Welcome to Wolf’s Pub, our refuge from the dystopian world that is our lot for the moment. It’s a Victory Gin Martini kind of day. But let’s get to that in a moment. I highly recommend watching the Bourne Legacy for a Friday Night Feature. It’s predictive programming at its best…the use of viruses called ‘chems’ to enhance (or not) human abilities.
I keep coming back to Dr. David Martin’s interview with Reiner Fuellmich which you can find here. The discussion was enlightening and put together so well. What struck me was Dr. Martin’s focus on the fact that to date there has been no exact sequence of the CCP virus. He said, “The exact sequence…seems to be elusive. It seems to be something that someone cannot state with 100 percent certainty that the sequence is X.” This is at around the one-hour mark.

And that is why he could also say there were no variants. There is no verification of any variant beyond what we are being told by the CDC and governmental authorities.
He also shared that he can find no single governmental standard for approving Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the shots.

Dr. Martin also discusses that Anthony Fauci was terribly interested in the flu vaccines, and getting all Americans jabbed with annual shots. But because they were not getting enough Americans to take them they needed to focus on something else. I’m paraphrasing here, but Dr. Martin said the flu vax didn’t deliver so they changed the pathogen. Again:
They created the “illusion of demand.”

He also quotes Dr. Peter Daszek, who said, “Investors will follow where they see profit.”
No need to discuss all the new billionaires who have invested in deceiving us, bankrupting the world economy, causing untold suffering and death, all for filthy lucre and worldly power.
I think it’s important to ponder the enormity of the crimes that have been committed against humanity. I once heard a French missionary priest say that when a human has lost his conscience, he ceases to be human and becomes like an animal.
Reminds me of that quote from the Chronicles of Narnia (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe):
“But in general, take my advice, when you meet anything that’s going to be human and isn’t yet, or used to be human once and isn’t, you keep your eyes on it and feel for your hatchet.”
Friends, we are dealing with the same murderous spirit that desired the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It’s the spirit that infected the Pharaoh of old who would kill the baby Moses, or the spirit that possessed Herod and killed the Holy Innocents. The same spirit that pursued Christ to the Cross.

It is the spirit that possesses every tyrant throughout history, characterized by a rage so encompassing that one’s humanity can be effectively deleted if it is indulged and entertained.
The faces of those who have allowed this spirit to engulf them (and believe me, they have consented to it) look like anyone else, even seem rational and normal. But they think nothing of sacrificing their own souls and the lives of every single person they can muster power and control over.
You can see how the love of money is the ROOT of ALL evil. That unnatural love evolves into the most despicable and ungodly evil one can imagine. So, let us not underestimate what we are fighting against.
Let us pray on our knees this day, on behalf of each other, for all patriots, and for victory over that ancient evil that has arisen again. Those of you who are prayer warriors will know what it costs to speak these things. The attacks will come, but with God’s help and grace, we will triumph.
I can just feel the brotherly love here. It is palpable. But just in case one of the bots wants to review the rules, go here. I would suggest they also hop on over to the Utree and leave us be, but we also need that place in case there’s a Cain and Abel moment (God forbid) or we need to reconvene for some unforeseen circumstance.
Since I mentioned our current dystopian situation, it came to me to look for a cocktail from the year 1984. Little did I know that I would find a cocktail from the book “1984.” Yes! You will enjoy the video. It’s a hoot and we need to laugh. Recipe is below the video.

I’ll just quote from the show notes below the video. Personally, I’m going to enjoy a real gin, with the added healthful benefits of the TONIC and a STAR ANISE and some Vitamin C via the LIME:
“Ever wanted to drink in a nightmarish dystopian horror reality? What do you mean you already are?
********************************** This week on How to Drink I’m coming to you from the home front on Air Strip One mixing up a fresh batch of Victory Gin Martini. The 1948 George Orwell novel, ‘1984’, features the main character Winston drinking copious amounts of this industrial waste product turned “gin” at the Chestnut Tree Cafe. The book describes it as being “oily” and “tasting of Chinese Rice Spirit” so, oh boy, this is gonna be double plus delicious. Still, I think I managed to thread the needle of remaining true to the book and also somehow drinkable.”
(Quare fremuerunt. The vain efforts of persecutors against Christ and his church.)
Why have the Gentiles raged, and the people devised vain things?
The kings of the earth stood up, and the princes met together, against the Lord and against his Christ.
Let us break their bonds asunder: and let us cast away their yoke from us.
He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them.
Then shall he speak to them in his anger, and trouble them in his rage.
But I am appointed king by him over Sion his holy mountain, preaching his commandment.
The Lord hath said to me: Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.
Ask of me, and I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession.
Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron, and shalt break them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
And now, O ye kings, understand: receive instruction, you that judge the earth.
Serve ye the Lord with fear: and rejoice unto him with trembling.
Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord be angry, and you perish from the just way.
When his wrath shall be kindled in a short time, blessed are all they that trust in him.

