a room’ to put them all – lol – she is quite popular – and has a huge family, too – although they live far away – not sure how many will be able to come.
Received a picture recently from mutual friends – she looks like a * Living Angel *!!!


I hope she gets to at least see the outpouring of love and support she has!


Oh, I am sure the joy she feels from the outpouring of love will be overwhelming – she has a great sense of humor – makes fun of herself often – has been in a motorized wheel chair for over 10 years – and says she still cannot drive it – lol

Valerie Curren

Tucker trying to keep Fox alive?


Without saying Faux News, most everything Tucker said applies to Faux News.

Valerie Curren



You said it KK!
And I bet Tucker was intentionally employing double entendre!


FIX News !


No, That’s Tucker calling out his corporate employers while he still has a megaphone!!!!!!!!!!!

Valerie Curren

Bully pulpit–preach it!!!


He’s gotta know his job is riding on a thread.
Play nice and maybe he can string it along.
Or just go out in a blaze of glory speaking TRUTH.
Time to watch what happens.

Valerie Curren

Truth Triumphs. He & Judge Janine gonna be some of the first one’s signed up for Trump’s coming media empire!


We’re Headed for the Catacombs
Fr. Peter M. Stravinskas
“I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the Church has done so often in human history.” — Francis Cardinal George

Deplorable Patriot

He was one of the good ones even if he drove the rank and file priests nuts.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That “even if,” I suspect, could be better replaced with “, so of course”.


potential ballot harvesting (illegal in PA) in nursing homes
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed that there were up to 25,000 cases that are being looked at as Pennsylvania remains a state President Trump’s team hopes to turn its way after major media outlets called it for his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, giving him enough electoral votes to secure the presidency.
Election 2020
“I’ve got more information. We’re now finding potentially that 25,000 nursing home residents in different nursing homes requested mail-in ballots at the exact same time,” the South Carolina Republican said on Fox News.
“You can’t ballot harvest in Pennsylvania,” Graham added. “What are the odds that 25,000 people in different locations of the same age group requested at the same time a ballot? Somebody is up to no good in these nursing homes.”


A point being made out on the ‘net by the math folks is that it’s not that POTUS has to prove he “won” by X votes – though of course, that’s helpful, but that the fraud is prima facia evidence of widespread loss of integrity of the election. Something like that.
Okay, here it is. Shipwreck is a lawyer, writes at RedState
The goal in an election challenge is not to prove “x > y” when the outcome of the election was “y > x”.
The goal is an election challenge is to prove that the process for determining “x” and “y” was unreliable, and there is evidence of manipulation.


sounds reasonable to me…
but living in PA as I do, every discrepancy that is being found, I am emailing to my local rep…
we need to be able to vote honestly in PA…


Of course. What I’m trying to say that because the integrity of the vote is compromised – it has to be dealt with – either revote, throw out huge numbers of ballots, or whatever remedies there are.
Shipwreck’s legal point RSTS IN THE NEED to show a hopelessly compromised election, and fatally flawed process.
Every example, you and others send to them is part of the Big Picture.




comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


lovin’ these!!!!!!!!!!


comment image


I need eye bleach…..comment image


Best ever eye bleach!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently to translate into post-1985 scores you have to add about 80 points.
Which means he and I would have aced it post 1985. (I did slightly better than him on math (i’d love to know which problem I got wrong) and tens of points worse on the verbal.)


No doubt you both would have perfect scores now!


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That looks like the far south (no surprise!).
Beating Pizarro by about 13 years; the Inca empire did extend into Northern Chile, and someone no doubt celebrated a mass in its southern reaches shortly after the conquest.


No! I’d never be able to watch that show again!
George Stephanopoulos’ Rep Lobbies For Him to Become Next Host of ‘Jeopardy!’ (Exclusive)
Following Alex Trebek’s death on Sunday at age 80, George Stephanopoulos’ rep is lobbying for the ABC News anchor to become the next host of the hit game show “Jeopardy!,” a highly placed person with knowledge of the situation told TheWrap.


he’s too short…he couldn’t see over the podium.


It’s not George, it’s his IQ that’s not high enough!


Well, it might get decent ratings in the 3AM slot.


wow…read a story that Biden could be arrested for violating the Logan Act. He has NOT been certified President -Elect therefore he is still a private citizen. so the reports that he has been communicating with foreign powers is a clear violation. Now WHO brought up the Logan Act in reference to General Flynn? OH THAT’S RIGHT…Joe Biden….the IRONY WOULD BE SOOOOO SWEET!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not going to piss on this parade, not this time.
If I could arrange a shower of rose petals…


I didn’t mean to insult you…If i have, I apologize Steve!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I didn’t take it as an insult.
But I love in-jokes, and this is one of them as far as I’m concerned.


i hope Wolf has a huge party when this is all over…you are one person I gotta meet!


Make sure you have an escape plan. In case he’s not quite what you expected. 🙂




Joe M
If this is true, it’s finally making sense why Potus spent 3 years pretending to hate Sessions when patriots knew it was a charade. The Left will not be able to claim it is Trump’s cronies who are litigating the fraud that lost him the election. #GreatMovies #GreatActors #TrustSessions
From Jack Posobiec
Is Barr Appointing Jeff Sessions to lead the voter fraud investigation?


wow…I didn’t see THAT coming!

JW in Germany

You have more than you know–Q


“The Left will not be able to claim it is Trump’s cronies who are litigating the fraud”
Sure they will. See how easy it is . . .
“Trump’s cronies are litigating the fraud.” . . . and that’s all it takes.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And just in case someone might stop to think about it, the message will be played full blast. Hard to think clearly in a din.


Joe M
Joe M
First they popped corks and danced in the street, calling for unity. Then they began to sense a subtle nervous twang that something wasn’t right. Joyous smiles faded with the creeping and familiar sting of doubt. Then they perked up in fright. The color drained from their face. “This simply cannot possibly be,” they try to reason. But patriots know it can, and it certainly will. In the coming days and weeks, there will be a lot of broken minds and broken glass. Be ready.


Soon…. the election thieves will have to pay the piper…..comment image


{{yes Steve, once again reading comments while drinking a beverage…luckily just water this time. I will NEVER learn}}


You all NEVER got it, and I have HELD this for over a year. The chief strategy in Hiallary’s failed election was to label Trump the PIED PIPER.
AS SOON as I say Barr with the PIPES, I KNEW. I SHOULD have said it LONG ago, but I HELD. Waiting to SEE what would happen.
ALL Q told us (well 80% plus of it) was about 2020, looking FORWARD, NOT back to 2016.
We are ALL about to enjoy the SHOW, and it will be PERVASIVE and UNDENABLE, they will NOT be able to walk down the street, as the GREAT AWAKENING happens after we put on the FULL armor of GOd after the 10 days of DARNESS>
Now, YOU tell me, are we HERE in 2020 with all that, or are we in 2016?
AH, surprise.

JW in Germany

You have more than you know
Future proves past



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Everyone is focusing on the “pipe” part of “bagpipes”
But he’s going to “bag” em and there’s no “bag” limit.


Verrrry Cleverrrr (Scottish Brogue) Clan Chieftan Steve!


GSA Delays Transfer of Power to Biden
The General Services Administration, which is charged with approving transfer of power to a new presidential administration, is resisting requests from Democrat Joe Biden to approve the process, saying the winner has yet to be determined.


good for them…after they screwed up BIGLY by giving Mueller TRUMP transition team emails and correspondence.


THAT is why there is a NEW GSA agency head, and SHE is the one saying NOPE, no certified results, NO PEOTUS, NO transition for YOU.




My American brothers and sisters, this is your Israeli supporter. I just wanted to let you know that I truly understand your feelings! There is nothing more devastating than injustice, I pray that justice will prevail.
I would like to share something personal that may give you some proportions and something to learn from. My father at about 16 or 17 old lived in Poland and escaped Poland on bicycle when the Nazis arrived. He left behind his older parents and sister who choose to stay.
He arrived to Russia and passed the border with a great risk to his life after he bribed a senior official in Russia. He joined the Jewish Brigade in the Russian Army which had thousands of Jewish soldiers. The Russians were antisemite and and sent the Jewish Brigade on a suicide mission to stop the powerful Nazis. The entire Brigade got wiped out and fortunately my father who was injured weeks before from a shrapnel met a Jewish nurse who persuaded him to stay in the hospital an extra week in which the Brigade got annihilated. My father then, in the confusion of war got picked up by another Brigade and managed to get on an officer course and continued fighting the Nazis in the worst weather conditions and shortage of supplies. When the war was over he then had a trip back to Poland to his home and there was another Polish family living in his home and all other homes. His entire family got wiped out in Concentration camps. No parents, no sister, no uncles, no cousins, nor aunts.
He then came back to Russia and a short while later escaped Russia at a great risk to his life and with a group of Jewish people they pretended to be Italian soldiers returning from war and passed nation by nation (by train) at great risk, arrived to Italy and took an illegal ship and arrived to Israel.
Upon arrival the British occupiers in Israel immediately arrested him and others and put them in prison for months. Upon release he joined the resistance to the British occupier and fought the British. His organization was a target of the British who would hang anyone they caught. The British left in 1948 and Israel declared independence, that same night some 10 Arab nation declared war against Israel which was only a few hundred thousand people, many of whom were refugees from Europe who lost everyone and everything. By some miracle and huge loss of life, Israel won the war. My father was among those who established the Israeli army with his knowledge from World War 2. After that he was involved in three more wars against Arab attacks. He always taught me to keep my head high and not get into a victim state of mind. Now, my mom was less fortunate and was a survivor from Aushwitz concentration camp. Here story is of mental health problems which is really sad.
The reason I am telling you all this is because we should never be a generation of spoiled people.
We should always pay attention to what the enemy is intending. The Jews didn’t believe that what Hitler said he will do will actually happen. Many inside concentration camps were still thinking “it’s all just temporary”.
We should always be willing to pay the price of freedom which is constant alertness and willingness to fight back. The power of spirit is immense. Whatever happens with Trump, America will rise again. And remember that Israel was founded socialist and the people simply voted them out after they saw the unworkability and corruption of the system, and people never forgot for generations which is why Israel has some 70% of the Jews against Socialism and liberalism.
Whatever is happening with Trump must have a reason. Here is a translated song which may apply. I hope my long comment was not too much. Enjoy.
Amir Dadon — Big Light (Or Gadol) with English Subtitles


Yes! “We should always be willing to pay the price of freedom”. Thank you . . . great historical perspective and your father is a hero many times over!
And “By some miracle . . . Israel won the war.” As you undoubtedly know, that miracle is the Hand of God at work and in full sight of men. El-Shaddai, God Almighty.


Amen goes right there, Carl!!!




Sungkyunkwan Scandal – If I Was a Woman – Bonnie Tyler – A music video for the female student who was passing as a boy at an historical Korean academy and the uncomfortable, and not-too-bright, boys who couldn’t figure out that their intriguing friend was really a girl.
Sungkyunkwan Scandal – If You Were a Woman – Bonnie Tyler
Sungkyunkwan Scandal is a Korean women’s lib drama set in the Joseon era. Having eavesdropped on the lessons of her brother before her father’s death, Kim Yoon Hee takes on the task of earning money to buy her brother’s medicine. When she’s tricked into applying to the Sungkyunkwan school for future officials, it’s worth her life and that of her family’s lives if she’s discovered, the education of women being then prohibited. A traditional college drama of bullying and first loves set in an historical context. The mystery of who killed the previous king brings out the conflicts between the Sungkyunkwan (Sung kyun kwan) sons and their official fathers. 20 episodes.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Joseon era: 1392-1897 (505 years). (I just looked it up, I figure someone else might be curious.) It includes the reign of Sejong the Great (1418-1450) who I at least *had* heard of but I had to look up his dates. Sejong created the modern Korean alphabet (and yes, it is an alphabet, not a collection of ideographs).

Deplorable Patriot
Scott Adams
Let’s have a special national vote on whether we should keep or replace Dominion election software. Oh, wait, that wouldn’t work.
8:30 AM · Nov 10, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

I’m hearing this run through my head reading all the connections of corruption:
why is your SON an investor in a company that RIGS elections with their fraudulent FOREIGN SOFTWARE company that causes “glitches” when we audit?
Like Joe, you put your son forward to launder money for you (Ukraine) & steal elections… DISGUSTING. #BadParenting
Quote Tweet
Thomas Paine
· 8m
Mitt Romney says Americans should ‘get behind’ Joe Biden, slams Trump: ‘Don’t expect him to go quietly’
8:33 AM · Nov 10, 2020


So his son is involved w dominion too? How do any 9f these people have consequences?


I’d love to see Mitt Romney perp-walked into a paddy wagon.


Remember – Romney, Kerry, Pelosi and Biden’s sons were all involved in the ‘shady’ Ukraine energy company deal…. hmmm.


Kayleigh McEnany retweeted:

Just like the fake ballots – real and credible evidence is rolling in by the truckload and it’s all against the perpetrators.
They are going down this time.


UPDATE: The spread in PA is 45k. They’ve now found enough “glitch” switches in PA to give the lead back to @POTUS. The most recent occurred in only 1 hour.
— Kevin McCullough (@KMCRadio) November 10, 2020
The MI result was not corrected. It was hand canvassing by the party that found it. And it changed the outcomes for several races.
— Kevin McCullough (@KMCRadio) November 10, 2020

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And it changed the outcomes for several races.

We don’t just need presidential recounts, we need recounts of the ENTIRE ballot, and we need them EVERYWHERE, not just the five or six states currently being focused on.
Even if we can’t legally do this because races weren’t close enough, we CAN investigate later as part of making it clear that no election anywhere can be trusted (or at the very least a trustworthy system is the exception, not the rule). Because we not only have to overturn this election, we need SWEEPING REFORM.
We just voted on affirming/rejecting the electoral vote change in Colorado, and it passed. Or did it? And we are one of the two senate seats that (apparently) flipped R->D. Or did it? (The other might get some attention, it was in Arizona.)




— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020


Pat does this mean what I think it meas? POTUS’ last two tweets?


I dunno…I am just reporting them…
but if POTUS is THIS CONFIDENT…it should make you SMILE LP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the moment I found out he went golfing, my disposition changed 100000000%


Oh yes! My hubby recognized that too – “Well, the President is golfing, so if he’s not worry, what are we doing worrying?”
My hubby has always been the Rock of Gibraltar, I’m Ms Worrywart.
I think it was the catastrophic shock that happened on Nov 3rd, when it was clear we had a massive victory, and they had a way to steal it.
I don’t care if people believe in Q or not, but it’s CLEAR, that POTUS is a VSG.




GEE, TEN days of DARKNESS. OVER next week..WINK.




WINK. and they STILL think Q is a LARP. it IS a Live Action REAL PLAY ( LARP usually stands for Live action ROLE PLAY)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Real…Role…only one vowel different, phonetically (never mind how we spell).
Big difference in meaning!!!!


Spell check SUX.

Sue Mcdonald

What has been on my mind for a long time is why…Why would citizens of America, there country hate it so much ? To have that much hatred for your own country seems demonic . These people have bought the lie and in there perverse minds God has brought great delusion upon them .It’s what make sense in my mind.i love my country!It’s freedoms are beyond compare alongside any other country.
We are not going to be enslaved by these tyrants much longer. Thank you and praise and glory to you in the highest Lord of all creation.


ever see spoiled, entitled rich kids acting out?
laws don’t pertain to them…standards don’t pertain to them…they are above all that.
when you raise your children to believe the rules don’t matter, that only money and what it can buy you matters, you end up with people who don’t know the value of anything.
they never had to earn anything, so they discredit hard work.
they never had to behave–mom or dad will bail them out.
they never had to obey laws–mom or dad will fix it for them.
there’s too much victimhood mentality and the instant gratification mentality (I DESERVE EVERYTHING).
sigh…when did I turn into my Dad I wonder? lol


Gender reassignment? I had no idea.


Sue, I agree with what you say here so much.


sorry if this was posted before, but damn!
Yikes !
This is much much worse than I first suspected…..
Costantino & McCall
Detroit Election Commission
Download link (21 pages)
— CiceroConsultancy (@CiceroConsulta1) November 9, 2020


Vanished into TW neverland.


Thanks Pat!


Hopefully it resurfaces. Gone now.


Okay, late here.. I’ve seen it several times now. As soon as I saw it figured it was this. I was trying to figure out who posted it. ty!


Let me repeat. Fulton County elections officials told the media and our observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center at State Farm Arena at 10:30 p.m. on election night only to continue counting ballots in secret until 1:00 a.m.
— David Shafer (@DavidShafer) November 10, 2020

Gail Combs

I was listening to Sidney talking about The Hammer and Scorecard. She says it needs to be investigated, “probably by the President’s most trusted Military Intelligence Officials who can get into the system and see what has been done.”
⬆️ THIS is why President Trump left Secretary Of Defense Mark Esper in place until NOW. It was to ‘ASSURE’ the Deep State so they would commit TREASON thinking Esper would cover for them.
This makes me feel a heck of a lot better.

Logical thinking.
Follow the connections.
We have it all.

Q’s last post:

…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863
Together we win.

