Dear KAG: 20210310 Open Thread

How’s this for a fishing buddy?

A couple of things that came up yesterday you might have missed.

[If HOPIUM is needed, please ask for directions to the nearest Hopium Den. We’ll be happy to help you out.]

I was looking for a copy of a clip from the movie “Spies Like Us” where one character says to another about a question asked, “That information is given out on a need to know basis, and right now, you don’t need to know.” I couldn’t find one.

BUT that DID inspire today’s movie theme. “Dave” is a movie from almost 30 years ago where the REAL president has a stroke while in bed with his mistress, and a body double is used to cover for the fact that the real president is in a coma while succession plans are put in place.

Amazing, isn’t it, the number of hopium topics have actually been in the movies over the years. This one was actually done by Warner Brothers, not Castle Rock, but those set designers…talented bunch.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MATTHEW 5:17-19

17“Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. 18For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. 19Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

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Well, we’re halfway there.

Halfway where?

Halfway to wherever we’re going.

Where are we going?

Hell if I know.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

“The Best is Yet to Come!!!” – President Trump


On this day…
First Telephone Call
March 10th 1876

Today in 1876, the very first telephone call was made by Alaexander Graham Bell to his assistant Thomas Watson. The first words transmitted were “Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you.”

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Last edited 3 years ago by michaelh

And some of us remember when Dick Tracy’s watch radio was far-out fiction!


There are so many silly things….I remember when television programs were intentionally pre-distorted so that they’d look more realistic when displayed on curved-face Cathode Ray Tube televisions.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There were a number of TV’s sold in the late 80s where the picture tube had curvature, but ONLY in the horizontal direction. There was little (if any) curvature going from the top of the picture down to the bottom; it was as if the surface were a section out of a cylinder.

Screens were getting flatter back then, even though they were still CRTs. Some were, in fact flat, though I don’t know if they were CRTs or some sort of rear projection technology.


IIRC, SonyTrinitrons were cylindrical in cross section, because their three electron guns were in a line. Zenith was making some flatscreen CRTs….costly as heck.

BTW, did you see my 01:48 comment regarding EFF?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that was it, trinitrons!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The EFF event (it isn’t really an EFF event): I wish them luck.


THE MEDIA NARRATIVE IS THAT WHEN ANYONE — EVEN A LITERAL DUCHESS — COMPLAINS OF RACISM IT MUST BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. The public, as usual, is more sensible. Survey reveals public fury at the Sussexes as majority call for Harry and Meghan stripped of their titles, believe they said the wrong thing at the wrong time, do not deserve to be funded… and have damaged reputation of entire Royal Family.


Are we seeing a breakdown of the Media-Racism-Complex?


Delightful post, DP!!!

On a similar “politician abruptly disabled — imposter recruited” plot, there’s Heinlein’s “Double Star”, which may not be all that easy to find.

Deplorable Patriot

I was having a rough time of it last night. The Couch Commando just wouldn’t shut up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Camel Day.

And Joe Biden didn’t win day, but they all are, now.


EVERY day is bowb your buddy Biden didn’t win day!


Okay, serious question.

I am unable to locate the announcement about using Save America PAC at:

AND their donate link takes you to WinRed and that doesn’t seem like the right place.

What gives?

I found a tweet from Jr:


Important point to note since so many of you guys ask me where to donate To help the movement and the America first agenda my father started. DJT just said it… Donate to Save America PAC at Anywhere else is not us despite what they tell you.

The Hill has a story from Monday about it…
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Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was near the end of his CPAC speech – and I wrote it down when I heard it. He said to ONLY give to Save America PAC or


In this Wilderness of Mirrors, it will take diligence to ensure that things go to the right place.


They really need to get rid of WinRed. It sucks.


I’m pushing pack to those Republicans that are on Gab.


Went to and clicked on Contribute. Top right side.

Read all of the fine print. Much of the donate site has the look and feel of when we donated the past few years.

The WinRed aspect is concerning. WinRed prolly nothing more than commercial “service” or software that facilitates the transaction.

My bottom line. appears to be what I would donate to – 100% Trump’s PAC. NOTHING funneled to R-CON/GOP asshoes.

I did TRY the contact link on the website. It brought me to a page with no way to call or send a query. THIS does bug me. This is a glaring fundamental oversight.


The title on one of the Dave clips references James Newton Howard. At a time, a studio musician/arranger/producer/movie score guy who was BIG in the industry. Just for fun, he released an album “James Newton Howard and Friends” with another bunch of studio musicians (many of whom were “Toto”, when they toured together). There are a bunch of strange things about this album….

It was recorded by a specialty studio called “Sheffield Labs” as direct-to-disc. They’d start a lacquer-disc record lathe for the masters, and it came right out of the mixing board into the lacquer. They actually split the mixer’s output, and the CD version is “direct-to-digital”.

Every instrumentalist but one is playing a Yamaha DX7 synth. The one exception is Jeff Porcaro, on drums.

Each side of the album is one take, everyone playing together, for the entire side (including pauses between tracks). No sequencers, no ProTools, no overdubs, no remix.

And…..the name of the studio? It was on Sheffield Lane, Montecito…..down the hill from where one day Oprah and the Windsors would embarrass themselves.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I actually have that CD. I don’t do a lot of jazzy stuff, but that one was good (and not really like stereotypical jazz).


Out to the garage to grab a beer….it’s raining pretty good.

We’ll see if gil00 gets it tomorrow night.


Cool. I can’t see any of my posts made in the last hour.
First time that’s happened to me.
Will test refresh now…


I can see you here, now!


Yep, I’m seeing me too. Whew.


I went lookin’ at the qtree, just in case. I’d have been looking again, if you weren’t back.


I just did go look, just in case….. 😉


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Love this guys handle!
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It’s not the Sovietization of education.

It’s already here.

The Miseducation of America’s Elites
Affluent parents, terrified of running afoul of the new orthodoxy in their children’s private schools, organize in secret.
Bari Weiss
March 9, 2021

. . . When I began working on this story, I didn’t feel that much sympathy for these parents. Some 18 million public school children have not set foot in a school in the past year. A study released in early December by McKinsey and Co. found that virtual learning hurt all students, but students of color the most: remote school set them back by three to five months in math, for example. Such numbers do not begin to capture the crippling effects, including suicidal ideation, that this past year has had on what experts are already calling a lost generation.

The parents in this story are not parents with no other options. Most have the capital—social and literal—to pull their kids out and hire private tutors. That they weren’t speaking out seemed to me cowardly, or worse.

The cynical answer for their silence is two words: Ivy League. “There are definitively rumors that the school has like, say, three picks for Duke and that if you stand up against this your kid will get blackballed,” says one mother.

Another explanation is groupthink and social pressure. “Sometimes the smartest people are the easiest ones to fool,” says a father who recently moved his son from one school to another that he judges to be marginally better. “If you made a decision to go on the board of Dalton having espoused all these leftist views forever and you want your kid to get into Harvard, you are not going to stand up and say, ‘wait a second, guys.’ You’re just not going to do it. Most people want to be members of the club.”

I think it’s true that many people would rather violate their stated principles than be iced out of their social network. But this is a situation that goes beyond getting shunted to a bad table at the Robin Hood gala. To resist this ideology is to go against the entire institutional world.