I suppose you all saw this.
why no name given?
Yeah. Name probably researches back to a multibillion dollar “toldjaso”.
A: Because he/she is ANTIFA/Belt Loops Matter supporter.
A: Because his name is Bahman Mohammed Jihad?
…who also happens to be transgender, of course.
Incidentally, the months of the year in the Solar Hijri Calendar in Iran (Persian), beginning on the vernal equinox, are Farvardin, Ordibehesht, Khordad, Tir, Mordad, Shahrivar, Mehr, Aban, Azar, Dey, Bahman, Esfand.
Because Islam teaches that all should emulate Mohammed in all things, many families in Iran will name all their male issue “Mohammed” — as in “Mohammed Smith and Mohammed Jones.” That is their formal name.
However, particularly in larger families, this becomes problematic. So they get a “nickname” that is the month of their birth. That way, you could say, “I just met the Smith boys — “Bahman” and “Mordad” — understanding that their official names would both be “Mohammed Smith”.
In cases where two sons were born in the same month, you’d have “the Jones boys — older and younger ‘Aban’.”
I once had a friend who was married to a “Bahman Mohammed XXXXXX” (I’m not at liberty to reveal the family name), which lead to me investigating this little quirk.
PDJT said it was there for THOSE WHO WANT IT.
The vast majority of those who took the jab have fallen victim to the 24/7/365 communist propaganda campaign, and thereafter the communist mandated to keep your employment jab.
Interesting tweet and MAGA campaign ad in the replies (hope this comes out right):
Slick. Hope it ain’t Klacik slick…
Amen to that!
However, I can’t imagine Klacik or any other Dem operative manning that big ole gun. The guy sure looks real. Just sayin’.
He’s just on War Room now! Looks like the real deal.
Good. We need him.
I just watched him there, too.
I agree – he’s based!
To Bannon – “What? You don’t think I’m pretty?
Perfect …
I just saw him there, too.
He’s based!
To Bannon – “What? You don’t think I’m pretty???”
Perfect …
You had two in the bin due to “emial” errors. 😉
Yes – I tried changing it the first time, but there was a conflict between the new-post comment box, and the reply-post comment box. One overrode the other.
Third time was the charm …
BTW, upon a “refresh page” request @ 170 post-count between 13:00 and 13:04 EST, I received this notification:
“Resource Limit Is Reached”
“The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.”
It came back within a minute, though … but it’s a data-point for ya!
Yeah, things are very bullshit right now. My solution for the fake registrations which was working like gangbusters before they tried to put us under the CDN, is not NOT working as well as it did before.
This whole thing is a MESS and it’s going to be a VERY rough ride for the next few months, let me warn everybody.
But at least I can “like” anyone now!
That’s somethin’ …
I get the feeling that this coming month will be one of the roughest rides that can be – irrespective of site (side) issues …
I just saw him there, too.
He’s based!
To Bannon – “What? You don’t think I’m pretty???”
Perfect …
He’s ARMY. LOL! I think this is the real McCoy!
Golleee, Teddy just talked me into moving to his district in PA. 🙂
Great guy!
Whoops, I came here & posted that tweet too (without reading first)–my bad 🙂
It’s better in stereo 🙂
Sounds like a great guy, and a funny ad, to boot.
Time for a whole bunch of whoop-a$$ to be unleashed against the globalists, and sweep them out with the trash…
Please, God, make it so–ASAP!!!
“I suppose you all saw this.
why no name given?”
I had not seen it.
The usual go-to reason a name isn’t given when military members go postal is because the sailor’s name isn’t something like Tim Johnson, it’s something like Ramid Abdel Mohomad Al Answari Rafsanjani.
Revealing that islamic terrorists have infiltrated the military to murder our troops is contrary to the PC narrative of multiculturalism and that islam is a religion of piece.
What an Amazing Post Grandma!!! You took my breath away!!!! PS! I love that I can see Wofie site posts on my side bar again!!! Thanks Wolfie!!! 😘🥰💖
Wow! I don’t know how that happened, but I’m glad it did! 😃
Thank you, Marica! 🥰

They think they can blame Trump?
He wasn’t the scientist(s) inside the drug companies mixing up their poisons.
If the vax’s don’t work that’s on the drug companies, not Trump…
…which means the drug companies can’t be trusted.
I STRONGLY suspect a new and MUCH more lethal virus is about to be released by the CCP.
If they want to keep the fear going, they HAVE to lower the survival rates of any “new” variants.
I return to my prediction of a year ago….
Anyone who got the jab is going to find out they are MORE (not less) susceptible to both getting, and dying from, the new virus(es) coming this fall.
As mentioned above, the current front page headlines on NYT and WaPo are claiming that Delta is more severe than thought and that the vaccines don’t offer much protection.
NYT: C.D.C. Internal Report Calls Delta Variant as Contagious as Chickenpox
WaPo: ‘The war has changed’: Internal CDC document urges new messaging, warns delta infections likely more severe
FEAR PORN X 1000: More transmissible than EBOLA and SMALLPOX!
