This SPECIAL (D5 + 3) = (D13 – 5) SURVIVOR SATURDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
No illegalities, please! This includes leftist hoaxing and controlled opposition push-posts.
Today (Saturday, December 8) will be the sixth day of Hanukkah, and the seventh day of Advent.
Hanukkah 2018
The 146th day of next year, which shall be celebrated here as Ma Cankles Uranium Day, is:
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019
We want to especially remember and treasure our last few remaining Holocaust survivors (of all faiths, types, backgrounds and nationalities) as well as the last few remaining WORLD WAR II VETS who saved them.
It is now the duty of their children to carry that memory and prevent such a thing from happening again within THEIR lifetimes.

Hello, and good night. Talk to y’all tomorrow.
Good night! 😀
Yeah, W outlasted me by (apparently) 20 minutes or so.
Hello too. And good night. :)zzz
From Dana Ashlie‘s latest investigative journalism research.
Excellent. Worth your time. Very engaging.
there is no doubt in my mind that the herding everyone to screens, apps, games, and the smartphone injection device found most efficient to deliver the dose, we have mainlined poison into ourselves far greater than any drug.
the only cost for us is essentially our soul because our profilevhas been collected, compiled, and full of thoughts and emotions and hopes aand dreams, our failures and points of weakness. all of these things can be inferred by the studying of your data, the words you write, the posts you make, the photos you share, the photos you do not share even. the texts and emails you have private conversations on. all your hopes and dreams and thoughts and musings words spoken places gone to…
Don’t forget what you *like* also tells a story.
As the old t-shirt says,
The addiction is unreal. Go out with a group, and everybody has their phones in hand. That’s part of why I liked being in one of the pro level choruses. All phones were to be put away. I always leave mine in my purse while at rehearsal and during Mass, but so many others don’t. Of course, in the choir, few people really pay attention anyway.
This feels goofy to ask… but… if you are on Gab and you like what I post, I’m just getting started and could use some up-votes. Thanks.
I’m not on gab, but I’ll give some thought to doing so. If I were I’d sure give you upvotes (whatever that means!)
I am enjoying the creative outlet.
It is also another way to be found if something happens to other platforms. Backup to the backup plan, so to speak.
First thing I did after creating my account was look at who Wolrmoon and BigMamaTea were following to see if there were accounts I was interested in.
I’ve also searched for parallel accounts that I enjoy from the twit place. Most of those are inactive except Prison Planet and Educating Liberals.
If you think another account is spewing filth you aren’t interested in, you can mute them (never see their posts).
Many of our peeps here show up on my follow list.
See here:
I do try and check the follow list because I don’t feel a need to have porn bots follow my account lol. If I see a follower I’d like to remove, I click on their profile icon and click on the link (left side Actions menu) “Remove user from following you.”
I would spend more time on Gab if I could, but it’s hard now!
Very much appreciated here!
(Did I not mention this when you launched?)
What’s the pay?
As I understand things, a person doesn’t need to be paid to be honest. 😀
Thanks for the article. It is 700 am on a Saturday morning and waiting on enough daylight to go outside and see if I have a “smart meter” attached to my house. Of course I could always use the radio active cell phone light and look for it. We are so screwed…
We weren’t given a choice on smart meters. Or when the gas meters were moved to the outside of the house.
Or the water meters.
Long vid. Worth every minute. Big Wake up Call, (but only 286,000 some odd views. Needs wider dissemination.
This is an issue maybe the right should get behind. If the left fears Climate Change so Much, maybe they’d switch sides when we kill off one theory and push this.
Anyway, just a thought.
Don’t get me started on environmental idiocy…
oh boy. i just got back after a trip early morning until a few hours ago – just now checking site for the first time. i had very little info availability all day so i decided to just not try and see what happened when i got home and settled in.
there was a few brief news headlines i did overhear and i also heard the term individual one or whatever inadvertantly but have not looked. the person asked me whats ind.1 and said not sure they said trump twitter replies from people were talking about it and he is finished this time.
hahaha…i cannot wait to read all posts from now what was yesterday – so i will be back…
So I’m just watching Tucker Carlson’s show from last night. I decided to find it on Youtube and give you the link because of some Q-related stuff.
I am recommending two segments, back to back, that are pretty early in the show, maybe 5-10 minutes in.. And actually, the opening segment is with Catherine Herridge covering the legal findings that came today regarding Cohen and Manafort. Pretty straight forward reporting if you are interested. Then he has Allen Dershowitz on to discuss. Dershowitz’s belief is there aren’t crimes, Mueller is just attempting to criminalize politics.
Anyway, the first segment that really caught my attention is with Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch. He discussed the Comey hearing today. Tom provided a pretty good summary. And then, JW won another court decision on Thursday regarding Hillary’s emails. Yes, her emails. It was interesting. Tom says they have never been able to get any traction on the emails with Congress, and the DOJ has been trying to cover it up. Basically, it’s Judicial Watch and the judiciary out there trying to corral the Hillary emails (sez Tom Fitton). Apparently the judge is not amused by the shenanigans of the DOJ and he is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Next up is Clinton Cash author, Peter Schwietzer, to talk about John Solomon’s stories from this week (that Q linked) about the Clinton Foundation.
Thanks, Sylvia…I watched it too, and it’s good that you’ve posted it so others can see it too.
Q said:
“What is the benefit of educating the public PRIOR TO proceeding?”
I think that’s what is going on…educating the public, prior to letting the hammer down on the Clinton Foundation.
The HRC emails are a big part of it.
There were obviously things in those emails that were so damaging, so incriminating…that violating the law by destroying them, was a not a concern.
The list of people who ‘covered’ for Hillary in the email investigation…were probably mentioned, or were parties to, those emails!
I hope it’s all about to blow sky high!
I was fascinated by the judge’s reaction to the email mess and his displeasure at I think he called it the DOJs chicanery. It’s not good to tick off judges.
This has been quite a week.
It’s interesting that Q mentioned Anthony Scaramucci on Thursday the 6th…and then the next day on Friday the 7th, Scaramucci is overheard at an event, saying that “Q is real”.
Now, when asked about this later by a reporter, Scaramucci dismissed it.
