Cover image: Afternoon by Boat by Irene Borg
Okay, I have been collecting links since Friday. I’m just going to clear the tabs in no particular order. I am sure people have read some of these:
DC RINOs Campaign Against Trump-Endorsed Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake
Revolution and the Minds of Children
Yes, I did know about the Mexican Revolution of 1917. I read Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory when I was a senior in high school. Thank you Sister S.
Axios reveals Trump’s plan to take out the deep state
I seriously question if the Axios piece wasn’t a canary trap of some sort.
A more robust culture
Is the Government Directing Big Tech Censorship?
The Stigmatization of the Ordinary
Libertarians Are Not Our Friends
Matt Gaetz: Women Who ‘Look Like A Thumb’ Shouldn’t Gripe About Abortion Rights
Check out the tweet section. He doubled down on that.
Some Lessons from January 6 Committee Finale
An Appeal to Heaven
How Evil Advances: The Tyranny of Good Intentions
yes, birx is lying about her vaccine stance
She really did give us scarf wearers a bad name.
Pretending Has Consequences – Western Media and Western Govt Continue Saying, Falsely, Global Food Crisis Caused by Russia
Those western climate and energy policies create downstream consequences. The decision to chase a new global energy policy under the name “Build Back Better,” in combination with short-sighted EU sanctions against Russia, and you get food shortages. And boy howdy are they trying to avoid taking responsibility for it.
It was not Vladimir Putin who told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz their proactive recommendation to switch from crop-based biofuels to human food would be blocked. That G7 decision was made by Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden. {link} Even more significantly, it was not Russia who threatened the multinational energy companies about investing in Africa for expanded natural gas supplies for their fertilizer needs. That threat came from the same western government alliance, per their instructions from the World Economic Forum group {link}.
It was predictable {JUNE 21st} {June 30th} and {July 6th} that western government leaders would seek to avoid responsibility for the food crisis they created, and now we see more western media trying, desperately, to frame the Putin is to blame for global food shortages in order to protect them.
China’s Response to Pompeo vs. Pelosi
Forwarded from StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel (Stormy Patriot Joe)
6/4/2020 Q 4414 Clas movement of Pelosi
4/11/2021 Pompeo tweets chessboard
Eating Taiwanese dried pineapple
Pompeo tweets about meeting Nancy Pelosi in TaiwanNothing to see here
Not odd at all
Not Comms or anything
Move along
Still keeping options open on who is on what side, although this movie is turning into one heck of a long mini-series.
Tweet hopper:
When the Democrats have Jonathan Turley defending Clarence Thomas, we are definitely in interesting times.
Any thoughts?
Meme hopper:
I’m not that optimistic just yet.
Whadya think…header image?
Something to remember, always.
Per the boss’s instruction:
I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.
Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 20:20-28
20Then the mother of the sons of Zeb’edee came up to him, with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 21And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Command that these two sons of mine may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22But Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” 23He said to them, “You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” 24And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 26It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; 28even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
Delta 963 goes from Boston to Minneapolis/St. Paul.
It only SEEMED like 10 hours, 26 minutes.
The “Libertarians are NOT our friends” article is, IMHO, hogwash.
It’s all about “all right-thinking people kneel to the Federal Leviathan.” Along the way, it attempts to piss on Ayn Rand, Burning Man, and Hayek — among others. And this from a guy named Theodore Roosevelt Malloch….
Thoreau’s famous quote is, “That government is best which governs least.” [ ]. This is the core of Libertarianism — not “ANARCHY, ANARCHY, ANARCHY”, as our Roosevelt friend would like to maintain.
I’m not even going to read it! I don’t want to pollute my brain.
Yes, the current “fake libertarians” who are basically potheads, I have little use for. They are among the most controlled oppositions of all. But real libertarians – that’s another story!
You’re right, thousands of my brain cells died reading that screed.
The bigger threat to the real libertarians is this phenomenon called left libertarianism or libertarian socialism.