This election SHOWED just how that government of the people was sabotaged to become the Government of the Cabal, by the Cabal and for the Cabal.×270/oTLY19gFYHwvV7Q9.mp4?tag=10


BINGO. Also to QUELL any insurrections. Trump does NOT have to “hold back ” now does he.


Hiya Gail…how’s your knee (iirc)???

Gail Combs

Doing pretty good if I wear my insets in my shoes. Turns out my leg collapsed and I fell because of my lower back and NOT because of leg cramps. Or at least the origin of the cramps was the back. Really messed me up when I spent several days trying to walk out what I though was a leg cramp instead of staying flat to let my back heal.
Oh well I am fine now but the black and blue areas on my leg took forever to fade.
I am mostly upset that my garden went to weeds while I was healing.


please take good care of yourself!!!
there’s gonna be dancing at President Trump’s Second Inaugural Ball and you’ll wanna have fun!!!

JW in Germany

God let this be true!
Please check out this video…the 1st 10 minutes many of us have already seen.
The 2nd 10 minutes explains a lot about why this is happening to include a global aspect—LOOKS LIKE LONDON MAY ONCE AGAIN BE BETRAYING US.
Just before the 20 minute mark a gentlemen discusses Hammer and Scorecard. If what he is saying is true—THE PRESIDENT HAS EVERYTHING!!!
Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, the designer of Hammer and Scorecard, supposedly claims that there is indeed an EXACT record of the changes that were made—how, where, and when!
This would support ProgRex’s theory about the lawsuit indicating an EXACT number of ballots/votes (?).

JW in Germany

Wolf! My apologies…I should have just posted the link and not the video. Sorry about abusing limited WP space!

JW in Germany

Not sure if it even works that way. LOL! Well, if not…sorry anyway. Ha!

Deplorable Patriot

YES! Specific people were left in place to be sure the rats fell for the sting.
I’ve been saying a version of this – I talked more about rat lines being exposed, actually – for weeks.

Brave and Free

I sure as H*** hope he doesn’t hold back now. Because the patriots may not, yet I think that’s what the left wants too.


Woah…this grandpa has some moves!
Remove the splat:
*[video src="" /]


comment image


this election is RIPE for funny memes…and you are finding some good ones!!


comment image





GEORGIA is saturated with them!!!


OVER saturated, as if something was NEEDED in such mas quantities to DO SOMETHING…Some people did something, and then they found fraud and went to jail…right Ilhan?

Brave and Free

Yup NY saturated with them too…….. explains a lot of why as much as NY complain about the King and vote he seems to never get voted out. Same for CA, WI, IL, VA, ect, ect.
Hopefully it ALL GETS EXPOSED.
Just think what may happen if people actually got what they voted for…… think how this has disenfranchised the American voters over the years and that they stopped voting, I know I have seen it with people.


Check VA. No wonder we never win VA.
CA looks like areas normally red.
NV really needs an audit and probably a recount.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK…some of the maps I saw yesterday from other sources indicated that NOWHERE in Georgia was Dominion being used (but one of four other brands–I can’t remember which–was in use statewide).


I love this guy!


OUCH! That one is gonna leave a MARK. MAJOR truth bombs, CARPET truth bombing actually.

Deplorable Patriot
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Forgive me if this is ignorant, but isn’t Alex Jones one of our more “out there” “conspiracy theorists”?
The person who makes his bread and butter pushing against the conventional wisdom (either rightly or wrongly) just LOVES to be able to claim “persecution.”

Deplorable Patriot

He was outed as controlled opposition, actually.
Haven’t paid him any mind in…I don’t think I ever did, but the reality is he is lying about some things.


I guess Ms Lindsey having the vapors this election turns out to be “a good thing” (as Martha would say)…
Graham is on the warpath …
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Graham: I’m very interested in finding out how the nursing homes..25,000 people applied for a ballot at the same time on the same day. So we’re going to scrutinize the system. We’re going to accept the results of court decisions and vote totals. But we’re not stopping.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
From colleague Jason Donner. Graham: Six people voted that were dead. So, that’s not going to change the outcome of the election. But if you had six people registered after they died and voted yeah that’s fraud. So on what scale, I don’t know.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Graham: We need a joint committee to look at the Post Office is becoming the election center. It was never set up for that.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Graham to the press corps calling the election for Biden: All I can say is that y’all don’t pick the president. Y’all don’t pick the presidents. The president’s picked by certified votes after court litigation. So, until that happens…
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Graham on if Biden should wait: He can do whatever he wants to do. But elections end in a concession, challenges that are rejected by courts, and all the votes are counted. That’s how elections end. This election’s not over.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Graham: If the vaccine information had come out a week before I think that would have changed the outcome of the race.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Graham: I am not remotely okay with the way we’re voting in these big cities. Not at all. And we’re going to put it under the microscope and I hope some people go to jail. Because if people are voting after they died, somebody committed a crime.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Graham to press corps: You have no idea how much we’ve lost respect for the way you poll and the way you report…we’re going to fight back..we’re tired of this. In my race you had polls that were complete bullshit. My guy (Harrison) raised $2 million off bullshit polls.


YES it is, now Lindsey JUST won his re election, EASILY in a state with NO known FRAUD. WHY, if he were so RINO, would he DO THAT. BECAUSE folks he KNOWS, and he wants to be on the RIGHT side of HISTORY, the side that DOES NOT go to jail. (or HANG)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. He was READ IN.


Yep given a CHOICE. Lindsey chose WISELY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anybody read in on large-scale stolen elections would know that THE PEOPLE would be enraged when it was PROVEN TO THEM.


Yes, and SELF preservation kicks in.


Ohh no PRex, he didn’t win so easily… Graham had a real scare this election… a commie with a full treasure chest ran ads 24/7 and I got brochures in my mail every day from Harrison. No, he didn’t expect them to go after him, since he’s such good Buds will all of them, doncha know. And good ol’ Carolina Conservatives were between a rock and a hard place, had to vote for him. He also has gotten enough phone calls to know that if he doesn’t support Donald Trump the next four years we’re going to recall his butt………….


He won by OVER 10 points, regardless where, in politics that is a landslide.


I’m speaking of the CAMPAIGN… the “fat lady” had not even entered the stage until he got the internal poll results about two weeks before the 3rd… he was sweating it, begging for money, etc. This was not an “easy” win for him to GET TO.


Oh, my mistake. Yes BEGGING. BUT, he DONATED 1/2 a million to Trump. SOMEONE showed Ms Lindsey the LIGHT.


I agree completely PRex…
Ms Lindsey ‘wavers’ a lot… between “random acts” of support for our POTUS’ agenda (I know I was a bad boy, I’ll do better, you’ll see)…………………….. and, “oh boy, the Deep State is going to get Trump out, I am saved”
Methinks his time to take a permanent stance may be coming to an end.


Yep. decision time. GET OFF THE FENCES. PUT up. or SHUT UP. Lindsey and even Rubio chose WISELY.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It doesn’t hurt that he was genuinely furious at the other side over Kavanaugh.
But I am surprised that you can recall a US senator in South Carolina.


We can’t… not yet. But we can always change that.
I have a long list of things South Carolina has done for which I must constantly apologize. However, I shout from the rooftops that I am proud of her tenacity.
“… In response, Strom Thurmond announced a write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate, claiming that his campaign was a fight for principle— government by the people instead of government by a small group of committee members. Thurmond’s write-in campaign was successful, and he became the first candidate ever elected to Congress by a write-in vote.”
We had a

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No shame in being from South Carolina.
I asked about recalls because that would be governed by the US constitution. SC can’t change it, not without help from about thirty seven other states, ratifying a constitutional amendment.
Term limits AND recalls!


Thank you Steve… I forgot that, if I ever knew it! I looked at Ballotpedia and misread “39 states have Recall laws” as this was reference to STATE Legislators…
Really showed my you know what there, didn’t I 😉 Good thing I am among friends and not out in that jungle called “twitter” – they would have chewed me up and spat me out for being so uninformed. Thanks again


oops, sent before I meant to… I haven’t finished…
In late 1960s, early 1970s, a prominent Real Estate Developer/ex State Senator… thought he would build high-rises on the Isle of Palms. Groups of “little old ladies in tennis shoes” (as we upstart younguns referrred to them) showed him the error of his ways. SC already had one coastal beach area spoiled (Myrtle Beach) and we weren’t going to see another. Tennis shoes won.
My point is… Ms Lindsey knows what SC voters can do when they choose to… iirc, the Civil War started here (or “The War Between the States” as any native will tell you)… not that I’m in favor of such, mind you… just sayin’ … most born here DON’T leave, for obvious reasons (if you ever visit you’ll see why 😉 )

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve visited, albeit all I did was go to Fort Sumter/Moultrie.
I do wish SC would recognize other states’ concealed carry permits. Saying “to hell with the rest of the world” can be carried too far.


I’ll talk to my neighbors about that… they may know how to get that done. I’ve heard grandson complain about it also.


…and he’s probably PISSED he had to spend the dough he did based on the fake polls that where out the whole lection cycle 😉


Ms Lindsey makes great sound bites.
Ms Lindsey does near nothing to expose criminal behavior.
Ms Lindsey doe nothing to fix problems.
The only thing I give Ms Lindsey credit for is judges and Justices.
Beyond Judicial realm, Ms Lindsey is Uniparty.


Hey Flep – THIS is FLORIDA – the Stop the Steal Rally at the Capitol Building in Tallahassee!


Just a thought – because no certifications have occurred yet – POTUS is giving them all a chance to fix some of their problems. Otherwise if they certify what is known by POTUS and his team, that puts a lot of people in serious legal jeopardy.


Excellent point. He’s calling their bluff.


Yes, why it is SO STUPID to try and bluff a man like Trump. Trump is a CHESS PLAYER> FOOLS.


Trump learned poker/gambling/odds from professionals in his own casinos – and strategy from military and intel people and practiced both in the cutthroat real estate and construction business in NYC!


YES, I guess dems FORGOT that Trump OWNED casinos in NJ AND NV. The HOUISE always wins..wink.






Not just LEGAL, PHYSICAL. I don’t know about you, but I and my neck are ALLERGIC to ROPE…GET IT.


I think POTUS warned, actually dared them, on Wednesday Morning 2am, when he gave the speech, to not steel. the vote,
That was the equivalent in a Chess Game of calling “CHECK”
Then they were scheming for a few days, until Sleepy was declared “Elect”, which he gladly excepted.
Trump was on the Golf Course at that moment, Rudy was at that “Money Laundering” place, with the security cameras point at the Crematorium on the opposite side, scheduled to coincide with Sleepies announcement.
What most people however missed, but what was reported by OAN, during the exact same time they handed out the Trump 2020 Statement regarding Sleepies announcement:
“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner …..”
In fact the OAN reporter was surprised, that the campaign knew that announcement was coming, beforehand.
THAT WAS THE CALL FOR: “CHECK MATE” and the trap was closed.


Yes! Yes
I remember now, he said something about making sure there isn’t any ballot dump at $Am! Do you remember that. He knew what they were going to do – he must have intell monitoring software or whatever magic they have.
But his remark – 4 AM – stood out in my mind, because that’s when the vast shift in votes happened in several states.


And – if I remember correctly, Lady – he held his Press Conference @ 2:00 AM EST!!!
Then, what happened – @ 4:00 – the ballots were delivered – just as he suspected they would


Oh, Duchess!!! Yes – I remember in the days right after thinking about that. Like how was he prescient on the time – now we know – HE KNEW!!!


Yes, Yes he did!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – I need to do this.


Do what? Check under your maiden name to see if someone used it to vote with?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. Old states of residence. I have not always lived where I do now. And in fact I’ve traveled through some very sketchy territory. Also need to check my parents.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Same here. And including grandparents, only one of whom died here, not that that would have stopped them from keeping that grandparent on the books elsewhere.


This is a Great find bfly !!
We can query the site with Our deceased family members also.
..we can build an evidence file that may otherwise be overlooked.
WE have LIVING skin in this game.
We can ALL contribute a little time via the internet.
I have shared the link with family


Robert F Kennedy, Jr and David Martin discuss Gain-of-Function by inhuman monopolists
“Moderna, Gilead & Fauci Planned Warp Speed Racketeering”


Did they test their voter fraud software in Ukraine in 2014 during Poroshenko’s election? (Sounds as if something similar happened in that election.)
Of course, they blamed Russia, Russia, Russia.
This article is referenced in a footnote of this atlanta court filing of Aug. 2020 which raised the alarm regarding the vulnerability of Dominion voting systems in Georgia.
The filing is a declaration in support of a preliminary injunction by J. Alex Halderman:
Curiously, Mr. Halderman is recently quoted as attributing the “glitch” to “human error”:
He is a signatory to this document dated May 2020:
Note that L.Jean Camp also signed this document directed to CISA regarding election security.
Mr. Halderman also comes up in searches with connections to the Kennedy School Belfer Center.
Did anyone ever succeed in doxxing “Tea Leaves”?
(Please remove the splats, if necessary. I’m not sure how. Thanks.)


If Mr. Halderman has committed to “human error” as a reason for the “glitch”, at least now he can’t claim that the “glitch” Russian hacking, re-creating that narrative.


If Mr. Halderman has committed to “human error” as a reason for the “glitch”, at least now he can’t claim that the “glitch” is Russian hacking, re-creating that narrative.


This Belfer Center connection has me wondering….
Belfrr Center had the Moscow mortgage program led by fiona hill, getting mortgage money to the moscow mayor, Yelena Baturina’s husband.
Yelena sentoney to Hunter that was funneled thru a company assembling touch pads from chinese parts on a facility in Buffalo connected to Cuomo’s buffalo billions investments.
Anyone else think there’s a possibility that this money may have made its way, somehow, into the Dominion voting systems supporting voting in the red upstate counties of NY? Is it possible that Hunter paid for voting support of his father across upstate?


Keep digging. Keep fighting. Never give up.


I posted the link to the beautiful photo. F**k the poster of the underlying article.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re using that advanced technique known as logic, unknown to leftists.


NO, they tested it in 2018 in KY, so they THOUGHT Trump would not catch them.. BTW, It is my understanding that Trump had become GOOD friends with my ex Cov Bevin, and was going to mentor him, so, Trump WOULD be KEENLY aware of what was done to Bevin, who LOST a MACHINE recount..GET IT. Trump was PREPARED,

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yes, I posted the video the other day. It shows in 1 second on CNN (LOL) Bevin losing EXACTLY 512 votes, and Bershear gaining EXACTLY 512 votes, in an update from EASTERN KY. NOT dem country here..
That was but ONE, I am SURE there were MANY, and Bevin REFUSED to concede, but ONLY got a machine recount…should have asked for or PAID FOR or ORDERED a HAND recount. Bevin “lost” by 5099 votes, I JUST showed 1024..a common NUMBER in computer programming ONE BYTE is 1024 bits..NOT coincidence.
Bevin UNDER performed ALL the other Reps in the state slate by between 100000 and 300000. Daniel Cameron being ONE.
I will BET my gopher suit they wrote the original to take ONE byte worth of votes, 512 K is another COMMON ammount of bits in programming. Multiples of 16. (16×64) Remember 32 bit and 16 bit OPERATING SYSTEMS.. 1024 bytes is a MEGA byte. 1024 Mega bytes is a GIga Byte. 1024 Giga bytes is a Tera Byte. ANY multiples of 8 like 16 and 64..VERY SUSPICIOUS.
What was the totals EA in Arwin(sp) CTY Mich again?
6000 EACH. Gee is 6000 a multiple of 8.. 6000/8 =750 EXACTLY.
THERE you go. IF ALL the transfers are a multiple of EIGHT EXACTLY, we HAVE them.
What is the NEW one 20000? gee 20000/8= 2500 EXACTLY.
WHAT are the ODDS. ZERO. If I am right and ALL the “glitches are a multiple of 8, GAME OVER.


Yes. The Bevin example and the 45 second CNN clip from 11/3 are the only ones I’ve seen. But you know they have all the footage from Tuesday.


Trump has it ALL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Powers of 2 give COVER – they give plausible deniability that it’s a GLITCH.
Oh, these people are going to dodge the needle.


I think you meant RIDE the needle.


“glitches do NOT happen 100% one way positive and ONE way negative in MULTIPLE skews, ALl which just HAPPEN to skew the result.
Remember THIS. a Function states that In a domain there is ONE and ONLY one element in the range.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bevin “lost” by 5099 votes, I JUST showed 1024..a common NUMBER in computer programming ONE BYTE is 1024 bits..NOT coincidence.

One byte is EIGHT bits, not 1024. And can represent (unsigned) integers from 0-255 (256 or 28 distinct values).
1024 is indeed a power of two (which is why fauxcahontas may or may not be 1/1024th Indian; she might have a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparent who was Indian), but it takes ten bits to represent 1024 values.
1024 bits would be capable of representing some truly gigantic numbers, up to 1000100, roughly.


What I meant. I have had a LOT going on today.


And I looked up the Wisc. “glitch”
EXACTLY 19032 FOR Biden and 19032 FROM Trump
19032x 2 = 38064
4758 X 8= 38064
I KNOW they are ALL multiples of TWO, but 2 votes each time world require 4x the “flips” and would be WAY more obvious. ANY bigger than 8 a time EACH would ALSO be WAY too obvious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

F###ing Pelosi. F###ing Cankles. They’ve cheated America far too long.
This is exactly what Q wanted. Let them steal the election to piss people off.
If Esper gave that stuff to Biden, he’s got problems.