He said that he was talking about “who would replace Gen Kelly”.
>>–>> This is How Rumors Get Started.
People have been talking now about “Kelly is leaving” and “Trump is replacing Kelly”.
That event…the American Priority Conference…was put on by a group of Trump Supporters, who are hoping to create a rival to CPAC that is more supportive of Pres Trump.
There was a wide variety of Trump/MAGA supporters scheduled to speak.
One of the speakers was a dedicated QAnon enthusiast named Dustin Nemos.
With his name on the list of speakers…the Conference attracted a lot of other Q-peeps, who showed up with their Q signs and paraphernalia.
But when the conference organizers learned that Nemos was going to be speaking about Q…they pulled his speaking slot.
(The weenies.)
Scaramucci was talking to a couple from Virginia who were Q-peeps.
So that was how the subject of Q came up.
The couple, Kathy and Steve Miroy from Stafford, VA, were later questioned by a Politico reporter.
They said that the subject of Gen Kelly never came up.
This Conference was *supposed* to be Closed to the Press.
But somehow, some reporters from Politico were let in.
Anthony Scaramucci was under the impression that there were No Press there, so he felt free to speak freely with the attendees.
Supposed to be closed to the press but….there they were. That kind of stuff drives me absolutely insane. Why?
The press is never fair to DJT, never fair to his followers/supporters so why let them in?
I know, right?
Keep the enemedia out!
Those Politico nozzles were probably there ‘undercover’…acting like they were Trump supporters.
It’s the way they are. I’ve never met more rude people than some reporters I can name.
Paris heating up. Riot police in full force. Here’s a reliable tweeter (so far) if anyone is interested
If that is a Live Stream…then it looks like the protests are already in full swing.
Yes, it’s live. From earlier tweets, they’ve delayed public transports (trains, busses ) so others having harder time getting into the city. Roads are blocked. Don’t know if it’s smoke bombs or teargas but it’s on.
Some are claiming that they’re jamming signals to disrupt communication but…not sure about that one.
Indeed they are.
Here are three of his latest tweets (as I write, nearly 11 a.m. Paris time):
I would put a very light emphasis on Macron ‘being held’, which probably means ‘isn’t going out’:
hahah…ITA, he’s probably cowering with his mama..oops wife but “held”…probably not.
More on the Amy, Vicky, and Andy Act:
‘The bill the President signed today will help ensure that victims of child pornography and other child sexual abuse crimes receive restitution for the harm they have suffered. It ensures that a minimum amount will be ordered in each case and allows victims to choose from different forms of restitution.’
Macron stays in Paris this weekend (and so he should). Reporter below (from cable television show ‘Quotidien’ — ‘Daily’) says that exceptional security measures will be in place at L’Elysee (presidential palace):
This one gave me a chuckle:
You know, I have had an ongoing disagreement with one of my English friends about Macron. I told him early on (after the election in May 2017) that M was an arrogant heel. He said, ‘No, he’ll be really good for France’. I spoke my peace again a few months ago and was answered with, ‘Why do you say that?’ I saw my friend again fleetingly a few days ago. I’m sure he was glad that we did not have the opportunity to speak at length. 😉
Macron spoke yesterday (I think) on the gilets jaunes and said, ‘The one responsible is [standing] before you. Let them come and get him’ (sorry, same tweet will come up as before from the TV show):
A joiner (as in carpentry) speaks about why he is a gilet jaune. He’s 48 and this is his first protest. He says others are angrier than he. He says he’s doing it not only for himself, but also his children. For them, the minimum wage has to go up so they can make ends meet. He’s worried about his own state pension, which won’t buy much. ‘Macron isn’t human. Not at all.’ He says that Macron does not understand poor people:
What is really sad about that is that a carpenter should NOT be just making minimum wage. That’s a skilled craft. They make a whole lot more than that here.
I was stunned to see that.
Joiners in the UK earn good money, too.
The world is waking up, well, removing the sleep from their eyes. Challenging the UN, EU and everything else global on a roll. When VSGPDJT/Q said WWG1WGA he meant it, he is changing the world. I’m excited, things are happening, changing, saying no to the UN migration pact, huge, CF and all it’s discovery, I think the tide has turned but they don’t get it yet. I have too many words to say what I’m thinking, I believe, I have to, We have to..he’s got this.
You bet!
Is this your first comment here? (I don’t recall seeing your posts before.)
If so, welcome!
Would be interested to read what else you have to say on this exciting period in history.
Thank you churchmouse, I started my investigation into things after having being diagnosed with cancer, all good now but I am woke. Climate then politics..Following for years, too scared to speak but now retired and having found a safe place am happy to speak. This is as close as I have been to like minded people. (Ok , I live fairly isolated off grid) Love trying to see the big picture but believe that the general public want to be good, unfortunately we’ve been taught that it’s cool to be bad.
Thank you for telling us about your journey here — greatly appreciated.
Glad to read that your health is now under control. That must have been a huge worry.
Yes, it’s hard to speak out when employed, even once one leaves the office.
Retirement brings many blessings, and you’re now experiencing them.
Look forward to reading more of your comments in due course.
God bless you, shebythesea!
Yes, even though I ran my own business I had to be careful with opinions, FB, personal FB. I am free!
Isn’t it a great feeling?
This little girl is so cute — and her mother brought her up properly.
She asked her mother why people were at war with each other. She tells the interviewer that she wants people to sit down and talk, not fight.
The interviewer asks if she sees good guys and bad guys in this conflict. She says they’re all nice: ‘nice people against nice people’.
Then he asks what she thinks of Macron. She says he’s nice, too.
She turns to her mother and asks whether she’ll be on television. The interviewer says she’ll be on that night (last night, Friday) at 7:50 p.m.
A reader of Marianne, the best French newsweekly IMO (even if it is left-of-centre), wrote in to ask whether Macron has a driving licence because he seems very insensitive towards those who are having problems paying for petrol.
