Dear KAG: 20240605 Open Thread

Cover image: Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

Badlands News Brief – June 4, 2024

Avoiding WWIII

Holding Anthony Fauci accountable?

Bannon and Beattie expose Nikki Haley’s new 2024 plan and the people who are eagerly backing her every step…

Is ‘Pride 2024’ a huge flop in Maine?

Matt Gaetz Questions AG Merrick Garland About Coordinated Lawfare

Birx says US making ‘same mistakes’ with bird flu as COVID-19

Lady, shut up and count your scarves. I’ll bet you money I don’t have that I have a larger collection.

X Files….

NOT complaining.

Drip, drip, drip….

Even if I don’t like the way he votes always, the man has a way with words.

Memes & Stuff

I’ve wondered that about RVs for a long time.

Seriously, I walked into a cousin’s house to dog sit, and her roommate’s daughter’s boyfriend had suitcases open, clothes everywhere and the bathroom scale on the kitchen floor. He weighed every piece of luggage to be sure it was under the weight limit. True story.

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

From The Big Chill:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


JOHN 10:11-16

11I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12He who is a hireling and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13He flees because he is a hireling and cares nothing for the sheep. 14I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me, 15as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16And I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


Don’t laugh. It’s happened.

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Thank you, De Pat, for a wonderful, wild, and (looking at the opening photo) wet Wednesday post!


Oh, and —


I hadn’t heard of it either!! Certainly different from most other parks.


With the amount of water in the picture, I’m not sure a bucket will be much help.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Death by lethal injection.

Poetic justice.

(Only, make it excruciatingly painful and slow.)


While he certainly deserves the most painful of lingering deaths, isolated from those who might console and comfort him, it is most important that he provide a tangible reminder for other would-be totalitarians. Something that could be prominently displayed on the National Mall, for instance.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The head can be severed afterwards.

Maybe we can stick the needle in his eyeball just before the lucite pour to make the reminder more graphic.


Beagle treatment. Thousands of fleas, mosquitos or whatever the bug was.

Nothing but water. Not for comfort. Longer painful departure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



… covered in honey.


Another, Winner!

Gail Combs



Winner. Winner.

Gail Combs

Use multiple covid clot shots….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The problem there is, not painful enough if slow, and if quick…very abrupt.

My point being if he killed so many via injections, that’s the way to deliver the death sentence (after conviction and sentencing under due process)…for him.


The unvaccinated are frequently asked, “How did you know the COVID vaccines were dangerous when they first came out?

The answer is simple: we didn’t.

However, we quickly figured out that the people pushing the shots were LIARS.”


It didn’t take much (if any) ‘figuring out’ that they were liars, of course they’re liars. That’s a given.

Once you’re past that, you have to figure out for yourself if their lies are:

1) corrupt and profit motivated, but not dangerous

2) dangerous and stupid

3) corrupt, profit motivated, dangerous and stupid

It’s almost never option #1.

The real issue is that vaccines have a long history of being dangerous, and the government has a long history of being corrupt and dangerous, and when dangerous government rushes something that is already dangerous, that’s not good.

The even more obvious problem is that the so-called ‘vaccine’ was EXPERIMENTAL and UNTESTED.

Covid began in December 2019, and the vaccine rolled out in 2020 or 2021.

It takes YEARS, up to a decade or more, to conduct proper animal trials, and if it makes it past animal trials, to human trials, before a vaccine could even be declared ‘safe’.

That obviously didn’t happen, unless 2021 – 2019 = 10.

When inherently dangerous gov’t and inherently corrupt Big Pharma skip all the tests and trials, and try to FORCE the entire planet to take an untested and experimental drug, that’s a red flag bigger than the galaxy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

unless 2021 – 2019 = 10

Well it is in binary, says someone with one brain cell.

Of course that might make sense were it not for the fact that 2021 is clearly not in binary, nor is 2019.


I don’t have any brain cells, so I don’t have any idea what that means.

But I know that 2021 minus 2019 does not equal 10, and the amount of time between 2019 and 2021 is not enough to conduct proper animal and human trials 😁


No brain cells? So what’s in your cranium – a large ganglia?


Valerie Curren

well given his fixation w/ the crazy plane chick…


WGTTs will always captivate a certain number of males.


Thankfully, to this day!


“well given his fixation w/ the crazy plane chick…”


She has a name, you know…

I can’t quite remember what it is, but I know she has one.

Tequila, or something 😂


Tiffany Gomas.

You must put “crazy plane lady” into any search engine, and her name pops right up.


I was close!

Closer than I thought I was… 😂

Valerie Curren





So what’s in your cranium…

  • AI – Artificial Intelligence.   :wpds_grin: 

“No brain cells? So what’s in your cranium – a large ganglia?”


Just songs and movie clips, mostly 😁

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



How did we know they were dangerous?

Some things we DID know when they first came out …..

  1. The injections were a brand new type of ‘vax’ that included a never-before-used-MRNA component.
  2. The MRNA-based injections had NOT gone through the normal trial periods to test for efficacy nor to rule out toxicity or determine side effects.

And there were well-regarded scientists reporting that one of the risks of the MRNA injections could be VAIDS … that is, a longterm deterioration of the immune system itself

Those three things – 2 known knowns and 1 unknown-now-known – were enough to convince me I wasn’t going to be part of that experiment.

Gail Combs

On top of that we had KNOWN SAFE CHEAP therapeutics we could use. Also I had already had Covid so why should I get a shot when I had natural immunity?


And the Feds and medical assholes did not support natural immunity.

Clearly a W T F position.

Gail Combs

“….Covid began in December 2019….”

Actually I got Ralph Baric’s Disease in the fall of 2018 as did my friend. How much earlier it was around we do not know.

BUT we do have this:
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence

It was Electronically Published on November 8, 2015

And LOOK who funded it! The National Institutes of Health under Fauci AND the State Key Program for Basic Research Grants from the Chinese Ministry of Science. Fauci not only funded the initial research but indicated interest in funding further research.


The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV.

Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.

It sounds like they ALREADY HAD the virus engineered BEFORE 2015. So Dr Boyle is correct the UNC level THREE Lab did produce a gain of function SARS like virus.

Aside from ole’ Ralphy, Two of the authors listed are from China, Ge XY , and another is  Shi ZL aka The Bat Lady.

The author information returns:

Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.

OCTOBER 24, 2017: Why Did the CDC Silence the Million Dollar Harvard Project Charged With Upgrading Our Vaccine Safety Surveillance System?

Well I think we now know the answer to that question.


I wish Tucker read here 🤓


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He’s not saying the hidden message from the media: that minorities are not intelligent enough to figure things out, so they need lots of “help” from the government.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I’ll bet he finds he gets the crappy assignments from here on out.


Yes, there has to be a catch.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Supposedly there’s no retaliation against whistleblowers, and so on and so forth for related things, but if your boss who fired you is forced to hire you back he WILL resent it. He will make your life unpleasant and likely will be smart enough to be able to make it look like normal stuff rather than retribution.

Gail Combs

Supposedly there’s no retaliation against whistleblowers…”


Yeah right. I got blackballed and never worked again in my field.

Valerie Curren

 😥   😡   😳  Their loss is Clearly Our Gain!

Gail Combs

Well it certainly left me time to do a lot of research!

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There was a HIGH degree of sarcasm there. I don’t believe it for an instant.


He will get a promotion in the Trump Administration. Just hang on until January ’25.


Based on the two articles I read, Allen receives back pay and his security clearance is reinstated. He resigned from the FBI on Monday, but his security clearance, presumably, can carry over to a new position somewhere.


Yes, no security clearance meant no job prospects in his trained field of expertise. Now he is free to move on with back pay! A story of sweet vindication.😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately quitting rather than going back to a vengeful environment was probably his best option.

And yes, the clearance should remain on the books for two years, long enough to find another job that will renew it. if for some reason it takes him longer than that he will need a fresh background investigation before he can handle anything classified. (This is a major barrier to getting a job in some circumstnaces, they much rather would have an existing clearance they can just transfer and that only takes a couple of days.)


Miranda Devine:

COURTROOM REPORT: It’s official. Hunter Biden’s #LaptopFromHell is government exhibit 16 at the First Son’s gun trial in Delaware. The silver MacBook Pro covered in a plastic wrapper was first publicly sighted today at 2.10pm when it was carried across the court by prosecutor Derek Hines to his first witness FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen who confirmed it was Hunter’s laptop from the serial number on the back that corresponds to his iCloud identity. She said the laptop was obtained by the FBI with a subpoena from The Mac Shop in Wilmington where it had been “abandoned” by Hunter. She said that investigators corroborated content on the laptop with content in Hunter’s iCloud that they obtained from Apple with a subpoena. Hines then proceeded to go through WhatsApp and text messages and images and documents from the laptop and iCloud with Jensen to make his case that Hunter was using drugs before during and after the period that he bought and possessed the handgun after allegedly signing a background check form on October 12 2018 saying he was not a drug user. His then-lover Hallie Biden later threw the gun in a trash can. The jury kept unsmiling focus throughout the evidence which showed Hunter spending $50,000 a month in ATM withdrawals during that period and organizing alleged purchases of crack cocaine. Hunter’s disembodied voice filled the courtroom periodically as prosecutors played audiobook extracts from his memoir and he remained impassive behind a pair of salmon pink reading glasses. Hallie Biden will be a witness by the end of this week or next week after Hunter’s ex wife Kathleen Buhle and ex lover Zoe Kestan. 

It is three years and eight months since @nypost broke the story of #LaptopFromHell that was censored by Big Tech. A few days later in October 2020 the #Dirty51 ex-intelligence officials, mostly CIA, lied it was Russian disinformation and then-presidential candidate Joe Biden lied that it was a “Russian plant.”

Read more at 


This trial dwarfs Trump’s in terms of scandalous behavior (alleged, in Trump’s case). It’s very negative publicity on the way to the election, involving multiple Biden family members and a real crime.


Birx has been on television in too many silk scarves. Next, she should model something in hemp…..


I’d love to!


Uh, are you getting a little … funny?

Like … walk-on-the-wild-side funny?


Whenever a woman wants to show you her clothing, the answer is “yes”.

It’s the polite thing to do.


And that’s where the problems start.

Someone starts setting an example like that, and pretty soon women start to expect that of everyone.

Then you’ve got this whole thing where men are supposed to pretend like they’re interested in scarf collections, when nobody really is, besides other women (maybe).

And it’s all downhill from there 😂


I’m beginning to suspect that none of you have ever managed to spend pleasant hours in the company of ladies, much less get laid.


I thought you had a Fiancee?