It’s not just Dalton, a school that has committed to being “visibly, vocally and structurally antiracist.” Bain & Company is tweeting about “Womxn’s History Month.” The Cartoon Network is imploring children to “see color.” Coca-Cola employees were recently instructed to “be less white.” You cannot buy or sell the newly problematic Dr. Seuss titles on eBay. This ideology isn’t speaking truth to power. It is the power.

Most alarmingly, the ideology is increasingly prevalent at the local public school. The incoming New York City schools chancellor is a vocal proponent of critical race theory. In Burbank, the school district just told middle- and high school teachers to stop teaching To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men. The Sacramento school district is promoting racial segregation by way of “racial affinity groups,” where students can “cultivate racial solidarity and compassion and support each other in sitting with the discomfort, confusion, and numbness that often accompany white racial awakening.” The San Diego school district recently held a training in which white teachers were told that they “spirit murder” black children.

“I don’t mean to get emotional, I just feel helpless,” said one mother through tears. “I look at the public school and I am equally mortified. I can’t believe what they are doing to everybody. I’m too afraid. I’m too afraid to speak too loudly. I feel cowardly. I just make little waves.” Another tells me: “It’s fear of retribution. Would it cause our daughter to be ostracized? Would it cause people to ostracize us? It already has.”

. . . MORE . . .


“Such numbers do not begin to capture the crippling effects, including suicidal ideation, that this past year has had on what experts are already calling a lost generation.”


They’re not experts, they’re not ‘expert’ at anything.

They deserve to be punched repeatedly until they stop labelling children and purposely creating a Marxist victimization self-fulfilling prophecy.


LOL “experts”


Don’t look for expertise in fancy buildings — look where the rubber meets the road.

Deplorable Patriot

Navigating private schools can be a nightmare. Many of the administrators are no different than public school people.


Yeah unfortunately I realized that a little too late and didn’t have enough knowledge to connect the dots.

Deplorable Patriot

They’re all educated in the same places.


My granddaughter goes to a private school in CT. The school is also a boarding school. She invited us in the past to come for open house and teacher conference. My husband attendet the classes while I stayed in the library 🙂
He really knows good education and cannot be fooled and he was impressed.
This girl has applied to 5 Universities and has been accepted by all and is offered scholarships from all.
At 17 she has a good head on her shoulders has a job since she was 16 plus school, plus advanced calculus and physics and design.
We were surprised she got scholarships since she does not fit any categories minority or low income or first person attending college.
She was up to 6 grade in public school and her parents did not like what they saw. They live in a upper class neighborhood and school has a good reputation.
One has to be careful with private schools as with public schools. They are not all the same.
My son’s kids are all in public school do very well got good education. One grandson is in engineering at Purdue.

Concerned Virginian

Bain & Company = MITT ROMNEY.


We have been taught by society to value the wrong things. Money, affluence, and an Ivy League education are not the end-all-be-all of human existence.

I am not affluent. We live pretty much paycheck to paycheck. I have BEEN well-off before, and I was not happier, I was sadder. Lots of pressure to socially conform in that world I was in, and the emphasis was always on getting more money so you could have more things. If you didn’t conform, you might lose your status, and thus the things. I’m glad I escaped. The best things in life are not things.

These people raising their kids in the importance of the world of material things are depriving their children in the worst ways, they just don’t know it. They think they are doing the best for them, but they are really doing the worst. These kids will grow up into people who are just like their parents, valuing the material over everything and miserable because of it. They won’t understand why they are miserable, either.

And around and around it goes, because that is the way it is.


I have never understood the social construct around money, affluence, and influence. My parents were not part of those circles when I was growing up, and I had a very negative relationship with all the cool kids school cliques. Our church plant was mostly lower to middle income families, none of the old blue bloods. When I went to college, I went to a largely unknown state school and loved the fact that people were there for degrees and not for college spirit.

I think since then a lot of my frustration with churches is this odd need to turn them into social clubs – society style – that aren’t willing to engage the mission of the church on anything more than a superficial level. In terms of schooling we are focused on homeschooling, as well as keeping the kids involved in their troops and other activities that both mature them and their friends.

I don’t understand people’s need to drive BMWs and live in the right neighborhoods and dress in certain fashions and brands. I buy used cars based on needs, pay cash when possible, and am paying off my mortgage rather than trying to “upgrade” to another neighborhood. If people are snobs, they aren’t going to accept someone outside their insular tribe no matter WHAT they do – Babbitt’s gonna Babbitt. A relationship that is always standing on razor’s edge isn’t a healthy or meaningful relationship – if you are always on the precipice of personal rejection with people, why waste the time trying to placate them? The first moment something bad happens they drop you like a hot potato. If you weren’t part of their good old boys club from the beginning and part of their fraternities, your existence is always provisional to them – there is no grace in a completely performance based system.

All that to say, though – I do not have your perspective of having lived through it! So it’s hard for me to understand the dynamics even if only to critique them 😉

I hear people talk about “messy” relationships but in reality those relationships suffer from superficiality and fragility – so they can’t “bear one another’s burdens” when it really matters. That intolerance of others exposes the hypocrisy of people who drone on about how much we need to be part of and invest in our “community” – which ends up being a euphemism for support their tribe and their project to become the tribal chieftain.


Hear, here!


Hmm. We live in a small, decidedly working class SJersey town, in a 120 year old little victorian, with a paid off mortgage and drive two used cars. BUT . . . there’s also one of these sitting in our little single car detached garage. 97, had it since 2003. No BMW dissing please, fun is important. 😂

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Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

LOL I’m sure you aren’t “fleecing” your BMW!


My daughter drives an BMW it is not new and her daughter drives moms old Audi coup sports car 🙂 They hang on to their cars until they cannot be fixed.


We only take it out in the good weather. The two cars we use sit in the driveway. 🙂


They are wonderful cars. When we used to visit Germany we always rented a BMW so not to get killed on the Autobahn.
I drive a Subaru Turbo charge and love it 🙂 Mine is about 10 years old has over 250 thousand miles on it. I had work done on it was about $5000. The mechanic loves it and he only wants to work on the car. The car is now a collector item and people knock on the door and want to buy it.


Sell it before the turbo goes out.


Funny I just looked at some cars in Consumer Report and wondered what car I like. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Rebadged Mazda Miata?

(ducks 😀 )…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

1997 Z3 Roadster, much longer nose than the Miata 😄


A 2002 (model; not year) was the last ‘real’ BMW.


Deplorable Patriot

It’s funny, I live in an upper middle class neighborhood full of professionals, and the really wealthy are not that far away. After a while, you start laughing at them, and the “upgrading” since everything ages and depreciates. Right now, there’s a lot of renovation going on around here as this is turning into a pass through for a lot of younger couples who move to a different school district when the kids are old enough, and housing in the “good school district” areas is not cheap. There are many who send their kids to private and parochial schools, though. That ticks off the public school people, and they’re not shy about saying that, too. I actually had a client who literally said he got tired of paying for private education. It must have been college considering where they lived at the time. That school district, just add 30% to the price of a house.

Cars…it all depends on taste, I guess. I have thought that some of the older wealthy people I’ve met over the years driving pretty, new Mercedes and Porsches looked ridiculous as it’s sort of a waste of a beautiful car.

Although, this one guy I saw in a grocery store parking lot who was driving a relatively late model Bentley and smoking a cigar looked like he was having a good time.