Universal masking ESSENTIAL!
Today is going to be a Category 4 Shitstorm.
I have a simple response.
COLDS are DAMN CONTAGIOUS….. and they always have been.
They gamed out their options and FEAR is still their best ally.
Even that will wear out.
At this point, anyone who trusts the CDC “scientists” and “the science” are abject idiots.
But that is both a given as well as redundant statement.
And I’m related to half of them, I swear.
Rumors about lockdowns:
That must be when they think the AZ audit info will drop. 🤔
Good call. You reminded me that Mike Lindell has something scheduled for August 10th about the election rigging.
That’s from a hit piece published yesterday about Mike Lindell. Funny how they’re ratcheting up the media machine against him now.
This hit piece shows they fear the evidence of Lindell.
Lindell can show with this evidence that the CCP and other foreign actors attacked the US.
Since they are trying to suppress this evidence with every action they can, shows their complicity in the attack, which means they committed treason.
Yup. And they’re going to try to stall any justice or investigations with lockdowns.
Another one about Lindell’s conference. “Late 2nd week of August” is Friday the 13th.
August 11 is the Emergency Broadcast System test. I figure that’s some sort of marker.
They will likely use this to prevent the recall vote here.
Things are heading to an interesting convergence.
That right there tells you that this is beyond Fake News and complete propaganda, to create fear porn, so that they can keep control of the people and for Big Pharma to generate even more billions of profit.
Unfortunately for them less and less people buy that. It is actually a desparate move by these Fascist squatters of the White House. They are losing control and they now that.
I laughed when I read that. They must really think people are gullible. They look ridiculous, and that’s what we should be doing: ridiculing them.
So we get a list of scary diseases regarding transmissibility, which can cause people to equate “Delta” COVID with those diseases. Slick. How do they know how transmissible “Delta” is? The only info I’ve seen is their fear-mongering. How about some science?
Sheep ARE gullible. I just had a lecture on why I should jab. I was actually told “but the science”. I responded mostly with why govt hides ivermectin and HCQ protocol. I was told I read too much. I was also at a party outside of 20ish. I was the only unvax’d. All old friends of 20+ yrs. Sheep.
fkin sheep because faux bidden didnt win and msm helped
>>”I was told I read too much”<<
I would say – the next time –
“No no NO – it’s YOU who read too LITTLE!”
But you’re right – the virtue-signaling, “I must be accepted!” crowd is most definitely gullible.
Being gullible is an appropriate, operational definition of being “sheep”.
They wouldn’t know “science” from their, ahem, “nether regions”.
And THAT is the REAL POISON brought upon us by the social(ist) media.
Pandering to the “need to be loved and noticed”.
Grooming the sheep for herd behavior.
And (it seems) not too long in the future:
If you can’t think for yourself, someone else will do your thinking for you. And chances are you won’t like what
youthey thought…..CYA PSAs.
This fall is going to be bad. Get your preventatives now.
If anyone uses Puritan’s, they seem to be flush with everything you’re looking for, at the moment anyway. Zinc, C, D, Quercetin in stock with no purchase limits and BOGO.
I thought that delta was the renamed India variant, so logically India should be in really bad shape. The inverse seems to be true.
Hopefully DJT stops talking about these vaccines.
The one thing where he is opposite to a large majority of his MAGA coalition.
:Aaaaannnd, right on cue:
July 8, 2021
Down and Dirty Summary: Pfizer-BioNTech is applying for an EUA from the FDA for a 3rd, “booster shot” dose of its “vaccine.” Mikael Dolsten, Chief Scientific Officer for the company, stated that “study data” from the company “shows” that the “booster shot” is “highly effective” against the delta variant, with the “booster shot” producing 5- to 1-fold MORE “antibody levels than after the second dose…”
Dolsten said that “multiple European countries and elsewhere” have already been in discussion with the company to obtain “booster shots” to be administered, even before an EUA is granted in the United States.
FTA: “Pfizer expects the COVID-19 vaccine to be a major revenue contributor for years…”
(So this explains the rush by the Israeli government to get “booster shots” into their citizens. Also, notice that the “study data” is only from “studies” conducted BY THE COMPANY. Pfizer plans to perform a “clinical trial” of the “booster shot” that will run on into fall, 2021 — and the “results” of this “clinical trial” won’t be collated and published until AFTER the company applies for the “booster shot” EUA.)
Biblical stuff.
Did you peruse the contract that was released that pfizer gave albania? They have total control, you cant have other therapies, you must pay for everything, you cant even discuss other therapies, the contract must be a secret for at least 10 years and more. I dont know where i saw it now.
Pfizer is evil and these countries leaders must be getting bought off.
Bought off, coerced, threatened…it is becoming very obvious that completely amoral and mad people are running the world. The nations are mere pawns.
Apropos of your post, The Psalms never made as much sense as they do today. They are in a sense chillingly appropriate, and graciously comforting.