After all, sometimes you cannot simply TELL people, you must SHOW them. Are we enjoying the show (called the Great awakening) so far. Yes, yes we ARE.


The KY Gov fraud was in the video that you couldn’t get through 😉


Remember we had the special commission that was later ‘dissolved’ to monitor the 2018 elections. POTUS knew about their fraud tricks then… was MORE than ready for them this time.


As I have been saying, YES. he planned accordingly and knew where, and HOW to look.


Also in 2014, Dominion partnered with the Clinton Foundation to support “emerging democracies” and former regions of conflict in their elections.


Yes they brought their WW election rigging HOME.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dominion is what brings down the temple. THAT is why Hillary was talking about nooses.

Deplorable Patriot

In some translations of the Bible, they are called Dominations, but don’t forget that Dominions are one of the Choirs of Angels. They’re guardians. That software wasn’t just named Dominion to name it that.


yes. Perhaps Bush SENIOR too. Was Bush Sr referring to JR? FLA 2000? One BIG rabbit hole.
The PROBLEM with BOTH dominion AND using IP linked machines, no matter HOW GOOD your hack is, or your code, using the internet leaves TRAILS. IP HOPS, over multiple servers, it JUST takes time to trace.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just based on PAST election fraud, we should rebel against these forkers.


True, but I suspect, as we all have hinted, WHEN this is proven, JAIL will not be ENOUGH. I suspect LOTS of rope will be needed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is there enough rope in the world?
Or bullets for firing squads?


Sure, CO and KY love to grow hemp, makes a nice sturdy ROPE.


Found on Gab…brutal but true:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And I feel like her brother. There isn’t enough JUSTICE to make up for what these CCP toadies did to her.


AMEN Wolfie… some people should hang for this theft of our vote… the damage it has done to the concept that WE THE PEOPLE choose our leaders.
OTOH, that was an illusion… one that needs to be KNOWN… so that it can be FIXED…
POTUS will give this right back to the PEOPLE.


I don’t think POTUS intends to leave office with issues like this hanging over Americans’ heads…
this was his best chance (reelection) to fix this particular issue.


Agree Pat…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is the sort of crime that erodes societal trust.
Those should in general have huge penalties (and generally do). Other examples: Perjury. And counterfeiting, since it erodes peoples’ trust in the medium of exchange which is vital for trade.


Thank you Steve for bringin’ attention to this… you are on point. I’m old enough to remember when we had a few “Statesmen” in politics… A crime like this would have been verboten.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Trust-eroding crimes are generally not violent crimes, but corrosive nonetheless.
We talk about “violent” vs “non-violent” but we need another distinction (which can overlap), socially corrosive vs non-socially-corrosive.


Yes we do need another word. (esp as the SJWs have deemed words “violent”… at least some of them.

tom f

Just thought I’d send Birthday wishes to all my fellow Marines.comment image


thank you Tom–for your service to our country!!!


Semper Fi !!


Having been a Squid for 20 years, albeit a Todarodes Pacificus, I have nothing but admiration for the entire special breed known as United States Marines. Semper Fi!


comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Let me pile on with more thanks.
Under normal circumstances, there would be a certain red flag under the US flag on my flagpole today.
However, I’m going to beg the pardon of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children because the Trump flag is going to live there until this current mess is resolved.


Melania Trump @FLOTUS
Happy 245th birthday to our nation’s @USMC! Today we recognize the US Marine Corps for its many achievements, celebrate the men & women who valiantly serve, honor our heroic Marine veterans, & remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms.


giggle, snort
🤔 Bidens imaginary Covid task force includes the doctor that doesn’t believe it’s worth living after 75 years.
Joe is 77 years old.
😬 I don’t think he’s thought that through.
— ALS😊🔨#TRUMPWON (@HLAurora63) November 10, 2020

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Dopey Joe? Think?
Even less likely than it used to be.

Valerie Curren

Scatter shot plot hits a bullseye!



Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Moar from comments

another meme thread candidate

above my paygrade…


Recap of yesterday!

Emerald Robinson is one of the best!!!


wonder who lit a fire under Barr’s butt…


Some guy from Queens.


HeeHee ………………


What? you caught that…giggle!


yep… I could make a good George to your Gracie… 😉


Or Gracie to my George, Im a dude. LOL.


I KNOW you’re a Dude… I’m talking about the roles they played… George Burns was the straight man for Gracie Allen, who got all the laughs (and got it right) You have to think of their roles NOT their gender… 😉 I was just trying to be funny (I usually fail)


Oh, I got the reference. Just did not know if you knew I was a dude. There are more, Lucy and Ricky, Archie and Edith, Tim the tool man and Jill, tried and true meme.


It is Trump, but it’s because the consent decree preventing Republicans from challenging voter and elections fraud FINALLY was quashed in 2018. They COULDN’T challenge before. NOW THEY CAN.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



NeoCon is a bankrupt political movement. Very short lived.




Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Fmr FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testifies before Senate Judiciary Cmte about Russia probe


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 62-23: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #865 James Ray Knepp II to be a U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Vote Scheduled: At 2:15pm on Tuesday, November 10th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #865 James Ray Knepp II to be a U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio.


We may need Knepp in the next few days in Ohio…


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Senate Judiciary Cmte now beginning hrng w/fmr FBI Dep Dir McCabe as part of its Crossfire Hurricane probe. McCabe appearing virtually

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this is an important message to the White Hats.
Thank you, katie and linda, for alerting me to this on Flep’s thread:

This is extremely significant. This guy Richard Pilger was, I am certain, put in place as a key player by the leftists to ALLOW election fraud to continue quietly and not get caught.
PIlger will have led two lives – his cover career and his real purpose.
IMO his entire history of official interactions will be a GOLD MINE of cover-up, and if it is READ CAREFULLY, knowing about Dominion and Scytl and the STEAL SOFTWARE, and where it was used, this in fact may be the most significant investigation that DOJ could undertake. ONE OF THEIR OWN.
Resignation allowed Pilger to begin “lack of candor” activities like deleting his PERSONAL emails and other things which would give insight into his cover-ups and work to protect Dems. He did not do this in protest. He did it as part of his NIGHT JOB – cold, calculated, necessary.
Just like Lois Lerner was a “diversionary scandal” to keep the Tea Party looking at low-hanging, over-ripe fruit, and any emails from, say, ERIC HOLDER, to the effect of “push this”, would be incredibly damning, I expect that Pilger’s private comms RE election integrity actions were juicy.
Time to put the IG on this dude. We did not have a super-fraudulent presidential election without RICHARD PILGER’S COMPLICITY.
This dude may be the key to DECADES OF FRAUD and even more importantly THE BIGGEST FRAUDS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This resignation ties in with Esper possibly briefing Biden-Harris on Q. Esper didn’t just contact about a job – he warned them, so they knew to tip off Pilger to begin covering up. Track Pilger’s activities – same with others. If Pilger began cover-up activities BEFORE Barr made his announcement, it’s likely proof of DAMAGE by Esper’s reveal, and Esper could end up dodging the needle when this is over.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This means that if the investigation of Pilger gets traction, or any other evidence of damage by the leakage from Esper to Biden, they can lean on Esper with the truth about the fraudulent election, and how he basically gave information to China. Bet he’ll cough up a lot when faced with what he actually did, thinking he was being heroic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now I know why we were shaking up people (e.g., nuclear weapons gal) who were at risk of being snookered or bamboozled by the other side. Imagine Esper believing fake news, that Biden wasn’t a China-bot.


He did NOT resign, he WAS resigned.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Show me the proof.


Ok, I have no specific proof other than this. IF Pilger was oput in place to HIDE the steal (he was) WHY would he resign? KNOWING that he WOULD fail, and eventually be implicated an GO TO PRISON.
Logical assumption, he was FORCED to resign. Watch for a statement trashing Trump in 5..4…3…2.. and that will be further proof.
Two, dems NEVER resign, especially the embeds. TOO coincidental. We will see.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, you’re not familiar with this move and context. DOJ and FBI try to keep people inside when they can force testimony that cannot be forced constitutionally on a FORMER employee. “Lack of candor” only works while they’re still on the payroll. This guy is surely so slick, and we are so early in the game on election fraud, they would want him inside for as long as possible. Resignation means he doesn’t have to answer questions.


Possible, but that is IF he is answering to the DOJ. What if he was asked by a DIFFERENT org, like DHS.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen a couple of tweets claiming that his resignation was forced.
They’ve got the goods on him, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, if that is true, then all hell is going to break loose. It means past elections were hugely fraudulent, too.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…yeah. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think my Trump signage may need to stay up for the next 4 years, just to rub it in.


Trump flag and bumper stickers will stay until President Trump’s last day in office, January 20, 2025.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Trump signs…and my Trump flag. Though it’s a cheapie and is probably frayed to hell and gone on the end. I’ll need to lay in a dozen of them.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! (For the record, we were talking about Pilger at DOJ, not Esper at DOD, but quite a few resignations.)


Oh, ok – yes – getting them mixed up – is easy…


Pilger ran away – quit – swamp creature

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Barr loses too much leverage by forcing a resignation, and it’s not his M.O. in any case. But I do believe he expected Pilger to resign when ordered to investigate. Barr is ahead of the game.


Who said BARR ordered him…The HEAD of the DOJ is not Barr, it is TRUMP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is likewise a patient player. Can’t see him wanting this guy out “with media-workable cause”. What I will accept is that they hit him with orders that tested his good faith, to see how he would behave. I would not discount the possibility that he got a call from the I.G. to schedule a “routine interview”.


Ok, you convinced me, last one from me. COINCIDENTAL that Esper was let go the same day?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No coincidence. Jamcooker says Pilger is still a DOJ, “doing the McCabe”. YOU WIN!!! They’re keeping him close.
They’re DISMANTLING THE CHEAT COUP after players have committed enough to jail them.
Esper ratted out the counter-coup to Team CCP Biden – BOOM – gone – now Trump can put down coming riots. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Their PLAYER Esper is out.
Pilger covered for the stolen election technology – made sure the election part was in the bag. BOOM – election done – crimes committed – take him out of power. I’m thinking they set the I.G. loose on him – same as the FBI stuff.


Ah, like a PLAN.


Pilger resigned his POST. He’s still at the DOJ. Not clear if you all are saying Pilger resigned/quit the DOJ.
“Mr. Pilger, a career prosecutor in the department’s Public Integrity Section who oversaw voting-fraud-related investigations, told colleagues he would move to a nonsupervisory role working on corruption prosecutions.”
Breitbart quoting NYT
” Pilger will remain a prosecutor in the Justice unit that investigates public corruption.” CNN quote


Not unlike what Ohr did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That’s like Strzok, Page, and McCabe. They kept them around.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That solves everything. P. rex and I are then both right here. Pilger is out of the post, and may have even been forced out, but he’s still at DOJ. He has to answer every question fully and non-evasively.


John Solomon, Patriot!
Has a whole team to investigate voter/election around the country:
Listen – He already some very interesting stuff.
John Solomon says Mark Zuckerberg sent at least $350 million to election judges in mostly Dem areas

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This matches what they were saying about GEORGIA – that the three counties he funded brought in all the “new” Democrat voting.
Did CCP funnel money into FACEBOOK for this project? I’ll bet they did.


funnel = launder?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Laundered into Facebook. Facebook always talks about Russian ads, but what is the state of their Chinese ads? I’ll bet they can get a lot of money in under cover of small ad buys at “full price”.




LMAO…reminds me of when POTUS pulled the airplanes out from under Nanzi’s ass and they were left driving around the airport in the bus…good times…
Bidens campaign waiting for Air Force One
— 🌟🌟Rooster⭐️⭐️ (@no_silenced) November 10, 2020


thanks GA/FL!


Creepy Joe up to his old tricks a couple of days agocomment image

This comes form the video reporting about “President-elect” (sic) Biden, VP-elect Harris deliver victory speech
Notice, at the beginning, the reporter reporting about Sleepy having an “actual campaign rally” –
They Do Mock Us, Do They?


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020


Guess who was in charge of voter fraud investigations at DOJ? Richard Pilger.
Same hack who colluded with Lois Lerner under Obama to target conservatives and tea party through the IRS! When asked to look into fraud now, he resigned!
I’m so shocked🙄
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 10, 2020


I told you, Trump ALWAYS KNOWS before HE SPEAKS>


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
3rd case challenging Obamacare goes before Supreme Court today


Bum’s Rush for Trump Is Biden’s First Mistake
Editorial of The New York Sun | November 7, 2020


McCabe is testifying today??
Republicans, don’t let Andrew McCabe continue to get away with totally criminal activity. What he did should never be allowed to happen to our Country again. FIGHT FOR JUSTICE!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2020


Fox News has now fired Judge Jeanine.
— John D ● (@RedWingGrips) November 10, 2020


Love to see her within a week on OANN or NewsMax!


In that short video she posted she implied she had other options.


Wherever Jeanine lands, hope President Trump gives her a live extended interview, soon.


it’s amazing that so many pundits think that Russia could manipulate 2016 results with a few Facebook memes, but that Dem cities can’t manipulate 2020 results by unsupervised control of ballot inclusion and ballot counts.
— Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) November 10, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Chinaberg”. SAY IT.
He wanted XI to name his CHILD. GET REAL, AMERICA.

Valerie Curren

comment image


If I were ever at a meeting with that thing, I’d be reported to HR for pointing and laughing at it..

Valerie Curren

Sharing the Joy!


GIGGLE, SNORT, GUFFAW. Trump JUST told Ga he wants HAND recounts, NOT machine recounts. GAME OVER>

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You get what you pay for. THE WHITE HOUSE.

Deplorable Patriot
Jeanine Pirro
Didn’t think it could HAPPEN TO ME…. But @FoxNews FIRED me…..I really hope you decide to FIRE FOX.
Please RT RT RT and Follow, I’m following all back for the next 24 hours.
11:14 AM · Nov 10, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

This is supposedly a fake account.
We’ll see.


heh…guess I’ll unfollow then 😉


Fake account. Reported.




It is a fake account.
– No blue checkmark
– Jeanine is spelled “JeanIne”
– JJ’s account shows no such tweets
It’s almost 2021. How anyone could get fooled by shit like this is a testament to a glaring lack of simple, basic observational skills.


Actually, Jeanine was spelled “Jeanlne”…with an “l”


I live in a liberal state, worked for liberal employers, attended liberal colleges, and my (former) long time friend has spent years working for the left.
Where she goes, governments are corrupted. She was working to collect votes in nursing homes years ago.
I was convinced she was a good person. I valued and trusted my employers….thinking they were just misguided.
I have known that Fox was owned by Disney and for years now have distrusted much of dIsney’s programing. As an aside, “The Prince of Persia “ was a beautiful movie and lets me know that everything is not absolute.
However, the name calling and hatred, the arrogant conviction that their own opinion matters above all else and must decide things for the rest of us, the lack of outcry against the murder of Trump supporters, the blaming of our President and his supporters for the “rise of hatred”, and the glee over removing our rights to speech and to even cast a meaningful vote has sickened me to the point that I cannot stand to have anything to do with them.
What they are willing to do to eliminate us is disgusting. It seems to me that no depraved act, no hurtful cruelty aimed at the rest of us is off the table. I hope to God I am wrong—I know that this does not apply universally to the left.
But for them to accept Biden as president in the light of such widespread fraud is an act of astounding contempt towards the people—their fellow citizens—of this country.
If they are not troubled by the cruelty and underhanded tactics tics of the left there is something wrong with their hearts.
Not for one minute do I believe that their desire for open borders is truly an act of love except by some of their idealistic but uninformed syncophants. I believe that most leftist leadership could care less about “immigrants” and simply want to use them as a needy and desperate, uninformed source of easily obtainable illegal votes.
I likewise do not believe that they care about black people, they simply want to poison and divide them and use them against us.
When any member of their selected communities displays a willingness to think for themselves and support anyone on our side the hatred and slander aimed at them is chilling to observe.
I think it is important to remember, as Hillary once said in a rare moment of truth, that we are their enemies.
Praying for them is Biblical and many on our side were once on theirs…so there is hope.
But until then there is also the realization that there is some measure of inner integrity that is missing from these people and that to the extent that they embrace the abusive tactics of the left it might be well to employ some protective measure of distance in our relationships with them and in how we allow them to influence our children.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But for them to accept Biden as president in the light of such widespread fraud is an act of astounding contempt towards the people—their fellow citizens—of this country.

I can guarantee you that there are tens of millions of people in this country who are utterly unaware of the fraud, or have heard that Trump is alleging fraud on no basis whatsoever. Either way they’ve seen none of the evidence, and probably never will.
So they may be accepting Biden without knowing what they are doing.


JamieR {🎗} Army Girl Medium starMedium starMedium star TRUMP 88022
I think the @TheJusticeDept
needs help to identity this individual..
This is Appalling & he needs to be prosecuted!
Who agrees?
Unpacked so video will play here:


Ms Gail, we need a screenshot of this tweet… Jackboot has removed it once


his tats showed up on original … that’s an ID for sure


If you asked me:


Loves when this stuff resurfaces on the internets 😁👍


Not sure if this has been seen here yet~


Eh…I’m not sure this is a good idea.
Pres Trump did not endorse him in his run for his old Senate seat.
Instead…he endorsed Tuberfield (sp?) who was running against him.
Pres Trump hasn’t had anything good to say about Sessions in a long time.
Is it theater?
I used to think so…but now I don’t know.
What if Jeff Sessions wouldn’t mind seeing PDJT lose this?
As payback.


