Since Maurice Strong said:

I will take it he really did mean Mr. Global plans to restrict our consumption of meat.

In July I wrote: Mr Global’s Attack on FOOD Part III detailing some of the information on the attack on meat.

In this article I am going to pull together more information on several different subjects that make me think the destruction of the US meat industry will happen within the next five years. Maybe sooner if we can get the election fraud under control insuring a return of POTUS Trump.


The Koala is the outstanding example. (I cannot find the original science article so we are stuck with this one. It does have references to scientific studies at the bottom.)

Koala Brain – Why Is the Koala the Dumbest Mammal? How Being Dumb Can Be Smart

…Koalas have one of the smallest brain-to-body ratios of any mammal. Additionally, their brains are almost smooth, and not folded like most mammals….. Brain folds increase the surface area for neurons.  The smooth brain of a koala means that they probably lack higher level cognition and understanding that many other animals have….

In Australia, most of the land mass was never glaciated.  Ice sheets never advanced over the continent, so the soils are very old, having undergone weathering and erosion over many thousands of years. According to the Australian Academy of Science, “this weathering has dissolved vast quantities of nutrients, and washed them away into the groundwater and/or rivers, leaving the soils depleted in nutrients such as phosphorous, calcium and potassium.”…

Only sufficiently specialized plants can survive in such nutrient deficient soils….

 Faced with the changing vegetation, koalas had no choice but to eat the nasty leaves of eucalypt trees to survive. Those koalas that could survive on a diet that included toxic eucalypt leaves with little nutritional value had an advantage over the others and passed on their genes while the others died off…

The brain is one of the greatest energy drains of all the organs. For the average adult human, the brain consumes about 20 percent of the body’s energy even though it represents only 2 percent of body mass. Processing and transmitting all the electrical signals in the brain demands a huge expenditure of the body’s energy reserves.

Given the koala’s problem of living on such a nutritionally deficient diet of toxic leaves, one of the biggest energy savings available was in the brain department.  Once again, those koalas that managed to survive by expending minimal energy would be the ones that got to pass on their genes.  This provided the koalas with smaller, more energy efficient brains with an evolutionary advantage.  Thus, the koalas of today sporting their shrunken brains…


Vegetarians have smaller brains by Barry Groves, PhD

(The article has a list of references)

There is overwhelming evidence that we cannot be a vegetarian species. In 1972 the publication of two independent investigations confirmed this.-1-2They concerned fats. About half our brain and nervous system is composed of complicated, long-chain, fatty acids. These are also used in the walls of our blood vessels. Without them we cannot develop normally. These fatty acids do not occur in plants, although fatty acids in a simpler form do. This is where plant-eating herbivores come in. Over the year, the herbivores convert the simple fatty acids found in grasses and seeds into intermediate, more complicated forms. By eating the herbivores we can convert their stores of these fatty acids into the ones we need.

About 2.5 million years ago animal foods began to occupy an increasingly prominent place in our ancestors’ menus. Smaller molar size, less robust facial muscles and alterations in incisor shape from that time all suggest a greater emphasis on foods such as meat that require less grinding and more tearing.

An increasing proportion of meat in the diet would obviously have provided more animal protein, a factor perhaps related to the increase in stature which appears to have accompanied the transition from Australopithecines through Homo habilis to Homo erectus.-3

But greater availability of animal fat was probably a more important dietary alteration…

There is a LOT of energy stored in fat. Energy needed to maintain a large brain.

Farming to blame for our shrinking size and brains

At Britain’s Royal Society, Dr. Marta Lahr from Cambridge University’s Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies presented her findings that the height and brain size of modern-day humans is shrinking.

Looking at human fossil evidence for the past 200,000 years, Lahr looked at the size and structure of the bones and skulls found across Europe, Africa and Asia. What they discovered was that the largest Homo sapiens lived 20,000 to 30,000 years ago with an average weight between 176 and 188 pounds and a brain size of 1,500 cubic centimeters.

They discovered that some 10,000 years ago however, size started getting smaller both in stature and in brain size. Within the last 10 years, the average human size has changed to a weight between 154 and 176 pounds and a brain size of 1,350 cubic centimeters.

While large size remained static for close to 200,000 years, researchers believe the reduction in stature can be connected to a change from the hunter-gatherer way of life to that of agriculture which began some 9,000 years ago….

