Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181230

This wonderful SECOND AMENDMENT PROMISES MADE PROMISES KEPT SUNDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, elected thanks to Free Speech on Gab.

SAO PAULO (Reuters) – Brazil’s far-right President-elect Jair Bolsonaro said on Saturday he plans to issue a decree allowing all Brazilians without criminal records to own firearms, welcome news to many core supporters who want him to loosen Brazil’s strict gun laws.

Throughout his campaign, Bolsonaro had pledged to dismantle Brazil’s current gun legislation, which presents various bureaucratic and legal obstacles for people seeking to purchase firearms. That message appealed to many Brazilians who want to use guns for self-defense amid sky-high levels of violent crime.

“By decree, we plan to guarantee the ownership of firearms by citizens without criminal records,” Bolsonaro, who takes office on Jan. 1, wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

Reuters, 12/29/2018

Power is returning to the people.



What, ultimately protects the People? The People themselves.
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Thank you Flep for bringing your valuable info over and sharing.

Pat Frederick

thanks Fle!
i enjoy your reporting so much!!


I’m not a fan of using polls to guide policy. Nor should it be used to shape external attitudes. I’m not going to second-guess the President and I stop reading when I find people that do. It’s mentally exhausting to hear twiiter analysts that think they have more information than POTUS.


“mentally exhausting”
I like the phrase “like water off a duck’s back”.
BE the duck!
Good morning, NYG!


Hey my follow-up..I am not giving up..not in the least…


Thanks so much, Flep!
I think we all enjoy your posts here. So, whenever you feel unappreciated OT, or just would like a dose of positivity – THIS is the site where you’ll find it!
Happy New Year, to you and yours!


As a follow-up, I believe the most important thing that POTUS has done and continues to do…is re-structure the economy so that is America-based once again. Just look at our GDP. We are twice the size of the nearest country. That was first …immigration issues have to wait after that. Yes, they affect the economy but the trajectory of outsourcing to be stemmed and reversed where possible.
That is a freaking huge job. Now start exposing the corruption that each major individual in government is involved with and inch by inch build the wall. Even if it takes 2 more years.
We were never going to solve the immigration issue given how Congress personnel are configured. POTUS took the exact right path.


I never thought for an instant that you were “giving up”! I merely tried to alleviate the effect of the disinformation out there, on all of us (you too!).
So when one reads polls – DUCK! hehehe
“POTUS took the exact right path.”
Yes indeed. And, IMO, he will continue to do so.


I unfollowed sundance. I don’t need eeyores filtering into my thought process.


Officer Ronil Singh did NOT die in vain.
Tragic, yes. In vain? NEVER.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s true only if his death does not lead (or help to lead) to positive action.
We’ll see!!


Disagree. He died trying to uphold our laws while fulfilling his duties.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmmm, that’s a different way of looking at it than I was using…and not a wrong one! Thanks for the perspective!


SD posted a post on “Solutions?”
No one likes to hear the obvious solutions but I’m going to put them here.
Vote single issue: Righteous Judges.
Make Disciples
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:19-20
Seek the Welfare of the city
“Work to see that the city where I sent you as exiles enjoys peace and prosperity. Pray to the LORD for it. For as it prospers you will prosper.” ~ Jeremiah 29:7
Live Quiet Lives
“Aspire to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business, and to work with your hands, as we commanded you.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:11 NET
Start and grow families
“Be fruitful and multiply! Fill the earth and subdue it! Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that moves on the ground.” ~ Genesis 1:28
Teach your children continuously
“Listen, Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You must love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength. These words I am commanding you today must be kept in mind, and you must teach them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, as you lie down, and as you get up. You should tie them as a reminder on your forearm and fasten them as symbols on your forehead. Inscribe them on the doorframes of your houses and gates.” ~ Deuteronomy 6:4-9 NET
Pray continuously.
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV
Give thanks and practice a life of gratitude – this is the KRYPTONITE that destroys all Leftism.
“In everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sylvia Avery

Your post on Solutions was much better than SD’s was. Thank you.


We just brought #4 home from the hospital less than three weeks ago. She is our MAGA baby, the others were born under O. People said they couldn’t imagine bringing a child into the world when it is so bad. I rejected these foolish voices, choosing to live in hope and love rather than in fear. God did not give us a spirit of fear.
Every meal we pray and give thanks. I know a lot of people say grace, but we give thanks. Even if the kids aren’t grateful for what they’ve been given.
At night we pray with the kids and thank God for our day. Each child has to name a specific thing they are grateful for each day.
I keep getting reminded that we keep looking for human wisdom and silver bullets. God’s wisdom is far beyond ours – even though every verse I posted above sounds like utter foolishness to the educated elites! They’re so busy lawyering and maneuvering that they don’t know what WINNING looks like! No matter how many times I read the story, the tortoise ALWAYS WINS THE RACE!


So true! Please keep me and my family in prayer. I’ve been under the target of a lot of spiritual warfare for a long time, and quite a bit of late.


Will do Brother.
Heavenly Father, bless all the strong men around the world that are leading from a heart of courage to live godly lives as good husbands, fathers, disciples of Jesus Christ and patriots in their nations.
Grant them strength of heart, wisdom in life, clarity of mind and favor with their families and communities. May their influence grow both locally and generationally. May the compounding interest of integrity of character yield exceptional dividends in their lives.comment image

Pat Frederick

Congratulations on your fourth!!
May God bless you all!


MichaelH, just love this post, wish I knew how to save it, I’m blind and technically challenged. Love all your posts, and congrats on your new little one, and it takes a lot of courage to rear a family in these times. Praying for you and your family.


About fifteen years ago I rented a room from a man who is legally blind since birth. I’ve never known a more independent minded person in my life. He programmed mainframes in COBOL for a bank and was apparently very good at it because he was paid handsomely. Beyond this he was a very mature Christian. He asked me to make arrangements to move out on good terms, and he married a beautiful and supportive woman with MS. In the last few years he was ordained and became a pastor, leading a small congregation in Dallas that ministers to people with disabilities.
These are scary times to rear children, but I keep coming back to the same point: God did not give us a spirit of fear. How many times in scripture is the command repeated “Be not afraid”? I can’t count.
I had many friends who got married about fifteen years ago and so many of them waited years to have children. I was baffled by this, but in almost every case it was fear, not selfishness, driving their choice. In some cases they were literally being given bad advice by elder people to delay. Such foolishness!
The future belongs to those who love and give in love. The basics of God’s design for the life of the world and for the human person have not changed and will not change. The enemy wants us to believe that God’s plan and God’s commands aren’t relevant anymore and wants us to abandon them.
If we don’t teach out children the follies of homosexual ideology, transgenderism, of Biblical justice, of man and woman, of loving our neighbor, that we are all one human people created by God, that God looks at the heart, that there are not great and small or rich and poor, that all men are sinners and must bow before God, who exactly is going to carry the message forward? God will raise up a prophet from the rocks if necessary – but it goes better for us when we are faithful to him.