I don’t know.
I don’t think Session is that vindictive and is still an honorable man. After all there is a country to safe
Remember when Session is appointed nobody can accuse POTUS of interfering with the investigation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m going to engage in pure speculation here, so take it for what it’s probably worth (zero).
Sessions may very well have agreed to lose his race in return for getting to be a prosecutor.
I find it difficult to imagine anyone who by temperament is a go-getter prosecutor enjoying the Senate as much, though of course they may enjoy the dignitas of the Senate enough to override this.


The left is all in a fluff about this tweet.

So proud of the Republicans for standing up and fighting back!


Now we need for POTUS’ nominee for FCC to come out of Commerce Committee…
Martha, you listening…?


Someone has to stand up, Protests have taken our country someplace that we should never have been, especially with Democratic politicians not only supporting them vocally but financially.,
Now the Democrats have really gone overboard. If I see one more Democrat, especially Democratic politician talk about making a list to get revenge on Americans who supported Trump I will scream.
I want to scream at the Democratic idiots supporting this garage. Do they not realize that this s just how it started in the 30s in Germany. Do they not realize that even though they might have voted for and.or supported for Biden they might end up on some crazy list later on.
Damn and they have the gall to say that Trump was like Hitler. Never ever has Trump even come close to suggesting some anything like this with Democratic supporters.


It doesn’t help at all that this talk about lists and revenge appear now, 82 years to the day after the infamous Kristallnacht. (1938-11-09 — 1938-11-10). When looking at the perpetrators back then and the modern version, the similarities are unpleasant to behold.


Hey slow Harris started it and I didn’t pay attentions, even though I remembered Harris say when she is in the WH they are taking revenge.
Now it is more and more talking about lists.


*Harris should be — AOC started it and then I remembered Harris talking about taking revenge.
Listen to the Tucker video I posted.

Concerned Virginian

Per 710WOR, New York, 12Noon Eastern news report:
The Biden Presidential Transition Committee is threatening to sue the GSA because it hasn’t declared Biden as the winner of the 2020 Presidential election.


God do they want to hear the Judge tell them: “YOU ARE NOT MY PRESIDENT-ELECT”
Unfortunately they probably will go Judge Shopping, before they go to court. But, in the End there is stil SCOTUS.
Another thought:
They are probably hungry for any secrete Intel, since they are cut-off and POTUS sends them a lot of BS intel, in the so-called briefings.


Did you all see this. This is so sad that so many good people are not safe anymore, these are not criminals being threaten these are good Law-Abiding Americans.
Top Republican To Use MILITIA For Personal Safety After Liberal TERRORISTS Issue Threats- Did You See This?
“Multnomah County Republican Party Chairman James Buchal states that the protests resulting from the recent events have prompted members of the Portland GOP to consider alternative security means and that may include arrangements that do not rely on the local police”


Portland has become another country… in reality.


We have 3 families that I know of that have escaped over here. One lived in the same area as the Mayor does, and another had a food truck that can’t be savaged. The other one, I have never spoken to or met, just heard about. They say there are even more.


Remember that story at the end of October where a warehouse in Philadelphia that held voting machines was broken into and items were stolen? What if that involved white hats that were collecting evidence for any future voter fraud? I wonder if that story will reemerge in current investigations…
Article excerpt:
“Multiple memory sticks and a laptop used to program voting machine in Philadelphia have been stolen from a city warehouse, according to a Wednesday report.
Philadelphia Inquirer reports:
The equipment appeared to be taken this week, sources said. Officials immediately began checking to make sure none of the voting machines had been compromised while also working to contain the fallout for fear of how President Donald Trump and his allies might use the news to cast doubt on the integrity of the city’s elections. […]
Many details surrounding the incident remained unclear Wednesday afternoon including exactly how the equipment was taken, whether there are any suspects, and details on how the missing technology might be used. Officials said there are multiple levels of security to prevent the equipment from being used maliciously, and a police investigation is ongoing.”


yup, I remember that!


“…at the end of October…”
Oops! Should have been, “…at the end of September…”


“What if that involved white hats that were collecting evidence…”
On the other hand, what if it was a black hat operation that gave them deniability, and to cover their own tracks? After the election they could point out that the ‘glitches’ in the voting software were a result of ‘bad actors’ from the September break-in.


Valerie Curren

Dems outwork R’s for the (attempted) steal

Concerned Virginian

What the Sam Hill goes on here??
710WOR, New York, “The Mark Simone Show” just a couple minutes ago —
Simone said that POTUS is now setting up a committee for him to run for President IN 2024.
How in Hades does Simone know this?
Simone had JOE CONCHA on the show. Concha, formerly a semi-reliable POTUS supporter, has apparently gone all-in for giving up on POTUS.
He also said that KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, that fool Senator from New York, is likely going to named to a Joe Biden Cabinet post — and that AOC will be named to take over Gillibrand’s seat in the U.S. Senate.
Sounds to me like WOR has completely jumped the shark.


Chaff and countermeasures …….a diversion, call it what you will. He’s either in on it or a useful idiot, makes no difference to me

Sylvia Avery

CV, it wouldn’t surprise me if PDJT had laid the groundwork for a 2024 election, just in case. He covers all his bets. I personally wouldn’t take that as a sign that he has given up. Not even close.
But I think it’s a shame Mark Simone and Joe Concha couldn’t find something else to talk about.


No. Total lie. President would be years out on such a decision. They’re just trying to soften us up into thinking Biden can be President and we need to accept the out come. After he becomes President elections are sealed in their favor for good.
Lots of this going around on our side. Any one saying the President is loosing this, get ready to accept it ,have bought in on this B.S. no matter how good the rest of their talk is against the steal.


Goofy as hell, President Trump considering a 2024 run.
Unless of course for his third term. Then I’m all in. 🙂


We need our Lion.
If they have to change the law, so be it.
12 years is just about perfect.


Dep Pat,
I really like the banner for today’s Opening… simply lovely. Thank you.


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
McConnell now on the flr discussing Esper & his termination


do you have a link for this? I think it is important


All I am finding is Republicans electing him Majority Leader – nothing about Esper yet


it came from Chad’s TL…
Thank you for looking… thought C-Span might be covering Senate. If it was important it may show on Mitch’s twitter acc’t later today…


C-Span is covering McCabe nonsense – only thing I could find is McConnell and Schumer gathering support from their party members – fighting out the Majority Leader position – UGH!!!


It’s all good Duchess… I hope you didn’t spend too much time looking. You always seem to know where the clips are… so I went to the expert ! I found C-Span2 covered Mitch accepting Leadership role, and thanking everyone… 😉 thank you for looking Sweet Lady.


Most welcome, PR – just posted his most recent ‘tweets’ – nothing about what we are seeking – maybe – what’s done is done – and he will not comment.


I agree… considering the avalanche of info today and yesterday, it’s probably not important at all… 😉


I know why you think it is important – because McConnell was a cheerleader for Esper – however –
Look at this!!!


You’re quite mistaken about why I think it’s important… Barr spoke to Mitch on Monday and Mitch changed his tune from “Congrats Pres-Elect Biden” to “the President has every right to challenge…”
I thought perhaps Barr had told him something about Esper that he has now told the Senate… I said this in another post, guess it was at Marica’s…


Indo-Pacific News
#XiJinping is fighting a new enemy—Genghis Khan
In #InnerMongolia, stone tablets on the great emperor have been painted over or destroyed, his portraits removed from schools, while the #CCP rewrites history portraying Gengis as a “#Chinese” emperor

Replying to @IndoPac_Info
Xi Jinping is trying to rewrite history, downplaying all elements & characters in the history of China who were not Han Chinese.
Xi Jinping believes it is now time to “sinicize” Inner Mongolia and to eradicate Mongol culture and language, of which Genghis Khan is a symbol.
Communists always try to rewrite history.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, he WAS a Chinese emperor.
By conquest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I keep telling people these guys are HAN SUPREMACISTS – they are literal CHINAZIS.


better choice in my opinion…Ken Jennings for Jeopardy
So, seriously: sources tell me that Alex Trebek’s successor is likely Ken Jennings, considered the Greatest of All Time GOAT player of the game. Jennings was hired last January as a consulting producer to groom him for the job. My sources say everyone connected with the show, all the producers, “love him.”
It makes sense. Jennings is already part of the family. Since Trebek died, he’s expressed his deep sorrow and admiration for Alex. Trebek remains on the air with new shows through Christmas. My guess is that after two weeks of holiday reruns, Jennings will be announced as the new host in early January 2021.


comment image


President Zielinski of Ukraine has also COVID. POTUS send him some of his medicine.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Anthony Tata?
Weapons Grade Tatas?


Bodacious even 😉


Andrew Seidman@AndrewSeidman
Pa House GOP members tomorrow will “call for a legislative-led audit of the 2020 election and demand election results not be certified, nor electors be seated, until the audit is complete,” per news release.




Gail Combs

Did the Republicans KNOW the test was being conducted? Remember the DemonRats are locking out poll watchers so not giving the Repubs the right time or right address would be in line with what they would pull.



November 10, 2020
Did Pfizer Delay Announcing That Its Vaccine Was 90% Effective Until After the Election Was Stolen?
It certainly looks that way, reports Julie Kelly.
“Note: Earlier in the article, Julie Kelly established that Pfizer was in fact part of Warp Speed — it signed a big government contract saying so.
“This prompted a victory lap from the Trump-hating media. MSNBCs Joy Reid tweeted that she “felt better” Pfizer wasn’t involved in Operation Warp Speed and she wouldn’t “go near anything that Trump or his politicized FDA had anything to do with.” Vanity Fair concluded that Vice President Mike Pence could “f**k off” after he commended Operation Warp Speed for facilitating Pfizer’s quick work. “The Trump administration is trying to take credit for the Pfizer vaccine, which of course it had nothing to do with,the magazine snarked.”
Read the whole thing. It’s infuriating.
Can anyone answer the question why the GOP continues fucking over its wage-earning and small-business-owning base to deliver taxpayer bailouts and special favors to the big corporations who are determined to destroy us?”

Valerie Curren

SALEM — Oregon’s elections director was abruptly fired in a text message by the secretary of state after he pointed out serious issues with the state’s aging and vulnerable technology for running elections.
Elections Director Stephen Trout learned in a text message Thursday night — as his department and county elections officials were still counting votes from the Nov. 3 election — that he was out.
On Friday, Secretary of State Bev Clarno, a Republican appointed to the position by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown, announced to county clerks and other elections officials in Oregon’s 36 counties that “today is also Steve Trout’s last day with the Agency.”
Election officials in the state were stunned.
Steve Druckenmiller, the veteran Linn County clerk, said Clarno’s action was “dangerous and so ignorant.”
“We are still in the election process right now. We are reconciling, we’re dealing with problems right now as far as your signatures and communicating with voters who didn’t sign the ballots,” Druckenmiller said. “We’re going to have to do recounts, all of these things. She doesn’t understand elections.”


Uniparty activity… a DIM appointing a Rep? yeah, nothing to see here…
hope Ms. Clarno gets equal punishment… at least 5 yrs in jail is what I hear for Voter Fraud


I heard on Bannon’s program that Georgia and Pennsylvania republican officials resit voter fraught and say nothing to see here. In Pennsylvania the republican officials have gotten threads and seem intimidated.
Georgia Governor is no where to be seen. We are having to fight the republican establishment. The Trump pretenders who got into positions through POTUS want him to move on.
The political class are slime.


GA Gov Kemp came out today (a.m.) and tweeted support


Oh good he was called out since he was a wall.


Valerie Curren
Concerned Virginian

This ALONE must force a HAND RECOUNT of the votes in Oklahoma, where the torn up and thrown out ballots marked as voting for POTUS were found in the trash.
Even if Oklahoma went all Red for POTUS, these ballots would add to his vote count total.

Valerie Curren

Keep praying for POTUS & America. Our family gathered together to do so last night…


Proof the Fountain of Youth is in Pennsylvania!
BigdaddyBtc @Bigdaddybtc reply wins the prize!
“Now that’s OLD! Pennsylvania should be renamed Transylvania !!”


there was a comment added to the dob (date of birth) column clarifying that domestic violence victims are allowed to their privacy and they are registered to vote using 01/01/1800…but that still would leave hundreds if not thousands, haven’t really checked, whose birth dates are from then on to the early 1900’s.


and they count males? domestic abuse? once in a while, yes… but in the thousands NOOOO


oh, I’m not saying I buy that crap…LOL…
but when the site first appeared and I (and I’m guessing thousands of others) went there and tried it and got the results we did…they needed a quick explanation…
it’s horse hockey…


I know you don’t buy it… was trying to reason with the side that believes the crap 😉


it’s a CYA move imo


Yes, and the LEFT is dismal at that… just as they have no humor, don’t get nuance… they THINK we believe whatever lie they tell… stupid they are


Hope they get that clarified and calculated!


oh no, no, no…that can’t be done–it would endanger those abuse victims…
(can’t you just hear it now?)


Corey the Traitor: “I have supported you, Mr. President, we (Montana) have supported you—and @realDonaldTrump
accomplished some incredible things during your time in office!
But that time is now over.
Tip your hat, bite your lip, and congratulate @JoeBiden
Blessings on you and your family.
Prison is going to be a hard place for you Corey.
Not as hard as the chair is going to be though.


Lotsa Coreys … Lewandowski, Gardner, Booker …

Gail Combs

Montana’s Secretary of State Corey Stapleton… SPIT!


AP: Republican Jay Obernolte wins election to House in California’s 8th Congressional District
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) November 10, 2020


I think that means we need only ONE more
or is my math wrong?


not sure to be honest.


I know for sure the DIMs have lost control of the House Floor… whatever that means… I’m no expert on Roberts Rules… but whatever it means, I know Nanzi is in trouble w/ her own party and will have opposition for Speaker, so if we just gain parity, it will mean her removal.


Day 8 & the Rs have clinched 3 more seats. Everything else has stayed the same. If these numbers hold, the D majority would be 5 (222-213). 21 races to go.
— Leslie McAdoo Gordon (@McAdooGordon) November 10, 2020


THANK YOU Pat… you are quite the DIGGER…
Good, in fact excellent, news… I think we’ll pick up more…
I wonder if Kim Klalick’s district is in that count of 21 races to go? I know she’s fighting the result in Baltimore Dist #1

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even if the Rs take over the house she could conceivably remain as house minority leader, like she did the last time she lost the speakership. (That was actually a bit unusual; usually losing the majority is considered a major failure and the former speaker gets dumped.)
I consider it highly unlikely to happen again. The far left part of the party hates her, and many less-left blame her for the losses.


I agree with your assessment… that leaked phone conference conversation expressed a lot of anger about “defunding police” and the cries to not even mention the word ‘socialist’


Loss of house floor means were with in 10 and can expect swing votes on key issues.


Thanks Para! I can’t remember even one DIM voting against her in the last two years… sure hope she’s toast.


Looks like we might be well past even the 10 threshold. Hard to keep up with 😎


here’s another flip?
BREAKING: @HarleyRouda concedes to @MichelleSteelCA. Republicans flip #CA48
— Jeremy B. White (@JeremyBWhite) November 10, 2020


Josh Caplan is maintaining a count… will ck there later. I can’t keep it straight, as there has been some back and forth (last week)


CNN’s Jake Tapper Warns the Public That They Might Lose Their Jobs Unless They Accept Biden Victory
This is a threat.
Published 23 hours ago on Nov 9, 2020By Shane Trejo
CNN hack Jake Tapper issued a veiled threat to individuals fighting for electoral integrity after a presidential vote marred with irregularities occurred last week.
Tapper is threatening the political class that they will be blacklisted from the employment market if they continue to ring the bell about potential fraud.
“I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity,” Tapper wrote in a tweet.
In his follow-up tweet, the corporate teleprompter reader made a bizarre comment that seemed to equate anti-fraud whistleblowers to sex criminals.
Tapper added: “I mean, I don’t expect the ride-or-die crew to listen to me, but … ‘So, it says here on your resume that you drove a sex offender to testify at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, north of the Tacony-Palmyra bridge…’”
. . .
The political establishment is using blackmail and threats to enforce their phony announcement that Joe Biden is president-elect. They are trying to bias the American public as much as possible before the crucial lawsuits begin that will ultimately decide who serves in the White House.


yes, saw this yesterday… real FACIST ol Jake is…


Real patriots know that if they can threaten your jobs now, they’re going to do MUCH WORSE once they REALLY have power!!!


Trump at warp speed the next four years …
What do you think Michael? Who have we got to take on his ‘mantle’ ????????? Anyone? (Pls don’t say Pence)


I’m confident DeSantis, either now or upcoming


I could vote for him 😉

Sue Mcdonald

Who really gives 2 shites what that mask wearing fool has to say?? I mean come on man.