Marianne’s team, after some extensive research, found out that he does indeed have a driving licence but that he sold his car in 2014, as he has had a chauffeur from that point onward:
The television news magazine from which I have been posting had a feature on Ruth Bader Ginsburg, ‘an exceptional woman, super-heroine’. I don’t like her either, but this short video which has photos of her from her younger days as a lawyer. Rather interesting, because most of us probably know her only from the time she was appointed in the Clinton years:
CNN on November jobs report — ‘FULL EMPLOYMENT’! Ha haaaaaa:
Does anyone know what WhaShuFu means?
Our former host used it in his post about November jobs:
‘Wait, that means blue-collar line-level workers have wage growth exceeding the rate of their bosses. Isn’t that the redistribution goal of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and the worker-wing of the Democrats? Yet it’s happening organically, a result of MAGAnomics. Yup, affirmative and…. yes. Funny that. {{WhaShuFu}}’
Chad Pergram interviewed congressmen about the Comey hearing (1 of 2):
Chad Pergram on Comey hearing (2 of 2):
Comey can’t comment on anything, or, as he said at one point, he ‘could’ but he has chosen not to:
Caius Lowell (from the Comey thread):
‘Caius Lowell says:
December 7, 2018 at 10:47 pm
‘I once went to a banquet at which James Comey was the speaker. I’ll always remember so fondly how he lied directly to my face — a special feeling…’
Forgot to mention that Comey said he has a lot of respect for Bill Barr, whom he said is ‘very talented’.
Is Barr someone appropriate for the AG spot in the Trump administration? Honestly, with plaudits such as Comey’s, I continue to say NO.
Chojun (from the Comey thread):
‘chojun says:
December 7, 2018 at 11:41 pm
‘I know people aren’t going to like this and I have to preface this with the fact that I personally don’t believe it is the case, but…
‘I think we’re forced to consider it in the realm of possibility that the “small group” plan largely worked and Trump has been leveraged into a position of cooperation with the cover-up going on vis-a-vis the Special Counsel.
‘I think it’s important to consider it a possibility so that we can discover objective reality in the current situation that Trump and the Republic is facing.
‘Either way we’ll find out for sure within a few weeks what’s going on.’
If that truly has happened, I think it is fair to say it is all over for our Republic. I don’t think we can survive without some true transparency, some radical surgery, and resetting some parameters. If we just do some window dressing and smile pretty for the cameras we just won’t survive much longer.
I continue to believe God put His hand on Donald Trump’s shoulder and said, “I’ve got a job for you. I have something else for you to build.” I don’t think He’d bring us all this way only to have the efforts fail.
I agree, Sylvia.
This is going to be a national — could be worldwide — rebirth, therefore, pain and blood (one hopes not too much) are going to be involved. (Quoting what I read elsewhere).
Whatever we think of Steve Bannon, he did correctly predict that every day would be a struggle.
He’s spot on.
Every doggone day HAS been a struggle.
100% agree.
Even if we are hopefully confident of going to Heaven, we are still fully aware of Hell.
That sounds like fear mongering to me.
Just a call to be realistic.
Someone Over There brought up Jerry Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy (see below).
To me, an example of the first is Jeff Sessions. An example of the second is James Comey.
‘Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be “two kinds of people”:
‘First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.
‘Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.
‘The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.
‘ ‘
Transcript of the President’s address at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference in Kansas City, MO:
After his introduction by Matt Whitaker, PDJT announced his nomination of Barr:
‘I want to also thank Matt for the introduction. He’s doing an excellent job — really, a leader. Strong leader.
‘I was also thrilled to announce earlier today that I am nominating, as Matt said, William Barr to take the helm as our new Attorney General. He’s an outstanding man.
‘Bill previously led the Justice Department with distinction as Attorney General under George H.W. Bush, following his unanimous confirmation by the United States Senate. During his tenure, he demonstrated an unwavering adherence to the rule of law, which the people in this room like to hear. There is no one more capable or more qualified for this role. He deserves overwhelming bipartisan support. I suspect he’ll probably get it.’
Trump tweets (1 of 2):
Trump tweets (2 of 2):
This is a really good article from Epoch Times.
I had forgotten some of these facts, especially the timeline. Excerpts follow:
Jeff Carlson begins by saying that CNN wrote an article yesterday (December 7) on the days immediately following Comey’s dismissal. However, he points out that CNN left out pertinent details.
Going back to 2017, Andrew McCabe agreed to notify the Senate Intelligence Committee if he saw any obstruction into the investigation of Trump-Russia links WRT the 2016 election:
‘McCabe also noted that there had been “no effort to impede our investigation to date.” In other words, McCabe testified that he saw no evidence of obstruction from President Trump or his administration.
‘Notably, McCabe failed to inform the committee that he was actively considering opening an obstruction of justice probe into President Trump—a matter he would aggressively push in a meeting with Rosenstein just five days later.’
Two hours in to McCabe’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on May 11, 2017:
‘The chair and co-chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-V.A.), abruptly excused themselves from the hearing to attend a meeting with Rosenstein in an adjoining Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF):
‘”Burr: Before I turn to Senator Cotton, can I say for the members, the vice chair and I have to step out for a meeting that we can’t push off.”
‘Present at this meeting were four individuals: Rosenstein, Burr, Warner and then-acting director of the DOJ’s national security division, Dana Boente, who is now the FBI’s general counsel …
‘Worth asking: What was so pressing that it required the chair and co-chair of the Senate committee to suddenly depart from the hearing proceedings. NPR reported that “the meeting had been requested prior to Comey’s dismissal and that it was to ‘set up a process for deconfliction’ between the FBI investigation into Russia and the intelligence committee’s own independent probe.”
‘This explanation appears somewhat inadequate given that the hearing on national security had also been planned prior to Comey’s dismissal. It is not known with any certainty what was discussed, but Rosenstein and Boente felt the meeting was urgent enough to hold it in the midst of McCabe’s testimony.’
On May 16, 2017, Rosenstein made his remark about recording the President:
‘The alleged comments by Rosenstein occurred at a meeting where McCabe was “pushing for the Justice Department to open an investigation into the president.” Note that just five days earlier, McCabe had publicly testified that there was no obstruction, stating “there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”’
After that, Trump met with Mueller:
‘We still don’t know what was actually said at the meeting between Mueller, Rosenstein, and Trump.’