Does DP know what you’re up to?


Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

I do, and have spent many hours admiring her scarves.


Are you using ‘scarf’ as a euphemism for something else?


To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, “sometimes a scarf is just a scarf.”


And other times it isn’t …


Rita Hayworth! And Judith Anderson is in the audience.

Valerie Curren



N.B. — over the years, as each was acquired.


Sucking up, sincere or not, part of the drill at times.

Scarfs are, well, forget it.

Guess it may be, which head is dominate at the time.


It’s not exactly sucking up.

I was talking to a woman one time, and she noted that I was really quite peculiar because I really like women. Not in any way like I’d want to be one, but beyond what regular guys generally do.

I like their voices, and the way they move, and the little gestures they make. Mind you, I could probably watch one read the telephone book and be content. But they do things that guys don’t do and I’m fascinated.

Guys will throw on some clothes and it’s just what they’re wearing. Gals’ clothes often have a special meaning. When a woman offers to show you her clothes, she is offering a deeper glimpse into what makes her tick, what she values, her history, and her self-image.

If I were to go through De Pat’s scarves with her, I would be interested in where she got each one, why she liked it, when she’d wear it, how she would feel when wearing it, and what memories it carried. Assuming that she wasn’t merely playing games, it would help me know and understand her better — and, yes, I might be able to give her a scarf that would always remind her of me.

It’s not that I have any lack in testosterone — my favorite way of interacting with women involves no clothing at all — but I would treasure time spent together “merely” going through scarves.

And if it proceeded to lingerie, that’s good, too…..


Cthulhu, you are a rare and wonderful bird.

Any woman would be lucky to have you.


OMG, you encouraged him!!!



Lol. And I don’t even wear scarves, unless it’s freezing (and I mean below zero) outside!


I’ve been told that there’s a dating app for rich cougars. You know, a swipe right, swipe left thingy. This comment of yours sounds as if you posted it on such a site, hoping …

Barb Meier

I’d like to design a scarf that would always remind me of Cthulhu. So many themes. What would you guys choose? Perhaps cichlids?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Must include the penguin Tux!


Well, they certainly have the lips for sucking up …

Barb Meier





I might ascertain her favorite color scheme.


You could save a lot of time and effort, and just ask her.

What are you intending to do with this information? 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Buy her another scarf?



Valerie Curren

just ask her”

Straightforward approach only works with Some women 😉 😉




I did a little research. I don’t think this is what you had in mind.

Organic Hemp Scarf (24″ X 70″)
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I was thinking of something a bit more utilitarian.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

probably with a lot more tensile strength, too.


Here’s a nice one.


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Oh, noez! You’re going to trigger the FIB!!!


Sorry, I meant to post a rainbow colored noose, but I didn’t see any.


There appears to be a large selection of rainbow-colored neckties available now. And the knots on these are topologically similar to the garage-door pull handle shown above.

Barb Meier

That looks like a garage door pull to me.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Brilliant ending…& BTW Where is Cuppa anyways???


IIRC, Cuppa is over at Marica’s as “Anonymous” because he and WordPiss got into a tiff.

Valerie Curren

OK TY, glad he’s still around 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Garage pulls are not scarves!!!

Valerie Curren



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Thieves in crime-ridden Southern California are now stealing fire hydrants, leaving neighborhoods at risk of burning to the ground during an emergency.

They are selling them for scrap metal.

Society is going back to 3rd world levels in some areas of the USA


How do they shut off the water?


I’m sure they don’t, they just take it and let the water run.


The technical difference between a faucet and a hydrant is the location of the valve. With a faucet, there is little distance between the handle and the valve; with a hydrant, there is a significant distance. The valves for fire hydrants are deep underground and are linked to the top by a long rod — if you disconnect the rod, you can steal the top of the hydrant without opening the valve.


Not all are deep underground. Not all have this “rod”. But they do all have a shutoff valve.


All fire hydrants have shutoff valves nearby.


A) fire hydrants are not easy to break down or melt, so we can be sure they’re being sold in ‘as is’ condition

B) fire hydrants aren’t difficult to recognize, so whoever is buying them knows what they are

C) prosecute every scrap metal company that is in receipt of stolen fire hydrants

Put the owners in prison and put the company out of business.

You only need to do that once or twice, and every other scrap yard gets the message.

Suddenly there is no one buying fire hydrants anymore.

Which means suddenly there is no reason to do the work necessary to steal fire hydrants anymore.


Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

In an ideal world, ya nailed it.

Reality in Southern California.

DAs uphold ignore the law.

California Has Gone Rogue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Typographical Hysterectomies Over Pandora solves this problem, too!  😉 


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I sure hope they thought this through.

If mail-in votes are allowed, no matter how many real votes are cast, all they have to do is stop the vote count (like last time), until they figure out how may votes DJT received, and then pull the boxes of bogus ‘mail in’ votes from under the table, and add enough of those to overcome whatever number DJT has.

There is no way to ‘swamp’ that with real votes.

And the electronic voting machines are even easier to cheat with.

If those two things haven’t been fixed, then how is the result going to be any different from last time?


They are limited by the total number of registered voters.


You would think so, but there were lots of places last time that had over 100% voter turnout, when something around 60% is the norm, and what did anyone do about it?


All that matters is who declares victory AND has the power to back it up.

DJT can declare victory, but he’s not in power.

If Brandon declares victory — and he certainly will, reading it straight off the teleprompter from his death bed if necessary — what mechanism is there to say he’s wrong and forcibly remove him, if he won’t vacate?

The whole premise of our system is supposed to be a ‘peaceful transfer of power’.

What happens when the Left decides they’re not going?

They already made that decision on January 20, 2021. That was the point of no return.

They can’t go, because if they transfer power, they’re going to the death chamber for high treason and a hundred other crimes, and they know it.

So no matter what the vote is, no matter how many votes DJT gets, no matter whether the total vote count is 300% or 500% or 1,000% higher than the number of registered voters, none of that matters, because there is nobody to do anything about the obvious fraud.

The only thing that matters is who can declare victory and back it up.

When Brandon declares victory, he will have all mainstream media on his side, and we already know the courts are on his side from all the ‘no standing’ dismissals of election fraud cases, and we already know the worthless knee-pad military won’t do a *&^#ing thing besides act as the Praetorian Guard.

We know the corrupt D.C. police department won’t do anything, and we know the GOP won’t fight for Trump, and so who does that leave?

Is Sidney Powell going to come back and re-release the Kraken?

If Brandon declares victory and the MSM pronounces him the winner, the lunatic Left will declare it as ‘their truth’ and then what?

What new mechanism overturns the stolen election in 2024, that didn’t overturn the stolen election in 2020?

There is a reason no one can answer that question.

It’s because there isn’t an answer, besides deus ex machina.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Your opening paragraph stated that when votes exceeded voters last time, nobody did anything about it.

No reason to think that would repeat. Lots of programs being put together to deal with election integrity [or lack thereof] including pre-written lawsuits ready to file.


“Your opening paragraph stated that when votes exceeded voters last time, nobody did anything about it.

No reason to think that would repeat. Lots of programs being put together to deal with election integrity [or lack thereof] including pre-written lawsuits ready to file.”


Your faith in the system and the rule of law is admirable.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist anymore.

The only reason rule of law ever exists, anywhere, is because men with guns are appointed to uphold rule of law, to enforce it.

Because without force, nothing happens.

The men with guns who are appointed to uphold rule of law in America have abdicated — totally.

If their oaths ever meant anything to them — which is in grave doubt — their oaths certainly mean nothing to them now. They are a disgrace to their badge, to their uniform, to the agencies they represent, and to the ideals those agencies were founded upon.

They are paid by criminals to ignore crimes their bosses don’t want stopped, and they are paid to ‘SWAT’ and harass and detain and prosecute people who have committed no crime, and they do all of it, for a paycheck.

Even to the former President of the United States, an innocent man who supported law enforcement and our military (and our country) like no other in my lifetime.

How do they repay him for his support and leadership? They stand by and do the bidding of the criminals who persecute him.

That’s who they are, that’s what they are, that’s what they do. They’re bullies with guns who sold themselves to the lowest bidder.

I know some people don’t like to hear that, but they need to hear it, because it’s the *&^%ing truth, and truth matters.

They do whatever they’re told by a criminal, rogue, renegade, unelected government who stole power and wrecked our nation. It was stolen by enemies both foreign and domestic, and the people who swore an oath to uphold the law took a powder and let it happen.

They can come up with a hundred different excuses, and every last one of them is exactly that, an excuse.

That means they are not ‘law enforcement’, they are ‘enforcers’ for organized crime.

That’s just reality.


The only reason rule of law ever exists, anywhere, is because men with guns are appointed to uphold rule of law, to enforce it.

That is coming. My understanding is they’re waiting until they see the whites of the enemy’s eyes.


That’s some grade ‘A’ hopium.

I hope it’s real.

Seeing is believing.

Valerie Curren

This is hard, cynical, & seemingly objective truth 🙁


“No reason to think that would repeat. Lots of programs being put together to deal with election integrity [or lack thereof] including pre-written lawsuits ready to file.”


Which of these ‘programs’ enforces itself?

None. Enforcement is the missing link.

What good are pre-written lawsuits, if no judge will give them standing?

They’re no good at all, it’s just money wasted on lawyers who pop out pre-written lawsuits on LegalSoft (or whatever their form-letter legal software program is called) and charge you $1,000/hr for the privilege.

I realize that people who have spent their entire lives “in the system” may have it ingrained so deeply that they find it almost impossible to understand that the system they knew is gone now.

Without enforcement, it’s just gone.

Robert Baker

They can’t go, because if they transfer power, they’re going to the death chamber for high treason and a hundred other crimes, and they know it.

Do any 21st century examples come to mind?


No, but I also don’t keep up very closely with international news.

Whether it has happened anywhere else or not in the 21st century is moot, though.

If it doesn’t happen here, and soon, then this country is gone, and we better stop pretending it isn’t, and get out while we still can.

I really don’t think most people have grasped the gravity of the situation, since January 20, 2021.

The Republic ended on that day.

Rule of law ended on that day.

There is a very short window of time to reestablish rule of law, and November will be the last chance.

But unless there is some magic solution that Q or DJT has come up with, and is keeping totally secret, it’s as if we’re all sleepwalking toward a cliff.

The people who stole the election, destroyed our country and committed crimes far worse than either one, are not going to go gently into the good night.

Programs and rules and laws are worthless without enforcement, and the enforcement agencies work for the criminals.

If there are any individuals within those agencies who disagree with what the criminals are doing, they’re certainly not going to stand up against them.