They really are. If I wasn’t so stinking lazy I would read them along with the monastic orders. I do get to about one a day, however.
So very comforting and shows that there is nothing new under the sun.
Sounds like they’ve been talking to Dominion’s attorneys…..
That level of inappropriate antibodies should be LETHAL in 2-3 variants’ time – basically a year from when you get the shot.
In other words, get this shot, and eta, theta, and iota will likely kill you.
And if you get the shot for THOSE, then you have to get the next one, etc.
How on earth did they isolate the “delta variant” fast enough to claim that a booster shot is effective against it?
Sorry, left out a number, mea culpa —
Should read, “5- TO 10-FOLD MORE antibody levels “than after the second dose…””
Fill this out and get it notarized. Use as necessary….
This protect you from forced vax by an employer or by the gov’t….

This one protects you against anyone who tries to deny you access to services, venues, events, etc. because you are unvax’d….
So, I just had the opportunity to call Discover Card’s customer service. As usual, you are fed into a bot that tries to keep you away from people — though this one is a bit more “natural language”, affable, and smarter than the average.
Now, I’m not calling because I have something simple in mind — I’m calling because I want to do something nonstandard involving several variables….most of which are at Discover. So the bot comes on and cheerily asks how it can be helpful, and I reply, “it’s complicated….”
Previously, it had just ignored this and repeated its prior message…..but this time, it says, “to help you with your complicated problem, I could look up your balance, payment date…..”
I was laughing so hard I could barely choke out “representative” to continue….
Bravo to their bot programmers!
LMAO!!! “No, it’s REALLY complicated!” LOL!
Try “complex” rather than “complicated”.
If that doesn’t work, try “highly variable”.
I called the (local) phone company once to complain about excessive line noise.
The stupid robot couldn’t understand me saying “line noise,” it was so bad–it was ‘guessing’ totally different problems. Any actual human would have understood me, which goes to show that the Artificial Stupid doesn’t process phonology and language like we do.
I finally had to just hang up on it and make the call from someone else’s house.
I’ll be on the phone with this type of situation and I’m yelling, “real person, real person!” and then “operator!” “representative!” Obviously, no one ventures into my home office during this type of jousting match with the bots.
I just try pressing zero and usually that works.
Some places, though, there’s the electronic equivalents of:
“One ringy-dingy. Two ringy-dingy…. Is this the party I am speaking to?” in an offshore accent…
And I think some of them are imbued with Artificial Stupidity, just to toy with us… or, worse, they’re programmed wrong, or the appropriate category is not available or obvious at the start (or buried in a submenu somewhere)…
Sometimes I’ve just waited until it offers a human (sounds like Epstein’s Island)(or a three-hour tour), other times I’ve spoken English on a German phone-tree or vice versa…
“Press 1 for Spanish, Press 2 for English, Press 3 to start a thermonuclear war”….
ROTFL !!! thanks for the light moment
Ah, yes, I meant to add that into my list of things I try. One thing I truly hate to do is try and be understood talking to a machine. I am much more calm now that I have a bag of tricks to try, but when this first started I was having voice problems and verbal processing skills have never been my strongest suit.
BTW — the human I eventually talked to said, “I didn’t know it did that.”
Hang on long enough, don’t answer, and you’ll get a live person.
At least the Discover people all speak English as a first language.
Seth Keshel
I just had a call with a very wise and valued friend and mentor, a retired Air Force General and hero.
He reminded me again that the RINOs are a much more substantial threat to righting wrongs and thwarting tyranny.
Today’s Democrats are honest, in a way. They hate freedom. They will extinguish it for you and give it to the rest of the world and its people at your expense.
RINOs talk a great game at election time and get just enough people on board so “they” can’t win, and they lose slower. They get nothing done.
This reminds me of how military installations are fenced, razor wired, spot lighted, and stood guard over to ensure the threats from outside don’t get in. That’s us trying to watch out for democrats.
But once upon a time, when I was a Lieutenant at Fort Hood, my boss asked me to run down to the airfield to take care of a task, but called me 2 minutes later and told me to get inside. That day was November 5, 2009, and our base was shot up, with serious loss of life and injury, by Nidal Hasan.
The enemy inside the wire. The enemy is inside your wire – and they often carry a letter (R) behind them.
We no longer will ask “who should we primary?” We will start off with “everyone,” and only in round 2 will we ask “who do we keep?” It’s easy. If they don’t support audits in places that need them – primaried.
Forget the outer perimeter. Inside the wire.
RINOS = the fatally blackmailed, or committed communist actor.
Eugene’s Hot Chicken
Birmingham, AL
Next to the Westin hotel.
Thigh & leg combo in the “Damn Hot” seasoning (“not too smart, not too crazy”) with 2 sides.
Just….wow. Perfectly wow.
Is this food or lap-dancing?
*giggle snort*
That’s a PHC reply❣💖💖
shore is, honey chile!!!