While the change to agriculture would have provided a plentiful crop of food, the limiting factor of farming may have created vitamin and mineral deficiencies and resulted in a stunted growth. Early Chinese farmers ate cereals such as rice which lacks the B vitamin niacin which is essential for growth.

Agriculture however does not explain the reduction in brain size….

Agriculture may not explain the reduction in brain size but LACK OF MEAT DOES!


The attack on meat and meat products is because it is an important part of the human diet. Plentiful meat and animal products such as milk, butter and cheese means a healthier, taller, stronger, SMARTER populous as shown above. For example the height of Japanese male students at age 17 has increase by 10 cm since WWII as eating beef became more acceptable. LINK and LINK Remember they were already eating a lot of fish but not red meat.

New study finds little to no health risks related to eating meat

Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) released a study titled: “Health effects associated with consumption of unprocessed red meat: a Burden of Proof study.” The paper was published in Nature journal in October.

The scientists declared, “We found weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and ischemic heart disease.

Moreover, we found no evidence of an association between unprocessed red meat and ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke.”

The authors of the study noted, “While there is some evidence that eating unprocessed red meat is associated with increased risk of disease incidence and mortality, it is weak and insufficient to make stronger or more conclusive recommendations.”…

Role of red meat in the diet for children and adolescents. (2007)

Role of red meat in the diet for children and adolescents. * Optimal nutrition during the first years of life is crucial for optimal growth and development and, possibly, the prevention of chronic disease of adulthood. 

* Optimal nutrition during the first years of life is crucial for optimal growth and development and, possibly, the prevention of chronic disease of adulthood.

* Iron-deficiency anaemia in childhood and adolescence is associated with serious adverse outcomes that may not be reversible, making detection and early treatment an imperative. >> * Zinc plays a major role in cellular growth.

* Vitamin A is essential for the functioning of the eyes and the immune system.

* Vitamin A is necessary for membrane stability, and zinc is essential for mobilisation of the beta-carotene. Vitamin A deficiency contributes to anaemia by immobilising iron in the reticuloendothelial system, reducing haemopoiesis and increasing susceptibility to infections.

* Like iron, iodine appears to be involved in myelin production and, hence, nerve conduction.

* Meat is a core food in the diet for children and adolescents because it provides significant amounts of these micronutrients.


Over the first few years of postnatal life, an infant’s body undergoes dramatic changes not only in physical attributes, but also in developmental milestones. By three years of age, an infant’s head circumference and hence brain size will have reached 80% of what it will potentially achieve in adulthood, and its length will also have doubled in size. Therefore, it is not surprising that any adverse events occurring during these periods may have a negative impact upon psychomotor development….

newer study (2015)
The role of red meat in the diet: nutrition and health benefits

Red meat has been an important part of the human diet throughout human evolution. When included as part of a healthy, varied diet, red meat provides a rich source of high biological value protein and essential nutrients, some of which are more bioavailable than in alternative food sources. Particular nutrients in red meat have been identified as being in short supply in the diets of some groups of the population. The present paper discusses the role of red meat in the diets of young infants, adolescents, women of childbearing age and older adults and highlights key nutrients red meat can provide for these groups. The role of red meat in relation to satiety and weight control is discussed as the inclusion of lean red meat in a healthy, varied diet may help weight loss as part of an energy-reduced diet. A summary of the UK advice on the amount of red meat that can be consumed as part of a healthy, varied diet is also provided.

By now everyone at this blog is well aware Mr Global does not have the best interest of the ‘serfs’ at heart. The one thing they fear is an uprising . The easiest way to prevent that is through diet. A ½ starved serf with malnutrition is not going to rebel. Especially if he has been feminized.

Rosa Koire over a decade ago described the New Feudalism in THE POST SUSTAINABLE FUTURE

…Food sheds will dictate where you can live and when you can change your residence. Calculations, such as those done recently at Cornell University, will determine how much food can be grown within that area and then the Transit Village population will be limited to the number of people who can be fed by that land (click on the blue to go to the Cornell website). It is reasonable to expect rationing based on this mode….

