The image above is one drawn by the pride of Visitation Academy, one Mary Engelbreit, the queen of cute. Yours truly used to be a devotee of ME until she joined the Black Lives Matter plantation, and I promptly sold my collection of at least a couple dozen teapot Christmas ornaments. Since then, ME has waned for a number of reasons, but this illustration came to mind as the COVID saga has unfolded.
I knew specifically about this image because I have an old watch with it as the face. “Lives…Get One” and in the bowl are the names of OCCUPATIONS in addition to mother and father.
In an epic comment that we all need to have in our back pockets as the whole scamdemic unfolds further, TradeBait2 had this to say yesterday:
We learned from this “exam” that the NP was under orders to push jabs and not therapeutics. Which tells us her job is a bit more important to her than understanding and doing her best for us as people and patients despite us going to this physician office for the past 36 years – about 30 years before she joined them. We will go to our physicians or change next time.
On Monday, this popped into my FB feed courtesy of an uber liberal choir mate who just happens to be a hypochondriac:

Comments below the image posted included:
Yes, they are petulant children whining because they have to brush their teeth before bed. Grow the f*** up already.
I mean, yeah. If people had simply gotten on board a year and a half ago, we could have had this under control with masks and social distancing and then finally put it all to bed with the vaccines…but we can’t have nice things.So the people fighting safety measures are the reason we still need the safety measures. In other words, they are their own worst enemy.Ps. If it’s alright, I may just post this same article to keep the message going.
I feel the same way. You were able to, but didn’t want to take the vax? Then we shouldn’t have to take care of you when you catch ‘vid.
Well said, Mr. Pitts. And we ought to somehow discriminate against them, like we do smokers. Make them pay for holding the rest of us back from living normal lives.
I so agree … I am angry at the folks who whine about their freedom, or rights being taken away.when your, you’ve listened to the seat belt, the no smoking, the no shirt/shoes service, arguments and now the no vaccine. Tiring…
I remember seeing a comment on having to do with disdain for people who give up jobs rather than submit.
I’m not sure what happened to that, and there was a thread on some account I follow this morning that talked about the choice between a job and the jab was a red line crossed.
(Thanks to FG&Cs bringing SD’s information to the QT, we know that the government has no teeth in this matter, actually, and that it’s all smoke and mirrors for the kool-aid drinkers.)
The thing about that, though, is that I’ve been toying with a post on the matter of forcing that choice, and how it would effect Americans from a psychological standpoint.
Going back to ME’s illustration at the top, my favorite psychoanalyst marketing researcher, Clotaire Rapaille, talks about the phenomenon in American life that “what we do” is really, what is our occupation. What is our job. That is what identifies and defines us in our minds.
Forcing Americans to choose between who they are, and conformity and submission to the machine, really is an intrusion that goes too far.
Not that the people who are convinced that they did the right thing and have been shot up with experimental gene therapy and want the rest of us to do the same so THEY can get back to normal see it that way.
Oh, no. The people making a choice between freedom and tyranny are the problem.

Accessories available for virtue signalling.

God, please help us.
In other news….
How to properly deal with voting machines.
And then they should be melted down.
Reprise of a message from the boss.
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Inspired by the golden calf of COVID….
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

Today, on the Feast of the Archangels, a mix from the Scripture readings.
DANIEL 7:9-10, 13-14
9As I watched, Thrones were set up and the Ancient One took his throne. His clothing was snow bright, and the hair on his head as white as wool; His throne was flames of fire, with wheels of burning fire. 10A surging stream of fire flowed out from where he sat; Thousands upon thousands were ministering to him, and myriads upon myriads attended him. The court was convened, and the books were opened. 13As the visions during the night continued, I saw One like a son of man coming, on the clouds of heaven; When he reached the Ancient One and was presented before him, 14He received dominion, glory, and kingship; nations and peoples of every language serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not be taken away, his kingship shall not be destroyed.
7Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world — he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. 10And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. 11And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. 12Rejoice then, O heaven and you that dwell therein! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Wolf Moon
July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.
I suspect we struck a nerve.
A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
“Thanks for the Camels.”
— Frank Sinatra
so good to see you posting, and often…
praying you are still kicking cancer’s ass
Yes! Thanks to Keytruda, health supplements, prayers, and friends — I am making my oncologist very happy.
I have no intention of taking my dirt nap any time soon. 😃
New article from Political Moonshine:
The American Blind Spot and China’s Dominion
September 28, 2021
Intro: “The American blind spot is a creation of our own borne out of American exceptionalism, which is the collectively embraced notion that the United States is distinctly different than the rest of the world. That is an accurate characterization.
American exceptionalism is emblematic of the Founding Fathers’ design for this Constitutional Republic as the world’s grandest democratic experiment in self-governance. Proudly, alone and like the beacon atop the hill, for generations America stood this way resolutely and indelibly.
Past tense now applies. Under assault for decades, self-governance came to an abrupt halt on 27 Dec 19 when legacy media announced a new viral outbreak in China.
In a word, here is what escaped most – China.
It was the American blind spot; however, that was responsible for permitting China to effectively apply its combined hegemonic approach of One Belt, One Road and Sun Tzu war doctrines to the US.
The American blind spot is dangerous. In the same way that parents can struggle to find fault in their own misbehaving children, an American blind spot is created by instilled senses of materialism, narcissism, entitlement, racism and worse.
It takes the form of “social programming” often discussed here and it has resulted in a threshold segment of the general population with misplaced priorities that create very real vulnerabilities. Altogether, it veiled an encroaching China from America’s eyes.
This threshold segment of Americans have spent their time in abandonment of what made this nation. It’s found in them buying stuff they don’t need for short-term fulfillment and taking videos and pictures of themselves pouring buckets of ice water on their heads, planking, filming themselves taking the cinnamon challenge, the Tide pod challenge or worse, but no matter what, making it all about themself.
During that same time, China was firmly entrenched in its own historically rooted doctrine and making good on decades of US infiltration to tighten the noose on America and its people.
How many recognized those social media challenges as mostly litmus tests to measure susceptibility, vulnerability and the willingness of misplaced Americans to voluntarily subject themselves to illogical and self-inflicted discomfort for a flimsy cause?
That is called a measurement of tolerance for what people will go along with and thus tolerate and Sun Tzu applies.