I have a friend who is old money . What I found they are very frugal drive nice cars but drive them for a long time and take good care of them. They do have nice homes but not in an extravagant way.
I had another friend here in town owner of the once Selby Shoe company. She past a couple of years ago. She was so simple so non assuming in her life style it was refreshing. Old money I really like because of not being splashy.
To often I see people who are want to be super rich over doing it in a distasteful gaudy way. Simple elegance on person in home and cars I appreciate.

Deplorable Patriot

We were raised on not much money with hand me downs and all that, used cars and all that, and now, one of us went the material route. I mean, he and his wife are constantly spending on this and that. I would find myself spending money because I could. My sister is a food snob who will frequent a specific store to get higher quality meats. Another of my brothers is hoarding his cash for a condo on a beach.

Sometimes, being raised a certain way doesn’t turn out the way parents really intend.


Yes, that is true. Some people do the exact opposite of how they were raised.


That is true the influences from surroundings are sometimes stronger than the values one gives as parent. The other dynamic comes when people marry. They find their own way.
I know my husband and I found my own way from how we were raised. I think we found a middle ground.


And don;t get me wrong, my experience with extreme affluence was through marriage. My parents were middle class, fairly well-off, but I was left mostly to the care of my grandmother, who was an Appalachian Scot who lived through the Great Depression. She is the one who influenced me the most. She made do with next to nothing. But her meals were the best I’ve ever had, and we were always happy.


One can do the right thing and think he way kids should live but they find their own way.
Looking at my kids they all seem to have a balance between spending and saving and living simple ( frugal).
Of course when people marry things change and parent influence is minimal from when they grew up. They couple have to work things out between them and there are different influences from different family values and upbringing.
I choose not to put my two cents into anything. I know nothing, I hear nothing and I speak nothing. I did my job and now it is their turn how they want to live how they raise their kids. Do I like everything No but it is their life not mine.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Deplorable Patriot

The incoming New York City schools chancellor is a vocal proponent of critical race theory. In Burbank, the school district just told middle- and high school teachers to stop teaching To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men

I HATED both of these books. HATED them. I also think we were reading stuff beyond our years way too young. And, frankly, I have ZERO use for the Bronte sisters. Jane Austen’s offerings told us more about reality in Regency England and how unjust much of it was. More Shakespeare would have been better.

I did read once that the 20th century writers Steinbeck, Hemingway, Arthur Miller, and somebody else – Upton Sinclair maybe – had a running bet regarding who could write the most depressing stuff. I think Arthur Miller wins that one hands down.


Do Fertility Drugs Cause Cancer?
by Kallie Fell, Executive Director on MARCH 9, 2021

My conclusion: I’d like to be optimistic, but I am not yet convinced. Without further studies and a donor registry we cannot fully ascertain the long-term risk of fertility drugs. It is not enough to extrapolate data from the increasingly large number of studies of long-term risks looking only at infertile women who undergo ovarian stimulation in order to produce eggs for their personal IVF cycles. The problem with equating these two groups is that they differ in several ways; for example, at the time of their egg retrieval, infertile women are generally older than egg donors. If the fertility industry has nothing to hide, why do they still fail to set up registries to track egg-donors or young women subjecting themselves to fertility drugs? 


There are many cases where women have willingly endured tremendous hardship that dramatically shortened their short-term survival to ensure the birth of their offspring….and cancer at some random later date is certainly less of a challenge…..but egg donors are monetizing a revenue stream based on an quirk of biology. It’s an entirely different case.


From what I’ve heard…the egg-donor sites do in fact, record who the egg-donors are.

They show a picture of the egg-donor to prospective customers.
The price per egg can vary…depending on how desirable the egg-donor is.

My daughter was offered $20K to be an egg-donor, by a gay couple that she knows.
That’s because she is strong, healthy, intelligent and has 2 beautiful children.

She turned them down, btw.
I was relieved.

She said the egg-donation process is painful and she didn’t like the thought of having a child out there that she had no input in raising.


On the other side is sperm donation. My brilliant older son doesn’t want children. I told him he should donate sperm so at least he improves the gene pool!


I need to post more on this topic – it doesn’t get nearly the attention it deserves. A lot of shady business there, unethical buying and selling practices in a largely unregulated industry.

Surrogacy and international surrogacy is a similar problem.

Jennifer Lahl’s been on the front of this for a while – I recommend CBC very highly.


Beware of Tim Keller propaganda – promoting the conspiracy theory of Christian Nationalism . . .

A Book Review on the topic of Christian Nationalism
By Timothy Keller

Tim Keller reviews Samuel L. Perry and Andrew Whitehead’s book Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States (Oxford, 2020)



First Independent Report On Uyghur Treatment Finds China In Breach of 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention
By Charlotte Pence Bond
Mar 9, 2021

In the first independent, non-governmental legal examination of China’s human rights offenses against the Uyghur population, the think tank Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy found that the Chinese government is responsible for “committing genocide against the Uyghurs in breach of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.”

The 1948 Genocide Convention “is an instrument of international law that codified for the first time the crime of genocide,” according to the United Nations’ website. The convention was the “first human rights treaty” that the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted. Its purpose was to ensure that the human rights horrors of World War II were never repeated.

The report explains the ways in which the Chinese government is in violation of committing genocide against the Uyghur people. As outlined by Article II of the Genocide Convention, the act of genocide includes the requirement of “intent to destroy” a group. This intent does not necessarily need to come from direct acknowledgements. The report continues, “Intent can be inferred from a collection of objective facts that are attributable to the State, including official statements, a general plan, State policy and law, a pattern of conduct, and repeated destructive acts, which have a logical sequence and result — destruction of the group as such, in whole or in substantial part.”

The group found that there is evidence of “High-level statements of intent and general plan” from President Xi Jinping’s declaration of the “People’s War on Terror” focusing on a majority of Uyghur-populated regions, with top authorities then making commands to “round up everyone who should be rounded up,” and “wipe them out completely…destroy them root and branch.”

. . . MORE . . .


[VIDEO] Marjorie Spills Beans to Dinesh on Why GOP Keeps Losing, Shares Her Powerful Plant to Stop it
She’s a genius folks!
MARCH 9, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene could quite possibly be the most revolutionary member of our government since Donald Trump.

No joke, this woman is literally fighting with every ounce of energy she has to bring real change to Washington D.C.

During this amazing interview with Dinesh D’Souza, Marjorie lays down exactly why the GOP just keeps losing fight after fight — and quite honestly it’s pure laziness.

Majorie explains that the GOP is content just doing the bare minimum when it comes to their duties in our government.

They’d rather sit back and just collect their paychecks than stick their neck out for the American people.

But Marjorie is fighting back against this big time and she is already putting in place amazing changes that’ll start to shift the government back to the people.


^^^ Excellent interview to listen in on while scrolling.


Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: 5 Lessons I Learned When the Deep State Came After Me and My Family
By Michael Flynn
Published March 8, 2021 at 11:20am

Quote from article:
When fighting for truth, the most important place to start is to be well-grounded in the Truth itself. I am referring to Truth with a capital T, as in “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Faith in God is an essential part of the fight to restore American greatness. Our personal faith is inextricably linked to our personal liberties.
Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French author of the groundbreaking work “Democracy in America,” wrote “Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention…
“The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots

Gen Flynn is really stepping up into his leadership calling.
I have been re-watching his two Billings interviews for the inspiration.


Extreme Winter Weather Slows Traffic: AAR
Written by William C. Vantuono, Editor-in-Chief

The Association of American Railroads, in reporting U.S. rail traffic for the week ending Feb. 27, 2021, as well as volumes for February 2021, noted that volume took a polar vortex hit.