 No animals are permitted that consume food that could be eaten by humans unless those animals are working.  Because the food generated is seldom enough to feed everyone with sufficient calories, there is malnutrition and general exhaustion…

As she also said: “What we are describing is the New Feudalism….. UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development taken to its logical culmination.   Remember, Revolution is bad for business. “

The web page of Cornell University (Fauci’s Alma Mater) that Rosa refers to was scrubbed but is still in the archives…

Local Foodshed Mapping Tool for New York State

….the goal of this research has been to develop models for evaluating the food production potential of the state’s agricultural land relative to the food needs of its population. To achieve this goal, we have created a collection of models that use spreadsheet-based approaches, geographic information systems, and linear optimization to answer questions about the  capacity of land to meet human nutritional needs. These tools have been applied in the context of New York State but are designed to be adaptable to other geographic areas.

the Mapping Local Food Systems Project focused specifically on potential local foodsheds, areas of nearby land that could theoretically provide part or all of a city’s food needs (Peters, 2007).


In order to get rid of red meat first you have to ‘seed the narrative’ that red meat is BAD. Since the 1970s we have seen PETA plant the idea that eating animals is HORRIBLE. However the left has no problem dismembering viable babies live. — FDA exposed as a criminal body parts cartel involved in routine harvesting of organs from LIVING human babies

And then there is Global Warming …

The biggest threat to our climate may be…cows

 Agricultural activities represent 24 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions annually, with livestock-related activities comprising nearly 80 percent of those agricultural emissions — so if the U.S. population decided to forgo eating cheese and meat for just one day a week for one year, it would be the equivalent of not driving 91 billion miles, or taking 7.6 million cars off the roads…. Though carbon monoxide [Does he mean dioxide?] tends to get all the attention, it represents just 9 percent of emissions in the entire agricultural sector, with methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide, representing between 35 to 45 percent, and nitrous oxide (N2O), 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, accounting for somewhere in the range of 45 to 55 percent each year.

Aside for the GASP! CLIMATE DESTRUCTION by cows, eating red meat, drinking milk and eating eggs has been portrayed as being BAD for your health for most of my life.

This is what Duck-Duck -Go shows in the first page blurbs:

Is red meat bad for your health? – Medical News Today

August 27, 2019 Eating red meat may increase a person’s risk of developing heart disease or cancer. Specialists usually classify red meat as muscle meat from beef, pork, lamb, goat, or other mammals….

Is Red Meat Bad for You? – Cleveland Clinic

Dec 22, 2020 Data has shown time and time again that red meat is linked with high cholesterol, and in turn, increases risk for cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and strokes. Consumption of less meat also is associated with decreased rates of obesity in both children and adults.

What’s the beef with red meat? – Harvard Health

February 1, 2020 Red and processed meats do increase health risks. In spite of what the Annals of Internal Medicine study suggests, Dr. Hu says that an accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death.


The #1 Danger of Eating Eggs Every Day, Say Health Experts

Jan 29, 2021 Ultimately, the researchers found that those who ate more than 50 grams per day—or the equivalent of eating one egg per day—”had an increased risk of diabetes by 60%.” The study also found that the correlation between daily egg consumption and diabetes was more profound in women than in men.

Is it healthy to eat eggs every day? – Mayo Clinic Health System

Jul 22, 2021 For example, eggs typically are eaten with other foods high in salt, saturated fat and cholesterol, such as bacon, cheese and butter. These foods are known to increase the risk of heart disease, and they should be eaten sparingly. Most healthy people can eat up to seven eggs a week without affecting their heart health.


Too much milk may be bad for your health – CBS News

Women who drank three glasses of milk or more every day had a nearly doubled risk of death and cardiovascular disease, and a 44 percent increased risk of cancer compared to women who drank less…

Milk Is Dangerous for Your Health – Dr. Mark Hyman

10/28/2013 The Harvard scientists found no data to support the claim that the consumption of dairy leads to better bones, weight loss, or improved health. They also found some serious risks tied to dairy consumption, including weight gain, increased cancer risk, and increased fracture risk. It turns out milk does not build strong bones!

There are of course alternate view articles but these are the ones the general population has been fed for decades.


First you subsidize corn/grains with tax payer dollars so there is a financial advantage to moving cows & hogs off pasture and into concentrated feed lots. This concentrates the target making them easier to kill as well as increasing nitrogen (manure) run off and creates problems for the Eco-Warriors to scream about. =>> ANTI-COW/HOG HEADLINES!!!

