This is our SIXTH New Year, as we are now over FIVE years old.
Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

Because it’s CHRISTMAS The New Year!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807, https://theqtree579486807.wordpress.com/
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at https://gab.com/groups/4178
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of the New Year:
- The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.
- Heart; mind; thought; feeling; inclination; desire.
- State or frame of mind; disposition; condition.
Shown in a picture

Why COURAGE is the word of the New Year
Pat Frederick and Aubergine had an inspired conversation, and I think they’re both right.





and always remember

and even more importantly

THESE qualities are what we need to get past THEIR NEXT JANUARY SIXTH PLOT!!!
We offer multi-song selections from multiple genres. Take your pick!
Here’s something that wasn’t on your bingo card for the New Year – Indian Christian music!
A little too Eastern? Try Western! Medieval Western! Note the interesting similarities – and differences.
OK – let’s celebrate LAST YEAR – with an BIG WOLF epic / heroic orchestral music mix from 2023!!!
Feeling uninspired? Try some INSPIRATIONAL electronic music that’s used to addict people to VIDEO GAMES.
And if you still feel like partying, and want some energy, here is an interesting genre called “nightcore” – which is basically sped-up music, like we loved when we were kids, playing 33 1/3 rpm vinyl at 45 rpm.
And how can we celebrate a turn of the Gregorian calendar, without a selection of real, live, Gregorian chants, by Spanish monks?
Sorry, but we can only provide a link to this one.
If you can’t do links, here is an alternative – an hour of “Gregorian pop” with a female vocalist!
OK – if you’re still looking for something, try an oddball collection of classic country. This is a strange mix, but it’s got its moments, like riding in somebody else’s pickup truck with an 8-track player and an eclectic selection of tapes strewn everywhere.
Still feeling the Christmas spirit, but DONE with trees, ornaments, and all that “not about Christ” stuff? How about hours and hours of hymns on piano and cello, with soothing videos of nature in the background?
Sorry boys – the AI-generated “big fiddle” gal only appears on the cover!
OK – time to finish with SIREENS. Real ones. In a STAIRWELL!
We repeat our greetings from Christmas!
A Happy New Year to ALL of you – posters, lurkers, appreciated authors, former posters, beloved guests, wandering journalists, opposition researchers, Deep State(TM) spies, foreign and domestic intelligence, and future historical AIs.
We appreciate your presence here, in the New Year! Please feel free to carry our messages of TRUTH and GOD’S GLORY to the infinite corners of the universe!

How about our very first New Years on The Q Tree, in 2019?
Our original header and tagline:

Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20190101

This special NEW YEAR’S DAY 2019 (TUESDAY) open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots …
Take a close look at this site’s original tagline! Let’s have a little bit of fun with that stuff!
OK – back to THE FIGHT.
And the other side fights DIRTY.
The fight for TRUTH is spreading to the sane classic liberal left.
Check out how she’s fighting – and how the dark side is trying to fight back.
And now for some completely unacceptable behavior by a cousin of mine.
Scientists crack case of decapitated seal pups that have been found on California beaches since 2016 – and they say the culprit is ‘surprising’
UGH. Guys. You’re ruining the brand!
Now – if defenseless seal pups had guns, instead of waiting for wildlife biologists and cameramen to arrive on time…..
Notice what happens if people fail to properly misspell the meme text……
Just sayin’!
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

Happy New Year, Amigos!

And as always….