If you can measure it, you can determine the threshold and once reached, action can be taken. Those are simple algorithmic calculations for cunning Chinese intelligence collecting data on videos that idiots posted.
During this time, look at what China has come own, control, access, influence, etc. to identify where where Sun Tzu principles can be applied. These are the domains of Chinese infiltration where the application of doctrine can occur.
Consider that:
China produces 97 percent of U.S. antibiotics and about 80 percent of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in American drugs, giving the Chinese Communist Party absolute control of potentially life-saving medicine. For example, Chinese pharmaceutical companies supply 70 percent of the world’s acetaminophen, commonly used in Tylenol.”
[more at the link in the title]
I’m sure they love producing acetaminophen for the same reason they love to produce fentanyl — not only are they contributing to death and sorrow overseas, they get paid for it!
Well, Cooth, some of us are allergic to NSAIDS and have no other real option for pain relief. That said, I generally suck it up and drink plenty of water if I have a headache, and the rest of the aches I have to live with.
Why Zoom?
Why TikTok?
I have never seen the wonder of China. So many people admire China. There is nothing that I admire about China. They invent nothing. They mistreat their own people. They do poor workmanship. They wasted their money building giant ghost cities that are falling apart. Their government cares so little for their own people that they enforced the one child policy for so long that they are now trying to deal with an aging population that will not be replaced. Other than destruction, I see nothing they produce. They are currently destroying Hong Kong and anyone else they get access to. I feel so sorry for the Chinese people. They are not allowed to be free in any way. Communism produces nothing of value.
China has so many people and so much land. They could have had one of the greatest countries on earth. Instead they devote their time and attention to destroying other countries and their people. Swine flu and Covid come from China.
America is an exceptional country. We have an amazing record of producing a standard of living that is better than anywhere in the world. We support the world. Our greedy leaders sold us out but they will never be able to duplicate what we do.
Communism destroys everything and everyone it gets power over. When America no longer funds China, it will dissolve back into the primitive country it has always been. China did not advance for thousands of years. China places no value on the individual. China has the attitude that there are plenty more people to replace the ones they destroy. The Communists saw China as an easy opportunity to outnumber the rest of the countries of the world. When that didn’t work, they stole ideas and inventions from other countries. Communists do not understand the basics of life at all. There is no possible way for Communism to lead the world now or ever. When they finish with a country there is nothing left worth having.
People from all over the world come to America looking for a better way. We allowed evil people to take power and corrupt our country. When Donald Trump came to lead us, I was very pleased to see how many of us there are that still believe in America and want to live decent and productive lives. He gave us our voice back. We are here and we will prevail. God Bless America!
It seems to me that communism, fascism and islam are the three most visibly and undeniably destructive forces on earth, and as such, represent three facets of Satanism.
If one tried to define evil, it cannot be done without describing various aspects of communism, fascism and islam, or their precursor and guiding influence, Satanism.
Bible says “Love of money is the root of all (kinds of) evil”. It was wealthy and powerful Americans who fed the Chinese dragon, due to their love of money. The Political Moonshine article is about an AMERICAN blind spot. Remove first the LOG from America’s eye before complaining about China – you, in no small part, made them what they are today.
You have no chance of dealing with China until you fix yourselves. China is well entrenched INSIDE your centers of power, because American greed and corruption opened the doors wide and, in fact, built many back doors for their Chinese enablers.
I believe this comment is consistent with the above excerpt of PM main post.
BTW, Aus is by and large an American lapdog, so Aus is not exempt from this argument.
I say AND LOGIC. Two hands. One to pull the bamboo spear out of our eye. One to slap the Chinese hand on America’s wallet.
Can’t fault that Christian Logic. Save them from their own greed by not aiding & abetting them with corruptly obtained American cash.
But fix yourselves ….
The ChiComs operate like most scammers and con artists.
They prey on the GREED OF THE MARK.
Reptile logic by the Chyneees in line with their national “crittur” ….
Too many of the Shy-Knee reservation adhere to a faulty belief, that destruction (evil) is the EXACT SAME as creation (good).
It simply isn’t true, both mathematically and theologically.
The “yin and yang” credo is FALSE: it’s equivalent to “As above, so below” – both are devious LIES.
As I’ve said before, “equal and opposite” (another version of the LIE) ISN’T a true representation of duality.
“Two sides of the same coin” is another canard, misrepresenting the TRUTH – by using a lie of omission.
The demonic idea that “evil” is of the same cloth – in all ways – as “good” … is the capital problem with this intellectually and morally DEFICIENT Eastern philosophy / theology.
Extolling duality, over Trinity, is an INVERSION.
Trinity comes FIRST.
Good reflection what has and is still happening. Yes greed is an evil it worked both way America and China. China is fueled by world domination and idiology. US is fueled by greedy people the idiology of power of money.
What is worse? I think selling out once country for money and personal power.
Probably so, but even so, the garbage elite is only what, a tiny fraction of 1% of the population?
They have done this.
I haven’t. You haven’t. Nobody here has.
A few thousand people have actively done this thing, to destroy the entire world. And a useless military stood by and watched it happen.
Until or unless the guilty are identified with specificity, and then held accountable, and the military finds its spine (or fire them all), how will it ever be fixed?
“The Political Moonshine article is about an AMERICAN blind spot. Remove first the LOG from America’s eye before complaining about China – you, in no small part, made them what they are today.”
Except I don’t know how to socialize blame any more than wealth.
If some gang-banger goof in Chicago accidentally shoots a little kid in a turf war, I don’t have any blame in that.
I didn’t do it.
I didn’t create the circumstance in which it happened.
I don’t know any of the participants.
I’m not even in their jurisdiction.
It literally has nothing to do with me.
And it wouldn’t, even if it happened a block away from me.
We are each accountable for our own actions, not the actions of others. We don’t have any control or power over what other people do as individuals.
We don’t have any power to stop them from exercising free will.
When the ‘elite garbage’ of society exercises their free will to commit heinous crimes, we have a mechanism for dealing with that, law enforcement and a judicial system.
Our whole system is based on individual rights and the rule of law.
When a hostile FOREIGN NATION-STATE adversary infiltrates the COUNTRY, how much less is any individual able to do something about that, than he can about a Chicago gang-banger?
There is someone whose specific job is to protect and defend the COUNTRY against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic.
That someone is the UNITED STATES MILITARY.