Next is to MANDATE BIO-FUEL. This soaks up a LOT of the corn harvest.

University of Michigan: Biofuels Factsheet | Center for Sustainable Systems

• In the U.S., ethanol is primarily derived by processing and fermenting the starch in corn kernels into a high-purity alcohol. 94% of U.S. ethanol is derived from corn, while Brazil uses sugar cane as the primary feedstock.1,2
• The U.S. and Brazil produced about 81% of the world’s ethanol in 2021.3
• In the 2020/21 season, 5 billion bushels of corn, 34% of the U.S. supply, became ethanol feedstock.4

YAHOO NEWS: Biden Proposes Overhaul of US Biofuel Law to Boost EV Makers Like Tesla

December 1, 2022, An Environmental Protection Agency proposal released Thursday invites public feedback on an array of changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard, initially designed in 2005 to push more ethanol, biodiesel and other plant-based alternatives into vehicles. The plan may spur an overhaul that could shift the program from one narrowly focused on gasoline, diesel and other liquid fuels to an initiative broadly aimed at decarbonizing transportation…. >> The agency is proposing to raise the amount of biofuel that must be mixed into gasoline and diesel over the next three years to as much as 22.68 billion gallons in 2025, up from this year’s 20.87 billion gallons. Under the measure, conventional ethanol may be used to fulfill as much as 15.25 billion gallons. But that exceeds what oil refiners call the “blend wall,” or the 10% ceiling on the amount that can be blended into the most commonly available E10 gasoline….

The problem is corn is a ‘Big Feeder’. It requires an application of 100 to 200 pounds of Nitrogen (in lb/A) and 60 pounds or more phosphate and potash (in lb/A). Univ of Kentucky LINK. Soybeans on the other hand are nitrogen fixing legumes.

Crop Insights: Nitrogen Fertilizer for Soybean?

Unlike corn, wheat and most other row crops grown in North America, soybean is able to obtain its own nitrogen (N) through the process of N fixation. N fixation is achieved through an intricate biological relationship between soybean and a particular species of soil bacteria, Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The bacteria obtain sugars from soybean to use as their energy source, and soybean obtains N from the bacteria. This is a fair deal for soybean and a great deal for farmers, given that N is generally a major input cost in crop production…. >> Soybean is able to fix most of the N it needs through its symbiotic relationship with rhizobia bacteria. It also takes up residual and mineralized N from the soil. Traditionally, soybean has been grown successfully without addition of N fertilizer. N management has been limited to rhizobia inoculation of fields new to soybean. An N “budget” developed from numerous research studies shows that soil and fixed N are generally sufficient to supply N needs at yields up to 60 bu/acre. As yields increase to 80 bu/acre and higher, an N deficit may result….

In the fall of 2021 my hay dealer said his cost of fertilizer TRIPLED.

From my other article:
Joe Rieck dropped a BOMB in this short (4:30 minute) clip. He said that farmers, because of the high price of fertilizer are not planting corn but instead planting Soybeans CAN YOU SAY SOYBURGERS??? VIDEO LINK

Food Versus Biofuels: Environmental and Economic Costs January 29, 2009

The rapidly growing world population and rising consumption of biofuels intensify demands for both food and biofuels. This exaggerates food and fuel shortages. The use of food crops such as corn grain to produce ethanol raises major nutritional and ethical concerns. Nearly 60% of humans in the world are currently malnourished, so the need for grains and other basic foods is critical. Growing crops for fuel squanders land, water and energy resources vital for the production of food for human consumption. Using corn for ethanol increases the price of US beef, chicken, pork, eggs, breads, cereals, and milk more than 10% to 30%. In addition, Jacques Diouf, Director General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, reports that using food grains to produce biofuels is already causing food shortages for the poor of the world. Growing crops for biofuel not only ignores the need to reduce fossil energy and land use, but exacerbates the problem of malnourishment worldwide.

So between, fertilizer shortages and an increase in the Biofuel Mandate (pending) we can see a corn scarcity coming as well as a major increase in the general price of food similar to the one we saw in 2008-9.


We are now seeing an increase in the amount of soybeans planted. Are soy burgers and soy milk a good substitute for red meat and cow milk?