If DJT has some magic plan, and it actually works, and he is sworn in, what other possibility is there, than the criminals being held accountable for their high treason and all the other crimes they have committed?

Do they just get a pass, a slap on the wrist, for stealing the Republic, trashing it, enriching themselves at the expense of 330+ million Americans, all the child trafficking, fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, bribery and on and on and on?

And if they do, what stops them from continuing (not even slowing down or stopping, but continuing unabated) their criminal activity?

Not to mention the attempted genocide of the population of the whole world, according to a well established and widely published belief system?

What example does that set for the rest of America, and the rest of the world, if they are not held accountable to the Law, for any of it?

And if they are held accountable for any of it, even the least of it is death penalty eligible.

How is there any way around that, and why should the victims of their crimes be searching for ways to get them off? What kind of Stockholm syndrome / abuse syndrome would that be?

Without justice being served, the criminality will not even slow down, much less stop.

Besides all that, who has the authority to dismiss such heinous, aggravated and premeditated crimes?

Robert Baker

I do not disagree with the rationale of your premise. However, I also do not see any evidence that such an outcome is likely. Therefore, I do not reckon that they are motivated by a fear of such a possibility. To me, the straightforward reason is that it is simply their character to cheat, so they do.

Gail Combs

“You would think so, but there were lots of places last time that had over 100% voter turnout, when something around 60% is the norm, and what did anyone do about it?


That would be North Carolina for example. 20 out of 100 counties had more than 100% of the breathing adult population voting.

From AI:

North Carolina’s voter rolls have been the subject of several lawsuits and settlements in recent years. Here are some key cases:

  • Judicial Watch v. North Carolina: In 2020, the conservative group Judicial Watch sued North Carolina election officials, alleging that the state and two counties (Guilford and Mecklenburg) failed to remove ineligible voters from the registration rolls as required by federal law. The lawsuit claimed that the state had not made reasonable efforts to remove voters who had died, moved away, or become ineligible due to a felony conviction. In 2021, the state removed over 430,000 inactive names from the voter rolls, and Judicial Watch settled the lawsuit.
  • Conservative group sues Mecklenburg over disputed ineligible voters: In 2020, a conservative group sued Mecklenburg County, alleging that tens of thousands of ineligible voters remained on the rolls. The lawsuit claimed that the county had not made sufficient efforts to remove voters who had died, moved away, or become ineligible due to a felony conviction.
  • LWVNC Asks to Intervene in North Carolina Voter Purge Case: In 2021, the League of Women Voters of North Carolina (LWVNC) asked to intervene in a lawsuit designed to purge eligible voters from the voter rolls in 40 North Carolina counties. The lawsuit, Green v. Bell, was filed by attorneys representing two North Carolina Republicans. The LWVNC argued that the lawsuit would deprive eligible voters of their right to vote and asked to be allowed to participate in the case to protect the rights of North Carolina voters.
  • North Carolina voter ID lawsuit still heading for trial: In 2021, a federal trial over North Carolina’s photo voter identification law remained set for May, despite a judge’s refusal to end the lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by civil rights groups, which alleged that the law’s provisions were marred by racial bias.

These lawsuits and settlements highlight the ongoing controversy surrounding voter rolls in North Carolina


Those lawsuits are ongoing, nearly 4 years later, nearly 4 years after Brandon has already been in office, so no matter the outcome, the criminals won.

And unless there is some magic solution that is more secret than the Manhattan Project, what on earth is supposed to prevent the exact same thing from happening in November?

Valerie Curren

Yup! definition of insanity comes to mind  🙄 


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Sadly, I don’t think this is in kalbo’s back yard any more.

The good news is that the Trump Train will probably make many stops in Texas.


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Jack Posobiec:




I would like to question the election integrity in 2024, as is my God-given right as an American.

Where do I sign up?

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

If the Supreme Court doesn’t reach down and find its balls pretty soon, America is over.


I wouldn’t hold my breath over the (not)Supreme Court.


Assholes, not SC that is, should have ALREADY ACTED.


Can’t disagree.


Another step down the road to STALINISM.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The FJB (my new name for FIB) is almost as bad as the KGB.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So you’re going electrical engineer and substituting j for i?

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! Didn’t notice that, but YES!!!

Valerie Curren

wonder if this will show using twitter vs x

guess not 🙁

attempting to see the i/broadcasts at twitter & it’s been removed

converting the above to a nitter item, nitter doesn’t yet support that format

checking the internet archive for the above tweet & the page refuses to load

wonder what Exactly this was a broadcast of?

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

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That should be a message to people considering coming and having a future here.


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“From the Big Chill:”


The Big Chill (1983) has a great soundtrack, I remember watching the movie when I was a kid. Many of the songs were unknown to me, and yet fit in perfectly with all the classic rock music I already knew.

Classic rock (to me) being broadly defined as just about anything (besides punk or disco) before around 1982, when MTV began.

1) Marvin Gaye – I Heard It Through The Grapevine 5:03

2) The Temptations – My Girl 2:55

3) The Rascals – Good Lovin’ 2:28

4) Smokey Robinson & The Miracles – The Tracks Of My Tears 2:53

5) Three Dog Night – Joy To The World 3:24

6) The Temptations – Ain’t Too Proud To Beg 2:31

7) Aretha Franklin – (You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman 2:41

8) Smokey Robinson & The Miracles – I Second That Emotion 2:46

9) Procol HarumA Whiter Shade Of Pale 4:03

10) The Exciters – Tell Him 2:29

11) Four Tops – It’s The Same Old Song 2:45

12) Martha Reeves & The Vandellas – Dancing In The Street 2:38

13) Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On 3:52

14) The Marvelettes – Too Many Fish In The Sea 2:26


The song that was the most fun to sing along to was Joy to the World 😁

I’m pretty sure I knew Creedence Clearwater Revival’s version of Heard it Through the Grapevine, and I love it, but Marvin did it great too.

The song that was both new to me and stood out from all the others, was A Whiter Shade of Pale 😎

I don’t know what it is about that song, I’m not even sure what the song is about, and it doesn’t even seem to matter. It grabbed me with the opening organ note, the first time I heard it, and never let go.

And all these years later, it still gets me, every single time 😁

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Link you into some Robin Trower of Procol Harum. Post Harum days Trower.

Valerie Curren

One of my husband’s previous Christian Rock Bands, The Lively Pelts, covered this song a number of times in their gigs–fun!

Robert Baker

A Whiter Shade of Pale was one of the iconic songs of the Viet Nam War in America. Although it had nothing to do with Viet Nam, its somber tone reflected the zeitgeist of a nation at war. Couple that with the anti-war movement in full swing and the song reflects the mood of people.


“its somber tone reflected the zeitgeist of a nation at war.”


The somber tone reflected the zeitgeist of my childhood too.

Robert Baker

Just a curiosity: What decades covered your childhood?


70s and 80s.

Robert Baker

50s and 60s for me.


As it relates to music, I was right on the edge of the great and terrible divide called MTV, when everything about music radically changed.

Most people my age (and younger) made 80s MTV era music their own, and that’s their music. When I went to college, I noticed immediately that most people my age were raised on MTV music.

But for whatever reason, nearly everyone I went to high school with (about 150 kids in my class) rejected the weirdness of MTV, and stayed with the music of our older brothers and sisters (and parents), which would later be called ‘classic rock’, to include folk, blues, psychedelic, rock, soul, pop, Motown, just about everything besides disco and punk, between around 1963 (the Beatles’ first album) and 1982, plus Elvis.

Because even though not many of us listened to much Elvis, everybody still knew he was and would always be the King 😁

Where I lived, MTV began on cable TV in 1982.

The Big Chill came out in 1983.

After a year of MTV weirdness and questionable musical talent, The Big Chill soundtrack confirmed that classic rock was the right choice all along.

And A Whiter Shade of Pale was the standout from that soundtrack 😎

Valerie Curren

It’s weird for I graduated HS in ’82 but I recall MTV from some babysitting gigs, my parents didn’t have cable…then. I’m also Classic Rock all the way. I went away to Christian college in late ’82 & stopped listening to top 40 secular stuff in the early-mid ’80s & got turned on to Christian Rock, which I’d never even heard of before college, just knowing Amy Grant & Evie Tournquist basically before then. Petra, Sweet Comfort Band, Mastodon (John & Dino Elefante), Margaret Becker, Randy Stonehill, Russ Taff, & others in concerts & on the local Christian Rock Station became my go-to listening. One of my roommates from Southern California exposed me to her best friend’s band, Crumbacher, who we saw in concert on one of our breaks there, & to things like Rez Band & the Altar Boys…fun times.

I still listen to to hear at least Some of these gems still, not to mention our extensive CD collection w/ stuff like PFR, DC Talk, Kerry Livgren, Kutless, Third Day, The 77’s, & many more 

Whenever I choose to listen to secular it’s Classic Rock!

Valerie Curren

That CD was loaded up in our mini-van when my son Josiah had his Liver Transplant. I was able to get a hotel room provided by social work & covered by insurance so that I could theoretically get some sleep, instead of always staying bedside in his room, if it was even allowed. Originally my mom was supposed to come & spell me during the day so I could get some sleep but that never happened, unfortunately. Whenever he’s been in-patient I want to be in the room when the staff does rounds, anywhere from 4-7am, to get the most updated info & sometimes the only face-to-face time with the actual attending physician instead of just the resident(s). Usually if I’ve fallen asleep I’m too bleary eyed & loopy to participate in the discussions so I made a point of staying awake until rounds, if at all possible, so planned to always be in his room at least until then.

It is Very Hard to get decent sleep in a hospital setting, especially when there is a higher incidence of staff intervention, like when he was in ICU post-op for a number of days. As such having an off site room can facilitate at least Some Sleep. My first foray to the hotel was 2 days after transplant, after 3 days/nights at the hospital w/ no shower or change of clothes & “sleeping” in reclining chairs. I went to the hotel, got a 2-3 hour “nap”, using the alarm & a wake-up call so I could get back after getting cleaned up. Even only being gone for a few hours there was still a “crisis” that happened when they couldn’t catheterize my son due to structural issues that meant they needed a urology consult (fortunately the staff person had previously worked with my son & recalled “tricks” needed to properly insert the catheter) so my son was in inconsolable distress for some time (I’d never wanted him alone in that hospitalization because of his many needs..sigh).