They have the training, they have the funding, they have the weaponry, they have the surveillance technology, they have everything they NEED to do their job and trillions of American taxpayer dollars to get the best funding on the planet.
They are full-time paid professionals and their only duty and job is to PROTECT and DEFEND our country.
They didn’t.
Full stop.
Excuses stop there too.
If there is any doubt about what should have happened, we have Myanmar and now Guinea for our example. And Egypt several years ago. And countless other examples throughout history.
If I bore responsibility for what has happened, I would own it.
How can I, or any other regular citizen, own responsibility for something I did not do, and could not prevent?
Individual citizens cannot counter and interdict domestic organized crime syndicates or the military and intelligence apparatus of foreign nation states, not even a that of a nation the size of Lichtenstein, much less China (or Russia).
It’s simply not possible.
So I’m not sure what good is accomplished by blaming the victims (We the People), which only demoralizes the victims and lets the criminals (domestic traitors), hostile foreign adversaries (China) and the people whose job it was to stop them (military) off the hook.
And puts the victims on the hook instead.
If We the People are required to fix it, because the military is so grotesquely feckless and corrupt that they will do nothing for their country or their countrymen, then We the People better start working on that problem, instead of living in Lotus Land, waxing poetic about magical White Hat Unicorns.
But we can’t do that, we can’t even talk about it, because if we do, some of us will scream that we have to do everything ‘by the book’ according to laws that don’t exist anymore except in reverie and nostalgia.
What are we supposed to do about that?
This is one of the problems with assigning blanket blame. It demoralizes and paralyzes the victims into inaction, assigns blame to the wrong party, and absolves the blame of the guilty — who then merrily go about doing exactly what they were doing, abusing their power (the garbage elite) and being derelict in their duty (the military).
As long as we continue to blame ourselves, why would those who are actually guilty of all the wrongdoing and dereliction ever stop or change their ways?
If there has ever been a ‘peaceful’ rectification of something like we are dealing with now, in the history of all of mankind and since the beginning of this world, what is that example?
I’m all for it.
We should dust it off, and follow it, as closely as possible, and we should expect to achieve the same successful result.
But if it has never happened before in the history of Creation, then shouldn’t we stop goofing on ourselves that this time is different?
Maybe Santa Claus can save us?
He has eight reindeer you know… they even fly… we could probably even fashion some kind of one-horned hats for them, to make them appear as Unicorns, to complete the picture… 😂
If we’re going to do something about it, then we should do something about it. It would be helpful to use one of the best skills we do have — analysis — and figure out who is really to blame.
Because until that happens, no pressure can be brought to bear on the guilty, and we will just continue to blame ourselves, allowing the guilty to escape responsibility and demoralizing ourselves for not doing something we were never trained, equipped, funded, capable of or even intended to do in the first place.
But we can’t talk about that, so we have to use mental telepathy only, m’kay?
But if we’re not going to do anything about it — if we’re not going exercise judgment and discernment, if we’re not going to assign blame where it rightly belongs because it is a Sacred Cow, then where does that leave us?
Your boom will cause tinnitus.
So, it turns out “we the people” means what it means “on its face”. America is its people.
In the land of the free and the home of the brave, the majority was so busy pursuing the “American Dream” in the land of the free INDIVIDUAL that the minority group orientated people organized themselves and set out to remake America into THEIR image. You have been taken over by zealots – who have greater zeal for their “gods” than the majority do for theirs.
The problem with individual pursuit is “What exactly is your common goal?” That is the question begging to be answered. Until you nut out that little conundrum, you are screwed. Your enemy knows what they want. And they are going about bringing that world into being, ZEALOUSLY. And they are smirking at the rest of us, convinced they have this won….. And your precious military is following their orders – happily, as it would seem (referring to upper echelons).
I am sketching a scenario where there is no logical solution. As I suggested before, the powers that be have gamed this all out.
The point is, you will only seek Salvation when you have no other option. We have just about reached that point in time. …
You are talking about the current China (last 100 years – more than 70 years under CCP rule), much of which has been usurped by the same people who are usurping the US now.
China does have a very long (5000 year) civilizational history, which is only surpassed by India. Unfortunately very little about both countries history is known, let alone taught, in the west. We can learn a hell of lot from both.
The current CCP regime sinisterly uses its long history to keep its population in check (patriotic), something along the line what Stalin did during World War II.
China is cursed.
China also lies and cheats in events like the Olympics.
They invent nothing??? Surely you jest.
How about gunpowder? Does that count?
The ChiComs have very intentionally allowed the West to self-delude on this issue.
Well, it sure wasn’t Albert Nobel. 😎
I think the biggest problem with that cutesy illustration is the caption: “Get One.”
Why shouldn’t someone be a mother, coach, and doctor? Why shouldn’t someone be a father, teacher, and cook? It carries an awful stench of “climb in your pigeonhole and stay there.”
“I think the biggest problem with that cutesy illustration is the caption: “Get One.””
It’s just Chinese Marxist propaganda designed to demoralize.
There is no more point in trying to understand why they torture people in this way than there is to understand why someone enjoys torturing animals.
They’re sick and they deserve to be put down.
We can all be multiple things in life, that’s for sure.
But, for the purposes of illustrating the American mentality of job=who you are, it serves the purpose.
They’re not voting machines.
They’re vote-tampering machines.
Not completely — some of them vote, too. That’s how they can have 800 ballots inserted and register 1200 votes.
“Voting” machine!!!
Hence why they must be destroyed.
This is a great Dear KAG thread — and that’s the cutest pair of camels ever.
Just exploring so they had to kill the poor thing. Ive never seen a white stag.
Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) Tweeted:
“The white stag in Celtic myth is an indicator that the Otherworld is near. It appears when one is transgressing a taboo.” https://t.co/azYu3HEaSv
There have been sightings of them here in North America, in recent years:
And also a white Buffalo:
White Moose have also been spotted:
This one was spotted in Sweden:
The English Stag had brownish horns and cream-colored legs, so was likely a white color variety and not an albino.
We had a white stag in our neighborhood. He was a yearling or two and then I never saw him again. Always wonder why because they are not allowed to shoot in a resident.
The deer go from woods across from me to the prier Monastery. Since this used to be a park and people build more and more homes the deer have little space left. They like my front yard. I do not care if they eat my flowers but some people go though all kind of all kind of lengths to stop them on their property. We intruded on their space.
I get to see those buffalo when I drive by once in a while. Maybe I will spot the white one!
