D.I.S.C. = The Key to Peace in Our Time… or in Our Mind

We’ve talked quite a bit, this week, about how our President make decisions, how he adjusts policy, how he moves people around within his administration, or how he removes people altogether. We’ve also talked about bureaucrats, as well as people within our own families, who are resistant to making decisions and avoid confrontation, because they fear the pain, real or imagined, of the consequences of their decision.
Plain Jane said something which struck a memory chord. Jane’s father died when she was 10, and Plain Jane learned to make decisions early. She had to.
DISC was probably the forerunner to Myers Briggs Personality tests. If you want to take a sample Myers Briggs Test here is the link: HERE
DISC went further than Myers Briggs in that it not only taught us how to identify personality types, but also how to sell, or as Scott Adams would say, persuade, people…. helping them reach a decision. DISC also teaches empathy and patience for others who are not like-minded. I initially assumed DISC was a mandatory company class and would be boring. I had no idea it would save me countless hours of frustration, lower my stress level, and brighten my outlook on life for decades. DISC made me more money than any college degree, and I’ve shared it with all close friends and drilled it into my kids.
Back ground: I went to work for Merrill Lynch, at 22. I landed several large pensions, and was their rookie of the year. Because I was so young, a token female, and a good test taker, they threw me into every kind of training imaginable. As far as sales training, I did it all; Merrill’s in-house training, Equitable’s training, IBM’s PSS 1 & 2 & 3, Tom Hopkins, Dale Carnegie, besides all the financial training, designations, and licensing. At one point, I was licensed with over 300 insurance companies and had every possible NASD SEC license. Out of all of that, year after year, DISC was the best thing I ever did…. because it was so simple. I really like “simple”.
For example, how many of you are frustrated by someone driving slowly in the left lane? How many of you are the person who drives slowly in the left lane? How many of you are social butterflies and could put together a party with ease? Or, how many of you buy tires at the same place, year after year, because you know the guy? Are you the person who screams in panic when there is chaos, or when “chaos” becomes inevitable, does your voice change, do you get low, focused, and does your peripheral vision increase?
We all have people in our lives who represent the above personality types. Whether we are an executive who is responsible for building a team at work, or a volunteer who is putting together a bake sale for school, it’s enormously beneficial to identify personality types and put specific people into positions WHERE THEY THRIVE.

Elizabeth Carter, yesterday, illustrated she intuitively understands this dynamic. Elizabeth said: “Another time he was upset with a woman who worked for me because she had no ambition. I replied that she did accounts payable which is a boring, repetitive job. She did it perfectly and was very content doing it. I insisted that he let her work in peace and compliment her for her excellent work.” What Elizabeth did on gut instinct, by listening well and observing her employees, DISC explains as a strategy.