“During February, snow and ice covered wide swaths of the country, including many areas that rarely see harsh winter weather wreaking havoc on all forms of transportation, including rail,” said AAR Senior Vice President John T. Gray. “In fact, total U.S. rail carloads in the third week of February were the lowest for any week in AAR’s records that go back to 1988. While carloads rebounded during February’s final week to a more typical level, the month ended with noticeably lower total volumes. On the positive side, both intermodal and grain traffic remained relatively strong through three of the four weeks of the month.”

U.S. railroads originated 824,636 carloads in February 2021, down 11.1%, or 102,972 carloads, from February 2020. U.S. railroads also originated 1,015,995 containers and trailers in February 2021, up 1.8%, or 18,184 units, from the same month last year. Combined U.S. carload and intermodal originations in February 2021 were 1,840,631, down 4.4%, or 84,788 carloads and intermodal units from February 2020.

In February 2021, three of the 20 carload commodity categories tracked by the AAR each month saw carload gains compared with February 2020. These were grain, up 12,342 carloads or 15.7%; pulp & paper products, up 578 carloads or 2.8%; and metallic ores, up 221 carloads or 1.4%. Commodities that saw declines in February 2021 from February 2020 included: coal, down 31,837 carloads or 12.5%; crushed stone, sand & gravel, down 24,320 carloads or 33%; and motor vehicles & parts, down 14,336 carloads or 20.4%.

Excluding coal, carloads were down 71,135 carloads, or 10.6%, in February 2021 from February 2020. Excluding coal and grain, carloads were down 83,477 carloads, or 14%.
Total U.S. carload traffic for the first two months of 2021 was 1,754,939 carloads, down 6.5%, or 122,771 carloads, from the same period last year; and 2,189,215 intermodal units, up 7.1%, or 144,732 containers and trailers, from last year.

Total combined U.S. traffic for the first eight weeks of 2021 was 3,944,154 carloads and intermodal units, an increase of 0.6% compared to last year.

. . . MORE . . .
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Lidl to enact $15 starting hourly wage in Philadelphia
Hard discount grocer also set $15 or more level in Long Island, Atlanta
Russell Redman 1 | Mar 05, 2021

Arlington, Va.-based Lidl US said yesterday that the wage increase, for both full- and part-time employees, takes effect April 5. The hard discount grocer operates seven stores in the Philadelphia market, including two in the city plus locations in Folsom, Royersford, Norristown, Lansdale and Exton, Pa.

More than 150 employees will see an immediate increase in pay, Lidl said. Starting in 2020, the retailer began providing full health care coverage and other benefits to all part-time employees. Full-time workers already were eligible for the benefits package. And last March, Lidl developed a program with health insurer CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield to give all of its employees access to full COVID-19 medical coverage at no cost. 

Lidl also announced this past January that all U.S. employees who get a full COVID-19 vaccination will receive $200 in extra pay.

. . . The new starting wage for the Philadelphia area more than doubles the current minimum wage in Pennsylvania and represents one of the highest starting wages for grocery retailers in the city, Lidl reported.

. . . Major grocery retailers that have raised or plan to increase their starting hourly wage to $15 or more include Amazon/Whole Foods MarketTarget and Costco WholesaleWalmart said in mid-February that wage investments will lift its average hourly pay to over $15, while Kroger reported in its fiscal 2020 earnings call yesterday that its average hourly wage rose to $15.50 from $15 last year and, including full benefits, climbs to over $20. 

. . . MORE . . .


Everything about government-enforced minimum wages is so hurtful, backward, and wrong. It just makes me ill.


And we don’t force China to pay their employees minimum wage. How is that fair?

At least now we have a minimum wage with Mexican automotive workers.


And it’s a giant F-U to everyone who has been educated poorly and needs some field work in “being useful” before they’re worth whatever the minimum wage is set to be. It’s like, “you’re worthless and you’ll always be worthless, and you can never grow out of being worthless….”


Of course, but they don’t care.

They want $15 minimum wage – DOUBLE – because it’ll reset the U.S. economy toward exporting manufacturing jobs to China.

That’s what it’s about. CCP getting ROI on Buyden.


Bobby Lopez
Mass Resistance to gather and lobby for socially conservative legislation in Texas

Bold new legislation on cultural issues has been passed throughout the country. Texas MassResistance has produced a packet of sixteen legislative priorities to push back against radical social projects such as LGBT agenda, including gender transitioning of minors, grooming and harassment in schools and workplaces, as well as abortion propaganda in schools, suppression of free speech through “cancel culture”, obscenity and abuse in educational settings, fraud in public research, misuse of sexual assault response programs, and the erasure of motherhood and fatherhood.

Texas gained national attention last year when it petitioned the Supreme Court to intervene in the 2020 Presidential election in Texas v. Pennsylvania. Texas’s Attorney General signaled to the world that our state is not just another conservative state, but rather a standard for people who hold traditional and religious values. Yet other states, such as Alabama and Montana, are leading the in fight against gender transitioning in minors and stopping Big Tech censorship and cancel culture. Other nations like France, Poland and Hungary have intervened aggressively in school curriculum so that reckless left-wing extremism does not displace the legitimate academic disciplines.

Texas’s unique legislative system only allows state lawmakers to convene for six months every two years. If they take no action on our legislative priorities in 2021, there is little hope that anything will change in 2023. Meanwhile, future generations are being systematically indoctrinated into a harmful worldview that will only hasten the collapse of our culture into irreversible decay.

The rest of the world is fighting. The Lone Star State is dragging its feet. Why won’t Texas lead? Why are Texas voters told every two years that nothing can be done? As Jesus said, “If they say these things when the wood is green, what will happen when the wood is dry?” If they can’t do anything with Republicans controlling the legislature and the governorship, what will they do when the Democrats are in control? Texas Mass Resistance activists will answer these and other questions as we lobby the state legislature.

Press Conference: Wednesday, March 10, 1 p.m. Central Time
Location: Texas State Capitol South Steps


Nolte: Actually, the Now-Blacklisted Pepé Le Pew Taught Young Boys to NOT Be Sex-Pests

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, that’s the part that got lost in translation. His moves always backfired on him.


OK, I’m putting this out there for Wolf and all of our crew who went…..

….even those who have gone undercover since.

Should be an interesting event — and it will be done on FOSS conferencing so it’s less likely it’ll be immediately cc’d to security services….but more likely you’ll need some time to set it up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m glad you saw it. I was just trying to chase down some way to make sure.

Schneier, BTW, is the go-to guy for cryptography. He wrote The Book.


I’m a little late on the economic news . . .

U.S. employers added 379,000 jobs in February, unemployment rate drops to 6.2%, reportThe increased number of jobs in February was reportedly the most in four months.

U.S. employers added 379,000 jobs in February, and the unemployment rate fell to 6.2%, according to a Labor Department report released Friday.

Economists attributed the improved numbers to lower COVID numbers, as more Americans continue to get vaccinated. 

The increased number of jobs in February was the most in four months, according to NPR.


Now that Team Fraud is in charge of generating Employment statistics…I do not trust them.

The Unemployment numbers during Hussein’s reign were bogus and didn’t reflect the true unemployment situation.


Underlying rule — if it gores someone’s ox, it’s been faked.


Yeah, well, the unemployment numbers like so many other gov stats have been gamed for a long time. . .