Happy In-Between Week, everybody! [between Christmas and New years, of course]
Stock up on essentials in case those transformer explosions were a practice scrimmage.

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, I think I’m going to fill up my gas tank and get some more water.

Sylvia Avery

“Outgoing Republican Maine Gov. Paul LePage took a swipe on Friday at a Democratic candidate’s victory in a controversial House race, writing “stolen election” next to his signature on the certificate confirming the election result.
LePage certified the victory of Democratic Rep.-elect Jared Golden after Rep. Bruce Poliquin, a two-term Republican congressman, conceded to his opponent on Christmas Eve following a contentious legal challenge…”


Tears – so beautiful.
The EU flag is just a blue version of the hammer and sickle.


Climate change is just the latest vehicle that was chosen to rob The People.

Pat Frederick

i agree!
we just watched an older movie–An American President–and the female lead was advocating for a 20% reduction in carbon emissions (i think) to ward off global warming. I kept laughing and laughing at the movie and hubby finally couldn’t take it anymore and asked why.
I said, don’t you see it? I actually saw the look hit his eyes when he said…”it morphed”…and I laughed…yes, if they want your money they have to change their narrative to fit reality.

Molly Pitcher

Speaking of that, yesterday I was reading about an arrangement that California has with Chiapas, Mx…Ca can exceed their carbon footprint if the Mx people in Chiapas cut back on using their forest..or something like that. lol…it’s crazy

Sylvia Avery

I am really hopeful he’s as good as he is appearing right now! It is very heartening to hear such news out of Brazil.

Sylvia Avery
Pat Frederick

who would you save in Hollywood?
The sane ones have already distanced themselves I think–the rest are too twisted!


Eastwood for sure.


goes perfect with a FF event though.

Sylvia Avery
Sylvia Avery

LOL, Wolf, you aren’t buying that the Notorious RBG completed the Iron Man?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wouldn’t even believe it if they said she completed the zinc man.
Or the indium man. (Indium is so soft you can dent it with your fingernail.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Or the Piltdown Man marathon 🙂
(the link is missing – always was…).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Piltdown man was a fraud, of course, likely perpetrated by Charles Dawson (no, I didn’t just misspell Darwin).

Cuppa Covfefe

That was my point…
The only marathon RBG could win or even “run” would be a fraud… just like her DEMONcRAT “friends” (or should I say, handlers)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, got it now, and you’re right of course!
RBG…that stands for “Really Bad Geriatrics” right?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Or,
R ancid
B oiling
G ruel
R oasted
B unions
G ratis
R epeated
B olshevekian
G uidance
R oe
B ooster
G insburg

Pat Frederick

my son completed an Iron Man (makes me an Iron Mom–got a t shirt and everything…lol) took him 14 grueling hours–but he made it…can’t see Ruthie staying awake for 14 hours…lol…

Sylvia Avery

Wow, good for your son! That is quite an achievement!

Pat Frederick

thank you!
watching his face as he finished the final leg–the 26 mile run–was agonizing. His face wracked with pain…but his determination was strong.
He had been training for a while for this event–and just 9 months before he was out riding his bike when he was struck by a tractor trailer–it severely limited his training but he saw it through.
Now he wants to do another one…kids!

Sylvia Avery

Wow, that is some determination right there! You must be so proud!

Pat Frederick

I am! thanks!

Sylvia Avery

“Every year on the Ringside Politics program, we award our “Turkey” of the year during Thanksgiving and our “Champion” of the year in late December. This year, the “winner” of our turkey award was House Speaker Paul Ryan, a fitting choice for such a failed leader. However, our “Champion” award was a more difficult selection. During the past year, many fine people distinguished themselves in a positive way Finally, after input from our great listening audience, our decision was clear. For many reasons, including her grace and style under unrelenting criticism and pressure, First Lady Melania Trump was chosen as our Ringside Politics Champion of the Year….”
And a really nice piece on our FLOTUS follows at the link below. It was fun to read something positive for a change.

Pat Frederick

thanks for posting the article! nice to read something good about FLOTUS for once…don’t read the comments though–there’s an especially toxic poster named Alex spewing hatred….

Sylvia Avery

From the Presidential Daily Thread Over There:
“Earl & Pearl Tourist
1h ago
While I appreciate SDs analysis and contribute monthly, he is really starting to depress me with all the doom and gloom articles. SD is painting a very dark picture with no light at the end of the tunnel, Bryan’s a very bloody civil war where patriots with the firepower and guts win.
If this is where SD thinks it is going, then please flat-out say so. We are already prepped for such a situation, but hope to God there is an alternative.
Others need direction on what to expect.
If SD is indeed providing misinformation to deceive the leftists, they need to come clean soon, like this week latest.”


I am very concerned with making disciples and discipleship.
You can prep guns for a civil war but that’s no replacement for David’s Mighty Men of Valor.
2 Samuel 23:8-17 NET
8 These are the names of David’s warriors:
Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was head of the officers. He killed eight hundred men with his spear in one battle. 9 Next in command was Eleazar son of Dodo, the son of Ahohi. He was one of the three warriors who were with David when they defied the Philistines who were assembled there for battle. When the men of Israel retreated, 10 he stood his ground and fought the Philistines until his hand grew so tired that it seemed stuck to his sword. The Lord gave a great victory on that day. When the army returned to him, the only thing left to do was to plunder the corpses.
11 Next in command was Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. When the Philistines assembled at Lehi, where there happened to be an area of a field that was full of lentils, the army retreated before the Philistines. 12 But he made a stand in the middle of that area. He defended it and defeated the Philistines; the Lord gave them a great victory.
13 At the time of the harvest three of the thirty leaders went down to David at the cave of Adullam. A band of Philistines was camped in the valley of Rephaim. 14 David was in the stronghold at the time, while a Philistine garrison was in Bethlehem. 15 David was thirsty and said, “How I wish someone would give me some water to drink from the cistern in Bethlehem near the gate!” 16 So the three elite warriors broke through the Philistine forces and drew some water from the cistern in Bethlehem near the gate. They carried it back to David, but he refused to drink it. He poured it out as a drink offering to the Lord 17 and said, “O Lord, I will not do this! It is equivalent to the blood of the men who risked their lives by going.” So he refused to drink it. Such were the exploits of the three elite warriors.
Them’s the guys I want standing next to me.