It portends change, so it cannot be allowed to be seen near government officials or offices.
In Church symbolism that appears in art, the white stag is a symbol of Christ.
Thats interesting.
If you’re worried about taking 7000 to 14,000 I.U. of vitamin D3 daily for the long term, you will be pleased by this paper. Higher doses short term may be reasonable as well.
I have to wonder why they were worried about statin intolerance, being that statins lead to better lab numbers but have no material long-term effect on mortality.
Statins do dumb people down.
They also cause problems with Mitochondrial action and processes. Here’s a paper on it:
My understanding is niacin does a better job than statins. Grass fed beef would do the trick on that.
I have been taking 10,000u for years. I’ve read that if you’ve had, or have cancer, you must keep your D3 levels high! Take in morning times.
Good information. Thank you. 🙂
Thanks for this!!!
Thanks for posting! I take 10,000 daily i.u. in winter. I know some people here have been worried about taking too much.
This is so neat!
Backyard Racing (@backyardracing_) Tweeted:
Guy builds extreme hot wheels track in backyard🚗
Full YouTube video: https://t.co/gKMplW1q7z
“Comments below the image posted included:”
The off-base responses reminded me of the era when Phrenology was accepted by many as being the truth. Those phony beliefs got tossed into the dustbin of history, as will the beliefs of the pro-vaxers when the deadly carnage of the vaccines become to obvious to ignore.
It’s just dogma.
They’re parrots.
It’s embarrassing to read those kinds of comments.
I’m embarrassed for them.
Like being proud of rejecting the capacity for reason.
It’s like being proud that they’re stupid.
It’s so embarrassing and uniform and consistent that I wonder if it’s not just Chinese bots, as I suspect at least 50% of insane Leftist comments on the Internet social sites are.
Incidentally, one of the cars in the parking lot for my recent Hoarder Freight visit had a license plate that said “CHATBOT”. I have suspicions.
It’s an insult to Dogma, actually, being that brainwashed.
I am currently studying one of my ancestors who was an actual phrenologist! He lectured all over the U.S. in the 1800s. He was a character!
We in Aus sure are keen to emulate Israel …….
78% in Victorian hospitals FULLY vaxed ………….. h/t Sundance
Yes, this is actually one of SEVERAL great points by Sundance.
Because an additional 17% are PARTIALLY vaccinated, that means that 95% of the most recently hospitalized are to some extent vaccinated.
Beyond THAT, the data appears to disprove the assertion that the severity of disease is reduced by the vaccine.
AND there is a further issue that Sundance points out. He is seeing the same thing I have been seeing – that the percentages of vaccinated in hospital for COVID have been largely reflecting the percentages of vaccinated in the general population.
Read carefully the following Sundance quote:
This is the OPPOSITE of what people are being told by the CDC, the NIH, and their minions in media and social media. People are being TOLD that the vaccine is protecting them from more severe outcomes.
It would APPEAR that is not the case.
NOW – is the vaccine making things WORSE?
In my opinion – POSSIBLY.
There is another possibility. That possibility is that the numbers of the unvaccinated include many people like me – COVID RECOVEREES – who see no need to take the vaccine, and/or are suspicious of the vaccine.
If the numbers of the “unvaccinated” include many people who are NATURALLY IMMUNE, then what we may be seeing here isn’t so much the vaccines making things WORSE, but rather that NATURAL IMMUNITY IS SUPERIOR at keeping people out of the hospital.
What that tells me is that we need to STOP MASS VACCINATION.
And that gets even more important, because of SEVERAL things stated in the following video.
Here are some highlights:
Bottom line, we have to stop vaccinating. Rochelle Alinsky is making things worse.
My gut is tracking your expertly researched opinion – Thanks!
The government of Australia is apparently CLAIMING that the guy “misspoke” and got it backwards. That 78% are UN-vaccinated.
I think they are ass-covering LIARS is what I think of that.
Exactly. These Baizuo Chinazi buttfucks lie at the drop of a hat.
This actually happened BEFORE with the Aussnazi government. A peon speaks the truth – the Kangaroo Nazis get in trouble – they rush out and say it was backwards. Sorry – don’t believe them for a second.
You bastards flipped votes – now you flip numbers – go to hell, Marsupial Hitleroids!
I’m also seeing COVID agitprop on Twitter that I don’t believe for a second. They especially love BLACKFACE for the lies, so that the virtue-sig softies will cling to the lie with every “anti-racist” bias in their psyche.
Nope. These people are LIARS. Not to be believed. When people slip out the truth, from their Chinazi regime, we APPRECIATE IT.

“personnel crisis”
“state of emergency”
👉 medical martial law
New York Initiates Medical Martial Law Rollout With Troops To Take Over Hospitals Where Unvaxxed Health Care Workers Are Being Fired En Masse
….and being replaced by foreign workers and National Guard troops.
more, at the link.
The vaccines are actually driving the virus to be more infectious in kids, according to Geert Vanden Bossche.
It is our DUTY not to take them.
Democrats are communists. We should have known.
democrats are tools & co-conspirators…
anti social psychopaths & narcissistic tyrants
genocidal maniacs
this 👇 is their leader…

Amazoon Prime already has/had a series worshipping Satan…
Their mass-brainwashing continues…
On the ground report:
Upstate NY reports a surge in National Guard units on the move.
Friend in doctor’s office yesterday saw four nurses walk out at once.
This is going to implode on the government.
The “avalanche”.
At least in one, very important, sense …
The walk-outs will grow, QUICKLY!
Anyone wonder what jobs the Nat’l Guard are being taken away from…..to replace the unvaxx’d in healthcare settings?
>>”what jobs the Nat’l Guard are being taken away from”<<
The job of maintaining in-country stability, where needed.
For the Enemy, it’s all about destruction – they don’t really care HOW, and they exult in its effects, wherever they manifest intentional or no.
Their greatest strategy is to cause an either-or choice, where both decisions are destructive.
No nursing staff on the one hand, and depleted NG capability, on the other.
And yet, they are creating the very circumstances required to ensure their own demise, in goading the public at large to unify against them.
Wise fools …
So many of these that are in the Nat’l Guard are also Health care workers in other settings. So you rob Peter to pay Paul?
More virtue signaling accessories for those who do not want to be branded with a tattoo.
Novant Health system fired 174 healthcare workers this week because they refused to be “vaccinated” —
One of the hospitals here…the nurses stood on top of an overpass and shamed the place with banners.