After Wiping Out Half The Universe, Thanos Calls For Unity
November 10th, 2020 image
WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a lengthy campaign to wipe out half of all life in the universe, controversial environmental activist Thanos has called for humanity to come together, end their divisions, and unify.
The environmentalist activist gave a victory speech after accomplishing his plan to acquire the Infinity Stones, place them in a specially designed glove, and snap his fingers to end billions of lives.
“Now that I have destroyed half of all life in existence, it is time for unity,” Thanos said in a speech Tuesday. “I know I treated you all as enemies and called for your total destruction, making it my life’s mission to slaughter half the organic life in our reality. But now it is time for our universe to heal.”
“I will be a kind ruler not just for those who supported me, but for those who opposed me as well. We are all friends here.”
One group of superheroes says they will oppose Thanos’s call for unity, but they are being called right-wing agitators since one of them has an American flag on his shield.
Democrats are praising Thanos as a hero, since many Trump supporters died after the snap, along with millions of unborn babies.


seeing a thread OT about McCabe testifying–from the comfort of his own home–covid dontcha know?
so covid has been a multi functional disease. it turns governors into DICKtaters…oh my spelling…lol…dictators…
it creates financial boons for the BIG retailers…causes massive voter fraud by mail in ballot possible…attempted to derail POTUS’s rallies…and provided safe haven for demonrats from testifying in public. ( they can hide at (or whatever hidey hole they can find to avoid being arrested on the spot)…clever disease covid.


you bees correct…

Deplorable Patriot

Plus all the “peaceful protesters” HAD to wear masks to be “safe” and “protected” like wearing…well, you know. Women still get pregnant all the time.



Valerie Curren

Tons of Trump ballots & One for Biden in trash at St Anne’s in Oklahoma, found the day after election–just wow!


Secretary of State Pompeo is asked if he would help a Biden transition team:
“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.”
— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) November 10, 2020






Joe Biden, January 6, 2017: How about we invoke the Logan Act?
Can’t make up this level of hypocrisy. With the left, double standards are a built-in feature. It’s always Alinsky – make the other guy live up to their rules, and then break all the rules yourself if it helps you get an advantage.
Logan Act: Obama Hack Ben Rhodes Says Joe Biden is Already “Having Phone Calls” with Foreign Leaders About His Agenda (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published November 9, 2020 at 4:32pm
Barack Obama’s Iran echo chamber Ben Rhodes said that the media’s pretend president-elect Joe Biden is already “having phone calls” with foreign leaders about “the agenda they’re going to pursue January 20th.”
Apparently the Logan Act only applies to General Mike Flynn.


You all need to listen to Tucker. WOW everything i have found, he is talking about WOW–or is it DAMN.




Hey I almost did not listen—Fox news no way. But WOW.
Got some guy on twitter that I thought was a better friend already dished it because it was FOX.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, that about sums it up.

Valerie Curren

Is anyone high up in Michigan there to protect Freedom???


If this has been posted, I apologize. I can’t read through 600+ posts right now. 😀
Someone sent me this email.
POTUS has been cut off from Twitter and Facebook feeds. He has asked us
to send him “snail mail” letters demanding a full audit of all 50 states.
This was reported on Newsmax yesterday evening. He will use this as evidence to
the Supreme Court. Please send this to your family and friends, and mail
them in ASAP.

There was a form letter attached with it.
At a quick glance I didn’t see anything on the Newsmax site. Does anyone know if this is accurate?


PTrump Twitted 1, 2 and 4 hours ago . . . so maybe he’s not cut off?


propaganda to get you to SLOW down in your support………………..
Email has never been a problem, right?
Twitter is censoring/labeling POTUS’ tweets about fraud (everyone’s actually)
You may want to check the source of the email cuz it’s not true…


If he is cutoff from Twitter you can always go to gab, were you find exactly the same messages. Actually not quite right GAB does not interfere with the messaging.
The last one was 1 hour ago as was the same one on Twitter.
This story is BS.
I do expect that to happen in the near future, but then Twitter will lose 89million instantly plus the followers accounts and GAB will increase by that amount
Trumps GAB followers (241.3k as of now) are still very low, but they probable increased by 50% in the last day.


Parler, too!
No stone unturned.


THEY STILL WANT YOUR COWS!!!!comment image
Next step in the Great Reset . . . eliminate MEAT
Fries with your McPlant?
By Monica Fike, Editor at LinkedIn News
Updated 6 hours ago
Move over, Big Mac, there’s a new burger in town. McDonald’s announced it plans to offer the “McPlant,” a plant-based burger it co-created with Beyond Meat, in key markets next year. With this new offering, it follows in the footsteps of Burger King and Dunkin’ in moving toward meat-free offerings. The chain told investors on Monday that it was also focusing on more automated order-taking, drive-through lanes for online orders and a dining room-less restaurant design amid the pandemic.


McDonald’s announces new chicken sandwich and ‘McPlant’ burger
New York (CNN Business)Would anyone eat a burger called McPlant? McDonald’s is about to find out.
The company said Monday that it will test the new plant-based burger in key markets next year.
After testing a plant-based burger in some international markets, “we have created a delicious burger that will be the first menu option in a plant-based platform,” said Ian Borden, president of McDonald’s (MCD) International. He added that the McPlant line could eventually include plant-based chicken and breakfast sandwiches, too.
The company joins other fast food chains like Burger King and Dunkin’ in getting in on the plant-based trend. Last year, it began testing a burger in Canada made with patties from Beyond Meat, a seller of meatless products.comment image
“Beyond Meat and McDonalds co-created the plant-based patty which will be available as part of their McPlant platform,” a Beyond Meat spokesperson said. Beyond plans to report earnings after the bell on Monday.
McDonald’s declined to comment on which suppliers it’s working with for the McPlant line.
McDonald’s isn’t just going all in on meat substitutes.
In addition to the McPlant line, McDonald’s said in a strategy update to investors that it would capitalize on consumer trends that strengthened during the pandemic — like eating comfort food. That means focusing on its most popular menu items and selling more chicken
“Demand for the familiar in these uncertain times is more important than ever,” McDonald’s said in its investor update, adding that it expects core menu items like its Big Mac and Quarter Pounder burgers, Chicken McNuggets and french fries to contribute to its growth moving forward.
To further promote sales of these items, McDonald’s is rolling out improvements, like new, toasty buns and an “enhanced grilling approach” for hamburgers, as well as more chicken flavors and menu items.
Already, McDonald’s has seen success with its spicy chicken nuggets, which launched in September and helped boost sales that month.
It also plans to launch a new crispy chicken sandwich in the United States early next year. America’s appetite for chicken sandwiches has helped make Chick-fil-A a success, and contributed to rising sales at Popeyes. McDonald’s already serves a chicken sandwich, the McChicken, and often tests out new types of chicken sandwiches.
A new chicken sandwich should help give McDonald’s “credibility” in the chicken space, said Joe Erlinger, president of McDonald’s USA.
“We want customers to choose McDonald’s for chicken,” he said.
New packaging and easier ordering
That’s not all. McDonald’s is introducing new packaging with a “modern, refreshing feel.” The company is rolling the new packaging out globally over the next few years.
And it’s taking cues from another pandemic-induced trend — eating at home instead of at restaurants.
Digital delivery, drive-thru and pickup orders have been essential for restaurants during the pandemic, and many chains, including Burger King, Popeyes and Taco Bell are exploring new store formats and investing in drive-thru improvements. McDonald’s is no exception.
The burger chain is planning to make it easier for customers to eat at home by letting more people order delivery through the McDonald’s app and improving the speed and accuracy of delivery orders. It will also try out new concepts at its drive-thrus, like automated order taking, and express pickup lanes for people who placed digital orders. And it will test out restaurants with drive-thrus that are only open for delivery and pickup orders.
Plus, it’s launching a new digital hub called “MyMcDonald’s,” which will include a new loyalty program that will be piloted in Phoenix in the coming weeks.
The company has been investing in its technology for some time — it bought Dynamic Yield, an artificial intelligence company, to help it roll out smart menu boards last year. It has also purchased Apprente, another AI company that works on voice-based ordering platforms. Apprente should help automate McDonald’s drive-thru.
McDonald’s suffered early in the pandemic, but its sales have been improving.
In the United States, sales at stores open at least 13 months jumped 4.6% in the three months that ended on September 30 compared to the same period last year. Overall, system-wide sales were flat compared to last year. In 2021, McDonald’s expects system-wide sales to grow by single digits compared to 2019.
Correction: An earlier version of this story said McDonald’s was producing its own plant-based products. Beyond later said it co-created the patty of the McPlant burger.


We the people have so much power if we have the fortitude to use it. In the DDR people wanted to be free they did something about it peace fully. They achieved their goal the wall came down.
We too can make choices unless we are weak people? I do not think Americans are cut out the media go alternative and media will die.
Cut off MC Donald’s and they will vanish. Home cooked hamburger taste better anyway.
My husband and I if we think we are out during lunch we pack a lunch and found it surprisingly enjoyable.
We the people have power and we can never be victims or excuse. Sometimes I am shocked the excuses people come up with because doing otherwise causes some pain. There is more pain if we think we are victims. We need to take our life back as we can.


McDonald’s to Add ‘McPlant’ Products, After Test With Beyond Meat
Burger chain revises operations as pandemic persists, increasing emphasis on takeaway orders
McDonald’s Corp. is making changes to its menu and restaurant operations as the coronavirus pandemic persists, including an emphasis on to-go orders and new “McPlant” vegetarian items.
The burger company said Monday that it would test a slate of new plant-based products in some markets next year. McDonald’s ran a pilot program earlier this year in Canada to sell patties made by Beyond Meat Inc., a leader in the market to sell new plant-based products that closely mimic meat.
Beyond Meat said it developed a patty for the McPlant line together with McDonald’s. McDonald’s, which said the McPlant line could include imitation burgers, chicken and breakfast foods, declined to discuss what companies would supply the new items or what ingredients they would include.
McDonald’s shares fell 1.5% Monday to $213, while Beyond Meat’s shares fell 4.1% to $150.50.
After markets closed, Beyond Meat reported a $19.3 million quarterly loss due to a pandemic-driven slowdown in restaurant sales. Its shares dropped 26% in after-hours trading.comment image


Soylent Green

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s something bouncing around the back of my head about “Beyond Meat”. There’s a sinister connection to Planned unParenthood, or something like that. And the folks behind it are, erm, less than ethical. Gail might know – this was discussed here about six months or so ago…


A lot of that convo is captured on the cows thread… of course probably more that needs to be hunted down and dug up…


I was thinking the same thing, I remember reading about a plant that makes meat but its not real meat and that their plant is by a plan parenthood. If I remember it was Millie Weaver that did a video on it but don’t quote me on it. The last time I went To Krogers and they had packages of meat and the brand name was beyond meat and I thought the same thing. If its the same company that I’m thinking of they sure didn’t waste any time getting it out to the public.

Sue Mcdonald

I won’t eat from fast food joints as we don’t really know what’s in there food to begin with.has it ever occurred to anyone that if we have fetal cells being used in soft drinks that just perhaps there could be the same used in fast food production?? I do not want to eat anything I don’t what went into it during production.
Oh the things I’ve learned these past few years it’s just mind boggling what these evil bastards have been doing to us.


I like BIG BEEF and I cannot lie!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Me, too, and I go anemic if I don’t get it.


McDonald’s announces “McPlant” burger and Crispy Chicken Sandwich
by Joel Abbott · Nov 9th, 2020 4:05 pm
Last Updated Nov 10th, 2020 at 1:37 pm
McDonald’s announced Monday the launch of a new vegan burger called the “McPlant” that it will test in various global markets in 2021.

“McPlant is crafted exclusively for McDonald’s, by McDonald’s,” said the company’s international president, Ian Borden. “In the future, McPlant could extend across a line of plant-based products including burgers, chicken substitutes, and breakfast sandwiches.”

McDonald’s is one of the last fast food giants to launch a vegan burger, although they did test a plant-based burger in Canada last year [*]. Competitor Burger King started selling its “Impossible” Whopper in 2019.
Shares of Beyond Meat – one of the current main suppliers of plant-based protein – dropped 6% at the news. [*]
McDonald’s also announced that it was releasing a crispy chicken sandwich in 2021 to compete with other companies such as Chick-fil-A and Popeyes. The sandwich will come with pickles and butter and be served on a toasted potato roll.

“We believe it’s going to jump-start our chicken journey, build our chicken credentials, and get people to start looking at us differently,” said McDonald’s USA President Joe Erlinger on Monday. “We’re excited about the moves we’re making to meet – and exceed – customer expectations for great-tasting chicken. That is how we will start to build our chicken credibility.”


Concerned Virginian

Well, isn’t this nice —
BEYOND MEAT uses MC (Methylcellulose) as one of the ingredients. It’s a mixture of a polymer and food thickener.
Guess what? Methylcellulose (MC on the ingredient list) is made from WOOD CHIPS.
That’s right — WOOD CHIPS.
It’s already used by Big Pharma and in the cosmetics industry. It’s a relative newcomer to the food industry in terms of being used as Beyond Meat is doing..
Methylcellulose are used in drugs to promote / enhance stool production, bind other ingredients in a drug, and in the production of capsules for drug dosages.
So when you order your “McPlant”, understand that you’re also eating a serving of EMULSIFIED, PROCESSED WOOD CHIPS that will make you want to use the bathroom — think Metamucil.


Sounds like these FAKE MEAT burgers are really crappy.

Concerned Virginian

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo News Conference
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo holds a news conference. Following remarks he is asked by reporters about the department’s transition plans. “There will be smooth transition to a second Trump Administration”, he says. “We’re in good shape.”
Because there is no necessity of a transition.


Posted on LIFELOG, let the snowflake meltdowns commence!



Just coming to post that!
Hear him say it!!!


Google has already Biden is inaugurated President in 2017 –


GOOGLE is NOT our friend…
they won’t even be good turned into a “public utility” as they LIE, about almost everything


Google jumps ahead of the Electoral College. image

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, this is going to be a hoot when they have to walk back all these false starts.


Snowflake meltdown is epic.


ahhh…he’s one biden short of a crime spree…where’s JOE’S name?????


That is what they are and the Oligarchs and media were complicit hid it from the media.
People who voted for Biden never knew the truth and that is criminal.

Sue Mcdonald

Well mr.Grassley someone got left out ,where is Joe right now? And nasty nan and I spy dichi??? There all agents of chyna if you ask me,which you didn’t but it’s still true!

Valerie Curren



Goes up there with the Office of Shadow President that ozero had and the Office of Mythical President Killary Clintoon

Valerie Curren



we got NC! (not a huge surprise, but still good news!!!)


Ah – not sure about Peoples Pundit – while the senate seat may have been won – dunno how anyone can call a state without certification – so not understanding that part.


That ‘Decision Desk HQ’ has been all over the board – can’t like them – and Peoples Pundit follows them, too – * Sigh *




I want to get excited about ‘something’ – but, until these states ‘certify’ their results – how can we believe anything we hear and/or read?


Watching Newsmax – and they are calling NC for Trump, too – and Tillis win, too.


I saw that too. 🙂


Deplorable Patriot

Wow. Even Eventbrite. Not my favorite registration software by any means, but more functional than so many others.
Their investors must not be happy.

Valerie Curren

I can dream can’t I?

Valerie Curren

RealClearPolitics and
B 259 = 11 Gap … after including
• ME1 1
• MI 16 – 100% Fraudulent Mail-ins
• MN 10 – 6.8% Gap
• NE2 1
• NH 4 – 7.2% Gap
• NM 5 – 11.6% Gap
• NV 6 – 2.7% Gap – Investigations Multiplying
• VA 13 – 9.7% Gap
• WI 10 – 100% Fraudulent Mail-ins
T 214 = 56 Gap … after including
• ME2 1
• NE 3
OUTLOOK for President Trump WIN:
T +18 Up-for-Grabs Leads
• AK 3 – 54k Lead @ 2:1 all week
• NC 15 – 90k Lead that’s held up all week
= T 232
T +47 Up-for-Grabs Litigation-Momentum
• AZ 11 – – 15k Gap – Gap cut in half over weekend (100k votes to tally) – Will RECOUNT
• GA 16 – – 8k Gap – Gap shrinking – Inside margin to trigger RECOUNT
• PA 20 – 100% Fraudulent Mail-ins (Violated SCOTUS Order to segregate) – 37k Gap
= T 279
T +32 Flips-from-Biden – Litigation-Momentum
• WI 10 – 100% Fraudulent Mail-ins – 21k Gap – RE-CANVASS will be Fair & Transparent
= T 289
• MI 16 – 100% Fraudulent Mail-ins – 146k Gap [Senate-James – 90k Gap]
= T 305
• NV 6 – 36k Gap – Investigations Multiplying

Valerie Curren

So I’m under the weather & sleep deprived, but that’s what I heard…


get some sleep and take good care of yourself Valerie!!!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks, Pat. I’m going to finish listening to Mark Steyn, filling in for Rush, then some shut eye. Blessings!


Blessings back to you!!!
sleep well!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Pat 🙂

Valerie Curren

What a beautiful world that would be!!!


Life Shot of Cavuto right now!!