One of the other times when I went to the hotel, after rounds, & slept as long as I could, when I returned it was to discover that no one had assisted him with ordering & eating his meal(s) [I’d specifically discussed with staff the need for support here & it was supposedly in his chart] & he didn’t know/think to press the nurse call button for help (he was 17 then), so he was in a hypoglycemic blood sugar slump that typically takes many hours, sometimes even a whole day, to shake off…

Anyway that Big Chill music when driving to/from the hospital the handful of times I was able to Attempt some sleep in the hotel provided a stabilizing touch point w/ simpler times & I was incredibly grateful for even that small comfort in a season of major upheaval…


“Anyway that Big Chill music when driving to/from the hospital the handful of times I was able to Attempt some sleep in the hotel provided a stabilizing touch point w/ simpler times & I was incredibly grateful for even that small comfort in a season of major upheaval…”


Music can be a great comfort.

I agree about being in the hospital room as much as possible. When my Dad was sick, one of us (my sisters, my Mom or myself) was always in the hospital room, same with Hospice.

Even if the people who work there are good and doing their best, they don’t know enough about your family member or their condition to provide competent care.

Someone has to be there, someone who knows the patient, taking the role of an advocate, especially if their condition makes it difficult or impossible to speak for themselves 👍

Valerie Curren

That’s so true. I’m so sorry that your family had to learn that during your father’s illness. My daughter spent one of the rejection hospitalization days with Josiah, & I was so grateful for her help but felt guilty for taking a pseudo rest day even so… 😓 God is good & helps us through All of it…


I wonder If you might let the Q-Tree know that Mom’s surgery went well & they were gone just 9 hours door-to-door, thankfully. They are both exhausted.

My husband & I took a spontaneous trip Up North to the Cottage since he missed Memorial Day & we wanted to celebrate our anniversary, but there’s no comment box on Steve’s post for some reason on my travel tablet.

Have a Great Weekend!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

From the opener

I’ve wondered that about RVs for a long time.

(In regards to why no CDL needed.)

We had a temp fill in as front desk guy for a few months on a previous job. His temp agency required him to stand when anyone entered the building (we put an end to that); he was a retired cop and made the same comment. He believed RVs should require a CDL.

Of course that would disqualify the vast majority of drivers of such things and kill the market for them.

Which might explain a few things.

(In truth I had no idea a CDL was required for a pickup towing a trailer. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s not…here.)


I think it’s because the pickup is towing a trailer loaded with a commercial piece of equipment. I would wonder if a Bobcat would also qualify.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So you don’t need it to drive the pickup, just to drive the thing off the trailer.

Not a good compare/contrast.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

Depends on the state. If you are towing over 10,000 lbs, some states require special licensing. LINK


When Valerie wanders by, she can give us the skinny from her hub’s qualification classes.

Valerie Curren

LOL Michael has a CDL-A in Michigan, which is required to drive the big semi-trucks. In his current job he mostly drives “B” trucks, which are one (huge, like 40-53 feet, I think–those lengths are more for the trailers on the As, so more like 36 foot) vehicle versus a tractor & a trailer. In his CDL training one of the instructors said that if you can get A-truck pay but drive a B-truck that’s ideal. That’s what mostly happens in his current job. I prefer him to drive an A-Truck at least every few weeks or so to keep the skills sharp but that doesn’t always happen. Most of the A-Truck action at his company happens in the middle of the night. He & a few of the other drivers that do the typical delivery routes have their CDL-A’s so are the most versatile & can fill in on almost any of the vehicles as needed.

The other day after he got done with his typical delivery route his boss needed him to make a delivery, using one of the company pick-up trucks, to a location that was about half-way between “the mothership” & home. In this instance the boss suggested that he just drive the pick-up home (this was a first, in this job) to save time & gas. In his oil & gas field job in Northern Michigan in our early marriage he often got to drive a work truck home, which was very nice in the winter, as he’d have the snowplow on & could make quick work of our driveway, which was practically impossible for me to get to w/ 3 in diapers & one who couldn’t really be out in the cold for any length of time due to hospitalizations for RSV…

He had a Chauffer’s License, iirc, to drive the trucks Up North, which were all Ford pick-ups, F-150, F-250, & F-350, & he also often hauled a 40 foot trailer loaded with pit liners, valve boxes, &/or down-hole piping. 4WD involved changing a setting on the exterior of the wheels, which was a Huge pain in the butt when sunk into the mud or snow up to the running boards. He sometimes takes me along the state highways & backroads/2-tracks up there to show me some of the jobsites where he used to make deliveries 🙂 We both Love Michigan’s North Woods & he was blessed to work in & around them for nearly 5 years, including witnessing near daily sunrises & sunsets! Glorious, though also some pretty back-breaking physical work, like when digging out 4X4X4 holes for valve boxes w/ pickaxes & shovels in the frozen “tundra” of seeming ceaseless Winter there…

Apparently, after reading this to Michael he said that the A certification can be necessary to drive certain B-Trucks that have a combo of either weight &/or air brakes that require a more specialized training to operate. His company ran into this problem w/ some rental B-Trucks that certain B licensed guys were actually Not allowed to drive. Michael said he’s rated for up to 80,000 pounds & also got the hazardous materials certification so he can be more versatile, like a former job that involved fuel hauling. He doesn’t have “doubles” certification where one can haul 2 trailers. He’s driven both open/flat bed & enclosed trailers, depending on the situation & needs of the company.

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

States That Require A Non-Commercial Special Driver’s License

  • California: Class B license required over 26,000 lb or over 40 feet; Class A license required for towing over 10,000 lbs

From Brave AI

A Class B CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) in California allows you to operate a single vehicle with a weight of 26,001 pounds or more, or a combination of vehicles with a total weight of 26,001 pounds or more. This license is required if you want to drive a passenger bus, school bus, or a large truck

A Class A license is a type of commercial driver’s license (CDL) that allows drivers to operate vehicles that weigh 26,001 pounds or more. In California, a Class A license is considered the topmost tier for commercial drivers and requires additional training compared to Class B and C licensing.


• No, you don’t need a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to drive an RV under 26,000 lbs. or a travel trailer under 10,000 lbs. Of course, state laws can change, so it’s always best to double-check before hitting the open road. But generally, all you need is a valid driver’s license.

• If your RV or trailer exceeds that weight limit, then you might need either a special license or an endorsement depending on the state.

A commercial driver’s license (CDL) is necessary for vehicles over 26,000 pounds, while a non-commercial license is sufficient for smaller RVs. In some cases, a special permit or endorsement may be required for towing multiple vehicles or driving a fifth wheel.

Acquiring a commercial driver’s license ensures that you can drive anything and adhere to safety regulations. 

Because the vast majority of RVs and travel trailers weigh in at under 26,000 lbs and 10,000 lbs, obtaining a CDL for your RV isn’t necessary. Unless you’re driving a luxury bus or hauling big boy toys in your RV, you’re not going to exceed the weight limits.

But depending on your state, you may need a non-commercial CDL for class A RV that weighs more than 26,000 pounds, a trailer that weighs more than 10,000 pounds, or a trailer that exceeds a certain length. For more details on the differences between a non-commercial CDL and a standard CDL, check out this resource


“Of course that would disqualify the vast majority of drivers of such things and kill the market for them.
Which might explain a few things.”


That’s what I was going to say, except say it this way.

I’m guessing 90% of RV owners are boomers, and boomers have all the money, so if they make it so boomers can’t buy their RVs and drive all over America without a CDL, there won’t be any RV business anymore.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Yea, my guess is the meme is not accurate.

Now they could easily post with a larger truck (5T, 10T), pulling the trailer / bobcat.

RV wise. It is a state by state issue.

(Above MeThinks)


“CDLs are not that hard to get.”


Whether they’re hard to get or not is irrelevant, it’s one more hassle in a world of hassle and red tape and BS.

For commercial purposes, employers can require it, and people will do it because they need the fiat debt slavery currency.

For Ma and Pa Kettle, who just want to drive around to national parks in their retirement, many of them are not going to take classes and take a test to get a CDL.

Licenses and other hoops to jump through are very effective ways for government to discourage activity.

Gail Combs

AND the CDL is NOT that easy to get either.

I took the course from a very good school and it was no walk in the park. Neither was the test.

Gail Combs

“….I had no idea a CDL was required for a pickup towing a trailer….”

Not required in North Carolina. I have a CDL but Hubby does not. We BOTH drive our rigs.

RV Driver‘s License Requirements In Every

They have a listing of states and the type of license required for what weight range.

…Most states do not require a special license for RVs weighing under 26,000 pounds or towed vehicles under 10,000 pounds. Vehicles that can carry more than 16 passengers are often subject to special licensing…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, my so-called cell carrier is fubared tonight.

The only way I can have decent internet here is via cell tower, and the actual “mobile router” I have can’t connect at all. That wipes out internet for my desktop.

My phone has a mobile hotspot which is working, so I’m using my laptop tonight (it knows how to use the phone’s hotspot).
Well, my so-called cell carrier is fubared tonight.

The only way I can have decent internet here is via cell tower, and the actual “mobile router” I have can’t connect at all. That wipes out internet for my desktop.

My phone has a mobile hotspot which is working, so I’m using my laptop tonight (it knows how to use the phone’s hotspot).

Why does the phone’s hotspot work while the mobile router does not?

The phone tells me it’s “Roaming.” I’ll bet the mobile hotspot won’t do that.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Have you seen the reports from the Marubo tribe?

Just think, they probably have a better internet connection than you do.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As of right now…yes.

This page isn’t loading properly, sometimes no picture, sometimes no bar (with notifier).

“Roaming” has about the same throughput as you’d get waiting for marbles to go through a drinking straw.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On the plus side, this laptop is basically a mini-me of the desktop computer. It’s missing virtual machines that do things having to do with an ethernet connection (no such jack, nor will I use a USB adapter, not for that). I can put the “how to build all of my virtual machines” files on a thumbdrive and port them from one to the other.

Barb Meier

Chris Plante read from this article earlier this morning. LOL Thanks for bringing this!!

Valerie Curren


These aren’t the cannibals that ate FJB/LGB’s uncle are they?

Gail Combs

Too bad they don’t eat the whole darn family…. Of course it would probably poison them.


Their take-one-for-the-team sacrifice would be appreciated.

Barb Meier

Not to worry, Val. The young ones are getting scammed by Nigerian Princes now that they have Starlink.

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

DEI at its finest  😜 

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

My connection has been wonky. Yesterday we only got 60% of packets. Hubby said AT&T was down for a while.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And as of about 8AM local time the “mobile router” still has no connection and the phone couldn’t find anything at all to connect to (not even “roaming”).

So I drove into town and am using the phone mobile hot spot to connect from the Mini Me laptop.

Valerie Curren

Bummer 🙁


comment image


Something really sick has happened to Arizona.

I expect this level of corruption in big blue rat holes, but not in Arizona.