AMEN Brother!

Pat Frederick

Earl & Pearl replied later in their comment as well—check this out:
Earl & Pearl Tourist says:
December 30, 2018 at 5:18 am
Think about his sources…he does not write his posts in a vacuum.
Does SD has inside sources, or is he really the larp?

Sylvia Avery

Oh, boy. How on earth does Earl and Pearl remain out from under the Ban Hammer?

Pat Frederick

maybe SD and his hammer are still asleep—the comment wasn’t posted that long ago…LOL


Perhaps some multidimensional chess moves?
CTH knows who visits. Good and evil.
If SD is being “controlled” (as some of us think), the only way to allow for a discussion of ideas would be through the comments.
Copy/Paste to this or another site preserves (archives) such comments, should CTH decide to remove them later (Q recommends archiving off-line).
Once you see it, you cannot UN-see it.
Example to follow.


From CTH:
zooamerica says:
December 30, 2018 at 2:26 am
Comment deleted by Admin…
Ad rem says:
December 30, 2018 at 3:02 am
“Trutherism” is not a welcome subject at the Tree House. However, you’re always welcome to discuss conspiracy theories at another blog.
Liked by 4 people
Just enough info (“Trutherism”; “conspiracy theories”) to make one’s ears perk up.
Not enough info to get the full picture.


“However, you’re always welcome to discuss conspiracy theories at another blog.”
And this, of course, is the ANTITHESIS of the meaning of the word “welcome”.
To boot, the phrase “conspiracy theories” is a derisive term coined by the CeeEyeAye, to smear / discredit anyone who posits a different narrative, or explanation, of the facts.
“Trutherist” sounds like “xenophobe”, “racist”, “misogynist”, et al.
CTH has been deleted by my own PERSONAL admin.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. I can remember a time when “Trutherism” was not something that invited the ban hammer, having commented about it myself some time ago.
Seems dry rot and deep-state-fungus are setting in OT… Of course TPTB probably wanted to destroy CTH, sad to say. Just as they did two decades ago to the HP Way (hey, no thanks, Carly…).


(To Cuppa)
“to destroy CTH”
TPTB have succeeded, in this pathetic, and banal, regard.
I think CTH became “too BIG to succeed”, to turn a phrase.
I couldn’t stand Carly, either. A corporate stooge, no independence at all. Plastic.
Also – thanks for your accurate translation, a few days ago, of my convenient “mnemonic” for the term “Schadenfreude”. Glad to have the actual translation! Cheers!

Cuppa Covfefe

Agreed, CTH is a shadow of what it once was, however, as Wolf says, there is more going on than that which we see. We’re headed in the same direction, but taking different paths, with different risks and obstructions (kind of like doing Half Dome by that risky path…) (nope, not gonna try it…) (with what I weigh, I’d probably start an avalanche, and it’d end up being Quarter Dome of some such… 🙂 ).
Yep, no prob about Schadenfreude. I knew someone named Schaden, and we (collegeagues, not him) had tons of fun figuring out names for potential progeny… Blech, Dach,Total, etc., etc. No wonder folks with certain names moved to America 🙂
Every time I hear “Perception is reality” (a favorite phrase of Carly, which I heard her say on numerous occasions), I could barf. Look at the logo of Lucent (note the resemblance to Lucis, Lucifer, etc.), the snake eatiing its tail, otherwise called Ouroboros. rendered as a snake of fire. That was a “creation” of Carly.
She is (or at least was, maybe she’s repented and changed) NOT a follower of Christian belief and faith.
Also a fake Republican, aka RINO.
I hope and pray for her sake, that she’s repented, accepted Salvation, and changed…


“is a smart idea. I don’t have a problem”
I wish to associate with PATRIOTS.
We disagree here – naturally so, and without any rancor.
I think it DUMB, and I DO see HIS problem.
As I said – too BIG to succeed.
I get the fraternity loyalty thing, and the mutual protection / respect thing. In this regard, I am FREER than you both.
The “risk” is to our REPUBLIC. IMO, all other risks are subordinate, secondary, irrelevant.
Divided we fall, united we STAND. CTH is fallen.
“retain credibility” To whom? “risk”. Again – to whom?
I shall never go back – whatever betide, whatever is revealed in the future.
My opinion, of course, as always.


What I’m having a problem with is that the “compartmentalization of risk” has transformed that site into something completely different. It used to be like this one, with realistic but positive analysis, support of Pres. Trump, and insightful commentary from posters. It was indeed a refuge in the midst of fake news and NeverTrumperism. But now, it does not seem to be fighting for our cause as it formerly did. At what point does it become so compromised that it no longer helps the fight?
By turning away the caliber of posters I see here, and by passively and even overtly encouraging lack of faith in Pres. Trump (and answers to prayers), it seems to have transformed itself into a negative propaganda tool. From what people are saying, that needs to stop in order for that site to be a place that leads, unifies, and provides refuge to patriots. If it does not aspire to do those things, then I, for one, see no reason to support it because it seems to be working against us.


(To Wolf)
“I cannot do anything but admire it in others”
This is a derivative perspective.
This is YOUR site. We posters are here because of YOU.
Cut the cord!
I scroll past any reference to OT, whether posted innocuously, or purposefully. And I have done so, since 11/11.
Many seem to be unable – or unwilling – to leave the past in the PAST.
IMO, we’re Q-pers. Totally different than the ersatz “Treepers” we USED to be.
I see this site as the Q-Den, the Wolf-Den … NOT a “tree”.
But it’s YOUR site! As you wish!
Happy New Year, Wolf!


Thanks for this fine post, scout.

Sylvia Avery

“President Trump is being encouraged to sign an executive order on E-Verify after immigration police said that arrests of illegal immigrant workers and employers surged 700 percent.
Led by advocates of tighter immigration laws, Trump is getting advice to nationalize the E-Verify system that the federal government uses to make sure that contractors are hiring employees that are legally allowed to work in the United States.
“There are many changes that could be made to the immigration laws that would enable the United States to gain control over its illegal population,” said Andrew R. Arthur, a former immigration judge.
“Of all of the proposals, however, E-Verify would be the most effective at curbing illegal entries and limiting nonimmigrant overstays. And the president could likely make it mandatory through executive action,” added Arthur, now a legal expert with the Center for Immigration Studies…”
Read the rest here:


It would be helpful if employers were allowed to Ask if an applicant is a citizen or not…without getting sued for ‘discrimination’.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s a very important issue.
You can’t ask–but yet you MUST ask (well, not now, but if E-verify becomes mandatory then this will be true).
Contradictory laws make for a very poor business climate.