The next day, May 17:
‘ … and the day after Rosenstein’s encounter with McCabe—Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel.
‘The conflicting words and actions of McCabe cannot be overlooked. On the one hand McCabe testified there was no obstruction from Trump, yet, just five days later, McCabe was attempting to convince Rosenstein to go along with his efforts to open an obstruction investigation into the president. Events suggest that McCabe’s efforts were met with alarm from Rosenstein, who responded by appointing Mueller as special counsel. Rosenstein may have also informed Trump of McCabe’s intentions.
‘The May 17 appointment of Mueller accomplished one very significant thing. It shifted control of the Russia Investigation from the FBI and McCabe to Mueller.’
Fast forward to the summer of 2017:
‘Several months later, McCabe would lie under oath to DOJ Inspector general Michael Horowitz regarding authorization of FBI leaking to the Wall Street Journal.
‘Five days after McCabe lied to the IG, on Aug. 2, 2017, Rosenstein secretly issued Mueller a revised Scope of Investigation & Definition of Authority memo that remains heavily redacted. The full purpose of this Memo remains unknown and few have seen the unredacted version. On this same day, Christopher Wray was named the new FBI director.’
BUT — now in 2018:
‘One individual who has seen an unredacted version of the Aug. 2 Rosenstein memo is U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, who presided over the trial of Paul Manafort. Ellis, who received a copy of the memo on May 17, 2018, later made the following comment in a subsequent ruling:
‘“The record makes clear that the Acting Attorney General [Rosenstein] has required the Special Counsel to consult with the Acting Attorney General before investigating matters that might fall under the May 17 Appointment Order. Specifically, the August 2 Scope Memorandum identifies specific factual matters to be investigated by the Special Counsel.”
‘“Notably, the August 2 Scope Memorandum limits the Special Counsel’s ability to investigate “additional matters that otherwise may have arisen or may arise directly from the Investigation” by requiring the Special Counsel to “consult [the Acting Attorney General] for a determination of whether such matters should be within the scope of [the special counsel’s] authority.
‘Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, who recently assumed authority over the special counsel investigation, has also seen the unredacted memo. Like Judge Ellis, Whitaker has shown no indication he has any issue with the contents of Rosenstein’s memo.’
Carlson concludes by warning us about getting all the facts to a story.
Which is why we are here at the Q Tree!
Perfect example of the sorts of information unknown to us which colors how we see The Big Picture.
VSG’s affectionate call-out to RR seemed very genuine and was consistent with Trump’s previous laudatory remarks for RR.
I saved W’s RR thread for reading last this morning and look forward to it like a guilty pleasure!
‘Perfect example of the sorts of information unknown to us which colors how we see The Big Picture.’ Couldn’t agree more!
It will be v. interesting to see what happens to RR.
BTW TY for the post (and your posts in general!). Lots of interesting stuff.
You’re most welcome, Tonawanda! Glad you like them.
Church is our Paris guy
Thanks, buddy!
I can hardly wait for Monday’s talk radio. 🙂
they should show up wearing yellow vests or the gilets jaunes
Already done.
One panellist:
One guest:
FOLKS – CHURCHMOUSE is as thorough as a researcher and seeker of meticulous, accurate detail (granularity, hahah) as SD, and perhaps even more-so – because Churchmouse doesn’t have the same rigidity/attitude… if that’s the right description.
Visiting Churchmouses’s website will show you what I mean, if the QTH posts haven’t already convinced you of this.
Thank you very much, friend!
I very much appreciate your compliment — a shining highlight in an otherwise dismal week on the home front (falling behind with everything)! 🙂
You can do it – whatever it is! Hold fast to the Truth and ask Him for help, intervention, love, focus….HE has it all in unending abundance. Bless you a thousand trillion.
Thank you so much for the spiritual pep talk — also greatly appreciated!
‘Bless you a thousand trillion.’ Wow! And may as many blessings flow in your direction, too, GA/FL, for giving me such great encouragement!
Just reading Praying Medic’s twitter thread from yesterday about Q. I liked this one:
And this one:
I like Whittaker’s new service uniform. He wears it well. Hope it is a symbol and metaphor for his new role in the DOJ!!!
Did you follow the links? Read this one, if you didn’t! I have NO idea who this “toresays” person is, however.
“Looks like Mr. Barr has a VERY interesting history which people forget. They rely on our bad memories. They believe if they flood our information systems with information they control we will never know. History is what illustrates the future.”
“March 24, 1985, Remote Resort, Costa Rica:
William Barr, Oliver North, Barry Seal, General Noriega and BILL CLINTON”
“General Noriega and Mr. Barr greeted the aircraft when we arrived. The passengers adjourned to their meeting while I secured the aircraft. I was invited to join when I finished. Two Latin American soldiers set up the Sat/Com device and stood guard on the aircraft. I joined the meeting approximately thirty minutes later.
When I arrived, the discussion was concerning the loss of over $100 million dollars worth of drugs and cash. The “Enterprise” was being drained. There were three Compaq Computers set up with operators, obviously working for Mr. Barr. There were approximately eight (8) administrative personnel correlating data provided by computer discs brought by the principles of the meeting. The discussions continued. It was obvious that the purpose of the meeting was to identify the source of the loss.
The money flow was traced from Panama to several destinations in the U.S. Their Ohio source was ruled out early. Their Colorado source was also ruled out. That left Arkansas. It was discussed by the members that either Seal or CLINTON were siphoning from the “Enterprise.”
“One more year of this and we’ll all retire.” He then made a remark concerning Barry Seal and Governor Clinton. “If we can keep those Arkansas hicks in line, that is,” referring to the loss of monies as determined the week prior during their meeting in Costa Rica. I stood silently by the vat of leaves, listening to the conversation. General Alverez had gone with the Contra leader to discuss logistics. The other three – North, Rodriguez, and Ami Nir – continued through the wooden building, inspecting the cocaine. North continued, “…but he (Vice President Bush) is very concerned about those missing monies. I think he’s going to have Jeb (Bush) arrange something out of Columbia,” he told his comrades, not thinking twice of my presence. What Mr. North was referring to ended up being the assassination of Barry Seal by members of the Medellin Cartel in early 1986.