There’s a reason that Trump and his advisors kept referring to new workers “coming out of the woodwork” and pundits being amazed how there could be so many people employed. For years BLS totally gave up on people and excluded them from the economy.


Michael, Appreciate all of the news, information and insights you post.


My daughter switches jobs she got tired working from home even though she got paid a lot. Now she goes every day to work for the same pay but is happier. The company is open. The previous company German had closed her department because of covid and she worked almost for a year from home.


We Need to Start Supporting American Farmers or They Will Disappear
Living in Northern Lower Michigan, I consider myself lucky that we have an abundance of farmers and farm markets in our community.
MARCH 9, 2021

Living in Northern Lower Michigan, I consider myself lucky that we have an abundance of farmers and farm markets in our community. From summer through fall, we have a wealth of places where we can buy local fruits and vegetables, pumpkins, honey, beef, poultry, fish and many other products. 

Even in the winter, we have some creative an ambitious farmers who are doing what they can to provide themselves year-round revenue while offering us products in the snowy months, utilizing things like hoop houses and cold storage.

We have farmers markets and roadside stands but we also have smaller grocery stores and retailers who are very open to selling our local and Michigan products.

But what if you live somewhere you don’t have the option to buy locally or even products from your own state? Maybe you live in a big city without farmers or farmland anywhere close by or your state isn’t really known for growing a whole lot of produce due to its climate or soil.

You can still buy American. 

It’s really that easy. 

You have to pay attention to what you are buying – and talk to your local retailers if you are not seeing American produce available to you.

America needs to be food independent. It’s just as important as being emergency independent, maybe more so.

As the American Farm Bureau Federation says, “Food security is critical to our national security.”

. . . Globalization and a four-year anti-American Democratic agenda is going to kill the American farmer. While the larger growers might be able to keep things going for a while, the smaller farms are going under with no help in sight. 

In a country that was founded on farming, it’s a shame what is happing across our fruited plains but the power lies within all of us to be educated shoppers and to buy American whenever possible.


amen to that !

if it’s from Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, I don’t buy it…

I’ll go to another store and another produce section where American produce is sold…but that might turn into a major quest.

unfortunately, many of the Big Grocers are on-board with the Sustainable/Green agenda…and getting massive kick-backs & incentives for toeing that line, too…so even if I were to nudge a produce mgr to BUY AMERICAN /SELL AMERICAN, he really might not have much say in it…

here in SWFL, aside from our famous citrus and strawberries, most other produce is imported from elsewhere…some tomatoes are local sometimes…sometimes cantaloupe…

but way too much fruit is coming from south of the border…


…from places like…. Guatemala.

huh ??


That was one positive from Whole Foods markets. They worked hard to locally source. Even sending local egg producers on trips to be trained in pasturing soy free chickens so they could provide their eggs to Whole Foods. In fact, they are so good at sourcing locally that other markets somethings have to work harder to find local. Which isn’t exactly all good. But it was commendable. And yes, Whole Foods prices are highe. And now they are owner by the slavers of Amazon.

Deplorable Patriot

Farmer’s markets are a great way to do that.

Barb Meier

Thank you for this, Michaelh! I live in a rural area of Shenandoah County VA and my family are mostly in rural Missouri. So I shared this plus a second thought early this morning before work. What the article made me wonder is what is a “hoop house.” I see them around but never heard them called that. Also, cold storage reminded me that last week my hometown’s ice house burned. You could get big blocks of ice or crushed ice there. And probably also beer. It also reminded me that on a road around Hannibal Missouri and Quincy Illinois, there was underground cold storage built into a hill. That would reduce the cost of cooling things stored there. From the outside it looked like a row of open entries. Inside it looked something like an oversized parking garage with huge rock pillars. Are there lots of underground food storage sites in the US?


I had a friend that worked at a Kraft warehouse – huge, underground, and 100% refrigerated. Most of the details of those warehouses are trade secrets so I don’t know much about them – but he had some humdinger stories there.


Public Schools Refuse to Open. Give the Taxpayers Their Money Back
03/04/2021 Ryan McMaken

In many school districts across the nation, public school teachers still don’t want to go back to work. Private sector workers have long been hard at work in kitchens, at construction sites, and in hardware and grocery stores. Meanwhile, from Seattle, to Los Angeles, and to Berkeley, California, Teachers’ Union representatives insist they simply can’t be expected to perform the on-site work in the expensive facilities that the taxpayers have long been paying for.

This week, for example, some schoolteachers in Colorado’s Jefferson County turned out to protest the district’s plan to return to limited in-person learning later this month. These protestors still insist it’s unsafe, even though the very institutions these people have long parroted in favor of endless lockdowns—the CDC and the World Health Organization, for instance—say reopening schools should be a “top priority.” Moreover, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine have concluded “The lower risk of transmission of the virus by younger children and reported milder or moderate illness in this age group suggest the appropriateness of in-person instruction for primary and elementary grades.”

But that’s not good enough for public school teachers. So, in many cases, parents who actually want or need to send their students to an in-person school must go to the private sector instead. The government schools in these places can’t be bothered, but the private schools are racing to serve the public. 

The most absurd aspect of all this is that even when public schools effectively tell parents and students to “get lost,” taxpayers still have to pony up the cash to pay for the public schools. If any private sector industry tried to function this way, it would be denounced in no uncertain terms. But it doesn’t happen this way because in the private sector—unlike the public schools—business owners and employees don’t get paid if they refuse to work. In other words, the customers can take their money and leave. 

This disconnect between the taxpaying public and the public schools has always existed, of course, but the covid-19 panic has made it far more obvious to the general public. The time has come to finally allow parents and taxpayers to pull their money out of these unresponsive and expensive boondoggles.

. . . MORE . . .


Vouchers. Abolish the Federal Department of Education (there’s fewer than 4,000 employees there, last I checked). Pursue antitrust against any school districts with more than 100,000 students. Abolish public-employee unions. Wait three years to get clarity on 2nd order targets…..

Deplorable Patriot

That would be nice, especially since to many of them are really just indoctrination centers.

Doubt it will happen, though. I have my reasons.


So much good stuff. Praying for Milo.

Thanks, DePat.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, that was a stunner. I do think there are quite a number of men out there who are chaste the way he is now.

Sometimes, it just takes somebody to give a little push.


Joseph Sciambra is a rather famous one. I’ve read his blog for a long while. He has been to hell and back. His book is a harrowing tale.

Deplorable Patriot

I have a friend who told me some things in confidence about his experiences. He did go chaste. There were a lot of issues there, though.


He’s pretty open about his story. I won’t detail it here.


At some point, as men age the whole “gay” thing stops working for them. Often it’s that they simply aren’t young and attractive anymore. They end up having to rethink things at that point.


Not to mention the physical repercussions, which are particularly troublesome after years of abuse.


Well, damn. You can’t even track a UPS shipment any more without being connected to the Twitter/Google/Facebook Borg, or giving your computer over to random javascript.

And it’s not like I have anyone I can complain to — officially, my Representative is Ro Khanna, the commie, and my Senators are ChiSpyDiFeinstein and Padilla — who orchestrated election fraud so well he is now in Federal office.

I guess my package will show up or it won’t. It was supposed to get here on the 9th.


Update — did the call-in thing….once to get package information (“Tomorrow, Tomorrow, it’s always Tomorrow, you’re always a day a-way…..”) only to be dropped, then once to see if I could talk to a human….only to be dropped — but with the limited office hours excuse. I’ll probably call Tomorrow to see if I can put a bug in someone’s ear.