Her name is Katie Hobbs.


Arizona Courts AND Katie Hobbs.

  • Formidable enemies of Arizona AND America.

Soros placing corrupt DAs has been identified.

Placing corrupt judges needs to be looked into.

Gail Combs

Not to mention all the CARTEL MONEY…

Valerie Curren

100%  😡 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cartel Katie.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_wink:  YUP!


Thank McStain for most of the GOP problems …

… which allowed the donkeys to run wild.


As an accountant and an auditor, I’m duty-bound to read about many frauds.

Truth be told, however, some are more enjoyable to read about than others…..

This one was fun —


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Barb Meier

Merrick is blinking very quickly.

Valerie Curren

but still can’t get that log out of his eye!

Gail Combs

Also look at his hands, he can not keep them still.



Gail Combs

No, he was fiddling like he was nervous.


Like a rat, trapped on a sinking ship.




Guilty conscienceson’s 😁

Valerie Curren

conscience seared w/ precursor of hellfire   :wpds_evil: 





Yesterday, Para posted.

  • Some one needs to do a montage of all the times we told how rare cheating in elections were.

I replied.

  • Side by side with a montage of all the cheating uncovered. 

^^^ Collectively, may be effective. However, with Dumrats & Loons, brick wall topic.


>>> Consider this topic seemingly recognize by nearly everyone, politics aside.

Open & Close with.

Insert snippets of Briben lying saying he can’t close the border. Dozens if not hundreds of example to select from.

Insert Briben yesterday edict faux action to close the border.

Close with Briben Has Always Been The Problem.


Smart messaging person could assemble a message that may resonate with folks.

  • Length critical.

I just came full circle.

The opening X, posted twice here, needs to go viral, highlighting the date Briben opened the borders.

EVERY r-Cons needs to be pushing this.

  • Along with MAGA talking heads.
  • MAYBE the RNC can WTFU, push the same message.
  • Coordinated messaging.
  • Smear with Truth.

This ought to go viral.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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What must we do to gain eternal life
We must overcome a time rife with strife
Jesus told us we would have tribulation
But to be of good cheer at His acclamation 

He overcame the world so we could be free
The Gates were then opened for you and me
Without Jesus we would remain behind
Separated from God forever declined

The Kingdom of God would be closed up tight
With no way to reach it far out of sight
What a great gift God gave us thru His Son
A blessing beyond belief second to none

On earth we must earn our heavenly home
We are not here to wander or to roam
We must serve God as He told us to do
Keep His commands love one another too

Be born again of water and spirit
Faith in His Word ready to hear it
Believe Jesus is the true Son of God
Honor His Word daily give Him all laud

We must pay attention to what it means
To pray in the Spirit we must it seems
In His presence we must be to hear Him
His soft quiet voice so proper so prim

God has provided all the tools we need
In His Word lies the key the food the seed 
To serve Him in this world in every way
We must be Born Again to earn our stay

D01: 08/05/2023




Thank you for your poem today, and for all the wonderful inspiring things you bring to the board every day.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Sending much Good Energy to you!




Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You too!!! 💖


Dershowitz: Trump Could Fast-Track His Appeal To Supreme Court


“The unvaccinated are frequently asked, “How did you know the COVID vaccines were dangerous when they first came out?”

The answer is simple: we didn’t.”

Bullshit we didn’t!

How did we know? Let me count the ways:

1) mRNA had never been tried in a vaccine. No long term safety data spells DANGER.

2) The “vaccines” were rolled out in less than a year. No long term testing spells DANGER

3) The government was clearly lying it’s ass off about the origins of Covid. Lying spells DANGER

4) The government and drug companies were offering incentives like friggin’ free donuts to influence people to take their clot shot. Bribery spells DANGER

5) The media was parroting the party line in positive stories with the tagline at the end “brought to you by Pfizer.” Bought and paid for “news” spells DANGER

Those are just a few of the ways we KNEW the shots were DANGEROUS.


This one made me so mad I posted before reading comments!

Reading down, I fear I have been repetitive. Great minds and all that.


We all do that sometimes … post before reading comments!

I took Tucker’s statement about ‘knowing’ as what we knew very early on, not as the weeks dragged by and more came to light.

You stated same two things I knew about mRNAs injections right away … they were new & untested … NO THANKS, regardless of the strength of the virus.

Plus, what I KNEW by the second week of everyone’s initial toilet-paper-grabbing panic was the ‘experts’ had ZERO clue whether this was spread as airborne, by touch or any other way. I wore the mask & gloves to grocery store ONE time, and then I stopped. I KNEW I needed to breathe and free myself from living in fear.


We obstreperous ones catch on pretty quick!


The more the merrier 👍😁


6) The lockdowns, the masking “requirements”, the “social distancing”, the forced isolation, smelled of DANGER and GASLIGHTING.
7) The unquestioning, lockstep acceptance of COVID-19 “vaccination” by healthcare providers, the AMA, etc., reeked of DANGER.


That people could riot without a mask send a clear message it all was BS .


And the elitists at their dinner parties, toasting each other, shoulder to shoulder, and who knows what they were doing together once the cameras were off.


Yes, absolutely!


Feds & medical assholes never talked prevention like vitamins, supplements…

Forbade the use of HCQ, Ivermectin… Lies about ivermectin.




Melania left Trump Tower yesterday, looking gorgeous as usual:

I, however, would love it if she wore something like this, and really stuck her thumb in their eye:

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Last edited 4 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yep! Melania could get away with that look easily and being from the notorious outlaw Trump gang, open carry would be understandable 😁.
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Last edited 4 months ago by para59r

Anyone else notice that Barron’s hair rocks???

Gives his dad some serious competition in the Cool Hair department.




“I really don’t care, do you?”

remember Melania’s renegade jacket?

I love your fashion suggestion for her, Aubergine.




Seems like such a simple solution.Looks to me like some leftist indoctrination camps need to be allowed and/or helped to go out of business since many times their “education” is no better than the local community colleges offer. They teach absolute bullshiz, encourage garbage social interactions and send people out into a world that will eat them alive if they are ignorant.

If the school goes traditional education and avoids alienating a huge chunk of its potential students it will thrive. Our local UT/Knoxville did that with a clean sweep out of trash while providing quality leaders in executive offices as well as downstream. The GOP being in control of the legislature and governor seat did a complete reboot; jettisoning the campus sex week, frat party butt chugging, diversity office promotion of sex perverts/BLM/etc from the leftists being in control under the RINO Haslam governorship.

The result of the changes were enrollment skyrocketed, freshmen applicant ACT/high school GPA’s skyrocketed, athletic success skyrocketed, business and real estate.growth around the campus skyrocketed, tax revenues skyrocketed, and city/county property tax rates stayed neutral while services increased.

It’s not hard. Just collectively say no to idgits and yes to what has historically been proven to work well.


Yes, we all need to “listen”

Gail Combs

Very nice to know. We can recommend the school to parents.

Gail Combs

Please excuse any typos or formating glitches.


As a co -writer on here, I understand the typos and formatting issues. Not the easiest format I have ever used.

Gail Combs

Yes, it drives me nutz!

I can not write in LibreOffice Writer and then transfer the whole document. Quotations are a REAL PAIN since it wants to make each paragraph a separate quote. Line down doesn’t always work and you have run-on words….


Same here! I just decided to old school it. It takes more time with the proofreading and simplifying everything. Does not look like I would want to prepare it, but gets the message across that I want to give.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Also a lot of math-type formatting you just cannot do in WordPus.

I struggled with it a lot during science series tiem.

Gail Combs

I do not know how you managed to do what you did Steve. I recommend your series to home-school Moms and Dads at parties & gigs.

Who knows how many kids have read your series by now.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ye gods, it’s full of mistakes. Some are obvious typos, but there are places where the sentence simply says the opposite of what I intend.


Could be made into a very nice book….

Valerie Curren

LOL I thought you’d be worried about random F-Bombs assaulting delicate minds  🙃 


Chicago woman loses unborn baby after she and husband were attacked on date night by ’14 year-old boy and 17 year-old girl’

  • The 41-year-old woman and her husband were battered and pepper-sprayed
  • Residents of Streeterville had already demanded action on rampant teen gangs
  • Aggravated battery is up 20 percent across Chicago in the year to date


From the story.


I just cannot believe only misdemeanor battery.

Gail Combs

Should be MURDER, given the death of the child.

Valerie Curren



Doubly tragic to lose her unborn child at age 41 … might be hard to conceive again. 😢


Yes. I hope they can move and start over. I would never risk staying there.


Im fairly certain this wont fly and theyll continue to close locations until theyre all gone.

“Red Lobster is ready to close another batch of more than 100 restaurants if it is unable to renegotiate cheaper rent with its landlords.

The seafood chain abruptly closed 93 of its 700-odd restaurants on May 13 – and the next week filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the hope it can restructure its debts. 

New court documents reveal that there are another 135 restaurants that bosses say will keep losing money if leases stay as they are, Restaurant Business reported. The option is for the company to pay less rent or shut them. 

They include the iconic Times Square location which the company claims its is trying to keep open, according to the New York Post.

The restaurant’s landlord is reportedly doubling the location’s rent to $2.2 million a year, posing a threat to the 22-year-old lease.”


“Sorry to break it to y’all but this has nothing to do with inflation, raising the minimum wage, the $11 million loss on endless shrimp, or Biden. Back in 2014, RL was bought by vulture capitalist Golden Gate Capital, which promptly sold the land owned by RL (on which the restaurants sat) at below replacement cost for $1.5 billion. The company that bought the properties, American Realty Capital Partners, promptly started charging RL high leases on that land. ARCP was then taken over by Realty Income. Then in 2020, selling to Thai Union Group, a Bangkok-based investment group. They all milked the land leases for all they could get and above fair market value. By 2023, when RL filed for bankruptcy, it was being leeched on the leases to the tune of $200 million a year, on land they used to own. This is called “asset-stripping,” and is what happened to Sears, Mervyn’s and ShopKo, as well as bankruptcies involving hospital and nursing home operations like Steward Healthcare and Manor Care.”

Gail Combs

Very similar to the leveraged buyouts of the 1980s where wealthy corporations WITH NO DEBT were subjected to a hostile take over via BANK LOANS to buy the stock. (That is the leverage part.) Once in control the corporate raiders dismantled the corporations even going so far as to strip factories of equipment and sell it overseas.

BYE BYE American industry! we went from over 25% of the labor force working in factories in the 1970s to less than 10% during Obama, at which point they quit reporting.


Yup. Which evolved into unregulated hedge funds accelerating the demise.


And its still happnin.