Here we go: DISC Method. Please know, we are all a varying percentage of each type of personality, and subconsciously, we all rely on different portions of our personality if we reach an impasse in one area.
“D” stands for Dominant. These are the CEO’s and the gang leaders. You can watch a group of children and immediately identify the “D’s”. They’re not the bullies on the playground. Rather, they’re the ones who decide what game to play, when to go back to class, and they swing into action when someone is hurt. “D’s” know everyone, vaguely, but more people know them, precisely. Yet, “D’s” can count on one hand their real friends. They are intensely loyal people and can smell BS a mile away. Easiest way to offend a “D” is to waste their time. Best way to sell to or persuade a “D” is to bottom line everything, and create a win-win scenario. Do it quickly, because they will move on, faster than a speeding jet.
If you ever betray a “D” or lie to them, they will never fully trust you again. You’re burned. They may strike back at you when betrayed, and heaven help you if they do because they are powerful people, but they may not….. because you are not worth their time. There is no one better in chaos than a “D”, and as the situation escalates, they develop other-worldly senses. Their voices change. They issue short declarative statements to which others instinctively respond. They also have weird ability with peripheral vision when threatened. They see the battlefield.
“I” stands for Intuitive. These are the social butterflies and the most creative of all types, either artistically or with big ideas. Loved by all. Pretty people who know everyone in town but have a hard time with close friendships. Their homes are beautiful and they dress well. They are extroverts, comfortable and confident at the center of attention. They have courage to do something daring, travel to unknown places, try new food, or a new company system. Worst thing in the world to do to an “I” is to tell them you are disappointed in them, because they want so much to please you. OR make them cry, hurt them, as they will feel unloved which hurts them almost in a physical way. Takes a long time for an “I” to recover from any emotional pain.
Best way to persuade or sell to an “I” is “because everyone else is doing it” or “all the best people have this item”. They long to be included, fit in, and they are happy people by their very nature. Another way to sell or persuade an “I” is to make them want to be part of your social circle but the situation might not be possible. An “I” is almost never at home on a Saturday night, because they are in such high demand. “I’s” are exceptional salespeople and spies and have odd chameleon-like ability to invent and reinvent themselves. Unless their heart has been broken, “I’s” are the most adaptable, spontaneous, and quickest to bounce back. They have a freakish ability to read people’s body language and subtle cues.
“S” stands for Safety. The “S’s” are the people who can do assembly line work in expert fashion. Repetitive things, over and over, with a high degree of accuracy. They take pride in their accuracy, which is good, because the world relies on their accuracy. An “S” is the person driving slowly in the left lane but has no points on their auto insurance….. and it’s the same auto insurance agent their dad used. They dress in the morning by following a routine. They go to bed with a routine. You can even watch their housepets, who have adapted to their routine. An “S” is a perfect airline maintenance guy, bomb maker, office administrator, government worker, assembly line, or quality control inspector.
There is way humanly possible to sell or persuade an “S”. They have to come to you, and the effort often takes years. Once they are your customer, or spouse, however, they will never leave you. They are fiercely loyal and protective of those they love. People who test off the chart in this category are extraordinary puzzle solvers. You can show them 10 copies of a page, with one word off on a single page, and they can pick it out. When they play “Where’s Waldo?”, they win. Perfect for intel analysts, QAnon, or moms, who can often tell when something is out of order.
“C’s” are the Checkers. Accountants, Engineers, research analysts…., and reporters. They’re smart, but they’re rigid as steel….. which is exactly what we want for this personality type. They don’t deal well with change or disruption. Not spontaneous because it doesn’t fit their schedule…. but by God, if you want something delivered on November 23rd at 8:00am – it will be there at 7:55am, a few minutes early. They will do a mountain of research to make a decision, and once the decision is made – that’s it. If your company is buying a million dollar piece of equipment, ask a “C” to research the difference between Brand A and Brand B and trust them. BUT make sure you give them a deadline on research, a finite due date.