“I don’t do apps.”

“I don’t sign in.”

“I don’t disclose personal data.”

“You can’t have my cellphone or email information.”

“I don’t allow javascript to run on my machine unless I’ve reviewed it for safety outside my machine — and I’m far too busy to do so any time soon.”

“I don’t do facebook, google, twitter, linkedin, or any other stupid site that makes me run an app or log in.”

“If you have a problem with this, I’ll assume that you don’t want me as a customer, and that you want me to write to my elected representatives to kneecap your business……oh, and that you have no problem if I tell all my online friends about it.”


I ditched a productivity suite once I figured out it was sitting on top of gulag tools.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Heh. This is the first time I’ve watched this roll out in real time….


Hope you were blessed by it, Coothie!!!


I was. Not seeing it all-at-once like you do the morning after helps you realize the love that is applied at each step and the way it is carefully assembled.

I always thought it was nice, but now I have even more of an appreciation.


Awww…How sweet of you to say, Coothie!!!

God Bless You Real Good today and always – but, I see He already has!!!


We are all blessed by God’s sweet air and sunshine….but also sweetly blessed by our companionship. Thank you for tonight’s/this morning’s roll-out. They’re always nice, but I could see more of this one.


Amen goes right there, Coothie!!!

Most welcome, Coothie – hope you realize I had to get up very early to bump into you!!!


I chanced to be up late, and you happened to get up early, and we got to see things happen. But when you’ve gotten up late and I get up (in my time zone) early, they’re still inspirational.

We just happened to share these moments where I got to see you assemble it.

My conscious time is swiftly ebbing, but I’ll have more beautiful thoughts from seeking the kingdom of God.


I wonder as I wonder if what I do daily has any affect – moves someone in the right direction – from darkness to light – and you have so graciously confirmed my daily message – Thank You, Coothie!!!

Have a Blessed and Happy Day!!!


It’s always a blessing to me, duchess. Please don’t stop!


Nice to know, Linda!!! God Bless You!!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2021Word from the Lord February 7th, 2021 


Elizabeth Carter

Thank you for the link. It is a very hopeful prophecy.


Most welcome, Liz – Thought you might enjoy it!!!


march 9, 2021 the marshall report

When God writes that there is going to be a shaking, or when a prophet speaks of a shaking as the Prophets and Apostles and Jesus himself also warned, what part of that are people not understanding?

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[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


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I doubt we will ever forget, Smiley!!!


there’s a typo/misspelling of a word in that Scripture I posted, BTW.


Saw that, Smiley – but, the brain fills in the blanks so no matter –  😀 


didn’t notice it til I’d posted it.


As I was reading it – I noticed – but thought nothing of it – people make mistakes – if I wanted to know exactly what it says – I would check the Bible – the idea is there – the thought is there – so I am happy!!!


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Remember Milo?

Activist Milo Yiannopoulos is now ‘Ex-Gay,’ consecrating his life to St. Joseph
‘Secular attempts at recovery from sin are either temporary or completely ineffective. Salvation can only be achieved through devotion to Christ and the works of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.’


Check yesterday for more discussion.


Thanks. I will.


What the heck is wrong with Peter Pan? He was always one of my favorites.
They better leave their hands off Cinderella!


That’s how it goes with commie censorship…once they start, they keep looking for even more things to censor.

And they’ve gone full commie now.



You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. – Psalm 119:114
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. – Psalm 146:5
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:31
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; – Lamentations 3:25
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13
But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. – 1 Thessalonians 5:8
That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. – 1 Timothy 4:10
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, – 1 Peter 1:3

We have This HOPE as an  anchor for the soul, firm and secure. – Hebrews 6:19

Chorus –


Hah. I love it.
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got their collective woke heads up there collective woke asses…

…making complete fools of themselves.

I shudder to think what the next generation will be, as they lurch & stumble, fully-masked, into adulthood.


Biden’s Not The Leader

Biden Didn’t Win

Biden’s The Dope

Everything’s Coup-Coup

Barb Meier

Biden has been kidnapped by the swamp but it is okay because his mind does not work anymore so he does not mind being ordered around like a servant. Joe walk left. Joe trot forward. Joe, it’s time to go. Joe, say this. Joe, don’t say that. Joe sign this that and the other. Okay Joe. You can nap now.


$1400 Is Plenty


What is HOPIUM? 


1. An addiction to false hopes.

2. The state of wallowing in self-pity combined with the delusion of potential fame/greatness. One in this state will hope for others to pity or save them, yet paradoxically romanticize their own struggle, pitying themselves and never moving on to achieve their dreams. 

“She thought that, if she wanted to, she could write the next great american novel, but because of Hopium, she remained the same alcoholic cat lady until her dying day.”

2. In securities trading a trader is said to be under the influence of the fictional narcotic hopium when she/he finds themselves deeply in the negative on the wrong side of a trade. The trader will continue to hold the position in the hopes that the security will return to the value at which they acquired it. (eg. staying long in a stock position when the price continues to plummet)

“Cramer, you are totally smoking hopium man, thinking that stock will go back up anytime soon. Just sell it and get out!”

3. a political narcotic distributed by vested economic interests that makes moderate social liberalism, ethnicity, individual purity of heart, and soaring rhetoric appear to be substantive progressive change; co-optation of the left by vested economic interests.

“The health care bill is a triumph of hopium over experience.”

4. (mine) A theory, speculation, conjecture, narrative made up and published for unknown reasons – either noble and well-meaning, or for profit, fame or for the feeling of power and influence over others.  Hopium is wishful thinking at best and hokum at worst.  
Believing online personalities’ theories, conjectures, speculations, prophecies, pronouncements, prophecies is risky business.  

Some of them get pretty far out and creepy…. claiming to be born of aliens, reptilians, time travel, UFOs.  

Even those who claim to be Christians or God’s prophets/prophetesses should be regarded with utmost caution. I’ve seen too much in churches and from church leaders to put any hope in them.

Some of them use shopped and out of date photos and videos as evidence to prove their conspiracy theories. They are expert at making unprovable points based on unnamed inside sources.

Hopium is really just unreliable, even dishonest, people and sites.

The movie set theory, the 1871 corporation theory, the numerology and gematria theories, or quoting Q #s like Bible verses, the theory that Trump and the military are really in charge….are all hopium.  

Putting one’s Trust and Hope in Q, The Plan, in Wictor, Wray, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, are also imbibing Hopium.

Even Trump is not infallible or a good source for our hope and trust. Look at the effects of the shutdown and the vaccines. Look at the three Trump SCOTUS justices – especially Gorsuch, who with his recent ruling, has sentenced employers to retain an employee who decides to go gay or trans.

It would be likewise foolish to put trust and hope in one’s own sinful fallible soul: heart, feelings, mind, wisdom or understanding.  

The only thing worthy or our hope and trust is the One True Holy GOD, Father, Son, Holy Spirit and His Word, Will, Way of Truth, Love, Life, Peace, Joy, Freedom and Redemption.

Like Steve, I’ll gladly eat Crow if I’m wrong. I’ll go one better and eat Humble Pie for dessert.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

Well said


I put my faith in God. That doesn’t mean that I don’t believe there are things happening behind the scenes that we can’t know. Nor can you know. I doubt that anyone here is putting their total “hope and trust in Q”, but not paying attention to things Q has said in the past seems a strange thing to say on a Q site. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m seeing a lot of intolerance since Steve’s Saturday post that is driving people over to Marica’s site. I love Marica and read her site also, but I would hope we wouldn’t get into another Sundance situation where only one orthodoxy is allowed.