Sooner or later, the purebloods are going to end up replacing the jabbed, but that’s going to be a bit.
That necklace “Vaxed” could just as well (or, rather, should) read “HEXED”…..
I thought it could / should read “VEXED”!
Same difference, mebbe …
And it’s spelled wrong, but we’re not supposed to notice that.
What went through my head when I saw “vaxed” was “Thaxted” (the melody from “I Vow To Thee My Country” as well as other songs/hymns…
Of course, what that witch vowed, and to whom, are something else, entirely…
Thaxted…O God, Beyond All Praising. I actually sang different text to that tune on Sunday.
Pepe Lives Matter
Brnovich requesting the goods.
Let’s see what happens.

Love the “added footer”!!!
Big League Politics
Josh Hawley tells Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin to resign
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/086/265/352/original/ec657437bcbe09eb.mp4" /]
SHOULD have been a chorus of, “You should RESIGN.”
Of course these asshoes, Idi Amin, Milley and McKenzie should have resigned when BiteMe failed to plan for SECURE evacuation of Americans, NEO, from Afghanistan.
AND, BiteMe gotta go also.
The Professor’s Record
Forwarded from Honeybadger
The agreement Karen Fann signed on 9/17 May have neutered our ability to secure the SPLUNK (router) logs and includes numerous other concessions.
WE HAD THEM BY THE THROAT, then came Mitt Romney linked turncoat Lawyer Cory Langhoffer.
Note: Ronna Romney (Mitts brothers daughter) is the RNC chair who refused to pony up any of the $90 million in funding that Republicans raised during trumps 2020 campaign to assist with the audit.
Let’s pray that AG Brnovich seizes the logs anyway!
Contact Brnovich’s office here: https://www.azag.gov/contact-us
Unchecked Power: Karen Fann’s Backdoor Deal with The MCBOS (rumble.com)
Rumble — This Agreement is not a Win as reported. Here is the proof. No, we do not get the Splunk Logs in this signed Agreement between Karen Fann and Kory Langhoferof StateCraftLaw.com who has been doing his best, to water down the results of this audit and the MCBOS.
Here is a link to the Agreement for your reference:
No, we do not have a guarantee that our Auditors, Doug Logan and Ben Cotton will be able to review the data. We can NOT obtain copies of the data reviewed, nor can the Hickman lobbyist Shedeggs, hand picked NDA protected technicians see the routers while they are connected to the Internet, just to name a few of the beauties in this Agreement.
This is not being reported anywhere else. Find out all the information here as Gail Golec, citizen jouranlist from AZ, shares her findings on what this Agreement really does and does not do.
There is a call to Action.
Contact AZ AG Brnovich and let him know that we want him to enforce the Subpoena based upon the 1487 Form Sonny Borrelli submitted to the Attorney Generals Office
The MCBOS must comply with the Subpoena or lose $700M. They are past the date in which the AG ordered them to compy by, which was 9/27/21
This can not stand. We can not allow the Legislators to dictate to the AG what laws they can and can not enforce.
This is clearly a law and it must be enforced by the AG.
We need to ensure that AZ AG Brnovich enforces the Subpoena despite President Fann’s Agreement.
Contact AZ AG Brnovych:
We also need to ensure Governor Doug Ducey calls a special session of the legislature to revoke the electoral college votes.
Contact Governor Ducey:
Kory Langhofer needs to be fired. We can not continue to use this man going forward. Demand his resignation from this case.
Kory Langhofer
602.382.4078- office
602.571.4275- mobile
UGH. These treacherous RINOs.
Anyone who is greedy can be bought. Buying is not always with money there are different payoffs. Promise to a position one perspires too. Promise of job in private sector. Cushy jobs for members of family. Then there is loyalty to religion, friendships or whatever. Payoffs the greed never ends everyone of these clown wants to be in the club.
Normally, I would never comment on your tendency to malaprop but I can’t resist this one: Promise to a position one perspires too.
Perspires is actually quite descriptive of what politicians do when chasing a govt office.
Malaprop. Slew guy lerns somthin knew everday. 🙂
From the Irish play “The Rivals” IIRC. The theater people at my high school did it when I was a sophomore.
Based on my understanding of malaprop, which is roughly 30 minutes old, that play quite likely a ‘hoot”. 🙂
The language is a little arcane, but yes.
Thank you 🙂
What struck me about this little episode of fakery, is that they obviously counted on the Press to go along with it and not report on the fakery!

😕 🙄
And…most of the Press actually did go along with it!
For example, this is NPR’s video of the fake president, getting his fake shot, in front of a fake stage:
Notice how NPR’s camera takes great care to NOT show that it is a stage and not an actual room in the White House.
Check out the footage at the end from the 6:16 mark –> till the end.
And the woman administering the fake shot looks like just a member of his staff, instead of a nurse.
green scream…

YIKES! So phony!
Speaking of phony vaccinations…..
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/086/293/447/original/3fb157980d29616d.mp4" /]
NICE Troll. THIS troll, complete with Trump hat. 🙂
OMG, I want to go do that!
Television sets do tend to be small.
Arm isnt relaxed, muscle is tense. Not the way shots are given.
The shot did not look like a real shop. To me it looked that the needle detracted and it seems the jab was to fast. Something was really off. What a joke.
What a sweet camel picture!
Thanks, DePat, for another great thread post.
You’re really knocking them outa the park!
😀 👏 💗
It is not only a ILLIGITIMATE Residency, they even need to fake the Residence of the Fake Residency.
It Is All a Potemkin Village – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
First picture what is shown by the “media”:
Second picture zoomed out:
(The WH is on a stage. Why do they need to do that?)
Some of the commenters are speculating that OBAMINATION is actually in the White House, and Joe is on the fake press set.
I’m sure that the dominatrix Comrade ValJar is involved, too…keeping the meat puppets in line.
Because someone has to be in the WH, rather than the country being run from a movie set somewhere. No one has brought up this theory before. It would be the biggest crime in our history, IMO. And Zero would not even have to be physically present, just running things from afar with all the appropriate staff in D.C., and even Joe there as needed.
Obama and China are running this country.
What about if this was the double and cannot impersonate the president in the WH?