If you want to sell to or persuade a “C”, then send them 3rd party articles, affirmation from outside sources, once a week for about 6 months to a year. Let them come to their own decision as they will resist outside pressure. They will never trust your research, which presents a problem with time for a boss. Also, for very high “C’s”, if their research says “NO”, then they physically stop, stutter, everything shuts down. They’re naturally cynical of “opinions” or anyone who brags or exaggerates. Everything must be precise. To a “C”, Pi is carried out at least 8 decimal places.
Okay Daughn, how does this help us?
Once we realize how people naturally settle into different personality types AND process information in different ways, making their decisions uniquely, everything else is easy. All we have to do is bend ourselves, a little bit, to do so much more as a country, as a company, group, or as a family. Give people info in a way that makes them comfortable – so they can hear you. We’re not all the same, thankfully. What DISC taught me, is that our world would become an untenable experiment without all 4 types of personalities, and I was no longer frustrated. For example:
People driving slowly in the left lane used to MAKE ME CRAZY. The commute to work was a battle, everyday. Once we realized these were the “S” types, we can look at the bigger picture and gain perspective. Of course, we need office admins, auto maintenance, and assembly line workers. It’s what makes the world go around. Who wants a cruise director type to fix a Boeing jet? No.
Therefore, if your auto mechanic is “Chatty Cathy”, and wants to come to your birthday party on Friday night, he’s not the guy who should be fixing your brakes. If you have a teenager who naturally gets along well with people, is curious and popular, the WORST thing you can do is give him/her a strict routine – cause it will bite into their social schedule – which is fundamentally more important to them. It’s NOT personal, it’s just the way they think. Most importantly, if you’re married, decide which of you is the “C” and that person pays the bills.
First husband was a high “S” and “C” and I drove him insane because our personalities naturally conflicted. One thing I did to ease his “S” was tell him what we were having for dinner, before he left for work in the morning. It eased his mind, he scheduled it, and I swear, it dropped his blood pressure by 15 points. When we had a big bid deadline for a job, his high “C” went into overdrive. He would endlessly check and recheck. He would sweat because he was so nervous about “making the decision”. To me, bid day was exciting, and decisions were easy.
Like Elizabeth Carter identified her accounts payable clerk above, I had a problem with customer service for the stone company. I’m not good with whiny people, but I had a girlfriend who was a customer service manager for Bellsouth for 27yrs. She dripped softness, genuine concern, and in endless hours wrapped my customers up in a cocoon of safety. They love her. I would have rather had a root canal.
Three kids are high “D’s” and could organize a Chinese Fire Drill. They get along beautifully — but the off the chart “I” artist one, drives them all nuts, because she has to be the center of attention.
I almost beheaded a staff member once (not really), who took an hour and 45 minutes to clean a flat of strawberries. She was a high “S” and high “C” = cleanest strawberries I’ve ever seen, but I was looking for a 10 minute rinse, denub, and pat dry. Reexamining the problem in the kitchen, for big events, I posted a countdown schedule, a tic-toc by the minute, of what needed to happen and when. Smooth and happy kitchen. Problem solved.
Let’s take a look at President Trump
Our guy, President Trump, is obviously a high “D”, and high “I”, 10-20% “S”, and about 25% of a “C”. This graphic in the corporate world is referred to as a corporate hook. It means, we have a great guy as a salesmen or CEO, but if he can’t do the paperwork, he’s useless.
Note how President Trump, when we hear stories of his past negotiations, often slays his opponents on the details of a contract. President Trump has the corporate hook. Yet, President Trump told his intel people who give him his Daily Brief, “Don’t tell me the same thing every day if it has not changed – tell me the new stuff”. In other words, don’t waste my time, bottom line it, classic “D” and lower “C”. Isn’t it interesting how it was soooooooo much different for Obama?
Notice also how President Trump relies on his “D” personality, short declarative statements, often dropping unnecessary words from a sentence. Yet, when he meets with resistance, he seamlessly switches to “I” and becomes phenomenally charming. His aides say, “there’s no one better in a room than Trump” = Pure charm = Very high “I”. President Trump is a “pretty person”, likes high quality goods, snazzy dresser. Is anyone better as the center of attention? All of these traits are high “I”. The “I” part of his personality wants to be loved or at least respected, and the “D” part of his personality will lash out at enemies when warranted.
Note how his “D” personality is fiercely loyal to certain family/friends/employees whom he has had for years. Trademark “D” personality. The only place President Trump exhibits an “S” is his love of specific kinds of food, and his and routine surrounding Mar-A-Lago. He loves the place.