This article has a lot of references.

….Infants given soy formula over breastmilk were exposed to the equivalent of 5 birth control pills and had between 13,000-22,000 times more serum estrogen.

Soy formula contains phytoestrogens, genistein and daidzein (also called isoflavones).

No phytoestrogens have been detected in milk-based formulas.

Around 25% of American [infants] fed formula are given soy formulas, according to NACD.…

A study found that infants on soy formula only have levels of serum estrogens between 13,000-22,000 times greater than infants who were either breast fed or given dairy-based formulas instead [R].…

Male infants experience a testosterone surge in the first few months of life. It is believed that during this period, the infant will begin to express male characteristics after puberty such as in the development of sexual organs and in physical traits like muscular development or deepening of the voice.

A deficiency of these hormones may cause problems with spatial perception and learning difficulties. Additionally, studies have shown that humans need animal fat for optimal neurological health, in spite of pushes to advance plant-based diets….

A vegan diet in children has been shown to leave them with stunted height and weaker bones over their meat-eating peers.

The introduction of strong phytoestrogens may disrupt natural hormonal balances and potentially spell long-lasting ramifications.…

Soy, a well-known anti-nutrient, inhibits the thyroid’s uptake of iodine — important for thyroid function — and spikes thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels to compensate.

Infants consuming soy formula as their only food are exposed to 10 times the levels of isoflavones per kilograms of body weight than the amount shown to cause thyroid suppression in adults after three months of exposure.

Babies were also reportedly more efficient at processing dietary estrogens than adults.…

In the past, we’ve covered the negative health effects of soy in men and animals alike.

Japanese researchers managed to convert a male catfish into a biological female using soy isoflavones.

Monkeys became aggressive loners after exposure to a soy-based diet.

Rodents suffered neurological damage in their ability to bond after long term consumption of soybean oil. ….

Now does the transgender push make sense? Soybeans is a great way to get rid of those pesky Alpha-males starting at birth.

If you want a scientific paper:
Soy infant formula and phytoestrogens

Soy infant formula contains high levels of the isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, which are commonly referred to as phytoestrogens. These are non-steroidal chemicals with structural similarities to estrogen. Infants consuming soy formula have high levels of circulating isoflavones. These are an order of magnitude greater than the levels of isoflavones which have been shown to produce physiological effects in adult women consuming a high soy diet. There is conflicting evidence about the risks and benefits of soy phytoestrogens, with research presenting a contradictory picture. Some reviewers suggest that early exposure to soy may prevent cancer and heart disease. However, there is very little research on the effects of consumption of soy phytoestrogens by human neonates. Against this generally positive view there is an increasing number of recent reports that suggest that in experimental animals, phytoestrogens have adverse effects with respect to carcinogenesis, reproductive function, immune function, and thyroid disease. Despite the absence of adequate scientific research that quantifies the level of risk to infants, most would argue for a precautionary approach to be taken in situations where there are potential developmental effects from the consumption of pharmacologically active compounds in infancy and childhood.

Of course Mr. Global is NOT going to fund studies that show soybeans are bad for you.

Beside Soybeans we have a new entry in the Non-red meat category. BUGS!!!

2017 – Dr. Aaron Dossey: Entrepreneur and Entomologist Dedicated to Developing Sustainable Insect-Based Products

Cricket Powder And Larva Sausage: Dr. Aaron T. Dossey Is Solving The Food Sourcing Riddle, One Bug At A Time

Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, founder of the startup All Things Bugs LLC, has a plan. And yes, it involves eating insects. >>>A Bug Company, Hatched >>> “My company was one of the first in the US, if not the first, producing insect-based food ingredients,” says Dossey. “It was the first in the western hemisphere selling wholesale, maybe the world.” The chief editor and author of Insects as Sustainable Food Ingredients, Dossey has long championed the notion of dining on creepy-crawlies, with All Things Bugs’ larval stage coming via a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant in 2011. Its subsequent metamorphosis has been guided by funding from the US Department of Agriculture and DARPA—funding that has aided in the development of their patent-pending Griopro cricket powder, a sustainable food that’s rich in protein.… >>> Says Dossey, “Since All Things Bugs started, the industry has grown from three or fewer companies to 30-50 or more in North America at this point, 80 or more in Europe and many in Central/South America and Asia. >>> According to Dossey, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant was born from the noblest of intentions. >>> “The announcement for that project was to do something to alleviate malnutrition in children…

AHHHhhh isn’t that sweet of Bill?