“How about ‘Pineapple’?” Rodriguez asked. (Speaking of General Noriega.)
“Naw,” North answered, “something’s up there.” Bush later insured Noriega was indicted and imprisoned for drug trafficking.”
Pretty fantastic if it’s fiction.
IF it’s fiction……
This reads like a 100 other hit pieces written by the clowns when they need to smear a man’s reputation. Fantastical but seductive enough to plant doubts about their target.
All that stuff in Mena, AR was swept under the rug, when Barr was AG.
People have said…that it involved GHWB.
It also involved the Clintons, so it was never investigated by the Clinton-DOJ either.
I wonder if anyone will bring it up during Barr’s confirmation hearings.
So why wouldn’t he flip? He knows stuff like so many others who had to hold their toungue
He’s been out for 20 years, why? The corruption? What if he now wants in because it’s now being done right?
Shebythesea, I am on the same thought path with you. Being a part of an administration or any organization or business is of great value when you can look back with more information and see things you did not see or maybe did see but were unable to influence any change you thought was needed. I find the Barr choice for AG of the GHWB Administration equally interesting to the Kavanaugh choice for SC of the GWB Administration. 🙂
I agree. In the end, we’re going to find out that revenge is part of the equation for a lot of players. They were betrayed, double crossed, bilked, could be any number of things.
Update from Paris (around 1 p.m. Paris time):
This crackdown is Not going to sit well with the people there.
Not at all.
I notice that the police are never around when ‘youths’ (ahem, read between the lines) are burning cars on New Year’s Eve in cities across France. That’s been going on for years, but they say they don’t have enough manpower to patrol and arrest. Yeah, right.
But now that French people are out in the streets, it’s ‘game on’ from the police.
That’s because the wrong group is protesting. That group is supposed to just quietly accept the destruction of their nation in favor of the hordes from another nation and culture.
I figured people would get the inference without further elaboration.
What Tillerson said about Trump triggered this tweet:
WaPo has highlights. Personally, it seems inconceivable that PDJT would violate the law:
‘“He acts on his instincts; in some respects, that looks like impulsiveness,” Tillerson said. “But it’s not his intent to act on impulse. I think he really is trying to act on his instincts.”
‘Perhaps the most damning quote came when Tillerson talked about how Trump as president regularly attempted to do things that violated the law.
“So often, the president would say, ‘Here’s what I want to do, and here’s how I want to do it,’ ” Tillerson said, according to the Houston Chronicle, “and I would have to say to him, ‘Mr. President, I understand what you want to do, but you can’t do it that way. It violates the law.’ ”
‘Tillerson also appeared to take a shot at Trump’s chief method of communication, Twitter …
‘He was quick to say that that wasn’t meant as a shot at Trump but our political system more broadly. Next to his other comments, though, it wasn’t difficult to see he was lumping Trump with all those Americans who aren’t intellectually curious enough about policy and the actual details of U.S. government.’
All of that said, however (this is amazing and not in a good way, emphases mine) …
‘Tillerson said he’s proud of his government service and would return if the president asked.’
After all that? I don’t think so, Rex.
I totally misjudged Tillerson. Apparently he is a dummy, AND a big baby to boot.
Yes, I liked him, too.
Concur with your assessment!
Arrgh. SORRY. Wolf can delete that.
This is what I meant to post:
The thing I always noticed about Heather when she does her State Dept briefings is how she always seems pitch perfect in an extemporanous way. That takes discipline and intellect. I think she will be great.
So do I.
She might be naturally talented in her speaking. Her time at Fox might have refined it further.
And the story changes. Uh-huh.
NOTHING is what we are seeing.
The following is sad, because training has already gone downhill (women can’t do certain exercises so those activities have been omitted from the programme). Identity politics is likely to further result in lack of resilience on the battlefield:
And from 2017:
Speaking of viewing being the best as elitist, I haven’t seen anyone in the media jump on the First Lady’s ‘Be Best’ campaign for that, have you? 😉
The new USMCA could give a green light to censorship. This can be remedied by Congress before the other countries ratify it. Once all countries have ratified the agreement, if Congress hasn’t already reworded the problematic provision, Mexico and Canada would need to consent to rewording:
‘President Trump hailed the trade agreement he signed with Mexico and Canada last week as “great for all our countries.” Perhaps he doesn’t know that the NAFTA-replacing trade agreement, USMCA, gives tech giants in Silicon Valley a special legal privilege to censor his own supporters — and anyone else they find “objectionable.”
‘Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube all engaged in pre-election censorship against Republicans and Trump supporters. Yet they’ve managed to sneak a liability protection into President Trump’s trade bill that would make it even easier for them to censor their own users …
‘ … Article 19.17 of the trade agreement gives tech companies immunity from any lawsuits arising from actions taken to “restrict material it considers to be harmful or objectionable.”
‘Section 230 has a similarly problematic provision, which needs to be amended by the next Congress if the censorship of the internet is to be stopped. But the new, even broader censorship provision, will make it nearly impossible for the tech giants’ privilege of legal immunity from any lawsuit that arises out of their censorship practices to be taken away.
‘Whereas Section 230 can be amended by the U.S. congress, USMCA is a trade agreement – once ratified by all three nations (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), it will take further agreement from the three nations to amend it. And only one of those countries has a First Amendment. Canada, with its wide-ranging hate speech laws and far-left Prime Minister, would see little reason to make it harder for tech companies to censor “objectionable” content.’
Good grief! This headache will be hitting the House in a few weeks’ time. ‘Junior’ refers to DJTJr:
Here’s the reply (probably by a staffer, because it is true and makes sense):
I can see that second part of the tweet as being written by someone other than AOC–she probably thinks purview has something to do with cats…
Too funny!
My overactive imagination envisions Pelosi dragging Ocasio-Cortez by the ear and forcing her to tweet this follow-up.
What a great thought.
Wait until next year. San Fran Nan will tamp her down well.
Yep….probably relegate Ocasio-Cortez to coffee-brewing duties if she keeps talking off the cuff.
Looking forward to it. 🙂
Democrat antics will definitely be popcorn worthy since they really are not in power.
And I don’t eat popcorn.
They will be in the House, coming soon.