Valerie Curren

Not all that’s cracked up to be 🙂

Sue Mcdonald

Ok which one of you found that of pic of my hubby fixing the toilet?🤣

Valerie Curren



The Republicans are starting to show that they have balls.
Reporter: “Senator, have you congratulated Vice President Biden yet?”
Sen. Ron Johnson: “No.”
Reporter: “Why not?”
Johnson: “Nothing to congratulate him about.”


Ohhhhh burn! Where’s my Loki pic?!


Where is Pence? I have not heard him fight? Maybe he should not do not know?


Good point. But its really about Trump not Pence…
But I know what you mean.






Nov. 9, 2020
“According to the Federal Aviation Administration, Pence is scheduled to travel to Sanibel, Florida, Tuesday through Saturday. Pence has vacationed on the island along Florida’s Gulf Coast several times previously.”

Valerie Curren

comment image


LIVE NOW: 2020 Election results on Newsmax TV

Valerie Curren

Magnificent Melania!!! What a class act

Valerie Curren

Meme thread possibilities?
Carpe Donktum!!!

Oh my goodness, Lefties–blech!

Valerie Curren

Be careful with these many of these videos may actually be FAKE!!!


Not likely fake, just very hard to prove.


Yep,,, copied their ballot so they could troll us later//honestly surprised they didnt do it the other way to try to imply Trump supporters were doing it


The cat is out of the bag….


Ok how the H3LL does one block a poster on GAB…I’ve tried twice… to block @tigerh2. it is not just their language, but I swear they are using a KKK manual or something, Blocked them twice and they still on my threads


I’m having that same problem with someone else, plus a number of other problems and glitches with Gab. It probably has to do with the huge number of people joining right now. They are being deluged with new people.


TY–seems this tiger guy even belows to the Q group…go read their posts DAMN—look at their response when I said I didn’t trust Dr. Fauci


Guys I only said I did not trust Fauci and this was their reply back just noticed they below the Q group too so posting their reply not only is their posting language horrid, but Tiger has many many otherreally hate filled posts, tiger sounds more like a weird democrat  kinthenorthwest Yeah because the Jews are thieves they’re stealing the votes we have video evidence of it hundreds a video evidence
Felt she has done the same shit 10 years ago they were unoriginal of course they cook the books they are thieves n liars
jews n thier lies
Fauci is a fucking gremlin scuzophrehic twofaced Jew gate is a poisonous spiteful fucking demonic genocidal maniac Jew
All Jews have schizophrenia they are back stabbers they are two-faced people need to get that through your head real quick before they get poisoned by these fucking things


I’ve noticed that sometimes I have to block a second time.
I always have to reload the page for their comments/replies to disappear.
BTW, word is that Parler is now blocking links to a legit site, per NeonRevolt.


Gave up on Parler they want too much infor its like you can’t post media unless you give them your first born, nope
I do believe others should to
Seems that wewe and parler is where most are goin


I’m watching the ‘Beijing Fake Market Spree!’ that DP posted. Look how pushy they are. its all about the money
He has other video’s up FYI


This is a great little twitter news feed –….

Valerie Curren

Twitter suppressing Pro-Trump Pro-American Rallies!

Sue Mcdonald

This is an email I sent to my sis regarding how POTUS will show leftists and unbelievers the truth and also those seeming to be giving up.
All POTUS will do is show the evidence it’s all he needs to do.the truth is the TRUTH. you can kick against the TRUTH all day long it won’t fall it stands on its own.
The truth being a double edge sword is fascinating to me.our Lord told us the truth about that double edge sword in exact terms.think about it, when people lie and manipulate or massage the truth what ends up happening? That double edge swords rips those lies to shreds and the truth that was smothered underneath  is still there standing for all the world to see wether they like it or not. God knows the darkness better then all of us he knows it’s intent that’s why he tells always to keep our light of Christ burning bright ,it scares the darkness to death!
As for people who are giving up …well fortitude is a hard commodity and is in short supply during times like these.weak minded folk walk away when things get hard .if we stand together we will not fall and usually it’s a ragtag band of brothers that are left when the field is cleared right. So I say as I have always said throughout my life ,just put my head down and keep on moving forward cause I can’t go back .lol hell I’ve gotten hell from a lot of family for a lot of things some right some wrong but I just put on my bull face and keep going.its all we can do.i have made my choice and my stand and I will say it now ,I stand God and the saviour our Lord Jesus Christ.this is my hill from which I will not retreat in fear of what happens next. I spit in the face of this virus for the same reason.people think that living is the end all be all and they will go extremes to preserve there lives when in the end we all die anyhow. I have been in that valley and found Jesus waiting there to have a chat with me about life and beyond,he changed me that day and forever.i am not afraid of death any longer how can I be afraid when all I’m doing by dying is going home? Pray for the weak minded ones they may have strength to go forward.this isn’t going to easy at all in fact it will be hard but sis we were put here in this time and in this place by the almighty for just this time.he will see us through to the end.
Show quoted text




Cool, calm and collected.


Great start, Josh!


Trish Regan is Back!
Sebastian Gorka DrG
Tune in to #AMERICAFirst today as
fills in for me!
Watch LIVE:


Trump is putting trusted people in key positions.
In addition to replacing Defense Secretary Esper with Chris Miller, Kash Patel has been named his new Chief of Staff.
(Patel was an aid to Devin Nunes and helped write the famous “Nunes memo.”)
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) November 10, 2020


For those keeping score, Patel is the second former Nunes aide to be named to a senior national security post in as many days, after Michael Ellis was tapped for the NSA general counsel job. Both are views by Democrats as brazen political operatives.
— Dustin *Get Your Flu Shot* Volz (@dnvolz) November 10, 2020


Well, all DIMs aare “Brazen Pol Ops” right? (Nothing like a little projection from those DIMs)


so I gotta share this…
there was an article this morning, much in the same vein as the Pompeo et al about welcoming the “transition” team. it was about how our gracious and lovely First Lady did not, as yet, reach out to Jill Biden.
yes, read that again…she did not reach out to Jill.
why on earth would she?
it’s not like it’s a slow news day guys…there’s MAJOR HEADLINE STORIES unfolding before your eyes…but you gotta pick at this non-thing to chew on???


They can’t tell the truth, they’re in denial about the fraud. So for them, it IS a slow news day.


And they have forgotten “the laptop from H3LL” …
Joe AND Jill have committed crimes against our Country…
He can never be president…
Why would our FLOTUS, who believes her husband was cheated, reach out to any DIM, much less one who is the Co-Head of a CRIME FAMILY…
Go pound sand you ignorant DIMs………….

Sadie Slays

“but you gotta pick at this non-thing to chew on???”
Yes, because this is one of the biggest psy-ops ever inflicted on this country. Gotta rile up the masses as much as possible to cause maximum psychological trauma when President Trump officially wins the election. The narrative is their most important and effective weapon right now.


what buttheads!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They’re cocking the gun with “Biden won mythology”. Very evil CCP-DNC tactics.


Great meeting with @SenateGOP today! Told them We’ll Keep Fighting until every LEGAL Vote for President @realDonaldTrump is counted & we’re going to Keep Fighting to send @Perduesenate and @KLoeffler Back to a Republican Majority in the Senate! See you in Georgia next week! 🇺🇸
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) November 10, 2020


Pat thanks for the post Pence is well 🙂


there was talk he is taking a vacation in FLA or some sunny beachy place…I will see what i can find


I guess they all need a vacation except POTUS who is at work 24/7 🙂


LULZ. Found someone sharing this on LIFELOG. Glad to see things are getting around despite all the blocks.
~ ~ ~
💥💥💥💥Now you understand why he was playing golf today 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💣💣💣💣💣
On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west of the White House to watch the results come in.
Know what is there?
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. (SCIF)
The kind used by Army intelligence cyber security division.
One of the first things you’ll notice when you open this article is the red castle. Those who follow random letters of the alphabet will recognize it immediately.
They were monitoring the fraud in real time.
They knew which states were using the voting machines loaded with HAMMER & SCORECARD.
(Software developed for the CIA to manipulate voter tallies remotely in foreign elections.)
It was just deployed against the American people.
Tom Fitton & Sydney Powell put it right in your face
Dr Charlie Ward (Currency Broker & Hotel Contractor – Trump Insider) describes the deployment of this Sting Operation to trap those involved in election theft.
The Federalized National Guard were pulling around the clock duty in at least 16 states to trap these monsters.
All the swing states currently involved in the theft are on the list.
The SCOTUS ordered all ballots received after the deadline in PA be segregated from those received on time.
There will be a ballot audit.
Recounts are conducted by the same people/election boards as the first count.
Audits are conducted by armed fraud investigators.
State Legislators pick electors.
Republicans control both houses of the PA State Congress.
Guess who controls both Houses of State Legislatures in the other swing states?
You guessed it…
Check Mate.
If I were any of these Democrat officials involved in this colossal elecxtion fraud, I would be seeking asylum in a non-extradition country immediately.
Trust your President.
Trust God and Trust the Plan!
Tom Graham.
If you’re wondering if what has been revealed above is true, I can tell you that the Twitter account for Tom Graham is followed by General Flynn, 😎
Food for thought 🤔🤔🤔🤔
“New intel from from a local friend always in the know:
Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale. It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional
mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote. This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party that has power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by Republicans.and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar even will take place. This is The law. This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January. The only way President Trump won’t be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen. So stop watching the fake news and don’t let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will all work out. President Trump will remain President. I have researched all of this and it is Fact!
Another fun fact, they called Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000 until the courts ruled against him and declared Bush the winner. And two people that were part of Bush’s legal team were none other that new Supreme Court Justices, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed?”

Deplorable Patriot

“Guess who controls both Houses of State Legislatures in the other swing states?
You guessed it…
This being the case…how many of those Dem governors got to the mansions honestly?????
Even some of the RINOs like my governor.
Methinks a lot more is going to come to light from sea to shining sea, not just in the swamp. The machines in all 50 states have to be taken down.


I agree… give me paper any day.

Sadie Slays

And not just in America. I suspect the real reason Europe is locked down right now is because when all of the systemic fraud hits the public consciousness, then people across the world are going to start asking uncomfortable questions about their own elections.


KILLER Post-of-the-Week, MichaelH.


This could be the MOAB we’ve been WAITING FOR.
• EVERY Ballot Sequestered.
• EVERY Machine Sequestered.
Nationwide Investigations of ENTIRE ELECTION SYSTEM.
• EVERY Participant FBI-interviewed ON TAPE.
• Heh-heh … Interview Questions from review of NSA Database.
• ALL Voting Machine Selectors-Providers-Coders-Servicers-Users interviewed ON TAPE.
• Heh-heh … Interview Questions from review of NSA Database


Christina Bobb: Trump won. Dems woke the sleeping giant.


She’s good! OANN. 😊 👍


Says “Last Hope, Fight Like Hell! That’s the only message we need to hear.



Acting like Biden is not even a thing 👍🤣😂🤣👍

Valerie Curren

BEWARE of California “Concession” that flipped House Seat!
It’s designed to ELIMINATE STANDING to demand an Orange County RECOUNT!
Demo☭rats are DESPERATE to prevent DISCOVERY of FRAUD in Orange County
… that becomes a COMPARATIVE BASELINE to identify FRAUD in EVERY California County!


Same goes for the North Carolina “Concession” for Senator Tillis … and POTUS Win.
DESPERATE to avoid a Recount that would REVEAL the Who-Where-How of their Election Fraud Machine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree. They’re “bargaining”. We want to destroy their scam utterly.

Gail Combs

Rino Tillis for D-Rat Cooper as Gov is no “Concession”
Judicial Watch Finds Millions of ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls – Warns California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Colorado, Virginia to Clean Up Voting Rolls or Face a Federal Lawsuit
Challenger Dan Forrest needs to go after the NC voter fraud.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Damned good point!


Thanks for that ‘heads up’ BKR………………


I’d like to point out that Bob Dornan was defeated in 1996 in Orange County, Ca by Loretta Sanchez, by fewer than 1,000 votes. There were approximately 2,000 votes by “illegals.” Sanchez had never voted in any election.
If you read Bob’s bio, you will be so impressed by the man.
Dems have been stealing elections for years. May the Lord say “Enough” and help us to bring this to an end! Please!


Bob was terrific.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that Trump can have “ultimate victim status” and “ultimate moral standing” when this is over, to make utter destruction of voter fraud one of his biggest campaigns for the next 4 years.


Perhaps Federal lawsuit can open up CA, NC and all states with Dominion.
once it is proven Dominion is flawed in a number of states, perhaps a savvy lawyer can figure a way to get at the state wide data in CA, NC…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And when this is over, pols CANNOT be invested in companies that produce technology used in elections.

Gail Combs

It is not JUST Dominion.
Remember the US Army just grabbed the computers in Frankfurt Germany. I am hoping the voter fraud in ALL states is blown wide open.



Valerie Curren

What a fascist, no communist, no socialist, no demunist–I’m so confused!


Kim Kardashian (who I have never watched or heard of except through second hand reports and articles, I think her claim to fame is being the daughter of one of O.J.’s corrupt lawyers): image


She tweets her LOVE (three hearts) for the Harris-Biden administration.
Thanks for dropping your mask, Kim.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gee, I thought she and her hubby were making pro Trump noises once.


Fair Weather Friends. She just made hubby seem fickle.


She was part of the whole get Alice Johnson out of jail movement. Remember when she went to the WH and how “grateful” she was to POTUS? Once a whore, always a whore. Weak, and addicted to attention.


Guess why Kanye set up his Campaign to steal votes from POTUS.


She kept begging Trump with jail reform and now she loves on the guy who send the people to jail. Same with Harries. Kardashian is a fraught wonder if her husband the wanna be President is one also?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She NEEDS Hellywood to keep loving her – her main job is simply “being famous”. That’s only possible if she fawns over the Dems.


wait…and I apologize cuz current who’s doing what to whom eludes me…but isn’t she married to Kanye who was also running?


See above.🙄


her claim to fame is being the daughter of one of O.J.’s corrupt lawyers—- I thought it was the sex tape that no one wanted to see.
She always tries to say Kanye is nutty….


Non political comment..just catty..I saw pix of their island getaway vacation from the covid. All of those girls have the weirdest bodies. When they carefully stage their booty or boob pictures you don’t notice but when you see their entire bodies with bikinis on..very strange looking imo.


The butt-jobs?
They look like freaks.
But they live in a bubble where nobody will tell them to their faces (or to their butts) 😁


“I thought it was the sex tape that no one wanted to see.”
I thought that was Paris Hilton, whose claim to fame is being born to a hotel chain owner.


Well that too. I can’t keep track of the tapes. But I recall Kim’s mother sent the tape out because well more PR. Something very wrong with that ‘family’


There was a tape, and her “mother” promoted it.


Look at this. I was DENIED access even with a court order. What are they hiding in Philly. Election Fraud.
— Corey R. Lewandowski (@CLewandowski_) November 10, 2020


look who else joined POTUS’s legal team. hmmmmmmm
BREAKING REPORT: Fox News TERMINATES Trey Gowdy after joining Trump’s Legal team…
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) November 10, 2020


I thought that was debunked yesterday. News from last year that never really worked out.
Gowdy talks a good game. Have NEVER seen Gowdy deliver anything productive.


someone is seeing the writing on the wall?????
Dr. Anthony Fauci says Donald Trump firing him would not help ‘common goal’ of ending pandemic
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) November 10, 2020


BYE FAUCI. Our new common goal is to EXPOSE, implicate, indict, try, and then HANG you.


FauXi has no common goal with president Trump. President Trump is America First. FauXi’s priority are face time, money and generate his self imporatnce through skeering folks.



Why is a FEDERALLY FUNDED organization that uses OUR TAX dollars trying to BAN people that do not subscribe to GROUPTHINK? You get paid with TAX dollars – the First Amendment should defended by you not attacked!#DefundNPR
— ToRE (@TweetWordz) November 10, 2020


We should ALL be on the list.
Then there will be a list of a couple hundred pathetic fools, with a list of name 330,000,000 names long.
Come and get us, you chicken fascist traitors 😁
And you know what happens next, don’t you?
The LIST comes after you 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Probably could use a little clean up: “Then there will be a list of a couple hundred pathetic fools, with a list 330,000,000 names long.”


WAKE UP JOE…you’re still dreaming, man. you ain’t POTUS yet…keep holding your breath–that’ll help!!!
Biden’s team considering legal action to force formal transition of power
— New York Post (@nypost) November 10, 2020


LOL they CAN’T anymore than I can. Biden has NOT been certified by EITHER the various secretaries of state OR the Electoral College. Go ahead FOOL, embarrass yourself FURTHER. IF Biden even attempts this it is basically TREASON, and a coup. The MSM have as much power in this process, legally, as I do, IE NONE.


Maybe Jake Tapper or Anderson Hooper (lol) can make an official announcement on the steps of CNN or possibly a panel of the most illustrious talking heads..that’s got to be officially official.
Me thinks the mocking bird programming glitched on 70 million people….we resisted the msm universal lie that they somehow are part of the govt process and can determine elections


Jake Tapper was trying to intimidate people by insinuating that anyone who didn’t support the Harris-Biden coup wouldn’t be able to get jobs in the future.
The problem is, he’s too chicken to say that to anyone’s face.
Because he’s a Chicken Tapper.
He taps chickens.
And I won’t say where.