🤠 🤠 🤠 🤠
If you can tell me best tex mex in AZ thatd be helpful. 😉
El Charro in Tuscon. I thought the entire country knew this. .\_ 😲 _/
Lived in Az for 12 years and was always worth the drive down to Tucson for El Charro – The Original on Court Ave.
I think ive been there. Yep just checked the pics. I was there like 15 years ago.
Thank you for the thoughtful opener GMIT.
I was just reading the account in Exodus and it sure looked like a page from today’s newspaper.
I have an open ask on the 0729 KAG thread.
Okay, now ALL the avatars are missing.
Hey, Wolf, are you under the hood of this thing again?
Oh wait, I just turned off 3rd party stuff with a browser add-on.
Walk without rhythm, to not attract a worm….
I’m bringing this forward…..
T3 had a relative pass from CJD. I asked: “Can I get an abbreviated name and location so that I might pray that their soul made into the hands of God as the disease wrecked their mind?
(I know it’s a weird personal thing, but it has always struck me as rude to use God’s omniscience as one’s personal White Pages. I try to direct prayers as precisely as the bounds of privacy allow.)”
It’s only for T3, and it’s only brought forward so he doesn’t get lost in our currently convoluted history.
It wasn’t direct family. Much prayer surrounded her during her decline and passing. In some ways the decline of her strong mind may have been the path to a refined and stronger spirit through this suffering. It was not possible for me to travel the distance to be by her side. Not all that far from where you live now. A very common name, Mary. May her spirit find solace in God.
It’s a rare disease. I will pray for the soul of Mary who passed in California from CJD, who I know through Gudthots on this blog.
If I ever do something so stupid as pray for a left-handed female of dyed-green hair seen in a photograph taken within the last five years who may have been associated with angst, I will well deserve to be hit by a lightning bolt in a parking lot for plotting a heavenly runaround.
Was your second paragraph a run-on Haiku poem?
I have now done what I can for Mary. I hope only that someone does as much for me when I am gone.
Sending positive thoughts your way.
Thank you. The idea of even 3% of the world population dying this kind of death is so horrific to me that I’m blocking out any emotional reaction to it while I hold out hope in a GOOD GOD who provides more than we can ask or even IMAGINE when we call on His Name.
Gudthots…have you seen the outbreak in Canada of this?
New Brunswick and has affected more than three dozen of its residents.
The “authorities” don’t seem to really get to the bottom of what is causing this.
God is coordinating everything. 😀
Thank you, friend. ❤
Since the more they were abused, the more sex they had; maybe this explains why Jews have 10 minute sex acts – 1 minute of sex and 9 minutes of guilt.
[calm down; it’s just a joke that an old Jew told me long ago]
Good to see you! Hope you’re doing all right.
Hey, pgroup!
I hope you are doing well, and getting better!
grandmaintexas, your opening posts are always so enjoyable. I look forward to them every week!
Thank you, my friend. Ditto that…your posts are often both light and substantive at the same time. 🥰❤🤍💙
Thank you, grandma! ❤❤❤❤❤
I’m ready to see a Federal law that says funding the CDC, NIH, and WHO is a federal crime with a fine of $3,000 for every $1,000 given — and six months in jail for every $5,000 given.
.. and removal of all their electronic devices/internet access …
.. 🤨 ..
Marica’s, as compared to Qtree….
Guess which site featured: “I spent six hours covered in goat-worming puke, and now my asthma has gone away.”
This site. 😁😄❤
Damn straight.
I love Marica and everyone over there (and miss NF), but I have to check my shoes and slick my hair to make an appearance there — and mind my pinky and my language while I’m in a thread. We could probably have camped on her lawn if TSHTF over here worse than it did, and I’d probably stay behind to hose it off when we left.
Lol. This comparison.
Well im currently watching a cottontail hop around the backyard. Its cute and polite. Now if the hawk catches him and eats him and I describe it thats def our site.
What happened to Nebraska Filly? I loved her posts.
I don’t know for sure (I walked away from here for a while; when I came back she was gone [moved to Marica’s]), but I read about a “catfight”.
Perhaps she was one of the participants (this is a very “politic” description …).
I do not think NF was involved in that particular “cat fight.” I think her situation had to do more with rules that protect this site, which, I think, have to be enforced at Wolf’s discretion no matter the intention of the commenter. It’s a vicious world out there.
Thanks for the clarification, TT.
I’d wondered … but it wasn’t that important to me. More like an idle curiosity …
The past is the past!
She is still beloved here and by our host Wolf. As These Truths reported “her situation had to do more with rules that protect this site.” I do recall the particulars and indeed, another guest was abusive to start things and she responded in a way that both were shown the door. She is still welcome at the U Tree, as I suppose everyone is.
OK, I do not need to know the particulars. TY for giving me the general idea.
Wolfie has invited Filly back here, and she knows that. Perhaps she will show up here one day.
Whut???? Coothie……Marica’s name may be on that blog but the beating heart and soul of the place is PHC. Merciful heavens that blog has seen and heard it ALL!