A study involving 75 house cricket farms detected parasites in 244 (81.33%) of the samples among which 30.33 were potentially pathogenic for humans.

OR maybe not….

And there is yet another entry if you do not want to eat soybeans or bugs…

FDA Says Lab-Grown Meat Safe for Human Consumption
By Katabella Roberts November 17, 2022 Updated: November 17, 2022

FDA Says Lab-Grown Meat Is Safe to Eat—But Is It Healthy?

By Lauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, CLEC
Published on December 01, 2022
Fact checked by Nick Blackmer
WOW Fact checked so we KNOW it is true!

Key Takeaways
◦ The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently deemed meat that is grown using animal cells as being safe for human consumption.

◦ While these alternatives to traditionally-produced animal meats are not yet available for consumers, the FDA’s decision is a key step in the process.

◦ Lab-grown options may offer similar nutritional benefits, but a smaller environmental impact compared to conventionally-produced animal protein.


One of the most widely touted benefits of cultivated meat is that making it would not have the same environmental impact as the production of traditional meat.

Raising cattle, chicken, pigs, and other animals, then using that meat as food, takes a toll on the environment. >> Studies have suggested that cutting back on our meat consumption could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their considerable effect on global warming and climate change.4

According to the UPSIDE website, cultivated meat is estimated to use 77% less water and 62% less land than conventionally raised meat.5

Cultivated meat would also spare many animal lives, as a lot of meat can be made from just a small number of cells taken from a living animal. In the long run, that could also lead to a smaller carbon footprint….

Now I know why over a decade ago, a Purina Vet told us in a seminar that no more animal de-wormers were going to be produced. Moxidectrin was the last.


The only thing left is to get rid of all those methane belching environment destroying cows!

Well Maybe Not…

In my last article I mentioned the 2012 Homeland Security Exercise CRIMSON SKY. This would be the equivalent of EVENT 201. An exercise in planing a wanted disaster.

Next would be a trial run.

In the last article I did not include Not The Foot And Mouth Report: Everything Tony Blair didn’t want you to know

IF EVER there was a national disaster which cried out to be investigated by a genuinely independent and comprehensive public inquiry, it was how the outbreak of foot-and-mouth (FMD) which hit Britain in 2001 was allowed to escalate into the worst epidemic of the disease the world had ever seen….

I strongly suggest reading this report by downloading the PDF. It is reporting as it should be done and truly brings to light the horror Mr Global may have is story for us.

….EARLY in the morning of Sunday 13 May the villagers of Knowstone, Devon, were surprised to hear the sound of rifle shots. When they ran out of their houses to see what was going on, they saw a crowd of men in white and blue overalls running around, blazing away with rifles at a herd of Limousin cattle.As one after another fell to the ground, dozens of remaining animals went berserk, desperately trying to escape from the field, even tearing their way through thick Devon hedges reinforced by up to six strands of barbed wire. One neighbouring farmer was astonished to see 19 cattle scrambling through a hedge on to his farm, sweating in fear, their tongues lolling out, with blood pouring from wounds all over their bodies. He said he had never seen such a look of terror on any animals in his life. Thus began a nightmare which, over the following four weeks…

IAH is the Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright, Surrey. LATER IT WAS FOUND TO BE THE SOURCE of the disease outbreak and WOW…Bill Gates is a Pirbright Institute financial backer…at least he is now.

In my last article I detailed how foot-and-mouth disease research was moved from Plum Island to Kansas at the urging of Senator Hillary Clinton and Congressman Tim Bishop.So what progress has been made in locating a Bio-weapons lab into the middle of cow country?

The  Kansas biosafetly Level – 4 lab UPDATE as of August 2022;

NBAF construction is complete. Commissioning — the testing of all the facility’s systems — is expected to be complete later this year in 2022. The full science mission transfer from PIADC in New York to NBAF in Kansas will still take at least a couple of years….