Best wishes for a very happy 2024, all!!!!
I believe this year will be the biggest rollercoaster of all, yet we will be in one gigantic car…so let it roll!!!!
TY Wolf, DePat and everyone else who hosts the little mice to read and spread the word!
Happy New Year, WSB!!! Thanks for being here! And yes – I agree. This is gonna be a wild ride! BUCKLE UP!!!
Wolf, TY for all you do! And for your sacred pledge to the rest of us!
We try to abide by the same. In any small way.
As an aside, Bette used to come in and purchase clothes at Brooks Hirsch when I was in high school?! Connecticut!! Store clerk and ‘fashion consultant’.
“Hello girls, hello girls…what do you have for me today?”
Laurie, my manager, “Well, ‘Hello Ms. Davis’, what can we show you this afternoon?”
Ms. Davis, “Well, I MIGHT be going on a cruise, so any beautiful things that would be appppppropriate would be divine!”
And the rest of us would dart back and forth to find the most DIVINE thing in the store. Three hours of darting!!!
She was a riot!!! Always left with three to four bags!!!!! Always bid us ‘good-bye, see you girls soon’!
Loved these times!
And Bette NEVER returned anything! Not Like Jackie Kennedy with her NYC shops!!
Sounds like she was a nice person, unlike some of the characters she portrayed.
Exactly! A CLASS ACT!!!
Indeed! And Bette’s head could barely clear the counter!!! She was PETITE!!!
So much FUN!!!
Ms. Davis was a lovely person. Just lovely. And we would dress her up in bathing suits and leisureware and coats and day dresses and everything. We would DOTE on her.
Ms. Davis loved having the semblance of attention she had earlier in her life, and we were happy to give it!
Mr. Brooks, BTW, was Mr. Hirsch’s partner. He became Lord and Taylor. Mr. Hirsch did not want to buy into that, yet he maintained a three-county private shopping spree for very famous ladies in Fairfield county.
And I was in High School, learning how to have fun with and serve other people!
What a wonderful experience!
OMG, that’s a wonderful story! 😍
Thank you for sharing that precious memory! Fun!!!
I simply have to ask; was she as luminous in person as she was onscreen? I always wonder if people actually look in person like they do on camera.
Wink! Yes, Bette Davis was a tiny tornado!
Mascara, lipstick, gloves, day suit, eyes to kill, a wit like none other. Genius level mind. Pure perfection.
I truly believe that Bette Davis knew she was not the prettiest thing in Hollywood, so she made up for that with pure personality and wit. She always seemed the ‘checkmate’ in the boutique.
Thanks for the story! I thought she was beautiful.
Wow, Wow, Double WOW!
Happy New Year!
Thank you!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!! 💖 🍾 🍺
🥃 !!!!!
Happy New Year.
We will…
Thank you for this post and all the music, Wolf, and for this site which is a gathering place that fosters peace, strength, clarity, and courage.
Courage comes from the heart.
I like the illustration of “courage,” too. 😊
Happy New Year to all! 🎉
Also see Sacré-Cœur — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacr%C3%A9-C%C5%93ur,_Paris .
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, (“Heart of the Awl”), named for a tribe of Native Americans of the same name.
Happy New Year!!! 💖 💝 💕
Happy New Year and many thanks for all the support and camaraderie by all who participate here in Wolfie’s QTree. MAGA 2024 is here!!
Amen!!! Happy MAGA 2024!!! 🔔 🇺🇸
On January 1, 1752, Betsy Ross was born. 🇺🇸
A lesson in the virtue of DILIGENCE!!!
How sweet!!!
When my parents adopted two little kittens (brother and sister) in Virginia after they moved there, they asked me what they should name them.
Without hesitation, I said, “Betsy and Ross.”
And so it was.