And of course if TSHTF you can come over there and at least regroup. God knows we plan on banging on your door if it happens to us.
Still laughing fit to pee my pants thinking that you think you’d have to wear a tie and lift your pinky while you sip your tea, or whatever! 😂😂😂
I did not say “tie”.
And then there’s this (OT?):
LOL……but which one is Marica’s???
Regarding the new delta variant narrative shift mentioned above, I put together a quick timeline.
Friday, July 16 – Sunday, July 18
– I suspect a memo went out around this time warning of the upcoming narrative shift.
– Texas Dems test positive for the virus. Remember Wolfmoon’s post where he speculated that it was all a photo op to sell virus fear?
Monday, July 19
– Dow Jones suffers biggest drop of the year. Insiders who got the memo must have dumped their shares on the first business day they could.
Tuesday, July 20
– Unified messaging from RINOs, “conservative” media, and even Gov. DeSantis to get vaccinated. I suspect now that this was a CYA move for the narrative coming down the pipeline.
All the big named MAGA folks/quasi-conservatives stress how reasonable people of course approve of the injections. It is understandable how they would take that position as a defensive barrier, but how will they make the transition without losing credibility? Not really concerned, but curious.
Excellent post grandma! Much appreciated. There was never any science here. Just greed. For money, power, control.
Thanks! 🥰
Leftists vs. leftists is very good news.
Must watch.
Absolutely! Look forward to Wolf’s analysis.
These people must be stopped.
Doug Billings has several Interview with her:
This is the latest (published yesterday)
Go to this page to find the other interviews.
Doug’s latest interview with Karen Kingston, 7.29.2021 (dougbillings.us)
O my god she makes a fool out of herself.
She is confusing graphite (the stuff in pencils) with lead, because pencils are often called “Lead Pencils” and tries to search Google and other search agents for graphite = lead, which she obviously does not find.
From there she creates a conspiracy theory that the search engines have buried this supposed fact.
That Dough is not calling this out on her is beyond me.
The term ‘Lead Pencil’ is a confusing from the time pencils were first invented (in the1600’s) between graphite and lead, but the name stuck.
It looks like she is easily le(a)d…
Maybe designed to make patriots look dumb.
I’m now convinced that the DEMONRATS utterly CANNOT do anything good; it simply is not in them. They are tools of Satan, and we must view them and deal with them as that.
This is every bit as much (or more) of a spiritual battle as it is a political or personal battle….. PRAY!
Wow. I don’t know what to think about this.
Wolf said in the other thread that he was going to post on this video. Should be interesting any way it goes.
I would love to know. A friend is interested. Don’t want to falsely redpill.
I would not use this video.
Can be used to make you look like you aren’t a good source of info.
I filtered out the obvious errors in both what Stew said and what Karen said, but someone I know watched it and got genuinely angry at the miss-information. For me, it was just picking out the established details, but maybe this woman truly is doing more harm than good?
And maybe that’s on purpose???
Relentless Truth
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/080/572/179/original/00f40545f564e33a.mp4" /]
Kiss My Mask!
He should be willing to get arrested in order to exercise his right to be personally responsible.
What he did was exercise COMPLIANCE and VIRTUE SIGNAL about it.
I read the letter from the NANZI and it says that representatives would NOT be arrested, only referred to some committee or something. And the rep’s staff with them are not to be arrested either.
It’s all theater. SPIT.
Show some leadership and Don’t wear a mask.
R-Cons have NO backbone AND NO clue what leadership is.
Major Patriot
First they ignored him
Then they laughed at him
Then they canceled him
Now…they’re frightened of him

They’re VERY SCURD!! 😱
Ignoring the illegitimate slur that reads like they’ve already resigned themselves to what is coming.
Bwahaahaa! Well at least they keep it in the family. Maybe she made it herself from the slip on couch cover. She’s such a wonderful home maker ya know……..
We called it UPHOLSTERY at the time it was published. Didn’t know it was the Crackhead’s. Any Parm on it? 😂🤣
Surprised it doesn’t spontaneously combust, with a deep demonic horrifying voice coming out of it saying, “I gave you the election, now you’re MINE!!!!!!!!”…..
First, there was CARRIE…
Now, there’s COUCHCOVER…
One “slip” and it’s over….. 🤖
Mariska Hargitay wearing the same dress.
Maybe the Bye, Done’s will get an electronic version of those moon boots… just to keep track, as it were…
Typical how “the Fail” describes Hargitay “she pushed through the pain”…
People of me Mum’s generation would give them the what for for that, to the effect of “PAIN??? I’ll show you pain”…
Not denigrating or minimizing broken ankles, etc., but the Fail’s fixation on featherbrained fawning is a bit over the the top…
Hargitay’s mother was Jane Mansfield, right? Sexpot of the 50’s and 60’s?
That famous photo of Sophia Loren giving her “assets” the side-eye?
A multi-generational Hollyweird family, likely as degenerate as we’ve come to know that industry is (“entertainment”, they say).