They caught a Kamala double – that was PROVEN – but she actually used a MASK and DISTANCE to hide it, and she STILL got caught. I don’t believe in the “doubles” theories, generally. I use certain “tells” on Biden, and every claimed “double” shows at least one tell, in my experience, if it’s video.
That wasn’t so bad was it, SD. This is what so many of us have said for months.
I continue to believe that one of the main reasons that he banned us was that he wanted the intel for HIMSELF – to be the only “middle-man”, as it were.
I still allow for an NSL to have been served – which may be the number-one reason – and it explains his actions well.
Still, I believe he’s a patriot, and I wish him well.
Perhaps his audience was too big to be allowed to be fully independent – whether this allowance / restriction originated from the white-hots, or from the black (perhaps BOTH – “AND” logic!).
I COMPLETELY believe he wanted no competition in revealing information. The “insider” people are really territorial and jealous of their turf.
As are most paytriots.
And oftentimes ONLY.
The wages of arrogance / vanity.
Just for fun, I started looking for products from places I’ve worked, and found this — https://www.ebay.com/itm/272442992257 .
This is an Equipe robot, designed and built by Equipe. Equipe was bought by PRI, which in turn was bought by Brooks, which explains the listing — but the model number shows it to be pure Equipe.
It’s an ATMospheric robot, of one of the largest sizes (405 — I think the 4 was how tall it could go and 5 was how long the arm reached, but it’s been a while — we had a 407). The suffixes usually involved setup options, rather than parts costs (I did cost analyses on these when I wasn’t running the accounting department). IIRC, the parts cost was easily under a grand, and I vaguely recall selling them between $3-4K. This one is in beautiful condition, but it blows my mind that they’re selling it for almost $10K, used, 20 years later.
When manufactured, the robot ended at the round flange. The square plate and corner towers, while dramatic, are not actually part of the robot.
Oh, my, it gets worse…..
ESC-100 series controllers for Equipe robots had a passive IBMPC backplane, a power supply, a single-board IBMPC computer, and Galil motor controllers for the robots.
ESC-200 series controllers for Equipe robots had a passive IBM/AT backplane, a power supply, a single-board IBM/AT computer, and Galil motor controllers for the robots.
They are both now phenomenally expensive.
Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Dorkus Maximus Breaks Ground for Historic Presidential Non-Library Library (diogenesmiddlefinger.com)

After a series of starts and stops and a lengthy legal battle with city and neighborhood residents who don’t want it in the area and healthy bribes over construction clearance, Barky’s presidential library is pressing ahead with the site of the future non-archives.
According to the New York Times, it “won’t actually be a presidential library.” There will be no research library on site, no physical archives room and none of Obama’s official presidential records. Instead, the Obama Foundation will pay to digitize and edit the roughly 30 million pages of unclassified paper records from the administration so they can be made available online, and presumably for the control to edit and rewrite history as needed to keep Barky out of prison.
But, there will be a Barky museum where no doubt Chris Mathew’s famous leg will be on display, a sports space, a test kitchen, an art plaza, a kids’ area, and a new branch of the Chicago Public Library to compliment the giant egotistical monument to #44.
………………More at link.

[And yes, this is satire. 😁 ]
sorry !
posted under wrong comment, could not delete !
For context…epic still! comments gleaned from you tube…
Aske8 years ago
When he said, “Now I know what you’re thinking” I automatically finished the sentence, “Did he fire 6 shots or only five?” haha
318 thumbs up
Dan Bam1 year ago
“Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party”
This aged nicely lmao
El señor Ed1 year ago (edited)
6:02 What do you want me to tell Romney? I can’t tell him to do that – can’t do that to himself.
6:19 You’re getting as bad as Biden.
6:30 Of course, we all know Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party.
Brian2 months ago (edited)
Imagine if interviewing the President really was like talking to an empty chair.
Oh wait https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f914.svg
Jesus explains …11 months ago
TRULY the work of a GENIUS – Great work Clint https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f44d.svg
DeSantis Green Light’s Florida Probe Into Facebook’s ‘Alleged Election Interference’
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has authorized a state investigation into allegations that social media behemoth Facebook allegedly engaged in “election interference” last year through the use of algorithms to hide or censor certain information.
and here’s more about 💟 Gov De Santis 💟 …
Florida Bars State Agencies From Assisting With Biden Immigration Policies
article link…
…and that includes the transportation of migrants.
more details, at the link.
Thanks Smiley.
I’ve asked you before if you wanted to exchange governors, but you weren’t interested. Well, NY has a new governor now, so I will give you another chance. Hee Hee.
she’s even worse than the previous thug !
Up to now the BiteME OSHA “guidelines” were mere smoke and mirrors.
this is good…worth listening to…
video from Ice Age Farmer….
youtube won’t allow him to publish.
No Soul, No Free Will ~ Is This The End of Humanity ?
This is great – I mean it really sucks, but it is good to hear “them, they” flat out say it. The Beast system in now fully established, it is now simply a matter of time before the King of the Beasts is revealed. By that I mean the Anti-Christ distilled into an actual person.
The characteristics of said person will likely include:
I’m right there with you, Jason.
adding a few more narcissistic characteristics to your list :
extremely charming
an absolute counterfeit copy of The Savior.
and it’s most likely alive and in the world right now…
…just waiting.
I would add “hypnotist”. Nothing like a good ol’ mass spell to change the reality of a situation.
In the “Left Behind” series of novels, Carpathia, who was the Anti-Christ, had the ability to do that.
can even perform FAKE “miracles”….disguised as an “angel of Light”.
everything it touches turns to waste & ruin.
Oops! Should have been in reply to JasonD.
Seeing as we are having pronouns shoved down our throats, I have one that I’ve been saving. I think it was Sean Penn who referred to Satin in a tweet. Well, my pronoun for Satin and its spawn will henceforth be “hiss”.
Hiss is alive, not yet entirely aware of hiss’ ultimate purpose. It will take a particular event to push hiss into full “self” awareness, then we will see hiss – on all the TV, computer and handheld screens across the globe.
Smug psychopath describes that guy from Hebrew University.
Sydney Powell reveals on the Stew Peters show that the military has the legal means to step in and determine who won the 2020 election for President.
The video in this link is about 17 minutes in length.
Waiting for Scott to expound on what the odds of THAT is. Perhaps with a nod and a wink to the mighty military on Myanmar 😉
Maybe also a nod and a wink to General Patton.
Wonderful opener, DePat. The Scriptures alone would’ve made it for me, but you also bring up a very important point about the division we are suffering from the covidiots.