I occasionally run into one of these fuckers trying to hijack the name on line.
Left-libertarianism – Wikipedia
Then has libertarianism become unmoored from morality? If there isn’t some sort of moral social system underpinning it all, we get anarchy.
I’m more of a traditionalist myself.
Many of us do have traditional values and morals. We just feel it is not the government’s place to force it on anyone. It is up to society to police itselves in those matters. I believe firmly in limiting the government to only its enumerated powers, nothing more. I am more of a little “l” libertarian/constitutionalist, I don’t hold with the Libertarian Party. While we do not like the left manipulating the Constitution for their agenda, neither do we like it when the right does it either.
Ditto & Very Well said–Thanks!
B I N G O !
^^^ This.
Fellow east TN wisdom. Well stated.
I’ve never thought of myself as libertarian, but many people who know me say I am one. I just think of me as me! And me wants to be left the fuck alone by the government and pretty much everyone else.
You may be a libertarian!
Jeff Foxworthy needs to do a special. Then I’d know.
I think some Libertarian did do such a routine once.
Why bother? We all know you’re a redneck.
HILLBILLY. Born and bred.
Ohio State Trooper pulls over a car with West Virginia plates on I-77 just over the state line.
He asks the driver, “Got any ID?”
Driver replies, “ ’bout what?” 😀
🎼 🎵 “Take a load off Fanny….” 🎶
Lol! That’s the accent I grew up with!
I didn’t, and so I have a hard time visualizing that…every “redneck”/”hillbilly”/”hick” parody I’ve ever heard would say “eye-DEE-ur” or more likely “ah-DEE-ur” with an “ur” at the end.
So much for actual knowledge, relying on parodies!
Lol! There are so many regional differences it’s hilarious.
Britain is just as bad, if not much worse–they’ve had a thousand years to differentiate and sometimes they can’t understand each other very well. Some of our dialects here sound a LOT like specific ones over there, indicating where the original settlers here came from.
You don’t see the huge variety over there because BBC tends to strongly favor “Received Pronunciation” (a/k/a “The Queen’s English). Though you’d get a flavor for some of them watching Monty Python.
Lol. Monty Python.
My hillbilly grandma used all kinds of words that I later realized came from Old English. My family started arriving here about 1620-30.
She said things like “I’ll put a quietus on you,” if we misbehaved!
Okay, that’s funny.
Once I was in a restaurant outside of Washington, D.C. I ordered a glass of “iced tea.”
The waitress said, “we don’t serve alcohol.”
I said, “I don’t want alcohol, I want iced tea.”
She said “but Asti is alcohol. We don’t serve alcohol.”
I gave up. My companion had to order my glass of tea!
These two books (and there’s a third) should hep, I reckon 🙂 And on our yearly trips to West-by-God (and when I lived there one VERY hot summer – 104°F AND IT WAS RAINING!!!) I’d hear “ID” more than a few times 🙂
My family was coming here in the early 1600’s too! & if the BYU’s Relative Finder site can be believed then I actually have direct Mayflower ancestry too! If things Ever slow down it Might be fun to re-start some of those genealogical rabbit trails ❤
Me too. The hills of West-by-God-Virginia are filled and covered with my kinfolk 😀
Plus our generations are 40 years or so… my great-grandfather fought in the Civil War…
(But our fambly tree DOES branch 😀 )…..
(It’s all about the Benjamins has a different meaning to my part of the fambly tree… always the youngest of the youngest, hence the 40 years… except in my immediate family)…..
Here’s to Stewart’s, and hold the slaw 🙂
(And Hillbilly HotDogs are the RINOs of dogs 🙂 )….
My tree branches, but I have quite a few first-cousin marriages in there.
connected to royalty hmmm?
George III½ ? 😀
Nice 🙂
Lol, well, yes.
me too if Relative Finder can be belileved
My position is that any law that contradicts or allows citizens to violate the basic concepts of the 10 Commandments will lead to disorder and decline in law and order, citizen safety, security, economic prosperity, and eventually leads to chaos, disease, violence, death.