The Daily FAIL.
Yeppers …
Yep. That name (Hargitay) rang a bell. Mickey Hargitay…
(un)holyWierd, indeed…
Speaks volumes about Vogue, the rag.
Yep. Chintz works well in sun rooms and ladies parlors. It’s not great for high fashion, though.
Curtaining. Scarlett in gone with the wind? When she was broke post war
Those drapes were green…and made for one of the funniest sight gags on television years later.
upholstery tack?
There was no doctor on hand, and she kept an object lodged in her foot, rather than get it removed there in Hawaii? Sounds like something else going on.Sus af
Verse of the Day for Friday, July 30, 2021
“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
2 Peter 1:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
“having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”
That just about says it all.
Corruption, lust… just two of the evils foisted upon us by Satan and his minions…
May GOD Forgive, Help, Strengthen, Guide, Comfort and Bless us and our families, in this day and age and forevermore…
Amen goes right there, Cuppa!!!
This is the Third Reich in Germany in the 1930s+40’s:
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
This looks like a MAGA candidate out of Scranton, PA
Oh My!!
Ignore screen shot, I can’t seem to delete, Arghh!
“WOW! Jill Biden’s Dress Looks EXACTLY Like Hunter Biden’s Crack Couch — AND IT WAS ON THE COVER OF VOGUE!”
I wonder what their curtains are like.
She just destroys them every day. The mockery is devastating.
Love MTG!!!
The CDC, the FDA, Fauci, and RobberJoe’s handlers ALSO know this. But they’re all H3LL-bent on subjugating the entire American population to total control.
I can’t come up with a SINGLE three-letter agency that *isn’t* comp’d.
NIH, ATF, BLM – the entire kit-and-kaboodle!
Especially the SES – they’re everywhere …
The SES was a Jimmy Peanut special, IIRC. 40+ years.
More like Jimmy Peabrain….
We used to call him “the man who knew too much” because he was a “Nuke-You-Ler Scientist”…
A VERY weak man. And pwned by the globalists, Brzezinski et. al. And he started the drawdown of US forces which the Klintøøns and Øbløwhøle continued, to the severe and unforgiveable detriment of the US Military and the USA…
Remember the “Carter Starter” peanut plant seedling(s)?
Or how about a pair of these mugs 😆

I remember the Iines at the gas stations!
Btw, I hadn’t thought of the “Aragorn” angle, in re my handle.
Elessar / Emeraldstar – I see how it kinda fits!
But it was purely an astronomical idea, the rarest-color star.
I’d have changed it to “Sir Emeraldstar”, but who knows how that change would have affected my log-ins et al.
It wasn’t broke; so I didn’t fix it. Thanks for chiming in on my behalf yesterday, in that regard.
Two “peanut-bummer” cups … how on earth did you have that photo at the ready? lol
I remembered those mugs because I bought one back in 1976 to wind up my Aunt, who wouldn’t have voted for Mr. Peanut if she had to… Also got her a peanut (Carter Starter) plant for good measure 🙂
My cousins said the mug was banished to the back of the china cabinet as soon as I’d left for home, and the plant… probably in the next trash…
The things you find at the Atlanta Airport in an election year 🙂
Wasn’t the Elfenstone green?
Yes, Cuppa, it was!
IIRC, there were TWO of them, according to the “Unfinished Tales” – the ancient one had the greater power, both of healing and of a form of “True Sight” (seeing the original form of things that had since withered), because it was made before the darkening of the World.
It (the original) seems also to go back to Yavanna (of the Valar), although it’s also stated that Celebrimbor made BOTH the original green gem, and the latter one (more subtle, but of lesser power), which he gave to Galadriel, out of love for her.
The current nomenclature of “colors” conflates those of emitted light with those of reflected light.
Red-giant stars? No – ruby-giants. White-dwarf stars? No – diamond-dwarf stars. The same goes for blue stars (sapphire) and green stars (emerald).
The TV (emitted) has red-green-blue, yet the painter’s palate (reflected) has red-yellow-blue. Of the three primary colors, it is only GREEN which changes, when going from emitted to reflected: it becomes YELLOW.
Sapphire (blue) stays blue, and ruby (red) stays red, during the transition from emitted light to reflected light … but emerald (green) CHANGES to yellow (topaz, or amber, perhaps?).
A singular change, and worthy (IMO) of special note.
I have yet to come across an explanation for this unique occurrence: all the physics-geeks can do is describe it in terms of wavelengths, and other cold, hard interpretations (bereft of greater meaning). Yet I believe that this greater meaning exists.
“Let there be light.”
But, IMO, “green” – of both types – is special.
I posit that Tolkien thought so, too – even if he didn’t quite know how, or why.
TMI, right?
I hope the limb I’ve climbed out on is … GREEN!