Gail Combs

They are busy stripping this country to the bones. Everything we as a country worked for and build has been stripped via inflation and Fiat $$$.

Why do people not OWN their homes outright? After all the BANKS did not build them, Americans did and yet BANKS own most of the property here in the USA.


Who REALLY “Ownes” the property?

Stop paying TAXES and find out.


Yes. And we here have had yoy property tax and esp home ins increases. Our pymt is $70 month higher in the 10 yrs since we bought here. Thats only bc i pay the bulk escrow shortage notice, otherwise we’d be at least 200 month higher.

Valerie Curren

Those sound like they should be designated illegal scams. Perhaps like reverse mortgages, designed to strip someone of a valuable asset, or so it seems from the outside to me.

Gail Combs

At one point I think they were. Then came Reagan.

From my old Notes…

The leveraged buyout boom of the 1980s was conceived by a number of corporate financiers, most notably Jerome Kohlberg, Jr. and later his protégé Henry Kravis. Working for Bear Stearns at the time, Kohlberg and Kravis, along with Kravis’ cousin George Roberts, began a series of what they described as “bootstrap” investments…

What they did was take corporations WHO HAD NO DEBT, like the one I worked for, 👉 borrowed against the assets — THAT THEY DID NOT OWN!!👈 — and used that money to buy stock in the corporation so they could take control.

…Both economic and regulatory factors combined to spur the explosion in large takeovers and, in turn, large LBOs.

The three regulatory factors were the Reagan administration’s relatively laissez-faire policies on antitrust and securities laws, which allowed mergers the government would have challenged in earlier years; the 1982 Supreme Court decision striking down state antitakeover laws (which were resurrected with great effectiveness in the late eighties); and deregulation of many industries, which prompted restructurings and mergers.

The main economic factor was the development of the original-issue high-yield debt instrument. The so-called “junk bond” innovation, pioneered by Michael Milken of Drexel Burnham, provided many hostile bidders and LBO firms with the enormous amounts of capital needed to finance multi-billion-dollar deals….

This led to a feeding frenzy that destroyed AMERICAN OWNED Corporations.

..In January 1982, [by] former US Secretary of the Treasury William Simon and a group of investors [who] acquired Gibson Greetings, a producer of greeting cards, for $80 million, of which only $1 million was rumored to have been contributed by the investors. By mid-1983, just sixteen months after the original deal, Gibson completed a $290 million IPO and Simon made approximately $66 million.The success of the Gibson Greetings investment attracted the attention of the wider media to the nascent boom in leveraged buyouts.Between 1979 and 1989, it was estimated that there were over 2,000 leveraged buyouts valued in excess of $250 billion…..WIKI


NOTE THIS WAS IN JANUARY 1982. What happen before then???


𝗢𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟯𝟬, 𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟭, 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗥𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻 𝗛𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗝𝗿. 𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝘁𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗛𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗹 𝗶𝗻 𝗪𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻. 😵

Certainly sheds a different light on that shooting…

MKUltra anyone?

Gail Combs

Avoiding WWIII

I got part way thru and went WTF??? and yup it is by Matt Ehret.

…..By 1836, the 2nd National Bank was officially killed after a mass propaganda campaign convinced a duped mob that it was an instrument of tyranny in America, and over the coming 6 decades, the only five presidents who would make any serious effort towards reviving America’s nationalist system would end up dead while in office (Harrison in 1841, Taylor in 1850, Lincoln in 1865, Garfield in 1880, and McKinley in 1901).

The man who is today celebrated for having “killed the bank” and “paying Americas debts” was in reality a force of pure destruction. Jackson “paid the debt” by cutting all infrastructure projects and unleashing mass speculation, which resulted in a devastating 1837 bank panic that drove the nation into discord and depression. An unrepentant racist, Jackson also gave enormous assistance to the slavocracy by emptying the southern lands of Cherokee in the genocidal “Trail of Tears” and giving the land over to cotton planting oligarchs loyal only to their profits, “way of life” and the British Empire.

This story is told in all of its ugly detail in historian Michael Kirsch’s groundbreaking 2012 study, “How Andrew Jackson Destroyed the United States”.

Matt thinks FDR is one of the greatest American Presidents. 🙄 And is a BIG FAN of using public funds for projects like railroads and such “infrastructure projects”

I think such public funding has to be used SPARINGLY. We see how ‘Science’ has been captured using ‘public funding’

By reducing the general population to near poverty via taxation and inflation, we have lost control of WHAT OUR MONEY FUNDS!


Yeah, I read that piece. Wonder what ole Andrew would think and do about Matt’s opinion (non factual representation). 🤣. Matt is commie lite IMO.


General Jackson would horsewhip the ignorant whelp.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_wink:  YUP!

Gail Combs

Yes, Matt is definitely a socialist at MINIMUM. I listen to him and read him since he does dig up interesting stuff but I used a LARGE bucket of salt, esp when it comes to his interpretation.



The Trump campaign needs to use this clip.


Yes! Every LEGAL immigrant can relate.


That is the difference between legal and illegal opportunists sucking on tax

Gail Combs

Most Americans are well aware of that because they have at least one parent or grandparent or other relative who were LEGAL immigrants.


Correct, of course you have to go back to 1733 to find mine, but what the hey!

My best, very best admin Int;l was a Cuban refugee from 1959. Very serious, very intelligent and very loyal, very loyal. The Marielito’s were similar, but raised under Castro, so many just took taking the easy way out.

For this guy, I’m so happy for him, but, bro, get some English going; this is NOT all South Florida. And if he’s somewhere else, its very much more important.

My bride’s great grandparents were from Italy; in home, the kids were not allowed to speak Italian as their parents wanted them to know they were AMERICANS!

Gail Combs

I worked with a lady from Cuba. She had a degree in mathematics from Havana University. She was an excellent worker, VERY honorable and a real spitfire. She got fired by the same bitch who fired me and sued the pants off the company. (The bitch was fired later when the VP found I had been fired while he was on vacation.)


Ohhh. Did you both go back to work there?

Gail Combs

No, I did not realize I could have been hired back in a different job, The guy at corporate QC knew me and wanted me but a VP would have to sign off. I am sure Elmer would have if he had known about the job offer and I had known to ask him.

According to the Chem Engineer, he was Royally POed because I was the best troubleshooter they had. He even sent me to other plants when they had a really knotty problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People who care about the truth are valuable – even to the liars and cheats.

Gail Combs

Actually it was a great company to work for and really cared about quality and it’s employees. I found it interesting it managed to fight off corporate raiders (Lots of employee stock holders thanks to a stock buying plan) and then the president was found dead at his desk…

Valerie Curren

From my first ever Q-Tree post:

“…only a weapon which questions its use could be of any value in that role…you need to have concerns…wit, and most certainly you need to have doubts. Do you know what a naysmith is?…In early Terran history…naysmiths were employed by the ruling classes. Their job was to disagree. To question everything. To consider any argument or policy and find fault with it, or articulate the counter position. They were highly valued.”

My experience with being, by nature, a “naysmith”, in the real world is that it is rarely valued. I once took a spiritual giftings inventory test & it claimed that my strongest “gift” was that of prophecy, or rather truth telling. By contrast, my husband’s greatest gift was servanthood, the very area where I scored the lowest. Believe me, few people, perhaps in particular in “church”, embrace a truth-teller, especially if the “prophet” is female!


Thats their big ol loss!


Happy for him.



Gail Combs

Here is another article by Justin. (Interesting that he has left Badlands Media group…)

Coincidences within Coincidences: The Silent War Against Children
The age old belief in draining the youth—traces of the death cult.

I found this part quite interesting.

The Kindlifresserbrunnen, also known as the Child Eater Fountain, is a mysterious statue 👉located in Bern, Switzerland🤔…This peculiar fountain has been intriguing visitors for nearly 500 years, as its central figure depicts a man devouring a child. While the true meaning behind this statue remains unknown

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Why would any civilized culture permit such filth to be displayed anywhere, much less in that prominent location?

Probably a culture that worships Moloch.

Gail Combs

THINK World Economic Forum…

Justin was making the point that there are a lot of ‘tells’ that child sacrifice is still alive and well.


Yet they never thought to take it down or at least turn it into a cell phone tower that looks like a building.

Gail Combs

It has been there for about 500 years!


Should be happening everywhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whip them with garage pulls! That will send a message that they’re getting off easy!!!

Valerie Curren



Can’t happen soon enough.

Barb Meier

Is this why democrats & RINOs keep digging?


Not quite.

Somebody from Bannon’s Warroom told them they could find balls down there. The posse is ROTFLMAO at the snipe-hunt joke still working.

Valerie Curren

Ka-BQQM!!!   :wpds_lol: 


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THANK GOD somebody else gets the core of the problem. Our most sensitive and suggestible children are the VICTIMS of this political sexual SCAM.


I have to wonder at these people. Every one of them was once a child, of course. There is no way they would have ever dreamed of any of this stuff without it being introduced to them and foisted on them.

Gail Combs


What little faith I had in the medical system, which was not much, is GONE!

Gail Combs


It is nothing but GROOMING!


Actually, I think it is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, and it is being induced in these great numbers by our “instant fame” culture. We have raised a couple of generations on people becoming “famous” for nothing, on TikTok, Instagram, and reality TV shows.

These monsters crave attention. And trans-ing an innocent child is a fast way to get it. These are sick, evil, twisted, perverted, utterly RUINED people.


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I need to brush up on this. I don’t know if Fauci was mentioned in the movie or if there was a character representing his position, etc.


Trump just posted this brutal reality check:

Gail Combs

That is the best ad yet.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wish it had captions. Can’t turn on the speakers at work.


get some earbuds

Gail Combs

Here you go. Just do not mention spelling and such. 😜

Different voices for each section sometimes changing every sentence

We have RESCINDED so many Trump immigration policies, it would take to much time to list them.
There have been over 1 million migrant encounters since Oct 1st It is the earliest this milestone has EVER been reached.
It is a mess that this admin created since day one.
Cartels and exploding chaos at the border. Agents being removed to do paper work cartels are flourishing from this. Cartel gunmen stroll along the river bank armed with rifles.
It is here that cartel gunmen have been seen repeatedly wondering thru the brush after crossing into the US illegally. And it is not going to stop because this Admin does not want it to stop.
This admin just does not care about the American people, they have shown that time and time again. That is the US side of the RIO Grande (0.53 min)

{car} 58 terrorists have crossed the Southern Border.
The entire world is showing up at our door step. They are crossing illegally and they are expecting to get released here in the United States.
We are in the biggest crisis, border security crisis that we have ever faced in the history of this country. Nobody has done WORST on border security than Pres Biden. In all aspects of border security he is clearly failing. He has no answers. 
This is insane the federal government has to wake up.
[1:21] I know 1,000 over whelms the system. I can not imagine what 4,000 a day looks like.
TRUMP 2024 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thank you very much!!!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Are you wearing your mask, sir? I hear you too clearly on this end.”