Betsy was an all-black tiny cat who was intimidated by Ross, who was a barn buster of a grey tabby. He loved water and being the center of attention EVERYWHERE!!!!
James Woods:
I think this is correct. We have to keep forcing the Constitution, even as they ignore it.
First message of the New Year……
My message to Eric Adams?
Who died and made you king, you asshole?!
Actually he is panicking. According to a clip InTheMatrixxx & ShadyGrooove showed, Adam is being targeted for removal because he went off the DNC Plantation.
Yeah, they sure don’t like runaways.
Abbott should be sending these people BACK through Mexico, not distributing them in the US. He is probably getting kick-backs from the cartels.
Trump looks pretty serious in that clip.
he’s probably the only sober one there.
Melania appears to be missing again. Maybe she’s still with her Mom. Sad.
Melania’s Mom is in the hospital. Have not read additional details.
It’s a 2:18 clip. He says he will win for a third time. He also says that Melania sends her love and that she’s with her mother, who is in the hospital. He says “it’s a tough one” and hopefully it’ll be okay. I hope she isn’t seriously ill. 🙏
Great little speech. Yes, let’s pray for Melania’s mother. 🙏
She have read down a little. This answered my question about Melania.
Me too. Should have read down. Posted the answer above. 🙂
Ah, well. We’re quick on the draw ’round here!
Trollin’, trollin’, trollin’…
LMAO!!! I love this man!!!
I’m watching for The Rapture of the church, frankly..
yes I am a pre-Tribber.
The Blessed Hope.
you & my hubby..Jack Van Impe is enjoying his view of it all now though 🙂
I didn’t remember these men. This is an hour-long video that I haven’t watched yet, but it looks as if it could be interesting.
Jump to 49 minutes and the guy on the right talks about the masking policies and outdoor lockdown policies not making sense.
Yes. They were right!
IIRC, that video played here QTree.
I saw it somewhere, could have been here.
I remember watching this. Actual doctors who actually understood actually medical science. So of course, they couldn’t be allowed to speak out!
Lookeee what I found:
Yay! That’s the image on the “cover” of the video!
She’s cute, but my first impulse is to feel avuncular.
Kill joy.
(Yea I had to look it up.)
She’s still incredibly cute.
It’s a bit of a bummer, but if it keeps me out of jail……
Not to mention, such familial feelings can become superpowers.
A young woman said, “You are a soldier, please save a sister” as she was about to be raped by bandits during a train robbery.
Those words lit up a Gurkha, with the result of three dead, eight injured, approximately 30 fled…. https://www.ssbcrack.com/2015/06/gorkha-soldier-from-indian-army-saves-girl-from-rape-and-takes-on-40-train-robbers-with-only-a-khukuri.html
Young ladies are to be protected.
I remember that story!
That’s a Normal Male response–as well as protecting the elderly, children, & the disabled. Normal males are being shamed out of (overt) existence by the commies slithering & scheming amongst us… 😠
Bastards ain’t gonna shame me, sons or guys I’m likely to be around.
Fifteen will get you twenty!
Doncha know, Do Not Touch. Lookin is OK.
First thought was the Argentine cellist Sol Gabetta (42)(hmm HHGTTG Fenchurch?)
the joy of cello (there’s always room for cello)
I may pick on you from time to time but you are a true treasure! I had never known about this cello cutie until just now. ThanQ so much.
Thanks!… Here are a few more, among them Ofra Harnoy
And then there’s Camille Thomas, who appears to be moving up in the world of cellists 🙂
(props for going up there… hope that’s not her Strad…)…
And Nina Kotova (also plays a Strad, formerly owned by du Pré)