Let’s take a look at the Media
NOW, pivot a little bit, and look at others surrounding Trump. Notice how the media, as opponents, respond. Recall how the reporters, high “C”, are overly focused on precise numbers? Remember how high “C’s” will carry Pi out to 8 decimals? Notice how they argue about how many Muslims were dancing on rooftops? Instead of the big problem of ANY Muslim celebrating 9/11? And the media calls it a lie from the President = typical “C” behavior, instead of focusing on the bigger problem of discord in the USA = typical “D” behavior. Notice how the media has compiled a list of 9K lies – this is textbook “C” behavior, as in, I’ve done my research, do not pass go – they have made their pronouncement and physically shut down, do not proceed.
But what about the Deep State problem?
Let’s look at the bureaucrats who ‘resist’ our President in classic “S” fashion. Remember, there is nothing that can be done to influence an “S”, they have to come to you, and it often takes years. Once loyal, they will stay with you forever —- or, they will stay with Obama forever — until years pass, and THEY decide to be loyal to President Trump. It’s a problem. They THRIVE in a routine and abhor disruption. Trump is a bomb thrower and a disrupter. Is there any wonder they resist him? Is there any wonder President Trump is frustrated by their lack of speed on ANY issue?
How do we adjust and get through to others? 
We’re going to have to bend a little bit. Note how Brandon Straka came to start the #WalkAway campaign. He had one friend, a female Christian, who never gave up on him. She sent him information all the time. Eventually, he saw the debunking video of how the media falsely portrayed Trump mocking the disabled reporter…. and then Straka did his OWN research….. and then Straka decided….., after months of research…., and made his pronouncement. Once ‘converted’ and sure of his analysis, he became an advocate for Trump. Gee whiz, does this sound like a high “C” or “S” from above? Ya’ think?
Speculating further, WHO OR WHAT entity has been hinting at a slow release of information, so the people could acclimate to the corruption of those in our government and “those we trust the most”? I’ll give you 17 guesses to get the answer correct.
Take the Canal Project which we talked about months ago:
D = If we were “selling the idea” to a President Trump, we would give it to him him bullet point format, five items, short description. He would immediately grasp the idea and probably make it better.
I = If selling to an “I” type, we would talk about the wealth created and gleaming new cities, beautiful farms, industry and commerce. An “I” type would find the project irresistible. They would crawl over broken glass to be part of the party and smack dab in the middle of it all.
S = If selling the Canal to an “S”, I would friend them on Facebook, first, cuz they still have an account. Every 2-3 days, I would send them a post about something I saw in the news, and how the canal would solve the problem. Two years later, it would be their idea.
C = If selling the Canal to a “C”, we would have to send them a chart, research, once a week, for about 6 months until the file was about 6″ high or bigger. Then, they would make their own evaluation, which would be positive, because we already did the research, but a “C” will NEVER trust your research, they have to do it themselves.
What’s the takeaway?
We can see the difference now. Again, it’s like understanding the power of gravity. We always knew it was there, and now we know how it works. The lights are on. I dare you to close your eyes and think about the personal disagreements you’ve had in the past year. How many of those disagreements, do you think, could be attributed to simple personality differences? Think about your spouse or best friend. Have you been able to peg their personality type yet? What could you do, to bend a little bit, so they would be more at ease and hear you?
If we understand HOW people naturally process info and make decisions based on their personality, AND DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY, we can accomplish so much more. More sales or more persuasion, or an INFINITELY HAPPIER HOME LIFE.
Think about trying to sell the Canal project in reverse. What do you suppose President Trump’s reaction would be if we came in with piles of charts to weed through? Do you think he would ever have the patience or time to see our Twitter message or Facebook post? I doubt it.
In summary, decide what you want to accomplish, and if you’re willing to bend a little bit so that others can HEAR you. Start small. Practice until you get used to using it. Think about it and experiment. Sky’s the limit!
PS: Normally, it takes about 5-20 minutes to figure out a new person’s personality type. As many times as I’ve gauged people over the past 30+ years, to figure out how to get through to them, there is one person I am hesitant to call, Obama. I can’t tell who he really is. He’s wearing a mask. What do you guys think?