Yep. But not of “the Greens” 🙂
I’ve got some “traffic light” Green LEDs which emit at 502nm, a REALLY nice color of green, bluish, but not too much so. Far more pleasant than the laser-bright blue LEDs “adorning” the eight “Sharkoon Value Edition” PC cases I bought a while back (OK, quite a while back). They have a 25 cm fan in the side blowing in and down on the mobo (CPU and power circuitry) which is both quiet and effective.
So now I’m going to replace them all. My luck, the new LEDs will be brighter still 🙂
Interesting things about emitted versus reflected colors, including the mixtures. Mix all colors of emitted; you get white. Mix all colors of reflected, e.g. pigments, you get black. And there are some colors that cannot be represented on today’s monitors at all (or maybe that’s printers, not sure right now). I think the emitted green you’re speaking of is the color cyan, which is somewhere between blue and green, but quite light, as opposed to my blue-green LEDs…
Agree about the change from green to yellow (gold?) and the meaning thereof. GOD leaves HIS signposts everywhere…
Always wanted to switch the RGB cables on the old monitors after work to see what would happen the next morning… never tried it though (IIRC there’d be problems with the sync and chroma signals… sigh….)…
Somehow I remember reading about diamond collapsar stars. Would be rather interesting to haul one back (OK, I know, too heavy, impossible, etc.) and sell chunks of it. Though speaking of collapsing, the oversupply would collapse the diamond market.
I can see the new commercials. “Paul, the Diamond Man” in a spacesuit…
Here’s a link to the 19th technical briefing from Public Health England. They seem to focus more on unvaccinated than vaccinated and I can’t find supporting source data for the content you took a screenshot of. I did a search for PHE 19th tech briefing and in one of the results, the metadata mentioned graphene. Here’s the link that took me to what should be the source: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1005517/Technical_Briefing_19.pdf
This is how Pfizer is bullying countries around the world.
These guys got a copy of the standard agreement between Pfizer and other countries. These documents are usually heavily redacted, but one country made poor attempt to redact:
Thanks for posting this, Eilert!
I came across it yesterday, but it was in an incomplete form. Luckily, someone else grabbed it, and made the full leak available.
It sounds like effective COLLUSION between gov’ts that wanted to PUSH their agenda (against their people), and so, they signed a woefully BAD agreement.
You got it. And it has to be a secret for a decade?
I think that the INTERNATIONAL Nuremberg Code supersedes any merely national agreement / contract.
Plus, “Fraud vitiates everything.” This can work, too.
And at the last, there’s always Plan Z …
Mafia BS. Shaking down the nations.
WILLING national governments.
Shaking down their own PEOPLES.
***THEY*** are “all in this together” …
I think the smaller and weaker nations have no choice in the matter. They are told what to do or have their leaders assassinated and their wealth plundered anyway. Aren’t we up to four or five leaders now who have refused the “deal” and died?
There’s truth in that, G-ma.
How many leaders, over the past many decades, have also “refused” the deal, and been eliminated?
Dozens at least, in my estimation.
Have you ever seen that list of countries that the Clowns In America have overthrown / compromised?
It’s close to one per year, again – for DECADES.
These people are SICK.
“National Security” my a**.
Without conscience.
Smaller or weaker nations should pursue HCQ, IVM, C, D, Zinc….and hand our freely at local clinics.
The leader who exposed that Goat and Paw Paw samples tested positive for COVID19 died from it shortly after that, supposedly. Note, ultrasound is noted for being able to rupture delicate alveoli in the lungs, which might just look like pneumonia when you show up at the hospital, which during a pneumonia pandemic is going to get labeled as the disease. I seem to remember Infrasound being able to do the same thing. And we still are not sure what the Havana Syndrome actually is, or if it could be directed at lungs.
The not-so-great reset… 🙁 😡 😡 😡
Thx for posting this. I just mentioned it upthread and coukdnt remember where id seen it. Pfizer is evil. Preventing cures in favor of their shot….and boosters.
If the vaccinated are the ones spreading the COVID then sue the makers of the vaccine since the unvaccinated entered into no contract with vaccine makers and their slippery product is effecting such people.
Sue them for the spill over effects like they sue the oil companies. Sue them under a. 2. (B). Class action law suit and make it easy for them to settle with a judgement that they make Ivermectin and HCQ available to all.
We should be heading that route anyway since the vaccines are not working nor can they work because they can not get ahead of variants in CV.
That’s good, Para!
I hadn’t included (thought of) that.
Another great angle of counter-attack …
Great point!
I’ve also heard it suggested that one (or a class) may be able to go after the senior exec’s PERSONALLY – bypassing the non-liability protections of the COMPANY.
The stockholders, of course, would play an essential role in this.
And I think that the NUMBERS of the stockholders – rather than the value of each of their HOLDINGS – would take precedence. That is, an individual owning 100 shares carries as much weight as one holding 100 MILLION shares.
Class-action lawsuits, I think, work this way – it’s only a matter of whether one is an owner, rather than how much one owns.
The payouts, of course, are scaled to how much is owned – but NOT the eligibility to participate in the class.
Now, there’s an idea.