FauXi has no common goal with president Trump. President Trump is America First. FauXi’s priority are face time, money and generate his self imporatnce through skeering folks.Joining Jake, Anderson will be chrissy, George Stephanopolous, Guthrie bitch….
And to really show they officially speak for America, Oprah and Joyless with the Vieew bitches.
Then, we’ll know they seriously have the law on their side.
Fuck’m all.


It’s embarrassing watching these goofs.
Go for it, Pedophile Joe.
Make our day, you creepy old child molester.


I can’t wait to see someone make a video about all this!!!


Hideous ghoul.

Concerned Virginian

Substitute “HILALRY CLINTON” every time the name Joe Biden appears.
Methinks she’s “arranged” it to be the “HEAD CAPO” of the “INNER CIRCLE” of Biden’s handlers.


Insert President Elect Hilary just to troll the bitch.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I knew it. They’re creating COUP PRETEXT.
I hope we have all the legalities in place to keep that sick criminal traitor’s mitts off “the football” should he try to claim it or steal it using a “terrorist” incident.


These are DEEP-STATE-CASTRATION appointments:
Trump is putting trusted people in key positions.
In addition to replacing Defense Secretary Esper with Chris Miller, Kash Patel has been named his new Chief of Staff.
(Patel was an aid to Devin Nunes and helped write the famous “Nunes memo.”)
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) November 10, 2020
For those keeping score, Patel is the second former Nunes aide to be named to a senior national security post in as many days, after Michael Ellis was tapped for the NSA general counsel job. Both are views by Democrats as brazen political operatives.
— Dustin *Get Your Flu Shot* Volz (@dnvolz) November 10, 2020


WAIT till Rudy ios named AG, and Grinnell is FBI director. Flynn might be CIA head too. (once cleared)


What happened to Meadows, the apparently former chief of staff?


Doesn’t he have the bug?
I’m not sure.


He messed up during PT’s CV attack – I think – his position went to his head – not a leader – imho


After further reading, it appears that Patel has been appointed as chief of staff to the new Defense Secretary.
I misunderstood!


Yes, he is – and he is quite an impressive guy, too – his credentials are outstanding!!!


He has WuFlu. So does Bossie, Carson, and 4 campaign staffers.


BACK TO THE FUTURE (the unknown part 4 version…..)
“Over 51,000 [Absentee Pennsylvania] ballots are marked as returned just a day after they were sent out…Nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out.”
“More than 23,000 have an impossible return date—earlier than the sent date.”
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 10, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is just insane.

Sadie Slays

Deplorable Patriot

My grandparents who didn’t drop dead due to a 4-pack a day smoking habit, lived to be 87, 88, and almost 89 – and only one died on the family schedule.
Take a hike Zeke. I’m here so long as the Almighty wants me here.


Progress used to be measured by increasing life expectancy
Today’s “progressives” measure progress by decreasing it


Can we change their name from ‘progressives’ to ‘depressives’? They want to kill everyone one way or another – and they will not stop at that unborn, either.


Personally I like “regressives” but that’s still too good a term for them


Works for me, too – their ‘death cult’ culture is depressing – no respect for life – if it does not adhere to their ‘standards’.


Definitely the cult of Moloch

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’re progressive, though.
Not as in “progress.” As in “cancer.”


Agree, Steve – evil is good – and – good is evil.


“Why I hope to Die at 75”
I hope he’s 75 now.


Well, Biden is 77.
He’s past his “termination date.”
Anytime, Joe, anytime.




Affirmative action TV 2020.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CBS has pledged to diversify the casts of its non-scripted shows.
The network has announced a new diversity initiative that will require its reality shows, such as “Survivor,” “Big Brother,” “The Amazing Race” and “Love Island,” to include casts that are 50% Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), reported CNBC.


Well BYE to CBS too, no news bench, and NOW you will have no programming.


CB what? Never heard of it. RIP ratings.


i almost hate to tell them that simply by qualifying with these words , non-scripted shows……they opened the pandora box of ‘ not enough’, ‘should be ALL shows’….wait for it.

Sadie Slays

It’s still demoralizing propaganda whether it’s a 100% white cast or a 50% cast.


Praying Medic Retweeted
Chuck Lindell
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, one of the biggest Trump boosters in Texas, says he’ll pay up $1 million to encourage and reward those who report voter fraud. If info leads to arrest/ conviction for voter fraud. expect at least $25,000, he says.

Brave and Free

Just throwing this in the mix too.
Sidney Powell brings up the Hammer and Scorecard possibility………
Who’s the judge that lets PA accept late postal ballots?
Why Emmett Sullivan who won’t dismiss the Flynn case???
What may General Flynn possibly know about…….. could that be the Hammer and Scorecard?
Brings new meaning to why they need him not to speak.
Also why he’s confident like PDJT is………


As I said previously Hiden and the other Deep State Traitors are cut-off from any meaningful intel.
Praying Medic
Traitors are not entitled to receive intelligence reports.
Quote Tweet
Kyle Griffin
· 11m
Joe Biden is not getting intelligence reports because Trump officials won’t recognize him as president-elect.
Biden transition officials confirm that Biden’s not receiving the President’s Daily Brief, the intel report that goes to senior U.S. officials.


Biden and family are national security risks/liabilities. He must never be President.

Sadie Slays

And this is why I’m not the least bit worried. If the courts don’t stop Biden, then President Trump and the US military will under wartime emergency powers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. He’s CCP. The Laptop From Hell is enough to keep Beijing Biden from ever setting foot in the White House, IMO.

Gail Combs

Extradite him and his crackhead son to the Ukraine to stand trial instead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT would cause some ‘Tifa ‘Splodeyhead!!! 😀

Valerie Curren

INCOMING! or outgoing? LOL
Director of the CIA Gina Haspel just walked into McConnell’s office, per Capitol Hill pool.— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) November 10, 2020


Bet she’s reporting on the Biden-China connections/compromises.


I doubt she is doing anything that doesn’t involve her active participation in the Coup, especially meeting with Cocaine Mitch.
Probably doesn’t want to risk electronic coms.
Same concern I had yesterday about Rip Van Barr.


Said it before, I KNOW Mitch, he is FIRMLY on Team Trump. I bet you didn’t know what we three have in common, we ALL went to the SAME school.


“Said it before, I KNOW Mitch, he is FIRMLY on Team Trump.”
Then how is it that he runs an entire team of Decepticons who continually operate against American interests, going back decades?
All the usual bad characters.
And the SSCI. Are we supposed to pretend Cocaine Mitch doesn’t know the SSCI’s intimate involvement with the entire Coup, from day 1?
“I bet you didn’t know what we three have in common, we ALL went to the SAME school.”
Lots of people went to the same school.


Mitch is not in the SSCI, he is on the gang of 8.

Deplorable Patriot

Same school?


Yep, Haspel too.


There was massive voter fraud in GA executed through absentee ballots (approximately 1.6M cast). @GaSecofState Raffensperger knows what he did when he entered into a consent order in litigation with Democratic Party.
Change violates equal protection & not by legislature.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 10, 2020


They are worried the steal scheme isn’t going to work.


The courts don’t decide who is president, despite their protestations to the contrary.


That sick pedophile should be very careful about using words like ‘force’.


they know they won’t win… they want to be sure the “narrative is Trump wouldn’t leave the WH, he’s not legit”


They wanted to spoil his landslide! Leftists are spiteful, petty, vindictive, envious….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Democrats had to HIDE the rejection of their party from their dwindling base.


Good point. I didn’t think about that – they always think politically and about holding onto power.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a very exponential thing. The Dems have to FAKE at least 50% approval. Fall below 40% and it’s panic. They’re all about WHAT PEOPLE THINK – not reality.


You NAILED it Georgia…

JW in Germany

YUP! That’s why I wrote this before election coverage started on election day.
JW in Germany
November 3, 2020 at 15:08
Honestly, I believe anything beyond 40 to 50 million votes for Biden is fraud. I simply do not believe that it is that close…even if President Trump were to barely win. I believe the propaganda machine has programmed so many to believe…to include many Trump supporters…that a close Trump win would be legitimate.
My eyes, logic, and common sense tell me anything but a CLEAR Trump victory is simply not in the cards. I do not buy that there is that level of hatred for Trump to turn out 70+ million for Biden.
But keeping the appearance of a close Trump victory…gives Democrats cover to subvert Trump’s second term.
Turnout, turnout, turnout!!!


Most of the hate talk online are paid trolls.

JW in Germany

Saw one today with one follower. LOL


Democrat shenanigans in Georgia

They just don’t know any way but dirty!
By hook or by crook – that’s the Democrat way!


Yes, were going to have to tune back into this one. Maybe the good people of Georgia can invite out of state family and friends down for a short vacation. Should fix it just fine.


On that note, watch the convention centers and see if they suddenly have big venues around vote time.


It was a big, beautiful, clean, honest WIN!!!!

And he knows it!


New Group Calls for Trump Supporters to Be ‘Held Responsible’ Despite Calls for Unity
A former spokesperson for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and DNC Press Secretary has launched a new organization called “The Trump Accountability Project” with the stated goal of creating a list of Trump supporters and “remembering what they did.”


Uh That is so Hitler, Stalin Stasi Mao…….Welcome to Mao USA brought to you By the communist democrat Party…….(SC)


Like i said else where I ain’t being dragged out until my 38 is empty


It would be funny if on their accountability sheet of donors all kinds of unexpected names popped up…those silent ones who publicly are Blue but privately knew Trump was the best thing going.


Sort–but like have said to some liberals who think it is just fine, next they will come after you ..


New Group Calls for Trump Supporters to Be ‘Held Responsible’ Despite Calls for Unity”
This is GOOD.
I don’t want “unity” with this vermin traitor filth.
But they’re the ones who are going to be disavowing that they were ever democrats when this over, so we need to make sure to remember who these traitors are.
In the meantime, their desperate intimidation tactics are a welcome reminder of exactly the kind of filth these traitors are.
So when it’s time for reprisals, NOBODY GOES WOBBLY.


Was just warned to be careful of the websites with this information it might be one that will give you a virus.


Twitter Locks Lincoln Project Account Over Tweet Doxxing Trump Lawyers


Lincoln project exposes themselves
Twitter forced to do right thing to avoid liability
And, more evidence Twitter not a platform but a publisher


Reminder: if you live in #VA07 you need to know that Rep. Spanberger just found 14,000 votes for herself on a flash drive when she was behind in her race.
Totally normal. Nothing to see here. Who doesn’t have ballots on a missing flash drive, right?
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) November 10, 2020


OOPS..just posted the same. Didn’t refresh first!


Breaking: Philadelphia Chair of the City Commissioners Lisa Deeley, refuses to speak with Trump campaign attorney despite meeting with Democrat lawyers. What are you hiding @DeeleyforPhilly?! @realDonaldTrump @kayleighmcenany
— Philly GOP (@PhillyGOP) November 10, 2020


Current Actual Election Result Update: President Trump Leading In Electoral College With More Paths to Victory Than Biden


Project Veritas Has Recordings of Fed Agents Interrogating and Intimidating PA USPS Whistleblower Who Exposed the Backdating Ballots Scheme


Here’s the O’Keefe video update

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Starting to think that Obama “fundamentally transformed” the FBI.


Yes I hear you. Weaponize LEO shakedown intimidation = much badness.


Replying to
Red district that was barely flipped in 2018 thanks to millions spent. In 2020 it was reported an extra 100k people voted then 2018, highly unlikely.
Replying to
Would this be former CIA operative Spanberger??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CIA and CCP seem intent on something.


“CIA and CCP seem intent on something.”


Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani appears on NewsMax TV to outline the current state of multiple lawsuits being filed against states

Deplorable Patriot

Let’s see if this will pop bigger.comment image


I think there’s a LOT more than we really know!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey! Where’s GREENLAND?!!!


Oh it’s still there… still RED GREENland lolcomment image


BREAKING #Elections2020 Update: @MichelleSteelCA wins California’s 48th Congressional District by 1.8%.
Republicans have flipped 9 seats, for a +6 net gain!


Start the recount by hand


Spencer Ackerman
· 1h
Aaaaaaand the Pentagon just made Michael Flynn aide Ezra Cohen-Watnick acting undersecretary for intelligence.…



Enjoy the show!comment image


Gee, sure seems ALL MAGA business is about to PICK UP….I think some outstanding “accounts” just became DUE.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image


That’s HUGE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Text of poem:
While Dems moan & Bitch,
We find ballots in a Ditch,
And a software voting Glitch,
Bill Barr secretly visits Mitch,
Citizens are at a fever Pitch,
How is Joe Biden so Rich?
Fox News is a liberal Snitch,
Scorecard caused the Switch,
Where is Hillary the Witch?


Laughing so hard gave me a Stitch!!!


Perfect – Should be part of the poem!


Don’t worry, Trump will win in a cinch 😉


Trump will throw the winning pitch! – ?


an no election Grinch.



POTUS needs to get word out any place he can. Good for him 🙂


Thanks Hannity, it’s been great . . .
RIP “Hannity” show on Fox News
January 12, 2009 – November 11, 2020


^ Waiting for Fox New to cancel


It’s a showdown. Trump is trying Fox to see how far they will go.


Let them bury themselves. Trump News will be totally dominant media in less than a year.


I believe it! Major shifts.


Guessing President Trump will call in to Lou, Laura…
both get the word out and challenge Faux News.


Or cut away😈


He should be them to it.
He should spend his whole hour documenting all the Leftist BS going on at Fraud News, and then resign at the end of the show.


BEAT them to it.




John Basham 🇺🇲@JohnBasham
VIDEO: #Texas Senator @tedcruz Roasts Former @FBI Deputy Director #AndrewMcCabe For Using The Unconstitutional “Logan Act” To Target A Political Rival In Trump’s Incoming National Security Advisor Lt.Gen(ret) Michael Flynn (@GenFlynn). McCabe Refuses To Answer Cruz’s Questions.


McCabe is gonna look like natural in a prison orange jumpsuit.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We will not accept a MEDIA COUP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s incredible. I really think they need to go to jail. I mean, this is inexcusable.


The penalty for participating in a coup on behalf of a foreign adversary is DEATH.


Levin is telling is ordinance to go to Parler he is leaving Facebook.
Conservatives are bailing 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CIA / DNC / CCP control Twitter and Facebook. BUH-BYE!!!


In the words of Linda Richman, they can all just talk amongst themselves. 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe CCP Fake News can actually show them fake footage of Biden in the White House!


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Ballot Corruption will be exposed tonight at 9:00pmE on @SeanHannity on @FoxNews!


James Woods
The Left can put whipped cream on shit all they want, but 70,000,000 Americans are outraged about this befouled election. We don’t accept this fraudulent result, and none of us is inclined to bury the hatchet with a mob that lied, cheated, burned, and looted to get their way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



comment image




Not as President, anyway.


Besides, shit is still shit.


And you can’t shine shit.


Bury the hatch with fascists?
Not as long as heart beats and lungs draw breath, either in victory or defeat.


Why would even entertain using that phrase? At all.


Bury the hatchet in their forehead maybe.


President Trump will make public appearance on Veteran’s Day for weath laying ceremony.


comment image


comment image




The [CB]/[DS] are now making their move, time has run out, they are now putting all the chips on [JB], the establishment did not get the war so they are using the pandemic to push their reset. The royal family has made the announcement that is it on the way and they believe the US is on board. The [DS]/MSM propaganda is now starting to dull. The patriots have trapped the [DS], they have led them down this path for this specific reason, this was not about arresting a couple of people, it wasn’t about winning an election it was about returning the power to the people, we the people have now reached the precipice and it’s time to take back the power. All the pieces are in place. Trump and Pompeo sent the message, the constitution is the only way forward.


Fakebook is the PROJECTED LOSER!comment image


Ep. 2325a – The [CB] Moves Out Of The Shadows Into The Light, Trap Set
X22 Report Published November 10, 2020


Ep. 2325b – Trump & Pompeo Confirm Our Way Forward, Propaganda Begins To Dull, Panic Sets In
X22 Report Published November 10, 2020

Sadie Slays

Another high-profile visit to Mitch.


As leader of the GOPe, it is appropriate for all the GOPe cabal members to be meeting with Cocaine Mitch.
Interesting he met with Barr first.
Has POTUS flipped Mitch?


Mitch is a total turd, but he is a smart and clever turd. I guarantee he knows how to save his own neck.


I have been thinking and thinking about the significance of both Barr and Haspel visiting McConnell, and why exactly they would do that. This is my theory, what do you think?
Barr and Haspel know about Hammer and Scorecard, both valuable tools used in foreign countries by U.S. intelligence, but of course this is not something the public would understand and other countries can’t be allowed to know for certain exist. They also know that these were employed during this election to steal it, along with other more banal and usual methods the Dems always use. There was lots of cheating, but the intel programs were a big piece of it.
All of the intel agencies now KNOW Biden is compromised by China, Ukraine, and others, even if by some miracle they didn’t before. They know he can NEVER be President. They also know that Trump, and they, will have to ultimately use whatever means necessary to achieve that end, even IF it means exposing Hammer and Scorecard. They can’t just arrest him yet, that really would cause a civil war this close to a contested election. They couldn’t arrest him before the election for the same reason.
So they approach McConnell, tell him what’s up, and enlist him to help them rally the Repubs, band them together to help Trump as he exposes the more banal, normal cheating, and hoping and praying that will be enough to repair the broken election, while keeping their international voting-interference programs a secret. This limits the exposure of their tools AND keeps Biden out of the White House.
This is the only theory I have that makes sense of what happened with these players yesterday and today. And of course, Pompeo knows ALL about it. Trust Kansas. That laugh today said it all.