Currently, Western nations have forged laws that enable people to break all of GOD’s Commandments and some that would force us to do so. We have seen the fruit of it in Government, Business, Schools and even Churches.
Our Constitution is based on the foundation of the 10 Commandments and Magna Carta.
Uh, no it’s not.
People make such statements about our legal system being “based on the Ten Commandments” but there is nothing in our law requiring adherence to six out of ten of them.
Every time I try to point this out someone cites “thou shalt not kill” but no one ever cites “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” That’s because a law codifying the first commandment would be unconstitutional, and rightly so. Likewise with the next four commandments, all of which dictate religious practice.
If someone tries to point out we had no law before the ten commandments and that therefore the very concept of law springs from the ten commandments and THAT is their basis for claiming our law is based on the ten commandments, they’re either ignorant of history or dishonest.
And supposedly the proper translation is Thou shall not murder.
I’ve seen people argue that one–especially as regards, say, capital punishment or self defense. (Strictly speaking, “Thou shalt not kill” would forbid lethal self defense.)
But my main point was the claim that somehow our constitution is based on the Ten Commandments–a claim which usually throws up “Thou shalt not kill” as support–we have laws against murder, so do the 10Cs, voila…we’re based on the 10Cs. What about the six commandments NOT in our law, which they never mention?
Steve, truly I hear you.
I maintain that the Constitution is loosely based on the ethics and values of Christianity, the 10 Commandments – and the Magna Carta – but, what I meant is that our country and culture thrives when it doesn’t break those Commandments – when people are true to them.
I’m too tired to answer more today. Long day – getting over two episodes of CV 19.
Moreover, the Commandments were assumed to be the standard of behavior for the nation back then. We have gotten so far off base, especially over the last 40 or so years, especially with the atheist aggressions since Madelyn Murray Ohaire, that it seems preposterous.
Catherine Herridge: GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley alleges widespread effort in FBI, Justice Dept to downplay negative information about Hunter Biden
The fix is in. 3-letters need to be overhauled and/or dismantled, and lawbreakers need to pay for their crimes.
Glad to see that SOMEBODY is standing up!!!
“Attorney General Garland and Director Wray, simply put, based on the allegations that I’ve received from numerous whistleblowers, you have systemic and existential problems within your agencies,” Grassley wrote.
Systemic and existential.
Gotta tear them down and start over.
Forgive me in advance but I am going to have to go hot-blooded warrior here for a moment.
Grassley, who I respect enough to believe he may not be a criminal, has been in Congress for decades. I have never heard of him doing anything beyond writing the infamous strongly worded letter. Why hasn’t he paraded these whistleblowers all around DC? If a US Senator is so pathetically powerless why do we afford them such wide-ranging authority? Wray should have been out of a job 5 years ago. As for Garland, he should be on the bank of some river or lake fishing not threatening the parents of school children. As for the FBI and most other government departments, I agree with many others that they should be razed and replaced with something smaller and less powerful. The federal government has become a cancer and a plague on the otherwise good character of the American people. It needs to be reined in before there is nothing left in this country but ashes.
This whole “outrage theater” is just more hypocrisy from someone from whom I have reason to expect genuine results.
Now I will return to my room and let my blood cool. Yes I agree, most unseemly.
Lol, Robert! If your comment is unseemly, I am sometimes a downright dirty disgrace!
Grassley sometimes “tees things up” – give this some time to age! But yes – “outrage theater” is the precise thing we are seeing!
What an AWESOME rant!!!! That was so well said I am in total awe!! I couldn’t agree with you more! Bravo!
ps. Byebumb = BO and Garland = Holder
Neither are running the country nor department.
Austen drafted the ICA, and interviewed Danchenko.
This is EXACTLY like what happened in “Shallow State”. People who were “reliable” for certain tasks were used for those tasks. People with potential ethical objections to whatever task were, of course, not “reliable”.