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S. Because he isn’t that competent. He keeps to the safe side and hires others to do the actual dominance, checking, and intuitive stuff.


Thanks Daughn, haven’t had such succinct personality information since the “Love Languages” book. I think I have S and I combination, sometimes very conflicting. Married to a D and C combo. My canoe gets rocked much, but he is so protective and loyal and affirming. 25 years married today!


Thank you very much. We had a good date day together ❤! He was very attentive and great to have to myself for the day.


My hubby is fun to go car or RV shopping with as he has read the back of the sales brochure. He skips the bright shiny pictures and goes to the charts and specs. Then he starts asking questions! The sales people end up tongue tied and resort to “but see the shiny flashy blah blah blah!” I then step in to oh and ah over the razzle dazzle with the sales person while hubby crawls under the unit or opens the hood to inspect the nitty gritty!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama is whatever Valerie Jarrett is, because SHE is who we have to sell! 😉




She is the mooslim brother hood puppet master! She needs to walk 🚶 the plank!

Curry Worsham

Not being familiar with DISC, I found this quite fascinating, Daughn.
Some of the articles I found have S standing for steadiness and C for conscientiousness – similar but not the same.
Is that the way you learned it?
Am I acting like a C?
I think anyone who has successfully run for POTUS is high D and I – including Obama.
And usually has a very high charm factor. (Which explains why there was no President Hillary or Jeb!)


Great post and food for thought. I can’t peg obumma . I can describe him. He’s a narcissist, a liar, an opportunist and amoral coward. He’s cunning but self deluded. He’s definitely not a s or a c. Doesn’t think anything through. Relies on being the magic negro. The first black Potus. Very vain but very beta male -not a d. He’s a hand puppet who adores adoration so I guess that makes him an i. I honestly don’t think he’s very bright. Same with maple Castro. A photogenic fool with an outsized ego and a huge insecurity complex.


TY so much dw247,
so much to absorb..without taking the test I think I am 50/50 I and C. Maybe an odd combination, but then again, so am I… ☺
That being said,,, about BO…he is so hard to figure, because I think he is fundamentally dishonest. The face he presents to the public, it isn’t his, nope, not at all.
I think our VSGPotus does let some aspects of his personality shine through… a very good part…He isn’t an open book, but whatever he keeps close to the vest, he has good reasons.


Who is Øbama and what factors contribute? (including rumor/scandal/gossip)
Øbama/Soetoro profile:
He was profiled by experts as Narcissist/Dictator subtype before the 2008 election. Time and events, his brazen unilateral and unlawful actions demonstrated that is likely correct. Narcissists are cold, lack empathy, but they defending/hiding a deep humiliating wound. They are so defensive and closed, they are almost never able to be changed or healed.
Øbama’s life history – known and unknown contributes. He was born in irregular circumstances, lived here and there, pillar to post, a rather bohemian radical communist mother, communist and Islamist father figures influencing him throughout his life. May have suffered abuse and predation. Signs of homosexuality. Also hate whites, hate America influences.
Øbama’s Islamic ideology:
Islam often conditions its followers to sociopathy/inhumanity/instability/violence. This is due to its the Mecca/Medina contradicting directives that cannot be reconciled in individual minds and leads to conflicts between tribes and groups. Islamic leaders are totalitarians and changes in leaders is often due to coup or assassination.
Relationship with Females:
He seems to be affectionate with and attracted to dominant female figures like Jarrett and Merkel, possibly because of feeling abandoned by mother when she left him with his grandparents. His relationship with MRO seems a bit strained and distant at times, but that could be due to stress of office. Their agendas seem to be the same, whether he’s their tool or vice versa is unknown.
Relationship with Males:
His relationship with males is complicated…His dominance and anger with males shows possible resentment of being abandoned by them. Soetoro, Sr. must have been a cold and demanding Islamist. His mother did not stay with him, and sent Obama back to live with his grandparents. They invited Frank Marshall Davis (re-enter?) into his life and that relationship, according to writings became deviant. Someone wrote (true or not) before 2008, that in the bathhouses he preferred to be serviced by old white males while standing above them and they are kneeling. In office, he liked to show his dominance and give orders to them. He can be charming with males when his agenda demands, in order to get them into his schemes (like the famous photo of Ø with the tech moguls)
Himself and his mannerisms:
His cold eyes, that smug prideful expression, the constant self-reference….Narcissism, D
His promotion of both Islam and homo/transsexuality…contradictory for sure.
His constant selfies.
His agenda:
Ø also has a nefarious anti-American ideology and agenda, along with a broken inner child, so is insecure, unstable due to the factors above, and always looking for affirmation, attention from public and from Jarrett/Merkel.
List of Obama administration brazen abuses of power and lawbreaking – http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/06/president-barack-obamas-complete-list.html
Timeline of Sedition and Treason: http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2017/12/a-timeline-of-treason-how-fbi.html