I agree with Dr G:
That may be Whittaker’s role – from just under the radar.
I hope so, but then, he is going to have to take orders from Barr, who might not want him to do anything much in draining the Swamp.
There’s that …. and then there’s Trump, Huber and Horowitz….and others like Ortel.
I don’t have a good feeling about this at all.
I agree with you, CM
Time, Life and Recent Decades have almost destroyed my optimism ….
Mine, too.
One can never be too careful.
Just remember Gorka was fired for leaking. Notice POTUS never refers to him in any way.
Better silence than to get the Tillerson treatment: ‘dumb as a rock’ and ‘lazy as hell’.
At least Gorka still has the president’s back.
Something about Gorka going from job to job in the last 2 years that makes me think he’s just a talker and not a doer. That was a Gorka way of throwing shade.
I never thought of it like that.
Okay, he wasn’t cut out for the Trump administration. I’m not convinced he even leaked that much. If he had, I would have remembered it.
He still has great tweets:
Do we know that to be factually true? Perhaps I missed something along the way?
Well they were doing a leak sweep at the time and then Bannon and Gorka left so I believe the rumor.
I don’t – not Gorka. Bannon, yes, but NOT Gorka!
well to each his own…the guy got pushed out of the WH so there had to be a reason why. There’s buzz that he was a leaker so I think that is why he was fired. Lots of MAGA people aren’t who they seem.
Pompeo needs Stephen Miller to write his speeches. Whilst this is well written, it does not really live up to the title:
I have to scoot out for a bit this morning, but I have something I want to get off my chest about the discussions on this site, and others, about the whole kit and kaboodle.
Um, all this granular thinking is preventing expansion. Positions are staked out and defended without considering that there are still points on the matrix still missing, and we may not see them for a while, if ever. From a much higher view than the ground, it really looks like The Plan involved using Cloward-Piven to an extreme once all the pieces were moved into place. I’m still seeing comments, just using The Plan as an example, that indicate thinking along the lines that Trump came up with it, and that it didn’t start until 2017.
If that’s the case, then why did Trump say he was doing The Apprentice (2004-2015) to acquire a skill he needed. Why did Q say that they made sure there was a reporter at the tarmac meeting in 2016.
I have other thoughts along those lines, and this post getting messy because I am in a hurry, but I seriously caution EVERYONE from getting too entrenched emotionally in any one data point or white hat/black hat theory. We don’t know what we don’t know.
I really have to run. Later.
As Trump said once he won the general election: Complicated business, folks.
As someone who is inclined to view things in black and white, the “Plan” is teaching me to explore and understand gray areas. I’m truly thankful to be amongst like-minded souls (whether they are Q folks or not) who are receptive to multiple possibilities vs. drawing conclusion based on what is seen on the surface.
Matt Gaetz nails it:
Another excellent soundbite from Gregg Jarrett, this time on Bill Barr:
Notice a pattern with these. Anyone who likes the status quo Swamp likes Bill Barr. Those who want the Swamp cleaned up don’t.
We’ll see. People thought Mnuchen was a weird pick because of his past jobs and actions but he turned out to be a home run. I’m just going to sit back and watch what unfolds.
I think it is very significant that Mueller once reported to Barr.
I never gave Mnuchin a second thought.
Re your second point, mmm, yes — yet another Mueller connection.
Mnuchen was one of the people Trump was in a position to know well. And for him and I guess Wilbur Ross to come out and basically propose a second banking system to just let the Wall Street guys twist in the wind didn’t just come out of nowhere.
Mick Mulvaney is another one who seemed odd when tapped as OMB director, but has been astoundingly articulate about the issues.I have my suspicions on him, and at least two others who are obviously part of The Plan who went into Congress on the Tea Party wave in 2010. They were sent in early for recon and to gain name recognition.
Really, this was thought out to the extreme.
Sorry, I still do NOT trust Jarrett. He is a very weak, weak man – you can see it in his weak mouth. JMO but Fox is trying to incubate Jarrett from his drunk past. First, having him on Hannity ALL THE TIME and then moving on to some of the other shows. Again, JMO, but I think HE was angling for an appointment to DOJ, possibly even AG.
Thanks for the info about his past.
I’ve not been in the US television loop for nearly 30 years. I know only the big names.
Oh, dearie me.
Thank you for the link!
Don’t get caught in the weeds QTreepers, see the forest through the trees. The plan. Lots of man hours put into it. Steadfast, intuition, you know what’s right.
The flack is flying everywhere and you are questioning everything, every appointment, every tweet and comment, this is what Q is about IMO, Researchand question, I love this blog, thank you Wolfmoon!
Ten Hutt, QTs!
Guess where your President is going today?!?!!!
Speaking of Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines/Coast Guard/Space Force…. President Trump announces:
The Army-Navy Game!
I hope he has fun! He deserves a break from all the craziness.
There will be No Kneeling at that game.
And our Man from Queens™ tweets and trolls:
Man – look at the @realDonaldTrump crazy Twitter follower numbers:
56,099,880 – 5:06 am – 12/5/18
56,101,426 – 2:20 pm – 12/5/18
56,100,871 – 4:45 pm – 12/5/18 – minus 555
56,104,401 – 3:22 am – 12/6/18
56,092,460 – 6:15 am – 12/7/18 – minus 11,941
56,089,614 – 8:43 pm – 12/7/18 – minus 2,846
56,106,501 – 9:34 am – 12/7/18
The Federal Reserve Everyone Can Understand
And on their website, I see board members, but not who owns it. THAT’s what we need to know. The board members are just employees.
“who owns it”
The Redshields, via shell companies and straw-men.
An intricate web of deceit, perpetrated for centuries, upon the entire globe.
I know that and you know that, but the normies don’t. Wondering how many of the shell companies have been destroyed in the last year.
True, but “the normies” are swiftly becoming “abnormies”.
I suspect that this designation was right all along.
“YOU get a red-pill! And YOU get a red-pill! EVERYBODY gets a red-pill!”
Thank you, D’Oprah!
The central bank concept was a major bone of contention all through the 19th century and got at least two presidents killed when they opposed it.