GREAT Job Grassley. We KNEW that two plus years ago. Dumb Ass.
NEXT, Ms Linda WILL announce hearings.
^^^WHY NOW? Rinos need to fill donation coffers.
OMG. I think you’re right!
Thanks! I was wondering “what will be done.” Hearings are a step up from a letter. I don’t think there’s a rung above hearings, though.
!!! x 1000
Did Grassley ask if the the corn was ripe for cutting?
Talking about my jokes? 😀
OCR trick for Comey…Corney is Cuppa!
I know. Couldn’t resist.
Hey, hey, hey…
Colonel Cob is shucking and jiveing even now 😆
(Having had issues with a salt and buttering 😀 )
My position on this ^ remains the same that as it has for over 25 years and will be demonstrated in real life in HOH, Part 3.
I watched the interview below from over 4 years ago when it was on. I agree completely with Chris.
I thought that was a Chris Farley sketch!
Clown World
Would that be dihydrogen monoxide?
(ducks and runs from floods of liquids 🙂 )…..
The GWP had this posted also. I am sorry but I don’t have much faith in the senator’s taking any action that’s going to amount to anything.
More controlled opposition to keep the serfs hopes up and a little less restless for the time being.
There’s been plenty of opportunity for them to address these issues and yet we have to go through this act of rinse and repeat again and again and expect a different outcome. Won’t believe it until there’s results.
Given so much of what we are seeing is really scripted, I’m skeptical myself. A lone senator doesn’t have much raw legal power. Publicizing the matter is something else. There’s still normies who are sleeping on this.
Demonstrating to Kapo that their own are turning on the madness in Dodge and FIB is a nice chess move. Grassley does what he can.
“Publicizing the matter is something else.”
Exactly. Sometimes it’s our only recourse. Look at what they do to keep the lid on uncomfortable truth. It’s why China infiltrates Hollywood’s message, why the MSM is controlled.
All of Auten’s actions are mid-game damage control.
Given so much of what we are seeing is really scripted…
Back to the movie metaphor.
(“I want to make a film, and I want it to be a blockbuster.”) I was mostly kidding when I wrote that. What happened next, coincidence or not, was no joke.
My (only remote possibility of an actual) director received a call from the FBI.
Yes, despite mountains of evidence we never see anyone close on something of importance.
It appears to me that this story is being told by We the People. It’s why it’s taking so long, imo.
We are the closers.
“We are the closers.”
A better postcard to go with the video clip:
Islands of evidence that must be connected, lol.
As soon as some sensible sheriff detains Fibbies engaged in some illegality, these same RINOs will be screaming that it’s civil war. LOL. OUTRAGE THEATER!
What we need to get people to understand is, this is not about what the FBI did to influence an election.
It’s about this: if the FBI will lie, manipulate and conceal evidence, and cheat to attack a President, and influence an entire COUNTRY, what would they do to little old YOU if they wanted to get you?
That’s what this is about. People need to see THAT, and then we can dismantle the FBI down to the ground, and spread the salt where it stood.
Exactly. I am fairly convinced at this point that the “pedophile” who gunned down two Fibbies (both likely innocent cannon fodder betrayed by superiors) was just an entrapped innocent citizen who decided to even the score on the way out.
With FIB, I’m fully back to “innocent until proven guilty by a jury of true regional peers”.
If agents realize they are being betrayed like us, expect more whistleblowers.
Maybe a few inside are feeling the heat, now that the facts of Hunter investing in Metabiota at the WIV are emerging.
The timeline is damning, and perhaps those on the fringe of the investigation can no longer pretend to not know where the implication of those facts lead.
Bias in an election is one thing, planning and unleashing a global pandemic?
Well said! Things are getting nasty. The other side is not going to stop releasing nasties. Agents know the shots are poison – and it’s on purpose. There is waking up on the inside.
Boy, I hope so!
…to l’il ol’ YOU”…
See comment above.