Word Press just refused my comment on Øbama.
I’ll try again:
Who is Øbama and what factors contribute? (including rumor/scandal/gossip)
Øbama/Soetoro profile:
He was profiled by experts as Narcissist/Dictator subtype before the 2008 election. Time and events, his brazen unilateral and unlawful actions demonstrated that is likely correct. Narcissists are cold, lack empathy, but they defending/hiding a deep humiliating wound. They are so defensive and closed, they are almost never able to be changed or healed.
Øbama’s life history – known and unknown contributes. He was born in irregular circumstances, lived here and there, pillar to post, a rather bohemian radical communist mother, communist and Islamist father figures influencing him throughout his life. May have suffered abuse and predation. Signs of homosexuality. Also hate whites, hate America influences.
Øbama’s Islamic ideology:
Islam often conditions its followers to sociopathy/inhumanity/instability/violence. This is due to its the Mecca/Medina contradicting directives that cannot be reconciled in individual minds and leads to conflicts between tribes and groups. Islamic leaders are totalitarians and changes in leaders is often due to coup or assassination.
Relationship with Females:
He seems to be affectionate with and attracted to dominant female figures like Jarrett and Merkel, possibly because of feeling abandoned by mother when she left him with his grandparents. His relationship with MRO seems a bit strained and distant at times, but that could be due to stress of office. Their agendas seem to be the same, whether he’s their tool or vice versa is unknown.
Relationship with Males:
His relationship with males is complicated…His dominance and anger with males shows possible resentment of being abandoned by them. Soetoro, Sr. must have been a cold and demanding Islamist. His mother did not stay with him, and sent Obama back to live with his grandparents. They invited FMD (to re-enter?) into his life and that relationship, according to writings became deviant. Someone wrote (true or not) before 2008, that in the b—houses he preferred to be s——-d by old white males while standing above them and they are kneeling – a form of dominance over them. In office, he liked to show his dominance and give orders to them. He can be charming with males when his agenda demands, in order to get them into his schemes (like the famous photo of Ø with the tech moguls)
Himself and his mannerisms:
His cold eyes, that smug prideful expression, the constant self-reference….Narcissism, D
His promotion of both Islam and homo/transsexuality…contradictory for sure.
His constant selfies.
His agenda:
Ø also has a nefarious anti-American ideology and agenda, along with a broken inner child, so is insecure, unstable due to the factors above, and always looking for affirmation, attention from public and from Jarrett/Merkel.
List of Obama administration brazen abuses of power and lawbreaking – http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/06/president-barack-obamas-complete-list.html
Timeline of Sedition and Treason: http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2017/12/a-timeline-of-treason-how-fbi.html


YIKES!!! THEY BOTH CAME THROUGH. What happened? Sorry for the over-zealous posting.


I tried twice to post my analysis of Ø and WP won’t have it. Sorry.


I’m going to try to publish it piecemeal to find out what they are trying to prevent being published.


On second thought, I won’t post it – might make Wolfie’s site a target.

Brave and Free

Ah bringing back memories of the training programs from work I had to attend. I am sure most corporate managers had to attend the DISC assessment programs from HR. that there company’s had. They were definitely interesting going through.
As for BO ? I just think he’s an pompous a**

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Clearly the DISC paradigm doesn’t cover *everything* (it’s meant for normal psychologies) and certainly people supposedly all have different mixes of all four attributes.
Meyers Briggs was probably inflicted on them too at some point.
Both systems’ main value, it appears, is to help you understand others and avoid the tendency to think of them as broken.
But I’d still like those slowpokes in the left lane to move over! Nothing that says they can’t be slow and “safe” in another lane!

Plain Jane

IL peeps who come into IN are always driving in the middle lane holding up traffic. DH and I peg them 9 out of 10 times. When we are wrong, it’s usually a little old woman that we wrongfully judged from afar.
When I can get around them and signal my left turn off the highway, they seldom move into the right hand lane…they’d rather come to a full stop until I turn. Or, they move over, and after I turn, theyget back in the middle lane.