[loud snort]


9 NFL teams not celebrating “pride month”

As of early Tuesday afternoon, the teams that seemed to have opted out of the LGBT agenda were the Atlanta Falcons, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs, New Orleans Saints, Pittsburgh Steelers and Tennessee Titans…

This is not to say that the NFL as an organization is pulling back from its support for the radical LGBT movement. The league still donates millions to gay-centered organizations and supports the gay agenda in a number of other ways, such as its partnership with the extremist group GLAAD.

Still, the visibility of the league’s “pride” celebration this year is quite different from 2021, when it posted a video that claimed “Football Is Gay.”

That perhaps shows that the fervor for the yearly LGBT celebration is waning.

Last year was the worst. Everywhere you looked it was in your face. It’s still bad, but not quite as bad.

In baseball last year, the Texas Rangers were the only team that didn’t have a “pride” night, and they won the World Series. I’m not saying there’s a correlation, but I’m glad it happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everybody seems to be dialing back the crazy “pride” of last year, and IMO it’s because ESG and DEI are taking a BIG FALL.

Republicans who stood up to ESG and DEI have made it possible for corporate America to opt out of the insanity without penalty.


Great point.


From our perch here in the ATL, I’m very glad to notice two of our NFC-South teams mentioned: the Atlanta Falcons and the New Orleans Saints … no comment on the Bucs & Panthers …

Last edited 4 months ago by RedLegLeader68

Squirm, worm…🪱😅
Judge Cannon Expands Hearing on Validity of Jack Smith’s Special Counsel Appointment

Judge Aileen Cannon will hold an expanded hearing on the validity of Jack Smith’s special counsel appointment.

President Trump previously filed a motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents charges based on the “unlawful appointment and funding of Special Counsel.”

The evidentiary hearing is set for June 21.

CNN reported:

“Judge Aileen Cannon is planning on holding a sprawling hearing on Donald Trump’s request to declare Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel invalid, signaling the judge could be more willing than any other trial judge to veto the special prosecutor’s authority.

“The planned hearing also adds a new, unusual twist in the federal criminal national security case against the former president: Cannon on Tuesday said that a variety of political partisans and constitutional scholars not otherwise involved with the case can join in the oral arguments later this month.

So we can get some sanity and clarity; good.

Judge Cannon last month indefinitely postponed the classified documents case after Special Counsel Jack Smith admitted to tampering with evidence.

The Judge vacated the May 20, 2024 trial date. It may be several months until Judge Cannon sets a new trial date.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BRIAR PATCH!!! The LAWFARE LOSERS cannot resist it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anybody else noticing the invisible foot-long Bowie knife in Cheney’s back?

Job well done, Hutch!!! You DESTROYED those stupid hearings.

Gail Combs

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I heard on Bannon’s War Room that Peter Navarro is scheduled to be released on June 17, the day before the Repub convention ends. He is going to be flown in to speak. 🍿


I believe that should be July 17th.


Yes. Thanks for the correction!


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⬆️ “The allies used inflatable tanks in the lead up to D-Day to fool the Germans into thinking they were facing a much larger armoured force. Fake track marks were also made on the grass to convince aerial surveillance that the ‘tanks’ were genuine”


BREAKING: House Republicans Refer Hunter and James Biden for Criminal Prosecution For Lying to Congress

The House Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees sent criminal referrals to the Justice Department recommending Hunter and James Biden be charged with making false statements to Congress about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden.

“With these lies exposed, as well as the very clear intention behind the lies to create the false impression that Joe Biden was not involved in his family’s business dealings, it is now clear, as House Republicans have argued since day one, that Joe Biden was very much a part of his family’s vast influence peddling schemes.” House Republicans said.

“Today’s criminal referrals are not the end of our efforts to hold the Bidens accountable; they are only the beginning.” GOP lawmakers said.

Gail Combs

18 U.S. Code § 1001 – Statements or entries generally

(a)Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—(1)falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact… (3)makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry…

….shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.

Perjury Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for perjury under federal law is five years.


So lets PRAY Trump wins and his DOJ can actually bring charges. 😉


Didnt take long did it?  Jack in the bix bought del taco less than 2 yrs ago so i doubt theyll buy rubios.  I really doubt theyll sell. Evety one can make their own.
Rubio’s Fish Taco Restaurant Chain Files for Second Bankruptcy in Four Years

Rubio’s Coastal Grill, a San Diego-based restaurant chain known for its fish tacos, filed for bankruptcy protection in Delaware on Wednesday.

On Friday, the company abruptly closed 48 locations, including 13 in San Diego, while keeping 86 restaurants open in California, Arizona, and Nevada.

Rubio’s blamed the closings on “the rising cost of doing business in California

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Gail Combs

If I were they I would get the heck out of Californicate!

Actually I would have left at least four years ago… Or more like THIRTY! (We left Taxachusetts in 1994, 30 years ago)


Yes. Mr gil started to back off leaving bc his dad is still alive(he has a very poor relationship w him and as far as it goes my son is a blood relative but thats it). I told him we have our son to think of 1st.

Gail Combs

I certainly agree with you.

If his dad wants to he can move also. I lived over 500 miles from Mom & Dad (Their decision, not mine) so I would drive down to visit once a month or so.

If you move to a state bordering Californicate, you can always visit as I did.


Its easy enough to drive. I dont think we will leave the west unless we win the lottery and want to fly(not likely).

Gail Combs

Take a good hard look at those bordering communities. I did a bit of research before we settled on NC.

My only regret is other Yanks (Read liberals) ALSO figured out it is a nice place to live.


The “nice” part of MT where we know people has been invaded by WA and CA libs. I hate the prices im seeing out there too. Never lived on a septic, cistern, or well but it seems common. Also these houses are massive w basements and im tryingbto avoid. Ive thought about NC too.

Gail Combs

Septic and well are fine as long as you take care of them.

Just do some reading up. I have had them for 50 of my 70 years.


Ok. Mr gil grew up on a well even here in socal. Septic makes me nervous but we will have to read like you said.


Heh. I’d be more nervous about the well than about the septic.


Either no water or contaminated. Seems thats a real big dill!


Back when the discovery of antibiotics was getting rolling, it was noted that villages stricken by plague had graveyards where it was safe to wander around and pick flowers.

This meant that something in the soil between a six-foot-deep grave and the surface was rendering that plague harmless.

A great example of a very similar phenomenon involved the discovery of cephalosporins [ ] — a biologist noted a sewage outfall in Sardinia and that local kids were playing in water nearby. Knowing that villages contributing to that sewage outfall were wracked by disease, he reasoned that there was something in-between the villages and the kids was rendering the disease harmless.

Grad students being expendable, then as now, there was a straightforward approach to be used. Dig one foot deep into the graveyard and culture everything there, then test it against the plague to see if there were potential antibiotics. Next, dig two feet deep and try again. If you, say, dug four feet deep and your grad students caught the plague, you had gone too far.

In Sardinia, your grad students tested where the sewer poured into the sea, then up into the sewer near the end, then further up the sewer…..if your grad students caught the disease, you went too far upstream. In the case of cephalosporins, they found a fungus, Acremonium strictum, which produced the antibiotic in question.

The reason this applies to wells and septic systems is that passing through sufficient soil almost everywhere in the world will render disease-causing agents harmless, so long as they do not contaminate fresh water. If you have a 100-foot well and an isolated septic system that is 10-feet deep, you’re almost certainly good.

But if you have a crack in your well casing such that your water is contaminated with surface water — or water from your septic system — you are in grave danger.

That’s why I’d be more nervous about the well.


You are a well of info. Seriously. That explains a lot to me. Im keeping this. Tyvm.


Kiddo #1 says it ALL.

AZ and NV an easy drive from your neck of the woods.

Yea, I’d not fly either. In my case, simply Not happening.

  • If I don’t have time to drive there, I do NOT need to be there.

Yes. Im still looking MT, SD(west, and now thinking northern NV but nowhere near tahoe. Not too mountainy.

Gail Combs

One of the Dakotas has it’s OWN bank BTW.
I looked it up:
Bank of North Dakota
State-owned and -run financial institution

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs
Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

I understand that North Dakota is one of the few states that is doing fairly well.

North Dakota has a relatively low debt level compared to other states. The state’s total debt was equal to just 18.9% of its 2014 revenue, the fourth lowest percentage of all states. This helps explain the state’s Aa1 rating from Moody’s and its AA+ rating from S&P

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

  :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy: 

It is this crap that makes me very glad I do not have kids… Otherwise I would probably be in prison! (I am bad enough about my clients kids.)


Crazy libs in charge. He was totally in the right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Plenty of good choices out there. AND, unless something changed, kiddo is home schooled.


He is still homeschooled. He was done on May 4th! Ive had him doing summer reading, which will keep him busy all summer w several books, and he is almost finished w history activity books on the greeks, romans, and Egyptians. He starts ancient history next year. See, without all the teacher inservice bs, the way too many days off, he gets a longer summer.


Georgia court of appeals indefinitely pauses the election subversion conspiracy case against Donald Trump

The new order filed on Wednesday from the Georgia Court of Appeals is the latest indication that a trial in the state-level Georgia election subversion case will not occur before the 2024 presidential election.

The appeals court is expected to rule on the disqualification issue by March 2025, though it could issue a ruling sooner. Several sources close to the case have told CNN that the timeline remains very uncertain.

Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee had initially allowed proceedings in his courtroom to continue as the appeals court weighed an appeal of his decision to allow Willis to remain on the case.



Fani Willis trial against Trump is most certainly not happening before the 2024 election!

The Georgia Court of Appeals on Wednesday halted all proceedings in Trump’s RICO case until the court rules on the effort to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis…

In March Judge McAfee quashed 6 counts in Fani Willis’ indictment – including 3 counts against President Trump.

Two other lawfare cases against President Trump were also postponed and likely won’t take place until after the 2024 election.

Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump was indefinitely postponed by Judge Aileen Cannon.

Jack Smith’s January 6 case in DC is currently on hold as we await a decision from the US Supreme Court related to Trump’s presidential immunity claims.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could the world be waking up to the horror of OBAMA’S THIRD TERM, and the GRIM prospects of a FOURTH???


I hope and pray that is the case, that we will be wise and discerning people.