Excellent opener! ❤
Thank you.
The sad thing is there are sheeple who actually believe what he says.
The really sad thing is he believes what he’s saying.
Preservative… in the British sense of the word…
He stinks of formaldehyde!
And of boiled cabbage (et al.), too?
Through-and-through, an inveterate poser.
Every time I see the word “inveterate” I do a double-take because the first thing my brain fills in is “invertebrate.” (Just like “columnist for the New York times” comes through as “communist for the New York Times” which is true but no one would admit that in print, so I go back and look and sure enough…) (Or “Marist poll” becoming “Marxist poll”, see previous example for comment.)
In this particular case both “inveterate” and “invertebrate” work well. 😀
Think of the British word for eraser… probably obscure over here – two countries separated by a common language and all… but some words in American English get a rather different reaction than in British Englist, and vice-versa…
Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school age children to treat lice in Canberra « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
They’re just against us. The FDA is a POX on America.
I am a POX on the FDA! A one-woman Ivermectin crusade, I tell you!
Spreading the word far and wide, every chance I get.
Check out the latest post!
Thanks for the mention, DP. I just want to help my fellow Qtreepers in whatever way I can. I have gained so much knowledge as well as camaraderie with all in here. Special place.
But another mini-ground report of value occurred yesterday on the effects on a friend who took the vax.
I reported earlier that an 83 year old, very close family friend had severe reactions to the Pfizer jabs earlier this year. Prior to doing so she was in amazingly good health for her age. Ate whatever, went wherever, worked in her gardens, would take off on a whim and drive 5-6 hours alone to visit family, etc. Her husband had passed of melanoma cancer a half dozen years before, another dear friend and brother in Christ, and she had adapted very well with her son/DIL and grandchildren living nearby.
She has been in physical misery since the jabs. Had a TIA and blood pressure skyrocketed after the first, then lost feeling in an arm and leg after the second. The leg was the one she had a knee replacement on 8-9 years ago. After the first jab, she went to her PCP who still encouraged her take the second, that he had taken it and had no issues. She did. Then the loss of feeling in her arm and leg hit within a couple of weeks. So they worked her into therapy while blaming it all on the TIA, told her to be patient, and gave her Clonidine for the BP spikes she had begun having. She could barely walk and life had become painful and fruitless.
She smelled something nefarious was going on. So she went to her orthopedic surgeon who did her knee replacement yesterday. He is well known in east TN and one of the very best in training and practice with 35+ years of experience. She was so relieved. It was the first medical professional who told her it was probably because of the jabs. The nurse even asked her why she took the second jab after the reaction to the first and she told her because her PCP recommended it. The nurse was furious. The orthopedic told her what we already know, the content in the jabs is causing reactions in the weaker areas of the body. He told her to not take a booster and to give her body a chance to heal itself of the issues.
This later point was very important. He scheduled her an appointment in one year. He told her that by then the junk would most likely be out of her system and she would be back to her old self. Again – she was so happy and relieved to know there are honest, knowledgeable medical professionals out there who do not go along with the agenda. She could not wait to call me last night and wanted to know more detail to red pill everybody she knows. Her son/DIL already suspected it all and are red pilled. Her son had COVID earlier this year and had the antibody test two weeks ago. Yep, still there. No need to even consider a vax and provided the information to his employer, which is a local law enforcement agency.
Would love to be a fly on the wall when she goes to her PCP to let him know what she thinks of him in a few weeks. FWIW, he is also MY PCP. 😂 She is one of three close formerly healthy friends in our area who are in their early 80’s who have experienced these type issues after the Pfizer jabs. None have reported to VAERS. Very few ever do.
Yeah, my brother had bruised lymph nodes after he got his. I figured it was his body trying to flush the stuff out. My dad slept for three weeks after he got the second one. He doesn’t feel real well, but he’s more active than he was. Both are on meds for blood related stuff, so I’m sure that’s a factor.
And I’m positive VAERS is not on their radar at all.
Excellent ground report!
Thanks for this story. It makes me so furious for these healthy, happy elderly people who have had their lives UPENDED by these monsters.
There are some people who are treating the side effects of the clot-shot with Ivermectin. I hope your friend finds some medical people who will address her side effects in a meaningful way.
I hope she tears that PCP a new one!
some Christian patriots are urging fellow patriots to help restore America within our own communities..
👉 their name is TACTICAL CIVICS….
and here is an 11 minute video, to show you how….
…to take action, and help stop the hijacking of America.
originally pub’d in April 2021.
👍 🇺🇸
They might be firing people, but I don’t believe that they have anywhere close to a 99% shot up rate. No way.
I doubt it also. Unethical, immoral, liars and frauds are everywhere.
Hell, the numbers of vaxxed are all over the freaking map. I don’t see two articles with the same number on any given day. It’s all bullshit.
Pasadena and West Hollywood require discrimination to use businesses.
I no one cares about citizens anymore. Requiring this city by city, and L.A. will likely do it today.
“The city of Pasadena has moved to require vaccine verification at large outdoor events and indoor spaces such as bars, nightclubs, and other hospitality spaces. The city, which has its own public health department independent from greater Los Angeles County, made the announcement on September 27, saying that customers receiving service inside at bars, breweries, and all nightclubs and lounges must provide proof of at least the first dose of a vaccine shot by October 7, and full vaccination by November 4.
This newest move aligns Pasadena closely with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, as well as the city of West Hollywood, which — like Pasadena now — will also require hospitality employees working on-site to be fully vaccinated by this fall. As with LA County DPH ruling, Pasadena will not at this time mandate vaccine verification for restaurants specifically, though it is heavily encouraged. For the large-scale outdoor public events (such as games at the Rose Bowl), Pasadena will allow a recent negative COVID test for entry.”
The only 97% those idiots will see is 97% of all small- and mid-sized businesses will have failed from those draconian “regulations”…
Yep. Where di hey think the tax base will go?
Bloomberg (@business) Tweeted:
YouTube will begin removing content questioning any approved medical vaccine, not just those for Covid-19 https://t.co/jfdDyDvhx3
Censorship outright.
Former FBI Fritsch takes out a process server with a subpoena, with his car?
Made me think of the child-snatcher from “Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang”…
Interesting. But personally, I think he’s just a garden variety psychopath.