“Contradictory laws”
No matter what one does, or doesn’t do, one is in violation of the law.
Part of the communist playbook: make EVERYONE a criminal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As noted by Ayn Rand (who had had to live under Communism for some time), in Atlas Shrugged.
This is certainly in play today; I hear an oft-quoted (but never sourced) statistic that the average adult American unknowing commits three felonies a day.
However, I doubt that the commies invented this technique.


“three felonies a day”
I heard that too – like you, without sauce.
But I don’t disbelieve it.
“doubt that the commies invented”
But they sure “capitalized” on it, yes?
It matters not who lies … just that they promote LIES.
Btw, I read “Atlas Shrugged” too early in life to appreciate her insights. Maybe it’s time to revisit her work, along with “Animal Farm”, “1984” and other similar offerings.
The fundamental points, though, seem the same.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A worthwhile endeavor in all cases.
Old joke from Soviet days:
Q: What’s the difference between Communism and Capitalism?
A: Under Capitalism, it’s “dog eat dog.” But under Communism, it’s the other way around.
Actually I don’t really agree with that, unless of course “Capitalism” refers to the cronyist system we actually have here.


“three felonies a day”
I think it’s a book title.

Pat Frederick

I take rules very seriously. In one of my former jobs, I was responsible for all the borough’s records. In training for that, I attended a seminar and one of the first things they taught was that hires were supposed to fill out I-9 forms for the government–providing documentation that you were legally allowed to work iirc. Copies of those documents HAD to be retained in the employee’s file should the government ever show up and ask for them. Is this no longer the accepted procedure? (I left that job years ago…)
As soon as I returned to the office, i went thru the files and not a one of them had docs in there—so I made them all bring in their docs and set the files to rights.


EVERY employer is required to have their employees fill out an I-9 form, Employment Eligibility Verification. The problem is, the info on the form is not verified. As long as it “appears to be genuine,” they are good.
“Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must ensure proper completion of Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. Both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) must complete the form. On the form, an employee must attest to his or her employment authorization. The employee must also present his or her employer with acceptable documents evidencing identity and employment authorization. The employer must examine the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents to determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form. Employers must retain Form I-9 for a designated period and make it available for inspection by authorized government officers. NOTE: State agencies may use Form I-9. Also, some agricultural recruiters and referrers for a fee may be required to use Form I-9.”


I had to fill one out for my part-time clerk job and have filled one out for every job I ever had (with the exception of my time on the Thoroughbred race track in NE – all cash jobs, which is probably what many farmers do as well).

Pat Frederick

Thanks Nebraska!

Sylvia Avery

Pat Frederick

I would be so bad at that job…lol…I’d be saying phrases like:
sit down and shut up!
cuz he’s the President and you’re navel lint, that’s why
get them outta here and take their coats!!

Pat Frederick

you’d be a good one!!


The Scaramooch Agenda.
Accelerated …


Nicer than what I would say. No, they would NOT want me anywhere near that position!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can just imagine Sylvia walking in carrying a shovel over her shoulder…


SA: “… Any questions?”;)

Sylvia Avery



Facebook now apologises:


A non-apology apology, of course.


Yes, to take the heat off them once he went on television.
I hope he said everything just the way he planned to originally, before the ‘non-apology apology’.


The recent events of the CenturyLink 911 outages and the transformer ‘explosions’ have had us scratching our heads.
Were these events related?
Well they both have to do with…Utilities. Right?
Phone companies and Electric companies are both classified as ‘utilities’.
Utilities get special consideration from the Govt, because they provide a necessary part of our Infrastructure.
An Anon posted this article over at Qresearch: image
The article was posted Jan 1st, 2018…so it’s a year old.
It is written from a stock trader’s point of view, concerning the upcoming changes in how Telecom Companies will be classified on the Market.
The GICS is the entity that classifies the stock of publicly traded companies.
GICS = Global Industry Classification Standard.
The three Telecom Companies on the S&P 500 are:
In Sept 2018, the GICS basically lumped the Telecom Companies in with the Media Industry and Internet Industry.
They are now all under the classification of ‘Communication Services’.
So now, CenturyLink, AT&T, Verizon, Google, Facebook, Disney, Netflix, Comcast and other cable companies…are all classified as ‘Communication Services’.
The article mentions that CenturyLink might be a “target for a takeover”.
Fast forward to now…what does this have to do with these recent events?
Answer: I’m not sure.
The article mentions something called ‘FirstNet’.
What is Firstnet? It is a system to ensure adequate coverage for 911 systems during times of crisis.
From the site:
“FirstNet is an independent authority within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Authorized by Congress in 2012, its mission is to develop, build and operate the nationwide, broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect U.S. communities.”

FirstNet had to be approved by all 50 states.
And…that just finally happened this year.
AT&T got the contract to implement and service FirstNet…for 25 years.
This is a huge win for AT&T.
They have to spend billions on creating the network…but they get billions from the Govt for doing it.
AT&T also gets…tons of new bandwidth from the FCC.
———-From the article:
This is more than just a “big win” for AT&T it is a coup. They pretty much stole 20MHz of spectrum for the price of using part of it 5-6 times a year? AT&T basically used free taxpayer money to buy more bandwidth. This will also serve to improve AT&T’s last mile ability as well.
In addition, the AT&T Time Warner merger is set to be approved mid year 2018. I believe this will ultimately happen as long as the necessary components of the combined company are divested. It is almost providence that these changes to the GICS are being made. The consolidation that has happened in these industries just in 2017, is but a precursor of what is to come.
CenturyLink’s outages could not have come at a worse time for them.
Was it an ‘accident’?
And I still don’t know that those transformer ‘explosions’ were connected to this in some way.
I would have to put my tinfoil hat on…to consider the possibilities there.

Pat Frederick

this whole subject matter is way above my pay grade, but I love to watch the process as you guys connect the dots!


I am very familiar with Century Link and the history of the fiber network installed in the late 90’s originally by Williams Communications who went Bankrupt building the network. They were bought by Level III in 2007. Century Link purchased Level III for $32 billion last year.
In 2014 I purchased a parcel land at my county’s delinquent tax sale due to default by Williams Communications for 7 years of delinquent taxes. I held the property for two years then stirred up a hornet’s nest after Century Link had purchased Level III. Just trying to make a quick buck.
On this parcel was a metal building called a hut with a nice diesel generator used if there was a loss of local power. Also in my research I discovered that Time Warner (AT&T) had installed equipment in the hut and registered to pay personal property taxes on said parcel.
Also in my project I discovered that the huts are located every 40 miles apart to regenerate pulses of light to carry telecommunications due to the fact light diminishes over distance in fiber optics in today’s technology.
In the end, I knew I could not win in court against the media giants and by law you are guaranteed a 10% annual return and was paid.
The moral of the story is the vulnerability of the telecommunications network.