Finally, one of the greatest cellists of all time, Jacqueline du Pré
And a couple of articles about her, from “The Strad”, a great magazine for those of us who are fretless about strings 🙂
Didn’t realize that SHAGGY and MS. SHAGGY-CNN have split up!
Too bad. Them shit bags deserve each other.
But not the kid.
Holy crap! There’s a photo of KJP in this article from 2015 that’ll show you just how MUCH lipstick they are putting on that particular pig to make it presentable on TV! Yikes. That woman is fugly.
What article? Got a link?
Sorry, it’s in the one Wolf posted. It’s this one:
ThanQ [I think] 😂
Here’s Beany and Cecil’s (or Harry Truman [Stan Freberg]’s) take on things 😀
In Black and White, no less 🙂 Catch the Sheriff’s star…..
I didn’t even realize they had ever been together.
Oh, the horror… the horror… 😂
The chutzpah. It burns.
Cry more.
San Antonio and many of the surrounding areas have a very strict no fireworks rule. 😆
Sounds like that everywhere in the area. 22 miles away from city center and that is how it was last night. Starts early as it gets dark and builds to a continuous roar by midnight.
Should’ve fired toward the border 🙂
(OK, OK, would need more range, but it’s a thought…)…..
From a friend in San Antonio 🙂
We plan on going to the parking lot of the library near our house. Its on a small hill, so we can look out and see all the fireworks going off in the various neighborhoods. Its illegal to light up fireworks within the city limits, but there’s power in numbers, so people do it anyway. The cops can’t get to everyone at once. But, you didn’t hear that from me – lol.
Wonderful, musical, inspirational open to the New Year!
The Middle Ages tavern wench reminded me Very Loosely of a character in a pretty interesting Netflix show. The video is queued up to show her. I very much enjoyed this unique show…
Drat! Netflix.
Every now & then it’s got some good stuff 🙂
Interesting Pfizer whistleblower from way back is dumping stuff that was blocked earlier by censors.
Long thread with lots of questions answered in replies.
gonna have to look for this on nitter (still banned in twit world) for the convo after some sleep & likely watching Michigan at the Rose Bowl–go Blue! Hopefully we don’t get bogus calls like the crapshow that robbed the Lions of their likely victory over Dallas w/ the 2 point conversion taken away by “incompetent” refs at the end of that game on Sat. Hubby read that that officiating team has now been removed from participating in the playoffs as they have made some major “blunders” that impacted multiple important games including this fiasco for Detroit & a recent one for the KC Chiefs…
Have you considered just getting a new email and creating a new account? I think they’ll leave you alone.
choosing not to self-censor & since I’m pretty active on Gab if they ever restore my twitter (not holding my breath) I’ll mostly just reply to people, if any still care to interface w/ me, & then probably direct them to Gab…it would take a bit for me to choose to jump back in to twit world 🙂
FWIW, I’mYourModerator — Chris Paul, has decided to abandon twatter because he finds it an echo chamber full of bots and censorship. He is moving to Telegram and other platforms. There was a badlands, pro & con discussion.
interesting…the censorship left a permanent bad taste in my mouth, but it’s practically everywhere…sigh…
In one batch of messages appears:
“Today when Ian came out to talk he said he would get a list after October 22 and see how…
The Jews were on a list
What “list,” is what I want to know? What the hell?
I wondered about that too…hmmm 🙄
Could that be connected to targeting specific genetic populations for destruction?
Gotta wonder.
SARS — Asian populations
MERS — Middle-Eastern populations
COVID variants — ?????
If they can isolate DNA of/to particular populations, they can design killer “vaccines” for them. I’ve been saying that for years (“I talk to the trees, but they don’t listen to me” 🙂 )…
There’s some outfit that custom designs a therapy based on DNA (IIRC it’s a cancer treatment or some such)…
Makes you wonder why and how they’re gathering up everybody’s DNA and working on absolute identification of everybody. BillyGhoulGates’s dream has always been GUIDs (Globally-unique Identifiers) ever since he stole an OS and called it M$-DOS… every release has been more and more tied to a unique piece of hardware, and by extension, the owner/user of said hardware. Seems his megalomaniacal software ideas are now being used to tie us all down (up?). Or maybe the OS stuff was just a test case…. We’re Alpha-Testers all over again 😡 😡 😡 😡
BillyBluescreen is now BillyBlackscreen…
psychopathic global genocidal totalitarian
23&Me was all about collecting people’s DNA. Also hospitals in the UK and the USA have been grabbing new born DNA for decades.
& I thought I read somewhere that Chyna had bought up Ancestry DNA or something 😠
Yeah, I went looking for that.
China is stealing your DNA with home ancestry kits…
concerning 😠
Ancestry.com is now owned by Blackrock, IIRC…
That’s disturbing…Mormons sold out?
Also the COVID test swabs, methinks…
very likely 🙁
Nasty stuff.
from the nitter conversation
& this one, fwiw
Sorry not sorry
31 Dec 2023
Replying to @MelissaMcAtee92 @CoonassLee
Kevin – WE THE PEOPLEhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/2764.svg – DADhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f981.svg https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f409.svg https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f525.svg
31 Dec 2023
Replying to @MelissaMcAtee92 @CoonassLee
27 Dec 2023
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f6a8.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f6a8.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f6a8.svg https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f1e8-1f1e6.svg Canadian Live Blood Analyst, Kelly Bacher speaks about the difference in people’s blood, before and after #Covid #Vaccination https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f633.svg :
“I’ve been looking at people’s blood since 2017 – I kinda know what’s suppose to be there and what it’s suppose to look like and what I’m seeing now is NOT NORMAL….there is more things in the blood than there should be!!”
“We recently had an influx of people, because they knew that something was WRONG, even though they were being told that nothing was wronghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f641.svg
When I make my findings, my patients usually ask me ‘what can we do about this?’ And I just don’t know the answer and that’s why I’m reaching out”
“I’ve sent pictures of these things that I’m finding and they are :
And when they morph/combine in the human body into whatever ORGANISM I’m looking at, it looks like a CRAB or a SQUID or SEGMENTED TENTACLES, kind of like a SPIDER!! I NEVER saw those things before!!”https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f633.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f633.svg
“Then there is the METALLIC looking pieces that will eventually degrade, BUT
turn into a living ORGANISM when they’re in the body!!”
“When I shut my microscope off, they almost go DORMANT – And then, when I turn everything back on, including the lights, ever so slightly, they’ll start moving again……and before you know it, it’s a full out BUZZ again!!!! That’s not normal, when blood DIES, it DIES!!!!”https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f633.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f633.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f633.svg
#Covid #Vaccine #Parasites #BioWarfare