But the article does expose what Fauci did with AZT and remdesivir for Ebola. This guy has a huge death count when all is said and done.
Error. Looking for something else. 🙄
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, September 29, 2021
“Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.”
2 Chronicles 15:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
CDC Beclowns All Mandates [Market-Ticker-Nad] – The Market Ticker
Whoever said that SNL writers should be replaced with BB writers was spot-on!
Satire at its best!
Was it FG&C?
The godless, invoking God, and getting BTFO for their heresy.
Major Patriot

Mitch McConnell’s office
Phone 202-224-2541
fax 202-224-2499
Email or fax!!!!!
Major Patriot
BREAKING: Bannon’s WarRoom is receiving reports McConnell’s’ office is experiencing “historic input” from the American people.
Keep up the great work Deplorables.
·26 minutes
Contact these Tier 1 Congressmen at their district offices and DEMAND they vote NO on all four radical spending bills.
Adam Kinzinger:
(815) 431-9271
(815) 432-0580
(815) 708-8032
John Katko:
(315) 253-4068
(315) 253-4068
(315) 423-5657
(315) 423-5657
Brian Fitzpatrick:
(215) 579-8102
Tom Reed:
(607) 654-7566
(315) 759-5229
(716) 708-6369
(716) 379-8434
Fred Upton
(269) 385-0039
David Rogers
(617) 722-2637
Andrew Gabarino
(516) 541-4225
Don Bacon
(402) 938-0300
Jaime Herrera Buetler
(360) 695-6292
Kelly Armstrong
(701) 354-6700
(701) 353-6665
This is supposedly 3 months old, but people are putting it out there again due to Colbert’s terrible ratings. No words. Has anyone here seen this?
Gawd they’re idiots. I notice they use this weird way of group-think to drive all messages. Group dancing, group repetition of phrases or sentences from a “leader”, group condemnation, etc.
I had an encounter with one of the 30% ers who are completely immersed in the communist ideology . He was doing a gem appraisal, asked if I had been vaxed. True enough I’ve had many a vax in my life. I said yeah so without his mask and his plastic barrier he felt we were on the same page. It was not until the end, with business concluded that he opened up.
The world (according to him) is going so in the right direction. Get people out of the wilds..no need for living in the country..gotta get on with climate change fixes, reset the equitable economy and most of all….essentially let these fools (Republicans) die off from covid. The guy was a Boomer…brainwashed to the core.
I would have found some way not to do business with that thing.
I hear you, but learning to pass communist checkpoints will be a useful thing, even if we are winning from here on out.
You’re right. There’s a time for being outspoken and brash…other times use our knowledge of their flawed beliefs to gain whatever advantage we’re wanting in the moment. .
It was one of those things that you’re in before the full exposure was out in the open otherwise I would’ve bailed.
Yup, understood.
This is straight off of communist Twitter. They sound exactly the same. “Let them die.”
This is also precisely how the German people were TRAINED by the Nazis to not really care what happened to the Jews.
China is really smart here with this biological release. They needed a way to make camps acceptable to people, and quarantine is the way.
DeSantis sees what’s happening, thank God.
After the encounter I did imagine him being perfectly fine with cv camps or worse. They are out there.
It was making the rounds this morning.
Nothing more ironic than a pig smeared with lipstick smearing another pig with lipstick.
Was scrolling to see if kalbo was here but noticed you’re purchasing as well . . . did you just do PP and wait for further info?
Passing by. Did you get an answer?
I’ll be around most of the evening.
Not yet – you could answer I’m sure. I’m at the PPing step. Did you provide your shipping info after that? And this is all through IMart messaging, which is linked with e-mail, yes? (my messages appear in both places).
Yes, all dealing through IMart messaging.
The same post, that I informed him, I had sent money through PayPal, I included myname with full shipping address, email and phone. As well as the meds & quantity I had requested.
Processes like this, I typically over inform. AND a bit repetitious.
Not trying to smother the guy in info. Rather make it easy for him to have ALL of the particulars about my order, readily available.
EMS tracking number arrived both times via PayPal email. First order he also gave me the tracking number.
I’m going to wait until later tonight (which will be AM there) then follow your lead. He did say in the IMart message not to reference anything at PP. Things are what they are.
Good to know.
Once I had finalized specifics of what I wanted to order and total costs I then sent a payment through Paypal to our friend’s email address. I then sent a message to the same email address stating that payment had been made and included my shipping address in my email. Approx. 36 hours later I received a notification from Paypal with the shipment tracking number.
So far, all has gone per expectations previously described here.
Hopefully, YMWV…nor will mine.
Oh, you used the PP e-mail to send the info rather than IM messaging? I might just do that. 👍🏻
I believe Gaetz was one of those that ignored or allowed for the military judges to get red flag powers on guns. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Meanwhile here’s Gaetz doing what he does best.
Good job gaetz. Glad he mentioned Scheller.
Sounds strong, but weak.
Give me 5 minutes. I would verbally eviscerate them, using their own words to do it…
…far better than Gaetz did.
His problem was he let his emotions ruin what was a decent start.
Levity Break.
Arthur is 75 years old. He’s played golf every day since his retirement 15 years ago. One day he arrives home looking downcast.
‘That’s it,’ he tells his wife. ‘I’m giving up golf. My eyesight has become so bad that once I hit the ball I couldn’t see where it went.’
His wife sympathizes and makes him a cup of tea. As they sit down she says, ‘Why don’t you take my brother with you and give it one more try.’
‘That’s no good,’ sighs Arthur, ‘your brother is 85. He can’t help.’
‘He may be 85,’ says the wife, ‘but his eyesight is perfect.’
So the next day Arthur heads off to the golf course with his brother-in-law.
He tees up, takes a mighty swing, and squints down the fairway. He turns to the brother-in-law and says, ‘Did you see the ball?’
‘Of course I did!’ Answers the brother-in-law. ‘I have perfect eyesight.’
‘Where did it go?’ Arthur asks.
‘I don’t remember.’
_______________Break Over____________________________
It’s still going on …. Fresh story.
Biden Administration *Blocks* Evacuation Flight with American Citizens on Board from Landing in the U.S.
Are they doing background checks on the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and potential terrorist trash streaming up through the untended, open southern border??? 😡 😡 😡
Didn’t think so…..
The others that crowded the planes, approved by the gatekeeper taliban, weren’t vetted and are in line to receive about $2500 per head IIRC
Something else is going on here …