Hmm….my internet comes from Century Link via a Norfolk bundler, my cell phone is Verizon, and I have DirecTV, now AT&T. Fancy that!
Wow! Your research, wheatie, is phenomenal! All way too deep for this shallow mind! LOL – kind of scary to think how much control and power just these 3 companies have, no?


“those transformer ‘explosions’ were connected”
I believe that they are.
The only question I have, is whether they were white-hat (take out THEIR comms), or black-hat (take out OUR comms).
With the events at Paradise, CA (and other towns), I simply don’t know.
Yet, some of the videos you posted seemed to be from OTHER countries. The language wasn’t English / American, in at least one of them.
It’s rather disconcerting, that the cabal had the power to comp the military so much that the Paradise event actually HAPPENED. I still haven’t figured out whether the source was a DEW plane, or a space-based attack sat. Nor whether the “transformer” events sourced from either, or from bad or good actors.
These beams from above should “learn” everyone that our tech has advanced FAR beyond what we may have expected, though perhaps we should have.
Thank you, VSGPDJT, for the Space Force! I suspect it was already established, though not explicitly so, to us the American people. He never seems to announce anything, until it’s already a FACT.
God bless us, one and all.


Nice piece.
Who else was going to do it? The government does not have the capability to do what Verizon or ATT can. And yes it can be corrupted by evil people. .
Great stuff wheatie. Try not to sleep

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Firstnet or SkyNet?


911 services are incredibly fragile and fail often. They are routinely overlooked by risk management professionals, but if the 911 system at a company, university, or a city fails to track and route calls properly, it exposes the entity to massive lawsuits. I personally know of one instance where the CIO of a university was forced to resign over failures of a 911 system. But it has happened in the news often, city of Dallas for example. 911 systems are extraordinarily complex and the public takes it for granted that these systems “just work” no matter what other conditions are affecting the phone network or cell towers. Fact is that they don’t “just work”.
That’s my perspective from the telecom and GRC side of the house. On the other side, I had a friend who did 911 dispatch for many years for several different municipalities and had not so happy stories of how operators would be overwhelmed by events. One incident involved a major highway collision with multiple vehicles, many injured parties with dozens of units of emergency vehicles present. There was a constant stream of 911 calls during the event and he was doing his best to manage the crisis. Some crazy nut job lady decided that was the moment when she would call in and complain that her neighbors grass was out of compliance and demanded that he dispatch police to her neighbors house and issue a citation for the grass being too tall. He tried multiple times to appease her and get her off the line but he finally was curt with her and cut her off. She filed a complaint with the city manager and it was only due to the heroics of his boss explaining the situation that he avoided termination. Despite being one of their best dispatchers. Ridiculous, but frankly par for the course.


Yes…and the 911 Service has traditionally been a ‘local service’ provided by towns and cities, in cooperation with the phone service provider for that area.
I am sure that the problems you point out, were taken into account and used for the Reasoning behind creating ‘FirstNet’.
In doing this, though…Congress basically ‘federalized’ the 911 service.
It can be a great service for good and doing good things.
As it is intended to be.
But it dawned on me today, that this FirstNet system could also be used for nefarious purposes too…if someone wanted to.
Like so many other things that were created with ‘good intentions’, this FirstNet system could be weaponized and used against us.
Let’s hope it never is.


As long as there are sinners, there will always be a potential for corruption.
The problem isn’t the technology. Technology, whether integrated circuits or fire, is just man adapting his environment to meet his needs.
The problem is with sinners. Sinners gunna sin.
That’s why I oppose any monolithic overly large system of any kind. Patchwork management leads to quality of service problems but that is never sufficient excuse to nationalize a system.
Besides which, nationalizing a system leads to it only being as good as the lowest common denominator. Especially when the government rather than the markets are responsible for it.


I agree, Michaelh.
This FirstNet thing was created under HusseinO and was tacked onto a tax bill.
It’s not hard to imagine what he and the Dems had planned for it.
And since Congress created it…it had to be implemented.
This thing cannot be blamed on Pres Trump, although some may try to.
It was signed into law 6 years ago.


Interesting statistics:

Chicago can’t really blame it on the guns…so maybe it’s the weather.
Yeah, that’s it.


Since that graphic was truncated, here is the full thing:comment image


If they broke down the data by temperature, they would discover that Chicago’s homicide rate, and crime rate in general, is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE TEMPERATURE.
Hoods don’t do bitter cold and windy.


comment image


Remember when Q said that thing about a “Black Eye”?
An Anon dug this up:
comment image


Nice find, Wheatie! Now that Q drop makes more sense.


This Map shows locations of not just US Carriers…but also British, Russian and Chinese.comment image


Can Whittaker also END the (insert expletives, pejoratives, epithets) Mueller investigation?

Sylvia Avery

Yes he can.

Pat Frederick

Interestingly enough, SD never addresses in his initial Eeyore-ing that Whitaker has any of that power or inclination. He instead writes this:
“The release of this report will absolutely fuel several public committee hearings [Oversight/Reform (Cummings), HPSCI (Schiff) and Judiciary (Nadler)] without any doubt.”
That struck me as odd, since we have been hearing that Whitaker will have control the SC (and by extension the SC report) as soon as the new year, but either SD believes Whitaker to be a black hat or totally inept as he thought Sessions was.

Sylvia Avery

Whitaker CAN put an end to this. Whether he will or not, only God knows. There may be political reasons why he won’t. SD seems to have given up on PDJT because he didn’t Declas and feels that PDJT didn’t because he was overpowered by the threats of Mueller.

Pat Frederick

I can’t see our Warrior Lion being overpowered, can you?
Timing might be essential, but I refuse to be he is overpowered…

Sylvia Avery

I don’t agree with SDs premise that PDJT is being threatened off or overpowered. Nope. If he is holding back, it is for timing as you suggest or something else like that.


He’s sitting tight in the boat and waiting for the fish to bite so he can set the hook and reel ’em in!
Trump knows how/when to spring the trap!

Pat Frederick

thanks GA/FL!!! I thought I saw this somewhere!


Is this just a trial balloon case setup in California? Which is to say, using the courts to create legal precedent to deny the executive branch the power of the pardon, and then use it to pry the pardon power from POTUS?