& for the internal nit/tweet, in case the video might play…
along the same lines as the last tweet
Replying to @MelissaMcAtee92 @CoonassLee
31 Dec 2023
Replying to @MelissaMcAtee92 @CoonassLee
Foreign CODED DNA Fragments Found Self-Assembling in the Live Blood of the COVID VAXXXinatedForeign CODED DNA fragments were detected in mRNA COVID shots and now in the live blood of the VAXXXED self-assembling into long chains of nucleic acids and hitchhiking into human cells. Foreign DNA i
Here’s the rumble video from the above stuff
The rumble video is a minute & a half. I didn’t see the “self assembly” going on that I could tell…
This is the info at the rumble site:
Foreign CODED DNA fragments were detected in mRNA COVID shots and now in the live blood of the VAXXXED self-assembling into long chains of nucleic acids and hitchhiking into human cells. Foreign DNA integration into the human genome & oncogenesis are known risks and even acknowledged by @US_FDA in ’07.
To learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O, Young click on the following link: http://www.drrobertyoung,com/blog
To support the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young click on the following link: http://www.givesendgo.com/research
& from the comments:
15 hours ago
Aloha Robert, I’ve found your work through Sacha Stone. Thank you. I’ve been a practicing Holistic Health Coach specializing in Detox & Cleansing for many years now. It seems my research & the series of world events is leading me to figure out how to get these funky synthetic materials out of the body. I work with a variety of herbs, binders, medicines and protocols to detox the tissues, but we’re up against some heavy stuff that is growing inside people on a daily basis. I think it would be fascinating to study under microscope if specific substances or frequencies weaken these materials…I’ve found shilajit & Niacin to be powerful supporters, sweating and living food/enzymes, as well as a long list of herbs & binders. I believe we need even more powerful therapies now to clean out our blood. LMK your thoughts & thank you so much for your research. _Jason
also from the conversation, fwiw
Freedom Mecca
31 Dec 2023
Replying to @MelissaMcAtee92 @ecomuaf @CoonassLee @DrAnaMihalcea
This should help.
Also, here is an excellent place to store data. Data has been collected along with some analysis since Covid-19 hit the radar.
Because you mentioned courage it made me think of the French for “heart” coeur, iirc, which brought to mind something I read long ago that CS Lewis wrote about “men without chests”. When searching for that quote this old article came up, how long, & short, ago this all seemed…
“It is an outrage that they should be commonly spoken of as Intellectuals. This gives them the chance to say that he who attacks them attacks Intelligence. It is not so. They are not distinguished from other men by an unusual skill in finding truth nor any virginal ardour to produce her…It is not excess of thought but defect of fertile and generous emotion that marks them out. Their heads are no bigger than the ordinary: it is the atrophy of the chest beneath that makes them seem so.” —C.S. Lewis, “The Abolition of Man”
Western news organizations are falling all over themselves to censor images that raise the ire of violent terrorists, and C.S. Lewis predicted their exact behavior over 70 years ago when he published “The Abolition of Man,” his treatise on how the corruption of language leads inevitably to the corruption of mind and soul.
For the Men Without Chests, however, history, theology, and even grammar must bow before the altar of terrorism.
Yup. WOW.
I don’t personally believe in modern day, post-Christian prophets, but if I did, I’d have to assume C.S. Lewis was one of them, because he saw this nonsense coming. He saw how the deliberate corruption of language leads inexorably to the degradation of society and the eventual corruption of mankind. We are seeing it now: let’s pretend that certain things don’t mean what they mean so that we may hopefully be the last up against the wall when the violent and perpetually offended hordes finally take control.
Maybe our deliberate corruption of language in service of a violent strain of religion will signal that we mean them no harm. Maybe our weakness will be seen as strength. Maybe our lack of spine will be seen as courage. Maybe up will be down, hot will be cold, and slavery will be freedom.
“In a sort of ghastly simplicity,” C.S. Lewis wrote, “we remove the organ and demand the function”:
This is a society of men without chests.
..do MOOBS count? They seem to be trending.
That is sooooo bad. 😂
Tomorrow, pick up with my recurring call to worthless, POS Mark Amodei, (traitor Congress asshole norther NV).
I’m sure he’ll get right on that worthy list/s 😠
TYSVM for plugging away on those battle lines!
Look like native Brits indeed…
Earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan!
Japan shakes…includes a 7.5.
Japan issues tsunami warnings, orders evacuations after earthquakes
A 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck regions of Japan Monday