Gail Combs


I think they are waking up to the fact that WE are the MAJORITY and WE ARE PISSED!

If you doubt it, read Karl’s rant about Fauci.


To para59r . . .

I thought something seemed lacking in your posted image of Melania and Barron coming out of Trump Tower. You just can’t trust images published by the yellow stream media. Here we go . . . the real, unedited image:

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Gail Combs

There is the MISSING THIRD GUN! 😋


8 pt font

Gail Combs

Use [ctrl][+] to increase the size of the print on your screen.


Even better!

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NYC Police Department Set to Revoke Former President Trump’s Gun License — Violation of State and Federal Laws Looms if Third Gun Remains in Florida: Report
(bolding mine)

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is reportedly preparing to revoke former President Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun, a senior police told far-left CNN.

Trump’s New York concealed carry license was quietly suspended on April 1, 2023, following his indictment on sham charges in New York. Two of the three pistols he was licensed to carry were turned over to the NYPD on March 31, 2023. The third gun listed on Trump’s license was “lawfully moved to Florida,” according to the same source.

After Trump was convicted of 34 felonies on May 30, 2024, in made-up crimes, he could potentially be in violation of multiple state and federal laws if he still possesses that third gun in Florida.

Under federal law, specifically the Gun Control Act of 1968, it is illegal for anyone who has been convicted of a felony to own or possess a firearm or ammunition.

The NYPD’s Legal Bureau is set to complete an investigation “that will likely lead to revocation of his license,” the senior police official said. However, Trump retains the right to seek a hearing challenging the revocation, per CNN.

The longer this goes on, the worse it gets. 😡


SC needs to A C T !


AG Nessel’s Lawfare Case Against GOP Alternate Electors IMPLODES: Judge Rebukes AG’s Criticism of Her Fairly Conducted Trial–Lead AG Investigator Fumbles—Can’t Answer Critical Questions Like Why Electors Are Guilty

If Michigan’s Democrat attorney general is successful with her politically-motivated witch hunt against the Trump-supporting electors, and they are found guilty of all 8 felony charges, it would be enough to send each member of the group, which consists of primarily senior citizens, to prison for life.

Unfortunately for the lawfare queen of Michigan, after three days of testimony by AG Nessel’s lead investigator, it is becoming increasingly clear that AG Nessel, or someone in her office, selected the wrong cop to investigate the manufactured crimes against the MI Republican electors.

Many more details in the story…

This case started as a joke and is turning into an even bigger joke the longer it drags out. Like the Trump case in NYC, this case will likely backfire on Democrats, as each day, the basis of this case becomes more obvious. This case is about a witch hunt. It’s about taking out President Trump’s most respected leaders in each swing state where similar charges have been filed against electors.

When will the United States Congress begin to investigate if these cases against the GOP Trump electors and against Trump’s lawyers were coordinated between Attorneys General in critical must-win swing states as a way to affect the outcome of the presidential election in 2024?


This thing commited battery on a peace officer not to mention is going to do something else. Nutbucket.

Valerie Curren

already deleted from twit world & nitter 🙁



Gail Combs

I am glad I had a chance to listen before it was deleted.

Valerie Curren

What was it? I finally got the Internet Archive to respond but it wasn’t saved there either…

Gail Combs

It was still up on my computer:

Libs of TikTok


This man who thinks he’s a woman went into a female restroom for the first time where he made a hat for himself out of used period pads.

When the police were called on him, he somehow convinced the officer he was “female” and when the officer let him go, he stuffed a used tampon…

There was a video of the wierdo talking about it.

Valerie Curren

psycho   :wpds_envy: 

sounds like a cousin of that perv who hung out in the waste part of a porta potty to watch women relieving themselves   :wpds_evil: 



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Gail Combs

😍This is PURE GOLD!💝

Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick Garland
Boy did she bitch slap him!


I saw her in action yesterday. She was a righteous Warrior 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Gail Combs

Wasn’t she great?

She and MTG really get under their skins.


The Bird Flu, Oh, the Bird Flu
Your life depends on what you do!
You can mask and you can hide
Or use the Vax – well, you decide.

You’ll threaten all humanity,
If you don’t use the Vax, you see.
So get The Jab right now, instead,
Then you’ll be safe, or maybe dead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something is up, people. He ain’t sayin’, but something is up.

Things to consider acquiring now if you don’t have them yet:

A 1 week supply of water
A 1 week supply of shelf-stable food
A first aid kit
An alternative method of heating food
An alternative source of power
Battery operated flashlights
A battery operated AM/FM short wave radio
A battery operated two way radio
A supply of toothpaste, floss, shampoo, soap, TP, tissues, and other toiletries
A compass and map of your local area
A couple of plastic tarps
250 feet of nylon 550 paracord
A handgun and a supply of ammunition


Wolf Moon
Agreed, something is up.
IMO, 2 week supply of food and water.
Arrangements to be in contact with **trusted** family or friends.
Some cash.
Gas tank in the car filled up.
Some kind of rain/bad weather gear.
2 week supply of necessary meds, along with supply of vitamins/supplements.
Food, water, meds for pets.
Good set of all-purpose scissors.

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

I am cutting down small trees and such. Anything 3″ and over I am cutting up and saving.


I’m wondering if it’s the standard “be prepared” list and mantra that we’ve all been talking about for years. And since we’re heading toward the election and the Dems are desperate, it is safe to assume that something might happen to disrupt our lives. I don’t know how he would know anything specific.


Unless he’s attending commie meetings …

Brave and Free

Yup sounds like hurricane season again.
Defiantly need to be stocked up on the essentials I don’t trust anything at this point. Stay strong everyone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The J6 LEGEND from Fauci’s testimony before Congress is interviewed, and it’s AWESOME.

Gail Combs

Birx says US making ‘same mistakes’ with bird flu as COVID-19

BOY the comments are scathing! It made me smile. 😂


Just as an aside, I ran across a mention of a Linux tool to avoid link rot. It archives the webpage onto your own storage. Its website is

I found it in issue 232 of Linux Magazine (March 2020), in case you have one of the archive DVDs. There were also some helpful scripts and implementation advice.

Gail Combs

I will let Hubby know. He does the care and feeding of the computers.


Nope. Scarf bitch IS wrong. The bitch has the gall to TRY and tell us anything. After she has admitted to blatant lying to Americans during Covidiot.

  • NOT buying into anything Feds, state, county, city AND medical assholes may say about bird flu..
  • Damn sure Nothing Pravda, regardless of format.

Will be following QTree closely. Incredibly smart folks. Along with medical professionals that have delivered great information regarding Covidiot and Covidiot poisonous Jabs.

Looking forward to Reynolds delivering, again. Will post when delivered.

Having just relocated, PM’s X today is timely.

  • A couple items drained during relocation effort. PIA to move, so, used it up.
  • Replenishing tomorrow.
Gail Combs

The commenters to the article said similar things. I was surprised. Essentially the trust is GONE!

I found that a positive sign.

Gail Combs

Yes, you very much see them waking up.


I think “bird flu” will go the way of “monkey pox” when they figure out that people aren’t buying this one, either.

Demoncrats are STUPID. They only have a small number of tricks in their playbook, so they have to keep trying them over and over.

Gail Combs

I certainly hope you are correct!

Valerie Curren



They should name the next flu pandemic after Brix.


Can’t recall if this one has been posted.

  • Plenty of bank problems posted last couple days. be Ready.


Well That’s Not Good. – Unrealized Losses Exceeding Reserves – Mortgages & CRE
Banks in total have $1.40 of “reserves” for every $1 of delinquent CRE Commercial Real Estate Loans. Essentially they have only 40 ¢ of reserves for all the rest of their loans.

That’s close to a liquidity issue.

Lack of liquidity means not a lot off new loans, so not a lot off new profits. New loans dropping.

Add to that the fact that “consumers” are already up to their eyeballs in debt and can’t carry any more… season with the Fed having lousy sales of U.S. Treasuries (due to massive $Trillions of debt AND huge deficits… so some Fed Bond Auctions have gone “very poorly”…)

Businesses are abandoning office buildings, and some (like BurgerFi) are going out of business due to lack of profits from Blue State Stupid minimum wage laws… So commercial RE is under a LOT of pressure.

All of this is pushing up interest rates, making the problems of lenders and borrowers even worse.

So, as of now, “reserves” at JPMorgan Chase, BofAA, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are are at 90 ¢ for ever dollar of commercial realestate debt on which a borrower is at least 30 days late.

Basically, they do not have enough reserves to cover their “in trouble” or “late” borrowers… for CRE. See minute 7;30+ of the video below.

~Ten minute video.


Remainder of the above article. Well worth paying attention to.

That’s a problem.

So, do you expect business to improve in this massive Federal Debt Bubble? Do you expect profits to businesses to improve with California (and other “blue” States?) making massive Minimum Wage Hikes? ($20 for “fast food” workers, and then they had to do $25 for “health workers” since flipping burgers is easier / more pleasant that changing bed pans and festering wound dressings…)

Or do you think that driving the economy into a giant ditch via Central Authority, and massive fuel cost hikes, is going to cause ever more business failures and ever more loan defaults? Eh?

Season with many commercial real estate folks (especially those in “retail stores”) abandoning places like San Francisco, New York City, and other Blue “mostly peaceful protest” and “Steal Under $1000 For Free!” cities…

Looks to me like “Bidenomics” is finally coming home to roost. Just in time for “The 5th Of November”… (“Remember, remember, this 5th of November, the lawfare and treason and plots”… E.M.S.)

So, FWIW, I’m on a “buy a chunk of gold & silver every month” plan. Dollar cost averaging into it. I hope to reach (maybe) 10% of net worth in a year (yeah, going very slow and fairly small, really). And yes, I’d likely be better off going at 2 to 3 times that rate. But I’m not interested in lighting up bonfires of alert lights… Besides, I’m also looking to buy (clear, not a loan) some added land, and other “stuff” too… so the “metals” are a minor part of the portfolio plan. Also, keep in mind, the last time “Progressive” leftists ran America into a ditch and FDR confiscated all the gold in the country… It could happen again. In that case, lead and brass might be harder to confiscate 😉


I would love to see the government try to steal gold from black people.

That’s pay-per-view worth paying for 😂

Not in a million years will they ever dare to try to take gold from black people, and that means they can’t take it from anybody else, either.


Let us take a moment to salute the two bravest people in Space…..

They’re currently on their way to the ISS in a vehicle constructed by Boeing, after a seemingly never-ending series of scrubbed attempts.

I hope they also bought lottery tickets.


Exactly. There is not enough money in the world to pay me to do that. They are either brave or foolhardy.

Valerie Curren

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