Plain Jane

I should clarify, this seldom happens downstate, it’s upstate, closer to Chicago.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, I have to correct the record here. As a Myers-Briggs user, there is a concerted effort in the larger world to downplay and discredit the assessment tool in the overall culture. I’ve noticed that, and part of it is keeping people from knowing enough about themselves to be able to make correct decisions. When we can’t make our own decisions, we are easier to manipulate and control.
Sorry, but that’s the way I see it.
The Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment tool was developed after WWII by Isabel Myers at George Washington University. She and her mother, Katharine Briggs, were personality junkies and they used Carl Jung’s research in the opposites of personality to come up with the 16 archtypes (no one is just one). The reason the assessment tool itself came into being was because during World War II Army recruits were put into jobs for which they were not suited and thus they were terribly unhappy. That being the case, my fellow INFP Isabel Myers sought a way to assess personalities to guide young people into a profession for which they are suited by personality and which would be fulfilling for them. The time in life to use the tool is as a senior in high school and maybe during college if something doesn’t fit. Also early in the career life to double check. It’s really for counseling. Why human resources mavens decided to go the route they did…complete waste of time.
As the research progressed, and the assessment tool was perfected, Mrs. Myers was able to flesh out the archetypes to guide in other matters of life as well. The tool was meant to facilitate decision making, not prevent it.
As a personality assessment tool, DISC is newer, and limited in comparison. (I’m an S, but present as a D. Myers-Briggs I’m a combo of INFP with ISFP and traits from the surrounding archetypes, all but ENTJ.) I’ve done them both multiple times, and I’ve never used either as a crutch to not make a decision.
I still say the real problem with decision making in America is not personalities or type, but that we’ve been trained not to make them. The “expert” culture on EVERYTHING including liturgical music has caused all of us to doubt ourselves, our opinions, and convictions. That and, to an extent, too many choices is deadly for decisiveness.

Deplorable Patriot

Let me correct my DISC letter, I tested as an S, but in the description, I’m an I.

Deplorable Patriot

The other thing about the Myers-Briggs that dilutes it, is all the hangers on who try to interpret it as something other than it originally was. When I first took it in college, the questionaire itself took at least an hour, and then I had to go through a list of professions that fit the results. I don’t remember doing that with the other.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember going through a long list of occupations once, and expected to rate them–I don’t believe there was a Myers-Briggs test associated with it though. It seemed like every other one was “Helping the handicapped to X” (who knew that half the jobs out there were of that type?), and there was a healthy admixture of “arranging music.”
At the time, I didn’t even know what it meant to “arrange music” (tidying up the library of sheet music? Putting them in order for the concert?) so it struck me as unimaginably dull, good work for someone of slightly-below-average IQ. Now I know it means to adapt a composition for a different instrument or ensemble, which would seem far more interesting and allow some scope for creativity.

Deplorable Patriot

Music arrangers are usually composers who are not as talented as the composers whose work they are rearranging. See John Rutter and any number of Oregon Catholic Press stable composers for self-explanation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, I understand this–now. Composition Lite.
One thing I have NEVER done is invent a melody that was actually *new* though I can certainly imagine an old one performed by different instruments or adapted in some way. Of course I haven’t the talent to perform it, nor the background to actually do the arranging–I have awareness of at least some of the things that would have to be considered, though–which puts me WAY ahead of my knowledge at the time I took that quiz. (But I am sure there are things I am too ignorant to even know of, much less actually understand in detail.)

Valerie Curren

I took the Myers-Briggs in college & enjoyed it so much I actually dug deeper into supporting literature in the professor’s office (something I’d never done before or since). Then I came in as an INFP but was really an off the charts NP but almost dead center I/E & F/T. Life circumstances being what they’ve been I would guess I might come in now as an INTP with all letters fairly strong, though still NP strongest…I loved how there was so much practical research underpinning the Myers-Briggs like personalities w/ employment comfort zones.

Plain Jane

Totally love this thread DNW.
I play a game when, if I am in the market for a big ticket item. I do not allow my real personality to manifest. I might dress glitzy and act somewhat frivolous…just anything to throw off a savy salesperson. Just for fun. I’m bad. Cannot get DH to pick up on it. He’s an I and maintains it through all negotiations.
As far as the little O man, I can’t figure him out because IMHO, he has some serious head problems, perhaps drug impairment, and deviousness.