Good point.

Pat Frederick

The Mueller Angry Democrats recently deleted approximately 19,000 Text messages between FBI Agent Lisa Page and her lover, Agent Peter S. These Texts were asked for and INVALUABLE to the truth of the Witch Hunt Hoax. This is a total Obstruction of Justice. All Texts Demanded!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2018

Pat Frederick

just hanging around…lol
I am in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come on over and make a deal on Border Security. From what I hear, they are spending so much time on Presidential Harassment that they have little time left for things like stopping crime and our military!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2018

Pat Frederick

A new caravan is forming in Central America. It’s forming. Like a Hurricane. It’s illegal alien season! We need to start naming the caravans like Hurricanes. Hurricane Hector is coming up the coast and is expected to hit California the in the next 2 days. Border up your country
— TheRealSteveMcGrew (@GrewThe) December 30, 2018

Pat Frederick

So…. two American journalists died this week and everyone was quiet…but they were all up in arms over Khashoggi because they can somehow connect it to Trump. These people don’t care about the people they talk about. It’s all narrative all the time. These people are goblins.
— Santa Plissken (@WyatEarpLA) December 30, 2018



Pat Frederick

good one!


As the anons say …

Pat Frederick

Per our review of the documents provided to Judicial Watch per a FOIA request it appears that the FBI and DOJ may have stopped their release as of important documents in February 2016. It appears from the documents in the FOIA release that Steele was admonished in February 2016, long before the Russia investigation even began.
If this is the case, the FBI used Steele’s bogus dossier a source for their FISA warrant request long after he had been fired while claiming to the court and the public that Steele was a solid source. The FBI and DOJ also have a lot of documents left to provide.


The thought did occur to me whether this was a reaction to the news of the Russians new hypersonic missile tech, but I would assume the MIL new of this well before last weeks news…
…also doesn’t explain the same patern last year at this time


THIS – was supposed to go under Weatie’s post about carrier group deployments/locations


Someone got a reply from the White House.
From the Presidential thread:
‘fred5678 says:
December 30, 2018 at 2:41 am
‘I just sent another email to
‘with the suggestion to have a nightly “fireside chat” on social media highlighting the awful results of illegal immigration. The story above was my first story suggestion.’
‘Dennis Leonard says:
December 30, 2018 at 5:55 am
‘fred,you should get one of these back.I sent a message about closing the border.They are actually reading our messages,as you see it is not a canned reply.
‘”The White House, Washington
December 28, 2018
‘”Instead of setting politics aside and putting the safety of our country first, Democrats in Congress have continued to obstruct. In doing so, they have refused to come together with Republicans to pass commonsense legislation that provides adequate funding to secure America’s borders and prevent a partial government shut down.
‘”As I have said throughout this process, I remain committed to finding an agreement that reopens our Government and ensures that our Nation’s borders are safe and secure.
‘”I urge Congress to rejoin me in Washington to immediately pass appropriations legislation that properly addresses the critical issues affecting our Nation’s security and prosperity.
‘”Thank you for your email.
‘”Donald Trump'”

Pat Frederick

I’m not so sure about “canned reply”…I email POTUS a lot and his response usually keys into the focus of my email…I have many email responses from “Donald Trump” and I have several from The Office of Presidential Correspondence. I think the responses reflect the President’s message at the time.
I still cherish them no matter what tho…


Sorry, I missed the ‘canned reply’ bit.
My point was meant to be complimentary about his office replying to those who take the time to email him.
How wonderful that you have several responses from the White House — worth treasuring, to be sure.

Pat Frederick

every time you email him you get either a response from “Donald Trump” or The correspondence office–it’s pretty cool. And I actually got a thank you card from the White House after I sent POTUS a birthday card. I don’t believe they are personal responses but that doesn’t diminish their value to me.


Of course, nor should it.
Agreed: it’s great that someone responds to his supporters’ emails.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I suspect that 90% of his e-mails can be handled with an already-used reply that just gets used again, perhaps with light editing
Every once in a while, there’s an e-mail completely out of left field; perhaps someone so deeply steeped in SJW-ism his e-mail makes little sense to anyone else, or (on the other side) someone whose tinfoil hat is actually made out of 20 gauge sheet aluminum. Those would require a custom reply from someone, no doubt–or not get answered.


For sure, Steve.
I’d compose an anodyne ‘reply to antis’ first, then go on to the rest.
I personally don’t want to delve too far into this topic because it’s the first time in ages (probably) that a presidential administration a) has actually replied to Americans writing in and b) varies the responses.
There’s something a bit awe-inspiring about it, so it’s worth letting it be, so to speak. At least from my perspective.


I know people who believe this!



Elizabeth Carter

Hillary’s book is still overpriced. Hillary is still overvalued by the media.


“still overpriced”
She needs to PAY.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s still more expensive than firewood, pound for pound, so yes.


She is indeed — even at 98 cents. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

She and the rest of the Klintoon syndicate have always been on sale…
And not worth a plugged nickel…


Ain’t it the truth!


I know people posted above about our former host’s eeyoreism, but here’s one of his tweets, although the writing style seems different. That said, optimism gone in a year (just what Mueller and the other Dems want):

Pat Frederick

you really need to read this thread—SD is responding to Jeff@the marketworks…or something like that…but what’s interesting is some of the responses to SD’s tweet—people who’ve been following him for a year see the difference and are commenting on it…ex: he used to ban eeyores on his site–now he IS the eeyore!


Seems there’s a bit of karma falling back on him now (e.g. for swinging the banhammer a bit too hard).
He’s the guy who stuck his stake in the ground firmly in 2016. Three years later, said stake is getting wobbly.

Pat Frederick

chojun says:
December 30, 2018 at 9:48 am
Hey guys,
This article has a little tidbit that I find interesting and worth exploring.
Recently in a court filing the defense challenged the Special Counsel to show why the manner of collection of a nude selfie would threaten the national security of the United States.
Note the term here, “the manner of collection”.
From the article above, it’s revealed that Actress Robbin Young sexted Guccifer 2.0 on Twitter and she believes this “nude selfie” is the one which Mueller has in his possession (this also then reveals that Mueller’s case on Concorde Management and the 13 Russian individuals appears to be against Guccifer 2.0.
Guccifer 2.0 had nothing to do with the Wikileaks dump of DNC/Podesta emails. So it looks like as far as this matter is concerned, it’s a red herring for Team Mueller (outside of the objective of perpetuating the Russia narrative).
chojun says:
December 30, 2018 at 9:50 am
Sorry I failed to make one point – private Twitter data is likely being stored or is searchable via the NSA database.