Banned this a.m. from CTH and I have not made a comment on there since I joined up here. So SD reads this blog and I’m banned for comment I made here yesterday at 639a.m. Timing is everything.
Sorry to hear that.
This has happened to a lot of people now, Sobriquet.
You’re not alone.
Welcome to the Banned Wagon.
So SD decided to “be like Jack”. Just sad.
The irony of it, huh?
Yes, it is sad.
My guess is that the mods are scrolling and banning. Either way though it’s just absurd. Completely counter to the MAGA movement.
Not a nice start to a Caturday. 😉
Seriously, sobriquet, I am really sorry that happened to you. I suspected that SD was reading here and taking action, now there’s a proof of it.
I can hear Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy*’s giant sucking sound from across the Pond.
Think of it this way: a) you’ll have more fun here and b) feel freer to comment.
Isn’t it great that Wolf is getting the banned back together again!!
*SteveInCO’s name for it
I’m glad I am here among those I always favored at CTH. Certainly takes the sting out but I did choose thee over them. 😸
We’re so glad you did!
Like the emoji, BTW.
Take heart, Sobriquet!
One door closed … and another (better) one opened.
When a host judges that a guest isn’t welcome anymore … why on Earth would the guest refuse to leave? Or, regret not having welcome anymore? Why would one wish to enter a house, when one is branded a persona non grata? Does one actually believe one will continue to enjoy the “hospitality”?
I don’t BELONG there anymore. Neither do you, nor dozens upon dozens of other posters here.
To quote Martha Stewart’s tag-line … “It’s a GOOD thing!”
Of course they read this blog, btw. Since its inception.
I haven’t even gone back to check. *FINI*
Yes and I happened to be a “Door slammer” as the saying goes “I dont just burn that bridge, I drain the lake , fill it with concrete and build an MFng Mall on that crap,
A deplorable attitude! Bravo!
Just so.
Welcome to the REAL refuge, Sobriquet!
Word to the wise – it won’t last.
Seize the day … as we all are doing!
“So SD reads this blog…”
I’m thinking you may be pointing at the wrong person for the banning. Ad Rem, the head administrator, would be the most likely. A control freak if there ever was one. Grrr!
How did you find out about the ban? That puzzles me.
It would not allow me to “like” and if your not signed in you will be directed to your
wordpress account. Not this time and I could not sign in.
I thought of adrem but does he have the option of kicking people off without SDs approval.
I’m fairly sure “he” is a she. Yes, I’ve often seen her kick out trolls with a “bye”, or some variation of that. I would say that Ad Rem (adrem?) does the vast majority of the banning, with sundance doing it only now and then.
I suspect Ad Rem as being the main driving force behind the Q purge bans.
Hop on the Banned Wagon!
I’m sorry, sobriquet. Same thing happened to me. It is infuriating. And it is so incredibly petty. Who on earth would care enough to take time to go look for names at a blog and then ban them just because they appeared elsewhere? I don’t get it.
I’m shocked for sure.
Today is the day John Lennon was killed. I was on Long Island at the time. People skipped school/work and went down to pay their respects. I am told it was unbelievable. Another senseless murder
Oh and POTUS replaces Dunford
French Open 2018
“French Open 2018”
What a grin!
Since it’s Caturday…
One PSA as our parish is gathering gift boxes for a local center that serves the poor today….
Having worked in hunger relief along the journey, an experience that taught me a lot, actually, may I recommend suggestions for what to put in gift baskets and so forth for food pantries. Food “banks” don’t always provide enough. Essentially, the food pantries need nutrient dense foods.Things like:
Canned meat and tuna
Hearty soups and stews
Low sodium canned vegetables
Canned fruit in its own juice
If one goes for cereal, the recommendation is hot cereal in single serving packets.
Also, please consider laundry detergent (pods are the best) as that is like gold. It’s not covered under any federal program and we used to run out every time a shipment would come in.
I know there are a lot of stories out there about welfare queens and able bodied young men being on welfare, and now that Americans are back to work, etc., but the dirty truth is that the people seen most often at hunger relief centers are older, retired people on fixed incomes. Widows whose husbands retired with a pension that died with them are quite common.
Alright, peace out.
Beautiful and thoughtful comments D.P.
I was just thinking today of a woman that has been actively taking help to those most in need for maybe 40 years now. Her and her husband have bought property and are active in restoring the broken in spirit and soul.
The first book I read by her is “Blessed are the Poor” which is a collection of inspiring, heartbreaking stories of those she has served soup, hot chocolate or provided blankets in an area of the heartland.
Her name is Rhonda Calhoon if you want to look up her books. I have used them to plant seeds in the next generation via Christmas gifting.
Not sure how many here followed the Bundy situation but I posted on the Radium Rods article (sorry, should have been here) a link to an article about Ammon Bundy separating himself from, and turning on, all those Militia patriots who supported them, three of whom still sit in prison!!!! Despicable behavior on Bundy’s part, all due to his adherence to his Mormonism. THIS is why we CANNOT govern from a religious perspective!!!!
I will re-post the commentary from the Editor of
“Editor Note: I was contacted by the Buzzfeed author of this article earlier this week. We chose not to respond. I chose this because I did not see the confusion between the definitions of refugees and illegal immigrants to be enough to personally be concerned about. I did, however, make a public comment after it was brought to my personal attention that Ammon Bundy was actively soliciting financial support for Refugee families from his supporters via an online Google document.
I am a devoted supporter and friend of the Bundy Families and the Patriot Political Prisoners that came to their call for help as well as their families. The leaders and many of the followers are now free and trying to get their lives and finances back to some kind of normal.
Ammon Bundy as a leader has come out more than once and stated that his financial needs from his incarceration and trial expenses have been met and has asked folks to donate to others that still had needs instead of him and his family.
There are currently three followers of Ammon Bundy that answered the families call for help in April 2014. Todd Engel, Greg Burelson and Jerry Delimas, who were all sentenced prior to the blowup of the prosecution’s case late last year causing all charges to be dismissed with prejudice.