Gregg Phillips on
These folks are surely being heavily shadowed by DNC, MSM, FIB, CIA, MIB (enforcing secret law that sanctioned the fake election), and cabal operatives of all kinds.
I suspect that the bad guys were ready for a July release, and this was all meant to happen after that.
Better it happens this way. Attacks will up the white hat game.
I would particularly recommend to Wolf the link at .
It’s intriguing to read backwards from the flag — highlighted in Wolf’s coverage — to the proper protection of religion under the Constitution.
Thanks!!! Will check it out shortly!
Yes, that was excellent! An important part of this, is the “secularization of modern perspective o the Founders” which is clearly beyond merely revisionist, and indeed subversive to the Constitution!
Kinda what I was trying to get at under the Libertarian discussion earlier – that Christianity and its strictures/laws/commandments were just assumed back then….before the last 40-60 years of sexual revolution-atheist-secularist aggression.
This is going to take some thinking – but I’m about ready to call it a day.
I guess we are in quite a cycle of notable deaths. This actor was good at unnerving me just with his presence.
David Warner, British Actor Known for ‘The Omen’ and ‘Tron,’ Dies at 80
“David Warner, the English actor who gave memorable performances on the big screen, in a key role in “The Omen,” and as villains in “Time After Time,” “Time Bandits” and “Tron,” has died. He was 80.
The actor died of a cancer-related illness on Sunday in London, his family told the BBC. “Over the past 18 months he approached his diagnosis with a characteristic grace and dignity,” his family said in a statement shared with the public broadcaster.”
A great character actor! RIP, sir!
I thought he was just perfect in Time Bandits.
He was awesome in The Omen. Sorry to see him go. RIP.
He was in a lot! Between good older actors and rock stars lifestyles catching up to them(except keith richards), the next few years are going to be full of these.
I’m sure you’re right. It’s sad to see them go. Did you see where Tony Dow is in hospice? (Leave it to Beaver’s Wally).
Yes. And his wife said he died but didnt….
Whaddaya think? THE JAB???
Always my first thought.
With Sylvia on this. Jab is ALWAYS my first suspect in deaths, these days.
SADS strikes again. Hoping Normies WTFU.
Yes, very odd. Could have detoured to a doc-in-the-box or a pharmacy.
Here’s a reply to posting that article on Gab…
mentioned you·2m
Paralegal. Seems it might be interesting to know for whom and what she may of been working on.
Kinda like the story yesterday about the woman shooting into the ceiling at Dallas Love Field. Why shoot into the ceiling? Create a distraction for someone else to grab a bag from the carousel?
Hmmmm …
I M F (Tom Cruise) type move …
Here’s the full video from the Tennessee testimony of Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Richard Urso. What they say about natural immunity is powerful, and even more so because of all the recent data that NIH, CDC, and MSM refuse to talk about.
Because you need more women with guns!
And, then, there’s when mama bear is activated —
No way would I have taken that pic. Only an idiot would allow someone to point a firearm with such complete lack of trigger discipline.
Even with the finger off the trigger, it is stoopid. Never get in front of a fully assembled weapon. Doesn’t matter if it was verified, unloaded. NEVER.
What ever appened to Alec Baldwin killing the gal on a movie set. Hmmm.
guess it takes awhile to pay people off.
This is what cable releases are for.
Inspect the gun, make sure it’s unloaded, hand it to the Mama Bear, let her point it at the camera, while you trigger the shot from many feet off-axis.
That would be my plan. Camera on tripod. Heck, they’ve got Bluetooth shutter releases.
For those who want to SAVE the Matt Gaetz “BE OFFENDED” interview, you can right-click this copy!
[video src="" /]
As a woman, I’d like to make the guy a sammitch.
Careful! Some folks out there might think you are a “downright dirty disgrace!”
Lol! That’s a good one!
Heck I’d make him a full picnic spread.
Amen. Cherry pie and all.
H/T arksirc
This was published a week or so ago, but I just now read it. It’s long, but interesting. And a little scary and a little depressing.