NBAF will eventually have about 400 USDA personnel. As of August 2022, about 240 team members have been hired to support NBAF operations. About 50 operational positions remain to be hired, and the rest will be part of our science teams. Watch USAJobs and follow NBAF on Twitter and LinkedIn for regular updates.

To add to what I said in my last article:

2020 paper: A Meta-Population Model of Potential Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission, Clinical Manifestation, and Detection Within U.S. Beef Feedlots

The U.S. beef industry is one of the largest in the world with over 30,000 feedlots, primarily concentrated in the Central U.S. (7). Almost 50% of the national fed cattle inventory are in large commercial feedlots, each with the on-time capacity ≥24,000 head of cattle. Approximately 1,160 million kilograms of beef are exported by the U.S. producers each year (8). Response by the world animal-health community to an FMD outbreak in the U.S. would likely involve a ban on beef exports.

And that would trigger the OIE De-population strategy as it did in the UK. Nice that the cows and hogs are mostly in feed lots and therefore easy to destroy.

Since deer are also susceptible to FMD, they would all have to be killed in the De-Pop zone… I wonder what that does to the Wildland Project introduced coyote, wolf and big cat predatory behavior….

And all of a sudden this quote makes sense. (Note it is VERY HARD TO FIND.)

The Socialist Revolution in the US cannot take place because there are too many small independent farmers there. Those people are the stability factor. We here in Russia must hurry while our government is stupid enough to not encourage and support the independent farmership.’ 
V. Lenin, the founder of the Russian revolution >>

Quote provided by Anna Fisher
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Classic ruminant methane anecdote —

Queen Elizabeth and George W. Bush were riding in an open 2-horse carriage doing something ceremonial in London when one of the horses emitted a massive fart.

Queen Elizabeth says, “oh, dear, I’m so sorry.” Bush responds, “think nothing of it — if you hadn’t said anything, I would have thought it was one of the horses.”

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu

As a side note, if you are attempting to grow exotic Australian garden plants, you do not want to use standard “triple 16” fertilizer. Many take poorly to phosphorus supplementation — — some will outright croak.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff. We’re onto these bastards. Totally. Thank you for all this information.

All of us have to fight this at an individual level every day. That means MEAT. Support every part of the small producer meat and agriculture system.

Find something commie and BREAK IT every day.


Great article, thanks Gail!


Copied an applicable portion of this without permission 🤣 to give to my SIL in regards to feeding our grandsons. He’s the cook and food buyer in their family. Fortunately, he’s a patriot and beef lover as well as deer hunter.

if eggs are bad for us – why did this old guy’s good cholesterol go up 15% with the overall holding steady over the course of a year after eating a boatload of them to test the theory? I acknowledge that Aubergine’s nattokinase recommendation may have helped. So I will just keep doing both – eating tons of eggs and taking natto along with my beef, pork, turkey, chicken, fish, etc. consumption.

Then throw in a little broccoli to offset it. Right? LOLOLOLOLOL!


Thanks, Gail! Much appreciated.


And you do it wonderfully!

Happy go lucky

Thank you for bringing this, Gail. I admit I’ve never been much of a meat eater, mostly because we didn’t have it often growing up poor, and now I don’t prefer it. I joke that my death row last meal would be black beans and rice with pico and avocado, with an orange for dessert. But I can tell when my body needs red meat, I start to crave a burger, and usually that or a steak will do the trick.

Would you share your thoughts on the value of eating beef liver, and is it necessary, if consumed, whether it should be strictly organic?

Happy go lucky

😂 IKR?! That’s the very reason that I can’t eat chicken livers!

Perhaps I’ll try a beef liver pate 🤔 If I get up the nerve I’ll let you know.


DD was talking to me about the lab grown meat last week. She had researched how it was grown. In order to grow the lab meat, it has to be bathed in a hormonal growth solution taken from pregnant cows. The pregnant cows are killed before giving birth in order to obtain the hormones. What I can’t remember is if she also found that the killed fetal calf tissue was used to grow “meat”. It sounded pretty horrific. Also oxymoronic because you still need cows in order to produce …. “meat”.


John Kerry says US farmers must radically transform food production to meet ‘net zero’ emissions goals by 2030“We can’t get to net zero, we don’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center of the solution.”

Pretty sure improvements in agriculture over the last 100 years more than make up for whatever the heck he’s talking about. More bug and seaweed talk.