Pat Frederick

forgot to mention my favorite comment from the article-“I thought Mueller was investigating election meddling–not erection meddling…”


Dems must be made to answer for this:


From the article:
‘Booyens said that the majority of these children are around the age of twelve, and are sent across the border with “rape kits in their backpacks.”
‘“If they’re not detained by authorities, within an hour, the first rape will happen,” said Booyens, “and that rape kit is a drug to make sure the girl does not get pregnant, so that she can be sold over and over, because if she’s pregnant, she has no use for the pimp.”
‘“This is a very twisted environment.”’
Fortunately, he has been speaking out. When Breitbart published the article, he was one of the speakers addressing Turning Point USA’s annual Student Action Summit. Turning Point USA is the organisation that Candace Owens is affiliated with.
Anyway, Booyens said that his sister was trafficked as a child and that this type of operation is very difficult to detect:
‘“Sure, the act is the same, sex is being sold,” said Booyens, “but we’re talking about minors here — they go to school, or they’re in a foster care system. So it’s very difficult to detect.”’
Dems are always talking about these kids at the border, but — as we know — it is unclear what adults are accompanying them and where these children are headed.


“that rape kit is a drug to make sure the girl does not get pregnant, so that she can be sold over and over, because if she’s pregnant, she has no use for the pimp.”
Ahh, so that’s why they want the Plan B drug cheap and available everywhere!


Probably — great point.
I hadn’t even thought about a lot of this until I read what Booyens had to say.
Ugh! What a situation.


One of the reasons I find it so hard to understand the left and what they do is very simple: I don’t think like a criminal.
But if you can understand the motivations, their actions become obvious.


They do, indeed.




My brother says that facebook is deleting these posts and banning anything said about what happened to this police officer! It is considered hate towards a minority class of citizens… Sad…


Citizens of “elsewhere”? Facebook obviously has no loyalty to the U.S.


I do not believe they ever have, Zoe!


Wow. I wasn’t aware that criminals were a protected class.


Me either, Linda!

Molly Pitcher

It’s as if it never happened~~~~~ Not ever would I have thought we’d be witness to large swaths of humanity going amoral to this degree.


The left has an agenda and nothing will get in their way… Sad. 🙁

Molly Pitcher

Yes, you’re very right. If ‘it’ can’t be used for the agenda ignore it.


We all are getting in their way, ThanQ+


‘It is considered hate towards a minority class of citizens.’
I know you didn’t mean it this way, but …
… that sentence should be an assigned, mandatory state school topic for an essay before school’s out in 2019.
‘Illegal Hispanic immigrant allegedly kills legal immigrant (or son of legal immigrants) from Fiji who served as a law enforcement officer: Discuss.’
There we go! Thanks, sunnydaysall.
Stand back as educators’ heads explode across the nation, especially in California.


I see what you did there, CM!! 😉




I have wondered myself why the FCC does nothing about the press lying so blatantly. They need their broadcast license pulled, IMO. However, I fail to see what this has to do with FB, Google, etc. Are they governed by the FCC? IMO, this is NOT the way to go! From comment by Leaving OT:
“The fact is that Twitter and Facebook are editing the political and opinion content of their sites and not longer qualify for 230 exception of the Communication Decency Act. All it takes is a solid law suit by an infringed party or some sort of statement from the FCC that they do not recognize 230 exception for these platforms.
This would open up the companies to defamation lawsuits from what users post. Once it is obvious to them that they have lost their 230 exception, they would start settling defamation suits out of court and start asking the government “How to do we get our exception back?”. Then an outline of specific speech can be created to further define what is considered allowed and not allowed could be created. This would help clearly define what is “hate speech” and what is not.
Of course, all of this would take time in the courts and would assume support from the Executive and Judicial branches. It would be difficult considering political pressure would be against the effort due to some in government tacitly supporting the what the platforms are doing.
The private companies making their user agreement rules up as they go under the ambiguous definitions should be legally unacceptable considering it’s a “contract’ between the companies and the users.
There is also the Alabama Supreme Court decision that could be used to legally rule that the platforms are accessible to the public and therefor have constitutional free speech protection but I think that would be a harder and longer row to hoe.”
And WHO, exactly, is going to define that “hate speech?” WHO is going to “define what is considered allowed and not allowed?” Foolish, IMO, and the epitome of cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face! “Free speech” is just that – FREE! At the same time, clearly, SOME oversight is desperately needed. I don’t see any way around regulating these entities.


I wrote a small piece about Flynn and his partner Gen Stanley McChrystal. I always thought there was more to know if we talk to McChrystal. Well ABC did do that. It’s not good either. There are many more layers to the Flynn case we do not know.
Keep in mind FIG (Flynn Intel Group) was set up in McChrystal’s NoVA townhouse


This is cool!

Pat Frederick



What do you make of this guy? He says he is x-army, a Patriot and he is anti Q! He is calling Q a psyop and Q followers sheep. He is preaching that Q is calling for martial law and is a traitor!
I have been researching the Qmap and nowhere does Q call for martial law! Youtube is pushing this guy hot and heavy so what do you think of his argument? I see some things I can agree on but he just deletes me when I comment…


“What do you make of this guy?”
Ditch him QUICK!
“He says”
F him from beginning to end.
I hope I’m clear … lol!


Gotcha! 🙂 I did have a comment that stayed though!! Imagine that!


He also has those “eyes”.


He’s projecting. He’s the psyop.


I agree, Linda!


We might as well watch the source material of his rant…
Includes great clip of Milton Friedman I hadn’t seen about the Fed


Nothing we haven’t heard before and for the most part agree with…..