The Borg of the Gargoyles
How government, tech, finance, and law enforcement converged into an all-knowing criminalization complex—and how to resist it
Not too long, and definitely interesting.
Wish more folk would read “Snow Crash” which he bases his article on and the book after.. “Diamond Age, A Young Ladies Illustrated Primer” Both are under 200 pages, both very creative stories, highly entertaining and packed with information that will continue to be relevant far into the future.
I am amazed that the Illustrated Primer hasn’t appeared in real life yet.
Maybe it has.. you’ll remember that the one in the book was never supposed to fall into the wrong hands, it was made only for the most elite. (a drugged out kid living in a community of stacked semi trailers found it… but his little sister got hold of it and he never got it back, thus the story.)
Thanks para, I did think “Snow Crash” looked interesting. Thanks for the tip.
H/T K1tt7-fzn
Beware of the Franken Food. Whether its plant based phony meat or bugs, there are hazards. Interesting read.
“It has been known for quite a while there is a massive push for planetary dietary change, steering the majority of the world’s population from animal protein to different forms of synthetic protein. One favored by many of the ones pushing this change under different agendas is plant-based. If anyone ever annoys you about plant-based protein, just show them this. Plant-based will never have the same nutritional value as animal protein, regardless of how much they “add” or gene edit it….
There are many rabbit holes to dive into in this realm. The substack argument is that a buggy diet may have a bunch of contaminants known to spread known diseases. Sounds bad, is bad…..could be worse.
The “Hygiene Hypothesis” is that kids who never grew up playing in the dirt and in mud-puddles have stunted immune systems — which, then, go crazy when exposed to things like peanuts or gluten. What if shifting from beef and chicken to bugs never exposes immune systems to common triggers found therein? Will we see childhood bug eaters going into anaphylactic shock when given a regular cheeseburger?
And, then, you get into the joys of monoculture. Pretty much everyone has eaten a banana. There are easily 150 types, but the chances are very good that you have never eaten a type other than the ‘Cavendish’. Pretty much every commercial banana is a clone of the original. Some day, a bug will adapt to the Cavendish and wipe out the entire variety. Eventually, a new resistant variety will be created, but the original appearance, texture, and flavor will only be a memory. Will popular crickets and mealworms suffer the same fate?
Hey coothie! I can always depend on you for an interesting take on things. Wow, rabbit holes indeed! For myself, if bananas, crickets, or mealworms never appeared on my plate I’d be cool with that.
PS Check your email.😁😁😁
When I lived in Hawaii, we had a banana called “Ice Cream.” They best way to eat them was fried in butter. Then they were like banana-flavored french toast.
I don’t think they are exported because they don’t travel well.
You can order the corms for them. They may not have a long enough time to ripen though.
Montana would be pretty hard on bananas!
i actually grew plantains in Md. I grow them here in Tn as well, but never have a long enough growing season for them to ripen.
I never understood going vegetarian trying to imitate meat? My family was over 15 years vegetarians we never imitated meat . One does not need to eat bugs just know how to balance food incorporate brewers east . We still ate eggs, butter, fish, whole milk.
See, that’s not strong enough. VEGANS run the leftist morality now. No eggs, no dairy, no fish, no bugs.
They get brain fog . I have known vegans one died got thinner and thinner one day was dead. The others has problems concentrating. Vegan is to far even for me 🙂
I do LOVE this one!!! Thank you, DP!
“Our sanity is more important than your nutty phony mask drama, mAsKIEs!”
Yeü. “THUMB folks” gotta be MaskHoles…
My freedom is pretty much more important than anything some liberal wants, thank you very much.
My ancestors fought, and some died so I could have it.
*sword-sharpening noises*
Bolt racking noises …
“Rock n Roll” … and it ain’t “music” … Oh, ok, it could kinda be music …
Awesome opener! Thanks!
Big thunderstorms through here last night. The flash flooding is bad this time.