Well reasoned and very plausible.


comment image


Cool – Veterans and Gold Star Families will have free access to National Parks.


That’s just wonderful



This depth of this man is unfathomable. There is so much heartache in that visage, and not just about what he’s saying.


A True Patriotcomment image


“Let us fight as if this is the last fight we fight.”
“It’s not over until the last punch you have.”



True patriot. Those Fib assholes gave it away by referring to higher ups, senators, etc. Those “higher ups” need their asses carted off to Gitmo.


He’s not backing down and did not recant, on video. Third post from the top at


Yup, I know, it’s obvious from the video. Valerie below posted a link to a statement that said that and I referred her to the above video.



“….or were lost.”
Translation: destroyed or thrown away


or vanished into the ether.


this is part of their script


Time to rip it up


Unfortunately they will not be doing that for a while… “Lockdown” is their next big thing… they’re all about saving the CBs atm




Valerie Curren

A longer version of Sec Pompeo’s statement today – with Q & A! Pompeo doesn’t give an inch!

Valerie Curren

75–you die–sickos…


It shouldn’t “terrify” people, it should PISS THEM THE FUCK OFF!! 😡😡😡😡😡

Valerie Curren

I believe he’s just pulling back the curtain on Biden’s moves, not that Kirk believes that perspective is remotely appropriate…


Dear FG&C – Please calm down. Being blasted by the F word is like stepping in a stream of foul toxic fumes.


Profanity requires discretion. Or it’s a bad look.


It can feel like violence.


I meant more like sophomoric. Profanity needs to be seasoning, not the entree.


I love the passion, but the consistent tendency to point his blasters at those working on the same side makes me think if I were in the trenches with him, I’d find the other end of the trench.

Valerie Curren

All the marbles on the line!

Valerie Curren

DOD shake up!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Yertle IS Conan? 😉

Harry Lime

McConan the Barbariancomment image

Valerie Curren



Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Re-count NH by hand.

Valerie Curren



That’s NOT the real Sarah Huckabee account.
Look at it…it’s spelled “Hucklebee” instead of Huckabee.

Valerie Curren

OK, nice catch!


Valerie Curren

O’Keefe & USPS Hopkins

Valerie Curren

Hopkins video statement, NY Post bad guys again?

Tom F

Nice cover Richard.
Semper Fidelis!
(cover = hat)


He’s got a case against WaPo

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Fed agents of fraud!


Translation: You think what happened to this guy was bad? Wait till you hear the UTTER HELL these ROGUE AGENTS put us through!
And don’t think we don’t have tapes of it!!!

Valerie Curren

Ganging up on whistle blower


A little higher up on this same page, just a little below Wolf’s 1000 post, there’s a post showing Veritas released a video where this man had a recording of part of his interview with the Feds. He did not recant; they did use scare tactics on him.

Valerie Curren

This is very disturbing. Rule of law managed by the lawless!



I think that I heard that RSBN will be covering this Rally.

Valerie Curren

Chickens coming home to roost!


Totalitarians love culling the population for the flimsiest of excuses.

Valerie Curren

Unending & unimaginable evil they are!

Valerie Curren

Flynn-fluence 🙂


ACLU is going to try to make a stink.


Just like when they push legal vs illegal immigrants


Exactly – good point!


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Confirmed, 64-24: Executive Calendar #865 James Ray Knepp II to be a U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #863 Aileen Mercedes Cannon to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Florida.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Votes Scheduled: on Thursday, November 12th, under the regular order, at 12:00pm the Senate will proceed to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #863 Aileen Mercedes Cannon to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Florida.
6:32 PM · Nov 10, 2020·
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Replying to @SenateCloakroom
Further, if cloture is invoked, at 1:45pm on Thursday, November 12th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on confirmation of the Cannon nomination.


Like the sound of a bear trap snapping… OHIO dems thought they had the right judge for their steal…



Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Donald J. Trump
Andrew McCabe was exposed for who he is today in the U.S. Senate. He was totally destroyed – an ignorant fool. The great people of the FBI must make sure that he and his former boss, James Comey, pay the price for what they have done to the reputation of the FBI.



Such a great statement by Pompeo. He ALMOST held a straight face. 🙂


Do I understand this correctly.
CA – Rs flipped nine House seats?
We flipped a couple in FL. I believe one or two in FL. Other states I can’t recall.
Dominion software probably cheated another R candidate or two. They’ll get audits and recounts.
IIRC, we needed 17 seats to take the House.
Are we nearly poised to take the House?
Senate. WE should get John James seat in MI. GA audit and recount we should get at least one of those two seats this election. Runoff for the other.
Do we have hope for the CO Senate seat through audit and recount?
Any other seats?


Wasn’t there one in MI? I’ve lost track of what’s won and what’s stolen.


John James. I think he’ll win with audit/hand recount.


Last I saw there was 11 House races yet to decide so R’s could pickup more. Currently one R is ahead in CA, so they stopped counting. That means plotting to steal.🙄 Hoping part of POTUS’ MI vote cleanup has a positive outcome for James? We MUST win both senate seats in GA, LOSING IS NOT AN OPTION! Dems moving people to GA to vote, will be pouring tons of money, cheating every way they can.


Is there not a residency time requirement in Ga?




It will be a special election. Perhaps the legislature could meet, and pass a law regarding the special election.

Valerie Curren

POTUS picked up North Carolina today, right? And Tillis. It’s like you literally can’t find the news.


I’ve been sticking to


It says POTUS and Tillis pick up win. Far down the page on the left.


Newsmax also has it.
MSM IS useless…part of the conspiracy against President Trump.


Posted on LIFELOG:
Some good news tonight that the MSM won’t report 👍😎comment image


For sure.




ND, every supervisor that allowed it.


Fully agree. I vote for Gitmo


Twister says this twit is from a suspended account.
How long do they think they can drag out this war on Truth?


But the link does take you to the Spotted Toad twit:


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
I’m told @Project_Veritas is currently transcribing the full 2 hour USPS whistleblower intimidation tape and plans to release it in its entirety, raw and unedited

Concerned Virginian

Wow, Marr Goetz on Hannity’s TV show just a minute ago talking about “no matter who wins this election, we need to fix this [voting fraud / irregularities] so it never happens again.”
What’s up with Goetz? Is he behind POTUS or not?


Yes, He is with POTUS (IMHO)
Just has to be sly on the new FAUX SNOOZE.


Gaetz should talk straight. NOT be muzzled or intimidated by faux news or any other MSM shitbirds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. He should “push” on any rules. There are ways to do that, just like when Newt brought up Soros and gave them a “whut” shrug when there were ruffled lady feathers.


Speaking of whom, apparently that POS from little house on the prairie was let go recently.


“Gaetz should talk straight. NOT be muzzled or intimidated by faux news or any other MSM shitbirds.”
He’s a weak man.
Most of the political-class are, at least on the GOP side.
We project our own hopes onto them, but most of them are weak and pathetic quitters.
Or traitors.


I watched most of Hannity.
I can’t say that there was anything truly revelatory unless it came out during the last 15 minutes which I skipped, but that may be because I have been glued to this site since Nov. 3.
I understand that they have a lot of evidence of voter fraud but they were hedging, imo, about whether it was “enough” and also speaking with some level of discouragement about the length of time things take through the courts,
Someone OT said that we will have a better chance in the courts if they start indicting guilty people right now. I agree.
I sat there listening to this and how they need to clean up voting methods and this and that should be done no matter who wins and all I could think is do these people realize that none of it will matter unless President Trump gets back in?
The left did this under a Republican administration. How can they think we will ever again have a chance at a clean election if we sit back and let these dirty politicians have total control of the process???
I am hoping someone else watched and got happier news out of it.


Thank you for your report LM…


I wish it was a better report Phoenix.
Last few days kind of tough and might have gotten in the way of how I heard things.
Thank you for moral support.


I think for most it IS like a roller coaster… part of these early days are deliberate I believe… again, letting peeps SEE what these DIMs are like… I’m confident that POTUS had such a landslide that the DIMs got sloppy, throwing every trick they’ve ever used into the mix. There’s tons of evidence. And other races are involved, so we should count as much as we can… I believe we won the House. And a wider margin in the Senate. And some of the DIMs, not the crooks, or the Party Hacks, but decent peeps who have always vote Democrat and just now are seeing them for their crimes… well, they need to see that. We have support here in each other… we’ll get through this. God bless you LM…


God bless you too, Phoenix.
You are right, the support here is so important and you are such a big part of that.
And there are still good people on the other side who need to see the truth and will change.
I believe that we won the House and the Senate as well. It is heartening to see that the people wanted to give the President support in all branches of the government.
The rage I feel towards those who seem to be telling me to passively accept this lying thievery they are calling an election is keeping me from seeking information most anywhere other than right here.
The information and encouragement you bring are treasured, as are you.
Thank you❣️


I try to remember when I rage against their gaslighting, their efforts to make us believe their lies… that they are few in number. Yes, they are evil, but they are destroying themselves with their lies… we are awake and do not believe them. Get some rest (((LM))) …


Ronna and Kayleigh laid out examples of fraud. We’re in evidence gathering mode right now. It takes time. Recieve report, talk to person, send to lawyer, draw up affidavit. Ronna cited 11,000 instances, Kayleigh, several hundred. After this the Canvass process starts. Priebus talked about dates that things need to happen, I kinda ignored, but the 18th is important. Pleasantly surprised to see Rubio on our side, he’s real worried about Sleepy in charge. Sean is Team POTUS. Tucker said he’s going to lay out evidence tomorrow night.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CCP-DNC-CIA fraud is falling apart rapidly.

More from Kayleigh. POTUS told us to watch to hear the evidence from K & R. He’s been tweeting up a storm, all censored of course.


“I sat there listening to this and how they need to clean up voting methods and this and that should be done no matter who wins and all I could think is do these people realize that none of it will matter unless President Trump gets back in?”
Every time I hear some defeatist traitor pretending to be on our side say “no matter who wins” I want to reach through the screen and choke him out.
Either they are CONTROLLED OPPOSITION or they are feckless, backstabbing, spineless snake-weasels.
Makes me want to strangle them to death with my bare hands, and watch their eyes bulge out.





Would be nice if she took a few pics or video. In any case, very pleased she is talking on the record.
Just had a thought. Wonder if there are any surveilence cameras around these buildings where ballots are dropped off. Including the van above where schmucks altered ballots.


Republicans have a chance to save the country.
They need to be united in loud moral outrage,
It is late but not too late….yet.
How could a decent country allow a man as corrupt as Joe Biden to run for its highest office? He should have been locked up in disgrace hears ago, and he would have been if our government officials had done their jobs.


I didn’t remember this Q drop. But he did indeed tell us that Kash Patel was a name to remember.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB.
Dems:comment image


Today feels frustrating. The vote fraud keeps going on. Seems like some potus bts stuff but it’s been a week and I want law and order now!


I think I’m also ticked off that we have to rely on the courts.


Today’s been good. We won NC. More lawsuits from Team Trump, State AG’s, more data gathered, more recounts, more House seats won. Don’t lose hope. Keep the Faith, Be Patient, and Keep Fighting. GOD WINS, WE WIN!
It’s a good time to be on twitter. Get an account, help POTUS fight. Ridicule the Dems. We need to show the power of 70Million not backing down!!


Thank you Butterfly!
How absolutely wonderful to hear good news.


Do you remember 2000? Gore v Bush? Six weeks…




I believe part of the plan is for what they don’t win in votes, recounts included, already picked up N.C. they shall totally demolish in credibility so that the states themselves will not ask for certification come 6 Jan and thus negate the electoral votes. Kind of like a two track way of winning and we haven’t looked at what the supreme court is going to do yet. So I think it’s possible there will be three tracks. Today’s been great 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHOA! An “uncertifiable election” – and we can blame it on CHINA and DEMOCRATS.


If anyone had any doubts about Ingraham:


Laura has been warned and treasures her faux news pay check.


She’s trying to play the middle and it pisses me off. She kept asking the WB why didn’t you say anything as you walked by the people filling out the ballots, over and over and over. Why have a WB on and be snarky? Same with Sydney, ‘how do you know that?’…like she’s trying to please her Masters.
When her show 1st started, she wasn’t Team Trump and I couldn’t stand to watch her. Then she figured out she’d get better ratings, so she got on board, IMO. She still jabbed POTUS here and there, told him what she thought he need to do. Laura has kids, she needs the money. She’s still a Conservative, will bash Sleepy’s policies, tell truth about WuFlu, yada yada. But she’s not going to have an audience to pander to anymore. Everyone is pizzled and walking away from Fox. I only watched because POTUS said to.


Everyone should walk awa from Faux news.
IF the Faux News personality can’t be fair, objective, why waste our time watching? Why would a conservative go on their shows? They should NOT.


I understand. BUT…POTUS and team has to get their messages out. Fox is still better than CNN and others. OAN and Newsmax are good, but they don’t have as big of a reach yet or an army of reporters. I haven’t watched for 2 days. I won’t listen to PE Sleepy talk. I’m picking stuff up from TW and bringing it here. It’s a round about way of getting the news w/o watching them.😉


This is infuriating to me, and I’m done with Ingraham. I can’t imagine what it must be like for Pres. Trump to see people who seemed to support him, jumping the gun and congratulating and complimenting Hiden. It must be 🔥.
We’re in a war. Do well-known conservatives not realize the peril the country is in? Do they not see the cheating? They have to see it. So, IMO, to see it and carry on as if it’s a normal election is to betray our country. They have made themselves part of the problem, when they could be using their huge influence for the good of America and for the truth. Ingraham isn’t even promoting the truth.
I don’t know if this is accurate, but here is Laura Ingraham’s net worth, according to
$40 Million
Laura Ingraham’s Salary
$15 Million Per Year
How much does a person need to make to enable them to take a stand?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Should only be said with sarcasm-dripping air quotes!


Yeah, I’ve been giving Virginia the side eye since I woke up the morning after the election. POTUS was ahead all the way, then suddenly the next morning, Biden was way up. No way!


I think you have to hand recount it all at this rate.


I saw it too. He was way ahead, then thousands dumped for Sleepy. Same as WI and MI, others.


Praise God!
If he wins Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania is that enough?


Michigan = 16. Georgia = 16. Pennsylvania = 20. That’s 52 EC votes. I don’t know if it’s enough.


Acording to the site promoted in a Lou Dobbs video below, Hiden has 212 and Pres. Trump has 219.
219 + 52 = 271, so that would be enough if that site’s assessment is accurate.

Valerie Curren

another Strange bedfellow

This is probably vanity & vexation of spirit, speaking truth to sour 🙂




This is mind blowing!
Do you have any idea who is going to do what about this?


Listen to Sydney. She discusses what they’ve found and her new plan. She’s going after the crooks!!!


Thank you, Butterfly.
I did listen. I’m a little concerned that she said that more needs to be done than is being done but very grateful that she has stepped up.


I’m glad to get confirmation that they have computer people working on the fraud. That confirms what we’ve been hearing. Team POTUS is on it!! 🤸‍♀️


Her website that is taking donations: (


Website has map where you can drill down and see fraud in each county. They’re tracking it all, stories, videos. Without fraud, POTUS pretty much wins all the states!!


You have to admit that PA has some really crazy post offices (Posted by another in earlier thread) Still can’t get over these numbers and stats.
“Over 51,000 [Absentee Pennsylvania] ballots are marked as returned just a day after they were sent out…Nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out.”
More than 23,000 have an impossible return date—earlier than the sent date
Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher via @epochtimes


[…] lieu of XVII droppings which are, ahem, on hold right now, in yesterday’s daily, we had this from our very own MichaelH which outlines some interesting […]


[…] michaelh November 10, 2020 at 15:38 Edit […]

Plain Jane

If I don’t get this posted again tomorrow, please someone re-post this. I suggest people print the prayer out.
He is a respected exorcist.
In His Name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature. By the power of the Holy Spirit and by His authority, I ask Jesus Christ to break any curses, hexes, or spells and send them back to where they came from, if it be His Holy Will. I beseech Thee Lord Jesus to protect us by pouring Thy Precious Blood on us (my family, etc.), which Thou hast shed for us and I ask Thee to command that any departing spirits leave quietly, without disturbance, and go straight to Thy Cross to dispose of as Thou sees fit. I ask Thee to bind any demonic interaction, interplay, or communications. I place N. (Person, place or thing) under the protection of the Blood of Jesus Christ which He shed for us.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary


AMEN –I will stand and sing-for I am not longer a child of fear for we’ve been liberated from our bondage. Let us sing our freedom…
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I am surrounded
By the arms of the Father
I am surrounded
By songs of deliverance
We’ve been liberated
From our bondage
We’re the sons and the daughters
Let us sing our freedom
You split the sea
So I could walk right through it
My fears are drowned in perfect love
You rescued me
And I will stand and sing
I am a child of God

Plain Jane


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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