Clickbait. Distraction from what we should be looking at. Waste of time & energy. Fearmongering.
Look to the light. Pray. Read POTUS. Read here.
That is what I think. 🙂


TY! Amen, Roberta! 🙂


Found on That Other Site:
G. Combs says:
December 30, 2018 at 11:25 am
Yes, I think President Trump is more in control than people are aware. After thinking about it I think President Trump WANTED the DemonRats in control of the House!
#1. You can guarantee the DemonRats will go full ballistic commie and turn off what is left of the middle of the road Democrats. I mean Mad Maxine? Ocassional Cortex? Corey Booker?
#2. President Trump wants to reform the Rebooblican party ==> Tea Party. Therefore he could not release a can of Whoop A$$ on his OWN party if he did not want to destroy what he wanted to reform.
#3. President Trump has already nullified the Fake News. Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news “[…]Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the mainstream press is full of fake news, a sentiment that is held by a majority of voters across the ideological spectrum.
According to data from the latest Harvard-Harris poll, which was provided exclusively to The Hill, 65 percent of voters believe there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media. That number includes 80 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents and 53 percent of Democrats. Eighty-four percent of voters said it is hard to know what news to believe online.[…]”
#4. After two years the impeachment of Trump is OLD STALE NEWS! After all the leaks they have NOTHING and the sane public realizes this.
#5. Since the Basis for Executive declassifying — Executive Order 13526 by OBAMA says
” (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; “
The DemonRats will have a real hard time spinning declassification as ‘Obstruction of Justice’


And here’s another one:
HamburgerToday says:
December 30, 2018 at 1:19 pm
Sundance has presented an analysis of the enemy’s resources. This will always look grim because it’s not a full assessment. Following the Sun Tzu maxim of ‘Know your enemy’ is necessary but not sufficient step. The next step is — knowing their resources — to determine how to defeat the enemy.
We know that POTUS knows how to maneuver in astonishing ways. If he can outmaneuver the Chinese and transnational corporations (and he is), he can outmaneuver the Democrats and RINOs. The President’s maneuvering on the Wall and government shutdown is a good example of how well he is coming to play the ‘DC game’.
If you look at the likely series of maneuvers by the Democrats, there is really nothing intrinsically new about them. It’s the same old schtick with a few new wrinkles: The Democrats make wild claims, the media amplifies them. Even calls for impeachment are not new. The only thing that has changed is that impeachment articles might pass the House. The chances of them getting through the Senate are zero.
It’s all about ‘dirtying up’ the President prior to 2020, to drive up his negatives. The problem for the Democrats is that their strategy doesn’t seem to have much effect. The President’s numbers have been pretty steady and better than they expected.
And Congress’ approval rating is much lower than POTUS. The same with the media. I’ve proposed that ‘high negative’ political adversaries going on attack can actually improve the approval rating of the target. Call it the ‘consider the source’ effect.
The Democrats and the Donor Class spent money like there was no tomorrow in the midterms only to achieve marginal results. However much both the GOP (including Trump) and the Democrats wanted to ‘nationalize’ the results of the midterms as a ‘referendum’ on POTUS, in the end Congressional elections tend to be ‘local’ no matter what.
Internationally, most of the President’s adversaries are wounded beyond repair. Canada’s economy is spiraling downward and Trudeau has no adequate responses to the problem. His days are numbered.
Merkel has stepped down and the March 2019 EU elections are going to be a rout for the ‘unitarian’ EU factions.
North Korea is largely developing in a positive direction.
Keep in mind that POTUS has been very restrained in his behavior towards Congress because both houses has a Republican majority and he did not want to ‘rock the boat’ too much with the GOP ‘leadership’. That’s changed. The House Democrats think they are in charge of the situation but, really, they are acting as a ‘foil’ to POTUS. This has already started and there is nothing they can do about it.
The Democrats are still acting as if the politics of ‘wedge issues’ — abortion, gun control, etc — deployed by both parties from the 1980’s still works.
However, all the issues that were being ignored — immigration, trade — while pursuing these ‘wedge issues’ have become the ‘wedge issues’ of today’s politics and they are not prepared for this shift in the political landscape (neither, frankly, is the GOP leadership).
POTUS pounding away on immigration is issues is great for him. 70% of the public do not want our immigration policies to stay as they are. This is a losing issue for the Democrats and they know it. They tried to bluff POTUS on funding for the Wall and they failed. ‘Negatives’ about a ‘government shutdown’ are not nearly as high as the ‘approvals’ that can be gained by ‘standing firm’ on immigration and the Wall.
On the other hand, the Democrats will not yield, they know that ‘the Wall’ is a Trump signature position and, if they can prevent him from achieving anything related to it, he will be hurt with his base and the 70% of people who support improved immigration control including Americans who are considered ‘Hispanic’.
Do not despair. The war is just getting started and POTUS (and his supporters) still have plenty of ammo and plenty of room to maneuver.

Pat Frederick

everybody writing books these days…
To understand why Alexander Downer and the British and Australian establishment was spying on me and Trump, my forthcoming book explains it all. Starts in 2015 in London. #Cyprus, #energy, #Breexit. Key concepts to remember.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) December 29, 2018


You folks who were singing Kelly’s praises some time ago… what do you think of him now?????????????????


I suspect that General Kelly “evolved”.
Projection is a horrible (mental) disease!
Happy Sunday, Phoenix!


Thanks Emeraldstar… Happy Sunday to you…
[been lurking while out of town, can’t post on my phone! I’m too low-tech!]


so glad Kelly and Mattis are gone. We had them pegged wrong. They were holding back the MAGA agenda. I pray POTUS can discern who he can trust much better now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do think Mattis was probably the best person to take down ISIS.
But once that was squared away, his disagreements became a liability.
Hiring him wasn’t the wrong thing at the time, and firing him isn’t the wrong thing now. Context matters.


Agree on Mattis Steve,
‘Mad Dog’ fit in as long as he could direct battles…
Thank goodness POTUS is not for never-ending wars.


Felice has a THREAD… click on tweet


Felice does excellent job of countering the argument he references…
I no longer post OT, read OT…
AND I scroll past anything anyone brings here from OT…
Optimism is necessary… not just to make me feel good…
BUT to add to the positive energy in this country that says we WILL WIN !!!
Here’s a piece of positive (yeah, I know, ‘nothing is happening’)

and another piece of positive… THIS is America… MAGA


Very moving! This is America!


In my mystic mind I was seeing a young man being given an immense gift by his elders here.
It was like they were saying, “we know you are carrying heavy burdens in your heart young warrior and we are here to help you carry them until you are ready to lay them down.” Choked up a little. Tears in my eyes.


Guys the people over at the VOAT Q board found this video. This youtube host was given a notebook that appears to be written notes from the wife of a CEO that was subjected to MKUltra. The wife is suggesting that her husband and the company are fronts for some nasty people. Yeah the people you know.
The information this host covers will drop your jaw. All Q oriented. Spend the time to watch it. I have no idea if this is real. But it is fascinating. Buyer beware.


The host shows you some of the pages from the notebook. Watch it. Mind-boggling connections. Yes, GHWB, Clinton Foiundation, Obama plus some new names.


Amazing here is the notebook! JPGs of all the pages plus a screen grab of how she got it.


NYGuy, thanks for posting the Dropbox link. Have you looked at these? I read about half of them. Like a suspense novel, which made my hair stand on end because last year my suspense novel was published and it involved money laundering and shell companies…I made it all up, but sheesh it’s similar!