All I could think was, dude, get the hell out from underneath that massive electronic sign!
“All I could think was, dude, get the hell out from underneath that massive electronic sign!”
He was trying to create a much more exciting video.
The “people crushed by falling signs” videos are very popular in Japan 👍
He would have been sorely depressed after that… 🙂
(in the key of a-flat minor…)….
This is a rough watch.
^^^ Testament to Safe AND Effective.
Sadly, her minor and under control eczema, Got Worse After Each, of Her Three Jabs.
It is hard to watch. My first thought is how brainwashed people have to be by Big Medicine to just KEEP GETTING shots that are making you sicker each time!
My second thought is, she needs ALTERNATIVE medicine treatment, which is available.
Third, she needs Ivermectin, supplements, and vitamins, not some $1200 skin cream. This will have to be treated from the inside out.
Fenbendazole too.
I can’t believe people like SHOTS so much!
It’s like some kind of national shot fetish 😂
Brainwashing from a very early age.
It’s all the NBA’s fault, when they brought in the shot clock…..
“It is hard to watch. My first thought is how brainwashed people have to be by Big Medicine to just KEEP GETTING shots that are making you sicker each time!”
Might need to bring back electro-shock therapy, to break the brainwashing.
It’s the only way to be sure…
2024 predictions are aligned. Rough. Crazy. Wild.
No evidence to the contrary. Feds ARE out of control. Nothing “checking” the Feds.
When whatever version of SHTF here, government cameras spying on Americans, will be destroyed.
What was the big clue?
The pink war ships?
Øbløwhøle’s (China)RED High Heels…
May have? SMDH
How loud can I say DUH????
I can’t hear you… 😀
Try a bit louder….
I think this is one of the wingsuit flying gifs that wheatietoo posted on her daily thread. A good example of courage.
Or lunacy, lol! Wow.
You got it.
Happy New Year guys & gals & Wolfie !
altho the word “happy” doesn’t quite cut it ?
have a happy perilous roller coaster ride ?
👉 Victorious New Year !
“…sent by God…run out of locusts” = hilarious LOL
Happy New Year!
thanks, Happy Victorious Safe Blessed New Year to you, as well, k !
I dig it! A happy VICTORIOUS one BACK ATCHA!!! 🇺🇸
Happy New Year everyone,
Let’s start the year off on a laugh.
Joe’s a Russian asset parody.
Enjoyed that.
Happy New Year.
That was funny!
Joe’s a half-asset… 🙂
Lara Logan 2min.
We’re being lied to.
It took until 2024 to figure this out?
Just repackaging for the normies…. She’s been there with us from the beginning.
Video’s Gotta be a a couple years old. Remains spot on.
If it’s from the govt, it’s a lie. No assembly required.
Once aka Obama “legalized” propaganda in the US then we have to look at EVERYTHING from government AND media as potential/probable lies!!! 😡
Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editor
TY Gail for reminding us of the 1915 coup too 🙁
No Congress, either… 🙂
May the Hope, Peace and Joy of the Lord fill and keep us strong whatever this year may bring!
Happy New Year!
Looking forward to 2024.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!! 😍
Happy New Year to All of You!!!
And to you!
Happy New Year!!!
Pathetic Rob, closes out 2023, being, well, Pathetic Rob.
“Nobody Asked You” — Ron DeSantis Gets Roasted After Saying He Has “Categorically Ruled Out” Being Donald Trump’s Vice President
The remarks swiftly ignited a firestorm of commentary on social media, with users lambasting DeSantis. Popular Twitter personality Catturd succinctly remarked, “Nobody asked you.”
Others joined in with quips about DeSantis’s perceived delusion about his standing with Trump and the GOP base, implying that his declaration was more a foregone conclusion than a bold political stance.
One Twitter user mocked, “Poor lil Rob still has no idea that his place at the adult table is gone forever. He will forever reside at the kids table now,” while another quipped, “Easy to say that when he knows that Trump is never going to ask him!”
Another wrote, “Ron DeSantis is the last person on planet earth Trump would choose as his VP.”
What amazes me is that RDS seems to have no clue that this anti-love for him will not go away when he comes home to Florida.
How the heck does he ever expect to get elected to anything ever again?
Rob is milking money from his failing WH dream, for a Senate run.
That doesn’t explain his apparent ignorance of the affect on the Florida voters.
No it doesn’t.
Rob, being self centered AND selfish, is NOT concerned with FL voters.
FL voters will take it out on Rob at the polls. Deservedly so.
Maybe he ran out of “wardrobe”? 😀
Or his wardrobe ran out on him 🙂
In Birmingham, you’d better have been doing serious lifting through the year if you want a NYE cuddle —
OK. Smart ass checking in.
It’s Birmingham, UK. Nights are cold and foggy. I’m not going to second-guess their choices, but I am impressed with their ability to carry the shoeless “babes” away.
Yea. Thanks. Out of character, Slow guy had guessed UK. Yea, hefting them “babes”, no small feat. Guessing they all had a night cap of sorts.
It’d be so much easier to carry the viola player……but, avuncular.