Perhaps some folks are mistaking disagreement with intolerance, caution with condemnation, disbelief with derision.

That’s exactly what the left does.

I’ve received mocking and derision for not believing the theories and anger for pointing out discrepancies in photos, dates, etc.

That’s also just what the left does.

If you want to believe, fine. I’m not criticizing you all who do, I’m only criticizing the theorists with illogical and unproven theories.

They are doing exactly what the fake news does.

However, on our free speech blog, I’m not going to be forced to walk on eggshells – like we had to OT with SD and the mods – in order to protect the fragility of the Hopium theories.

We all should welcome it when others show us when we believe fake news, fallacies, lies and fables. That’s how we will keep one another from being conned and deceived.

TRUTH must be the highest goal for everyone of us.

So Christ himself gavethe apostles,the prophets,the evangelists,the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:11-16


I’ve received mocking and derision for not believing the theories and anger for pointing out discrepancies in photos, dates, etc.

Inaccuracies, discrepancies, and the like are a particular pet peeve of mine — as are gematria and numerology. We have a responsibility to research what we’re putting out there and to make sure it’s accurate, as far as possible. And sites that consistently put out inaccurate pics and disproved theories do not deserve the time of day, IMO.

I can’t tell people what or whom to believe, but I agree with you that truth has to pointed out, or we are no better than the lying Left. Fairy tales for the sake of hope do more harm than good. And extra-biblical soothsaying is in a harmful category of its own.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gematria is Bravo Sierra.

And (more of concern to you than to me) I got the impression the Bible looked down on it.

It’s not even being done right, anyway. J should be 10, K 20, L 30, and so on. S should be 100, T 200. That way something like TKB is 222.

A lot of ancient and even medieval cultures used their alphabets as numbers this way, including Hebrew, Greek, Russian and Georgian. Rome’s system was very atypical, but it’s what we in the west think of as “normal” for a pre-Arabic (Indian actually) number system.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s not what I heard in your post. Telling people they indulge in hopium if they do x, y, or z sounds pretty derogatory to me. If you disagree, that’s great. Let’s hear your reasons. That’s exactly what I would like to hear from people – discussion – not labeling them and calling them names. That’s what stops discussion. I thought the whole point of this board is to engage in discussion about what is happening, including posting theories, which people can give reasons to agree or disagree with. Talking about the things going on that don’t add up is not indulging in hopium, it’s paying attention. And i’m not talking about out-of-date or photoshopped photos. We can all agree that those aren’t real.

I’m not ready, nor will I ever be, to indulge in the darkness of despair. I’m a Christian, so I’ll always have hope. God can topple everything that happened in the last few months in an instant, if He so chooses. Or He could choose to do it slowly. Some would call that hopium.


Saying someone is inbibing hopium isn’t calling them names.

Truly, the choice isn’t hopium or being a ‘debbie downer’ and despair – or hopium or no hope and being brain dead. That’s what some have claimed.

No one is telling anyone to stop watching alien reptilian gaia online gurus with unnamed sources, or playing gematria games with Q posts or believing/supporting the online prophets and prophetesses.

That’s entirely their business.

But demanding silence or approval is a leftist tactic.

I have concerns – because of past experiences with leaders in church and politics. We have been taken down the primrose path too many times.


No one is telling anyone to stop watching alien reptilian gaia online gurus with unnamed sources, or playing gematria games with Q posts or believing/supporting the online prophets and prophetesses.

That’s conflating everyone who disagrees with you as being total loons.

But demanding silence or approval is a leftist tactic.

Who is demanding that? I don’t. And I haven’t seen it here. As I said, I love discussion. Posting something that goes against the doom and gloom doesn’t mean someone totally believes everything about whatever they are posting. There is often truth in disinformation, as Q told us. I believe in closely watching and discussing what seems “off.”


My description is of the people putting out the videos and their biographies – including their own words.


I’m sure I’m coming across too adamant and strong – but I’ve been on the receiving end of major betrayals over 7.6 decades. I’ve got a major inner suspicious cat.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Although Q is n the name, there’s no requirement that you believe in Q or follow Q…just a requirement that you don’t try to shout down discussion of Q. Many people here got the boot from CTH for discussing Q, it was verboten. This was a refuge from that.

No prohibition against arguing that Q was bunkum (though few here did).


Exactly right. There shouldn’t be an attempt to squash discussion either way. What there should be is reasoned discussion and respect for those who see things differently.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is someone here failing to do that?

Deplorable Patriot

And no name calling or insults.


GA/FL very good post. Thank you. I do however hope that Trump will work for 2022 to help elect good Congress critters 🙂
The difference between hopiom and Hope is stark.
To many people think hopiom is the same as Hope that we as Christians put our trust in.
On Bannon Miller was there he said ” the Trump team is working on election integrity and getting MAGA senators and house members in.” Bannon has many people who are big MAGA people who volunteer to do all sorts of things to help on grass root level.
God Be with them !

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Good news about election integrity.


Yes Trump and his team seem working hard in the background so what happened in 2020 not happen in 2022..


I’m very concerned about satellite and online manipulation of the election machines – and – crooked election workers – and – fake ballots…dead voters – fake voters, etc.


So am I. I did not hear about satellites .
I am more concerned about the splintering of Trump supporters on Internet .
Bannon on War Room at 5 PM is going to talk about that. People are angry and letting it out on each other instead where the blame is on the dems. We cannot split then we never see a Trump in 2024.


I tend to agree, but…

It could get stolen easier from a Church, than from the Louvre Museum.

Deplorable Patriot

Having been to both, I disagree. When it was in Notre Dame, the Crown of Thorns was kept in a locked vault. At the Louvre…it’s so big, the thing could get lost.


Ah…well I just figured that the Louvre could afford a much bigger security force.

And since the muzlim invasion, so many Churches are getting broken into and vandalized.


THOUSANDS of European churches have been burned to the ground since the ‘migration’.

Cuppa Covfefe

And because of apostasy and dropping attendance, many have either been bulldozed and the land sold, or turned into Mosques…

Switzerland has just banned full-body Burkas, as well as the other Moslem coverings for womem (Niqab, Hijab, etc.) having banned Minarets (the little towers on Mosques) a few years back. They’re very cognizant of what both of those mean: the Burka being full submission to “Allah” and the misanthropic Moslem male meanness, and the Minarets being a symbol of the target land (e.g. north Germany) being conquered by the Mozzies.

Oddly enough (ha) the feminazis here are silent on this…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“it’s so big, the thing could get lost.”

Shades of the ending of Raiders of the Lost Ark.


“…is probably being run by committee by communists…”


“…is probably being run by committee by communists…”




From Gab:

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Wheatie – I love that Wolf one – and know Wolfmoon will too!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll put in a vote for the one that lists a bill of particulars starting with “they”

Indeed, millions are likely ready to get VERY pissed.


well, poor little victim me didn’t play well in England long…

EXCLUSIVE: Mail survey reveals public fury at the Sussexes as majority call for Harry and Meghan to be stripped of titles, believe they said the ‘wrong thing at the wrong time’, do not deserve to be funded… and have damaged reputation of entire Royal Family

  • Survey reveals the damaging impact Meghan and Harry’s interview has had on opinions of the Royal Family  
  • Poll showed most people who watched interview disbelieved Meghan’s claims of racism from family member
  • Most felt the couple prioritised media attention over their duty – though there was a split between age groups

heheh I’m loving it. Kick them out their $14m house and let them sleep in tents in Hollywood.