This is south of where I am, but northwest of here also has some low lying spots where the water is multiple feet deep. The storm drain system just couldn’t handle the volume of water.
We had some bad ones locally last Wednesday night. Got a couple inches in the garage/basement, but no real damage. Neighbors had water come in their front door and ruined a lot of stuff, not including multiple trees down. Helped my cousin across the road remove a large one that was leaning on his back veranda.
We had rain but nothing earth shaking more drizzle. Nice for the garden.
Sorry to hear of damage and flooding in some places.
We’ve had eight and a half inches at least since midnight. Set a record.
Holy smokes, that’s a lot of rain!
Yeah, and the storm drain system just couldn’t handle the volume. I have friends who are flooded in this subdivision.
Jeez. I hope you stay dry at least.
This house is close to the top of a hill. The biggest issue is driving through standing water. There are known spots that take forever to drain. It’s a mess here right now.
We get that here in my little town if it rains hard for an hour. The worst drainage ever. Our water table is so high it takes forever to drain off. Drive safe; it’s dangerous.
KY got lots of rain we were on the french but lots of lightning here.
We seem to get nice drizzle like rain at the moment.
Temp dropped to 71F from 89F and humidity.
Sounds like Bayou City when the Gulf rushes inland.
Somebody call Noah and see how he’s coming along building that ark.
While you have Noah on the line…..
ask him to not allow ticks, chiggers and mosquitos on the boat next time. 🙂
And RINOs.
Be careful to be sure he doesn’t think you mean rhinos.
No kiddin.
WOW, we sure could use it. All we’ve had for weeks is lightning warnings and thunder, not a drop. Even that rally storm 45 ended early a few weeks ago that was coming our way, nothing, nodda, nope, nary a spittle. Stay dry and safe.🤗😘❤
We had lightning strike a pole that was on firer. No electricity for an hour until electric company to fix it.
My Internet was fixed finally. They found a loose connection 150 yards from my house that caused problems.
When I was a kid, cable would go out at random, sometimes for a minute, sometimes for hours. We had no idea the outage wasn’t systemwide; that this wasn’t normal. (That miniseries “Masada”? Cable died 15 minutes before it ended. Never did see the ending.)
Finally the guy across the street called to complain. The tech put his hands on the box to open it and the cable went out. We had put up with shitty service for years and never had to.
Same here we thought it was weather related.
DO NOTE THE CREEPY COMMUNIST IMAGE on the wall at the ‘Pence rally’
Very Øbamesque…
Are you referring to the Arizona state flag?
Oops! Hah – joke’s on me.
I have NO defense.
Well I thought you might have meant the blue wavey thing in the corner, but I couldn’t tell what it was. 🙂
Truth is, it reminded me of AZ. But then, I dwell on it a bit.
Something about it was commie. Yet it is AZ.
AND, where is the American Flag?
AZ flag looks painted. Guessing American Flag is on a wall to the left.
Pence / Rino Karen crown rivaled BiteMe’s few dozen. Pitiful.
You just said what I always thought. AZ flag could be an AOC NGO logo!
Now, however, I’m wondering about the history and origin of that flag.
Always a good line of research!
Valerie – My life has been one long continuous embarrassing moment.
And it’s my own fault – through word and deed.
Oh no please don’t go there. I was not at all criticizing you, just confused, but frankly I Could be wrong…I just thought that it was the AZ flag because I’ve seen it used by AZ politicos like Kari Lake.
With all you manage with your disabled daughter my hat is off to you BIG TIME!!!
I’m honestly Amazed at the wealth of knowledge & insight displayed daily at the Q-Tree. There is so much to learn around here that it’s like working on a post-grad degree!
Be blessed & forgiving to yourself for any little faux pas that come along the way.
I LOVE what you share here!!! WM once replied to something stupid I’d shared that he considered it “red meat for da wolf” to tear apart, so even our “mistakes” can be helpful here in the Qniverse 🙂
Love that term Qniverse.