I have taken and administered (while in school) many of these tests and found them to be fun and interesting.
However, I can also attest to the fact that life sometimes gets in the way of our being able to thrive and function in the way that suites us the best.
But God. He can turn the most abysmal situation around and make it work for our good.
The most enlightening “test” I ever took was in a class at church wherein the leader, full of the Holy Ghost, gave us a simple story in a few sentences and asked us what our first response would be to the scenario he presented.
It turned out that my response indicated “mercy” as opposed to “teacher” among other things I cannot remember right now.
In this room full of people, this man looked right at me and said something to the effect that if your prime Spiritual attribute is mercy and you work for someone who happens to be legalistic and exacting (and in the case of my employer a fault finding screamer) you need to get out of that job because it could kill you.
To this day, 3 years later, I am suffering digestive and other health repercussions stemming from that job.
It took a while, but I found the coursge to quit and the initiative to search for another job.
God is healing me. I am still learning.
There have been many life lessons along the way to seek Him and His Wisdom first and give His Way the highest honor….even when the challenges seem to eclipse all else.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing from your experience, to which I also relate, but more from family dynamics than employment ones necessarily. I hope you are finding God’s grace & mercy to be sufficient to sustain you through the healing process…Blessings!
hopefully you’ll see a scriptural encouragement above…


One of the corporate training things that helped me immensely as a manager was a simple box, cut in quarters. On one axis, it had employees doing things or not doing things. On the other, it had things that needed to get done and things that didn’t need to get done. It is clear that the only times that value is created is when people are doing things that need to be done.
The instructor noted that most new supervisors tend to focus on the “doing things / not doing things” axis — trying to micromanage the employee’s time, demanding constant activity. This leads to resentment, inefficiency, and burnout.
Instead, he suggested, we should try to arrange tasks so that any time an employee did anything, it actually was something that needed to be done — there is just as much productivity to be unleashed in this way as the other, and it would lead to enhanced job satisfaction.


Great post! I really enjoyed reading it. I would probably fall between and I and an S…. is that possible? My husband is a C (and probably an S as well!) I agree with your assessment of POTUS, he’s definitely a D and I, as for Obama… I’m not sure. He was fake: one way in public, a different way in private I’m sure.
I teach high school and you are right about children (students) with D personalities. I have a class of about 4 of them. They persuade the others all the time and it’s very hard to get anything done when they disagree with each other. I am thankful that I’m getting out of education soon. I’m retiring after this year – heading out and onto new adventures, hopefully ones that fit my personality better. I still love to work with people, I loved working with younger aged students (middle school and upper elementary are more my pace – high school kids are more interested in social media and who’s dating who…) and maybe I’ll find myself back there some day, but for now I need to find my passion again. Burn out is not a pretty thing especially when I went into education with such aspirations to make a difference only to realize my ideal did not match reality. Because I am naturally not a D (and I don’t want to be), it’s time to move forward to something better… greener pastures, my friend!! I know they are out there!
Thanks again for such a great post! Have a great day!


Thank you so much! God bless you for that! I hope you keep writing, your stories are some of the best – you’re a great writer! 🙂


This post was absolutely for me. I’ve been the procrastinator queen – put off decisions re: money because I don’t know what to do. Missed the Trump market of the century because of fear of decisions.
My life was shaped by many betrayals, a crazy dysfunctional family and the absolutely opposite of your good Marine father who helped you grow brave, strong, decisive.
At 22, I was widowed, then remarried 3 years later. Then married 32 years and divorced about 15 years ago. Now I’m 74 – with a disabled daughter age 47. Blessed not to be addicted (except to CTH) or in debt. I studied art in college and grad school, mostly was a homemaker. I have absolutely no business ability.
I don’t know how to choose a broker or a fiduciary and what kind of investments are appropriate at my age. The mortgage bubble crash of 2008, when I saw smart people lose everything, put me in investment paralysis. Now, with the muslims acting out all over the world, I wonder what kind of money plan is best/safest.
I don’t know where to go, who to trust, what kind of questions to ask. I don’t know much to invest in stocks, bonds, etc. I am pretty sure I don’t want annuities. Thomas Wictor talks about diversified closed end mutual funds being the way to go.
It seems like brokers are interested in increasing their accounts to make themselves look good…and use my money to make money for themselves. I guess that is cynical, negative thinking – that cynicism and distrust are what keep me paralyzed.