When I saw that the funding for support of refugees was being solicited by Ammon Bundy, with no consideration to any issues illegal or legal by myself, I spoke out about my concerns for these three men still fighting for funds and attorneys to appeal their cases. I voiced my concerns and questions that I had as I have first-hand knowledge and have personally been supporting and helping with the ongoing fight and appeals still in progress for these remaining men.
I feel strongly, that Ammon and his family, having claimed publicly that their needs of financial support have been met should be dedicated to resolving the financial needs and legal support of the remaining followers that answered their call to action and for help before even considering any other endeavor for funds to support other causes.
Knowing the sacrifices still being made and the costs involved, in my mind, it seems to be the only appropriate thing to do.
As leaders, if we take the challenge, we have obligation to our followers and not just our cause.
Doug Knowles – Editor,”
So no alliance to the death and memory of Lavoy? Has someone or something “paid off his debts” in exchange? Sorry, I just always wonder about the abrupt path changes some people make.
No-one knows that for sure but there was a TON of people/individuals who donated to his cause who are now ROYALLY ticked off, and rightfully so, IMO. Shilling for money for the poor people in the caravans over those who still sit in jail because they supported HIM??!!?? SMH – this is DIRECTLY connected to his religion.
see my posts on your orig in the rods thread…
The comments I’m seeing from people there are pretty much all Anti-Macron.
Oh, no — not the iconic Drugstore.
That’s been there for decades, created largely for Americans and stocked with a lot of US products. It’s huge.
All this stuff you’ve been posting, for the first time in my life I wish I understood French.
It sounds like it’s not just anti-Marcon, but also a rising of the middle class who are sick and tired of paying tons of taxes… no one says it’s about migration, but French citizens pay high taxes to help cover the cost of migrant who are on government assistance…. sounds like the middle class has not had any wage increases and is being taxed for things they don’t (or can’t outright) agree with.
This is happening in Brussels, too.
I’ve seen some comments from people in France, saying that the Yellow Vest people aren’t the ones setting these fires…that it is anarchists doing it.
Someone trying to make the Yellow Vests look bad?
There are right-wing and left-wing extremists in the gilet jaune movement.
Yes, there are some bad apples there.
This is one of the reasons why one of the gilet jaune leaders asked the rest not to march in Paris this weekend. He wants to keep it peaceful and orderly.
That said, from the beginning (four weekends ago) there have been skirmishes started by people in their own movement.
I’ve read some of that, too. Makes me wonder who is in charge.
This is in the Netherlands today:
Have a gret weekend, everyone, and thank you, Wolfie, for all you do here for us.
You have a great weekend, too, Zoe!
You’re most welcome! You, too – have a great weekend! 😀
We’ll be here waiting for you Zoe. well me, who has 6 weekends + 1 Sunday every week
No, sorry – after what I read this morning, this is a BAD nomination. I have to wonder how much PDJT knows about his background? Bad referral again? Looks like it to me. *sigh*
The logic seems to be, if they’re trying that hard to get him to neuter himself…they’re worried.
And yet, Comey supports him? Seriously? I truly do NOT understand Joe D. saying what he did! Nope, I stand by my statement – BAD person!
I have no idea on this guy! My 5 suspicious cats still stand!!!!!
I think he’s bait.
Like this.
I guess we’ll have to see. Trump did, after all, pick the guy…after reading a lot of comments once the rumors started to go around.
Thank you, NebraskaFilly!
If anyone here agrees and is on Twitter, they should retweet to PDJT and DJTJr pronto.
There are so many possible bluffs, poker faces, and miss direction scenarios by everyone involved (in this and overall battel with the DS)… all we can really do is have faith in PDJT – that he likes his cards, knows what’s in the DS’s hand and has the deck stacked how he needs it to play out for Liberty
Trust the Plan………because WTF is the alternative?
why on earth should be recuse himself?
He’s got nothing to do with Trump’s 2016 campaign or the present administration. Good grief.
Well, if he recuses himself we will know for sure he’s a left-wing dud and POTUS45 made a bad choice. But with the sudden uptick in 9/11/Bush news resurfacing, POTUS45 just may need this “Bush sympathizer” close to him to ride out the storm! I feel in my gut that we are going to get the truth about 911 in the next episode of draining the swamp! After the Clinton family is put behind bars I believe the Bush family is next!! Leverage! It’s all in the leverage that POTUS45 loves to use!
Well our luna-canine host outlasted me last night so this is a bit late.
– – · –
Five hundred seventy nine days of the BannedWagon.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
Did you just find out that the site that Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy has banned you? Hop aboard. Here at W’s Q tree house we are getting the banned back together.
– – · –
Let the trumpets be heard!
– – · –
Will yesterday be the day that lives in infamy amoung the democrats? The day when they first realized the jaws wer snapping shut? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, grab your popcorn or nachos or dip and hang on for the ride!
– – · –
I love it when a Plan (with a capital P) comes together.
– – · –
Sorry about that. I was working on that other post and got carried away trying to finish it and THEN get out the daily thread – eventually just gave up! Bad timings R US! 😉
I actually enjoy the randomness a bit more than having
the “trains running on time” flavor for a discussion site.
I agree. I’m here for Wolf’s flavor, and I enjoy all the spice he’s serving up 😊
I had a blog for several years (not political), and I can attest to the (generally self-imposed) pressure of ‘producing’ for my followers. It’s sorta like milking cows – hard to get a day off !
I sure hope Wolfie doesn’t think we have expectations, or are making comparisons, about how/when/what he publishes here on his site. Even though many of us ‘legally migrated’ (ha) here from a prior locale, Wolfie shouldn’t feel any pressure on timing, content or style of what he publishes.
Honestly I have been enjoying the flow here immensely. Unpredictability & variety keep us on our toes💖🇺🇸💖🇺🇸 Wolf Whistle to the Moon
True story about milking cows – my great grandmother milked at 4:30 am. Every time daylight savings time happened she apparently would retrain the cows. Milking was at 4:30 no matter if it was God’s time or Roosevelt’s time. Yeah, LLL was not a fan of FDR or his wife.
I know SD automates it somehow over on the Other Tree, in such a way he can probably forget about it. I don’t know if you can do that and still change up the picture on the post (or change the writeup each day, as you do).
But I do know you can write the post at 3PM if you want and cue it to drop at a later time.