Verily, verily, Valerie – I have a long trail of Oops and OMG and Outrageousness behind me. I’m praying to grow, mature, overcome the patterns of behavior and personality faults.
Just keep making the excellent mistakes of honesty, like so many great thinkers on their way to the truth!
You are a wonderful human being and blog host!
“Excellent mistakes of honesty”
Very insightful way to express things!
Sounds like real life to me!
I started using the “Qniverse” term with my family to be a shorthand for people at the Q-Tree, people who follow or at least pay attention to Q, &/or people who buy into things that have been “revealed” by Q peeps. I Think I invented it but don’t know that for a fact… 😎
Amen! Where else can someone state so bluntly that the Arizona state flag now looks commie because the other side has so successfully appropriated both the star and the rainbow?
Not much of a rainbow, more a stylized sunburst…but your point stands.
I thought it might represent a sunrise or perhaps sunset over the desert, but with the blue at the bottom it looks like water…which is where exactly, besides the Colorado River, in Arizona?
When I was a kid/(near)teen, we took a raft trip on the Green River, tributary of the Colorado. That was a very interesting & fun experience. Saw quicksand, hieroglyphics, drank straight from the river, & had “facilities” hidden in the desert scrub that we could find by the nearby hanging life jacket that one would take down when “occupied”…
I could even see the blue standing for how dark the ground would seem right at daybreak.
Good possibility 🙂
Based on you posts here, I have to respectfully disagree with your self-assessment. You have great sense and judgment.
I’m very touched that you would say that, Tonawanda. Coming from you – whose opinion I value – that is such encouragement.
❤ ❤ ❤
George Gobel used to talk about feeling like a pair of brown shoes in a room full of black tuxedos 😀
Perfect! I’ve been to weddings in two different shoes. To church with two different earrings. And a thousand other missteps, misspeaks, missed marks.
You were in style before its time 🙂
I walked around with mismatched earrings before but at my age do not care 🙂
You had another pair at home, too!
👍 😂
Funny how that works…I’ll bet the left one of the pair at home looked like the right one of the pair you wore, and vice versa.
Funny how that works.
That is true 🙂
Seems to me you are a bit too hard on yourself. We all have made mistakes and blow it at times if we are honest. Enjoy the goober! When I stopped taking myself so seriously and laughed at my doofusness, it freed me to think clearly and without the veil being up to others.
We all know how special you are, GA/FL.
My daughter started wearing mismatched socks as a signature survival move because our laundry zone was such a disaster & it was Very Hard to find matching socks. She once had a friend sleep over who left 1/2 of a special outfit in our house & her mom requested it back. We found it like Half a Decade later–yikes!!!
I’m happy now, as a member of the “Geritol for Lunch Bunch” that I can wear white HushPuppies with blue pants and a white shirt and not care one iota what anyone thinks 😆
“The Preppie Handbook” calls that “Go To Hell Fashion”… so, if it’s good enough for the shrubs…..
Way back in the dark ages, aka High School, we had “Clash Day” where we’d try to find the most incongruous, dissonant, outrageous, dare I say disgusting outfits…
A few years later, they were “hip” and all the rage…
And now, decades later, we can’t remember what all the fuss was about 😆
Heyyyy, you’re hip, just like Dilbert (and Wally 🙂 )…
Probably one of the funniest of the Johnny Carson interviews EVAH!!
.. my eyes went straight to the overweight fat-cat republican fundraiser dinner eating seal clapper in the white shirt…but I’m sure that’s just me… 😆
Is that Mr. KellyAnne?
Could be, I have no idea who it may be.
Probably just me stereotyping. 😏
After years of observation, there never seems to be a shortage of them ‘overfilling’ chairs at republican fundraisers, the Haley Barbour atty/lobbyist club types.. business is obviously good.
No energy except for long as they don’t have to get out of their chair 😂
Big dude w/glasses, never Trumper, makes perfect sense he’d be there. Plus he earns brownie points w/the Missus.
That’s funny!