Markle wants her titles stripped so she can be installed into whatever political office the overlords choose for her.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

Kick them out their $14m house and let them sleep in tents in Hollywood.

^^^ Homeless camp along I-5 or I-405.

Cuppa Covfefe

If “Randy Harry” is the product of a dalliance of Diana, then he’s not of Royal lineage anyway, and Me-Again, the “try-me” trollope (no doubt in the *cough* footsteps of Kamel-HUH) is only worthy of the title “remaindered”…

Here’s a flashback on what VSGPDJT had to say:


More about HOPE and where America’s Hope and Rights are rooted.


Yesterday @GenFlynn had an Op Ed released where he lifted the Veil on the struggle underway throughout America & really, the World.

One sentence really LEAPT OUT at me=”De Tocqueville is exactly right. Prior to America’s founding, no document in the world had directly linked the individual rights of citizens to their unique value and autonomy before an omnipotent Creator.”

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL


Pathetic responses on twitter from libtards showing the hate IQ is way over the topl


Twitter is a mean, vulgar, ugly place full of nasty people.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

The Church’s secret tunnel – hidden by the Jerusalem Municipality
In the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City, an area dense with historical and archaeological treasures, a church digs an illegal tunnel
Despite its findings, the Municipality has not charged the Church municipal land taxes for the illegal tunnel, while all other residents of the city are expected to pay these and other taxes and tariffs or face heavy penalties.

“When the details began to come into focus, we demanded over and over that the Jerusalem Municipality publicize the documentation of its findings, as required by the Freedom of Information Law. We further demanded that oversight, inspection and law enforcement procedures be taken immediately, to restore the site to its previous condition either by sealing off or demolishing the tunnel,” said Attorneys Avi Segal and Yael Cinnamon of the Regavim Movement. “We filed this petition only when our repeated requests to the Jerusalem Municipality were not answered.”


Posted this last night but here is a little more on woke Gospel.

Pay attention to the logical fallacy because more and more of this leftard BS will be entering the church and corrupting the meaning of Christ.

This guy is young. Perfect type for a Youth Pastor position.
Perfect type to plant corruption in young, public educated school children.


That garbage about the woman teaching Jesus a lesson has been going around for a long time. It was about feminism when it first started.

The unbelievers, idolators can’t stand a masculine Jesus, or a Divine, King and Savior Jesus.

They have their own ideas and don’t want to submit to His.


Just like Mohammed, who demoted Jesus to a mere prophet and himself to chief prophet – the unbelievers try to cut Jesus down to their level or lower.


GA –
I know what you are mentioning but this is much more evil.

This is twisting scripture exactly as Satan did in the Garden and alot of litte Eves and Evettes are going to flow right down his throat.

This guy is smooth and manipulative.

If you’re in a mega-church, pay attention to any youth pastors. Especially young adult pastors.


Churches of all kinds can be dangerous places with dangerous people. I’m an old biddy – and have seen it all in churches over 7 decades.


What I get out of the New Testament is that Christ embraced all marginalized and people of all class standings who wanted to hear the Word of God. I say he was inclusive.


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ChiCom Chairman Xi is currently rewriting the Bible…to remove the ‘offensive’ parts and make it communist-friendly.


BardsFM got suspended from YouTube for (2) weeks because he mentioned that Joe Biden was not president.


It’s time to stop only posting videos on YouTube. Most of the videos I want to see are now on Rumble and BitChute and others as well. Eventually, YT will have nothing left but a leftist cesspool, just like Twitter.


Agree – Scott knew – and yet – he kept posting his daily videos on YT – now – he has to locate all of those videos they allegedly deleted.

What a waste of time!!! All of that work lost – unless he has backups.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Appears to have no presence on Rumble.

Not on BitChute, either, but an anon there seems to have copied some of the Bards videos to Rumble because he didn’t trust YouTube. Ha!


Scott is in the process of developing his own channel and server – so – perhaps, right now – it does not pay him to spend too much time in BitChute or Rumble.

He has had problems with Podbean, too, but that is all he has right now – so he is doing the best he can – I guess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I could actually ban YouTube videos here “back to links”, but then I’d just be like *T*H*E*M*. But yeah – people who support free speech should post their videos elsewhere to be effective.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Bards has his own site, but one really needs video hosting to have reach, IMO.

Gab Pro comes with a Gab TV channel.


His website is a work-in-progress – so as they are able to move parts of his operation to his new channel using his own personal server – all of that information will be posted on his website.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Too damn true!





About the Act of 1871 – it was repealed not long after it was written – and it was written to PROTECT the new USA from counterfeit entities trying to steal our new nation’s identity – to stop imposters – it was to stop IDENTITY THEFT – see paragraph 4 below.


The Act of 1871 Was Repealed – by Anna von Reitz – July 5, 2020 by David Robinson –

The Act of 1871 was indeed passed in 1871. Repealed in 1874. Then by piecemeal finally revived and passed in 1877, implemented in 1878. And it had precious little to do with us, as it was actually a restructuring of one of the foreign Federal Subcontractors to better avoid culpability for and to profit from crimes that the same Guilty Parties had already committed against us.

After the Civil War, the victorious Union Army that fought for the Northern Confederation reorganized what was left of the Federal Territorial Government to settle the bankruptcy Lincoln started in 1863, which he declared the day after he issued the first-ever Executive Order—- General Order 100.

Among other things prior to the Act of 1871, a Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America, Incorporated” foisted off it’s corporate Articles of Incorporation as “the” Constitution in 1868.

So they formed a substitute entity, a foreign commercial corporation, named it after us, and started doing business “in our names”—- impersonating us and illegally accessing our assets and credit— starting in 1868.

And in 1871, they began this same process of impersonation “for” the District of Columbia— by creating the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.

Call me old-fashioned, but the Switcheroo that took place in 1868 is what should be of most concern to us as Americans, and only secondarily should the corollary fraud taking place in the District of Columbia concern us.

In both cases, the actual government was usurped and our assets seized upon illegally and unlawfully via members of “the US” Congress pretending to “represent” us and all operated under conditions of non-disclosure, fraud, breach of trust, and deceit.

To put it bluntly— instead of functioning as our Fiduciary Deputies in the office we defined for them, these Post-Civil War reprobates evaded that responsibility and began operating as “Trustees” of our State assets, and as our purported proxies voting “for” us in their own corporate shareholder elections.

And they never told us a word about all these arrangements being made “for” us and in our names.

The actual American Government was thus by-passed and settled into dormancy while our Employees contrived to become our Masters—-literally.

Yes, the Act of 1871 is a window on the process of this criminality overtaking a foreign subcontractor of ours, but that’s hardly our concern. A subcontractor of ours could choose to reorganize its own internal affairs and decide to incorporate its business and it’s no skin off our noses, is it?

What is really important about the Act of 1871 is that it shows what went on in Scotland and America in 1868.

And all without our knowledge or permission.”

NOTE- EVERY city and state in our country is incorporated – a corporation – this enables it to function as a business, pave/repair streets, pick up garbage, own buildings and property, put in traffic lights, hire, pay law enforcement, pass laws with authority to be enforced, manage funds, payrolls, etc. 

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL