I am putting this article up as a place to archive comments on the bird flu and to give a bit of background history to explain how the government’s current response came about. It also serves as a warning about the laws and regs ALREADY IN PLACE. If you have animals or are unlucky enough to live in a quarantined area it could affect YOU.
NPR: A worrisome new bird flu is spreading in American birds and may be here to stay April 9, 2022
A newly arrived bird flu is sweeping through wild bird populations in the United States, and that may mean trouble for poultry farmers who have been doing their best to control this flu outbreak in their flocks.
Some 24 million poultry birds like chicken and turkeys have already been lost, either because they died from the virus or were killed to prevent its spread. But unlike a similar bird flu outbreak seven years ago, this one is unlikely to just burn itself out….
April 30, 2022 US egg factory roasts alive 5.3m chickens in avian flu cull – then fires almost every worker | Bird flu | The Guardian
April 18, 2024 Bird flu has spread to more farm animals. Here’s what to know about food safety | PBS NewsHour
Two people in U.S. have been infected with bird flu to date.

The following section is from: PAVACA (with slight modification by me to imbed URLs)
June 4, 2024 13:49
Yours Truly will now rip the lid off the H5N1 Avian Flu research being done at the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia (part of Georgia Tech.) This research APPEARS TO BE GAIN-OF-FUNCTION. This research is being performed in USDA laboratories that ARE LESS THAN BSL-4 SAFETY LEVEL. Links and screenshots are below:
ONE: First, the McCullough, et al. paper:
Peter A. McCullough, et al.
Yours Truly urges all interested persons to DOWNLOAD and SAVE this paper.
One suspects that it can be either “retracted” or “reissued with new conclusions” that reflect pressure on the paper’s publisher. Case in point here is the “retraction” of the McCullough, et al., paper published by Cureus in January of this year that was retracted less than a month later — this paper is about the data distortions and “clinical trials” errors regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 (which was given its initial EUA by the FDA in December 2020.)
TWO: This is the project information link regarding the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory experiments with H5N1 Avian Influenza virus:
Below is a screenshot from the document.

HREE: It appears that the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory IS NOT A BSL-4 LEVEL FACILITY. In addition, it appears to be a DANGEROUS PLACE TO WORK IN. In fact, IT APPEARS THAT THE LAB IS BEING REBUILT TO BSL-2 AND/OR BSL-3 SAFETY STANDARDS.
Here is the link:
Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory – Phase II
Below is a screenshot from the OSHA partnership agreement for the rebuilding of the lab:

FOUR: H5N1 can affect the BRAIN, the LUNGS, and the HEART of infected mammals:
Elizabeth J. Elsmo, et al.
published December 2023
Upon further reflection — Yours Truly will add that the H5N1 Avian Flu virus clade is not only highly pathogenic, it is also highly infectious. IMO, any experimentation on this virus HAS to be performed in a BSL-4 level facility, AND under strict and continuous scrutiny by lab personnel.
Further Comment by PAVACA:
IMO, it appears that H5N1 has been lab-enhanced to make the virus more pathogenic and dangerous, not only to birds and to non-human mammals, but also to humans.
And that the experiments for this were conducted / are being conducted, in a USDA facility that has the BSL safety level of a glorified college-level science lab.
A correction by RedLegLeader68: Athens, GA is the home of UGA
I am going to start off with this 2012 comment of mine on WUWT since it is not something I addressed in my other ‘Attack on Food’ articles.
on page 31:
“Should USDA officially confirm the presence of a disease, such as Foot and Mouth Disease, the affected herd and all cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and susceptible wildlife—infected or not— within a minimum 10-kilometer zone around the infected farm would be killed.” >>>Note they also mention extending that range indefinitely. They affectionately call this process “Depopulation” which is ever so euphemistic. All of this is without a warrant and no appeal. So much for your Constitutional rights and presumption of innocence.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2002)
Part 3: Decontamination procedures(Contd.)
Chapter 4
Battlefield strategy – disinfection procedures
Estimate the degree of contamination in the dwelling house and the adjacent area. Detail disposal and/or cleaning to be done in the house to remove all sources of contamination….
Detail structures and articles that cannot be effectively decontaminated, such as wooden buildings, floors and cattle yards, roof insulation, doors and linings…..
The aim of the clean-up process is to remove all manure, dirt, debris and contaminated articles that cannot be disinfected……
All old insulation materials, such as polystyrene, fibreglass and press boards, are removed for burial or burning unless they have sound impervious surfaces which can be effectively decontaminated.All unsound, rotten and underrun wooden fittings, flooring and other structures which cannot be effectively disinfected should be removed for burning or burial…
This means ALL homes not just farms are placed under quarantine in that 10K radius BTW.
It is obvious that traceability does nothing to prevent disease, it only allows blame to be placed after the fact followed by Depopulation. So why is the idea being promoted and where did it come from?
In the USA it came from a NGO.
“..early 2002, when the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) organized a national identification task force to provide leadership for the preparation of the initial report, the National Identification Work Plan….
The US Animal Identification Plan (USAIP) is needed to maintain the economic viability of American animal agriculture…
This is essential to preserve the domestic and 👉international marketability👈 of our nation’s animals and animal products.”
Dead link:
http://www.usaip.info. [Sec of Ag Schafer alleges the idea came in 2003, AFTER BSE was found which is total B.S.]
Chasing down that dead link was interesting.
United States Animal Identification Plan (USAIP) ( Archived Oct 2003)
…Building upon previously established and successful animal health and animal identification programs involving many animal industries, an industry-state-federal partnership, aided by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA), was formed in 2002 to more uniformly coordinate a national animal identification plan. This resulting plan, requested by the UnitedStates Animal Health Association (USAHA)and facilitated by USDA’s Animal and Plant HealthInspection Service (APHIS), was formulated in 2003 for presentation at the October, 2003 annual meeting of the USAHA. More than 100 animal industry and state-federal government professionals representing more than 70 allied associations/organizations collectively assessed and suggested workable improvements to the plan to meet future U. S. animal identification needs….
Since WHEN does the USA NEED to ID animals? — After Quarantine is abolished of course!
National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA),
Welcome to NIAA!Finally! An organization that satisfies your needs, concerns and interests about the animal agriculture industry. Membership with the National Institute for Animal Agriculture offers just that,and so much more. NIAA’s purpose is quite simple — to provide a source for individuals, organizations, and the entire animal agriculture industry to obtain information, education and solutions for challenges facing animal agriculture….
NIAA is still alive and well and it is an NGO and was part of the Public-Private partnership driving Animal-ID
NIAA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing programs to work towards providing solutions for disease, while promoting a safe and wholesome food supply and the best practices of environmental stewardship, animal health and well-being.
Successor to the Livestock Conservation Institute (LCI), NIAA began operations in👉January 2000 [So there is Sec of Ag Schafer LIE!]
By 2005 the site had change to:
Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman has announced the framework for implementation of a National Animal Identification System (NAIS) designed to identify any agricultural premise exposed to a foreign animal disease so that it can be more quickly contained and eradicated.
The results of the years of joint work by the USAIP Development Team was provided to USDA, and was submitted as information for consideration as USDA develops and implements NAIS. See link below for the official
NAIS website for current updates. This site will remain for a period of time to provide background and historical information about the USAIP.
Ann Veneman is a real winner BTW. She worked on Uruguay Round talks for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT.) This was the precursor to the World Trade Organization. She served as executive director of UNICEF, & was California’s secretary of food and agriculture. She was also an attorney for law firm and lobby group Patton, Boggs & Blow. It has “participated in the formation of every major multilateral trade agreement considered by Congress.” She was also a board member of a Monsanto subsidiary company.
Can you say GLOBALIST?
In 2008 the site had morphed into USDA – Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service
National Animal Identification System (NAIS)
Welcome to NAIS
To protect the health of U.S. livestock and poultry and the economic well-being of those industries, we must be able to quickly and effectively trace an animal disease to its source…
And in 2009 the domain was up for sale.
The Agreement on Agriculture came into effect with the establishment of the WTO at the beginning of 1995. Fifteen years later there is this is from the 2009 State of Texas TAHC Strategic Plan Report
new disease challenges are emerging. Some are domestic diseases that are increasing in significance.Others are foreign diseases that may be imported as result of the exponential increases in international importations of animals and animal products. Our industries and our economy are threatened by diseases and pests that heretofore we only read about in disease text books…..
As I said, Animal ID becomes necessary ONLY when you are importing disease. The World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Ag DOES NOT ALLOW UNIVERSAL QUARANTINE! It is considered an unjustified ‘Trade Barrier’
The Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures: Article 2.2 states:“Members shall ensure that any sanitary or phytosanitary meassure is applied ONLY TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY… is based on scientific principles and is not maintained without sufficient scientific evidence...” And Article 2.3 “..Sanitary or phytosanitary measures shall not be applied in a manner which constitute a disguised restriction on international trade”
In other words, quarantine can only be used AFTER you have found disease or an exporting country TELLS you they have a disease problem. International TRADE therefore trumps protection against disease.

In my last article about the attack on the US food supply: THE WAR ON MEAT: Mr GLOBAL’S ATTACK ON FOOD PART IV
I suggested the attack would be an outbreak of of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) similar to what happened in the UK.
SEE: Not The Foot And Mouth Report: Everything Tony Blair didn’t want you to know
(I strongly suggest reading this report given what is happening in the USA now.)
However it looks like I was wrong. It is Avian flu which has the ‘advantage’ of infecting not only birds but humans and now COWS and other mammals. FMD is a piker in comparison since it only infects pigs, cows, sheep, goats and deer and does not make them uneatable. Also Avian Flu can easily be carried on wing by migratory birds.
So what have we learned from the ‘Farm Wars’ waged against the WTO and Animal ID’?
Ever heard of the 2012 Homeland Security Exercise CRIMSON SKY? It is similar to Event 201 the pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
So what about Crimson Sky?
Report compares costs of animal disease outbreak
….The administration is studying the safest place to move its research on such dangerous pathogens from Plum Island to the U.S. mainland near herds of livestock, raising concerns about a catastrophic outbreak. A final choice is expected by late fall. The foot-and-mouth virus does not infect humans but could devastate herds of cattle, swine, lambs and sheep.
The five locations the U.S. is considering are Athens, Ga.;Manhattan, Kan.; Butner, N.C.; San Antonio; and Flora, Miss. A sixth alternative would be construction of a new research lab on Plum Island. That option is considered less likely because the administration spent considerable time and money scouting new locations and because of financial concerns about operating from a location accessible only by ferry or helicopter.
Economic losses in an outbreak would exceed $3.3 billion if the new lab were built in Georgia, North Carolina or Mississippi, the report said.
….The new study expresses the government’s confidence it could avoid any outbreak. But it also cautioned that “should a large release occur there is considerable opportunity for the virus to cause infections and become established in the environment beyond the facility boundary.”
A simulated outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease – part of an earlier U.S. government exercise called “Crimson Sky” – ended with fictional riots in the streets after the simulation’s National Guardsmen were ordered to kill tens of millions of farm animals, so many that troops ran out of bullets. In the exercise, the government said it would have been forced to dig a ditch in Kansas 25 miles long to bury carcasses.
The new study said U.S. economic losses from an outbreak could ultimately be higher than the $5 billion suffered by Britain in 2001, when an epidemic forced the government to slaughter 6 million sheep, cows and pigs….
Interesting because we were TOLD the site for the new lab was in Manhattan, Kan. While they already had the U.S. National and Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) Centers in Athens, GA.
The Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) was established in 1962… In 2015,
The Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory merged into SEPRLand is designated as a worksite of SEPRL. SEPRL is undergoing facility modernization with
replacement of all facilities between 2017 and 2024….
Also of interest:
The Truth About Plum Island – Part 1 rense.com
By Patricia Doyle, PhD
I have been investigating Plum Island since September 1999, after hearing reports of equine West Nile Virus (WNV) cases in Suffolk County, Long Island, and, later human cases in Queens, New York. At the same time, August 1999, a Boy Scout camp, also in Suffolk County, Long Island, was closed due to cases of Malaria. In June of 1999, there were reports of a tick borne encephalitis in New England, and a flu-like illness on Block Island….
Representative Rob Simmons of Connecticut was unable to get further details of security clearances, or, training of the replacement workers. After Rep. Simmons learned that the FBI was on Plum Island investigating the incident of drop in water pressure, he requested to visit the island to ascertain conditions. The USDA refused to give Rep. Simmons permission to visit the island.
It is now September 3, 2002, and we still have no information on the cause of drop of water pressure, and no solution of the strike.
I have been able to get some information on former Plum Island projects, one of which includes Tick Project 101. I have also verified that Plum Island, did, indeed work with birds. Birds were studied in regard to vectors of disease outbreaks. We saw that birds have been an efficient vector in the spread cycle of West Nile Virus….
So what other information is available about this government exercise?
…Crimson Sky is a scenario-planning exercise run by the U.S. government and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services [NCDA&CS], Emergency Programs Division.
The exercise was conducted in 2002, which data modeling showed, that a FMD exposure on five farms led to the virus spreading to 35 states in 10 days.
“Crimson Sky” ended with fictional riots in the streets after the simulation’s National Guardsmen were ordered to kill tens of millions of farm animals, so many that troops ran out of bullets. In the exercise, the government said it would have been forced to dig a ditch in Kansas 25 miles long to bury carcasses. In the simulation, protests broke out in some cities amid food shortages.
Two other simulations also geared toward bio-terrorism risk assessment preformed by DHS and participating states are Crimson Winter and Crimson Guard. Limited information is available on these simulations.. Link
Unfortunately the link in the article now goes to this description at The Institute for Homeland Security
Crimson Sky
Crimson Sky was a one-day executive simulation that examined the threat of a major attack on the US with Foot and Mouth Disease. Participants included Senator Pat Roberts, the Governor of North Dakota, the Lt Governor of Nebraska, the Secretary of Agriculture and many senior members of the Interagency Deputies Committee including the Deputy FEMA Director and Deputy EPA Administrator. There were 75 participants and 50 observers. (September 2002)
and this:
Crimson Winter
Crimson Winter was a one-day executive simulation that examined the threat of a major attack on the US food supply. Participants included the Deputy Secretary of Agriculture and the Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services. There were 25 participants and 30 observers. (January 2003)
Interestingly there is now a 2021 Austrian paper: Foot-and-mouth disease: evaluation of control strategies against a potential outbreak
In looking for more recent documents I found these:
Avian Influenza Decontamination Procedures for the Cleaning and Disinfection of Farm Premises January 2005
By Dupont Animal Health Solutions.
Following the recent outbreaks of Avian Influenza across the globe, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) issued a number of biosecurity recommendations. This article overviews the procedures for using Virkon S, the most proven veterinary disinfectant in the world.
Manual on procedures for disease eradication by stamping out
fao.org © FAO 2001
Stamping out is a recognized and proven strategy for rapid elimination of an introduced exotic disease or other emergency livestock disease. The crucial elements of stamping out are:
- designation of infected zones;
- intensive disease surveillance to identify infected premises and dangerous-contact premises or villages within these zones;
- imposition of quarantine and livestock movement restrictions;
- immediate slaughter of all susceptible animals either on the infected and dangerous-contact premises or in the whole infected area;
- safe disposal of their carcasses and other potentially infected materials;
- disinfection and cleaning of infected premises;
- maintaining these premises depopulated of susceptible animals for a suitable period.
Stamping out is often the most cost-effective strategy. The disease eradication campaign is shorter and achieved for a lower overall cost and there is a shorter waiting period before the country can be recognized as free of the disease and resume export of livestock and animal products….
This Manual of procedures for disease eradication by stamping out is based on The destruction of animals, Disposal procedures and Decontamination operation procedures manuals of AUSVETPLAN (second edition, 1996). AUSVETPLAN is a series of technical response plans that describe the Australian approach to an exotic animal disease incursion. The procedures are adapted in this manual to apply to eradication of foci of serious infectious diseases of domestic livestock in any country where they may occur.
2009 FAO Preparing for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza [Revised] Culling
The basis of HPAI eradication by stamping out is to:
• immediately impose a quarantine of the affected area (premises or village);
• slaughter all infected and potentially infected birds and dispose of the carcasses;
• decontaminate sheds and other poultry housing areas;
• carry out rapid surveillance of surrounding areas to determine the extent of possible spread;
• close and disinfect markets; and
• keep sick and dead birds out of the human food chain, and not sell them as feed for other animals (e.g. zoo animals).
Quarantine and movement controls
AI is readily transmitted via contaminated objects, so strict control of movement of anything that may have become contaminated with the virus and the immediate imposition of tightly controlled quarantine on all places suspected of being infected are essential to a successful eradication programme. Ideally, quarantine should be imposed on all farms and villages in which infection is either known or suspected, and it should be strictly policed to ensure that no one – including the residents, owners, staff and other visitors – leaves without changing his or her clothes and footwear. Strict on-farm biosecurity and hygiene are needed to control entry of the disease from outside sources (e.g. feed suppliers, equipment maintenance personnel, wild birds)….
The newest I could find is Published Online: 24 August 2013 in Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science
Decontamination of High-risk Animal and Zoonotic Pathogens
(Interesting that Johns Hopkins edu has a copy up as well as Pub Med, the NIH library…)
Preparedness for the decontamination of affected environments, premises, facilities, and products is one prerequisite for an immediate response to an animal disease outbreak. Various information sources provide recommendations on how to proceed in an outbreak situation to eliminate biological contaminants and to stop the spread of the disease. In order to facilitate the identification of the right decontamination strategy, we present an overview of relevant references for a collection of pathogenic agents. The choice of pathogens is based on a survey of lists containing highly pathogenic agents and/or biological agents considered to be potential vehicles for deliberate contamination of food, feed, or farm animals. European legislation and guidelines from national and international institutions were screened to find decontamination protocols for each of the agents….
There is one way we CAN get ahead of this new deliberate attack with friends and family, and switch them from fear-mode to taking-control mode.
We now know that the key to resisting ALL viruses is maintaining a healthy immune syatem, NOT ineffective (fake) vaxxes or treatment after we are sick.
Urge your loved ones to get tested for their Vit D levels. It is a simple blood test and docs should have no reason not to oblige. I’m willing to bet more than half of our population is deficient.
If we start with one simple premise that is pro-immune health, they might be more amenable to further suggestions on building their own strong immunity rather than feeling helpless & dependent on ‘experts’.
Meant to add, you’ve compiled a masterpiece, Gail. The degree of manipulation and corruption is almost incomptrehensible. This needs to be seen far & wide; I will link it where I can & hope others do likewise.
Thank you very much.
It is actually work by a lot of farmers who were fighting National Animal ID. I just archived much of it.
Excellent suggestion.
Gail Combs
Thank you so much for this. Apparently, the H5N1 clade is one of the most pathogenic and infectious clades of the virus.
In addition, there are new genotypes that have been identified within the H5N1 clade, notably genotype B3.13.
The following are more items that Yours Truly found related to H5N1 clade; some of these, IMO, support the theory that this clade is either lab-engineered or lab-enhanced:
One: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10310395/
“Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Clade Introduced by Wild Birds, China, 2021”
Yanbing Li, et al. (Harbin, CCP)
*** It appears that this lab in the CCP performed Gain-of-Function experiments on MICE using the H5N1 clade of the avian flu virus genome.
Two: http://www.science.org/content/article/exclusive-controversial-experiments-make-bird-flu-more-risky-poised-resume
“EXCLUSIVE: Controversial experiments that could make bird flu more risky poised to resume”
8 February 2019
Yours Truly: This has to do with the resumption of Gain-of-Function experiments on the H5N1 avian flu virus.
Three: http://www.ioes.ucla.edu/news/nih-grants-support-avian-influenza-research/
27 January 2015
Yours Truly: EcoHealth Alliance (Peter Daszak) also got grant funding as part of this award.
Four: http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.16.588916v1.full
“Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) clade Virus detected in dairy cattle”
Phillip C. Gauger, et al.
April 2024
Yours Truly: The virus was also detected in domestic cats for the first time.
**** Yours Truly will now warn of the following:
Note how many times the words “highly pathogenic” are used in relation to the H5N1 clade strain. IMO, this phrase will be used to push “vaccination” against H5N1 not only for cattle, poultry, and domestic animals, but ALSO for humans.
Now that H5N1 avian flu has been detected in a domestic cat (this was in Texas, see the above paper citation), that kicks the door open for ANY person who owns domestic animals (cats, dogs, birds, etc.) to have their animals “tested” for H5N1 avian flu.
IMO, per the description above by our good Gail Combs, but related to domestic pets — if a domestic pet “tests positive” for H5N1, that pet and owner can be quarantined; that the owner can be “mandated” to get “vaccinated” against H5N1; and/or, the domestic pet that “tests positive” for H5N1 can be taken away and put down by the “authorities.”
I think it is imperative for BOTH humans AND the animals in their keeping (domestic and otherwise) to have and maintain their immune systems in the BEST SHAPE possible.
CHINA is likely in on the action!!!
Thank you for all your time you give for this information, it’s greatly appreciated.
We definitely are living in historic times.
I just do not want the recent history lost since it is very important to understanding the ‘set-up’ by Mr Global.
If that 10 kilometer radius around an infection is real, then that would be a circle comprising about 120 square miles. Scary!
Thanks, Gail!!
DEBORAH BIRX, MD (The Scarf Lady) is floating the trial balloons (which may already be in the “plan”) to TEST EVERY COW IN AMERICA EVERY WEEK for the “new” [lab-enhanced] version of the H5N1 avian flu — AND, to POOL TEST ALL DAIRY WORKERS:
“”Deborah Birx proposes weekly testing for every cow in America to stop bird flu”
by Jordan Schachtel
5 June 2024
Yours Truly: Deborah Birx, IMO, is being a “mouthpiece” for the DeepState / Big Pharma / WEF regarding her statements.
AND, by the way, Dr. Birx is on the board of BGR (BGR Group, previously Barbour, Griffith & Rogers), one of the “most powerful lobbying firms” in Washington, DC.
Among the clients of BGR Group are:
Pfizer (Pfizer-BioNTech)
GSK (Glaxo-SmithKline)
Abbott Labs
IMO, here’s something to think about:
Say that a “mini-farm” (and by this, one means private residential property where the owners raise a few chickens, a goat, etc.) across the road from where a person, say, in South Carolina, lives, has a chicken that “tests positive” against the “new” [lab-enhanced] version of the H5N1 avian flu virus.
Then this “quarantine area” is imposed — which would include the private residential properties in the 10km radius, like the property across the road from the affected “mini-farm.”
Say that the person who lives across the road from the affected “mini-farm” has two dogs.
Does this mean that USDA personnel can “mandate testing” for these dogs? Can USDA personnel just show up at the front door and “demand” to “test” these dogs?
Does this mean that the chickens at the affected “mini-farm” across the road all are killed by USDA “order?”
Does this mean that the two dogs who live at the (now in the “quarantine area”) property across the road from the affected “mini-farm” also have to be put down?
Is this where the DeepState / Big Pharma / WEF / UN “plans” go to?
Yours Truly is NOT trying to “fear monger” here. However, IMO, the same cast of dreadful people who created the COVID-19 disaster are going for another type of pandemic disaster — and this time, going after the food supply and domestic animals in addition to human beings. Power — Money — Control: the motivators.
Great information Gail. Thanks for collating and posting.
Also, huge thanks to PAVACA for all of the information.
Yours Truly has more information regarding H5N1:
One: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/prevention.htm
“Prevention and Antiviral Treatment of Bird Flu Viruses in People”
Last revised on 24 May 2024
Yours Truly: This article has many embedded hyperlinks of information on various aspects of the H5N1 avian influenza virus, its possible transmission to humans, and what to do about it.
Details such as wearing N95 masks and gloves and changing clothes if working with infected or potentially infected poultry or other animals (this includes people who have “backyard birds” or “hobbyist birds”; symptoms of human infection with H5N1; information on antiviral treatments; and so on.
Two: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/influenza-a-virus-subtypes.htm
Yours Truly: This article discusses the various types of avian influenza. The phrase here is, “highly pathogenic.” Below is a screenshot image from the article — note that the death rate among humans who are infected with the H5N1 avian influenza is around 50%, per the CDC:
Three, AND THIS ONE IS VERY IMPORTANT, IMO: http://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-03/23_0313_st_HPAI_MQI_Cleared_For_Public_Release.pdf
“Master Question List for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza”
December 2022; cleared for public release March 2023
Yours Truly: This document is from the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (note that word, “Directorate.”)
It appears that the recommended method of dealing with H5N1 infected birds is to simply “depopulate” (kill) all infected and potentially-infected birds and dispose of the carcasses (page 20 of the document.)
ALSO — note this DHS statement on page 20, related to vaccination of birds against Avian Influenza (AI):
“Vaccines exert selective pressure on AI viruses (189), hastening evolution and vaccine resistance (190.)”
If that is the case with trying to vaccinated BIRDS against Avian Influenza, isn’t it arguable that this would be the SAME, or a SIMILAR, result, in “vaccinating” HUMANS against Avian Influenza? Sort of, like, “COVID-19 vaccines exert selective pressure on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, hastening evolution and vaccine resistance”, perhaps?
Pages 25-26 of the DHS document detail the PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) that is to be used by lab workers. Page 26 has THIS statement: Biosafety Level-4 (BSL-4) protections “…are not needed. The BSL-3 criteria are sufficient for appropriate HPAI biocontainment.”
Yours Truly: In what universe is it OK for a BSL-3 level lab to be working with a HIGHLY PATHOGENIC VIRUS SUCH AS H5N1 OR ITS VARIOUS STRAINS?
Yours Truly will add the following:
One: http://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/06/08/bird-flu-pandemic-2024-the-decret-agenda/
via State of the Nation
Yours Truly: It is now apparent that the 2024 Avian Influenza “upcoming pandemic” has been in train for some years; and that the GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH into making the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus into a HIGHLY PATHOGENIC AND LETHAL virus that can SPILL OVER INTO CATTLE, DOMESTICATED PETS, AND HUMANS, was and is being conducted NOT ONLY at the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Center in Athens, GA; but ALSO in the UK and in Communist China. See the screenshot image below, which is conjunction with the screenshot image that Yours Truly posted above in the blog article:
In February 2024, Sen. Jodi Ernst sent a letter to Tom Vilsack, the Secretary of Agriculture, demanding answers about this situation. Yours Truly as of the moment, can find no reply from Sec. Vilsack:
14 February 2024
And here is an article arguing that Gain-of-Function research is just fine, from 2023:
Seema Lakdawala and Anice Lowen
June 11, 2024 17:47
This is about raids on a farm coop.
From DPat’s daily:
Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes
Gail Combs
Perhaps The Deagel Report has been “expanded” to include US population reduction via the “new” [lab-enhanced] version of the H5N1 Avian Flu + mRNA-platform “vaccines” for RSV + the destruction of chicken farms + shutting off the water for growing crops like potatoes. In other words, IMO, a “multi-faceted” approach using illness, mRNA-platform “vaccines”, destroying the food supply, and “good, old-fashioned starvation to weed out the useless eaters.”
PAVACA, I think it is a multi-prong attack. Think AND LOGIC.
To cull 7 out of 8 people AND keep those you want you need more than one method of culling.
The people flooding the USA are third world types who KNOW how to live off the land unlike suburban types.
Farmers made up about 90% of labor force in 1790 and 69% of labor force in 1800. It was down to just 2.6% in 1990.
The 2017 Census of Agriculture reported that there were approximately 3.4 million farms in the United States, with a total of 900 million acres of farmland.
The average age of farmers and ranchers continues to rise, with 65.4% of principal farm operators being 55 years old or older.
About the 2022 Census of Agriculture
As of 2024, the estimated population of the United States of America is 341,814,420 or ~342 million. If there are 3.4 million producers then they are 1% of the population. The percent of the labor force would be higher of course.
In 2023, the number of people who had jobs or were seeking employment amounted to about 167.12 million. or about 1/2 of the population. So farmers would be about 2% of the Labor Force. (Not to be confused by the adult population)
In 2021 there were 72,812,036 under the age of 18 LINK So the adult population over 18 is about 269,002,384. That is 100 million more than the ‘labor force.’
Remember a lot of farmers are well over the age of 65. I am in my 70s, hubby is 81 and the guy across the street is our age as is the dad of the guy with the cows. ALL of us still farm/own farms.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to TheseTruths
June 11, 2024 22:51
Some states are resisting, and I believe that this can break the cycle.
Response Tweet:
josette caruso
Jun 13
Replying to @WallStreetApes
Updated details-
June 19, 2024 23:20
Sorry if this has been posted…..
Dr McCulloch expose:
June 19, 2024 20:55
We do not need to forget the medical industry being complicit to genocide.
I think it was:
Valerie Curren
June 18, 2024 21:54
My son who is an EMT, a bit lower than a paramedic, has similar thoughts about the job, including scathing self-analysis always trying to do better for the patients. The system in which he functions, in Detroit, is incredibly broken, but he & many of his work associates are more about the needs of the people they serve than butt coverage nor political butt kissing to attempt to get a system that is better for them vs legacy fire for example.
I’m hoping that by sharing some of this particular man’s insights on his job that Brandon, & perhaps his co-workers, might be challenged to start documenting shot status…we’ll see…
From my notes so this is an old dig but a good wake-up call.
Most of us are familiar with ‘The Great Reset,’ Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. This article goes into the details.
The Global Elite’s Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives
To put their plan in place they have to ‘BREAK’ the American people by destroying our freedoms, our will and our economy. If you look at what Biden is doing from the point of view of crashing the US economy it makes sense. Bring in millions of third worlders looking for a handout. INSISTING workers and school kids take the Clot Shot, destroy our import/export of goods and lastly, disrupting our food supply chain.
How will they know where you live?
Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door Coordinates being taken for every residence in nation
HOW would they know who is hoarding?
Well there are your credit card records and those handy ‘Rewards Cards’ that let you buy featured produces at a discounted price. Many grocery stores have them.
That they are doing this type of snooping is established.
Hospitals to begin monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits
I copied this comment back around 2008 during the ‘Farm Wars’ It may have been from a Yahoo group or from NoNais, I am not sure but it is a very telling comment.
“…Gardening is the same way. Technically it is illegal….” And she is correct.
Trojan Horse Law: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009
For what it is worth the USDA got REAL PUSHY about their Ag survey under Obama. It was a comprehensive invintory down to how may toilets you had! They even used the subscription lists of GARDENING and HORSE MAGAZINES as well as 4-h kids addresses to make sure they scooped up everyone….
And just to give you the warm fuzzies…
Why Is the USDA Buying Submachine Guns with 30-Round Magazines? Are those bullets for our livestock or for us farmers?
And that brings us to
I am using a 2005 article as my jumping off point:
Can Our Government Really Tell Us How Much Food and Supplies We Can Keep?
The short answer is YES, in a roundabout way. Due to numerous discussions questioning the existence of federal anti-hoarding legislation, I wanted to see if such Executive Orders had been written….
And then she provides a list of E.O.s now superseded by Obama’s
Executive Order 13603
However she did not actually look at the 1950 DEFENSE PRODUCTION.
SUBCHAPTER I—PRIORITIES AND ALLOCATIONS Section 4512.§4512. Hoarding of designated scarce materials
𝗙𝗘𝗠𝗔’𝘀 𝗷𝗼𝗯 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘀. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝟭𝟵𝟱𝟬 𝗹𝗮𝘄 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟴 𝗹𝗮𝘄 (𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄) 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀.
Stafford Act, as Amended
However she is correct about state laws and gives a list of titles to look under.
Of course you need an EXCUSE before you can start confiscation of Food, Cars, Tractors, Equipment and Farmland So Mr Global set up the situation over the decades since WWII.
In 2008, the financial traders (and banks) saw food as the next big moneymaker. They also set up the USA for starvation down the road.
Food shortfalls predicted: 2008
And by the same outfit
Investing in Farmland: 4 Ways to Play the Agricultural Boom
By the NGO Grain (dot) Org: Financial Speculators Reap Profits From Global Hunger
By a blogger: Biofuel starvation wasn’t “unforeseen consequences”
And Counter Currents: Financial Speculators Reap Profits From Global Hunger April 28, 2008
However the KEY for the USA IN 2022 was the destruction of US grain reserves and grain elevators.
Want food security? Bring back a national grain reserve
July 22, 2008 letter to President Bush from the Grain Traders
So over a decade ago US food reserves were ABOLISHED but that was not enough. MORE ACTION WAS NEEDED. Ice Age Farmer in this 13 minute video goes over the last moves designed to lead to major food shortages.
Australia BANS unvaxed farmers from selling grain….
Unvaxed Truckers WILL NOT DRIVE… (Check out the comments too)